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2 ББК Ш я7 А 64 : Метод. пособие / сост. Л.М. Федечко, О.М. Кузнецова. Ульяновск: УВАУ ГА, с. Пособие для преподавателей к Сборнику упражнений по аудированию для курсантов 2 курса призвано облегчить работу преподавателей. Содержатся расшифровки аудиотекстов, толкование реалий современной английской и американской действительности, встречающихся на страницах Сборника и ключи к заданиям. CONTENTS Preface Unit One. Shopping....6 Unit Two. Around the World...16 Unit Three. Travelling..27 Unit Four. Going through Customs..45 Unit Five. Hotels..49 Unit Six. Money. Banks Unit Seven. Post. Telephone.69 Unit Eight. Weather Bibliography..89 Федечко Л.М., Кузнецова О.М., составление, 2005 Ульяновск, УВАУ ГА, 2005.

3 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Согласно требованиям новых рабочих программ по дисциплинам «Английский язык» и «Разговорный английский язык» курсанты по окончании второго курса должны владеть аудированием на определенном уровне. Однако условия обучения английскому языку в нашем училище таковы, что курсанты смогут понимать речь носителей языка только при наличии эффективной системы обучения этому весьма сложному виду речевой деятельности. Наличие в распоряжении преподавателя целенаправленной системы упражнений может существенным образом улучшить и интенсифицировать подготовку студентов. Известно, что обучение любому виду речевой деятельности, в том числе и аудированию, представляет собой достаточно длительный процесс, и для овладения им требуется большое количество заданий, соответственно и большое количество текстов. Действительно, отдельно взятый текст (упражнение) не может дать ощутимого обучающего эффекта. Цель занятий по аудированию состоит в обучении пониманию естественной речи в зависимости от необходимости аудирования в ситуациях, когда участники встречаются лицом к лицу, или в ситуациях, когда нет взаимного контакта. Именно такая ситуация общения требует нашего внимания, поскольку записанная речь является основным источником ввода информации в классе. Трудности восприятия могут происходить по причине скорости речи, незнакомых ритмических структур, числа говорящих, разных регистров, плохой артикуляции, эмоциональности речи и фонового шума. Для развития навыков, необходимых для того, чтобы понимать естественную речь, обучающиеся должны быть ознакомлены с аутентичными текстами или с текстами, звучащими как аутентичные. Настоящее «Методическое пособие» является дополнением к «Сборнику упражнений по аудированию для курсантов 2 курса» и предназначе- НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 3

4 но для преподавателей. В пособии приводится расшифровка аудиотекстов «Сборника», примечания к ним, содержащие объяснение реалий и толкование наиболее трудных мест, которые не всегда можно найти в имеющейся справочной литературе, а также ключи к упражнениям. «Сборник упражнений по аудированию» рассчитан на курсантов второго курса всех специальностей и предназначен для использования на практических занятиях по дисциплинам «Английский язык» и «Разговорный английский язык». При составлении «Сборника аудиотекстов» было отобрано такое количество текстов и упражнений, которое, по мнению составителей, будет достаточным для достижения цели обучения. Отобранные учебные материалы представляют собой тщательно подготовленные аутентичнозвучащие, или «полуаутентичные» записи, которые различаются по содержанию и форме. По своей тематической структуре «Сборник» соответствует тематическому плану действующих «Рабочих программ» и построен на том же лексическом и грамматическом материале. В «Сборнике» представлены следующие темы: «Покупки»; «Вокруг мира»; «Путешествия»; «Таможня»; «Отели»; «Деньги, банки»; «Почта, телефон»; «Погода». Каждый раздел содержит от семи до девяти аудиотекстов, которые отличаются разнообразием и степенью трудности, что позволяет использовать их соответственно разным уровням знаний курсантов. Задания повышенной сложности отмечены *. Работа над каждым аудиотекстом предполагает выполнение следующих заданий: 1) задания, предваряющие прослушивание; 2) задания, выполняемые во время прослушивания; 3) задания, выполняемые после прослушивания текста. Задания, предваряющие прослушивание, должны подготовить обучающихся к восприятию текста: сообщается, какой тип текста они будут слушать; НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 4

5 предоставляется необходимая фоновая информация о тексте; даются ключевые слова и выражения, встречающиеся в тексте (они могут воспользоваться ими, чтобы представить, о чем будет идти речь, или создать собственные версии, которые затем можно будет сравнить с записанным текстом); предоставляется возможность обсудить тему текста, выразить собственные взгляды, опыт; предлагается заполнить пропуски в расшифровке записанного текста. Задания, выполняемые во время прослушивания: вопросы (вопросы выбора, правильно/неправильно, вопросы, не имеющие однозначного ответа); распознавание (определить тип текста, контекст кто разговаривает с кем, о чем, где, когда); соотнесение устного и письменного текстов; конспектирование (заполнить бланк, записать сообщение по телефону, отметить, как говорящий выражает мнения, отношения, чувства, суммировать основные моменты в таблице); завершение (добавить недостающие слова, обучающиеся могут сначала дополнить диалог, затем прослушать, чтобы подтвердить или изменить предполагаемые реплики). Задания на основе прослушанного материала должны вовлечь курсантов в активную творческую деятельность: придумать и разыграть конец диалога (или рассказа); выразить свое мнение по определенной теме; соотнести содержание текста с собственным опытом. «Сборник аудиотекстов» призван оказать помощь студентам и преподавателям в обучении аудированию, его использование будет способствовать повышению эффективности и достижению целей обучения. При составлении «Сборника» использован опыт современных зарубежных и отечественных изданий. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 5

6 Unit One SHOPPING Recording One Notes 1. Fabulous extremely good or impressive. 2. Outfit a set of clothes worn together, especially for a special occasion. 3. Polo-neck a shirt or sweater with a high close-fitting band around the neck that is rolled down. 4. Sweatshirt a piece of thick cotton clothing with long sleeves, worn on the top half of your body, especially for sport. 1. I think my favourite thing at the moment is my white polo-neck sweater. It goes with everything and it s easy to wear. 2. I love my flowery silk waistcoat. I only wear it on very special occasions and I usually wear it with a suit. It cheers me up. 3. My favourite thing is my black leather jacket which I bought in America and is really old. It gets better as it gets older. 4. My baseball cap is my favourite thing. I ve got very short hair and I feel really cold without it. The colour s great, bright orange and pink. 5. I spend quite a lot of money on clothes, but my favourite things aren t usually the most expensive. For example, I love my old short-sleeved T-shirt with a big banana on the front. I got that from the market for less than five pounds. 6. My favourite thing is definitely my leopard print fake fur coat. I got it from a second-hand shop and it looks fabulous with my high-heeled boots. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 6

7 7. I tend to like comfortable clothes best my favourite outfit is my baggy trousers and check shirt. 8. My gran sent me a beautiful tartan cashmere scarf for Christmas and I love it. Ex A, 2-D, 3-O, 4-L, 5-N, 6-Q, 7-K, 8-H, 9-E, 10-M, 11-G. Recording Two Notes 1. Bouncy material that is bouncy goes back to its shape when you press it. 2. Casual casual clothes are comfortable clothes that you wear in informal situations. 3. Conventional traditional. 4. Pinstripe one of the thin light-coloured lines that forms a pattern on cloth against a darker background. 5. Slide a small metal or plastic object that holds your hair in place. 6. Stiffly the situation that is stiffly stops you from developing your own ideas and character. Annie: I like wearing the kind of clothes that I know my mother doesn t wear. I like, I like to look young and I like wearing bright colours and things that stand out in a crowd like, I like leather trousers and skirts, I like bright, bright colours, in my hair as well like slides and things but also I dye my hair quite often. I don t see why I should look like everyone else in the street. It s fun. Clothes should be fun not something really serious. I could never spend, I don t know, 100 on a skirt for example. It s just such a waste of money. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 7

8 Sara: I mean, I like dressing up sometimes, but most of the time I actually feel uncomfortable, especially for my job cause I, I teach and, you know, if I m wearing a skirt or a blouse I go in and I feel as if I m teaching really formally and stiffly just because of what I m wearing, so I tend to like to wear, you know, I like wearing sort of stripey things and spotty things and, and bright bouncy things really, and I m not really bothered about the fashion. So I just like to wear the sort of things, you know, that like I feel comfortable in. Liz: I like wearing quite smart clothes because I feel better that way. I like to feel that I m presenting the right image because I come into work I work in an office and I feel that people need to have some respect for me. They re going to do that more if I m dressed to look as if I have some control over my situation and everything else. I enjoy wearing these clothes and I therefore feel more comfortable in them, which is also an additional part of it. At the present moment, I m wearing a suit and, and a shirt and high heels, but that is not because I have to. It s because I actually feel better that way and that the image that I m presenting will give people more confidence. Mike: Yes, well it s because I work in a bank really. I m expected to wear formal clothes, pinstripe suit, tie, dark shoes, usually. Other times I do wear other, other sorts of clothes but I, I quite like wearing things like that. We re a bit of an old-fashioned firm and they, they insist that we do Ex. 3. Annie: 1. Yes, she does. 2. No, she doesn t. Sara: 3. Yes, it is. 4. No, she isn t. Liz: 5. Yes, she does. 6. No, she doesn t. Mike: 7. Yes, he does. 8. Yes, he does. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 8

9 Recording Three A: Okay, so I ll take the skirt, the dress, these jeans and that jacket. Oh, wait a minute is this jumper on the sale? B: I think so, yes, it is. A: Сould I try one on in red? B: What size are you? A: Twelve. B: The changing-rooms are over there Does it fit? A: No, it s a bit big. Do you have it in a 10? B: No, I m sorry, we ve sold out. Ex. 6. The missing words are italicised in the tapescript. Recording Four Note Tailored made by cutting and sewing to a person s measurement; often used to mean well-cut, or having the look of being tailored. Clerk: May I help you find something? Alice: No, thanks, I m just looking. Uh, well, maybe you can. I d like to buy a nice pair of jeans and one of these tailored jackets for my husband s birthday, but I m not sure which of the jackets he d like best. C: Mmm-hmm. This one is cut very nicely and it s very popular right now. A: Yes, I like it, too. And the colour would look good on him. But I just don t know НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 9

10 C: You might consider getting him a gift certificate, you know. Then he could come in and get exactly what he wants and then it would be sure to fit. A: Yes, that is an idea but uh, would he be able to exchange the jacket if I got him one today and he didn t like it? C: Yes, of course, within 30 days as long as he has the receipt. A: Then I guess I ll take this one. C: Fine. I ll write it up over here uh, do you have a credit card, ma am? A: Yes, I do. C: Okay, just take this sales slip and your card over to register 12 and the cashier ll ring it up for you. Cashier: Here you go. Just sign the slip here, please, and here s you bag. Ex. 8. She has thirty days to exchange things but she has to keep the receipt, which is the same as the sales slip. Ex. 9. The expressions are italicised in the tapescript. Recording Five Assistant: Good afternoon, madam. Can I help you? Customer: Yes, I d like to see the manager, please. A: Furniture, madam? Second floor. C: No, the manager. Ma-na-ger. A: Oh, I m sorry. I thought you said furniture. C: That s all right. But can I see the manager, please? A: Well, I m afraid she s very busy just now. Have you an appointment? C: No, I haven t. I want to make a complaint. A: A complaint. Oh, I see. Well, I ll just see if she s free. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 10

11 Ex. 10. The missing words are italicised in the tapescript. Ex H, 2-F, 3-A, 4-D, 5-G, 6-C, 7-B, 8-E. Ex I m afraid; 2. I m sorry to hear that. / I m really sorry about that, madam. / I really am very sorry about this, madam. / I do apologise; 3. went; 4. got. Recording Six Note Novelties an unusual, small, cheap object, suitable to be given as a present. Vivien: As the district I m living in now is right in the centre of town, it s very convenient for schools and for work. It s also good for shopping, although there aren t many all-night or twenty-four-hour shops close by. I ve lived in better places in this respect although I have to say that Hungary is better than England, where there aren t usually any 24-hour shops anywhere. Maybe there are a few in the centre of London but they are the exception rather than the rule. But even if there are just a few 24-hour shops, if you want to go shopping in the daytime, for clothes or books or things like that, it s perfect. Thomas: There s a small shop very close to us. Five minutes walk away is a shopping centre, which contains many types of shops. There is a shop for stationery goods, a couple of big supermarkets, a pharmacy, there are people НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 11

12 selling fruit and vegetables outside on open stalls, and there are little shops selling novelties for children, and small gift-shops. So there is no shortage of places nearby to find food or things that we need for the flat. Ex. 17. The expressions are italicised in the tapescript. Recording Seven Notes 1. Artisan someone who does skilled work with their hands. 2. Colonial style was common in the US in the 18 th century. 3. Craftsman a man who makes beautiful or practical objects using his hands. 4. Exquisite extremely beautiful and delicate. 5. Forefront a leading or important position. 6. Pass down give knowledge or teach skills to your children or to younger people. 7. Up-to-the-minute = up-to-date modern and using the latest ideas or knowledge. 1. Welcome to Bulloughs! A favourite fashion house in Carlisle. We are not yet a full line department store. With the arrival of new departments we can present to you an ever wider range of quality goods. There are classic and upto-the-minute ladies fashion collections, a considerable menswear selection offering both casual and formal wear, All Season rainwear and an excellent Ladies and Gentlemen s hairdressing department. You can also shop for every НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 12

13 room in your house from the bedroom to the kitchen. The Bulloughs tradition of excellent customer service is fundamental to our business. 2. Liberty, a famous store in London, offers its customers a great variety of fine quality goods ranging from bath- and kitchenware to the finest jewellery collections, antiques and paintings. It s also known for its exquisite Gifts department. Liberty is famous for its own exclusive Liberty Art textiles: silks, cottons and furnishing fabrics in the original Liberty design. 3. Old Empire trading company consists of a chain of five stores located in Great Britain. The company specializes in importing unusual pieces from across Indo-China and Asia. You can the world in our stores. The collections include unique hand-made furniture and original home decoration accessories such as vases, candlesticks, tea-light lamps, animal figures, Buddha and Chinese figures and much more. Each fantastically beautiful piece is unique. Local artisans use traditional skills to produce them from metals, leather, bone, and from tropical plantation grown timber. So if you are looking for something a little different you ve come to the right place. Ex. 19. Liberty 2,4 Bulloughs 1,5 Old Empire 3,6 Ex. 20. b, c, d, e, g. Ex its exquisite Gifts department; 2. hand- ; 3. Rainwear; НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 13

14 4. up-to-the-minute; 5. unique; 6. its own exclusive Liberty Art Textiles: silks, cottons, furnishing fabrics. Ex in Carlisle; 2. both casual and formal; 3. at Liberty; 4. five; 5. from Indo-China and Asia; 6. in Great Britain. Recording Eight Notes 1. Cash and carry is a very large shop where customers representing a business or organisation can buy a large amounts of goods at cheap prices. 2. VHS video home system: a system for recording television programmes at home. Hickman s aren t (1) as (2) expensive (3) as you think. A Panasonic VHS video is only (4) pounds. If you add up the extras at other (5) places, it s (6) cheaper by far (7) at Hickman s. McIlroy s (8) is first for choice, (9) quality and value, so make us first (10) for (11) your Christmas shopping. (12) Our new-look store means an even better choice of gifts for the (13) whole (14) family. Make shopping part (15) of (16) the pleasure (17) of Christmas. Experience the new-look McIlroy s. (18) Save, (19) save, (20) save on Christmas shopping (21) at Scat s Cashand-Carry (22) at Devizes and Salisbury. There are thousands of (23) bargains for (24) everyone at cash-and-carry prices all the year round. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 14

15 Ex. 23. The missing words are italicised in the tapescript. Recording Nine Notes 1. Hardware a) computer machinery and equipment, as opposed to the programmes that make computers work (software); b) equipment and tools for your home and garden. 2. Obscene offensive in a sexual way; so unfair or immoral that you feel angry. This is a true story that was reported in the papers a few years ago. There was this guy, aged about 30 or so, who was out of work, and so of course he had money problems. Well, one evening he was going out to visit his old mother. And he had a bit of time to spare, so he thought he d try crime as a way of solving his problems. So he wrote out this note, saying I ve got a gun in my bag, and I ll shoot it off unless you hand over the money. Then he went into four shops, one after the other, and you know he didn t get a penny. In the first shop, that was a chemist s, there was a middle-aged woman serving, and she wouldn t accept the note because she thought it said something dirty. So he went next door to a grocer s, where he found an Asian assistant who couldn t speak English. Then he tried a Chinese takeaway food shop, but the manager couldn t read the note because he had eye trouble. In the end, of course, the guy got himself arrested. He was really upset, and kept saying how stupid he was, and how he wouldn t have fired the gun anyway. Ex. 24. The differences are italicised in the tapescript. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 15

16 Unit Two AROUND THE WORLD Recording One Notes 1. Oxfam Oxford Committee for Femine Relief. A British charity organisation, that helps people in poor countries, especially by training them in farming methods, providing medicine etc. It raises some of its money through sales of new and used goods in its Oxfam shops. 2. RSPCA (the) Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; an organisation (a charity) in Britain which is concerned with the protection of animals. Man: Yes, it s true British people seem more relaxed in public, anyway. For instance, if a train is late with no explanation, people don t complain or get angry, they just carry on reading their newspapers. But it s not because they are relaxed they are probably furious inside. It s because they hate showing their feelings they hate people looking at them. If a small child is screaming in a supermarket, for example, the mother looks embarrassed you shouldn t show your feelings in public! I do agree about the sense of humour. British people love playing with words they can be very funny, and they can tell a joke without laughing they can keep a completely straight face. I don t agree that people are polite though maybe in small towns, but not in big cities like London. Drivers and shop-assistants can be very rude. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 16

17 Woman: Yes, when I m away from Britain I miss the people because they are so unconventional they are all different. You can see it in the way they dress young people don t follow fashion. They are all individuals. I m sure that s why there are so many different accents and cultures all over Britain, too people don t like being the same. Yes, I think in general people are kind. In a village post office they will probably take the time to ask a little old lady, How s your knee? And they are always ready to help and give money if there is a disaster and also to Oxfam and other charities especially animal charities like the RSPCA! They can seem unfriendly or a bit cold at first to people they don t know, but they are not really. A lot of British people are very friendly indeed. Ex. 26. A. relaxed, reserved, funny, kind, friendly. Recording Two 1. In a formal situation you should shake hands and say Nice to meet you or How do you do. We don t usually kiss people when we first meet them. 2. Always order at the bar. Take your drinks and sit down where you can find a seat. Here people sometimes share a table. To get food you usually order at the bar, too. There aren t usually any waiters although sometimes they will bring you your food. 3. Don t forget to ask before you have a bath or a shower. And try not to spend too long in the bathroom! 4. Never clap your hands or hit your glass with a knife. Say Excuse me! or try to catch the waiter s eye. 5. People normally expect you to be a few minutes late. Never arrive early. Usually you have drinks before the meal. After you eat, you usually sit around НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 17

18 chatting for a while. If you want to leave soon after the meal make sure you say you ve had a lovely evening and the food was delicious and then make an excuse. Ex D, 2-A, 3-E, 4-C, 5-B. Recording Three Note Hawthorn боярышник. Holidays are important as they shine out from the grey 9 to 5 routines of everyday life and work as a time when we can forget about the stresses of our lives and enjoy ourselves, relax, and be with our family and friends. We can do the things that we dream about when we are doing what we don t want to do so much. They function as a break from the other days, and they should be very different from our normal routines. In the past, although also fulfilling this function they were primarily religious festivals or celebrations of the different times of year the harvest, winter time, days getting longer or shorter and acted as natural reference points in the cycle of the year. Nowadays they mostly give us a bit of release from the monotony of going to work or to school every day. In England, apart from the big holidays such as Christmas and Easter, we have many so-called Bank Holidays. We have one on May the first, for example. This day is a traditional festival in England, but not many people know about its routes. It originates from one of the old Celtic fire-festivals, called Beltaine, which was marked by the time that the May trees, or hawthorn trees, came into blossom in England. One of the celebrations for this festival was to put a big pole in the middle of the ground called the May pole, and all the people would come out from their houses and dress up in brightly coloured НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 18

19 costumes, and, holding on to ropes or pieces of ribbon tied to the top of the pole, they would dance round the May pole. There are 8 Celtic festivals at different times during the year. There are 2 festivals for the Solstices, which are the longest day in summer and the shortest day in winter, and 2 for the Equinoxes, which are the middle days in between these two extremes, with an equal length of day and night. There are also 4 more festivals which were spread between these. These were fire-festivals, and represented different things such as fertility or the harvest. Anyway, now we have quite a few of these small bank holidays, as they are called in England. They are called bank holidays because the banks are closed on these days. They normally fall on a Monday and Tuesday, thus making a long weekend. At these times, all of the museums, national parks, old castles and other places of interest are full of people out on day-trips with their children. All of the seaside resorts are also very crowded. Ex. 30. He mentions 13 holidays: Christmas, Easter, Bank Holidays (May the first), 8 Celtic holidays. Ex Holidays are important as they shine out from the grey 9 to 5 routines of everyday life and work as a time when we can forget about the stresses of our lives and enjoy ourselves, relax, and be with our family and friends. We can do the things that we dream about when we are doing what we don t want to do so much. 2. They function as a break from the other days. 3. They are called bank holidays because the banks are closed on these days. 4. Bank holidays normally fall on a Monday and Tuesday, thus making a long weekend. 5. People go sightseeing or to the seaside resorts. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 19

20 Recording Four Notes 1. Bloated full of liquid, gas, food etc., so that you look or feel much larger than usual. 2. Flop (down) to sit or lie down in a relaxed way, by letting all weight fall heavily onto a chair etc. 3. Mince pie a small pie filled with mincemeat that is eaten especially at Christmas. 4. Mincemeat a mixture of apples, raisins, and spices, but no meat, put inside pastry and baked. 5. Pillow case a cloth cover for a pillow. 6. Sage a plant used to flavour food (шалфей). 7. (Brussels) sprout a small round vegetable consisting of many green leaves wrapped tightly around each other. 8. Sultana a dried white grape, used especially in baking cakes (сорт изюма). 9. Stuffing a mixture of bread, onion, egg, and herb that you put inside meat before cooking it. Christmas at my parents house was quite a big event, I mean for the children especially, and I remember when I was very small it was so exciting. We would wake up at 6 o clock or earlier on Christmas morning, and immediately look at the bottom of the bed, where there would be a pillow case, not a stocking (which was good because you can get more presents into a pillow case) at the bottom of the bed, which supposedly Father Christmas had brought. It was full of little presents and fruit and nuts and all kinds of little things. Mine was always very exciting, I think my Mum had very original ideas. I don t remember when we stopped getting them. I suppose I was about 15 or something, but НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 20

21 in the years up until then we used to get them, in some form. However, towards the end they got smaller and smaller, so that in the end it was just a sock, maybe with an orange and a walnut in it. After that, there s Christmas Day, the 25 th, which is supposed to be the big day, the big event. While the turkey was cooking in the morning, everyone would open their presents, and then usually hang around in the kitchen and annoy my Mum who d be trying to cook. We would have a turkey with bacon on the top, which was really nice, and sausages, stuffing two kinds of stuffing, chestnut stuffing and a kind of sage and onion stuffing roast potatoes, sprouts, gravy, and bread sauce, which my cousin really liked. Afterwards, we d have Christmas pudding, which is an incredibly rich, very sweet, very heavy pudding made from all kinds of dried fruit, like raisins, sultanas, with a lot of alcohol in it. You pour brandy over the top and set fire to it, so it comes into the room alight, on fire, and then you eat it with brandy butter, which is made of butter, sugar and brandy, I think, all mixed up. We also had mince pies, which are small dried fruit-filled pies. So it s an incredibly heavy meal. Everyone eats that for about an hour, and then we have to watch the Queen s speech, which I think is at 2 o clock, and a kind of tradition. My father insists that we all have to sit down and watch the Queen as she speaks for 5 or 10 minutes about the year that s gone by, and then, usually, everyone just carries on watching television all afternoon. The Christmas weather in England is so uninspiring, either rainy or cold, so after such a huge meal people just sit down, flop in front of the television and watch old films until evening. When evening comes, we have tea. We have a cup of tea and some Christmas cake another very rich, heavy cake which my aunt Patty always makes, with sultanas, raisins, nuts, cherries and all kinds of dried fruit in it. After that, nobody usually wants to eat anything. People usually just too exhausted or bloated to do anything other than maybe open a few more presents, if there are any left, or play with the children, to keep them entertained until it s time for them to go to bed. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 21

22 Ex. 32. Vivien describes Christmas. Recording Five According to the latest survey the British still like their holidays. These are the results. 90 % enjoy the beauties of nature and the countryside and 89 % like being away from home and the daily routine. The same number 89 % like spending more time with the family and friends. This was surprising. In fact, according to the survey, family holidays seem to be good for family relationships. These are the other figures about what the British like. 88 % of the British people we asked, like meeting new people and 87% like seeing life in different countries. A lot of people think the British don t like meeting new people but according to this survey this is not true. New kinds of food interested 79 % of the people and 60 % were mainly interested in lying on the beach and getting a suntan. Most people admit to putting on weight on holiday. Going to museums and art galleries interested only 58 % and even fewer a surprising 35 % just like drinking a lot. On the other hand what people most dislike about their holidays is the journey. In particular not having information about why they have been delayed 76 % while 72 % hate any kind of waiting at the airport. The same number 72 % - hate traffic jams. The journey is often the most difficult part of the holiday. These are the other figures about what the British dislike. 58 % of people hate paying too much for something and 56% hate noisy or rude people. However, 46 % of the people we asked, complain about getting lost and arguing with each other and 37 % say they hate fighting to get a place by the swimming pool. At the bottom of the list only 32 % worry about not speaking the language we think this would be different for other nationalities and 27 % hate packing. The survey suggests that the British like being with other people more than we think. Interestingly, more than a quarter arrive home as tired as or more than when they went. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 22

23 Ex. 35 Recording Six Notes Like B C Dislike B C % 89 % 35 % 87 % 90 % 79 % 88 % 60 % 89 % % 27 % 37 % 76 % 72 % 32 % 72 % 46 % 58 % Ceremonial a ceremonial job exists for traditional reasons and the person who has it doesn t have much power. The USA The USA the United States of America is a federation of 50 states. 48 of these states are in the same general area, between Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. The other 2 states are geographically separate: Alaska is in the extreme north-west of the American continent, and Hawaii is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The federal capital is Washington, D.C., south of New York near the east coast. Washington is the centre of federal government, but each state has its own capital and its own government. State governments have a large amount of power and independence: they make their own laws, and they are responsible for education, for the state police force, for the prison system, for road-building and many other things. Federal laws are made by Congress, which is the equivalent of the British Parliament. There are two houses : the House of Representatives and the Sen- НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 23

24 ate. Each state sends representatives and senators to Congress. Elections to the House of Representatives are held every two years, while Senators are elected for a six-year period. The President is elected separately, together with the Vice-President. They serve for a term of four years. The President chooses the people who will form the cabinet. These do not have to be elected members of Congress they can be brought in from outside Congress but the Senate must approve their appointment. Power is shared between the President and Congress, and if the President belongs to the minority party in Congress, it can cause problems. There are two main political parties in the United States: the Democrats and the Republicans. The Democrats are slightly more to the left than the Republicans, but the differences between their policies are not usually very great. The United States does not have a separate ceremonial Head of State. The Republic of Ireland The Republic of Ireland Eire in Irish consists of four provinces; each province is divided into counties. Ireland is located in the Atlantic Ocean, to the west of Great Britain. The national language is Irish, and English is recognised as a second official language. The central government in Dublin is powerful, but local authorities are partly responsible for education, health care, roads, housing, and so on. Laws are made by the National Government, which consists of two houses, a House of Representatives and a Senate. Representatives are elected every five years; some Senators are elected as well, and some are appointed by the Prime Minister (who is elected by the House of Representatives). The President is mainly a ceremonial head of state, but has some political power; he or she is elected separately for a term of seven years. Real power is held by the Prime Minister, who chooses the members of the cabinet but the House of Representatives must approve their appointment. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 24

25 There are four main political parties, Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, the Progressive Democrats and the Labour Party. Fianna Fail and Fine Gael are much bigger than the other parties, but not usually big enough to have a majority in Parliament; so one of them must usually join with one of the other parties to form a government. Fianna Fail and Fine Gael are both fairly right-wing; Fianna Fail is more religious and has more voters in the country while Fine Gael is not religious and has more voters in the cities. Ex. 36, 37, 38. consists of Britain The USA Ireland 4 countries; each is divided into counties 50 states; each is divided into counties 4 provinces; each divided into counties is governed from London Washington, D.C. Dublin Laws are made Parliament Congress National Parliament by which consists of Members are called They are elected Head of Government is called Is Head of Government separately elected? Real power is held by Do local or regional government bodies have any power? House of Commons and House of Lords Members of Parliament ( MPs ) (Commons) every five years or less (Commons) Prime Minister ( PM ) No; leader of majority party in House of Commons becomes PM PM and his/her ministers ( cabinet ) Partly responsible for education, health care, police, roads House of Representatives and Senate Representatives or Congressmen/women; Senators Representatives: every 2 years; Senators: every 6 years President Yes, every 4 years both Congress and the President States have a lot of power and independence, including making laws House of Representatives and Senate Representatives and Senators Representatives: every 5 years; some Senators are elected, some are appointed by the PM Prime Minister Yes, by the House of Representatives Prime Minister Partly responsible for education, health care, roads, housing and so on НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 25

26 How many large political parties are there? Ceremonial Head of state? Three; Labour (leftwing), Conservatives (right-wing), and Liberal Democrats (centre) 2: Democrats (rather left-wing) and Republicans (right-wing) King or Queen No President 4; Fianna Fail, Fine Gael (fairly right-wing), the Progressive Democrats and Labour Recording Seven Notes 1. Public school in the UK is a private institution for young people between the ages of whose parents pay for their education. The students often live at the school during the school year. American speakers usually refer to this as a private school. In the US, public school refers to a school that is paid for from taxes and provides free education to local children between the ages of about five and 18. This is called a state school in the UK. 2. Purse a. BrE a small case in which women carry coins, paper money, credit cards etc. b. AmE a woman s handbag. Ex. 39. A. 1-d, 2-c, 3-e, 4-f, 5-a, 6-b, 7-h, 8-g B. 1. pants, 2. private school, 3. pharmacy/drugstore, 4. purse. 5. pharmacy / drugstore, 6. gas(oline), 7. gas station, 8. gas(oline), 9. purse, 10. wallet, 11. pants. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 26

27 Unit Three TRAVELLING Recording One Notes 1. Be furnished with provide sb with sth that they need. 2. Germ a form of bacteria that spreads disease among people or animals. 3. Jet lag the feeling of being very tired and sometimes confused because you have travelled quickly on a plane across parts of the world where the time is different. 4. Pressurize make the pressure inside sth different from the pressure outside. 5. Ship to send goods to customers, usually by air or land. Airplanes are obviously much more comfortable way of travelling. But it can also have its unpleasant moments. Space limitation is one of them. When travelling by plane a lack of space is a great problem. This doesn t considerably vary from airplane to airplane. However aisle seats or seats can give you a chance to stretch your legs. The second problem is airsickness. If you get motion sickness easily you may be more comfortable if you take some special drug before you fly. They are usually readily obtained. But drugs often tend to make one sleepy but this is the benefit on a long plane ride. Planes are also noisy. It wears away at you. Consider bringing some air plugs with you. You may also rent headphones if you want music. Crossing multiple time zones may bring about jet lag. Jet lag is your body s answer to upsetting its normal biological cycle. Your body is used to falling asleep at certain times of the day НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 27

28 and will need time to adjust to a new schedule. Occasionally you will not be able to live on your scheduled flight. More often the delay will be for safety reasons because of fog, thunderstorms or technical faults. Sometimes while you are waiting to board the flight it is unexpectedly cancelled. If it is the airline s fault you can get a free hotel room and breakfast or some prize or even free tickets to travel on that airline. Finally, there is a problem with air quality. The air inside the airline cabin isn t as good as what you will get in other places. The air in the cabin isn t pressurized to sea level. It can be filled with germs because people often fly when they are sick. To protect yourself you can wrap your face in a scarf or wear a mask. Ex. 40. B, C, D, F, G, H. Ex T, 2-F, 3-T, 4-F, 5-T, 6-F, 7-T, 8-F. Ex to stretch your legs; 5. time; 2. before you fly; 6. good; 3. falling asleep; 7. delayed; 4. board the flight; 8. safety reasons. Recording Two Notes 1. Cramp feeling uncomfortable in a space that is too small. 2. Obnoxious very rude, offensive, unpleasant. 3. Pile-up an accident in which several vehicles crash into each other. 4. Wacky funny or silly. 5. Stall seat. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 28

29 One of the advantages of trains over buses is that you can get up and walk about, whereas on a coach you are stuck in your seat and you can t move, and you get cramp and your feet go to sleep, and you can be sitting next to a really obnoxious antisocial person who is smoking or drinking or something and you can t escape. On the train you can always move. For some reason I always seem to end up in a smoking compartment, which I can t say I m over enthusiastic about. I went on the train to Kaposvar last weekend and I ended up coughing my lungs out after sharing a compartment with three smokers, even though it was a non-smoking compartment. But at least I could walk to the buffet car. They have some amazing buffet cars now in Hungary. We went to the Debrecen in the summer and they had this kind of 60 s buffet with really wacky stalls and seats and an old-style restaurant. It was really good and you could sit down and eat sausages and drink beer. Also, it s an advantage that you can just turn up at the railway station and buy a ticket, whereas with coaches you have to go along beforehand and order your ticket because you don t know if the coach will be full, so it takes a bit more planning. Coaches are subject to traffic jams and motorway pile-ups. They often have accidents in England, as coaches often go too fast cause they have to keep up with their timetable. Ex. 44. Travelling by bus: 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9. Travelling by train: 1, 3, 6. Recording Three Notes 1. Half-board the hotel price includes bed, breakfast and dinner. 2. Salsa a type of Latin American dance music influenced by jazz and rock. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 29

30 A. Dance and Ski in Spain Dance Holidays ( ) is offering a seven-day holiday combining skiing in the Sierra Nevada and salsa dancing in Granada. The price, 395, includes flights, B&B and ski pass. B. Eurostar to Lille Time Off ( ) has two nights at the Grand Hotel Bellevue in Lille for 179. This price includes return Eurostar tickets, accommodation and breakfast. C. Bargain flights to Hong Kong Trailfinders ( ) has cut-price fares to Hong Kong for only 310 on KLM. Departures are from Stansted Airport until 10 April. The minimum stay required is seven days, the maximum is one month. D. Bargain in Boston Virgin Holidays ( ) has three nights at the two-star Midtown hotel in Boston for 299 until 28 March. Flights depart from Gatwick and children under 11 pay half price. E. Tour of Syria The Imaginative Traveller ( ) has a nine-day tour of Syria. The trip, which includes Palmyra and Domascus, leaves on 24 March and costs 695, with flights, hotels and guides. F. Week in Sorrento Citalia ( ) has seven nights in Sorrento for 399. This includes half-board accommodation in the Hotel Bristol and flights. The offer applies to departures on 31 March. Ex Spain. 2. Lille. 3. Hong Kong. 4. Boston. 5. Syria. 6. Sorrento. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 30

31 Ex in Granada; 7. Virgin Holidays; ; 8. two-star Midtown hotel; 3. Lille; 9. on 24 March; ; 10. nine days; ; 11. seven days; 6. seven days; 12. No, you can t. Recording Four Notes 1. Sleep have enough room or beds for a particular number of people to sleep in. 2. Roomette on a train, a room with toilet and wash basin, where one or two people can sleep. 3. Slumber coach on a train a room, where two people can sleep, without a toilet or wash basin. Clerk: Can I help you? Jill: Yes, I d like some information about trains to Chicago. C: Okay. What would you like to know? J: Well, how many are there per day? C: One via Pittsburgh leaving at 2:45 p.m. and one via Buffalo leaving at 6:45 p.m. J: How long does it take to get there? C: The Broadway that s the one that goes through Pittsburgh takes about 18 hours, but the Lake Shore takes a little longer. J: I see What about eating and sleeping arrangements? C: Both trains have dining cars and snack bars. And there are some roomettes and slumber coaches on both of them. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 31

32 J: Well, uh, what are roomettes and slumber coaches? C: They both sleep one or two people, but the roomette has a toilet and wash basin. It costs more, too. Are you ready to make a reservation? J: Uh, no, I don t think so. C: Well, here is a copy of the timetable. Why don t you take a look at it and let me know when you ve decided. J: Okay. Do I have to pay for the ticket when I make the reservation? C: No, you can do that later. J: All right, thanks. Ex A woman and a clerk. 2. This conversation takes place at a ticket window at a railway station. 3. The woman wants some information about trains to Chicago. Ex Jill wants to go to Chicago. 2. Two. 3. The Broadway. 4. Yes, you can eat in dining cars and snack bars. 5. Yes, you can. There are roomettes and slumber coaches on both of them. 6. No, she hasn t. Recording Five Notes 1. Excursion fare a round trip fare at a reduced price. 2. In a jiffy very quickly. 3. Qualify for fit the requirements. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 32

33 Agent: Johnson s Travel. Can I help you? Herb: Yes, I d like some information about the special plane fares to New York I read about in your ad. A: Okay, when ll you be going and how long do you plan to stay? H: Well, I d like to leave three weeks from Friday and stay about two weeks. A: Then you qualify for our two-week advance purchase excursion fare. That s $ 422 if you leave Friday through Sunday, and cheaper during the week. H: I guess I could leave Thursday afternoon. Are there any other restrictions? A: There s a minimum required stay of eight days. H: Well, that s no problem. Can I get my ticket now? A: Sure. Come right in to our downtown office and I ll have the whole thing written up for you in a jiffy. H: Okay. Can I pay with traveller s cheques? A: Yes. If you bring some form of identification with you, that ll be all right. H: Okay, thanks. I ll be there in about an hour. A: Thank you. Bye. Ex The man wants some information about the special plane fares to New York. 2. Yes, he has. Ex. 52. The expressions are italicised in the tapescript. НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 33

34 Ex special plane fares; 7. during the week; 2. three weeks from Friday; 8. Thursday afternoon; 3. about two weeks; 9. eight day; 4. two-week; 10. form of identification; 5. $ 422; 11. in about an hour. 6. Friday through Sunday; Recording Six Note Overnight travelling, or happening during the night. Part One Rosa: So anyway, we decided to have a really good holiday a dream holiday in the Caribbean, because we d always wanted to go there. So we saved our money up for months and months, and booked this holiday in a place called San Antonio. It cost over a thousand pounds each, but we wanted to do something really special so we booked it for two weeks in May, because all the brochures said that the weather s beautiful there in May Mark: We were flying from Gatwick airport, and the flight was overnight leaving Gatwick late at night, and arriving in San Antonio the next morning or that was the idea, anyway! But when we arrived at the airport they told us that because of bad weather in the Caribbean, the flight was delayed until the next morning. So we had to spend the night at the airport, sleeping on the floor, and we finally got on the plane the next morning twelve hours late! R: But that was just the beginning. On the plane they told us that the bad weather over the Caribbean was actually a hurricane Hurricane George and that we couldn t fly to San Antonio. We had to go to the capital city instead, НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 34

35 and stay in a hotel there for the night, until the hurricane passed. Anyway, we weren t too worried, we thought well it s only one night and they told us that we were going to a five-star hotel, next to the beach, with a swimming pool, so we were quite happy at that point Part Two M: Anyway, we arrived at the hotel, the Hotel Paradiso it was called, what a joke! They said it was a five-star hotel, but I wouldn t give it one star! It was just awful I don t know how to describe it it was an awful building, yes, it was next to the sea, but it wasn t a beach! Just a few rocks, and the sea was so dirty you couldn t swim in it. There were big ships travelling past, and the sea was all polluted and brown, it looked horrible. R: So we went to look at the swimming pool, but that was no better. It wasn t a nice blue colour, like you d expect. It was a sort of greeny-black colour and as we looked at it we couldn t see thing moving about in it, and we looked more closely and we realised it was full of frogs. There were hundreds and hundreds of frogs in it. So after that obviously we didn t use it. M: And then there was the food. Do you remember the food? R: I ll never forget it! The first morning, we went downstairs for breakfast, expecting to have you know, the usual things you get in hotels, bread, marmalade, fruit, coffee, and we were very surprised instead to see lots of different types of vegetables, carrots, peas, cabbage, and a big bowl of lettuce! But anyway, I was really, really hungry so I decided to have some of the lettuce until I saw that it was moving! The leaves of lettuce were slowly moving around the bowl, and I looked a bit more closely and saw that the lettuce bowl was full of ants, hundreds of them, and there were so many that they were actually moving the lettuce leaves! After that, we didn t eat in the hotel again. We didn t want to. M: The worst part though, was when the hurricane arrived. That was really frightening. It was a fifteen-storey hotel so you felt really terrified with all that НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г 35

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