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3 ANGRY THOUGHTS Body reaction frustrated, irritated, impatient, resentful, enraged, peed off, fury, insulted Assume the worst Problem is enormous. Others are unfair. I ve been disrespected, treated unfairly, used I ve been let down. It s not fair! I won t stand for it. Adrenaline response: Tense Fired up. Energized, breathing and heart rate increase. Difficulty concentrat ing. BEHAVIOR Fight Confront Argue Make lots of noise! Sulk Snap, swear, shout Sarcastic, patronize Put downs. cgregoreva2014 3



6 ATTITUDE An attitude is an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or event (the attitude object). Prominent psychologist Gordon Allport once described attitudes "the most distinctive and indispensable concept in contemporary social psychology.". [1] Attitude can be formed from a person's past and present. [2] MY LIFE MANAGEMENT FILE There is not a single part of your current life that is not affected by your attitude. And your future will definitely be influenced by the attitude you carry with you from today forward. cgregoreva2014 6

7 When you hear the word attitude, what do you think about? I think of attitude as an inward feeling expressed by outward behavior. People always project on the outside what they feel on the inside. Some people try to mask their attitude, and they can fool others for a while. But that cover-up doesn t last long. Attitude always wiggles its way out. Your attitude colors every aspect of your life. It is like the mind s paintbrush. It can paint everything in bright, vibrant colors creating a masterpiece. Or it can make everything dark and dreary. Attitude is so pervasive and important that I ve come to think of it like this: It is the vanguard of your true self. Its root is inward but its fruit is outward. cgregoreva2014 7

8 Attitude refers to a person s way of showing emotions depending on the way he/she feels or thinks. It may be influenced by personal experiences or other factors like a person s surroundings, expectations from self and from others, and mindset. There are three basic components that contribute to a person s attitude. One is cognitive component. This pertains to what a person knows and what a person believes. The way a person acts or reacts to certain things are greatly influenced by his/her own knowledge and experience. The second component is called effective component. This involves situations that have an effect on a person s life. The last component is the behavioral component and this relates to a person s goals or intentions in doing his/her activities. cgregoreva2014 8

9 Though people may tend to have a mix of certain attitudes depending on the situation he/she is in. There are three common types of attitudes and ways a person may take life s blessings and challenges. One such type is the passive or spectator attitude. Persons belonging to this group usually are laid back and take things as they come. These people like predictability and seldom deviate from accepted norms. So when a problem arises, like when something happens to disrupt normalcy, these people may not know how to handle the situation. The second type is aggressive or negative attitude. People of this type like to make comments about life s situations. They tend to complain a lot and blame just about anybody or anything for own mistakes. They get frustrated easily when they don t get what they want and they re typically pessimistic about their future. The last type is the positive active type wherein life is accepted as it is, with all the challenges and trials included. cgregoreva2014 9

10 It is your best friend or worst enemy. It is more honest and consistent about you than your words. It is what draws people to you or repels them. It is never content until it is expressed. It is the librarian of your past. It is the speaker of your present. It is the prophet of your future.

11 These people usually like to take action even with risks involved. They are not afraid to fail and are willing to learn from every mistake. They simply embrace life and take on its challenges wholeheartedly. Obviously, one would want to have some sort of balance in terms of dealing with life s complexities. Every person s aspirations at least should be geared towards positivism to find true happiness and contentment.

12 Do You Have a Bad Attitude? RATE Currently 3/5 Stars. QUESTION: 1 of 10 Remember those posters in the halls of your elementary school? The ones that said "Attitude is everything" or "Attitude: A little thing that makes a big difference"? They seemed silly at the time, but those words of wisdom are appropriate no matter what age you are. So how's your attitude? Find out if you have a problem with yours by taking this badattitude quiz. Go to the first question You've lost your wallet, stained your favorite shirt and got a bad haircut all in one week. You think: Please select an option Geez, a higher power must really have a vendetta against me. Things will be better next week. Don't bad things happen in three's, anyway? Just my luck. Nothing ever goes my way.

13 2. When was the last time someone told you that you had a bad attitude? Please select an option When I was going through puberty. Two months ago, when I lost my cool with a coworker. Two days ago, after I yelled at my gardener for not mowing the lawn faster. 3. After waiting for 10 minutes on hold for a computer trouble-shooting question, the representative finally answers your call and apologizes for the wait. You: Please select an option. Let him have it! How dare customer service keep anyone waiting this long? Say "Sure, no problem," and ask why I keep getting pop-ups on my screen. Act annoyed while explaining my computer issues.

14 4. Your friend invites you to a bar Friday night. You: Please select an option. Decline the invite. I wouldn't be caught dead in that dump. According to my probation conditions, I cannot go to a bar. How about going to a movie instead. Say let's do it! It's a nice change from the swankier places we're used to.

15 5. Your husband/wife wants to have sex for the third night in a row, and you're not at all in the mood. You: Please select an option Convince him/her that a few nights of celibacy will make the next night of sex that much hotter. Snap at him for even asking. Isn't two nights of sex enough for anyone? Act annoyed that he/she doesn't care how tired I am, but promise him/her another time.

16 6. You notice numerous mistakes on your son's or brother s math homework. You: Please select an option. Yell at him for missing such simple problems. Patiently explain the problems he missed, no matter how long it takes. Explain the problems thoroughly, but grow irritated when he can't get them right.

17 7. Your boss has just asked you to spend your lunch hour filing paperwork for an important 1 p.m. meeting. You tell her: Please select an option. "Hopefully I don't faint from hunger while organizing those files." "No problem. I can always grab a quick bite to eat later." "I'm entitled to take a lunch by law, so it will have to wait."

18 8. The significant other in your life buys you a western shirt that's totally not your style. You: Please select an option. Get angry and think "If he /she loves me and really knows me, he /she should know what I like." Thank him profusely, but demote it to the back of your closet. Wear it on your next date.

19 10. The promotion you expected goes to your cubicle-mate. You are: Please select an option. Upset. I'll let my boss know how I feel for a few days, but then I'll drop it. Bummed. But I'm happy for my coworker, who was probably more qualified. Livid. It just goes to show how much my boss hates me.

20 cgregoreva

21 6 out of 10 = positive attitude What is your profile?

22 Emotion Thoughts Body reaction BEHAVIOR nervous, on edge, apprehensive, scared, frightened, panicky, terrified, Petrified. Threat: Overestimate danger Underestimate ability to cope I m in great danger right now The worst possible thing is going to happen I won t be able to cope with It. Fight Confront Argue Make lots of noise! Sulk Snap, swear, shout Sarcastic, patronize Put downs Avoid people or places (in order to avoid feeling anxious) Fidget Escape / run away Coping or safety behaviors cgregoreva

23 What am I thinking? What emotion am I feeling? What can I notice in my body? Where do I feel it? Do what works! What will be the consequences of my action? What will be the most effective action? What will be best for me, for others and for this Situation? Is this in keeping with my principles & values? Where do you feel this emotion in your body? If this feeling had a color, what would it be? What shape is it? How big is it? What consistency is it? If you felt better: What color would it be? What about the shape? The size? The consistency? Notice that feeling now. cgregoreva

24 Something bad is going to happen. I won t be able to Cope. Adrenaline response Body s alarm system. Energized for fight or flight. Is this threat a real one or is it really bound to happen? Am I exaggerating the threat? Am I misreading things? I feel bad, but that doesn t mean things really are so bad. I can cope with these feelings, I ve got through it before. What would someone else say about this? What would be a more. Avoid people or places (in order to avoid feeling anxious) Fidget Escape / run away Coping or safety Behaviors. cgregoreva

25 Changing what we normally do can greatly affect they way we feel and think. When you look at your 'Vicious Cycle' form/s where you wrote down your thoughts, feelings (emotions and physical sensations) and behaviors, notice particularly what you wrote for 'behaviors'. Very often we react automatically, without considering our actions or the consequences of them. cgregoreva

26 What helped you cope and get through it? What did not I do or what did I avoid doing? What automatic reactions did I have? What would other people have seen me doing? What were the consequences of what I did? What happened later because of it? Did it affect the way I felt later? Now ask yourself, what could I have done differently? cgregoreva

27 If I had tried that, how would the situation have been different? How would it have affected what I felt? How would it have affected what I thought? Would it have been more helpful or effective for me, another person or for the situation? What would the consequences have been of doing something differently? cgregoreva

28 Practice and learn to STOP and take a breath before considering what action to take. Just simply pausing and taking a breath when feeling distressed can help us to see the situation more clearly, and help us decide what action to take. cgregoreva

29 Tell yourself: "This will pass, it's only temporary". "I've got through this before, I can do it now". When we're going through a tunnel and become fearful of being trapped, there's no point in stopping - we just have to carry on in order to reach the end of the tunnel. That light there, and waiting! cgregoreva

30 Just increasing our activity and exercise levels can make an enormous impact on our mood by: Making us feel better about ourselves. Making us feel less tired. Motivating us to do more. Improving our ability to think more clearly. Helping us think about something other than focusing on our unhelpful thoughts. Using up the adrenaline resources created by anxiety and anger. Increasing motivation. Giving us a sense of achievement. Enjoyment; Being with other people. Stimulating the body to produce natural anti-depressants. Making us generally more healthy. Stimulating our appetite. cgregoreva

31 cgregoreva

32 It's important to get a healthy balance of activities which give you a sense of achievement, enjoyment and being close to others. Choose activities which are important to you, have positive meanings, or are purposeful, and you might want to plan rest periods too. «Keep your goals realistic. Set achievable limits. E.g. aim to walk for 15 minutes rather than a half-marathon, or wash the dishes rather than spring clean the whole house. Do not set yourself up to fail! You can build up your activity over time. Use either or both of these sheets to record what you do and how it affects your mood. Activity Diary Weekly Planner cgregoreva

33 Breathing and Relaxation helps to combat the body's adrenaline (fight & flight) response that occurs in Anxiety and Anger, and the agitation and ruminating thoughts of Depression. Try different relaxation techniques - some will work better for you than others. cgregoreva

34 Use the Treatment Plan to help you plan what you need to do more of or start, or what you can do less of or stop. cgregoreva

35 Client Name: Counselor Name: Date Problem Statement Goals In 30 DAYS, I WILL BE WALKING ½ MILE PER DAY. D/C Criteria Objectives What will you say or do? Under what circumstances? How often will he/she say or do this? cgregoreva

36 Participation in Treatment Planning Process. Participation by Others in the Treatment Planning Process. Note: All participants may not have participated in every area. Client Signature/Date Counselor Signature/Date cgregoreva

37 Interventions What will the counselor/staff do to assist you? Under what circumstances? WHAT CAN YOUR FAMILY DO? WHAT CAN YOUR SIGNIFICATE OTHER DO? Target Date Resolution Date cgregoreva

38 Our mood can be greatly affected by what we do, when, and with whom. Keep track of what you do each day which gives you a sense of Achievement, Closeness to others, and Enjoyment. Write down the day, date and time, the activity, and rate the sense of Achievement, Closeness and Enjoyment on a scale of 0 (none) 10 (maximum), or simply tick the relevant ACE columns. cgregoreva

39 Day Date Time Activity what you did, who you were with Achievement Closeness Enjoyment cgregoreva

40 DATE & TIME WHAT DID YOU DO? WHO DID YOU DO IT WITH? A Achievement, C Closeness, E Enjoyment Monday 10th 7pm Example: Played computer games after WORK Tuesday 11th 10am Example: Telephoned Miriam and invited her around for coffee cgregoreva

41 School playgrounds tend to be secured with high fencing to protect the children from outsiders, to stop the children wandering off, and maybe to stop balls being lost. All good things. But it does mean that within this secured playground, all the children have to be together, whether they get on or not. Most if not all primary schools have a playground bully. You know the type. This particular bully is all talk, he (or she) threatens violence, but he just uses name calling, spiteful, horrible nasty stuff. He has a gang of mates around him, who encourage him and join in with him. For the victims of course, it's all very upsetting and humiliating. Or need it be? cgregoreva

42 The bully laughs and shouts, pointing and humiliating each victim in turn, "You're so stupid" and the like. Maybe much worse. Consider these three victims: 1. Victim number 1 hears the abuse, becomes upset and runs away crying. How does the bully react? Right - it's great entertainment, what a laugh! It's likely the bully will carry on targeting this young victim. 2. Victim number 2 hears the bully, thinks about it, then responds with, "Hang on a minute. I got 8 out of 10 in my spelling test this morning, and you only got 4. I'm not stupid!" How does the bully react? Taken back maybe? They might carry on and have another go, but eventually, the bully will give up on this one. cgregoreva

43 Victim number 3 hears the bully, looks at him (acknowledges him), doesn't react at all, and just walks away to go and play football with his friends. The bully s reaction? No entertainment to be had here. Might as well give up. cgregoreva

44 Miltenberger, R. G. (2008). Behavior modification: Principles and procedures. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. Krumboltz, J., & Krumboltz, H. (1972). Changing children's behavior. New York: Prentice-Hall. Small Steps Create Big Changes. Scurlock-Durana, Suzanne // Massage Magazine; Sep2012, Issue 196, p77assess whether change is possible. Dobrzykowski, Edward // Communication Briefings; Mar2013, Vol. 32 Issue 5, p3capacity for Statewide Implementation of Positive Behavior Supports: A Needs Assessment Strategy. Shannon, Patrick; Daly, Denise C.; Malatchi, Anne; Kvarfordt, Connie; Yoder, Tera // Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions; Spring2001, Vol. 3 Issue 2, p95. cgregoreva

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