Part I: Short Story! Read the short story you have been given, and answer the following questions:!

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1 English 10B Final Exam **Do not write on this form** For each question, mark the BEST answer on your answer sheet. Part I: Short Story Read the short story you have been given, and answer the following questions: 1. The point of view is a. First person b. Second person c. Third person, omniscient d. Third person, limited 2. Through indirect characterization, we learn that Torres a. is a military captain b. does not know his enemy c. is unafraid and calm d. is more than what he seems 3. The major conflict in this story is a. internal b. external c. man vs. man d. both b and c 4. An external conflict in this story is a. Torres deciding to get a shave b. the barber deciding whether or not to kill Torres c. Torres s army capturing and killing the rebels d. the barber sharpening his razor 5. The climax of the story happens when a. Torres executes the rebels b. the barber decides not to kill Torres c. the barber shaves Torres d. Torres leaves the barber s shop 6. In the falling action of the story, a. the barber decides not to kill Torres b. the barber shaves Torres c. Torres pays for his shave d. Torres threatens to kill the barber 7. In the rising action of the story, a. Torres pays for his shave b. Torres leaves the shop c. the barber finishes Torres s shave

2 d. the barber sharpens his razor 8. A possible theme of this story is a. Killing someone is harder than you might think b. Rebellion causes bloodshed c. Don t trust military captains d. Don t kill other people Part II: Poetry Terms 9. Pictures that the poet creates with words are: a. Assonance b. Hyperbole c. Imagery d. Metaphors 10. The rhythm of a poem is: a. Rhyme b. Alliteration c. Imagery d. Meter 11. The way a poem is laid out on the page is its: a. Form b. Prose c. Stanza d. Meter 12. A poem that has meter, but no rhyme is written in: a. Blank verse b. Stanza c. Free verse d. Prose 13. A poem with neither rhyme nor meter is written in: a. Blank verse b. Stanza c. Free verse d. Prose 14. When words in a poem have a meaning beyond their literal meaning, this is called: a. Metaphor b. Imagery c. Figurative language d. Hyperbole

3 15. The use of repeated consonant sounds is called: a. Assonance b. Alliteration c. Rhyme d. Hyperbole 16. The use of repeated vowel sounds is called: a. Assonance b. Alliteration c. Rhyme d. Hyperbole 17. One type of poem with 14 lines is called a: a. Sonnet b. Quatrain c. Couplet d. Free verse 18. The comparison of two seemingly unlike objects is called: a. Hyperbole b. Couplet c. Personification d. Metaphor 19. When a poet gives human qualities to something non-human, this is called: a. Metaphor b. Hyperbole c. Personification d. Alliteration 20. A comparison between two objects using the words like or as is a: a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Hyperbole d. Couplet Part II: Poetry Reading Read each poem and answer the questions below it. Choose the BEST answer for each question. When you see an asterisk (*) a word is defined below. Pride By Dahlia Ravikovitch I tell you, even rocks crack, and not because of age. For years they lie on their backs in the heat and the cold,

4 so many years, 5 it almost seems peaceful. They don't move, so the cracks stay hidden. A kind of pride. Years pass over them, waiting there. Whoever is going to shatter them 10 hasn't come yet. And so the moss flourishes, the seaweed whips around, the sea pushes through and rolls back the rocks seem motionless. 15 Till a little seal comes to rub against them comes and goes away. And suddenly the rock has an open wound, I told you, when rocks break, it happens by surprise. And people, too Lines 7-8 contain an example of: a. Hyperbole b. Stanza c. Personification d. Simile 22. Lines contain examples of: a. Rhyme b. Metaphor c. Imagery d. Personification 23. Line 8 contains an example of: a. Simile b. Assonance c. Alliteration d. Hyperbole 24. This poem is written in: a. Blank verse e. Free verse f. Sonnet form g. None of the above 25. Rocks and people crack: a. After years of abuse b. For no reason c. When seals irritate them d. Never When I was One-and-Twenty

5 by A.E. Housman WHEN I was one-and-twenty I heard a wise man say, Give crowns and pounds and guineas * But not your heart away; Give pearls away and rubies 5 But keep your fancy free. But I was one-and-twenty, No use to talk to me. When I was one-and-twenty I heard him say again, 10 The heart out of the bosom Was never given in vain; Tis paid with sighs a plenty And sold for endless rue. * And I am two-and-twenty, 15 And oh, tis true, tis true. *crowns, pounds, guineas money *rue regret 26. How many lines are in each stanza? a. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d What is the rhyme scheme of this poem? a. AABB b. ABAB c. ABBA d. ABCB 28. The message that the wise man has given to the speaker? a. Save your money b. Love is more valuable than money c. It s better to give away all your money, than your heart d. It costs a lot to get a girlfriend 29. How old is the speaker? a. 21 b. 22 c. we don t know d. none of the above

6 30. From the last line, we can assume that: a. the speaker has finally listened to the wise man s advice b. the speaker has had his heart broken c. the speaker does not believe the old man d. the speaker has lost all his money Design by Robert Frost I found a dimpled spider, fat and white, On a white heal-all, holding up a moth * Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth Assorted characters of death and blight * Mixed ready to begin the morning right, 5 Like the ingredients of a witches' broth A snow-drop spider, a flower like a froth, And dead wings carried like a paper kite. What had that flower to do with being white, The wayside blue and innocent heal-all? 10 What brought the kindred spider to that height, Then steered the white moth thither in the night? What but design of darkness to appall? * If design govern in a thing so small. *heal-all a wildflower (usually blue-colored, but the one in this poem is white) *blight disease *appall horrify, shock 31. The rhyme scheme of this poem is: a. ABABABAB CDCCDD b. ABCABC DEFDEF c. ABBAABBA ACAACC d. None of the above 32. Lines 2-3 contain an example of a(n): a. simile b. metaphor c. alliteration d. prose 33. The images in the first stanza give the feeling of: a. whiteness b. fragility c. danger d. all of the above

7 34. Phrases like snow-drop spider and flower like a froth use what technique? a. alliteration b. assonance c. hyperbole d. all of the above 35. In the second stanza, the speaker wonders: a. how the flower, spider, and moth came together so that the spider could catch the moth. b. if God really exists. c. why people and things die. d. why the moth wasn t able to get away. Part III: Julius Caesar Quotes Identify the speaker of the following 10 quotes. Remember: Don t tell me who the speaker is talking about, but who is actually saying the line. 36. This was the noblest Roman of them all. a. Antony b. Brutus c. Julius Caesar d. Trebonius 37. Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears. a. Antony b. Brutus c. Cassius d. Julius Caesar 38. I grant that I am a woman, but withal a woman well reputed, Cato s daughter. a. Calpurnia b. Messala c. Portia d. Trebonius 39. You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things a. Brutus b. Cassius c. Marullus d. Octavius 40. It was Greek to me. a. Brutus b. Casca c. Cicero d. Marullus 41. I know where I will wear this dagger then; [name] from bondage will deliver [name]. a. Antony

8 b. Brutus c. Cassius d. Julius Caesar 42. Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. a. Antony b. Cassius c. Julius Caesar d. Octavius 43. Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. a. Antony b. Brutus c. Calpurnia d. Cassius 44. Caesar said to me, Dar st though Leap in with me into this angry flood and swim to yonder point? a. Brutus b. Casca c. Cassius d. Octavius Part IV: Julius Caesar General Questions Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. 45. Throughout the story, the Roman citizens are portrayed as a. fickle changing their minds all the time b. dirty c. stupid d. All of the above 46. According to Cassius and the other conspirators, Caesar s biggest flaw is that he a. does whatever Calpurnia tells him to do b. is power-hungry c. ignores his campaign promises once he becomes the ruler of Rome d. cares more about the rich than the poor 47. The tragic hero in the play is a. Antony b. Brutus c. Cassius d. Julius Caesar 48. Brutus s major conflict is

9 a. external: character vs. character b. external: character vs. nature c. external: character vs. setting d. internal 49. Who is described as being the noblest Roman of them all? a. Antony b. Brutus c. Cato d. Julius Caesar 50. In Act III, how does Antony manipulate the Roman citizens during his speech? a. He speaks sarcastically about the conspirators honor b. He describes the murder while showing Caesar s wounds c. He mentions Caesar s will, then refuses to read it to them d. All of the above 51. What is Brutus s fatal flaw? a. He is power-hungry b. He is too loyal to his friends c. He is too trusting of others d. He is over-confident 52. Which of the following characters are supporters of Caesar? a. Brutus b. Cicero c. Cassius d. None of the above 53. Which of the following characters is part of the conspiracy? a. Trebonius b. Soothsayer c. Lepidus d. Artemidorus 54. When Caesar says to the conspirators in Act II, Good friends, go in and taste some wine with me, and we (like friends) will straightway go together, this is an example of: a. dramatic irony b. situational irony c. verbal irony d. none of the above 55. When Antony says, But Brutus says he was ambitious, and Brutus is an honorable man, this is an example of: a. dramatic irony b. situational irony

10 c. verbal irony d. none of the above 56. Situational irony occurs when a. Brutus is killed b. Caesar doesn t know about the conspiracy c. Calpurnia dreams about Caesar s murder d. None of the above 57. In the exposition of the play, we learn all of the following, EXCEPT that a. Caesar has just defeated Pompey b. Some people are unhappy with Caesar as their ruler c. The setting is in ancient Rome, during the festival of Lupercal d. There are omens predicting Caesar s death 58. Which of the following events DO NOT foreshadow later events a. Calpurnia s dream b. Caesar asking the conspirators to drink wine with him c. the storm d. Casca s accounts of a lion at the capitol, an owl in the market, etc. 59. Which of the following adds to the suspense of the play a. Artemidorus s warning to Caesar b. Cassius s story about Caesar having a fever c. Caesar refusing the crown d. None of the above 60. The climax of the story occurs when a. The storm stops b. Caesar is killed c. Antony gives a speech at the funeral d. Brutus dies 61. In the resolution of the story, a. Antony praises Brutus b. Brutus dies c. Octavius promises Brutus a noble burial d. All of the above 62. A possible theme of Julius Caesar is a. Violence leads to more violence b. Dreams and other signs can point you in the right direction c. It is important to stop one person from becoming too powerful d. Always trust your friends 63. A static character in the play is

11 a. Antony b. Brutus c. Portia d. None of the above Part V: Julius Caesar Vocabulary Choose the best answer each of the following questions, based on your knowledge of the Caesar vocabulary words. 64. A conspirator is probably someone who: a. acts alone b. lets everyone know his/her plans c. is planning a murder d. has a secret plan 65. Where might you might find a taper? a. in a closet b. in a car c. on a table d. none of the above 66. A torrent would most likely occur: a. during a drought or in a desert b. after a massive storm c. in tornado-prone regions d. in an urban area 67. Which of the following would accompany an insurrection? a. a celebration b. violence c. peace d. poverty 68. If someone s ankle is augmented due to an injury, it is: a. swollen b. broken c. in pain d. numb 69. What can you assume by observing someone s countenance: a. his/her level of education b. his/her thoughts c. his/her mood d. none of the above 70. If you spurn someone s offer to help you with your homework, you probably: a. can do it by yourself b. are having trouble and need help c. don t want to get in trouble for cheating

12 d. are trying to be polite 71. Which of the following signifies an imminent event? a. the Twins win against the Yankees b. the shoes you just bought a month ago are now on sale c. dark clouds on the horizon d. none of the above 72. Someone who s blunt might say: a. No, that outfit looks great on you b. I don t like your cooking. c. Whatever you want to do is fine with me. d. We re going to the game, whether you want to or not. 73. You can examine someone s affability by: a. checking what he/she is wearing b. seeing what kind of grades he/she gets c. knowing who his/her family is d. seeing how he/she treats others Part VI: Identifying Types of Clauses For each of the following sentences, choose the answer that best identified the underlined clause. 74. I enjoy watching hockey because the games are fast-paced. a. independent b. subordinate 75. I don t like what you are saying, and I definitely don t appreciate your disrespectful tone. a. independent b. subordinate 76. She met Jack when he was playing in a band. a. independent b. subordinate 77. These are the speakers that came with the stereo. a. independent b. subordinate 78. Before the tiger attacked its prey, it watched and waited. a. independent b. subordinate 79. Is this the project for which you have been working so hard? a. independent

13 b. subordinate 80. Even if you don t think I do, I care. a. independent b. subordinate 81. Since I already read this book, it should be easy for me to understand. a. independent b. subordinate 82. There is the book that I need. a. adjective b. adverb c. noun 83. He is the man whose daughter is an astronaut. a. adjective b. adverb c. noun 84. Steve was apologetic about what he said. a. adjective b. adverb c. noun 85. Whenever I see a beautiful sunset, I remember our trip to Jamaica. a. adjective b. adverb c. noun 86. I will give whoever is interested a permission slip. a. adjective b. adverb c. noun 87. I tripped and fell because my heel broke. a. adjective b. adverb c. noun 88. Beans grow best where the soil is sandy. a. adjective b. adverb c. noun 89. Whichever team works the hardest will receive extra credit points. a. adjective

14 b. adverb c. noun 90. Since you are finished with the final exam, it s time to celebrate a. adjective b. adverb c. noun Part V: Punctuation For each of the following sentences, mark A if the punctuation is correct as is, and B if the punctuation is incorrect. 91. Stephanie, you left your jacket at the Johnson s. a. correct b. incorrect 92. Mark missed the basket but he made the rebound. a. correct b. incorrect 93. She has many talents: such as, drawing, painting, and singing. a. correct b. incorrect 94. Because he didn t signal his turn, the cop pulled Dan over. a. correct b. incorrect 95. No, the girls s packages didn t arrive today. a. correct b. incorrect 96. Well, I enjoy hiking in the woods and flying kites on the beach. a. correct b. incorrect 97. I don t know how to water-ski, however; I have snow skied before. a. correct b. incorrect 98. Look at this; I can pat my head and rub my stomach a. correct b. incorrect 99. Driving without your seatbelt on is just plain stupid. a. correct b. incorrect

15 100. My final s weren t too difficult this quarter. a. correct b. incorrect

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