Vocabulary affect (uh-fekt) v: to influence; to stir emotions of; to produce an effect (in something)

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1 Vocabulary 1 1. affect (uh-fekt) v: to influence; to stir emotions of; to produce an effect (in something) 2. effect (ee-fekt) v: to cause or to influence (a change); to bring about a hoped for outcome 3. accept (ak-sept) v: to take into possession 4. except (ek-sept) v: to exclude; to express opposition or disagreement to by means of argument 5. adapt (uh-dapt) v: to adjust; to conform 6. adopt (uh-dopt) v: to accept or to take as one s own 7. aid (aid) v: to help 8. aide (aid) n: an assistant 9. altar (ALL-tur) n: a platform in a church or synagogue 10. alter (ALL-tur) v: to cause to change 11. ambiguous (am-big-yoo-uss) adj: unclear in meaning; open to more than one interpretation. 12. ambivalent (am-biv-uh-lunt) adj: uncertain or undecided 13. amend (uh-mend) v: to modify or to update

2 14. emend (ee-mend) v: to change by means of editing; to correct (a text or reading) 15. avoid (uh-void) v: to shun; to stay removed from 16. evade (ee-vade) v: to sidestep or dodge; to flee from (a pursuer) 17. bazaar (buh-zar) n: a marketplace, especially one in the open air 18. bizarre (bih-zar) adj: strange, deviating from what is expected or in the rational order of things 19. callous (KAL-uss) adj: unfeeling; insensitive; hardened 20. callus (KAL-us) n: a hardened patch of skin

3 Vocabulary 2 1. cannon (KAH-nun) n: a weapon used to fire large metal projectiles 2. canon (KAH-nun) n: a principle governing political or religious groups; a law or set of laws 3. canvas (KAN-vus) n: a type of coarse cloth 4. canvass (KAN-vus) v: to solicit (support, opinions, votes, etc.) 5. capital (KAP-ih-tul) n: a city designated as a seat of government; economic resources 6. capitol (KAP-ih-tul) n: the building in which a legislature meets 7. chafe (chayf) v: to rub or to irritate 8. chaff (chaff) n: worthless stuff; material to be cast away 9. complement (KOM-pluh-munt) v: to accompany in a pleasing or harmonious style 10. compliment (KOM-pluh-munt) v: to praise or to flatter 11. bogus (BOE-guss) adj: fake; counterfeit 12. faux (foe) adj: fake or counterfeit in nature 13. idle (EYE-dul) adj: not put to use; inactive; lacking in substance

4 14. idol (EYE-dul) n: a worshipped image; a figure of a god; any personage who is the object of devotion 15. lay (lay) v: to set something down in a certain position; to place (an object) upon something 16. lie (lie) v: to recline; to rest; to tell an untruth 17. principal (PRIN-sih-pul) n: the head of an elementary or high school; the main performer in a dramatic production. 18. principle (PRIN-sih-pul) n: a common truth or law; a standard of behavior 19. stationary (STAY-shun-air-ee) adj: unmoving; fixed in place 20. stationery (STAY-shun-air-ee) n: writing paper

5 Vocabulary 3 1. abase (uh-base) v: to humiliate or deprive of self-worth 2. abbreviated adj.: shortened 3. abduct v: to kidnap 4. bacchanalian (bak-uh-nail-yuhn) adj: drunken and carousing 5. bamboozle (bam-boo-zul) v: to deceive; to trick 6. bedlam (BED-lum) n: a state of agitation or confusion. 7. billet-doux (bill-ay-doo) n: a love letter 8. cacophony (kuh-koff-uh-nee) n: a sound that is harsh and unpleasant to the ears. 9. dawdle (DAW-dull) v: to waste time; to loiter or loaf 10. ebullition (ebb-uh-lish-un) n: the tiny bubbles of a sparkling liquid; a sudden outpouring of strong emotion 11. effervescent (eff-ur-vess-unt) adj: bubbly, sparkling, lively 12. facsimile (fak-sim-uh-lee) n: an exact copy, imitation, or reproduction 13. gadabout (GAD-uh-bout) n: a person who wanders about aimlessly or restlessly, especially one in constant search of pleasure. 14. hacienda (ha-see-en-duh) n: a large estate or plantation

6 15. idyllic (eye-dill-ick) adj: pleasing, peaceful, ideal 16. i.e. (eye ee): an abbreviation for the Latin expression id est, meaning that is--for example 17. jackanapes (JAK-uh-napes) n: an arrogant or impertinent person; especially, an impudent young man 18. kiosk (KEE-osk) n: a small vending booth 19. lackadaisical (lack-uh-daze-ih-kul) adj: lacking spirit or energy 20. lalapalooza (la-luh-puh-loo-zuh) n: something outstanding or unusual

7 Vocabulary List 4 1. malaise (muh-laze) n: a vague feeling of illness, uneasiness, or sadness 2. malicious (muh-lish-uss) adj: spitefully mean, evil, bad in intent 3. nanosecond (NAN-o-sek-und) n: one billionth of a second; an extremely short period of time 4. nebulous (NEB-yuh-luss) adj: cloudy; vague 5. nefarious (nih-fare-ee-uss) adj: openly evil; wicked 6. obstreperous (ob-strep-er-us) adj: uncontrollably aggressive; defiant; boisterous 7. ochlophobia (ok-luh-fo-be-uh) n: an illogical fear or dread of crowds 8. pallid (PAL-id) adj: wan, pale; lacking bright, deep color 9. palpitate (PAL-pih-tate) v: to flutter; to beat more rapidly than usual 10. plucky (PLUK-ee) adj: brave; courageous 11. polydipsia (pol-ee-dip-see-uh) n: an abnormal or excessive thirst 12. quaff (kwoff) v: to drink heavily. 13. quid pro quo (kwid pro KWO) n: a thing given in return for something else; Latin something for something 14. rambunctious (ram-bunk-shuss) adj: difficult to manage or control; extremely boisterous 15. rancor (RAN-kur) n: intense, ill-will, bitter resentment 16. rapport (rah-pore) n: a trusting and peaceful mutual relationship 17. raucous (RAW-kuss) adj: rowdy, boisterous, disorderly and wild; harsh or grating to the ear 18. sallow (SAL-low) adj: colorless; sickly-looking 19. sans (sans) prep: without 20. savoir faire (SAV-whah FAIRE) n: tact or social skill

8 Vocabulary 5 1. serenity (suh-ren-ih-tee) n: peacefulness in outlook; a lack of agitation 2. severity (suh-vare-uh-tee) n: great force or concentration; harshness 3. shako (SHACK-o) n: a stiff, tall piece of military headgear, resembling a fez with an upright plume 4. site (site) n: a place or spot 5. skullduggery (skull-dug-uh-ree) n: dishonest actions; cheating 6. sloe (SLO) n: a small fruit resembling a plum 7. smarmy (SMAR-mee) adj: insincerely earnest 8. sylph (silf) n: a slim, graceful girl or woman 9. taboo (tuh-boo) n: anything deemed absolutely unacceptable or immoral by a social order; forbidden or off-limits 10. tangelo (TAN-juh-lo) n: a kind of citrus fruit; a hybrid of a tangerine and a grapefruit 11. taphephobia (taff-uh-foe-bee-uh) n: the abnormal fear of being buried alive 12. taut (taut) adj: tight, firm 13. tawdry (TODD-ree) adj: cheap and tasteless; gaudy 14. tempestuous (tem-pess-choo-uss) adj: stormy; violent 15. ubiquity (yoo-bik-wih-tee) n: the quality of being (or of seeming to be) everywhere 16. ululate (UL-yuh-late) v: to howl 17. vox populi (VOKS POP-yoo-lie) n: the voice of the people; public opinion 18. wily (WILE-ee) adj: cunning, shrewd; clever or crafty 19. yammer (YAM-mer) v: to complain loudly; to whine 20. zephyr (ZEFF-ur) n: the west wind; any gentle wind

9 Vocabulary 6 1. accost (uh-kost) v: to greet or approach, usually in a confrontational way 2. affable (AFF-uh-bul) adj: gentle; approachable; friendly 3. bibelot (BEE-buh-low) n: a beautiful trinket 4. bovine (BO-vine) adj: of or resembling a cow or ox; dull. 5. codger (KOD-jur) n: a peculiar or eccentric man, generally of advanced years 6. cogitate (KOJ-ih-tate) v: to think about or to ponder seriously 7. cygnet (SIG-nit) n: a young swan 8. dauntless (DAWNT-luss) adj: unable to be intimidated or put down; brave; fearless 9. derogatory (dih-rog-uh-tore-ee) adj: tending to lessen or impair someone or something; disparaging and negative 10. derring-do (DARE-ing-DOO) n: heroic deeds; acts of bravery 11. edifice (ED-ih-fiss) n: a building, particularly one that is large and imposing 12. emaciated (ee-may-shee-ay-tud) adj: dangerously thin 13. facade (fuh-sod) n: the ornamental front of a building; a false or misleading appearance; a contrived surface meant to deceive

10 14. facetious (fuh-see-shuss) adj: meant to evoke laughter or enjoyment; not intended seriously 15. gadfly (GAD-fly) n: a fly that bites livestock; one who annoys, irritates or provokes 16. gamin (GAM-in) n: an urchin; a youngster who lives in the streets 17. haughty (HAUT-ee) adj: snobbishly proud 18. highbrow (HIE-brow) adj: intelligent and cultured n: one who is pretentious or snobby about intelligence and culture 19. hinterlands (HIN-tur-lands) n: an area far away from the coastline; an area far removed from a city 20. imposition (im-puh-zish-un) n: an instance of inconvenience or the laying on of obligation; the act of causing another to take on a burden

11 Vocabulary 7 1. ingenue (ON-zhuh-noo) n: an unworldly, innocent, uncultured young girl; an actress who plays such a person 2. innuendo (in-you-enn-doe) n: a subtle intimation; an indirect insinuation 3. jihad (jee-had) n: an Islamic holy war; a bitter war or dispute entered over a matter of principle 4. jubilation (joo-bih-lay-shun) n: extreme joy; a mood of high celebration 5. knell (nell) n: a sound emanating from a bell; the toll of a bell, particularly a bell rung as part of a funeral ceremony 6. kow-tow (KOW-tow) v: to show respect, deference, or servility 7. labyrinth (LAB-uh-rinth) n: an intricate or oversized maze; any place or situation in which getting one s bearings seems difficult or impossible 8. lachrymose (LACK-rih-moce) adj: causing tears or sadness 9. lip-sync (LIP-sink) v: to simulate a live singing performance by mouthing along to a record 10. mendicant (MEN-dih-kunt) n: a beggar 11. meretricious (mare-uh-tore-ee-uss) adj: worthy of praise; laudable 12. moniker (MON-ih-kur) n: name; nickname 13. mononucleosis (mon-oh-noo-klee-oh-siss) n: an infectious illness caused by an increase of mononuclear leukocytes in the blood, and characterized by extremely swollen glands, a sore throat, and exhaustion 14. niggling (NIG-ling) adj: petty; annoying 15. nihilism (NIE-uh-liz-im) n: the belief that life is meaningless 16. nimbus (NIM-bus) n: a halo-like source of light above the head of a saint or spiritual figure 17. noggin (NOG-in) n: a small drinking vessel; a mug

12 18. ogre (O-gur) n: a legendary man-eating monster; a brute or wicked person 19. olfactory (ol-fak-tuh-ree) adj: relating to the sense of smell 20. origami (or-ih-gah-mee) n: the Japanese art of cutting and folding paper

13 Vocabulary 8 1. ornery (ORE-nuh-ree) adj: stubborn or unyielding; inclined toward obstinate behavior 2. orotund (OR-uh-tund) adj: (of the voice or speech) possessing a full, big sound 3. panjandrum (pan-jan-drum) n: an important person; a big-wig 4. paramount (PARE-uh-mount) adj: supreme; superior. excellent 5. paramour (PARE-uh-more) n: an illicit lover 6. patsy (PAT-see) n: someone who is set up to take the blame of a crime or wrongdoing; one who is framed 7. pernicious (pur-nish-uss) adj: harmful or destructive in nature 8. philter (FIL-tur) n: a magical love potion 9. polygraph (POL-ee-graff) n: a machine used in lie detection that indicates changes in pulse, perspiration, blood pressure, and respiration 10. precocious (pruh-koe-shuss) adj: pertaining to or reminiscent of one (particularly a child) who acts in a manner generally expected of an older person; ahead of fashions, times, or standards 11. preposterous (prih-poss-tur-uss) adj: so outlandish as to be unbelievable; incredible 12. proximity (prok-sim-ih-tee) n: close or near in time, location, or relation 13. psoriasis (suh-rie-uh-suss) n: a chronic skin disease causing the skin to become covered with red patches and white scales

14 14. pundit (PUN-dit) n: an educated or authoritative person whose opinion is generally respected 15. quandary (KWON-duh-ree) n: a dilemma; a difficult or uncertain situation 16. quirk (kwurk) n: an idiosyncrasy; an odd behavioral or personality characteristic 17. rabble (RAB-ul) n: a mob; a rowdy crowd or disorderly group 18. redoubtable (rih-dout-uh-bull) adj: inspiring wonder or awe; worthy of respect 19. redundant (rih-dun-dunt) adj: unnecessarily repetitious 20. regurgitate (rih-gurj-ih-tate) v: to vomit; to cast (something) back again.

15 Vocabulary 9 1. reiterate (re-it-uh-rate) v: to restate or say again; to repeat 2. relish (REL-ish) v: to enjoy heartily n: a sweet pickle dish composed of various vegetables 3. rendezvous (RON-day-voo) n: a meeting; especially, a secret meeting between lovers 4. repercussion (ree-per-kush-un) n: an echo; reverberation; the result of an action, often negative 5. resilient (rih-zil-yunt) adj: having the ability tosurvive; likely to rebound, particularly from hardship 6. revelry (REV-ul-ree) n: uninhibited celebration 7. riff (RIFF) n: in music, especially jazz and rock, a short melodic phrase repeated as background or used as a main theme 8. roman a clef (ro-mon ah KLAY) n: a fictional work that only thinly veils the actual experience of the author or of characters based on real personages. 9. sacrilegous (sak-ruh-lidje-uss) adj: profane; blasphemous toward something considered holy or sacred 10. salubrious (suh-loob-ree-uss) adj: healthful; promoting or contributing to good health 11. satire (SA-tire) n: a humorous work employing sarcasm or irony in order to ridicule, expose, or make light of a person, institution, or practice 12. schadenfreude (SHAH-dun-froy-duh) n: an instance of rejoicing at the misfortune of another

16 13. scintilla (sin-till-uh) n: the smallest imaginable portion 14. scurrilous (SKUR-ih-luss) adj: offensive to civilized discourse; verbally abusive 15. semantic (suh-man-tic) adj: related to or having to do with the diverse levels of meaning accompanying words and symbols 16. seriocomic (seer-ee-oh-kom-ik) adj: having both serious and humorous characteristics 17. singsong (SING-song) adj: rendered tauntingly or with a musical air; spoken in manner reminiscent of singing 18. snafu (sna-foo) n: an egregious but common error 19. snit (snit) n: an angry or nasty mood; an irritated state 20. somnambulist (som-nam-byoo-list) n: a person who walks during sleep

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