Portland Public Schools Content Standards Science Scientific Inquiry Grade 5

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1 Portland Public Schools Content Standards Science Scientific Inquiry Grade 5 Use interrelated processes to pose questions and investigate the physical and living world. Students need a rich environment which stimulates questions and provides the opportunity for them to do their investigations (best accomplished in a classroom with peer and teacher interaction). Students need opportunities to grow crystals, design paper airplanes, build model rockets, design and build bridges, grow plants, culture bacteria, and grow germs. 1. Formulate and express scientific questions and hypotheses to be investigated. 2. Design scientific investigations to address and explain questions and hypotheses. 3. Conduct procedures to collect, organize and display scientific data. 4. Analyze scientific information to develop and present conclusions. Content Standard: Formulate and express scientific questions and hypotheses to be investigated. Ask questions and make predictions that are based on observations and can be explored through simple investigations. Example Focus Question: Predict whether an expensive brand of dish soap will make bigger bubbles than a cheap brand. Test soap solutions of an expensive, mid-priced, and cheap dish soap by blowing bubbles on desk top with a straw, and measuring the bubble diameters. Content Standard: Design scientific investigations to address and explain questions and hypotheses. Design an investigation to answer questions or check predictions. Example Focus Question: What new question can you ask about bubbles? Design an investigation to answer your question. Content Standard: Conduct procedures to collect, organize and display scientific data. Collect, organize and summarize data from investigations. Example Focus: Use the data you collected in your investigations about soap bubbles to answer your questions and/or verify your prediction. Chart results from your investigations and discuss. Content Standard: Analyze scientific information to develop and present conclusions. Analyze, interpret and summarize data. Example Focus Question: How can you tell people what you found out? Use graphs and charts to explain to your class which dishwashing soap makes bigger bubbles and how you came to that conclusion. PPS Grade Level Content Standards 1 January 1998

2 Scientific Inquiry - Grade 5, continued continued Content Standard: Analyze scientific information to develop and present conclusions Work Sample: Have students make paper airplanes. Test fly planes and measure the distance each plane flies. Present the results of your research to the class. PPS Grade Level Content Standards 2 January 1998

3 Portland Public Schools Content Standards Science Science and Technology Grade 5 Understands the interconnections among science, technology and society. 1. Understand the relationship that exists between science and technology. The following language is to clarify the CCG Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between science and technology as well as competent use of tools and technologies to collect and analyze data. Content Standard: Discuss the relationship that exists between science and technology Use simple technology and other tools to gather data and extend the senses (rulers, balances, thermometers, watches, magnifiers and microscopes). Collect, record and analyze data using charts, graphs and tables to draw appropriate conclusions. Example Focus Question: How do tools improve scientific observation? Contrast observations when using tools and not using tools. Use thermometers, microscopes, balances, rulers to collect data. Example Focus Question: How do people use computers to organize and analyze data? Compare to hand written. Use computer to collect data, make simple charts, tables and graphs. Example Focus Question: Which vegetables are the most cost effective and efficient to grow if you have a short growing season? Grow vegetables in classroom, recording cost of seeds for each type. Chart/graph growth over time, days until germination, days until plants produce food, yield per plant, yield per package of seeds, yield per money spent on seeds. Acquire information from print and non-print sources. Example Focus Question: How is science part of current events in our society? Use newspapers, magazines and television to gather information to generate discussions. Example Focus Question: How did the building of the railroads in Oregon bring more cultural diversity to Oregon? PPS Grade Level Content Standards 3 January 1998

4 Science and Technology - Grade 5, continued 2. Understand the process of technological design to solve problems and meet needs. Content Standard: Discuss the process of technological design to solve problems and meet needs. Discuss how advances in a specific business/industry have affected the students personally. Example Focus Question: How has the building of railroads met the changing needs of Americans throughout history? Research the design and fuel source of early trains and modern trains. Why has the design and fuel source changed? What needs were met by each type of train? Example Focus Question: What impact did the building of the railroads have on American Indians? Example Focus Question: How have car seat belts and bicycle helmets affected the way you live? PPS Grade Level Content Standards 4 January 1998

5 Portland Public Schools Content Standards Science Unifying Concepts & Processes - Grade 5 Understand and apply major concepts and processes embedded within all sciences. Concepts 1. Apply foundation concepts of: change, cycle, cause and effect, energy and matter, evolution, perception, and fundamental entities. 2. Apply explanatory concepts (some of which may be transitory in nature) of model, system, theory, and probability. Content Standard: Use concepts and processes of: Change, constancy, and measurement. Describe and explain different rates of change. Diagram and explain a cycle. Example Focus Question: How do you measure changes in the Earth s crust? Study the eruption of Mt. St. Helens: compare overnight changes vs. the continual reshaping of the mountain by erosion. Build a stream table to study erosion. Example Focus Question: How do we keep getting fresh water? Use a terrarium to model the water cycle. Diagram the movement of water in the terrarium. Content Standard: Use concepts and processes of: Systems, order and organization. Identify interactions among the parts of a system. Example Focus Question: How do the parts of a system work together? Examine a Rube Goldberg device (or a mousetrap game) and describe how each part of the system does its part. Example Focus Question: How do physical changes affect life systems? Visit Bonneville Dam and Fish Hatchery to learn about the effects of the dam on the salmon, and what is being done about the problem. Invite a Native American guest to speak to the students about the effects of the dams/salmon problem on their culture. PPS Grade Level Content Standards 5 January 1998

6 Unifying Concepts & Processes - Grade 5, continued 3. Apply comparison concepts of: gradient, scale, symmetry, quantification, and invariance. 4. Apply relationship concepts of: population, equilibrium, force, interaction, field, structure and function, time and space, and order. Content Standard: Use concepts and processes of: Evidence, model and explanation. Explain how objects, events, and/or processes work in the real world using a model. Example Focus Question: How efficiently do fish ladders assist salmon in navigating past dams? After a field trip to Bonneville dam and Fish Hatchery, build a model of a dam with a fish ladder. Use this model to discover the mechanism employed to assist salmon in navigating past a dam. Identify pros and cons of this approach, political arguments in favor and opposed to maintaining our system of dams. Content Standard: Use concepts and processes of: Evolution, equilibrium, and structure and function. Organize evidence of change over time. Example Focus Question: How do rocks change over time? Given rocks, pebbles, sand and sandstone place them in a sequence, one becomes the next. Could the order be reversed? Why or why not? Describe what can cause things to change or remain the same. Example Focus Question: What causes changes in rocks? View pictures of tombstones that are the same age, some eroded, some not. View pictures of old building that are the same age, some dilapidated, some not. Why are they different? Research the effects of acid rain. Describe physical and biological examples of how structure relates to function. Example Focus Question: How do crickets chirp? Obtain live crickets and observe their behavior. Research their behavior and structure in the library to answer the question. Example Focus Question: How do the construction materials affect the strength of a bridge? PPS Grade Level Content Standards 6 January 1998

7 Unifying Concepts & Processes - Grade 5, continued Continued Process Skills 5. Use basic scientific process skills to: observe, measure, use numbers, classify, question, infer, hypothesize, and communicate. 6. Use integrated scientific process skills to: predict, design experiments, control variables, interpret data, define operations, formulate models with attention to replication and validation of results. Content Standard: Use concepts and processes of: Evolution, equilibrium, and structure and function. Build bridges between desks using various materials (toothpicks, popsicle sticks, clay, newspaper). Test the strength of each bridge to discover the relationships between the materials used and bridge strength. Content Standard: The State has not described any content standard or performance benchmarks. We assume assessment of students will be done through work samples. Example Experience: Perform experiments where observations are recorded in sketch form, tables or graphs. Example Experience: Keep a lab journal over an extended period of time to record quantitative or qualitative information. PPS Grade Level Content Standards 7 January 1998

8 PPS Grade Level Content Standards 8 January 1998

9 Portland Public Schools Content Standards Science Physical Science - Grade 5 Understand structures and properties of matter and changes that occur in the physical world. Matter 1. Understand structure and properties of matter, including atomic structure. 2. Understand chemical and physical changes of matter. Force and Motion 3. Understand fundamental forces, their forms and effect on motion. Content Standard: Identify structures and properties of matter. Identify substances as they exist in Example Focus Question: How can different states of matter. matter be changed? Describe the ability of matter to change states by heating and cooling. Experiment with several substances - water, alcohol, butter, glass tubing - heat them and cool them and observe what happens. Record results of experimentation - describe what happened, state cause and effect relationships. Content Standard: Describe chemical and physical changes. Describe characteristics of pure substances. Example Focus Question: How can you identify the difference between several substances which look similar? Experiment with several powders (e.g., salt, sugar, flour, baking soda, talcum powder). Describe their appearance using a microscope or hand lens. Mix them with different substances (e.g., vinegar, water, cooking oil) and describe what happens. Use the mystery powders activity from the AIMS materials. Content Standard: Describe electrical, magnetic, gravitational and other forces and the motions resulting from them. Identify examples of magnetism and gravity exerting force on an object. Example Focus Question: What effect does a magnet have on metal and nonmetal objects? Provide students with magnets, various metal and non-metal objects. Students will create a chart of the magnet s effects on these objects, and will speculate about the reasons for the differences. PPS Grade Level Content Standards 9 January 1998

10 Physical Science - Grade 5, continued Continued Energy 4. Understand the interaction of energy and matter. Content Standard: Describe electrical, magnetic, gravitational and other forces and the motions resulting from them. Describe and compare the motion of objects. Example Focus Question: How does the incline of a ramp affect the speed of a toy car traveling down a ramp? Make potato cars (hole in the middle of potato with a straw inserted and wheels on the ends of the straw). Conduct experiment varying the incline of the ramp. Using the same car, time the car with a stop watch and measure the distance the car travels. Chart results and graph incline vs. time, and incline vs. distance. Content Standard: Explain the interaction of energy and matter. Identify the nature of various types of energy and matter. Example Focus Question: How do different types of energy do work? Experiment with water wheel, wind mills, wrecking balls. Example Focus Question: How can energy potential be utilized? Experiment with batteries. Example Focus Question: Does energy work or do we harness energy to do work? Discuss hydroelectric power. Describe examples of energy transfer. Example Focus Question: How can energy be transformed from one form to another? Build a circuit (i.e., create a quiz game) to make a light bulb turn on or an alarm sound. PPS Grade Level Content Standards 10 January 1998

11 Organisms 1. Understand the characteristics, structure and functions of organisms. Portland Public Schools Content Standards Science Life Science - Grade 5 Understand structure, functions, and interactions of living organisms and the environment. Content Standard: Describe the characteristics, structure and functions of organisms. Describe basic plant and animal structures and their functions. Example Focus Question: What is the function of a plant stem? Put blue food coloring in a jar of water containing a celery stalk and a daffodil. Observe and record results, suggest a reason for what is observed. Research structure and function of plant parts. Heredity 2. Understand the transmission of hereditary traits in living things. Diversity - Interdependence 3. Understand the relationships among living things and between living things and their environments. Describe the basic needs of living things. Example Focus Question: What does a squirrel need to survive? Take a field trip to a nearby park to observe squirrels. Notice food gathering, general behavior, habitat, home. Afterwards, extend discoveries through discussion of needs of ALL animals, then to plants. Content Standard: Describe the transmission of hereditary traits in living things. Describe the life cycle of an organism. Example Focus Question: What is the gestation process for rodents? Allow classroom rodents to mate and become pregnant. Observe and record physical changes in pregnant rodent, record elapsed time from cohabitation to birth. Observe and record general appearance and behaviors of babies. Content Standard: Explain the behavior and interdependence of organisms in their natural environment. Describe the relationship between characteristics of specific habitats and the organisms that live there. Example Focus Question: What trees and animals live in your neighborhood park? How are they dependent on each other? Visit your neighborhood park. Record each plant and animal type you observe. Try to discover ways in which they depend on each other. PPS Grade Level Content Standards 11 January 1998

12 Life Science - Grade 5, continued Continued Content Standard: Describe the principles of natural selection and adaptation. Describe how adaptations help an organism to survive in its environment. Example Focus Question: What features do squirrels have which allow them to survive in the habitat of the neighborhood park? While observing squirrels in the park, try to determine how each of the squirrel s features which you observe enable them to survive in the park. Record your observations, stating possible advantages/disadvantages of each feature you observe. PPS Grade Level Content Standards 12 January 1998

13 Portland Public Schools Content Standards Science Earth and Space Science - Grade 5 Understand physical properties of the Earth, how those properties change, and the Earth s relationship to other celestial bodies. The Dynamic Earth 1. Understand the properties and limited availability of the materials which make up the Earth. 2. Understand changes occurring within the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere of the Earth-both uniquely and in combination. Content Standard: Identify the structure of the Earth system and changes that can occur in its physical properties. Identify the properties and uses of Earth materials (rocks, minerals, soil, etc.). Identify causes of Earth s surface changes. Example Focus Question: How are rocks classified? Have students bring rock samples to test for hardness and fracture. Then compare these samples to a rock kit. Try to identify rock samples by comparing to AV rocks from PPS Ed Media Department. Example Focus Question: What causes earthquakes? Build a model of the earth s crust, showing how two adjoining plates scrape against each other, causing earthquakes and uplift of new mountains. Example Focus Question: How did the eruption of Mt. St. Helens alter the river system of the area? Diagram, then build a model of the river system before and after the eruption, using a stream table or modeling clay. Study the effects of these changes on other environmental systems. Content Standard: Explain changes occurring within the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere of the Earth - both uniquely and in combination. Describe local patterns of seasonal weather and climate. Example Focus Question: How does our weather change in Portland throughout the year? Use thermometers, Beaufort wind scale, barometer, rain gauge and simple observation to record temperature, wind speed, air pressure, rainfall, plus types and amounts of cloud cover throughout the year. Chart, graph results. PPS Grade Level Content Standards 13 January 1998

14 Earth and Space Science - Grade 5, continued The Earth in Space 3. Understand the Earth s place in the solar system and the universe. The Universe 4. Describe natural objects, events and processes outside the Earth (past, present and future). Content Standard: Explain relationships among the Earth, sun, moon and the solar system. Describe the Earth s place in the solar system and the patterns of movement of objects within the solar system. Example Focus Question: What are the relative distances between the sun and all the planets? What are their relative sizes? Using pre-measured string plus a predetermined scale, assign the sun and a different planet to each of 10 students. Have them line up in order of distance from the sun, either in a long hallway or outside on the playground. Example Focus Question: How does the moon s revolution around the Earth cause its appearance to change? Keep a record of the shape of the moon for several months and predict what the moon will look like in the next week. Example Focus Question: How do our moon and the planets move? Build moveable models which illustrate the movement of our moon and the planets. Content Standard: Describe natural objects, events and processes outside the Earth (past, present and future). Identify natural objects outside the Earth. Example Focus Question: In what ways are galaxies, comets, asteroids different from one another? How are they the same? Research and build models of galaxies, comets and asteroids. Compare and contrast these celestial objects. PPS Grade Level Content Standards 14 January 1998

15 Portland Public Schools Content Standards Science History and Nature of Science - Grade 5 Understand science as a human endeavor, the nature of scientific knowledge and the history of science as it relates to and clarifies scientific inquiries. 1. Understand that science is a human endeavor practiced by individuals from many cultures. 2. Understand that scientific knowledge is subject to change based on new findings and results of scientific observation and experimentation. 3. Understand that scientific knowledge distinguishes itself through the processes of data collection, hypothesizing and use of logical arguments and skepticism. Content Standard: Describe science as a human endeavor. Identify different ways and places in which scientists work. Example Focus Question: What is a scientist s workplace like? Visit the Water Bureau, NW Regional Labs, the Zoo, OHSU or other places where scientists work. Interview scientists about their jobs, requirements for a safe workplace. Invite scientists from different ethnic backgrounds into the classroom to tell about experiences. Content Standard: Explain how scientific knowledge changes by evolving over time, almost always building on earlier knowledge. Identify examples of how scientific knowledge changes over time. Example Focus Question: How has the understanding of movements within the solar system changed over time (geocentric to heliocentric)? Take a field trip to a planetarium. Content Standard: Explain that scientific knowledge is developed through the processes of data collection, hypothesizing and use of logical arguments and skepticism. Identify and/or create questions that can be answered through scientific investigations. Give students a question which is too broad and/or ill defined to narrow, clarify and answer through a scientific investigation. PPS Grade Level Content Standards 15 January 1998

16 PPS Grade Level Content Standards 16 January 1998

17 Role of Science and Technology in Society 1. Describe the role of science and technology in local, national and global issues. Choices and Consequences 2. Describe how daily choices of individuals, taken together, affect global resource cycles, ecosystems and natural resource supplies. Risks and Benefits 3. Explain risks and benefits in personal and community health from a science perspective. Portland Public Schools Content Standards Science Science in Personal and Social Perspectives - Grade 5 Understand that science provides a basis for understanding and acting on personal and social issues. Content Standard: Identify the historical and contemporary role of science and technology in examining local, national and global issues. Content Standard: Use different points of view to make informed decisions and evaluate decision making policy on public issues involving scientific information. Identify a local scientific current event and describe its impact on the community. Example Focus Question: What types of scientific events attract media attention? Present a report on a scientific current event to the class. Identify the scientific issue, describe the political and other impacts on the community. Content Standard: Recognize the impact (including trade off, constraints, feedback, risk) of scientific information on personal choices and how these choices affect the world. Describe the global impact of the exploitation of a natural resource. Example Focus Question: What are the local and global effects of the harvesting of old growth timber? What are the effects of the depletion of the salmon runs of Oregon s economy? Research then hold classroom debates on the pros and cons of both issues. Content Standard: Explain, from a science perspective, how nutrition, exercise and disease, toxic substances, safety; and relationships with the environment are important to the health and safety of individuals and the community as a whole. Identify a personal and/or community health risk. Example Focus Question: How can we prevent infection from spreading? Design posters about common health problems associated with infection, and present ways to prevent spreading the infection. PPS Grade Level Content Standards 17 January 1998

18 PPS Grade Level Content Standards 18 January 1998

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