1 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

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1 1 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

2 Editorial First I want to introduce myself. I am Durani Robben, an EVS volunteer of the VCV. I came to Serbia in the beginning of September and have been working here since then. I am here because I finished high school and did not know what to study. So I took a year off, to get to know myself. Aurelija, who all of you know very well, has left Serbia now. She trained me, she told me everything and showed how the PIGEON works, what it looks like and how it has to be published. The PIGEON needs an editor. There is too much potential, fun, good work and will in it to be thrown away. So I will keep up her work, and hope you all like it as much as you liked her work. The topic this month is art. Can you imagine a world without art? What is art after all? Do you have an answer to that, that suits all people? My family lives of making art. But I guess there are people that would not say that translating books is art. But it is. At the same time I would strongly argue that some of the art shown in the MOMA in New York are not worth to be called art. There can be thousands of highly educated people who would argue with me now. But still, I do not think that they could convince me. Try to solve this question on your own and then present it to your family, friends or whoever. I bet on it that you will have an argument. Art itself is neither simple, nor can it be put it frames. As soon as someone frames art within specific borders, it will lose its soul and being. In our society art plays an incredibly big role. Just think of it. The advertisements you see, the clothes you wear, the music you listen to every day, the movies you watch, the way your building was built and your bike was designed. That is art. It is art at its greatest and its most obscure. There is no way humanity can live without that. And do not forget, everyone can do art, there is nothing that you are not able to do. 2 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

3 Content 1. Nova ПИГЕОН sezona 2. Andy Warhol 3. Indian Festivals 4. What is Art 5. Art in Action 2 6. Estetska ekologija 7. French Movies 8. My relation to Art Pigeon Team Editor and Coordinator Durani Robben Authors Aurelija Rimkute Frieder Tautz Brice Derochette Daniele Pajić Lea Čikoš Dragan Tasić Durani Robben Stefan Janjić Design and Cover Boris Novaković Contact Volonterski Centar Vojvodine Njegoseva 3, Novi Sad tel/fax: mob. Tel: pigeon@volontiraj.rs The office working hours are h Proofreading Stefan Janjic Jovana Srdic 3 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

4 Nova ПИГEOН sezona W hen I started to create a ПИГEOН, it was Februar. Ernest gave me an idea to make the newsletter of Volonterski centar Vojvodine. When I started it, I didn t have a clue how should look the magazine... I even didn t have the name of the newsletter...the only what I have, it was a huge motivation and then I got a support from people who I just met a month, a day or few weeks ПИГEOН is an area for all people who want to express their opinion in every kind of topic. Every month all team pick a new topic and we share thoughts about articles according to the topic. I hope it will continue in this way. by apples, cheerful mood, cozy 80 s music (thanks to our Dj Janko)...and positive atmosfera. The culmination of the party was a movie filled with thoughts/wishes of ПИГEOН lovers...it was a party to show all people who support ПИГEOН that we appreciate what they are doing and that we are glad that they are with us. It was a time to be together... By Aurelija Rimkutė To celebrate vitality of ПИГEOН and to show appreciation for people who joined the ПИГEOН, we arranged a party in Nublu on the 5th of October. It was the first ПИГEOН party after the 8th editions..in the party you could meet me and Durani the new coordinator of ПИГEOН, members of ПИГEOН team, ПИГEOН friends, ПИГEOН readers and members from Volonterski centar Vojvodine. We were surrounded 4 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

5 Endi Vorhol umetnik modernog doba Nj egovo ime može da stoji rame uz rame sa imenima velikih slikara iz doba realizma i impresionizma, a njegov stil je prepoznatljiv širom sveta... Zavirimo u čarobni svet Endija Vorhola, čoveka koji svojim delima, filmovima, izjavama i životom nije prestao da intrigira javnost do dana današnjeg. Rođen kao Endi Vorhola u Pitsburgu, 6. avgusta godine, Endi je imao teško detinjstvo s obzirom na to da mu je sa sedam godina već dijanostifikovan neurološki poremećaj, a sa osam će doživeti slom živaca. Osuđen na boravak u kući sa majkom koja je volela ručne radove i bavila se njima, mali Endi prekraćuje vreme crtajući i maštajući o životu izvan siromašne četvrti u kojoj je porodica živela. Nedugo zatim, Vorholovi se sele u Ameriku ne bi li obezbedili bolje uslove za život, a Endi, sada već tinejdžer, ozbiljno se posvećuje umetnosti tako što odlazi na studije komercijalne umetnosti godine seli se u Njujork, menja svoje prezime u Vorhol i započinje svoj put ka slavi, uspehu i novcu. Prvi poslovi bili su mu u vezi sa marketingom, a svoju kreativnost izraziće pravljenjem neobičnih cipela. Ovi mu poslovi, međutim, neće doneti željeni uspeh. Tek šezdesetih godina on dobija svoje parče slave kada od običnog ilustratora postaje najpoznatiji umetnik u Americi. Za to je zaslužna njegova smelost - ne postoji nedopušteno, a poznata dela koja tada radi jesu reklamne kampanje za Kola kolu i Kempbels sup kens, a kasnije i portreti velikih diva tog doba, Merilin Monro i Elizabet Tejlor. Njegova tehnika je podrazumevala štampanje na tkanini, radio je slike u serijama i na taj način postizao da umetnost postane masovni produkt. Uprkos tome što je time umanjio značaj svoje kreativnosti, Endi postiže veliku popularnost u Americi, praveći tako revoluciju u umetnosti koja postaje prepoznatljiva i dostupna masi. Umesto dela izabrao je stil - jasne linije, vedre boje i motivi popkulture: poznatih ličnosti, novca, ali i banalnih predmeta poput 5 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

6 konzerva supe, sve ono što je voleo, to je i slikao godine osniva Fektori - sopstvenu fabriku umetnosti i andergraund umetnika u kojoj će započeti revoluciju američke umetnosti stvaranjem slika, filmova i muzike koji će započeti pop-eru koja i danas vlada.važio je za osobenjaka, okruženog transvestitima i lepoticama iz kojih je, kako kaže, crpio inspiraciju. Iako je bio jedan od prvih deklarisanih homoseksualaca i gej ikona šezdeseth godina, o njegovom privatnom životu malo se zna. Ono što će uzdrmati njegov život bio je atentat koji je izvršila njegova saradnica na njega, radikalna feministkinja - Valeri Solanas, koji je on preživeo, ali se od njega nikad nije oporavio. Uzrok atentata bio je - nesporazum i ludilo počiniteljke. Tokom sedamdesetih Endi se družio sa elitom američke popkulture koju je i portretisao Majklom Džeksonom, Lajzom Mineli, Mikom Džegerom, Dajanom Ros... Objavljuje knjigu Filozofija Endija Vorhola iz koje će se često citirati neke njegove izjave i tumačiti njegova ličnost. Ludi izlasci po poznatim klubovima Menhetna doprineće njegovom klimavom kako psihičkom, tako i fizičkom zdravlju. Opijanje, zloupotreba lekova protiv bola uz pomoć kojih se oporavljao od atentata i eksperimentisanje sa drogama (koje je bilo normalna pojava tog doba) doprineće tome da se razboli i dobije upalu žučne kese koja će mu biti i odstranjena. Međutim, od ove operacije neće uspeti da se oporavi, stoga 22. marta 1987, u 58. godini života umire. Za sobom ostavlja neizbrisiv trag osnivača pop-arta i velikog umetnika, mnogobrojna dela u kojima je prvi put spojio komercijalnu umetnost i umetnost koja će večno da traje. U njegovom rodnom Pitsburgu nalazi se veliki muzej sa oko predmeta posvećenih ovom umetniku. Ostaće upamćen i po tome što je 6 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

7 predvideo medijsku moć - čuvenih 15 minuta slave koje će svako moći da dobije, kao i po svojim izjavama. Neki od poznatih citata Endija Vorhola: - Volim Los Anđeles i Holivud. Tako su lepi. Sve je plastično, ali ja obožavam plastiku. Želim da budem plastičan govorio je kada je postao pripadnik njujorške elite. - Ne dopuštajte sebi taj luksuz da vas neko rani jer će se ubrzo vaš život pretvoriti u javni WC govorio je nakon pokušaja atentata. - To je moj demon, noć. Noćima čekam inspiraciju kao insekt, a onda skačem i napadam. Ne mogu to da kontrolišem- odgovarao je na pitanja gde nalazi inspiraciju. By Danijela Pajić - Umiranje je najsramotnija stvar koja može da vam se desi jer neko dobija privilegiju da se bavi vašim najprivatnijim detaljima- takođe je govorio o smrti. Pravljenje para je umetnost i rad je umetnost i dobar biznis je najbolja umetnost - rekao je u svojoj knjizi o umetnosti. 7 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

8 FESTVALI U INDIJI I ndija je živa i egzotična zemlja u kojoj se tradicija i svakodnevni život prepliću u vatrometu boja. Težak život i siromaštvo stoje kao kontrast tom šarenilu i živosti, ali uprkos tome bogata kultura i nasleđe ove zemlje ne prestaju da fasciniraju putnike već stolećima. Indija je zemlja igre i pesme, starih zanata i umetnosti, zemlja koja ima svakome nešto da ponudi i nikada ne prestaje da intrigira. Bogata istorija zemlje sadržana je u brojnim pričama i legendama koje vetrovi prenose kroz celu istoriju. Indija prosto hipnotiše jer je to zemlja superlativa, zapanjujuće lepa, impresivna i magična. Poseta ovog turističkog dragulja se trajno urezuje u pamćenje putnika. U stvari, jedna poseta nije dovoljna da putnici saznaju njenu srž, već se po nepisanom pravilu vraćaju više puta. Festivali su sastavni deo života Indijaca. Zbog svoje autentičnosti, velikom broju turista iz Evrope i Amerike oni predstavljaju osnovni motiv putovanja u Indiju. Festivali turistima pružaju novo i drugačije iskustvo jer aktivno učestvovanje u njima oni dobijaju pravu sliku i u prilici su da se oprobaju u brojnim zanimljivim stvarima. Posetioci imaju prilike da jašu slonove, da se gađaju bojama, posmatraju vatromete, spaljuju lutke koje simbolizuju đavola, jašu kamile,... Takođe, festivali na najbolji način predstavljaju običaje, folklor i narodno stvaralaštvo. Većina stanovnika Indije je verujuća tako da se verske manifestacije masovno obeležavaju. Hinduistički festivali slede lunarni kalendar, a periodi punog i mladog meseca se smatraju najpogodnijim za njihovu proslavu. Neki od hinduističkih festivala su posvećeni brojnim bogovima i boginjama, a neki obredima za plodnost i slavljenju sila dobra. Vernici se božanstvima mole u hramovima, naročito tokom festivala, ali nije retkost da i u svojim domovima imaju male oltare gde čitaju dnevne molitve puje. U starim vedskim spisima se govori o 33 božanstva, a prema 8 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

9 legendi postoji čak 330 miliona bogova. Zbog velikog broja festivala Indija se na stranim tržištima predstavlja pod sloganom 365 dana u godini 1095 festivala. Pustinjski festival Ovaj festival se slavi se u blizini grada Džaisalmeru u februaru. To je period kada pustinjski prostor oko Džaisalmera oživi i tada ovaj daleki pustinjski grad turistima predstavlja svoje bogato nasleđe. Bogata istorija grada je pretočena u narodne pesme koje sećaju na srećnija vremena. Ove narodne balade pevaju i recituju muškarci i žene obučeni u narodne nošnje, a ljubav, junaštvo i istorijski događaji su glavni motivi. Pevače i naratore prati i narodna muzika ovog kraja, a muzički orkestri se u toku festivala nadmeću u svom muzičkom umeću. Najveće zanimljivosti festivala za turiste su svakako lutkarske predstave, akrobatska izvođenja i trke kamila. U nekim trkama kamila mogu učestvovati i posetioci i tako se oprobati u ovoj neobičnoj disciplini. Takođe, postoji i takmičenje u brzini zamotavanja turbana, ali i takmičenje za Gospodina pustinje gde je osnovni kriterijum za pobedu dužina brkova. Festival slonova Festival slonova predhodi jedan dan Holi festivalu, a održava se svake godine u Džajpuru. Još od srednjeg veka slonovima se u Indiji poklanjala naročita pažnja. Oni su bili deo svih raskošnih slavlja, a u prošlosti su organizovane i borbe slonova za zabavu plemstva. Bogata tradicija gajenja slonova je pretočena u Festival slonova na oduševljenje brojnih posetilaca. Tokom festivala kroz ulice paradira 60 ukrašenih slonova, a jahači posipaju bojama jedan drugog kako bi nagovestili početak Holija festivala boja. Kolonu predvodi nosilac zastave, a publika počinje da se skuplja duž ulica grada kako bi posmatrala povorku. Na oduševljenje prisutnih, dresirani slonovi počinju da izvode brojne tačke, a kasnije dela parada prerasta u veselje velikih razmera. 9 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

10 Zanimljiv je podatak da su svi slonovi u stvari ženke, a njihovi vlasnici posebnu pažnju posvećuju ukrašavanju njihovih surli, vrata i članaka. Slonicama se tom prilikom oko članaka stavlja nakit koji zvecka, tako da se uz topot koraka čuje i prepoznatljivi zvuk. Festival dostiže kulminaciju prilikom izbora za najlepše ukrašenu slonicu. Želja većine turista je da budu pozvani da se popnu na neku od životinja i učestvuju proslavi, ali se retkima želja ispuni. Festival slonova je savršen uvod u Holi, kada se ulice svih gradova u Indiji pretvaraju u pozornicu za slavljenje dolazećeg proleća. Holi Holi je veseli trodnevni festival koji se slavi kao kraj zime i početak proleća. To je doba za opuštanje kada se gube razlike među kastama i kada se ljudi prepuštaju uživanju. Drugo veče Holija je naročito zanimljivo jer se tada pale velike logorske vatre. U njima se spaljuju slike demona Holike, a taj simbolični postupak predstavlja pobedu dobra nad zlim. Prema legendi, zli kralj Hiranjakašipu je naredio je svima u svom kraljevstvu da ne smeju obožavati druge bogove i da mu se moraju klanjati. Njegov mali sin Pralad je to odbio i umesto svome ocu, nastavio je da se klanja Višnuu, bogu održitelju trenutnog poretka. Besan zbog toga, zli kralj je naredio svojoj sestri Holiki da ubije Pralada. Pošto je Holika bila otporna na vatru, ona je zgrabila dečaka i sa njim utrčala u veliku logorsku vatru koja je bila zapaljena. Međutim, Pralad je naglas izgovarao molitve za spas i bog Višnu ga je sačuvao. Pošto Holika nije ušla u vatru sama, njena otpornost nije delovala zbog prisustva dečaka. Zbog toga je ona izgorela u vatri u mukama, a dečak je preživeo. Sledećeg dana, ljudi masovno izlaze na ulice i posipaju se obojenom vodom i bojama u 10 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

11 prahu (gulal). U srednjem veku, boje za festival su pravljene od cveća koje se sušilo na suncu pa potom mlelo. U taj prah bi se potom dodavao prirodni talk, a cela smesa bi se na kraju razmućivala u vodi. Takve boje nisu bile štetne i imale su blagotvoran uticaj na kožu. Ljudi koji učestvuju u posipanju bojama su obmotani u bele tkanine, a u običaju učestvuju pripadnici svih kasti nevezano za pol i društveni status. Tada svi razmenjuju vesele pozdrave i ponašaju se manje striktno nego tokom ostatka godine. Ovaj radosni festival je naročito drag bogu Krišni. Divali Divali predstavlja festival svetlosti i slavi se širom Indije u oktobru ili novembru. Festival donosi radost u srca ljudi, a ceo period pre njega se smatra izuzetno povoljnim. Festival se slavi kao sećanje na ulazak mitskog junaka Rame u njegov rodni grad nakon 14 godina izgnanstva. Rama je pobedio zlog kralja Ravana koji prema verovanju predstavlja oličenje zla i podlosti. U Raminu čast, stanovnici njegovog rodnog grada su grad osvetlili svetlošću brojnih lampiona napravljenih od pečene gline. Na taj način je proslavljnjn prvi Divali i od tada se slavi svaki godine. Divali uz Holi predstavlja jedan od najradosnijih praznika u celoj Indiji. Hindusi veruju da Lakšmi, boginja blagostanja, posećuje njene poklonike u noći Divalija, pa su stoga domovi vernika svečano ukrašeni, ukusna hrana je poslužena u njenu čast. Period oko Divalija se smatra povoljnim dobom za kupovinu, tako da tada ljudi troše puno novca za odeću i dekoraciju. Za poslovne ljude je to period kada se stari računi zatvaraju i kada počinje nova poslovna godina. Slavlje Divalija je nepotpuno bez vatrometa koji su sami za sebe turistička atrakcija. Vatromet je naročito spektakularan iznad jezera Pičola u Udaipuru i okuplja mnogobrojne posetioce. Veče pre Divalija se zove Dan Teras (Dhan Teras) i tada prodavnice ostaju otvorene celu noć, a tada se brojne gradske tržnice takmiče u osvetljavanju, a najlepše osvetljena tržnica dobija nagradu. Takođe, postoje i nagrade za najlepše osvetljene građevine u gradu koje predstavljaju stvar prestiža za brojne hotele. By Dragan Tasić 11 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

12 What is Art W e asked a few people the following question: What is art. It seems such a simple question, which does not result in quite a simple answer. All of them somehow struggled to find appropriate ways of expressing themselves. Some had a good answer really fast and some needed some time to define it. Aniko Dodony 24 years old I am not wise enough to form such a definition, those are everywhere to be found on the Internet. What I write now is just something, what I heard somewhere or things that jump into my mind. Wikipedia says art can have a lot of different functions: decorative, expressive, propagandistic, provocative or descriptive. An artwork must have a special idea that is one of functions described above. The idea itself is mostly in relation to the human race or its problems, because it s humans who create art, and they create it for other humans. An artwork cannot be art at all, if it is only made for the artist, it has to mean something for the others as well, that is they have to understand it somehow. The idea behind it cannot be understood easily at all times, sometimes you have to read and think a lot about it. The art today is not only beauty or technique. It is no art, if it has no deeper meaning. It has to be something, that was recognized some long time ago, and is now put into a new context or the context which is now a little modified. I have read somewhere that science solves problems that we ve already got and that art creates new ones. These problems are not even realistic every time and that is what is difficult and strange for me doing art. No one wants to coin problems that one has not even thought of before. I study art, but for me it is nearly impossible to think like that, to be a predictor for humankind, to create new problems. No, I cannot do this, I love the solutions. There is already enough trouble on this Earth. Looks like I should be studying maths, not art. 12 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

13 Daniela Surtov 21 years old Just one moment please, I need to think. For me art is a way of expression. With art, one can mimic the reality in his own way. With an artwork one can present and imagine everything what is written in his soul. Natasa Dragutinovic 25 years old I do not have a definition. But I always link creativity, emotion, beauty and inspiration with it. Art is created by inspiration and has to bring it to the public as well. My most beloved forms of art are music and literature. Vanja Jovic 22 years old As a psychology student psychology has a really big influence onto my perception, my surroundings and therefore onto my definition of art as well. I respect those who want to be understood and even more, those who do not want that. I am fascinated by strong persons and imperfect beauty. That is what I found in music, movies, books, fashion, dance, and in all other forms of art. Fabian 25 years old Because art is hard to define (since it relies on the cognition, senses and the surroundings of every human) I think that we humans and life generate art. In regard to the connection between everything, we build our own art, which we can often share with people, but still we can create new things. Daniel Plath 20 years old Everything is art and art is everything. If one tries to explain art, it is pressed into a pattern and cannot affect anyone anymore, because art is different for every person. 13 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

14 Art in Action 2 Interview with Lea Čikoš What is Art in Action 2? E ven if it says Art in Action 2 it is not the second time that it takes place. It s the third event of the kind since the first one is referred to as zero. So this year it was the third time that people from all over Europe and gathered in Plementina. Plementina is near the capital city of Kosovo. It takes place there because the surroundings are very special. There are two huge power plants around Plementina, called Kosovo A and Kosovo B. Those power plants pollute the air, everything that is outside gets black and there is no clean air at all. A lot of Roma live in Plementina. They are discriminated against and cut out. They have no possible connection to the outer world because there are no bus lines or anything and the people are poor. Every year Art in Action had a different vision. The first year it was a little different, some puppets were made and a lot of dancing was included. This year the main topic was Freedom of Movement. Because the people have nowhere to go and even if they had a place, they would not able to. This was displayed by stop motion videos and comic strips. What or who is GAIA? GAIA was created by people who know the circumstances in Plementina. Those people are activists from all over the countries around Kosovo, no matter if coming from Plementina itself or from Serbia, Germany or Romania. Some of those people now even live in Plementina and try to make life there better. GAIA was founded several years ago and since then it has been involved in actions all around Pristina. It invests a lot of work to improve 14 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

15 the rights and reputation of Roma in this area. The VCV was a kind of a mentor for GAIA because a lot of people of the VCV were involved in the creation and funding of GAIA. book is written in four languages and even Romany, which is really rare. Furthermore, Art in Action was crowned by a street action. In the main street of Plementina the people of Art in Action presented what they did. There was a band playing, people were dancing on the street and what is really important as well, a whole bunch of languages was spoken. Everything was covered by the media extremely well, which is not common at all. Radio and TV broadcast the final action. What did we do? Art in Action lasted for ten days. As I mentioned before, the people living in Plementina are bullied, have no connection to the outer world and are even afraid of going somewhere. The circumstances are just as bad as you can imagine. The people of Art in Action lived in host families. Germans, Serbs and Kosovo-Albanians talked about the issues related to the village and thought about a possible way to solve these problems using art or at least working on them. In the end 4 videos and one comic book were created. The comic What was/is the aim? The aim of Art in Action 2 was to make the people aware of the problems and try to find ways to work on those problems. It was not like a normal work camp, it was more like creating a campaign. A campaign for the people living there. But the time we spend there was too short to do all the things that can be done there. If you compare what we did with that what could be done, it looks like we did nothing. There are already new ideas about a new Art in Action and I still reflect about what happened there. 15 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

16 How did we feel afterwards? For me it was the first time I was there. I was really looking forward to going, expecting a lot of it and of course I really had a lot of motivation. Finally, I can only say it was overwhelming and an extreme experience. Every day was really exhausting, because we invested so much energy, everyone gave their best. When I came there I was shocked by the circumstances at first and right after that I was inspired by it, and by all the ideas about what could be done. But at the same time I felt powerless, because there is so much that has to be done. Everyone gave everything they had, the people were so nice and warm. It was just wonderful. I highly recommend everyone to go there, and to be a part of it. A lot of people travel to exotic places to get to know something special, but sometimes you do not have to go far, to have a much bigger experience and life changing realizations. That it was for me: life changing. By Durani Robben 16 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

17 P ESTETSKA EKOLOGIJA ostoji nekoliko dobrih definicija kiča. On je estetski škart, umetnička stranputica, laž koja želi da se dopadne. Kič je nametljiv, deluje brzo i prodorno. Pritom je, što je najgore, sveprisutan. Otvorite novine, uzmite daljinski upravljač, prošetajte svojim gradom. Ako u sebi posedujete signal-lampicu za kič, verovatno će pregoreti od previsokog napona. Naravno, dobro poznata maksima kaže da o ukusima ne treba raspravljati. Ja ipak mislim da je to neophodno. O ukusima se mora raspravljati jer je borba protiv kiča zapravo estetska ekologija. Ja sam za radikalne mere: mislim da bi država ponovo trebalo da uvede porez na šund za dela sumnjive umetničke vrednosti. Dakle, možeš da pevaš stihove kao što su Brushalter me steže kao malter ili Moji su bokovi elektrošokovi, ali plati državi porez zbog ataka koji ćeš izvesti na bubne opne i moždane ćelije. Kažu da bubašvaba može da živi devet dana bez glave. Kič opstaje i u ekstremnijim uslovima. Otvorite novine, videćete kič naslove, kič tekstove i kič slike. Takvi sadržaji zapravo i nemaju sadržaj. To je skrivena erotika (mada se ovo skrivena može dovesti u pitanje), upakovani vulgarizam, šarena laža, šljašteći senzacionalizam. Na televiziji ništa bolja situacija. Programi su prepuni rijaliti šou programa u kojima učesnici za ogroman novac pokazuju svoje trivijalne veštine. O ukusima se mora raspravljati jer je borba protiv kiča zapravo estetska ekologija. Naravno, ne treba zaboraviti da kič ne postoji bez kič-čoveka. Kiččovek podržava takav sadržaj, živi po principu hleba i igara i time zadovoljava svoje niske strasti. Šund nije mimoišao ni knjige. Već samom pojavom takozvanih bestseler lista, knjiga je postala roba. Kič-knjiga je patetični, vulgarni proizvod kome je prevashodni cilj da se proda, dopadne, razonodi. Zbog toga su najprodavanije knjige u Srbiji prethodnih godina bile Grabljivica i Kupoholičarka. Najnoviji rasadnik kiča je internet, medij koji se najbrže razvija. Tu se neukus širi kao epidemija: nepismeni patetični Fejsbuk statusi, gliter sličice, napućena 17 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

18 usta, voajerizam, pornografija, rasprodaja privatnosti. Uhvaćen u tu sveprisutnu klopku, septičku jamu estetike, čovek povećava svoj prag tolerancije na kič. On postaje deo industrije sreće, oblači se po uzoru na poznate ličnosti, živi po receptima za srećan život koje mu serviraju lajfstajl magazini, postaje glina pogodna za kalupljenje. prodorno. Populacija se šablonizuje i svi postajemo roba sa pokretnih traka, uz obavezne ružičaste naočare na očima. Sve češći životni moto je živi svaki dan kao da ti je poslednji. Borba protiv kiča je veoma teška. Otežavajuća okolnost je to što možete da se borite samo za sebe. Ne možete da prevaspitate suseda Kažu da bubašvaba može da živi devet dana bez glave. Kič opstaje i u ekstremnijim uslovima. i skrenete mu pažnju da su, recimo, Kursadžije nuklearni otpad televizijskog programa. Ne možete da konfiskujete sve primerke tabloida sa trafike kako voajerski raspoloženi čitaoci ne bi videli fotografije polugole Seksi Hani sa vašara u Malom Podlužju. Postoji nekoliko dobrih definicija kiča. On je estetski škart, umetnička stranputica, laž koja želi da se dopadne. Kič je nametljiv, deluje brzo i 18 Пигеон Novembar Ne možete da zabranite kičaste božićne i novogodišnje poruke tipa Daj mi, Bože sa nebesa, novog crnog Mercedesa. Jedino što vam preostaje jeste da krenete od sebe, ne bi li se iščupali iz živog blata u koje svi kolektivno tonemo. Ponekad me je strah da će nas jednog dana to blato u potpunosti progutati. Kao jedini dokaz našeg postojanja, ostaće da plutaju na površini milioni ružičastih naočara. By Stefan Janjić

19 S o, I heard you like movies! I guess you like big American blockbusters and Serbian movies (noooooo I'm not talking about Kusturica's movies but more like Balkanski Spijun...) well... I guess you heard a little bit about French movies. I'm pretty sure you've already watched or heard about La Haine, Le fabuleux destin d'amélie Poulain or recently Intouchables but French cinema is a little bit more than that. What can be considered as the «first cinematical video» made in France, is this one here, and on the first projection half of the audience walked out (they were scared the train was real). Since then well French cinema evolved to something totally different but I would like to tell you about only two kinds of them! Firstly, the comedies and secondly what we call «auteur cinema». Why would I like to write about those two styles? Well basically... because France became famous with those kinds of movies. France developed those kind of movies because Hollywood wasn't interested in it and so competition was easy because there wasn t any! The French comedy's biggest icon is probably Louis De Funès, he was an actor in theater and cinema and what made him famous is his «les gendarmes» movies. You had the opportunity to watch a lot of them, but he also adapted some Moliere's pieces on the big screen. But one of the biggest French comedies ever made is Le dîner de cons recently adapted in American cinema and called The monster dinner. So let's go to the auteur cinema ; that kind of movies are quite difficult to define. The best definition is still «movies reflecting artistic personality of its director». As the definition is quite difficult to state, it's also difficul to define when a movie is an autor movie. For example we can say : A bout de souffle, directed by Jean-Luc Godard and Moi, Pierre Rivière, ayant égorgé ma mère, ma sœur et mon frère..., directed by René Allio. Also, if you're interested in Belgian-French movies you might not have in cinemas here, I invite you to join us in the cineclub, in VCV every Tuesday at 8pm. Brice Derochette 19 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

20 My relation to art There is the well-known saying that art is what it does to you. Actually, it is all to say about art. Perhaps a little example shows what music, paintings or whatever kind of art may form in us. As long as somebody is willing to be obsessed, occupied and affected by art, it enables you a wink of discretion or helps to endure a breakup. A little brother, Martin, nine years old, sensitive and needy, lives in two homes since his parents are not living together anymore. He is the typical divorced-child confronted with the quarrel between his parents. Although it is tried to hide those conflicts, a kid always feels the tension, even more when it grew up with it. Additionally, his brothers do not tolerate his father. How to deal with those ambivalent conflicts he actually cannot describe? He found the music. Whenever, he is crying or worried about something, he creeps into his brothers room and asks for music. Watching him, you can see how he blossoms and forgets the world for only a few seconds. As kids usually are, he is not prejudiced or easier said, he just is. And seeing what the music is doing with him art heals obviously wounds or gives a moment of silence. By Frieder Tautz 20 Пигеон Novembar 2012.

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