Practice Final Exam - Grammar

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1 Ramirez Name: Practice Final Exam - Grammar Tenses. Write in a verb with the correct tense. On January 20th, I returned home. I (1. be) _had been_ away from home for two years. My family (2. meet) _met_ me at the airport with kisses and tears. They (3. miss) had missed me as much as I had missed them. I (4. be) _was_ very happy to see them again. When I (5. get) _got_ the chance, I (6. take) _took a long look at them. My little brother (7. be _was no longer little. He (8. grow) _had grown a lot. He (9. be) _was almost as tall as my father. My little sister (10. wear) _was wearing a green dress. She (11. change) had changed quite a bit, too, but she (12. be still) _was still mischievous and inquisitive. She (13. ask) _asked me a thousand questions a minute, or so it seemed. My father (14. gain) _had gained some weight, and his hair (15. turn) _had turned a little grayer, but otherwise he was just as I had remembered him. My mother (16. look) _looked a little older, but not much. The wrinkles on her face (17. be) _are / were smile wrinkles. For this exercise, you have an answer, but no question. Write or ask an appropriate question. (Hint: Your question will probably use the same verb as the answer, but not always.) _ These are possible answers. Other answers may also be correct. 1. Question: _ When will you graduate? / Have you graduated yet? Answer: Oh, I ve had this bike for three years. 2. Question: _How long have they owned that car? Answer: They ve owned that car for about a year, I think. 3. Question: _ Have you ever tasted frog meat? Answer: No, I ve never tasted frog meat! 4. Question: _Have you been studying long? -- Have you studied long? Answer: Yes, I have been studying for a long time about three hours so far. 5. Question: _ Have you seen Mahmoud? Answer: Sorry, I haven t seen him today. 6. Question: _Have you finished your test? Answer: Yes! We just finished taking the test. 7. Question: _Has it been raining all day? Answer: No, it hasn t been raining all day, just the last hour or so. 8. Question: _Have you ever been to Canada before? Answer: No, actually, I have never been to Canada. 9. Question: _How long have you been saving your money? Answer: I ve been saving money for about three years. I still don t have enough. Fill in the past tense and past participle of each verb. 61. run _ran, run 62. fly _flew, flown 63. tear _tore, torn

2 64. speak _spoke, spoken 65. drink _drank, drunk 66. write _wrote, written 67. do _did, done 68. give _gave, given Use the words from this box to complete the sentences below. You may need to add other words as well. Try to use each word twice! always never just yet already since (time expression) usually for (time expression) 1. Your hair is wet Have you _just taken a shower? 2. For_nearly a week, I ve been dating this amazing girl. 3. It s so early! Have you take a shower _already_? 4. My family has always OR never_ lived in the countryside. 5. I ve been using Google _for years OR since _For hours OR Since, 10 am, the dog has been barking. 7. You just moved, right? Have you met your neighbors _already OR yet_? 8. I ve_never bought a new car, but I want to within the next year. 9. _Since last Tuesday, I have felt a little sick. 10. How long have you lived here for? 11. I ve _always OR never_wanted to be a ballerina. 12. It s a week early, but I have_already_written my report. 13. We have never_seen such a strange guy before. 14. Haven t you gotten up _yet? You ll miss class! 15. Oh, I feel terrible. I ve _just_ come back from the dentist. 16. We haven t -- finished the homework _yet_. Tenses. Explain the meaning of the given tense according to the example sentence. 1. present progressive: I am working. _I am not doing this action at this moment. I m talking to you. But I started the action when I got hired and I will continue repeating it (going to work every day) until I stop working there. 2. past perfect: I had been living there a year. _I might live there now, or I might NOT you have no idea. We don t know WHEN this was. And this is not the main thing I m talking about. But at some point in the past, it was true I had lived there for 12 months. 4. present perfect Georgie has been a father for three years. _Georgie has a child NOW. He did not five years ago or four years ago. But his (first?) child was born three years ago.

3 5. simple present: Fish swim. _This is a fact that is always true, everywhere in the world. It will be true even if no people see it. Change active sentences to passive sentences, and passives to actives. Keep the tense unchanged! 1. Did Ann discover the mistake? -_ Was the mistake discovered by Ann? 2. A famous author wrote that book. _ That book was written by a famous author. 3. That bill won t be paid. _Nobody will pay that bill. 4. By the time I got home, dinner had already been eaten. _They had already eaten dinner. 5. By the time I leave for vacation next month, the house will have been painted. They will have painted the house. 6. Tommy didn t break the chair. The chair wasn t broken by Tommy._ 7. Have you ever been interviewed by a newspaper? Has a newspaper ever interviewed you?_ 8. Has she ever taken a photo of you? Has a photo of you ever been taken?_ 9. The rain was falling heavily. Not possible Rewrite each sentence using the passive voice. Tell who performed the action only if it is needed. All are possible - and yes, # 16 and 17 can be done in 2 different ways! Ex: Someone found my wallet in the bushes. My wallet was found in the bushes. 1. Someone broke my car window. My car window was broken. 2. Someone drove them to the airport. They were driven to the airport. 3. Someone saw him near the bank. He was seen near the bank. 4. Someone gave the children presents. The children were given presents. 5. Someone took pictures at the wedding. Pictures were taken at the wedding. 6. The guests ate a lot of food. A lot of food was eaten. 7. Hundreds of people attended the races. The races were attended by hundreds of people. 8. The spectators encouraged the swimmers. The swimmers were encouraged by the spetators. 9. My sister won the last race. The last race was won by my sister. 10. The coach congratulated her. She was congratulated by the coach. 11. The judge gave out prizes. Prizes were given out. 12. Nobody could open the window. The window couldn't be opened.

4 13. Water surrounds an island. An island is surrounded by water. 14. They offered me a great job. I was offered a great job. 15. Somebody has already rented the movie. The movie has been rented already. 16. I offered my mother a gift. My mother was offered a gift. 17. I offered my mother a gift. A gift was offered to my mother. Short-answer Questions: Name three or more reasons to use Passive voice. 1) - You don't KNOW who did the action 2) You don't CARE who did the action 3) The OBJECT is more important than the person doing the action What tense is Passive voice? Any tense! (But some tenses, like past perfect progressive, don't sound good.) Describe a test to see if a sentence is Active or Passive. Check the relationship between the subject and the main verb. Did the subject do the verb in other words, is the Subject the Agent? If yes, the sentence is Active. If the Subject did NOT do the action, it s a Passive sentence. Can these sentences be Passive? Why or why not? My grandfather died in his own bed. No: there is no Object. I walked the dog around the park. Yes: the dog is the Object of walk. Do ghosts exist? No: there is no Object.

5 Fill in the blank with the right form of the word. 1. (confuse) I felt really confused by that confusing book. 2. (disappoint) That news is very disappointing ; are you disappointed? 3. (boil) Take the egg out of the boiling water, and you ll have a boiled egg! 4. (bore) I guess I am boring to you. You look so bored and unhappy. 5.(interest) I never thought physics was interesting before, but Neil DeGrasse Tyson is such an interesting speaker that now I m totally interested! Passive and Active. Read this paragraph and look at the thirteen underlined parts. Eight of them contain an error. Find the errors and correct them. In 1943, Frank Lloyd Wright 1 was asked OK to build a museum to hold the art collection of Solomon R. Guggenheim. Immediately, Wright 2 had been disappointed was disappointed by Guggenheim s choice to build the museum in New York City because 3 he was thought he thought the city 4 was overpopulated OK and had too many buildings already. While the museum 5 was building was being built, plans for it 6 were undergone underwent huge changes. Parts of the building 7 that had were used that had been used for for storing art eventually 8 were used OK for displaying art; a rotunda that 9 had planned had been planned as an apartment for the Guggenheims 10 was turned into OK an office and storage space. After years of modifications and alterations, construction of the Guggenheim Museum 11 completed was completed in Sadly, both Frank Lloyd Wright and Solomon Guggenheim 12 had died OK before this time, but their visions are still alive on 13 crowding crowded 5 th Avenue. Complete the sentence with which, that or who. 1. Students who study every night usually do well. 2. I like restaurants that serve fresh vegetables. 3. Colleges that give a lot of scholarships attract a lot of students.

6 4. I have several friends who live in different countries. 5. Relatives that borrow money can be a problem. 6. I like classes which / that have fewer than 20 people in them. Combine these short sentences into a longer one. Make the less important sentence (or sentences) into a relative clause. Add commas if you need them. 7. Two languages are used in Helsinki. It is the capital of Finland. Two languages are used in Helsinki, which is the capital of Finland. 8. Lina is my friend. I have known Lina for 15 years. Lina, who I ve known for 15 years, is my friend. 9. Lina has some problems. The problems seem serious. Lina has some problems that seem serious. 10. Saturday is the night of the party for Mr. Yau. Mr. Yau is retiring. Saturday is the night of the party for Mr. Yau, who is retiring. 11. Students should talk to me. Their visas have run out. Students whose visas have run out should talk to me. 12. I met an old friend. I couldn't remember his name. I met an old friend whose name I couldn t remember. 13. Immigrants are often lonely. Their families don't live here. Immigrants whose families don t live here are often lonely. 14. Workers can get food stamps. Their earnings are very low. Workers whose earnings are very low can get food stamps. 15. Drivers usually get angry. Their cars are towed away. Drivers whose cars are towed away usually get very angry. Restrictive/Non-Restrictive. Add commas if needed. 16. The shoes that I bought last month are too small. 17. Those shoes, which cost $50, are very attractive. 18. Nike, which is based here in Oregon, makes those shoes in other countries. 19. The salesperson who sold me the shoes doesn't work there any more. 20. The salesperson, who had red hair, was very friendly.

7 21. The store, which is on the second level, also sells camping equipment. 22. There aren't many stores that sell shoes in the mall. 23. Lloyd Center, which is closer to my house, has a few shoe stores. Rewrite the following sentences as ONE sentence using the word "whom" as the object of a Preposition. 1) The scientist recently won an important prize. We were talking to her. The scientist to who we were talking recently won an important prize. 2) I loved the actor. He's the one I was introduced to. I loved the actor to whom I was introduced. Correct these sentences if their adjective clauses have a mistake. 1. The woman which lived down the street from me knew everything about the neighborhood. The woman who She knew who s daughter was dating who s son. She knew whose daughter was dating whose son. 2. And the old man who lived across from her was someone to who all the kids would go for advice. was someone to whom all the kids would go for advice. 3. People who living in the area would wave to us and smile as we rode our bikes by. People who lived in the area Our neighborhood, where lived only people, was one of the smallest. Our neighborhood, where only people lived, was one of the smallest. SOME EXTRA PRACTICE for Relative Clauses. 1. I took a picture of the rainbow. It appeared in the sky after the rain. I took a picture of the rainbow that appeared in the sky after the rain. 2. The Siberian tiger is the most rare tiger. Its fur has brown stripes. The Siberian tiger, whose fur has brown stripes, is the most rare tiger. **NOTICE use whose for its even if the subject is not a human!*** 3. The old woman used to sell flowers on that corner. I miss seeing her. I miss seeing the old woman who used to sell flowers on that corner. To do this one correctly, remember that the MAIN ACTION is the main clause. The extra info. becomes a Relative Clause. 4. The koala lives in Australia. The koala is incorrectly called a bear. The koala, which is incorrectly called a bear, lives in Australia. **Use which for a NON-RESTRICTIVE clause.** 5. A few koalas live in the San Diego Zoo. They have had babies. A few koalas that live in the San Diego Zoo have had babies.

8 6. Where is the student? The student s cell phone is ringing. Where is the student whose cell phone is ringing? 7. Spiders are animals. Spiders have 8 legs. Spiders are animals that have 8 legs. Look out for sentences that make a definition use that! The next 2 are also definitions 8. The $10 bill is different.the $10 bill doesn t have a picture of a President. The $10 bill is the only bill that doesn t have a picture of a President. 9. Cardiologists are doctors. These doctors care for the heart. Cardiologists are doctors that care for the heart. Restrictive/Non-Restrictive. Choose the right word. 1. A boat which / that leaks is of little use. 2. Magazines which / that are interesting to you may not be interesting to me. 3. Many college students don't realize that introductory courses, which / that are often labeled boring, can be the most challenging courses of all. 4. The boy which / that didn't look both ways before crossing the street was almost hit by a car. 5. Asparagus, which / that I hate, is my mother's favorite thing to cook. 6. An elephant which / that barks does not exist in this universe. 7. Halloween, which / that is my favorite holiday, gives my sister bad memories. 8. The lamp which / that glows the most is the one I'm going to buy. 9. The one thing which / that I will never throw away is my George Foreman Grill. 10. The horse which / that makes it to the finish line first will be the winner. 11. The class, which / that had never been on a field trip before, didn't mind the rain. Add commas where necessary. 1. He said, We need to lower taxes! 2. According to experts, Portland is overdue for a major earthquake. 3. The day is cool and cloudy, yet you re wearing shorts and a light t-shirt. 4. Wait, is there another way? 5. I need to visit my mother, wash my car, and buy six stamps. 6. If I get a new job, I will be very happy. 7. In five minutes, the building will be closed.

9 8. Whenever I look at you, you are on your phone. 9. Wilson also said, "My platform includes opposition to the proposed changes." 10. He said that the changes were unnecessary. 11. My favorite colors are blue, red and pink. 12. According to Schlosser, 83% of children eat fast food weekly. 13. We left early so that we could buy food, but I forgot my wallet, so we didn t get anything to eat. 14. Wilbur said, "It's not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer." 15. According to Wilbur, good friends who write well are not easy to find. 16. However, the company isn t hiring right now. 17. Unfortunately, the company has problems. 18. Since you don t have a bus pass, you will have to buy a ticket. Verb forms: Gerunds, infinitives 1. Some verbs have to do with the 5 senses: verbs of perception. Examples are hear, listen, see, smell, watch. What verb form(s) are used after these verbs? -- Usually BASE FORM but GERUND is also possible. I like to hear the birds sing means in general this is something nice. I like to hear the birds singing means they are singing NOW. 2. Some verbs have to so with states of mind. Examples are appreciate, consider, mind, miss, recall, recollect. What verb form is used after these verbs? GERUND 3. We use a certain kind of verb to direct someone else to tell them what to do. Some examples are advise, ask, encourage, order, remind, warn. What verb form {gerund,

10 infinitive, or base} is used after these verbs? INFINITIVE 4. What verb form(s) must follow a preposition? GERUND 5. What verb form(s) can be used as subjects? GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES but not BASE Gerund/Infinitive/Preposition: Finish the sentences with the right PREPOSITIONS and VERB FORM. You can use any good verb. 1. I thanked him _for doing that_ 2. I m worried_about doing it_ 19. My friend challenged me_to do it. 3. The students are always complaining about doing it 20. The teacher postponed_doing it. 4. Please apologize_for doing it 21. Do you mind_doing it? 5. We all discussed_doing it 22. Why did he pretend_to do it? 6. The institute requires us_to do it 23. The teacher arranged_to do it. 7. We will eventually complete _doing it 24. The regulations permit us_to do it. 8. The whole class practiced_doing it 25. The dentist wanted to delay_doing it. 9. I really don't care_about doing it 26. Can anyone learn_to do it? 10. My friend recommended not_doing it 27. Did your roommate offer_to do it? 11. She was expected_to do it 28. He doesn't deny_doing it. 12. Bill resented his roommate_doing it 29. Somehow, the dog managed_to do it. 13. Did the criminal admit_doing it? 30. Everyone avoided_doing it. 14. Please allow us_to do it. 31. The boy dared Al_to do it. 15. The whole family anticipated_doing it. 32. Our teacher threatened_to do it. 16. No one recollected_doing it. 33. The contestant practiced_doing it. 17. Did you risk _doing it? 4. My friend consented_to do it 18. Did they recall_doing it? 35. I miss_doing it. Verb forms: Gerunds, infinitives, and base [simple] verbs Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Training for a Race There are several valuable strategies you should use when you are training for a race. The first thing to do is to run a little bit every day. It is important (1 keep) _to keep your body moving so that your muscles stay flexible. If you are inactive for too long, you will cause your body (2 become) to become tired and weak. In addition to (3 stay) staying active, it necessary (4 follow) to follow a healthy diet. You should be sure to eat foods that are rich in protein, and you should not be afraid of (5 consume) consuming complex carbohydrates. Many people don t allow themselves (6 have to have carbohydrates, but it is these carbohydrates that give your body the energy it needs (7 perform) to perform _. Finally, although many people dislike (8 drink) drinking water, (9 do)doing this is essential to

11 good health and, in turn, a good race. People are often shocked (10 learn) to learn that (11 drink) drinking enough water is even more important than (12 eat eating the right food. Becoming dehydrated can force you (13 stop) _ to stop running, and that is the last thing you want. However, you will be relieved (14 know) to know that you do not have to drink a lot of water if you want to stay hydrated. Drinks such as iced tea and lemonade hydrate your body, and they are not so boring. Following these steps will allow you (15 do) to do your best on race day. Sentence form and Parallel Structure. Correct all mistakes you see. Use connectors, punctuation, or change word forms. 1. I work at the mall sorting, folding, and putting price tags on clothes. 2. After working 3 hours, I take a break. I like to get some coffee then. 3. I usually buy coffee at Coffee People. It s not only strong, it s delicious, and it s cheap. OR: it s delicious and cheap. 4. My boss at work is neither friendly nor unfriendly. 5. I don t know how long I will work there; I am glad to have a job now, but I want a better job in the future. 6. Three of the great Indian nations in the Central Plains are the Cherokee, the Choctaw, and the Comanche. 7. Either you will begin to study now or you will risk failing the exam.

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