T Phonics Please turn to page 6, letter N 請翻開課本第 6 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) nut 堅果, 是小松鼠最喜歡的食物喔! 小朋友要多吃 nut 堅果, 就會像小松鼠一樣, 蹦蹦跳跳, 超級健康喔! 現在讓我們一起來念這首 chant 吧!

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1 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 Phonics Please turn to page 6, letter N 請翻開課本第 6 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) nut 堅果, 是小松鼠最喜歡的食物喔! 小朋友要多吃 nut 堅果, 就會像小松鼠一樣, 蹦蹦跳跳, 超級健康喔! 現在讓我們一起來念這首 chant 吧! Chant Nn nut. Nut, nut, healthy food. Good for your body. Good for you. Excellent! Please look at page 7, letter O. 請小朋友看第 7 頁 小朋友知道住在深海裡的章魚先生有幾隻腳嗎? 讓我們一邊唸這首和 octopus 章魚有關的 chant, 一邊數一數吧! Ready? Go. chant Oo octopus Octopus, octopus, deep in the sea. How many legs? Count with me. Unit 1 At the Playground Let s talk Please turn to pages 8 and 9. 請小朋友翻到課本第 8 頁和第 9 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) Bibi Wow! A seesaw! I like seesaws. 哇, 是我最喜歡的翹翹板耶! Jim Me, too. Let s play on the seesaw. 我也是! 我們一起玩吧! Bibi Yeah! Seesaw, seesaw up and down. Hello his playground is so big! here is a swing, slide, monkey bars 這個遊樂場好大喔! 而且都是我們喜歡玩的東西耶! 你看, 那裡有鞦韆, 滑梯和單槓 Lily And a merry-go-round! I like merry-go-rounds very much. Spin, spin, spin. 還有我最喜歡的旋轉盤! 耶! 轉 ~ 轉 ~ 轉 ~ Hello Yes. I like the rocking horse. ( ㄍㄧㄍㄧㄍㄚㄍㄚ的音效 ) Hey, do you want to play hide-and-seek? 我喜歡搖搖馬! 可是我覺得我們可以來玩躲貓貓耶! 這裡好大喔! Jim Good idea. One, two, three, four Where s Eddie? 咦? Eddie 呢? Lily He s on the slide. 他在玩溜滑梯! Hello Hey, Eddie. Let s play hide-and-seek! Eddie~~ 一起來玩躲貓貓吧 Eddie Sure. But I am on the slide. 可是 ~ 我現在在玩溜滑梯耶! Bibi Come and join us. his playground is so big. It s going to be fun. 先來玩躲貓貓嘛! 這裡這麼大, 一定很好玩! Eddie OK. I m coming. Ya~hoo! 好! 我馬上來囉! Let s review the words and the conversation. Ready? Please repeat after me. slide, slide 滑梯 slide, slide swing, swing 鞦韆 - 1 -

2 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 swing, swing seesaw, seesaw 翹翹板 seesaw, seesaw monkey bars, monkey bars 單槓 monkey bars, monkey bars rocking horse, rocking horse 搖搖馬 rocking horse, rocking horse Let s play hide-and-seek. 我們來玩躲貓貓 Let s play hide-and-seek. Where is Eddie? Eddie 在哪裡? Where is Eddie? He s on the slide. 他在滑梯上面 He s on the slide. Very good! Now let s chant and review the lesson one more time. chant slide, slide swing, swing seesaw, seesaw monkey bars, monkey bars rocking horse, rocking horse Let s play hide-and-seek. Let s play hide-and-seek. Where is Eddie? He s on the slide. Let s Sing Play on the seesaw Please turn to page 10. 請小朋友翻開課本第 10 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) Seesaw, seesaw, up and down. You go up and I go down. Seesaw, seesaw, up and down. Play on the seesaw, lots of fun. Let s Chant Merry-Go-Round Please look at page 11. 請小朋友看課本第 11 頁 Merry-Go-Round, at the playground. Up and down, round and round. Yeah! Lots of fun! Daily English Please turn to page 12. 請小朋友翻開課本第 12 頁 ( 翻頁 ) Bibi Let s play on the slide. 來玩溜滑梯吧! All Yeah! Hahaha~ Lily Don t push, please. 哇 ~~ 哦 ~ 你差點推倒我了啦,Eddie Eddie I m sorry, Lily. 對不起, 對不起! 我跑太快了 Lily It s OK

3 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 eacher A Be careful. Please take turns. 小心, 小心! 大家要輪流玩喔! Yes, eacher Annie. Let s look and point at the pictures and review the daily English one more time. 請小朋友指著圖, 讓我們再來複習一次這個單元的生活美語吧 Don t push, please. 請不要推擠 Don t push, please. Please take turns. 請輪流 Please take turns. Listen, read and paste. Please turn to page 13. 請小朋友看課本第 13 頁 Please listen to the CD and stick on the right stickers. 請聽 CD, 再貼上正確的貼紙喔! Number 1 I am Eddie. I am playing on the slide. Number 2 I am Bibi. I am playing on the swing. Number 3 I am Lily. I am playing on the seesaw. Number 4 I am Hello. I am playing on the monkey bars. Number 5 I am Jim. I am playing on the rocking horse. Phonics Please turn to page 14, letter P. 小朋友請翻開課本第 14 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) 小朋友有沒有養寵物呢? 不管是養在家裡, 還是住在野外的動物, 都是我 們人類最好, 最好的朋友! 小朋友要和 eacher Annie 一起愛護動物, 保護 牠們喔! 讓我們一起來念這首和 pet 寵物有關的 chant 吧! Pp pet Pet, pet, love your pet. Have a pet, friends forever. Excellent! Please look at page15, letter Q. 請看第 15 頁 小朋友在教室哩, 如果有不懂的事情, 還是發現問題, 要記得舉手請老師 幫忙找答案, 解決問題喔! 現在讓我們一起來念這首和 question 問題有關 的 chant 吧 chant Qq question Question, question, I have a question. I need an answer to my question. Unit 2 Activities Let s alk Please turn to pages 16 and 17. 請小朋友翻到課本第 16 頁和第 17 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) eacher A ime for some exercise! What do you like to do, boys and girls? 運動時間到了! 小朋友今天想做什麼運動啊? Hello Walking. I like walking. I always take a walk with my daddy after dinner

4 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 我喜歡走路! 我每天晚餐後都會陪我爸爸散步! eacher A Good for you, Hello. Hello hank you, eacher Annie. Daddy always says, No more V. Let s take a walk. 我爸爸常說 : 不要再看電視了! 一起去散步, 做做運動啊! eacher A Hahaha. Your dad is right. oo much V is not good for your eyes. 是啊, 看太多電視對眼睛是不好的! What about you, Eddie? Eddie I like running. I can run very fast! 我喜歡跑步! 我是快跑小旋風!! Jim I like to jump and swim. Look! his is my new swimming cap. 我喜歡跳高和游泳 你們看, 這是我的新泳帽! Bibi I like dancing. I m a good dancer. Look! ( 放草裙舞的音樂 ) 我喜歡跳舞! 這是我剛剛學的夏威夷草裙舞喔, 我跳給你們看! eacher A Wow! You dance very well, Bibi. Can you dance, Lily? 你會跳舞嗎,Lily? Lily Hm Yes, I can. But I m not good at dancing. 我會一點點 eacher A We can dance with Bibi. She is good. 我們可以請 Bibi 教我們跳舞啊! Bib Yes. Don t worry. I can teach you. Let s dance. eacher A Very good! Hello, you can take a walk. Jim, you can go swimming and Eddie, you can go running. And we can all dance with Bibi. 好! Hello, 你可以去走操場, Jim 去游泳,Eddie 去跑步 那我們跟 Bibi 一起跳舞吧! Yeah! We love exercising!! 大家一起來運動吧! Now let s review the words and the conversation. Ready? Please repeat after me. jump, jump 跳 jump, jump run, run 跑 run, run dance, dance 跳舞 dance, dance walk, walk 走路 walk, walk swim, swim 游泳 swim, swim Can you dance? 你會跳舞嗎? Can you dance? Yes, I can. 我會 Yes, I can

5 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 Let s dance. 我們一起來跳舞吧! Let s dance. Very good! Now let s chant and review the lesson again. Ready? Here we go. chant jump, jump run, run dance, dance walk, walk swim, swim Can you dance? Can you dance? Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Let s dance. Let s dance. Let s Sing Chicken Dance Please turn to page 18. 請小朋友翻開課本第 18 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) Come and dance with me. Come and dance with me. Let s clap your hands. ( 空四拍強節奏 ) Come and dance with me. Let s Chant Look at Me Please look at page 19. 請小朋友看課本第 19 頁 Look at me! Look at me! I can jump, like a frog. I can swim, like a fish. I can walk, like a robot. Daily English Please turn to page 20. 請小朋友翻開課本第 20 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) man Ice cream. Ice cream! ( 叫買 ) Hello Let s have some ice cream. 我們來吃冰淇淋, 好不好? OK! Eddie MmHm my chocolate one is good. 嗯 ~~ 我的巧克力真好吃! Bibi My strawberry one is good, too. 嗯 ~~ 我的草莓也很好吃! Ouch! Lily Be careful! Are you OK? 你還好嗎,Bibi? Bibi I m fine, but my ice cream isn t!. 我沒有受傷, 可是我的冰淇淋 ~~ Oh~ no~ Let s look and review the Daily English one more time. 讓我們再把生活美語複習一次吧! Ouch! 唉呀! Ouch! Be careful! Are you OK? 小心! 你還好嗎? Be careful! Are you OK? - 5 -

6 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 Listen, read and paste. Please turn to page 21. 請小朋友看課本第 21 頁 Please listen to the CD and stick on the right stickers. 再貼上正確的貼紙喔! Lily Number 1 I am Lily. I can swim. Eddie Number 2 I am Eddie. I can run. I can run very fast. Bibi Number 3 I am Bibi. I like walking. Hello Number 4 I am Hello. I like dancing. I am a good dancer. Jim Number 5 I am Jim. I can jump very high. Phonics Please turn to page 22, letter R. 小朋友請翻開課本第 22 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) 太陽雨後的天空, 常常都會出現一道美麗的彩虹喔! 紅橙黃綠藍靛紫, 七色彩虹, 真是漂亮! 讓我們一起來念這首和 rainbow 彩虹有關的 chant 吧! Chant Rr rainbow Rainbow, rainbow, high in the sky. Look at the colors, pretty and bright. Please look at page23, letter S. 請看課本第 23 頁 小蝸牛背著重重的殼, 爬呀爬 ~ 爬呀爬 ~ 速度好慢喔! 我們一起來念這首和 snail 蝸牛有關的 chant 吧 snail, snail, crawls and crawls. Has a shell, very slow. Unit 3 Shapes Let s talk Please turn to pages 24 and 25. 請小朋友翻到課本第 24 頁和第 25 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) eacher A Let s review the shapes today. Please choose the shapes you like. 今天要複習形狀喔! 請選一個你喜歡的形狀吧! hello Rectangle! I like rectangles. 我選長方形 Jim I choose the heart. I like red and I like hearts. 我喜歡這個心型 它剛好也是我喜歡的紅色耶! Lily Hm he circle for me. It s green. I like green. 那我選這個綠色的圓形 bibi I like diamonds. I choose the diamond. 我選菱形 Eddie Please pass me the triangle. I like triangles. It looks like sandwiches. 請把三角形傳給我, 謝謝 我喜歡三角形 三角形是三明治的形狀耶! lily Hahaha, Eddie. You are so funny. Here you are. 你真是太有趣了,Eddie! 嗯, 這是你的三角形 Eddie hank you, Lily

7 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 eacher A Very good. Now please hold up your cards and answer my questions. 大家都有自己喜歡的形狀了嗎? 很好! 現在請舉起你的卡片, 然後回答老 師的問題喔! All OK, eacher Annie. eacher A Who wants to go first? 哪位小朋友要先回答啊? Bibi Ask me, eacher Annie. eacher A Good, Bibi. What shape do you see? Bibi I see a square. You have a square, eacher Annie. 我看到正方形 Annie 老師拿的是正方形 eacher A Well done. It s your turn, Hello. What shape do you see? Hello I see a circle. Lily has a circle. 我看到三角形 Lily 拿的是三角形 eacher A Good. How about you, Eddie. What shape do you see? 你看到什麼形狀 呢,Eddie? Eddie I see Bibi sa diamond. 我看到 bibi 的菱形 Lily I see Jim has a red heart. 我看到 Jim 拿的是心型 紅色的心型 eacher A Very good! You ve all done a great job. Now let s make a circle. ime for games! 通通答對了! 現在請大家圍個圓圈, 來玩遊戲吧! Yeah! We like games! Let s review the words and the conversation. Ready? Please repeat after me. Circle, circle 圓形 Circle, circle Square, square 正方形 Square, square riangle, triangle 三角形 riangle, triangle Diamond, diamond 菱形 Diamond, diamond Heart, heart 心形 Heart, heart What shape do you see? 你看到什麼形狀? What shape do you see? I see a square. 我看到正方形 I see a square. I see a circle. 我看到圓形 I see a circle. Very good! Now let s chant and review the lesson again

8 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 Ready? Here we go. Circle, circle Square, square riangle, triangle Diamond, diamond Heart, heart What shape do you see? Let s Sing winkle, winkle, Little Star Please turn to page 26. 請小朋友翻開課本第 26 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) winkle, twinkle, little stars. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. winkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are! Let s Chant Shapes Around Us Please look at page 27. 請小朋友看課本第 27 頁 Shapes are everywhere. Let s look around. Look for the triangles. Look for the hearts. Daily English Please turn to page 28. 請小朋友翻開課本第 28 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) Hello Look at my triangle, eacher Annie. I can draw a triangle. It s for my daddy. 老師你看, 我會畫三角型耶! eacher A Well done, Hello. Your triangle is beautiful! Hello 的三角形畫得真漂亮呢! Hello hank you, eacher Annie. eacher A You re welcome. Hm Bibi s heart is beautiful, too. Bibi 的愛心也畫得很漂亮喔! Bibi hank you, eacher Annie. I can color the heart and give it to my mommy. 我要把愛心畫上漂亮的紅色送給媽咪! eacher A You are so sweet. Eddie Hm Let me draw a diamond for my mommy. 那我要畫一顆 diamond 鑽石送 給我媽媽 eacher A Good job, Eddie. Let s point and review the daily conversation one more time. 讓我們把生活美 語再複習一次 小朋友要指著句子, 大聲的跟著唸喔! I can color the heart. 我可以把這個愛心塗上顏色 I can color the heart. I can draw a triangle. 我會畫三角形 I can draw a triangle. Listen, read and paste Please look at page 29. 請小朋友看課本第 29 頁 - 8 -

9 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 Please listen to the CD and stick on the right stickers. 請聽 CD, 再貼上正確的貼紙喔! Number 1 diamond, a diamond Number 2 square, a square Number 3 heart, a heart Number 4 circle, a circle Number 5 triangle, a triangle Phonics Please turn to page30, letter. 小朋友請翻開課本第 30 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) 小朋友喜歡玩陀螺嗎? 陀囉轉啊轉的, 常常都讓 Annie 老師看到頭暈呢! 現在讓我們一起念這首和 top 陀螺有關的 chant 吧! 希望唸完後,Annie 老師不會頭暈暈的呢! Chant t top op, top, round and round. Spin to the left. Spin to the right. Excellent! Please look at page 31, letter U. 請看第 31 頁 滴答, 滴答, 下雨嘍! 小雨點打在雨傘上的聲音滴滴答答地真好聽! 讓我們一邊聽著雨聲, 一起讓唸這首和 umbrella 雨傘有關的 chant 吧! chant ( 請放雨聲 ) Uu umbrella Umbrella, umbrella, open it up. Pitter-Patter, Pitter-Patter, we stay dry. Unit 4 Insects Let s talk Please turn to pages 32 and 33. 請小朋友翻到課本第 32 頁和第 33 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) Lily So many butterflies and dragonflies! 好多蝴蝶和蜻蜓喔! Bibi Here is a caterpillar. 這裡有一隻毛毛蟲耶! eacher A It s the larva of a butterfly or a moth. 牠長大後可能會變成蝴蝶還是蛾哦! Bibi Hi, caterpillar. Will you become a butterfly? 你會變成蝴蝶嗎, 可愛的小毛毛蟲? Eddie ( 大叫 ) Come here, Bibi. Look what I ve found! It s a ladybug! Bibi 你看我發現什麼了! 是一隻好漂亮的小瓢蟲耶! Bibi Shhh Eddie. You might scare the ladybug away. 小聲一點啦,Eddie 你會把小瓢蟲嚇跑! Eddie Oh, you are right. Look! It s cute. 對喔! ( 小聲 ) 你看, 牠好可愛喔! Bibi Yes, it is. Jim Look at the butterfly. It s blue. It s pretty. 這裡有一隻藍色的蝴蝶耶! Hello A blue butterfly? I like blue. Where is the butterfly? 藍色的蝴蝶? 在哪裡? - 9 -

10 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 eacher A It s on the flower. Jim Oh, there it is. It s pretty. Lily AreIs there any beetles, eacher Annie? 這裡有甲蟲嗎? eacher A Yes, there is one. 有啊! 老師剛剛才看到一隻呢! Eddie Where is it? I don t see any beetles. 在哪裡? 我怎麼沒看到? eacher A Would you like to play a game and see who can find the beetle first? 那我們來比賽誰先找到小甲蟲好嗎? OK! Beetle hunt! 好啊! 尋找甲蟲大賽! 耶! Let s review the words and the conversation. Ready? Please repeat after me. beetle, beetle 甲蟲 beetle, beetle dragonfly, dragonfly 蜻蜓 dragonfly, dragonfly ladybug, ladybug 瓢蟲 ladybug, ladybug butterfly, butterfly 蝴蝶 butterfly, butterfly caterpillar, caterpillar 毛毛蟲 caterpillar, caterpillar Where is the butterfly? 蝴蝶在哪裡? Where is the butterfly? It s on the flower. 在花的上面 It s on the flower. Here is a caterpillar. 這裡有一隻毛毛蟲 Here is a caterpillar. Very good! Now let s chant and review the lesson again. Ready? Here we go. chant beetle, beetle dragonfly, dragonfly ladybug, ladybug butterfly, butterfly caterpillar, caterpillar Where is the caterpillar? Where is the caterpillar? It s on the flower. It s on the flower. Here is a caterpillar. Let s Sing Bumblebee and Ladybug Please turn to page

11 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 請小朋友翻開課本第 34 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) James the bumblebee is very busy. Buzz, buzz here and buzz, buzz there. Lily the ladybug is very lovely. Dance on the leaves, it s very pretty. Let s Chant Beehive Please look at page35. 請小朋友看課本第 35 頁 Here is the beehive. Where are the bees? Inside the beehive, where nobody sees. Daily English Please turn to page36. 請小朋友翻開課本第 36 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) Eddie Catch the butterfly, Jim. Hurry! 快點! 快點! 快把那隻蝴蝶抓起來! Jim OK! 好, 看我的厲害! Bibi ( 生氣 ) Jim, Eddie! What are you doing? 你們在做什麼? Hello Don t catch the butterfly! 你們怎麼可以傷害小昆蟲, 亂抓蝴蝶? Jim OK, sorry, we won t do it again. 喔, 對不起! 我們以後不會了! Let s point and review the daily conversation one more time. 我們把生活美語再複習一次 小朋友要指著句子, 大聲的跟著唸喔! Don t catch the butterfly. 不要亂抓蝴蝶 Don t catch the butterfly. OK! 好 OK! Listen, read and paste Please look at page 37. 請小朋友看課本第 37 頁 Please listen to the CD and stick on the right stickers. 請聽 CD, 再貼上正確的貼紙喔! Number 1 dragonfly, dragonfly Number 2 ladybug, ladybug Number 3 beetle, beetle Number 4 butterfly, butterfly Number 5 caterpillar, caterpillar Phonics Please turn to page38, letter V. 小朋友請翻開課本第 38 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) 小朋友知道什麼叫做 獸醫 嗎? 獸醫是專門幫動物看病的醫生喔! 獸醫守護著動物, 不讓牠們生病, 就像是動物的天使呢! 讓我們一起來念這首

12 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 Vet 獸醫有關的 chant 吧 Chant Vv vet Vet, vet, animal doctor. Helps the animals. Like an angel. Excellent! Please look at page39, letter W. 請看第 39 頁 假髮就像是魔術師一樣, 可以讓我們的頭髮一下子變長, 一下子變短! 變來變去的, 真有趣! 讓我們一起來念這首和 wig 假髮有關的 chant 吧 chant Ww wig Wig, wig, put it on. Long hair, short hair, which do you want? Unit 5 Garden Let s alk Please turn to pages 40 and 41. 請小朋友翻到課本第 40 頁和第 41 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) ( 蟲鳴鳥叫聲 ) Eddie he trees are tall. 這些樹好高喔! Hello I like to stay under the trees and lie on the grass. It s very comfortable and cool. 我最喜歡躺在樹下的草地上了, 又舒服又涼快! Eddie I like trees and mountains. My daddy said there were so many trees when he was little. 我最喜歡大樹和高山了! 但我爸爸說他小時候到處都有樹! 不像現在樹變得好少! Jim My daddy said that too. People like to cut trees down and it is bad! 我爸爸也這樣說耶! 人類實在不應該再亂砍樹了! eacher A Come here, boys and girls. Look at the flowers. 小朋友, 你們在那裡做什麼啊? 這裡有很多漂亮的花喔! Bibi he flowers are pretty. here are so many colors! 這些花的顏色都不一樣 耶! 真漂亮! Hello And they smell so good! 聞起來好香喔! Lily My mommy said we can only look at or smell the flowers. We can t pick any flowers! 我媽媽說我們只可以用聞的, 用看的, 不可以摸也不可以亂採花! eacher A Your mom is right. he flowers are here for everybody. 是啊! 這是大家的花! 要和大家一起欣賞的! Jim Hey, Is that a nest in the tree? 那是鳥巢嗎? Bibi Yes, it is! here are little birds in the nest! I think they are looking at us. 真的是鳥巢! 還有小鳥在裡面看我們耶! Lily Wow! hey are so cute! eacher A Shhh Let s go over there. You can have your snacks next to the big rock. 噓 ~ 我們去大石頭那邊吃點心吧! 不要吵到小鳥喔! Yes, eacher Annie. Shhh

13 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 Very good! Now let s chant and review the lesson again. Ready? Here we go. tree, tree 樹 tree, tree flower, flower 花 flower, flower grass, grass 草 grass, grass leaf, leaf 葉子 leaf, leaf rock, rock 大石頭 rock, rock Look at the flowers. 看看這些花 Look at the flowers. he flowers are pretty. 這些花真漂亮! he flowers are pretty. he trees are tall. 這些樹真高! he trees are tall. Very good! Now let s chant and review the lesson again. Ready? Here we go. tree, tree flower, flower grass, grass leaf, leaf rock, rock he trees are tall. Let s Sing Ring Around the Rosy Please turn to page42. 請小朋友翻開課本第 42 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) Ring around the rosy, Pocket full of posies, Ashes, ashes, We all fall down. Let s Chant Leaves Please look at page43. 請小朋友看課本第 43 頁 Leaves on the tree. Leaves on the ground. Leaves in the air. Leaves on my head. Daily English Please turn to page44. 請小朋友翻開課本第 44 頁 ( 翻頁音 )

14 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 Hello Lalala~ I like the garden! 我好喜歡這個大花園喔! Bibi I like the garden, too. Look at the sign. It says, Don t pick the flowers. 你看, 這裡有一個標誌說 請勿摘花 Hello Yes! Don t pick the flowers so everybody can enjoy looking at them. 大家都不要亂摘花, 才可以一起欣賞啊! Lily Hi, Jim. How many trees do you see? Jim, 你看到幾顆樹了? Jim I see many, many, many tress! hey are all very tall. 很多, 很多, 很多喔! 而且每一顆都很高喔! Lily Can I see? 真的嗎? 可以借你的望遠鏡嗎? 我也好想看喔! Jim No problem. Here. 我的望遠鏡借妳吧! Lily hank you. Let s point and review the daily conversation one more time. 我們把生活美語再複習一次 小朋友要指著句子, 大聲的跟著唸喔! How many trees do you see? 你看到幾顆樹? How many trees do you see? Don t pick the flowers. 不要摘花 Don t pick the flowers. Listen, read and paste Please look at page45. 請小朋友看課本第 45 頁 Please listen to the CD and stick on the right stickers. 請聽 CD, 再貼上正確的貼紙喔! Number 1 grass, grass Number 2 leaf, leaf Number 3 flower, flower Number 4 rock, rock Number 5 tree, tree Phonics Please turn to page46, letter X. 請翻開課本第 46 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) 喀嚓! 小朋友知道那是什麼聲音嗎? 是拍 X 光的聲音! X 光很厲害喔, 可以照到我們的身體裡面呢! 喀嚓, 喀嚓! 讓我們一起來念這首和 x-ray 有關的 chant 吧! Chant Xx X-ray X-ray, X-ray, black and white. Give me an X-ray. I m alright. Excellent! Please look at page47, letter Y. 請看第 47 頁 小朋友喜歡吃蛋嗎? 你喜歡蛋黃還是蛋白呢? 不管是蛋黃還是蛋白, 都 很有營養喔! 每天一顆蛋, 營養又健康! 讓我們一起來念這首和 yolk 蛋黃

15 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 有關的 chant 吧! chant Yy yolk Yolk, yolk, let s crack an egg. yellow is the color. Round is the shape. Good job! Please turn to page 48, letter Z. 請翻開課本第 48 頁 ( 翻頁音 ) 小朋友知道動物園裡面到底住了幾種動物呢? 讓我們一邊唸這首和 zoo 動物園有關的 chant, 一邊數數看吧! chant Zz zoo Zoo, zoo, who s in the zoo? Let s take a look. Walk through the zoo. Happy Mother s Day Please turn to page52 請翻到第 52 頁 一年一度的母親節又到了, 小朋友, 一定要記得大聲祝福媽媽 ~ 母親節快樂喔! 做個聽話的好寶貝, 不再頑皮, 也不再讓媽媽 傷腦筋! 現在就讓我們一起學習有關母親節的美語吧! Here we go! Hug hug 擁抱 Hug hug kiss kiss 親吻 kiss kiss love love 愛 love love Carnations carnations 康乃馨 carnations carnations Card, card 卡片 Card, card Happy Mother s Day 母親節快樂 Happy Mother s Day 小朋友真厲害! 現在, 讓我們一起用 chant 的方式, 再把單字 和句子複習一次吧! Hug, hug kiss, kiss love, love carnations, carnations card, card Happy Mother s Day Happy Mother s Day ( 口白 One more time) Let s Sing Please look at page53. 請看第 53 頁 hank you, Mom hank you, Mom ( 歌曲 ) You make me happy when I am sad. When I m with you, I m so glad!

16 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 hank you, Mommy, for your love, for your love. Here s a great big hug. With lots of kisses, too. I want to say I love you. hank you, Mommy, for your love. Dragon Boat Festival Please turn to page54. 請翻到第 54 頁 Hohaho~! ( 划龍舟的音樂 ) It s the Dragon Boat Festival. Let s learn some words about the festival together. 耶! 太棒了! 是端午節! 我們一起來學和端午節有關的單字吧! Dragon Boat,Dragon Boat 龍舟 Dragon Boat,Dragon Boat zongzi,zongzi 粽子 zongzi,zongzi drum,drum 鼓 drum,drum Flag, flag 旗子 Flag, flag Sachet, sachet 香包 Sachet, sachet I love Dragon Boat Festival. 我愛端午節 I love Dragon Boat Festival. 小朋友好厲害喔! 現在, 讓我們一起用 chant 的方式, 把端午 節的單字和句子複習一次吧! chant dragon Boat zongzi,zongzi drum,drum flag, flag sachet, sachet I love Dragon Boat Festival. (one more time) Let s Sing Please look at page55 請看第 55 頁 Happy Dragon Boat Festival Go! Go! Dragon Boat! Dragon Boat, Dragon Boat, Go! Go! Go! Row the boat. On your right Row the boat. On your left Be the winner. Get the flag! Yeah! x3 Dragon Boat, Dragon Boat, Go! Go! Go! 中班作業本 Please take out the workbook and turn to page3. 請翻開作業本第 3 頁 page 3 Listen and Circle Please listen to the CD and circle the pictures

17 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 page 4 page 6 page 7 page 11 page 12 小朋友, 請聽 CD, 並將正確的答案圈起來! Number 1: Hello is on the slide. Number 2: Eddie and eacher Annie are on the seesaw. number 3: Bibi is on the rocking horse. Number 4:Lily is on the swing. Number 5: Jim is on the monkey bars. Please take out the workbook and turn to page 4. 請翻開作業本第 4 頁 Listen and Stick Please listen to the CD and stick on the stickers. 小朋友, 請聽 CD 並貼上正確的貼紙! Number 1: Please take turns. Number 2: Don t push, please. Please take out the workbook and turn to page6. 請翻開作業本第 6 頁 Listen and Stick Please listen to the CD and stick on the right stickers. 小朋友, 請聽 CD 並貼上正確的貼紙! number 1: jump, jump number 2: swim, swim number 3: run, run number 4: walk, walk number 5: dance, dance Please take out the workbook and turn to page 7. 請翻開作業本第 7 頁 Listen and ick Please listen to the CD and tick the right pictures. 小朋友, 請聽 CD, 並將正確的答案打勾! number 1: I m Bibi. I can dance. number 2: I m Lily. I can swim. number 3: I m Jim. I can jump. number 4: I m Hello. I can walk. number 5: I m Eddie. I can run. Please take out the workbook and turn to page11. 請翻開作業本第 11 頁 Listen and Match Please listen to the CD and match the right pictures. 小朋友, 請聽 CD, 並將正確的答案連起來! number 1: I see a heart. number 2: I see a square. number 3 : I see a circle. number 4: I see a triangle. number 5: I see a diamond. Please take out the workbook and turn to page12. 請翻開作業本第 12 頁 Listen and Stick Please listen to the CD and stick on the stickers. 小朋友, 請聽 CD 並貼上正確的貼紙!

18 Hello ABC 中班下學期錄音稿 page 15 page 16 page 18 page 19 number 1: I can draw a triangle. number 2: I can draw a heart. number 3 : I can color a diamond. number 4: I can color a square. number 5: I can color a circle. Please take out the workbook and turn to page 15. 請翻開作業本第 15 頁 Listen and Circle Please listen to the CD and circle the picture you hear. 小朋友, 請聽 CD, 並將正確的答案圈起來! number 1: Where is the butterfly? It s on the flower. number 2:Where is the dragonfly? It s on the rock. number 3:Where is the beetle? It s on the tree. number 4: Where is the ladybug? It s on the grass. number 5: Where is the caterpillar? It s on Jim. Please take out the workbook and turn to page16. 請翻開作業本第 16 頁 Listen and Match Please listen to the CD and match the right pictures. 小朋友, 請聽 CD, 並將正確的答案連起來! number 1: Don t catch the butterfly. number 2: Don t catch the beetle. number 3: Don t catch the dragonfly. Please take out the workbook and turn to page 18. 請翻開作業本第 18 頁 Listen and Match Please listen to the CD and match the right pictures. 小朋友, 請聽 CD, 並將正確的答案連起來! number1: flower, flower number2: leaf, leaf number 3: tree, tree number 4: rock, rock number 5: grass, grass Please take out the workbook and turn to page19. 請翻開作業本第 19 頁 Listen and Circle Please listen to the CD and circle the right pictures. 小朋友, 請聽 CD, 並將正確的答案圈起來! number 1: Look at the rock. number 2: Look at the tree. number 3: Look at the leaf. number 4: Look at the grass. number 5: Look at the flower

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CABLE SNIFFER-REMOTE MT-7057N. User s Manual 1 st Edition, Copy Right by Prokit s Industries Co., Ltd. CABLE SNIFFER-REMOTE MT-7057N User s Manual 1 st Edition, 2016 2016 Copy Right by Prokit s Industries Co., Ltd. Contents INTRODUCTION.....2 SAFETY and WARNING......2 PRODUCT FEATURES....5 SPECIFICATIONS.....6

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