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2 How to use your Knowledge Organiser... Each school day you should be spending one hour completing your Out of Lesson Learning. This will either be: You can revise your Knowledge Organisers using a range of different methods but you should not just copy from the Knowledge Organiser into your book. You can use the How to Self-Test with the Knowledge Organiser booklet to help you! A copy of this, along with all of the Knowledge Organisers and the timetable can be found on the school website. Revising your Knowledge Organiser Try to use some of the methods we have gone through in school: Completing extra maths work Look, cover, write and check Reading at home Ask someone to write questions for you Create mind maps The timetable on the next page shows you which subject you should be Revising (it doesn't matter if you have that subject on that day or not, you should follow the timetable). You should complete the work in your Knowledge Organiser Exercise Book. Each subject should take up half a side of A4. Don t forget to add a date and title. Use the clock template to divide the knowledge into smaller sections Create a timeline of key events Draw diagrams of key processes You should take pride in how you present your work, each page should be clearly dated, with the name of the subject used as a title. Half way down the page a line should divide it in two.

3 Year 8 Timetable... Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Homework A MFL Science English Technical Maths English Accuracy To be quizzed To be quizzed To be quizzed Friday To be quizzed Extra Maths 30 Minutes 30 Minutes 30 Minutes Homework B Humanities Recommended Recommended Recommended Reading Time Reading Time Reading Time To be quizzed

4 Technical Accuracy ENGLISH Term There/They re/their Definition Full stop. Shows that a sentence has finished Comma, Slight pause in a sentence. There shows position: Your seat is over there. Their shows they own something: Their ties are missing. Your/You re Your is possessive: This is your pen. Separates clauses. Separates items in a list. Question Mark? At the end of a question Exclamation Mark! To show expression such as shock. Apostrophe TIPTOP RULE You move onto a new paragraph when you change Time, Place, Topic or Person. Use connectives in your paragraphs to link ideas and put them in a logical order. Furthermore But Meanwhile Whereas Since Nonetheless Yet However Therefore Although You re is short for you are: You re coming over to my Nevertheless house. Alternatively Speech Marks Hear/Here Shows that letters have been missed out or to show possession Shows that someone is talking direct Hear is for sound: I can hear someone talking. Here shows position: Come over here! Apostrophes: There are two reasons why we use apostrophes: for possession and to replace missing letters. Basics Every sentence must start with a capital letter. Every sentence must finish with some form of punctuation.?! speech or being quoted Colon : To introduce a list, a statement or a quote in a sentence Semi Colon ; Separates two sentences that are related and of equal importance Possession: if a single thing/person owns anything, add an apostrophe + s: Proper nouns need capital letters. These are unique people, places or things. The dog s bone When writing titles of works such as books, films or plays: The boy s homework Yesterday s lesson Dash/hyphen - Shows extra information. Brackets () Can be used like dashes to show extra information. However if it is a plural (more than one), an apostrophe comes after the s: Ellipses To show a passage of time and to The dogs bone create suspense The boys homework Many websites content is educational... ITS: When using its to show that something owns something, you don t need an apostrophe: The dog ate its bone and we ate our dinner. It only needs an apostrophe when you are putting it and is together: it s. The apostrophe replaces the i. Capitalise any man/important words Don t capitalise minor words such as and of or the. The Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire When writing speech: Go to a new line when a different person speaks Good morning, said the teacher. When we join together words like do not, we use an apostrophe to replace the letter we remove: don't - the apostrophe replaces the o. Capitalise the first word It s the afternoon! replied the student. Each person s speech is marked with

5 WAR POETRY ENGLISH Poetry Term Stanza Imagery Blank Verse Definition A group of lines within a poem. Visually descriptive language that paints a picture for the reader. Non-rhyming verse usually written in iambic pentameter. Caesura A punctuated pause in the middle of a line of poetry. End Stop A punctuated pause at the end of a line of poetry. Enjambment A line of poetry continuing onto the next line without stopping. Free Verse Unrhymed lines in poetry that have no set rhythm. Iambic Pentameter A ten syllable line of poetry containing stressed and unstressed syllables. Rhyme Where two or more words have the same sound ending. Rhythm The pattern of stressed and unstressed beats in a poem. Sibilance The repetition of the s sound in two or more words. Context of WW Poet Summary Wilfred Owen Soldier in WW1. Composed all of his poems in slightly over a year from August 1917 to September In Also known as The Great War. Most nations of Europe involved. Allied Powers included: United Kingdom, Russia, France, Italy, and from 1917, USA. Central Powers included: Germany, AustriaHungary, Bulgaria and The Ottoman Empire of Turkey. Remembered for trench warfare and the use of gas. Propaganda played a huge part in encouraging young men to sign up and volunteer. November 1918 he was killed in action. Poems about the harsh reality of WW1. Siegfried Sassoon English poet, writer and soldier. Decorated for bravery on the Western Front. Wrote about the horror and the brutality of trench warfare. Jessie Pope Was born in Leicester. Her work was widely published in newspapers. She wrote patriotic verses during WW1 glorifying combat and romanticising war. Rupert Brooke Well educated English soldier. Died young whilst waiting to join the fighting in Greece. His poems describe the hopeful idealism and enthusiasm with which Britain entered the First World War. Key Vocabulary for Context Propaganda: information, especially biased or misleading, used to promote a political cause or point of view. Trench Warfare: type of land warfare consisting mainly of military trenches, in which troops are well-protected from the enemy s small fire arms. Trench-foot: a medical condition caused by prolonged exposure to damp and unsanitary conditions. Triple Alliance: A union or association between three powers or states Triple Entente: The military alliance formed between Russia, Great Britain and France before and during WW1.

6 SCIENCE HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Nutrients Food Tests What are nutrients? Nutrients are important substances that your What reagent do you use to Iodine List the seven types of nutrients? Carbohydrates, Lipids (fats and oils), Proteins, What is the colour change if Changes from orange-brown to dark blue What is meant by balanced diet? To eat food containing the right nutrients in the How do you test for lipids in The greasy paper test What are carbohydrates? Which foods can they be found in? Carbohydrates provide our main source of energy. How do you test for lipids in a food solution? Add ethanol to the food solution, shake, pour the ethanol in a test tube of water Name the type of carbohydrates that provide a quick source of Sugars, in sweet food eg fruit Which reagent tests for sugar? What are the colour Benedict s solution. The solution turns from blue to green, yellow, or orange- Name the type of carbohydrate that provides a slow-release source of energy Starch. This is found in starchy foods such as pasta, potatoes and bread. What two chemicals are used to test for protein? What colour shows that protein is pre- Copper sulphate and sodium hydroxide (Biuret). If protein is present, the solution turns purple. What are the three main functions of lipids (fats and oils)? To provide a store of energy. To keep you warm, by providing a layer of insulation under the skin. To protect organs, like your heart and kidneys, State the unit that energy in food is measured in. Joules (J) or kilojoules (kj). 1 kilojoule = 1000 joules Give two functions of proteins. To repair body tissues and to make new cells for growth. Give three reasons why it is unhealthy to be underweight? suffer from health problems, such as a poor immune system, lack energy and often feel tired, Give two examples why we need vitamins and minerals? We need vitamin A for good eyesight. We need Vitamin D and the mineral calcium to What diseases are overweight people more likely to suffer Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some cancers. What foods are a good source of Fruits and vegetables What is a deficiency? When a person does not have enough of How do we lose water from our What is fibre We lose water in sweat, tears, urine, faeces and Fibre is a type of carbohydrate, but it is not

7 BODY SYSTEMS SCIENCE Lessons One: Levels of Organisation Kerboodle Pages What is a multicellular organism? An organism made up of lots of cells. Put these levels of organisation in order starting with the smallest Cell, tissue, organ, system, organism Organ, cell, organism, tissue, system What is a tissue? What is an organ? What is a system? Lesson Two: Gas Exchange Name three organ systems What is gas exchange? A group of cells that work together to perform a certain function A group of tissues that work together to perform a certain function A group of organs that work together to perform a certain function Kerboodle Pages Choose from: Circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, digestive, skeletal, muscular When you breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide Label this diagram Lesson Three: Breathing What happens when we breathe in? Oxygen diffuses into the blood What is respiration? A chemical reaction that releases energy Why can you see your breath when you breathe on a cloud mirror? We breathe out water that condenses on the mirror Diaphragm contracts moves down Volume of the chest increases. What happens when we breathe out? Pressure decreases so gas rushes in. Ribs move down and in. Diaphragm relaxes moves up. Volume of the chest decreases. What can increase lung volume? Pressure decreases so gas rushes out Exercise What can decrease lung volume? Smoking, Lung diseases such as asthma, Old age Lesson Four: Skeleton How do you keep your bones healthy? Give four functions of the skeleton Kerboodle Pages Exercise and a healthy diet. Where is your blood made? Support the body, protect vital organs, helps the body move, makes blood In the bone marrow Lesson Five Movement: Joints State what a joint is. Kerboodle Pages Where two or more bones join together. Name three types of joints. Hinge joints, ball and socket joints, fixed joints State what cartilage is Cartilage covers the end of a bone and stops bones rubbing together. Ligaments hold bones together. What do ligaments do? What happens in the alveolus? Kerboodle Pages Ribs move up and out Lesson Six Movement: Muscles Why is a muscle a tissue? Why are muscles antagonistic? How do you bend your arm? Kerboodle Pages Lots of muscles cells work together to cause movement. They work together but in the opposite directions. One muscle contracts and the other relaxes The bicep contracts and the triceps relaxes

8 MATHEMATICS Topic/ Definition/Tips NUMBER & SHAPE Example Topic/Skill The first 10 prime Substitution Definition/Tips Example In algebra substitution means replacing letters with numbers to calculate an answer. Answer = = 7.5 Skill Prime A prime number is a number with only 2 factors, 1 and itself. HCF LCM Product of primes numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 Polygon The highest common factor (HCF) is the highest number that divides exactly into two or more numbers. The smallest positive number that is a multiple of two or more numbers. Note: a circle is not a polygon because it has a curved side Interior angles LCM of 9 and 12 = 36 Product of primes is finding which prime numbers multiply together to make a given number. Also called prime factorisation A 2D shape with ONLY straight sides. Vertically opposite angles Product of primes = 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 An angle inside a shape (between two joined sides). Vertically opposite angles are the angles opposite each other when two lines cross. These opposite angles are always equal in size.

9 French FOREIGN LANGUAGES MODERN MODAL VERBS Je veux I want Tu veux (?) (Do) You want Je peux I can Je ne peux pas I can t/ cannot Je dois I have to!!with modal verbs use infinitives: Tu veux + infinitive E.g. Tu veux aller au parc? Je ne peux pas + infinitive E.g. Je ne peux pas aller au parc. Je dois + infinitive E.g. Je dois faire mes devoirs. LES ACTIVITÉS JOUER au tennis tennis to play au basket basketball au babyfoot table football ALLER au bowling bowling to go au cinema cinema à une fête a party des DVDs DVDs un film a film du vélo du skate cycling skateboarding VOIR FAIRE to do MANGER une promenade Au McDo a walk at McDonalds sur l internet on line/ internet to eat TCHATTER DES EXCUSES laver la voiture wash the car ranger ma chambre tidy my bedroom promener le chien walk the dog rester à la maison stay at home faire les courses do the shopping faire du babysitting do babysitting faire le jardinage do the gardening faire le ménage do the housework faire mes devoirs do my homework me laver les wash my hair cheveux aller voir ma grandgo to visit my mère grandmother de la musique La radio some music the radio EN VILLE IN TOWN le château the castle le stade the stadium le musée the museum le collège the school le cinéma the cinema le supermarché the supermarket la poste the post office la banque the bank la gare the train station la piscine the swimming pool L église The church Les magasins The shops Il y a. There is Il n y a pas de There isn t any To say TO or AT use à: à + le = au ALLER TO GO Je vais I go/ I am going Tu vas You go Il/Elle va He/She goes On va We go Nous allons We go Vous allez You(pl) g0 Ils/Elles vont They(m/f) go Je ne vais pas I m not going FUTURE TENSE: Use ALLER + INFINITIVE E.g. Je vais aller au Parc Il va voir un film to chat ÉCOUTER GRAMMAR sur sous devant derrière dans entre à côte de PREPOSITIONS on under in front behind in in-between next to en face de The DE rule: de + le = du opposite E.g. du stade de + la = de la E.g. de la piscine de + l = de l E.g. de l église de + les = des E.g. des magasins E.g. au parc à + la = à la E.g. à la piscine à + l = à l E.g. à l eglise à + les = aux E.g. aux magasins LES OPINIONS J aime I like Je n aime pas I don t like J adore I love Je déteste I hate Je préférè I prefer POINTS OF VIEW Je pense que I think that à mon avis In my opinion Selon moi According to me FREQUENCY WORDS souvent often parfois sometimes toujours always INFINITIVES: Verbs that end in: ER, IR, RE LES DIRECTIONS Allez tout droit Tournez à droite Tournez à gauche Traversez le pont Prenez la première rue à droite/gauche deuxième où parce que car cependant très assez un peu vraiment Go straight on Turn right Turn left Cross the bridge Take the first road on the right/left second CONNECTIVES where because because however INTENSIFIERS very quite a bit really/truly

10 THE TUDORS HUMANITIES Command Words Key word Definition Accession The act of gaining access to a new right or position. For example, Elizabeth s accession in If a question asks you to do one of the following, this is what you are being asked to do: Legitimate Lawful. Religious Settlement 1559: Elizabeth s attempt to avoid further religious turmoil. Protestantism remained the official religion of England but some Catholic traditions were kept. Papal Relating to the Pope or to the Roman Catholic Church. Catholic A member of the Catholic Church who supports the Pope and opposes Protestantism. A movement that broke away from Catholicism and the rule of the Pope. Martin Luther and John Calvin were significant leaders. Protestant A member of a Christian church that separated from the Roman Catholic Church. An extreme Protestant who wanted to remove all Catholic practices from the Church of England. They opposed Elizabeth s religious settlement. Mary, Queen of Scots Catholic cousin of Queen Elizabeth and next in line for the throne. Plots A secret plan to do something illegal or underhand. There were plots to kill Elizabeth and make her cousin Mary the Queen of England. Reformation Explain: to give reasons for why something happened or to give the meaning of something. Evaluate: to judge the value of something. Protestant Reformation Puritan Describe: to write about, giving key facts in a sensible order. The act of changing. During the 1500s religion in England was reformed. Armada Portrait, George Gower, 1588 Nature the nature of the source, this could be a newspaper, a letter or diary entry. Origin when the source was produced and who by. Message what is the source saying? What does the author want you to know? Purpose why was this produced? Who is it aimed it? Causes of the Spanish Armada: -England was a Protestant country and King Philip II of Spain wanted to make it Catholic; -Elizabeth rejected Philip s marriage proposal; -English pirates were robbing Spanish treasure ships; -1585: Elizabeth pledged support for the Dutch in their struggle for independence from Spain. She had been secretly helping them since 1572; and 1587: Mary Queen of Scots was executed.

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