Modal pitch space COSTAS TSOUGRAS. Affiliation: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Fine Arts, School of Music

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1 Modal pitch space COSTAS TSOUGRAS Affiliation: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Fine Arts, School of Music

2 Abstract The Tonal Pitch Space Theory was introduced in 1988 by Fred Lerdahl as an expansion of the Generative Theory of Tonal Music with the purpose of providing explicit stability conditions and optimally clarified preference rules for the construction of GTTM's Time-Span Reduction and Prolongational Reduction analysis parts. The Diatonic Pitch Space model is based largely on experimental work in the Music Psychology field, mainly by Krumhansl and Deutch & Feroe and conforms successfully to models from the Music Theory field, mainly by Weber, Riemann, Schoenberg and Lewin. This paper explores the Pitch Space of the seven diatonic modes. The model developed comes up as an expansion and adaptation of Fred Lerdahl s Tonal Pitch Space model, with the purpose of being able to describe more accurately the situations involved in the analysis of diatonic modal music. The original methodology and set of algebraic calculating formulas is kept, but it is applied on Modal instead of Tonal Space, considering the latter to be a subset of the former. After the calculation of the chordal and regional space algebraic representations, geometrical representations of the Modal Pitch Space model are attempted.

3 1. Introduction - Background This paper examines the Pitch Space of the seven diatonic modes. The model emerges as an expansion and adaptation of Fred Lerdahl s Tonal Pitch Space, with the purpose of describing more accurately the situations involved in the analysis of diatonic modal music. The original methodology and set of algebraic calculating formulas is retained, but it is applied to Modal instead of Tonal Diatonic Space, considering the latter a subset of the former. Also, a geometrical representation of the model is attempted. The Tonal Pitch Space Theory (Lerdahl 1988, 2001) evolved as an expansion of the Generative Theory of Tonal Music (Lerdahl & Jackendoff 1983) with the purpose of providing explicit stability conditions and optimally clarified preference rules for the construction of GTTM's Time-Span Reduction and Prolongational Reduction. The Diatonic Pitch Space model is based largely on experimental research in Music Psychology, mainly by Krumhansl (1979, 1983, 1990) and Deutsch & Feroe (1981) and conforms successfully to Music Theory models, mainly by Weber ( ), Riemann (1893), Schoenberg (1954) and Lewin (1987). Its algebraic representation consists of integer number formulas, and its geometric one of chart, toroidal and cone structures (Lerdahl 1988; Krumhansl 1983). An Event Hierarchy (Bharucha 1984) represents hierarchical relationships inferred from a sequence of musical events, typically cast as pitch reductions. The prolongational structures of GTTM, which are the most salient output of its reductional analytic methodology form event hierarchies. A Tonal Hierarchy (Lerdahl 1988) is the sum of the hierarchical relations of the pitches, chords and regions within a tonal system modeled by a multidimensional space in which spatial distance equals cognitive distance. The Tonal Hierarchy, having been established as a schema in the experienced listener's mind after long exposure to the musical idiom it represents, is essential for constructing event hierarchies from a sequence of perceived musical events. Pitch Space Theory provides such a model of Tonal Hierarchy, describing the cognitive distances between pitches, chords and regions in Tonal Music. The use of the model, with the quantization of the cognitive distances between the musical events of the analysis' reductional levels it provides, adds important Preference Rules for Time-span stability and Prolongational connection The diatonic modes 2. Modal Pitch Space Calculations Before proceeding to the calculation of chordal and regional distances, it is useful to discuss some properties of the diatonic modal system. The seven diatonic modes (the term mode is used here with the meaning of scale) can be produced by considering each pitch of a diatonic collection as a tonic. Thus, each diatonic collection has seven modes, all with the same key signature, and there are twelve diatonic collections, all connecting to each other through addition or subtraction of sharps or flats through the circle of perfect 5 ths. Instead of classifying the modes that have the same key signature in successive diatonic steps, the diatonic circle of 5 ths is used. Arranging the modes in such a way as to avoid the diminished 5 th until the circle's completion, the following classification emerges (for the "white-key" diatonic collection): Lydian F - Ionian C - Myxolydian G - Dorian D - Aeolian A - Phrygian E - Locrian B Another classification of the seven modes can be made by keeping the same tonic and altering the key signature, i.e. the diatonic collection. The circle of perfect 5 ths is used again in this process, but in this case the circle represents the addition of flats (or the subtraction of sharps) through the progression from lydian to locrian. Taking C as the constant tonic, the following classification emerges:

4 Lydian C 1# F# Ionian C - Mixolydian C 1b Bb Dorian C 2b Bb Eb Aeolian C 3b Bb Eb Ab Phrygian C 4b Bb Eb Ab Db Locrian C 5b Bb Eb Ab Db Gb So, the circle of perfect 5 ths classifies both types of modal relationships through the same order: lydian through locrian. At the diatonic level it relates all the modes of a specific diatonic collection before becoming a diminished 5 th and at the chromatic level it relates all the modes of a specific tonic before progressing to another. The center of both cyclic orders is the dorian mode Chordal Space within a mode The chordal space in C dorian mode, meaning the chordal distance of every chord to the tonic of the scale (C minor chord) can be calculated using the formula _(X/A_I/ A) = j + k, (Lerdahl 1988: 324) where X = the chord degree (I to VII), A = the mode, j = the shortest number of steps in the circles of 5 ths in either direction that the root of this chord needs to make to reach the tonic and k = the sum of the non-common tones at all levels of the basic space except the chromatic and diatonic ones, which are common to all the chords (levels a, b, c). The non-common tones are underlined in the following charts. The results that are produced by this process are the same regardless of the type of diatonic mode. The model is constructed in such a way that it actually calculates diatonic chordal distance related to the intervallic distance of the chords' roots regardless of the chord quality. So, the overall diatonic chordal distance rule, expressed in interval class is: _(ic 5,7) = 5, _(ic 3,4,8,9) = 7, _(ic 1,2,10,11) = 8 Expressed in scale degree distance in relation to the tonic the distance is (the scale degree symbols used are the same regardless of the chord quality): _(V_I) = 5, _(IV_I) = 5, _(VI_I) = 7, _(III_I) = 7, _(II_I) = 8, _(VII_I) = Regional Modal Space with constant tonic pitch

5 The next stage is the calculation of the regional distance between modes that have the same tonic but different key signatures. The formula is: _(I/A x _I/ A y ) = i + j + k, where A x,a y = the modal regions (in bold face), i = the integer expressing the difference in key signature between the two modes and j, k as in the previous calculations, with the difference that j = 0 because the root of the chord remains constant and that k considers level d as well, because the diatonic collection changes. Executing the calculations and taking C Lydian as reference mode (since it is first in the progression discussed previously), the following results come up: Each mode's distance from its neighbors is 2, except from the transition from mixolydian to dorian, because of the change in chord quality from major to minor and from phrygian to locrian, because of the loss of the perfect 5 th in the mode tonic chord. These results yield the construction of two groups of modes, each group having three members equidistant from each other (the locrian is not included in any of these groups): the major tonic group modes: Lydian - Ionian - Mixolydian the minor tonic group modes: Dorian - Aeolian - Phrygian Both of these two groups have central modes from which the other two members of the group have constant distances of 2. The center for the major tonic group is the ionian mode, while the center for the minor tonic group is the aeolian mode. An interesting point is the coincidence of the two central modes with the major and minor tonal scales Modal transpositions and modulations A transition - modulation between two modal regions can occur in four different ways: Modulation to another mode in the same key. Modulation to the same mode in another key (transposition). Modulation to another mode keeping the same tonic but altering key signature (modal interchange). Modulation to another mode in another key (all other possibilities). The distance between two modulating modal regions can be calculated with the same algebraic formula, regardless of which of the four types is involved. The regional space formula is: _ (A x _ B y ) = i + j + k, where _ =the regional distance, A x, B y = the modal regions (A,B=tonic, x,y =mode type) and i, j, k as before. For the calculation of the chordal distance between regions, the formula changes to: _(X/A x _ Y/B y ) = i + j + k, where _= chordal distance, X,Y=chord degree (I to VII) and the other symbols as before. For example, the regional distance

6 between C dor and A mix is: and the chordal distance between VI 7 /A aeol and IV 7 /A dor is: 3. Modal Space Representations Projected geometrically, the chordal space for every diatonic mode is the structure of figure 1, with the vertical axis representing the fifths circle and the horizontal axis the thirds circle. The horizontal and vertical distances are different (7 and 5 accordingly) and the area in dashes is the chordal core of the mode. This chart can also be converted into a toroidal structure (Lerdahl 1988: 334), the two representations (chart and torus) being interchangeable in principle. It should be mentioned that the model is not totally correct geometrically, because the diagonal distance should be 8.6 [=the square root of ( )] instead of 8, but the approximation is considered adequate for the purposes for which the model is constructed. Fig. 1 The first level of description of the regional space, the one including the modes in the same diatonic collection (same key signature) stems directly from the chordal space description, and it is constructed by the substitution of the chords in the chordal space around the major tonic chord with the modal regions that correspond to them. For instance, taking C ionian as the central mode: Fig. 2 An interesting aspect of the representation of fig. 2 is that all six modes (excluding locrian) are contained in the first two vertical rows only, the first one containing the minor tonic modes and the second row the major tonic ones, each member of the row connecting through the

7 circle of perfect 5 ths with the next and the bottom member of the first row connecting in the same way with the top member of the second row. Each row has its center mode, which is the aeolian for the minor modes and the ionian for the major modes and the distance values in this grid are 7 for the horizontal and 5 for the vertical axis. A similar structure was discussed in 2.3 describing the relationship between the modes with the same tonic but different key signature. In that case the distance value operators were 7 and 2. In both cases the modes progress according to the circle of perfect 5 ths but in the former the circle relates the modes' tonics while in the latter their key signatures. These two representations conform to the discussion about the modes in section 2.1. Combining these two structures, two hyper-regions come up, each containing all the major or minor modes around C (fig. 3). The distances value operators are 7, 5 and 2. Fig. 3 The next level of regional representation of the Modal Pitch Space that includes all the modes in all key signatures will be constructed as a combination of figure 3 and of the Tonal Pitch Space regional chart representation. Making the draft version of the part of the regional Modal Space that includes the neighbors of the C related modes and demonstrates these modes' key signature origin, figure 4 emerges. In this chart, the distance value acting as constructing operator that relates the central ionian and aeolian modes for both horizontal and vertical dimension is 7, in congruence with the tonal regional chart. Fig. 4 However, going into detail and inputting all six modes of each diatonic collection and their distances from the central modes (ionian and aeolian) also, the distance values make the key signature regions to overlap and the overall shape of the space to become slanted (fig. 5). The three distance values that construct the grid are 7 (for semi-diagonal and vertical axis between central regions), 5 (for vertical axis between modes with same key signature and their tonic pitches one 5 th apart) and 2 (for horizontal axis between modes with same tonic chord and key distance 1). The solid rectangles are the pivot hyper-regions, the dashed rectangle is the modal interchange hyper-region and the modes in small rectangles are the ones that belong to the same (0 or 3b key signature in this case) diatonic collection. The vertical distance between horizontal rows is 5 instead of 7 in the original region chart and the original vertical distance of 7 is maintained but in a semi-diagonal direction. Orthogonal rectangles can be constructed from the modes that have the same key signature (note that the distance value of 8 instead of 7 for the e phr mode exists because in this geometrical chart e is associated with a and not directly with

8 C ion so j=4 instead of 3. The same applies for the distance between c aeol and Bb mix ). Fig. 5 This representation has a geometrical imperfection beyond the level of approximation that has to do with the semi-diagonal distance 7. According to Euclidian geometry it should have been the square root of ( ) which equals 5.4. This may be corrected by projecting this structure in 4D space (toroidal representation), where not everything is on the same plane, but it may also indicate the limitations of this geometrical model. Also, the model does not apply entirely correctly when modulating to non-adjacent diagonally positioned modes, much in the way that the tonal regional chart behaves, but it describes the relations between the modal neighbors of each mode. Depending on the way a modulation is carried out (e.g. the pivot regions used), the space "bends" or "expands" to describe the distance of the two modes through the modulating procedure. 5. Conclusions The principle of the shortest path (Lerdahl 2001: 73 - the principle claims that among the possible paths in Pitch Space, the listener chooses the one that incorporates the least cognitive effort) links the Tonal or Modal Pitch Space with the Generative Theory of Tonal Music providing two important stability conditions in the form of Preference Rules for the Time-span Reduction and Prolongational Reduction (Lerdahl 2001: 74): Time-span stability: Of the possible choices for the head of a time span, prefer the event that yields the smallest δ (or ) value in relation to the superordinate context for this time-span. Prolongational connection: Of the possible connections within a prolongational region, prefer the attachment that yields the smallest δ (or ) value in relation to the superordinate endpoints of this region. The Modal Pitch Space defines a Diatonic Modal Hierarchy that facilitates the use of the above rules in modal context, therefore enabling GTTM to be used in modal music analysis in a possibly more efficient way. Although the GTTM has already been used for the analysis of modal music (Auvinen 1995, Tsougras 1999, 2001) without the quantification that the Modal Pitch Space provides - substituting it with references from semiotic analysis (Auvinen) or with intuitive classification of modal chords in folk tune context (Tsougras) - the model's potential use may lead to a more systematic methodology for the analysis of modal music.

9 Aknowledgements I would like to thank Fred Lerdahl for his help and advice during the development of the ideas presented in this paper. Modal Pitch Space was written during my research at Columbia University as visiting scholar for the Spring semester and it was largely inspired by Fred Lerdahl's "Tonal Pitch Space" class.

10 Address for correspondence: COSTAS TSOUGRAS Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Fine Arts, School of Music Plagiari Thessaloniki

11 References Auvinen, Tuomas (1995). Ideasta Rakenteeksi, Rakenteesta Tulkinnaksi. Master Thesis, University of Helsinki, Helsinki (Analysis of Arvo Pärt's Fratres with GTTM) Bharucha, J.J (1984). Event Hierarchies, Tonal Hierarchies and Assimilation: A Reply to Deutsch and Dowling. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, vol. 113, pp Deutsch, D., & Feroe, J. (1981). The Internal Representation of Pitch Sequences in Tonal Music. Psychological Review, Vol 88, pp Krumhansl, Carol (1979). The Psychological Representation of Musical Pitch in a Tonal Content. Cognitive Psychology, Vol 11, p Krumhansl, Carol (1983). Perceptual Structures for Tonal Music. Music Perception, Vol 1, pp Krumhansl, Carol (1990). Cognitive Foundations of Musical Pitch. Oxford University Press, New York Lerdahl, Fred & Jackendoff, Ray (1983). A Generative Theory of Tonal Music, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts Lerdahl, Fred (1988). Tonal Pitch Space. Music Perception, Vol 5/3 Lerdahl, Fred (2001). Tonal Pitch Space. Oxford University Press, New York Lewin, David (1987). Generalized Musical Intervals and Transformations. Yale University Press, New Haven Riemann, Hugo (1893). Vereinfachte Harmonielehre, oder die Lehre von den tonalen Funktionen der Akkorde (trns. H. Bewerunge). Augener, London Schoenberg, Arnold (1954). Structural Functions in Music. Norton, New York Tsougras, Costas (1999). A GTTM Analysis of Manolis Kalomiris' "Chant du Soir", International Journal of Anticipatory Computing Systems, Vol 4 [proceedings from ESCOM conference "Anticipation, Cognition and Music", Liege, August 1998] Tsougras, Costas (2001). Generative Theory of Tonal Music and Modality: Research based on the analysis of "44 Greek miniatures for piano by Y. Constantinidis". PhD dissertation, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Weber, G. ( ). Versuch einer geordeneten Theorie der Tönsetzkunst. B. Schotts Söhne, Mainz

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