Unit 1: Irony and Satire. Bri$sh Literature Fall 2014

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1 Unit 1: Irony and Satire Bri$sh Literature Fall 2014

2 Wednesday, September 3 rd Today s Goals: Analyze the irony in Percy Shelley s poem Ozymandias. DO NOW: Read and annotate Percy Shelley s poem Ozymandias It is located in the anthology on p If you re having trouble with the anthology, use the PDF on HC.

3 New Note: Irony Verbal irony: a speaker says one thing but means another Drama$c irony: an event occurs whose significance the audience understands but the characters do not In Romeo and Juliet, the characters think that Juliet is dead but the audience knows she s not. Situa$onal irony: a reversal of expecta$ons in events

4 Is it ironic or not? It s like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife. Alanis Morisse[e s song Ironic Love your website! I am a s$ckler for grammar, punctua$on, and spelling; it s not hard to understand, yet some people s$ll don t get it. Glad your educa$ng others! I posted a youtube video about how boring and useless youtube is. The name of Britain s biggest dog was Tiny. The bu[er is as so^ as marble.


6 Ozymandias By Percy Bysshe Shelley ( ) I met a traveler from an an$que land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a sha[ered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away. On A Stupendous Leg of Granite, Discovered Standing by Itself in the Deserts of Egypt, with the InscripAon Inserted Below By Horace Smith In Egypt's sandy silence, all alone, Stands a gigan$c Leg, which far off throws The only shadow that the Desert knows: "I am great OZYMANDIAS," saith the stone, "The King of Kings; this mighty City shows "The wonders of my hand." The City's gone, Nought but the Leg remaining to disclose The site of this forgo[en Babylon. We wonder, and some Hunter may express Wonder like ours, when thro' the wilderness Where London stood, holding the Wolf in chace, He meets some fragment huge, and stops to guess What powerful but unrecorded race Once dwelt in that annihilated place.

7 Ozymandias I met a traveler from an an$que land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a sha[ered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.

8 Paper Feedback Most students structured their introduc$ons correctly Universal idea to thesis statement Most students used quota$ons from the novel as evidence Cited, but not always correctly Some integra$on Most students wrote in a formal tone, but wri$ng o^en lacked precision and many $mes used vague language Analysis was o^en weak or underdeveloped Must stop paraphrasing and start close reading Easy improvements in MLA format

9 New Assignment Write a 1-2 page paper with a close reading of either "Ozymandias," "A Shocking Accident," or "Two in One. MLA format Analyze at least one stylis$c device or technique in addi$on to irony at least two paragraphs Metaphor Simile Personifica$on Imagery Dic$on Introduc$on and conclusion not required. Simply introduce the texts in the beginning Dra^ due Tuesday, September 9th in digital copy on the ipad. Final copy due Monday, September 15 th in hard copy and on turni$n.

10 Closing Thursday, September 4th IN CLASS: Irony lesson HOMEWORK DUE: Read A Shocking Accident. Friday, September 5th IN CLASS: Irony lesson HOMEWORK DUE: Read Two in One.

11 Thursday, September 4 th Today s Goals: Analyze irony in A Shocking Accident. DO NOW: Take out a blue/black pen or pencil. Put away all other materials.

12 Work with a partner Iden$fy the exposi$on, rising ac$on, climax, falling ac$on, and resolu$on of the story.

13 Irony in A Shocking Accident What kind of irony is used in A Shocking Accident? In a paragraph in Notability, choose one example of situa$onal irony in A Shocking Accident and explain its effect on the story as a whole. Your tone may be informal, but you must quote the text. Helpful hint: Ask yourself what the irony is and how you reacted to it.

14 New Assignment Write a 1-2 page paper with a close reading of either "Ozymandias," "A Shocking Accident," or "Two in One. MLA format Analyze at least one stylis$c device or technique in addi$on to irony at least two paragraphs Metaphor Simile Personifica$on Imagery Dic$on Introduc$on and conclusion not required. Simply introduce the texts in the beginning Dra^ due Tuesday, September 9th in digital copy on the ipad. Final copy due Monday, September 15 th in hard copy and on turni$n.

15 Friday, September 5 th IN CLASS: Irony lesson Closing HOMEWORK DUE: Read Two in One. Monday, September 8 th IN CLASS: Wri$ng lesson: integra$ng quota$ons HOMEWORK DUE: Work on your dra^ of the close reading assignment Tuesday, September 9 th IN CLASS: Peer revision workshop of dra^s HOMEWORK DUE: Full dra^ of close reading assignment

16 Friday, September 5 th Today s Goals: Analyze irony in Two in One. DO NOW: Take out a blue/black pen or pencil. Put away all other materials.

17 Work with a partner Iden$fy the exposi$on, rising ac$on, climax, falling ac$on, and resolu$on of the story.

18 Irony in Two in One What kind of irony is used in Two in One? Why?

19 New Assignment Write a 1-2 page paper with a close reading of either "Ozymandias," "A Shocking Accident," or "Two in One. There will be a sample paper with comments posted on HC this evening. The sample will not be about one of these three texts, but it is a sample of the type of paper you should produce. Dra^ due Tuesday, September 9th in digital copy on the ipad. Final copy due Monday, September 15 th in hard copy and on turni$n.

20 Closing Monday, September 8 th IN CLASS: Wri$ng lesson: integra$ng quota$ons HOMEWORK DUE: Work on your dra^ of the close reading assignment Tuesday, September 9 th IN CLASS: Peer revision workshop of dra^s HOMEWORK DUE: Full dra^ of close reading assignment

21 Monday, September 8 th Today s Goals: Understand the difference between paraphrasing and analysis. DO NOW: Read and annotate William Wordsworth s poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (p. 189) Note that this poem is not ironic like the other three texts we ve read together.

22 Paraphrase vs. Analysis Download this handout into Notability. Create a new note for it.

23 Paraphrase vs. Analysis Text Paraphrase Analysis I WANDERED lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Flu[ering and dancing in the breeze. Con$nuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never- ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced; but they Out- did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed- - and gazed- - but li[le thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For o^, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils.

24 Closing Tuesday, September 9 th IN CLASS: Peer revision workshop of dra^s HOMEWORK DUE: Full dra^ of close reading assignment

25 Tuesday, September 9 th Today s Goals: Peer revision and self- evalua$on of rough dra^s. DO NOW: Open Notability.

26 In his poem Daffodils, William Wordsworth uses personifica$on to express how nature s beauty can upli^ the human spirit. The speaker at first describes himself as lonely (1), but his feelings change a^er he comes upon the field of daffodils, described as a crowd (3), a word typically only used to apply to a group of people. In fact, the flowers are not inanimate at all to the speaker. Instead of simply blowing in the breeze, the flowers are flu[ering and dancing much like a group of people might move as they celebrate a par$cular event or feel joyful (6). This idea is reiterated in the last line of the second stanza when the speaker sees the flowers tossing their heads in sprightly dance (12). Once again, the flowers seem to be celebra$ng as a group. Moreover, describing their dancing as sprightly further emphasizes their energy and liveliness. He realizes that a poet could not but be gay in such a jocund company (15-16). He notes that when he is in a vacant or pensive mood (20) he only needs to think of the daffodils and then [his] heart with pleasure fills (23). The speaker s solitude is not taken away just in that one moment, but in future moments as well, and the joy that he feels is genuine, highlighted by the word heart coming before pleasure in the line. Wordsworth uses personifica$on in his poem to help the reader understand that the speaker is comforted by the daffodils not simply because they are beau$ful, but because they are like friends. His memory stays with him, making him feel alive and joyful in his most solitary moments.

27 In his poem Daffodils, William Wordsworth uses personifica$on to grab the reader s a[en$on. The speaker at first describes himself as lonely (1), but his feelings change a^er he comes upon the field of daffodils, described as a crowd (3). The flowers are very lively, and instead of simply blowing in the breeze, the flowers are flu[ering and dancing (6). This image is repeated in the last line of the second stanza when the speaker sees the flowers tossing their heads in sprightly dance (12). The flowers appear to be dancing and the tops of the flowers in par$cular move in the wind. He realizes that a poet could not but be gay in such a jocund company (15-16). He notes that when he is in a vacant or pensive mood (20) he only needs to think of the daffodils and then [his] heart with pleasure fills (23). The speaker s solitude is not taken away just in that one moment, but in future moments as well. Wordsworth uses personifica$on in his poem to show that the speaker is excited by the daffodils because they move so beau$fully in the wind. The movement he describes is unusual to see, so the reader is truly engaged.

28 Formatting MLA format: heading, last name and page number in upper right- hand corner, sz 12 font, Times, double spacing, no extra line skips, Work Cited page Check the sample for how to format your Work Cited page. Quota$ons The speaker at first describes himself as lonely (1), but his feelings change a^er he comes upon the field of daffodils, described as a crowd (3), a word typically only used to apply to a group of people. Instead of simply blowing in the breeze, the flowers are flu[ering and dancing much like a group of people might move as they celebrate a par$cular event or feel joyful (6). This idea is reiterated in the last line of the second stanza when the speaker sees the flowers tossing their heads in sprightly dance (12). The Modern Language Associa$on (MLA) provides this formavng for us to provide regularity and consistency in papers. Two quota$ons on two different lines or pages? Put the in- text cita$on next to the quota$on. One quota$on? Put the in- text cita$on at the end of the sentence, before punctua$on. Never double- up on punctua$on around an in- text cita$on.

29 Using the Rubric Like a Checklist Categories: MLA formavng Analysis (x2) No need to paraphrase Consider effects Name devices or techniques Organiza$on: Structural development of the idea Opening sentence? Closing sentence? Several quota$ons woven in with your ideas? Mechanics Punctua$on, capitaliza$on, spelling Usage Complete sentences? Varied vocabulary? Formal style? Cita$on Just line or page number: You are only wri$ng about one text, so it s obvious! Works Cited Use the sample for correct formavng

30 Closing Wednesday, September 10 th IN CLASS: Picture day! We will work on rough dra^s for the remainder of our class period. HOMEWORK DUE: Have rough dra^s on your ipad. Thursday, September 11 th IN CLASS: Defining and reading sa$re: The Onion and Death of a Late Famous General HOMEWORK DUE: Work on papers! Friday, September 12 th IN CLASS: Sa$re: A Modest Proposal, Introduc$on of our next wri$ng assignment HOMEWORK DUE: Work on papers! Final copy of close reading assignment/paper due Monday, September 15 th in hard copy and on turni$n. Quest on Wednesday, September 17 th : Close reading (analyzing vs. paraphrasing), irony, sa$re

31 Thursday, September 11 th Today s Goals: Define and understand sa$re. The Onion A Modest Proposal DO NOW: Create a new note in Notability: Sa$re 5 minute free- write EITHER in your new Notability note ( Sa$re ) or with tradi$onal pen and paper. In your free- write, respond to the following ques$on: Are humor and seriousness mutually exclusive? Can something be simultaneously serious and funny?

32 What is a SATIRE? An aiack on or criacism of any stupidity or vice in the form of scathing humor, or a criaque of what the author sees as dangerous religious, poliacal, moral, or social standards. Interes-ng fact: Sa$re became an especially popular technique used during the Enlightenment (late 17 th and 18 th centuries) An ar$st could correct folly by using art as a mirror to reflect society. When people saw their faults magnified in a distorted reflec$on, they could see how ridiculous their behavior was. Today: The Simpsons and televised comedies like The Daily Show

33 What are some techniques used in satire? Parody: An imita$on of a par$cular format Irony: Situa$ons or events that convey a reality different or opposite to what it ini$ally appears Understatement: inten$onally making something seem less important Hyperbole: exaggera$on Sarcasm Humor Grotesque: crea$ng a tension between laughter and horror or revulsion

34 Types of Satire: Horatian vs. Juvenalian Juvenalian saare: Typically social, poli$cal or religion topics Dark and not typically very funny Addresses social evil through scorn, fury and ridicule Tone is typically pessimis$c, sarcas$c, angry, resenxul Examples: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis HoraAan saare: Clever, wi[y, humorous, light- hearted Example: Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen shows the ignorance of the people in the 18 th century, par$cularly in their views of marriage and rela$onships), The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde)

35 Satire and a Sense of Humor Are humor and seriousness mutually exclusive? Can something be simultaneously serious and funny? How do you know when something is funny?



38 What is being critiqued? Eight Million Americans Rescued From Poverty With RedefiniAon Of Term News in Brief Economy ISSUE Nov 10, 1999 WASHINGTON, DC Approximately eight million Americans living below the poverty line were rescued from economic hardship Monday, when the U.S. Census Bureau redefined the term. "We are winning the war on poverty," said bureau head James Irving, who lowered the poverty line for a four- person family to $14,945. "Today, millions of people whose infla$on- adjusted total household income is less than $16,780 are living be[er lives." Said formerly poor Jackson, MS, motel housekeeper Althea Williams: "I never dreamed I'd ever become middle- class. America truly is the land of opportunity."

39 Closing Thursday, September 11 th IN CLASS: Defining and reading sa$re: The Onion and A Modest Proposal HOMEWORK DUE: Work on papers! Friday, September 12 th IN CLASS: Sa$re: A Modest Proposal, Introduc$on of our next wri$ng assignment HOMEWORK DUE: Work on papers! Final copy of close reading assignment/paper due Monday, September 15 th in hard copy and on turni$n. Quest on Wednesday, September 17 th : Close reading (analyzing vs. paraphrasing), irony, sa$re

40 Friday, September 12 th Today s Goals: Read A Modest Proposal. DO NOW: Open Notability to your Sa$re note.

41 A Modest Proposal (p. 415) A Modest Proposal for PrevenAng the Children of Poor People From Being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Publick Juvenalian sa$rical essay published in the form of a pamphlet 1729 What do we know about the rela$onship between the English and the Irish? Swi^ born in Dublin to English parents; went back and forth but ended in Ireland Ireland was an English colony Poor Overpopulated Periodic famine Heavily taxed

42 Closing Monday, September 15 th IN CLASS: Analyzing sa$re in A Modest Proposal HOMEWORK DUE: Final copy of close reading assignment/paper due Monday, September 15 th in hard copy and on turni$n. Tuesday, September 16 th IN CLASS: dra^ing our sa$rical newspaper HOMEWORK DUE: Bring in a list of possible topics for your sa$rical news ar$cle Wednesday, September 17 th IN CLASS: Quest: sa$re, irony, paraphrasing vs. analyzing (mul$ple choice and analysis on unseen text) HOMEWORK DUE: Study for Quest Thursday, September 18 th IN CLASS: Brit lit $meline and introduc$on to Medieval literature. HOMEWORK DUE: Work on sa$rical news ar$cles Friday, September 19 th IN CLASS: Begin reading Beowulf HOMEWORK DUE: Work on sa$rical news ar$cles Sa$rical news ar$cles due Tuesday, September 23 rd via . EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY for a couple of students: Stay a^er school to put the sa$rical newspaper together.

43 Monday, September 15 th Today s Goals: Analyze A Modest Proposal. DO NOW: Take out papers. Circle/highlight what you believe to be your most successful analysis. Use the rubric to grade yourself. Circle what you score in each category.


45 What are some techniques used in satire? Parody: An imita$on of a par$cular format Irony: Situa$ons or events that convey a reality different or opposite to what it ini$ally appears Understatement: inten$onally making something seem less important Hyperbole: exaggera$on Sarcasm Humor Grotesque: crea$ng a tension between laughter and horror or revulsion

46 Closing Tuesday, September 16 th IN CLASS: dra^ing our sa$rical newspaper HOMEWORK DUE: Bring in a list of possible topics for your sa$rical news ar$cle Wednesday, September 17 th IN CLASS: Quest: sa$re, irony, paraphrasing vs. analyzing (mul$ple choice and analysis on unseen text) HOMEWORK DUE: Study for Quest Thursday, September 18 th IN CLASS: Brit lit $meline and introduc$on to Medieval literature. HOMEWORK DUE: Work on sa$rical news ar$cles Friday, September 19 th IN CLASS: Begin reading Beowulf HOMEWORK DUE: Work on sa$rical news ar$cles Sa$rical news ar$cles due Tuesday, September 23 rd via . EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY for a couple of students: Stay a^er school to put the sa$rical newspaper together.

47 Tuesday, September 16 th Today s Goals: Share analyses of irony, parody, and the grotesque in A Modest Proposal. Begin dra^ing sa$rical news ar$cles. DO NOW: Get into groups from yesterday and wrap up your conversa$ons. Be ready to share!

48 Satirical News Article words What should be on our rubric? Sa$rical news ar$cles due Tuesday, September 23 rd via as a Word or Pages a[achment. EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY for a couple of students: Stay a^er school to put the sa$rical newspaper together.

49 Closing Wednesday, September 17 th IN CLASS: Quest: sa$re, irony, paraphrasing vs. analyzing (mul$ple choice and analysis on unseen text) HOMEWORK DUE: Study for Quest Thursday, September 18 th IN CLASS: Brit lit $meline and introduc$on to Medieval literature. HOMEWORK DUE: Work on sa$rical news ar$cles Friday, September 19 th IN CLASS: Begin reading Beowulf HOMEWORK DUE: Work on sa$rical news ar$cles Sa$rical news ar$cles due Tuesday, September 23 rd via . EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY for a couple of students: Stay a^er school to put the sa$rical newspaper together.

50 Wednesday, September 17 th Today s Goals: Quiz on irony, sa$re, paraphrasing vs. analyzing Dra^ing sa$rical news ar$cles DO NOW: Take out blue/black pen or pencil. Put away all other materials. DONE EARLY with the quiz? Check out the sample sa$rical news ar$cle on HC. Work on your own dra^.

51 Closing Thursday, September 18 th IN CLASS: Brit lit $meline and introduc$on to Medieval literature. HOMEWORK DUE: Work on sa$rical news ar$cles Friday, September 19 th IN CLASS: Begin reading Beowulf HOMEWORK DUE: Work on sa$rical news ar$cles Sa$rical news ar$cles due Tuesday, September 23 rd via . EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY for a couple of students: Stay a^er school to put the sa$rical newspaper together.


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