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1 Established 1984 Tulane Psychiatry & Neurology Vol. XVI num ber 1 Spring, 2005 Chairman s Column Start ing with the 170 th An ni ver sary Cel e bra tion last fall and con tin u ing into the spring we have ex pe ri enced a new wave of en ergy and ex cite ment here at Tulane. The Uni ver sity is about to em - bark on a ma jor fund rais ing cam paign, Prom ises and Dis tinc tion. The Tulane Uni ver sity Hos pi tal and Clinic has em - barked on a new pro gram to strive for ex cel lence in all they do, and the de part ment con tin ues to grow and thrive. Our own de - vel op ment ef forts have re sulted in the new Su san G. Wil lard Pro fes sor ship in Eat ing Dis or ders, in creased fund ing for our In - sti tute of In fant and Early Child hood Men tal Health, and mon - ies and pledges that get us to the half-way mark for the new Remigio Gon za lez, M.D. Pro fes sor ship in Child Psy chi a try. The sup port of our alumni in these en deav ors is greatly ap pre ci - ated. Many of you may have heard that the School of Med i cine has leased ap prox i mately 180,000 square feet of space at 1555 Poydras. This will house the Dean s Of fice, a new au di to rium, many new class rooms, the busi ness of fices for Tulane Uni ver - sity Med i cal Group, in for ma tion ser vices (com puter op er a - tions) for the en tire Uni ver sity, and ac a demic of fices for a num ber of clin i cal de part ments. Fi nal de ci sions re gard ing who moves and when have not yet been made, but our ac a demic of - fices are likely to move there in the near fu ture. We are hope ful that this will give us some ad di tional space, which is sorely needed. The Poydras lo ca tion would put us in the main stream of the School of Med i cine and much closer to our MCL-NO (Charity) and VAMC af fil i ates. Our ed u ca tional pro grams con tinue to flour ish as ev i denced in part by the suc cess of our res i dents in re ceiv ing na tional awards. (Please see re lated ar ti cle on page 6). We hope to con - tinue this pat tern of ex cel lence and build on our suc cess to date. Our Brain and Be hav ior CME pro gram was well at tended and al lowed us to have a meet ing of the Heath So ci ety. Of fi cers of the So ci ety were elected and are ap proach ing their new re spon - si bil i ties with ex cite ment and en thu si asm. I look for ward to con tin ued, page 3 President s Column It is im por tant and ben e fi cial to briefly re - view the his tory of this psy chi at ric alumni so ci ety since we have new of fi cers and are try ing to re new in ter est and for mu late new goals for the Heath So ci ety. In 1984 the Tulane De part ment of Psy chi a try did a sur - vey of alumni and 60% re sponded ex press - ing an in ter est in an alumni as so ci a tion. A meet ing of these in ter ested alumni was held, of fi cers were elected and the prin ci ple ac tiv i ties of the So ci ety were es tab - lished. These ac tiv i ties were to pres ent an an nual award for best orig i nal pa per by a res i dent, to spon sor an an nual lec ture and sem i nar, give a re cep tion at the an nual APA con ven tion and other ed u ca tional ac tiv i ties. The orig i nal name for the alumni group was The Tulane Psy chi a try and Neu rol ogy Alumni As so ci a tion. In 1985 the first ma jor sci en tific and so - cial ac tiv ity oc curred at the Tulane Home com ing. That year Bob Heath re ceived the first Alumni Award. In 1990 the name was changed to the Rob ert G. Heath So ci ety in honor of our founder and first chair man of the Tulane Psy - chi a try De part ment The same year Craig Maumus joined the board as Ed i tor of the News let ter. The So ci ety was for tu nate to have a na tion ally hon ored psy chi at ric ed i tor take on the task of ed it ing our news let ter. The first news let ter was pub lished that spring and in cluded an ar ti cle en ti tled Bob Heath Re mem - bers. Craig has since toiled with this la bor of love, pub lish ing two news let ters each year. Thanks, Craig. The So ci ety was in cor po rated on March 23, I re cently re viewed most of the news let ters. They pro vide a very com - plete pic ture of de part men tal and alumni ac tiv i ties over the past fif teen years. The Heath So ci ety has had a very close re la tion ship with the De part ment of Psy chi a try at Tulane. Dan Winstead, the cur rent chair of the de part ment, has been a ma jor sup porter of the So ci - ety. In the first news let ter Dan wrote, the true strength of any ac a demic de part ment rests on the shoul ders of its alumni. In re turn, the de part ment has pro vided funds, staff and emo tional sup port for us. The So ci ety owes both Dan and his staff a very warm and heart felt thank you. con tin ued, page 3

2 Page 2 Editor s Note It s spring time once again in the Big Easy and the re - newed en thu si asm of the sea son with its food and mu sic fes ti vals and balmy weather is mir rored this year in the Rob ert Heath So ci ety. For, for the first time since our found ing some 20 years ago, we have a ma jor change in lead er ship. It s un for tu nate, of course, that the change took place be cause of the deaths of two of our found ing mem bers, but we are most for tu nate to have found en thu si - as tic alumni to carry on the mis sion of our as so ci a tion. And, to en cour age greater alumni par tic i pa tion and de velop new lead er ship, we have split the du ties of the sec re tary/trea surer and have cre - ated a new po si tion of his to rian. Many of you prob a bly al ready know our new board mem bers and I won t du - pli cate the com ments made by our new pres i dent, Doug Greve, in his in au gu ral col umn. Just al low me to ob serve that with our board meet ing in De cem ber and our up com ing meet ing in April we ve equaled the num ber of board meet ing that I re call hav ing over the past 20 years and this can only add to the ini tial en thu - si asm of your new board to con tinue the pre vi ous ac tiv i ties of the so ci ety and de - velop some new ones. Some recent examples: After expressing my con cern to Doug Greve that I knew of no doc u ment un der which we were op - er at ing to deal with the forced tran si tion in our lead er ship, he got to gether with Dan Winstead who dis cov ered the ex is tence of a con sti tu tion and by laws dated 1997 that was signed by Remi Gon za lez who ap par - ently for got to men tion this in one of his reg u lar col umns and which was never pub li cized or passed around to other board mem bers. Doug con tacted our trea - surer, Wally Tomlinson, who in turn con - tacted the Louisiana Secretary of State s of fice to change the lead er ship names of the So ci ety. Wally is also work ing with our pres i dent and vice-pres i dent to ar - range for mul ti ple sig na tures on our so ci - ety s checks. The Robert Heath Society Alumni Association for Tulane Psychiatry & Neurology P.O. Box 1338 Metairie, LA Douglas W. Greve, M.D. (P 66)...Pres i dent 931 Rue St. Louis, New Or leans, LA DWGreve@msn.com Rob ert O. Begtrup, M.D., MMAS (P/CP 71)...Vice Pres i dent 1190 Ot ter Creek Rd., Nash ville, TN rbegtrup@comcast.net Mar i lyn M. Skin ner, M.D. (P 77)...Sec re tary 1303 Antonine St., New Or leans, LA mmskinner1@aol.com Wallace K. Tomlinson, M.D. (P 69)...Trea surer 1527 Sev enth St., New Or leans, LA unclewally3@earthlink.net C. B. Scrignar, M.D. (P 65)...His to rian 2625 Gen. Pershing St., New Or leans, LA cbscrign@bellsouth.net Craig W. Maumus, M.D. (P 76)....News let ter Ed i tor 1601 Perdido St., New Or leans, LA cmaumus@tulane.edu The elec tion of Bob Begrub to re place Frank Silva as our veep not only con tin - ues the tra di tion of hav ing some one out - side of the greater New Or leans area on our board, but now adds some one rep re - sen ta tive of our mem ber ship out side the state of Lou i si ana. Bob pro vides the board a whole new perspective. Mar i lyn, of course, pro vides us with a di rect link to Remi s leg acy but is a loyal alum in her own right and gives us sex ual di ver sity that has been ab sent on our board for the first 20 years. And Chet Scrignar, in the new po si tion of his to rian, will be pro vid ing us with reg u lar ar ti cles doc u ment ing the leg acy of our fine so ci ety. Ad di tion ally, with the fi nan cial sup port of Dan Winstead and the De part ment, he is cre at ing an oral and vi sual his tory of our her i tage that we will be able to pass on to new gen er a tions of Tulane graduate. So, af ter a sad and som ber 2004, we en ter 2005 with re newed en thu si asm, vi - tal ity and op ti mism. We will be can vass - ing our for mer grad u ates who have not yet joined us to con sider for mally sign - ing up and mak ing the small an nual con - tri bu tion to our so ci ety. We hope our past and pres ent ef forts will be en tice ment enough to bring some new mem bers into the fold and hope that with their added sup port we ll be able to ex pand our ac - tiv i ties for the ben e fit of all. Craig W. Maumus, M.D. Tulane Psychiatry & Neurology Alumni Newsletter Spring, 2005

3 Page 3 PRESI DENT'S COL UMN con tin ued from page 1) At the De part ment s CME meet ing this past fall, the Heath So ci ety elected four new of fi cers and re-elected Wally and Craig Maumus. I (res i dency class of 66) was elected Pres i dent, Rob ert Begtrup ( 71) Vice-President, Marilyn Skin ner ( 77) Sec re tary and Chet Scrignar ( 65) His to rian. Wally Tomlinson ( 69) con tin ues as Trea surer and Craig Maumus ( 76) con tin ues as News let ter Ed i tor. As the newly elected Pres i dent of the Heath So ci ety, I am proud to fol low in the foot steps of Remi Gon za les ( 65), the first and only Pres i dent of the So ci ety in its twenty year his tory. As you know, Remi, Pres i dent and Frank Silva ( 58), Vice-Pres i dent, both passed away last year. They were two of the orig i nal three of fi cers. Their loss is deeply felt by their col leagues through - out the psy chi at ric com mu nity. Wally Tomlinson was and still is the Trea surer of the Heath So ci ety. A meet ing was held with sev eral of the new of fi cers and with Dan Winstead in Jan u ary, Dur ing that meet ing our new his to rian, Chet, gave an ex ten sive re port on his Oral His tory Pro ject. Chet is to be com mended for his tire less ef - forts to gather an im pres sive oral his tory that doc u ments the de part ment, its alumni and fac ulty. Choral Creation Tulane Health Sci ences Cen ter Cho - rale is open to new mem bers con nected in some way to Tulane Uni ver sity, in - clud ing alumni, who are in ter ested in sing ing. The group does two per for - mances per year one in the spring and one dur ing the hol i days in De cem ber. Prac tice is ev ery Mon day night, ex cept hol i days, in the Med i cal School au di to - rium, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. It is not nec es sary to know how to read mu sic (al - though it helps), but you do have to know how to sing. If any one is in ter ested in more in for ma tion, con tact Candy Legeai at dur ing of fice hours which are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. The Cho - rale cur rently has two of our alumni who are mem bers. Spring, 2005 New of fi cers of the Rob ert G. Heath So ci ety pose af ter their elec tion at the De cem ber meet - ing of the So ci ety. From left to right: Craig Maumus, Wally Tomlinson, Chet Scrignar, Bob Begtup, Doug Greve and Mar i lyn Skinner. Dan said that the goals of the Heath So ci ety have stayed the same since its in - cep tion. The De part ment and the So ci - ety have shared re spon si bil ity and money. Spe cif i cally: Alumni directory is a Departmental expense Newsletter: Society pays for printing ($1250 twice a year) and the Department for mailing Resident Prizes: Society pays for prizes ($500) APA reception: Shared by Department and Heath Society. This year s reception in Atlanta will be shared with Loyola of Chicago and the University of Tennessee. CME: Department pays plus gets some monies from the Society s lectureships CHAIR MAN (con tin ued from page 1) work ing with them on a va ri ety of new pro jects. The of fi cers are: President: Douglas Greve, M.D. Vice-Pres i dent: Rob ert Begtrup, M.D. Trea surer: Wallace Tomlinson, M.D. Sec re tary: Mar i lyn Skin ner, M.D. News let ter Ed i tor: Craig Maumus, M.D. Ar chi vist/his to rian: Ches ter Scrignar, M.D. We learned that there are a lit tle over 800 alumni of the de part ment. Of these, 417 are mem bers of the Heath So ci ety. We plan to reach out to get new mem bers and to so licit sug ges - tions for ac tiv i ties. As you can see from the list, the So - ci ety is re spon si ble for the print ing of the News let ter twice a year, the Res i - dent s prizes and help ing to fund the APA re cep tion. Be cause of these ob li - ga tions, we will ap peal to mem bers for con tri bu tions to fund these worth while pro jects. The ben e fits of be ing a mem ber in - clude sig nif i cant dis counts for CME pro grams, the News let ter, up-dates on the De part ment and friends and the alumni re cep tion at the an nual APA meet ing. An alumni so ci ety en hances the pro fes sional ex pe ri ence of be ing a psy chi a trist. It en dows its mem bers with a sense of them selves in his tory and pro - vides an op por tu nity to en dow a worth - while or ga ni za tion. The Heath So ci ety is in ter ested in reach ing out to the mem bers. Our or ga - ni za tion will ben e fit from know ing what is go ing own around the coun try in ac a - demic in sti tu tions and pri vate prac tices. Please con tact us with in for ma tion about your ac tiv i ties and in clude the year you fin ished train ing. The Heath So ci ety wel comes your com ments and ques - tions. Join us in cre at ing a lively and sup port ive or ga ni za tion for the alumni of the Tulane De part ment of Psy chi a try. Douglas W. Greve M.D. Please plan to join us and your fel low alums at our an nual APA re cep tion, which will be Mon day, May 23 rd, 2005 at the World Trade Cen ter in At lanta from 7:00-9:00 pm. Daniel K. Winstead, M.D. Tulane Psychiatry & Neurology Alumni Newsletter

4 Page 4 Historical Perspective Con fu cius said that the three vir tues of a per fect gen tle - man were wis dom, cour age, and be nev - o lence. No one doubts that Bob Heath had wis dom. The au thor of sev - eral books and hun dreds of sci en tific ar - ti cles at tests to his in tel lec tual prow ess. And who can for get Heath s lec tures on ad ap ta tion al psy cho anal y sis and his ref - er ences to Sandor Rado, one of his men - tors. Those who had the op por tu nity to ob serve Bob Heath in ter view ing pa tients dur ing a clin i cal con fer ence were im - pressed by his bed side man ner em pha - siz ing sen si tiv ity and adept ness. Ad vo cat ing a bi o log i cal ba sis for schizo phre nia at a time when the schizophrenogenic mother held sway in the mind of many psy chi a trists re - quired cour age as Heath with stood an av a lanche of crit i cism. Im plant ing elec - trodes in the subcortical re gions of pa - tients to study the neurochemical and neurophysiological ba sis of the brain Robert G. Heath: A Perfect Gentleman and be hav ior re quired both wis dom and cour age. Open to new ideas Bob Heath had a flex i bil ity of mind and an eclec tic spirit. In vited guests dur ing grand rounds included psychoanalysts, psychopharmacologists, behaviorists, anthropologists, so ci ol o gists, neu ro anato mists, theo lo - gians and occasionally a political leader. But what about be nev o lence? Those who did not have an in ti mate knowl edge of Dr. Heath may wrongly con clude that he was hard-nosed and lacked com pas - sion. But, to date, I have in ter viewed over two dozen fel low fac ulty and for - mer res i dents who stud ied un der Dr. Heath and al most all have given ex am - ples of Bob s kind ness and gen er os ity. Dan Winstead and Leon Weisberg re call that Dr. and Mrs. Heath helped their fam i - lies ad just af ter mov ing to New Or leans. Dan Sprehe recollects how understanding and ac com mo dat ing Dr. Heath was he trans ferred from a res i dency in neu ro sur - gery to Tulane psy chi a try even though the res i dency had be gun three months ear lier. Chuck O Brien and Joe DiGiacomo give many ex am ples of Dr. Heath s mentoring Drs. O Neill and Gallant to receive Irma Bland Awards from the American Psychiatric Association and gen er os ity. And I re call that fol low ing sur gery on two oc ca sions, Bob was at my bedside offering comfort. My fi nal con tact with Bob dis closed his breadth of hu man ity and good will. At that time, he was re tired and liv ing in Florida. Know ing that he was 83 years old and not feel ing well, I called Bob and asked if he would con sent to par tic i pate in a taped in ter view con cern ing his re - mem brances as Chair man of the De part - ment of Psy chi a try and Neu rol ogy. Dan Sprehe and I con ducted the in ter view in a con fer ence room at the hos pi tal where Dr. Heath was a pa tient. Af ter the in ter - view, and de spite his ill ness, he in vited Dan, Frank Silva, and me, along with our wives, to have din ner at his club in St. Pe - ters burg. The din ner, an ex am ple of Dr. Heath s hos pi tal ity, grat i tude, and be - nev o lence, was lively and en ter tain ing as we all talked about the his tory of the De - part ment. He died 10 days later. In deed, Rob ert G. Heath was a per - fect gen tle man. C. B. Scrignar, M. D. Society Historian The Amer i can Psy chi at ric As so ci a tion has re cently cre ated the Irma Bland Awards for Ex cel lence in Teach ing Res i - dents. Each med i cal school is al lowed to nom i nate two of its fac ulty: one sal a ried and one non-sal a ried fac ulty mem ber. Cri te ria in clude ex cel lence in the teach - ing of res i dents in a va ri ety of set tings and through a va ri ety of tech niques such as lec tures, rounds, su per vi sion, small group teach ing, ca reer coun sel ing, etc. Pat rick T. O Neill, M.D. was nom i - nated by us as the sal a ried fac ulty mem - ber since he has been ac tive as Di rec tor of Psy chi at ric Res i dency Train ing here at Tulane since 1987 and, thus, has been in volved in a wide va ri ety of teach ing ac tiv i ties with our train ees. Don ald M. Gal lant, M.D. has been ac - tively teach ing res i dents for close to 50 years. These ac tiv i ties have con tin ued be yond his of fi cial re tire ment as he con - tin ues to spend the better part of 3 days each week teach ing our med i cal stu dents and res i dents. Cer tainly Don has a long and dis tin guished ca reer as a psy chi at ric ed u ca tor. These awards will be pre sented at a spe cial lun cheon for res i dents, med i cal stu dents and ed u ca tors dur ing the APA 2005 An nual Meet ing in At lanta. Please join us in con grat u lat ing Pat and Don. Dan Winstead delivers his State of the Department address at the December meeting of the Heath Society at the Hotel Intercontinental. Tulane Psychiatry & Neurology Alumni Newsletter Spring, 2005

5 Page 5 Campaign Update Prim Smith Lecture Prom ise and Dis tinc tion: The Cam paign for Tulane Uni ver sity was of fi cially launched March 17. Be gun qui etly in 1999, the $700 mil lion cam paign drive ends in To ward the cam paign, the Health Sci ences Cen ter is com mit ted to raise $202 mil lion to help fi nance the re cruit ment, equip ment and fa cil i ties needed to cham pion growth for all of its di vi sions in clud ing the School of Med i cine and the De part ment of Psy chi a try and Neu rol ogy. The Health Sci ences Cen ter has al ready raised three-fourths of the goal leav ing $50 mil lion to be raised in the next three years. Ben e - fits from the drive in clud ing new fa cil i ties, rapid growth in re search, and in creased ed u ca tional ac com plish ments are sweep ing across the Health Sci ences Cen ter. More in for ma tion and reg u lar up dates will be avail able at Mon ies do nated by the alumni of the De part ment of Psy - chi a try and Neu rol ogy may be des ig nated for spe cific pro jects and/or sec tions in the de part ment, viz: Adult Psy chi a try Heath Lec ture ship Fo ren sic Lec ture ship Chair/Pro fes sor ship in Eat ing Dis or ders Ep stein Lec ture ship/pro fes sor ship Child Psy chi a try En dowed Chair in Child Psy chi a try Gon za lez Pro fes sor ship Fund ing for In sti tute of In fant and Early Child hood Men tal Health Bioethics on the Brain is the ti tle of the ini tial pub lic lec ture in honor of the late Rev. Prim Smith who was chap lain of the Tulane Uni ver sity Health Sci - ences Cen ter. The lec ture on Wednes - day, April 27 at noon will be held in the J. Bennett Johnston Health and En vi ron - men tal Re search Build ing on the down - town med i cal cam pus. The in au gu ral Rev. Prim Smith Lec ture will be given by Rob ert Martensen, a pro fes sor of sur gery at the Tulane Uni - ver sity Health Sci ences Cen ter, who holds the James A. Knight MD Chair of Hu man i ties and Eth ics in Med i cine. Dr. Martensen is au thor of the book, The Brain Takes Shape (Ox ford Uni ver sity Press, 2004), about what makes a liv ing hu man body a per son. Neu rol ogy En dowed Chair in Stroke Chair/Pro fes sor ship in Cog ni tive Neu ro sci ence/neuro-im ag ing De part men tal Chair/Pro fes sor ship in Ed u ca tion Ar thur and Marion Sue Strauss en joy the am bi ence of the an nual hol i day party. Lee and Su san Tynes pose with their chil dren, Bryce and Brynn, and Rose and Chuck Ches ter at the De cem ber party. Char ley and Paula Zeanah en joy the hol i day party. Spring, 2005 Tulane Psychiatry & Neurology Alumni Newsletter

6 Page 6 Residents in Psychiatry and Neurology Land Prestigious National Awards Nine res i dents in the De part ment of Psy chi a try and Neu rol ogy, one post-doc toral fel low and two ju nior fac - ulty mem bers have re ceived sig nif i cant na tional awards since July 1st, While these in di vid u als are to be com - mended for their achieve ments, their train ing di rec tors and/or men tors should also be ac knowl edged for their sup port of these train ees and the strong let ters of rec om men da tion writ ten on their be half. So, first let me give spe cial thanks to Pat - rick O Neill, M.D., Anne Foundas, M.D., and Brian Stafford, M.D. for their role in mak ing this hap pen. Stacy Drury, M.D., Ph.D. (Gen eral and Child Psy chi a try) was re cently awarded the APA/Shire Child & Ad o les - cent Psy chi a try Fel low ship for In ad di tion, she was named as one of the NIMH Out stand ing Psy chi - a try Res i dents for Fur ther more, she was granted a Janssen Res i dent Psy - chi at ric Re search Schol ars Award from the Amer i can Psy chi at ric In sti tute for Re search and Ed u ca tion for 2005 and Mor gan Feibelman, M.D. (Child Psy - chi a try) was named a Fel low of the Child and Ad o les cent Psychopathology Re - search Ini tia tive that is sup ported by the Acad emy of Child and Ad o les cent Psy - chi a try. Mary Mar ga ret Gleason and Mor gan Feibelmanw ere hon ored for their ac com plish ments. Award win ning res i dents get to gether for a photo op: Front Row (left to right) Angela Traylor, MD, Janet Zadina, PhD, Linda Soohoo, MD, LaShondra Wash - ing ton, MD, Stacy Drury, MD, PhD, Jeffrey Rouse, MD; Back Row (left to right) Jose Suros, MD and An drew Morson, MD. Shelly Sa vant, MD (com - bined psych/neuro) also was an awardee, but was un able to make photo shoot. Mary Mar ga ret Gleason, M.D. (In fant Psy chi a try Fel low and In struc tor in Child & Ad o les cent Psy chi a try) was granted a Fel low ship for the NIMH/Stanford/UPitt Re search De vel - op ment In sti tute which in cludes mentorship and col lab o ra tion on de vel - op ing a re search ca reer. In ad di tion, she was named one of the Fu ture Lead ers in Psy chi a try for 2005" and given a Travel Award from Emory Uni ver sity to at tend their spe cial pro gram for early ca reer psy chi a trists. Terry LeBourgeois, M.D. (Adult Psy - chi a try) was also granted one of these Fu ture Lead ers in Psy chi a try Travel Awards. An drew Morson, M.D. (Gen eral Psy - chi a try) and Angela Traylor, M.D. (Psych/Neuro) were each given a Train - ing Res i dents in Psy chi a try Schol ar ship (TRIPS) Award from the Vet er ans Ad - min is tra tion South Cen tral Men tal Ill - ness Re search, Ed u ca tion, and Clin i cal Cen ter. Jeffrey Rouse, M.D. (Gen eral Psy chi - a try and Neu ro sci ence Fel low) was given a Janssen Res i dent Psy chi at ric Re - search Schol ars Award from the Amer i - can Psy chi at ric In sti tute for Re search and Ed u ca tion (APIRE). This al lows him to par tic i pate in APIRE s Re search Col lo quium for Young In ves ti ga tors at the APA meet ings in 2004 and Fur ther more, he was granted a Trainee Travel Award to at tend and par tic i pate in the 2005 an nual meet ing of the Anx i ety Dis or ders As so ci a tion of Amer ica. Shelly Sa vant, M.D. (Psych/Neuro) was granted a Travel Award from the Amer i can Pain So ci ety, which will al low her to travel to their an nual meet ing in Boston, Mas sa chu setts from March 31st to April 2nd, Linda Soohoo, M.D. (Med/Neuro) was granted one of the Hu man ism and Ex cel lence in Teach ing Awards by the Ar nold P. Gold Foun da tion in rec og ni - tion of her com mit ment to wards com - pas sion ate pa tient care and teach ing of stu dents. Jose Suros, M.D. (Neu rol ogy) was granted a Travel Award from the Wake For est Res i dents Ep i lepsy Pro gram to at tend their meet ing. LaShondra Wash ing ton, M.D. (Gen - eral Psy chi a try) was se lected as an APA/Astra Zeneca Mi nor ity Fel low by the Amer i can Psy chi at ric As so ci a tion for 2004 and Janet Zadina, Ph.D. (Post Doc toral Fel low in Be hav ioral Neu rol ogy) was given the Pi Delta Kappa s Re gion C Award for Out stand ing Doc toral Dis ser - ta tion. In ad di tion, she was the Sum mit Ple nary Speaker Awardee at the Cel e - brat ing Our Ris ing Stars meet ing of the Of fice of Eng lish Lan guage Ac qui si tion spon sored by the De part ment of Education in Washington, DC. Please join me in of fer ing your con - grat u la tions to these out stand ing in di - vid u als. Daniel K. Winstead, M.D. Tulane Psychiatry & Neurology Alumni Newsletter Spring, 2005

7 Page 7 The Big Move Sophomore Neuropsych Exam Anticipated new home of the Department on Poydras St. across from the SuperDome. The Tulane Uni ver sity School of Med - i cine will gain from a re cent, sig nif i cant ex pan sion of ed u ca tional space and fac - ulty re cruit ment. The Tulane Uni ver sity Board of Ad min - is tra tors ap proved a long-term lease for 150,000 square feet of space for the med i - cal school at the 1555 Poydras Build ing. The lease, which runs through 2017, in - volves space that will be con verted into class rooms and of fices. Con struc tion should be com pleted by fall The Tulane board also voted to make available $24 million in investment capital to up grade and ex pand ed u ca tional space and to re cruit new fac ulty and de part ment chairs. The funds were des ig nated now so that en hance ments could start in ad vance of reach ing the fund rais ing goals of the Prom ise and Dis tinc tion cap i tal cam - paign by The De part ment of Psy chi a try and Neu - rol ogy fac ulty will be re lo cat ing to the new build ing which will also house a va ri ety of spaces for teach ing, state-of-the-art mul ti - me dia equip ment and com puter and study ar eas for the stu dents. The new space on Poydras Street, along with the grant op por tu ni ties we ve de vel - oped, cre ates a won der ful syn ergy be tween ed u ca tion and re search that better po si tions us to con tinue to at tract the top med i cal stu - dents and fac ulty from around the coun try, says Ian Tay lor, dean of the med i cal school. Dan Winstead poses with Nehama Dresner, M.D. and Christopher Randolph, Ph.D. Dr. Randolph of Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago gave the 10 th Annual Robert G. Heath, MD Lecture on Re-examining Post Concussion Syndrome. His wife, Dr. Dresner conducted grand rounds at TMC while in town. A few is sues back we ran the first two in - stall ments of a neu ro psy chi at ric exam dated May Wally Tomlinson came across this neuropsychiatry exam for soph - o more med i cal stu dents and it is be lieved that this is the first neuropsych exam given at Tulane since 1948 is the year Bob Heath came to Tulane as chair man. Due to space con sid er ations we had to hold the next set of ques tions for a cou ple of is sues of the Newsletter. But, once again, we re pub lish - ing a few ques tions so you can see what was ex pected of the stu dents over a gen er a - tion ago. The orig i nal test had 50 ques tions and the an swers to each ques tion were to be three words or less. The first two sets of questions were heavily analytically based. Note how these ques tions are neu ro log i - cally ori ented. 29. What form of sen sa tion is chiefly im - paired in a pe riph eral nerve le sion? 30. In a spi nal cord le sion? 31. What seg ment of the cord cor re - sponds to the um bi li cus? 32. A dor sal root le sion has what ef fect on pain per cep tion? 33. The cor neal re flex tests what nerve or nerves? 34. Is the jaw jerk usu ally ab sent? 35. In get ting a ten don re flex, should the ten don be com pletely re laxed? 36. What le sion pro duces a Babinski re - flex? 37. Where is the le sion caus ing spas tic hemiplegia? 38. Name the sys tem in volved in the Par - kin son tremor. 39. Give the two signs of dam age to the cerebellar system. 40. The Rhomberg is a sign of dam age where? Spring, 2005 Tulane Psychiatry & Neurology Alumni Newsletter

8 Page 8 AlumNews: Vic tor An geles of Elizabethtown, KY is a con sul tant at the Twin Lakes Med i cal Cen ter in Leitchfield, KY, the Hardin Me mo rial Hos pi tal in Elizabethtown and at the Tay lor Re gional Hos pi tal in Campbellsville, KY. He is in the pro cess of es tab lish ing a neurodiagnostic cen ter for EEGs and EMGs. San dra Baltz mar ried Ken Nazor (a Tulane ar chi tect grad u ate) in July of last year and they are now ex pect ing their first child this June. She is now liv ing in Mem phis, TN where she is di rec tor of med i cal stu dent and res i dent train ing in the De part ment of Psy chi a try at the VA Hos pi tal there and is co or di na tor of ge ri - at ric train ing in the UT De part ment of Psy chi a try. She is cur rently work ing on some new Alz hei mer s drug tri als. Mar tha Ban is still at the VA Med i cal Cen ter in Tuscaloosa, AL in the out pa - tient MHC. Imag ine I ll stay as long as I con tinue to en joy it as much as I do now! Her kids are get ting grown with a 20 year old daugh ter in Anniston, AL, a 20 year old son in col lege in Tuscaloosa and 16 and 14 year old sons who are both in high school. Minati Biswas has been in pri vate prac - tice in New Or leans af ter leav ing the VA there in She is now med i cal di rec - tor of the par tial hos pi tal pro gram at Kin dred Hos pi tal and is on the ac tive staff there where she sees gen eral adult and ge ri at ric in pa tients. She is also on the ac tive staff of Touro Infirmary across the street. She re ports a busy out pa tient prac tice that in cludes chil dren and ad o - les cents as well as pa tients with sub - stance abuse prob lems. Ad di tion ally Dr. Biswas is a staff psy chi a trist at a meth a - done clinic and two chem i cal de pend - ency units in the greater New Or leans area. Elias Bond is still in pri vate prac tice of psy chi a try with the Jack son Clinic, a multispecialty clinic of 130 phy si cians, in Jack son, TN. Maureen Bur rows is chief res i dent at Tulane this ac a demic year and will be do ing her fel low ship in fo ren sic psy chi - a try at Tulane this com ing year. Rich ard Capiola pres ently re sides in Na ples, FL where he is med i cal di rec tor for Psy chi at ric Con sul ta tion Ser vices. He is also a hos pi tal ac cred i ta tion sur - veyor for the Joint Com mis sion on Hos - pi tal Ac cred i ta tion and is a psy chi at ric con sul tant to Best Choice Home Health Care. He co mes back to New Or leans fre quently for var i ous fes ti vals, Mardi Gras and Tulane psy chi at ric con fer - ences. Dabney Ewin was awarded the Pi erre Janet Award for Clin i cal Ex cel lence for 2002 by the In ter na tional So ci ety of Hyp no sis for a life time of pub lished ex - per i men tal work (that) sub stan tially ad - vances the un der stand ing of the pro cess of hyp no sis and the abil ity to pre dict the out come of its ap pli ca tions." The ISH meets ev ery three years but had to post - pone the 2003 meet ing in Sin ga pore to 2004 be cause of the SARS ep i demic. Louis Escalada con tin ues to en joy re - tire ment in Kenner, LA. He notes his time is mostly taken up with grand chil - dren, travel and time to learn. John Fetzer, who lives in Can ton ment, FL, sadly re ports he is still clean ing up from Hurricane Ivan. Doug Greve con tin ues his pri vate prac - tice in the French Quar ter and is res i dent as sis tant co or di na tor at Tulane. Evan Howell is pres i dent of the New Or leans Neu ro log i cal So ci ety and has been picked to be an ad vo cate to Capitol Hill af ter train ing in San Diego this past Jan u ary. Irving Kraft of Hous ton notes that at age 83 he is still see ing pa tients 1-2 af - ter noons a week. Some pa tients ask me why I pose cer tain ques tions to them, not ing That is more in ter nal med i cine or neu rol ogy. I tell them that Bob Heath s et al train ing cer tainly in cluded neurophysiology, etc. Some how that does n t seem to have been part of what their pre vi ous ther a pists and psy chi a - trists que ried. He says he was sad dened to learn of the death of Char lie Feigley. Your ed i tor had not been pre vi ously in - formed. Reaves Lee of Mem phis, TN notes the high lights of this past year have been an awe some trip to It aly for his son s wed ding, a ca reer low of 74 in golf and a good prac tice and steady prog ress with the study group af fil i ated with the Amer - i can Psy cho an a lytic As so ci a tion. He is hop ing 2005 of fers him com plete re mis - sion from non-hodg kin s lym phoma by a clin i cal trial with per son al ized vac - cine. Wil liam Le one of Pinecrest, FL is still prac tic ing one day a week. He s also into DIY pro jects, boat ing, and swim ming. He proudly an nounces the birth of his eighth grand child. Har old Lief of Bryn Mawr, PA cel e - brated his 87 th birth day in De cem ber. He has five kids and 9 grandkids with a 10 th on the way. He is also look ing for ward to a great grand child. He co-authored a pa - per in last Au gust s is sue of J.Nerv and Ment Dis and co-authored a chap ter on the His tory of Psy cho logic Treat - ments in the forth com ing Text book of Women s Sex ual Dysfuctions. And last, but not least, Dr. Lief re ports co-ed it ing a book with Ralph Slovenko de scrib ing the False Mem ory Syn drome phe nom e - non of the last de cade. Ken Lippincott is stay ing very busy in Tu pelo, MS by be ing ac tive on 3 hos pi tal staffs and func tion ing as med i cal di rec - tor of ge ri at ric psy chi a try at one (Trace Re gional Hos pi tal Path ways). Yet he still re ports that hunt ing, fish ing and motorcycling are not enough! Mean - while his wife is work ing on her mas ter s in nurs ing and they have a daugh ter at Millsaps, a son who is a se nior in high school and an other son who is a soph o - more in high school and who plays blues gui tar. Tulane Psychiatry & Neurology Alumni Newsletter Spring, 2005

9 Alan Lipton is med i cal di rec tor of United Be hav ioral Healthcare in Mi ami, FL. Joseph Lupo has a pri vate prac tice of child psy chi a try in Tampa and is a clin i - cal pro fes sor in the De part ment of Psy - chi a try at the Uni ver sity of South Florida. Irwin Marcus of New Or leans has authored a new book en ti tled Why Men Have Af fairs. He has aired on ra dio to 127 sta tions na tion ally plus 9 times lo - cally as well as hav ing been in ter viewed on CBS tele vi sion. Joe Marnell informs us that he is in pri - vate prac tice in Bethesda, MD. Andrew Naidech is now on the fac ulty of North west ern Uni ver sity in Chi cago spe cial iz ing in neurointensive care. Charles Nichol son writes in that he is work ing as a fo ren sic psy chi a trist in Santa Barbara, CA. Chuck O Brien was in vited by the Ac a - demic Med i cal Cen ter and the Uni ver - sity of Am ster dam in Hol land to pres ent The Anat omy Les son in No vem ber. The Anat omy Les son is a tra di tion dat ing back to the 16 th cen tury and is a weeklong event con sist ing of a pre sen ta - tion by an in ter na tion ally prom i nent sci - en tist to the peo ple of Am ster dam. The topic was ad dic tion and Dr. O Brien pre - sented the work of his team at the Phil a - del phia VA and Penn s De part ment of Psy chi a try deal ing with brain mech a - nisms of ad dic tion and the de vel op ment of new treat ments for these dis or ders. Spring, 2005 Don Ragan has an of fice prac tice at the West Florida Be hav ioral Health in Pensacola, FL. Stephen Reich of Bal ti more was re - cently pro moted to pro fes sor at the Uni - ver sity of Mary land where he is co-di - rec tor of the Par kin son s Dis ease and Move ment Dis or ders Cen ter. Lillian Rob in son is en joy ing re tire ment in the Pa cific North west. Some of her time is spent read ing to peo ple who have macular de gen er a tion. And ev ery year she trav els to NYC for the an nual meet - ing of the Guild of Epis co pal Schol ars. Ad di tion ally she al ways at tends a meet - ing of the Amer i can Acad emy of Psy - cho anal y sis and of ten the APA. She re - ports to us that the Se at tle Tulane Club is quite an ac tive group that stays in touch via . David Shraberg con tin ues to do hos pi - tal work in neuropsychiatry and fo ren - sics in Lexington, KY. Charles Rodney Smith has a lim ited prac tice of adult psy chi a try in the Helis Build ing at DePaul-Tulane in New Or - leans. He re ports his heath is good and he mourns the pass ing of sev eral of his psy - chi at ric col leagues this past year as we all do. He has one new grand daugh ter, Ella Grace. Bruce Smoller is cur rently pres i dent of the Mont gom ery County Med i cal So ci - ety and is ed i tor-in-chief of the Mary - land State Med i cal Jour nal. He is on the clin i cal fac ulty of George Wash ing ton George and Kathy Bishop of Baton Rouge, LA came to town for the annual Brain & Behavior program and met up with old friends, Mary and Chet Scrignar at the departmental holiday party. Page 9 Uni ver sity School of Med i cine and main tains a pri vate prac tice of psy chi a - try in Chevy Chase, MD. Wally Tomlinson de liv ered a pa per at the 39 th In ter na tional Con gress for the His tory of Med i cine in Bari, It aly this past fall. Ron Taravella has a full-time pri vate prac tice of psy chi a try in Ba ton Rouge, LA. He writes that he is for ever in debt to Dan Winstead, Pat O Neill and Tulane. Hien Tran is clin i cal med i cal di rec tor of the Terrebonne Men tal Health Cen ter in LA and is a clin i cal in struc tor in the De - part ment at Tulane. Son Trinh is med i cal di rec tor at the River Par ishes Men tal Health Cen ter in La Place, LA. Gene Usdin was again hon ored at Ochsner Clinic in New Or leans by the 10 th An nual Gene Usdin, MD Dis tin - guished Vis it ing Lec ture ship in Psy chi a - try in Feb ru ary. Dr. Da vid Mrazek was the Usdin Lec turer and spoke on Gene Knowl edge: How Well Do You Know Your self. Gordon Walker of San Jose, CA notes he has his daugh ter, Whit ney, at tend ing Tulane as an un der grad u ate. Dr. Walker con tin ues to prac tice psy chi a try in the San Jose area. Dr Ewin with his Pi erre Janet Award Tulane Psychiatry & Neurology Alumni Newsletter

10 The Robert Heath Alumni Association Tulane Psychiatry P. O. Box 1338 Metairie, LA Society for & Neurology Spring, 2005

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