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1 JURNALISM, ANUL 1-2, curs 14 USEFUL WORDS (CUVINTE UZUALE) GENERAL VOCABULARY (VOCABULAR GENERAL): * THE HUMAN BODY (CORPUL UMAN) The head [θə hed] = capul The ear [θə iə r ] = urechea The tongue [θə tλŋ] = limba The nose [θə nəuz] = nasul The mouth [θə mauθ] = gura The tooth [θə tu:θ] teeth [ti:θ] = dintele-dinţii The eye [θi ai] = ochiul; hazel eyes [heizl ais] = ochi căprui; blue eyes [blu:] = ochi albaştri; green eyes [gri:n] = ochi verzi; dark eyes [da: r k] = ochi negri The back [θə bæk] = spatele The belly [θə beli] = burta (pântec); the stomach [θə stλmək] = stomacul; the abdomen [θə æbdəmən / æbdəumen] = abdomenul The navel [θə neivl] = the umbilicus [θi Λmbilikəs] = buricul The arm [θi a r m] = braţul The leg [θə leg] = piciorul; foot [fut] feet [fi:t] = laba piciorului The elbow [θi elbou] = cotul The knee [θə ni:] = genunchiul The hand [θə hænd] = mâna The finger [θə fiŋgə r ] = degetul de la mână; the forefinger [θə fo: r fiŋgə r ] = degetul arătător = the index finger [θi indeks.]; the ring finger [θə riŋ.] = degetul inelar; the thumb [θə θλm] = degetul mare; the little finger [θə litl.] = degetul mic; the middle finger [θə midl.] = degetul mijlociu The toe [θə tou] = degetul de la picior The hair [θə heə r ] = părul; the stiff hair [θə stif..] = părul aspru; the grey hair [θə grei.] = păr cărunt; the fair hair [θə feə r.] = păr blond/ deschis; the red hair [θə red..] = păr roşu; the straight hair [θə streit.]= păr drept; the curly hair [θə kə: r li] = păr cârlionţat; the wavy hair [θə weivi..] = păr ondulat; the short-hair [θə o: r t.] = păr scurt; the long hair [θə loŋ ] = păr lung; dark-haired [da: r k-heə r d] = brunet; chestnut hair [t esnλt] = păr castaniu The shoulder [θə ouldə r ] = umărul The neck [θə nek] = gâtul These are Anna s legs. This is her hand. This is her arm. That is her head. Anna has a big nose, a short neck, two large feet and two big legs. Helen is red-haired. Noemi is dark-haired. And Kity is fair-haired. Răspundeţi la întrebare: Can you describe yourself? What do you look like? 1

2 Traduceţi: Ana are nasul mic, gâtul lung, braţele lungi, şi picioarele mici. Daniela are capul mic, mâinile mari, picioarele lungi, şi părul scurt si blond. Carol are părul creţ şi roşu, nasul mare, mâinile mici, picioarele scurte şi labele picioarelor foarte mari. CONSOLIDATION 2 (consolidare prin exerciţii la past tense) 1. Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple. ( Treceţi verbele din paranteze la past tense simplu). a) Tom (look)..looked.out of the window. b) We (take).the bus from the airport to the city centre. c) Laura (read).the book all afternoon. d) Kate (close) all the windows and doors. e) An old friend (come) see me yesterday. f) I (see) interesting film last week. 2. Choose the most suitable answer (1-7) for each question (a-g). (Alegeţi cel mai potrivit răspuns (1-7) pentru fiecare întrebare (a-g).) a) What were you doing when you saw the accident? 4 b) Did you go to Italy last summer? c) What did you do last weekend? d) What did you do when you saw the two men? e) Did you go to school yesterday? f) Did you have a good time at the party?.. g) When did you find the money?.. 1. Yes, I really enjoyed myself. 2. I called the police. 3. Yes, I spent three weeks there. 4. I was standing at the bus-stop. 5. While I was cleaning the floor. 6. I met my friends, and spent time with my family. 7. No, I was ill. I stayed at home. 3. Rewrite each sentence using a negative form of a verb from the box. Do not change the meaning. (Reformulaţi fiecare propoziţe folosind o formă de negativ a unui verb din tabel. Nu schimbaţi sensul). close forget get up like miss Sit dowm Go out win a) David caught the train. David didn t miss the train. b) Cristina remembered her book.. c) They stayed at home.. 2

3 d) John opened the door. e) Terry stayed in bed.. f) Karen hated Chinese food.. g) Chris s team lost the match.. h) I stood up on the bus all the way home.. 4. Correct each sentence or question. (Corectaţi fiecare propoziţie sau întrebare) a) Where did you went last night? Where did you go last night? b) I didn t knew the answer. c) Harry maked a lot of noise... d) I didn t liked my new teacher... e) Took you your medicine?.. f) Helen comed home late last night. g) I didn t got up early this morning. h) What did you saw at the cinema?. 5. Read the answers. Write a question for each answer. (Citiţi răspunsurile. Scrieţi câte o întrebare pentru fiecare răspuns). a) Were you working last night? Last night? No, I wasn t working last night. b) Was..? Yes, that s right. Tim was waiting at the bus-stop. c) Was..? No, Mary wasn t talking. d) Was..? Yes, that s right. Kate was wearing jeans. e) Were..? Yes, Ali and Mehmet were playing football. f) Was? Raining? Yes, it was. 6. Change the verbs in brackets into the past continuous. (Treceţi verbele din paranteze la past continuu). a) (you, play)..were you playing tennis with Paolo yesterday? b) (Mary, have) lunch at 1 o clock. c) (we, watch).basketball all day. d) Who (you, dance) with at the party last night? e) (Some of the boy, look) out of the window? f) ( I, walk).home in the rain. Think about grammar! (Gândiţi-vă la gramatică!) Are these sentences true or false? (Sunt aceste propoziţii adevărate sau false?) a) When actions in the past are completed, use the past simple. b) When actions in the past are not completed, use the past continuous. c) Did is for negative sentences only. PAST CONTINUOUS AND PAST SIMPLE (past tense continuu şi past tense simplu) 3

4 We often contrast a continuing situation with a sudden event. (Adesea contrastăm o situaţie continuă cu un eveniment brusc.) Statements (afirmaţii): I was writing a letter when Paul phoned. (Scriam o scrisoare când a telefonat Paul) (continuing situation) (sudden event) (situaţie continuă) (eveniment brusc) 6.20pm 7pm pm 8.30pm writing a letter telephone rang Now (scriam o.) ( a sunat tel) (acum) I started the letter at (Am început [să scriu] scrisoarea la 7.00) Paul phoned at (Paul a sunat la 8.00) I was writing a letter when Paul phoned. (Scriam o scrisoare când a sunat Paul). While I was writing a letter, Paul phoned. ( În timp ce scriam o scrisoare, a sunat Paul) While I was waiting for the bus, I saw the accident. ( În timp ce aşteptam autobuzul, am văzut accidentul). (continuing situation) (sudden event) (situaţie continuă) (eveniment brusc) 10 am 11am waiting (aşteptam) saw accident (am văzut accidentul) I started waiting for the bus at ( Am început să aştept autobuzul la 10.00) I saw the accident at ( Am văzut accidentul la 10.30). I saw the accident when I was waiting for the bus. ( Am văzut accidentul când aşteptam autobuzul) I saw the accident while I was waiting for the bus. (Am văzut accidentul în timp ce aşteptam autobuzul) I was waiting for the bus when I saw the accident. (Aşteptam autobuzul când am văzut accidentul). When I saw the accident, I was waiting for the bus. (Când am văzut accidentul, aşteptam autobuzul) Questions (forma interogativă): What were you doing when I phoned? 4

5 (Ce făceai când am telefonat?) I was writing a letter, when you phoned. When did you see the accident? (Când ai văzut accidentul?) I saw the accident while I was waiting for the bus. Am văzut accidentul în timp ce aşteptam autobuzul. You can see when with both past simple and continuous, but while is only used with the continuous. (Puteţi să vedeţi when = când atât cu past simplu cât şi continuu, dar while = în timp ce este folosit doar cu past tense continuu). 1. Underline the correct verb form in each sentence. (Subliniaţi/ încercuiţi forma corectă a verbului din fiecare propoziţie): a) While I was doing/ did my homework, I had a good idea. b) Jim was breaking/broke his leg when he was playing golf. c) When I arrived, I was going/went into the kitchen. d) We were finding/found an old box while we were digging in the garden. e) I was seeing/saw an old friend while I was waiting for the train. f) While I had/was having a bath, the phone rang. 2. Complete each sentence. Use the verbs in brackets. Use past simple or past continuous. (Completaţi fiecare propozitie. Folosiţi verbele din parenteze. Folosiţi past simplu sau continuu). a) Chris (eat)..ate spaghetti every day last week. b) When I (come)..into the room, two boys (play).football. c) Peter (turn on).the TV, but nothing (happen).. d) While we (run).in the park, Mary (fall over). e) While I (listen) music, I (hear).the doorbell. f) I (break) my pen while I (do).my homework. 3. Read the paragraph. Choose the most suitable word for each space. (Citiţi paragraful. Alegeţi cel mai potrivit cuvânt pentru fiecare spaţiu). Last week my friend Sandy and I (1)..A to go to the beach on the bus. While we (2) for the bus, it suddenly (3) to rain. We (4)..summer clothes, and we (5).an umbrella. While we (6)..there in the rain, Sandy s mother (7)..past, so we (8) to her. Luckily, she (9), and (10) home in the car. 1) A decided B was deciding C were deciding 2) A were waiting B waiting C was waiting 3) A start B was starting C started 4) A was wearing B wore C were wearing 5) A weren t having B had C didn t have 6) A stood B were standing C standed 5

6 7) A drived B driving C drove 8) A were waving B waved C was waving 9) A noticing B noticed C didn t notice 10) A took B take C taked PAST HABITS: USED TO (obiceiuri din trecut: used to = obişnuia(m) să) We use used to when we describe a state or habit in the past. (Folosim used to când descriem o stare sau un obicei din trecut). Statements (afirmativ): I used to play tennis. (Obişnuiam să joc tennis) I used to play He used to play We used to play Negatives (forma negativă): Sheila didn t use to play basketball. (Sheila nu obişnuia să joace bascket) I didn t use to play She didn t use to play We didn t use to play Questions (forma interogativă): Did they use to play football? (Obişnuiau să joace fotbal?) Did he use to play? Did you use to play? Did they use to play? We often use used to to contrast a past habit with what we do now. (De multe ori folosim used to pentru a contrasta un obicei din trecut cu ceva ce facem acum): I used to have a motorbike when I was younger. (Aveam o motocicleta când eram mai tânăr) past state (afirmaţie, stare, situaţie din trecut) I used to drink coffee, but now I drink tea. (Obişnuiam să beau cafea, dar acum beau ceai). past habit (obicei din trecut) There is no present form of used to. (Nu există nici o formă de timp prezent pentru used to ): I used to work in London, but now I work in Manchester. (Obişnuiam să lucrez/lucram la Londra, dar acum lucrez in Manchester.) The past simple is also possible in these examples, but used to is more common. (Past tense simplu este de asemenea posibil în aceste exemple, dar used to este mai des folosit). I had a motorbike when I was younger. (Aveam o motocicleta când eram mai tânăr) I played tennis, but now I play football. (Am jucat/ jucam tennis, dar acum joc fotbal). Practice: 6

7 1. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. (Priviţi imaginile şi completaţi propoziţiile): a) like ice-cream / hate it David used to like ice-cream, but now he hates it. b) Live in the country/ in the city c) Walk to school / ride a bike.. d) Get up late/ early e) Have short hair/ long hair.. f) Be short/ tall 2. Look at the table below. Write sentences about the past. Use used to and didn t use to. (Uitaţi-vă în tabelul de mai jos. Scrieţi propoziţii despre trecut. Folosiţi used to şi didn t use to ) Ride horses Drive cars Read books Go to the cinema Wash their clothes by hand Watch TV Look after animals Use computers 200 years ago Y N Y N Y N Y N Two hundred years ago a) people (ride)..used to ride.horses. b) they (drive).cars. c) they (read) books. d) they (go to) the cinema. e) they (wash)..their clothes by hand. f) they (watch) g) they (look after) animals. h) they (use) computers. 3. Make statements, negatives or questions with used to. (Alcătuiţi propoziţii afirmative, negative sau interogative cu used to.) a) Susan/ have/ a dog? (question): Did Susan use to have a dog? b) people/ use/ mobile phones (negative):. c) he/ go/ swimming (statement):. d) they/ like/ jazz music? (question):. e) Eva s family / live/ in Moscow (statement): f) we/ drink/ coffee (negative):.. g) my sister/ watch/ television (negative): h) Tony/ work/ in a bank? (question): 7

8 4. Rewrite each sentence or question with used to. Do not change the meaning. (Reformulaţi fiecare propoziţie sau întrebare cu used to. Nu schimbaţi sensul.) a) I was in the school tennis team. I used to be in the school tennis team. b) Sophie had long hair when she was at school. c) Mary didn t listen when her teachers were speaking. d) Ricardo got up at 6.00 when he was training for the Olympics. e) What did you usually do on Saturday evenings? f) Becky was afraid of dogs when she was a girl. g) We always gave our teachers presents at the end of term.. h) Did you live next door to Mrs Harrison?.. i) My brother wore glasses when he was small.. j) Did Marcin learn German at school? 5. Complete the sentences with your personal details. (Completaţi propoziţiile cu detaliile personale): (homework tema) a) I used to eat., but now I don t. b) I used to hate.., but now I love it. c) I didn t use to drink, but now I do. d) I used to read.., but now I don t. e) I didn t use to watch, on television, but now I do. f) I used to get up at, on Saturdays, but now I don t. g) I used to play.., but now I play.. h) I didn t use to have.., for breakfast, but now I do. 6. What did your grandparents and parents use to do? (Ce obişnuiau să facă părinţii şi bunicii tăi?) (homework tema) My grandfather used to live in., but my dad.. USED + INFINITIVE ( used + infinitiv) 1. meaning (sensul) We use used + infinitive to talk about past habits and states which are now finished. (Folosim used + infinitiv ca să vorbim despre obiceiuri şi stări trecute care acum sunt terminate) I used to smoke, but now I ve stopped. (NOT: I was used to smoke) (Obişnuiam să fumez That bingo hall used to be a cinema. (Sala aceea de bingo era o dată un cinematograf) 8

9 2. only past (doar trecut) Used to has no present form (and no progressive, perfect, infinitive or -ing forms). To talk about present habits and states, we usually use the simple present tense. ( Used to. nu are formă pentru prezent [si nici forme de continuu, perfect, infinitiv sau ing ]) He smokes. (NOT: He uses to smoke). ( El fumează) Her brother still collects stamps. (Fratele ei încă mai colecţionează timbre). 3. Questions and negative forms (forme de interogativ şi negativ) In a formal style, used to. can have the forms of a modal auxiliary verb (questions and negatives without do ), especially in British English. The modal questions forms are rare. (Într-un stil formal, used to. poate avea formele unui verb auxiliar modal [forme interogative şi negative fără to ] mai ales în engleza britanică. Formele interogative modale sunt rare). I used not to like opera, but now I do. (OR I used to not like opera ) (Nu-mi plăcea opera, dar acum îmi place). Used you to play football at school? (Obişnuiai să joci fotbal la şcoală?) These forms are not used in tags. (Aceste forme nu sunt folosite în nu-i aşa? ) You used not to like him, did you? (NOT:.used you?) (Nu-ţi plăcea de el, nu-i aşa?) In an informal style, it is more common to use ordinary question and negative forms with auxiliary do. (Într-un stil familiar, se folosesc mai des interogative şi negative cu auxiliarul do ). Did you use to play football at school? (Jucai fotbal la şcoală?) I didn t use to like opera, but now I do. (Nu-mi plăcea opera, dar acum îmi place). These forms are not often written; when they are, they are sometimes spelt did.used to and didn t used to ; many people consider these spellings incorrect. (Aceste forme nu prea sunt scrise; atunci câns sunt, sunt uneori scrise did..used to şi didn t used to ; multă lumea consideră aceasta ortografiere ca fiind incorectă). The contraction use(d)n t is also occasionally used. (Forma scurtă use(d)n t este ocazional utilizată). 4. when used to is not used (când nu se foloseşte used to ) Used to refers to things that happened at an earlier stage of one s life and are now finished; there is an idea that circumstances have changed. It is not used simply to say what happened at a past time, or how long it took, or how many times it happened. ( Used to se referă la lucruri care s-au întâmplat mai demult în viaţa cuiva iar acum sunt terminate; este ideea ca circumstanţele s-au schimbat. Nu este folosit doar pentru a spune ce s-a întâmplat la un timp trecut, cât de mult a durat, sau de câte ori s-a întâmplat). I worked very hard last month. (NOT: I used to work..) (Am lucrat din greu luna trecută). 9

10 I lived in Chester for three years. (NOT: I used to live.) ( Am trăit/locuit în Chester timp de trei ani). I went to France seven times last year. (NOT: I used to go..) (Am fost în Franţa de 7 ori anul trecut). 5. word order (ordinea cuvintelor) Mid-position adverbs ( completely, never, etc) can go before or after used. The position before used is more common in an informal style. (Adverbele de mijloc, ex completely, never = complet, niciodată pot sta înainte sau după used. Poziţia înainte de used este mai obişnuită în stilul familiar). I always used to be afraid of dogs. (informal) (Întotdeauna mi-a fost teamă de câini) (familiar) I used always to be afraid of dogs. (formal) (Mi-a fost întotdeauna teamă de câini) (formal) 6. [ used + infinitive] and be used to.. ing ([ used + infinitiv] şi be used to ing ] Used + infinitive has a quite different meaning from be used Compare: ( used + infinitiv are un sens total diferit de be used Comparaţi:) I didn t used to drive a big car. (Nu obişnuiam să conduc o maşină mare). (= Once I didn t drive a big car, but now I do) ( Atunci nu conduceam o maşină mare, dar acum conduc) ( NOT: I wasn t used to drive a big car). I wasn t used to driving a big car. ( = Driving a big car was a new and difficult experience I hadn t done it before) (Nu eram obişnui să conduc o maşină mare = Condusul unei maşini mari era ceva nou şi dificil nu mai făcusem asta până atunci) (BE) USED TO ( a fi obişnuit cu) 1. meaning (sensul) If a person is used to something, it is familiar; he or she has experienced it so much that it is no longer strange or new. (Dacă o persoană este obişnuită cu ceva, acel ceva este familiar acelei persoane; el sau ea a facut acel ceva/ a trecut prin acel ceva, încât nu mai este ceva nou sau ciudat). I ve lived in Central London for six years now, so I m used to the noise. (Stau in centrul Londrei de 6 ani deja, aşa că m-am obişnuit cu zgomotul) At the beginning I couldn t understand Londoners because I wasn t used to the accent. (La început nu-i puteam înţelege pe londonezi pentru că nu eram obişnuit cu accentul). 10

11 2. structures (structuri) Be used to can be followed by nouns or -ing forms (NOT infinitives) ( be used to poate fi urmat de substantive sau forme ing [NU infinitive]) I m used to driving in London now, but it was hard at the beginning. (M-am obişnuit să conduc prin Londra, dar mi-a fost greu la început) ( NOT: I m used to drive in London..) It was a long time before she was completely used to working with old people. (A trecut mult timp până când ea s-a obişnuit complet să lucreze cu cei bătrâni). Used is an adjective in this structure, and can be modified by adverbs such as quite or very. ( În această structură used este adjectiv, şi poate fi modificat de adverbe ca întru totul şi foarte ) I m quite used to her little ways. (M-am obişnuit întru totul cu felul ei de a fi) 3. get used Get, become and grow can also be used before used ( get, become şi grow pot fi de asemenea folosite înainte de used ) You ll soon get used to living in the country. (Curând te vei obişnui să locuieşti la ţară) I lived in France for six years, but I never got used to shaking hands with people all the time. (Am locuit în Franţa 6 ani, dar nu m-am obişnuit niciodată să dau mereu mâna cu oamenii) Little by little, he became used to his new family. (Puţin câte puţin, s-a obişnuit cu noua sa familie.) It took them a long time to grow used to getting up in the middle of the night. (Le-a luat mult timp să se obişnuiască să se scoale la miezul nopţii). # USEFUL WORDS JOURNALISM journalism = jurnalism journalist = jurnalist media = media editor = redactor şef (de ziar) reporter = reporter story = poveste, articol information = informaţie newsroom = redacţie de ştiri interview = interviu newspaper = ziar = paper news = ştiri television = televiziune news producer = producător de ştiri 11

12 radio station = post de radio editorial = editorial publication = publicaţie advertising = publicitate design = design cuttings = decupaje, articole decupate din ziare magazine = revistă published = publicat broadcast = transmis prin radio newsdesk = biroul, redacţia de ştiri exclusive = articol în exclusivitate by-line = numele autorului articolului scris în ziar sub titlul articolului correspoundent = stringer= colaborator newsworthy = ceva care merită să ajungă ştire spokespeople = martorii care vorbesc despre.. stand-the-story-up = povestea să stea în picioare, să se susţină article = articol script = scenariu deadline = termen limită contacts = persoanele de legatură column = coloana de articol letter of aplication = scrisoare de solicitare fillers = articole de umplutură main leads = rezumate la articolele mari pictures = poze caption(ing) = explicaţia din chenarul de sub poză vox pop = sondaj de opinie radio bulletin = buletin de ştiri la radio sub-editor = corector photographer = fotograf wordprocessing = scris la computer type = scris la maşina de scris shorthand = stenodactilografie tape-recorder = reportofon freelance = liber profesionişti apply on spec = a solicita un post la noroc newsagents = agenţi de presă, vânzători review = recenzie covering letter = scrisoare însoţitoare Covering Letter Your letter should be short, to the point and accurate. It should be written on good, white A4-size paper with your address, telephone number and date on the top right hand side of the sheet and that of the addressee lower down on the left. Try not to start off 12

13 with Dear Sir / Madam. You should aim to identify a key individual within the organization and address them personally. The editor or news editor is the best bet and it will only take one short telephone call to their switchboard to check their name and its spelling. Your letter should be on one side of A4 only and should spell out clearly what you are asking for. Remember, you want to be a journalist so be direct and unambiguous but don t be too pushy. Something along the lines of this for an opening paragraph might help: I am writing to ask you to consider me for the post of should a vacancy arise within your organization. Please find enclosed my curriculum vitae which details my experience to date. You should be clear about the kind of work you are looking for. Don t just say you want to work in newspapers, specify whether you are interested in news reporting, feature writing or whatever. Your next paragraph could explain why you are keen to work for that specific publication / station / programme and state briefly what skills you could bring to it. Send in your application quickly with every I dotted and t crossed. You may want to finish off on a pro-active note. If there aren t any vacancies currently, could I come in for a chat to discuss possibilities or undertake work experience or temporary work? That should at least help to get you in and get your face known. Personal preference of the editor dictates whether they like to see covering letters handwritten or typed. Handwritten letters, if neat and well-organized, show you have made a personal effort, not just changed the name and company at the top of a file on your wordprocessor. But there is now a swing towards typed letters, especially if your handwriting is illegible, no matter how neatly laid out your letter may be. Curriculum Vitae This is a summary of personal details, education and experience to date. Usually produced on one or two sides of A4, it should be arranged so that it looks neat and professional and so that the reader can clearly pick out the information they need. It should be impeccably typed or preferably wordprocessed because that exhibits flair with new technology, especially if you highlight headings and important points. If using a computer, don t fall prey to the typefaces in the menu stick to something plain and simple. (Times Roman 11pt is wonderful for a CV as is Helvetica. Avoid using typefaces that are too fancy.) Information should come under a few simple headings but you can experiment with layouts to find the best for you. The main headings tend to be: Personal details: including full name, address, telephone number, date of birth, driver s licence, nationality; Education: schools / colleges attended and dates, qualifications / grades gained Employment history or work experience: dates, name and addresses of employer, job title and main duties 13

14 The information is usually listed in reverse order with the most recent details first. So if you ve got a postgraduate qualification, list that before your degree, then your schooling. If you have done relevant work experience at an organization be sure to make the best of it in your CV. Other relevant information: This is where you can mention any skills you have. Interests: This section should show a good mix of personal and social pursuits listening to records alone is not enough for most jobs! Referees: Names and addresses of at least two one personal and one work/ education related. Try to include any supplementary material to prove your abilities. Ideally, you will have a few cuttings which have been published. Photocopies of these should be displayed imaginatively, not folded up in an envelope or in a child s scrapbook. That would suggest you did not have much pride in what you hade done. There is no standard way of displaying cuttings but slipped inside a clear plastic A4 wallet inside a ringbinder or album will keep them neat and flat. If you do not have any examples of published work, improvise. For instance, one graduate applying for his first job as a current affairs director did not have a showreel so he submitted his file of college photography to show he had a good eye and could represent an issue or event pictorially. He got the job. Showing imagination and individuality can get you noticed while other applications blend into the background. A newspaper editor s advice for applicants You need to show some flair and attention to detail. It s amazing the number of CVs and letters which come in, which are illegilble, scruffy, or contain spelling mistakes. These would seem to suggest the applicant isn t really terribly bothered. The second thing to bear in mind is that if in some way you can make your application stand out from the crowd you are giving yourself a head start. When we begin our search for graduate trainees we literally receive hundreds of letters and forms. The person who gets noticed is the person who finds some new twist on the whole procedure to say Hey, look, I m an interesting person. Something eye-catching that makes you feel this application isn t like the last half-dozen that you went through. Sometimes that can be gimmicky but part of the trial of getting noticed in the media world is to come up with a new idea or to successfully recycle an old idea. Switchboard = pupitrul de comandă News reporting = scris ştiri Feature writing = scris articole Headings = titluri de capitole Layout = machetă Scrapbook = album Showreel = filmul sau caseta pe care s-au montat materialele ce vor fi folosite într-o emisiune Scruffy = dezordonat Eye-catching = bătător la ochi, care atrage atenţia Gimmicky = păcaleală 14

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