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2 GREETING AND MEETING PEOPLE WHEN TO SAY GOOD MORNING / AFTERNOON / EVENING / NIGHT? We say Good morning between 05:00 AM -- 12:00 PM We say Good afternoon between 12:00 PM -- 06:00 PM We say Good evening between 06:00 PM -- 10:00 PM We say Good night after 10:00 PM (or when you go tosleep, in fact,or say goodbye for the rest of the day) MAKING AND RESPONDING TO INTRODUCTION 1. THIRD-PARTY INTRODUCTIONS (SAMPLE PHRASES FROM FORMAL TO INFORMAL) 1. It s my pleasure to introduce Mr. Smith. 2. How do you do? 3. How do you do? 1. I d like to introduce Mr. Smith. 2. I m glad to meet you. 3. The pleasure is mine. 1. Let me introduce you to Mr. Smith. 2. Pleased to meet you. 3. Nice meeting you, too. 1. I d like to meet Johny. 2. Good to meet you. 3. I ve heard so much about you. 1. This is John. 2. Nice to meet you. 3. Same here. 2. SELF-INTRODUCTIONS (SAMPLE PHRASES FROM FORMAL TO INFORMAL) 1. May I introduce myself? I m John Smith. 2. It s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Helen Brown. 1. Hello. My name is John Smith. 2. How do you do? I m Helen Brown. 1. I don t think we ve met. I m Tom. 2. Good to meet you. I m Jane. 1. Hi. I m Charles. 2. Hi. I m Jeremy.

3 Kreatívny učiteľ neustále hľadá spôsoby ako motivovať študentov. Upravuje si učebné materiály tak, aby do nich zakomponoval individuálne požiadavky svojich študentov a podnietil ich záujem o cieľový jazyk a kultúru. Na tejto báze vznikli i lekcie v knihe Royal Method. Je veľkým šťastím, že počas tvorby učebných materiálov Royal Method sme ich mohli pilotovať a testovať na hodinách angličtiny a tak získať od študentov okamžitú spätnú väzbu. Na jej základe sme mohli robiť následné úpravy v textoch a cvičeniach. Naším cieľom bolo prijateľným spôsobom priblížiť angličtinu každému študentovi, umožniť mu efektívne osvojovanie slovnej zásoby, tvorenie viet a budovať v ňom schopnosť komunikovať v rôznych životných situáciách. Veľmi dôležitým momentom je to, že vďaka úzkej spolupráci so študentmi a lektormi anglického a gramatiky obsiahnutej v jednotlivých lekciách. Obzvlášť veľký záujem som mala na tom, aby mali učebnice jednoduchú a prehľadnú štruktúru, čo umožní študentovi získať maximum informácií pri práci s nimi. doc. PhDr. Anna Hlavňová, CSc. 1

4 PREDSTAVENIE PRE KOHO JE TÁTO KNIHA URČENÁ? Royal Method Pre-Intermediate 2 bola vytvorená v spolupráci s lektormi a profesormi katedry anglistiky a amerikanistiky pre študentov angličtiny. Je navrhnutá tak, aby čo najviac zohľadňovala potreby študenta pri štúdiu anglického jazyka a pomohla mu rozšíriť si slovnú zásobu, gramatiku a vedieť plynulo konverzovať s použitím zvládnutého učiva. AKO JE KNIHA USPORIADANÁ? Kniha má 10 lekcií. Každá z nich je tematicky orientovaná, čo v praxi znamená, že každá lekcia predstavuje jednu tému ako sú Human nature and relationships, Communication and technology, Opposites, Direct and indirect speech a ďalšie. Každá téme, lekcia okrem svojho zamerania obsahuje k nej prislúchajúcu slovnú zásobu, gramatika, frázy či idiómy. Samotná kniha obsahuje prvky, ktorých úlohou je pomôcť študentovi osvojiť si nadobudnuté vedomosti a vedieť ich použiť v praxi. Medzi tieto výučbové prvky patria: Be the teacher Question time Role play Conversation Comprehension passage Grammar Dictation Listening AKO FUNGUJE TECHNIKA BE THE TEACHER Študenti často vnímajú ako veľký problém preklad viet či dokonca textov zo slovenčiny do angličtiny. Za ešte väčší problém však mnohí považujú tvorbu otázok v angličtine. Je to prirodzené, keďže slovosled, gramatika, jednoducho tvorba otázky v angličtine sa výrazne líši od spôsobu, ako tvoríme otázky v slovenčine. Princíp je jednoduchý, sme však presvedčený, že veľmi účinný. Lektor sa študentov pýta otázky v slovenčine a úlohou študentov je preložiť otázky do angličtiny. Trénuje si tak správny slovosled otázky a ako ju správne vysloviť. Študent následne položí otázku (v angličtine) niektorému so svojich spolužiakov. Ten na otázku odpovie a konverzácia sa uzavrie. Pokračuje sa prekladom ďalšej otázky, jej položením ďalšiemu spolužiakovi atď. ČO JE QUESTION TIME? Na našich hodinách je systém podobný tomu parlamentnému, študenti však kladú otázky svojim spolužiakom s cieľom precvičiť si tvorbu otázok v angličtine. Opýtaný spolužiak je vyzvaný odpovedať na položenú otázku. Takto si každý zo študentov precvičí potrebnú slovnú zásobu, už spomenutú tvorbu otázok a v neposlednom rade ide aj o konverzáciu. 2

5 PREČO ROLE PLAY A AKÉ MÁ VÝHODY? Ide o nácvik, ako sa zachovať v konkrétnej situácii. Inými slovami povedané, aké frázy použiť, ako osloviť človeka na ulici či v obchode, poďakovať, jednoducho vedieť sa vyjadriť v konkrétnej situácii, ktorá môže bežne nastať. Ako ďalší príklad môže poslúžiť Role play, ktorá je súčasťou témy On the phone. Ako už samotná téma napovedá, predmetom nácviku je telefonický rozhovor. CONVERSATION Conversation - táto časť hodiny je venovaná zvolenej téme, na ktorú sa lektor pýta najrôznejšími otázkami. Cieľom je v skupinke rozpútať debatu, aby každý vyjadril svoj názor a precvičil si tak slovnú zásobu a tvorbu viet. V konverzácií sú pritom použité všetky slovíčka i gramatika, ktorú sa študent doteraz naučil. študenti konverzujú na vybranú tému a vyjadrujú svoj názor, myšlienky letor vstupuje do diskusie cielenými otázkami, aby podporil tvorbu ďalších viet zámerom je podporiť študentov v používaní novej slovnej zásoby a fráz či idiómov COMPREHENSION PASSAGE Comprehension passage - to sú cvičenia zamerané na čítanie a porozumenie textu. Okrem iného zahŕňajú aj slovnú zásobu a gramatiku, ktorú sa študent naučil v predošlých lekciách. Študenti čítajú zadaný text nahlas, potom ho prekladajú a nakoniec krátko konverzujú a popisujú, o čom celý text bol. Takto sa precvičujú až 3 aspekty jazyka: čítanie, porozumenie a rozprávanie. študenti čítajú anglický text, ktorý je tvorený formou príbehu alebo deja študenti po prečítaní textu po anglicky článok preložia do slovenčiny lektor na záver kladie otázky týkajúce sa článku v angličtine študenti reagujú a odpovedajú vlastnými slovami, čo sa v príbehu udialo PREČO JE GRAMATIKA DÔLEŽITÁ? Gramatiku vyučujeme priamym spôsobom - to znamená, že všetko vysvetľujeme po anglicky. Po veľmi krátkom vysvetlení si ju študenti precvičujú na vetách, otázkach a odpovediach. V každej lekcii, ktorá obsahuje gramatiku sa nachádzajú aj doplnkové cvičenia, ktoré sa robia zväčša na konci hodiny. gramatika je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou každého jazyka a Anglický jazyk nie je výnimkou bez jej znalosti je skoro nemožné pochopiť náročnejšie vety či dokonca súvetia anglická gramatika vyjadruje okrem iného aj čas, keď sa dej uskutočnil neobmedzuje sa len na minulý, prítomný a budúci čas pre plynulú tvorbu viet či textov a ich pochopenie je znalosť gramatiky nevyhnutnosťou DIKTÁTY? PREČO SÚ NEVYHNUTNÉ? Písanie textov v cudzom jazyku nám pomáha slovíčka si zapamätať trvalo. Učí nás slovosled, použitie fráz, idiómov a iných prvkov cudzieho jazyka. Práve preto venujeme diktátom a písomnému prejavu náležitú pozornosť. písomný prejav vypovedá o nás, aký sme, zanechá buď dobrý alebo naopak zlý dojem písanie textov a diktátov nás vedie k trvalému zapamätaniu si slovíčok učí nás tvorbu viet, slovosledu, gramatiky vedie nás k zdokonaľovaniu nášho prejavu ako takého 3

6 LISTENING Listening (počúvanie anglických nahrávok) je veľmi dôležitou časťou vzdelávania sa v cudzom jazyku. Prináša so sebou výhodu v podobe možnosti sledovania mnohých prízvukov, tempa reči, jej zrozumiteľnosti a použitých skratiek či výrazov. listening (počúvanie) vás trénuje porozumieť hovorenému slovu umožní vám porozumieť rôznym prízvukom či tempu reči naučí vás mnoho nových slovíčok, použitie gramatiky, fráz 4


8 TOURISM UNIT 71 WARM UP QUESTIONS 71.wq.1 Can you name at least three countries you have already visited during your holiday? Yes, I can name three countries I have already visited during my holiday, they re Which do you think are the top holiday destinations for the Slovaks? I think that the top holiday destinations for the Slovaks are Croatia, Turkey, Egypt Has Slovakia become more interesting for tourists in the last few years? Yes, I think Slovakia has become more interesting for tourists in the last few years. / No, I don t think Slovakia has become more interesting for tourists in the last few years. Are there any disadvantages connected to growing tourism in our country? If so, which? Yes, there are some/few/many disadvantages connected to growing tourism in our country, for example bad effects on the environment and nature, pollution Do you agree that the Americans are the world s worst tourists? Why or why not? Yes, I agree that the Americans are the world s worst tourists, because / No, I don t agree that the Americans are the world s worst tourists because 71.v.1 sightseeing pass by plenty of monument prehliadka pamätihodností / pamiatok prejsť okolo veľa pamätník, pamiatka When people do some sightseeing on their holiday, do they usually pass by many historical monuments? Yes, when people do some sightseeing on their holiday, they usually pass by many historical monuments. If you had to choose between a sightseeing tour and spending your time lying on the beach and swimming, which one would you choose? If I had to choose between a sightseeing tour and spending my time lying on the beach and swimming, I would choose Did you see plenty of monuments while you were walking to school today? Yes, I saw plenty of monuments while I was walking to school today. / No, I didn t see plenty of monuments while I was walking to school today. What, in your opinion, are the most significant monuments worth seeing in our capital city? In my opinion, the most significant monuments worth seeing in our capital city are Bratislava Castle, ruins of Devin Castle, Slavin, St. Martin s Cathedral 71.v.2 royal ruler crown cathedral kráľovský vládca, pravítko koruna, korunovať katedrála 6

9 TOURISM Unit 71 Is our country ruled by a royal family? No, our country isn t ruled by a royal family, but it is ruled by the president. Which famous queen was crowned in St. Martin s Cathedral in Bratislava? Maria Theresa was the famous queen who was crowned in St. Martin s Cathedral in Bratislava. What do you need if you want to draw a straight line? If I want to draw a straight line, I need a ruler and a pen/pencil. Do you pass by any cathedral on your way home? Yes, I pass by a cathedral on my way home. / No, I don t pass by any cathedral on my way home. Have you ever visited a royal palace? If so, in which country? Yes, I have visited a royal palace; it was in / No, I have never visited a royal palace. Can you think of a country where people use the crown as their currency? Yes, I can think of a country where people use the crown as their currency, for example Sweden, the Czech Republic... / No, I can t think of a country where people use the crown as their currency. Have you ever spent your holiday in a country that is ruled by a dictator? Yes, I have spent my holiday in a country that is ruled by a dictator. / No, I have never spent my holiday in a country that is ruled by a dictator. pity what/it s a pity tower temple ľútosť; ľutovať aká škoda (výraz sklamania) veža chrám 71.v.3 Do you think it would be a pity if you went to Paris and didn t visit the Eiffel Tower? Yes, I think it would be a pity if I went to Paris and didn t visit the Eiffel Tower. / No, I don t think it would be a pity if I went to Paris and didn t visit the Eiffel Tower. Which tower would you recommend a foreign tourist to visit if he was staying in Bratislava? I would recommend a foreign tourist to visit the tower Kamzik Television Tower or Tower if he was staying in Bratislava. Do you pity people who can t afford to travel on holiday? Yes, I pity people who can t afford to travel on holiday. / No, I don t pity people who can t afford to travel on holiday. Is it allowed to wear jeans or shorts while visiting temples on sightseeing tours? No, it isn t allowed to wear jeans or shorts while visiting temples on sightseeing tours. You should wear long trousers. Are there many temples in Slovakia? Yes, there are many temples in Slovakia. / No, there aren t many temples in Slovakia. entrance/ admission fee vstupné 71.v.4 7

10 TOURISM Unit qa.4 Are you usually willing to spend a lot of money on entrance fees to temples and cathedrals? Yes, I am usually willing to spend a lot of money on entrance fees to temples and cathedrals. / No, I m usually not willing to spend a lot of money on entrance fees to temples and cathedrals. Do you agree that they shouldn t charge admission in museums in our country? Yes, I agree that they shouldn t charge admission in museums in our country. / No, I don t agree they shouldn t charge admission in museums in our country because 71.v.5 crowd crowded dav ľudnaté, preplnené ľuďmi Do you think the big cities of the world are more crowded with tourists during summer than during winter? Yes, I think that the big cities of the world are more crowded with tourists during summer than during winter. Do you like being in a crowd? Yes, I like being in a crowd. / No, I don t like being in a crowd. 71.v.6 suntan sunburn suncream / sunscreen opálenie spálenina; spáliť sa (na slnku) krém na opaľovanie How can you get a deep suntan without getting sunburnt? I can get a deep suntan without getting by Have you ever got such a bad sunburn that you had to go to the emergency department in hospital? Yes, I have got such a bad sunburn that I had to go to the emergency department in hospital. / No, I have never got such a bad sunburn that I had to go to the emergency department in hospital. Do you always put on sunscreen between 11 am and 3 pm when you go out in summer? Yes, I always put on sunscreen between 11 am and 3 pm when I go out in summer. / No, I don t always put on sunscreen between 11 am and 3 pm when I go out in summer. 71.v.7 seasick homesick (feel) dizzy morská choroba túžiaci po domove mať závrate DEFINITION 71.def.1 The word homesick means that a person feels depressed because he misses his family, and friends when he is away from home. The word seasick means that a person feels dizzy while travelling on water. 8

11 TOURISM Unit 71 What does the word homesick mean? The word homesick means that a person feels depressed because he misses his family, home and friends while being away from home. What does the word seasick mean? The word seasick means that a person feels dizzy while travelling on water. Have you ever felt seasick and homesick at the same time? Yes, I have felt seasick and homesick at the same time. / No, I have never felt seasick and homesick at the same time, I felt only Does it make you feel dizzy when you look down from high buildings? Yes, it makes me feel dizzy when I look down from high buildings. / No, it doesn t make me feel dizzy when I look down from high buildings. Finland Finnish Switzerland Swiss Fínsko fínsky, Fín, fínština Švajčiarsko švajčiarsky, Švajčiar 71.v.8 What are the official languages of Switzerland? The official languages of Switzerland are German, French, Romansh and Italian. Which Swiss products are best known for their quality? The Swiss products which are best known for their quality are watches, knives, chocolate, cheese Did you meet any Finnish fans during the world ice-hockey world championship that took place in Slovakia? Yes, I met some/many Finnish fans during the world ice-hockey world championship that took place in Slovakia. What is the capital of Finland? Have you ever been there? The capital of Finland is Helsinki. Yes, I have been there. / No, I have never been there. What did he/she say? He/she said that the capital of Finland is/was Helsinki and that he/she had/hadn t been there. leisure snowstorm voľný čas snehová búrka 71.v.9 What kind of leisure activities can people do in mountain areas? The kind of leisure activities that people can do in mountain areas are skiing, skating, snowboarding in winter and hiking, mountain biking, in summer. What activities do you prefer doing in your leisure time? The activities that I prefer doing in my leisure time are Have you ever skied in a snowstorm? Yes, I have skied in a snowstorm. / No, I have never skied in a snowstorm. 9

12 TOURISM Unit v.10 resort slope lift kúpeľe, letovisko, stredisko svah výťah, vlek Based on your experience, which Slovak ski resort would you recommend a foreigner to visit if he was/were looking for excellent slopes as well as good accommodation services? Based on my experience, I would recommend a foreigner to visit Jasna, Donovaly if he was / were looking for excellent slopes as well as good accommodation services. Do you agree that the ski lift tickets in Slovak ski resorts should be cheaper than the ones in Austrian ski resorts? Why? Yes, I agree that the ski lift tickets in Slovak ski resort should be cheaper than the ones in Austrian ski resorts because the quality of services provided in Austria is higher than in Slovakia, / No, I don t agree that the lift tickets in Slovak ski resorts should be Is there a lift in the house where you live? Yes, there is a lift in the house where I live. / No, there isn t a lift in the house where I live. 71.v.11 apart from arrangement okrem, na rozdiel od dohoda DEFINITION 71.def.2 There are several ways to express the future in the English language. We have already learnt the expression going to and the auxiliary verbs shall, will. Apart from these two ways, we can also use the Present Simple tense and the Present Continuous tense to express the future. What is the basic difference between going to and will? The basic difference between going to and will is that we use going to for something that is planned and we use will for something that we decide to do at the moment of speaking. DEFINITION 71.def.3 We can use also the Present Simple and the Present Continuous tenses to express future actions as follows: When talking about schedules, timetables or official arrangements in the future, we use the Present Simple Tense. e.g.: The museum opens at 10 o clock tomorrow. The time when the museum opens is set in a fixed timetable that we cannot change. When talking about personal arrangements, we use the Present Continuous Tense. e.g. We are meeting at 6 o clock in front of the cinema. We have already planned and agreed the time of the meeting with someone else, it s our personal arrangement. 10

13 TOURISM Unit 71 What tenses can we use to express future actions besides will and going to? We can use the Present Simple and the Present Continuous Tense to express future actions besides will and going to. What is the difference in use between the Present Simple and the Present Continuous Tense for future actions? The difference in use between the Present Simple and the Present Continuous Tense for future actions is that we use the Present Simple for official arrangements that would be difficult to change, and we use the Present Continuous for personal arrangements. Translate this sentence: Zajtra večer idem s Jánom do kina. I m going to the cinema with Ján tomorrow evening. Translate this sentence: Autobus príde do Bratislavy o tretej poobede. The bus arrives in Bratislava at 3 pm. What are your arrangements for tonight? I m What time does your English lesson start next Monday/ Tuesday/? My English lesson starts at o clock next Monday/Tuesday/ Are you going home in about an hour? Yes, I m going home in about an hour. / No, I m not going home in about an hour, but I m going Does the lesson end in ten minutes? No, the lesson doesn t end in ten minutes, but it ends in Translate and choose another student to answer your question. QUESTION TIME 71.qt.1 Odchádza posledný autobus do Prahy pred polnocou? Does the last bus to Prague leave before midnight? Yes, the last bus to Prague leaves before midnight. / No, the last bus to Prague doesn t leave before midnight, but it leaves Čo robíš v piatok večer? What are you doing on Friday night? I m/i on Friday night. Kedy končí letný výpredaj, v piatok alebo v sobotu? When does the summer sale finish, on Friday or Saturday? The summer sale finishes on Plánujete si počas dovolenky vo Švajčiarsku pozrieť nejaké pamiatky? Are you going to do some sightseeing during your holiday in Switzerland? Yes, we are going to do some sightseeing during our holiday in Switzerland. / No, we aren t going to do sightseeing during our holiday in Switzerland. Myslíš, že sa tvoja manželka spáli prvý deň dovolenky ako minulý rok? Do you think that your wife will get sunburnt the first day of holiday like she did last year? Yes, I think my wife will get sunburnt the first day of holiday like she did last year. / No, I don t think my wife will get sunburnt the first day of holiday like she did last year. / I hope my wife won t get sunburnt 11

14 TOURISM Unit v.12 bother packed obťažovať (sa), vadiť, dať si námahu preplnený Does it bother you when cities are packed with tourists? Yes, it bothers me when cities are packed with tourists. / No, it doesn t bother me when cities are packed with tourists. Why do you bother to learn English? I bother to learn English because Is the word crowd the synonym of the word packed? No, the word crowd isn t the synonym of the word packed. The synonym of the word packed is the word crowded. Would you bother to answer a personal question asked by a stranger? Yes, I d bother to answer a personal question asked by a stranger. / No I wouldn t bother to answer a personal question asked by a stranger. 71.v.13 (to) sting stung stung (to) bite bit bitten bee pichnúť, bodnúť; štipnutie uhryznúť, poštípať; uhryznutie včela Do bees bite or sting? Bees sting. Can you give me an example of an animal that stings and one of an animal that bites? Yes, I can give you an example of both: the bee stings and the mosquito bites. Have you ever been bitten or stung by an exotic animal on your holiday? Yes, I have been bitten/stung by an exotic animal on my holiday. / No, I have never been bitten/stung by an exotic animal on my holiday. What did he/she say? He/She said that he/she had/had not been bitten/stung by an exotic animal on his/her holiday. Did you bite your nails when you were a child? No, I didn t bite my nails when I was a child. / Yes, I bit my nails when I was a child. 71.v.14 single/ double/ twin room full board/ half board bed and breakfast B&B jednoposteľová/dvojposteľová/dvojposteľová izba plná penzia/polpenzia nocľah s raňajkami (penzión) DEFINITION 71.def.5 The difference between a double room and a twin room is that there is one double bed in a double room and two separate single beds in a twin room. 12

15 TOURISM Unit 71 What is the difference between a single room, a double room, and a twin room? The difference between a single room, a double room, and a twin room is that there is one single bed in a single room, one double bed in a double room and two separate single beds in a twin room. What is the difference between full board and half board? The difference between full board and half board is that when you have full board, you get 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner), and when you have half board, you get 2 meals a day (breakfast and lunch or dinner). What type of accommodation do you recommend if I want to spend several days travelling and getting to know different towns and villages of the English countryside? If you want to spend several days travelling and getting to know different towns and villages of the English countryside, I recommend the bed and breakfast/hotel/hostel type of accommodation. leave a tip nechať sprepitné 71.v.15 Do you always leave a tip in a restaurant even if you are not satisfied with the services provided? Yes, I always leave a tip in a restaurant even if I m not satisfied with the services provided. / No, I don t always leave a tip; if I m not satisfied with the services provided, I don t leave a tip. What is the standard tip people usually leave in the restaurants in your country? The standard tip people usually leave in the restaurants in my country is between 5 and 10%. EXERCISE 71.e.1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Future Simple or going to. 1. The school term... on December 20th. (end) 2. I... this Saturday so we can go to the beach. (not work) 3. What time... the train from Košice...? (arrive) 4. A: Are John and Jack free after school? B: No, they... a football match. (play) 5. I need to be tidier. I... my bedroom every week. (clean) to drive next year? (you learn) 7. When... the doctor? (you see) 8. Hurry up! It s six o clock, and my bus... at 6:20. (leave) 9. If you go to bed early tonight, you... tired tomorrow evening. (not feel) with us tonight? (he comes) 13

16 TOURISM Unit 71 ADDITIONAL 71.av.1 survey to rank countryman reveal towel bathrobe multiple disaster prieskum zaradiť, hodnotiť krajan odhaliť uterák župan viacnásobný katastrofa READING 71.r.1 Students read the following story What do we know about tourists behaviour Our English language teacher told us that Americans are the worst-behaved travellers. She mentioned a survey of more than 5,000 respondents coming from English speaking countries. All the respondents rank Americans as the worst travellers from a list of 16 nationalities. Four in 10 U.S. survey-takers said they'd stolen something mostly towels and bathrobes. Other popular things taken included light bulbs, remote controls, Bibles and sheets. So Americans are not just rude when they travel, they're thieves, too. Other survey questions also revealed that Americans have less time off from work than other nationalities. Americans reported getting 17 days off, compared with 29 days for the Irish, 28 days for Australians, 24 days for U.K. workers; and 22 days for Canadians. More surprising is that American respondents said they'd visited at least one foreign country and a lot of them said they'd been to multiple foreign destinations. The most common travel disaster reported by Americans was lost luggage on an airline; bad weather; and getting lost. It is said that Disney World and Las Vegas are places which most Americans want to see. They were listed among the top 10. New York didn't even appear on the list. The top 10 dream destinations for Americans, according to the survey: 1. Great Barrier Reef, Australia 2. Eiffel Tower, Paris 3. Pyramids of Giza, Egypt 4. The Coliseum, Rome 5. Disney World, Florida 6. Las Vegas 7. Grand Canyon, Arizona 8. Buckingham Palace, London 9. Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy 10. Great Wall of China Questions and tasks 1. Ľudia ktorej národnosti sú najhoršími turistami? 2. Videl si niekedy nejakých amerických turistov na Slovensku? Ako sa správali? 3. Ktoré veci väčšinou kradnú Američania v hoteloch? 4. Ukradol si niekedy niečo z hotela, kde si trávil dovolenku? 5. Majú Slováci viac dní dovolenky ako Američania? 6. Translate: prieskum, zaradiť/hodnotiť, odhaliť, krajan, uterák, župan, katastrofa, viacnásobný. Use the words in sentences. 14

17 HEALTH PROBLEMS UNIT 72 What kind of aches may people suffer from? People may suffer from a headache, stomach-ache, toothache or earache. WARM UP QUESTIONS 72.wq.1 Is it healthy to take a pill every time you have a headache? No, it isn t healthy to take a pill every time I have a headache. Do you often feel a great pain in your knee when you run? Yes, I often feel a great pain in my knee when I run. / No, I don t often feel Which is more painful a cough or a sneeze? A cough is more painful than sneezing. What do people in English-speaking countries say when somebody sneezes? When somebody sneezes, people in English-speaking countries say, Bless you. Does a cold usually last longer than the flu? No, a cold doesn t usually last longer than the flu; the flu usually lasts longer. What s the difference between a wound and an injury? The difference between a wound and an injury is that a wound is usually caused by a gun or a knife and is typically caused by fights and wars and an injury is usually caused by accident. ankle shoulder sprain členok rameno vykrútiť 72.v.1 Have you ever sprained your ankle because you were running and trying to catch a bus? Yes, I have sprained my ankle because I was running and trying to catch a bus. / No, I have never sprained my ankle because I was running and trying to catch a bus. Would it be a good idea to put some ice and a bandage over a shoulder sprain? Yes, it would be a good idea to put some ice and a bandage over a shoulder sprain. Is a sprained ankle a wound or an injury? A sprained ankle is an injury because it is caused by accident. bruise fall off bump into modrina spadnúť z naraziť do 72.v.2 15

18 HEALTH PROBLEMS Unit qa.2 If you fell off a bike and hit your knee, what would you have on it? If I fell off a bike and hit my knee, I would have a bruise on it. Do cars often bump into each other on the roads of your country because their drivers aren t careful enough? Yes, cars often bump into each other on the roads of my country because their drivers aren t careful enough. Has it ever happened to you that you bumped into a street lamp or anything else while walking along the street? Yes, it has already happened to me that I bumped into a street lamp while walking along the street. / No, it hasn t happened to me yet that I bumped into DEFINITION 72.def.1 Notice that after the word while we used an -ing form: I bumped into a street lamp while walking along the street. It means, I bumped into a street lamp while I was walking along the street. After the words such as when, while, although and since we often use an -ing form without repeating the subject. Examples: I often cut my finger when cutting bread. I was listening to the radio while waiting in a traffic jam. I haven t heard of him since leaving school. Although listening carefully to the teacher, I didn t understand anything. Have you ever fallen off a horse while riding? Yes, I have fallen off a horse while riding. / No, I have never fallen off a horse while riding. Did you fall off your bed yesterday while sleeping? Yes, I fell off my bed yesterday while sleeping. / No, I didn t fall off my bed yesterday while sleeping. Translate the following sentences, please. Hoci som bol veľmi opatrný, narazil som do auta predo mnou. Although being very careful, I bumped into the car in front of me. Nebol som na letnej dovolenke, odkedy som stratil prácu. I haven t been on summer holiday since losing my job. Vždy rozmýšľam o dopravných katastrofách, keď sedím v preplnenom lietadle. I always think about travel disasters when sitting on a crowded/packed plane. Keď si obzeráš pamiatky, potrebuješ na to často veľa peňazí. When doing sightseeing, you often need a lot of money for it. 16

19 HEALTH PROBLEMS Unit 72 scar (make) progress thanks to jazva urobiť pokrok vďaka 72.v.3 Do scars sometimes have an interesting shape? Yes, scars sometimes have an interesting shape. What generally causes scars? causes scars. Have you made big progress in your English since coming to this school? Yes, I have made big progress in my English since coming to this school. / No, I haven t made big progress since Is it possible to make scars invisible thanks to the progress the medicine has made in the last few years? Yes, it is possible to make scars invisible thanks to the progress the medicine has made in the last few years. Ask him/her, please. Do you believe it s possible to recover from an illness only thanks to positive thinking? Yes, I believe, it s possible to recover from an illness only thanks to positive thinking. / No, I don t believe because it takes more than positive thinking. bleed vomit indigestion krvácať zvracať pokazený žalúdok, poruchy trávenia 72.v.4 When you cut yourself, what do you put over the cut to stop the bleeding? When I cut myself I put a plaster or a bandage over the cut to stop the bleeding. What are the symptoms of indigestion? The symptoms of indigestion are a stomach-ache, feeling sick/ vomiting, diarrhoea etc. Do you usually start feeling sick when you notice that someone is bleeding? Yes, I usually start feeling sick when I notice that someone is bleeding. / No, I don t start feeling sick when I notice someone is bleeding. Does blood make him/her sick? Yes, blood makes him/ her sick. / No, blood doesn t make him/her sick. What makes people vomit? Bad food, etc. make people vomit. disease contagious chicken-pox hepatitis liver choroba nákazlivý osýpky žltačka pečeň 72.v.5 17

20 HEALTH PROBLEMS Unit 72 DEFINITION 72.def.2 A disease is a kind of illness which is usually contagious, such as hepatitis, the flu or chicken-pox. What s a disease? A disease is a kind of illness which is usually contagious such as hepatitis, the flu or chicken-pox. Which human organ does hepatitis generally affect? Hepatitis generally affects liver. When somebody has chicken-pox, had you better avoid contact with him in case you haven t had this disease yet? Yes, when somebody has chicken-pox, you had better avoid contact with him in case you haven t had this disease yet. 72.v.6 pressure (high) blood pressure lower heart attack tlak (vysoký) krvný tlak znížiť; nižší srdcový infarkt What does it mean when somebody feels under pressure? When somebody feels under pressure, it usually means that he has very much work to do, and the time is short. What kind of advice does a doctor usually give to his patients in order to lower their blood pressure? The kind of advice a doctor gives to his patients in order to lower their blood pressure is Does it seem to you that more and more people die of heart attacks these days? Yes, it seems to me that more and more people die of heart attacks these days. 72.v.7 hangover prevent from cure opica (v súvislosti s alkoholom) predchádzať, zabrániť liek; vyliečiť If you were drinking too much alcohol tonight, how would you probably feel tomorrow morning? If I were drinking too much alcohol tonight, I would probably feel really bad tomorrow morning because I would have a hangover. What are the usual symptoms of a hangover? The usual symptoms of a hangover are a headache, a stomach-ache, thirst, tiredness, vomiting etc. Is a hangover a contagious disease? No, hangover isn t a contagious disease. Do you agree that the best cure for a hangover is to prevent it from happening? Yes, I agree that the best cure for a hangover is to prevent it from happening. / No, I don t agree that 18

21 HEALTH PROBLEMS Unit 72 How can we prevent a hangover? Can you give me any good tips? We can prevent a hangover by not drinking/ by eating an orange right after you wake up DEFINITION 72.def.3 With the names of illnesses we often use the verb have got instead of simple have. We also prefer to use have got for relationships or possession. For example: I ve got a hangover. I ve got a boyfriend. My boyfriend has got a nice car. However, we don t use have got for the past. For example: I had got a hangover yesterday morning. When do we prefer to use have got instead of have? We prefer to use have got instead of have for illnesses, relationships or possessions. Have you got chicken-pox? No, I haven t got chicken-pox. Have you got any valuable properties? Yes, I have got some valuable properties. / No, I haven t got any valuable properties. When was the last time you had a really terrible hangover? The last time I had a really terrible hangover was Translate the questions and choose another student to answer your question. QUESTION TIME 72.qt.1 Spadol si niekedy z koňa a vyvrtol si si tak zápästie? Have you ever fallen off a horse and sprained your wrist? Yes, I have already fallen off a horse and sprained my wrist. / No, I have never fallen off a horse and sprained my wrist. Ovplyvňuje prílišné pitie alkoholu tvoju pečeň? Does drinking too much alcohol affect your liver? Yes, drinking too much alcohol affects my liver. Ako môžeme zabrániť tomu, aby sme dostali nádchu? How can we prevent catching a cold? We can prevent catching a cold by Narazil si do iného auta, keď si pred hodinou parkoval to svoje? Did you bump into another car when parking yours before the lesson? Yes, I bumped into another car when parking mine before the lesson. Existuje nejaký liek, ktorý dokáže znížiť vysoký krvný tlak v priebehu jednej hodiny? Is there a cure which can lower high blood pressure within an hour? Yes, there is a cure which can lower high blood pressure within an hour. 19

22 HEALTH PROBLEMS Unit v.8 pregnant pregnancy give birth faint tehotná tehotenstvo porodiť omdlieť Are feeling dizzy and fainting the most common symptoms of pregnancy? Yes, feeling dizzy and fainting are the most common symptoms of pregnancy. / No, feeling dizzy What can make people faint? The kind of things that can make people faint are the heat, lack of liquids, waiting in a crowd, low blood pressure etc. How long does a pregnancy usually last? A pregnancy usually lasts 9 months. Do you know any woman who gave birth to twins? Yes, I know some woman / No, I don t know any woman What shouldn t a woman do when she is pregnant? When a woman is pregnant, she shouldn t drink alcohol, smoke, eat sushi, lift heavy things or be in contact with the people who have chicken-pox. 72.v.9 urine sample diagnosis injection moč vzorka diagnóza injekcia Can a urine sample help a doctor to identify the diagnosis of a patient? Yes, a urine sample can help a doctor to identify the diagnosis of a patient. When your doctor tells you that he will need your blood sample, do you get nervous, because you are afraid of injections? Yes, when my doctor tells me that he will need my blood sample, I get nervous, because I am afraid of injections./ No, when my... I don t get nervous, because I am not afraid of v.10 conscious unconscious consciousness conscience vedomý v bezvedomí vedomie svedomie Were you conscious of how much effort it would require when you decided to learn English? Yes, I was conscious of how much effort it would require when I decided to learn English. / No, I wasn t conscious of how much effort it would... Is it usually necessary to make a person unconscious before he/she has an operation in hospital? Yes, it is usually necessary to make a person unconscious before he/she has an operation in hospital. 20

23 HEALTH PROBLEMS Unit 72 Have you ever lost consciousness while being in a crowd of people? Yes, I have already lost consciousness while being in a crowd of people. / No, I have never lost... Would you have a clear conscience if I suddenly fainted and you didn t do anything to help me? No, I probably wouldn t have a clear conscience if you suddenly fainted and I didn t do anything to help you. Did you have a guilty conscience last time you did something really wrong or did you just try to forget about it? I had a guilty conscience last time I did something really wrong. / I didn t have a guilty conscience last time I did something really wrong, I just tried to forget about it. stress stressed (out) stressful consequence stres vystresovaný stresujúci následok, dôsledok 72.v qa.13 Are you conscious of the fact that the more stressed you are, the worse influence it might have on your health? Yes, I am conscious of the fact that the more stressed I am, the worse influence it might have on my health. What are the most probable consequences of living a stressful life? The most probable consequences of living a stressful life are different health problems, such as high blood pressure or being constantly nervous. When you have to make a phone call in English, do you usually feel relaxed or do you become really stressed (out)? Do you often have to make such phone calls? When I have to make a phone call in English, I usually feel relaxed/ I usually become really stressed (out) and I often have to make such phone calls. / I don t often have to make such phone calls. Can a memory loss be a consequence of a fall from the second floor of a building? Yes, a memory loss can be a consequence of a fall from the second floor of a building. At a doctor. Answer the doctor s questions. ROLE PLAY 72.rp.1 Student A You have a terrible stomach-ache. You have been having diarrhoea since Monday. You feel a great pain in your stomach every time you try to eat something. It makes you feel really sick. Tapescript A: Good morning. Please have a seat here. What s the problem?.... Do you have diarrhoea?.... Do you have any other symptoms?

24 HEALTH PROBLEMS Unit 72 You mean you feel sick?.... When did the symptoms start?.... All right. Please take off your shirt, please.... Just tell me if it hurts when I do this..... Okay. Let s hope it s just indigestion but we ll need to run some diagnostic tests to be sure. We ll run a blood test and we ll also need a urine sample..... Yes, I ll give you a prescription for indigestion tablets. Student B You have woken up with a fever. You also feel a pain in your throat when you cough; you sneeze and blow your nose a lot. You think you caught a cold two days ago while walking in the rain. At the end, don t forget to ask, how often you are supposed to take the pills the doctor prescribes. Tapescript B: Good morning. Well, how are we doing today?.... What happened? Did you forget to put on your socks?.... Do you have any other symptoms?.... Well, it s probably the flu. Does it hurt when you cough?.... I guess you have a sore throat, too..... All right. I will measure your body temperature and prescribe some antibiotics. You should be back in shape within a week..... Make sure you take one pill every eight hours. 22

25 HEALTH PROBLEMS Unit 72 Student C You fell off a tree you tried to climb. Your ankle hurts a lot. You are worried that it might be broken. Don t forget to ask how often you should apply the cream the doctor prescribes. Tapescript C: Good evening. Lie down over there, please..... Do you feel comfortable lying like this?.... And now tell me. What happened to your ankle?.... That doesn t sound good but don t worry. It doesn t have to be broken. Does it hurt when I touch it or when you move it like this?.... Your ankle is probably only twisted. However, we must run some further tests to be sure. Before we get the results, I ll prescribe you some cream..... Make sure you apply it at least once a day and cover it with a bandage afterwards. 23

26 AT THE AIRPORT UNIT 73 WARM UP QUESTIONS 73.wq.1 Is it better to book a flight in advance or to buy a plane ticket right at the airport? Why? It is better to book a flight in advance than to buy a ticket right at the airport because When you fly somewhere, how many hours before the departure time should you be at the airport? When I fly somewhere, I should be at the airport at least one hour before the departure time. Would they let you board the plane if you lost your boarding card? No, they wouldn t probably let me board the plane if I lost my boarding card. Do some people feel sick when a plane takes off or lands? Yes, some people feel sick when a plane takes off or lands. When your flight has been delayed or even cancelled because of bad weather conditions, can you complain to the airlines and ask for a refund? Yes, when my flight has been delayed or even cancelled because of bad weather conditions, I can complain to the airlines and ask for a refund./ No, when my flight has I cannot complain... Would you be hired as a steward (-ess) if you had a terrible fear of heights? No, I wouldn t be hired as a steward (-ess) if I had a terrible fear of heights. 73.v.1 single ticket return ticket convenient inconvenient jednosmerný lístok spiatočný lístok výhodný, vhodný, pohodlný evýhodný, nevhodný, nepohodlný What s the difference between a return ticket and a single ticket? The difference between a return ticket and a single ticket is that with a return ticket the passenger can travel to his destination and return back while with a single ticket he can travel just one way. Is it usually more convenient to buy one return ticket than two single tickets? Yes, it is usually more convenient to buy one return ticket than two single tickets. Are morning flights usually more convenient for you or do you prefer evening flights if possible? Explain your choice, please. Morning flights are more convenient for me because / I prefer evening flights over morning flights if possible because If you were looking for a flat to rent and found a really nice one for a convenient price but in a very inconvenient location, would you take it? If I was looking for a flat and found a really nice one for a convenient price but in a very inconvenient location, I would / wouldn t take it. 24

27 AT THE AIRPORT Unit 73 check-in desk e-ticket (electronic ticket) present [pri zent] present [ prez nt] check-in (na letisku) elektronický lístok ukázať, obdarovať dar; prítomný; prítomnosť 73.v.2 What kinds of documents do you usually have to present at the check-in desk at the airport? The kinds of documents I have to present at the check-in desk at the airport are my passport and a plane ticket, unless I have an electronic plane ticket. At present, do airlines rather sell e-tickets in order to be more environmentally friendly? Yes, at present airlines rather sell e-tickets in order to be more environmentally friendly. When you check-in early at the check-in desk, are you usually able to choose your seat? Yes, when I check-in early at the check-in desk, I am usually able to choose my seat. aisle excess baggage hand luggage ulička batožina s nadmernou hmotnosťou príručná batožina 73.v.3 If you were offered to choose a seat on a plane, would you rather choose a window or an aisle seat? Which seat do you consider more convenient? If I was offered to choose a seat on a plane, I would rather choose a because I consider it more convenient. What do you have to do, after they weigh your baggage at the check-in desk and find out it is too heavy? After they weigh my baggage at the check-in desk and find out it is too heavy, I have to pay extra. Have you already had to pay for excess baggage? Yes, I have already had to pay for excess baggage./ No, I haven t had to pay for excess baggage yet. How many pieces of hand luggage is it usually allowed to take on board? It is usually allowed to take pieces of hand luggage on board. Are passengers usually allowed to leave their hand luggage in the aisle during the flight? No, passengers aren t usually allowed to leave their luggage in the aisle during the flight. proceed security check/control departure lounge gate pokračovať, postupovať bezpečnostná kontrola odletová hala brána 73.v.4 What shouldn t you have in your hand luggage in order to pass an airport security check? I shouldn t have any liquids, cosmetics in larger containers, animals, sharp objects, etc. in my hand luggage in order to pass an airport security check. Where do you proceed after you have passed a security and a passport control at the airport? After I have passed a security and a passport control at the airport, I usually proceed to the departure lounge. 25

28 AT THE AIRPORT Unit 73 What do people usually do in a departure lounge while waiting for the gate to open? People usually surf the Internet, go shopping in a duty-free shops or they are just bored while waiting for the gate to open. Did you confuse the number of gate last time you flew somewhere? Yes, I confused the number of gate, last time I flew somewhere. / No, I didn t confuse the number of gate last time I flew somewhere. Will you proceed to the next level of this method after you pass the final test from this one? Yes, I will proceed to the next level after I pass the final test from this one. 73.v.5 crew cabin crew treat posádka, personál, obsluha posádka lietadla zaobchádzať s What kind of people do we call cabin crew? The kind of people we call cabin crew are stewards/flight attendants and pilots. If flight attendants treated you badly during the flight, would you complain to the airline company about their inappropriate behaviour? Yes, if flight attendants treated me badly during the flight, I would complain to the airline company about their inappropriate behaviour. / No, if flight attendants treated me badly during the flight, I wouldn t complain to the When a waiter treats you exceptionally well, do you leave him a bigger tip or do you always leave the same tip no matter how great the service is? Yes, when a waiter treats me exceptionally well, I leave him a bigger tip. / No, even if a waiter treats me exceptionally well, I don t leave a bigger tip because no matter how great the service is, I always leave the same tip. Do you think teachers should treat their students as friends or do you think they should maintain a certain professional distance? I think, teachers should treat their students as friends. / I think, teachers shouldn t treat their students as friends, but they should 73.v.6 customs declare colnica vyhlásiť, prehlásiť; precliť Do we have to go through customs even if we travel within the European Union? No, if we travel within the European Union, we don t have to go through customs. What kinds of things must be reported and declared at customs? The kinds of things which usually must be declared at customs are bigger amounts of alcohol, cigarettes, some local products etc. Would it be safe to fly to Germany if our country declared war against the whole Europe? No, it wouldn t be safe to fly to Germany if our country declared war against the whole Europe because Germany is a European country, so it would be dangerous. Have you ever declared your intentions to someone and then regretted it? Yes, I have already declared my intentions to someone and then regretted it. / No, I have never declared my 26

29 AT THE AIRPORT Unit 73 time zone jet-lag cope with časové pásmo pásmová choroba vysporiadať sa s 73.v.7 When you travel to a distant country, is it often difficult for you to adapt to the different time zone, that is do you suffer from jet-lag every now and again? Yes, when I travel to a distant country, it is often difficult for me to adapt to the different time zone, that is I suffer from jet-lag every now and again. / No, when I travel to a it isn t difficult that is I don t suffer from Is it possible to experience a day that is longer than 24 hours by travelling through different time zones? Yes, it is possible to experience a day that is longer than 24 hours by travelling through different time zones. What kind of symptoms does a jet-lagged person generally suffer from? A jet-lagged person generally suffers from tiredness, depression, diarrhoea etc. What is the best way to cope with jet-lag? The best way to cope with jet-lag is to try to stay awake during the day and get enough sleep at night and adapt your daily routine activities to the local time. DEFINITION 73.def.1 VERB + TO There are many verbs in English after which we can use another verb. However the other verb may be in different forms. Today, we will learn the verbs after which we must use to-infinitive. From the verbs you already know, we can use to-infinitive after these verbs: offer, decide, hope, promise, agree, refuse, forget, learn, fail, afford, plan, etc. Translate the sentences. EXERCISE 73.e.1 1. Nepodarilo sa mi kúpiť spiatočný lístok do Fínska Zvyčajne sa mi nepodarí prejsť bezpečnostnou kontrolou bez problémov Práve som sa rozhodol, že si vyberiem miesto pri uličke Koľko si mal rokov, keď si sa naučil šoférovať?

30 AT THE AIRPORT Unit Letuška sľúbila, že bude s pasažiermi zaobchádzať lepšie Nemohli sme si dovoliť čakať v odletovej hale dve hodiny, preto sme odmietli letieť Ponúkol sa, že ponesie moju príručnú batožinu a ja som súhlasila, že mu pomôžem s jeho domácou úlohou v.8 deserve manage zaslúžiť si zvládnuť, riadiť Do our political representatives deserve to get high salaries because their work matters very much? Yes, I think our political representatives deserve to get high salaries because their work matters very much. / No, I don t think our political because Do you think that you would be able to manage an international airline company if you passed all the necessary trainings? Yes, I think I would be able to manage an international airline company if I passed all the necessary trainings. / No, I don t think I would be able to manage an international airline company even if I passed all the necessary trainings. Did you manage to get the seat you wanted last time you flew somewhere? Yes, I managed to get the seat I wanted last time I flew somewhere. / No, I didn t manage to get the seat I wanted last time I flew somewhere. / I don t remember if I managed to get the seat I wanted last time I flew somewhere. Do you agree that there are certain types of criminals who deserve the death penalty? Yes, I agree that there are certain types of criminals who deserve the death penalty. / No, I don t agree that there are any types of criminals who deserve the death penalty; nobody deserves such a punishment. 73.v.9 pretend tend desperate predstierať mať tendenciu zúfalý On what occasions do people pretend emotions? People pretend emotions when they receive a present etc. Do desperate people sometimes tend to kill themselves? Yes, desperate people sometimes tend to kill themselves. Do you always understand everything the teacher says during the lesson or do you sometimes pretend to understand him/her? I always understand everything the teacher says during the lesson; I don t just pretend to understand him/her. / I don t always understand what the teacher says during the lesson and I sometimes pretend to understand him. 28

31 AT THE AIRPORT Unit 73 Do women tend to be more sensitive and cry a lot when they are pregnant? Yes, women tend to me more sensitive and cry a lot when they are pregnant. When you were a child, did you ever pretend to have stomach-ache in order not to have to go to school? Yes, when I was a child, I sometimes pretended to have stomach-ache in order not to have to go to school. / No, when I was a child, I never pretended to have in order not to have to claim arrange požadovať, nárokovať si, tvrdiť zariadiť, dohodnúť 73.v.10 Have you arranged to go sightseeing this summer? Yes, I have arranged to go sightseeing this summer. / No, I haven t arranged to go sightseeing this summer. If they accused you of hiding a bomb in your baggage at the airport, and you didn t know anything about it, would you claim not to have it there? If they accused me of hiding a bomb in my baggage at the airport, and I didn t know anything about it, I would claim not to have it there. In case you bought a laptop and found out it didn t work properly, would you claim a refund at the shop in which you had bought it? Yes, in case I bought a laptop and found out it didn t work properly, I would claim a refund at the shop in which I had bought it. Did parents use to arrange marriages for their children in the past? Yes, parents used to arrange marriages for their children in the past. Translate and choose another student to answer your question. QUESTION TIME 73.qt.1 Máš tendenciu dostávať závrat alebo dokonca aj omdlieť, keď stojíš v dave? Do you tend to feel dizzy or even faint when standing in a crowd? Yes, I tend to feel dizzy and sometimes I tend to faint when standing in a crowd. / No, I don t tend to feel dizzy nor faint when standing in a crowd. Dohodli sme sa, že pôjdeme po hodine na pohárik? Did we arrange to go for a drink after the lesson? Yes, we arranged to go for a drink after the lesson./ No, we didn t arrange to go for a drink after the lesson. Môžem pokračovať k bezpečnostnej kontrole alebo odo mňa ešte niečo potrebujete? May/can I proceed to the security control/check or do you need anything else from me? Yes, you can/may proceed to the security control/check as we don t need anything else from you. Keď sa rozhodnem niekde cestovať, odporúčaš mi kúpiť si jednosmerný alebo spiatočný lístok? When I decide to travel somewhere, do you recommend me to buy a single ticket or a return ticket? When you decide to travel somewhere, I definitely recommend you to buy a return ticket rather than a single ticket as a return ticket is usually much more convenient. Prečo si tvrdil, že si milionár, keď každý vie, že to nie je pravda? Why did you claim to be a millionaire when everybody knows you re not? I did not 29

32 AT THE AIRPORT Unit 73 Zvládol by si sa vysporiadať so svojím zlým svedomím, keby si podvádzal na skúške a dostal potom najlepšie hodnotenie v triede? Would you manage to cope with your bad conscience if you cheated in an exam and got the best mark in the class afterwards? Yes, I would manage to cope with my bad conscience if I cheated in an exam and got the best mark in the class afterwards. / No, I wouldn t manage to cope with I would eventually admit the cheat. EXERCISE 73.e.2 Match the words in British English with the words having the same meaning in American English. BRITISH ENGLISH single ticket return ticket city centre car park hand luggage elevator public toilet economy class timetable taxi AMERICAN ENGLISH parking lot carry-on baggage round-trip ticket schedule lift downtown coach class restroom one-way ticket cab CONVERSATION 73.c.1 Travelling 1. Do you like travelling? What do you enjoy about travelling? What don t you enjoy? 2. How often do you travel? What countries have you been to? 3. For what purpose do people travel? 4. What means of transport do you prefer? What are its advantages and disadvantages? 5. Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group of people? 6. What do you have to do after you arrive at the airport? Describe the whole procedure. 30

33 DINING UNIT 74 What kinds of fruit do you know? I know apples, pears, oranges, lemons, pineapple, plums, cherries, peaches, apricots, bananas, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries etc. What kinds of vegetables do you know? I know tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, peas, corn, garlic, onion, carrot, cabbage, broccoli, spinach etc. What kinds of meat do you know and what animal does each of them come from? I know chicken, pork, beef and lamb; pork comes from the pig, beef comes from the cow and lamb comes from the sheep. Do you realise that the price you pay for a meal in a restaurant includes the price for food as well as a certain service charge? Yes, I realise that the price I pay for a meal in a restaurant includes the price for food as well as a certain service charge. / No, I don t realise that Have you ever been to a restaurant where you had to wait for several minutes before they seated you? Yes, I have already been to a restaurant where I had to wait for several minutes before they seated me./ No, I have never been to a restaurant... When you order some kind of meat as a main course, do you prefer to have it with rice, potatoes, chips or anything else? When I order some kind of meat as a main course, I prefer to have it with dine buffet fancy jesť, stravovať sa bufet, švédske stoly prepychový, módny 74.v.1 Have you ever been dining in such a fancy restaurant that you were supposed to be dressed formally? Yes, I have been dining in such a fancy restaurant that I was supposed to be dressed formally. / No, I have never been dining in What is a buffet? A buffet is a system of serving meals in which food is placed on the tables and the diners usually help themselves. When dining in a hotel restaurant, do you prefer to be served by a waiter or to help yourself to the food? When dining in a hotel restaurant, I prefer to be served by a waiter over helping myself to the food. Did you decide to go dining out last time you opened your fridge and found out it was completely empty? Yes, I decided to go dining out last time I opened my fridge and found out it was completely empty. / No, I didn t decide to go dining out last time I opened my fridge and found out it was completely empty. 31

34 DINING Unit v.2 delicious sour bitter spicy chutný kyslý horký, trpký štipľavý, korenistý Which of the following tastes do you consider to be the most delicious: sour, spicy, bitter, sweet or salty? I consider taste to be the most delicious. Do you agree that fancy meal doesn t always have to be more delicious than a meal prepared in an average restaurant? Yes, I agree that fancy meal doesn t always have to be more delicious than a meal prepared in an average restaurant,/ No, I don t agree that... because I think... Have you ever put so much lemon in your tea and made it so sour that you weren t able to drink it up afterwards? Yes, I have already put so much lemon in my tea and made it so sour that I wasn t able to drink it up afterwards. / No, I have never put so much lemon in Have you already heard that they now produce coffee which is not only bitter but also a little spicy? Would you like to try it? Yes, I have already heard that they now produce coffee which is not only bitter but also a little spicy and I would/wouldn t like to try it. / No, I haven t heard yet that they now produce DEFINITION 74.def.1 The word bitter doesn t always have to relate to the taste of food. It can be used in phrases like: bitter disappointment, bitter mood etc. Why do you think old people tend to be more often bitter than younger people? I think old people tend to be more often bitter than younger people because they have experienced more unpleasant life situations and that has changed their view of life 74.v.3 otherwise vinegar inak, v opačnom prípade ocot Could you give me an example of a recipe in which it is necessary to use vinegar otherwise the meal wouldn t be good enough? Yes, I can give you an example of a recipe in which it is necessary to use vinegar otherwise the meal wouldn t be good enough, it s a recipe for for example./ No, I cannot give you an example Do you have to write all the new words down because otherwise you forget them? Yes, I have to write / No, I don t have to write 32

35 DINING Unit 74 Would you rather order a vegetable salad with vinegar or olive oil on top? What kinds of vegetables would you like to have in it? I would rather order a vegetable salad with on top and I would like to have in it. flavour cream whipped cream ice cream príchuť, aróma; ochutiť krém, smotana šľahačka zmrzlina 74.v.4 When it s a hot summer day and you want to have some ice cream do you usually choose sour or sweet flavours? When it s a hot summer day and I want to have some ice cream I usually choose sour/sweet flavours. Should we avoid eating ice cream with chocolate and a lot of whipped cream in case we want to lose some weight? Yes, we should avoid eating ice cream with chocolate and a lot of whipped cream in case we want to lose some weight. When cooking, do you try to use as little spice as possible because you think that it s not really good for your stomach? Yes, when cooking, I try to use as little spice as possible because I think that it s not really good for my stomach. / No, when cooking, I don t try to use because Did the women in the old days have a chance to use an anti-wrinkle cream in order to avoid having wrinkles at higher age? No, the women in the old days didn t have a chance to use an anti-wrinkle cream to avoid having wrinkles at higher age. chips (BrE) = (French) fries (AmE) crisps (BrE) = chips (AmE) mashed potatoes peel hranolky čipsy zemiaková kaša šúpať 74.v.5 Do they serve hamburgers with mashed potatoes in a popular fast food chain in your country? No, they don t serve hamburgers with mashed potatoes in a popular fast food chain in our country but they serve hamburgers with (French) fries/ chips. Is it right that sour cream and onion is your favourite flavour of crisps/ chips? Yes, it s right. Sour cream and onion is really my favourite flavour of chips/crisps./ No, it isn t right that sour cream and onion is my favourite flavour of chips because my favourite flavour of chips is... How many potatoes would you have to peel if you wanted to prepare mashed potatoes for your whole family? If I wanted to prepare mashed potatoes for my whole family, I would have to peel about lettuce cauliflower bean lentil hlávkový šalát karfiol fazuľa šošovica 74.v.6 33

36 DINING Unit qa.8 Do you think that the salad made from lettuce, cauliflower and beans with a little vinegar on top would taste delicious? Yes, I think that the salad made from lettuce, cauliflower and beans with a little vinegar on top would taste delicious. / No, I don t think that the salad made from would taste delicious. Is it a custom in your family to cook and have lentil soup on Christmas Eve or do you have another kind of soup instead? Yes, it is a custom in my family to cook and have lentil soup on Christmas Eve. / No, it isn t a custom in my family to cook and have lentil soup on Christmas Eve but we have soup instead. What human organ does a cauliflower remind you of? A cauliflower reminds me of a human brain. DEFINITION 74.def.2 verb + object + to Now we will learn some more words after which we can use to-infinitive. However, with these verbs we can also use the object which we put in the middle; that is between the verb and to-infinitive. These verbs are ask, tell, help, expect, order (prikázať), invite, force, persuade, teach, remind, would like or would prefer etc. Here are some examples which will help you to understand how this construction actually works: Požiadal ma, aby som mu pomohol. He asked + me + to help him. Očakávame, že Dan kúpi karfiol. We expect + Dan + to buy a cauliflower. Chcel by som, aby bol svet lepší. I would like + the world + to be better. Nechcem, aby to Peter vedel. I don t want + Peter + to know. EXERCISE 74.e.1 Translate the sentences using the construction verb + object + to 1. Naši noví susedia nás pozvali, aby sme prišli a dali si spolu šálku kávy Pripomenula si svojmu bratovi, aby kúpil ocot a šošovicu? Rodičia zvyčajne chcú, aby sa ich deti správali v reštaurácii slušne, najmä v prepychovej reštaurácii Nikdy by som od neho neočakávala, že ma naučí šoférovať Chceš, aby som ti požičala nejaké peniaze?

37 DINING Unit Nechcem, aby mi moji rodičia stále hovorili, čo mám robiť Chceli by ste, aby čašník priniesol nejakú zmrzlinu pre vaše deti? Nepodarilo sa mi presvedčiť ho, aby sa s ňou rozisšiel..... beg warn žobrať, veľmi prosiť varovať 74.v.7 If you knew of a very bad restaurant in this town, would you warn me not to go there? Yes, if I knew of a very bad restaurant in this town, I would warn you not to go there. If you failed an exam, would you beg me to give you a second chance? Yes, if I failed an exam, I would beg you to give me a second chance. / No, if I failed an exam, I wouldn t beg you to give me a second Do the homeless beg on the streets of your town? Yes, the homeless beg on the streets of my town. encourage enable povzbudiť umožniť 74.v.8 If your friend was going through a hard time and was feeling really desperate, would you try to encourage him? Yes, if my friend was going through a hard time and was feeling really desperate, I would try to encourage him. Is it right that cars enable people to get everywhere they want more easily? Yes, it s right that cars enable people to get everywhere they want more easily. raw (un)ripe surový (ne)zrelý 74.v.9 Has it ever happened to you, that you were given a half raw piece of meat in a restaurant and so you had to complain to the waiter about it? Yes, it has already happened to me that I was given a half raw piece of meat in a restaurant and so I had to complain to the waiter about it. / No, it has never happened to me that Can you think of any kind of fruit which you like to eat even though it isn t ripe? Yes, I can think of some kind of fruit which I like to eat even though it isn t ripe, for example, I like eating unripe / No, I cannot think of any kind of fruits which I like to 35

38 DINING Unit v.10 rot rotten spoil spoilt spoilt hniť zhnitý pokaziť, rozmaznať What happens to a vegetable when you leave it somewhere in the heat for too long? When I leave a vegetable somewhere in the heat for too long, it probably rots after a few days. Does a rotten egg sink or float in water? A rotten egg floats in water. Do you agree that too much salt and spice spoil the meal? Yes, I agree / No, I don t agree Do parents tend to spoil their only child? Yes, parents tend to spoil their only child. 74.v.11 chewing gum chew swallow burp žuvačka žuť prehltnúť grgať How does a mother burp her baby after feeding? A mother burps her baby after feeding by hitting it gently on the back. Why does she have to do it? If you were having a romantic dinner in a fancy restaurant, would it bother you if someone in the restaurant was chewing and burping very loudly or would you just ignore it? If I were having a romantic dinner in a fancy restaurant, it would bother me if someone in the restaurant was chewing and burping very loudly, I wouldn t be able to ignore it. / If I were having a it wouldn t bother me if, but I would just ignore it. Does it sometimes happen to you that you accidentally swallow a chewing gum without even realising it? Yes, it sometimes happens to me that I accidentally swallow a chewing gum without even realising it. / No, it doesn t happen to me Did you know that burping at the dinner table is considered polite in some cultures of the world? Yes, I knew that burping at the dinner table is considered polite in some cultures of the world. / No, I didn t know that burping at the dinner table is considered polite in some countries of the world. Do small children tend to chew and swallow small objects? Yes, small children tend to chew and swallow small object sometimes. 74.v.12 salmon tuna carp trout losos tuniak kapor pstruh 36

39 DINING Unit 74 CONVERSATION 74.c.1 Imagine that we are at a restaurant now, one of you is going to be a waiter and one of you is going to be a customer. You would like to order some fish for your lunch. Ask what the waiter can recommend (fish, sauce, side dish...) A: Excuse me, what kinds of fish do you serve in your restaurant? B: We serve four kinds of fish: salmon, tuna, carp and trout. Would you like some, sir/ madam? A: Yes, I ll have... please. And does the fish come with any kind of sauce? What do you serve it with? B: Yes, it comes with your choice of lemon, apple or garlic sauce. Which would you like? A: I ll have... please B: Is there anything else I can bring you? A:... steak rare steak zriedkavý, ojedinelý 74.v.13 DEFINITION 74.def.3 Steak can be prepared rare, medium-rare, medium or well-done. Rare steak has been cooked for only a short time and is red inside, and well-done steak is a steak that has been completely cooked. You would like to order some steak for your lunch. Ask the waiter which side dish he would recommend. CONVERSATION 74.c.2 A: I ll have a steak, please. B: Certainly. How would you like your steak, sir/ madam? A: Rare/ medium-rare/ medium/ well-done please. B: The steak is served with vegetable and your choice of mashed potatoes or chips. What can I bring you? A: Which side dish would you recommend me? B: I would recommend our mashed potatoes. They are really delicious. A: Ok, I ll have the mashed potatoes then. sparkling water still water straw perlivá voda neperlivá voda slama, slamka 74.v.14 You would like to order a glass of mineral water. CONVERSATION 74.c.3 A: Would you like something to drink? B: Yes, I would like a glass of mineral water please. A: Sparkling or still? B: Sparkling/ Still please. A: Would you like some ice in it? B: Yes, please./ No, thank you. Could I get a straw please? A: Certainly, I ll be right back. 37

40 DINING Unit 74 EXERCISE 74.e.2 Complete each second sentence so that the meaning is similar to the first sentence. 1. I was surprised that it rained. I didn t I think you should know the truth. I want you Don t let me forget to phone my sister. Remind At first I didn t want to apply for the job but Sarah persuaded me. Sarah persuaded I was told I shouldn t believe everything he says. I was When you have comfortable shoes, you are able to walk for hours. Comfortable shoes I wasn t sure if it was a good idea to start learning English but Peter encouraged me. Peter encouraged me I think you should repeat what you have just said. I... repeat what you have just said. ROLE PLAY 74.rp.1 At the restaurant. Student A You work as a waiter at a fancy restaurant. Welcome the guests, hand out the menus, and ask if you can get them something to drink. Give them some time to decide what they will have. Other students You are a group of people who have arrived at a restaurant. After you are seated, order something to drink and then have a look at the menu. Choose what you would like to have for dinner, each student should choose at least three meals. If you don t understand something in the menu, ask somebody from the group to explain it. 38

41 DINING Unit 74 RESTAURANT MENU STARTERS Fruit salad... 3,50 Seasonal vegetable salad... 2,50 Mushrooms and smoked bacon in a cream sauce... 4,00 Homemade garlic bread with cheese... 2,00 SOUPS Cabbage soup with potatoes and sausage... 3,00 Chicken soup with homemade noodles... 2,20 Creamy vegetable soup... 3,00 Soup of the day... 2,00 MAIN COURSES Lemon- grilled chicken breast... 6,30 Beef steak with caramelized onion in a sauce of your choice... 15,50 cream/ tomato/ herb/ garlic Roast pork fillet with apple sauce... 8,20 Pan fried trout with spinach... 10,50 Salmon steak in white wine and tomato sauce... 12,00 Fried cauliflower with tatar sauce... 5,50 SIDES boiled potatoes... 2,00 mashed potatoes... 2,50 baked potato served with sour cream on top... 2,50 chips... 2,00 rice... 1,50 fried rice... 2,50 flavoured rice... 3,00 spinach/ peas/ corn DESSERTS Pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream on top... 4,50 Fresh fruit salad with ice cream... 4,00 Selection of cheeses with homemade bread... 4,00 Chocolate cake... 2,50 Apple pie... 2,5 39

42 EVERYDAY ACCIDENTS UNIT 75 WARM UP QUESTIONS 75.wq.1 What would probably happen if you started to think about something while pouring water into a glass? If I started to think about something while pouring water into a glass, the water would probably spill. Do you have any machines in your household that break down every now and again? Yes, I have some machines in my household that break down every now and again. / No, I don t have any machines in my household that break down every now and again, all the machines in my household work perfectly good. Do you get angry when you are somewhere out looking for a bathroom and all the public toilets are out of order? Yes, I get angry when I am somewhere out looking for a bathroom and all the public toilets are out of order. If you heard your neighbour shouting: Fire! Fire!, what would it mean and what would you probably do about it? If I heard my neighbour shouting: Fire! Fire!, it would mean that his house was on fire and I would probably call for firemen. Do you agree that once a person starts using a dishwasher, he may never want to do the dishes in the ordinary way? Yes, I agree that once a person starts using a dishwasher, he may never want to do the dishes in the ordinary way. / No, I don t agree that once a person... Do the people in your country believe that seven years of bad luck are the consequence of a broken mirror? Yes, some people in our country believe that seven years of bad luck are the consequence of a broken mirror. 75.v.1 run short of run out of ATM (machine) offence mať nedostatok (niečoho) spotrebovať niečo bankomat priestupok, urážka DEFINITION 75.def.1 def.2 If you run short of petrol, it means that you don t have much petrol left, so you should find a petrol station as soon as possible. However, when you run out of petrol, you have no petrol left and you will probably have to push your car to the nearest petrol station. What do people look for when they are somewhere out running short of cash? When people are somewhere out running short of cash, they usually look for an ATM machine. 40

43 EVERYDAY ACCIDENTS Unit 75 Does it happen to some people that they forget to take their card back after they withdraw money from an ATM? Yes, it happens to some people that they forget to take their card back after they withdraw money from an ATM. Does it happen very often that you run out of hot water when taking a shower? Yes, it happens very / No, it run out hot water when taking a shower. Did you know that running out of petrol on a motorway can be considered (as) a traffic offence in some countries? Yes, I knew that running out of petrol on a motorway can be considered (as) an offence in some countries. / No, I didn t know that running out of petrol on a motorway can be Do the people in your country get arrested after committing a traffic offence? No, the people in our country don t get arrested after committing a traffic offence, but they usually have to pay a fine. leak flood do the laundry presakovať, trhlina zaplaviť, potopa prať 75.v.2 Would you be able to fix a leak in the roof of your house yourself or would you have to ask someone to help you? Yes, I would be able to fix a leak in the roof of my house myself, I wouldn t have to ask anyone to help me. / No, I wouldn t be able to fix a leak in the roof of my house myself, but I would have to ask someone to help me. Have you ever flooded your bathroom while doing the laundry? If so, what did you do afterwards? Yes, I have already flooded my bathroom while doing the laundry. Then I had to mop the floor, apologise to my neighbours because I flooded their flat as well, etc. If you were on a ship at sea and found out it was leaking, would you hurry and tell the captain about it or would you just panic? If I were on a ship at sea and found out it was leaking, I would hurry and tell the captain about it/ I would just panic. Is there any way how we can prevent floods as natural disasters? Yes, there is a way how we can prevent floods as natural disasters; we can plant trees around the rivers etc. wipe remove stain utrieť odstrániť škvrna, pošpiniť 75.v.3 When you pour liquid into a glass and accidentally spill some on the table, what do you have to do? When I pour liquid into a glass and accidentally spill some on the table, I have to wipe it, unless I want the table to be dirty. Did you use to stain your clothes when you were a child? Yes, I used to When you want to remove a stain from your laundry, do you usually use common household products or do you rather buy some stain remover at the chemist s? 41

44 EVERYDAY ACCIDENTS Unit 75 When I want to remove a stain from my laundry, I usually use common household products/ I rather buy some stain remover at the chemist s. Translate: Jej nové šaty boli pošpinené kávou. Her new dress was stained with coffee. 75.v.4 eventually fall over slip napokon prevrátiť (sa), spadnúť pošmyknúť sa Do you believe that when people try hard to get something, they eventually succeed in getting it? Yes, I believe that when people try hard to get something, they eventually succeed in getting it. / No, I don t believe that when people try hard to get something, they eventually succeed in getting it because it is not a thing of trying, but Do you think that you had fallen over many times before you eventually managed to learn to walk? Yes, I think I had fallen over many times before I eventually managed to learn to walk. Have you ever slipped on a banana skin, fallen over and twisted your ankle? Yes, I have already slipped on a banana skin, fallen over and twisted my ankle. 75.v.5 drown choke (on sth.) utopiť sa dusiť sa (niečím) Can you guess how many people might have drowned when the Titanic sank in 1912? Yes, I can guess how many people might have drowned when the Titanic sank in 1912, it might have been about... people. (In fact, about 1500 people drowned.) What is the danger of swallowing a chewing gum? The danger of swallowing a chewing gum is that you can easily start choking on it. Have you ever heard such a good joke that you even started to choke while laughing at it? Yes, I have already heard such a good joke that I even started to choke while laughing at it. / No, I haven t heard such a good joke yet, that I started to choke while laughing at it. In your opinion, is it possible for a person to flood a bathroom and drown in it afterwards? Yes, in my opinion, it is possible for a person to flood a bathroom and drown in it afterwards. / No, in my opinion, it isn t v.6 scratch ruin (po)škrabať, škrabanec zničiť Why are people always forbidden to touch paintings in galleries? People are always forbidden to touch paintings in galleries because they might scratch them or ruin them somehow. 42

45 EVERYDAY ACCIDENTS Unit 75 Can visible scratches on furniture lower its value? Yes, visible scratches on furniture can lower its value. DEFINITION 75.def.2 In English we can often say that something was made from scratch. This expression means that something was made from the very beginning or that you have to do everything yourself. For example: He now has a very successful business but he started from scratch. Did you start learning English from scratch at this school or had you already known anything before you came here? I started learning English from scratch at this school; I hadn t known anything before I came here./ I didn t start learning English from scratch at this school, I had already known something before I came here. How long would it take you to build a house if you had to start from scratch? It would take me awkward trápny, nešikovný 75.v.7 DEFINITION 75.def.3 We can use the word awkward in many ways, such as: 1. awkward dancer lacking skill, 2. awkward moment embarrassing, 3. feeling awkward embarrassed, 4. awkward situation/ customer difficult to deal with etc. How would you describe an awkward person? An awkward person is someone who keeps dropping, breaking, spilling and running things. DEFINITION 75.def.4 VERB + ING There are some verbs in English after which we must use the Gerund; that is the ING form. These verbs are: enjoy, delay, stop, suggest, imagine, keep (on), finish, avoid, risk, consider (uvažovať, zvažovať), etc. We also use the -ING form after the following verbs: admit deny priznať, pripustiť poprieť 75.v.8 If you ruined someone s chances of getting a job, would you admit it? If I ruined 43

46 EVERYDAY ACCIDENTS Unit 75 Did you always admit making a mistake when you were conscious of it? Yes, I always admitted making a mistake when I was conscious of it. / No, I didn t always admit making a mistake even when I was conscious of it. Do people sometimes have to deny being religious to prevent themselves from getting into conflicts? Yes, people sometimes have to deny being religious to prevent themselves from getting into conflicts. When arguing with someone, do you ever admit that the other person might be partly right despite the fact that your opinion on the matter is different? Yes, when arguing with someone, I sometimes admit that the other person might be partly right despite the fact that my opinion on the matter is different./ No, when arguing with someone, I never admit the other v.9 fancy postpone predstavovať si = chcieť niečo robiť odložiť, presunúť (v čase) Would you fancy being someone else for a few days? Yes, I would fancy being someone else for a few days./ No, I would not fancy being someone else for a few days. What does it mean when they postpone a meeting? When they postpone a meeting, it means that the meeting will take place later than it was originally planned. EXERCISE 75.e.1 Translate the sentences. 1. Rozumiem, že Jana nechce riskovať, že ho stratí, ale napokon bude musieť priznať pravdu Pred týždňom sme vytopili byt našich susedov a zničili celú ich kúpeľňu Uvažujem, že si dám šošovicovú polievku a zeleninový šalát ako predjedlo Dedova pamäť sa zhoršuje, stále zabúda veci. (keep) Neviem si predstaviť, že Juraj pracuje na colnici. (imagine) Keď som bol mladší, predstavoval som si, že bývam v dome s veľkou záhradou a bazénom. (fancy) Museli odložiť dovolenku, lebo ich syn bol stále v bezvedomí

47 EVERYDAY ACCIDENTS Unit Pošmykol sa na mokrej dlážke a vyvrtol si členok Prehltol som celý kúsok lososa a začal som sa ním dusiť Moja mama navrhla odstrániť škvrnu na koberci pomocou octu..... cut off odpojiť 75.v.10 What would probably happen if you postponed paying your electricity bills for months? If I postponed paying my electricity bills for months, they would probably cut off the electricity supply. mind object vadiť, prekážať namietať 75.v.11 DEFINITION 75.def.5 The verb to mind has many different meanings. However, one of the most common meanings of the verb to mind is to object. After the verb mind we always use the ING form. If I asked you to help me with moving furniture, would you mind helping me? Yes, if you asked me to help you with moving furniture, I would mind helping you./ No, if you asked me to help you with moving furniture, I wouldn t mind helping you. DEFINITION 75.def.6 In polite requests, we can use the verb mind either with the verb do or would. For example: Do you mind closing the door? Would you mind closing the door? Translate the following requests using the verb mind please. Mohli by ste mi pomôcť? Would/Do you mind helping me? 45

48 EVERYDAY ACCIDENTS Unit 75 Mohli by ste mi poradiť? Would/ Do you mind giving me some advice/ advising me? Mohli by ste prestať fajčiť? Would/ Do you mind not smoking? DEFINITION 75.def.7 There are also verbs in English after which we can use either to-infinitive or the ING form, and the difference in meaning is very little or even none. The following verbs can be followed by ING form or to (infinitive): begin, start, continue, intend, bother, like, prefer, hate. QUESTION TIME 75.qt.1 Translate the questions in both ways possible and choose another student to answer your question. Kedy si začal študovať na tejto škole? When did you begin to study/ studying at this school? I began to study/ studying at this school Budeš pokračovať v počúvaní učiteľa, kým hodina neskončí? Will you continue to listen to/ listening to the teacher until the lesson is over? Yes, I will continue to listen to/ listening to the teacher until the lesson is over. Máš v úmysle prať, potom čo dnes večer prídeš domov? Do you intend to do/ doing the laundry, after you arrive home tonight? Yes, I intend to do/ doing the laundry, after I arrive home tonight. / No, I don t intend Obťažuješ sa zavolať svojej rodine a priateľom, keď si na dovolenke? Do you bother to call/ calling your family and friends when you are on holiday? Yes, I bother to call/ calling my family and friends when I am on holiday. / No, I don t bother Uprednostňuješ piť perlivú alebo neperlivú vodu? Do you prefer to drink/ drinking sparkling or still water? I prefer to drink/ drinking DEFINITION 75.def.8 After some verbs in English, we can use to (infinitive) or the ING form but both constructions have different meanings. regret I regret lying to her. I have already lied to her and now I regret it. I regret to lie to her. I am sorry that I will have to lie to her. If you lent money to your friend and he didn t return it, would you regret lending it or to lend it? Yes, if I lent money to my friend and he didn t return it, I would regret lending it. Translate: Ľutujem, že mu budem musieť povedať pravdu. I regret to tell him the truth. 46

49 EVERYDAY ACCIDENTS Unit 75 remember I remember closing the door. I remember that I closed the door. I remembered to close the door. I remembered that I had to close the door and I closed it. Do you remember attending kindergarten or to attend kindergarten? I remember attending kindergarten. Translate: Spomenul som si, že mám zamknúť predné dvere, keď som dnes večer odchádzal z domu. I remembered to lock the front door when leaving home this morning. stop I stopped smoking. I stopped to smoke. I quit smoking, I don t smoke anymore. I stopped in order to take a break and smoke. Which is more difficult to do - to stop smoking or to stop to smoke? It is more difficult to stop smoking than to stop to smoke. Translate: Rozhodol som sa prestať šoférovať, lebo som zapríčinil príliš veľa dopravných nehôd. I decided to stop driving because I (had) caused too many car accidents. It was a nice summer day. John got up, got dressed, went to the kitchen and opened the fridge WRITING 75.w.1 Complete the story using the following words (try to use at least 5 words): admit, regret, run out of, scratch, awkward, stain, leak, eventually

50 EVERYDAY ACCIDENTS Unit 75 EXERCISE 75.e.2 Put the verbs in the right part of the circles. mind bother refuse decide admit warn enable suggest begin finish encourage expect afford enjoy prefer regret force promise learn remember keep deny offer risk fancy manage consider stop avoid start imagine continue deserve fail arrange intend forget plan postpone persuade remind 48

51 LIFESTYLE UNIT 76 exciting excited busy peaceful lead led led vzrušujúci vzrušený, rozrušený, nadšený zaneprázdnený pokojný viesť, byť na čele 76.v.1 Do you think that the way of life nowadays is more peaceful than in the past? Yes, I think that the way of life nowadays is more peaceful than in the past. / No, I don t think that the way of life nowadays is more peaceful than in the past, but I think it is more stressful. Do you know anybody who leads an exciting life full of adventure? Yes, I know somebody who leads an exciting life full of adventure. / No, I don t know anybody who leads an exciting life full of adventure. Do you agree that leading a company is a stressful job where a person is very busy most of the time with almost no free time? Yes, I agree that leading a company is a stressful job where a person is very busy most of the time with almost no free time. / No, I don t agree that leading a company is a stressful job where a person is very busy most of the time with almost no free time. Would you be excited if you had a job like that? Yes, I would be excited if I had a job like that. / No, I wouldn t be excited if I had a job like that but I would be Which of these words describes your life best exciting, busy, peaceful or stressful? The word that describes my life best is / None of these words describes my life well; my life is relaxing energetic reflect attitude uvoľňujúci, odpočinkový energický, aktívny odrážať, odzrkadlovať postoj, prístup, stanovisko 76.v.2 Does your lifestyle reflect your values and attitudes? Yes, my lifestyle reflects my values and attitudes. / No, my lifestyle doesn t reflect my values and attitudes. Do the colours you wear usually reflect your mood? Yes, the colours I wear usually reflect my mood. / No, the colours I wear don t usually reflect my mood. Is your life usually more relaxing in summer than in other seasons? Yes, my life is usually more relaxing in summer than in other seasons. / No, my life isn t usually more relaxing in summer than in other seasons. Would you describe yourself as an energetic person? Why? Yes, I would describe myself as an energetic person because I / No, I wouldn t describe myself as an energetic person because I 49

52 LIFESTYLE Unit 76 Do you agree that positive thinking and attitude to life can improve a person s life? Yes, I agree that positive thinking and attitude to life can improve a person s life. / No, I don t agree that positive thinking and attitude to life can improve a person s life. Has anything important happened in your life that changed your attitude to other people? Yes, something important has happened in my life that changed my attitude to other people. / No, nothing important has happened in my life that changed my attitude to other people. 76.v.3 mental depression due to duševný, mentálny, psychický depresia kvôli Does our health depend a lot on our lifestyle? Yes, our health depends a lot on our lifestyle. / No, our health doesn t depend on our lifestyle. Do you agree that maintaining mental health is as important as maintaining physical health in order to lead a full life? Yes, I agree that maintaining mental health is as important as maintaining physical health in order to lead a full life. What do you do for your health in general? In general, I. for my health. What is the most common mental illness people suffer from nowadays? The most common mental illness people suffer from nowadays is depression. Do you ever feel depressed? Why? How does it affect your life? Yes, I sometimes feel depressed because, it affects my life the way that I / No, I never feel depressed. Do you think that a person can get depressed due to a lot of pressure at his/her work? Yes, I think that a person can get depressed due to a lot of pressure at his/her work. / No, I don t think that a person can get depressed due to a lot of pressure at his/her work. 76.v.4 predict prediction suggestion research do a favour predpovedať predpoveď návrh výskum; výskumný urobiť láskavosť DEFINITION 76.def.1 In English there are many common expressions with the verbs do and make and it is necessary to learn them. For example we say to do research but to make a prediction. Below you will find some more examples, most of which you already know. 50

53 LIFESTYLE Unit 76 THINGS WE DO homework housework a course the shopping a favour an exam well/poorly at sth. an exercise something/anything/nothing the cleaning THINGS WE MAKE a mistake a meal money friends a decision sb s bed a guess a noise a phone call a suggestion Do you believe that it is really possible to predict the future? Yes, I believe that it is really possible to predict the future. / No, I don t believe that it is really possible to predict the future. Can you usually make a prediction what the weather will be like the next day? Yes, I can usually make a prediction what the weather will be like the next day. / No, I can t usually make a prediction what the weather will be like the next day. What verb is the synonym of the expression to make a suggestion? The synonym of the expression to make a suggestion is the verb to suggest. If your best friend asks you to do him/her a favour, do you usually agree, no matter what it is? Yes, if my best friend asks me to do him/her a favour, I usually agree, no matter what it is. / No, if my best friend asks me to do him/her a favour, I don t agree if I don t know what it is. Would you find it interesting to work on research in peoples lifestyle in your country? Yes, I would find it interesting to work on research in people s lifestyle in my country. / No, I wouldn t find it interesting to work on research in people s lifestyle in my country. Have you ever participated in a research project? Yes, I have participated in a research project. / No, I have never participated in a research project. Translate and choose another student to answer your question. QUESTION TIME 76.qt.1 Ustielaš si posteľ sám, alebo to za teba robí niekto iný? Do you make your bed yourself or do you have it made by someone else? Yes, I make my bed myself. / No, I don t make my bed myself, but I have it made by Je pre teba v živote dôležité zarábať veľa peňazí? Is it important for you to make a lot of money in your life? Yes, it is important for me to make a lot of money in my life. / No, it isn t important for me to make a lot of money in my life. Urobil si niekedy niečo bláznivé, čo bolo proti pravidlám? Have you ever done anything crazy that was against the rules? Yes, I have done something crazy that was against the rules. / No, I have never done anything crazy that was against the rules. 51

54 LIFESTYLE Unit 76 Keď musíš urobiť dôležité rozhodnutie, žiadaš niekoho o radu? When you have to make an important decision, do you ask anybody for advice? Yes, when I have to make an important decision, I ask somebody/ my for advice. / No, when I have to make an important decision, I don t ask anybody for advice. Vadí ti, keď tvoje deti robia veľký hluk? Does it bother you /do you mind when your children make a lot of noise? Yes, it bothers me when my children make a lot of noise. / No, it doesn t bother me/ I don t mind when my children make a lot of noise. Keď si bol dieťa, robil si radšej domáce práce alebo domáce úlohy? When you were a child, did you prefer doing housework or homework? When I was a child I preferred doing Ako často robievaš veľký nákup do domácnosti? How often do you do the big household shopping? I do the big household shopping once a week/month EXERCISE 76.e.1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of do or make. 1. Ben never... his bed. 2. Can I... a suggestion? 3. My sister always... the shopping on Saturday morning. 4. I didn t know the answer so I... a guess and it was right. 5. Can I use your phone to... a local call, please? 6. We... our Maths exam yesterday. 7. He often goes do the gym and... exercises. 8. I... a lot of mistakes in the test yesterday. 9. Can you help me... the cleaning, please? 10. The sports commentator was right when he... a prediction that Manchester would lose the match. 11. Have you... your homework? 76.v.5 social complicate spoločenský, sociálny skomplikovať, sťažiť Do you think that social conditions in which a person lives significantly influence his/her lifestyle? Yes, I think that social conditions in which a person lives significantly influence his/her lifestyle. / No, I don t think that social conditions in which a person lives significantly influence his/her lifestyle. 52

55 LIFESTYLE Unit 76 Does your job involve attending a lot of social events? Yes, my job involves attending a lot of social events. / No, my job doesn t involve attending a lot of social events. In your opinion, does technology have more positive or negative effects on our daily lives? In my opinion, technology has more effects on our daily lives. Has technology complicated your life in any way? If so, how? Yes, technology has complicated my life in some way, for example / No, technology hasn t complicated my life in any way. dominant based on dominantný založený na 76.v.6 Is unemployment one of the dominant issues in our country today? Yes, unemployment is one of the dominant issues in our country today. Do you like watching films that are based on real-life stories? Yes, I like watching films / No, I don t like watching films If you wrote a book based on your life, what would its title be? If I wrote a book based on my life, its title would be pension on average dôchodok (starobný, ivalidný) v priemere 76.v.7 At what age do people usually start drawing pensions? People usually start drawing pensions at the age of Do you think that you will be excited when you find out the amount of your pension in the future? Yes, I think that I will be excited when I find out the amount of my pension in the future. / No, I don t think that I will be excited when I find out the amount of my pension in the future. How long do people work on average? People work 8 hours on average. amount to a third a fifth rovnať sa (čomu) tretina pätina 76.v.8 Would you say that more than two-thirds of the Slovaks are overweight? Yes, I would say that more than two-thirds of the Slovaks are overweight. / No, I wouldn t say that two-thirds of the Slovaks are overweight. What does one fifth of a hundred amount to? One fifth of a hundred amounts to qa.8 53

56 LIFESTYLE Unit 76 Do you spend more than one fifth of your salary on food? Yes, I spend more than one fifth of my salary on my food. / No, I don t spend more than one fifth of my salary on food. 76.v.9 mainly generation couch potato consumer term hlavne, predovšetkým generácia pecivál, domased spotrebiteľ, spotrebný, konzumný termín, výraz, názov What does the term generation of couch potatoes mean? The term generation of couch potatoes mean What do young people mainly do in their leisure time nowadays? Young people mainly in their leisure time nowadays. What does the term consumer society mean? The term consumer society mean Do you like people who use a lot of English terms when they speak? Yes, I like people who use a lot of English terms when they speak. / No, I don t like people who use a lot of English terms when they speak. Are you the type of a consumer who gets easily influenced by ads and commercials in newspapers and on TV? Yes, I m the type of a consumer who gets easily influenced by ads and commercials in newspapers and on TV. / No, I m not the type of a consumer who gets easily influenced by ads and commercials in newspapers and on TV. 76.v.10 permit (noun) permit (verb) povolenie povoliť, umožniť DEFINITION 76.def.3 We say permit when we use it as a noun we say permit when we use it as a verb. Would you permit yourself a single bar of chocolate every day? Yes, I would permit myself a single bar of chocolate every day. / No, I wouldn t It is permitted to drink a glass of champagne before driving? No, it isn t permitted to drink a glass of champagne before driving. Do you need a permit to work in the USA? Yes, I need a permit to work in the USA. What is the punishment for carrying a gun without a permit? The punishment for carrying a gun without a permit is 54

57 LIFESTYLE Unit 76 Lifestyle. CONVERSATION 76.c.1 1. Do you think you live a healthy life? 2. What does the term healthy lifestyle mean to you? 3. Is there anything you would like to change about your lifestyle? What is it? 4. Is it possible to live a healthy life in modern world? 5. Why do many people try to live a healthy life? What are the main reasons for it? 6. Why do people say, "Eat your breakfast, share your lunch with a friend and give your dinner to your enemy"? Do you agree with it? 7. What is your attitude to smoking? 8. What is the influence of smoking on health? What does the expression passive smoking mean? 9. Is it hard to stop smoking? 10. Do you know anyone who gave up smoking? 11. What is the best way to give up smoking? 12. Is there such a thing as a healthy amount of alcohol? 13. How many hours of sleep do you need daily? If you don't sleep enough, how do you feel and look? 14. Do you try to go to bed and get up at the same time every morning? Are there any advantages of it? 15. Do you often find yourself under stress? 16. Do you know any stress-related illnesses? What may the consequences of stressful situations be? 17. How do you usually cope with stress? 18. Is there any connection between the way you live and how long you live? 55

58 FASHION UNIT 77 WARM UP QUESTIONS 77.wq.1 What are you wearing right now? I m wearing What are your favourite pieces of clothes? My favourite pieces of clothes are What is your attitude towards fashion do you find it important or doesn t it interest you? My attitude towards fashion is... / I think that fashion is important, I like it / Fashion doesn t interest me. What is the difference between a clock and a watch? The difference between a clock and a watch is that a clock is usually on the wall or on the table and a watch is on our/my wrist. Do you prefer to wear clothes with or without a pattern? I prefer to wear clothes Do you find it attractive when men wear sleeveless T-shirts? Yes, I find it attractive when men wear sleeveless T-shirts. / No, I don t find it attractive when men wear sleeveless T- shirts. 77.v.1 trend designer fashion show trend, tendencia, smer návrhár, dizajnér módna prehliadka Do you think that men follow new fashion trends as much as women do? Yes, I think that men follow new fashion trends as much as women do. / No, I don t think that men follow new fashion trends as much as women do. What do we call the professionals who create new fashion trends? We call the professionals who create new fashion trends designers. Have you ever been to a fashion show? If so, was it an interesting experience? Yes, I have been to a fashion show, it was/wasn t an interesting experience. / No, I haven t been to a fashion show yet. If you could predict future and fashion trends, would you become a fashion designer in order to make a lot of money? Yes, if I could predict future and fashion trends, I would become a fashion designer in order to make a lot of money. / No, if I could predict future and fashion trends, I wouldn t become a fashion designer in order to make a lot of money. 77.v.2 concern concerning záujem, starosť, obava týkajúci sa (čoho) 56

59 FASHION Unit 77 Has fashion become one of your main concerns since you reached a certain age? Yes, fashion has become one of my main concerns since I reached a certain age. / No, fashion hasn t become one of my main concerns since I reached certain age. Do you enjoy reading articles concerning fashion? Yes, I enjoy reading articles concerning fashion. / No, I don t enjoy reading articles concerning fashion. brand (name) manner(s) good manners obchodná značka, značkové spôsob(y), štýl, vystupovanie, správanie slušné správanie 77.v.3 Are good manners important in life? Yes, good manners are important in life. / No, good manners aren t important in life. Do you have a favourite fashion brand? Yes, I have a favourite fashion brand, it s / No, I don t have a favourite brand. taste tasty tasteful tasteless chuť, príchuť, vkus chutný, lahodný vkusný, elegantný nevkusný, netaktný, bez chuti 77.v.4 DEFINITION 77.def.1 The difference between the words tasty and tasteful is that the word tasty is generally used when we are talking about food and the word tasteful refers to the manner of somebody or something. For example: That new restaurant is very tasteful (meaning elegant) and the food they serve is very tasty (meaning that we like the taste of food). The opposite of both words is the word tasteless. What is the difference between the words tasty and tasteful? The difference between the words tasty and tasteful is that the word tasty is generally used when we are talking about food and the word tasteful refers to the manner of somebody or something. Do you think that your generation has better manners than the generation of your parents? Yes, I think that my generation has better manners than the generation of my parents. / No, I don t think that my generation has better manners that the generation of my parents. Do you know anybody who is willing to spend a fortune on brand-name clothes? Yes, I know somebody/a lot of people who is/are willing to spend a fortune on brand-name clothes. / No, I don t know anybody who is willing to spend a fortune on brand-name clothes. Do you think that you have a good taste in clothes? Yes, I think that I have a good taste in clothes. / No, I don t think that I have a good taste in clothes. 57

60 FASHION Unit 77 Have you ever been served a meal which was absolutely tasteless? Yes, I have been served a meal which was absolutely tasteless. / No, I have never been served a meal which was absolutely tasteless. Can you give me an example of a celebrity who usually wears totally tasteless clothes? Yes, I can give you an example of a celebrity who usually wear totally tasteless clothes - / No, I can t give you an example of a celebrity who usually wears totally tasteless clothes. Can we usually find tasteful clothes in markets? No, we can t usually find tasteful clothes in markets. 77.v.5 sew sewed sewed/sewn needle thread tailor ready-made šiť ihla niť, vlákno krajčír hotový, konfekčný What does a tailor need for his job? A tailor needs a needle and thread for his job. Do you know anybody who sews his clothes himself instead of buying them ready-made? Yes, I know somebody who sews his clothes himself instead of buying them ready-made. Have you ever had any of your clothes made by a tailor/dressmaker? Yes, I have had some of my clothes made by a tailor/dressmaker./ No, I have never had any of my clothes made by a tailor/dressmaker. Do you think that ready-made clothes are cheaper than the clothes made by a tailor? Yes, I think that ready-made clothes are cheaper than the clothes made by a tailor. 77.v.6 measure measurement made to measure cut fit merať; miera miera, rozmer, veľkosť urobený na mieru strih sadnúť (oblečenie), hodiť sa What are the advantages of made to measure clothes? The advantages of made to measure clothes are that you can choose the cut, design, material, pattern, of clothes. Do you have many jeans in your wardrobe that no longer fit you? Yes, I have many jeans in my wardrobe that no longer fit me. / No, I don t have many jeans in my wardrobe that no longer fit me. Do you think it would be possible to make an evening dress for a woman without taking any measurements? Yes, I think it would be possible to make an evening dress for a woman without taking any measurements. / No, I don t think it would be possible to make an evening dress for a woman without taking any measurements. 58

61 FASHION Unit 77 Do the traditional cuts of ready-made clothes usually fit you? Yes, the traditional cuts of ready-made clothes usually fit me. / No, the traditional cuts of ready-made clothes don t usually fit me. Which colour fits you best? I think that colour fits me best. length width old-fashioned estimate dĺžka šírka staromódny, zastaralý odhadnúť, odhad 77.v.7 Do you think that young girls tend to wear skirts of inappropriate length? Yes, I think that young girls tend to wear skirts of inappropriate length. / No, I don t think that young girls tend to wear skirts of inappropriate length. Can you usually estimate the price of clothes? Yes, I can usually estimate the price of clothes. / No, I can t usually estimate the price of clothes. Do you agree that what is old-fashioned today may look trendy in a few years? Yes, I agree that what is old-fashioned today, may look trendy in a few years. / No, I don t agree that what is oldfashioned today, may look trendy in a few years. Do you own any old-fashioned pieces of clothes that look really tasteful and you wear them often? Yes, I own some old-fashioned pieces of clothes that look really tasteful and I wear them often. / No, I don t own any old-fashioned pieces of clothes that look really tasteful. Do children usually consider their parents way of thinking old-fashioned? Yes, children usually consider their parents way of thinking old-fashioned. Would you be able to estimate the length of thread needed for making a wedding dress? Yes, I would be able to estimate the length of thread needed for making a wedding dress. / No, I wouldn t be able to estimate the length of thread needed for making a wedding dress. casual/formal clothes dress code ball neformálne/formálne oblečenie pravidlá obliekania/typ oblečenia ples, bál 77.v.8 Can you give me some examples of special occasions that require people to wear formal clothes? Some special occasions that require people to wear formal clothes are for example weddings, balls Do you go to a ball every year? Yes, I go to a ball every year. / No, I don t go to a ball every year. When you are invited to a party, do you usually ask the host about the dress code? Yes, when I am invited to a party, I usually ask the host about the dress code. / No, when I am invited to a party I don t usually ask the host about the dress code. Do you feel better in formal clothes or casual clothes? I feel better in clothes. 59

62 FASHION Unit v.9 cotton silk bavlna hodváb Do you think that clothes made of cotton are more comfortable and practical to wear than clothes made of silk? Yes, I think that clothes made of cotton are more comfortable and practical to wear than clothes made of silk. / No, I don t think that clothes made of cotton are more comfortable and practical to wear than clothes made of silk. 77.v.10 tracksuit trainers tepláková súprava tenisky Do you know anybody who wears a tracksuit everywhere and all the time? Yes, I know somebody who wears a tracksuit everywhere and all the time. / No, I don t know anybody who wears a tracksuit everywhere and all the time. What do people usually put on when they go running? People usually put on trainers and a tracksuit when they go running. 77.v.11 underwear pyjamas specialize (in) spodná bielizeň pyžamo špecializovať sa (v), orientovať sa (na) Do people generally prefer to wear cotton pyjamas in winter and silk pyjamas in summer? Yes, people generally prefer to wear cotton pyjamas in winter and silk pyjamas in summer. Can you name any fashion designers who specialize in designing underwear? Yes, I can name some fashion designers who specialize in designing underwear, for example / No, I can t name any fashion designers who specialize in designing underwear. Could you estimate the number of shops in your town that specialize in women s fashion? Yes, I could estimate the number of shops in my town which specialize in women s fashion, there are about of them. / No, I couldn t estimate the number of shops in my town which specialize in women s fashion. 77.v.12 tight airy sweat wool tesný, priliehavý, obtiahnutý vzdušný potiť sa, pot vlna, vlnený If you saw somebody in the middle of summer wearing a tight wool sweater, would you find him weird? Yes, if I saw somebody in the middle of summer wearing a tight wool sweater, I would find him weird. / No, if I saw somebody in the middle of summer wearing a tight wool sweater, I wouldn t find him weird. 60

63 FASHION Unit 77 Should people wear tight or loose clothes in order not to sweat a lot? People should wear loose clothes in order not to sweat a lot. Would you say that wool is an airy material? No, I wouldn t say that wool is an airy material. Have you ever felt cold sweat on your forehead? If so, when? Yes, I have felt cold sweat on my forehead, when I was ill/ afraid of something accessories jewellery match doplnky šperky hodiť sa (niečo k niečomu), prispôsobiť, zladiť 77.v.13 Do you think that accessories, such as handbags and jewellery, should match clothes? Yes, I think that accessories, such as handbags and jewellery, should match clothes. / No, I don t think that accessories, such as handbags and jewellery, should match clothes. In your opinion, is wearing too much jewellery on your neck, ears and hands tasteful? Yes, in my opinion, wearing too much jewellery on my neck, ears and hands is tasteful. / No, in my opinion, wearing too much jewellery on my neck, ears and hands isn t tasteful. What is more fashionable nowadays gold or silver pieces of jewellery? I think pieces of jewellery are more fashionable nowadays. necklace bracelet earring ring náhrdelník náramok náušnica prsteň 77.v.14 Can you name at least three pieces of jewellery? Yes, I can name at least three pieces of jewellery for example a necklace, a bracelet, and a ring. Do you take off your earrings when you go to bed? Yes, I take off my earrings when I go to bed. / No, I don t take off my earrings when I go to bed. Do you find it attractive when men wear thick gold necklaces? Yes, I find it attractive when men wear thick gold necklaces. / No, I don t find it attractive when men wear thick gold necklaces. hide hid hidden/hid outfit dye skrývať, skryť, zatajiť oblečenie (na istú príležitosť) nafarbiť, prefarbiť; farba (na vlasy) 77.v.15 61

64 FASHION Unit qa.15 Do you think it s a good idea to make children wear uniforms at school in order to hide social differences among them? Yes, I think it s a good idea to make children wear uniforms at school in order to hide social differences among them. / No, I don t think it s a good idea to make children wear uniforms at school in order to hide social differences among them. Do you think that accessories are as important as clothes for the perfect outfit? Yes, I think that accessories are as important as clothes for the perfect outfit. / No, I don t think that accessories are as important as clothes for the perfect outfit. What is your favourite outfit? My favourite outfit is/are What do women usually do in order to hide their grey hair? Women usually dye their hair in order to hide grey hair. Have you ever heard of using coffee or lemon for dying hair? Yes, I have heard of using coffee or lemon for dying hair. / No, I have never heard of using coffee or lemon for dying hair. QUESTION TIME 77.qt.1 Translate and choose another student to answer your question. Zvykneš si zladiť všetky kúsky oblečenia, ktoré si obliekaš? Do you usually match all the pieces of clothes that you put on? Yes, I usually match all the pieces of clothes that I put on. / No, I don t usually match all the pieces of clothes that I put on. Myslíš, že je možné naučiť sa slušnému správaniu? Do you think it is possible to learn good manners? Yes, I think it s possible to learn good manners. / No, I don t think it s possible to learn good manners. Kedy si mal naposledy oblečené formálne oblečenie? When was the last time you wore formal clothes? The last time I wore formal clothes was when I / ago. Rád experimentuješ s kombináciami vzorov a farieb vo svojom štýle obliekania? Do you like to experiment with the combinations of patterns and colours in your dressing style? Yes, I like to experiment with the combinations of patterns and colours in my dressing style. / No, I don t like to experiment with the combinations of patterns and colours in my dressing style. Sú úzke nohavice v súčastnosti módne? Are tight trousers fashionable these days? Yes, tight trousers are fashionable these days. / No, tight trousers aren t fashionable these days. Ak by si bol mnou, kúpil by si si včera to drahé značkové sako? If you were me, would you have bought that expensive brand-name jacket yesterday? Yes, if I were you, I would have bought that expensive brand-name jacket yesterday. / No, if I were you, I wouldn t have bought that expensive brand-name jacket yesterday. 62

65 FASHION Unit 77 EXERCISE 77.e.1 Match the questions in column A to the most likely responses in column B. Work in pairs and prepare a similar dialogue. A B 1. Hello. May I help you? a. It s 50 Euros. 2. Do you like it? b. Hello. I m looking for a blouse. 3. Is it OK? c. No, thanks. That s all. 4. What size are you? d. By credit card, please. 5. Shall I get you something else? e. Something in dark brown, please. 6. How do you want to pay? f. Well, I don t know. I m not used to stripes. 7. What colour would you like? g. I think I take How much is it? h. Yes, please. Where are the fitting rooms? 9. Are you looking for something specific? i. I m afraid we don t. 10. Do you have this shirt in red? j. Yes, it s just my size. It fits me fine. 11. Do you want to try it on? k. Yes, I d like to get a wool sweater that would match this skirt. Work in pairs and role play the situation below. ROLE PLAY 77.rp.1 Student A You want to buy a new evening dress because you have been invited to a ball. You go to your favourite shop and hope to find something really tasteful for a reasonable price at the same time. You have an exact idea how the dress should look like. You are a very demanding customer and it usually takes you a long time till you find something that would match your idea. Student B You work as a shop assistant in a brand name shop selling designer evening dresses. You are not in a good mood because you have just had a discussion with your manager about salary decrease due to bad economical results of the shop. The last thing you are in mood for is a demanding customer. 63

66 EDUCATION UNIT 78 WARM UP QUESTIONS 78.wq.1 Do you find education important for life? Yes, I find education important for life. / No, I don t find education important for life. Do you agree with the opinion of a famous American writer that all you really need to know you learnt in kindergarten? Yes, I agree with the opinion of a famous American writer that all I really need to know I learnt in kindergarten. / No, I don t agree with the opinion of a famous American writer that all I really need to know I learnt in kindergarten. Are the state schools in Slovakia free of charge? Yes, the state schools in Slovakia are free of charge. Do you know anybody who hasn t even completed the basic education at primary school? Yes, I know somebody who hasn t even completed the basic education at primary school. / No, I don t know anybody who hasn t even completed the basic education at primary school. Do you agree that a university degree is necessary in order to have a successful career? Yes, I agree that a university degree is necessary in order to have a successful career. / No, I don t agree that a university degree is necessary in order to have a successful career. Are private schools becoming more and more popular in Slovakia nowadays? Yes, private schools are becoming more and more popular in Slovakia nowadays. 78.v.1 compulsory attendance nursery school povinný školská dochádzka, účasť detské jasle Do you know how long the compulsory school attendance in Slovakia last? Yes, I know that the compulsory school attendance in Slovakia lasts 10 years. / No, I don t know how long the compulsory school attendance in Slovakia lasts. Are there more state nursery schools nowadays than 30 years ago? No, there aren t more state nursery school nowadays than 30 years ago. Do you think that it is better for a child to attend a nursery school than to stay at home with its mother until the age of 3? Yes, I think that it is better for a child to attend a nursery school than to stay at home with its mother until the age of 3. / No, I don t think that it is better for a child to attend a nursery school than to stay at home with its mother until the age of v.2 optional voliteľný 64

67 EDUCATION Unit 78 Do secondary school students have more compulsory subjects than optional ones? Yes, secondary school students have more compulsory subjects than optional ones. Did you have to take many optional classes during your university studies? Yes, I had to take many optional classes during my university studies. / No, I didn t have to take many optional classes during my university studies. recent grammar school in time on time nedávny, ostatný gymnázium včas načas 78.v.3 DEFINITION 78.def.1 The difference between the expressions on time and in time is that on time means punctual, not late and in time means soon enough. For example: We will start at 7:30. Please, come on time. I want to get home in time to see the football match on TV. The opposite of on time is late and the opposite of in time is too late. What is the difference between on time and in time? The difference between on time and in time is that on time means punctual, not late and in time means soon enough. Do you always come to school on time? Yes, I always come to school on time. / No, I don t always come to school on time but I sometimes come late. When you were a pupil, did you usually get to school in time to do your homework before your classes? Yes, when I was a pupil I usually got to school in time to do my homework before my classes. / No, when I was a pupil I didn t usually get to school in time to do my homework before my classes. Do you think that the quality of education at grammar schools in Slovakia has increased in recent years? Yes, I think that the quality of education at grammar schools in Slovakia has increased in recent years. / No, I don t think that the quality of education at grammar schools in Slovakia has increased in recent years. comprehensive knowledge recognize všeobecný, komplexný znalosť(i), vedomost(i) (s)poznať, uznať, uznávať 78.v.4 Do the students of our country have to pass a test of comprehensive knowledge when they leave primary schools? Yes, the students of our country have to pass a test of comprehensive knowledge when they leave primary schools. 65

68 EDUCATION Unit 78 Would you recognize me if we met each other in 10 years time? Yes, I would recognize you if we met each other in 10 years time. / No, I wouldn t recognize you if we met each other in 10 years time. Do you think that Slovak university degrees are recognized abroad? Yes, I think that Slovak university degrees are recognized abroad. / No, I don t think that Slovak university degrees are recognized abroad. Have you improved your knowledge of English since you started studying it? Yes, I have improved my knowledge of English since I started studying it. / No, I haven t improved my knowledge of English since I started studying it. 78.v.5 term Latin semester, termín (technický, ap) latinčina How many terms are there in a university school year in Slovakia? There are two terms the winter and the summer term in a university school year in Slovakia. Do you have to study a lot of Latin terms when you do the degree in medicine? Yes, you have to study a lot of Latin terms when you do the degree in medicine. Do you know anybody who speaks Latin? Yes, I know somebody who speaks Latin. / No, I don t know anybody who speaks Latin. 78.v.6 physics chemistry scientific scientist fluently fyzika chémia vedecký vedec plynulo How many languages can you speak fluently? I can speak languages fluently Slovak, English If you were the Minister of Education would you keep physics, chemistry and biology as compulsory subjects at secondary schools? Yes, if I were the Minister of Education, I would keep physics, chemistry and biology as compulsory subjects at secondary schools. / No, if I were the Minister of Education I wouldn t keep physics, chemistry and biology as compulsory subjects at secondary schools. Do you agree that chemistry has an important role in all other scientific fields? Yes, I agree that chemistry has an important role in all other scientific fields. / No, I don t agree that chemistry has an important role in all other scientific fields. When you were a child were you interested in scientific experiments? Yes, when I was a child I was interested in scientific experiments. / No, when I was a child I wasn t interested in scientific experiments. Would you like to share your flat with a recognised scientist in the field of physics? Yes, I would like to share my flat with a recognised scientist in the field of physics. / No, I wouldn t like to share my flat with a recognised scientist in the field of physics. 66

69 EDUCATION Unit 78 Can you name any advantages or disadvantages of sharing a flat with a recognised scientist? Some of the advantages of sharing a flat with... are / Some of the disadvantages of sharing a flat with... are bachelor Master achieve bakalár, slobodný muž, starý mládenec magister, inžinier dosiahnuť 78.v.7 Do you have a bachelor s or a master s degree? I have a bachelor s/master s degree. / I have both degrees. / I have neither a bachelor s nor a master s degree. Do you think that more and more young men prefer to live a bachelor s life nowadays? Yes, I think that more and more young men prefer to live a bachelor s life nowadays. / No, I don t think that more and more young men prefer to live a bachelor s life nowadays. How long does it usually take to achieve a master s degree at Slovak universities? It usually takes 5 years to achieve a master s degree at Slovak universities. course variety self-esteem kurz výber, rozmanitosť sebaúcta, hrdosť 78.v.8 Would you say that our universities offered a wider variety of quality courses than universities in the Czech Republic? Yes, I would say that our universities offered a wider variety of quality courses than universities in the Czech Republic. / No, I wouldn t say that our universities offered a wider variety of quality courses than universities in the Czech Republic. Do you think that it is sometimes difficult for people with high self-esteem to admit that they are wrong? Yes, I think that it is sometimes difficult for people with high self-esteem to admit that they are wrong. / No, I don t think that it is sometimes difficult for people with high self-esteem to admit that they are wrong. a graduate absolvent 78.v.9 Who is a graduate? A graduate is a person who has successfully completed his/her studies. Has it been easy for graduates in our country to find a good job in recent years? No, it hasn t been easy for graduates in our country to find a good job in recent years. scholarship school report meet requirements štipendium vysvedčenie splniť požiadavky 78.v.10 67

70 EDUCATION Unit qa.10 If you want to get a scholarship, do you usually have to meet certain requirements, such as marks, attendance? Yes, if you want to get a scholarship you usually have to meet certain requirements, such as marks, attendance Do you know anybody who has received a scholarship every term of his/her studies? Yes, I know somebody who has received a scholarship every term of his/her studies. / No, I don t know anybody who has received a scholarship every term of his/her studies. Do you think it s a good idea to give children money if their school reports are satisfactory? Yes, I think it s a good idea to give children money if their school reports are satisfactory. / No, I don t think it s a good idea to give children money if their school reports are satisfactory. Should our government provide more money on scholarships for students who can t afford to study at universities? Yes, our government should provide more money on scholarships for students who can t afford to study at universities. / No, our government shouldn t provide more money on scholarships for students who can t afford to study at universities. 78.v.11 demanding supportive bully náročný, namáhavý podporujúci, nápomocný šikanovať, zastrašovať; násilník, surovec According to the general opinion, which is more demanding to study at European or American secondary school? According to the general opinion, to study at. schools is more demanding than at schools. Do you agree with this opinion? Yes, I agree with this opinion. / No, I don t agree with this opinion. Do you think that a supportive teacher can change a child s negative attitude to the subject? Yes, I think that a supportive teacher can change a child s negative attitude to the subject. / No, I don t think that a supportive teacher can change a child s negative attitude to the subject. Can a teacher be strict and supportive at the same time? Yes, a teacher can be strict and supportive at the same time. Should a teacher have a talk with a pupil who keeps bullying everyone around? Yes, a teacher should have a talk with a pupil who keeps bullying everyone around. Has bullying become a serious problem at our schools recently? Yes, bullying has become a serious problem at our schools recently. / No, bullying hasn t become a serious problem at our schools recently. 78.v.12 analytical visual oral analytický vizuálny, zrakový, optický ústny, verbálny Is analytical thinking important in the process of learning? Yes, analytical thinking is important in the process of learning. 68

71 EDUCATION Unit 78 Is it easier for you to learn vocabulary visually or by listening? It is easier for me to learn vocabulary visually/by listening. When you were a student, did you prefer written or oral exams? Why? When I was a student, I preferred written/oral exams. Because Do you like to watch films with a lot of visual effects? Yes, I like to watch films with a lot of visual effects. / No, I don t like to watch films with great visual effects. vision smell touch hearing sense (of) vidina, vízia čuch hmat sluch zmysel (pre niečo) 78.v.13 What are the five senses? The five senses are vision/sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. If you had to choose to live without one of these five senses, which one would you choose? Why? If I had to choose to live without one of these five senses, I would choose to live without because Do you know anybody whose visions often come true? Yes, I know somebody whose visions often come true. / No, I don t know anybody whose visions often come true. What does it mean when we say that somebody has a sense of humour? When we say that somebody has a sense of humour it means that he can laugh at amusing things, can make fun of him/herself Does it make sense to start studying a language at the age of 40? Yes, it makes sense to start studying a language at the age of 40. dedicated (un)cooperative bright oddaný, zanietený, nadšený, venovaný (ne)spolupracujúci, (ne)ústretový jasný, žiarivý, bystrý, chytrý 78.v.14 Are you a dedicated and cooperative learner of English? Yes, I am a dedicated and cooperative learner of English. / No, I m not a dedicated and cooperative learner of English. Is this book dedicated to anybody? No, this book isn t dedicated to anybody. Is the light in this room too bright? Yes, the light in this room is too bright. / No, the light in this room isn t too bright. Do you think that bright children don t need to be very dedicated to learning in order to learn the necessary? Yes, I think that bright children don t have to be very dedicated to learning in order to learn the necessary. / No, I don t think that bright children don t have to be very dedicated to learning in order to learn the necessary. 69

72 EDUCATION Unit 78 QUESTION TIME 78.qt.1 Translate and choose another student to answer your question. Keď chceš pracovať ako učiteľ, musíš mať zmysel pre zodpovednosť? When you want to work as a teacher, do you have to have a sense of responsibility? Yes, when you want to work as a teacher, you have to have a sense of responsibility. Je dôležité povzbudzovať deti počas náročného štúdia? Is it important to encourage children during demanding studies? Yes, it is important to encourage children during demanding studies. Si náročný zákazník, ktorému je ťažko vyhovieť? Are you a demanding customer who is difficult to please? Yes, I am a demanding customer who is difficult to please. / No, I m not a demanding customer who is difficult to please. Ktoré prírodné vedy sa vyučujú na strednej škole? Which natural sciences are taught at the secondary school? The natural sciences which are taught at the secondary school are maths, chemistry, physics, and biology. Ktorý z piatich zmyslov ľudia najčastejšie strácajú, keď starnú? Which of the five senses do people most often lose when they get old? People most often lose the sense of hearing/sight when they get old. Aké požiadavky musíš splniť, aby si mohol získať štipendium na univerzite? Which requirements do you have to meet in order to get/receive a scholarship at the university? The requirements you have to meet in order to receive a scholarship at the university are good marks, attendance Myslíš, že bezplatné služby môžu byť zároveň aj kvalitné? Do you think that the services that are free of charge can be of good quality? Yes, I think that the services that are free of charge can be of good quality. / No, I don t think that the services that are free of charge can be of good quality. Aký je rozdiel medzi povinným a voliteľným predmetom? What is the difference between compulsory and optional subjects? The difference between compulsory and optional subjects is that you must study compulsory subjects and you can choose to study optional subjects. Kedy musíme odísť, keď chceme prísť do školy načas? When do we have to leave if we want to get to school on time? We have to leave at... if we want to get to school on time. EXERCISE 78.e.1 Fill in the missing words. lack of money better proud to teach uncooperative bullying bright attendance dedicated When John came into my class, he was a bit difficult he was. and lazy. But when he got interested, it all changed. He was extremely and if he d studied, he could have done much in all his other subjects. I ve seen him a couple of times on TV as a science author and presenter. It makes me really when I see my pupils doing well, like John. 70

73 EDUCATION Unit 78 It s difficult.. nowadays there are more discipline problems, such as. and., as well as. Unless you are a.. teacher, you won t stay in teaching long. set up grade curriculum core performing arts diploma go on vocational training tuition fees prestigious score metal detector Education in the USA založiť, zriadiť trieda, ročník učebné osnovy jadro, podstata; hlavne muzické umenia diplom pokračovať odborné predmety (na strednej odbornej škole, učilišti) školné prestížne skóre, výsledok detektor kovov 78.v.15 READING 78.r.1 Reading about the education system in the USA, you can come across some interesting facts: 90% of schools are free state schools and most of the private schools were set up by religious groups. There is no national system but most states have compulsory education from the age of five to the age of sixteen. There are twelve grades ; elementary school (1st 8th grade); high school (9th 12th grade). There is no national curriculum but in most states, core subjects are compulsory. Students can also choose electives. This is the American expression for optional subjects. Some of the most popular are performing arts, cooking and driver s education. Most schools have exams after each of the higher grades. Then, after 12th grade, pupils take exams to get their high school diploma. Over 60% of students go on to higher education: two-year colleges for vocational training; four-year colleges and universities for academic degrees. State universities are run by state and charge quite low tuition fees. There are also private universities. The most prestigious and expensive are Harvard, Yale and Princeton. In the 1980s, US students were getting low scores in reading, writing and basic maths. Since then, scores have improved but are still lower than in many other developed countries. On the TV news we can get information about other serious problems, such as violence and guns in schools. Several teachers and pupils were killed in shootings. The situation has improved with the use of ID cards, cameras and metal detectors to stop pupils bringing guns to class. Questions and tasks 1. Je vo všetkých štátoch Ameriky rovnaký systém vzdelávania? 2. Koľko ročníkov zahŕňa povinná školská dochádza v USA? 3. Aké voliteľné predmety si môžu vybrať študenti v USA a aké na Slovensku? 4. Musel si platiť školné, keď si chodil do školy? 5. Myslíš, že je na Slovensku taká prestížna univerzita ako je v Amerike Harvard? 6. Videl si na našich školách nejaké detektory kovov? 7. Translate the words: založiť; ročník; učebné osnovy, jadro; muzické umenia; diplom; pokračovať; odborné školenie; školné; prestížne,; skóre; detektor kovov and use them in sentences. 71

74 ART AND LITERATURE UNIT 79 BE THE TEACHER Zvládol by si napísať učebnicu anglického jazyka? Would you be able to write a textbook of the English language? Yes, I would be able to write a textbook of the English language. / No, I wouldn t be able to write a textbook of the English language. Ak by si sa stratil/-a na veľkom medzinárodnom letisku, bol/-a by si zúfalý? If you got lost at a big international airport would you be/feel desperate? Yes, if I got lost at a big international airport, I would be/feel desperate. / No, if I got lost at a big international airport, I wouldn t feel desperate. Ak dieťa hovorí, že je v škole šikanované, znamená to, že s ním zaobchádzajú dobre? If a child says that he/she is bullied at school, does it mean that he/she is treated well? No, if a child says that he/she is bullied at school, it doesn t mean that he/she is treated well, but it means that he/she is treated badly. Trpel si niekedy nákazlivou chorobou? Have you ever suffered from a contagious disease? Yes, I have suffered from a contagious disease. / No, I have never suffered from a contagious disease. Musí ti vačšinou predavačka zobrať miery, keď si kupuješ konfekčný oblek? Does a shop assistant have to take your measurements when you buy a ready made suit? No, a shop assistant doesn t have to take my measurements when I buy a ready made suit. 79.v.1 poetry rhyme novel (by) fairy tale author poézia rým; rýmovať sa román (od autora...) rozprávka spisovateľ, autor Have you ever read a story written in rhyme? Yes, I have read a story written in rhyme. / No, I have never read a story written in rhyme. What is the title of the latest novel written by your favourite author? The title of the latest novel written by my favourite author/ by is When you were a child, was it easy for you to read the poetry that was a part of the compulsory reading at school? Yes, when I was a child, it was easy for me to read the poetry that was a part of the compulsory reading at school. / No, when I was a child, it wasn t easy for me to read the poetry that was a part of the compulsory reading at school. Do you remember the name of the Slovak author who is best known for creating the largest and most complete collection of Slovak fairy tales? Yes, I remember the name of the Slovak author who is best known for creating the largest and most complete collection of Slovak fairy tales, it s Pavol Dobšinský. / No, I don t remember the name of the Slovak author who is best known for creating the largest and most complete collection of Slovak fairy tales. 72

75 ART AND LITERATURE Unit 79 Do the words pleasure and measure rhyme? Yes, the words pleasure and measure rhyme. poem short story fiction nonfiction biography báseň poviedka beletria literatúra faktu životopis 79.v.2 What is the difference between fiction and non-fiction? The difference between fiction and non-fiction is that fiction is something that isn t based on real facts, it is not true, and non-fiction is something that is true and is based on real facts. Which do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction books? I prefer to read... books. Is a biography considered fiction or non-fiction? A biography is considered non-fiction. If you were deeply in love with somebody, would you be able to write a poem for him/her? Yes, if I were deeply in love with somebody, I would be able to write a poem for him/her. / No, if I were deeply in love with somebody, I wouldn t be able to write a poem for him/her. What is the difference between a novel and a short story? The difference between a novel and a short story is that a novel is usually longer and contains more characters than a short story. simplify plot zjednodušiť dej, zápletka 79.v.3 If a book is made into a film, is the plot of the book usually simplified for the purpose of filming? Yes, if a book is made into a film, the plot of the book is usually simplified for the purpose of filming. Tell us the plot of the latest book you read or the latest movie you saw? Do you tend to simplify your speech when speaking a foreign language? Yes, I tend to simplify my speech when speaking a foreign language. / No, I don t tend to simplify my speech when speaking a foreign language. romance fantasy románik, milostný pomer; romantika predstava, fantázia, sen; fantastická literatúra 79.v.4 Can you name one of Shakespeare s works where the romance ends in tragedy? Yes, I can name one of Shakespeare s works where the romance ends in tragedy, for example Romeo and Juliet or Othello. / No, I can t name one of Shakespeare s works where the romance ends in tragedy. 73

76 ART AND LITERATURE Unit 79 Have you ever had a boyfriend who was willing to watch romantic films with you? Yes, I have had a boyfriend who was willing to watch romantic films with me. / No, I have never had a boyfriend who was willing to watch romantic films with me. Are you a fan of fantasy books? Which one is your favourite? Yes, I am a fan of fantasy books, my favourite one is... / No, I am not a fan of fantasy books. 79.v.5 enrich earn one s living obohatiť zarábať si na živobytie Would you be able to earn your living by writing novels or poetry? Yes, I would be able to earn my living by writing novels or poetry. / No, I wouldn t be able to earn my living by writing novels or poetry. Do you agree that reading poetry enriches people s lives? How? Yes, I agree that reading poetry enriches people s lives. 79.v.6 exhibition portrait landscape work of art = artwork výstava; prejav portrét; na výšku (rozmer) krajin(k)a (obraz); krajina, na šírku (rozmer) umelecké dielo Where can you usually admire artworks of famous painters? We can usually admire artworks of famous painters in museums or galleries. Do you often attend art exhibitions in museums or galleries? Yes, I often attend art exhibitions in museums or galleries. / No, I don t often attend art exhibitions in museums or galleries. Can you name one painter who is famous for his portraits and one famous for his landscapes? Yes, I can name one painter who is famous for his portraits, for example Leonardo Da Vinci /Rembrandt and one famous for his landscapes, for example Monet. If you print pictures in order to put them into your photo album, do you prefer portrait or landscape printing? If I print pictures in order to put them into my photo album, I prefer printing. 79.v.7 fine art masterpiece honour display výtvarné umenie vrcholné dielo pocta, česť, vyznamenanie; uznávať, rešpektovať vystaviť, ukázať; ukážka, prehliadka, predstavenie Do you know which book is regarded as Hemingway s masterpiece? Farewell to arms, For whom the bell tolls are regarded as Hemingway s masterpieces. What do we mean by fine arts? By fine arts we mean 74

77 ART AND LITERATURE Unit 79 What is the famous painting displayed in Louvre? The famous painting displayed in Louvre is Mona Lisa by Da Vinci. Are there any buildings in Bratislava that were built in honour of an important person? Yes, there are some buildings in Bratislava that were built in honour of an important person, for example / No, there aren t any buildings in Bratislava that were built in honour of an important person. Do you think that it is wise and profitable to invest into fine arts? Yes, I think that it is wise and profitable to invest into fine arts. / No, I don t think that it is wise and profitable to invest into fine arts. Would you consider it a great honour if your works were displayed in Louvre? Yes, I would consider it / No, I wouldn t consider it passion passionate vášeň; nadšenie vášnivý; nadšený, zanietený 79.v.8 What is your greatest passion in life? My greatest passion in life is... (food, my children, my job,...) Were you more passionate about music when you were younger than you are now? Yes, I was more passionate about music when I was younger than I am now. / No, I wasn t more passionate about music when I was younger than I am now. Do you agree that you have to have a lot of passion in what you do in order to become successful? Yes, I agree that you have to have a lot of passion in what you do in order to become successful. / No, I don t agree that you have to have a lot of passion in what you do in order to become successful. composer anthem (hudobný) skladateľ hymna 79.v.9 Who is your favourite classical music composer? My favourite classical music composer is Which song is the national anthem of the Slovak Republic based on? The national anthem of the Slovak Republic is based on the song Kopala studienku. Which mountains are mentioned in the Slovak national anthem? The Tatra Mountains are mentioned in the Slovak national anthem. heritage heir throne dedičstvo dedič trón 79.v.10 Is national art an important part of country s national heritage? Yes, national art is an important part of country s national heritage. 75

78 ART AND LITERATURE Unit 79 Could you mention some of the Slovak cities or places that belong to UNESCO s world heritage list? Yes, I could mention some of the Slovak cities or places that belong to UNESCO s world heritage list, for example Banská Štiavnica, Spiš Castle / No, I couldn t mention any of the Slovak cities or places that belong to UNESCO s world heritage list. If you were heir to the throne, would you be a prince/-ess? Yes, if I were heir to the throne, I would be a prince/ -ess. 79.v.11 accomplish fame dosiahnuť, uskutočniť sláva, uznanie Do you believe that when a person has a passion for his work it is easier for him/her to accomplish his/her goals? Yes, I believe / No, I don t believe 79.v.12 sculptor sculpture sochár socha, sochárstvo In your opinion, is it easy to understand what modern sculptors express through their works? Yes, in my opinion, it is easy to understand what modern sculptors express through their works. / No, in my opinion, it isn t easy to understand what modern sculptors express through their works. Where can we usually see many sculptures? We can usually see many sculptures in museums, churches, cathedrals, galleries 79.v.13 aesthetic value contemporary estetická hodnota súčasný Do you think that very rich people like to spend their money on art because of its aesthetic value or because of the fact that it is prestigious? I think that very rich people like to spend their money on art because of its aesthetic value/because of the fact that it is prestigious. If you compare contemporary and traditional art, which, do you think, has greater aesthetic value? If I compare contemporary and traditional art, I think that... art has greater aesthetic value. Can you name any contemporary Slovak sculptors? Yes, I can name some contemporary Slovak sculptors, for example / No, I can t name any contemporary Slovak sculptors. QUESTION TIME 79.qt.1 Translate and choose another student to answer your question. Poznáš niekoho, kto si zarába na živobytie ako sochár? Do you know anybody who earns his living as a sculptor? Yes, I know somebody who earns his living as a sculptor. / No, I don t know anybody who earns his living as a sculptor. 76

79 ART AND LITERATURE Unit 79 Ak má človek pre niečo nadšenie, je jednoduchšie dosiahnuť jeho ciele? If a person has a passion for something, is it easier to accomplish his goals? Yes, if a person has a passion for something, it is easier to accomplish his goals. Zvykol si svojim deťom čítavať rozprávky na dobrú noc, aby si ich rýchlejšie uspal, keď boli malé? Did you use to read good night fairy tales to your children to make them fall asleep quicker when they were small? Yes, I used to read good night fairy tales to my children to make them fall asleep quicker when they were small. / No, I didn t use to read good night fairy tales to my children to make them fall asleep quicker when they were small. Súhlasíš s názorom, že hudba dokáže do veľkej miery obohatiť náš život? Do you agree with the opinion that music can, to a great extent, enrich our lives? Yes, I agree with the opinion that music can, to a great extent, enrich our lives. / No, I don t agree with the opinion that music can, to a great extent, enrich our lives. Čítal si niekedy životopis nejakej zaujímavej osobnosti, ktorý by si nám odporučil prečítať si? Have you ever read a biography of an interesting person that you would recommend us to read? Yes, I have read a biography of an interesting person that I would recommend you to read, it was the biography of / No, I have never read a biography of an interesting person that I would recommend you to read. Stáva sa ti často, že nepochopíš zápletku filmu a musíš si ho pozrieť ešte raz? Does it often happen to you that you don t understand the plot of a film and you have to watch it once again? Yes, it often happens to me that I don t understand the plot of a film, and I have to watch it once again. / No, it doesn t often happen to me that I don t understand the plot of a film, so I don t have to watch it once again. EXERCISE 79.e.1 Below are the quotes of some famous people. Some words are missing. Complete the quotes with the correct words you have learned in this unit. Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last r. (Oscar Wilde) 1. P _ is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words. (Edgar Allan Poe) 2. The law is reason, free from p. (Aristotle) 3. H _ means that a man is not exceptional; f _, that he is. F _ is something which must be won; h _, only something which must not be lost. (two words) (Arthur Schopenhauer) 4. Many c _ authors drink more than they write. (Maxim Gorky) 5. Even though I love my mother, I didn't want to make an idealized p _ of her. I'm fascinated more by her defects - they are funnier than her other qualities. (Pedro Almodovar) 6. Issues are never simple. One thing I'm proud of is that very rarely will you hear me s _ the issues. (Barack Obama) 7. When love and skill work together, expect a m. (John Ruskin) 77

80 ART AND LITERATURE Unit 79 CONVERSATION 79.c.1 Literature 1. Some people say that books are best friends. Is that true for you? 2. Are you a member of any public library? 3. About how many books do you have in your house? 4. Do you think that books are a thing of the past? 5. Can you name any of English or American writers? Are any of them your favourite ones? 6. Do you prefer to read Slovak translations of English books or the original versions? 7. Have you ever read a book and seen a film of that book? 8. Has seeing a film ever made you reading the book it was based on? 9. Do you give books to your friends as a present? If so, what was the last book you gave? Why did you choose that book? 10. How many books do you read per year? 11. Some people don t read books or read very rarely. Why? 12. What kind of books or which authors do you dislike? 13. Tell us about a book you have read recently. Did you enjoy it? How long did it take to read? Briefly, what was the story about? 14. Who is your favourite character from literature? 15. Should we pay more attention to classic literature at schools? 78

81 WHY ARE WOMEN SO STRANGE AND MEN SO WEIRD? UNIT 80 CONVERSATION 80.c.1 Decide whether the following activities are more common and popular among men or among women and try to explain why. - gossiping about other people - being jealous - cheating on a partner - shopping - watching sports - being a fireman curious demanding precise zvedavý náročný precízny 80.v.1 In your opinion, being demanding, precise and curious are the attributes typical for a male or a female person? In my opinion, being demanding, precise and curious are the attributes typical for a female person rather than for a male person. Could you give me an example of an everyday situation in which women are more precise than men? Yes, I can give you an example of an everyday situation in which women are more precise than men; when doing the laundry for example. Women separate the laundry carefully by the colours and materials, and men just put everything together. Are you curious to see what else we are going to learn during this lesson? Yes, I am curious to see what else we are going to learn during this lesson. tactful tactless admire taktný netaktný obdivovať 80.v.2 What does it mean to be tactful? To be tactful means to be able to say even unpleasant things in a polite way. Do you think that being tactless is one of the attributes women admire about men? No, I don t think that being tactless is one of the attributes women admire about men, what women admire about men is when they are tactful. What other attributes do women admire about men? Other attributes that women admire about men are when men are understanding, supportive, sensitive etc. 79

82 WHY ARE WOMEN SO STRANGE AND MEN SO WEIRD? Unit v.3 modest absent-minded skromný duchom neprítomný Do men claim to be more modest than women? Do you think they are right? Yes, men claim themselves to be more modest than women, and I think that they are/aren t right. Would you probably make your wife/girlfriend really angry if you were being completely absentminded while she was trying to explain something to you? Yes, I would probably make my wife/girlfriend really angry if I was being completely absent-minded while she was trying to explain something to me. Would you mind if you were trying to explain something to your partner and he was being completely absent-minded? Yes, I would mind if I was trying to explain something to my partner and he was being completely absent-minded. Were you a modest child or did you always beg your parents to buy new toys for you? I was a modest child; I didn t always beg my parents to buy new toys for me. / I wasn t a very modest child; I always begged my parents to Do you admire the people who are modest despite the fact that they have a lot of money? Do you know anyone like that? Yes, I admire the people who are modest despite the fact that they have a lot of money and I know/don t know someone/anyone like that. / I don t admire the people who 80.v.4 suspicious podozrievavý, podozrivý Can you imagine a woman so suspicious of her partner cheating on her that she would even hire a private detective to search for some evidence about her partner s unfaithfulness? Yes, I can imagine a woman so suspicious of her partner cheating on her that she would even hire a private detective to search for some evidence about her partner s unfaithfulness. Would it seem suspicious to you if your husband/ wife was having coffee with your best girl friend/boy friend more often than you? Yes, it would seem suspicious to me if my husband/wife was having coffee with my best girl friend/boy friend more often than me. 80.v.5 mature get over course vary aviator glasses tool sense of direction dospie(va)ť prekonať kurz meniť sa, líšiť sa letecké okuliare nástroj orientačný zmysel QUESTION TIME 80.qt.1 Je všeobecne známe, že ženy dospievajú oveľa rýchlejšie ako muži? Is it generally known that women mature much faster than men? Yes, it is generally known that women mature much faster than men. 80

83 WHY ARE WOMEN SO STRANGE AND MEN SO WEIRD? Unit 80 Je ťažšie prekonať rozchod pre muža alebo pre ženy? Myslíš si, že existujú špeciálne kurzy, ktoré pomáhajú prekonať rozchod? Is it harder to get over a break-up for a man or for a woman? Do you think there are special courses which help to get over a break-up? I think, it s harder to get over a break-up for a I think/ I don t think there are special courses which help to get over a break-up. Súhlasíš, že povaha a správanie človeka sa vekom líši? Do you agree that a person s character and behaviour varies by/ with age? Yes, I agree that a person s character and behaviour varies by/with age. Mala by byť žena podozrievavá, keď si jej muž zrazu kúpi nové športové auto, koženú bundu a letecké okuliare? Should a woman be suspicious if her husband suddenly buys a new sport car, leather jacket and aviator glasses? Yes, a woman should be suspicious if her husband suddenly buys a new sport car, leather jacket and aviator glasses. / No, a woman shouldn t be Súhlasíš, že môže existovať žena ktorá má lepší orientačný zmysel ako muž? Do you agree that there might be a woman who has a better sense of direction than a man? Yes, I agree that there might be a woman who has a better sense of direction than a man. / No, I don t agree there might be a woman who READING 80.r.1 What do you think about the following statements? Women mature much faster than men. Most 17-year-old females can function as adults. Most 17-year-old males are still childish. That may be the reason why high school romances rarely work. Relationships: When a relationship ends, a woman will cry and pour her heart out to her girlfriends. Then she will move on with her life. A man has a little more trouble letting go. Six months after the break-up, at 3:00 a.m. on a Saturday night, he will call and say, "I just wanted to let you know you ruined my life, and I'll never forgive you, and I hate you, and you're a total ***. But I want you to know there's always a chance for us". There are colleges that offer courses to help men get over this, but these classes rarely prove effective. In a man s bathroom there is (usually) a toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel from the Holiday Inn. In a typical woman's bathroom there are usually 437 items. A man would not be able to identify most of these items. When a man says he is ready to go out, it means he is ready to go out. When a woman says she is ready to go out, it means she will be ready to go out, as soon as she finds her other earring, finishes putting on her makeup... When a woman reaches menopause, she goes through a variety of complicated emotional, psychological, and biological changes. The nature and degree of the changes varies with the individual. Menopause in a man provokes a uniform reaction--he buys aviator glasses, a leather jacket and pants and leather driving gloves, and goes shopping for a Porsche. Men see the telephone as a communications tool. They use the telephone to send short messages to other people. A woman can visit her girlfriend for two weeks, and after returning home, she will call the same friend and they will talk for three hours. If a woman is out driving and she finds herself in unfamiliar surroundings, she will stop at a petrol station and ask for directions. Men consider this to be a sign of weakness. Men will never stop and ask for directions. Men will drive in a circle for hours, all the while saying things like, "Looks like I've found a new way to get there", and, "I know I'm in the neighbourhood. I recognise that White Hen store". 81

84 WHY ARE WOMEN SO STRANGE AND MEN SO WEIRD? Unit v.6 boast boastful chváliť sa, chvastať sa chvastavý Do you know anyone who boasts all the time and acts like he or she knows everything, has seen everything and has been everywhere? Yes, I know a person who boasts all the time and acts like he/she knows everything, has seen everything and has been everywhere. / No, I don t know a person who 80.v.7 exaggerate impress (make) impression preháňať, zveličovať urobiť dojem, zaujať (urobiť) dojem Do you agree with the following statement? Both men and women exaggerate. The difference is that men exaggerate the facts while women exaggerate emotions and feelings. Yes, I agree with the statement that both men and women exaggerate and the difference is that men exaggerate the facts while women exaggerate emotions and feelings./ No, I don t agree with the statement that because I think that Do men sometimes exaggerate how much money they make, how successful they are in order to impress a woman they like? Yes, men sometimes exaggerate how much money they make, how successful they are in order to impress a woman they like. Does it make a good impression on a woman when a man holds the door for her and lets her enter the room first? Yes, it makes a good impression on a woman when a man holds the door for her and lets her enter the room first. Is it true that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression? Could you explain the statement? Yes, it is true that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. It means that 80.v.8 insult accept uraziť, urážka prijať Do men often insult each other and consider it fun? Do women have the same attitude towards insults? Yes, men often insult each other and consider it fun, but women don t have the same attitude as regards accepting insults. Have you ever insulted someone just by telling him the truth? Yes, I have already insulted someone just by telling him the truth. / No, I have never insulted anyone just by telling him the truth. Is it appropriate for a woman to accept a very expensive gift from her male boss? Yes, it is appropriate for a woman to accept a very expensive gift from her male boss. / No, it isn t appropriate for a woman to accept a very expensive gift from her male boss. 82

85 WHY ARE WOMEN SO STRANGE AND MEN SO WEIRD? Unit 80 ridiculous obsessed with obsession smiešny posadnutý posadnutosť 80.v.9 Are men obsessed with jewellery, shoes and handbags? No, men aren t obsessed with jewellery, shoes and handbags, but women are obsessed with these things. Would it be ridiculous if all men were obsessed with buying jewellery, shoes and handbags? Do you think it may happen in the future? Yes, it would be ridiculous if all men were obsessed with buying jewellery, shoes and handbags. I think it may/may not happen in the future. Can the male obsession with sports be annoying for some women? Yes, the male obsession with sports can be annoying for some women. as opposed to aware of handwriting vain shiny bachelor party offspring nickname na rozdiel od vedomý si rukopis zbytočný, márnivý lesklý, ligotavý rozlúčka so slobodou potomok, potomkovia prezývka 80.v.10 Translate the sentences. 1. Som si vedomý toho, že muži a ženy pochádzajú z rozdielnych planét. 2. Na rozdiel od žien, muži si nekupujú lesklé a prepychové doplnky. 3. Keď sa muž ide oženiť, jeho kamaráti mu zvyčajne usporiadajú rozlúčku so slobodou. 4. Niektorí experti sú schopní identifikovať charakter človeka iba podľa jeho rukopisu. 5. Na rozdiel od mužov, ženy sa nevolajú prezývkami, aj keď sú veľmi dobré priateľky, lebo sú si vedomé toho, že to nie je vhodné. 6. Ak by mi niekto povedal, že moje úsilie bolo zbytočné, urazil by ma. 7. Muži, ktorí sú potomkami kráľovskej rodiny vedia byť veľmi taktní. EXERCISE 80.e.1 More to think about READING 80.r.2 As opposed to women, men do not decorate their handwriting. They just scratch. Women dot their "i's" with circles and hearts. Even when a woman is breaking up with you, she'll put a smiley face at the end of the note. Men are vain; they will check themselves out in the mirror. Women are ridiculous; they will check out their reflections in any shiny surface--mirrors, spoons, store windows, toasters etc. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and football matches and romances and best friends and favourite foods and secret fears and hopes and dreams. A man is only aware of some small people living in the house. A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, answer the phone, read a book, get the mail. A man will dress up for weddings and funerals. 83

86 WHY ARE WOMEN SO STRANGE AND MEN SO WEIRD? Unit 80 In a chat about weddings, women talk about "the ceremony". Men talk about "the bachelor party". Female cheerleaders are cute, sexy and fresh. Male cheerleaders are scary. Little girls love to play with toys. Then, when they reach the age of 11 or 12, they lose interest. Men never grow out of their obsession with toys. As they get older, their toys simply become more expensive and impractical. Some men's toys: little miniature TVs, car phones, complicated juicers and blenders, graphic equalizers, small robots that serve cocktails on command, video games, anything that blinks, beeps, and requires at least six "D" batteries to operate. A woman asks a man to water her plants while she is on holiday. The man waters the plants. The woman comes home five days later, to find all plants dead. No one knows why this happens. Some men look good with moustaches. There are no women who look good with moustaches. Women don t use nicknames. If Amy, Sandy, Sarah and Michelle go together for lunch, they will call each other Amy, Sandy, Sarah and Michelle. But if Jamie, Dave, Bob and Tom go out together, they will definitely refer to each other as Bullet-Head, Godzilla, Peanut Brain and Useless. WRITING 80.w.1 Try to write a brief plot of the article. Use the following expression: According to the article There was mentioned As opposed to In addition Besides that 80.v.11 stare gene multi-tasking čumieť, civieť, zízať gén robenie viacerých vecí naraz Use the words in sentences. LISTENING 80.l.1 Listen to different people speaking about the differences between men and women. Don t forget to take notes. Transcription: Men like to have all their stuff (DVDs, CDs, etc) on show to impress their friends. Women like to hide things in cupboards. Women understand colour. They know what to wear all the time. Men just think red is nice, yellow is nice, blue is cool, so why not to wear them together? Ask a woman in the street how to get somewhere and she will direct you via shops. Ask a man and he will direct you via pubs. A woman is able to look at a handsome man and not be noticed. Men just stare. If you told a woman that you had just returned from a trip to the surface of the Moon, she would show her interest by asking who you had gone there with. Men have a gene which enables them to answer any question, no matter how complex or important it is, with a simple Mmm. 84

87 WHY ARE WOMEN SO STRANGE AND MEN SO WEIRD? Unit 80 Men will hear you open a beer from three rooms away. When men want something they ask for it. When women want something they make a point distantly related to the subject and wait for a response and get mad if they don t get what they asked for. Women have an ability to make men think that they are in charge. Men refuse to pay more than 5 pounds for a haircut because there are more important things in life. A multi-tasking gene is clearly only owned by women - men can never prepare dinner so that everything is ready at the same time. Men can watch an entire film without having to ask who is that, what does he do? Women have the we must name our car gene. Men can drive without having to look at themselves in the mirror. Only men can understand other men. Only women can understand other women. 85

88 REPETITION PAGE INTERMEDIATE 2 UNITS DICTATION rep.d.1 We prefer to have a buffet style dinner so we can choose and taste a little bit of everything meat, fish, vegetable, various side dishes, and desserts. In our country it s really impolite when you burp loudly after eating. You should arrive in time at the airport to arrange everything necessary before the departure of your plane. My brother is suffering from a serious contagious disease. It s a pity that the entrance fees to many monuments are so expensive, otherwise we could admire much more of the European historical heritage. You should encourage him to meet the scholarship requirements because he is a really bright student, even though uncooperative. Would you manage to sew a dress according to the latest fashion trends? It is compulsory to have the car lights turned on throughout the whole year in Slovakia. BE THE TEACHER Zarábal si si niekedy na živobytie ako umelec, napríklad maľovaním, písaním, sochárstvom alebo tancom? Have you ever earned your living as an artist, for example by painting, writing, sculpture or dance/dancing? Čo sa hojí rýchlejšie, modrina alebo jazva? Which heals quicker a bruise or a scar? Zmenil by si niečo v stredoškolských osnovách alebo si myslíš, že sú pre potreby študentov vhodné a uspokojivé? Would you change anything in the secondary school curriculum or do you think that it is appropriate and satisfactory for students needs? Môžeš mi vysvetliť, čo musím urobiť na letisku ako prvé a ako mám potom ďalej postupovať? Can you explain to me what I have to do as the first thing at the airport, and how I should proceed afterwards? Bol si niekedy taký hladný, že si zjedol pokazené jedlo alebo zhnitú zeleninu? Have you ever been so hungry that you ate spoilt food or rotten vegetable? Sú deti rozmaznávané viac svojimi rodičmi alebo starými rodičmi? Are children being spoilt more by their parents or grandparents? Poznáš niekoho, kto má tendenciu rozprávať rýchlo, keď je pod tlakom a v strese? Do you know anybody who tends to speak quickly when he is under pressure and stressed? Ak by si bol dedičom veľmi bohatých rodičov, pracoval by si alebo by si si len užíval ich peniaze? If you were the heir of very rich parents, would you work or would you only enjoy their money? Aký je rozdiel medzi plnou penziou a polpenziou? What is the difference between the half board and full board? Súhlasíš, že sedadlo pri uličke je oveľa pohodlnejšie ako sedadlo pri okne? Do you agree that an aisle seat is much more comfortable than a window seat? Odpojili by ťa, keby si odkladal platenie účtov za elektriku niekoľko mesiacov? Would they cut you off, if you were postponing the payment of your electricity bills for several months? 86

89 REPETITION PAGE INTERMEDIATE 2 Units Môžeš, prosím, poprosiť čašníka, aby mi priniesol šošovicovú polievku, pstruha so zemiakovou kašou a hlávkový šalát? Can you, please, ask the waiter to bring me a lentil soup, trout with mashed potatoes and lettuce? Obťažuje ťa, keď sa musíš zúčastňovať spoločenských akcií, ktoré vyžadujú formálne oblečenie? Does it bother you when you have to attend social events which require formal clothes / dress code? Ak by si bol býval prísnejší na svoje deti, keď boli mladšie, myslíš, že by sa teraz správali lepšie? If you had been stricter with your children when they were younger, do you think they would behave better now? Lyžoval si niekedy v lyžiarskom rezorte vo Švajčiarsku? Have you ever skied in a ski resort in Switzerland? Aké veci musíš precliť, keď cestuješ zo zahraničia domov? What kinds of things must you declare when you travel home from abroad? Je podľa Teba rozumné používať elektronické lístky, aby sme chránili životné prostredie? According to you, is it wise to use paperless tickets in order to protect the environment? Máš vo zvyku spotrebovať všetku kávu a zabudnúť kúpiť nové balenie? Are you in the habit of running out of coffee and forgetting to buy a new package? Ktorý z piatich zmyslov je najdôležitejší pre niekoho, kto pracuje ako krajčír? Which of the five senses is the most important for somebody who works as a tailor? Myslíš, že ľudia s nízkou sebaúctou majú väčšiu tendenciu trpieť depresiou a inými psychickými poruchami ako sebavedomí ľudia? Do you think that the people with low self-esteem tend to suffer more from depression and other mental illnesses than the self-confident people? Čím si posadnutý? What are you obsessed with? O koľkej sa zajtra stretávame pred galériou? What time are we meeting in front of the gallery tomorrow? Je rozumné objednať si perlivú minerálku, keď kašleš? Is it reasonable to order sparkling mineral water when you cough? Môžeme vo všeobecnosti povedať, že muži sú skromnejší ako ženy? Can we say in general that men are more modest than women? You shouldn t be so 1...; it can cause you depression. That part of the city is very dangerous, so she 2... me not to go there. Look, the mosquito 3... me three times last night excellent slopes, the resort provides also modern lifts, nice hotels and quality service. When you feel dizzy, you can very easily 5... Fake people often 6... certain things because of their own lack of self-confidence. I d like to make 7... Let s go out and have dinner of one hundred amounts to twenty. We have seen some really 9... paintings in the art exhibition today. Do you think that chemistry and physics should be subjects at elementary schools? Her outfit was a bit tasteless; she was wearing too much which made noise as she moved. He wasn t charged with the crime he had committed due to loss of Come to prepare everything necessary for the party. It is very impolite to loudly while eating in company children rarely have good manners. Do you have to pay excess or is it free 17...? For some people it is dangerous when the bee them because it can cause an allergic reaction. I didn t manage him because his accent was very strange if I asked you for a favour? EXERCISE rep.e.1 87

90 REPETITION PAGE INTERMEDIATE 2 Units A. delicious B. bitter C. spicy 2. A. warn B. enable C. beg 3. A. stung B. bee C. bit 4. A. based on B. concerning C. apart from 5. A. faint B. bleed C. vomit 6. A. arrange B. pretend C. claim 7. A. a prediction B. a favour C. a suggestion 8. A. the fifth B. fifth C. a fifth 9. A. tasteful B. tasty C. taste 10. A. comprehensive B. compulsory C. conscious 11. A. accessories B. rings C. jewellery 12. A. conscious B. consciousness C. conscience 13. A. on time B. in time C. time 14. A. chew B. swallow C. burping 15. A. spoil B. spoilt C. spoils 16. A. luggage B. bags C. baggage 17. A. charge B. from charge C. of charge 18. A. bites B. stings C. stung 19. A. to understand B. get C. understand 20. A. Do you mind B. Would you mind C. Would you bother EXERCISE rep.e.2 What time 1... tomorrow? According to the timetable, the train 2... at 10 o clock every Friday. I twisted my ankle while 3... in the Swiss Alps last winter. How many times per year 4... flu? Last year I 5... flu only once. I am really sorry that I didn t manage 6... He claimed 7... a millionaire but nobody believed him. He 8... there, but she didn t obey. They decided 9... the last day of their holiday. Can you a favour? If you a better person you that homeless man we saw yesterday. Have you ever anything? Life is easier if you have sense I like reading novels Dan Brown, he is one of my favourite authors. 1. A. do you leave B. are you leaving C. will you be leaving 2. A. leaves B. is leaving C. is going to leave 3. A. to ski B. sking C. skiing 4. A. do you have B. you have C. have you got 5. A. had B. had got C. haved 6. A. coming on time B. to come on time C. coming in time 7. A. be B. being C. to be 8. A. warned her not going B. warned not to go C. warned her not to go 9. A. to do some sightseeing B. to make some sightseeing C. making some sightseeing 10. A. make me B. do me C. make for me 11. A. are B. had been C. were 12. A. would help B. would have helped C. will help 13. A. sew B. sewn C. sewd 14. A. of humour B. for humour C. from humour 15. A. from B. by C. of 88

91 REPETITION PAGE INTERMEDIATE 2 Units Complete the table with the translation and paradigms of irregular verbs TRANSLATION PAST PAST PARTICIPLE EXERCISE rep.e.3 pichnúť, bodnúť šiť pokaziť, rozmaznať uhryznúť, poštípať hniť viesť, byť na čele skrývať sa, skryť, zatajiť Choose a number from 1 to 5 and in your own words prepare a 3 minute talk on the chosen topic: EXERCISE rep.e.4 1. Education in Slovakia 2. At the restaurant (work in pairs) 3. What to do when you are at the airport 4. Lifestyle and health problems 5. Your favourite book 6. The differences between men and women 89

92 KEY TO EXERCISES UNITS EXERCISE 71.e.1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Future Simple or going to. 1. The school term ends on December 20th. (end) 2. I am not working this Saturday so we can go to the beach. (not work) 3. What time does the train from Košice arrive? (arrive) 4. A: Are John and Jack free after school? B: No, they are playing a football match. (play) 5. I need to be tidier. I will clean my bedroom every week. (clean) 6. Are you going to learn to drive next year? (you learn) 7. When are you seeing the doctor? (she be) 8. Hurry up! It s six o clock and my bus leaves at 6:20. (leave) 9. If you go to bed early tonight, you will not feel tired tomorrow evening. (not feel) 10. Is he coming with us tonight? (he comes) EXERCISE 73.e.1 Translate the sentences. 1. Nepodarilo sa mi kúpiť spiatočný lístok do Fínska. I failed to buy a return ticket to Finland. 2. Zvyčajne sa mi nepodarí prejsť bezpečnostnou kontrolou bez problémov. I usually fail to pass a security check without any difficulties. 3. Práve som sa rozhodol, že si vyberiem miesto pri uličke. I have just decided to choose an aisle seat. 4. Koľko si mal rokov, keď si sa naučil šoférovať? How old were you when you learnt to drive? 5. Letuška sľúbila, že bude s pasažiermi zaobchádzať lepšie. The stewardess promised to treat passengers better. 6. Nemohli sme si dovoliť čakať v odletovej hale dve hodiny, preto sme odmietli letieť. We couldn t afford to wait in a departure lounge for two hours therefore we refused to fly. 7. Ponúkol sa, že ponesie moju príručnú batožinu a ja som súhlasila, že mu pomôžem s jeho domácou úlohou. He offered to carry my hand luggage and I agreed to help him with his homework. EXERCISE 73.e.2 Match the words in British English with the words having the same meaning in American English. BRITISH ENGLISH single ticket return ticket city centre car park hand luggage elevator public toilet economy class timetable taxi AMERICAN ENGLISH one-way ticket round-trip ticket downtown parking lot carry-on baggage lift restroom coach class schedule cab 90

93 KEY TO EXERCISES Units Translate the sentences using the construction verb + object + to EXERCISE 74.e.1 1. Naši noví susedia nás pozvali, aby sme prišli a dali si spolu šálku kávy. Our new neighbours invited us to come and have a cup of coffee together. 2. Pripomenula si svojmu bratovi, aby kúpil ocot a šošovicu? Did you remind your brother to buy vinegar and lentils? 3. Rodičia zvyčajne chcú, aby sa ich deti správali v reštaurácii slušne, najmä v prepychovej reštaurácii. Parents usually want their children to behave politly in a restaurant, especially in a fancy restaurant. 4. Nikdy by som od neho neočakávala, že ma naučí šoférovať. I would never expect him to teach me to drive. 5. Chceš, aby som ti požičala nejaké peniaze? Do you want me to lend you any money? 6. Nechcem, aby mi moji rodičia stále hovorili, čo mám robiť. I don t want my parents to keep telling me what I should do/ what to do. 7. Chceli by ste, aby čašník priniesol nejakú zmrzlinu pre vaše deti? Would you like the waiter to bring some ice cream for your children? 8. Nepodarilo sa mi presvedčiť ho, aby sa s ňou rozisšiel. I failed to persuade him to break up with her. Complete each second sentence so that the meaning is similar to the first sentence. EXERCISE 74.e.2 1. I was surprised that it rained. I didn t expect it to rain. 2. I think you should know the truth. I want you to know the truth. 3. Don t let me forget to phone my sister. Remind me to phone my sister. 4. At first I didn t want to apply for the job but Sarah persuaded me. Sarah persuaded me to apply for the job. 5. I was told that I shouldn t believe everything he says. I was warned not to believe everything he says. 6. When you have comfortable shoes, you are able to walk for hours. Comfortable shoes enable you to walk for hours. 7. I wasn t sure if it was a good idea to start learning English but Peter encouraged me. Peter encouraged me to start learning English. 8. I think you should repeat what you have just said. I would like you to repeat what you have just said. Translate the sentences. 1. Rozumiem, že Jana nechce riskovať, že ho stratí, ale napokon bude musieť priznať pravdu. I understand that Jane doesn t want to risk losing him, but she will have to admit the truth eventually. 2. Pred týždňom sme vytopili byt našich susedov a zničili celú ich kúpeľňu. A week ago, we flooded our neighbour s flat and ruined their whole bathroom. 3. Uvažujem, že si dám šošovicovú polievku a karfiolový šalát ako predjedlo. I consider having lentil soup and cauliflower salad as a starter. 4. Dedova pamäť sa zhoršuje, stále zabúda veci. (keep) My grandfather s memory is getting worse; he keeps forgetting things. 5. Neviem si predstaviť, že Juraj pracuje na colnici. (imagine) I can t imagine Juraj working at customs. 6. Keď som bol mladší, predstavoval som si, že bývam v dome s veľkou záhradou a bazénom. (fancy) When I was younger, I fancied living in a house with a large garden and a swimming pool. EXERCISE 75.e.1 91

94 KEY TO EXERCISES Units EXERCISE 75.e.2 7. Museli odložiť dovolenku, lebo ich syn bol stále v bezvedomí. They had to postpone the holiday because their son was still unconscious. 8. Pošmykol sa na mokrej dlážke a vyvrtol si členok. He slipped on the wet floor and twisted his ankle. 9. Prehltol som celý kúsok lososa a začal som sa ním dusiť. I swallowed the whole piece of salmon and started to choke on it. 10. Moja mama navrhla odstrániť škvrnu na koberci pomocou octu. My mother suggested removing the stain on the carpet by (means of) vinegar. admit avoid afford arrange consider deny begin decide deserve enjoy fancy start encourage enable finish imagine continue fail forget force keep mind bother learn manage postpone intend plan promise risk regret refuse remind suggest remember warn offer stop prefer EXERCISE 76.e.1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of do or make. 1. Ben never makes his bed. 2. Can I make a suggestion? 3. My sister always does the shopping on Saturday morning. 4. I didn t know the answer so I made a guess and it was right. 5. Can I use your phone to make a local call, please? 6. We did our Maths exam yesterday. 7. He often goes do the gym and does exercises. 8. I made a lot of mistakes in the test yesterday. 9. Can you help me do the cleaning, please? 10. The sports commentator was right when he made a prediction that Manchester would lose the match. 11. Have you done your homework? 92

95 KEY TO EXERCISES Units EXERCISE 77.e.1 Match the questions in column A to the most likely responses in column B. Work in pairs and prepare a similar dialogue. A B 1. Hello. May I help you? b. Hello. I m looking for a blouse. 2. Do you like it? f. Well, I don t know. I m not used to stripes. 3. Is it OK? j. Yes, it s just my size. It fits me fine. 4. What size are you? g. I think I take Shall I get you something else? c. No, thanks. That s all. 6. How do you want to pay? d. By credit card, please. 7. What colour would you like? e. Something in dark brown, please. 8. How much is it? a. It s 50 Euros. 9. Are you looking for something specific? k. Yes, I d like to get a wool sweater that would match this skirt. 10. Do you have this shirt in red? i. I m afraid we don t. 11. Do you want to try it on? h. Yes, please. Where are the fitting rooms? Answers: 1b, 2f, 3j, 4g, 5c, 6d, 7e, 8a, 9k, 10i, 11h Fill in the missing words. EXERCISE 78.e.1 When John came into my class, he was a bit difficult he was uncooperative and lazy. But when he got interested, it all changed. He was extremely bright and if he d studied, he could have done much better in all his other subjects. I ve seen him a couple of times on TV as a science author and presenter. It makes me really proud when I see my pupils doing well, like John. It s difficult to teach nowadays there are more discipline problems, such as bullying and attendance, as well as lack of money. Unless you are a dedicated teacher, you won t stay in teaching long. EXERCISE 79.e.1 Below are the quotes of some famous people. Some words are missing. Complete the quotes with the correct words you have learned in this unit. 1. Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance. (Oscar Wilde) 2. Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words. (Edgar Allan Poe) 3. The law is reason, free from passion. (Aristotle) 4. Honour means that a man is not exceptional; fame, that he is. Fame is something which must be won; honour only something which must not be lost. (two words) (Arthur Schopenhauer) 5. Many contemporary authors drink more than they write. (Maxim Gorky) 6. Even though I love my mother, I didn't want to make an idealized portrait of her. I'm fascinated more by her defects - they are funnier than her other qualities. (Pedro Almodovar) 7. Issues are never simple. One thing I'm proud of is that very rarely will you hear me simplify the issues. (Barack Obama) 8. When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece. (John Ruskin) Translate the sentences. 1. Som si vedomý toho, že muži a ženy pochádzajú z rozdielnych planét. I am aware of the fact that men and women come from different planets. 2. Na rozdiel od žien, muži si nekupujú lesklé a prepychové doplnky. As opposed to women, men don t buy shiny and fancy accessories. 3. Keď sa muž ide oženiť, jeho kamaráti mu zvyčajne usporiadajú rozlúčku so slobodou. When a man is getting married, his friends usually arrange a bachelor party for him. EXERCISE 80.e.1 93

96 KEY TO EXERCISES Units Niektorí experti sú schopní identifikovať charakter človeka iba podľa jeho rukopisu. Some experts are able to identify a person s character only according to his/her handwriting. 5. Na rozdiel od mužov, ženy sa nevolajú prezývkami, aj keď sú veľmi dobré priateľky, lebo sú si vedomé toho, že to nie je vhodné. As opposed to men, women don t call each other by nicknames, even if they are good friends, because they are aware that it is inappropriate. 6. Ak by mi niekto povedal, že moje úsilie bolo zbytočné, urazil by ma. If someone told me that my effort was vain, he would insult me. 7. Muži, ktorí sú potomkami kráľovkej rodiny vedia byť veľmi taktní. The men who are the offspring of a royal family can be very tactful. 94

97 KEY TO EXERCISES REPETITION PAGE EXERCISE rep.e.1 You shouldn t be so 1...B; it can cause you depression. That part of the city is very dangerous, so she 2...A me not to go there. Look, the mosquito 3...C me three times last night. 4...C excellent slopes, the resort provides also modern lifts, nice hotels and quality service. When you feel dizzy, you can very easily 5...A Fake people often 6...B certain things because of their own lack of self-confidence. I d like to make 7...C Let s go out and have dinner. 8...C of one hundred amounts to twenty. We have seen some really 9...A paintings in the art exhibition today. Do you think that chemistry and physics should be 10...B subjects at elementary schools? Her outfit was a bit tasteless; she was wearing too much 11...C which made noise as she moved. He wasn t charged with the crime he had committed due to loss of 12...B Come 13...B to prepare everything necessary for the party. It is very impolite to 14...A loudly while eating in company B children rarely have good manners. Do you have to pay excess 16...C or is it free 17...C? For some people it is dangerous when the bee 18...B them because it can cause an allergic reaction. I didn t manage 19...A him because his accent was very strange B if I asked you for a favour? 1. A. delicious B. bitter C. spicy 2. A. warn B. enable C. beg 3. A. stung B. bee C. bit 4. A. based on B. concerning C. apart from 5. A. faint B. bleed C. vomit 6. A. arrange B. pretend C. claim 7. A. a prediction B. a favour C. a suggestion 8. A. the fifth B. fifth C. a fifth 9. A. tasteful B. tasty C. taste 10. A. comprehensive B. compulsory C. conscious 11. A. accessories B. rings C. jewellery 12. A. conscious B. consciousness C. conscience 13. A. on time B. in time C. time 14. A. chew B. swallow C. burping 15. A. spoil B. spoilt C. spoils 16. A. luggage B. bags C. baggage 17. A. charge B. from charge C. of charge 18. A. bites B. stings C. stung 19. A. to understand B. get C. understand 20. A. Do you mind B. Would you mind C. Would you bother EXERCISE rep.e.2 What time 1...B tomorrow? According to the timetable, the train 2...A at 10 o clock every Friday. I twisted my ankle while 3...C in the Swiss Alps last winter. How many times per year 4...C flu? Last year I 5...A flu only once. I am really sorry that I didn t manage 6...B He claimed 7...C a millionaire but nobody believed him. He 8...C there, but she didn t obey. They decided 9...A the last day of their holiday. Can you 10...B a favour? If you 11...C a better person you 12...B that homeless man we saw yesterday. Have you ever 13...B anything? Life is easier if you have sense 14...A I like reading novels 15...B Dan Brown, he is one of my favourite authors. 1. A. do you leave B. are you leaving C. will you be leaving 2. A. leaves B. is leaving C. is going to leave 3. A. to ski B. sking C. skiing 4. A. do you have B. you have C. have you got 5. A. had B. had got C. haved 95

98 KEY TO EXERCISES Repetition page EXERCISE rep.e.3 6. A. coming on time B. to come on time C. coming in time 7. A. be B. being C. to be 8. A. warned her not going B. warned not to go C. warned her not to go 9. A. to do some sightseeing B. to make some sightseeing C. making some sightseeing 10. A. make me B. do me C. make for me 11. A. are B. had been C. were 12. A. would help B. would have helped C. will help 13. A. sew B. sewn C. sewd 14. A. of humour B. for humour C. from humour 15. A. from B. by C. of Complete the table with the translation and paradigms of irregular verbs TRANSLATION PAST PAST PARTICIPLE pichnúť, bodnúť stung stung šiť sewed sewed, sewn pokaziť, rozmaznať spoilt, spoiled spoilt, spoiled uhryznúť, poštípať bit bitten hniť rotted rotten viesť, byť na čele led led skrývať sa, skryť, zatajiť hid hid, hidden 96

99 DICTIONARY UNITS a fifth a graduate a third absent-minded accept accessories accomplish admire admit aesthetic value achieve airy aisle amount to analytical ankle anthem apart from arrange arrangement as opposed to ATM (machine) attendance attitude author aviator glasses aware of awkward bachelor party bachelor ball based on bathrobe bean bed and breakfast B&B bee beg biography (to) bite bit bitten bitter bleed (high) blood pressure boast boastful bother bracelet brand (name) bright bruise buffet bully bump into burp busy cabin crew carp casual/formal clothes cathedral pätina absolvent tretina duchom neprítomný prijať doplnky dosiahnuť, uskutočniť obdivovať priznať, pripustiť estetická hodnota dosiahnuť vzdušný ulička rovnať sa (čomu) analytický členok hymna okrem, na rozdiel od zariadiť, dohodnúť dohoda na rozdiel od bankomat školská dochádzka, účasť postoj, prístup, stanovisko spisovateľ, autor letecké okuliare vedomý si trápny, nešikovný rozlúčka so slobodou bakalár, slobodný muž, starý mládenec ples, bál založený na župan fazuľa nocľah s raňajkami (penzión) včela žobrať, veľmi prosiť životopis uhryznúť, poštípať; uhryznutie horký krvácať (vysoký) krvný tlak chváliť sa, chvastať sa chvastavý obťažovať (sa), vadiť náramok obchodná značka, značkové jasný, žiarivý, bystrý, chytrý modrina bufet, švédske stoly šikanovať, zastrašovať; násilník, surovec naraziť do grgať zaneprázdnený posádka lietadla kapor neformálne/formálne oblečenie katedrála cauliflower karfiol claim požadovať, nárokovať si, tvrdiť complicate skomplikovať, sťažiť composer (hudobný) skladateľ comprehensive všeobecný, komplexný compulsory povinný concern záujem, starosť, obava concerning týkajúci sa (čoho) conscience vedomie conscious vedomý consciousness vedomie consequence následok, dôsledok consumer spotrebiteľ, spotrebný, konzumný contagious nákazlivý contemporary súčasný convenient výhodný, vhodný, pohodlný (un)cooperative (ne)spolupracujúci, (ne)ústretový cope with vysporiadať sa s core jadro, podstata; hlavne cotton bavlna couch potato pecival countryman krajan course kurz course kurz cover prebrať (učivo,...) cream krém, smotana crew posádka, personál, obsluha crisps (BrE) čipsy crowd dav crowded ľudnaté, preplnené ľuďmi crown koruna, korunovať cure liek; vyliečiť curious zvedavý curriculum učebné osnovy customs colnica cut off odpojiť cut strih declare vyhlásiť, prehlásiť; precliť dedicated oddaný, zanietený, nadšený, venovaný delicious chutný demanding náročný demanding náročný, namáhavý deny poprieť departure lounge odletová hala depression depresia deserve zaslúžiť si designer návrhár, dizajnér desperate zúfalý diagnosis diagnóza dine jesť, stravovať sa diploma diplom disaster katastrofa disease choroba display vystaviť, ukázať; ukážka, prehliadka, predstavenie (feel) dizzy mať závrate do a favour urobiť láskavosť 97

100 DICTIONARY Units do sightseeing prehliadka pamätihodností/pamiatok do the laundry prať dominant dominantný dress code pravidlá obliekania/typ oblečenia drown utopiť sa due to kvôli dye nafarbiť, prefarbiť; farba (na vlasy) earn one s living zarábať si na živobytie earring náušnica elective (AmE) voliteľný enable umožniť encourage povzbudiť energetic energický, aktívny enrich obohatiť entrance/ admission fee vstupné estimate odhadnúť, odhad eventually napokon exaggerate preháňať, zveličovať excess baggage batožina s nadmernou hmotnosťou exciting excited vzrušujúci vzrušený, rozrušený, nadšený exhibition výstava; prejav faint omdlieť fairy tale rozprávka fall off spadnúť z fall over prevrátiť (sa), spadnúť fame sláva, uznanie fancy prepychový, módny fantasy predstava, fantázia, sen; fantastická literatúra fashion show módna prehliadka fiction beletria fine art výtvarné umenie Finland - Finnish Fínsko fínsky/fín - fínština fit sadnúť (oblečenie), hodiť sa flavour príchuť, aróma; ochutiť flood zaplaviť, potopa fluently plynulo (French) fries (AmE) hranolky full board/ half board plná penzia/polpenzia gate brána gene gén generation generácia get over prekonať give birth porodiť go on pokračovať good manners slušné správanie grade trieda, ročník grammar school gymnázium hand luggage príručná batožina handwriting rukopis hangover opica (v súvislosti s alkoholom) hearing sluch heart attack srdcový infarkt heir dedič hepatitis hepatitída heritage dedičstvo hide hid hidden/hid skrývať, skryť, zatajiť homesick túžiaci po domove honour pocta, česť, vyznamenanie; uznávať, rešpektovať check-in desk check-in (na letisku) chemistry chémia chew žuť chewing gum žuvačka chicken-pox osýpky chips (AmE) čipsy chips (BrE) hranolky choke (on sth.) dusiť sa (niečím) ice cream zmrzlina impress urobiť dojem, zaujať (make) impression (urobiť) dojem in time včas inconvenient nevýhodný, nevhodný, nepohodlný indigestion pokazený žalúdok injection injekcia insult uraziť, urážka jet-lag pásmová choroba jet-lagged postihnutý pásmovou chorobou jewellery šperky knowledge znalosť(i), vedomost(i) landscape krajin(k)a (obraz); krajina, na šírku (rozmer) Latin latinčina lead led led viesť, byť na čele leak presakovať, trhlina leave a tip nechať sprepitné leisure voľný čas length dĺžka lentil šošovica lettuce hlávkový šalát lift výťah, vlek liver pečeň lower znížiť; nižší made to measure urobený na mieru mainly hlavne, predovšetkým manage zvládnuť, riadiť manner(s) spôsob(y), štýl, vystupovanie, správanie mashed potatoes zemiaková kaša master magister masterpiece vrcholné dielo match hodiť sa (niečo k niečomu), prispôsobiť, zladiť mature dospie(va)ť measure merať; miera measurement miera, rozmer, veľkosť meet requirements splniť požiadavky mental duševný, mentálny, psychický metal detector detektor kovov mind vadiť, prekážať mixed conditionals zmiešané podmienky modest skromný monument pamätník, pamiatka multiple viacnásobný multi-tasking robenie viacerých vecí naraz necklace náhrdelník needle ihla nickname prezývka non-fiction literatúra faktu novel (by) román (od autora...) nursery school detské jasle/škôlka object namietať obsessed with. posadnutý obsession posadnutosť offence priestupok offspring potomok, potomkovia old-fashioned staromódny, zastaralý on average v priemere on time načas optional (BrE) voliteľný oral ústny, verbálny otherwise inak, v opačnom prípade 98

101 DICTIONARY Units outfit packed paperless ticket pass by passion passionate peaceful peel pension performing arts permit physics pity plenty of plot poem poetry portrait postpone precise predict prediction pregnancy pregnant present [prez nt] present [pri zent ] pressure prestigious pretend prevent from proceed (make a) progress pyjamas rare raw ready-made recent recognise reflect relaxing remove research resort return ticket reveal rhyme ridiculous ring (un)ripe romance rot rotten royal ruin ruler run out of run short of salmon sample scar scientific scientist score scratch sculptor sculpture seasick security check/control self-esteem oblečenie (na istú príležitosť) preplnený elektronický lístok prejsť okolo vášeň; nadšenie vášnivý; nadšený, zanietený pokojný šúpať dôchodok (starobný, ivalidný) muzické umenia povoliť, umožniť fyzika ľútosť; ľutovať veľa dej, zápletka báseň poézia portrét; na výšku (rozmer) odložiť, presunúť (v čase) precízny predpovedať predpoveď tehotenstvo tehotná dar; prítomný; prítomnosť ukázať, obdarovať tlak prestížne predstierať predchádzať, zabrániť pokračovať, postupovať urobiť pokrok pyžamo zriedkavý, ojedinelý surový hotový, konfekčný nedávny, ostatný (s)poznať, uznať, uznávať odrážať, odzrkadlovať uvoľňujúci, odpočinkový odstrániť výskum; výskumný kúpeľe, letovisko, stredisko spiatočný lístok odhaliť rým; rýmovať sa smiešny prsteň (ne)zrelý románik, milostný pomer; romantika hniť zhnitý kráľovský zničiť vládca, pravítko spotrebovať niečo mať nedostatok (niečoho) losos vzorka jazva vedecký vedec skóre, výsledok (po)škrabať, škrabanec sochár socha, sochárstvo morská choroba bezpečnostná kontrola sebaúcta, hrdosť sense (of) zmysel (pre niečo) sense of direction orientačný zmysel set up založiť, zriadiť sew sewed sewed/sewn šiť shiny lesklý, ligotavý short story poviedka shoulder rameno scholarship štipendium school report vysvedčenie silk hodváb simplify zjednodušiť single ticket jednosmerný lístok single/ double/ twin room jednoposteľová/dvojposteľová/dvojposteľová izba slip pošmyknúť sa slope svah smell čuch snowstorm snehová búrka social spoločenský, sociálny sour kyslý sparkling water perlivá voda specialize (in) špecializovať sa (v), orientovať sa (na) spicy štipľavý, korenistý spoil spoilt spoilt pokaziť, rozmaznať stain škvrna, pošpiniť stare čumieť, civieť, zízať steak steak still water neperlivá voda (to) sting stung stung pichnúť, bodnúť; štipnutie straw slama, slamka stress stres stressed (out) vystresovaný stressful stresujúci suggestion návrh sunburn spálenina; spáliť sa (na slnku) sunscreen krém na opaľovanie suntan opálenie supportive podporujúci, nápomocný survey prieskum suspicious podozrievavý, podozrivý swallow prehltnúť sweat potiť sa, pot Switzerland - Swiss Švajčiarsko švajčiarsky/švajčiar tactful taktný tactless netaktný tailor krajčír taste chuť, príchuť, vkus tasteful vkusný, elegantný tasteless nevkusný, netaktný, bez chuti tasty chutný, lahodný temple chrám tend mať tendenciu term semester, termín (technický) term termín, výraz, názov thanks to vďaka thread niť, vlákno tight tesný, priliehavý, obtiahnutý time zone časové pásmo to rank zaradiť, hodnotiť tool nástroj touch hmat towel uterák tower veža tracksuit tepláková súprava trainers tenisky treat zaobchádzať s trend trend, tendencia, smer 99

102 DICTIONARY Units trout tuition fees tuna twist unconscious underwear urine vain variety vary vinegar vision pstruh školné tuniak krútiť, vykrútiť v bezvedomí spodná bielizeň moč zbytočný, márnivý výber, rozmanitosť meniť sa, líšiť sa ocot zrak, vidina, vízia visual vocational training vomit warn what/it s a pity whipped cream width wipe wool work of art=artwork vizuálny, zrakový, optický odborné predmety (na strednej odbornej škole, učilišti) zvracať varovať aká škoda (výraz sklamania) šľahačka šírka utrieť vlna, vlnený umelecké dielo 100

103 LOKER s.r.o. Obchodná 2, Bratislava Royal method is a trademark of LOKER s.r.o. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers. Authors: leaded by Royalschool n.o. expert guarantor doc. PhDr. Anna Hlavňová, CSc. Ing. Ivana Petričová Mgr. Katarína Petrovičová First edition, 2012 ISBN Printed in the Slovak republic. 101


105 PRE KOHO JE KNIHA URČENÁ Od skúsených lektorov anglického jazyka pre budúcich plynule hovoriacich a mysliacich ľudí v anglickom jazyku. Súčasťou nie je len moderná a bohatá slovná zásoba, ale aj prepracovaný systém výučby obsahujúci prvky ako sú Listening, Comprehension passage, Role play a ďalšie účinné prvky výučby cudzieho jazyka. Moderný design a aktuálne materiály spolu s cvičeniami a kľúčmi na konci každej publikácie poskytujú perfektnú podporu každému záujemcovi o štúdium anglického jazyka. Prvé vydanie Royal method je dostupné v desiatich vedomostných úrovniach od Beginner po Upper Intermediate. Každá úroveň je rozdelená do 10 UNITOV. Každý UNIT zahŕňa výučbových hodín. ČO VÁM ROYAL METHOD PONÚKA Royal method je ideálny spôsob výučby pre zaneprázdnených študentov a môže byť použitá pre krátke, ale aj dlhodobé a intenzívne štúdium. 10 priamych 90 minútových lekcií, reflektujúca na potreby naučiť sa komunikovať v anglickom jazyku a zvládnuť bežné situácie, s ktorými sa každodenne stretávame Študenti sa môžu zapojiť do kurzu v ktorejkoľvek úrovni Konverzačné cvičenia sú základným predpokladom pre dosiahnutie úspechu primäť študenta komunikovať po anglicky Učiteľské knižky obsahujú učebné poznámky, testy jednotlivých úrovní, doplnené o odpovede a výsledky jednotlivých cvičení Viac o kurzoch a informáciách o Royal method nájdete na web stránke ISBN

English Language Lesson two Dr. S. Fiala

English Language Lesson two Dr. S. Fiala Grammar Verbs and tenses Past simple (actions that took place in the past and are completed) (~ed for regular verbs, irregular verbs change) Present simple (~s/ ~es for he/ she/ it) Future (actions that

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