The Norton anthology of theory and criticism

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1 The Norton anthology of theory and criticism Contents Alternative Table of Contents Preface xxxiii Acknowledgments xxxvii xix INTRODUCTION TO THEORY AND CRITICISM 1 GORGIAS OF LEONTINI (ca B.C.Е.) 37 From Encomium of Helen 38 PLATO (ca. 427-ca. 347 B.C.Е.) 41 Republic 45 From Book II 45 From Book III 52 From Book VII 60 From Book X 64 From Phaedrus 77 ARISTOTLE ( B.C.E.) 83 Poetics 88 On Rhetoric 115 Book I 115 From Chapter From Chapter Book II 117 From Chapter Book III 118 From Chapter HORACE (65-8 B.C.E.) 119 Ars Poetica 122 LONGINUS (first century CE.) 133 From On Sublimity 136 AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO ( ) 154 On Christian leaching 1 56 From Book One 156 From Book Two 158 From Book Three 160

2 vi / CONTENTS MOSES MAIMONIDES ( ) 162 The Guide of the Perplexed 165 [Introduction to the First Part] 165 THOMAS AQUINAS ( ) 177 Summa Theologica 181 From Question I 181 DANTE ALIGHIERI (I ) 184 Il Convivio 186 Book Two 186 Chapter From The Letter to Can Grande 188 GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO ( ) 190 Genealogy of the Gentile Gods 193 Book V. Other Cavillers at the Poets and Their Imputations 193 VII. The Definition of Poetry, Its Origin, and Function 195 XII. The Obscurity of Poetry Is Not Just Cause For Condemning It 197 CHRISTINE DE PIZAN (ca ca. 1429) 200 Christine's Reaction to Jean de Montreuil's Treatise on the Roman de la Rose 203 The Book of the City of Ladies 210 From Part One 210 From Part Two 214 JOACHIM DU BELLAY (ca ) 216 The Defense and Enrichment of the French Language 218 First Book 218 Chapters Second Book 225 Chapters GIACOPO MAZZONI ( ) 228 On the Defense of the Comedy of Dante 230 From Introduction and Summary 230 SIR PHILIP SIDNEY ( ) 251 From The Defence of Poesy 254 PIERRE CORNEILLE ( ) 283 Of the Three Unities of Action, lime, and Place 288 JOHN DRYDEN ( ) 300 From An Essav of Dramatic Poesy 302

3 CONTENTS / vii APHRA BEHN ( ) 304 The Dutch Lover 307 Epistle to the Reader 307 Preface to The Lucky Chance 312 GIAMBATTISTA VICO ( ) 315 From New Science 319 JOSEPH ADDISON ( ) 336 The Spectator, No [True and False Wit] 339 The Spectator, No [On the Sublime] 343 ALEX/ANDER POPE ( ) 346 From An Essay on Criticism 349 SAMUEL JOHNSON ( ) 362 The Rambler, No [On Fiction] 367 The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia 371 Chapter X. Imlac's History Continued. A Dissertation upon Poetry 371 From Preface to Shakespeare 373 Lives of the English Poets 386 From Cowley 386 [On Metaphysical Wit] 386 DAVID HUME ( ) 388 Of the Standard of Taste 392 IMMANUEL KANT ( ) 406 Critique of the Power of Judgment 411 From Introduction 411 From First Book. Analytic of the Beautiful 414 From Second Book. Analytic of the Sublime 430 EDMUND BURKE ( ) 450 A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful 454 From Part I. Sections I VIII 454 From Part III. Section XXVII 460 GOTTHOLD EPHRAIM LESSING ( ) 461 From Laocoon 464 FRIEDRICH VON SCHILLER ( ) 481 On the Aesthetic Education of Man 483 Second Letter 483

4 viii / CONTENTS Sixth Letter 484 Ninth Letter 490 MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT ( ) 493 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman 496 From Chapter II. The Prevailing Opinion of a Sexual Character Discussed 496 GERMAINE NECKER DE STAËL ( ) 504 From Essay on Fictions 507 On Literature Considered in Its Relationship to Social Institutions 515 On Women Writers (2.4) 515 FRIEDRICH SCHLEIERMACHER ( ) 520 Hermeneutics 524 Outline of the 1819 Lectures 524 Introduction 524 Part Two. The Technical Interpretation 534 GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH HEGEL ( ) 536 Phenomenology of Spirit 541 [The Master-Slave Dialectic] 541 Lectures on Fine Art 547 From Introduction 547 WILLIAM WORDSWORTH ( ) 556 Preface to Lyrical Ballads, with Pastoral and Other Poems (1802) 559 SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE ( ) 579 Biographia Literaria 584 Part From Chapter From Chapter From Chapter Part II 586 Chapter PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY ( ) 591 From A Defence of Poetry 595 RALPH WALDO EMERSON ( ) 613 From The American Scholar 617 The Poet 620 EDGAR ALLAN POE ( ) 636 The Philosophy of Composition 639

5 CONTENTS / ix KARL MARX and FRIEDRICH ENGELS ( ) ( ) 647 From Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of From The German Ideology 655 From The Communist Manifesto 657 From Grundrisse 661 From Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy 662 Capital, Volume From Chapter 1. Commodities 663 From Chapter 10. The Working-Day 671 From Letter from Friedrich Engels to Joseph Bloch 674 CHARLES BAUDELAIRE ( ) 676 The Painter of Modern Life 680 From I. Beauty, Fashion, and Happiness 680 From III. The Artist, Man of the World, Man of the Crowd, and Child 682 IV. Modernity 684 From IX. The Dandy 686 XL In Praise of Cosmetics 688 MATTHEW ARNOLD ( ) 691 The Function of Criticism at the Present Time 695 Culture and Anarchy 714 From Chapter 1. Sweetness and Light 714 WALTER PATER ( ) 721 Studies in the History of the Renaissance 724 Preface 724 Conclusion 728 STEPHANE MALLARMÉ ( ) 730 Crisis in Poetry 734 HENRY JAMES ( ) 740 The Art of Fiction 744 FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE ( ) 759 On Truth and Lying in a Non-Moral Sense 764 From The Birth of Tragedy 774 OSCAR WILDE ( ) 785 Preface to The Picture of Dorian Cray 790 From The Decay of Lying: An Observation 790 From The Critic as Artist 794

6 x / CONTENTS SIGMUND FREUD ( ) 807 The Interpretation of Dreams 814 From Chapter V. The Material and Sources of Dreams 814 From Chapter VI. The Dream-Work 818 From The "Uncanny" 824 Fetishism 841 FERDINAND DE SAUSSURE ( ) 845 Course in General Linguistics 850 Introduction 850 From Chapter III. The Object of Linguistics 850 Part One. General Principles 852 Chapter I. Nature of the Linguistic Sign 852 Part Two. Synchronic Linguistics 856 Chapter IV. Linguistic Value 856 Chapter V. Syntagmatic and Associative Relations 863 W. E. B. DU BOIS ( ) 867 Criteria of Negro Art 870 LEON TROTSKY'( ) 877 Literature and Revolution 880 The Formalist School of Poetry and Marxism 880 VIRGINIA WOOLF ( ) 892 A Room of One's Own 896 [Shakespeare's Sister] 896 [Chloe Liked Olivia 898 [Androgyny] 900 GYÖRGYLUKACS ( ) 905 The Historical Novel 909 From Chapter One. The Classical Form of the Historical Novel 909 BORIS EICHENBAUM (1886-I959) 921 From The Theory of the "Formal Method" 925 T. S. ELIOT ( ) 951 Tradition and the Individual Talent 955 The Metaphysical Poets 961 JOHN CROWE RANSOM ( ) 969 Criticism, Inc. 971 MARTIN HEIDEGGER ( ) 982 Language 985 ANTONIO GRAMSCI ( ) 998 The Formation of the Intellectuals 1002

7 CONTENTS / xi ZORA NEALE HURSTON ( ) 1008 Characteristics of Negro Expression 1010 What White Publishers Won't Print 1023 ERICH AUERBACH ( ) 1027 Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature 1030 Chapter 1. Odysseus'Scar 1030 WALTER BENJAMIN ( ) 1046 The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility 1051 MIKHAIL M. BAKHTIN ( ) 1072 From Discourse in the Novel 1076 MAX HORKHEIMER and THEODOR W. ADORNO ( ) ( ) 1107 Dialectic of Enlightenment 1110 From The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception 1110 EDMUND WILSON ( ) 1127 The Historical Interpretation of Literature 1 I 30 ROMAN JAKOBSON ( ) 1141 From Linguistics and Poetics 1144 Two Aspects of Language and Two Types of Aphasic Disturbances 1152 V. The Metaphoric and Metonymie Poles 1152 JACQUES LACAN ( ) 1156 The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience 1163 From The Agency of the Letter in the Unconscious 1169 The Signification of the Phallus 1181 LANGSTON HUGHES ( ) 1190 The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain 1192 JEAN-PAUL SARTRE ( ) 1196 What Is Literature? 1199 Why Write? 1199 CLEANTH BROOKS ( ) 1213 The Well Wrought Urn 1217 Chapter 11. The Heresy of Paraphrase 1217 WILLIAM K. WIMSATT JR. and MONROE С. BEARDSLEY ( ) ( ) 1230 The Intentional Fallacy 1232 The Affective Fallacy 1246

8 xii / CONTENTS SIMONI DE BFAUVOIR ( ) 1261 The Second Sex 1265 Chapter XI. Myth and Reality 1265 CLAUDE LÉVI-STRAUSS ( ) 1273 Tristes Tropiques 1277 Chapter 28. A Writing Lesson 1277 J. L.AUSTIN ( ) 1286 Performative Utterances 1289 NORTHROP FRYE ( ) 1301 The Archetypes of Literature 1304 ROLAND BARTHES ( ) 1316 Mythologies 1320 Photography and Electoral Appeal 1320 The Death of the Author 1322 From Work to Text 1326 LOUIS ALTHUSSER ( ) 1332 From Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses 1335 PAUL DE MAN ( ) 1361 Semiology and Rhetoric 1365 C. D. NARASIMHAIAH ( ) 1378 Towards the Formulation of a Common Poetic for Indian Literatures Today IRVING HOWE ( ) 1387 History and the Novel 1391 HANS ROBERT JAUSS ( ) 1403 From Literary History as a Challenge to Literary Theory 1406 RAYMOND WILLIAMS ( ) 1420 Base and Superstructure in Marxist Cultural Theory 1423 FRANTZ FANON (I ) 1437 The Wretched of the Earth 1440 From On National Culture 1440 GILLES DELEUZE and FÉLIX GUATTARI ( ) ( ) 1446 Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature 1451 From Chapter 3. What Is a Minor Literature? 1451 A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia 1454 From Introduction: Rhizome 1454

9 CONTENTS / xiii JEAN-FRANÇOIS LYOTARD ( ) 1463 Defining the Postmodern 1465 MICHEL FOUCAULT ( ) 1469 What Is an Author? 1475 Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison 1490 The Carceral 1490 The History of Sexuality, Volume 1, An Introduction 1502 Part Two: The Repressive Hypothesis 1502 Chapter I. The Incitement to Discourse 1502 Chapter 2. The Perverse Implantation 1513 WOLFGANG ISER ( ) 1521 Interaction between Text and Reader 1524 HAYDEN WHITE (b. 1928) 1533 The Historical Text as Literary Artifact 1536 JEAN BAUDRILLARD ( ) From The Precession of Simulacra JÜRGEN HABERMAS (b. 1929) 1566 The Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article 1571 Modernity An Incomplete Project 1577 ADHIENNE RICH (b. 1929) 1588 From Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence 1591 CHINUA ACHEBE (b. 1930) 1610 An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness 1612 ADŪNĪS (b. ca. I930) 1623 An Introduction to Arab Poetics 1628 From Chapter 1. Poetics and Orality in the Jahiliyya 1628 From Chapter 4. Poetics and Modernity 1634 HAROLD BLOOM (b. 1930) 1648 The Anxiety of Influence 1651 Introduction. A Meditation upon Priority, and a Synopsis 1651 Interchapter. A Manifesto for Antithetical Criticism 1658 PIERRE BOURDIEU ( ) 1660 Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste 1664 Introduction 1664 Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field 1670 Part I. From Chapter Part III. From Chapter

10 xiv / CONTENTS JACQUES DERRIDA ( ) 1680 Of Grammatology 1688 Exergue 1688 The Exorbitant. Question of Method 1691 Dissemination 1697 Plato's Pharmacy 1697 I 1. Pharmacia The Father of Logos From The Pharmakon The Pharmakeus 1727 II 9. From Play: From the Pharmakon to the Letter and from Blindness to the Supplement 1729 Specters of Marx 1734 From Chapter 1. Injunctions of Marx 1734 From Chapter 3. Wears and Tears 1739 ZEHOU LI (b. 1930) 1744 Four Essays on Aesthetics: Toward a Global View 1748 Chapter 8. The Stratification of Form and Primitive Sedimentation 1748 RICHARD OHMANN (b. 1931) 1761 From The Shaping of a Canon: U.S. Fiction, STUART HALL (b. 1932) 1779 Cultural Studies and Its Theoretical Legacies 1782 BARBARA HERRNSTEIN SMITH (b. 1932) 1795 Contingencies of Value 1798 Chapter 3. Contingencies of Value 1798 FREDRIC JAMESON (b. 1934) 1818 The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act 1822 Preface 1822 From Chapter 1. On Interpretation: Literature as a Socially Symbolic Act 1826 Postmodernism and Consumer Society 1846 EDWARD W SAID ( ) 1861 Orientalism 1866 Introduction 1866 Culture and Imperialism 1888 Chapter 2, Section 2. Jane Austen and Empire MONIQUE WITTIG ( ) 1904 One Is Not Born a Woman 1906

11 CONTENTS / xv BENEDICT ANDERSON (b. 1936) 1913 Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism 1916 Chapter 3. The Origins of National Consciousness 1916 SANDRA M. GILBERT and SUSAN GUBAR (b. 1936) (b. 1944) 1923 The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century literary Imagination 1926 From Chapter 2. Infection in the Sentence: The Woman Writer and the Anxiety of Authorship 1926 HELENE CIXOUS (b. 1937) 1938 The Laugh of the Medusa 1942 GERALD GRAFF (b. 1937) I960 Taking Cover in Coverage 1962 STANLEY E. FISH (b. 1938) 1970 Interpreting the Variorum 1974 NGUGI WA THIONG'O (b. 1938), TABAN LO LIYONG (b. 1939), HENRY OWUOR-ANYUMBA ( ) 1992 On the Abolition of the English Department 1995 PAULA GUNN ALLEN ( ) 2000 Kochinnenako in Academe: Three Approaches to Interpreting a Keres Indian Tale 2003 TZVETAN TODOROV (b. 1939) 2021 Structural Analysis of Narrative 2023 KARATAM KOJIN (b ) 2031 Origins of Modern Japanese Literature 2035 From Chapter 1. The Discovery of Landscape 2035 ANNETTE KOLODNY (b ) 2045 Dancing through the Minefield: Some Observations on the Theory, Practice, and Politics of a Feminist Literary Criticism 2048 JULIA KRISTEVA (b. 1941) 2067 Revolution in Poetic Language 2071 From Part I. The Semiotic and the Symbolic 2071 LAURA MULVEY (b ) 2081 Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema 2084

12 xvi / CONTENTS GLORIA ANZALDUA ( ) 2095 Borderlands/La Frontem: The New Mestiza 2098 Chapter 7. La conciencia de la mestiza: Towards a New Consciousness 2098 GAYATRI CHAKRAVORTY SPIVAK (b. 1942) 2110 A Critique of Postcolonial Reason 2114 From Chapter 3. History 2114 [Can the Subaltern Speak?] 2114 BARBARA CHRISTIAN ( ) 2126 The Race for Theory 2128 TERRY EAGLETON (b. 1943) 2137 Literary Theory: An Introduction 2140 From Chapter I. The Rise of English 2140 STEPHEN J. GREENBLATT (b. 1943) 2146 From Resonance and Wonder 2150 N. KATHERINE HAYLES (b. 1943) 2161 How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics 2165 Chapter 2. Virtual Bodies and Flickering Signifiers 2165 DONNA HARAWAY (b. 1944) 2187 A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s 2190 BARBARA SMITH (b. 1946) 2221 Toward a Black Feminist Criticism 2223 SUSAN BORDO (b. 1947) 2237 Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body 2240 Chapter 5. The Body and the Reproduction of Femininity 2240 BARBARA JOHNSON ( ) 2255 From Melville's Fist: The Execution of Billy Budd 2258 BRUNO LATOUR (b. 1947) 2277 Why Has Critique Run Out of Steam? From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern 2282 MARTHA С NUSSBAUM (b. 1947) 2302 Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education 2306 Chapter 3. The Narrative Imagination 2306

13 СONTENTS xvii BONNIE ZIMMERMAN (b. 1947) 2328 What Has Never Been: An Overview of Lesbian Feminist Literary Criticism 2331 HOMI K. BHABHA (b. 1949) 2351 The Commitment to Theory 2353 GAYLE RUBIN (b. 1949) 2373 From Thinking Sex: Notes for A Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality 2377 SLAVOJ ŽIŽEK (b. 1949) 2402 Courtly Love, or, Woman As Thing 2407 HENRY LOUIS GATES JR. (b. 1950) 2427 Talking Black: Critical Signs of the limes 2430 FRANCO MORETTI (b. 1950) 2438 Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History 2441 Chapter 1. Graphs 2441 EVE KOSOFSKY SEDGWICK ( ) 2464 Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire 2466 From Introduction 2466 Epistemology of the Closet 2470 From Introduction: Axiomatic 2470 DICK HEBDIGE (b. 1951) 2477 Subculture: The Meaning of Style Chapter 6. Subculture: The Unnatural Break 2481 STEVEN KNAPP and WALTER BENN MICHAELS (b. 195I) (b. 1948) 2488 Against Theory 2491 BELL HOOKS (b. Gloria Jean Watkins, 1952) 2507 Postmodern Blackness 2509 LISA LOWE (b. 1955) 2516 Work, Immigration, Gender: New Subjects of Cultural Politics 2519 JUDITH BUTLER (b. 1956) 2536 Gender Trouble 2540 From Preface 2540 From Chapter 3. Subversive Bodily Acts 2542

14 xviii / CONTENTS PAUL GILROY (b. 1956) 2553 The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness 2556 From Chapter 1. The Black Atlantic as a Counterculture of Modernity 2556 ANDREW ROSS (b. J 956) 2575 From The Mental Labor Problem 2578 LAUREN BERLANT and MICHAEL WARNER (b. 1957) (b. 1958) 2597 Sex in Public 2600 MICHAEL HARDT and ANTONIO NEGRI (b. 1960) (b. 1933) 2615 Empire 2621 From Part 2. Section 4. Symptoms of Passage 2621 JUDITH HALBEBSTAM (b. 1961) 2635 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Men, Women, and Masculinity 2638 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THEORY AND CRITICISM 2655 I. Theory and Criticism Bibliographies 2655 II. Anthologies of Theory and Criticism 2655 III. Histories of Criticism and Theory 2658 IV. Dictionaries, Glossaries, and Handbooks 2663 V. Introductions and Guides 2663 VI. Modern and Contemporary Critical Schools and Movements 2664 Permissions Acknowledgments 2689 Author/Title Index 2697 Subject Index 2701

15 Alternative Table or Contents Part I: Modern and Contemporary Schools and Movements CULTURAL STUDIES Roland Rarthes 1316 Walter Renjamin 1046 Susan Bordo 2237 Frantz Fanon 1437 Michel Foucault 1469 Paul Gilroy 2553 Antonio Gramsci 998 Jürgen Habermas l566 Judith Halberstam 2635 Stuart Hall 1779 Donna Haraway 2187 DickHebdige 2477 Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno 1107 Bruno Latour 2277 Laura Mulvey 2081 Lisa Lowe 2516 Edward W.Said 1861 Raymond Williams 1420 Andrew Ross 2575 Slavoj Žižek 2402 DECONSTRUCTION AND POSTSTRUCTURALISM Roland Barthes 1316 Jean Baudrillard 1553 Homi K. Bhabha 2351 Judith Rutler 2536 Helene Cixous 1938 Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari 1446 Paul de Man 1361 Jacques Derrida 1680 Michel Foucault 1469 Barbara Johnson 2255 Julia Kristeva 2067 Jacques Lacan 1156 xix

16 xx / ALTERNATIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS FEMINIST THEORY AND CRITICISM Paula Gunn Allen 2000 Simone de Beauvoir 1261 Susan Bordo 2237 Judith Butler 2536 Hélène Cixous Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar 1923 Donna Haraway 2187 Annette Kolodny 2045 Lisa Lowe 2516 Laura Mulvey 2081 Adrienne Rich Gayle Rubin 2373 Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 2110 Monique Wittig 1904 Virginia Woolf 892 FORMALISM Cleanth Brooks 1213 Boris Eichenbaum 921 T.S.Eliot 951 John Crowe Ransom 969 William K. Wimsatt Jr. and Monroe C. Beardsley 1230 GAY AND LESBIAN CRITICISM AND QUEER THEORY Gloria Anzaldua 2095 Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner 2597 Judith Butler 2536 Judith Halberstam 2635 Michel Foucault 1469 Adrienne Rich 1588 Gayle Rubin 2373 Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick 2464 Barbara Smith 2221 Monique Wittig 1904 Bonnie Zimmerman 2328 MARXISM Louis Althusser 1332 Walter Benjamin 1046 Antonio Gramsci 998 Stuart Hall 1779 Donna Haraway 2187 Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri 2615 Dick Hebdige 2477 Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno 1107 Fredric Jameson 1818 Zehou Li 1744 Lisa Lowe 2516 György Lukacs 905

17 ALTERNATIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS / xxi Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 2110 Leon Trotsky 877 Raymond Williams 1420 Edmund Wilson 1127 Slavoj Žižek 2402 NEW HISTORICISM Michel Foucault 1469 Stephen J. Greenblatt 2146 Karatani Kojin 2031 Steven Knapp and Walter Benn Michaels 2488 Hayden White 1533 PHENOMENOLOGY, HERMENEUTICS, AND READER-RESPONSE THEORY Roland Barthes 1316 Simone de Beauvoir 1261 Stanley E. Fish 1970 Martin Heidegger 982 Wolfgang Iser 1521 Hans Robert Jauss 1403 Jean-Paul Sartre 1196 Friedrich Schleiermacher 520 POSTCOLONIAL THEORY AND CRITICISM Chinua Achebe 1610 Benedict Anderson 1913 Homi K. Bhabha 2351 Frantz Fanon 1437 Paul Gilroy 2553 Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri 2615 Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Taban Lo Liyong, Henry Owuor-Anyumba 1992 Edward W. Said 1861 Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 2110 PSYCHOANALYSIS Louis Althusser 1332 Harold Bloom 1648 Judith Butler 2536 Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari 1446 Sigmund Freud 807 Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar 1923 Judith Halberstam 2635 Julia Kristeva 2067 Jacques Lacan 1159 Laura Mulvey 2081 Slavoj Žižek ' 2402

18 xxii / ALTERNATIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS RACE AND ETHNICITY STUDIES Paula Gunn Allen 2000 Gloria Anzaldua 2095 Barbara Christian 2126 W. E. B. Du Bois 867 Henry Louis Gates Jr Paul Gilroy 2553 bell hooks' 2507 Langston Hughes 1190 Zora Neale Hurston 1008 Lisa Lowe 2516 Barbara Smith STRUCTURALISM AND SEMIOTICS Louis Althusser 1332 Roland Barthes 1316 Northrop Frye 1301 Dick Hebdige 2477 Roman Jakobson 1141 Claude Lévi-Strauss 1273 Franco Moretti 2438 Ferdinand de Saussure 845 Tzvetan Todorov 2021 Hayden White 1533 Part II: Genres EPIC AND ROMANCE Aristotle 83 Erich Auerbach 1027 Mikhail M. Bakhtin 1071 Northrop Frye 1301 Giacopo Mazzoni 228 Plato 41 Giambattista Vico 315 DRAMA Aristotle 83 Aphra Behn 304 Pierre Corneille 283 John Dryden 300 Samuel Johnson 362 Friedrich Nietzsche 759 Sir Philip Sidney 251 THE NOVEL Mikhail M. Bakhtin 1071

19 ALTERNATIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS / xxiii Germaine Necker de Staël 504 Irving Howe 1387 Henry James 740 Samuel Johnson 362 György Lukacs 905 Franco Moretti 2438 Martha С. Nussbaum 2302 Richard Ohmann 1761 POETRY Adūnīs 1623 Harold Bloom 1648 Giovanni Boccaccio 190 T.S.Eliot 951 Ralph Waldo Emerson 613 Horace 119 Roman Jakobson 1141 Julia Kristeva 2067 Stéphane Mallarmé 730 Giacopo Mazzoni 228 Edgar Allan Poe 636 Percy Bysshe Shelley 591 Sir Philip Sidney 251 Giambattista Vico 315 William Wordsworth 556 POPULAR CULTURE Roland Barthes 1316 Charles Baudelaire 676 Simone de Beauvoir Walter Benjamin 1046 Susan Bordo 2237 Judith Halberstam 2635 Donna Haraway 2187 Dickllebdige 2477 Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno 1107 Fredric Jameson 1818 Bruno Latour 2277 Laura Mulvey 2081 Richard Ohmann 1761 Slavoj Žižek 2407 Part III: Historical Periods CLASSICAL THEORY AND CRITICISM Aristotle 83 Gorgias 37

20 xxiv / ALTERNATIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS Horace 119 Longinus 133 Plato 41 MEDIEVAL THEORY AND CRITICISM Dante Alighieri 184 Thomas Aquinas 177 Augustine 154 Giovanni Boccaccio 190 Christine de Pizan 200 Moses Maimonides 162 RENAISSANCE THEORY AND CRITICISM Giovanni Boccaccio 190 Joachim du Bellay 216 Pierre Corneille 283 Giacopo Mazzoni 228 Sir Philip Sidney 251 ENLIGHTENMENT THEORY AND CRITICISM Joseph Addison 336 Aphra Behn 309 Edmund Burke 450 John Dryden 300 David Hume 388 Samuel Johnson 362 Immanuel Kant 406 Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 461 Alexander Pope 346 Friedrich von Schiller 481 Giambattista Vico 315 Mary Wollstonecraft 493 ROMANTIC THEORY AND CRITICISM Samuel Taylor Coleridge 579 Ralph Waldo Emerson 613 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 536 Friedrich von Schiller 481 Percy Bysshe Shelley 591 William Wordsworth 556 VICTORIAN THEORY AND CRITICISM Matthew Arnold 691 Charles Baudelaire 676 Henry James 740 Stephane Mallarmé 730 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 747 Walter Pater 724 Oscar Wilde 785

21 ALTERNATIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS / xxv Part IV: Issues and Topics AESTHETICS Charles Baudelaire 676 Walter Benjamin 1046 Pierre Bourdieu 1660 Edmund Burke 450 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 536 David Hume 388 Immanuel Kant 406 Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 461 Zehou Li 1744 Longinus 133 Walter Pater 72 1 Friedrich von Schiller 481 Barbara Herrnstein Smith 1795 ANTITHEORY Barbara Christian 2126 Stanley E. Fish 1970 Gerald Graff 1960 Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri 2615 bell hooks 2507 Steven Knapp and Walter Benn Michaels 2488 Bruno Latour 2277 C. D. Narasimhaiah 1378 Plato 41 AUTHORSHIP Roland Barthes 1316 Walter Benjamin 1046 Christine de Pizan 200 T.S.Eliot 951 Michel Foucault 1469 Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar 1923 Horace 119 Stéphane Mallarmé 730 William К. Wimsatt Jr. and Monroe С. Beardsley 1230 THE BODY Susan Bordo 2237 Judith Butler 2536 Helene Cixous 1938 Michel Foucault 1469 Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar 1923 Judith Halberstam 2635 Donna Haraway 2187 N. Katherine Hayles 2161 Julia Kristeva 2067

22 xxvi / ALTERNATIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS Zehou Li 1744 Laura Mulvey 2081 THE CANON/TRADITION Erich Auerbach 1027 Matthew Arnold 691 Harold Bloom 1648 T.S.Eliot 951 Gerald Graff 1960 Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Taban Lo Liyong, Henry Owuor-Anyumba 1992 Richard Ohmann 1761 Percy Bysshe Shelley 591 DEFENSES OF CRITICISM Matthew Arnold 691 Homi K. Bhabha 2351 Barbara Christian 2126 Stanley E. Fish 1970 Bruno Latour 2277 Martha C. Nussbaum 2302 Alexander Pope 346 John Crowe Ransom 969 Barbara Herrnstein Smith 1795 Oscar Wilde 785 William K. Wimsatt Jr. and Monroe С. Beardsley 1230 Bonnie Zimmerman 2328 ETHICS AND LITERARY CRITICISM Chinua Achebe 1610 Matthew Arnold 691 Christine de Pizan 200 Barbara Herrnstein Smith 1795 Martha C. Nussbaum 2302 Plato 41 Percy Bysshe Shelley 591 Sir Philip Sidney 251 Edmund Wilson 1127 Maty Wollstonecraft 493 GENDER AND SEXUALITY Simone de Beauvoir 1261 Susan Bordo 2237 Judith Butler 2536 Hélène Cixous 1938 Michel Foucault 1469 Sigmund Freud 807 Judith Halberstam 2635

23 ALTERNATIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS / xxvii Julia Kristeva 2067 Jacques Lacan 1156 Laura Mulvey 2081 Gayle Rubin 2373 Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick 2464 Monique Wittig 1904 GLOBALIZATION Adūnīs 1623 Paula Gunn Allen 2000 Erich Auerbach 1027 Jacques Derrida 1680 Frantz Fanon 1437 PaulGilroy 2553 Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri 2615 Donna Haraway 2187 Karatani Kojin 2031 Lisa Lowe 2516 Claude Lévi-Strauss 1273 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 647 Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Taban Lo Liyong, Henry Owuor-Anyumba 1992 Edward W. Said 1861 Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 2110 Giambattista Vico 315 IDEOLOGY AND HEGEMONY Louis Althusser 1332 Lauren Beriant and Michael Warner 2597 Pierre Bourdieu 1660 Antonio Gramsci 998 Stuart Hall 1779 Fredric Jameson 1818 Lisa Lowe Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 647 Edmund Wilson 1127 Slavoj Žižek 2402 THE INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF LITERARY STUDY Barbara Christian 2126 Terry Eagleton 2137 Gerald Graff 1960 Annette Kolodny 2045 Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Taban Lo Liyong, Henry Owuor-Anyumba 1992 John Crowe Ransom 969 Edward W. Said 1861

24 xxviii / ALTERNATIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS INTERPRETATION THEORY Dante Alighieri 184 Paula Gunn Allen 2000 Thomas Aquinas 177 Augustine 154 Stanley E. Fish 1970 Sigmund Freud 807 Fredric Jameson 1818 Steven Knapp and Walter Benn Michaels 2488 Moses Maimonide.s 162 Friedrich Schleiermacher 520 LANGUAGE Benedict Anderson 1913 Augustine 154 J.L.Austin 1286 Mikhail M. Bakhtin 1071 Jean Baudrillard 1553 Martin Heidegger 982 Roman Jakohson 1141 Julia Kristeva 2067 Jacques Lacan Claude Lévi-Strauss 1273 Friedrich Nietzsche 759 Ferdinand de Saussure 845 LITERARY HISTORY Erich Auerbach 1027 Paul Gilroy 2553 Irving Howe Hans Robert Jauss 1403 György Lukacs 905 Franco Moretti 2438 Edward W.Said 1861 Edmund Wilson 1127 THE MODERN Adūnīs 1623 Benedict Anderson 1913 Charles Baudelaire 676 Walter Benjamin 1046 Pierre Bourdieu Joachim du Bellay 216 T.S.Eliot 951 Jürgen Habermas 1566 Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno 1107 Fredric Jameson 1818 Karatani Kojin 2031 György Lukacs 905

25 ALTERNATIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS / xxix NARRATIVE THEORY Paula Gunn Allen 2000 Aristotle 83 Erich Auerbach 1027 Mikhail M. Bakhtin 1071 Germaine Necker de Staël 504 Northrop Frye 1301 Roman Jakobson 1141 Fredric Jameson 1818 György Lukacs 905 Franco Moretti 2438 Laura Mulvey 2081 Martha C. Nussbaum 2302 Tzvetan Todorov 2021 Hayden White 1533 PHILOLOGY Adūnīs 1623 Erich Auerbach 1027 Fredric Jameson 1818 Hans Robert Jauss 1403 C. D. Narasimhaiah 1378 Friedrich Nietzsche 759 Edward W.Said 1861 Friedrich Schleiermacher 520 Giambattista Vico 315 THE POSTMODERN Jean Baudrillard 1553 Barbara Christian 2126 Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari 1446 Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri 2615 Donna Haraway 2187 bell hooks 2507 Fredric Jameson 1818 Jean-François Lyotard 1463 PRINT CULTURE Paula Gunn Allen 2000 Benedict Anderson 1913 Walter Benjamin 1046 Pierre Bourdieu 1660 Michel Foucault 1469 N. Katherine Hayles 2161 Zora Neale Hurston 1008 Claude Lévi-Strauss 1273 Franco Moretti 2438

26 xxx / ALTERNATIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS REPRESENTATION AND REALISM Aristotle 83 Erich Auerbach I027 Pierre Corneille 283 Irving Howe 1387 Longinus 133 Giacopo Mazzoni 228 Friedrich Nietzsche 759 Plato 41 Sir Philip Sidney 251 Hayden White 1533 RHETORIC Aristotle 83 Augustine 154 Paul de Man 1361 Gorgias 37 Zora Neale Hurston 1008 Barbara Johnson 2255 Jacques Lacan 1156 Longinus 133 Giacopo Mazzoni 228 Giambattista Vico 315 Hayden White 1533 SUBJECTIVITY/IDENTITY Louis Althusser 1332 Gloria Anzaldiia 2095 Susan Bordo 2237 Judith Butler 2536 Michel Foucault 1469 Sigmund Freud 807 Judith Halberstam 2635 Donna Haraway 2187 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 536 bell hooks 2507 Jacques Lacan 1156 Lisa Lowe 2516 Laura Mulvey 2081 Adrienne Rich 1588 Monique Wittig 1904 Slavoj Žižek 2402 THE VERNACULAR AND NATIONHOOD Dante Alighieri 184 Paula Gunn Allen 2000 Benedict Anderson 1913 Gloria Anzaldua 2095 Pierre Corneille 283

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