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1 !;j i m.. i!::;;titli Section ~. -"1 ~"e' -' _sixj ~~s!! ~~te=:=t=~~~t=!1~~~~tt~~~~====~~' T '.' "h't' " 'onlg:'jl"".. 11 ' Slight' ~dg~ 'To Wa~~e~n rst Game Wayne High's iuj! b' De~ns wilt square of[ with La :P City in the first round of the tate. Cla~s' B basketoatltournament at 7 p. m. today in Lincoln.'. ' Winner of' tonigh~'s. game ~Hl ;~C:h!h~rr~rsa~~ffit~b~n~~i::~ urday.~_ All class ~g!imes.!will' be played on the tj~lver:sity "Jar slty oourt. 11 Wayne gained..th!.3jstate meet. b~v ovcrwhqlming l-lowejlb in a playoff at Norfolkd1ast Wcdncs~ day night. l.;oup its'. earrted a tourney tlerth by edginlz Hastitu!s St. Cccila in a!!playoif :at O5L Paul FridaY nij?:ht. :J. r Tonight's game will bci hu.dl. lighted by co.nside~'abl0 rivah'v' between the two tj"ains. 1;his i::; ~1~oa~71h~J~~o~~ b~!~~.i~~~~jy~:'l~ Loup City graduate and cpacheti ' there six years: His rglther.jin-!.a.w. is a member of."lquij Ci\.V" 8q';0~'h teams boa~t ~dentichl'l'8~l rcc~ds for the s"ghjon ~Vayr.C'~ ~~~el~q.4~alo~~ Ci~aJr0JP~1~ decision to' Ccn~rall qlty_ On paper the two teams ap- peilr even~ Wayne< hald:o;;'the ctdvantage in total offense..;jith 'an average of 75.2 points'per almc to 66.4 for woup 'City. Ho ev(!r the Blue Devils 'tr~i 525 t? 4~~t~n!::~:~~ete:Y:rs~~~~ ~'ad;' UD"of thl'ee seniors and two j niors. '!l0~ are also tea n. oted lor.!b lane cu. scoring and the abi itv' to sco c from outside.. ayne has the taller tea Wth staf"ters averaging 6-1%. 'F l'war~l Kenny Dahl heads the list 6-5~;.: with 'Larry Hoteldt. at" ~4 LoUr> City averages slightly Ul( er 6-0 wit't! Center Dale.-Rein tpn tauest at ~~!!'ia~l~ frri~~~~v;an~ ~ 6:2. wayne F.os. Lo p City Dahl 6~P:h... ~.;... f.~...~ J da 6-2 Houder $heldt 6-<: f.. LO~qws i.. 5-1~J Hofeldt c.~...".;.'. ~em 6-3 uf;;;;;;"~;:t:city~'iid~1 Sc~w~'bach ~\~g"~'~(~w!llrj:ti 5.. 1? Wfht~~~~ ~~~~~ ({~it:;~~~~llgt~. :;:el~ll:~e S~~'. :cl1-~. fvl~~d See BASKETBALL-page :t- '. Kiwanis Fetesi 4.H L~ader~ ~t Monday Mee~ing.. Wayne co!jnty 4wH'lead~s wen; honored at the regular me ling: 0[. Wayne Kiwanis club Mond y noory. at Hotel Morrison. Guest speaker ~\l{rs JuaJ!lita. Boeckenhauer who de!icl'ibed h0.t' trip.\0.natlonal 4~-:... cr-r; congrc~!:i. at ChicagO last fall t. Ak-Sar-Ben awi"rd 'for dis~ tinguished. were presented by went tlo:.mrs1 Connee Sue ' leader piaq and Mrs. year plaques; galls 10~year' 8Oeckenhauer. gold medal. District 'Lt. Go.y Was a (~' :~ ~.. ~.~~:~.'.~~i~.:~~~~~.. ~~~~~ ~!~~: ib~ : '-.... _... ::~ 'ens lb. Cover 5 11:ls.) ens lb. (under 5 bs')'... ''' :~\~~. ~Pb: ~:;::~:::::~;:l:: 1'" '

2 i ' 'j Yo " Flip At Our: ptiock of Suits Enlarged (othes Sedti~n 9 Oshkosh 8'Gosh Complete Fre~man D~partmenf' r' Housewarming: New for Spring Short Sleev~ ORT! SHRTS l 1 z 9 l'<essrarll Gabardine. -- RATES -- ' T " At La Ron~e $1.50 ~er perso~; $5.00 per;cobill AtO"tYi~9 Pointf ~1.QO p~r person ~ (mi~imuml $5100 per ay: (ANOES:.00' per day 'RUSE~: $7.50 p~r doy : : 25 h)p. 8.00; lq h.p. $6.oib; 5 h.p. $4.60 (per doyl jackie i Gas a~d Oil - duide Service Av ilable ~icense ~an be purfhosed ot L. R ng~. FOT toel nformat/on See rry Jaryi Carr n m8t2 we'd lik~ to ha t e! Your S~n lin is 14 years:f1d wew no obli~wion ' 11 ' irth~ay C~b. istration i in our birttay Club. ' free 'gift! cer~ficate f o'n ~ur store. name ~ address' an date of. birth i i fhpp Early. fot :1

3 1 Y 1/;: ' ' GLO\vES Hansen 'i ' ' SUT~ by Bobbie Brobks and L~mpl i ro t All D~ESSES b~ Manford Jean Lang and Doris Dodson 1 eds Paul i Rod::kwell theran Church ' 'giving ttspiijd <tnotif ; we;b tatting Jnto ogrets pnd!~rjnkl.d ~ijh white ~.adfl an~ "rillianb. The Skirills f 'ilored and come n' r wonderful half si es; (' ';Well br~d dbrk ~olors.' '''!:l'lio 2Wz \ ' i!. Town's Bu with tblk of t -kn.. :. when lyou'll.beautiful atopl your i uit a few... vye h like ' in millinery this sea wearillg hats bountiful and slim new fashins We show mqny more.. and women fashitln : fort-caterin~ i '! W~nle's. ~ Sprmg Opening l Friday' Mar. 9 Only Three Until: 1

4 \ '~''; Way" > Har~{s D. :Hei eman son of Mr. and M~. Harry Heinemann has a new add'ress'. t lis: L HarriS n. He~nemann S A tl~~5~fector H R-7) c/o FPQ San ~Francisco Calif. FA Paul Koplin son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Koplin has a new address: t is: tl~~5~~~i~~1 Evans DD No:154 c/o FPO San Francisco Cali~. \

5 1 *' W~;~~M "WE :01'*HAVE-leTHE FNEST ELECTO N ' THAT W ii HAVE HAD N MAN : MONTHs - '! " COME lin - LOOK THEM 'OVER! -le195~~ord~ Ronch w.ogon VJ~ i< * i<' 1955 FO~D Foirlant Tudo~ V'8 i<* i< 1955 MEROURY Monterey Fo'rdor i< * i< 1955 JHEVROLET ;" "21l!' F ordor i< * i< 1954 FORD Mainli~e Tudor V-8 i< * i< 1953 plymouth Camtr:dge Tudor i< 1 -e 1952jb.EtROL. ET D luxe Tudor i< * -e- 1~52 FORD Cusiom Tudor V 8 i< * i< 1952 PL YMOUTH Fordor 700 Pierce Street Sioux City owa t " o6tf SALES OPPORTUNTY: National memnrini company dt'sires repl'csc~ltp.tiffil in surrqundinc; aj.'e'a. 0pDodtu Hies for full or part Urne dealemlli s. Experience not necessary. ~nlimit(>d caynings. For part icula's writc' Gilmer Monument W rks nc..!owanl Lake Minn. m8p 1 ~ ~ - TRY THE WANT AD 1(. COLUMN N THE RERAT.D - SHP to : 10UX CTt FOR ERVCE AND ATS~ACT10N of Besides' thflo' one-8top~arm -Sa1e 8ervice being offered again this year by The \Vayne H raid other free services a.re a180 clud3d n thls season's.o~fer. Thry include: 1. ~~8 ~~~a~ t~~~ Sales - to protecf the date yon have l$elected 1 2. Your FREE!!iale 'bill prlnted on bright and assorted colors of regular sit-e bill paper. SOUX CTY LlYE STOCK ~OMMSSON CO. Cattle - jhogsl- Sheep Coming Sales" SALt DATES CLAMED li. Witl:l: yom! sale ad n t11e Wayne Jlfrald you retwh more farmers than in a:ny other medium. 0; Combination new pa p or plllr of Sllie ad and s~le buls t1e~up. which makes i;u: aj~~irtlslng complfte ne 7. Le.'S e"peose lell8 drlvlog and time needed n posting; fewer sale blll~ need~d. 8. Your newspaper ad n pa. per gives ~armer8 opportun~ ty to stutly your sale 118~ over ca"et~1y n ~helr OWJr homes and decide on 'the articles thiey may wish to buy.. 9. t you canuot get n to tb~ S. Experienced hel?lln draw~ ng u!' your fa sale ad; Herald Office soon Just call Nt~MBER 130 and We 'fill to make t the nd that DRAWS AeRO D. come t0fyour FARM! CJa~ apr Sale Date 4. Use of good Jjve~tock and Early "4Check Th... purebred pictures lin ad and sale blja. i D First! THURSDA~ S SAL DAYNWAYNE i< * -e 1 1~5J FdRD cur' tom Fotdor i<. ~ cl -e 1951 CHEVROLET D!'uxe Fordor i< *.:1'- 195 j MERCURY C~stom Tudor i< : * -e J 9Sj MERCURY ~:J:~!F:;~~r Cust1m Fordor Vl..8 i<1 * i< 19S~HEVROLET Drtuxe' Fordor ie * 'MERCURY c.wstom Tudor ' ' ~ i< *' -e Pij1ck... ps 2.: FORDS Y2-tont-V-8 and 6-cyf. i<i * -e 1951 FORD. " ~/2 ton.v-8' " * Seylelr: Motors YQur F'ORD. MERCURY 119 EQ~t. (.t' ( 'i' ~:~

6 Miner~'a Views Film ~ Mrs. F. S. Berry entertai ed 'Minerva at a luncheon- Mond y. W~ ov: th~' h~~:;~~ ~~~;:s :. Mrs. Or1lid Owens and Mrs. r val Brandstetter were narrat rs. DAR Has Reading prog~m QAR met Saturday in he home of Mrs. Don Wight an. 1Vj:rs. Alice Scaee gave the rogfam "Reading Habits." ~a Way gave a derinonstration on two instruments that aid re d ing. HOS.tesses ware Mrs. Wi ht. man and Mrs. J.' W. Jones. P' 14 meeting will be with rs. Edward' Perry.. t's Time rder HY ~L!NE'S and ENGEL'S ~R D4CT10N-BRED ~H~C~~ ~~9 4 YOU CA~ EXPECT GOOD L~'vA~1 WitH r HY.LlN~S OR ENGEL'S STANDA Dr~REE 5 _ ' show a lva~tllty. recprd With an average loss qf leps tha~ one.. Report card from our m~ny hundrec\s of satlsfle9 cust ~s 1 L M'. EL-..J. ' chick out of ONe hundred purchased from all' caus~si'up.tothree ays ore g~s qn weeks of agr. ' ' t _.in Divided F.b'ck FEED TjslS. 1 Condu~ted by Poultry ~aise~s Engel's Are Hatching Eveiy ON THER OWN FARM~-WHEREl' T i ' Thll ty-one POUl~r~ raisers who conducted D tvldcd W d... dl"r. d S t d t during also.kept acc;j'ate ced co sumpt.on e nut s t ~n ~ ur a on the birds tbey tc~ted. ~ _ These tests show lhat.'on the alerago" 100 -t-l;ne those who desir~standar~ Bre Lds. We Hatc~.. cd produ'ced as many eggs as 1120 L{ghornJ hous( d. ' f average By-un. e ate LESS fekd th n;t~e avera... L$ghorns Leg Htmps!... Red Legs - Cherrie hites- Hy-Line layers actually laict.. ~ORE e~~s n LESS. e h;rd. Hy Une eggs costs 4c WJSS pei' do'e to stra Whit~s - ndi;1n Rhrersl - White Rocks - Produl:tio~ Reds -. at $4.00 cwu. These folks pa;d out ah.v""t'"r' FOR FEED per CASE OF. EdpS! These t sts 01 show ' Rox - 'Black Australorp' s... Ghostley Leghorns - THdSE WHO P 934 layers have. the bred-;n ab;~ity to con vel' [['cd;n!o BUY THER CHCK$ FROM ENGEL'S! J rock-bottom fced cost per BeLow art the test Thursday Rites Held in Winside For Mrs. Unger Mrs. J. E. Pingel Phone 73 (Continued from Page Two).. Mr. and Mrs. klvin Wagner and family and 'Mr. and Mrs. Myron Walker Judy and Susan were visitors in the Raymond Jochcns home. Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shcllcnbcrg were visitors in "the Kcnna'rd Hall home Tuesday- evening. Mrs. Emil Hank.and Burien were visitors in the Robert Hank ~~tm:i'an~i~~e~' m~~~ds1:;~ ~~~~~ City. '~. Mr. and Mrs. Everett 'ewman and family Mr. and Mrs. alter Fleer k and ~ami1y were visitors at the Alvin Wagner home' Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Newkirk and Donna Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newkirk Omaha. Sunday al tcrnaan visitors at HalTY Drevscn home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bendin visitors iln the J. E. Pmgcl ~!~~~C:dna: ~~:~n;~bert K~~nC(h visitors in the Fl'cd KC'nlll'dy NOdolk 'Monday l'\'c\"ung. Warrell Kcnnedy Sln Die~o. eah.. son of lvr. ann Hobert Kennedy who spent past 1'.'lb"3"'"116 den's vi"!jiting his parents. flew from Omaha Saturday to Bl'emerton. Wash.. he will be ::.tatlol1c'd. they debver..j2jl p-rofits.! 1 o~ MY.LlNE CHCK.S 0 d H U. ets VS. ' 1 Hy-Line layers i hy t Doesn't Pay to Carry Old Hens Over for Second Year of Egg Production 1 Bred Hfor Feed Efficiency! _J..~~ -~_) Feed alone amounts to- a major shar..' ot Culling the cash cost to prpducc eggs. Early in ~11t' AV~' rag~ 01. Weeks Hen Day and Hy-Linc breeding program the Hy~Lllle ::ggs Death Loss j " _ i 1. _T"._ts in Loy! ~~~~a:cohul~::n~~;~c~o~~t~oc:~~dmaon~ ~~.~ -+- ~ _._._- --;~~% ::~!~~t1yrc~~:~chstand~r~:~e~m.~n~.es~~0;:~; ~.~..fl_t~~~ ~ ~_.1... _~ ~~ ~. _ % followt:-d. Today ithrifty Hy-Linc 'ayers " - "1 Hen Housed Eggs to Ootc arc reducing feed costs for poultrymen on ' :Pullct AdvontCgc Pullet Advantagt [arm after farm across the Nation. ~ _..... use ~hey deliv~r Top Profits ' Th~se 16 test cooperators g~t an average of 81 eggs the numljert is increasing every'yt'ar. "' Jjh(' number of H~'-Lin(~ a 'ou:tfg r ullet Figuring 30 cents a doz. en the pullets f"' 'hi\:ks hatejed has10mcd ~mm 90 thousand to 30 muhon since old hens t Add the old hen feed cost of each dozen. they were ihtroduce in and th number of flockownet"s r ra;sing HY-[ne chic s has frown from a few hundred to over prrfit per pullet - There are many more adv!nt ages " 1 JON TrE TREM odus SWNG TO Hy-Line chicke!ns - FNAtSUMMARY of G~'owing Period Comparison first an 'largest selling loy~rs d~velope~ through on inbreeding ' program : 1 : Hy-Li~e 934 C icks vi; LeghQrn Chicks - 1 '_ verllge of'.seven Tests Conducted for 2~ Weeks in 1955 uine Hy-Line chicks look lor.. this traueojlark. '. _ Adva ' "Hy-line 934 leghorn Hy Linc 934 the Pioneer Hi-Bred orn COi' pan\! '.... Cent.HO~Sed % 90.9% 4.1 % 4 Cent Die...._.~ 3.9% 1.7% 3.8% ~ ' Cent Cu led % 2.1 % 1.0% np! el'"s Feed:per Chick' 18.01bs. 2.o.9bs. 2.9 bs Feed~ per Chick 77c i 87c 10c of Day Old 58c J 30c. rder! Now w FoHo~ing '.Au L d S :.... per Pulet. $1.37 1$ oniz~ a esmen: cost o~ly 16.C 10re lor chick and leed! eg~s will pay the odditibnol chick LllJill40lU-1 now from!.. ' e n.s Pullets Produced a Dozen Eggs for About 5c a Dozen Less in Feed Cost Than Old Hens return for the cost of btying and ral ing ade a profit of $2.02 per bird more han produced would be c~nsider~ble ore raising new pullets ~ach year! Leghorn 28c 16c The Summary at Lef Proves Hy-Lines Wi Net You. at Least $1.00 Mor Per! Pulle Raised. tcheries J)-

7 ' e a g m D D m D G D m D.. m.. ' '. " for :eve~ girl from toddlers to subteens. of on invitatiqn... throl.lgh summer in our coats. Here just a few collection. Come choose. S = = ~.1' 'i to JUST 21 SHOPPNG DAYS '11 L EASTER. Open a cial'jon j ress" coat shoes sport$wear sell orl our Main Floor may \Anu.n"'-T;;'=~ your "~pplic6tion for an Easy or accessories... anyon our Easy Pay-. Plan Account today? " = D m." m ~ Q tj m ; D m D B Foot Shop ~th confid nee at Lorson's Expert.- t shoe ~t.ters. Qua ity shoes and plenty of shoes ~o suit your budget. Retnemberq' n~wllpoir fr~e i~ we fit you too short.! \ "'-- Three Fan'lOUS ~rands as Seen in Your Favorite Magazine! ' ~tyles you'll love t~ ch?ose from. an array of flats casuals pumps and sfraps EspE/cial'ly designed for the Easter Parade! A~ ~o~rfel/ 'l~ colorjj colorj! \ Yes colors you hate n~ver dreamed of They're exciting they're' new. Stop iln arid help y~urself to color..:\ \' Over 53 Styles Just 4 ' npacked You'll be p;jud to wear either of the Big 3 i~ the Easter Parade All brand nejv "all just unpacked. ' + Patel:1't. ~j Navy + Wedgwoodi -+ Red + Bub~le 81 ' B

8 " ) -. ; T"eHe~ald' tems a:bqu!"yayn" folk. y'!u :«now fi" STRESS Stress prompfed you to have your [eyes 4amined.. StresriS ~h~t you have left when! your eyes chec~ Ol.lt~ side of nor 01 limits. \ Stres is the cause of your child ~aing rit!or-sight~d. Should you w.ant to get rid of the'l cause of stress phone.or write us' for on appointment. Phone lice H'ou: Weekdays 9L5; Saturday 9-12~oon Drs. Griffin & Grif n.obtometrists ' 300 Toy Bank dg. Siorx City ~ ' usiness 'and Protesfion~ ~RECTO~'Y1.---~---~1-= CH OPRA TORS Drs. L wis &. Lewis ClWPRACTUl<~ Tje~tke Electric Wiriryg C[)n1 ractors Farm iorre. Clnd Cornmr rcial 2'27-W Wayne ~cbr. \VAYNE CTY UFr ClALS 231 " ~3J los 461 :"7-J G::!!-.J JUl... _... 7i;U. ('all Operator 1)1:k lao:;c'n \\ lll. E~llon Call JOO :!(J-l:l Tie~tke Uen{is' iji'lbnuslsl i P1HJO'"F..J-W ACHltjES Plumbing Heating & Appliances A 'J icnl S1andard p ~;:tl~';~l~ ~~~~~~ic Phone 227-W Wayne' Nebraska PH~CANS' ) 4 WOEn DRVE J.~P'[RUCK WLLYS... world's largus! makers of 4 wbeel ~rive yehicles Ask lor a demonstration tnda SERVCE. COli~~~~ Y(~'~'CL\Lsl Assr'ssor [r'nry Arp _ j'~~l~k~. i')(l \~~l' yawamer--.~... ~~~ &lwlllf. llans T('t.l!;cn...1l3J Supt.. Clud) ~ POl'ler... l14 'l'r elsurer..cona Uahde 232 Clerk of >i"tnl:t Court- ~ John T. 3rc<.;sler jr... i47 Agnculturl.l Ag('nt- Harold ngalls Assistance DJ'ectpl'- Mrs. Helen Wischhof...).497 AttorJlley- co;hr?;~~~jo~~~~rmott _.317r-W ~)i.~t Emil Meyer Dist. 2..._.G('orge Stolz Dist. 3.. Ed Glassm::?yer nthack Clinic nd Hospital fl6 prall Strvet W<l)nl'.f'.:ebr. Clinic iosphal 106 i 234 Drs. arvey & Jen~en TF:R"ARAN" ' We"' CM s'dee'' Wayne Np.br. SERVCES Listing your prof~ssion. in this directo y assists othersi hen! needin your' special se~ fees.. (..:'

9 ~.~~~ Stlitools j7.'::-~-r:t'1:1;:.o."'~"'t~;;;;:;~~:':'::;;:-t---+:j Shlrl<'!-y Kai. teajhr Students Wlthjrlef'(cct semester attendance arc cw#i.e ~na Larry - Spangler. Dcan nd Dlannc M('y~ District er and Vera Rae Kal Mrs. Dr" V('ra Rap g'ave a report on Lin~ Perfe t colin's brthday id Dcan reported Paul M rtnj1sc'n on Washmgton's Esther ntlilom Wp have' fms C'd'studymg man- Tt~rry and!larry nets n opemng- exercses and are rollmcnt S now 16. now stud) mg gobd posture Terry Nolte and Our health m~ ('ctlon featur s a treated us on thelr kiltc' chart whle.shows hlghcr Verna t e ~~~<; lf we ha... e pdr[ect health. ~~fj/::rn District 44 MWc ~~v~ ~~;t ~~:~~f~~t4 Glen 1"'.<;m'~Kl~"l"'Grav('s ls pres] e t Mchael and pr'-p'lim> " Sail} Jones had l crfpet semester att{'ndancr. Dian1C Schrad had gl;r~<~~~l-~j ~.~~~ :~-;;l~l~i::~i~~~ k~l. District 84 ::\ lrs. Rebecca M01tiC'tb tc'achn Pupils on the ~s('npe~te.r honor 'J wet' Sydnty ontir>th. Diane' Suwlahl Jerry!:n i Drnnls Junek and Shll'li:'Y W.'tt C" 'those ""ilh pr'rff'ct attendal ('(' \\\!'tc Shirh y \Vittkr Janet ~;d: illennis and LC'ila Rohde andj D1.yrlfiie Wittlcr. /. VER $500 1 "NA ~'D: SEP $~'Ol Cas$s ctaljlnedgoods; 4 gallors Spred Satin"Fl4int roll~r" pan; $10 in mf.. ~."'n.";." rf iie of Car SE1at Covers; Set of Silrerware; $10 in trade; $50 Savings Bond; S t {-3 P"'~t">J:'KVWa"l L'''ltlaqe; Pa!m Beach Suit; Aloha (53 piece) msh Set; 2 Occasional Chairsj' s ead 'ation; 1 Ford Lifegllard Seat: Belt; A~minunil Water Set--':pilch!!r t... hl.. r~ C'lrpe.rai.8x1 Outdlcor Grill; Topcoat; floor Lamp; Sel: f Roger's Silverware-ser~ice i' r' T1blle Lamp; 251bs. Flour; $5 in Grocer;es; Thermo cartck; $10 in merchandise; $10 ' / 313 Prizes 33 Winners $y!17b'enter- : Corpl~te This ~en'en(e n 25 o ishop ih ~ay~e on Fhday Nif1ht~ ~ec :+H J ;;; ~ " Just complete the sentfnce "'UKE TO in the " Like to Shop in ayne ~n Friday N Bee~use... i" ontest NGHTS BECAUSE... 1" in 25 words or!! ness and sincerity.0/ t~ou9ht. ~ontest...\... " "'J'" ". 'Entries must be deposited in ~oxes in March 31. Wi"1ers will be announced. '~'a~~~ ~~ '~ri'd~~ ~i9. ~'s ~ ~~a ~s~.'~." j...! ; '... ~.... entries become the proferty ofl the returned Owners man gers and of their fomilies are no eligible to enter Morris Machi~e Shop ' Pflueger nsulrance Sey;ler.Motor$ ~herry Bros. Produce Participating Sorensen Radiator.\St~te National Bank 1 Su~\l~r F~rniture ~ SJans"... Men's s~tns' ~w~men'~ Ti~~tke Appliance ; i tess " WAYNE 01'1 FRDAY jng sto~es by 5:30 p.m. 12 in The Wayne Herald. All ting stores' and none con be Stores Van's or memberf Wayne Book'Store Wayne Motors Wayne Photo 1 West's. ~arber Shop. Wplske ~uto Service S '[11. >9: J

10 1 When '~"""'''J''l'~''1 " "'~' '. " '. ) ' Laurel; chndu::ted services l1hursdav evening in the abnce of Rev. H. 'M. Hilpert. ev. and Mrs. 'ilpelrt were in ~ hicago for the funeral of hi~ n;ephew. ~!Mr. Bud Mrs. arold Staltedbdrg and Mrs. ohn Rudebu~ch w~re in Sioux Ci y Tuesday af~ erp{lon to visit Mr. R~debusch whp w s rec<pvering fr m surgery. He w s disrhisscd We nesday. 1'5. AugUst Kr eger was admitte to a Norfolk h spital Thursday fo treatment. 1'1 and M!r~. F 'ed Lorenz an(l fa il\r "'~nd Mr 81 d Mrs. Forre~t N ttlefun and fa ily were guest's M nday evening f r ice cream ~n th home of Mr. nd Mrs. ErWlD W Wer. The oeca on was for Mr. L renz's birthday oct fur Ncttleto s' wedding ann versary. r. and Mrs. loyd Andrews s'(:l ot Sunday e ening in the orge Reuter ho e. Mr. and M:rs. Ruter were We nesday evenmg ca lers in the Lou Baier home. rs. Milton 0 ens visited hcr si tel's Lola and Marilyn Gesiri ch Omaha Sat rday. r. and Mrs. Le tel' Menke and fa ily were guest Thursda'f'l eveni g in the Otto Test home for M s. Test's bi..rthd y. ielauves had di ner Sunday th home of Mr. a d Mrs. N ttletan. in hono of their w dding- annlversa y.. r. and Mrs.. D uglas were onday ca le's in.thc G eo~tc Grone 'home. rs. Bill Tho as returned to her home at Amb y Mmn. Tuesday after visitmg wo wet-ks with hc:r daughtd Mrs.' DOn DaVS and family. ch'~d~~n N:;~! 1~~~:~y a~~e~~ froom Oceanside Calif. to spend ~o months with ~er parents!'vr. and Mrs. 'Wa~ter Rethwisch. $gt. Nelson has b~en assigned to ~uty in Hawaii after which he '1'ill oome fol1lhis f~mily' and they Virill return tb Californa. Relatives visitedl Betty Jones in Norfolk. during the Thurs- "A"..njoin.&W'&."'- 8uldCr'JTunv6 Possenger 4-0oor Rlviero Model'63 (l1-amfote C!lfB.A!/ll - YariabtEl:Pitd1'DynaBo~*-\''''hcrc the nr~t illch or pedal traw1 dies new \\'onde'f for ~ctaway all (1 (Ttl.iSillg and g.ls nlilf'lgc-and where;rnorjllg tl/' pc{la "~'ltc~les :he pitch fo the most spcct~lcular safety-surge 1 Afcnca today. So if you want SO1lf' fun and fast action -H you want tol see what it's like' to call signals on the""ftlost perform'anee-packed a.itltolllobile in all l3l1ick historycollle join our Thrill-A-:\lilltlte Club As we spill there's nothing else to do for rm:mbership except Glrive a lew Buick. And as we'll gladly sholfp Y01l lh(j'r~'s ]~othilgto tn~tch this bc'3i1ty as a bedrock Juy- f( r \\'C r~ rnaklllg the best deals ever on the best Buick yet. ~ Drop ill on lis today or tomorrow-press that 'pec1aam t:t the thllls fall \\ here they wdl. " 10 DUCE : CONCORD You Think of!shoes J.'Think ~f ' VAN'S WAYNE'S FAML'( SHOE STORE " \ '" \( 'l~tlm( cd \ (mllble Pilch Dyna(lul[ /S tllc milll Dyna{low HllltJ\tJlid~ furfurl t S st(/tldord OJtl R(J(/dn](J~t(r Stlper ana CCllti'[j~u]Jtlullai at maric5t eltrrj aus-t on the Spc((al. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBLES ARE BULT BUCK 'wll BULD THEM

11 ' i 'DES'( PA~S '19x24 ~ith Reg Blotter Reg Reg NYtO' S. pr.' 77 c ' WASTEBASKETS ' '...''"'' : High Shoes.' ' : '. luppers r Reg.l.69 " 127 REDUCED V4" r l' Reg Reg S7.. 1 ' ' '. ' Fri'day Night 7 to 6.'7<pxl? Rfadi N~W T r~(jds Reg. $81 95 ' "'" ""t'e "" j 7 '5 1$x 15 ~adi N w Treads. Reg. $~.95. r. $845 plus refappable tiie ' 7.6pXlstdi t.f~i Tre-ads ~eg. $10.95 $9 45 i plus recap able tire (()ry~111 iauto ~ Oil Co. 211 Logbn.' Phone 305-W ~rid~y Night 7 to 9:30 Wayne Boo~ Store' "We Sell Almost Evcrythl{lg" Friday Night 7 t019:30 Western Wonder SLCED Phone Main Family Shoe Store" Wayne Nebr. $ t~ade.in allowance On Philto Deluxe 12.6 'ft'automatic Refrigerator FREE $65all-channel aerial and $10 remote. cont~ol with pu'r~hase of i any 'hilco or wes~in~hoose TV. l: F ROZ N Buy a ~pted Queen Automatic Washer and "m;; ST ' RAWBE'RRES dryetf~ee!11 P.hilicp l:::~ p6~g.. il.gc! Dryer '1'. and get $100 in trade for your '... old.jtasher... PLUS 220-volt wiring on the Chest Freezers". ~ 279~;'40i"'hO.'"~ 'i799"~ Westingho'-lse Range $ with trade... ~nly l. W. :McNatt Hardware 203 Main Woyne Nebr. Friday Night 7 fo 9;30 Friday Night 7 to 9: Moin ERCHANT' \ restone Store Frank Gries Mgr. Friday Night 7 to 9:30 Wayne Nebr.: A $ 5 Favorite White PENNVp~ LOAfERS $ J~CKET. leversible _. 5 i C[hecks - Sbl"ds 88 Reg. $ R~..' i Armstro'rig and Pabco nla1ia LinolelJl11s 1.65 " ".95 c i CARHl4RT. LUMBER COMPANY 105 Main i' 'Phone 614 Reg. 1Sc Rubber Plate & Bowl Scraper L ' / Dmw"slairsUuniliture Department apes apkins gc Reg. l'5c

12 ' su~)~~r a~~cs~srsinj~t~l~ ~U;J ~~~ ho~e Friday. ' r. and "r rs. mien Granquist hi' Dl'd! Rollie 'Longb celebl~ate his hijthdcl;v llast Wednesday evening. 1"r lell:/ l'vcning they were in the ( ward Gaunt hor)l2 helping the hojst cclebrotc his!birthday ~ Unday eve~i~g!visitors in the Gl n Oranquis home were Mr. and \11'S "'l'r! G\ld~rslepVl' and daughl\~~l~'~;~d L:~~:~1.Dnd!v~rs. Ri.chard Friday supper guests in the Fred Flje\ l'rt holl(' were Mr. and lv's. Clll!'('n~'c Carlson ar~d Familv. Den ~~k ~~;;:'b ~~~~d~~'s. ~'l~l~~:('qg~~!'~; ;J1 1 ' ' (Ar\vprtlRPmentJ. i f' " "

13 " " 1 $ $:'0:' $6 :ro ' Or ' ~egulars ' Shorts ~amous SRort S~ASON 9 ' in 1earing are these all r.0o! spqrt coots by Season ::: '; '" ~. '"'1"'. ':; l'u"'~. Longs 1 " " i! YJon!i You Open a r.><..lyly":jlr>-' need... 1 suit topcoat shoes sportswear or be purc;has<;fd o~.oureasy Payment plan \fvhy Account today? ' ' ~ 'i STETSON ' Caj~ Pa~ iran? hinjs... anything a~d ev~rything' your applicationl for 'an~asy.arrow MARLBORci> BEAU mujm/~/u:l " " ' 0'ng Strahg~r~! ' ~nclerstand ithis and ~Ol a~prc~iate hat Jt ~eans. l best foot is forwhrd wh~n it rests on Yes YOU the throw of a-1956 Cadillq~. This gre t personal. benefit is strictly a plus value \vhen'you take the title. bf the f'car of cars." it comes' in addition to the lo~g~kn~wn Cadillac virtues: makhless beauty amlluxul"y'and comfort~ and safety and long life. " \Vhy not consider a- CaJillhc for yrjur next car? t is a log'ic~l choicc-'-not Qnl! for qualitr and goodness and prestige-but f9r economy of ownership and Fperation as welt. '~e' sug~est that you com in sotm and s$e f6r yo.urself. \\~e'll be happy.to give YQU ~ ~e!s~nal demonstration at the wheel and to 'ej pla1in 'wh! this is s~ch a wonderfhr ~ime to mak~ tne.. move from every standpoi~t. i uto Selivice... : Slack~ HEATH N SKPPER BEACH TO. $1595 $795 TO Furnishings ' for.boy's l Arrow Shirts Munsingwear Underwear Sox J~welry Su~pender~ "! STUDENT Student stts for the young 'lad between boys' and men's si%es. The.se are tailored Just like men's suits in light shades and dark shade~: Coats "aay be worn as'sport coats with con~ tra1tin9 slacks d~aj for spring weqr and gradl.lotion. Be sure to see f hese.outstand;ng values. PREP Sl;zES 6 to 12 'Hanks 1 12 to tson's Clo. Sizes 33 to 38 SPORT'ond DRESS SHRtS TO $'595 FAMOtrS ARROW WHT.~$1 $34~O..$ up $1995 re ~~~~~~~~~~~1-~Jr~~~74~~~'-'---' _~'_'~ ~ ~_Te_le~p_h_on_e_9_5J~~~\M'~~~*'QU'~'~'J'.'~G.O OJ'~~~Culol~tlh.eooSUm~Jr~'M.el~~~auni~~~~ 1.~~.~ D.D~ ~.~~~.~~~! 1 i :.

14 . ~:"'''''!!:~:T'~J~n~!:' guests'last week in the Mrs. Hertel home. and Mrs Joo Duffy Car SUl1day dinner J;uests in Toma.son home. and Mrs. Henry McCaw and Mr. and Mrs. ~~~~r~~n ~:~e r!7~day home. da~liasr;~e:k fn~ia~~g~t ~h~v~:! help~np Mr. an~ Mrs Monty Gus. tafs9n and Jonnie move into their new: home. Mr and MrfS. Noel som and boy~ were last Sunday dinner guests in the Larry Koester home Allen. Youth Fellowship Holds Le~p Year Fete; 35 Attend pa~~o~ ewn~d~;a ~te~i~~a!n1rr~~~ five guests were present. Girls invitetjl boys to attend. The young people of the COncord Evangelical Free cl1ulch were {llso invit~ ed.. A worsilip program was held featuring a film "With His Help." Enterta.inment under the direction of Norma Peterson Lynda Lukken and Ardythe Peterson was held in - -;~--'--T'-;-' the church "'ve Got a... --±~~ 'rll '.' 'c. M'rs. D nehue "had 'been in" Chicago. 'Melioa ~q.nehu!!. who' ~~d ~pent soin time at the~ressler pornc. 'et rned with.the Janice rry and-rona Samp~ were hosts. for Walther lea '1'hurs ~y evening. at st. Paul's Churches Dixon Methodi'st.church (-arold Bonath pastor) Sllnday. Mar. 12: Sunday school lo~~~e:dir~hi11alr~: 14: Lenten J'':a\'ul.augh service "ThJ 'Fifth Word from n t Sun The C~oss"'''8 p.m. : '. w h~7::~' tic~~~'~ga~:m~a~l~: ~r5.ir prac~ :UVl.~ Km'unaugh Rose Hill Nazarene Church in the Jack (Clifford Schultz pastor) ' l1unday Mar. 12: Sunday' :ft::pool lo'lllm.; worship 11.; evenipg ~ery.. icc 8 p.m. )1 Wednesday Mar. 14: Cottage prayer service 8 p.m. """"U St... Anne's Cath~lic Church (Clement Bracht pastor) Sunday. Mar. 12: Mass 8 a.m. "E-' ' "!!' 1. 'e- ' '

15 \ J! '.... ~. -.i\l\l Btl HARVEmR (Cormick Farm ':1'1

16 "" i\ jill-': f("nc(' or hcde:c of 11 d trces insures pri\'ncy li:(' lio ne 0\\"1H'1" helps to ~hut 1'. t r'nrfie noises and clu~t E'ntL}'!'ly eliminate?11 Ul'l -.1' \\ ol ally bol'denng~ ~rop- Living fencer. may ~e low or tall f)owe.ring or non o-wering. evcrg:-een or decidua 5. They ~~~;r~~ ~:~'~ret;uj~: f~;re ~:i~~ ~~r;t~~eth~e~~t~~!~we~ bejs~~~: Some: low 111uch all.. "LJYC''\:1 61 or Riglrtt j colors for houses lik(' ~n clothing. arp good warm Wt~atll('r. The idpal roof a smooth whitf' ~urfa('f'. Such a ropf will reflect f\s mlllh as 6R percent. of the sun's heat. NG~ FOR... ; Wiring. Appliances Kitchens fe' -{'{ E"'" ~." APPLANCES lj \;Jiifi =_=~= 'l 108 Main. ====~t=~~~~~~~===-~_= (OSf of 'an; irrigation for Your farml ( Two W'qk~ For Silver"We.. 1( ilding ~lr and Mrs. Ervin Bartels and:-i'~""':"'---!~--+-=--~'---~-+--!-"":"~~ Mr. and Mrs. El win 4u.bberstedt wcn~ honored last t.sunday atter~ ~l~()~~j.~dil~~sc~;~':~~~s~~i~~~~1 ~~~~ g!'ilol was held at SL JQhn! Luth crun church. R!f\' Samuel Mesk~ gave the rur!s.. g(' kaeh ccuple was present e a sliver.wl'l'hpl by the Ladies alll Tle three-tier wedtling cake was baked and deqorated by Mrs. Oscar Becke' jr. Mrs. Anna Meyer sister of Mr. Lub.;: berstedt cut the ca'ke while Mrs. Roy Holm Sister c'f Mrs... B~:~~~~~~~'~;~"uests were Mr. and :'ll's. Gilbl'rt ::::'locklleth Hooper; :'lin; 2'Jl'umu El'htcnkamp Umaha; \\hlma Temme Wayne; Mr. OlH.1\1rs. J-1atls Lubbcl'stedt. Mrs. :'\lan~ ljl'llkcl'" \l'. and Mrs. Harry ~~.l J~l~~r ~J~';l;~::S tl~~k;;mk~~re:a~~ a.!d Mr. and.:vl1'::i. WiJJiam L. liolllg LjolJ::i. Boy Scouts Uoy.S~outs met in ;YcuJ\C't--uay C\'Clllllg HodeJl ChnrlL's.l{isseJl--and ~;'lc.\r~~~.~1\\ill;! ~1~lc~\~~"ln~~~~t~st~V~~ ~ 10~'C(!. A lilm 'was shown. nstead ~~'l!)~1~14 l'n~!~.~ ~i~ft~~g a ~~~~~~g:d game between the Allen and Wukeflield scouts at Allen. ~~~~j~-af Dinner Hc\. Al"ehlC MarstOn baptized 'Peggy Jean infant daughter of Mr. ~\:~sb~~~~~'j~larrel~h~~~kett S)~nJ~~ morlllllg luj!owlng church scr\"lces. H~.~: 1~.lUE~lf~s~4~~~~ s~()~d ~~:: -:~~ ~ l ~l;s'g.t~~~s~~ t~~e~~l~~et~~~~m~~n- 'undu.teu. a buntncss me'etm).!;. ;Kt lit T!"ll'l" alh[ G'C!'a~d Bea:c~i' Sl'no :! FW VFW met Tucsday cvening. in he 1~giUtl hall. DlrT~'1l Puckett -:;~::::::::::::::::::+::+;:::;... T- :" V~~;-Gl'ocn return!cd Friday lrom ;jj lu-duy vblt With.relatives DCtVl'l' " Jani l' Tel1nckson 0 rn a.h a spent he weekcnd in the home of ~l\:;~l;'il~~~~\~~ M' and Mrs. Clarel~Ce rojr~'c~~l~~:~rs~;;ui~~~~'~~~ ~~~ Dcnvc\" where 'hey had.attcnded thl' 1 uneral of Clemens Nimrod. a former \Vukcficld resident..::\11' and Mrs. Ruthcrtord i.nimrod to Omaha Frida.'.' to attend funeral of Richard Nimrod cousin The fjllowing were su1ppe!r guests in the Willard John:;on' home Friday in observance of Curtis' birthday. Mr_ and Mrs_ il Axel Hageberg Mr_ and Mrs. 1 ~rans Hageberg Wau~. Mrs. Peterson and' family Cj~'ence nlcago City M inn. an~ Donald Hageberg Allen. 11l". and 11.\1rs. Gordon Lundin ann l'd Tucsday J rom Chicago. Tllt'j will farm in this Viclllity. 111'. and Mrs. Bud Slmpson roturned from Sioux City in this \l\cinity.. und.:''s. Gent' LUlldm mov-' the J Eklund farm last i StL\ en an'd dinnl'l"! Tell! ;l!.';<l1l1 1 Dries in 20 Minutes No Offensive Odor Guaral'lt~bd Scrubb able Noh-Streak Deep Colors i. 1 Save Painting Your ime wit~ ~P~~h~.~~! ~ r 0 Easy to Apply- i~ Any of the: WE'VE Nt'ER SOLD A PA1 THAT BROUGHT SO MANY COMPLl~TS. EVEN FROM PEOPLE WHO NEVER PANTED 180 Pastel and fee p ' Decorator Color.._ _._----'-- ONE-COAT FLORENAMEL i t Glidden FlOREMEl dnes overtlllght to a beautiful lou h finish New alkyd base adds exra year of life to floors ade for nside or oul de ;5ors porchesfand ' steps. Many PO~lilo~s_ ----t ~ j-- w;~ D H S. Main.~ Phone 60 : 1 Free Ceiling Paper with Any ROOnl-Si%E Morris ~Wal~p~pe~ aint. We Have in Stock frida~.land SaturdaY Only

17 W:kefi d Mrs. Ellis J~son Phone ATlas' Mr. 'and Mrs. "l;'ed H.arrison...!att tended the fu~l of Mrs.!'fete Ahders~m at Wa'usll Friday after- Mr. 'and Mrs. John Hitcker~ Mr. {nd Mrs. Paul Obermeyer fln~ family South Sioux?ity and M~i and Mrs. Donald Kall and da\..l.gh~ ters Waterbury were Sunday l\ln~ ncr guests in the arry Oak home. Mr and Mrs. d Kal were : aftern~onlvisitors. Mr. ~"q Mrs. ~:~t~g J~ srtdfs. a~~r~i~g~s were. a Sunday morning ViSitQJ ' Mr: an Mrs. Ted {arrison _~...C." were We n~sday erenin JVisit9rs. in thel J. ~. Kunzman hon;j. MrSi' ernflrd ~inne" Lois. Charl\:s a d Bill Pa:t Me cry and Robe~t a d Rodney Lu lderstedt were SUlay dinner Kues lin the Mrs. 'An a Shearer home Sioux Ci ty in bservance of h~ birthday. The Dung folks atte1n ed the ic~~~~;r '0 m~~t~er;~~n. SUnd;Y dinner g cst in the Ted ~Harrison home: Je ry Oak and Jerry Noonguests. was a Wednesguest of Karen '. ' T' ;... Frlday evening aft practice. '-"':"':--:-""H";"=-::-;--r~~-F-::~--r- Mrs. HarO~d Ollilon and r were Sund y afternoon in tre Wt Pearson. was a wbci.. Erick U Spring Are CarlHelgren Honored! school. Surpris~r~rt (' Unio'n em loyees tteir husbands onol)cd a~1 at a surpr'sc ~are e 1 his horte Mo day ~vcnin.. ;aiv1~~? ~'. Jnd Mr~. Charles Rissell were in ~argc of entertainment which con~h;t('d o[ ~~:~t:~~o C~t1r~e~~i r~n.g~~o;:'~ w ld ative lunch was scrv d. Shirley.Lehman. maha. spet)lt the weekend with he -'parents Mt. and Mrs. Fred Lehm n. Mr. and Mrs. Wald Rodent: and daughters were supp r guests Friday in the Alvin Sun ell hbme. Mr. and Mrs. Alvi Sundell and baby spent Sunday n the E. L. Kingsbury home. Sio x City. Mr. and }1't;s. Wes Herrick viiiited Sunday' jln the ubel Hutchings home Alli;'~n. Mrs~ Paul Evcrs sp nt \a"l wcdk w'ith hcr mo"ther Mrs. Elmti'f Flcetwood. Mr. BYClS joined h l' saturlayo They also isited in tje to w. Lil L. con Byers Sunday hol1l1e vening. nd retyrn d "~=~====~=====~:::::=:::::== j::=4~~=:::====~===:t:::i:==:jf+=====j.:=~==t1:;:::':===1=1=: ha~;p ~1t~c:';e':~n ei~s~'~'e ~':' d.! Lehm~n home. ' Yep! Hun you'lf drop into 15 Ml~ land Mrs. R'ay ensen ()m~- we're certin you ~il finel ~~d lvij~: ~:~~di1~~m; lna~~s~~i~11~~ Dust to yer chow tabl~. famil~\ were Sunday inlwr :;u.cst-". down to GA rite now. 5 of AM ~~u~('~i~ J~~l~\j 1l1~~1~:;ci :\1:Js all save at GA! 10 Fred Lehman ObSl'ftc her 11 day ' t Tuesday. 1~ Mr.!andMrs. Carl' 11 VanValir. 13 M1-:'" and Mrs. GUS] -linnch ajjtd Butch'c were dll1bcr guests Suh- J i~ ~ic.;..~~~df.~~d.c~/ltit{d l.elativb. Krispy Crackers l~lb. ~ix 15 day tnc James C llawdy horne Pillsbury i~ Mrs George Ei 'kilolf spcht Pie Crust M.iX 9V21~oz..llg. 19 Thurs ay to Sunda in UK' Jun Pf:ters home Dixon. R~al Gold Mr. and Mrs. Dor Petc'!'s > Marv J'ane were dtner 0 ANGE French's Pure Wcdl*day 111 the George ra SE Black Pepper 4 oz. pltgi. home.. an~rgo~~d }t!~~~!~~~ a'~r~ j~~~~~~ 2. ~ " gllests in the WaltcT Hag- 6to~5~ons... 1 i... 7c L~ckyJLeaf ~P'LE ~A~CE : COls 29c 1 MAZOLA loll ~ Marlene YellJw Quarters GA D~~~~~13~~ PORK and BEA GA Extra Rich TOMATO CATS French's Pure Ground Cinn~mon ~ oz. ' FROZEN SnofE Crop GREEN PEAS'O.oz~ pkg ":.. ".2c GA Delicious 0RiANGEJUCE 6-oz. cansl.""... A cans $1 Sno~ Crop' ' C~ULlFLOWER do-oz. pk~.."....:.27c GA Tempting ' FSHSTCKS a-oz. pkgs ""... "3 pkgs. $1 California Juicy : ~ Oranges " Del Monte Crus~ed Pineapple 1' can."..... Hi C Drink Orange 46~z. 'can GA Tasty! ) Spinach 303 cans ".....".2 for Remembe~ You 46-oz. Solid Green Texas New Cabbage lb. Tender Pascal Celery lb. i

18 1 i Tt. p ~ <fmodeantj fori Our plialidj11l're-opening ---- L()$~ H! 1 \- J 1 ' :! 1' For a Lower Total Food Bill. r' Shop Apple Sauce~::~" 1 Potatoes ~ighway; Whit~ ~. """:hole sm~" '1" Tomat ~OSGardenSlde i. ~ brand... '1". 37 C 25c 5-oz. 19c 35c PuncJi-;:!~~~~\.;~;~~~i('CS.4.()(- ~t~ Fig Newtolls ;~~'%ii:.\":. J;~'~ 45c ');}; 19c Oookies~~:;~~il~~):~~ csh. ~ f~~~;. 3ge _~._.JW'Dm: ~;~h 19c Crackers Bread~~~~~~~~~~!~:~ ~'.;.. ~~~:~ 22c Cake Mix-;;~~:'':~~'t:'1 3ge Feen-a-minLaxativc" ';i;:;~ 33c Ammonia-~~~:~~.~ld.;.. 2~c Canister Sel ~~'.i~;~~c1 4~~t $4. Hi AVHtlall!f' in inlnal ]ll"{'''::; ll :l~ by ". set. See tja'lll ull dlsl'l.\y. isafeway's the Best ljlace to /my Fr4l.sh Fr 19c and Vegcta1Jles 'N' ' R 0 California ' avem ranges seedless casy to 5 bs49c Fresh C risp c arrotsw~h:eolore~!irl'n' h' ~a' d's...b.t g 4' ~c' New Creen Cabbage Medium c l b R d ' la-pound 59c 'ft! u. s. No.!l Grade... ' "...:... E~m Bag T l-lb'l 0. Hue OAS; i \ 'T nder and Juicy as only Safewaljj ~ Roast can be. A real tretat! s~e ay Chuck Roast guaranteed juicy and fgrktehde has the rich flavor you get only n U.S ~A' Cijoie Grade Matute Beef. And Safeway's 'Ch ck Roas bas all the good meat left on A~ this bud ct- spari g price you may well want to buy one r as!' ~or se ing now... and another for your freeze. Beef i now a good tiuy.. and Safeway is coope t- ing g SUlP "of Beef. Sbop Safeway... ocket the th the Beef industry to. m~ 3sent.i ':~~.~~:. '3 c - Cholice Beef.".. _'.b chu k blade... '... _ c(hllck-arm-roastg~~~ Lf.4Bc L- ~ R-.! " St USDA Choice Beef" 5 eu~s 7-ineb cut... Lb. B '-- B'f P~te USDA. 01 ng ee '1 Cboice Beef... Lb. F... kf t Fir~t Qualitr. run ur ~rs 3 Skinless... b C 51- d B \ n 'Hormel 1-lb 3 ce aeo Dairy... Pkg. c' 5h - -BREA'DED ~o-oz'4 ' rlmp Captain's Choice frzn.. :Pkg. C Be sure you have pl"n'ty of Pot Roast left over for this delicijus "seco~d-day~ dish! H..SH 'N- EGGS... in tri'sp golden n;ppy-~heese-~s'l \rakc pastry for one 9" dust. roll thin and.sprinkle with J'2_~llp shredcb-l slim'p ('hce~. Dot Wlth 1 tbsp. butter. noll crl.fst line pie-plate making high fluted edge. Fill with wcll-sc'bsoned be~f hash.. (nne]y chopped beefr"'cooked pota.. toc's on~ons celery am a dash of Worcesicrshirc Sauce)... and bak~ in 450 oven 12 to 1.5 mmutes til crust is lightly browned. Reduce oven to 350" bake 15 minutes. 'Vith SPOOlll make depression in top of each serving of hash. Break egg into' each ho~ow and return!o oven until eggv.. hltes are set. Cut m wedges and serve hot. 5 to 6 SCVingS. Shop Safeway Pocket the Diffet! Wc. Me"d. Eggs Grode-B form-fresh _.DO~.~ 3c Kraft; 2-1b. Ch eese S prea d Velveeta:... Ctn. 1 ~ P B Beverly; chunk l2-oz'l ~anut UL~~~~i~r creamy ::~;"Jar~ Cl i 15 1 '-oz. pug etl! Amercan... Cans Pmeapplesheed fancy 3 Cans - $1. S h Franco- " C C '. l6-oz. ~ Chil on arne Arin~ur... Can ' DD YOU' KNOW- acarodl Quality Brand cut... Pkg. " C Safcway guarantees every item to entirely please you or all your money back! ) ]9-oz. 32c Pl{g. OXYDOL RNSO Blue Detergent 21-oz. 54-oz. P~g. 31c Pkg. M " -or SPAGH';TT 2-lb~3'~ Kitcben Craft;. 25-1/;> lo-lb. F 9 ' 147-oz. P'g. 77c our 50-lb Bag $3.~5" Bag $'.84. Bag C 74c LQUD LUX c2-anOZ 60c c~~ C 1" KLEENEX LQUD WAX Aerowax: self-polishin!'. DAL BATH SOAP 2 r:::. e.:35c' Wayno KOTEX i 12-ct 39 ~8-ct. $1 ~9 Pkg C Pkg..4 " ; 1 BAB-O CLEANS~R 12:'13c

19 . n!io/?ored ~ 101 'Bif'hddy' \ "... SAT...' 'Vr -

20 -~ack-iltdw. r " ' ~od Love " Assistant. Coach. '. Don Wightman. J ' '! i ' -"1111'; tt! '' [ '\ ' ;... i:1 TiE1t~enl Li endritks~n Ra~2j:laff Te~t 'N!O~ tlpce:! '! ~ " _ T~is 'Cong~~tul ry 11e sage ~' r.arlla's Cafe i [{ j Lumber CP. Theophilus Manager ') Oil' Mern Mordhorst L~ssee : Wayne Poultry '1 218 So Main " Kugl~l.~1 Wayne " Rend'erini - rrarnpri Sani~ary Service ' " Stirtz Oil Sinclair pro'duct~ '(0.! \ 1 ' "-- ' " ' " : TV 'CT~R:tls W yne76 St n ' i W yne 95 V\:isn RV 56 '" r ""rw..CJ>r 60 '. /' 'Ho~el S' 50 ' i. J.:.. K~nny. Dahl lenni Houdersheldt La ry Hofeldt.. arol Maci~iewsk' Coach ' ONE orris n atii nal B nk Come irst to the F rst Nationol- J ;. '.+ ~~'~;'~~(Y ~yla's' (af~ i Fatily-Sty.le S~~Y Dinners :! 't i i 1 ' State National Bank '. Resources <>\ver Six Million Dollars " i ' Melody i (leaners A New N~te in rry Cleaning './! Hofeldt i Bar Beer - -Package Uquors. Jiedtke;Plumbing \ Heating and Appliances " r '. Con~ge c nn Atross from Campus! ' i /Wayne~ He~ald / SerYipg'Northea~t_~ebraska '!\. 'p.: :: " ' '

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