Red Lake, Minnesota I

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1 Red Lake, Minnesota I Elizabeth McBride 1 (1) Niijanishinaabedog go naa geniin o omaa Miskwaagamiiwizaaga iganiing imaa ezhinikaademagak endanakiiyaang omaa. (1) My fellow Anishinaabeg, indeed it is here at a place called Red Lake where we live. (2) Haa, michaamagad i iwe ayi ii zaaga igan o omaa. (3) Zhaangaso dasodiba igan aazhawi ayaa aazhawayi ii izhi go naa wii-aazhawishkaad awiiya, mii iwe epiichaamagak. (4) Iwidi dash igo ge keya go gichi-ginoogamaamagad idash igo. (5) Agoji maawiin nisimidana dasodiba igan izhi-ganoogamaa. (6) Mii dash i iw, wiinge go nimino-ayaamin igo omaa ayaayaang. (7) Igiwe go dago naa begida waawaad wiinge mino-ayaawag. (8) Oo, ayi ii endazhi-adaawaagewaad omaa ayaamagad. (9) Haa, gichiginoogamigi ayaa iwe imaa ezhiwin= indwaa igiw giigoonyag. (10) Mii-sh imaa wenji-maajiinindwaa giigoonyag omaa imaa i fishery ezhi-wiindeg. (11) Mii imaa onji ayi ii gichi-odaabaanan omaa bemiwijigemagak. (12) Gagwaan= (2) Well, the lake here is really big. (3) It s nine miles across, for someone to cross it, that s the extent of it. (4) In the other direction, the lake is very long indeed. (5) The lake s maybe about thirty miles long. (6) And we re really well here where we are. (7) In particular, those who fish with nets, they re really doing well. (8) There s a place where they sell (their fish) here. (9) Wow, it s really a long building where those fish are taken. (10) It s from there that the fish are taken to the fishery, as it s called. (11) It s from there that big trucks haul. (12) Those trucks are long. (13) It s from here that the fish are hauled. (14) Over there to Chicago, over there in that direction they travel. (15) Just anywhere to the big town they take those fish. 1 Transcription by R. Valentine; translation by E. McBride and R. Valentine. From Valentine, J. Randolph Ojibwe dialect relationships. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin.

2 waawan ini odaabaanan. (13) Mii omaa wenji-maajiinaawaad giigoonyan. (14) Iwidi ge ayi iing Zhigaagoo-oodenaang ge iwidi nagakeyaa izhiwijigaazowaad izhi-ipizowag iwidi. (15) Sigo dibi omaa gichi-oodenaang sa go odizhiwinaawaan ini giigoonyan. (16) Wiinge dash niibowa omaa onji-maajaa aw giigoonh go ayaa go ogaawag igo miinawaa go ginoozheg. (17) Oo wenda go a ogaa, mii iw gichiapiitendaagozid, minawaa go o ginoozhe miinawa go asaawensag, miinawaa go adikamegwag. (18) Oo, ayi iing wiin go ani-dagwaaging wiin igi adikamegwag ogo wenda maajiinaawag igo. (16) Many fish go from here, for example walleyed pike and pickerel. (17) Oh, chiefly walleyed pike, that s the favorite, but also pickerel, perch, and whitefish. (18) But then in the fall, mostly whitefish are taken. (19) Mii-sh igo naa geniinawind go naa ninda o-wiidokaazomin iko aaningodinong igo begida waawaad, agoodinasabiiyaang. (20) Mii iwe wiinge enh diba amaagooyaang igo endasogiizhig go naa ge izhiyangidwaa go, Haa, bizaan igo naa gidaa-mamaawaa go naa giigoonyag aaniin go minik waaayaawegwaa. (21) Mii sa go naa iwe waanda gichi-debi igooyaang igo aaningodinong. (22) Go naa, go naa meno-ayaad igo naa awiiya netaa- (19) And also we go to help those who fish, from time to time, we hang nets. (20) We really get paid each day, and also they tell, Go right ahead and take some fish, however many you want. (21) So that s a good provision for us sometimes. (22) Well, when someone is well and can work, he takes fish off the net, that s the kind of work he has. (23) But not everyone who lives there does that. (24) As for me, as time passes I m getting old, I m getting old it seems.

3 anokiid gidinamegwed o o, mii iwe dinowa enokiid. (23) Gaawiin wiin igo gakina awiiya go imaa endaad i iwe izhichigesii. (24) Mii sa oo, ko naa gaye niin aaningodinong azhigwa go ndanigikaaz go, indani-gikaaz sa go naa iidog. (25) Gaawiin shi go aapiji ningashkitoosiin iwe jiwiidookaazoyaan. (26) Haa bi - ashamigooyaan igo awe giigoonh apane go. (24) As for me, as time passes I m getting old, I m getting old it seems. (25) I m not really able to help. (26) Well, I m fed fish all of the time. (27) Miinawaa dash iwidi mooki= jiwang i ziibi mii miina iwidi endazhi= taawaad igiweg ayaa iniwen waakoon waakwan memaawaad imaa sa go naa obiina waawaan agoji go gaamange gichi-moodaying imaa dash ge-dazhi sa go naa ji-bimaadizid, ji-bimaadiziwaad ji-ni-giigoonyensiwiwaad igiw igiwe giigoonyag. (28) Onzaam iwidi giishpin iwidi ayaa dazhi-ondaadiziikewaad igo naa indawaaj igo naa, inga-ikid amanj igo ge-izhi-ikidowaambaanen i imaa ayaa maagizhaa iwidi gakina daa - amodiwag iidog igi giigoonyag. (29) Mii dash i iw imaa ayaa bimaaji indwaa imaa bimaaji ind i niibowa giigoonh keya izhichigewaad. (30) Mii-sh azhigwa mindidod a aw waakoons a sa go naa giigoonyens giigoozensag mii zhigwa (27) And also where the outlet to the river is, over there they work with those uh fish eggs, they take them there, and they put them into maybe a big jar there, so that they ll live in there, so that they ll become little fish, those fish. (28) Because if they gave birth over there, indeed, I ll just say, I don t know what I might say, maybe those fish would eat each other. (29) That s why they are saved, many fish are treated in this way. (30) And then when that egg, I mean, those little fish, when they re minnows, they are let go there into the lake.

4 bagidinindwaa i imaa ayi iing i imaa zaaga igan. (31) Oo, mii go naa ge imaa enokiiwaad igo aanind igo wiidookaazo= waad igo naa imaa wenji-gashkichi= gewaad igo naa zhooniyaa. (31) Oh, some people work there, they help, and it s by that means that they earn money. (32) He azhigwa naa miinawaa gaawiin akiinsan niinawind mashi nimiinigoosiimin. (33) Mii go gakina izhi-dibendamaang owe omaa indishko= niganinaan o omaa. (32) And we haven t been given another land allotment yet. (33) We all own this reservation here. (34) Oo, mii go a aaniin go apii go awiiya waa -o-nisaad ini waawaash= keshiwan, oo niibowagiziwag gaye wawaashkeshiwag omaa. (35) Mii omaa indakiiwininaang oo naa ayaa amanji go apii go waa -o-nisaad awiiya wawaash= keshiwan ayaa dash o o dash ezhichigewaad waaswaawag oo, waasamoodaabaanan aabaji aawaad babaamibizowaad dibikadinig babaawaaswaawaad. (36) Mii-sh i iw inaateseg iwidi i waaswaang mii iwidi ezhiwaasaabizowaad igiw waawaashke= shiwag. (37) Mii dash imaa azhigwa imaa ayaa baashkizond a aw waawaashkeshi. (38) Mii sa niibowa odizhi-nisaawaan agakeyaa a a. (39) Mii dash i iw go naa (34) Well, then, whenever anyone wants to go and kill a deer, there are many deer here. (35) It s here on our land, well whenever someone wants to go and kill a deer, what they do is, oh, they use cars, they drive them around at night, they go around shining their lights. (36) So then where it flashes when it s shined, the eyes of deer there shine. (37) And then the deer is shot. (38) They kill so many this way. (39) And some of them do well for themselves, or they sell it. (40) Oh, sometimes I too buy that deer if someone comes here selling it. (41) We really have it good that way.

5 ayaanind igo naa debiidizowag gaamaange adaawaagewag igo. (40) Oo aaningodinong iko gaye niin ndadaawen aw wawaashkeshi awiiya omaa bi - izhaad bi-adaawaaged. (41) Wiinge i i nagakeyaa nindizhi-minosemin. (42) Ayaa dash gaye endaso-ningogiizis gaye zhooniyaa nimiinigoomin giishpin agoji anokiisiwaang. (43) Mii omaa nindoogimaanaanaang mii imaa zhooniyaa miinigooyaang. (44) Haa, geget-sh wiin bangii go, gaawiin wiin go gichi-niibiwa go debinaak sa go naa jiadaaweyaang igo naa ge-wiisiniyaang gaamaange go bangii ge-biizikamaang gegoo. (45) Mii sa iwe keyaa ezhiminoseyaang aye imaa. (46) Haa niibiwa dash wiin igo booch igo gaye wiin inigaazi imaa go a bemaadizid. (47) Niibiwa dash imaa gaye anokiiwag, netaa -ozhibii igewaad ozhibii igewikweg miinawaa go ogoweg igo ogo ayaa sa go naa netaa - ogimaakandamowaad igo gegoo... mii go ge ogo enokiiwaad. (42) And also each month we re given money if we don t work anywhere. (43) It s here at our headquarters, it s there where we re given money. (44) Ah, but truly, however, we just get a little bit, not a great lot, just enough so that we can buy some simple thing, maybe something to eat or some small thing that we ll wear. (45) So that s the way that we have it good here. (46) But there are many living there who are poor. (47) On the the hand many are also working, those who can write, women secretaries, and also those who can oversee things, it s those (people) who are working. (48) Miinawaa ayaa ayi iing gichimichaamagad i iwe aakoziiwigamig i imaa ayaamagak. (49) Inaa awiiya ayaakozid, mii imaa izhiwinind imaa. (48) And also the hospital there is really big. (49) Indeed when someone is sick, it s there where they are taken. (50) We are cared for so carefully.

6 (50) Mii sa go iw weweni ezhiganawenimigooyaang. (51) Miinawaa dash ayaa o ge ogo gaashka aakwewaad ige mii ge inagakeyaa ezhi-gashkichigewaad. (52) O ge ayaamowaad igo chi-odaabaanan imaa boozi aawaad ini gichi-mitigoon wii -adaawaagewaad. (53) O o, ge maa ayi ii awe daashkiboojigan imaa gichidaashkiboojigan imaa ayaa. (54) Mii imaa ezhiwijigaazowaad igi mitigoog imaa daashkiboojigeng imaa mina nabagisagoog igo imaa ani - ozhi indwaa go i imaa niibiwa. (55) Mii i ge imaa niibowa o omaa onjimaajiigigaazo onji-maajiijigaazowag igi nabagisagoog. (56) Mii iwidi gichioodenaang keyaa go mii sa go naa owidi dibi go iwidi waakaa iganan ozhichigaadeg. (57) Mii widi ezhiwinindwaa igi nabagisagoog miinawaa zhingobiiyaatig igaye imaa bezhig endazhi -ozhi ind iniwen ayi iin nooj isa go zhingobiig igo ezhi-... gaamaange waakaa-aakobijiganan gaye ozhichigaadeg. (51) Also, there are also loggers too, that s a way by which people earn a living. (52) They also have big trucks, and they load those big logs into them which they re going to go and sell. (53) Well, there s also a sawmill, there s a big sawmill. (53) Well, there s also a sawmill, there s a big sawmill. (54) It there that those logs are taken, where they re sawed up, and also many boards are made there. (55) It s there too from which many of those boards are hauled. (56) Over there in the direction of the big city (n.b. Chicago), in that direction, over there where houses are made. (57) Those boards are taken over there, and also cedar logs are made there, just anything cedar or maybe too fences are made there. (58) Mii gaye imaa ayaamagak go naa gaye omaa aaninda anokiiwaad igo, azhigwa dash miinawaa geget idash wiin (58) And it s there too that some people work, but to be honest, though, even though there is lots of work and

7 go inigaazi booch o owe sa aanaayaamagak gichi-niibowa anokiiwin miinawaa gichi-weweni ganawendaa= goziyaang booch idash igo ge wiin inigaazi anishinaabe omaa endaad. (59) Aanind igo nindinigaazimin igo gaye ningidimaagizimin go aanind igo miinawaa aanind waanadiziwag, owiinizhishininiwan owaakaa iganiwaan miinawaa gakina gegoo imaa biindig etenig go naa abiwinan, oo, oshkiwaakaa iganan ige indoozhitamaagoomin omaa. (60) Owiinizhishinoon ono waakaa iganan. (61) Miinawaa aanind wawiinizhishininiwan odoodaabaan= iwaan, babaamibizowaad imaa. (62) Niin wiin niinawind wiin igo miinawaa sa go niibowa go aanind igo gonaa geniinawind odaabaanishan igo naa indaabajitoomin o o gonaa bangii gonaa enagindemagak aanish naa ningidimaagizimin aanind igo omaa eyaayaang. (63) Mii sa iw ayaa dash aanawi dash wiin igo ganabaj igo ayaanind babenag igo naa gaawiin ingodano daa -izhi-gidimaagizisii, aanish naa onji aanind gewiinawaa ominwendaanaawaa geminikwewaad igaye anooj inaabaji aawaad iniwen ozhooniyaamiwaan. we re well taken care of, still the person living here is in bad shape. (59) Some of us are in bad shape and we re poor, but some are rich, their houses are very nice and everything inside as well, the rooms, oh, new houses are also made for us here. (60) These houses are nice. (60) These houses are nice. (61) Also some drive around in very nice cars. (62) But as for me and for many others, we use old cars that cost very little, because some of us here are poor. (63) That s how it is, though perhaps some would not be so poor, but they like to drink and use their money in many other ways.

8 (64) O dash gaye ezhi-gichinisaanendaagwak o o maji-mashkiki (drugs) mamoowaad ogo indooshkibimaadiziinaanig miinawaa zagaswaad, zagaswaanaawaad ini gaawashkweshkaagowaad. (65) Geget niibowa ge azhigwa nisidizowag minawaa gamaange go onisaawaan igo wiiji-bimaadiziiwaan. (66) Mii iw onji giiwashkweshkaagowaad giiwanaazikaagowaad i dinowa. (67) Mii iwe mendage go maazhendaagwad iwe, gichi-nisaanendaagwad sa go iwe, iwe izhiwebizing i. (64) And also it s a sad thing, our young people take drugs and he smokes, they smoke, that stuff that makes them funny in the head. (65) Truly many now kill themselves, or they kill one another. (66) It s because of this kind of stuff that makes them go crazy. (67) That is so saddening, it s very sad that things are like that. (68) Haa, dash igo ge anama ewi= gamigoon gaye o omaa ndayaamin. (69) Amanjigo taso go izhitwaawinan omaa ayaawan. (70) Miinawaa go niibowa midewiwag aanind omaa anishinaabeg endaawaad eyaawaad. (71) Booshke go gaye niibowa go izhi -azhegiiwewag midewiwining ogo booshke go gaye oshki-bimaadiziwaad igo o o ani - izhichigewaad igo. (72) Oo, gaye niimi iding gaye niimi idiwaad ige. (73) Mii sa wiinge onizhishin miinawaa wiinge gaawiin ngwana gichi - onizhishinzinoon eyizhiwebiziyaang omaa geniinawind endaayaang (68) Well, we also have churches here. (69) I don t know how many religions there are here. (70) Also many of the Indians that live here are doing the Mide. (71) Even also thus many go back into Grand Medicine, even the young people are doing this. (72) Oh, there is religious dancing also, they dance with one another. (73) So it s very good and it s not very good, the way that we live here. (74) And as for me, I was more than forty years of age (n.b., or forty years ago?) when I became a Christian. (75) That was it, all that crazy living was quit when believing in Jesus. (76) This is the

9 endanakiiyaang. (74) Mii sa gaye niin dash indaaw niimidana gaye niin awashime niin ningii-maaji -anami aa. (75) Mii iwe, mii iwe iko gii-boonitoong gegoo o gagiibaadiziwin mii dash awe aya aa Jesus debweyenimind. (76) Mii gaye niin o o nagakeya ezhitwaayaan. (77) Geget ngichi-moozhi aa awe Jesus, ndigo geget igo niwiijayaawig igo ezhigikenimag. (78) Niwiidookaag gakina way that I believe. (77) Truly I really feel about Jesus such that it seems like he is truly with me, the way I know him. (78) He helps me with everything as I live here. (79) I m happy about the way as I walk with him and he walks with that he helps me along the way where it s hard. gegoo ezhi-bimaadiziyaan omaa. (79) Mii iwe iko ningichiminawaanigwendaan igo nagakeyaa i iwe wiidosemag igo bimi-wiidosemid minawaa bimi-wiidookawid imaa bimizanagak. (80) Mii sa o keyaa mii sa owe gonaa minik o bangii ezhi-dadibaajimo= toonagog. (81) Mii sa i. (80) This is then the little bit that I ll tell you. (81) That s it.

mii imaa ji-adaaweyang onow wewebanaabiing. here we'll buy a fishing pole.

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