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1 University of Dayton ecommons Marian Sheet Music Marian Library Special Collections January 195 Salve Regina Fritz Volbach Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Volbach, Fritz, "Salve Regina" (195). Marian Sheet Music. Book This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Marian Library Special Collections at ecommons. t has been accepted for inclusion in Marian Sheet Music by an authorized administrator of ecommons. For more information, please contact,

2 CAN'T.l!'T.dS CHORUSES ' SALVE REGNA (Hail Queen of Heaven!) WOMEN'S VOCES The Second Part from ''Raphael" Cantata for Mixed Chorus WTH PANOFORTE OR OR CHESTRA AND ORGAN ACCOMPANMENT (Latin and English Text) FRTZ VOLBACH

3 SALVE REGNA Hail, Queen of Heaven!

4 16 f. SOP. 2.SOP. f..a.lto L''O. _1 _jf_ /"':"\ SALVE REGNA (Hail, Queen oi Heaven!) Second Partfrom"RAPH AEL " FR TZ VOLBACH. 4es :zi. tj _h jf_ 2i. :..: Se Haili!':'. ::.!!:..!!'!.. 3 ::J tt A S olo Voice qd lib. 4 Voices a tetr :l :c j_..! j_ j_..!!':'. mii.:..r. :.L :ii'!: :a :::!!::: :BE Sal ve Re g i na, sal ve, Hait, all i.ail Queen ef Heav'n!. Haili «] '1:1 :z ) _/J_ Tranquillo e con terezza. jf_...l iii,r.; :if z A:. _._.; p < Hrf.. :: CHORUS..PP.. [_ Org. r PP S. Vl.!':'. k :.'iii: z :ft., ;; t...., +lt.. dolce. Org. t P pp sa l v e,...;... Hail, all_ sal ve Re g i!tail Queen of Heav n a, en! ''' ve,_ all_ sal. ve Re gi hail Queen of Heav na en! '' sal ve Re g i n a hail Queen of He.av enj B. M. Co.16'4 Copyright, 195, by G. Sckirmer, Jr.

5 2 5 4!) 17 ve, ry,. 4 Voices. sal Ma ve, ry, Fl. CHORUS. ppoco cresc. na, en na, en gi Heav na, en!, gi Heav na, ('1l! ma MO!Jt B. M. Co. 164, ( i 1 / r r ' ( ( J, J 11

6 18 ftp :;::,..., ter, er, ter, mater mi seri cor di llfoth er, Moth er Com Pas sionmater mi seri cor di :Jl other, Mother Com pas sion mater mi seri cor di.11/oth er, Moth er Com pas sion ter, er, ma llfoth. ter, mi seri cor Mother, Mother Com pas sion a e. ate. _l, ::l ii: ::!:'.: t:j :l :zi:: ae. ate. ae. ate. t:r l!.::!: {g]ih ate. :ii: :ii: :zi:: :::;:::.:.: T.J C. B..._.::.... '_../ ' B. M. Co. 164 ) ll\,\f(.l \., l 1 \

7 ; _jf l 7i _jf_ r.... ':.. > tj,, ' ::!"'!::, accelerando _b >,,.. "S: """" 4a7rr : _._.J:J f j T 1 1ef f. ::: 1 l f ],.. :;>.L l LL... :::z n : ::!!'. T 1 > 1j.'P. f''.... :a:..._....jt_ t.: ::!"'!:: ::!"'!:: 3::. ::!"'!:: ::!!!!: ::!!!: ::!!!: :l ::!!!!: ::!!!!: t: fj _jf_ J Stm; # 1 r ::n: :!'"]!'] tj 1: _:::,.. >,._.11 f* J u] J,;f Brass. > > r; ld {; ::at ":' :'.CZ: CZ:,... :Jiii' mr..., 1fl"",,.N T :'> > u. 6: z.., ± ::!"'!::. 3i...!"'!. # 51 JjJ1 '_tt_e,. ± Jill;. # m...1'" 7i l tj... _:C '::,, f ; il J?:'(; J t "Z :J: W.7 ::n: :ii: :: 'J" if U T H. M. Co. 164

8 2 Quieto, ma non stentando. pdolce. Pdolce. Vi ta) dul ce do, 'l.'hou ari our com fort, Vi 'l.'hou Pdolce. ta; dul ce do, art our com fort, Vi 'l.'hou Pdolce. ta, dul ce do, art our com fort, poco rail. Vi ta, dul do, 'l.'hou art our com fort, Quieto, ma non stentando. s. V.!J. ' Cl. :J > 111p > ta, dul ce life and i.ope ta, dul ce life add ltope do et spes no stra, art, Tkou our ;"oy art, > mp > do, et spes stra, art, 'l.'lwu our art, > ta, dul life and B.M.Co. i64'

9 21 no hope stra arl; m ;::... et spes no stra Tkouour hope art; m sal.hail nil, Re en, of no stra h e art; sal.haii ve Re gi cresc. Queen of.heav et spes no Thou our hope.. p sal ve Re gi na, Re Hail Queen of Heaf. s.vl J J :J /. gi.heav na. en! ve. Queen! sal.hait ve. Queen! 'U' sal.hail B. M. Co.16l r r r L Ve.

10 tl tl JLl 2'!_..:L 3: 3: 3: 1 Jl.i 11.. h l l :'!.li.. t :n: :: :n: < f.jl...r :ll: ::n: :::i::,.b.d 11.bJ ;. Accelen111dopoco a poco :.. T _.h...l.t::: :n: h.._ ::J![ :i]i: :1B!E : ::::"!: tl _.1Lh.:a. 1'*w i;j Ji...L..!!. cla our ma mus voic es, d te cla We raise our ma 11oi c mus ad te cla we raise our ma voic mus es, mus es, B. L Co. 164

11 23 SU les Sons of fi i A dam in He ex vae, ile, te SU un to tliee we_ mus es ex un SU to les, thee, ad To te thee cla we ma call mus in pray'r, hif > te to., f SU thee we ra mus, bring tjur hearts, cres'c. oco SU thee f, ra bring our ad te su spi ra mus, un to thee we our hearts bring, >. su spi ra un to thee our SU spi thee we ra mus bring our hearts, SU spi thee we our ad To te, thee ad te su spi.t;a un to thee we our hearts mus bring, B. M. Co.164

12 mus hearts. gernen tes _ Lament ing, _ ge 'men tes _ Lamen! ing, :::.. ge men tes Lament ing, JlJl < ::::... 1J.. <... ' <.i et d en re pent 1 ::l < ::zi : t et flen re pent _1 J,t_ >... '3 1.lL > :ii ::z t..., _c :i _t,..._j :.zi. ::s z J tes, ing, : tes, ing, JP 1 :f., J:::D_ l..l. :r""' :r:: ::H:... ::: :..: ::: :::.. :ii: ::f Pl Ts.., z ::f.. < v ge men tes, la ment ing, """. v... ge men tes, la ment ing,.. f J. :t bm,,1 1 ::::::::..._ et fl en re pent P <.: : :::..,,, :::... et fl en re pent :f ::f ::J' tes_ ing,_.,,,..., tes _ ing, J_J p :::::l J,bm :ft :j : 3 R. 1'1. Co. 16

13 ,,... in hac lacri ma rum val dis trest in this world of sor le.. TOtlfJ. in hac lacri ma val dis trest in this world sor le. row. tes in hac lacri ma ing, dis trest in tlzis world rum (f va l sor r um va l of sor B. M.Co.164

14 26 pp d o l. ciss. tl fj_.,,.;,..! :ii:.. :Jiii: ].a :Jiii: :..i E ja er go ad VO ca ta Hark en f4}._re dolctss. fore, Thou that plead est Z;ZJ :: _._ :Jiii: ::..,.r.r E ja ad VO ca ta 1l,1tlo!. PP dolciss. Hark en, Tltou that plead est..a 2 ::a: :Jiii:? 'E ja er go ad VO ca ta JL Hark en there fore, Thou that j>jead est 11.Jl,...,. _,J,.J.,,.r..c.,,_. :n:.. tr.:o. ::._ E 1a e?'' Yo ad VO ca ta Hark en there fore, Tltou that plead est a tempo :::::..._.J J J J J.J ; ::""".: '"11 ::z ll:..i 1.l_Jl i. pp :!2: :ii_. :a: L ii ossia.... _l JLii _H_ : :.ll:1]. J 1 ::it: ::..s ::E": z ::z:; Fi o 1 tl _ _ r;. { 1,,_; :s T pp Cl. :::i l. ' Hr. :E C: ::.. el. :.;;& 1 _jljl!2: r.j._ :::!:!l 2: i:.a :: :!!'.: 3 no stra i1 los tu OS Jtl for Uy Bend up_ on us ::sl:!2: L.i.: no stra 11 los tu OS :ii!:'ll::z:.i for us, Bend up on us L L no stra tu OS for us, on us 1LlLlb: ll:?,.. s?fa ::zi!:'.ll : ::H: [ il los tu OS :s: :J ::a. : :!2: 3 :.. Bend up on us for.a. us, ::ll:'.: :JC::!!'.: ::i.:: _.._ :n: :!'. :n:!.11..xll: '!!::... :... y_ #'t :,j. 1E ' 'J! _._ :n:!2:!2: :z:: :1 T Q 1 l...& o. ::a:: l :zl gf::z : : :: '.. 1:..; vi. F. f.,, 1 ':O ilh ::ll' H ::x ::: r B.,J. M. Co. 'JJi JOli4 r M_ ro

15 27 mi se ri cor culos ad nos con full of com pas sion, _ Bend thine eyes and /zeed our 11/T mi se ri cor des cuos ad nos con full of com pas sion, Bend thine eyes and heed our mi se ri cor des culos ad nos.con full of C1'1 pas sion, Bend thine eyes and heed our Bsn. Bsn.2. ver te, tu OS cry ing, Bend on tu OS ing, Bend on te, tu OS ing, Bend on tu Bend OS on B. l\l Co.. 164

16 28 mi full se ri cor of com pass des io_n, ad nos con O!t h eed our mi full se ri cor of com pass des ion, ad nvs con O!i heed our se ri cor of COJn pass des ion, ad Oh nos con h eed our con our ver cry te. ing. nos!teed con ver our cry te. ing. ver te, ad err ing 1 Oft con ver our cry te. ing. 'O' ver cry fo. ing. Ob.Cl. B. M. Co. 164

17 29 Et A n d p 'ljl _n_ Molto espressivo, ma non stentando. Je Je _ll.\l_ sum SUS Pespr. Et And er. :::'! be ev Je Je Et A nd _ 1 n e er., sum SUS Molto espressivo, ma non stentando. AJlA ; 2! 1 Je Jc sum SUS _._ d ie tum bless ed :i :.i....u :!t...,1b ev es p r. pnet And ne er _._ be eu..!..ll._ frue 1 tum off J. spring..ll die bless Je Je :J ne er. t 1m ed. Vlc. Va. i r B. l\. Co. 164

18 3 tum ed fructum ven tris off spring rf tlty tu bod i, y, et And tris thy tu bod i' y, " tum spring_ ven of tr is thy tu bod i ' y, es r. post When hoc ex ex.ile... / be ev ne er die bless tum, ed et And Je Je..._..., sum SUS lbl. V. 2. sum SUS post when hoc ex ex ae i here be post when hoc ex ex ile i here li um shall end, post wizen hoc ex ex ile i here 1i um shall end, lium shall end, no L et bis us be st en hold de then, post hoc ex when ex ile ne er die bless tum ed, post when hoc ex ex ile Fl..J. f i here 1i um shall end, B. M. Co.16i

19 de, then,?ef_ no Let bis us be st en hold ' cresc. 31 post hoc ex When ex ile i here 1i um, shall end, 1i um, slzall end, post wlten hoc ex ex ile post When hoc ex ex ile 1i um, shall end, post when hoc ex ex ile t' de, tit en, ex ex ile i here 1i um, shall end, i um shall end, no Let bis, us 1i um shall end, no Let bis, us B. M. Co. 164

20 bis us be st en hold bis us be sten hold bis us be sten hold no let bis us be sten :...,,..._...:"" hold o sten be lwld de, t/ en, o sten be hold de, then, o sten be hold de, then, de, then, B. M.Cu. 164

21 33 <,.. 1 Jl J... _L L..J. sten de, post hoc ex 1 Jl be hold then, when exile.l UL :f :a: : ej 1 Jl "T _1 _.ll_.: 17 Q: z l! i1't J: :u: :::iz : sten de, post hoc ex be hold tlien, when exile _L :is:.:'..., :::J sten de, post hoc ex be hold then, when exile _L t1;n...:' :A: de, post hoc exbe hold then, when ex ile ill..:si z:z :a: :a: :ff 2:... jf ft _q f _l _e5 J _.. Gr 5 2:1..J.. :: z > F :: ti# Q..Jl dim. :.._;;;,,.. ::.zl ::z: :::r.; :::r.; :Ji!'. i li um no b'is sten de. ltere shall end, let us be i.old then. 1 ::i dim. :::: :;'!:::!:'::. _J :::li i li um o bis sten de. ltere shall end, let us be hold tlten. 1 _.ll_ dim... _J_ ::zi _J_ _J_ i lium no l S st en de. ll here shall end, let 11.S be ltald then. _.ll_ dim. r!! if z. i li um no bis sten de. here shall end, let us be hold then. ) 1 J... : :::J :::J...!!!. :.A :;'! :...u...:r mf Org. G# :3 tlim. pdim. H :& B.M.Co. ioh u... : :

22 34.: 'L :i :i t_ :i i ::J Jolcissimo; qtti eto, senza stentando 1Y 1[[, # '1 :!!:. :.a: l: :f e..._ e i pp 4. S.Vl. P.P ::i z :z :,...::...,_ u "?.: 1: _f:_ 1::_ ll P.!!a ;::,:! o, o_.. mens, cle Ok, ok_ mer Ci.. ful, 'l.i,l pp i ::>....:!!!..:!!!../'. _,,,, :.a..r..... i 'o :::""'. cle.... m 1 ens, Oh mer.. ci ful, PP ::.:::::: 1'.: r T :i 11_ o, o cle.... mens, Oh, oh mer.. ci ful, pp 7):. :v, cle m!ns, Oh, mer.. Ci ful,.. 4.Js.v. _J : ' ::J Jl_if' J DJ ff' ) 1 ldl w.j.jt,...7.l B51_ Stj_J_ l_h_ :..: r.l...e.:..ll ''. '' < PP 1:!:i 4".'.,, b,,, _J_ l _) :i ::;;;;;: ::n::::n: _._ "'" e V. 2. B. M. Co '[..r.. 7.l..d.. OJ "'

23 r :i. J p n ET l E' p p ' :fi: :.rf!c :: o, o, p p :i :ii; :;;;;i::._} :i :ii :::!:.': J....o. _n1 nj JJ ftj:..i J._. n ':zl J:. ' T T T ' Jl_;,t_ :_]_ j,.) _.!:: t r \ _ J.J'l)..L :i. :u:.jl Tutti 4#J 1.!!!.!"'. _."!!:::::,, ;c;; De:_ 1._ ''u : ll...,_. 1LLl _p _h.. a_.r pi a, cle mens, pi to 1/J grre cious 1 ho 1l..:t :L>: > :;;;:. J..L :J :;l! :E". ± :i ::J.; pi a, o cle mens, pi to ly ) grre ciousj to 1 :i.l..:ll > :::ir: ::;ii::;;;;[:::k:l[ _1L _... p ± pi a, o cle mens, 1 i to ly) gm cious 1 to _'Jl_ 1 :i > ::J 1 1 1: ::J.: ". pl a, cfe mens, ] pi to ly) g7 a cz"ous 1 to :ii ::!: 3: :zl l i#; 4 j_#! t M ;.l ll J.l _t 1 it!2: 1!: '3; ' ie :..4 : e._ J dl tt r i.h. < p Tutti aj u..l :.1 _,,,. ti. J_. l JJ. ;r.._n_ 2. ::l: :Ji: T :J".:::li![ F T 1'..._ B. M. Co. 164 Xf

24 36 mf»if o a, o ly_, byj.l.h. dul love cis_ ly_ vir vir g?, gin, dul cis love ly dul love cis ly vir vir go; gin 1 () go, gin 1 go, gin, o dulcis lovely vir vir go, gin, dul cis, love ly 1 B. M. Co.164

25 37 vir vir g o Ma g in M a n dul love cis _ ly _ vir vir ri cis ly vir vir "ti'. Ma ri M a rc_l Ji_. t a, ry, _n :i :f? 1. ' ry, l..ll h_jt_ «.d.... a, ry, :r :r 3fu: dul love dul tove. Cis ly cis ly L :r tt. :JC vir go 'Jir fp'n vir go vir gin iir go vfr gt'n..l n..._,,,,,_ :n: Ma r i Ma,,,... 12: Ma ri Ma..L Ma '"'"' n Ma H :::J 3 :::J : :::J ) t l " a, ry, 1 1:i 12:, _1;T)_ ::,;;;;;: lz:.i z ::::z J;J'1 ::n:o: :JC ub:'1 [: # ::!!'.: h ][ [ Tl Vlf go Jir gin l a:. ::J: :!':: ' _d :!) Ma r i Ma _1 Jl.d j tt. i _Q_ T B. M. Co.164

26 38 _l...ll mf,,.. P.. "l:!n P::... pp a ::J.. :i ::" ti a. Sa l ve. Sal ry, /1 ail_ liail! h ail, ve. hail! ' _f1.. mf p p PP _:Lf! _,,,,_. ::.i: Jl:.o: u... : : 1':l ::ri 1 :pi:.i 'l. Sal ve. Sal "'te. ry, /1ail_ /mil/ hail, hail! _f1.ji_ mf p p pp.). : : 1 :: ::1fll" f 17 a. Sal v e. s ve. ry, hail,!tail! hail, h ail! mf 1l:i p P PP :1 : :;a : 3.r...,,...,. '?'f ""' f ; a. Sal ve. Sal ve. 1 y,!tail, hail/ J 1?J ',.. pr.ff h ai'l,...,. h ail! Woon.## f ii :;;;[ :::;;::;: mo: J1i.. [ 17,: _l J! lm #_ \ :li:;3f :::n;,. r T dim.. i WiJ1_u1 :::i:air: 2 Voices. T Str. p ;:, r..,. PPP..o_..:PPP :n: T ; ' P PP """ 1 r. 2 Voices. T : 2 Voices. 2 Voices. ;:; Sal & hail, PPP ::. ve. hail/ ::t:._;;ppp Sal ve,!tail,!tail/ PPPPPPP Sal 11.ail, ve. hail/ n 11.Q. it:_ "i.Jn.g...ll##,, rcj!... fii.:::.di ( co: l! ti S. Vl. dim. PP.P d im. Or g. Jt.1... \ B. M. Co H rf. :.:.PP.PP _t ::i:


28 7 <;;Ye 't e THE BOSTON MUSC SECULAR CHORUSES WOMEN'S VOCES THREEPART CHORUSES 8!1. Schubert, F. German Dances (S.S. A. Soli, Po. or Orch. acc.).3 9. Nevin, E. Doris (Vin. and 'Cello obbl.) Franck, C. The First Smile of May (Fr. and Eng. text).2il 116. Lacombe, P. Song of the Locusts (Fr. and Eng. text) Chaussen, E. The Halls of the Atrides (Fr. and Eng. text) Charpentier, A. M. Trio of Moorish Maidens (Fr. and Eng. text).lo 367. Bendel, K. The WaterSprite's Revenge (S. Solo) CloughLeighter, H. Sleep, Little Treasure (Lithuanian FolkSong) Martel, John Mayflower Song (part or Zpart).1 6ll. Rossini, G. DanceSong ("William Tell") Mozart, W. A. MorningSong ("Magic Flttte") Beethoven, L. van Where Union and Love ("Ruins,of Athens") Mondonville, To Flora, (Fr. and Eng. text) Chapuis, A. (arr.) Pastoral (Fr. and Eng. text) Delayroc, N. Song of the Shepherd (Fr. and Eng. text).lo 685. DezedeChapuis Flower Time (Fr. and Eng. text) Destouches, A. C. Shepherd Song (Fr. and Eng. text).lo 687. Despourins, C. Song of the Mountaineer (Fr. and Eng. text) Rungenhagen, C. F. Evening (Fr. and Eng. text) Destouches, A. C. Flowers of the Field (Fr. and Eng. text) Pfeiffer, G. J. The Old Cats (Fr. and Eng. text) Beethoven, L. van The Answers of the Heart (Fr. and Eng. text) Dargomyzhsky, A. S. Chorus of Enchanted Maidens (S.S. A.) Dargomyzhsky, A. S. Second Chorus of Maidens (S.S. A.) Cui, C. Mystic Chorus (Eng. and Latin lext).2! Abt, F. Ave Maria (S. Solo) Stewart, H.J. Pastoral (Orch. ad lib.) Saar, L. V. 1. Life's Journey. 2. Shadows of TwlliQht. 3. Spring (Orch. ad lib.) Saar, L. V. Spring (Orch. ad lib.) Schubert, F. Cradle Song (Small Orch. ad lib.) Schubert, F. Who i.; S:;lvia? (Small On h. ad lib.) Brahms, J. When Love hath Entangled (Sir. Orch. and Clar. or Viola obbl. ad lib.) Brahms, J. The Bridegroom (Str. Orch. and Z Horns obbl. ad lib.) Grieg, E. Solvejg's Cradle Song (Orch. ad lib.) (S. Solo) Schumann, R. The Lotus Flower (Sop. Solo) (Small Orch. ad Ub.) Schumann, R. By Moonlight (Vln. obbl., Small Orch. ad lib.) Beethoven, L. van Faithfu' Johnie (Small Orch. ad lib.) MarschalLoepke, G. The Year at Spring RimskyKorsakoff, N. The DragonFlies (S. S. A. Soli ad lib.).l Nevin, E. One Spring Morning (Vln. and 'Cello obbl. ad lib.) Nevin, E. When the Land was White with Moonlight (Alto Solo, ad lib.).15 THE BOSTON MUSC CO., BOSTON, MASS. G SCHRMER, nc., NEW YORK

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