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2 GREETING AND MEETING PEOPLE WHEN TO SAY GOOD MORNING / AFTERNOON / EVENING / NIGHT? We say Good morning between 05:00 AM 12:00 PM We say Good afternoon between 12:00 PM 06:00 PM We say Good evening between 06:00 PM 10:00 PM We say Good night after 10:00 PM (or when you go to sleep, in fact,or say goodbye for the rest of the day) MAKING AND RESPONDING TO INTRODUCTION It s my pleasure to introduce Mr. Smith. 2. How do you do? 3. How do you do? 1. I d like to introduce Mr. Smith. 2. I m glad to meet you. 3. The pleasure is mine. 1. Let me introduce you to Mr. Smith. 2. Pleased to meet you. 3. Nice meeting you, too. 1. I d like to meet Johny. 2. Good to meet you. 3. I ve heard so much about you. 1. This is John. 2. Nice to meet you. 3. Same here May I introduce myself? I m John Smith. 2. It s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Helen Brown. 1. Hello. My name is John Smith. 2. How do you do? I m Helen Brown. 1. I don t think we ve met. I m Tom. 2. Good to meet you. I m Jane. 1. Hi. I m Charles. 2. Hi. I m Jeremy.

3 Kreatívny učiteľ neustále hľadá spôsoby ako motivovať študentov. Upravuje si učebné materiály tak, aby do nich zakomponoval individuálne požiadavky svojich študentov a podnietil ich záujem o cieľový jazyk a kultúru. Na tejto báze vznikli i lekcie v knihe Royal Method. Je veľkým šťastím, že počas tvorby učebných materiálov Royal Method sme ich mohli pilotovať a testovať na hodinách angličtiny a tak získať od študentov okamžitú spätnú väzbu. Na jej základe sme mohli robiť následné úpravy v textoch a cvičeniach. Naším cieľom bolo prijateľným spôsobom priblížiť angličtinu každému študentovi, umožniť mu efektívne osvojovanie slovnej zásoby, tvorenie viet a budovať v ňom schopnosť komunikovať v rôznych životných situáciách. Veľmi dôležitým momentom je to, že vďaka úzkej spolupráci so študentmi a lektormi anglického a gramatiky obsiahnutej v jednotlivých lekciách. Obzvlášť veľký záujem som mala na tom, aby mali učebnice jednoduchú a prehľadnú štruktúru, čo umožní študentovi získať maximum informácií pri práci s nimi. doc. PhDr. Anna Hlavňová, CSc. 1

4 PREDSTAVENIE PRE KOHO JE TÁTO KNIHA URČENÁ? Royal Method Pre-Intermediate 2 bola vytvorená v spolupráci s lektormi a profesormi katedry anglistiky a amerikanistiky pre študentov angličtiny. Je navrhnutá tak, aby čo najviac zohľadňovala potreby študenta pri štúdiu anglického jazyka a pomohla mu rozšíriť si slovnú zásobu, gramatiku a vedieť plynulo konverzovať s použitím zvládnutého učiva. AKO JE KNIHA USPORIADANÁ? Kniha má 10 lekcií. Každá z nich je tematicky orientovaná, čo v praxi znamená, že každá lekcia predstavuje jednu tému ako sú Human nature and relationships, Communication and technology, Opposites, Direct and indirect speech a ďalšie. Každá téme, lekcia okrem svojho zamerania obsahuje k nej prislúchajúcu slovnú zásobu, gramatika, frázy či idiómy. Samotná kniha obsahuje prvky, ktorých úlohou je pomôcť študentovi osvojiť si nadobudnuté vedomosti a vedieť ich použiť v praxi. Medzi tieto výučbové prvky patria: Be the teacher Question time Role play Conversation Comprehension passage Grammar Dictation Listening AKO FUNGUJE TECHNIKA BE THE TEACHER Študenti často vnímajú ako veľký problém preklad viet či dokonca textov zo slovenčiny do angličtiny. Za ešte väčší problém však mnohí považujú tvorbu otázok v angličtine. Je to prirodzené, keďže slovosled, gramatika, jednoducho tvorba otázky v angličtine sa výrazne líši od spôsobu, ako tvoríme otázky v slovenčine. Princíp je jednoduchý, sme však presvedčený, že veľmi účinný. Lektor sa študentov pýta otázky v slovenčine a úlohou študentov je preložiť otázky do angličtiny. Trénuje si tak správny slovosled otázky a ako ju správne vysloviť. Študent následne položí otázku (v angličtine) niektorému so svojich spolužiakov. Ten na otázku odpovie a konverzácia sa uzavrie. Pokračuje sa prekladom ďalšej otázky, jej položením ďalšiemu spolužiakovi atď. ČO JE QUESTION TIME? Na našich hodinách je systém podobný tomu parlamentnému, študenti však kladú otázky svojim spolužiakom s cieľom precvičiť si tvorbu otázok v angličtine. Opýtaný spolužiak je vyzvaný odpovedať na položenú otázku. Takto si každý zo študentov precvičí potrebnú slovnú zásobu, už spomenutú tvorbu otázok a v neposlednom rade ide aj o konverzáciu. 2

5 PREČO ROLE PLAY A AKÉ MÁ VÝHODY? Ide o nácvik, ako sa zachovať v konkrétnej situácii. Inými slovami povedané, aké frázy použiť, ako osloviť človeka na ulici či v obchode, poďakovať, jednoducho vedieť sa vyjadriť v konkrétnej situácii, ktorá môže bežne nastať. Ako ďalší príklad môže poslúžiť Role play, ktorá je súčasťou témy On the phone. Ako už samotná téma napovedá, predmetom nácviku je telefonický rozhovor. CONVERSATION Conversation - táto časť hodiny je venovaná zvolenej téme, na ktorú sa lektor pýta najrôznejšími otázkami. Cieľom je v skupinke rozpútať debatu, aby každý vyjadril svoj názor a precvičil si tak slovnú zásobu a tvorbu viet. V konverzácií sú pritom použité všetky slovíčka i gramatika, ktorú sa študent doteraz naučil. študenti konverzujú na vybranú tému a vyjadrujú svoj názor, myšlienky letor vstupuje do diskusie cielenými otázkami, aby podporil tvorbu ďalších viet zámerom je podporiť študentov v používaní novej slovnej zásoby a fráz či idiómov COMPREHENSION PASSAGE Comprehension passage - to sú cvičenia zamerané na čítanie a porozumenie textu. Okrem iného zahŕňajú aj slovnú zásobu a gramatiku, ktorú sa študent naučil v predošlých lekciách. Študenti čítajú zadaný text nahlas, potom ho prekladajú a nakoniec krátko konverzujú a popisujú, o čom celý text bol. Takto sa precvičujú až 3 aspekty jazyka: čítanie, porozumenie a rozprávanie. študenti čítajú anglický text, ktorý je tvorený formou príbehu alebo deja študenti po prečítaní textu po anglicky článok preložia do slovenčiny lektor na záver kladie otázky týkajúce sa článku v angličtine študenti reagujú a odpovedajú vlastnými slovami, čo sa v príbehu udialo PREČO JE GRAMATIKA DÔLEŽITÁ? Gramatiku vyučujeme priamym spôsobom - to znamená, že všetko vysvetľujeme po anglicky. Po veľmi krátkom vysvetlení si ju študenti precvičujú na vetách, otázkach a odpovediach. V každej lekcii, ktorá obsahuje gramatiku sa nachádzajú aj doplnkové cvičenia, ktoré sa robia zväčša na konci hodiny. gramatika je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou každého jazyka a Anglický jazyk nie je výnimkou bez jej znalosti je skoro nemožné pochopiť náročnejšie vety či dokonca súvetia anglická gramatika vyjadruje okrem iného aj čas, keď sa dej uskutočnil neobmedzuje sa len na minulý, prítomný a budúci čas pre plynulú tvorbu viet či textov a ich pochopenie je znalosť gramatiky nevyhnutnosťou DIKTÁTY? PREČO SÚ NEVYHNUTNÉ? Písanie textov v cudzom jazyku nám pomáha slovíčka si zapamätať trvalo. Učí nás slovosled, použitie fráz, idiómov a iných prvkov cudzieho jazyka. Práve preto venujeme diktátom a písomnému prejavu náležitú pozornosť. písomný prejav vypovedá o nás, aký sme, zanechá buď dobrý alebo naopak zlý dojem písanie textov a diktátov nás vedie k trvalému zapamätaniu si slovíčok učí nás tvorbu viet, slovosledu, gramatiky vedie nás k zdokonaľovaniu nášho prejavu ako takého 3

6 LISTENING Listening (počúvanie anglických nahrávok) je veľmi dôležitou časťou vzdelávania sa v cudzom jazyku. Prináša so sebou výhodu v podobe možnosti sledovania mnohých prízvukov, tempa reči, jej zrozumiteľnosti a použitých skratiek či výrazov. listening (počúvanie) vás trénuje porozumieť hovorenému slovu umožní vám porozumieť rôznym prízvukom či tempu reči naučí vás mnoho nových slovíčok, použitie gramatiky, fráz 4


8 HUMAN NATURE AND RELATIONSHIPS UNIT 51 WARM UP QUESTIONS 51.wq.1 Do people usually get angry when they try to persuade a stubborn person? Yes, people usually get angry when they try to persuade a stubborn person. Should a good relationship be full of love and understanding? Yes, a good relationship should be full of love and understanding. Do highly intelligent people usually get on well with less intelligent people? No, highly intelligent people don t usually get on well with less intelligent people. If you had an unreliable friend, would he be able to keep your greatest secrets? No, if I had an unreliable friend, he wouldn t be able to keep my greatest secrets. What expressions can we use when we want to apologise for something? When we want to apologise for something, we can say, I am sorry, Excuse me etc. 51.v.1 introduce shake shook shaken predstaviť triasť Can you introduce yourself? Yes, I can introduce myself. My name is When they introduce you to somebody, is it polite to shake hands with them? Yes, when they introduce me to somebody, it is polite to shake hands with them. What s the paradigm of the verb shake? The paradigm of the verb shake is 51.v.2 judge (by) misjudge appearance súdiť (podľa) zle posúdiť vzhľad When you meet somebody for the first time, do you often judge them by their appearance? Yes, when I meet somebody for the first time, I often judge them by their appearance. / No, when I, I never judge them And do you often misjudge the nature of that person or do you usually have a good guess? Yes, I often misjudge the nature of that person. / No, I don t, I usually have a good guess. Is it enough to judge a person only by what they say? No, it isn t enough to judge a person only by what they say. Are there any jobs for which the appearance is the most important thing? Yes, there are some jobs for which the appearance is the most important thing, for example the job of an actor. 6

9 51.v.3 generous selfish even veľkorysý, štedrý sebecký dokonca Have you ever met such a selfish person that he or she didn t even want to lend you a pen? Yes, I have met such a selfish person that he/she didn t even want to lend me a pen. / No, I haven t met such a Are generous parents able to give their children everything even if they have almost nothing? Yes, generous parents are able to give their children everything even if they have almost nothing. How would you explain that rich people are sometimes less generous than poor people? Rich people are sometimes less generous than poor people because although they have more money, they are more selfish than poor people. DEFINITION 51.def.1 Instead of saying rich people, we can say the rich ; instead of saying young people we can say the young etc. What can we say instead of selfish people? We can say the selfish instead of selfish people. 51.v.4 mad crazy bláznivý bláznivý DEFINITION 51.def.2 The adjective mad has more uses. For example: My brother is completely mad ( = crazy). The mother is mad at her children ( = angry with them). The sister is mad about sport ( = she loves sport very much). Give me examples of different uses of the word mad. Would you be mad at your friend if you found out that he or she had lied to you? Yes, I would be mad at my friend if I found out that he/she had lied to me. What kind of things are teenagers usually mad about? Teenagers are usually mad about sports, films, girls / boys What kind of things are you mad about? The kind of things I am mad about are 51.v.5 at least shout minimálne, aspoň kričať 7

10 Do you think that the best way to teach children what is right is to spend at least an hour a day with them? No, I don t think that the best way how to teach children what is right is to shout at them at least once a day, but the best way is to explain everything to them. DEFINITION 51.def.3 When you shout at somebody, it means that you are mad at them, and when you shout to somebody, it means that you want him or her to hear you. Do people speak quietly to each other when they are mad at each other? No, people don t speak quietly to each other when they are mad at each other, but they shout at each other. Have you ever made such a mistake that you had to apologise for it at least a hundred times? Yes, I have made such a mistake that I had to apologise for it at least a hundred times. / No, I haven t made such a 51.v.6 keep keep (on) doing sth. keep an appointment keep in touch držať, udržať, nechať si stále niečo robiť, pokračovať v práci prísť na stretnutie ostať v kontakte DEFINITION 51.t.4 The verb to keep has many different meanings; some of them are to keep animals, to continue doing something, we also use it in the expressions such as keep a promise, keep a secret, keep an appointment, keep in touch. How do you get on with people who keep (on) smiling and laughing? I get on well with people who keep (on) smiling and laughing. / I don t like the people who keep (on) smiling and... If you had to keep an unimportant appointment, would you try to keep it even if it rained? Yes, if I had to keep an unimportant appointment, I would try to keep it even if it rained / No, if I, I wouldn t try to keep it in heavy rain. Do people generally argue with neighbours who keep a lot of dangerous animals in their flats? Yes, people generally argue with neighbours who keep a lot of dangerous animals in their flats. Do you still keep in touch with the people who attended the same kindergarten as you? Yes, I still keep in touch with the people who attended the same kindergarten as me. / No, I don t keep in touch with the Have you kept any love letters from your ex-boyfriends / ex-girlfriends? Yes, I have kept some love letters from my ex-boyfriends / ex-girlfriends. / No, I haven t kept 8

11 51.v.7 cheat cheat on break up forgive - forgave forgiven podvádzať - klamať podvádzať - byť neverný rozísť sa odpustiť When a teacher finds out that a pupil is cheating in an exam, should he let him keep writing? Yes, when a teacher finds out that a pupil is cheating in an exam he or she should let them keep writing. / No, when a teacher, he or she shouldn t, but he or she a low mark. Do partners sometimes cheat on each other even if they are married? Yes, unfortunately, partners sometimes cheat on each other even if they are married. If you found out that your partner had cheated on you, would you immediately break-up with the,? If I found out that my partner had cheated on me, I would Do people usually keep (on) crying after a really bad break-up? Yes, people usually keep (on) crying after a really bad break up. If your best friend broke his promise, would you forgive him and give him a second chance? Yes, if my best friend broke his/her promise, I would forgive him/her and give him/her a second chance. / No, if my best..., I wouldn t forgive him/her and... How do we translate this expression it s forgiven? We translate the expression It s forgiven as je odpustené. What s the paradigm of the verb to forgive? The paradigm of the verb to forgive is 51.v.8 (dis)obey I used to + inf. I am used to + -ing/noun get used to + -ing/noun (ne)poslúchať zvykol som som zvyknutý na zvykať si na DEFINITION 51.def.5 The sentence I used to smoke means that I smoked in the past, but I don t smoke now; the sentence I am used to smoking means that smoking is normal for me, not unusual; and the sentence I am getting used to smoking means that now I smoke occasionally but I will probably be in the habit of smoking regularly one day. Did you use to obey your parents when you were a child? Yes, I used to obey my parents when I was a child. / No, I didn t use to obey my parents when I was a child, but I used to disobey them. Are selfish children used to having everything only for themselves? Yes, selfish children are used to having everything only for themselves. Translate: zvykám si na upršané počasie. I am getting used to a rainy weather. 9

12 Translate: verím, že si zvyknem na tvoje správanie. I believe that I will get used to your behaviour. Do you think that the people of Slovakia are used to the impolite behaviour of shop assistants and waiters? Yes, I think that the people of Slovakia are used to the impolite behaviour of shop assistants and waiters. / No, I don t think that are used to..., but I think EXERCISE 51.e.1 Translate the Slovak part of a sentence into English. 1. I am new in this job, so... people what to do. (nie som zvyknutý hovoriť) 2. My best friend used to live in a big house when she was a child, so... in large buildings. (je zvyknutá na bývanie) 3. I really... his company but now I find him quite boring. (zvykol som si užívať) 4. I have never had so much money, but... used to it. (zvykám si na to) 5. Everybody is shouting at me, so I... (som zvyknutý na to krik) eat a lot of chocolate, but now I am on a diet. (Zvykol som jesť) his crazy nature? (Zvykol si si na) with my old friends but now I don t even remember their names. (Zvykla som byť v kontakte) 51.v.9 calm nervous make nervous pokojný nervózny, nepokojný znervózňovať When two people are going to get married do they usually feel completely calm? No, when two people are going to get married, they don t usually feel completely calm, but they usually feel very nervous. 10

13 Do you get nervous very easily? Yes, I get nervous very easily. / No, I don t get nervous very easily. What things make you nervous? The things that make me nervous are 51.v.10 care take care of look after care for (sb.) care about starostlivosť; starať sa starať sa o starať sa o starať sa o, stáť o niekoho záležať na niečom Who cared for you when you were a six-month old baby? My parents cared for me when I was a six-month old baby. Do you care about the way you dress to work every day? Yes, I care about the way I dress to work every day. / No, I don t When two people break up, but they are still in love, do they still care about each other? Yes, when two people break up, but they are still in love, they still care about each other. Have you ever had to look after a group of crazy teenagers? Yes, I have had to look after a group of crazy teenagers. / No, haven t had to look Do you agree that the young should take care of the old? Yes, I agree that the young should take care of the old. Do you care what other people think or say about you? Yes, I care what other people think or say about me. / No, I don t care what 51.v.11 willing refuse amount ochotný odmietnuť množstvo When somebody asks you for a piece of advice, are you willing to advise him? Yes, when somebody asks me for a piece of advice, I am willing to advise him. / No, when somebody, I am not willing If a homeless asked you to give him a small amount of money, would you refuse to help him? Yes, if a homeless asked me to give him a small amount of money, I would refuse to help him. / No, if a, I wouldn t refuse Do you believe that there is a great amount of people willing to help others in the world? Yes, I believe that there is a great amount of people willing to help others in the world. / No, I don t believe that there is a 51.v.12 friendship make friends priateľstvo nájsť si priateľov, spriateliť sa 11

14 If a person doesn t even know what the word friendship means, is it possible for him to be happy in life? No, if a person doesn t even know what the word friendship means, it is not possible for him to be happy in life. Have you ever refused to be a friend with a person who asked you for friendship on Facebook? Yes, I have already refused to be a friend with a person who asked me for friendship on Facebook. / No, I haven t refused to be... Do you believe that friendship between a man and a woman can easily change into love? Yes, I believe that friendship between a man and a woman can easily change into love. / No, I don t believe that Have you made any new friends since you graduated from high school? Yes, I have made some new friend since I graduated from high school. 51.v.13 true false gossip pravdivý nepravdivý ohovárať, klebeta Do true friends always tell each other the truth? Yes, true friends always tell each other the truth. Do you have a lot of true friends? Yes, I have a lot of true friends. / No, I don t have a lot of true friends. How would you describe the relationship between two false friends? False friends don t trust each other, they don t share any secrets, don t help each other, they gossip each other etc. Is it true that it is sometimes hard to make true friends? Yes, it is true that it is sometime hard to make true friends. Do you know anybody whose favourite activity is gossiping about other people and listening to all kinds of gossip? Yes, I know somebody whose favourite activity is gossiping about other people and listening to all kinds of gossip. 51.v.14 fault faultless chyba bezchybný Do you think that you are faultless or do you have any faults? I don t think I am faultless, I have some faults. What are your faults? I am (stubborn, unpunctual, lazy ) And what are your strengths? My strengths are (responsibility, punctuality, reliability etc.) 12

15 QUESTION TIME 51.qt.1 Chcel by si sa predstaviť svojim novým spolužiakom? Would you like to introduce yourself to your new classmates? Yes, I would like to introduce myself to my new classmates. / No, I wouldn t like to Rozišiel si sa niekedy s niekým? Have you ever broken up with anyone? Yes, I have already broken up with someone. / No, I haven t broken up with anyone. Zvykli na teba tvoji rodičia kričať, keď si ich neposlúchal? Did your parents use to shout at you when you didn t obey them? Yes, my parents used to shout at me when I didn t obey them. / No, my parents didn t use to shout at me when I didn t obey them. Odpustil by si svojmu najlepšiemu priateľovi, keby ťa ohováral? Would you forgive your best friend if he gossiped about you? Yes, I would forgive my best friend if he gossiped about me. / No, I wouldn t forgive. Si zvyknutý na to, že sa staráš o svoju mladšiu sestru alebo brata? Are you used to taking care of your younger sister or brother? Yes, i am used to taking care of my younger sister/brother. / No, I am not used to Veríš, že na svete je človek, ktorý je úplne bezchybný? Do you believe (that) there is a person in this world who is completely faultless? Yes, I believe (that) there is a person in this world who is completely faultless. / No, I don t believe EXERCISE 51.e.2 Translate the following sentences. 1. Nesúď ľudí podľa ich vzhľadu! 2. Už si sa predstavil? 3. Štedrými ľuďmi máme na mysli ľudí, ktorí sú ochotní požičať ti peniaze, keď ich potrebuješ. 4. Nezvykla som sa ospravedlňovať za svoje chyby, ale práve si na to zvykám, pretože musím. 5. Odmietol si niekedy pomôcť svojim skutočným priateľom, keď sa dostali do problémov? 6. Myslíš si, že by sa zdraví ľudia mali starať o chorých? 7. Je priateľstvo jednou z najdôležitejších vecí v ľudskom živote? 13

16 8. Znervóznieš, keď ti pekný muž potrasie rukou? EXERCISE 51.e.3 I cannot 1 my life without friendship. When you get into trouble, it is important to know someone who can help you 2 it, because true friends care about 3. Even if they aren t mad 4 same things, they always have wonderful time together. True friends are able to forgive each other and are not 5 each other when one of them cannot 6 a promise. They share every secret together. Some people are unhappy because they 7 have such a good friend, but cannot 8 anyone like that. If they could, their lives would be 9 beautiful, full 10 happiness and love. 1. A. perform B. introduce C. imagine 2. A. get out from B. to get out of C. to get out from 3. A. themselves B. each other C. theirselves 4. A. around B. about the C. at the 5. A. mad about B. crazy at C. mad at 6. A. keep B. break C. hold 7. A. like to B. would like to C. want 8. A. find B. look for C. make 9. A. more B. less C. much 10. A. with B. from C. of 14

17 CRIME UNIT v1 commit crime law spáchať zločin zákon What do we call the act which is against the law? We call the action which is against the law a crime. Have you ever broken the law? Yes, I have broken the law. / No, I have never broken the law. Do you agree that to kill someone is the worst crime a person can commit? Yes, I agree that to kill someone is the worst crime a person can commit. Do you think that cheating during an exam should be a crime? No, I don t think that cheating during an exam should be a crime. Can unhappy childhood be an excuse for committing a crime? No, unhappy childhood cannot be an excuse for committing a crime. 52.v2 criminal prison prisoner zločinec väzenie väzeň What do we call the person who is responsible for a crime? We call the person who is responsible for a crime a criminal. If they put you into prison, do you think that you would make some real true friends there? Yes, if they put me into prison, I think I would make some real true friends there. / No, if they put, I don t think I would Do you know anybody who has spent last 5 years in prison? Yes, I know somebody who has spent last 5 years in prison. / No, I don t know anybody who 52.v3 active voice passive voice činný rod trpný rod 15

18 DEFINITION 52.def.1 The subject is usually the noun before the verb and the object is the noun after the verb. The sentence My mother writes a letter is in the Active Voice because the subject my mother does the action. The sentence A letter is written by my mother means the same as the first sentence, but the subject is the letter and it doesn t do the action, but it receives the action. When the subject receives the action, we say that the sentence is in the Passive Voice. My mother writes a letter. The construction of the Passive Voice is TO BE in the correct tense + Past Participle (+BY) A letter is written by my mother. EXERCISE 52.e.1 Complete the list of tenses and forms and translate the expressions in the Passive Voice. BREAK BE Present Simple He the glass. The glass broken by him. Present Continuous He the glass. The glass broken by him. Present Perfect He the glass. The glass broken by him. Past Simple He the glass. The glass broken by him. Past Continuous He the glass. The glass broken by him. Past Perfect He the glass. The glass broken by him Future He the glass. The glass broken by him. Conditional He the glass. The glass broken by him Should He the glass. The glass broken by him. Can He the glass. The glass broken by him. What is the construction of the passive voice? The construction of the Passive Voice is the verb to be in the right tense and the past participle of a verb. Now I will give you some sentences in the Active Voice, and you will have to change them into the Passive Voice. Let s start with the: Present Simple Tense. They sell Slovak beer in England. Slovak beer is sold in England. We give all lessons in English here. All lessons are given in English here. Do they speak Spanish in Chile? Is Spanish spoken in Chile? 16

19 Present Continuous Tense I am opening the door. The door is being opened by me. She is still cleaning my room. My room is still being cleaned by her. The police are not watching our house. Our house is not being watched by the police. Present perfect tense The boss has cancelled the meeting. The meeting has been cancelled by the boss. This company has never employed women. Women have never been employed by this company. Have you already paid the bill? Has the bill been already paid? Past simple tense He finished his last book. His last book was finished. The strong wind didn t break windows last night. The windows weren t broken by the strong wind last night. They told me to go home. I was told to go home. Future They will inform you on Monday. You will be informed on Monday. How many people will they choose? How many people will be chosen? Thousands of people will read this book. This book will be read by thousands of people. Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Nobody has fed our dog today. Our dog hasn t been fed today. They show Cinderella on television every Christmas. Cinderella is shown on television every Christmas. They took him to the local hospital. He was taken to the local hospital. 17

20 John hasn t invited me to the wedding. I haven t been invited to the wedding by John/John s wedding. We will deliver the food to you at 7 am. The food will be delivered to you at 7 am. A terrible storm woke me up last night. I was woken up by a terrible storm. They are building new houses everywhere. New houses are being built everywhere. Do they teach French at your school? Is French taught at your school? This government is spending too much money. Too much money is being spent by this government. We will never forget her. She will never be forgotten by us. DEFINITION 52.def.2 The Passive Voice is used much more often in English than in Slovak. We always prefer to use it when we don t know who did the action, or when it is not important to say who did the action. For example, we say The bridge was built in 1950 and not They built the bridge in v.4 steal stole stolen thief (pl. thieves) gun ukradnúť zlodej zbraň Has anything ever been stolen from you by a thief? Yes, something has been stolen from me by a thief. / No, nothing has ever been stolen from me by a thief. When? What? If you stole the whole chicken from the butcher s, and you were caught by the police, would they put you into prison? No, if I stole the whole chicken from the butcher s, and I was caught by the police, they wouldn t put me into prison. If a thief with a gun wanted to steal your wallet, would you try to run away or would you give it to him? If a thief with a gun wanted to steal my wallet, I wouldn t try to run away. I would give it to him. 52.v.5 shoot shot shot murder murderer strieľať vražda; zavraždiť vrah 18

21 Is it worse to live together with a thief than with a murderer? No, it isn t worse to live together with a thief than with a murderer, but it is worse to live with a murderer than with a thief. If you shot a policeman, would you be taken to prison? Yes, if I shot a policeman, I would be taken to prison. Have you ever seen anyone shooting in real life? Yes, I have seen someone shooting in real life. / No, I haven t seen Have you ever seen anyone shot in the street in your town? Yes, I have seen someone shot in the street in my town. / No, I haven t seen 52.v.6 judge justice (law) court sudca spravodlivosť súd Where do people go when they are looking for justice? People go to the (law) court when they are looking for justice. If you could choose between being a lawyer and a judge, which job would you choose? Why? If I could choose between being a lawyer and a judge, I would choose to be a because Why do judges earn so much money? Judges earn so much money because their job is dangerous. 52.v.7 arrest zatknúť Have you ever been arrested? No, I have never been arrested. Do you think that people who smoke in public buildings should be arrested? Yes, I think that people who smoke in public buildings should be arrested. / No, I don t think that 52.v.8 charge with innocent guilty obžalovať z nevinný vinný If a man is charged with a crime, is he taken directly to prison? No, if a man is charged with a crime, he isn t taken directly to prison, but at first he is taken to court. Does it happen in your country that innocent people are charged with serious crimes? Yes, it happens in my country that innocent people are charged with serious crimes. / No, it doesn t happen. 19

22 What s the opposite of innocent? The opposite of innocent is guilty. When you lie to somebody, although it is for his own good, do you feel guilty? Yes, when I lie to somebody, I feel guilty although it is for his own good. DEFINITION 52.def.3 The word charge has a lot of meanings. Some of them are: 1. to charge (somebody) with a crime = obžalovaťniekoho zo zločinu, 2. to charge a gun/a battery = nabiť, 3. to charge 6 euros = naúčtovať, 4. to be in charge = byť vo vedení How much do they usually charge for a meal in an average restaurant in this town? They usually charge about euros for a meal in an average restaurant in this town. If you were in charge of a big business, and your employee stole something, would you dismiss him? If I was in charge of a big business, and my employee stole something, I would dismiss him/ give him a second chance. How often do you have to charge the battery of your phone? I must charge the battery of my phone every day. EXERCISE 52.e.2 Guess what or who it is. 1. The action which is against the law is a Taking something from a shop without paying is The action for which we need a gun is A person the police are looking for is a The place where all the criminals should be taken is When you didn t commit the crime, you are The men whose job is stealing are When somebody is guilty of a murder, he should be v.9 receptionist be worth swimming pool cheque include recepčný/á mať hodnotu, cenu bazén šek zahŕňať 20

23 READING 52.r.1 Next time you think your hotel bill is too high, you should probably think of this story: My wife and I were travelling by car from Victoria to Prince George. After almost eleven hours on the road, we were too tired to go further, and decided to stay at a hotel. But we only planned to sleep a few hours and then continue with our journey. When we checked out five hours later, the receptionist gave us a bill for 450 dollars. I got really mad and I wanted to know why they charged us so much. I told him that although it was a really nice hotel, the rooms weren t worth 450 dollars. When receptionist said that 450 dollars was the 'usual charge', I asked him to call the manager. The manager came, listened to what I said, and then explained that the hotel had a large swimming pool, a sauna and a first-class Chinese restaurant. We could have used all of these things because everything was included in the price of our room. I answered 'But we did not use them.' 'That s not our problem, they are here and you could have used them,' explained the manager. He kept on telling us that we could have also watched one of the shows for which the hotel was famous. 'We have the best entertainers and the best performers in the USA, they are all very popular' 'But we saw none of these shows.' 'That s not our problem, we have them and you could have watched them.' I realized that trying to persuade him was completely useless. He wasn t willing to change his opinion. I wrote a cheque and gave it to him. The manager was surprised when he looked at the cheque and said: 'But sir, this cheque is only for 50 dollars.' 'That s right. I charged you 400 dollars for sleeping with my wife.' 'But I didn t sleep with her!' shouted the manager. 'Well, that s not my problem, she was here, you could have done it.' QUESTIONS AND TASKS 1. Prečo bol účet za izbu taký vysoký? Aký je zvyčajný poplatok za izbu v priemernom hoteli? 2. Súhlasíš s manažérom alebo so zákazníkom? Prečo? 3. Čo by si robil, keby si bol zákazníkom? 4. Čo by si spravil, keby si bol manažérom? Naúčtoval by si menej? 5. Ako si myslíš, že by príbeh mohol skončiť? 6. Translate the words: recepčný, šek, mať hodnotu, bazén, zahŕňať. Use the words in sentences. 21

24 OPPOSITES UNIT 53 EXERCISE 53.e.1 Write the opposites, either by adding a prefix or by writing a completely different word with the opposite meaning. up visible fail an exam useful fat better patient forget hard working land friendly alive outside wake up put on comfortable early the same badly bore 53.v.1 win won won lose vyhrať prehrať, stratiť What are the two opposites of the verb lose? The two opposites of the verb lose are find and win. If you won a million euros, what would you do with it? If I won a million euros, I would Do you think you would make some new but false friends? Yes, I think I would make some new but false friends. If you and I were running against each other, would you lose? Yes, if you and I were running against each other, I think I would lose. / No, if you and I were 53.v.2 turn on turn off zapnúť vypnúť Had you ever forgotten to turn off the lights at home before you went for holiday? Yes, I had forgotten to turn off the lights at home before I went for holiday. / No, I had never 22

25 What must you turn on when you want to fry some fish for dinner? I must turn on the cooker when I want to fry some fish for dinner. 53.v.3 forbid forbade forbidden allow zakázať dovoliť, povoliť If you get permission to do something, does it mean that you are allowed to do it? Yes, if I get permission to do something, it means that I am allowed to do it. When you were a child, and your parents forbade you to turn the TV on, did you always obey them? Yes, when I was a child, and my parents forbade me to turn the TV on, I always obeyed them. / No, when I was, I didn t, but I sometimes disobeyed them. Does the teacher allow you to talk to each other during the lesson? No, the teacher doesn t allow us to talk to each other during the lesson, but he forbids it. In your opinion, should it be forbidden for an employee to visit his best friend during his working hours? Yes, I think it should be forbidden for an employee to visit his best friend during his working hours. / No, I don t think it should be 53.v.4 pull push ťahať tlačiť Did you pull this door when you wanted to enter the classroom at the beginning of the lesson? No, I didn t pull this door when I wanted to enter the classroom at the beginning of the lesson, but I pushed it. Is it polite to push other people in order to get on a bus or a train? No, it isn t polite to push other people in order to get on a bus or a train but it is impolite. 53.v.5 follow precede (na)sledovať predchádzať, ísť pred Have you ever been followed by the police? Yes, I have been followed by the police. / No, I have never been followed by Are men in this country in the habit of preceding or following women to the room? Men in this country are in the habit of 53.v.6 rise - rose - risen sink - sank - sunk suddenly stúpať klesať zrazu 23

26 What would you do if this table suddenly began to rise into the air? If this table suddenly began to rise into the air, I would Would you be afraid if you were on a ship at sea, and it suddenly started to sink? Yes, I would be afraid if I was on a ship at sea, and it suddenly started to sink. What s the paradigm of the verb rise? The paradigm of the verb rise is Have you ever had to get up before the sun has risen? Yes, I have had to get up before the sun has risen. When? Why? What s the paradigm of the verb sink? The paradigm of sink is 53.v.7 lay lift položiť zdvihnúť What is the paradigm of the verb lay? The paradigm of the verb lay is lay-laid-laid. Did I lay my feet on the table after I had come into this classroom? No, you didn t lay your feet on the table after you had come into this classroom, but you laid a book on the table after you had come into this classroom. When you were a baby, were you able to lift another baby? No, when I was a baby, I wasn t able to lift another baby. DEFINITION 53.def.1 The other two meanings of the word lift are výťah and odvoz. Do you have to use a lift in order to get into this classroom? No, I don t have to use a lift in order to get into this classroom./ Yes, If you saw a young sad man walking along the road alone, would you give him a lift? Yes, if I saw a young sad man walking along the road alone, I would give him a lift. / No, if I saw a young sad man walking, I wouldn t 53.v.8 succeed (in) uspieť (v) What is the opposite of the verb succeed? The opposite of the verb succeed is fail. 24

27 Will you succeed in learning English if you study hard? Yes, if I study hard, I ll succeed in learning English. If you succeeded in getting a job for which you and your friend had applied, would you apologise to him? Yes, if I succeeded in getting a job for which my friend and I had applied, I would apologise to him. / No, if my friend..., I wouldn t What do you have to do if you want to succeed in life? If I want to succeed in life, I have to learn a lot DICTATION 53.d.1 My brother was charged with a murder but I am sure that he is completely innocent. He is a very good person and I cannot imagine that he would be able to kill someone. On the other hand, people sometimes shoot at each other only because they are mad. He has always been generous and calm, he didn t get nervous easily. Our mother will probably become crazy, when they arrest him and put him into prison. 53.v.9 rather ( than) radšej, skôr Would you rather win one thousand euros now or four thousand euros in four years time? I would rather win than Do you think that you are a rather responsible and reliable type of person? Yes, I think that I am a rather responsible and reliable type of person. / No, I don t think that I am, but I am a rather irresponsible and unreliable type of Would you rather get a job in prison than at a place for the homeless? I d rather get a job than a job 53.v.10 awake asleep fall asleep bdelý spiaci zaspať Is it easy to stay awake during the day after you have spent the whole night dancing in a bar? No, it isn t easy to stay awake during the day after I have spent the whole night dancing in a bar, but it is difficult. If you had to start working at 4 am tomorrow, would you still feel half asleep? Yes, if I had to start working at 4 am tomorrow, I would still feel half asleep. Have you ever fallen asleep while somebody was trying to explain something to you? Yes, I have fallen asleep while somebody was trying to explain something to me. / No, I have never fallen Are you used to staying awake until 3 am? No, I am not used to staying awake until 3 am. 25

28 53.v.11 amazing horrible terrible úžasný hrozný, strašný hrozný, strašný What would you do if you found an amazing amount of money on the ground? (Would you keep it?) If I found an amazing amount of money on the ground, I would... Do you agree that human behaviour is sometimes more terrible than the behaviour of animals? Yes, I agree that human behaviour is sometimes more terrible than the behaviour of animals. What is another word which we can use instead of terrible? Another word which we can use instead of terrible is horrible. 53.v.12 smooth rough surface hladký drsný povrch Is the surface of this table rough? No, the surface of this table isn t rough, but it is smooth. Do you know anybody who prefers the sea to be rough when he sails by ship? Yes, I know somebody who prefers the sea to be rough when he sails by ship. / No, I don t know 53.v.13 careful careless opatrný neopatrný Do you think that there would be fewer car accidents if there were more careful drivers on the roads? Yes, I think that there would be fewer car accidents if there were more careful drivers on the roads. What do you think should be done about careless drivers who cause accidents? I think that careless drivers should be arrested / should pay fines etc. Are people usually careless when they are in great danger? No, people usually aren t careless when they are in great danger, but they are usually very careful. 53.v.14 heaven hell nebo peklo Do you believe that when a man dies, his soul will go either to heaven or to hell? Yes, I believe that after a man dies, his soul will go either to heaven or to hell. / No, I don t 26

29 Which place in the world do you think feels like heaven? I think feels like heaven. 53.v.15 profit loss zisk strata If you bought a car for ten thousand euros and sold it for half that price, would you be making a profit? If I bought a car for ten thousand euros and sold it for half that price, I wouldn t be making a profit, but I would be making a loss. Is too much weight loss dangerous? Yes, too much weight loss is dangerous. 53.v.16 enemy far farther the farthest nepriateľ ďaleko/ý ďalej - najďalej Is it a good idea to keep your enemies as far as you can? Yes, it is a good idea to keep your enemies as far as you can. What is the opposite of far? The opposite of far is near. Do you think that rich and successful people have got more enemies than poor and unsuccessful people? Yes, I think that rich and successful people have got more enemies than poor and unsuccessful people. / No, I don t think that Is Bulgaria farther from Greece than France? No, Bulgaria isn t farther from Greece than France, but it is nearer to Greece than France. 53.v.17 be right be wrong mať pravdu mýliť sa Am I right when I say that it s allowed to kill somebody in this country? No, you aren t right when you say that it s allowed to kill somebody in this country, but you are wrong because it is forbidden. Am I right when I say that you would rather be far away than here? No, you aren t right when you say that I would rather be far away than here because I am happy to be here. Am I wrong when I think that the opposite of profit is loss? No, you aren t wrong when you think that the opposite of profit is loss, but you are right. Is the teacher always right? No, the teacher isn t always right, but sometimes he or she can be wrong. 27

30 53.v.18 by mistake on purpose purpose omylom naschvál zámer, účel When you hurt someone, is it usually done by mistake or on purpose? When I hurt someone, it is usually done Did you eat bad food on purpose when you were a child because you wanted to get sick and stay home? Yes, I ate bad food on purpose when I was a child because I wanted to get sick and stay home. / No, I didn t eat bad food on purpose when I was a child because I wanted to Do you agree that the purpose of living is to be happy and make other people happy? Yes, I agree that QUESTION TIME 53.qt.1 Ublížil si niekomu niekedy naschvál? Have you ever hurt anyone on purpose? Yes, I have already hurt someone on purpose. / No, I have never hurt anyone on purpose. Ako by si sa cítil, keby učiteľ zamkol dvere a zakázal nám opustiť triedu? How would you feel if the teacher locked the door and forbade us to leave the classroom? If the teacher locked the door and forbade us to leave the classroom I would feel Často sa mýliš alebo máš vždy pravdu? Are you often wrong or are you always right? I am Zaspal si takmer počas minulej hodiny angličtiny? Did you almost fall asleep during the last English lesson? Yes, I almost fell asleep during the last English lesson. / No, I didn t almost fall asleep Koľko ti naúčtovali za najdrahší pár topánok, ktorý vlastníš? How much did they charge you / how much were you charged for the most expensive pair of shoes you have / own? They charged me / I was charged about for the most expensive pair of shoes I have / own. Zahŕňa cena za izbu aj raňajky a večeru? Does the price of a room include breakfast and dinner? Yes, the price of a room includes breakfast and dinner./ No, the price of a room doesn t include breakfast and dinner. EXERCISE 53.e.2 Translate the following sentences. 1. Uspela v otvorení jej nového obchodu, kde sa predáva úžasné oblečenie. 2. Keď je niekto na čele veľkého biznisu, zvyčajne mu záleží iba na jeho zisku. 28

31 3. Najkrajším miestom na svete je nebo, pretože je plné láskavých a dobrosrdečných ľudí. 4. Slnko vychádza na východe a zapadá na západe. 5. Radšej by som mojim deťom dovolil ostať vonku do polnoci než stále hrať počítačové hry. 6. Nie, nemýliš sa, keď povieš, že strede predcháza utorok, ale máš pravdu. 7. Za tento čln mi zaúčtovali eur a potopil sa hneď v prvý deň na mori. 8. Ak budeme tlačiť dvere, na ktorých je napísané ťahať, neotvoria sa. EXERCISE 53.e.3 Write the opposites. nearer smooth profit asleep be allowed - fail friend lay won rise follow forbade risen laid 29

32 DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH UNIT v.1 direct speech indirect/ reported speech report priama reč nepriama reč oznámiť, zreferovať DEFINITION 54.def.1 We use direct and indirect speech when we want to tell somebody what someone has said, in other words we want to repeat the words of someone else. As in the Slovak language, we can repeat the exact words of the speaker this is called direct speech, or we can report what the speaker said this is called indirect or reported speech. When do we use direct and indirect speech? We use direct and indirect speech when we want to repeat the words of someone else. When we repeat the exact words of the speaker, is it direct speech? Yes, when we repeat the exact words of the speaker, it is direct speech. When we report what the speaker has said, is it indirect speech? Yes, when we report what the speaker has said, it is indirect speech. 54.v.2 theory theoretical practice practical work teória teoretický prax praktický fungovať DEFINITION 54.def.2 Study this example: Tom is saying, I am reading a book. You want to tell your friend what Tom has just said. In direct speech, you would say Tom said, I am reading a book. It means that you repeat the exact words of Tom. In indirect speech, you would say Tom said that he was reading a book. It means that you report what Tom has said. You might have noticed that we change the present tense into the past tense when changing direct speech into indirect speech. We don t say Tom said that he is reading a book, but we say Tom said that he was reading a book. 30

33 Use indirect speech when answering my questions. Lisa is at home. What did I say? You said that Lisa was at home. They want three glasses of water. What did I say? You said that they wanted three glasses of water. Mr. Green says: The weather is nice. What did Mr. Green say? Mr. Green said that the weather was nice. I don t have any money. What did I say? You said that you didn t have any money. Your best friend says: I can t come to the party because I have to study. What did your best friend say? My best friend said that he/she couldn t come to the party because he/she had to study. DEFINITION 54.def.3 We don t have to use the word that in indirect speech. We can say either Tom said that he was reading a book. or we can say Tom said he was reading a book. As in the Slovak language so in the English language we use inverted commas for direct speech, but we don t use them in indirect speech. Do we have to use the word that in indirect speech? No, we don t have to use the word that in indirect speech. Translate this sentence without using the word that, please: Povedala, že bola doma. She said she was at home. When do we use inverted commas, in direct or indirect speech? We use inverted commas in direct speech. DEFINITION 54.def.4 We change tenses in indirect speech in the following way: DIRECT SPEECH Present Simple Tense She said: It is very nice. Present Progressive Tense She said: I am doing my homework. Present Perfect Tense She said: I have eaten breakfast. Past Simple Tense She said: I didn t go to school. INDIRECT SPEECH Past Simple Tense She said (that) it was very nice. Past Progressive Tense She said (that) she was doing her homework. Past Perfect Tense She said (that) she had eaten breakfast. Past Simple tense/ Past Perfect Tense She said (that) she didn t go/hadn t gone to school. 31

34 Past Perfect Tense She said: I had studied languages. Future Tense with will She said: I will spend holiday with friends. First Conditional She said: If I had money, I would buy that coat. No change Past Perfect Tense She said (that) she had studied languages. Conditional with would She said (that) she would spend holiday with friends. Second conditional She said (that) if she had had the money she would have bought that coat. I will give you some statements in direct speech and please change them into indirect speech. I am standing behind the table. What did I say? You said (that) you were standing behind the table. Is the weather nice? Yes, the weather is nice. / No, the weather isn t nice. What did he/she say? He/She said (that) the weather was/wasn t nice. I think that they have already left. What did I say? You said, that you thought (that) they had already left. Did you eat your lunch in the restaurant yesterday? Yes, I ate my lunch in the restaurant yesterday. / No, I didn t eat my lunch in the restaurant yesterday. What did he/she say? He/She said (that) he/she ate/had eaten his/her lunch in the restaurant yesterday. I can t come to the party on Friday. What did I say? You said (that) you couldn t come to the party on Friday. When I get that job, I will earn a lot of money. What did I say? You said (that) when you got that job, you would earn a lot of money. Translate this sentence, please: Chcem ísť na dovolenku, ale neviem kam ísť. I want to go for a holiday, but I don t know where to go. What did he/she say? He/she said that he/she wanted to go for a holiday, but he/she didn t know where to go. Translate this sentence, please: Povedala mu, že sa mýlil. She told him that he was wrong. Translate this sentence, please: Povedala, že mal pravdu. She said that he was right. 54.v.3 passenger passport mobile phone signature pasažier, cestujúci pas mobilný telefón podpis 32

35 Do passengers on public means of transport need a valid passport? No, passengers on public means of transport don t need a valid passport, but they need a valid ticket. Could you pay by credit card if there weren t your signature on it? No, I couldn t pay by credit card if there weren t my signature on it. Is it common for people in your country to have more than one mobile phone? Yes, it is common for people in my country to have more than one mobile phone. / No, it isn t common for people in my country to have more than one mobile phone. Have you ever broken up with your boyfriend over the phone? Yes, I have broken up with my boyfriend over the phone. / No, I have never broken up with my boyfriend over the phone. What did he/she say? He/she said that she had broken up with her boyfriend over the phone. / He/she said that she had never broken up with her boyfriend over the phone. Are you always able to read other people s signatures? Yes, I m always able to read other people s signatures. / No, I m not always able to read other people s signatures. What did he/she say? He/she said (that) he/ she was/ wasn t able to read other people s signatures. EXERCISE 54.e.1 Yesterday, you met your friend John. Below are some of the things he told you. Later that day you want to tell another friend what John said. Use indirect speech. 1. I haven t seen you for such a long time. 2. I m living in Bratislava now. 3. My sister is ill. 4. Lisa and Paul are going to get married. 5. Ema has had a baby. 6. I don t know where Judy is going. 7. I saw Richard at a party in June and she looked happy. 33

36 8. My bike was stolen last month. 9. I ll tell Mary that I saw you. 10. You can come and stay at my flat if you come to Prague. 54.v.4 religion religious culture cultural event náboženstvo náboženský,pobožný kultúra kultúrny udalosť, akcia Do you agree that religion is an important part of life? Yes, I agree that religion is an important part of life. / No, I don t agree that religion is an important part of life. Is religious education taught at schools in this country? Yes, religious education is taught at schools in this country. Are there many cultural events in your town during the summer? Yes, there are many cultural events in my town during the summer. / No, there aren t many cultural events in my town during the summer. Where do people generally go to attend religious events? People generally go to attend religious events to churches. Are you interested in American culture? Yes, I am interested in American culture. / No, I am not 54.v.5 however avšak, akokoľvek DEFINITION 54.def.5 It is not always necessary to change the tense of the verb when we use indirect speech. If you report something and the situation hasn t changed, you can leave the verb in the Present Tense. Study this example: John said: The room is large. John said that the room is large. The room is still large, the situation hasn t changed. However, you can change the tense of the verb into the past and it would still be correct. 34

37 Translate this sentence, please: Bratislava je hlavné mesto Slovenska. Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia. Do we have to change the tense if we want to put this sentence into indirect speech? No, we don t have to change the tense Why? Because the situation hasn t changed. Bratislava is still the capital of Slovakia. Is the window big or small? The window is big. What did he/she say? He said that the window is / was big. Translate this sentence, please: Povedala mu, že sa mýlil. She told him that he was wrong. Translate this sentence, please: Povedala, že mal pravdu. She said that he was right. Do we use the word to after the verb say or tell? We use the word to after the verb say. For example? He said to me that you were right. 54.v.6 hourly daily weekly monthly yearly každú hodinu, hodinový denne, denný týždenne, týždenný mesačne, mesačný ročne, ročný Did you use to play outside daily when you were a little child? Yes, I used to play outside daily when I was a little child. / No, I didn t use to play outside daily when I was a little child. Do the employees in your company get paid monthly? Yes, the employees in my company usually get paid monthly. Where do you usually go for your yearly holiday? I usually go to for my yearly holiday. Does the train to the nearest town leave hourly? Yes, the train to the nearest town leaves hourly. / No, the train to the nearest town doesn t leave hourly. Do you read any daily newspapers? Yes, I read some daily newspapers. / No, I don t read any daily newspapers. 35

38 What did he/she say? He/she said that he/she reads /read /doesn t read /didn t read some/any daily newspapers. 54.v.7 proud of sth. / sb. pride satisfied byť hrdý na niečo / niekoho hrdosť, pýcha spokojný Are parents usually proud of the success of their children? Yes, parents are usually proud of the success of their children. When you are proud of yourself, does it mean that you are satisfied with your actions? Yes, when I am proud of myself, it means that I am satisfied with my actions. Does success make people proud? Yes, success makes people proud. Do you take pride in your work? Yes, I take pride in my work/ No, I don t 54.v.8 (make) a decision member (urobiť) rozhodnutie člen Can you make decisions alone or do the members of your family often help you make them? Yes, I can make decisions alone and the members of my family don t help me make them. / No I can t make decisions alone and the members of my family often help me make them. Which member of your family is most proud of you? My.. is most proud of me. What has been the best decision in your life? The best decision in my life has been EXERCISE 54.e.2 Change the sentences below either to direct or indirect speech. 1. Tom says: There is a good band playing in the club tonight. 2. Amy said that she had seen Judy in the bank last Monday. 3. The driver said that he was going to turn right at the traffic lights. 4. My brother, I ve returned the book to the library. 36

39 5. The doctor said that he would send me the results soon. 6. They said that there are more people living in Bratislava than in Košice. 7. Susan said: I don t know what I m going to do. 8. She said that if she had had enough money, she would have gone for a holiday. 9. He said: I have already eaten my lunch. 10. I said: I don t read any daily newspapers. 54.v.9 economics jet engineer congratulate stripper shame ekonómia prúdové lietadlo inžinier blahoželať striptér hanba READING 54.r.1 Four friends Four friends, who hadn't seen each other in 25 years, met again at a pub. After they had a few drinks, one of them had to go to the toilet. The other three started to talk about their children. The first of them said, "My son makes me really proud. He started working at an international company as a simple assistant. He studied economics, he was soon promoted and now he's the president of this large company. He became so rich that he gave his best friend a new Rolls Royce for his birthday." The second one said, "That's amazing! My son makes me really proud, too. He started working for a big airline company as a simple flight attendant, but then went to flight school and became a pilot. After that he became a business partner in the company, and now he owns a large part of it. He's so rich that he gave his best friend a new jet for his birthday." The third man said, "Well, that's great! My son is also doing well. He studied at the most famous universities and became an engineer. Then he started his own company and is now a multimillionaire. And he s very generous, too. He gave his best friend a really great gift for his birthday: a 3000 square meter house with a 37

40 large garden, a tennis court and a swimming pool." 38

41 The three friends were congratulating each other when the fourth returned from the bathroom and asked, "What happened, what are all the congratulations for?" One of the others answered, "We were talking about how proud we feel because our sons are very successful. And your son? What about him?" The fourth man answered, "My son is gay and works as a stripper at a nightclub." The three friends said, "What a shame... we are sorry." The fourth man answered, "No, it isn t a shame. He's my son, I love him very much. And he I think he s living a good life. It was his birthday just a week ago and he got an amazing 3000 square meter house with a swimming pool, a new jet and a new Rolls Royce from his three boyfriends." Questions and tasks 1. Čo povedal prvý muž o svojom synovi? Zopakuj jeho slová pomocou nepriamej reči. 2. Čo povedal druhý muž o svojom synovi? Zopakuj jeho slová pomocou nepriamej reči. 3. Čo povedal tretí muž o svojom synovi? Zopakuj jeho slová pomocou nepriamej reči. 4. Bol štvrtý muž takisto hrdý na svojho syna? Prečo? 5. Myslíš si, že traja synovia vedia o sebe navzájom? 6. Translate the words: hanba, blahoželať, inžinier, striptér, ekonómia, prúdové lietadlo. Use the words in sentences. 39

42 DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH II UNIT 55 WARM UP QUESTIONS 55.wq.1 Be the teacher. Prídeš zajtra na hodinu? Will you come to the lesson tomorrow? Yes, I will come to the lesson tomorrow. / No, I won t come to the lesson tomorrow. Čo povedal/a? What did he/she say? He/She said (that) he/she would/wouldn t come to the lesson tomorrow. Počúval si vždy svojich rodičov, keď si bol dieťa? Did you always obey your parents when you were younger? Yes, I always obeyed my parents when I was younger. / No, I didn t always obey my parents when I was younger. Čo nám povedal/ a? What did he/she tell us? He / She told us (that) he/she had always obeyed his/her parents when he/she had been younger. / He / She told you (that) he/she hadn t always obeyed his/her parents when he/she had been younger. Poznáš niekoho, kto je úplne bezchybný? Do you know anybody who is completely faultless? Yes, I know somebody who is completely faultless. / No, I don t know anybody who is completely faultless. Čo povedal/a? What did he/she say? He/She said that she knew somebody who was completely faultless. / He/she said that she didn t know anybody who was completely faultless. Idem ti potriasť rukou? Am I going to shake your hand? No, you aren t going to shake my hand. Čo povedal/a? What did he/she say? He/She said that you weren t going to shake his/her hand. 40

43 55.v.1 following previous statement nasledujúci predchádzajúci výrok, tvrdenie DEFINITION 55.def.1 Below is the list of the common time and place changes in indirect speech: When we change direct speech into indirect speech, it is sometimes necessary to change time and place expressions such as this week, yesterday, here etc. Study this example: Lisa says: I have seen Tom this week. You want to report Lisa s statement to your friend one week later. In this case you must change not only the tense but also the time expression this week because it s already a different week. In indirect speech, the sentence would sound like this: Lisa said that she had seen Tom that week. Below is the list of common time and place changes in indirect speech: DIRECT SPEECH Today She said, I ve bought it today Yesterday She said, I saw him yesterday. This (week/month/year, ) She said, I am getting a new car this week. Now She said, Tom is tired now. Ago She said, We bought it a week ago. Last (week/month/year) She said, I was on holiday last week. Tomorrow She said, I ll see you tomorrow. Next (week/month/year) She said, I have an appointment next week. Here She said, I live here. This/These She said, These shoes are nice. INDIRECT SPEECH That day She said (that) she had bought it that day. The previous day/the day before She said (that) she had seen him the previous day/the day before. That (week/month/year, ) She said (that) she was getting a new car that week. Then She said (that) Tom was tired then. Before She said (that) they had bought it the week before. The previous (week/month/year) She said (that) she had been on holiday the previous week. The next/following day She said (that) she would see me the next day. The following (week/month/year) She said (that) she had an appointment the following week. There She said (that) she lived there. That/Those She said (that) those shoes were nice. 41

44 Change the sentences into indirect speech. Always change the time or place expression as well. He won the match yesterday. What did I say? You said that he had won the match the day before. Last year, it was forbidden to swim in that lake. What did I say? You said that it had been forbidden to swim in that lake the previous year. He is asleep now, you can t talk to him. What did I say? You said that he was asleep then and I couldn t talk to him. I know that you will succeed in your exam tomorrow. What did I say? You said that you knew I would succeed in my exam the following day. They broke up 2 months ago. What did I say? You said that they had broken up 2 months before. She is going to sit here this lesson. What did I say? You said that she was going to sit there that lesson. 55.v.2 circle square line round kruh štvorec, štvorcový čiara okrúhly, dookola Is a square round? No, a square isn t round. It s square. If you join two ends of a straight line, can you make a circle? Yes, if I join two ends of a straight line, I can make a circle. How many lines are there in a square? There are four lines in a square. Are the planets around the Sun round or square? The planets around the Sun are round. Are there many lines on the road between Bratislava and Košice? Yes, there are many lines on the road between Bratislava and Košice. 55.v.3 produce product original fake produkovať produkt originálny, pôvodný; originál falošný, neúprimný 42

45 Are you the type of person who is willing to spend more money on original goods rather than buying cheap fake goods? Yes, I m the type of person who is willing to spend more money on original goods rather than buying cheap fake goods. / No, I m not that type of person who is willing to spend more money on original goods rather than buying fake goods. What kinds of products does our country produce? The kinds of products our country produces are cars, food What do we mean by an original person? By an original person we mean somebody who is creative and does things differently than other people. Would you prefer to have many false friends or one true friend? I would prefer to have one true friend instead of many false friends. 55.v.4 material liquid wooden made of box materiál tekutina drevený vyrobený z krabica, box What kind of material is this door made of? This door is made of wood. Are there any wooden pieces of furniture in your flat/house? Yes, there are some wooden pieces of furniture in my flat/house. / No, there aren t any wooden pieces of furniture in my flat/house. What is the name of the most important liquid in the world? The name of the most important liquid in the world is water. If we put liquid into a wooden box, do you think it would stay there? No, if we put liquid into a wooden box, I don t think it would stay there. Does our country produce any wooden products? Yes, our country produces some wooden products. Do you agree that boxing is a rough sport? Yes, I agree that boxing is a rough sport. / No, I don t agree that box is a rough sport. 55.v.5 gold silver steel iron metal zlato striebro oceľ železo kov 43

46 DEFINITION 55.def.2 The names of some metals are gold, silver, steel and iron. What are the names of some metals? The names of some metals are gold, silver, steel and iron. Which of these four metals has the greatest value? Gold has the greatest value. Are you wearing anything made of silver? Yes, I m wearing something made of silver. / No, I m not wearing anything made of silver. What did he/she say? He/she said that he/she was/wasn t wearing something/anything made of silver. Does our country produce any products made of steel? Yes, our country produces some products made of steel. Do you agree that steel and iron are widely used in building industry? Yes, I agree that steel and iron are widely used in building industry. Can iron be found in the human body? Yes, iron can be found in the human body. EXERCISE 55.e.1 Change the sentences using indirect speech. Always change the tense and the time/place expression. 1. Emily: Our teacher is wearing a ring made of pure gold today. 2. Helen said, I didn t hear it when my mobile phone rang yesterday. 3. My father: I am going to buy this wooden table tomorrow. 4. Patricia said, My mother will celebrate her birthday next week and I m buying her a present. 5. You: My husband left for work an hour ago. 6. Your best friend: I bought a fake T-shirt last week and I want to change it for an original one. 44

47 7. Susan: I will have to get up at 6 o clock in the morning next week because I have so much work to do. 8. John says, I live here, in this beautiful house. 9. Your brother: I can t find the square plate here. 10. The teacher: These children behave very well. 55.v.6 international domestic politics political medzinárodný domáci politika politický Can you name some domestic animals? The names of some domestic animals are Do you like to watch international football matches? Yes, I like to watch / No, I don t like to watch Are you interested in both international and domestic politics? Yes, I m interested in both international and domestic politics. / No, I m not interested in both/either international and/or domestic politics. What did he/she say? He/she said that he/she was/wasn t interested in both international and domestic politics. 55.v.7 avoid predísť, vyhnúť sa (niečomu) Do you agree that political conflicts between countries can be avoided by an open discussion? Yes, I agree that political conflicts between countries can be avoided by an open discussion. / No, I don t agree that political conflicts between countries can be avoided by an open discussion. How can you avoid being ill? I can avoid being ill by eating a lot of fruit and vegetables, wearing warm clothes in winter, doing sports, sleeping regularly Is there anyone in your life who you rather avoid when it is possible? Yes, there is someone in my life who I rather avoid when it is possible. 45

48 55.v.7 hope doubt forever nádej, dúfať pochybnosť; pochybovať navždy Do you hope to live forever? Yes, I hope to live forever. / No, I don t hope to live forever. What did he/she say? He/she said that he/she hoped/didn t hope to live forever. Do you usually have many doubts before you make an important decision? Yes, I usually have many doubts before I make an important decision. / No, I don t usually have many doubts before I make an important decision. Would you doubt my words if I told you that I was a millionaire? Yes, I would doubt your words if you told me that you were a millionaire. 55.v.8 be worth mať cenu, oplatiť sa Do you think it is worth learning English? Yes, I think it is worth learning English. Do you think that life without hope is worth living? Yes, I think that life without hope is worth living. / No, I don t think that life without hope is worth living. Translate: Neoplatí sa robiť rýchle rozhodnutia. It isn t worth making quick decisions. 55.v.9 save rescue economise protect conserve store zachrániť šetriť ochrániť konzervovať uložiť DEFINITION 55.def.3 The verb save has different meanings, such as: to rescue, to economise, to protect, to conserve and to store. Study the following examples: 1. He rescued me / saved from falling down. 2. I have to economise / save money now, I can t buy useless things. 3. We should conserve / save our natural resources. 4. I stored / saved the photos into my computer. 46

49 What are the different meanings of the verb to save? The different meanings of the verb to save are to rescue, to economise, to protect, to conserve and to store. Have you ever saved any of your money and put it in the bank? Yes, I have saved some of my money and put it in the bank. / No, I have never saved any of my money and put it in the bank. What did he/she say? He/she said that he/she had/hadn t saved some/any of his/her money and put it in the bank. If you saw a man trying to kill himself, would you try to save him? Yes, if I saw a man trying to kill himself, I would try to save him. / No, if I saw a man trying to kill himself, I wouldn t try to save him. Are there many phone numbers saved in your mobile phone? Yes, there are many phone numbers saved in my mobile phone. / No, there aren t many phone numbers saved in my mobile phone. Do you try to save water at home? Yes, I try to save water at home. / No, I don t try to save water at home. If you were charged with a crime, would your family save you? Yes, if I were charged with a crime my family would save me. / No, if I were EXERCISE 55.e.2 First, correct the mistakes in the following sentences, and then form questions from the sentences. 1. This around circle is made from wooden. 2. He was able to rescue some money last year, because he didn t waste money on useles products. 3. Politics and religion problems don t interested me. 4. You should think carefully before you do a decision. 5. I always conserve all new phone numbers into my mobile phone. 6. When people get asleep their eyes are usually open. 7. The company has succeeded at making a big profit this year. 47

50 8. Lucy used to obeying her parents when she was younger, they weren t mad about her very often. 9. The murderer was shoot by the police in Monday. 10. We are very proud on our two sons. DICTATION 55.d.1 My cousin said that she would keep in touch and would visit us weekly. Even though she broke up with her boyfriend because he had cheated on her, she has forgiven him and wants to keep on living with him. The ship sank very quickly and nobody survived in the cold ocean. A dangerous criminal was being watched by the police for several weeks before he was arrested and charged with all his crimes. Do you always feel guilty when you do something wrong? 48

51 DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH III UNIT 56 WARM UP QUESTIONS 56.wq.1 Be the teacher. Súhlasíš, že autonehodám sa možno vyhnúť opatrným jazdením? Do you agree that car accidents can be avoided by driving more carefully? Yes, I agree that car accidents can be avoided by driving more carefully. Čo povedal/a? What did he/she say? He/ she said (that) car accidents could be avoided by driving more carefully. Poznáš niekoho, kto ešte nikdy nezachránil nikomu život? Do you know anybody who has never rescued someone s life? Yes, I know somebody who has never rescued someone s life. / No, I don t know anybody who has never rescued someone s life. Čo povedal/a? What did he/she say? He/She said (that) he/she knew somebody who had never rescued someone s life. / He/she said that he/she didn t know anybody who had never rescued someone s life. Je v tejto miestnosti niečo vyrobené z ocele? Is there anything in this room made of steel? Yes, there is something in this room made of steel. / No, there isn t anything in this room made of steel. Keby si si mohol vybrať, kúpil by si si radšej prsteň vyrobený zo striebra alebo zo zlata? If you could choose, would you rather buy a ring made of silver or gold? If I could choose, I would rather buy a ring made of 56.v.1 command order request rozkaz, rozkázať nariadenie, rozkaz; nariadiť, rozkázať požiadavka, požiadať DEFINITION 56.def.1 Besides common positive and negative sentences, we can change also questions, requests and commands from direct into indirect speech. QUESTIONS When we want to report a question in indirect speech we use the word ask instead of say, we don t use a question mark and we put the subject before the verb as in a normal positive sentence. Study this example: She says, What will you do on Wednesday? She asked me what I would do on Wednesday. 49

52 Tom says, Are you going to go the cinema with us? Tom asked me if I was going to go to the cinema with them. Is it possible to change a question from direct into indirect speech in English? Yes, it is possible to change a question from direct into indirect speech in English. Do you have to change the tense if you want to put a question into indirect speech? Yes, you have to change the tense if you want to put a question into indirect speech. What verb do we use when we change a question from direct into indirect speech? We use the verb ask when we change a question from direct into indirect speech. Do you have many English books at home? What did I ask? You asked if I had many English books at home. Do you want to buy this wooden table? What did I ask you? You asked me if I wanted to buy that wooden table. Has your friend ever seen a famous person? What did I ask? You asked if my friend had ever seen a famous person. Translate this question, please: Kedy si včera v noci zaspal? When did you fall asleep last night? What did he/she ask? He/She asked when I had fallen asleep the previous night. DEFINITION 56.def.2 COMMANDS, ORDERS When we want to put a command into indirect speech we use the words tell, command, order instead of say, we change the Imperative into the Infinitive. She says, Open the window! She told me to open the window. In case of a negative command, do not becomes only not. Study this example: Tom says, Don t shout at me! Open it immediately. What did I order you to do? You told me to open it immediately. Don t listen to him. What did I tell you? You told me not to listen to him. Give her your pen. What did I order you to do? You ordered me to give her my pen. Don t let them enter the room. What did I tell you? You told me not to let them enter the room. Tom ordered me not to shout at him. 50

53 DEFINITION 56.def.3 REQUESTS When we want to put a request into indirect speech, we use the words ask or request, and in the rest of the sentence we use the Infinitive. Study this example: She says, Please, call me at 5. She asked me to call her at 5. Tom says, Please, don t tell anybody what happened! Tom requested me not to tell anybody what had happened. Help me to move this table, please. What did I request? You requested me to help you to move that table. Close the window, please. What did I ask you to do? You asked me to close the window. Don t smoke, please. What did I ask you not to do? You asked me not to smoke. Translate this request, please: Prosím, nemeškajte. Don t be late, please. What did he/she request you? He/she requested us not to be late. 56.v.2 surname photo pronounce priezvisko fotka, fotografia vysloviť Do you think that it would be easy for you to read and pronounce Chinese surnames? No, I don t think that it would be easy for me to read and pronounce Chinese surnames. Tell me your surname, please. My surname is.. What did I ask him/her to do? You asked him/her to tell you his/her surname. Do you have any photos of you and your friends hanging on the walls at home? Yes, I have some photos of me and my friends hanging on the walls at home. / No, I don t have any photos of me and my friends hanging on the walls at home. Do famous people sometimes give their photos to their fans? Yes, famous people sometimes give their photos to their fans. Why? Because some people collect photos of famous people. 51

54 56.v.3 sign pleasure peace relax znak; podpísať potešenie mier relax; relaxovať What is the verb of the noun signature? The verb of the noun signature is sign. When people get married, must they sign any documents? Yes, when people get married, they must sign some documents. What is the sign of the Christian religion? The sign of the Christian religion is a cross. Is it a great pleasure for you to relax in the bath? Yes, it is a great pleasure for me to relax in the bath. / No, it isn t a great pleasure for me to relax in the bath. What did he/she say? He/she said that it was/wasn t a great pleasure for him/her to relax in the bath. When people want to relax, what do they usually do? When people want to relax they usually go for a walk, watch TV, read books, do sports Is world peace one of your greatest wishes? Yes, world peace is one of my greatest wishes. / No, world peace isn t one of my greatest wishes. If you had been born 80 years ago, would you have lived in peace? No, if I had been born 80 years ago, I wouldn t have lived in peace. 56.v.4 mind brain memory physical myseľ mozog pamäť fyzický DEFINITION 56.def.4 The difference between mind and brain is that we use mind in an abstract sense and we use brain in a physical sense. What is the difference between mind and brain? The difference between mind and brain is that we use mind in an abstract sense and we use brain in a physical sense. Is memory a part of the brain? No, memory isn t a part of the brain, but it s a part of the mind. Do you think that you have a good memory? Yes, I think that I have a good memory. / No, I don t think that I have a good memory. 52

55 If there is not enough memory in your computer, will it work slowly? Yes, if there is not enough memory in my computer, it will work slowly. Are small boys generally physically stronger than men? No, small boys aren t generally physically stronger than men. They are physically weaker. 56.v.5 change one s mind brainy smart more or less rozmyslieť si, zmeniť názor múdry šikovný, múdry viac-menej DEFINITION 56.def.5 When we say that somebody changed his mind, it means that he changed his previous opinion or decision. What does it mean when we say that somebody changed his mind? When we say that somebody changed his mind, we mean that he changed his previous opinion or decision. Are you in the habit of changing your mind often? Yes, I m in the habit of changing my mind often. / No, I m not in the habit of changing my mind often. Are the words brainy and smart more or less synonyms? Yes, the words brainy and smart are more or less synonyms. Do you know any other synonyms of these words? Yes, some other synonyms of these words are intelligent, clever, wise Who s the brainiest in your family? My.. is the brainiest in my family. Don t change your mind all the time. What did I ask you not to do? You asked me not to change my mind all the time. 56.v.6 support ambition (walking) stick lonely podpora; podporiť ambícia (chodecká) palica osamelý Do you have many ambitions in your life? Yes, I have many ambitions in my life. / No, I don t have many ambitions in my life. Do your family members support your ambitions? Yes, my family members support my ambitions. / No, my family members don t support my ambitions. Do you have more or less the same ambitions as your best friend? Yes, I have more or less the same ambitions as my best friend. / No, I don t have more or less the same ambitions as my best friend, but I have different ambitions. 53

56 If the walls didn t support this ceiling, would it fall down? Yes, if the walls didn t support this ceiling, it would fall down. Does a walking stick support an old person s body while walking? Yes, a walking stick supports an old person s body while walking. When you feel lonely, what or who is your greatest support? When I feel lonely,. is my greatest support. 56.v.7 because of definitely kvôli určite Do you agree that when somebody feels lonely, it is definitely because of his nature? Yes, I agree that when somebody feels lonely, it is definitely because of his nature. / No, I don t agree that when somebody is lonely, it is definitely because of his nature. And what about? Do you think that you will definitely realize your ambitions one day? Yes, I think I will definitely realize all my ambitions one day. / No, I don t think I will realize my ambitions one day. And what about? Have you ever been late for school because of the morning traffic jam? Yes, I have been late for school because of the morning traffic jam. / No, I have never been late for school because of the morning traffic jam. And what about? 56.v.8 wonder tempt tempting temptation čudovať sa, zamýšľať sa pokúšať, lákať lákavý pokušenie Do you sometimes wonder what the purpose of living in this world is? Yes, I sometimes wonder what the purpose of living in this world is. / No, I never wonder what the purpose of Are producers often tempted to produce low quality products in order to make more money? Yes, producers are often tempted to produce low quality products in order to make more money. If you were offered 1 million euros and told to murder the president, would it be a great temptation for you? If I were offered 1 million euros and told to murder the president, it would/ wouldn t be a great temptation for me. EXERCISE 56.e.1 Change the following commands, questions and requests into indirect speech. 54

57 1. What do you want? she asked him. 2. He asked me, Are you feeling lonely? 3. The teacher ordered to the class, Be quite. 4. My mother asked me, Don t waste your money, please. 5. The passenger asked, When will the train arrive? 6. Are you looking for a special present? the shop assistant asked me. 7. I said, Don t worry Sue! 8. You requested me, Don t listen to what he says, please. 9. The policeman, Pronounce your surname slowly. 10. He asked her, Will you marry me? EXERCISE 56.e.2 Translate these questions, orders and requests into English and then change them into indirect speech. 1. Používaj pri rozprávaní mozog! 2. Nechaj ma chvíľu relaxovať, prosím. 3. Prečo nemáš žiadne ambície? 55

58 4. Pozri sa na túto fotku našej rodiny. 5. Nepi alkohol! 6. Chceš večerať teraz? 7. Pomôž mi s utieraním prachu, prosím, 8. Začni sa o seba starať! 9. Nehovor otcovi, koľko to stálo, prosím. 10. Prídeš pred polnocou? 56.v.9 increase attribute a catch except exit housework proof narastať, stúpať atribút, vlastnosť háčik, prekážka okrem vyjsť, opustiť domáce práce dôkaz READING 56.r.1 The husband store There is a new store selling husbands in our city. A single woman can just walk in and simply choose a husband from hundreds of men. The shop has of 6 floors, and the higher you go, the better husbands you will find. But there is a catch. If you go a floor higher, you can choose a husband there or go out of the shop, but you can t go back down. A few days after the store opens, a single woman goes in to find a husband. There is a sign on the first floor, saying: Floor 1 Men that have jobs. The woman sees the sign and thinks: "Hmm, my boyfriend was unemployed, so this better already, but I want to see what s upstairs." She takes the stairs and goes up a floor. The second floor also has a sign, which says: Floor 2 Men that have jobs and are really handsome. The woman starts thinking "That s even better, but I want to see what s upstairs., and goes up another floor. 56

59 The third floor sign says: Floor 3 Men that have jobs, are really handsome and want to have children. "That s really great" the woman thinks to herself, but I want to see what s upstairs. The sign on the fourth floor reads: Floor 4 - Men that have jobs, are really handsome, want to have children and like to do housework. "Wow!" says the woman, "that s just super! But after this, there must be something really amazing upstairs!" So she goes up to the next floor. The fifth floor sign says: Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love children, are extremely good looking, help with the housework and are very romantic. "Oh, that s even better than I expected! Just imagine what I will find upstairs!" And she walks the stairs to the sixth floor. The sixth floor sign says: Floor 6 Welcome to the top floor! You are the visitor 8,610,307,288th to this floor. There aren t any men on this floor. We have built it as proof that women are never satisfied with anything. Please exit the building. Thank you for shopping at our husband store, good-bye and have a nice day! QUESTIONS AND TASKS Prosím preložte otázky do slovenského jazyka. 1. What is a husband store? Describe it in your own words, please. 2. Can you return to the previous floor after moving to the next floor? 3. What did the sign on the fifth floor say? Use indirect speech, please. 4. Do you agree with the opinion that women are never satisfied with anything? 5. If you had the possibility to buy a husband in this store, which floor would you choose from and why? 6. Translate the words: okrem, vyjsť, domáce práce, háčik, vlastnosť, narastať, dôkaz. Use the words in sentences. 57

60 WELCOME TO MY HOME! UNIT v.1 welcome (to) vítať (niekde) WARM UP QUESTIONS 57.wq.1 What is the difference between a house and a home? The difference between a house and a home is that a house is a building and a home is a place where we live. What kind of rooms are there generally in a two-roomed flat? The kinds of rooms which are generally in a two-roomed flat are a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. In your opinion, is it a good idea to have air-conditioning in the room where you sleep? In my opinion, it isn t a good idea to have air-conditioning in the room where you sleep. What is the difference between a cupboard and a wardrobe? The difference between a cupboard and a wardrobe is that we put plates in a cupboard and clothes in a wardrobe. What kind of furniture do people usually have in their living rooms? The kind of furniture that people usually have in their living room is a sofa, some chairs, a coffee table etc. 57.v.2 location noisy centre suburbs poloha hlučný centrum predmestie When people build a house, do they usually care much about the location? Yes, when people build a house, they usually care much about the location. What do we call the quiet part of the town which is outside the centre? We call the part of the town which is outside the centre the suburbs. Are the flats right in the centre of a town usually cheaper than the flats in the suburbs? No, the flats right in the centre of a town are not usually cheaper than the flats in the suburbs but they are usually more expensive. What did he/she say? He/she said that the flats right in the centre of a town were more expensive than the flats in the suburbs. Do most people prefer to live in the city centre although it is a very noisy location? Yes, most people prefer to live in the city centre although it is a very noisy location. 58

61 Why? Because they usually work in the city centre and there are also shops, post offices etc. 57.v.3 floor ground floor poschodie prízemie Would you be more afraid to live in a flat on the 11th floor than on the ground floor? Yes, I would be more afraid to live in a flat on the 11th floor than on the ground floor. If you fell from a ground floor window, would you hurt yourself very badly? No, if I fell from a ground floor window, I wouldn t hurt myself very badly. What do we call the part of a house which is under the ground floor? We call the part of a house which is under the ground floor the basement. 57.v.4 surround surroundings fence gate obklopovať okolie plot brána What surrounds this building? Other buildings and some trees surround this building. When there is no fence around your house, is it probable that people will steal vegetables from your garden? Yes, when there is no fence around my house, it is probable that people will steal vegetables from my garden. Did you use to climb over fences when you were a child? Yes, I used to climb over fences when I was a child. / No, I didn t use to Why? Were you looking for anything? Do you agree that it is safer to live in a house surrounded by a fence than in a house surrounded by trees? Yes, I agree that it is safer to live in a house surrounded by a fence than in a house surrounded by trees. Describe the surroundings of your house. My house is surrounded by a fence, some trees and it is in a noisy/quiet location What do we call the door in a fence? We call the door in a fence the gate. 57.v.5 steps connect schody; kroky spájať, spojiť 59

62 DEFINITION 57.def.1 The difference between steps and stairs is that steps are usually in public buildings or outside a house and stairs are usually inside a house and are often covered with a carpet. What s the difference between steps and stairs? The difference between steps and stairs is that steps are in public buildings or outside a house and stairs are usually inside a house and are often covered with a carpet. Am I right when I say that stairs usually connect two floors inside a house? Yes, you are right when you say that stairs usually connect two floors inside a house. How many steps do you have to walk up in order to get into this classroom? I have to walk up about steps in order to get into this classroom. How many steps would you have to make if you wanted to get from one side of this room to the other? I would have to make about steps if I wanted to get from one side of this room to the other. What does the expression step by step mean? The expression step by step means krok za krokom. 57.v.6 another other besides iný, ďalší iní, ďalší okrem DEFINITION 57.def.2 We always use the word another before a singular noun. We say another person and not another people. We usually use the word other before a plural noun, for example: other people. When do we use another and when do we use other? We use another before a singular noun and we use other before a plural noun. Do you have another shirt besides the one you are wearing now? Yes, I have another shirt besides the one I am wearing now. Do you care what other people think? Yes, I care what other people think. / No, I don t care what other people think. Do you study another language besides English? Yes, I study another language / No, I don t Are there any other languages you would like to study? Yes, there are some other I would like to study / No, there 57.v.7 the other ten druhý, zvyšný; tí druhí, zvyšní 60

63 DEFINITION 57.def.3 The expression the other can be used either before a plural or a singular noun. Its meaning is usually: ten/tí druhý/í, ten/tí posledný/í, ten/tí ďalší. For example: Tom is standing on one side of the street and Jerry is standing on the other side. I drink coffee and the other people in this classroom prefer to drink tea. Instead of the other people we usually prefer to say the others. Do you live on the other side of this street? Yes, I live on the other / No, I don t live Are you going to study all the other levels of this method? Yes, I am going to study all the other levels of this method. / No, I am not EXERCISE 57.e.1 Decide: another other(s) the other(s). 1. I've found one of my black shoes but I can't find the You have already drunk six glasses of whisky! Only six?! Give me...! 3. Do you know those women speaking to each other? Yes, I know Brigit, but who is...woman? 4. We don t like these carpets. Could you show us some...? 5. Rachel and Jennifer are watching TV....girls are out. 6. All right,... guests have arrived. We can begin to serve dinner. 7. We are probably going to move 8. He lives on...side of the lake. 9. There are many...possibilities. 10. I would like to from the local library. 11. You have to sign the document over here and there should be...signature. 12. Three people moved out of that flat and two...moved in it. 61

64 57.v.8 roof chimney fireplace brick strecha komín kozub tehla, tehlový What do we call the top covering of the house? We call the top covering of the house the roof. If you decided to build a cottage in the countryside, would you rather build a wooden or a brick cottage? If I decided to build a cottage in the countryside, I would rather build a Is a chimney usually made of wood? No, a chimney isn t usually made of wood, but it is usually made of bricks. Do you find it dangerous to have a fireplace in a bedroom? Yes, I find it dangerous to have a fireplace in a bedroom. / No, I don t find it dangerous to have a 57.v.9 knock doorbell front door klopať zvonček na dverách predné, vchodové dvere When you go to visit a friend, do you prefer to ring a doorbell or to knock on his front door? When I go to visit a friend, I prefer to Does Santa Claus knock on the front door when he wants to enter a house at Christmas time? No, Santa Claus doesn t knock on the front door when he wants to enter a house at Christmas time. So, how does he get into the house? He gets into the house through the chimney. Has it already happened to you that you wanted to visit someone, but you rang a wrong doorbell? Yes, it has already happened to me that I wanted to visit someone, but I rang a wrong doorbell. What did you do then? I ran away/ I apologized 57.v.10 microwave (oven) oven heat mikrovlnná rúra rúra na pečenie zohrievať, teplo What kinds of things can you usually see in a kitchen? The kinds of things I can usually see in a kitchen are a fridge, a sink, cupboards, a cooker, an oven a microwave etc. Is it now possible to bake a cake even in a microwave? Yes, it is now possible to bake a cake even in a microwave. 62

65 However, what do we generally use a microwave for? We generally use a microwave for heating meals. Have you ever prepared a very good dinner in an oven? Yes, I have prepared a very good dinner in an oven. What did he/she say? He/ she said that he/she had prepared a very good dinner in an oven. Is it usually expensive to heat a large house built somewhere in the north of Europe? Yes, it is usually expensive to heat a large house built somewhere in the north of Europe. QUESTION TIME 57.qt.1 Translate and choose someone in the class to answer your question. Prečo si mi povedala, aby som postavil komín, keď nechceš kozub? Why did you tell me to build a chimney when you don t want a fireplace? I told you to build a chimney because Keď ideš na dovolenku, je pre teba poloha hotela dôležitá? When you go on holiday, is the location of your hotel important? When I go on holiday, the location of my hotel is/isn t important. Prečo je podvádzanie partnera také lákavé pre niektorých ľudí? Why is cheating on a partner so tempting for some people? Cheating on a partner is so tempting for some people because the more forbidden something is, the more tempting it is. Býval si v centre alebo na predmestí, keď si mal 15 rokov? Did you live in the town centre or in the suburbs when you were 15 years old? I lived in when I was 15 years old. Zamýšľal si sa niekedy nad tým, prečo sú niektorí ľudia takí štedrí, zatiaľ čo ostatní sú sebeckí? Have you ever wondered why some people are so generous while others are selfish? Yes, I have wondered why some people are so generous while others are selfish. / No, I have never wondered why some 57.v.11 mirror toilet washbasin soap zrkadlo toaleta umývadlo mydlo When you leave home in the morning, do you look at yourself in the mirror to make sure that you look good? Yes, when I leave home in the morning, I look at myself in the mirror to make sure that I look good. / No, when I leave home in, I don t always look at Is the mirror in your bathroom hanging on the same wall as the washbasin? Yes, the mirror in my bathroom is hanging on the same wall as the washbasin. / No, the mirror in isn t Are you used to having a quick shower without using soap when you are in a hurry? Yes, I am used to having a quick shower without using soap when I am in a hurry. 63

66 DEFINITION 57.def.4 In a kitchen we have a sink, but in a bathroom we can have either a washbasin or a bathroom sink. What can you find in a bathroom? We can find either a washbasin or a bathroom sink in a bathroom. Is it comfortable to have a toilet next to a washbasin in a bathroom? Yes, it is comfortable to have a toilet next to a washbasin in a bathroom. Is there any difference between the words soup and soap? Yes, there is a difference between those words. We eat soup and we wash our hands with soap. 57.v.12 pillow blanket sheet bedside table vankúš prikrývka plachta nočný stolík If I were invited to your bedroom, how many pillows would I see on your bed? If you were invited to my bedroom, you would see pillows on my bed. When you have guests at your house, do you usually let them enter your bedroom? No, when I have guests at my house, I don t usually let them enter my bedroom. What did he/she say? He/she said that he/she usually didn t let his/her guests enter his/her bedroom. When a flight takes more than six hours, are passenger usually provided with (any) blankets and pillows? Yes, when a flight takes more than six hours, passengers are usually provided with some blankets and pillows. Would you be able to fall asleep in a bed without sheets? Yes, I would be able to fall asleep in a bed without sheets. What kinds of things are lying on your bedside table? The kinds of things that are lying on my bedside table are some books, a lamp, an alarm clock, my mobile phone etc. EXERCISE 57.e.2 Translate the sentences and form the questions. 1. Pred desiatimi rokmi sme mali v obývačke starý, ale krásny nábytok. 2. Ak by som našiel na podlahe v mojej spálni vankúš, zdvihol by som ho a položil na posteľ. 64

67 3. Nie, nepoznám nikoho, kto chcel zohriať svoju mačku v mikrovlnke. 4. Nikdy som sa nesnažila postaviť tehlovú chatu, lebo viem, že je veľmi drahé vykúriť niečo také. 5. Áno, keď sa mi bude páčiť nejaký dom na predmestí tohto mesta, kúpim si ho. 6. Predtým, než som sa presťahoval do nového bytu, býval som v dome bez komína, zvončeka na dverách a rúry na pečenie. 7. Mal by si kúpiť hrubé prikrývky predtým, než začne zima, pretože bude chladno. 8. Áno, dieťa si zvyčajne zabúda umyť ruky v umývadle, keď sa vráti domov zo školy. 65

68 EXERCISE 57.e.3 Describe what you can see in the pictures. Would you like to live there? Why? Why not? What would you suggest to change about the house/room? Describe the house or the flat where you live. Why have you chosen it? 66

69 EVERYDAY PROBLEMS UNIT 58 WARM UP QUESTIONS 58.wq.1 Be the teacher. Zvykol si sa často pozerať na seba do zrkadla, keď si bol tínedžer? Did you often use to look at yourself in the mirror when you were a teenager? Yes, I used to look at myself in the mirror when I was a teenager. / No, I didn t use to look at myself in the mirror when I was a teenager. Myslíš si, že človek si dokáže zvyknúť na počúvanie klebiet o sebe samom? Do you think a man is able to get used to listening to gossips about himself? Yes, I think a man is able to get used to listening to gossips about himself. / No, I don t Bol by svet lepší, keby všetci ľudia na svete boli ženy? Would the world be better if all the people in the world were women? Yes, the world would be better if all the people in the world were women. / No, the world wouldn t be Často si pýtaš extra vankúš alebo prikrývku, keď letíš niekam lietadlom? Do you often ask for an extra pillow or blanket when you fly somewhere by plane? Yes, I often ask for an extra pillow or blanket when I fly somewhere by plane. / No, I don t often ask for a Chcel by si bývať na prízemí tejto budovy? Would you like to live on the ground floor of this building? Yes, I would like to live on the ground floor of this building. / No, I wouldn t like to live on the ground floor of this building. 58.v.1 household housewife housework domácnosť domáca pani domáce práce What do we call a married woman who is in charge of her own household? We call a married woman who is in charge of her own household a housewife. Would you rather have a badly-paid job than to do housework? Yes, I would rather have a badly-paid job than to do housework. / No, I wouldn t rather have a than, but I would rather have a badly-paid job than DEFINITION 58.def.1 The difference between housework and homework is that housework is done by a housewife in a house and homework is done by a pupil at home. 67

70 What s the difference between the words housework and homework? The difference between the words housework and homework is that housework is done by a housewife in a house and homework is done by a pupil at home. Do husbands in this country usually help their wives with housework? Yes, husbands in this country usually help their wives with housework. / No, husbands in this country usually don t help Do you think they should? Yes, I think they should. 58.v.2 dust (the furniture) mop vaccum vaccum cleaner prach, utierať prach (na nábytku) mop, umývať dlážku vysávať vysávač What do we dust and what do we mop? We dust the furniture, and we mop the floor. Would you get tired if you had to vacuum all the carpets in your house or flat? Yes, I would get tired if I had to vacuum all the carpets in my house/flat. / No, I wouldn t get tired if I had to because we don t have many carpets in our house/flat. When a person stays at a guesthouse, must he dust the furniture and mop the floor in his room? No, when a person stays at a guesthouse, he doesn t have to dust the furniture and mop the floor in his room. Is your neighbour in the habit of vacuuming in the middle of the night? No, fortunately, my neighbour isn t in the habit of vacuuming in the middle of the night. And what would you do if he was/were? If he was/were, I would knock on his door and complain. 58.v.3 iron wash washing machine žehlička; žehliť; železo prať, umývať práčka Are you going to do some washing and ironing tonight? Yes, I am going to do some ironing and washing tonight. / No, I am not going to do any ironing and washing tonight. What did he/ she say? He/she said that he/she was/wasn t going to do Were housewives using washing machines five hundred years ago? No, housewives weren t using washing machines five hundred years ago. Could you operate a washing machine when you were 5 years old? No, I couldn t operate a washing machine, when I was 5 years old. 68

71 58.v.4 make the bed wash up wash the dishes dishwasher ustlať posteľ umyť riad umyť riad umývačka riadu Have you made your bed today? Yes, I have made my bed today. / No, I haven t made my bed today. Is washing the dishes the most horrible housework you can imagine? Yes, washing the dishes is the most horrible housework I can imagine. / No, washing the dishes isn t the most horrible housework I can imagine. What is the most terrible housework you can imagine? The most terrible housework I can imagine is What did he/she say? He/she said that the most terrible work he/she could imagine was Are parents usually proud of their children when they don t make their beds in the morning? No, parents aren t usually proud of their children when they don t make their beds in the morning, but they are usually mad at them. Is it quite common nowadays to have a dishwasher in a kitchen? Yes, it is quite common nowadays to have a dishwasher in a kitchen. 58.v.5 tax electricity supply daň elektrina zásobovať, dodávka Do you have to pay a tax for keeping pets at home? Yes, I have to pay a tax for keeping pets at home. How much do they usually charge you for electricity supply monthly? They usually charge me about euros for electricity supply monthly. Do you know where this town gets its water supply from? Yes, I know where this town gets its water supply from. / No, I don t know where What did he/ she say? He/she said that he/she knew/didn t know where this town got its water supply from. When you don t pay your electricity bill when you should, what will probably happen? When I don t pay my electricity bill when I should, I will probably pay a fine. 69

72 DEFINITION 58.def.2 OUGHT TO We can often use the expression ought to instead of should because they have a very similar meaning. Do not forget to use the word to after ought. For example: I ought to see the doctor tomorrow. OR I should see the doctor tomorrow. Do we use the word to after the verb should? No, we don t use the word to after the verb should. Translate this sentence, please: Dnes by si mal umyť riad. You should wash the dishes today. / You ought to wash the dishes today. Translate this sentence, please: Ján by sa mal viac učiť. John should study more. /John ought to study more. What ought we to do in order to be successful in life? We ought to learn a lot in order to be successful in life. Do you think that your parents should be proud of you? Yes, I think that my parents should be proud of me. EXERCISE 58.e.1 Correct the mistakes. 1. Do you make your bed yesterday morning or do you forgot to do it? 2. In my opinion, housewifes not do nothing difficult, they just have clean the windows, mop the floor and sometimes they must to prepare lunch or dinner. 3. You have always remember to pay for your electricity bill at time? 4. Parents ought take care for their childrens. If they don t, their childrens would became criminal or murders. 5. I like to buy a dishwasher because I really hate wash up the dishes. It is the worse homework. 70

73 6. Why do your brother want vacuum all the carpets on the steps in your house? I don t know a man which is mad at vacuum. 7. Most the people not like ironing and the other are crazy. 8. My husband asked me, if I will borrow him some money tomorrow. I don t, because he is very irreliable. 9. What you was doing last night? Your boyfriend told to me that you fall asleep quiet early but I heard you speaking to one another. 10. I have just decide to build a brick cottage in a country therefore I cannot introduce the world without nature. 58.v.6 break down to be out of order repair pokaziť sa nefungovať opraviť What can we say instead of The lift is not working? We can say the lift has broken down or the lift is out of order instead of the lift is not working. What do people have to do when a lift is out of order? People have to climb the stairs when a lift is out of order. Have you ever tried to repair something that was not working? Yes, I have tried to repair something that was not working. What? When? Did you succeed in repairing it? When people buy a new car, do they usually hope that it will be working forever? No, when people buy a new car, they usually don t hope that it will be working forever, but they realize that it will break down one day. Do you get angry when you are somewhere out looking for a bathroom and all the public toilets are out of order? Yes, I get mad when I am somewhere out looking for a bathroom and all the public toilets are out of order. 71

74 When was the last time your mobile phone broke down? The last time my mobile phone broke down was How did you feel? 58.v.7 throw threw thrown hodiť burn burnt burnt fire-fighter/ fireman by accident (s)páliť, horieť hasič omylom, náhodou When your computer breaks down, do you just put it into a box and throw it away? No, when my computer breaks down, I don t put it into a box and throw it away but I call someone to repair it. Have you ever burnt yourself while you were ironing clothes? Yes, I have sometimes burnt myself while I was ironing clothes. / No, I have never What did you do? Did you call for the fire-fighters? No, I didn t call for the fire-fighters/firemen. Have you ever thrown anything away what was worth a lot of money by accident? Yes, I have thrown something away what was worth a lot of money by accident. / No, I have never thrown anything Did you burn your breakfast this morning? No, I didn t burn my breakfast this morning. / Yes, I burnt my If you heard your neighbour shouting: Fire!, what would it mean? If I heard my neighbour shouting: Fire!, it would mean that something in his house was on fire. Would you like to be a fire-fighter? Yes, I would like to / No, I wouldn t like to Would you be surprised if I suddenly threw a stone at that window? Yes, I would be surprised if you suddenly threw a stone at that window. What is the paradigm of throw? The paradigm of throw is throw-threw-thrown. 58.v.8 drop hold pour spill spilt - spilt pustiť, padať; kvapka držať liať, naliať rozliať, rozsypať Are you going to drop that pen you are holding in your hand? No, I am not going to drop this pen I am holding in my hand. What will probably happen if you pour too much liquid into a glass? If I pour too much liquid into a glass, the water will spill. 72

75 What did he/she say? He/she said that if he/she poured too much liquid into a glass, it would spill. Do you think that your mobile phone would be still working if you dropped it from the second floor window? No, I don t think that my mobile phone would be still working if I dropped it from the second floor window. What do you put into your eye when it hurts? I put eye drops into my eye when it hurts. 58.v.9 wound injury injure weapon bleed rana; poraniť zranenie zraniť zbraň krvácať DEFINITION 58.def.3 There is a difference between an injury and a wound. A wound is when you bleed because somebody wanted to hurt you, usually with a gun, a knife or another weapon. An injury is when you are hurt in a part of your body in an accident, at a game etc. What is a wound? A wound is when you bleed because somebody wanted to hurt you, usually with a gun, a knife or another weapon. Do you know anybody who was wounded during the Second World War? Yes, I know somebody who was wounded in the Second World War. / No, I don t know anybody who Do you believe that 50 per cent of injuries happen at home? Yes, I believe that 50 per cent of injuries happen at home. Did you get injured at home whilst you were doing some housework? Yes, I got injured at home whilst I was doing some housework. What happened? I cut myself/ I broke my arm/ I burnt my finger What is the noun of the verb injure? The noun of the verb injure is injury. How can we avoid being injured? We can avoid being injured by being more careful. 58.v.10 duty povinnosť; clo Do you usually have a lot of duties and a lot of problems during the day? Yes, I usually have a lot of duties and problems during the day. 73

76 Do you think that a child s life is much easier that the life of an adult? Yes, I think that a child s life is much easier than the life of an adult. Why? Because children have fewer duties than adults. What is a duty-free shop? A duty-free shop is a shop at the airport where you don t pay a duty on goods. EXERCISE 58.e.2 Decide Present Simple/Present Continuous/ Past Simple/ Past Continuous. 1. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It... (rain) 2. A: What... when the accident...? (you do, happen) B: I... dinner. (prepare) 3. Be quiet. John... (sleep) 4. Sebastian... at Susan's house a little before 9:00 pm, but she... there. She... at the library for her French exam. (arrive, not be, study) 5. Sharon... in the room when John told me what happened, but she... anything because she... (be, not hear, not listen) 6. Every Monday, Sally... her kids to their football training. (drive) 7. The doctor... that Tom... too sick to go to work and that he... to stay at home for a couple of days. (say, be, need) 8. A: I... you last night after dinner, but you... not there. Where... you? (call, not be, be) B: I... sorry, I... answer the phone because I... to make an important decision. (be, cannot, try) 58.v.11 ostrich genie rub chick ass pštros džin trieť, šúchať kurča; kočka (príťažlivé dievča) zadok READING 58.r.1 A man walked into a bar with a large ostrich following him. When they sat down, the waitress came to them to take the orders. The man said, "A whiskey with no ice," then looked at the ostrich, "What do you want to drink?" "I'll have the same, thank you," said the ostrich. 74

77 The waitress came back with the drinks a moment later and said it would be $8.60. The man reached into his pocket and gave the waitress exactly $8.60 without looking at the money. A day later, the man and the ostrich came to the bar again. The man said, "A whiskey with no ice." The ostrich said, "I'll have the same, thank you." When the waitress brought the bill, the man gave her the exact amount again, without looking. The same thing happened every day, until the man and the ostrich came to the bar on Saturday. Can I get you the usual? asked the waitress. "No, it s Saturday, I will have a double whiskey and a bottle of coke," said the man. "The same for me," said the ostrich. "Ok, that will be $17.84." The man put exactly $17.84 on the table, again without looking. That really surprised the waitress, so she finally asked "I m sorry sir, sir. How can you always pull out the exact amount of money from your pocket without even looking at the money?" The man answered: "I was cleaning out my garage a few years ago and I found an old lamp. I wanted to clean it, but when I started rubbing it, a genie flew out of it, and said I can have two wishes. So I wished that if I ever have to pay for anything, I just reach into my pocket and pull out the exact amount of money." "That's very clever!" said the waitress. "I would just have said I wanted a million dollars, but you will always have the money you need!" "Yes, exactly. If I want to buy a hot-dog, the money is there. If I want to buy a car, the money is there again," said the man. The waitress turned away to leave, but then turned back and asked the man: "there is one more thing I don t understand. Why is the ostrich following you?" The man said, "The second wish was tall chick with long legs and a big ass who always agrees with everything I say." QUESTIONS AND TASKS Preložte otázky do slovenského jazyka. 1. What was the story about? 2. What was surprising about the man's behaviour? 3. If you found a magic lamp, what would you wish for? Do you believe there is something like that somewhere in the world? 75

78 COMMUNICATION AND TECHNOLOGY UNIT v.1 communication technology IT (information technology) expect komunikácia; komunikačný technológia IT (informačné technológie) očakávať Is communication an important part of our daily lives? Yes, communication is an important part of our daily lives. Do you expect that information technology will become even more widely used in the future? Yes, I expect that information technology will become even more widely used in the future. / No, I don t expect that information technology will become even more widely used in the future. What did he/she say? He/she said that he/she expected/didn t expect that information technology would become even more widely used in the future. What do you expect will happen to you in the next few years? I expect that I will (finish my studies, find a good job, marry, have children) Would you like to work in IT? Yes, I would like to work in IT. / No, I wouldn t like to work in IT. Why? And what about? 59.v.2 internet access connection online offline internet prístup, možnosť pripojenia spojenie, pripojenie v spojení (v súvislosti s internetom) bez spojenia Do you have an Internet connection at your home? Yes, I have an Internet connection at my home. / No, I don t have an internet connection at my home. Is there an Internet access everywhere in your town? No, there isn t an Internet access everywhere in my town, but there is Internet access only in some areas of my town. Do you know anybody who likes to spend every minute of his free time online? Yes, I know somebody who likes to spend every minute of his free time online. / No, I don t know anybody who likes to spend every minute of his free time online. 76

79 When you are using the Internet, does it mean that your computer works online or offline? When I m using the Internet, it means that my computer works online. 59.v.3 (electronic mail) by post elektronická pošta poštou Do you send s to your colleagues at work? Yes, I send s to my colleagues at work. / No, I don t send s to my colleagues at work. When people have to send some important documents, do you think it is safer to use or to send them by post? When people have to send some important documents, I think it is safer to use /to send them by post. 59.v.4 software hardware screen keyboard softvér hardvér obrazovka klávesnica Is computer memory a part of the hardware or the software? Computer memory is a part of the hardware. Do you clean the screen of your computer regularly? Yes, I clean the screen of my computer regularly. / No, I don t clean the screen of my computer regularly. What did he/she say? He/she said that he/she cleaned/didn t clean the screen of his/her computer regularly. Is it necessary to use a keyboard when you want to write something on your computer? Yes, it is necessary to use a keyboard when I want to write something on my computer. / No, it isn t necessary to use a keyboard when I want to write something on my computer. When you have a virus on your computer, does it mean that there is a software or hardware problem? When I have a virus on my computer, it means that there is a software problem. 59.v.5 mouse click cut copy paste icon myš kliknúť; kliknutie vystrihnúť kopírovať nalepiť ikona Can you cut, copy or paste documents in your computer by clicking the mouse? Yes, I can click, copy and paste documents in my computer by clicking the mouse. 77

80 Are there usually many icons on the screen of your computer? Yes, there are usually many icons on the screen of my computer. / No, there aren t usually many icons on the screen of my computer. Have you ever cut anything important from your report by accident? Yes, I have cut something important from my report by accident. / No, I have never cut Do you usually download all the photos from your camera to your computer? Yes, I usually download all the photos from my camera to my computer. / No, I don t usually copy all the photos from my camera to my computer. 59.v.6 account chat chat room reply text message účet, konto neformálny rozhovor, chat diskusná miestnosť odpovedať textová správa Do you usually have to have an account when you want to use chat rooms on the Internet? Yes, I usually have to have an account when I want to use chat rooms on the Internet. Do more people have bank accounts nowadays than they used to have in the past? Yes, more people have bank accounts nowadays than they used to have in the past. Do you agree that children younger than 15 shouldn t be allowed to enter chat rooms? Yes, I agree that children younger than 15 / No, I don t agree that children younger than 15 When two people fall in love, do they usually send many text messages to each other? Yes, when two people fall in love, they usually send many text messages to each other. When you get an at work, do you usually reply immediately or do you take your time? Yes, when I get an at work, I usually reply immediately. I don t take my time. / No, when I get an at work, I don t reply immediately, but I take my time. Which way of communication do you prefer writing text messages, chatting or talking on the phone? I prefer.. 59.v.7 print printer cable wireless (wifi) tlačiť, vyltačiť tlačiareň kábel bezdrôtový Do you need a printer for your work or could you work without it? Yes, I need a printer for my work, I couldn t work without it. / No, I don t need a printer for my work, I could work without it. How is a printer usually connected to a computer? A printer is usually connected to a computer with a cable. Where was this book printed? This book was printed in Slovakia. 78

81 If there is a wireless icon on the screen of your computer, do you always need a cable in order to connect to the Internet? No, when there is a wireless icon on the screen of my computer, I don t always need a cable in order to connect to the Internet. Do you expect that there will be a free wireless Internet access in your whole town in the future? Yes, I expect that there will be a free wireless Internet access in my whole town in the future. / No, I don t expect that there will be a free wireless Internet access in my whole town in the future. 59.v.8 switch on switch off crash laptop/notebook zapnúť vypnúť zrútenie (systému); zrútiť sa prenosný počítač Has your laptop ever crashed the moment when you needed to do something important on it? Yes, my laptop has crashed the moment when I needed to do something important on it. / No, my laptop has never crashed the moment when I needed to do something important on it. What is the opposite of the verb switch on? The opposite of the verb switch on is the verb switch off. When you switch off your notebook, what colour is the screen? When I switch off my notebook, the screen is black. Do you have to switch on the light in the room if it is dark in there and you want to read a book? Yes, I have to switch on the light in the room if it is dark in there and I want to read a book. When a computer crashes, can you lose all your documents? Yes, when a computer crashes, you can lose all your documents. 59.v.9 cd/dvd player digital cassette invent CD/DVD prehrávač digitálny kazeta vynájsť, objaviť Is it common to find a CD and DVD player in most households these days? Yes, it is common to find a CD and DVD player in most households these days. Do you prefer to listen to a CD or the radio? I prefer to listen to.. What had people listened to before the CD was invented? People had listened to the radio or to cassettes before the CD was invented. Do you know which country invented the first digital computer? Yes, I know which country invented the first digital computer. It was the USA and Great Britain. / No, I don t know which country invented the first digital computer. 79

82 EXERCISE 59.e.1 Complete the sentences with the words written below. virus memory save print laptop cut crash copy paste 1. If you click on, the computer will store a document for you. 2. If you click on, you will have the same document twice. 3. If you click on, the computer will take something out of a document. 4. If you click on, the computer will add into a document something you wanted. 5. If you click on, you can get a paper copy. 6. If the computer has a because there is a software problem, it could 7. If you computer is very slow, it may need more 8. If you want to work on a plane or train, you need to use a EXERCISE 59.e.2 Choose the correct tense of the verb. 1. I (chatted/was chatting/had chatted) in my favourite chat room when somebody (had entered/was entering/entered) the room and (switched off/was switching off/had switched off) the light. 2. Before her laptop (crashes/was crashing/crashed), she (wrote/had written/was writing) about ten pages of the report, but she (didn t save/not saved/hadn t saved) them. 3. If they (are connect/were connected/had connected) to the Internet, they would be able to send the , but they (can t /couldn t/won t be able to) find a network. 4. You (not see/aren t seeing/can t see) very well. I will/am/am going to) switch the light on. 5. Tom (bought/was buying/has bought) a new keyboard this afternoon; the old one (hasn t worked/didn t work/hadn t worked). 6. He (isn t finishing/hasn t finished/didn t finish) the essay yet, but he (will finish/finishes/is going to finish) it in 5 minutes. 80

83 7. (Did/Have/Has) my assistant already (printing/print/printed) the pages I (was asking/asked/am asking) for? 8. Look, the computer (is connected/has been connected/is being connected) to the Internet right now. 59.v.10 type link join in college code písať na klávesnici spojiť pridať sa, pripojiť sa (ku skupine) typ amer. vysokej školy kód READING 59.r.1 The story of the internet Today, many people use the Internet. You turn on a computer, type in a few words, and you re connected to the Internet. You can listen to music. You can get information. You can also send letters to friends. communication is a very good thing. It does not cost much and it is quick. But on the other hand it is possible that your message has not been read, has been ignored or even deleted immediately. The other nuisance is the fact that you can get lot of SPAM or junk . Have you ever wondered how the Internet got started? In the 1960s, the US government wanted to connect some of its computers together in order they could share information. Someone on one computer could get information from another. The government s computers were in different places. Some were even in different states. Computers in different places had never been connected together before. People had to find out how to do it and it was hard work. Finally, in 1969, four computers were connected. Telephone lines linked them together. People sent information from computer to computer, so they were able to share information. This was the beginning of the Internet. Many more computers were linked to the Internet. Scientists at universities and research institutes joined in. The Internet was growing in business too. Still, home computers weren t part of the Internet yet. That s because the Internet was hard to use. People had to type in complicated codes. In 1991, the World Wide Web was created. It helped make the use of Internet easier. But people still had to know some codes. In 1992, a new computer program was invented. People didn t have to know the codes to use the World Wide Web. The new program let people click on words and pictures. Then almost anyone could use the Internet. Questions and tasks Preložiť otázky do slovenského jazyka. 1. Why was the Internet started? 2. When were the first four computers connected together? 3. Why did it take several years to link the four computers together? 4. Why did it take so long to connect home computers to the Internet? 5. What was created in 1991? 6. Translate the words: písať na klávesnici, zistiť, spojiť, pridať sa, kód. Use the words in sentences. 81

84 COMMUNICATION IN DAILY LIFE UNIT v.1 (hold) a conversation accent concentrate confuse (viesť) rozhovor prízvuk, dôraz sústrediť (sa) zmiasť, popliesť si Are you able to hold a simple conversation in English? Yes, I m able to hold a simple conversation in English. / No, I m not able to hold a simple conversation in English. Do you speak English with a strong French accent? No, I don t speak English with a strong French accent, but I speak English with a Slovak accent. Where is the accent in the word excellent? The accent in the word excellent is on the first syllable. Do you have to concentrate more when you speak English than when you speak Slovak? Yes, I have to concentrate more when I speak English than when I speak Slovak. / No, I don t have to concentrate more when I speak English than when I speak Slovak. Have you ever confused the meaning of the verbs wear and carry? Yes, I have confused the meaning of the verbs wear and carry. / No, I have never confused the meaning of the verbs wear and carry. Would you be confused if I said that the lesson was already over? Yes, I would be confused if you said that the lesson was already over. Why? Because the lesson has just started. 60.v.2 emphatic do emphasize emphasis deny exclamation dôrazné do zdôrazniť dôraz poprieť, zamietnuť zvolanie DEFINITION 60.def.1 We already know that we use the verb do in the Present Simple Tense when we want to form a question or a negative sentence, for example: Do you like chocolate? No, I don t like chocolate. It is also possible to use the verb do in a positive sentence, when we want to emphasize a certain fact. For example: Yes, I do like chocolate. In this case, we put a strong emphasis on the word do, which is called the emphatic do. 82

85 Can we use the verb do also in a positive sentence? Yes, we can use the verb do also in a positive sentence. When do we use the verb do in a positive sentence? We use the verb do in a positive sentence when we want to emphasize a certain fact. How do we call the verb do in a positive sentence? We call the verb do the emphatic do in a positive sentence. DEFINITION 60.def.2 We usually use the emphatic do when somebody denies something what we know is true or we believe it to be true. For example, you may say: I write my homework every day. But your teacher denies it and says: No, you don t write your homework every day. You know that he is wrong and you are right, so you emphasize your statement: Yes, I do write my homework every day. When do we usually use the emphatic do? We usually use the emphatic do when somebody denies something what we know is true or we believe it to be true. Translate this sentence, please: Utieram prach z nábytku každú sobotu. I dust the furniture every Saturday. Deny his/her statement, please. No, you don t dust the furniture every day. Correct your colleague using the emphatic do, please. Yes, I do dust the furniture every Saturday. DEFINITION 60.def.3 We can also use the emphatic do in the past, but in this case, we have to change it into did. For example: He played tennis yesterday. No, he didn t play tennis yesterday. Yes, he did play tennis yesterday. Give the answers to these questions using the emphatic form, either in the present or in the past. Her parents didn t miss their flight. Her parents did miss their flight. She doesn t think that it will rain later. She does think that it will rain later. You didn t come to school yesterday. I did come to school yesterday. You don t understand my words. I do understand your words. 83

86 DEFINITION 60.def.4 We can also use the emphatic do in an exclamation, for example: You do speak English well! or I do hate onion! Translate this exclamation please: Milujem túto knihu! I do love this book! EXERCISE 60.e.1 Deny the sentences or emphasize the exclamations given using the emphatic form. 1. Paul doesn t have a new girlfriend. 2. Lucy never understood her father. 3. They don t come here very often. 4. You didn t wash the dishes. 5. She doesn t clean her teeth regularly. 6. He speaks five foreign languages! 7. I love my children! 8. She doesn t want to help her brother. 9. David and Ana didn t pay bill. 10. You don t study as you ought to. 84

87 60.v.3 in my opinion personally, I think as far as I m concerned podľa môjho názoru osobne si myslím čo sa mňa týka What, in your opinion, is the best way to spend your free time? In my opinion, the best way to spend my free time is to Do you personally think that Chinese is a very difficult language? Yes, I personally think that Chinese is a very difficult language. Translate this sentence, please: Čo sa mňa týka, celý večer bol strata času. As far as I m concerned, the whole evening was a waste of time. Who, in your opinion, is the best film star in the world? In my opinion, the best film star in the world is 60.v.4 I partly agree I totally disagree I agree to some extent depend (on) level čiastočne súhlasím úplne nesúhlasím súhlasím do určitej miery závisieť od, záležať na úroveň DEFINITION 60.def.5 When we want to disagree with somebody, we may say I partly agree, I agree to some extent or I totally disagree, depending on the level of disagreement. Which of the following expressions would you use if someone told you that the sun was blue: I totally disagree or I agree to some extent? If someone told me that the sun was blue, I would use expression I totally disagree. Do you partly agree that English is in some ways easier than Slovak? Yes, I partly agree that English is in some ways easier than Slovak. If you were planning to buy a flat, would your choice depend on the amount of money you had? Yes, if I were planning to buy a flat, my choice would depend on the amount of money I had. / No, if I were planning to buy a flat, my choice wouldn t depend on the amount of money I had. Some people prefer to spend their holidays in hot countries and some people in cold countries. What does this depend on? It depends on the type of sports they prefer to practice. / It depends on the type of the weather they like. Do small children depend on their parents? Yes, small children depend on their parents. What level of English studies are you in at the moment? I am in the 6th level of English studies at the moment. 85

88 60.v.5 excuse me I m sorry I beg your pardon pardon? I apologise for prepáčte prepáčte prepáčte, prosím? (keď nerozumieme, nepočujeme) prosím? (keď nerozumieme, nepočujeme) ospravedlňujem sa za DEFINITION 60.def.6 We can apologise in different ways. We use the expression Excuse me before we do something and we use the expression I m sorry after we have done something. The expression I beg your pardon means the same as I m sorry, but is rather formal. In writing, we often use the expression I apologise (for). Which expression do we use before we do something? Before we do something we use the expression Excuse me. Translate this sentence, please: Prepáčte, ako sa, prosím, dostanem na stanicu? Excuse me, how do I get to the station, please? If you came late to the appointment with your friend, how would you apologise? If I came late to the appointment with my friend, I would apologise with the words I m sorry I m late. Translate this sentence into Slovak, please: I beg your pardon, I didn t hear your name. Prepáčte prosím, nepočul som Vaše meno. When a teacher asks you a question and you didn t understand, what do you say? When a teacher asks me a question and I didn t understand, I say Pardon? 60.v.6 that s OK don t worry never mind no problem to je v poriadku netráp sa nevadí žiadny problém DEFINITION 60.def.7 When people apologise to us, it is very common to say something to tell them that everything is OK and that we are not mad at them. All four expressions: That s OK, Don t worry, Never mind and No problem are very common in English. If your best friend apologised to you for not keeping his promise, what would you tell him? If my best friend apologized to me for not keeping his promise, I would tell him Don t worry / That s ok / Never mind / No problem. Translate, please: Netráp sa, že si nenašiel tú knihu. Je to v poriadku. Don t worry that you haven t found that book. That s OK. 86

89 60.v.7 matter it doesn t matter it matters material, záležitosť; záležať to nevadí na tom záleží What kind of matter is this book made of? This book is made of paper. Do you think that the possibility of another world war is a serious matter? Yes, I think that the possibility of another world war is a serious matter. Does it matter to you what kind of food you eat Yes, it matters to me what kind of food I eat. / No, it doesn t matter to me what kind of food I eat. Do you think that it matters to have good marks at school? Yes, I think that it matters to have good marks at school. / No, I don t think that it matters to have good marks at school. Translate, please: Nevadí, že si tie dokumenty nevytlačil. Nie je to problém. It doesn t matter that you haven t printed the documents. No problem. 60.v.8 thank you (very much) thanks a lot that s very kind of you you re welcome not at all no problem ďakujem (veľmi pekne) ďakujem pekne to je od teba veľmi milé nemáš za čo nemáš za čo nemáš za čo, žiadny problém DEFINITION 60.def.8 When we want to thank somebody we may say: Thank you (very much) for or Thanks a lot, which is rather informal. The answers to these expressions could be: You re welcome, Not at all, No problem. If your friends invited you for dinner at their house and you spent a really nice evening with them, what would you say? If my friends invited me for dinner at their house and I spent a really nice evening with them, I would say Thank you very much for inviting me. If someone thanked you for a glass of water, what would you reply to him? If someone thanked me for a glass of water, I would reply to him Not at all / You re welcome. Translate, please: Ďakujem veľmi pekne, že povysávaś moju izbu. Je to od teba veľmi milé. Thank you very much for vacuuming my room, it s very kind of you. 60.v.9 cheers good luck bless you nazdravie (prípitok) veľa šťastia nazdravie (kýchnutie) 87

90 congratulations well done gratulujem dobra práca When you have a drink with your friends, what do you say to express good wishes? When I have a drink with my friends, I say Cheers to express good wishes. Is it polite to say bless you when you hear somebody sneezing? Yes, it is polite to say Bless you when I hear somebody sneezing. / No, it isn t polite to say Bless you when I hear somebody sneezing. What do people usually say when they want to support somebody before a difficult situation? People usually say Good Luck when they want to support somebody before a difficult situation. Has anyone wished you good luck before today s lesson? Yes, somebody has wished me good luck before today s lesson. / No, nobody has wished me good luck before today s lesson. Translate, please: Gratulujem! Spravil si najťažšiu skúšku! Congratulations/Well done! You have passed the most difficult exam. 60.v.10 have a nice evening/weekend same to you pekný večer/víkend nápodobne, aj tebe DEFINITION 60.def.9 When someone has wished us a nice day/evening/weekend etc., and we want to wish him the same thing, we say Same to you. If I said Have a nice day, what would you reply to me? If you said Have a nice day, I would reply Same to you. QUESTION TIME 60.qt.1 Translate and choose someone in the class to answer your question. Záleží ti na tom, čo si o tebe myslia iní ľudia? Does it matter to you what other people think about you? Yes, it matters to me what other people think about me. / No, it doesn t matter to me what other people think about me. Súhlasíš, že anglický prízvuk je úplne odlišný od slovenského prízvuku? Do you agree that the English accent is completely different from the Slovak accent? Yes, I (totally) agree that the English accent is totally different from the Slovak accent. Zaželáš mi na zajtra veľa šťastia, keďže musím urobiť veľmi dôležité a nepríjemné rozhodnutie? Will you wish me good luck for tomorrow as I have to make a very important and unpleasant decision? Yes, I will wish you good luck for tomorrow as you have to make a very important and unpleasant decision. Chystáš sa ospravedlniť za chybu, ktorú si práve urobil? Are you going to apologise for the mistake you have just made? Yes, I am going to apologise for the mistake I have just made. 88

91 Sústredíš sa na každé učiteľovo slovo počas hodiny angličtiny? Do you concentrate on every word of the teacher during the English lesson? Yes, I concentrate on every word of the teacher during the English lesson. / No, I don t concentrate on every word of the teacher during the English lesson. EXERCISE 60.e.2 Rewrite the sentences using the word given in the brackets. The meaning must stay the same. 1. In my opinion, more people should go to university. (concerned) 2. I totally agree with you. (right) 3. You passed the exam. Congratulations! (done) 4. I partly agree with what you are saying. (extent) 5. John says that they will come this evening. (according) 6. Thank you very much for helping me with my homework. (a lot) 7. It doesn t matter that you missed last lesson. (worry) 8. EXERCISE 60.e.3 What could you say in these situations? 1. Someone says something to you, but you didn t hear all of it. What do you say? 2. Your sister tells you that she has just won a competition. What do you say? 3. Your brother is going for a job interview this afternoon. What do you say? 4. You came late to work and your boss was waiting for you in your office. What do you say? 89

92 5. Your colleague has wished you a nice weekend. What do you say? 6. You are in a bus full of people and you want to get off. What do you say to other passengers? 7. You have a drink with your friends. What do you say before you start drinking? 8. Your brother sneezed. What do you say? DICTATION 60.d.1 Would you like to welcome guests at your house every day? I don t agree with people who say that being a housewife and taking care of a household is an easy job. Ought to and should are very similar in meaning. It must be very pleasant to have a fireplace at home that keeps you warm in winter. She had to pay a lot for her telephone bill last month because she was abroad and spent many hours connected to the Internet over the phone. 90

93 REPETITION PRE-INTERMEDIATE II. UNIT EXERCISE rpi.e.1 Put in the correct form of the verb in the Passive Voice. Choose the right tense (Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Will Future) 1. All the new words... by the teacher already. (explain) 2. Don t worry! This car... until tomorrow. (sell) 3. I am really nervous, because my keys.... (lose) 4. I... a book by my friend last Friday. (give) 5. The dishes...already... by my little brother. (wash) 6. When...this building...? In (build) 7. I have heard that he... with a murder a week ago. Is it true? (charge) 8. The class... to open their books a second ago. (order) 9. All the furniture in my house... this week. (dust) 10. Wednesday... always... by Thursday and Tuesday... by Monday. (follow, precede) DICTATION rpi.d.1 When two people have cheated on each other, they usually become mad and shout like they were crazy. I committed so many crimes that I don t even remember all of them. I shot someone a few hours ago, but I hope I won t be charged with it. I would be really satisfied if it was forbidden by law to produce fake products which cannot be compared with the original. As far as I am concerned, she hates all kinds of housework, especially ironing. I totally disagree that printers were invented earlier than computers. I used to believe in it but then I realized that somebody was lying to me. EXERCISE rpi.e.2 Translate the sentences and always change the tense in Indirect speech. 1. Povedal, že sa chystá kúpiť si ďalší týždeň umývačku riadu. 2. Požiadal ho, aby mu požičal nejaké vankúše, prikrývky a plachty. 3. Prikázali mu, aby dnes neostal v práci do polnoci. 4. Nepovedal si mi, že si ženatý. 5. Povedala som, že nemám žiaden bankový účet na sporenie peňazí. 6. Ten muž povedal, že neukradol pas a zlodeja nevidel. 7. Poprosila som ho, aby sa pokúsiť udržať so mnou jednoduchú konverzáciu v angličtine. 8. Myslela som si, že ste mi povedali, že ste blázni do výrobkov vyrobených z dreva. 9. Povedala som mu, aby položil nejaké koberce na schody, ale neurobil to. 91

94 10. Môj priateľ sa spýtal, či sa s ním zajtra rozídem. Povedala som mu, že neviem. EXERCISE rpi.e.3 Direct and Indirect speech. Change the direct speech into the indirect speech. Always change time and place expressions. 1. She said: I ve bought it today She said: I saw him yesterday She said: I am getting a new car this week She said: Tom is tired now She said: We bought it a week ago She said: I was on holiday last week She said: I ll see you tomorrow She said: I have an appointment next week She said: I live here She said: These shoes are nice.... Be the teacher. 1. Súhlasíš, že ľudia boli štedrejší pred 100 rokmi, než sú teraz? 2. Stretol si niekedy človeka, ktorý sa ti odmietol predstaviť? 3. Potlačíš alebo potiahneš tieto dvere, keď sa táto hodina skončí? 4. Myslíš, že by malo byť dovolené chovať nebezpečné zvieratá v domácnosti? 5. Čo by si robil, ak by sa s tebou tvoj priateľ/priateľka rozišla cez telefón? 6. Veríš, že jedného dňa bude možné vypnúť televízor len zatlieskaním? 7. Čo, podľa teba, je tá najstrašnejšia domáca práca? 8. Keď sa ti pokazí vysávač, si schopná opraviť ho? 9. Je nutné zavolať hasičov, keď je tvoj komín plný dymu? 10. Keby si spadol z desiateho poschodia, čo by sa ti pravdepodobne stalo? 11. Aký je rozdiel medzi domácou prácou a domácou úlohou? 12. Ak by si bol väzňom počas prvej svetovej vojny, bol by si spokojný a šťastný? 13. Čím je obklopený dom v ktorom bývaš? 14. Ako ľudia prali oblečenie, predtým než boli vynájdené práčky? 15. Čo musím spraviť, keď chcem prilepiť niečo do mojej správy? 16. Sú rodičia hrdý na svoje deti, ak si zabudnú ustlať postele? 17. Ak by ti niekto poďakoval za vysvetlenie, čo by si mu odpovedal? 18. Záleží ti na tom, čo si iní ľudia o tebe myslia? 92

95 EXERCISE rpi.e.4 Choose the right option. The public toilets in the suburbs are 1... ; we have to find 2... in the centre, but it is quite far from here, although I have to say it could have been that old printer away; nobody 5... repair it. No, I 6... done it yet. I 7... it every day, I am not sure if I will get used to 8... a new one. I 9... it every day, I am not sure if I will get used to it in my office. My brother said that he go to Australia 12..., but he hasn t bought any plane tickets I am sure that our mother him when I home tonight. I told him that it was impossible all day, but he understand. What do now? Before I home yesterday, all the carpets because if I it, my husband would have me. 1. A. working B. out of order C. not working 2. A. some others B. another C. the other 3. A. even farer B. farther than C. even farther 4. A. Have you already throw B. Did you already throw C. Have you already thrown 5. A. was able to B. could have to C. wanted 6. A. have B. haven t C. didn t 7. A. need B. needing C. have need 8. A. use B. using C. used 9. A. used to use B. was used C. am used to 10. A. have B. not having C. see 11. A. would go B. is going C. was going to 12. A. tomorrow B. the next day C. yesterday 13. A. already B. yet C. ever 14. A. will be shouting at B. will shout to C. is going to shout 15. A. will be B. return C. will go 16. A. smile B. laugh C. to keep smiling 17. A. not wanted B. don t C. didn t want to 18. A. I will B. shall I C. I ought to 19. A. arrive B. left from C. left 20. A. I had vacuumed B. I vacuuming C. have cleaned 21. A. didn t do B. haven t do C. hadn t done 22. A. shout at B. be angry with C. been mad at EXERCISE rpi.e.5 Complete the table with the translation and paradigms of irregular verbs. TRANSLATION PAST PAST PARTICIPLE BE BECOME BEGIN BLOW BREAK BRING BURN BUY CATCH CHOOSE COME COST CUT DO DRINK DRIVE 93



98 KEY TO EXERCISES EXERCISE 51.e.1 In the following exercise you must either choose either the right option or fill in the right word. 1. I am new in this job, so I am not used to telling/ I used to people what to do. 2. My best friend used to live in a big house when she was a child, so she is used to/ she is used to live large buildings. 3. I really used to enjoy/ enjoying his company, but now I find him quite boring. 4. I have never had so much money, but I am getting used to it now. 5. My mother cannot hear very well, so I am used to shouting /shout. 6. I am used/ I used to eat a lot of chocolate, but now I am on a diet. 7. Did you get used to his crazy nature? 8. I am used to keeping/ I used to keep in touch with my old friends, but now I don t even remember their names. EXERCISE 51.e.2 Translate the following sentences. 1. Nesúď ľudí podľa ich vzhľadu! Don t judge people by their appearance. 2. Už si sa predstavil? Have you already introduced yourself? 3. Štedrými ľuďmi máme na mysli ľudí, ktorí sú ochotní požičať ti peniaze, keď ich potrebuješ. By generous people we mean the people who are willing to lend you money when you need it. 4. Nezvykla som sa ospravedlňovať za svoje chyby, ale práve si na to zvykám, pretože musím. I didn t use to apologise for my mistakes, but I am just getting used to it, because I have to. 5. Odmietol si niekedy pomôct svojim skutočný priateľom, keď sa dostali do problémov? Have you ever refused to help your true friends, when they got into trouble? 6. Myslíš si, že by sa zdraví ľudia mali starať o chorých? Do you think that healthy people should take care of/look after/ care for ill people? 7. Je priateľstvo jednou z najdôležitejších vecí v ľudskom živote? Is friendship one of the most important things in human life? 8. Znervóznieš, keď ti pekný muž zatrasie rukou? Do you get nervous when a handsome man shakes hand with you? EXERCISE 51.e.3 I cannot 1 my life without friendship. When you get into trouble, it is important to know someone who can help you 2 it because true friends care about 3. Even if they aren t mad 4 same things, they always have wonderful time together. True friends are able to forgive each other and are not 5 each other when one of them cannot 6 a promise. They share every secret together. Some people are unhappy because they 7 have such a good friend, but cannot 8 anyone like that. If they could, their lives would be 9 beautiful, full 10 happiness and love. 1. A. perform B. introduce C. imagine 2. A. get out from B. to get out of C. to get out from 96

99 3. A. themselves B. each other C. one other 4. A. around B. about the C. at the 5. A. mad about B. crazy at C. mad at 6. A. keep B. break C. hold 7. A. like to B. would like to C. want 8. A. find B. look for C. make 9. A. much more B. less C. much 10. A. with B. from C. of EXERCISE 52.e.1 Complete the list of tenses and forms and translate the expressions in the Passive Voice. BREAK BE Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect He breaks the glass. The glass is broken by him. He is breaking the glass. The glass is being broken by him. He has broken the glass. The glass has been broken by him. Past Simple He broke the glass. The glass was broken by him. Past Continuous He was breaking the glass. The glass was being broken by him. Past Perfect He had broken the glass. The glass had been broken by him Future He will break the glass. The glass will be broken by him. Conditional He would break the glass. The glass would be broken by him Should He should break the glass. The glass should be broken by him. Can He can break the glass. The glass can be broken by him. EXERCISE 52.e.2 Guess what or who it is 1. The action which is against the law is a crime. 2. Taking something from a shop without paying is stealing. 3. The action for which we need a gun is shooting. 4. A person the police are looking for is a criminal. 5. The place where all the criminals should be taken is a prison. 6. When you didn t commit the crime, you are innocent. 7. The men whose job is stealing are thieves. 8. When somebody is guilty of a murder, he should be arrested for life. 97

100 EXERCISE 53.e.1 Write the opposites, either by adding a prefix or by writing a completely different word with the opposite meaning. UP - down FAIL AN EXAM pass an exam FAT slim/thin PATIENT - impatient HARD WORKING - lazy FRIENDLY - unfriendly OPEN - close PUT ON take off EARLY - late BADLY - well VISIBLE invisible USEFUL useless BETTER worse FORGET remember LAND take off ALIVE - dead WAKE UP go to bed COMFORTABLE- uncomfortable THE SAME different BORE interest EXERCISE 53.e.2 Translate the following sentences and form the questions. 1. Uspela v otvorení jej nového obchodu, kde sa predáva úžasné oblečenie. She succeeded in opening her new shop, where amazing clothes are sold. Did she succeed in opening her new shop? 2. Keď je niekto na čele veľkého biznisu, zvyčajne mu záleží iba na jeho zisku. When somebody is in charge of a big business, he usually cares only about his profit. When somebody is in charge of a big business, does he usually care only about his profit? 3. Podľa mňa, najkrajším miestom na svete je nebo, pretože je plné láskavých a dobrosrdečných ľudí. In my opinion the most beautiful place in the world is heaven because it is full of kind and generous people. What, in your opinion, is the most beautiful place in the world? 4. Slnko vychádza na východe a zapadá na západe. The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west. Where does the sun rise and go down? 5. Radšej by som mojim deťom dovolil ostať vonku do polnoci než stále hrať počítačové hry. I would rather allow my children to stay outside until midnight than to keep playing computer games. What would you rather allow your children to stay...or to keep...? 6. Nie, nemýliš sa, keď povieš, že strede predcháza utorok, ale máš pravdu. No, you aren t wrong when you say that Wednesday is preceded by Tuesday, but you are right. Am I right when I say that Wednesday is preceded by Tuesday? 7. Za tento čln mi zaúčtovali eur a potopil sa hneď v prvý deň na mori. They charged me euros for this boat and it sank right on the first day at sea. How much did they charge you for this boat? 98

101 8. Ak budeme tlačiť dvere, na ktorých je napísané ťahať, neotvoria sa. If we push the door on which the word pull is written, it won t open. If we push the door on which the word pull is written, will it open? EXERCISE 53.e.3 Write the opposites. NEARER farther PROFIT loss BE ALLOWED be forbidden FRIEND enemy WON lost FOLLOW precede RISEN sunk SMOOTH rough ASLEEP awake FAIL succeed LAY lift RISE sink FORBADE allowed LAID lifted EXERCISE 54.e.1 Yesterday you met your friend John. Below are some of the things he said to you. Later that day you want to tell another friend what John said. Use indirect speech. 1. I haven t seen you for such a long time. John said that he hadn t seen me for such a long time. 2. I m living in London now. He said he was living in London now. 3. My sister is ill. He said that his sister was ill. 4. Lisa and Paul are going to get married. He said that Lisa and Paul were going to get married. 5. Margaret has had a baby. He said that Margaret had had a baby. 6. I don t know where Judy is going. He said that he didn t know where Judy was going. 7. I saw Helen at a party in June and she looked happy. He said that he had seen Helen at a party and she had looked happy. 8. My car was stolen last month. He said that his car had been stolen last month. 9. I ll tell Mary that I saw you. He said that he would tell Mary that he had seen me. 10. You can come and stay at my flat if you come to London. He said that I could come and stayed at his flat if I came to London. EXERCISE 54.e.2 Change the sentences below either to direct or indirect speech. 1. Tom says: There is a good band playing in the club tonight. Tom said that there was a good band playing in the club tonight. 2. Amy said that she had seen Judy in the bank last Monday. Amy says: I saw Judy in the bank last Monday. 3. The driver said that he was going to turn right at the traffic lights. The driver says: I am going to turn right at the traffic lights. 99

102 4. My brother: I ve returned the book to the library. My brother said that he had returned the book to the library. 5. The doctor said that he would send me the results soon. The doctor says: I will send you the results soon. 6. They said that there are more people living in Bratislava than in Košice. They say: There are more people living in Bratislava than in Kosice. 7. Susan said: I don t know what I m going to do. Susan said that she didn t know what she would do. 8. She said that if she had had enough money, she would have gone for a holiday. She says: If I had enough money I would go for a holiday. 9. He said: I have already eaten my lunch. He said that he had already eaten his lunch. 10. I said: I don t read any daily newspapers. I said that I didn t read any daily newspapers. READING 54.r.1 1. Čo povedal prvý muž o svojom synovi? Zopakuj jeho slová pomocou nepriamej reči. What did the first man say about his son? Report his words using indirect speech. 2. Čo povedal druhý muž o svojom synovi? Zopakuj jeho slová pomocou nepriamej reči. What did the second man say about his son? Report his words using indirect speech. 3. Čo povedal tretí muž o svojom synovi? Zopakuj jeho slová pomocou nepriamej reči. What did the third man say about his son? Report his words using indirect speech. 4. Bol štvrtý muž takisto hrdý na svojho syna? Prečo? Was the fourth man also proud of his son? Why? 5. Myslíš si, že traja synovia vedia o sebe navzájom? Do you think that the three sons know of one another? 6. Translate the words: hanba, blahoželať, inžinier, striptér, ekonómia, prúdové lietadlo. Use the words in sentences. Shame, congratulate, engineer, stripper, economics, jet. EXERCISE 55.e.1 Change the sentences using indirect speech. Always change the tense and the time/place expression. 1. Emily: Our teacher is wearing a ring made of pure gold today. Emily said that their teacher was wearing a ring made of pure gold that day. 2. Helen said: I didn t hear it when my mobile phone rang yesterday. Helen said that she hadn t heard it when her mobile phone had rung the previous day. 3. My father: I am going to buy this wooden table tomorrow. My father said that he was going to buy that wooden table the following day. 4. Patricia said: My mother will celebrate her birthday next week and I m buying her a present now. Patricia said that her mother would celebrate her birthday the following week and she was buying a present then. 5. You: My husband left for work an hour ago. I said that my husband had left for work an hour before. 6. Your best friend: I bought a fake T-shirt last week and I want to change it for an original one. My best friend said the she had bought a fake T-shirt the previous week and she wanted to change it for an original one. 7. Susan: I will have to get up at 6 o clock in the morning next week because I have so much work. Susan said that she would have to get up at 6 o clock in the morning the following week because she had so much work. 8. John says: I live here, in this beautiful house. John said that he lived there, in that beautiful house. 9. Your brother: I can t find the square plate here. My brother said that he couldn t find the square plate there. 100

103 10. The teacher: These children behave very well. The teacher said that those children behaved very well. EXERCISE 55.e.2 First correct the mistakes in the following sentences and then form questions from the sentences. 1. This around circle is made from wooden. This round circle is made of wood. What is this round circle made of? 2. He was able to rescue some money last year, because he didn t waste money on useles products. He was able to save some money last year because he didn t waste money on useless products. Why was he able to save some money last year? 3. Politics and religion problems don t interested me. Political and religious problems don t interest me. Do political and religious problems interest you? 4. You should think carefully before you do a decision. You should think carefully before you make a decision. Should you think carefully before you make a decision? 5. I always conserve all new phone numbers into my mobile phone. I always save/store all new phone numbers into my mobile phone. Do you always save/store all new mobile phones into your mobile phone? 6. When people get asleep their eyes are usually open. When people fall asleep their eyes are usually closed. Are people s eyes usually closed when they fall asleep? 7. The company has succeeded at making a big profit this year. The company has succeeded in making a big profit this year. What has the company succeeded at? 8. Lucy used to obeying her parents when she was younger, they weren t mad about her very often. Lucy used to obey her parents when she was younger, they weren t mad at her very often. Did Lucy use to obey her parents when she was younger? Were they often mad at her? 9. The murderer was shoot by the police in Monday. The murderer was shot by the police on Monday. Was the murderer shot by the police on Monday? When was the murderer shot by the police? 10. We are very proud on our two sons. We are very proud of our two sons. Are you proud of your two sons? Who are you very proud of? EXERCISE 56.e.1 Change the following commands, questions and requests into indirect speech. 1. What do you want? she asked him. She asked him what he wanted. 2. He asked me: Are you feeling lonely? He asked me if I was feeling lonely. 3. The teacher ordered the class: Be quite! The teacher ordered the class to be quite. 4. My mother asked me: Don t waste your money please. My mother asked me not to waste my money. 5. The passenger asked: When will the train arrive? The passenger asked when the train would arrive. 6. Are you looking for a special present? the shop assistant asked me. The shop assistant asked me if I was looking for a special present. 7. I said: Don t worry Sue! I told Sue not to worry. 101

104 8. You requested me: Don t listen to what he says, please. You requested me not to listen to what he said. 9. The policeman: Pronounce your surname slowly! The policeman told me to pronounce my surname slowly. 10. He asked her: Will you marry me? He asked her if she would marry him. EXERCISE 56.e.2 Translate these question, orders and requests your mother told you into English and then change them into indirect speech. 1. Používaj pri rozprávaní mozog! Use your brain while talking! My mother ordered me to use my brain while talking. 2. Nechaj ma chvíľu relaxovať, prosím! Let me relax for a while please! My mother requested me to let her relax for a while. 3. Prečo nemáš žiadne ambície? Why don t you have any ambitions? My mother asked me why I didn t have any ambitions. 4. Pozri sa na túto fotku našej rodiny! Look at this photo of our family! My mother told me to look at that photo of our family. 5. Nepi alkohol! Don t drink alcohol! My mother ordered me not to drink alcohol. 6. Chceš večerať teraz? Do you want to eat dinner now? My mother asked me if I wanted to eat dinner then. 7. Pomôž mi s utieraním prachu, prosím! Help me with dusting please! My mother requested me to help her with dusting. 8. Začni sa o seba starať! Start to take care of yourself! My mother told me to start to take care of myself. 9. Nehovor otcovi, koľko to stálo, prosím. Don t tell the father how much it cost please. My mother asked me not to tell the father how much it had cost. 10. Prídeš pred polnocou? Will you come before midnight? My mother asked me if I would come before midnight. EXERCISE 57.e.1 Decide: another other(s) the other(s). 1. I've found one of my black shoes, but I can't find the other. 2. You have already drunk six whiskies! Only six?! Give me another! 3. Do you know those women speaking to each other? Yes, I know Brigit, but who is the other woman? 4. We don t like these carpets. Could you show us some others? 5. Rachel and Jennifer are watching TV. The other girls are out. 6. All right, the other guests have arrived. We can begin to serve dinner. 7. We are probably going to move to another city. 8. He lives on the other side of the lake. 9. There are many other possibilities. 10. I would like to borrow another book from the local library. 11. You have to sign the document over here and there should be the other signature. 12. Three people moved out of that flat and two others moved in it. EXERCISE 57.e.2 Translate the sentences and form the questions. 102

105 1. Pred desiatimi rokmi sme mali v obývačke starý, ale krásny nábytok. Ten years ago, we had old but beautiful furniture in our living room. What kind of furniture did you have in your living room ten years ago? 2. Ak by som našiel na podlahe v mojej spálni vankúš, zdvihol by som ho a položil na posteľ. If I found a pillow on the floor in my bedroom, I would lift it and lay it on a bed. What would you do if you found a pillow on the floor in your bedroom? 3. Nie, nepoznám nikoho, kto chcel zohriať svoju mačku v mikrovlnke. No, I don t know anybody who wanted to heat his cat in a microwave. Do you know anybody who wanted to heat his cat in a microwave? 4. Nikdy som sa nesnažila postaviť tehlovú chatu, lebo viem, že je veľmi drahé vykúriť niečo také. I have never tried to build a brick cottage because I know that it is very expensive to heat something like that. Why have you never tried to build a brick cottage? 5. Áno, keď sa mi bude páčiť nejaký dom na predmestí tohto mesta, kúpim si ho. Yes, when I like a house in the suburbs of this town, I will buy it. Will you buy a house in the suburbs of this town? 6. Predtým než som sa presťahoval do nového bytu, býval som v dome bez komína, zvončeka na dverách a rúry na pečenie. Before I moved into a new flat, I had lived in a house without a chimney, a doorbell and an oven. Where had you lived before you moved into a new flat? 7. Mal by si kúpiť hrubé prikrývky predtým, než začne zima, pretože bude chladno. He should buy some thick blankets before the winter begins because it will be cold. Why should he buy some thick blankets? 8. Áno, dieťa si zvyčajne zabúda umyť ruky v umývadle, keď sa vráti domov zo školy. Yes, a child usually forgets to wash his hands in a washbasin when he gets home from school. Does a child usually forget to wash his hands in a washbasin when he gets home from school? EXERCISE 58.e.1 Correct the mistakes. 1. Do you make your bed yesterday morning or do you forgot to do it? Did you make your bed yesterday morning or did you forget to do it? 2. In my opinion, housewifes not do nothing difficult, they just have clean the windows, mop the floor and sometimes they must to prepare lunch or dinner. In my opinion, housewives don t do anything difficult, they just have to clean the windows, mop the floor and sometimes they must prepare lunch or dinner. 3. You have always remember to pay for your electricity bill at time? Have you always remembered to pay your electricity bill on time? 4. Parents ought take care for their childrens. If they don t, their childrens would became criminal or murders. Parents ought to care for/ take care of their children. If they don t, their children will become criminals or murderers. 5. I like to buy a dishwasher because I really hate wash up the dishes. It is the worse homework. I would like to buy a dishwasher because I really hate to wash (up)/ washing up the dishes. It is the worst housework. 6. Why do your brother want vacuum all the carpets on the steps in your house? I don t know a man which is mad at vacuum. Why does your brother want to vacuum all the carpets on the stairs in your house? I don t a man who is mad about vacuuming. 103

106 7. Most the people not like ironing and the other are crazy. Most people don t like ironing and the others are crazy. 8. My husband asked me, if I will borrow him some money tomorrow. I don t, because he is very irreliable. My husband asked me if I would lend him some money the following day. I won't because he is very unreliable. 9. What you was doing last night? Your boyfriend told to me that you fall asleep quiet early but I heard you speaking to one another. What were you doing last night? Your boyfriend told me that you fell asleep quite early, but I heard you speaking to each other. 10. I have just decide to build a brick cottage in a country therefore I cannot introduce the world without nature. I have just decided to build a brick cottage in the country because I cannot imagine the world without nature. EXERCISE 58.e.2 Decide Present Simple/Present Continuous/ Past Simple/ Past Continuous. 1. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It is raining. (rain) 2. A: What were you doing when the accident happened? (you do, happen) B: I was preparing dinner. (prepare) 3. Be quiet! John is sleeping. (sleep) 4. Sebastian arrived at Susan's house a little before 9:00 pm, but she was not there. She was studying at the library for her exam in French. (arrive, not be, study) 5. Sharon was in the room when John told me what happened, but she didn't hear anything because she was not listening. (be, not hear, not listen) 6. Every Monday, Sally drives her kids to football practice. (drive) 7. The doctor said that Tom was too sick to go to work and that he needed to stay at home for a couple of days. (say, be, need) 8. A: I called you last night after dinner, but you were not there. Where were you? (call, not be, be) B: I am sorry, I couldn't answer the phone, because I was trying to make an important decision. (be, can, try) EXERCISE 59.e.1 Complete the sentences with the words written below. virus memory save print laptop cut crash copy paste 1. If you click on save, the computer will store a document for you. 2. If you click on copy, you will have the same document twice. 3. If you click on cut, the computer will take something out of a document. 4. If you click on paste, the computer will add into a document something you wanted. 5. If you click on print, you can get a paper copy. 6. If the computer has a virus because there is a software problem, it could crash. 7. If you computer is very slow, it may need more memory. 8. If you want to work on a plane or train, you need to use a laptop. EXERCISE 59.e.2 Choose the correct tense of the verb. 1. I (chatted/was chatting/had chatted) in my favourite chat room when somebody ( had entered/was entering/entered) the room and (switched off/was switching off/had switched off) the light. 2. Before her laptop (crashes/was crashing/crashed) she (wrote/had written/was writing) about ten pages of the report, but she (didn t save/not saved/hadn t saved) them. 104

107 3. If they (are connect/were connected/had connected) to the Internet, they would be able to send the , but they (can t /couldn t/won t be able to) find a network. 4. You (not see/aren t seeing/can t see) very well. I (will/am/am going to) switch the light on. 5. Tom.. (bought/was buying/has bought) a new keyboard this afternoon; the old one (hasn t worked/didn t work/hadn t worked). 6. He (isn t finishing/hasn t finished/didn t finish) the essay yet, but he (will finish/finishes/is going to finish) it in 5 minutes. 7. (Did/Have/Has) my assistant already (printing/print/printed) the pages I (was asking/asked/am asking) for? 8. Look, the computer (is connected/has been connected/is being connected) to the Internet right now. EXERCISE 60.e.1 Deny the sentences or emphasize the exclamations given using the emphatic form. 1. Paul doesn t have a new girlfriend. Paul does have a new girlfriend. 2. Lucy never understood her father. Lucy did understand her father. 3. They don t come here very often. They do come here very often. 4. You didn t wash the dishes. I did wash the dishes. 5. She doesn t clean her teeth regularly. She does clean her teeth regularly. 6. He speaks five foreign languages! He does speak five foreign languages! 7. I love my children! I do love my children! 8. She doesn t want to help her brother. She does want to help her brother. 9. David and Ana didn t pay for themselves. David and Ana did pay for themselves. 10. You don t study as you ought to. I do study as I ought to. EXERCISE 60.e.2 Rewrite the sentences using the word given in the brackets. The meaning must stay the same. 1. In my opinion, more people should go to university. As far as I m concerned, more people should go to university. 2. I totally agree with you. You are totally right. 3. You passed the exam. Congratulations! You passed the exam. Well done. 4. I partly agree with what you say. I agree to some extent with what you say. 5. John says that they will come this evening. According to John, they will come this evening. 6. Thank you very much for helping me with my homework. Thanks a lot for helping me with my homework. 7. It doesn t matter that you missed last lesson. Don t worry that you missed last lesson. 105

108 EXERCISE 60.e.3 What could you say in these situations? 1. Someone says something to you but you didn t hear all of it. What do you say? I beg your pardon? Pardon? 2. A friend tells you he has just won a competition. What do you say? Well done./congratulations! 3. Your sister is going for a job interview this afternoon. What do you say? Good luck! 4. You came late to work and your boss was waiting for you in your office. What do you say? I am sorry for being late./i apologise for being late. 5. Your colleague has wished you a nice weekend. What do you say? Same to you. 6. You are in a bus full of people and you want to get off. What do you say to other passengers? Excuse me. 7. You have a drink with your friends. What do you say before you start drinking? Cheers! 8. Your brother is cold and sneezes a lot. What do you say? Bless you! 106

109 KEY TO REPETITION PRE-INTERMEDIATE II. UNIT EXERCISE rpi.e.1 Put in the correct form of the verb in the Passive Voice. Choose the right tense (Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Will Future) 1. All the new words...have been explained... by the teacher already. (explain) 2. Don t worry! This car...won t be sold... until tomorrow. (sell) 3. I am really nervous, because my keys...are lost.... (lose) 4. I...was given... a book by my friend last Friday. (give) 5. The dishes...have... already...been washed... by my little brother. (wash) 6. When...was... this building...built...? In (build) 7. I have heard that he...were charged... with a murder a week ago. Is it true? (charge) 8. The class...was ordered... to open their books a second ago. (order) 9. All the furniture in my house...has been dusted... this week. (dust) 10. always...followed by Thursday and always preceded... by Monday. (follow, precede) EXERCISE rpi.e.2 Translate the sentences and always change the tense in Indirect speech. 1. Povedal, že sa chystá kúpiť si ďalší týždeň umývačku riadu. He said that he was going to buy a dishwasher the following week. 2. Požiadal ho, aby mu požičal nejaké vankúše, prikrývky a plachty. He asked him to lend him some pillows, blankets and sheets. 3. Prikázali mu, aby dnes neostal v práci do polnoci. They ordered him not to stay at work until midnight that day. 4. Nepovedal si mi, že si ženatý. You didn t tell me that you were married. 5. Povedala som, že nemám žiaden bankový účet na sporenie peňazí. I told him that I didn t have a bank account for saving money. 6. Ten muž povedal, že neukradol pas a zlodeja nevidel. That man said that he hadn t stolen a passport and he hadn t seen a thief. 7. Poprosila som ho, aby sa pokúsil udržať so mnou jednoduchú konverzáciu v angličtine. I asked him to try to hold a simple conversation in English with me. 8. Myslela som si, že ste mi povedali, že ste blázni do výrobkov vyrobených z dreva. I thought, that you told me, that you were mad about the products made of wood. 9. Povedala som mu, aby položil nejaké koberce na schody, ale neurobil to. I told him to lay some crapets on the stairs, but he didn t do it. 10. Môj priateľ sa spýtal, či sa s ním zajtra rozídem. Povedala som mu, že neviem. My boyfriend asked me, if I would break up with him the following day. I told him that I didn t know. EXERCISE rpi.e.3 Direct and Indirect speech. Change the direct speech into the indirect speech. Always change time and place expressions. 1. She said: I ve bought it today -> She said (that) she had bought it that day. 2. She said: I saw him yesterday. -> She said (that) she had seen him the previous day/the day before. 107

110 3. She said: I am getting a new car this week. -> She said (that) she was getting a new car that week. 4. She said: Tom is tired now. -> She said (that) Tom was tired then. 5. She said: We bought it a week ago. -> She said (that) they had bought it the week before. 6. She said: I was on holiday last week. -> She said (that) she had been on holiday the previous week. 7. She said: I ll see you tomorrow. -> She said (that) she would see me the next day. 8. She said: I have an appointment next week. -> She said (that) she had an appointment the following week. 9. She said: I live here. -> She said (that) she lived there. 10. She said: These shoes are nice. -> She said (that) those shoes were nice. EXERCISE rpi.e.4 Choose the right option. The public toilets in the suburbs are 1...B... ; we have to find 2...A... in the centre, but it is quite far from here, although I have to say it could have been 3...C C... that old printer away; nobody 5...A... repair it. No, I 6...B... done it yet. I 7...A... it every day, I am not sure if I will get used to 8...B... a new one. I 9...A... it every day, I am not sure if I will get used to 10...B... it in my office. My brother said that he 11...C... go to Australia 12...B..., but he hasn t bought any plane tickets 13...B.... I am sure that our mother 14...A... him when I 15...B... home tonight. I told him that it was impossible 16...C... all day, but he 17...C... understand. What 18...B... do now? Before I 19...C... home yesterday, 20...A... all the carpets because if I 21...C... it, my husband would have 22...C... me. 1. A. working B. out of order C. not working 2. A. some others B. another C. the other 3. A. even farer B. farther than C. even farther 4. A. Have you already throw B. Did you already throw C. Have you already thrown 5. A. was able to B. could have to C. wanted 6. A. have B. haven t C. didn t 7. A. need B. needing C. have need 8. A. use B. using C. used 9. A. used to use B. was used C. am used to 10. A. have B. not having C. see 11. A. would go B. is going C. was going to 12. A. tomorrow B. the next day C. yesterday 13. A. already B. yet C. ever 14. A. will be shouting at B. will shout to C. is going to shout 15. A. will be B. return C. will go 16. A. smile B. laugh C. to keep smiling 17. A. not wanted B. don t C. didn t want to 18. A. I will B. shall I C. I ought to 19. A. arrive B. left from C. left 20. A. I had vacuumed B. I vacuuming C. have cleaned 21. A. didn t do B. haven t do C. hadn t done 22. A. shout at B. be angry with C. been mad at EXERCISE rpi.e.5 Complete the table with the translation and paradigms of irregular verbs. TRANSLATION PAST PAST PARTICIPLE BE was/were been stať sa BECOME became become začať BEGIN began begun fúkať BLOW blew blown zlomiť, rozbiť BREAK broke broken 108

111 TRANSLATION PAST PAST PARTICIPLE priniesť BRING brought brought spáliť BURN burnt burnt kúpiť BUY bought bought chytiť CATCH caught caught vybrarť CHOOSE chose chosen prísť COME came come stáť COST cost cost vystrihnúť CUT cut cut urobiť DO did done piť DRINK drank drunk riadiť, viesť DRIVE drove driven jesť EAT ate eaten padnúť FALL fell fallen cítiť FEEL felt felt bojovať FIGHT fought fought nájsť FIND found found zakázať FORBID forbade forbidden odpustiť FORGIVE forgave forgiven zmraziť FREEZE froze frozen získať, dostať GET got got dať GIVE gave given ísť GO went gone mať HAVE had had zavesiť HANG hung hung držať, viesť KEEP kept kept vedieť KNOW knew known položiť LAY laid laid ležať, klamať LIE lay lain opustiť LEAVE left left požičať LEND lent lent stratiť LOSE lost lost urobiť MAKE made made stretnúť MEET met met predbehnúť OVERTAKE overtook overtaken čítať READ read read jazdiť RIDE rode ridden stúpať, stúpnuť RISE rose risen bežať RUN ran run povedať SAY said said vidieť SEE saw seen predávať SELL sold sold poslať, odoslať SEND sent sent triasť SHAKE shook shaken strieľať SHOOT shot shot potopiť SINK sank sunk sedieť SIT sat sat spat SLEEP slept slept hovoriť SPEAK spoke spoken stráviť SPEND spent spent vysypať, preliať SPILL spilt spilt stáť STAND stood stood ukradnúť STEAL stole stolen 109

112 TRANSLATION PAST PAST PARTICIPLE plávať SWIM swam swum vziať TAKE took taken učiť TEACH taught taught povedať TELL told told myslieť THINK thought thought hodiť THROW thrown thrown pochopiť UNDERSTAND understood understood zobudiť sa WAKE UP woke up woken up nosiť WEAR wore worn vyhrať WIN won won písať WRITE wrote written Express your opinion and say why: 1. Smoking in public buildings should be forbidden by law. 2. Dogs shouldn t be kept in flats because they suffer there. 3. People who have killed someone should be killed as well. 4. It should be allowed to get a driving licence even if you are younger than

113 DICTIONARY a catch accent access account active voice allow amazing ambition amount another appearance arrest as far as I m concerned asleep ass at least attribute avoid awake be right be worth be worth be wrong because of bedside table besides blanket bless you box brain brainy break down break up brick burn burnt burnt by accident by mistake cable calm care about care for (sb.) care careful careless cassette cd/dvd player centre change one s mind charge with chat room chat cheat on cheat cheers cheque chick chimney circle click háčik, prekážka prízvuk, dôraz prístup, možnosť pripojenia účet, konto činný rod dovoliť, povoliť úžasný ambícia množstvo iný, ďalší vzhľad zatknúť čo sa mňa týka spiaci zadok minimálne, aspoň atribút, vlastnosť predísť, vyhnúť sa (niečomu) bdelý mať pravdu mať cenu, oplatiť sa mať hodnotu, cenu mýliť sa kvôli nočný stolík okrem prikrývka nazdravie (kýchnutie) krabica, box mozog múdry pokaziť sa rozísť sa tehla, tehlový (s)páliť, horieť omylom, náhodou omylom kábel pokojný záležať na niečom starať sa o, stáť o niekoho starostlivosť; starať sa opatrný neopatrný kazeta CD/DVD prehrávač centrum rozmyslieť si, zmeniť názor obžalovať z diskusná miestnosť neformálny rozhovor, chat podvádzať - byť neverný podvádzať - klamať nazdravie (prípitok) šek kurča; kočka (príťažlivé dievča) komín kruh kliknúť; kliknutie code college command commit communication concentrate confuse congratulate congratulations connect connection conserve copy crash laptop/notebook crazy crime criminal cultural culture cut daily definitely deny depend (on) digital direct speech (dis)obey dishwasher domestic don t worry doorbell doubt drop dust (the furniture) duty economics economise electricity supply (electronic mail) by post emphasis emphasize emphatic do enemy engineer even event except exclamation excuse me exit expect fake fall asleep false far farther the farthest fault kód typ am. vysokej školy rozkaz, rozkázať spáchať komunikácia; komunikačný sústrediť (sa) zmiasť, popliesť si blahoželať gratulujem spájať, spojiť spojenie, pripojenie konzervovať kopírovať zrútenie (systému); zrútiť sa prenosný počítač bláznivý zločin zločinec kultúrny kultúra vystrihnúť denne, denný určite poprieť, zamietnuť závisieť od, záležať na digitálny priama reč (ne)poslúchať umývačka riadu domáci netráp sa zvonček na dverách pochybnosť; pochybovať pustiť, padať; kvapka prach, utierať prach (na nábytku) povinnosť; clo ekonómia šetriť elektrina zásobovať, dodávka elektronická pošta poštou dôraz zdôrazniť dôrazné do nepriateľ inžinier dokonca udalosť, akcia okrem zvolanie prepáčte vyjsť, opustiť očakávať falošný, neúprimný zaspať nepravdivý ďaleko/ý ďalej - najďalej chyba 111

114 faultless fence firefighter/ fireman fireplace floor follow following forbid forbade forbidden forever forgive - forgave forgiven friendship front door gate generous genie rub get used to + -ing/noun gold good luck gossip ground floor guilty gun hardware have a nice evening heat heaven hell hold (hold) a conversation hope horrible terrible hourly household housewife housework however I agree to some extent I am used to + -ing/noun I apologise for I beg your pardon I partly agree I totally disagree I used to + inf. I m sorry icon in my opinion include increase indirect/ reported speech injure injury innocent international internet introduce invent iron iron IT (information technology) it doesn t matter it matters jet join in judge (by) judge justice bezchybný plot hasič kozub poschodie (na)sledovať nasledujúci zakázať navždy odpustiť priateľstvo predné, vchodové dvere brána veľkorysý, štedrý džin trieť, šúchať zvykať si na zlato veľa šťastia ohovárať, klebeta prízemie vinný zbraň hardvér pekný večer zohrievať, teplo nebo peklo držať (viesť) rozhovor nádej, dúfať hrozný, strašný hrozný, strašný každú hodinu, hodinový domácnosť domáca pani domáce práce avšak, akokoľvek súhlasím do určitej miery som zvyknutý na ospravedlňujem sa za prepáčte, prosím? (keď nerozumieme, nepočujeme) čiastočne súhlasím úplne nesúhlasím zvykol som prepáčte ikona podľa môjho názoru zahŕňať narastať, stúpať nepriama reč zraniť zranenie nevinný medzinárodný internet predstaviť vynájsť, objaviť žehlička; žehliť; železo železo IT (informačné technológie) to nevadí na tom záleží prúdové lietadlo pridať sa, pripojiť sa (ku skupine) súdiť (podľa) sudca spravodlivosť keep keep (on) doing sth. keep an appointment keep in touch keyboard knock law (law) court lay level lift line link liquid location lonely look after lose loss mad made of make friends make nervous make the bed wash up (make) a decision material matter member memory metal microwave (oven) mind mirror misjudge monthly mop more or less mouse murder murderer nervous never mind no problem no problem noisy not at all offline on purpose online order original ostrich other oven pardon? passenger passive voice passport mobile phone signature paste peace personally, i think photo physical držať, udržať, nechať si stále niečo robiť, pokračovať v práci prísť na stretnutie ostať v kontakte klávesnica klopať zákon súd položiť úroveň zdvihnúť čiara spojiť tekutina poloha osamelý starať sa o prehrať, stratiť strata bláznivý vyrobený z nájsť si priateľov, spriateliť sa znervózňovať ustlať posteľ umyť riad (urobiť) rozhodnutie materiál material, záležitosť; záležať člen pamäť kov mikrovlnná rúra myseľ zrkadlo zle posúdiť mesačne, mesačný mop, umývať dlážku viac-menej myš vražda; zavraždiť vrah nervózny, nepokojný nevadí nemáš za čo, žiadny problém žiadny problém hlučný nemáš za čo bez spojenia naschvál v spojení (v súvislosti s internetom) nariadenie, rozkaz; nariadiť, rozkázať originálny, pôvodný; originál pštros iní, ďalší rúra na pečenie prosím? (keď nerozumieme, nepočujeme) pasažier, cestujúci trpný rod pas mobilný telefón podpis nalepiť mier osobne si myslím fotka, fotografia fyzický 112

115 pillow pleasure political politics pour spill spilt - spilt practical practice precede previous pride print printer prison prisoner produce product profit pronounce proof protect proud of sth./sb. pull purpose push rather ( than) receptionist refuse relax religion religious repair reply report request rescue rise - rose - risen roof rough round same to you satisfied save screen selfish shake shook- shaken shame sheet shoot shot shot shout sign silver sink - sank - sunk smart smooth soap software square statement steal stole stolen vankúš potešenie politický politika liať, naliať rozliať, rozsypať praktický prax predchádzať, ísť pred predchádzajúci hrdosť, pýcha tlačiť, vyltačiť tlačiareň väzenie väzeň produkovať produkt zisk vysloviť dôkaz ochrániť byť hrdý na niečo/niekoho ťahať zámer, účel tlačiť radšej, skôr recepčný/á odmietnuť relax; relaxovať náboženstvo náboženský,pobožný opraviť odpovedať oznámiť, zreferovať požiadavka, požiadať zachrániť stúpať strecha drsný okrúhly, dookola nápodobne, aj tebe spokojný uložiť, zachrániť obrazovka sebecký triasť hanba plachta strieľať kričať znak; podpísať striebro klesať šikovný, múdry hladký mydlo softvér štvorec, štvorcový výrok, tvrdenie ukradnúť steel steps store stripper suburbs succeed (in) suddenly support surface surname surround surroundings swimming pool switch off switch on take care of tax technology tempt temptation tempting text message thank you (very much) thanks a lot that s OK that s very kind of you the other theoretical theory thief (pl. thieves) throw threw thrown to be out of order toilet true turn off turn on type vaccum cleaner vaccum (walking) stick wash the dishes wash washbasin washing machine weapon bleed weekly welcome (to) well done willing win won won wireless (wifi) wonder wooden work wound yearly you re welcome oceľ schody; kroky uložiť striptér predmestie uspieť (v) zrazu podpora; podporiť povrch priezvisko obklopovať okolie bazén vypnúť zapnúť starať sa o daň technológia pokúšať, lákať pokušenie lákavý textová správa ďakujem (veľmi pekne) ďakujem pekne to je v poriadku to je od teba veľmi milé ten druhý, zvyšný; tí druhí, zvyšní teoretický teória zlodej hodiť nefungovať toaleta pravdivý vypnúť zapnúť písať na klávesnici vysávač vysávať (chodecká) palica umyť riad prať, umývať umývadlo práčka zbraň krvácať týždenne, týždenný vítať (niekde) dobra práca ochotný vyhrať bezdrôtový čudovať sa, zamýšľať sa drevený fungovať rana; poraniť ročne, ročný nemáš za čo 113

116 LOKER s.r.o. Obchodná 2, Bratislava Royal method is a trademark of LOKER s.r.o. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers. Authors: leaded by Royalschool n.o. expert guarantor doc. PhDr. Anna Hlavňová, CSc. Ing. Ivana Petričová Mgr. Katarína Petrovičová First edition, 2012 ISBN Printed in the Slovak republic. 114


118 PRE KOHO JE KNIHA URČENÁ Od skúsených lektorov anglického jazyka pre budúcich plynule hovoriacich a mysliacich ľudí v anglickom jazyku. Súčasťou nie je len moderná a bohatá slovná zásoba, ale aj prepracovaný systém výučby obsahujúci prvky ako sú Listening, Comprehension passage, Role play a ďalšie účinné prvky výučby cudzieho jazyka. Moderný design a aktuálne materiály spolu s cvičeniami a kľúčmi na konci každej publikácie poskytujú perfektnú podporu každému záujemcovi o štúdium anglického jazyka. Prvé vydanie Royal method je dostupné v desiatich vedomostných úrovniach od Beginner po Upper Intermediate. Každá úroveň je rozdelená do 10 UNITOV. Každý UNIT zahŕňa výučbových hodín. ČO VÁM ROYAL METHOD PONÚKA Royal method je ideálny spôsob výučby pre zaneprázdnených študentov a môže byť použitá pre krátke, ale aj dlhodobé a intenzívne štúdium. 10 priamych 90 minútových lekcií, reflektujúca na potreby naučiť sa komunikovať v anglickom jazyku a zvládnuť bežné situácie, s ktorými sa každodenne stretávame Študenti sa môžu zapojiť do kurzu v ktorejkoľvek úrovni Konverzačné cvičenia sú základným predpokladom pre dosiahnutie úspechu primäť študenta komunikovať po anglicky Učiteľské knižky obsahujú učebné poznámky, testy jednotlivých úrovní, doplnené o odpovede a výsledky jednotlivých cvičení Viac o kurzoch a informáciách o Royal method nájdete na web stránke ISBN

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