Smaug s treasure. Rules for the game Smaug s Treasure in the December 2013 Gate pp types of squares. home. forest. mountain. plain.

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1 GATE 0 december 0 VOLUME 0 TEACHERS FILE Smaug s treasure Rules for the game Smaug s Treasure in the December 0 Gate pp. races types of squares tokens home elven bow orc sword elf hobbit human sword ogre club human orc dwarf axe Gandalf s hat hobbit sling dwarf ogre Erebor How do you play Smaug s Treasure? Divide your class into groups of students. Each group chooses one race token (= žetony): elf / human / hobbit / dwarf / orc / ogre. Their goal is to get to Erebor, and to be the first to answer the Dragon s question correctly. Which group starts? Once you have divided your students into groups, ask them to put their pieces (figures) on their starting points (the first square of each group s path). Then shout out an irregular verb. The group that answers first with the correct two or three forms of the verb (depending How to assemble the playing pieces: You can either carefully cut out the pieces, cut a short line in the outside sections and fold them together to make a three-sided figure, or you can just cut out the pieces and glue the ouside pieces as suggested here. glue on your student s level of English), starts and moves one square forward. Then they wait for the others to take their turns. Continue shouting out irregular verbs until all of the groups have moved one square forward from home. The groups will take turns based on this order.

2 How do the characters move on the map? Each team will follow a different path, depending on the race they have chosen. There are six different kinds of squares:. home,.,.,.,.,. Erebor Home is the starting square. Each group moves only one square forward from here, and only once! The other squares are:,,, (meeting point with other races), and the last square, Erebor. Each group moves forward by answering a question based on their knowledge of English grammar, lexis, geography and other basic facts. Only one question can be answered per turn, unless the team has a special token. There are twenty questions for each category. Cut them out, turn them upside-down so that nobody sees them and divide them into five piles according to their type. They should be drawn by the teacher who reads or writes the question for the group / groups. Answers to each question are on the card. The questions are too hard / too easy for my class! Don t worry about it you can of course write your own questions, for example from a test you ve prepared for your students. Or you can change the questions we have suggested for you in such a way, which reflects your student s skills. Just remember that the number of places the group moves forward, should reflect the difficulty of the question. It is up to you whether you accept only completely correct answers, or different answers which are also good. Why are some of the squares different? If the group lands on a square, for example, they have to answer the question on the first card from the pile. If they answer the question correctly they move forward by the number shown on the card. Each question varies in difficulty from + easy (you move forward space) to + difficult (you move forward spaces). If the group does not answer within 0 seconds, they have to go back one square (if they end up at their home square, they don t move at all). If the groups come together at a, and it s someone s turn, all the groups have the chance to answer that question the group which answers first moves one square forward. When the groups arrive at the last square Erebor, they cannot move back even if they do not answer the question. If there are multiple groups in Erebor at once, and it s someone s turn, any of the groups on Erebor can answer the question (just like at a ). The first group that stands on the Erebor square and answers the question correctly wins the game. What are the special tokens? Some of the questions carry special bonuses: elven bow / human sword / dwarf axe / hobbit sling / orc sword / ogre club / Gandalf s hat. If the group answers that question correctly, they also receive the special token, unless the token is already taken. There are two Gandalf hats that can be held by two groups simultaneously. Each token is used once and then returned to the token bank. The tokens can be used immediately or any time, except for when the question is being asked. Except for Gandalf s hat, they cannot be used by a group that stands on Erebor. If any team has its own weapon (e.g. humans have a human sword) they can use it on the s in one of the following ways: a) They always get to answer the question first if it s their turn (meaning the others can answer the question only if the group with the weapon is unable to answer). Note: if two teams both have their own weapon on the then the group whose turn it is will take their turn first as usual. b) If it s not their turn, and some other group answers the question correctly, they can sacrifice the weapon and move one square forward while the group who answered the question correctly does not move. The weapon then goes to the group that correctly answered the question. c) They have the power to send any group back three squares, but they have to sacrifice their weapon to the team they sent back. If a team has a weapon which does not belong to them (e.g. dwarves have an orc sword), they can use it instantly (even if it is not their turn) if they are at a with other groups in the following way: d) Sacrifice the weapon and send any group standing on the back one square. The weapon is then given to that group. e) Sacrifice the weapon to stop a group from moving forward if they are standing at the same with them and answer the question correctly. The weapon is then given to that group. If the race has Gandalf s hat, they can use it (sacrifice it) immediately. Once they use Gandalf s hat, they must throw it away (return to the token bank). f) If they answer the question correctly, they can double the number of squares they can move forward (e.g. if the answer has + points, they move squares forward). g) If they do not answer the question they get another question in the same turn. However, they cannot double the number of squares they move if they are successful answering their second question. Who wins? The group that gets to Erebor first and answers the question correctly wins the treasure!

3 Questions An evil elf wants to kill you. You must run. You must run quick / fastly / fast (choose the right option). (fast) + + dwarf axe You have found an elven cloak that will make you hard to see. You should wear / clear / hear it. (wear) + This is big but a lot of trees have been cut down! Can you solve this word puzzle? If deation means to destroy s what does reation mean? If you know the answer, take three steps forward! (to plant trees) + + orc sword Giant spiders attack! Call three strong animals for help. How many can you name? (e.g. tiger, bear, lion) + Your hand is hurt. You must find a (opposite of the word dangerous ) place. (safe) + + human sword You meet an old dwarf who is lost. He needs help. Make a question for this answer: Yes, please. I need to find a way home. (e.g. Can I help you? ) + + hobbit sling You see lots of animals in the. Can you name three? (bear / squirrel / deer / birds) + + dwarf axe You are caught in a web. Name two items to cut it. (e.g. knife, sword, axe) + + ogre club Wild squirrels ate your food and now you are very hungry. You must look in / out / for mushrooms to eat. (for). + 0 Gollum jumps on you from a tree. You have to answer his riddle. Which sentences is correct? Have you ever seen Smaug or Did you ever see Smaug? (Have you ever seen Smaug, we use ever with present perfect.) + + Gandalf s hat You are lost. You must climb a tree to look around. If you can name three parts of a tree or three types of fruit you find on tree you can move forward three steps. (trunk / bark / leaf / branch / limb / twig / nuts / roots / sap / apples / plums / pears / oranges) + + elven bow You are lost. You have to find the road again. Which of these words is a synonym (word with the same meaning) for road street / bridge / gate? (path) + + elven bow A ring wraith is coming! You need / can / must to hide behind a tree. (need) + + ogre club A giant wolf is coming! Arm yourself! Name a weapon that cuts and one weapon that you shoot with. ( knife / sword / axe, gun / bow / crossbow) + + human sword A crazy wizard stops you! Answer his questions, he will teleport you forward two steps. You have three chances. The correct answer is one word with two meanings. First chance: What is the outside covering of a tree, or the sound that a dog makes? Second chance: What is a small mammal that flies, or a piece of baseball equipment? Third chance: What are the parts of a tree that change colour or what someone does when he goes away? ( bark, bat, leaves) +

4 0 Giant spiders in the are following you! Unscramble the words to see if you should walk or run to the next square. For / are / to / you / we / eat / going / lunch. (We are going to eat you for lunch!) + + dwarf axe You are being chased by wild group of elves. You have to build a bridge to cross a stream. Which word is the odd one out: stream / river / bridge / lake / ocean. (answer: bridge, the rest are all descriptions of kinds of water) + You need to stop and rest. Climbing a is not easy and it s harder to breathe high up on a because the air is smaller / heavier / thinner. (thinner) + + elven bow A man-eating ogre thinks that you will be a nice meal, but if you can describe one of the four kinds of tastes, he will keep you off the menu and you can run two steps forward! (sweet / salty / sour / bitter) + + human sword These trees are so tall they block out the sun. They are tall, but the Giant Redwood is the tall / taller / tallest tree in the world. (tallest) + + hobbit sling Your group is looking for a secret pass and are climbing a tall peak. This is really tall, but what is the tallest in the world? (Everest) + It isn t going to be easy to climb this, so your group is going to use an old dwarf tunnel to get safely to the other side. Can you say climb in other words? (go up to the top / use hands and legs to go up) + + dwarf axe Mountain ranges are a series of s that can be hundreds of miles long. You can climb ahead two spaces if you can name at least two countries where the Alps are. (Switzerland, France, Austria and Italy) + + ogre club Watch out! It has been raining and the floor is slippery. Be careful you don t fall on the wet leaves / leafs / lives. (leaves) + + orc sword Don t look down! Can you name two or more different (ranges?)? (The Himalayas, The Rockies, The Andes, The Alps, The Krkonoše, The Tatry, The Caucasus, etc.) + + hobbit sling Mountains are formed by tectonic forces and are always moving so watch out for falling rocks! Do you know a synonym for the word rock? (stone, boulder) + 0 Your group is hiking in some s with lots of snow and pine trees. These s are like the Rocky Mountains! Where are the Rocky Mountains? (in the USA and Canada) + + Gandalf s hat It s night time. The is cold and dark and you have to make / do / form a fire to keep warm. (make) + + Gandalf s hat You have been climbing a for two days and you re almost at the top of the. Which piece of clothing you shouldn t wear? Choose the right one and enjoy the view, choose the wrong one and you will get trapped in a snow storm! sweater / winter coat / ski cap / shorts / gloves. Which one is the incorrect one? (shorts) + Your have come to a high rock wall and will have to climb it to continue. How do you spell climb? + + human sword Run as fast as you can! Giants are threwing / throwing / throwning big stones at you! Run forward one space if you choose the correct spelling. + + orc sword

5 Mountains and ranges are very big. Can you think of any other synonyms for big? (large / huge / gigantic / enormous / massive) + You have been hiking for weeks and are tired of these never ending s, they are not like the small s near your home. The Alps are large / larger / largest than Krkonoše. (larger) + + Gandalf s hat You have to prepare for the s. You are worried about staying warm because high in the s there are fewer / more trees, but you can find more / less snow. ( fewer, more) + + orc sword Look out! A storm is coming! Can you see the clouds? What are clouds made of? (water / drops of water / drops of rain) + + ogre club Be careful in the s. Always carry water, a compass, a warm hat, flip flops and a snack. Which one don t you need? (flip flops) + + hobbit sling You have fallen into a cave. Can you find a way out? What is the opposite of south and east? (north and west) + + dwarf axe It is getting dark and you need to find somewhere to spend the night. Can you make an adverb of these three words? dangerous / good / possible. (dangerously, well, possibly) + Gollum has caught you! He wants to know what your home looks like. Describe your home with at least three sentences with there is / there are. + 0 A sorcerer wants to cast a spell on you. You can stop him by exing the word order. SVMOPT could help you! + + elven bow How well do you know the creatures of the s? Can you name two that have hooves (kopyta)? (donkeys / horses / cows / bison / wildebeest / antelope / gazelle / giraffes) + + elven bow Ouch, that hurts! What is the correct way to say the plural of tooth? (teeth) + + elven bow These s look deserted, somebody lived / live / lives (here?) a long time ago. (lived past tense) + + hobbit sling Gollum surprised you from behind. He will let you go only if you answer his riddle. Answer this riddle. I am a hole, a dark place, somewhere out of the rain, I am made of rock, you can climb into me, and sometimes I am deep underground. What am I? (cave) + + Gandalf s hat You have found a piece of paper with two words. Unscramble them. Another word for boulder or stone: KORC. An animal that can live on the s: WOC. (rock, cow) + + orc sword You meet an old man who is mad. He tells you that The s are wide and hilly. Find the wrong adjective and find an antonym to correct the sentence and move forward. (hilly flat) + + ogre club A geographer will help you find a way if you help him with his book. Name some countries where you can find s. (American, Canada, Australia, African countries, Russia, Mongolia, etc.) + + elven bow

6 You are hungry and you will have to hunt. But what animals? Which animal doesn t live on the s? Horse, cow, buffalo, wolf, tiger. (tiger) + + orc sword It is raining. You will have to do something! What happens when a lot of rain falls and the ground is covered with high water? (flood) + + Gandalf s hat 0 Wake up! There are many farms on the. What kind of bird lives on a farm and wakes you up in the morning? (rooster) + + dwarf axe What s the smell? If you meet this animal you may have to burn your clothes and take a long bath because of its smell! (skunk) + + human sword You are thirsty! Farms get drinking water from a hole in the ground, what is that hole called? (well) + + dwarf axe There is a lot of grass on the, how do you spell grass? + It is getting dark. You need to build something to spend the night. Native Americans lived on the in what kind of tent? (teepee) + + ogre club Your clothes are all torn up. You need new ones, but from a stronger material. We get this material from dried cow or animal skin and we use it for boots or coats. (leather) + + human sword Gollum set a trap for you! Unless you answer his question, he will send you back one square. When do we use A / AN (indefinite article) and when THE (definite article)? Give him at least one example of a sentence with a and one with the. (We use A / An to mean a single object which is not unique, to say what something is or what job people do, in expressions of frequency. We use THE when the speaker and hearer know what we are talking about, when there is only one of something, before superlative adjectives.) + A strange wizard from the East arrives. He doesn t know what day and month it is. He will teleport you two squares forward if you can name all the days of the week and months of the year. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December). + + hobbit sling You have found an empty village. All of the people ran away. There could be a treasure in some of the buildings! Can you translate these words: town hall / church / market / farm. + You meet a strange man from the south. He wants to know where he can find some water. Which word is not about water? river / lake / falls / pond / hole. (hole) + 0 A beautiful lady from Rivendell wants to help you, but you must find the right flower for her first. Which of these is a flower? maple / pine / daisy. (daisy) + + dwarf axe A stone gate blocks your way. You can only open it with a magical word or words. Make a real word from the letters of the name of the dragon, Smaug the Magnificent. (e.g. fine / mug / smug / magic) The River God is starting to cast a spell! Who can name the two of world s longest rivers? (The Nile and the Amazon, the Mississippi) The land is shaking! What is the largest continent in the world? (Asia)

7 A blizzard is coming! You must prepare yourself! What is a blizzard? (snow storm) Stop the evil wizard with a magical word! Name a synonym for the word dangerous (deadly / unsafe / unstable / unhealthy / risky / bad / fatal / threatening / terrible / harmful ) Gollum is looking for his ring. You must answer his riddle: I sail upon the ocean, I m the right shape to float. I can carry lots of people, I am a little (boat) Gollum jumped you from behind. You must answer his riddle: You use me to build a castle or I run through your hand. I cover lots of beaches, I am the (sand) The king of eagles wants to know the name of the bird that doesn t fly, lives in the south, and likes to eat fish. (penguin) A beautiful elven lady will help you if you tell her, what do you call a king s wife? (queen) 0 A powerful druid lost his notes. He needs to know what the past participle is for become? (become) An old witch wants to curse you unless you tell her what is the name for the book (with words listed in alphabetical order?) (dictionary) A group of wolves will attack, unless you answer the question of their leader: What is the past tense for must? (had to) King of the River will let you pass if you answer his question: Is a dolphin a fish? (no) A witch stands in your way. Answer her question: Does university get A or AN? (a) A mad wizard has a crazy question for you: What do cows drink? (water) * if answer was milk go back spaces A clever librarian will help you find a way if you help him with his encyclopaedia. What language do they speak in Brazil? (Portuguese) You must stop an old evil druid with a magical word. When everybody knows a person, they are popular and maybe on television or the movies that person is (celebrity/famous). Answer the Gollum question or he won t let you pass. The doctor who takes care of your teeth is called (dentist). A strange gate with runes is in your way. Can you tell the opposite of cold? (Hot)

8 0 Powerful wizard Saruman is in your way. He will let you pass only if you greet him correctly. How do you greet people before lunchtime? (Good morning.) Smaug needs an alarm clock! He has been sleep / slept / sleeping on his pile of gold for so long that the coins are now a part of him! (sleeping) I will take care of / about you Smaug, if you give me some of your treasure! (of) Smaug can t speak well! What is wrong with this sentence? I live in the Prague in Czech Republic? (I live in Prague in the Czech Republic) Defeat Smaug with the negative spell. Make negatives out of these words: do / will / have / should. (don t, won t, haven t, shouldn t) Smaug doesn t know when to use articles. Which sentence doesn t need an article? I like being in the nature OR I like being in the countryside. (The nature nature doesn t need an article) Smaug doesn t know anything about the prepositions. Choose the correct preposition: I saw it on / in TV. You look really good in / on this picture. (on / in) Smaug forgot how to spell correctly. Choose the correct spelling. Run quickly there is a brown bare / bear / beer coming to get us! (bear) You need to borrow / lend a magical sword to defeat Smaug. (borrow) You need to steal Smaug s treasure. If you steal you are a thief or murderer? (thief) 0 You need help from your friends, who are coming to help you you see six warriors and seven wizards how many friends do you have? (thirteen) Smaug like riddles, but needs to complete them. One wolf, two wolves. One sheep, two. (sheep) Smaug has many treasures, one of them is a special ring with a very hard rock. This rock is the hardest thing on earth. What do you call it? (diamond) Smaug is asking you about grammar! If fight is the infinitive, what is the past simple? (fought) If the answer is, You can find the magical sword hidden in the cave, what is the question? (Where can I find the magical sword?) Smaug needs help with his geography can you name capital cities in Europe? (Lisbon, Madrid, London, Paris, Prague, etc.)

9 Smaug wants to know, who is the queen of England? (Queen Elizabeth II) To get closer to the treasure you have to name famous places or famous people from the UK? (Tower of London, Shakespeare, David Beckham, Buckingham Palace, Lake District, The Queen, etc.) Which sentence is NOT correct, Tell him the time, Say him the time. (tell) How do you read this time in English., (twenty five past six) or (thirty five minutes to seven). (twenty five past six) 0 What is the odd one out: helicopter, aeroplane, train, bus, bird and ex why? (bird the rest are means of transport) What is the odd one out: cat, dog, elephant, turtle and why? (answer is turtle because it is in the only one with a shell) Now Smaug needs help with some plurals, what is the plural of house? And then mouse? (houses/mice) vocabulary wraith přízrak giant obr to arm ozbrojit weapon zbraň to destroy zničit chance šance sorcerer zaklínač spell kouzlo torn up roztrhaný trap past to cast zaklínat (kouzlo) elven elfí curse prokletí pile hromada

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