STOPPING BY WOODS (curs practic de limba engleză pentru învăţământul la distanţă)

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1 STOPPING BY WOODS (curs practic de limba engleză pentru învăţământul la distanţă) Anul II Autor: Asist. univ. drd. Daniela LINGURARU

2 C U P R I N S Introducere. Obiective Lecţia 1. Grammar focus questions Lecţia 2. Questionable Lecţia 3. Metaphor time is money Lecţia 4. The butterfly Lecţia 5. Grammar section the noun phrase Lecţia 6. Metaphor: human = plant Lecţia 7. Coniferous versus deciduous Lecţia 8. Grammar section (concepts expressed by modal and related verbs) Lecţia 9. Other concepts expressed by modal verbs Lecţia 10. Actions and reactions Lecţia 11. Deforestation Lecţia 12. Grammar focus it & there Lecţia 13. Weather metaphor Lecţia 14. Stopping by woods on a snowy evening (Robert Frost) Anexa 1 Irregular verbs Anexa 2 A Day s Wait (Ernest Hemingway) Anexa 3 Verbal tenses Anexa 4 Spelling Bibliografie

3 INTRODUCERE SCOPUL CURSULUI: OBIECTIVELE PRINCIPALE: MODUL DE EVALUARE: Prezentul curs este destinat studenţilor de anul II de la Facultatea de Silvicultură, Specializarea Silvicultură, regim la distanţă. Atât partea de teorie cât şi cea aplicativă au fost concepute în aşa fel încât să faciliteze familiarizarea studenţilor cu structuri elementare ale limbii engleze sau reactualizarea cunoştinţelor fundamentale deja dobândite. O atenţie specială s-a acordat acelor registre lingvistice care permit comunicarea în limba engleză, cât şi termenilor specifici specializării. 1. familiarizarea studenţilor cu diferitele aspecte ale limbii engleze 2. dezvoltarea abilităţii studenţilor de a comunica în limba engleză 3. însuşirea de către studenţi a termenilor specifici specializării 4. însuşirea şi folosirea limbajului adecvat pentru a descrie activităţi, situaţii etc. La sfârşitul fiecărui semestru, studenţii vor fi examinaţi în cadrul unui colocviu; stabilirea notei finale se va face şi în funcţie de verificările parţiale de la cursurile de pe parcursul semestrului. 3

4 Lecţia 1. GRAMMAR FOCUS QUESTIONS Is it true love? From the heart? Love that pines? Cold love? None at all? What s the matter, Schatz? Do you want me to read to you? How do you feel, Schatz? Why don t you try to sleep? What kind of timepiece is this? How do you do? May I come in? How about Thursday at 6? Whose side are you on? What is it for? What is it like? What do you like? What does it look like? Is there anyone else? Can you hear me? Whom do you think I just ran into? You don t speak French, do you? A WHITE BEAR! Very well. Have I ever seen one? Might I ever have seen one? Am I ever to see one? Ought I ever to have seen one? ( ) If I should see a white bear, what should I say? ( ) If I never have, can, must or shall see a white bear alive, have I ever seen the skin of one before? Did I ever see one painted? Have I ever dreamt of one? Did my father, mother, uncle, aunt, brothers or sisters, ever see a white bear? ( ) How would they behave? How would the white bear have behaved? Is she wild? Tame? Terrible? Rough? Smooth? Is the white bear worth seeing? Is there no sin in it? Is it better than a BLACK ONE? (The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Laurence Sterne, p. 324, Ch. XLIII, vol. V) În gramatica tradiţională a unei limbi, enunţurile sunt de obicei clasificate în: a) enunţuri declarative b) enunţuri interogative c) enunţuri imperative 4

5 d) enunţuri exclamative (Reichenbach, Întrebarea, teorie şi practică, 1947), unii lingvişti preferând taxonomii simplificate: enunţuri declarative / interrogative / imperative (Benveniste, 1966) sau declarative / interrogative (Quirk and Greenbaum, 1985: 24). Întrebările (enunţuri interrogative) sunt, la rândul lor, clasificate după diverse criterii, în: întrebări totale / parţiale / alternative, directe / indirecte, propriu-zise / retorice, monologale / dialogale etc. În ceea ce priveşte întrebările în limba engleză, dincolo de orice clasificare prevalează modul lor de alcătuire. Astfel, întrebarea prin inversiunea subiectului cu verbul (sau prima formă verbală) sau cu ajutorul auxiliarului DO. Inversiune: BE (ca verb noţional) la prezent: He is a forest engineer. Is he a forest engineer? la trecut: He was asleep, really. Was he really asleep? (ca verb auxiliar) He was reprimanded for what he had done. Was he reprimanded for what he had done? HAVE (ca verb noţional) He has quite a fortune, you know. Has he? (ca verb auxiliar) He has / had overcome the agonies of adolescence. Has / had he overcome the agonies of adolescence? HAVE GOT He s got one foot in the grave. Has he really? WILL + inf. He will get better soon enough. Will he get better soon enough? WILL + HAVE + 3 rd form He will have finished his studies by the age of 25. Will he have finished his studies by the age of 25? MODAL + inf. You may come in. May I come in? MODAL + HAVE + 3 rd form He could have done it. Could he have done it? Auxiliarul DO: DO Do you know the people who live over the road? DOES Does anyone have any questions? DID Did you answer all the questions in the test? 5

6 În funcţie de răspunsul pe care îl solicită, întrebările se impart în: YES / NO questions (întrebări fără cuvânt interogativ şi care cer o confirmare sau infirmare aşa cum sunt toate exemplele de mai sus) şi WH-questions (întrebări cu cuvânt interogativ, care solicită un răspuns mai complex; modul de formare a întrebării se păstrează, cu excepţia verbului BE şi uneori a lui HAVE: DO sau DOES la prezentul simplu şi DID la trecutul simplu). Cuvintele interogative (question words / phrases) sunt: WHO (+ WHOM, WHOSE), WHAT, WHICH, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, HOW (HOW MUCH, HOW MANY, HOW OFTEN, HOW LONG, HOW FAR etc.). WHO Who is she to order me around? WHOM Whom did you send the parcel to? (formal) WHOSE Whose gloves are those on the kitchen counter? WHAT What languages can you speak? What did you say to him? What time are you arriving? What kind of timepiece is this? WHICH Which of the two do you like better: the red or the mauve one? WHEN When do you usually leave work? WHERE Where were you living at the time? WHY Why on earth didn t you ask any of us for help? HOW How do you do? How on earth did he find out about it? HOW MUCH How much are the tickets? but: Can you tell me how much the tickets cost? HOW MANY How many of you are willing to take the shortcut through the woods? HOW OFTEN How often do you trim these shrubs? HOW LONG How long have you been learning English? HOW FAR How far is it to the railway station? Spoken phrases: How about Thursday at 6? How come Jude is home? How s your back this morning? Atunci când într-o întrebare, pe lângă cuvintele interrogative apar şi prepoziţii, acestea se aşază de obicei la sfârşitul enunţului: Whom are you waiting for? What are you looking at? Where does he come from? What were they talking about? Whose side are you on? 6

7 Atenţie!!! A nu se confunda WHAT IS IT FOR? cu WHAT IS IT LIKE? WHAT IS IT FOR? = scopul (why) WHAT IS IT LIKE? = felul (how) What is your boss like? What do dogs like? What does he look like? Atenţie la transformarea lui NO şi SOME ( +compuşii acestora) în ANY (+compuşi) la interogativ! Standing dead trees are of no value whatsoever. Are standing dead trees of any value? There are some more questions, I believe. Are there any more questions? There is someone else who wants a ticket. Is there anyone else? Atenţie la ordinea cuvintelor în vorbirea indirectă (indirect speech)! I asked: Where are you going? I asked her where she was going. sau în exemplele de genul: I don t care where she is. Întrebările mai sunt clasificate în: formule de salut sau cu funcţie de contact How do you do? How are you? How are you doing? formule cu funcţie metalingvistică I beg your pardon? Excuse me? What does it mean? What do you mean by that? What s that? formule cu funcţie fatică Hello? Can you hear me? OK? Clear enough? formule modalizate How should I know? You re telling me? Why should they come? formule rezultate din elipsă So what? How so? Well? 7

8 Întrebarea este un act de vorbire: asertiv (What else is new? = Your news is no news.) directiv (Will you pass the salt? = Give me the salt(-cellar). SAU: Can you reach the top shelf? = Give me the book on the top shelf.) comisiv (Isn t my word of honour enough? = My word of honour should be enough. Why shouldn t I help him, of all people? = Of all people, it s him I should help). expresiv (Will you ever forgive me? SAU: How can I make you forget that?) performativ (Do you, X, take Y, to be your lawful wedded wife / husband, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live? SAU: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?) Din punct de vedere al modalizării, întrebările sunt [+/- modalizate]: He must be on his way. He might be on his way. (certitudine) (incertitudine) What do I have to do? What can I do? (necesitate) (posibilitate) Need / must I write everything down? Can I write everything down? (obligaţie) (non-obligaţie) Întrebările pot declanşa o discuţie, pot reprezenta liantul acestuia sau pot lungi o convorbire, reluând unele informaţii (aşa-numitele întrebări-ecou John has just come. Who? SAU: He s a little bit careless. He (who)? I mean John.) Întrebările sunt simple / nucleare sau complexe, adică: multiple Who said what? successive Who was at the door and what did they want? dezvoltate If it rained, would you take that huge umbrella? subordonate When did he say he was coming? Whom do you think I just ran into? Do you think you can afford locking yourself in your room day in day out, not eating anything and crying all the time, when you have two children you re supposed to take care of? 8

9 indirecte You are asked where you were that night. Exemplul de mai sus ţine de vorbirea indirectă. Un alt gen de «întrebare indirectă» este aceea prin care vorbitorul încearcă să fie foarte politicos sau doar tatonează un teren pe care îl consideră încă nesigur: Do you think the chairman would see me? Could you tell me whether I was wondering if I d like to know if După cum se poate observa, ordinea cuvintelor în aceste întrebări indirecte este aceeaşi ca la afirmativ. Direct : Could you call me a cab? Direct: How old are you? Indirect: Do you think you could call me a cab? Indirect: Could I ask you how old you are? În general, întrebările directe (sau de rangul I) vizează explicit un element din universul comun celor doi vorbitori (When is John coming?), în timp ce întrebările indirecte (sau de rangul II) vizează implicit un element din universul comun (Are you leaving or not? = Leave, for God s sake!). eliptice I came with Maria. Maria who? I went to the bookshop and bought it on the spot. You did? Who, me? What? Sorry? dislocate As formary, what did she say? scindate Is this what you re offering me? Who was the one who took the floor first? apozitive What do you recognize him by? Colour? What is it that you don t like about me? My relatives? Negative Questions Întrebările negative sunt în general folosite atunci când se aşteaptă un răspuns negative ori pentru a exprima dezacordul sau surpriza. 9

10 But don t you think they should be treated first? Don t you like taking hot baths? No, not really. Întrebările negative pot avea şi formă exclamativă: Isn t she beautiful? = She s so beautiful! Doesn t she look terrific? Question Tags Question tag = partea finală a unui enunţ care îl transformă în întrebare (invitând interlocutorul la un răspuns) se formează cu ajutorul auxiliarelor (DO, BE, HAVE sau un modal) Dacă enunţul este afirmativ, tag-ul este obligatoriu la negativ, şi invers. You speak French, don t you? You don t speak French, do you? He left the country, didn t he? He didn t leave the country, did he? You can swim, can t you? You can t swim, can you? He s here, isn t he? He s not here, is he? Un enunţ negativ cu un tag afirmativ arată, de obicei, că cel care adresează întrebarea se aşteaptă să primească un răspuns negativ, vrea să fie politicos sau adresează un reproş interlocutorului: You don t speak French, do you? No, sorry, I don t. You couldn t give me a hand, could you? Dacă verbul din principală este HAVE, tag-ul va fi alcătuit cu ajutorul lui DO, dar dacă HAVE este auxiliary, tag-ul va fi alcătuit cu HAVE, prin inversiune. You had measles, didn t you? You ve just been sacked, haven t you? Dacă în principală apare I AM / I M, acestea sunt reluate în tag prin AREN T I: I m doomed, aren t I? 10

11 Dacă principala este de fapt un imperativ, în tag se vor folosi WILL sau WON T. Dacă principala începe cu LET S, în tag apare SHALL. Have a seat, will you? Call me later, won t you? Let s take the train instead, shall we? Sensuri posibile ale tag-ului: You haven t got the report yet, have you? (request for confirmation) I don t have to pay cash, do I? (confirmation) Well, they didn t give me any chance, did they? (defence) So it was not you getting into the house late last night, was it? (sarcasm) You re not going to fail that exam again, are you? (threat, attack) Reply questions sunt asemănătoare tag-urilor, dar nu are loc schimbarea de la afirmativ la negativ şi invers; în plus, ele sunt folosite de interlocutor pentru a-şi arăta interesul, uimirea sau îndoiala cu privire la ceea ce spune locutorul. A: I broke up with her yesterday. B: Did you? (interes) A: I can t sew anymore. B: Can t you? (uimire) A: I think they re drug-dealers. B: Are they? (îndoiala) 1. Unscramble the following questions: a) you, to, are, where, going b) yesterday, like, in, the, was, weather, Bucharest, what c) a, you, me, please, get, would, towel d) he, he, has, hasn t, the, yet, country, left e) it, is, cannot, needles, but, that, what, sew, many, has 2. Ask questions to be answered by the given sentences: a) At 5.30 in the hallway. b) For about two weeks now. c) She leaned against one of the stems, under the lacery of twig and bud. d) 76% of the land area under forest cover. f) No, never. e) Since yesterday. f) Not bad. g) $ 25. h) By train. i) On Friday(s). k) Yes, you are. l) No, thanks. m) On the top shelf. n) Trimming. 11

12 3. Give the interrogative form of the following statements: a) There is some milk left in the fridge. b) He said something unpleasant. c) There is no one at the door. 4. Transform the following sentences into: a) a negative statement b) a question c) a negative question You can add tags. It looks brand new. He lost the key to the front door. They shall be traveling all night. He won the first prize that night. 5. Fill in with the missing forms: I II III meaning bear beat begun bent bind blown a aduce a cumpăra come drew drunk feel a zbura forget a auzi hid hold kept led meant meet paid a vedea speak spent won 12

13 6. In what situations might you say the following: What s on? Who s in it? What s it about? What time does it start? Where shall we sit? What did you think of it? Would you care to dance with me? Will you pass me the salt? Who s who? Where to? 7. Make up questions that could occur: a) in a classroom b) in a hall where somebody is interviewed c) in conference d) during police interrogation e) in a court-room f) in a GP s office g) in the street (conducting a survey) h) in an office (job interview) i) in a church (religious confession) j) in an application / entry form 8. Find questions which ask for: a) an explanation b) confirmation c) justification d) rectification f) reproach g) checking or repeating previous information Why not? He is one of our best master sawyers. What am I saying? Our bestmaster sawyer. What do you mean by DED? (Dutch Elm Disease) You re not going to leave, are you? Have I been there? Yes, of course I have. Don t I know these foresters? What else do you want from me? confirmation rectification explanation objection repetition justfication reproach 9. (NO) FURTHER QUESTIONS you have to leave suddenly? you wearing a blue pullover? it Bruce who introduced us? 13

14 you ever ridden a horse? 10. a) Get the necessary information from your partner to complete the table: Question You Your partner like dancing speak French be a night bird do physical exercises would like to move to a foreign country like cats have got a dog read newspapers on a regular basis smoke own a car b) Fill in the following table: activity never sometimes always stay up late My parents never let me stay up late. bring my friends home cook a)complete the sentences using the words from the box: What, Why, Where, When, Who, How are you from? are you doing? is your birthday? are you so sad? are you? b) About you and your partner: a). Physiopathology? b) What exactly? c) ten years time? d) Botany? e) Why? f)..before? g)..dendrology? h) How often? 14

15 i).your job? j) How long.? k)..abroad? l) English? c) Riddles. Find the right answers. What keys do you find in trees? What do kangaroos wear in winter? What do you call a scared cow? What do whales eat? What is a snake s favourite lesson? What s the difference between a lion with a broken leg and a wet day? What did one Maths book say to the other Maths book? Where do sick horses go? Why do birds fly south in winter? How can you tell when an elephant has been in the fridge? I have problems. Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstory. The Horsepital. From the footprints in the butter. Jumpers. Because it s too far to walk. Monkeys. A coward. Fish and ships. One roars with pain and the other pours with rain. 12. Mr. Smith ordered the servants to pack his bags at once. Who(m)? What? He tells me he works at Harrods for the time being. Who..? What? Where? Their son takes piano lessons. Who...? What...? 13. Add a question tag to each question, paying attention to the tense: 1. It s a lovely day,? 2. Your handwriting isn t very good,? 3. I don t know her,? 4. You don t mind if I smoke,? 5. There s no hair on your head,? 6. It arrives at 9. 20,? 7. I m late,? 8. We aren t being rude,? 9. You aren t wearing a watch,? 10. I m speaking slowly enough for you,? 11. You came in a flying saucer,? 12. He was 89 when he died,? 15

16 13. You did lock it,? 14. It rained all night,? 15. We had a good meal last night,? 16. They haven t paid the bill,? 17. We ve met somewhere before,? 18. He s never been to Brazil,? 19. They hadn t been there for years,? 20. You will come in,? 21. You ll come and have some tea with me,? 22. You can understand what I say,? 23. You can t open the can,? 24. Let s meet again,? 25. Have a cucumber sandwich,? 14. Translate: 1. Unde pot închiria o maşină? 2. Unde putem găsi o cabină telefonică? 3. Cum a fost spectacolul? 4. De unde vii? 5. Când pot să fixez o întâlnire? 6. Când vreţi să telefonez? 7. De ce e atât de supărat? 8. De ce să aşteptăm atât de mult? 9. Ce-ar fi să mai bem un pahar? 10. Cine sunt oamenii ăştia? 11. Cine vrea să vină cu noi? 12. Ce maşină vei alege? 13. La ce te gândeşti? 14. Al cui este acest stilou? 15. Cine urmează? 16. Ce se întâmplă cu ei? / Ce i-a apucat? 17. Cât de departe este gara? 18. Ce vârstă are mama ta? 19. Cât de scumpă poate fi o cămaşă? 20. Ce înălţime are fratele tău? 21. Câţi bani vreţi? 22. Cu cât timp în urmă s-a întâmplat? 23. De câte ori l-ai văzut? 24. Cât de des plouă în regiunea asta? 25. Câţi puieţi sunt în pepinieră? 16

17 Lecţia 2. QUESTIONABLE Ask your partner: What was the most difficult question you had to ask /answer? What do you usually do to avoid a question? When was the last time somebody bombarded you with questions? What does pop the question mean? 15. Match exercise. Other ways of saying ASK: a) to appeal b) to apply c) to claim d) to cross-examine e) to demand 17

18 f) to interrogate g) to interview h) to nag / pester i) to order j) to poll / survey k) to question l) to request to claim to order to poll / survey to demand to interview to apply to request to nag / pester to cross-examine to question to interrogate to appeal to ask for something very firmly and emphatically, especially because you think you have a right to do this to ask repeatedly and authoritatively to ask someone (usually a witness or a prisoner) a lot of questions systematically or for a long time in order to get information (sometimes using threats) to ask for something that is legally yours to ask the court or someone in authority for help or a decision to be changed (formal, written) to annoy someone, especially by asking them many times to do something to ask someone questions in a court of law (by a lawyer) to ask for a job, a place in a university, or permission to do something (formal, written) to ask for something in a polite or formal way to ask for goods (e. g. food, drink etc.) you are going to pay for to ask a large number of people the same set of questions in order to find out their attitudes or opinions to ask someone questions during an interview (by a reporter) He that nothing questions nothing gains. I m tired of him questioning me on this and that. 18

19 ASK ANSWER REPLY RETORT GET BACK TO RESPONSE 16. Replace ASK with one of the synonyms: He where they lived. He that nothing nothing gains. I an explanation for your behaviour. What are you my... for? Fresh gossip! 17. Identify types of questions (total / partial, direct / indirect etc.) in the following extracts. The full text is to be found in appendix 2. What s the matter, Schatz? I ve got a headache. Do you want me to read to you? All right, if you want to. How do you feel, Schatz? Just the same, so far. Why don t you try to sleep? I ll wake you up for the medicine. I d rather stay awake. What is it? Something like a hundred. It was a hundred and two. Who said so? The doctor. Do you think it will do any good? Of course it will. About what time do you think I m going to die? What? About how long will it be before I die? You aren t going to die. What s the matter with you? (Ernest Hemingway A Day s Wait) 18. Compare: The girl looks / is looking at the picture. (The) horses graze / are grazing in the field. The girl looked / was looking at the picture. 19

20 I wrote / was writing / had written a story in my book. 19. Make up questions using the word between parentheses: Forests were much bigger in the dim and distant past (When?) - in the mid-eighties. (What?) - when I was little. (Who?) 20. a) Read the following and identify the verbal tenses: Timberwood has been expensive - for as long as I can remember. - ever since the Revolution ended. - lately. - over the past 15 years. b) Complete the following sentences. Pay attention to the verbal tenses. - nowadays. - these days. - at present. - at this point in history. - at this moment in time. Forests are getting thinner and thinner Forests are going to continue to get thinner Afforestation will have doubled c) Consider the changes in your home town. Ex. The supermarket used to be a garage. The post-office used to be a museum. 21. Tell your partner to think about an object (s)he would choose for a TIME-CAPSULE and keep it in mind. Try to find out what that object is. Use some of the following questions: What is it? What s it made of? What colour is it? How old is it? How much is it worth? Where do you keep it? What special significance does it have for you / mankind? 22. a) Complete the following questions and then have a dialogue with your partner: 1. What s your favourite? 2. Can you tell me? 20

21 3. I d like to know? 4. How often do you? 5. Do you remember? 6. Do you think you ll? 7. What s your opinion of? 8. Do you know? 9. Have you got? 10. What s the best thing about? 11. When did you? 12. How many? b) Ask the guru / the fortune-teller questions about your future and / or past: Student A asks questions (Yes / NO questions) about a particular aspect of his / her life in the future (ex. Will I be rich?) Student B answers the questions by drawing randomly a ticket from a hat (s/he is supposed to prepare in advance a hat full of tickets with answers such as: Ah, the age-old question! I cannot predict now. You wouldn t like to know. You wish! It is decidedly so. Mind your language, young man! As I see it, yes... But of course! It is for certain. The odds are in your favour. Wouldn t you like to know! My sources say no. Are you serious? Let me get back to you. Outlook not so good. Ummm, aahh, weelll, sure... Ask me no questions, I ll tell you no lies. Were you asking me? How should I know? If I say yes, will you stop asking? The possibilities are endless. When pigs fly. I ll need to think about that. Reply hazy, try again. You may rely on it. No way! Signs point to... yes. Absolutely... not. Absolutely... but I ve been wrong before. Two thumbs up! The outlook is grim. You ve got to be kidding!) 21

22 Lecţia 3. METAPHOR TIME IS MONEY TIME = MONEY TO SPEND TO WASTE TO BUY TO RUN OUT OF TO SPARE Did he really waste - nine hours before he made a decision? - his entire fortune on that trifle? Will he really spend - an entire day to repair his old car? - a month s salary to repair his old car? You really need to budget your time. I ve invested a lot of time in her. Paying the fees cost me five hours. Complete the following Chinese proverb: With money you can buy a CLOCK, but not TIME With money you can buy a HOUSE, but not a HOME With money you can buy a BED, but not SLEEP With money you can buy a BOOK, but not... With money you can buy a..., but not RESPECT With money you can buy..., but not... With money you can buy..., but not... With money you can buy..., but not... 22

23 23. Say the time! a) Write the following times as numbers. Use the 24-hour clock. b) What s the time in.? It s nine p.m It s a quarter past five in the morning. It s a quarter to two in the afternoon. It s twenty-five to eight in the evening. It s half past ten in the morning. LONDON NY MELBOURNE MIAMI BANGKOK MOSKOW c) Represent graphically: half past eight eight thirty a quarter to seven six forty-five Around the Clock 12 clockwise in no time just in time time off time limit well-timed take your time dull time in due time 23

24 counterclockwise (BE) 6 anticlockwise (AE) This shop is open around the clock. He arrived at twelve o clock sharp. Just in time for lunch. It s five minutes to ten. He ran out of time. It s twenty minutes to 6. It s high time that he left. - he should leave. - for him to leave. It s only a quarter past ten. Take your time! The time limit is half past two. Already eight thirty? Amazing how time flies! Have you got the time? What time is it? What s the time? Don t tell me the time. I ve got my own timepiece. I m afraid my alarm clock doesn t keep good time. Does it gain / lose time? Is it fast or slow? It just stopped. I set my watch by the radio. Wind it up and set it to Set the watch back. It s two minutes fast. Men don t wear pocket watches anymore. What kind of strap does your wrist watch have? This old grandfather clock lost its hands. What you should do know is make up for lost time. The long hand points to the minutes. The short hand points to the hour. The second hand moves faster. Midnight is 12 o clock at night. Noon is 12 o clock in the daytime. Is it 7 a. m. or p. m.? We should get there at around three. They arranged to meet at 9 o clock precisely. At 11 o clock sharp he rang the front door bell. Timewise they were not doing too badly. Motherwise she was not doing too badly either. Beware! Waves at one o clock! 24. Translate: După ceasul meu e 3 fix. Avionul decolează la Această cursă contra timpului din ultimele zile m-a epuizat. În trecut, oamenii foloseau clepsidre sau ceasuri solare pentru a măsura timpul. 24

25 Oraşul ei se află la doar o oră depărtare de al meu. Îi plac foarte mult filmele de epocă. Read the following text. What s YOUR twisted concept of time / your secret time-related wish? «What a funny watch! Alice remarked. It tells the day of the month but it doesn t tell what o clock it is. Why should it? muttered the Hatter. Does your watch tell you what year it is? Of course not, Alice replied, but that s because it stays the same for such a long time together. Which is just the same with mine, said the Hatter... I dare say you never even talked to Time... If you only keep in good terms with him, he d do almost anything with the clock. For instance, suppose it were nine o clock in the morning, just time to begin lessons: you just have to whisper a hint to Time and round goes the clock in a twinkling! Half past one, time for dinner! That would be grand, certainly, said Alice, but then I shouldn t be hungry for it, you know. Not at first, perhaps, said the Hatter, but you could keep it to half past one for as long as you liked.» (Lewis Carroll Alice in Wonderland) 25

26 25. Quality Time % What do you do all day? Draw a flipchart and represent graphically what percentage of your time you allot to: work / school sleep family / friends travel others. See the following example: Rowan Woods, Christmas tree-grower. ME (3 hours) WORK (11 hours) SLEEP (8 hours) FAMILY (1 hours 30 mins) TRAVEL (30 mins) I get a lot of personal time to watch TV or play the piano. I also play all sorts of games on the computer. I like the learning process and think of it as leisure time. I grow Christmas trees and farm sheep and cow in mid-wales. It s been a mad five weeks but it is nearly over now. I spend a lot of time on the phone coordinating things. I need sleep. If I don t get enough sleep I am prone to getting ill. Because I work from home I see my family throughout the day. I take a lot of breaks and have lunch and dinner with my wife and children. I don t get off the farm very often. When I do, it usually takes about half an hour. 26

27 % What I used to do Draw a flipchart for you and one for Fox Glove, a 65-year-old pensioner, whose story you are supposed to complete. ACTIVITY (allotted time) YOU FOX GLOVE I used to work as a part-time art history teacher, three days a week. I also wrote for German newspapers as an art critic. Once I had the kids, I kind of lost control of my life.... I used to ride a bicycle to work, so it took me about 45 minutes or so.... I used to sit for hours on end in front of the computer, where I usually combined light work with doing something for me. Time for myself was any time without the children. % What do you do all day? Draw a flipchart for Reed Forrester. ME (3 hours) SLEEP (5 hours) TRAVEL (5 hours) WORK (8 hours) PARTNER (3 hours) In the evening, I can t just go to bed, like other people: I have to wait for sleep to come a-knocking, so I practise the guitar, read tool catalogues, watch TV... I don t like sleeping. I think Sandy-Man is creepy... On a commuting day I have to take the car, train and tube. Definitely my favourite part of the day. I get to chase poachers all day long. I spend less time with Jules than I used to, but I try to make up for it at the weekends. 27

28 26. All in Good Time Complete the table: YEAR STATE ACTION Ex. In 1978, I was a newborn baby and I used to cry a lot. Ex. By 2040 I will have retired. a new-born baby a toddler in kindergarten of school-age a teenager coming of age aged 22 in my prime in my mid-twenties 36 years of age approaching middle age on the wrong side of 40 ageing pushing 50s in my late fifties heading for retirement coming up to 70 a bit long in the tooth with one foot in the grave pushing up the daisies Use: would, used to, will, will have etc. 27. Answer the following questions: What is time is money to you? Are you good at time management? What time do you begin / end work / school every day? What will you be doing this time tomorrow? What will you have done in in 10 year s time? Do you usually arrive in good time for meetings and appointments with people? Are you normally aware of roughly what time it is? Do you have a sense of time? Do you know the meaning of to do time? How many hours do you usually sleep at night? In what circumstances can you say: it s a cracker of a day? Would you rather be a plant? Match the tree with the age: Walnut tree Fir tree, juniper, pine Linden tree, chestnut (esculent) Mammouth +500 years ± 13,000 years +200 years -400 years 28

29 Sagu Life-cycle of a Plant ± 4000 years 28. Arrange the following stages in the right order, using the following time adverbs and expressions: first, next, soon, at this stage, subsequently, meanwhile, later, then, afterwards, eventually etc. present current archaic contemporary expectations obsolete for the time being prospects THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY YESTERDAY TODAY TOMORROW THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW old-fashioned nowadays anticipation out-of-date up-to-date in the near / distant future 29

30 formerly fashionable in the long / short run 29. Make up as many sentences as you can with the following time-markers: BEFORE Adj.: earlier, former, preceding, previous Adv.: already, first, formerly, previously, until now/ then, so far, ago, in the beginning DURING Adj.: contemporary, simultaneous Adv.: at present, at this point, now, today, for the time being, at the moment, in the meantime, meanwhile, at the same time AFTER Adj.: following, later, next Adv.: next, soon, by the time, by the end, eventually, afterwards Arrange the following time markers under the right headings: a four-hour (trip), afterwards, all the time, at the same time, every ten minutes, for a while, from (7) to (9), meanwhile, now and again, once a year, on the hour, overnight, previously, repeatedly, straight away, subsequently, till, until. DURATION SEQUENCE FREQUENCY Complete the sentences with prepositions from the box. at, for, from, in, on, to 1. I m afraid the shop is closed... Mondays. 2. I expect he ll be back... September. 3. What time is the reservation...? 4. The library is open... nine o clock... seven o clock. 5. What do you do... the weekends? 6. She gets up o clock every day the afternoon they watch TV weekends, they go on short trips. 30. Explain the difference between: to spend / waste / lose / kill / do time. 30

31 31. Read and translate: Truth is the daughter of time. In times of yore, people were gore. Make haste slowly. Elms were nine times out of ten cut in the area. Close time is a period when fishing and hunting are forbidden. Other times, other manners. Now seems the right time to make changes. Seize the day! Under age is no age for one to smoke. Manners change with time. It was worth waiting for. Never put off tomorrow what you can do today. Georgia finds it difficult to husband her time. 32. timeconsuming timesaving Work with a partner. Give examples of timeconsuming (Student A) / timesaving (Student B) activities. 33. Time to Talk: a) Comment on / illustrate: Time works wonders. Time heals the strongest grief. Time flies when you re having fun. Time lost can never be recalled. Time waits for no one. Tomorrow never comes. You cannot save time; you can only spend it. Things may happen in an hour that don t happen in a year. There is an appointment time for anything. And there is a time for every event under heaven a time to give birth, and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to unroot what is planted. (Ecclesiastes; 3:1-2) b) What do you usually do to fill a dead half hour (for instance between the Nine O Clock news and the News at Ten)? List ten top-activities. Give an account of a period of your life you jnow consider to be your halcyon days. Speak for about 3 minutes using the following prompts: timepoor, free time / leisure time / pastime. 34. Group the following phrases denoting TIME into synonymic clusters: free time, idle time, just in time (for), in next to no time, in no time at all, in the nick of time, in time, in times gone by, in time of need, in times immemorial, lapse of time, leisure time, on time pastime, period of time, spare time, time span, to kick the bucket, to pass away, troublesome times, vacant time. 31

32 perioadă de timp timp liber (tocmai) la timp în timpuri străvechi vremuri grele într-o clipă a muri 35. Once upon a Time Put the following words and expressions in the correct groups: frequency (adverbs) twice a year verbs expressions other to time Only Time will Tell... Choose five of the following time expressions and write a short text. New Year s Day / Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all the year round throughout the year twice / thrice a year biannual year by year 32

33 every two years fortnight biological clock???????? seedling age ********** exploitable age once in a blue moon twelvemonth leap year light year yearly Time: belt bomb book expired honoured keeping machine sheet span stained stricken travel worker worn zone. sooner or later in due course to be ahead of one s time harvest time perfect timing at the crack of dawn the time of my life 33

34 on Wednesday fortnight ******** a fortnight tomorrow to time in early / late spring race against time 1 st /2 nd year student day in day out local/mean/ Greenwich time Let s call it a day! the night is still young deadline ********** to be behind time hourglass in time on time at times most of the time by the hour at the eleventh hour smbd s finest/darkest from Day One for hour ever and a strike/chime day the hour for hours on end in the early/small hours of the day the hero of the hour rush hour ************* to be up to date ************* to do time ************* one at a time ************* What s in store? what the future holds in the course of time / in the meantime untimely 34

35 in the long / short run to date to update under age / be of age / come of age / turn 18 part-time full-time flexitime pushing 40s c) Find equivalent expressions to complete the table: very rarely on a daily basis at the correct time to be modern / fashionable nine times out of ten in the near future premature(ly) sometimes eventually almost too late very early in the morning d) Rephrase the time expressions in bold: Tom and Jenny hadn t seen each other for donkey s years. I do my exercises first thing in the morning. Why don t you make a night of it? He arrived in the nick of time. You can t just do everything on the dot. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then. Let s go out tonight, for old time s sake! I had a whale of time last night. Let s call it a day! 35

36 Just name the day! It s one of those days... Eh, those were the days... We should try and make up for lost time. We could have a whale of a time. That phone call really made my day! e) Go back and forth in time, marking important events in your life on the time line below. Past Present Future / Pressed with Time Complete the beginnings and endings: this time last year......this time next have the time of your time goes by......from time to time... A Right Time for Everything They say: 1 o clock at night is the time when our body is the most tense between 2 4 o clock (a. m.) our vigilance reaches the lowest level therefore we are prone to accidents 3 o clock (a. m.) - the lowest temperature at 4 o clock (a. m.) our sleep is very unstable 8 o clock in the morning the heart beats faster between 9 11 we are intellectually at our best at 10 o clock (a. m.) we should not drink alcohol around midday our brain works best between we can eat enough without the risk of getting fat at 2 p.m. we don t feel pain so badly; now is the right time to make an appointment with the dentist between time to relax between the best time for sports in the early evening (about 5 p.m.) food tastes better between loneliness is hard to take 24 time for beauty sleep What have you noticed about your own circadian rhythm? Make your own timetable. 36

37 morning 8-10 a.m a.m. noon afternoon p.m. 2-3 p.m. 3-4 p.m. 4-5 p.m. early evening 5-6 p.m. evening 6-9 p.m. night

38 Lecţia 4. THE BUTTERFLY THE BUTTERFLY (Hans Christian Andersen) Motto: Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in the grass and glory in the flower. (William Wordsworth Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of EarlyChildhood) Fallen flower I see Returning to its branch Ah! a butterfly. (A. Moritake; Transl. G. Bownas and A. Thwaite) 37. Comment on the idea of TIME as suggested by the following story. 38

39 The butterfly was looking out for a bride, and naturally he wished to select a nice one among the flowers. He looked at them, sitting so quietly and discreetly upon their stems, as a damsel generally sits when she is not engaged; but there were so many to choose among, that it became quite a difficult matter. The butterfly did not relish encountering difficulties, so in his perplexity he flew to the daisy. She is called in France Marguerite. He knew that she could see into the future and that she did so often; for lovers plucked leaf after leaf from her, and with each a question was asked respecting the beloved: Is it true love?, From the heart?, Love that pines?, Cold love?, None at all? or some such questions. Everyone asks in his own language. The butterfly came too to put his questions; he did not, however, pluck off the leaves but kissed them all one by one, with the hope of getting a good answer. Sweet Marguerite Daisy, said he, you are the wisest wife among all the flowers; you know how to predict events. Tell me, shall I get this one or that? Or whom shall I get? When I know, I can fly straight to the fair one, and commence wooing her. But Marguerite would scarcely answer him; she was vexed at his calling her wife. He asked a second time, and he asked a third time, but he could not get a word out of her; so he would not take the trouble to ask any more, but flew away without further ado on his matrimonial errand. discreet discrete to encounter = to meet (with), face to relish = to enjoy, to like, to delight in to pluck = a rupe, a smulge, a trage, a scoate, a arunca, a jumuli o pasăre, a ciupi coardele, a culege fucte, a trânti la un examen to pine = a se ofili = a tânji Riddle: Why did the pine tree pine? Because it saw the weeping willow weep. to woo (and coo) = a face curte, a peţi ado = agitation, tumult, excitement, fuss Make up questions to be answered by the underlined words and expressions. Time markers: - when - a second time - Time expressions: - without further ado Plants: - daisy 39

40 It was in the early spring, and there were plenty of snowdrops and crocuses. They are very nice-looking, said the butterfly, charming little things, but somewhat too juvenile. He, like most very young men, preferred elder girls. Thereupon he flew to the anemones, but there were rather too bashful for him; the violets were too enthusiastic; the tulips were too fond of show; the jonquils were too plebeian; the linden tree blossoms were too small and they had too large a family connection; the apple blossoms were certainly as lovely as roses to look at, but they stood today and fell off tomorrow, as the wind blew. It would not be worth while to enter into wedlock for so short a time, he thought. The sweet-pea was the one that pleased him most; she was pink and white, she was pure and delicate, and belonged to the class of notable girls who always look well, yet can make themselves useful in the kitchen. He was on the point of making an offer to her when at that moment he observed a pea-pod hanging close by, with a withered flower at the end of it. Who is that? he asked. My sister, replied the sweet-pea. Indeed! then you will probably come to look like her, by-and-by, screamed the butterfly as he flew on. The honeysuckles hung over the hedge; they were extremely ladylike, but they had long faces and yellow complexions. They were not to his taste. But who was to his taste? Aye! ask him that. Time markers: - in the early spring - - snowdrop = ghiocel crocus = şofran thereupon = după care bashful = shy, timid jonquil = narcissus jonquilla plebeian= common, vulgar linden tree = tei wedlock = marriage sweet-pea = indruşaim, sângele voinicului pea = mazăre Riddle: What letter grows in the garden? Pea. pod = păstaie withered = ofilit honeysuckle = caprifoi hedge = arbust; gard viu complexion = ten; înfăţişare, aspect Read carefully the expressions in bold. Give other examples built on the pattern: too large (a family connection), fond of (show), for so (short) a (time). Provide synonyms and antonyms for the adjectives: bashful, enthusiastic, small, large. Make up questions to be answered by the underlined words and expressions. Time expressions: - Plants: - snowdrops

41 The spring had passed, the summer had passed, and autumn was passing too. The flowers were still clad in brilliant robes but, alas! the fresh fragrance of youth was gone. Fragrance was a great attraction to him, though no longer young himself, and there was none to be found among the dahlias and hollyhocks. clad = dressed hollyhocks = nalbă thyme = cimbru; lămâiţă So the butterfly stooped down to the wild thyme. She has scarcely any blossom, but she is altogether a flower herself, and all fragrance every leaflet is full of it. I will take her. So he began to woo forthwith. But the wild thyme stood stiff and still, and at length she said, Friendship, but nothing more! I am old, and you are old. We may very well live for each other, but marry no! Let us not make fools of ourselves in our old age! So the butterfly got no one. He had been too long on the lookout, and that one should not be. The butterfly became an old bachelor, as it is called. Make up questions to be answered by the underlined words and expressions. Time markers: - the spring Time expressions: - - Plants: - dahlias

42 It was late in the autumn, and there was nothing but drizzling rain and pouring rain; the wind blew coldly on the old willow trees till the leaves shivered and the branches cracked. It was not pleasant to fly about in summer clothing; this is the time, it is said, when domestic love is most needed. But the butterfly flew about no more. He had accidentally gone within doors, where there was fire in the stove - yes, real summer heat. He could live, but to live is not enough, said he; sunshine, freedom, and a little flower, one must have. drizzle = burniţă; ploaie mocănească window pane = ochi de geam to stick, stuck, stuck = a infige And he flew against the window pane, was observed, admired, and stuck upon a needle in a case of curiosities. ( ) Now I am sitting on a stem, like the flowers, said the butterfly; very pleasant it is not, however. It is almost like being married, one is tied so fast. And he tried to comfort himself with this reflection. That is poor comfort! exclaimed the plants in the flowerpots in the room. But one can hardly believe a plant in a flowerpot, thought the butterfly; they are too much among human beings. Make up questions to be answered by the underlined words and expressions. Time markers & expressions: - late in the autumn

43 The honeysuckles hung over the edge. TO HANG verb regulat: hang, hanged, hanged (a spânzura) He was hanged for first-degree murder. verb neregulat: hang, hung, hung (a atârna) Grandma hung her grandson s picture on the wall. 43

44 the apple blossoms were certainly as lovely as roses to look at, but they stood today and fell off tomorrow, as the wind blew. But the wild thyme stood stiff and still.....the president stands high in the public opinion offer still stands......i stand corrected / don t have to stand in line (AE) / a queue (BE) stand in somebody s make somebody s hair stand on end......he stands last on the stand s not unusual to stand somebody a glass of wine......but I m not going to stand by and see her hurt......i ll stand by you no matter what......what does this M stand for?... 44

45 Translate: De la ce vine RP? Detest oamenii care nu stau niciodată la rând. Nu mai suport aşteptarea. Când am auzit veştile, mi s-a făcut pur şi simplu părul măciucă. După cum stau lucrurile, situaţia nu se va îmbunătăţi prea curând. Degeaba te ridici în vârful picioarelor; n-ai cum să ajungi la tavan. Într-o asemenea situaţie trebuie neapărat să iei atitudine. The butterfly was looking out for a bride He looked at them, sitting so quietly and discreetly upon their stems They are very nice-looking, said the butterfly The apple blossoms were certainly as lovely as roses to look at Indeed! then you will probably come to look like her, by-and-by, screamed the butterfly as he flew on. 45

46 LOOK a privi, a se uita la; privire, uitătură etc. (termen general, neutru) He gave me an astonished look. Let me have a look at your eye! The new look is a fashion of the 50s. PEEP a trage cu ochiul; privire rapidă, vicleană His favourite occupation? Peeping through the keyhole. PEEK + in, out, at peep - SCAN to look at smth. intently and quickly - SPOT to notice, to catch sight of All of a sudden I spotted John in the crowd. GLARE to frown; to give a dirty look - GLANCE privire rapidă I saw at a glance that something was wrong. to cast a glance at to take a glance at to glance at smbd. s face to be worth a second glance a quick glance GLIMPSE GAZE STARE a zări ceva; a prinde din zbor; a vedea ceva foarte repede, neintenţionat a privi îndelung, cu interes sau cu admiraţie o privire fixă, insistentă, de cele mai multe ori neplăcută pentru cel privit; o impoliteţe din partea privitorului to catch / get a glimpse a dreamy, long gaze to gaze into the far distance to gaze at to stare at 46

47 38. Complete the following sentences inserting a suitable term of the above group of synonyms: what I ve got! He could at the sea for hours. They just him as he flashed past. They in open astonishment at the bloody scene. A quick was all I needed to reassure myself. What are you at? We ll have to take a good hard at the problem. I m not interested. I wouldn t give it a second. through the key-hole was his favourite occupation. Mother says she s forward to meeting you. The butterfly did not relish encountering difficulties, so in his perplexity he flew to the daisy. When I know, I can fly straight to the fair one, and commence wooing her. so he would not take the trouble to ask any more, but flew away without further ado on his matrimonial errand. Thereupon he flew to the anemones. Indeed! then you will probably come to look like her, by-and-by, screamed the butterfly as he flew on. But the butterfly flew about no more. And he flew against the window pane 47

48 But Marguerite would scarcely answer him She has scarcely any blossom, but she is altogether a flower herself... HARDLY / BARELY / SCARCELY He can hardly / barely speak. He so overcome by emotion. Hardly anyone writes to me those days. She lives in Spain, so we hardly ever see her. This is hardly the time or the place to discuss the matter. barely audible / visible / discernible / perceptible etc. HARDLY / BARELY / SCARCELY had he entered WHEN he heard the phone ringing. NO SOONER had he entered THAN he heard the phone ringing. The apple blossoms were certainly as lovely as roses to look at, but they stood today and fell off tomorrow, as the wind blew. She has scarcely any blossom, but she is altogether a flower herself, and all fragrance every leaflet is full of it. Bloom, blossom, flower = floare To bloom, to blossom, to flower, to flourish = a înflori DAR: (to) bloom: What kind of flowers bloom in early spring? The roses in my garden are in full bloom at this time of the year. bloom: orice fel de floare, dar mai ales cele ornamentale, plantate pentru frumuseţea sau exotismul lor. (to) blossom: My cherry-tree is in full blossom at present. The dog-roses are blossoming, have you noticed? blossom: se foloseşte mai ales în legătură cu florile pomilor fructiferi; uneori se foloseşte cu sens figurat; spre deosebire de bloom, blossom sugerează o etapă incipientă de dezvoltare a florii îmbobocirea mai mult decât floarea deschisă, ajunsă la maturitate. (to) flower: These shrubs / chrysanthemum / apple trees flower in late summer. flower: termen neutru, care le poate înlocui însă fără probleme atât pe bloom, cât şi pe blossom. (to) flourish: His business is flourishing. Drama flourished in O Neill s time in America. (to) flourish: a înflori (mai mult figurativ); a prospera,a se dezvolta, a-i merge bine, a avea succes. 48

49 39. Complete the following sentences inserting a suitable term of the above group of synonyms: Cacti... despite the damp climate. The... of Romania s youth has emigrated in the West. The dog rose early. How s your family?. These need careful watering. When do you expect these buds to? When he found her, Rose was in her full. 40. Fill in the table: Latin English Romanian Galanthus Nivalis zadă crabapple Lonicera Periclymenum at the Price of 1 Think of one word which can be used to complete the following three sentences: in queue would be commonsensical in this situation, don t you think? What does MDF for? His works will definitely the test of time. 42. ONCE UPON A TIME What day is today? Devise a calendar: This Day in History. YEAR EVENT 49

50 43. Write A HISTORY OF THE WOODS IN 10 ½ LINES... It s closing time!!! 50

51 bark 2 n. [U] the outer covering of a tree (inner bark outer bark) batten n. [C] a long narrow piece of wood that is attached to other pieces of wood or another building material to strengthen them and keep them in place beaver n. [C] a North American animal that has thick fur and a wide flat tail, and cuts down trees with its teeth beech n. [C/U] a large tree with smooth grey BARK, or the wood from this tree beetle n. [C] a round hard-backed black insect beetroot n. [C/U] BrE a plant with a round dark red rootthat you cook and eat as a vegetable birch n. [C/U] a tree with smooth BARK and thin branches, or the wood from this tree (the birch = the practice of hitting people with birch sticks as an official punishment) (silver birch) black walnut n. [C] Juglans nigra branch 1 n. [C] a part of a tree that grows out from the TRUNK and that has leaves, fruit, or smaller branches growing from it 51

52 Lecţia 5. GRAMMAR SECTION THE NOUN PHRASE Verb in the singular news: No news is good news. 52

53 information: Unfortunately, he was unable to provide much information. politics: Politics is talk. gymnastics: Gymnastics is one of the few fields in which the Romanians outshine many others. (BUT: The gymnastics are being held in the open.) measles: Measles is an infectious disease common in children. mumps: Mumps usually affects the neck. Unele substantive pot deveni numărabile, dar cu sensuri diferite pentru forma de plural. Altele sunt numărabile, dar forma de plural este polisemantică. Ex. AIR AIRS His speech was really like a breath of fresh air. Don t put on airs with me. BEAUTY BEAUTIES Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. Your sister looks like she ll grow up to be a beauty. CHEESE CHEESES Really now, you know I can t stand cheese. French cheeses are really appreciated around here. the same with WINES COFFEE COFFEES They consider coffee a drug. Two coffees (cups of coffee), please! COLOUR COLOURS What kind of colour is crimson? Australia s national colours to call to the colours = a chema sub drapel COMPASS COMPASSES A magnetic compass and a map are invaluable assets to a sailor. Where are the compasses? CUSTOM CUSTOMS He might be able to offer further information on local custom. Immigrants are usually stopped at customs and questioned. DAMAGE DAMAGES The damage is done. There s nothing you can do about it. They got two million dollars in damages. EFFECT EFFECTS If he wants to impress people at the party, I m afraid his outfit will be of little or no effect. His personal effects were taken by the widow. EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCES 53

54 Applicants for the job should have experience of working with computers. This is an experience I won t forget for as long as I live. FISH FISHES They never eat fish, unless there is an important holiday. The fishes felt more at ease in a larger bowl and swam happily to and fro. FORCE FORCES I didn t mean to hurt you, it was through force of habit. the Forces = (BE) the army / navy / air forces of a country GLASS GLASSES People who live in glass houses shouldn t throw stones. A: My grandfather lived to be ninety and never used glasses. B: Well, lots of people prefer to drink from the bottle. GOOD GOODS Going to AA would be for your own good. He s trying to get rid of those stolen goods. HAIR HAIRS Most men s ideal of beauty is a woman with long, fair hair. If I hate grandma s cat is because it leaves hairs all over the sofa. LOOK LOOKS Why don t we have a look around the village after lunch? She got her good looks from her mother. MANNER MANNERS By his manner of speaking, one could tell he was a Southerner. It s about time one taught you the good manners. OAK OAKS In the centre there was an old table made of oak. The oaks, pines and hemlocks sighed as they moved their branches. PAIN PAINS to be in pain; to relieve / ease the pain No gains without pains. I m at pains to explain what really happened. QUARTER QUARTERS It s a quarter past ten. He must be in front of the cathedral. At half past seven I ll pass by the servants quarters. SPECTACLE SPECTACLES You should wear your spectacles to enjoy better this exciting spectacle. WATER WATERS They prefer soda to mineral water. Still waters run deep. WOOD WOODS There was no wood left by the stove. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is a famous poem written by Robert Frost. WORK WORKS 54

55 If he's not at home, then he must be at work.. Looking after children can be hard work, you know. the works = the factory Verb in the plural Pluralia tantum proper: ashes: oseminte, rămăşiţe pământeşti, ruine; to burn to ashes = a preface în cenuşă, a arde din temelii to rise from one s ashes = a renaşte din cenuşă ATENŢIE! ash = frasin; scrum ash-tray = scrumieră Ash Wednesday = Miercurea Mare (a Paştelui) means: means of transport; a means to an end; by means of; by all means; by no means oats: fields of oats; horses eat oats. odds: the odds are in favour of / against smth. / smbd. The odds are that it will rain tomorrow. outskirts: on the outskirts of the town remains: They left the remains of the supper on the table. His remains are buried in Westminster. Substantivele collective au înţeles de plural dar formă de plural. Acordul cu verbul se face la singular sau la plural în funcţie de sens. Ex. the clergy = clerul the infantry = infanteria 55

56 family My family has / have always been close. poultry: The poultry have been fed. public: Give the public what they want / it wants. cattle: cattle rancher; 20/10 head of cattle people: one person many people; one people many peoples police: The police were severely injured during the rioting. vermin: Beggars are considered vermin by some people. To a farmer, foxes are vermin because they cause damage. Personal adjective heads sunt adjective substantivizate care, ca şi substantivele collective propriu-zise, au formă de singular dar se referă la un grup (de oameni). Unele substantive pot fi cuantificate cu ajutorul unor expresii partitive generale. Cele mai frecvente sunt: A PIECE OF (news, advice, information), AN ITEM OF (furniture), A BIT OF. 56

57 Alţi cuantificatori (expresii partitive specializate): B a bag of time (o groază de timp / timp berechet) a ball of wool (un ghem de lână) a bar of chocolate (o tabletă de ciocolată) a barrel of wine / beer (un butoi cu vin) a basket of fruit (un coş cu fructe) a blade of grass (un fir de iarbă) a bottle of milk (o sticlă de lapte) a bowl of soup (un castron cu supă) a box of chocolates (o cutie cu bomboane de ciocolată) a box of matches (o cutie de chibrituri) a breath of air (o pală / gură de aer) a bunch of keys (o legătură de chei) a bunch / bouquet of flowers (un buchet de flori) C a can of beer / fish (o cutie de bere / o conservă de peşte) a cloud of dust (un nor de praf) a clump of trees (un pâlc de copaci) a collection of coins / stamps (o colecţie de monede / timbre) a colony of ants (o colonie de furnici) a crew of sailors / pilots (un echipaj: marinari, piloţi etc.) a crop of fruit / apples / grapes (recoltă de fructe / mere / struguri etc.) a crowd / mass / multitude of people (o mulţime de oameni) a crumb of bread (o firimitură de pâine) a cup of coffee (o ceaşcă de cafea) D a drop of water / rain (un strop de apă / ploaie) F a flock of sheep / birds (o turmă de oi / un stol de păsări) G a gaggle of geese (un card de gâşte) a grain of rice (un bob de orez) a group of friends (un grup de prieteni) H a head of cabbage / lettuce (o căpăţână de varză / salată) a herd of cattle (o cireadă de vaci) a host of daffodils (un camp / o grămadă / spuzenie de narcise) 57

58 J a jar of jam (un borcan de gem) L a loaf of bread (o franzelă) a lock of hair (o şuviţă de păr) a lump of sugar (un bulgăre de zahăr) N a nest of wasps (un cuib de viespi) P a pack of cards (un pachet de cărţi) a pack of wolves (o haită de lupi) a pint of beer (pint = 0.57 (GB) / 0.47 (USA)) a pot of milk (o oală cu lapte) S a series of incidents (o serie de incidente) a set of cutlery (un set de tacâmuri) a slice of cake / lemon (o felie de tort / lămâie) a string of pearls / beads / islands (un şirag de perle / mărgele; un şir de insule) a stud of horses (o herghelie de cai) a suit of clothes (un costum de haine) a swarm of insects (un roi de insecte) T a team of researchers (o echipă de cercetători) a tube of toothpaste (un tub de pastă de dinţi) W a wink of sleep (un pui de somn) a word of abuse (o insultă) 58

59 Genitivul sintetic De cele mai multe ori, marca genitivul sintetic este S; uneori însă, apostroful singur (sau chiar lipsa acestuia) semnalează o relaţie genitivală între cuvinte. În general, se adaugă: apostrophe + S [ s] substantivelor comune care desemnează persoane, fiinţe (forma de singular) my daughter s car the student s book the engineer s tools substantivelor proprii (forma de singular) John s car Dr. Johnson s prescription substantivelor cu plural neregulat (forma de plural) the children s toys the women s hats apostrophe [ ] substantivelor comune care formează pluralul regulat (forma de plural) my daughters car substantivelor proprii (forma de plural) the Johnsons apartment substantivelor proprii care se termină în S, -X, -Z etc. (forma de singular) Dickens (dar şi: Dickens s) Burns (dar şi: Burns s) Brutus, Moses etc. unor substantive comune care se termină în [S] şi sunt urmate de cuvântul sake for goodness sake (dar şi: for goodness sake) 59

60 DAR: for Mary s sake; art for art s sake; for God s sake no apostrophe [] în cazul numelor de străzi, restaurante, magazine, fabrici, edituri, companii etc. St. James Road ( St. James (s) Road) Longmans ( Longman s) Harrods ( Harrods ) the boy s car [animat uman comun] Shakespeare s plays [animat uman propriu] the government s policy; the people s complaints [animat uman colectiv] the dog s food; the cat s fur; the spider s web; a bird s egg; cow s milk; the wolf s fangs [animat non-uman] DAR: chicken soup; calf skin (animalele sunt sacrificate şi folosite). my heart s desire a bird s eye view at arm s length Hawks will not pick hawk s eyes. by a hair s breadth [inanimat expresii, idiomuri, proverbe] a day s wait a month s delay a year s leave 60

61 a fortnight s vacation a moment s thought the hundred years war in a minute or so s time today s / yesterday s newspaper in two years time last year s edition a 10 minutes walk [inanimat diviziuni cronologice] a 3 tons lorry [inanimat pondere, greutate] a 5 dollars book [inanimat valoare, preţ, cost] at a stone s throw [inanimat diviziuni spaţiale] Europe s countries Romania s economy Bucharest s streets Moldavia s monasteries The Danube s Delta [inanimat nume geografice] COUNTRY, TOWN, CITY, RIVER the town s inhabitants; the river s banks the film s defenders life s joys liberty s voice [inanimat personificări] the Sun s rays / heat the Moon s surface the earth s water the ocean s roar [inanimat fenomene sau elemente naturale] Genitivul sintetic poate fi şi eliptic (sau independent). Este prezentă marca S şi posesorul, dar nu şi obiectul posedat. Don t take my book. Take somebody else s. Whose coat is this? Hellen s? No, my sister-in-law s. Tom s is the fastest car. His memory is like an elephant s. St. Paul s (St. Paul s Cathedral) Breakfast at Tiffany s. They met at Uncle Tom s. the hairdresser s the dressmaker s the greengrocer s the baker s the chemist s Marks and Spencers În unele titluri, nume de companii, nume de organizaţii (ex. the Students Association, the United Nations Organisation, sau în unele cuvinte compuse (ex. shepherd dog, sheepskin, student hostel, horse / pig tail), avem de a face cu genitivul sintetic implicit sau juxtapus. 61

62 Cazuri speciale: the group genitive (în cuvintele compuse, S se adaugă ultimului cuvânt, chiar dacă nu acesta este nucleul semantic) the father-in-law s an hour and a half s negotiation the day before s newspaper in a minute or so s time Elisabeth II s jewels the Editor-in-chief s decision 2 posesori 1 obiect / 2 posesori 2 sau mai multe obiecte Comparaţi: Jim and Sarah s parents (Jim şi Sarah sunt fraţi, sau Jim şi părinţii lui Sarah) Jim s and Sarah s parents (părinţii lui Jim şi părinţii lui Sarah Jim şi Sarah nu sunt fraţi) Genitivul analitic / prepoziţional Genitivul analitic exprimă: posesia ( the picture of my mother) apartenenţa ( the cover of the book the lid of the pot the trees of the forest) Atenţie! Comparaţi: a picture of my mother (o fotografie sau un tablou în care apare mama) a picture of my mother s (o fotografie sau un tablou care aparţin mamei sau care au fost realizate de aceasta) Un substantiv introdus printr-o relaţie genitivală analitica (-OF) poate fi: subiect logic: the love of her mother (her mother s love) obiect logic: the love of her mother (love FOR her mother) Genitivul analitic este preferat de următoarele cazuri: the streets of the town [substantive comune inanimate] the mother of Anne and Sarah [substantive proprii aflate în relaţie de coordonare] the fears of the poor [adjective substantivizate] the teachings of the wise the reign of Queen Elisabeth the First 62

63 the coat of the old man in the doorway the papers of the guests present the murder of Caesar the month of February Historical Plays of William Shakespeare The first of December is the Romanian National Holiday. He was a great supporter of Blair s. Genitivul dublu a picture of my mother (o fotografie sau un tablou în care apare mama) [genitivul simplu] a picture of my mother s (o fotografie sau un tablou care aparţin mamei sau care au fost realizate de aceasta) [genitivul dublu] a description of Sadoveanu (Sadoveanu este cel descris) [genitivul simplu] a description of Sadoveanu s (descrierea aparţine lui Sadoveanu) [genitivul dublu] the sister-in-law of my mother s cousin [genitivul dublu] Funcţii sintactice ale genitivului (după A. Chiriacescu, p ) Attributive genitive Subject of a gerund Predicative Adverbial of place Direct object Apposition possessive genitive Michael Sturdza s coat of arms my cat s fur subjunctive genitive the manager s approval (to approve) the passage of years (to pass) objective genitive a carrier s goods (to carry) the understanding of a text (to understand) expressive of dependence the door of my house expressing family relationship Mary s daughter the father of that man expressing authorship Byron s poems my partner s letters / paintings descriptive genitive a winter s day a feeling of happiness partitive genitive five of the students the best of my students genitive of gradation the dream of my dreams Anny s coming It s my brother s. at his aunt s to visit Mme Tussaud s the city of London the month of July 63

64 44. Form nouns by means of the following suffixes: a) gender suffixes: -ess; -ette; -ina; -ine; -a; -ix. b) diminutival suffixes: -ling; -let. c) adjectival suffixes: -age; -al;.ence; -ant; -ee; -er; -or; -dom; -hood; -ship; -ment; -ness; - ation; -ty; -ity. 45. Give nouns corresponding to the following: a) verbs (to appraise, to assist, to behave, to develop, to dine, to gossip, to inform, to know, to recognize, to solve) b) adjectives (childish, difficult, high, long, mossy, nation, northern, scientific, strong, superior, warm) 46. Before or After? Combine words in order to get compound nouns. 1 HORSE man - race - shoe 2 LAND father - lord - mark 3 MASTER card - head - piece - school 4 PAPER bag - money - news 5 SHOP book - window - work 6 TABLE cloth - tennis - time 7 WOOD fire - pecker - pile 64

65 47. Complete the table so as to form compound nouns: blue fir shop snow assistant ball bell berry cone lifting storm tree 48. What colour is suitable to form compounds with the following words: BELT, BIRD, BOARD, CURRANT, THORN? 49. Give more examples of compound nouns following the pattern: MAN-EATER GOAL-KEEPER SLEEP-WALKER STAMP-COLLECTOR 50. Complete the triangles: common masculine feminine??? sheep??? mare?????? spouse???????????? granddaughter 65

66 ?????? father??? brother?????? deer??? hen?????? 51. Give the plural of the following nouns: box, cliff, fish, foot, forget-me-not, goose, half, house, larva, ladybird, leaf, louse, monkey, ox, phenomenon, photo, piano, pine, potato, series, sister-in-law, spruce, story, swine, thief, tooth, tree, wife, wolf. 52. Turn the following sentences into plural. a) Where is the knife? b) There s no child in their family. c) Who s that person? 53. Fill in the boxes with either C (COUNTABLE) or U (UNCOUNTABLE): I simply can t live without chocolate! Taking part in this contest proved to be a wonderful experience. The information you gave me is wrong. The luggage is to heavy for me to lift. He s supposed to take the rubbish out. Will you put more wood on the fire? 54. Explain the difference between: ash brother custom effect glass pain part penny respect spirit ashes brothers / brethren customs effects glasses pains parts pennies / pence respects spirits 66

67 55. Match the nouns with the appropriate quantifier: a breath of a clump of a crumb of a cube of a dollop / jar of a drop of a flock of a hunk of a pinch of a rasher of a roll of a squeeze of a (few) sticks of a string of a swarm of a wad of banknotes bacon bees bread cattle / elephants / deer celery cheese dust jam lemon pearls salt sheep sugar toilet paper air 56. Fill in with the appropriate nouns: amateurs, bananas, books, cards, cement, cereal, chocolates, cigarettes, coal, dogs, firewood, grapes, laundry, laundry, matches, matches, nerves, potatoes, rogues, sticks, wood 67

68 68

69 57. Complete the following table: cards chocolate cigarettes cloth flats information lies snow soap truth wolves wool a ball of a bar of a block of a brand of a grain of a pack of a piece of a strand of X 58. Make up sentences with the following: a crumb of a crust of a loaf of a morsel of a piece of a slice of BREAD a ball of a cut of a joint of a loaf of a roast of a slice of a stone of MEAT a grain of COMFORT - CORN - HUMOUR - LOGIC - PEPPER - RICE - SAND - TRUTH 69

70 59. Match: an armful of a bucketful of two cupfuls of a glassful of a handful of a plateful of a roomful of a spoonful of coffee flowers / hay flowers / people / occasions people / furniture soup sand / water / bricks milk sugar / salt 60. Translate into English: un fir de bumbac - iarbă - lână - nisip - păr - praf o gură de aer curat / proaspăt - cremă un pui de - leu - somn 61. Transform following the model: the banks of the river the river-banks the coast of the sea... a disease of the heart... the level of the water... the peak of the mountain... a singer of opera... the staff of the company... a teacher of English... a writer of prose Translate into English: a) prin urechile acului; notari publici; buni de nimic; fier; fiare de călcat; dantelă; şireturi de la pantofi; cauciuc; galoşi; aplauze; gânsac; răţoi; vrăjitor; vrăjitoare; trântor; comisvoiajori; a arunca zarurile; oaze; odrasle; păsări de curte; două perechi de pantaloni; o stivă de lemne; un banc de peşti; o bandă de hoţi; un lanţ de munţi; un şir de trepte; un ciorchine de struguri; o flotă de vase; o echipă de muncitori; un mănunchi de nuiele; trecători; adulţii; în anii 60; poemele lui Eminescu şi ale lui Stănescu; ogarul lui John şi al lui Peter; plăcerile verii; patru perechi de boi; 60 de capete de vite; surdo-muţii; trei viţei; trei spiriduşi; o mulţime de păstrăvi; un hoţ de buzunare. 70

71 b) 1. Afacerile sunt afaceri. 2. În zilele noastre fructele proaspete şi netratate sunt adevărate trufandale. 3. Anul acesta a fost mult vânat. 4. Părul tău are nevoie de un tuns. Şi mai sunt şi firele albe Banii n-aduc fericirea. 6. Fructele nu sunt coapte încă. 7. Trifoiul este simbolul Irlandei. 8. Câte cafele ai comandat? 9. Nu-ţi dau un sfat, ci chiar două. 10. În zilele noastre, copiii au prea multe teme acasă. 11. Un arbust sete o plantă lemnoasă de dimensiuni mai mici decât un arbore. 12. Am două veşti pentru tine: una bună şi una rea. 13. Pojarul poate fi o boală primejdioasă, dar oreionul e chiar mai rău. 14. O busolă nu e la fel de bună ca un compas, dar e mai bună decât nimic. 15. Câte specii de brad cresc prin părţile astea? 16. M-a întrebat unde sunt bagajele mele. 17. Pentru asta am nevoie de un cleşte, un foarfece, un ciocan şi nişte cuie. 18. Înainte bărbaţii făceau trei ani armata. Trei ani e o grămadă de timp. 19. Am nevoie de nişte informaţii în legătură cu acest ocol silvic. 20. În această cameră este un singur articol de mobilă din lemn de stejar. 21. Mărfurile ar putea foarte bine să fie transportate cu trenul. 22. În afară de un pâlc de copaci, la periferia oraşului nu era pic de vegetaţie. 23. Bărbatul voia despăgubiri. 24. Ia-o pe-a lui Mary. 25. Acestea sunt rezultatele examenului de ieri. 26. După o odihnă de zece minute, urma a doua sesiune. 27. Casa prietenei surorii lui Nick este foarte spaţioasă. 28. Voi renaşte din cenuşă ca pasărea Phoenix. 29. Eşti amabil să ne aduci o scrumieră? 30. Cum ai putut să confunzi un frasin cu un tei? Era întuneric beznă. 31. Cei buni mor repede. 32. Locuitorii oraşului sunt foarte îngrijoraţi de sistarea energiei electrice. 33. Puiul de elephant cântăreşte peste 100 kg la naştere. 34. Economia României e încă la pământ. 35. În trei ani de zile voi fi terminat facultatea. 36. Lângă frasin e scrum sau cenuşă? 37. Câte specii de foioase cunoşti? 71

72 Lecţia 6. METAPHOR: HUMAN = PLANT (după A. Goatly, p. 43) Kinds of humans = kinds of plants 63. Read the following text and pay attention to the underlined words. Fill in the dotted lines to make up a story. 72

73 Family Tree My roots run deep in the region.... Violet (my father s sister, a real gooseberry) succeeded in planting the seeds of doubt in my mother s mind about my father s hidden agenda.... Of course, when marrying my mother, my father actually had to marry her entire family which consisted of: 1. one piece grumpy old father-in-law (a real lemon who used to drive my father nuts) 2. one piece queer brother-in-law (as I found out later on, he was the pansy of the family) 3. one piece sister in-law (dedicated wallflower)... You should meet my sister Fleur sometimes: she s a real peach.... As for me, I m not planting cucumbers but trying (couch) potatoes. Read the following entries. Student A explains to Student B what a CABBAGE is; also a WALLFLOWER, a LEMON and a GOOSEBERRY. Student B mimes for Student A a COUCH POTATO and a PANSY. CABBAGE a large round vegetable with thick green or purple leaves: varză someone who cannot think, move or speak as a result of a brain injury (also VEGETABLE): [ legumă ] someone who is stupid / careless / indifferent COUCH POTATO someone who spends a lot of time sitting and watching TV GOOSEBERRY a small round green fruit that grows in a bush and has a sour taste: agrişă someone who hinders two people who are having a romantic relationship and who want to be alone together LEMON a fruit with hard yellow skin and sour juice: lămâie something useless: eşec / lucru nefolositor a silly / obnoxious person: nesuferit something that does not function properly (ex. a car: hârb ) PANSY a small garden plant with brightly coloured flowers: panseluţă an offensive word for a man who seems weak and too much like a woman: tânăr efeminat PEACH a round juicy fruit that has a soft yellow or red skin and a large, hard seed in the centre: piersică someone that you think is very good in a way or another: frumuseţe, odor, bomboană WALLFLOWER a sweet-smelling garden plant with yellow and red flowers: mixandră, plantă agăţătoare 73

74 someone at a party, dance etc. who is not asked to dance or take part in the activities WEED a wild plant growing where it is not wanted that prevents crops or garden flowers from growing properly: buruiană someone who is weak or lean WILLOWY like a willow (salcie): cu sălcii, umbrit de sălcii tall, thin, graceful: zvelt, mlădios, subţire ca o trestie Parts of humans = parts of plants the flower of smth. They were killed in the flower of their youth. root = rădăcină (plants / hair / tooth) tendril a thin leafless curling stem by which a climbing plant fastens itself to a Support: cârcel, lujer a thin curling piece of hair: cârlionţ, zuluf tuft = a bunch of hair / grass / feathers held closely together at their base Qualities of humans = qualities of plants BARREN a tree or plant that is barren produces no fruit or seeds a barren woman is unable to have babies also: barren soil / land BUSHY plants with a lot of branches and leaves are bushy... hair DEAD WOOD branches of a tree that are no longer alive people within an organisation / group who are no longer useful or needed GNARLED a gnarled tree or branch is rough and twisted with hard lumps gnarled fingers / hands are twisted, rough, difficult to move (especially because they are old) GREEN young plant, not ripe: crud, tânăr, necopt, verde young, immature, inexperienced person greens: (noun) vegetables with large green leaves Eat your greens! to have green fingers (BE) / to have a green thumb (AE) = to be good at making plants grow; to be a good gardener LUXURIANT vegetation 74

75 hair RIPE ripe fruit or crops are fully grown and ready to eat: copt mature: în vârstă, copt la minte, cu scaun la cap also MELLOW: copt, potolit, cuminţit, moale, tandru, simpatic, binevoitor (mellowness = pârg) SEASONED timber; also: seasoned food a seasoned performer / campaigner / traveller / observer is an experienced one Realising human potential = flowering / flourishing bloom blossom efflorescence to flourish budding = înmugurire a budding artist / actor / writer = un artist / actor / scriitor la început de carieră a budding romance = a romance beginning to develop Acting on humans = acting on plants to fell More than 100 trees were felled this week. The goalkeeper was felled by the ball thrown from the other side of the field. a) to plant There s an entire hillside planted with fir-trees down here. The Police planted undercover detectives everywhere. b) to transplant Perhaps transplanting the sapling would save it. Transplanting bone marrow might save his life. to trim (grass / trees / hedge / hair) The lawn / hegde needs trimming. He has his hair trimmed every month or so. to uproot Uprooting can be a very damaging operation for a young tree. The idea of uprooting himself and moving to another country was quite upsetting. HUMANS AND PLANTS to be the apple of somebody s eye = a fi lumina ochilor cuiva to beat about / around the bush = a bate apa în piuă 75

76 to be at the top of the tree = a fi în vârful piramidei / ierarhiei sociale deep-rooted beliefs = convingeri bine înrădăcinate family tree = arbore genealogic to go to the root of the matter = a merge până în miezul problemei to nettle somebody = a urzica pe cineva (propriu + figurat) to nip in the bud = a înăbuşi în faşă nursery = pepinieră (also: creşă, maternitate, camera copiilor) plant = plantă / fabrică, uzină [propriu] = a person secretly put somewhere to find information = an idea is also like a plant a fruitful / fertile idea A new idea grew in her mind. Where does thid idea stem from? He planted the idea in their minds. And the idea germinated. the primrose path / way = calea plăcerilor / a desfătării root and branch = din rădăcină a root and branch reform of the system rooted to the spot = mort de frică to sow the seeds of doubt = a semăna îndoială to be a thorn in one s side / flesh = a fi un ghimpe în imima cuiva a thorny problem = o problemă spinoasă to be up a tree = a fi în pom to win / gain laurels = a fi încununat cu lauri a plum job = sinecură; slujbă dorită de mulţi to be full of beans = a fi foarte energic sau nerăbdător not to have a bean = a nu avea deloc bani; a fi falit to be as like as two peas / like two peas in a pod = a semăna foarte bine A new crop of students entered the classroom. 76

77 Match the two columns: look alike be broke tireless dry branches waffle feathered nest deadwood beat about / around the bush like two peas in a pod plum job full of beans not have a bean at the Price of 1 Think of one word which can be used to complete the following three sentences: Last night, the... of the hospital filled with new-born babies. Her grandchildren usually play in the... A... is a place where plants and trees are grown and sold. Lecţia 7. CONIFEROUS VERSUS DECIDUOUS 65. a) Study the following table. b) Find other comparisons of your own. c) Transform the particular characteristics (chs) into generalities (ex. coniferous vs. deciduous). d) Give other examples of coniferous and deciduous trees. HORNBEAM (Carpinus Betulus) Leaf chs Fruit Bark Other chs chs chs broad flat simple not lobed fine doubly toothed base symmetrical oval narrows toward tip 3 x or 2 x as long as wide winged elongated nutlet at base of 3- lobed winglike sac blue-gray smooth TRUNK (deeply rippled, like sinewy muscles) WOOD (hard, tough, used in making tool handles and small wooden articles, decays rapidly when in contact with soil) BUDS (imbricate, with many scales, angled) FLOWERS (monoecious, borne in catkins) Leaf chs needlelike needles in clusters of 2 less than 3 inches long bluegreen PINE (Pinus Sylvestris) Fruit Bark Others chs chs chs scaly cone or cone-like cone greater than one inch long less than 4 inches long cone dry and hard thick scales scales without spines bright orangered becomes darker and very rough on the lower trunk of older trees very tolerant of soil conditions, moisture and extremes of weather HEIGHT (40m) AGE ( years) WOOD (used for outdoors, fencing, joinery, buliding, flooring, box and packing case) 77

78 66. PINE, SPRUCE OR FIR? Which is which? Long needles in groups of 2, 3 (hard species) or 5 (soft species). At a certain age, the tree ceases to increase in height. Long, often cone-shaped crowns. Straight trunks. Thin, scaly bark. Slender, often drooping lower branches. Shallow root system. Short, stiff, sharppointed needle-like leaves. Tall, straight trunks. Thin, scaly bark. Slender, regularly whorled branches. Needle-like leaves flattened in cross-section and spirally arranged on the twigs. After the leaves are shed, the smooth twigs are marked with tiny, circular, leaf scars. a) Make a list of terms related to sylviculture (written above in italics) and arrange them according to your own criteria. b) Arrange the adjectives written in bold in synonymic and antonymic couples. 67. Latin English Romanian shepherd s purse Carpinus Betulus hemlock ferigă 78

79 larch n. [C/U] a tree that looks like a pine tree but drops its leaves in winter lath n. [C] a long flat narrow piece of wood used in buliding to support plaster lily n. [C] one of several tzpes of plant with large bell-shaped flowers of various colours, especially white limb 4 n. [C] a large branch of a tree lime n. [C] a tree with pleasant smelling yellow flowers, which produces small juicy green fruits (white lime) linden n. [C] LIME log n. [C] a thick piece of wood from a tree logcabin n. [C] a small house made of logs logger n. [C] someone whose job is to cut down trees (logger = lumberjack) lumber n. [U] pieces of wood used for building (lumber = timber) lychee, litchi n. [C] a small round fruit with a rough pink-brown shell outside and sweet white flesh inside 79

80 Lecţia 8. GRAMMAR SECTION (CONCEPTS EXPRESSED BY MODAL AND RELATED VERBS) Verbe modale: CAN & COULD, WILL & WOULD, MAY & MIGHT, SHALL & SHOULD, MUST. Verbele modale sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt (se folosesc fără particula TO). CAN: I bet he can fell that huge oak all by himself. COULD: He couldn t have committed the murder as he was in Connecticut at the time. Verbele modale au o singură formă, ceea ce înseamnă că nu sunt niciodată urmate de terminaţii precum: -S (care se adaugă la persoana a treia singular la prezentul simplu), -ED (care se adaugă verbelor regulate la timpul trecut past tense simple), sau ING (desinenţă de participiu prezent). MAY: Take your raincoat; it may rain. MIGHT: Grandpa might come by the night train. Negativul şi interogativul se formează, în cazul modalelor, prin inversiune (la fel ca în cazul verbului BE) WILL: Will you close the door, please? WOULD: I would not do that, if I were you. The engine wouldn t start. Won t you stay a little longer? (neg+interog.) Verbele modale exprimă atitudinea sau sentimentele vorbitorului vizavi de o anumită situaţie, arătând: necesitatea, probabilitatea, posibilitatea, interdicţia, concesia, hotărârea, insistenţa, refuzul, sfatul, indiferenţa etc. SHALL: Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not steal. SHOULD: Rainforests should be preserved at all costs. Unul şi acelaşi verb modal poate fi folosit cu sensuri diferite care se deduc numai din context: MUST: You must not look a gift horse in the mouth. She must have got home by now. Aria tematică a verbelor modale fiind atât de largă, vom reconstrui traseul invers nu pornind de la verb către posibilele sale întrebuinţări şi semnificaţii, ci de la un concept anume (ex. probabilitate, necesitate, ofertă etc.) către rădăcinile sale modale. Comparaţi: He can t do that. 80

81 He can t have done that. You shouldn t do that. You shouldn t have done that. He may do that. He may have done that.. ABILITY (abilitate, capacitate) Modal Present: Modal + Vb. (infinitive) Modal Perfect: Modal + HAVE + 3rd form a) la timpul prezent b) la timpul trecut CAN / CANNOT (CAN T) He can speak English fluently. (mental ability) He can swim very well. (physical ability) I can t see anything because of this thick fog. (ability depending on circumstances) COULD / COULD NOT (COULDN T) (în vorbirea indirectă sau în condiţionale de tipul II) He says he can fell the oak all by himself. He said he could fell the oak all by himself. I would build myself a chalet if I could. COULD / COULD NOT (COULDN T) (atunci când se face referire la o abilitate generală, permanentă, în trecut) My uncle could speak Russian very fluently when in the flower of youth. I could swim very well when I was a teen-ager. WAS / WERE ABLE TO MANAGED TO (atunci când se face referire la o anumită acţiune sau situaţie din trecut) I managed to understand everything he tried to tell me, in spite of the bad line. No matter how hard I tried, I wasn t able to uncork the bottle of champagne all by myself. COULD / COULD NOT (COULDN T) + verbs of the senses (chiar atunci când se face referire la o anumită acţiune din trecut) I could smell something burning. I could hear someone was playing the piano downstairs. COULD + HAVE + 3rd form (în condiţionale de tipul III) We could have got there in time if we hadn t missed the train. Celelalte forme ale lui CAN (de exemplu viitorul sau prezentul perfect) pot fi suplinite de formele corespunzătoare ale lui BE ABLE TO: I haven t been able to get in touch with him. I won t be able to read the entire course by tomorrow. He said he had been able to fix the engine. 81

82 68. Fill in the blanks with CAN / CAN T, using the following prompts: drive a car; to do the split; climb up a tree; knit; cook; swim. My brother can..., but I can t... Grandma can..., but I can t... He s such a strong young lad; he can..., but I can t... I can... I bet you can t. Judging by the way that omelette looks, it s obvious she can t... Only I have a licence, so I m the only one who can Choose CAN, CAN T, COULD, COULDN T or BE ABLE TO: As far as I... remember, he came back later than usual. Watch this; I... do a wheelie. I m afraid I... help you at the moment. Having recovered from his injury, he... to drive again. If the snow carries on like that, no one... to get to the Town s Hall in time. I... hear his footsteps downstairs but dared not move. He told me he... see anything through the keyhole. POSSIBILITY (posibilitatea) a) present / future time b) past time CAN (neg+interr.) It can t be true. Can it be true? CAN / COULD What can / could she mean by that? Could the news be true? MAY Take your umbrella; it may rain. The guests may arrive by the morning train. MIGHT (un grad de probabilitate mai redus decât cel sugerat de MAY; nesiguranţă) The guests might arrive by the morning train. COULD / COULDN T + HAVE + 3rd form I could ve booked an earlier flight, had I realized the haste. CANNOT + HAVE + 3rd form He cannot have said such a terrible thing to his own mother. MAY / MIGHT + HAVE + 3rd form She may / might have been ill. 82

83 70. Rephrase: I don t believe they extorted your aunt. They can t.... Is it possible that he escape from prison? Can...? He is too nice a guy to have said such a thing. He can t.... They say grandma will arrive tomorrow morning, but they re not very sure. Grandma might.... I wonder if they brought the blue suit. Could...? PROBABILITY, LIKELIHOOD (probabilitatea) a) present / future time 100% sure / probable = certainty; something evident WILL / WON T That will be the postman! % sure / probable = logical deduction; almost certain MUST / CAN T He must be retired by now. He must be studying for his exams. Her car is in front. She can t be in a meeting % sure / probable = expectation SHOULD / OUGHT TO SHOULDN T / OUGHTN T TO BE LIKELY TO / BE UNLIKELY TO The doctor says you should be fine by tomorrow. 0-70% sure / probable = uncertainty MAY / MIGHT The weather might change by tonight. It s lunch break / time. He may not be in his office. b) past time WILL / WON T + HAVE + 3rd form You ll have heard the bad news. (presupunerea vorbitorului) SHOULD / OUGHT TO + HAVE + 3rd form He should have arrived by now. MUST / MAY / MIGHT / CAN / COULD + 3rd form He must / may / might have arrived by now. He can t / couldn t have heard the news. 71. Provide some contexts that could be answered by: 83 There must be some mistake.

84 You must be kidding. They must have got married. They must ve missed the train. She must be very worried. 72. Match each sentence (1-6) with its meaning (a-f). He must have graduated by now. He will have graduated by now. He should have graduated by now. He can t have graduated yet. He might have graduated by now. a)100% sure (probability of him having graduated) b) % sure c) 70-80% sure d) 40-60% sure e) 0% sure PERMISSION vs. PROHIBITION (permisiune vs. interdicţie) PERMISSION CAN; COULD; MAY; MIGHT (scala politeţii în această ordine) May I borrow your umbrella? Yes, you may. PROHIBITION MUST NOT You mustn t talk about politics if they invite you to dinner. You must not walk on the grass. 84

85 Might I use your phone? Yes, if you must. Can I speak to you for a moment? In private, if possible. He asked if he might open the window. Alte modalităţi de a cere permisiunea: prin întrebări indirecte: Is it all right if I change the sheets? I wonder if I could get my money back. prin condiţionale: Do you mind if I smoke? Actually, I d rather you didn t. Would you mind if I close the door? Not at all. prin BE ALLOWED TO, BE PERMITTED TO: No dogs are allowed to enter this exhibition. Will you be permitted to enter the exam, given the circumstances? MAY NOT One may not travel abroad more than five times a year. CANNOT You cannot play football in my courtyard. SHOULD NOT / OUGHT NOT TO One should not tell lies. If you want to lose some weight, you ought not to eat between meals. SHALL NOT You shall not get out of the house without my permission. AM / IS / ARE NOT TO You are not to make physical effort. Alte modalităţi de a exprima prohibiţia: DO NOT: Don t go anywhere! NO+ing: No smoking! No parking! NOT TO BE ALLOWED / PERMITTED TO: You are not allowed / permitted to leave the country. 73. One may: smoke (in smoking areas) One must not: smoke in the street 85

86 1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy 2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. 3. No animal shall wear clothes. 4. No animal shall sleep in a bed. 5. No animal shall drink alcohol. 6. No animal shall kill another animal. 7. All animals are equal. (The 7 Commandments Animal farm, George Orwell) NECESSITY (OBLIGATION) vs. NO NECESSITY MUST I must work on weekends, too. Must I wash the dishes? HAVE TO / HAVE GOT TO I had to check on the kids. I had to prune those apple-trees in the backyard. I will have to change the ticket. The project has got to be done by tomorrow. NEED Need you always drive so fast? Do you always need to drive so fast? You needn t wash the dishes this time. I needn t buy apples / I don t need to buy apples; I can see there is a bowl full of fruit. I needn t have brought apples / I didn t need to have bought apples; if only I had seen that bowl full of fruit! SHOULD / OUGHT TO You ought to be more careful when you drive. You should help him; after all, he s your friend! Alte modalităţi de exprimare a necesităţii: AM / ARE / IS TO We are to meet at six in front of the University. SHALL (persoana a doua sau a treia: ordine sau documente legale) All shall perish. Th defendant shall pay damages to Mr. White. 74. Rephrase: It s not necessary to lock the door just now. You needn t.... Don t cut the sprouts unless they are damaged by frost. You needn t.... You don t have to return the book till next week. You needn t

87 It was not necessary for me to hurry. I needn t.... I took more money than I really needed when I went shopping at the Mall. I needn t.... OFFERS AND INVITATIONS Shall I fetch you a glass of wine? I ll bring you a cup of sparkling water instead. Would you like me to wait for you at the airport? Won t you stay a little longer? Let me help you. 75. Match the following: making a request giving an order offering help offering smth. making an invitation asking for permission Would you like to come with me for a glass of sparkling water? Do you mind if I help myself to some fresh water? Get me some water! Could you get me some water? Shall I get you a glass of water? Would you like me to help you uncork a bottle of sparkling water? ADVICE AND SUGGESTIONS SHOULD: I think you should prove to him you re a real friend. SHALL: Shall we have a break now? Alte modalităţi: Let s go to cinema this afternoon! What / how about going to the cinema this afternoon? Couldn t we go to the cinema instead? Why don t we go to the cinema instead? Why not leave earlier and go to the cinema? You d better go see a doctor at once. 76. Complete the following sentences with SHOULD / OUGHT TO + infinitive or SHOULD / OUGHT TO + HAVE + 3rd form, using one of these verbs: DOUBLE- CHECK, LISTEN, PRUNE, REFRIGERATE, SWEEP. According to the label, this peanut butter... after opening. You... to my advice and you would now be completely over it. These apple-trees... by now. Somebody... the floor before the guests arrival. 87

88 A good spy... the information before he makes it public. 77. Imagine conversation over the phone to: make an appointment leave a message buy an aeroplane ticket book a hotel room order a catalogue... Use the following prompts: answer the phone / come to the phone The phone has gone dead. I ll put you through. The phone is ringing. lift / pick up the receiver dial the (international code) number look the no. up in the directory The line / no. is busy / engaged. long distance call / local call Do you have a private line telephone? Hold the line, please! The phone is out of order. I ll ring / call back. 88

89 extension telephone telephone exchange phone / call box (BE) / booth (AE) Shall I give / convey him a message? The line is free / clear. You are wanted on the phone. I probably got the wrong no. Who is (that) speaking? Mary speaking. on / off the phone mobile phone (BE) cell / cellular phone /AE) Hello? Anybody there? Maintenance Department call services 89

90 He s on another line. to dial the no. ############## the line was disconnected by / over the phone Who s speaking, please? / May I tell him who s calling? %%%%%%%%% This is she. %%%%%%%%%%% I m calling on behalf of... drop / press / put the coin in the slot hang up the receiver Enquiries He won t be back until tomorrow, I m afraid. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& You can reach him on his mobile. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& I ll make sure he gets the message. / Yes, certainly, I ll pass on your message. Could you tell him Susan Bryant rang? What time can I call her back? Can I take a message? 90

91 78. When you should make a phone call (mobile) Tick permitted or recommended or forbidden and then use an appropriate modal to describe the situation. location / situation permitted not recommended forbidden modal street market hotelroom office X One may use his mobile when in an office. park mountains beach restaurant bar reception business reunion X One should avoid speaking during a business reunion. at home, with guests audience visit car plane theatre / concert / cinema conference lecture hall during courses church job interview WILLINGNESS AND DETERMINATION (voinţă şi hotărâre) WILL I will do as I like. I ll have the roast chicken and a salad. I will never speak to him again. WOULD He would practise for hours on end only to get that prize. Would you care to dance with me? 91

92 79. Write a list of things your friend / colleague / partner / spouse does and you hate. Ex. He / she will leave the door open / unlocked when he / she goes out. She will speak on the phone for hours on end. HABIT (obicei(uri)) WILL (obicei încă actual) He will gaze at the stars for hours. She will take about her children for hours on end. WOULD (tendinţă sau obicei din trecut) He would wake up early, feed the poultry and then walk all the way to his office. Grandpa would take him in his lap and start telling stories with ducklings and storklings. USED TO (nu se foloseşte cu indicatori temporali foarte precişi; se deduce cu aproximaţie perioada din context) He used to work in a nursery. My colleagues used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day. (obişnuiau să fumeze; fumau) Comparaţi: In 1980 / in the 1990s / between , I worked in forestry. When I was young, I used to work in a ranger-district. 80. Fill in with WILL, WOULD or USED TO: The region known as Bammas... be called Protteo. As a child, I... wander through the woods for hours. When the weather was good, we... go on a trip in the mountains just about every other weekend. Our great-grandfather... work in the fields. He... play games on the computer for hours. COURAGE, IMPUDENCE (curaj, îndrăzneală) DARE How dare you lie to me about such an important matter! I daren t (don t dare) disturb the Professor during the lecture. You are tired, I daresay. (probabil; se pare; îndrăznesc să spun) 81. Translate into English: Nu îndrăznesc să-i spun adevărul pentru că mă tem de reacţia ei. Cum îndrăzneşti să-mi ascunzi un lucru aşa de important? Te provoc să-mi spui adevărul gol-goluţ. 92

93 Lecţia 9. OTHER CONCEPTS EXPRESSED BY MODAL VERBS 1. INSISTENCY, REFUSAL WILL / WOULD Men will be men. Accidents will happen. He will have his own way. Now, that s something she would say. WON T / WOULDN T I won t accept that. This door simply wouldn t open. The wound wouldn t heal. Hard as I tried, he wouldn t listen to what I had to say. The neighbour s dog won t stop barking. 2. PAST CRITICISM SHOULD / SHOULDN T / OUGHT TO+HAVE+3rd form You shouldn t have spent all the money he gave you on trifles. 3. REPROACH 4. PROMISES & THREATS 5. CONCESSION 6.SURPRISE, JOY, INDIGNATION, DISAPPOINTMENT 7. INDIFFERENCE 8. PREFERENCE You ought to have mentioned that to him. MIGHT (present) You might pay attention to what I m trying to say here. MIGHT + HAVE + 3rd form (past) You might have helped me to mend the car. WILL (1st person) I ll pay you back as soon as I can. I ll sue you if you ever do that again. SHALL (2nd & 3rd person) You shall be informed in due time. They shall be severely punished for what they did. MAY / MIGHT It may be May, but it s terribly cold in this part of the country. Try as I may / might, I could not open the can. WILL / WOULD Try / say what you will, you won t make it. SHOULD How should I know? (indignation) I wonder why he should be so angry with me. (surprise) MAY / MIGHT as well We might as well start working now. MAY / MIGHT as well + HAVE + 3rd form He might as well have quit smoking. WOULD RATHER / SOONER I d rather be a forest than a street. I would rather have left the country. HAD BETTER / BEST You d better come quickly. You d better have resigned. 9. PURPOSE so that + WILL / WOULD / CAN / COULD / MAY / MIGHT / SHALL / SHOULD I m lighting the fire so that the room will be warm. 10. HOPE hope / trust + MAY / MIGHT / WILL / WOULD I hope you may / will soon recover from your illness. He trusted I might / would soon recover. 93

94 82. BUT I DIDN T (Frank Flynn) When I got out of bed this morning I might have tripped and fallen down The stairs, breaking my neck as I did so But I didn t. Going to school The bus might have crashed In the morning rain But it didn t. There might have bee an earthquake Causing the school to collapse But there wasn t. Make your own with SHOULD. 83. Replace BE SUPPOSED TO with other modal verbs you consider suitable: The oak is supposed to blossom in May. Nettles are supposed to cure a great many ailments. Foxglove is supposed to contain a cardiovascular drug. Drinking hot milk before you go to bed is supposed to help you sleep well. A black cat walking in front of you is supposed to bring you bad luck. Walking under a ladder is supposed to be unlucky. 13 is supposed to be a major source of bad luck. Touching wood is supposed to protect you from evil spirits. 84. Translate the following sentences: 1. When the trees on the alley are all cut down, something of great value will have been lost. 2. A cup of coffee will do. 3. Could I have your attention, please? 4. All the citizens of Romania must comply with the laws as derived from the ratified Constitution. 5. You can t be serious! 6. Must you always quarrel with each other? 7. Can you blame her? 8. May you live long! 9. You must visit us soon. It would be so nice to see you again! 10. I can t help laughing when I hear him singing. 11. It can t be easy living your life in a wheel-chair. 85. SHOULD or MUST? You... be mad if you imagine I m going to lend you any more money. If you smell gas, you... call the emergency number. 94

95 I... visit my parents more often. I... read the entire report in order to make an accurate analysis. 86. MUST or HAVE TO? Dozing Off Next to Sleeping Beauty I always sleep through the alarm clock. My mum... wake me up every morning. What do I... do in order to combat oversleeping? You walk up and down the hall almost every night; you... be a sleep-walker or something! She... take sleeping pills from time to time; it s the doctor s orders! I can t come right now; I... put the baby to sleep. You... do something about her nervous breakdown; she does nothing but cry herself to sleep. I keep talking in my sleep. I... under a lot of stress. Treating sleeping disorders... be difficult. 87. Underline the correct modal: There s someone at the door. It might / could / must be the postman. Take a look at the skies! I think it can / might / must rain. That can / may / might not be Robert. He s away at a conference. You must / should / have to call the doctor as soon as another fit of cough appears. 88. Speculate on what might have happened to you by the end of next year. Use: may / might / could possibly + have + 3rd form 89. Match 1-13 with their uses of CAN (a-m): 1. She can speak several foreign languages. a) chance 2. I can change my car anytime. b) competence 3. The President doesn t seem like a man who can manipulate c) doubt the media. 4. My boss can be very boring, but he can behave with the d) freedom of will ladies. 5. We can beard the lion in his den. e) mental ability 6. It can be a bacterial infection. f) permission 7. I can remember almost every detail of our encounter. g) possibility 8. All our dreams can come true. h) power 9. You can blow the candles on your birthday cake now. i) presupposition 10. The doctor can see you now. j) skill 11. Can it be true? k)strong recommendation 95

96 12. Do not worry. You can always make it up to them. l) suggestion 13. You can forget about me. m) talents 90. Use WON T / WOULDN T for the following things which refuse to work properly: knife nuts window door computer tape-recorder cut crack open close print play 91. Make up senences with modal verbs ability (past time): to climb a advice (past time): to change the necessity (past time): to dig a permision (future time): to ride a probability (present time): to get broken / worn prohibition (present time): to use smbd. s reproach (past time): to warn smbd. about smth. 92. Rephrase: 1. It s possible that I ll see you tomorrow, but I m not sure. I I suppose you are the new forest ranger. How do you do? You They didn t do it. It is simply impossible. They Perhaps she suffers from amnesia. She I advise you to reconsider your hasty decision. You It would have been better for you not to resign. You I doubt he bought the entire building. He There is a slight chance that the snow will stop soon. The snow Paying cash isn t necessary in this supermarket. One I don t think she really forgot about it. She It was not necessary for you to say that. You If you ask me, it s highly probable he did it on purpose. He... 96

97 13. I m quite sure they forgot to buy bread. They There is a chance for you to find her in the attic, but I rather doubt it. You It is forbidden to use cribs during the exam. Cribs My parents worried too much about me when I was a young girl. My parents I m sure it wasn t John you saw in the park. You I d prefer you to leave earlier. I d rather It s time she told him the truth. She d May I borrow your umbrella? Am I allowed He prefers playing football to watching TV. He d I prefer going on a trip in the mountains instead. I d His leaving earlier would please me more. I d Maybe he has had an accident. He may well Why didn t you make this decision earlier? You Translate into English: 1 Să scriu lucrarea pe curat? 2 N-aş fi în stare să mint într-o asemenea situaţie. 3 Nu vom putea veni săptămâna viitoare. 4 Poţi să iei cartea mea. 5 Au spus că nu puteţi intra în această clădire. 6 Să nu furi! 7 Trebuie să plec. 8 Nu era nevoie să ne aşteptaţi. 9 Ce spuneţi dumneavoastră nu poate fi adevărat. 10 S-ar putea ca ei să fi plecat. 11 Această piersică nu se decojeşte. 12 Cu siguranţă că doarme. 13 Voi face cum am eu chef. 14 Vrei să înciu uşa, te rog? 15 De unde să ştiu eu? 16 Oricât de mult aş încerca, nu reuşesc să îi înţeleg decizia. 17 N-o să accept să-mi vorbeşti aşa. 18 Mai degrabă aş muri decât să cedez. 97

98 19 Va trebui să te laşi de fumat dacă vrei să apuci vârsta bunicului tău. 20 Chiar trebuie să ne întâlnim la 5 dimineaţa? Lecţia 10. ACTIONS AND REACTIONS deed act ACTION operation business lawsuit achievement motion work activity reply answer feedback REACTION response backlash behaviour opposition TO ACT - ACTION Pip acted as if he was better than the rest. caught in the act to act as a catalyst an act of violence / generosity The government must take action to stop poaching affairs. The sooner you put your ideas into action, the better. All military actions are supposed to be top secret. There are all the necessary conditions for him to take legal action against you. New York is where the action is! Actions speak louder than words! ACTION! TO REACT REACTION There were mixed reactions to the mayor s resignation. People reacted to the speech in different ways. The calcium reacts with sulphur in the atmosphere. The child reacts badly to antibiotics. My first reaction was to deny everything. Smith is a skilled driver with quick reactions. A chain reaction is a nuclear reaction or a chemical reaction which causes more reactions of the same kind. She had a severe allergic reaction to the drug. the forces of reaction ACTION: TO DO / MAKE = TO PUT (A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF) EFFORT INTO DOING SMTH. METAPHOR: PUTTING A LOT OF EFFORT INTO DOING SMTH. IS LIKE USING A PART OF BODY Our duty as citizens is to put our shoulders to rebuild this country. The question is: is he willing to get involved? Will he ever get his hands dirty? 98

99 Maura is the only one of us who would have the backbone to stand up to the boss. You ll have to keep your nose to the grindstone if you want to pass this exam. Remember: DO MAKE! Use DO with: work / homework / housework cooking / gardening / ironing / shopping / washing a course / an exam / a test Use MAKE with: decisions / effort (a fresh new) start the bed a speech / a suggestion / a remark / plans / profit an apology / a difference / a list / a goal / the score Do is used to describe an action without saying exactly what the action is: I'm going to do something that you won't believe! Before I do press button 3, I think it s worth pointing out that in so doing, I m opening up a new era of technology. (Notice the difference between do and in so doing!!!) Do is used to talk about work and jobs: My sister usually does the housework during the week, and I do most of the chores on the weekend, laundry too. Have you done your homework? Make is used to speak about building, constructing, producing, creating etc. Andy made a tree house for his children. We make our own yoghurt. DO or MAKE? 1. He s getting better at Maths. He even started... his homework. 2. They are... a research on why the weather is changing. 3. I m afraid he s not very good at... decisions. 4. I hear your company... a lot of business in Turkey. 5. If he wants to pass the exam this time he should... an effort. 6. Sarah s... her nails and hair now; she ll call you back later. 7. Who... the laundry at your place? What s the difference between: to do time & to make time to do one s best & to make the best (of...) to do it & to make it 99

100 Remember the following BODY verbs: FROWN, KNEEL, NOD, NUDGE, SCRATCH, SIGH, SNEEZE, WAVE, WEEP, YAWN. What parts of the body are involved in these gestures? METAPHOR: REACTION COLOUR Now that you found out the result, you ve got a bit of colour in your cheeks. He stared at her, the colour draining from his face. The more he complimented her, the more colour flooded her cheeks. He just found out his grandpa cut him off the allowance and as a result he s a little bit off colour. 94. a) Choose actions from A / reactions from B and work on the model: Painting the house red is a wonderful idea. Panicking is out of the question; ty to keep it cool. b) Choose actions from A and / or likely reactions from B. Use modals. Work on the model: What use is a man who cannot even change a plug? I mustn t speak on the phone more than ½ hour a day. I m so happy I could cry! As a lad, I could swim like a fish. Don t tell her anything yet, she might panic. He will chuckle and giggle until he drives you up the wall. He couldn t have burst into tears. I simply won t believe it! He used to roar with laughter at any of my jokes. How dare you yawn in the middle of my speech A. ACTIONS B. REACTIONS 100

101 take a photo speak on the phone swim drive a car paint typewrite play chess cook knit saw poach pick flowers / cherries / mushrooms make war split the wood ride a horse / bike change a plug print a Word document make a cup of coffee climb a mountain put up a tent mend a puncture fell an oak to do the split break off and cry sigh sob weep cry jump with joy hit the roof applause mumble laugh out loud frown blush yawn duck smile grin howl shriek scream burst into tears go mad shrug nod shudder panic chuckle giggle burst out laughing roar with laughter Ask your partner: Can you: - swim - knit - drive a car - typewrite - mend a puncture - change a plug? Have you ever: - felled an oak - put up a tent - played chess? When was the last time you: - jumped with joy - blushed - cried - panicked? How would you react if: - you were accused of something you did not do? - you were arrested for speeding right before Christmas? - one of your colleagues won the lottery? - you saw a pickpocket stealing from and/or attacking an elderly woman in the street? 101

102 95. Fill in with one of the LAUGH words: 1 Morgan sat reading a magazine,... to himself. 2 He sat there... as if he had been the only one in possession of a dark secret. 3 The twins kept... broadly at me, as if we were old friends. 96. Translate: 102

103 1 Să râzi nu este numai firesc, cum spunea Rabelais, e şi un semn de sănătate. 2 Oricine râde în hohote, zgomotos, împungându-şi vecinul în coaste, face o impresie proastă. 3 Ca orice manifestare comportamentală, râsul îşi găseşte expresia ideală în moderaţie. 4 Orice om este mai simpatic când surâde. 5 Nu confunda surâsul cu un rînjet! (din Codul bunelor maniere) 97. Cry words 1 She... with pride when her daughter was born. 2 If this kid keeps... this way, the neighbours might call the police. 3 What s the matter with your eyes? You look as if you ve been crying. 98. RIDDLING (după your computer, lunch, excuses, a phone call, your colleagues, ideas, You can make it / take it / receive it / return it. What might it be? You can crash it / shut it down / play on it / 103

104 reboot it. What might it be? You can skip it / grap it / go for it / pick up the bill for it. What might it be? You can develop them / share them / come up with them / brainstorm them. What might they be? You can support them / attack them / back them up / chat with them. What are they? You can make them / look for them / invent them / refuse to accept them. What are they? 99. ACTIONS I II III meaning a construi broke catch drove fought gave lay lay a fura struck 100. REACTIONS a) Read the following examples: 1 When they heard I planned to have the country, my parents got the shock of their lives. 2 Her presence literally takes my breath away. 3 When they saw him, my aunts fainted and my uncle Bill kept blinking, as if he had seen a ghost. 4 No matter how mad you get, you must never call your wife names. 5 Do you call that blushing? He was as red as beetroot, I tell you that much. b) Fill in with a suitable idiom the following responses: How did you find out that they broke up? Can I borrow your umbrella? I ve just been fired! No such luck! You re pulling my leg! You should be so lucky! 104

105 I m sure Steaua will qualify for the next European Cup! Did you get the job you wanted? I dreamt Angelina Jolie invited me to a party. A little bird told me. No way! Over my dead body! Yes, and pigs might fly! They haven t got a chance! Have you seen who s in their group? 101. Place the following reaction idioms under the right heading: be at sea, be like a cat on hot bricks, be rooted to the spot, be on top of he world, be hopping mad, be in seventh heaven, be at sixes and sevens, have a long face Feeling HAPPY Feeling SAD Feeling FRIGHTENED / SHOCKED Feeling ANGRY Feeling NERVOUS / WORRIED / ANXIOUS Feeling CONFUSED / UNCERTAIN 102. Choose one of the verbs: REACT, RESPOND, GREET, MEET WITH, OVERREACT How did your parents... when they heard you eloped? The patient... well to the treatment. The proposals were... with skepticism. Any further attacks will be... even more violence. She needn t worry so much. But what can you do about it? It s in her nature to overreact Time to Talk: What sports do you play, if any? What embarrasses you most often? Do you read newspapers? Which part do you read first? (leader, horoscope, home news, overseas news, sport, TV, obituaries, gossip) What childhood activity do you miss doing? What activity do you like / hate most at work / school? What are 3 things you can t stand other people doing? What have you always dreamt of doing? When did you first fly (in) a plane / drink alcohol / swim? When did you last: tell a lie / stay up all night / wear a suit / send an / cook a meal / eat icecream / travel by boat / dance to a slow song? Do you know the meaning of to go down the tree? 105

106 104. vote at elections iron your shirts take public transport bungee-jumping surf the internet trim the trees Always 100% Almost always Very often Often Sometimes Rarely / seldom Very rarely Almost never Never 0% 105. Complete with activities: I m good at... I m keen on... Sometimes I get fed up with... I sometimes regret not... a) BB started... b) She s quite proud of... c) Cal loves... d) He can t help... e) My deskmate enjoys... g) Jay is good at... h) Thomas is addicted to... i) He doesn t mind... j) Clara won t stop Think of things / habits you are not going to give up. Model: I definitely won t give up smoking. I m not going to give up... I couldn t live without... I d die if I gave up... I wouldn t give up... for anything (in the world). 107.What s it for? sieve... pin to fasten 106

107 corkscrew... camera... brush... whistle... ruler to measure brick Why bother? Think of 3 good reasons to do these: drink coffee learn English plant trees go to the gym play the lottery have children Lecţia 11. DEFORESTATION 109. Wordbuilding D N The large-scale (...) process that was started in the late 70s, (...) in the rain forest zones, is having (...) consequences on the earth s balance: (...) destruction of trees (...) leads to soil erosion, and further to (...) (as is the case in sub- Saharan Africa). Such (...) forests as the Amazon are often called the planet s lungs because they are huge oxygen (...); they also contain (...) vegetal and animal species. Thus (...) claim that they should be preserved for those two major reasons. However, it has not been proven yet whether deforestation has a real impact on global warming or not. FOREST NOTE DISASTER MASS AVOID DESERT PRIME RESERVE NUMBER ENVIRONMENT Give synonyms to: DISASTROUS TO AVOID MAJOR CLAIM Give antonyms to: DEFORESTATION PRESERVE 107

108 EROSION WARMING TO PRUNE OR NOT TO PRUNE? TO PRUNE = to cut off some of the branches of a tree or bush to make it grow better WHY PRUNE? to improve survival chances at planting time to control size and shape to remove dead, diseased, weak or broken branches to maintain natural beauty to control flowering, fruiting or coloured twig effect in certain plants WHAT TOOLS DO YOU USE FOR PRUNING? hand shears are probably the most important tool for pruning; they are used to cut out branches up to ¾ inches in diametre scissors are sometimes needed pruning saws a hedge shears WHEN DO YOU PRUNE? the best time for pruning most plants is in the early spring while the plants are still dormant HOW TO PRUNE? 2 techniques are used for pruning shrubs: heading (branches are cut back to healthy buds) thinning (a shoot or branch is completely removed; no prominent stub remains) - some plants require more of one method than another, but good pruning is usually a combination of both procedures Latin English Romanian horse-chestnut wormwood dogwood birdcherry 108

109 mahogany n. [C/U] a type of hard reddish brown wood used for making furniture, or the tree that produces that wood maple n. [C] a tree which grows mainly in northern countries such as Canada (curly maple, plain maple, silver maple) MDF medium density fibreboard MOE modulus of elasticity moisture n. [U] small amounts of water that are present in the air, in a substance, or on a surface mortice, mortise n. [C] a hole cut in a piece of wood so that the shaped end of another piece will fit there firmly moss n. [C/U] a very small green plant that grows in a thick soft furry mass on wet soil, trees, or rocks mushroom n. [C] one of several kinds of fungus with stems and round tops, some of which can be eaten mushroom v. to grow and develop quickly 109

110 Lecţia 12. GRAMMAR FOCUS IT & THERE Read and organise the following examples according to the pattern they contain: There s fog. There were dark clouds overhead. There was a heavy rain. There s wind. There was something strange about the way he smiled. There is a woman downstairs to see you. Is there anybody home? There must be something wrong with their phone. There s no denying the fact that she s very clever. There is a very good reason for my decision. There are two apples on the table. There isn t anything at all I could do to help, is there? There being no evidence against her, the woman was released. There s no hope of getting the money to pay the rent. There s no need to read the entire book. There s no point in spending so much money on a computer. There is no reason to be pessimistic. There is no chance of recovery, I m afraid. There s no doubt about her saying the truth. There comes a time when you have to let go. It s raining. It snows a lot in this part of the country, doesn t it? It drizzles. It dewed haevily last night. It was a very rimy morning, and very damp. It s a breeze to travel to Italy. It s half past three. It s past midnight. It s my birthday. It s years since I last saw him. It took the men a whole year to renovate the museum. It was nice of you to come. It shocked me to hear you swearing. It doesn t seem much good staying here. It s no wonder he had a heart attack after such news. It s no use crying over spilt milk. It s no secret that they want to leave the country. It takes 2 hours to Iaşi (by train). It s no longer necessary to scrub the floor. It occurred to me that he might be wrong. It s not worth it. 110

111 THERE + BE / SEEM / APPEAR / HAPPEN / TEND / EXIST / REMAIN / FOLLOW / OCCUR / ARISE / COME. It s a long way to the station. It is 10 miles to the village. It is an honour for me to introduce Professor Smith. It is clear he will never recover. It tastes really good, this custard. It helps to have a good macintosh in London. It didn t surprise me when Paul left the country. It s an absolute cinch that he will win reelections. It was agreed that he should be fired. It as a godsend to hear your words. It would be better to go home now. It takes a lot of effort to learn a foreign language. It was nice to talk to you. It s his arrogance that I find irritating. It s her name that I can t remember. It s a natural thing to shake hands with someone you ve just met. It s always possible to get colder, so take a sweater with you. It s very possible that they should arrive tonight. It is impossible that he didn t know the truth when he was talking to me. It is important to him that they should acknowledge his success. It is customary that a man should greet first when he meets a woman. It is absolutely necessary that you should get information in time. It is vital that he should reach her in time. It is unthinkable that our soldiers should fire upon their own people. It is imperative that the child should arrive at the scene of the crime. We always like it when you stay with us. Let it be! I thought it a waste of time to read and organise this exercise. Just leave it with me. She owed it to her parents to win the prize. I take it you re saying the truth. I see it as an insult to get no answer from you. I hate it when my parents quarrel over nothing. 111

112 IT S (HIGH) TIME poate fi urmat de: infinitiv: It s time to go to bed. FOR + infinitiv: It s time for the childen to go to bed. past tense: It s time the children went to bed. subjonctiv (SHOULD): It s time they should go to bed Rephrase with THERE or IT: a) Nothing was on his desktop but a computer. b) A big orange sign was on the door. c) Something must be wrong with his barometre. d) A storm is coming, I think. e) England is a foggy country, isn t it? f) The local cinema has a very good film on at the moment. g) I left because I suddenly felt sick. h) They say the Bermuda Triangle is a dangerous area. i) To drive a car without a licence is illegal. j) That she didn t die in the car crash is a miracle. k) They hope the project will be carried out by the end of September. l) Climbing a mountain takes a lot of stamina. m) This book consists of four chapters. n) Living in the city is more expensive than living in the country Translate into English: 1 Plouă. 2 A început să plouă. 3 Plouă de când ai plecat la servici. 4 Nu mai plouă. 5 Ploua când a venit bunicul. 6 Conform prognozei meteo, mâine pe vremea asta va ploua. 7 Dacă va mai ploua mult vom avea inundaţii. 8 Plouă cu găleata. 9 Te uită cum ninge Decembre E ceaţă. 11 E timpul să plec. 12 E timpul să pleci. 112

113 Lecţia 13. WEATHER METAPHOR Motto: If you can t be a sun, don t be a cloud! Weather between HOT and COLD HEAT unsettled COLD scorching hot boiling hot dry warm the cool of the evening getting chilly a freezing cold day in December GOOD BAD to blow hot and cold BAD enthusiasm anger lack of excitement excitement to burn with indignation burning interest a fiery temper She poured cold water the hottest show hot-tempered on all my suggestions. a heated argument / debate burning with anger 113

114 Weather Conditions 113. Write a very short composition using the following: O It never rains but it pours. O The match / game was rained off. O Let s take a raincheck on that! 114. RAIN _ Each of the following definitions refer to a word which begins with RAIN. RAIN _ a large curve of different colours that can appear in the sky when there is both sun and rain RAIN a coat that you wear in order to protect yourself from rain RAIN a single drop of rain RAIN the amount of rain that falls on an area in a particular period of time RAIN a tropical forest with tall trees that are very close together, growing in an area where it rains a lot RAIN _ someone who uses magic powers in order to make rain fall / someone who makes a lot of money RAIN _ able to keep the rain out RAIN _ a sudden heavy fall of rain RAIN _ water that has fallen as rain 114

115 115. RAINFORESTS Put the following sentences in order: 1 When rainforests are cleared and burned, millions of tons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere, affecting climactic conditions and threatening us all with severe flooding, drought and crop failure. 2 The rainforests contain at least half of the Earth s species. 3 One in four purchases from the chemist is derived from the rainforests. 4 Man has lived in the rainforest for about 10,000 years. 5 The canopy is made up of tall trees. 6 Every time you drive a car, read a book, take a pill or use a deodorant, you are probably using something from one of the world s rainforests. 7 The Chappa tribe, for example, have a system of farming which mirrors the structure of the rainforest and which is extremely successful. 8 Below them are coffee bushes. 9 They have a 3-layered system of using land which works in the same way as the rainforest: at canopy, sub-canopy and ground level. 10 They have, in fact, created a food forest. 11 Below grow 15 types of banana trees used for food, drink and animal feed, and other fruit trees. 12 The ground is used for growing vegetables. 13 The rainforest is a rich source of plants and natural substances used in pharmacy % of American drugs come from rainforest plants. 15 Over 200 plants are being researched there as possible cancer treatments or cures. 16 Quinine, an antimalarial drug, comes from the bark, or outer skin, of a tree. 17 Land has been cleared for road-building. 18 The snakeroot plant is used to treat hypertension and high blood pressure. 19 Over the past 40 years, about half the world s rainforest has been destroyed. 20 Rainforests also protect us from the greenhouse effect, by absorbing carbon dioxide. 21 Trees have been cut down for the wood itself and for wood pulp, which is used in paper-making. 22 The greenhouse effect could change weather patterns and the atmosphere could warm up to such an extent that eventually the polar ice-caps would melt, flooding huge areas. The rain began with gusty showers, pauses and downpours; and then gradually it settled to a single tempo, small drops and a steady beat, rain that was gray to see through, rain that cut midday light to evening. And at first the dry earth sucked the moisture down and blackened. For two days the earth drank the rain, until the earth was full. Then puddles formed, and in the low places little places lakes formed in the fields. (John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath) 115

116 And the rain poured on down. Not in one incessant sheet it varied, nearly stopped and then with a different rhythm began again. I remember the hours of staring at it. How many different ways it can rain! One felt on that afternoon that it tried every variation of its wet repertoire. With the violence of the first cloud, it had broken into deluge. A bloom of wetness had then moistened the inside of the boathouse. The trees no longer rustled to the lively drops; no tree could breath in such dense moisture. But at 6 o clock the clouds grew bright. The rain dithered away to nothing. The sun came through. Windows everywhere must have been open. (William Sansom The Body) Fill in with the missing letter and find compound nouns. SNOW- b_ll / b_ard / boun_ / f_ll / fla_e / m_n / mo_ile / stor_ / _hite 116

117 Fill in the dotted lines:...seasons in the sun......that his sun is set......sunray......sunbeam you are the sunshine of my life......sunbath......sunburn(t)......sunbaked......under the rise with the sun

118 What s the weather like today? It s a fine day today. It turned bitterly cold. Weather permitting, we ll go on a trip today. What s up? You look a bit under the weather. The log had been weathered to a lovely shape. When you have plenty of money, fair-weather friends knock at your door. Grandma smiled at them tenderly, with her weather-beaten face

119 116. Complete: WEATHER CLIMATE weather = current atmospheric / meteorological conditions climate = the usual weather conditions in a particular country / area What s the weather like in Suceava? These flowers only grow in a cold climate. the climate of Romania NOUN ADJECTIVE VERBAL EXPRESSION rain It s rainy. It s raining. snow sun It s sunny. The sun is shining. cloud The clouds are hanging. wind The wind is blowing. mist fog = denser than mist haze = light mist WEATHER REPORT Student A tells Student B and viceversa. Student A A Hollywood director was filming an important film in the desert when an old Native American man went up to him and said: Tomorrow rain. The next day it rained. A few days later, the director was talking with the cameraman about the next day s filming. The Native American went up to him and said: Tomorrow storm. He was right again, and he saved the director thousands of dollars. The director was very impressed and gave the old man a job. The old man continued to predict the weather correctly, but then he didn t come for three weeks. The director was planning to film an important scene and he needed good weather. So he went to look for the Native American. When he found the old man, he said: Listen, I have to film an important scene tomorrow. What will the weather be like? The old man shook his head and said: Radio broken. Use the following key words: shoot, Indian, forecast, radio. 119

120 Student B: make up a story using the following prompts and tell your partner. autumn Indians ask new Chief predict weather forthcoming winter Chief doesn t have a clue just in case - Chief sends Indians valley gather firewood meanwhile Chief calls The National Weather Service answer: cold winter - Chief sends Indians valley gather firewood - a week later Chief calls the Institute again - answer: cold weather - Chief sends Indians valley gather firewood - Chief calls the Institute asks: How can you be so sure? answer: saw Indians valley gather firewood. Donkey Barometer * =? Describe the effects of a sudden warm front and cold front respectively on the forests in northern Bukowina. Rain before seven, fine before eleven ; Red sky at morning, shepherd s warning / Red sky at night / shepherd s delight etc. These are a couple of weather-related lyrics; give some examples in Romanian. Discuss Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon. weather report / forecast = prognoza meteo The weather forecast predicted blizzard for upper Moldavia. What is the weather girl saying? Radio / TV: The weather tonight will be fine in most places east, but this fine weather will gradually deteriorate during the course of the night; by 6 a. m. Clouds will have reached most places, with rain spreading from the west during the course of the morning. The outlook for the rest of the day: quite warm. Minimum temperatures should be about average in most parts of the country, though people in upper Moldavia can expect a rather cold north-easterly wind from the Continental area of high pressure about miles per hour. Frost is also likely, except in Bukowina. Newspaper: The weather is unsettled to fair. Showers with bright intervals. Local morning mist. Occasional rain in most parts, and a risk of thunder. Minimum temperatures slightly below zero. * a small china donkey with a tail of string, which one was supposed to put out on one s windowsill; on it were written various directions: ex. if tail is dry fine; if tail is wet rain; if tail falls out earthquake (după Gălăţeanu-Fârnoagă şi Sachelarie-Lecca, p. 291) 120

121 Translate the following weather forecast paying attention to the phrasal verbs: The day will start off wet in most areas but it should clear up in the afternoon. In the early evening it will brighten up, especially in the east. The wind should die down in the course of the afternoon. Make your own weather diary for a week. This Week s Weather ex. Monday - November 3rd It s pouring with rain! Tuesday November 4th It s a bit chilly! Wednesday November 5th It s freezing cold! Snow on the ground etc. To Trust or not to Trust the Weatherman? It will definitely be cold throughout the country tomorrow. Snow is also likely in the northern part of the country. On Friday there will probably be rain in most of the south-east. There is a chance of storms and strong winds across the whole of the south. More rain is possible at the weekend. 100% sure Fahrenheit Celsius F = 9/5 C + 32 sau F = (C X 1.8) + 32 Celsius Fahrenheit C = 5/9 (F-32) sau C = (F-32) : What weather conditions are necessary for deciduous / fruit trees to: put forth buds be in bloom burst into leaf turn yellow? 118. Match: torrential scorching thick widespread galeforce freezing a) cold b) flooding c) heat d) rain e) snow f) winds 121

122 119. What s the weather like if: a) you re shivering b) your teeth are chattering c) you re soaking wet d) you re sweating e) you ve got frostbite f) you ve got suntanned g) you ve got sunburnt h) you can t breath properly Write the right word from the wet series of synonyms: 1. You should clean the counter with a... cloth. 2. Living in that... old house can t be healthy. 3. When they came in from the storm, they were... to the skin Time to Talk Discuss the following idioms: to be as right as rain to have cold feet to have one s head in the skies to look on the bright side of things to weather the stores What s a weatherboard? What about a weathervane? Kinds of extreme weather you have experienced. The way weather affects people s mood / health? The kind of weather you like best. What happens when each of the following natural disasters occurs: AVALANCHE, CYCLONE, DROUGHT, EARTHQUAKE, FLOOD, FOREST FIRE, HURRICANE, TIDAL WAVE, TSUNAMI, VOLCANIC ERUPTION. 122

123 121. Translate into Romanian: Conifers slender profile minimises snow damage, while their small evergreen leaves withstand drying winds. Tiles were blown off roofs by high winds. In the morning it was windy and cloudy, but now it s sunny. The English weather is the subject of innumerable jokes and provides an inexhaustible topic of conversation. If the weather breaks, it suddenly changes and becomes cold and wet. Power lines were brought down by falling trees. Jack Frost is an imaginary person who brings the frost and represents winter. Even the trees seemed wet through. the winds / seasons of change smog snowdrift / snowbank stuffy atmosphere to keep a weather eye on in all weathers dog-days drought nippy to fend off the environmental cranks the winds of change the dawn of civilisation And then the boss thundered in to the room! My memory is a little foggy. You are the sunshine of my life. She was practically showered with gifts. This homework is a breeze. Her face had been weathered by a long and troubled life. FUNCTIONS What an awful day, isn t it? Looks a bit like rain, doesn t it? It s been a rather cold / mild winter, hasn t it? I expect it ll clear up later in the afternoon / it ll brighten up soon. 123

124 Lecţia 14. STOPPING BY WOODS ON A SNOWY EVENING (Robert Frost) Whose woods these are I think I know His house is in the village though He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it s queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. UNSTOPPABLE! He will not see me stopping here... To stop without a farmhouse near

125 122. Translate into English: Stop by if you like! He stopped short on seeing me. I must have this tooth stopped by all means THESE WOODS... Explain the difference between: WOOD(S) A PIECE OF WOOD DEAD WOOD FIREWOOD HARDWOOD SOFTWOOD WOODLANDS WOODS / THICKET / COPSE / FOREST / STAND / UNDERGROWTH 124. Match: wooded wooden woodsy woody smell plant spoon surface 125

126 Wood: block craft cutter pecker pile pulp (s)man wind work worm 125. Illustrate the following: TOUCH WOOD (BE) / KNOCK ON WOOD (AE) NOT BE OUT OF THE WOODS YET NOT SEE THE WOOD FOR THE TREES IN THE NECK OF THE WOODS ITSY-BITSY My little horse must think it s queer

127 SMALL (size) general, objective term LITTLE (positive / negative emotional element) your opinion of something small 126. LITTLE or SMALL? Would you do me a... favour? She smiled a... smile. A tiny... boy stepped forward and took the floor. How can I live on such a... income? His father is a... shopkeeper.... change... fortune... woman QUEER My little horse must think it s queer... Queer (old-fashioned) strange - (taboo) gay / homosexual Synonyms: BIZARRE, FUNNY, ODD, OUTLANDISH, STRANGE, SURPRISING, UNUSUAL. 127

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