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1 UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO CEARÁ COORDENADORIA DE CONCURSOS CCV Casa de Cultura Britânica Semestre Upper I CADERNO-QUESTIONÁRIO Data: 04 de setembro de Duração: das 15:00 às 17:00 horas. LEIA COM ATENÇÃO AS INSTRUÇÕES ABAIXO. Prezado(a) Candidato(a), Para assegurar a tranquilidade no ambiente de prova, bem como a eficiência da fiscalização e a segurança no processo de avaliação, lembramos a indispensável obediência aos itens do Edital e aos que seguem: 01. Deixe sobre a carteira APENAS caneta transparente e documento de identidade. Os demais pertences devem ser colocados embaixo da carteira em saco entregue para tal fim. Os celulares devem ser desligados, antes de guardados. O candidato que for apanhado portando celular ou com o celular ligado na sala de prova, será automaticamente eliminado do certame. 02. Anote o seu número de inscrição e o número da sala, na capa deste Caderno de Questões. 03. Antes de iniciar a resolução das 30 (trinta) questões, verifique se o Caderno está completo. Qualquer reclamação de defeito no Caderno deverá ser feita nos primeiros 30 (trinta) minutos após o início da prova. 04. Ao receber a Folha-Resposta, confira os dados do cabeçalho. Havendo necessidade de correção de algum dado, chame o fiscal. Não use corretivo nem rasure a Folha- Resposta. 05. A prova tem duração de 2 (duas) horas e o tempo mínimo de permanência em sala de prova é de 1 (uma) hora. 06. É terminantemente proibida a cópia do gabarito. 07. A Folha-Resposta do candidato será disponibilizada conforme subitem 8.8 do Edital. 08. Ao terminar a prova, não esqueça de assinar a Ata de Aplicação e a Folha-Resposta no campo destinado à assinatura e de entregar o Caderno de Questões e a Folha- Resposta ao fiscal de sala. Atenção! Os dois últimos participantes só poderão deixar a sala simultaneamente e após a assinatura da Ata de Aplicação. Boa prova! Coloque, de imediato, o seu número de inscrição e o número de sua sala nos retângulos abaixo. Inscrição Sala

2 Casa de Cultura Britânica 30 questões For questions 01 to 05, choose the option which has the same meaning and idea as the phrases in italics. 01. I would have given Sean a lift if she had agreed to meet me at Sam s house. A) Sean agreed to meet Sam at my place and give us a lift. B) I didn t give Sean a lift because she disagreed to meet me at Sam s house. C) I didn t give Sean a lift because she had agreed to meet me at Sam s house. D) Sam s house was out of the way to Sean s place, so I couldn t give her a lift. E) Sean didn t agree to meet me at Sam s house because Sam had already given her a lift. 02. Gareth doesn t travel much, but he s been to Egypt and Turkey and now he s gone to Thailand. A) he has travelled to Egypt and Turkey but now he s thinking about going to Thailand. B) he is visiting Egypt and Turkey now but has travelled to Thailand once. C) he has visited both Egypt and Turkey and now he s visiting Thailand. D) he has visited Thailand and is going to both Egypt and Turkey now. E) now he is travelling to Egypt, Turkey and Thailand. 03. The judge objected to my question but then I was told by him to proceed with the interrogation. A) The judge objected to my question because I was asking too many questions. B) My question was objected by the judge but he told me to proceed with the interrogation. C) I was not allowed to ask any more questions because the judge objected to my questioning. D) The judge said I couldn t proceed with the interrogation even if I had more questions to ask. E) My question was not appropriate, but the judge objected to it and I continued with the interrogation. 04. Sandra will take the job unless the pay is not too low. A) If the pay is too low, Sandra won t take the job. B) If Sandra takes the job, the pay won t be too low. C) Sandra will take the job even if the pay is too low. D) Unless Sandra has other plans, she won t take the job. E) Sandra won t take the job even if the pay isn t too low. 05. Finding Dory is more enthralling than Finding Nemo, but Finding Nemo is more exciting. A) Finding Nemo is more enthralling and exciting than Finding Dory. B) Finding Dory is less enthralling and more exciting than Finding Nemo. C) Finding Nemo is as exciting as Finding Dory, but Finding Dory is more enthralling. D) Finding Dory is as enthralling as Finding Nemo, but Finding Nemo is more exciting. E) Finding Dory is less exciting than Finding Nemo, but Finding Nemo is less enthralling. For questions 06 to 10, choose the option that completes the sentences CORRECTLY. (Note: X = no word) 06. Two years ago I some driving lessons because I was tired of the bus to go to work every day. Six months later I already had my driving licence and to and from work, but I that the bus now seems to be because the traffic in this city is getting more and more chaotic. A) started to take having to catch am driving noticed to catch faster B) started taking having catching have been driving noticed catching fast C) have started to take to have catching have driven ve noticed to catch fast D) started taking having to catch have been driving ve noticed catching faster E) have started taking having to catch have driven have noticed catching faster Teste de Nível Semestre Upper I Pág. 2 de 5

3 07. I once believed that professors in general became better professionals as they got more and more titles like a Master s Degree and a PhD. However, the truth is titles sometimes have nothing to do with competence. I excellent educators who have just a few titles and bad educators with lots of titles. On the other hand, educators work at that prestige college seem to contradict what I think. teachers there seem to become more and more competent and professional as they acquire more titles. A) X the saw the X that X B) the X saw the the who X C) X the have seen X X that X D) X X have seen X the who The E) the the have seen the X which The 08. I was working in my office yesterday when I heard say really bothered me. He said while he was going I just can t remember where he was going he saw a man was molesting a stray dog. He talked with this person and asked him to quit that but the man ignored him and continued the poor dog for no reason. has the right to hurt animal. It s cruel and this person be arrested and pay a big fine. A) anyone something who anywhere who to do beating Anyone no may B) anyone anything which anywhere that to do to beat Anybody no should C) someone something that somewhere who doing beating No one any should D) somebody something who somewhere which doing to beat Nobody any must E) somebody anything which somewhere which doing beating Nobody any could 09. I still remember very tough teachers when I was in secondary school, Mrs. Robinson who that hard is the key to a life. Now I can say I appreciate her as my teacher in the past. A) having especially used to say studying leading successful having B) having especially used saying to study lead successfull to have C) to having especially used to say studying lead successful to have D) to have specially used to saying studying lead successfull to have E) to have specially used to saying to study leading successful having 10. Mr. Simpsons the boss, but there is no excuse for people like that. If there s a problem, he with his employees and tell them what s going on in a professional way. I think he some time to reflect upon his behaviour and attitude. If he doesn t change, I think I for another job. A) may be treating should talk d better take will look B) can be to treat ought to talk d better take shall look C) may be treat could talk d better to take might to look D) could be treat may talk d better to take should looking E) might be treating ought to talk d better talk will to look For questions 11 to 17, choose the INCORRECT option. 11. A) She d rather talk about what s going on than keep silent about it, wouldn t she? B) No one is reading the article on cure through positive thinking, are they? C) I think I m the one who s taking care of the dogs this weekend, aren t I? D) Turn off the air conditioner before you leave the office, will you? E) Let s go to the cinema and watch Suicide Squad, won t we? 12. A) I d really like to eat out tomorrow night. B) I regret to inform you that your request has been denied. C) We believe that everyone deserves having a second chance. D) She thinks you should keep on revising the report she wrote. E) He just can t stand hearing the same excuses over and over again. 13. A) Pam said that Scott had bought an iphone 6S and he was happy about it. B) That s the restaurant where I worked when I was a college student. C) Would you have lost your wallet if you d put it in your rucksack? D) Could you tell us where does Joyce find these delicious cookies? E) I have never seen anyone stupider than my brother s boyfriend. Teste de Nível Semestre Upper I Pág. 3 de 5

4 14. A) After sitting comfortably at the cinema, we were asked to change seats. B) I think that after so much hard work, we need some days off for relaxment. C) We had dinner out last night and we had a terrible argument with the waiter. D) The accident was awful, but luckily no one was hurt and we just got a few bruises. E) There s been so much judgment lately that it s been difficult to reach a common sense. 15. A) This band reminds me at the time we were in college and thought about starting our own group. B) When I was a young man, I wasn t very keen on going out and partying all night at weekends. C) He was married to a nice woman, but the marriage didn t last long because he worked a lot. D) Why are you always rude to people, even when they treat you nicely and are kind to you? E) She s almost always concerned with what others think of what she does after work. 16. A) I had already finished college when I moved to Australia. B) Samuel has lived in this house since his parents passed away. C) The next time you see me, I ll have had my beard shaved off. D) How long have you been waiting for the dean of the department? E) By the time we get to the stadium, the match is going to have started. 17. A) Mike has climbed Mount Everest a couple of times and enjoyed it a lot. B) Columbus State University is a university you should consider going. C) Everyone says the war is a terrible thing, but it has always existed. D) Rachel plays the piano and her brother plays the guitar. E) There s a eucalyptus tree in my backyard. Answer questions 18 to 30 according to the instructions. 18. Choose the option with the synonyms of the underlined phrasal verbs in Celine has put on a different skirt and made up a story as to why she chose that skirt. A) bought told B) dressed told C) chose created D) dressed invented E) preferred invented 19. Choose the option where the phrasal verb is used incorrectly. A) We lived off our parents until we got our first job. B) I wash the dishes this time and you put them away. C) I think it s our job this week to throw away the rubbish. D) You know that you have to bring up the birds with food and water. E) I believe we ll get by with just bread, butter and coffee this weekend. 20. Choose the option where all of the words are in the same vocabulary group. A) review cast plot boarding B) plumber baker optician judge C) pupils graduate couple gadget D) colleague couple flatmate sequel E) balcony entrance basement nursery 21. Choose the option where so / neither is correctly used in the sentence. A) Shawn would love to go to the concert and so would Dan. B) Cara didn t have to work today and neither didn t her boss. C) David never had very good ideas and neither had his father. D) Ian couldn t finish his paper and neither couldn t his partner. E) Brian s agreed to arrive a lot earlier tomorrow and so did Scott. 22. Choose the option where the sentence has a mistake. A) I don t think the teacher s explanation was good enough. B) She patiently waited for her turn at the doctor s office. C) Luckily, we didn t have to take that dangerous road. D) Would you please carry these boxes more carefuly? E) Unfortunately, Mark hasn t answered his phone. Teste de Nível Semestre Upper I Pág. 4 de 5

5 23. Choose the option where the relative pronoun is used incorrectly. A) Call me at 4:00, when I won t be at the meeting any more. B) Pete is the kind of person whom you can regard as trustworthy. C) The bus, that was already forty minutes late, broke down again. D) Do you know that man that wears the same clothes every weekend? E) Terry and I just couldn t remember which station we had to get off at. 24. Choose the option where the adjective is used correctly. A) The Conjuring 2 was a very frightened film. B) I m very pleasing to know that I was also invited. C) She had some astonished predictions about my future. D) Meeting my favourite writer was a thrilled moment for me. E) Earl has never been amused by my jokes and funny stories. 25. Choose the sentence where the phrasal verb is used incorrectly. A) We heard that the escaped prisoner is probably making for London. B) We called Professor James on to wish her a Happy Birthday. C) I just can t put up with all the corruption in this country. D) Liam has decided to cut down on her holiday next year. E) Her hotel room looks out onto a beautiful garden. 26. Choose the sentence where the linking word or expression is used incorrectly. A) Joe s a nice person, even though he can be annoying sometimes. B) The ideas weren t well developed; even so, the essay was quite good. C) Although it was raining, I decided to leave home without an umbrella. D) In spite of not knowing the directions, we were able to get there on time. E) Despite she was much older than her husband, they were very happy together. 27. Choose the option where the underlined letter or letters have the same pronunciation in all the words of each option. A) phone comb zone con B) put wooden bull woman C) singer finger ringer minger D) episode pleasant loser basin E) gauge sauce bought thought 28. Choose the option where the suffix -ed at the end of all the verbs has the same pronunciation as in explained. A) bothered achieved succeeded attached B) resigned studied arrested promoted C) invested argued applied charged D) directed filmed played watched E) owed retired pleased borrowed 29. Choose the option where the suffix -s at the end of all the words has the same pronunciation as in computers. A) pupils terms grades semesters B) subtitles effects reviews scenes C) knees shoulders stomachs faces D) chimneys musicals roses images E) complaints countries entrances gates 30. Choose the option where both quantifiers and nouns are used correctly. A) We need a lot of equipments to start assembling this huge machine. B) I ve never seen so many furnitures in just one place like in this house. C) I ve never done so little homework as I did when Paul was my professor. D) When I travel, I prefer to carry a few baggage as it s a lot easier to move around. E) She s given him many advices as to what to do and how to behave at the wedding. Teste de Nível Semestre Upper I Pág. 5 de 5

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