MASARYK UNIVERSITY. Translating Young Adult Fiction: Youth in Revolt

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1 MASARYK UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF EDUCATION Department of English Language and Literature Translating Young Adult Fiction: Youth in Revolt Bachelor Thesis Brno 2010 Supervisor: Mgr. Martin Němec Written by: Viktória Kobelová

2 I declare that I have written this bachelor thesis on my own, using the sources listed in the works cited. Brno, 17 th April 2010 Viktória Kobelová 2

3 First, I would like to thank my supervisor Mgr. Martin Němec for all of his valuable advice and leadership that he dispensed with a great deal of patience. Second, my thanks should also go to Aaron Collier for his willingness to rephrase specific peculiarities of English language and American culture. 3

4 Contents 1 Introduction Practical Part Theoretical Part Translation Equivalence Absolute Equivalence Partial Equivalence Differences in Form Denotative Differences Connotative Differences Pragmatic Differences Zero Equivalence Style in Translation Syntax Word Choice and Tone Conclusion Summary Works Cited

5 1. Introduction A long time before I even dreamed about going to university and studying English language I had a passion of mine and that was writing journals about all the exciting places I had ever visited. Hence, in my collection you could find not only journals from my travels across foreign countries but also, for example, from the stay in a hospital or several archiving journals from camps. One of the reasons why I developed this kind of hobby might be that I really am fond of writing, especially handwriting. I am collecting diaries and my favorite store has always been the paper store. I have been fascinated by the mysterious world of a pen and paper since I can remember. With the help of the two simple tools I have been trying to capture the liveliness of life that is surrounding all of us, to notice the unnoticeable. At the university, looking for seminars that would require writing skills I stumbled across the world of translation that attracted me immediately. And it was at one of the translation seminars where the book "Youth in revolt: The journals of Nick Twisp" got into my hands for the first time. Thus, I gained my first experience of translating a journal of somebody else than me. Initially, that was the biggest reason why for my bachelor thesis I chose to analyze a piece of this book full of "secret" journal entries. Only later did I find out that the book had not been translated into Slovak, yet. Nevertheless, the biggest surprise came during my visit of the USA where I wanted to acquire my own collection of the whole series but it was a really hard job to find even the collection of the first three books. To put it simply, the book was said not to be very popular. On the other hand, the Czech translation unleashed something that could be described as a mass psychology among the teenagers and undoubtedly it was the good translation that must have contributed to it a lot. Thus, I wanted to try to produce a valuable Slovak translation, uncovering and dealing with the problems that are hidden in the process of translation itself. The thesis will be divided into two main parts: practical an theoretical. The former one will consist of the translated text picked from the second book of the series "Youth in Bondage" that is rich in various expressive styles whereas the latter one will comprise the analysis of the translated text considering the problems of equivalence and the importance of style in translation as well as in literature as such. 5

6 2. Practical Part FRIDAY, October 19 I awoke feeling like yesterday's Pampers to find a pair of frightening pink-and-white dentures soaking in a tray in my bathroom. All the hot water had been exhausted. I took a cold mojej kúpeľni. Všetka horúca voda bola fuč. shower, squeezed an erupting zit, shoved the vanity drawer closed on Mr. Ferguson's strčil Fergusonovu protézu do šuflíka a upper plate (distorting it slightly), then returned it to the soak solution. Bathroom guerrilla war has been declared. PIATOK, 19. Októbra Len som sa zobudil a už som sa cítil ako prepleskutný posranou plienkou zočiac strašideľné ružovo-biele zuby plávajúce v miske v Dal som si studenú sprchu, vytlačil beďara, poriadne ním flákol (pridalo jej to na krivkách). Potom som ju strčil naspäť máčať sa do roztoku. Začala sa kúpeľňová partizánska vojna. After breakfast I sent this telegram (the Po raňajkách som poslal telegram (prvý first of my life) to Sheeni: Foot extracted form mouth. Patient abject. Call collect. v živote) Sheeni: Ústa vypláchnuté mydlom. Pacient úbožiak. Zavolaj-platím. Love, Nick. Ľúbim ťa, Nick. Not bad for just ten words. Na desať slov to nebolo zlé. Later, while pretending to work out on Neskôr na teláku, predstierajúc cvičenie the parallel bars in gym class, I interrogated Fuzzy about alternative Brunos. Well, he replied, sucking his teeth, there was that tennis player named Bruno who graduated last year. I guess you could call a tennis player a jock. I think they do wear them. At least, the guys do. na bradlách, som vypočúval Vlasáča, či vie niečo o zamenených Brunoch. Hej odpovedal, cediac pomedzi zuby, mali sme tu jedného tenistu Bruna, čo skončil minulý rok. Inak, vieš, čo si myslím? Že tenisti sú ako chodiace muničné sklady. Všetci majú delové podania a dynamity v nohách. What was his last name? I asked. Ako sa volal priezviskom? spýtal som sa. Let's see. What was his name? He was pretty smart. I think he's going to USC now. Oh yeah, I remember. His name's Preston, Bruno Preston. Takže, ako sa volal? Bol dosť múdry. Myslím, že teraz chodí na univerzitu v Južnej Kalifornii. Oh, už viem. Volal sa Preston, Bruno Preston. 6

7 Any relations to Trent Preston? I Nejaké spojenia s Trentom asked, surprised. Prestonom? spýtal som sa prekvapene. Yeah, I think they're cousins. But Ano, mám taký pocit, že sú bratranci. Bruno's better looking. No, Bruno je krajší. Wait a minute, I said, mildly Hej, zadrž, vyhŕkol som vyjavene. flabbergasted. You're telling me Bruno Chceš mi povedať, že Bruno Preston Preston is better looking than Trent? vyzerá lepšie ako Trent? Yeah, said Fuzzy, and taller, too. He Jasnačka, povedal Vlasáč, a je aj looks like that new actor they have playing vyšší. Vyzerá ako ten herec, čo hrá nového James Bond. What's his name? Jamesa Bonda. Jak sa volá? I didn't want to think about it. I wanted Tak o tom sa mi vôbec nechcelo to devote all my cranial capacity to premýšľať. Radšej som moju celolebečnú unfettered hatred. kapacitu odovzdal do rúk čistej nenávisti. At lunch, I brought up a delicate matter Pri obede s Vijayom a Vlasáčom som with Vijay and Fuzzy. Guys, we don't nadniesol pikantú tému. Chalani, my really want to get Bruno in serious trouble, vskutočnosti nechceme dostať Bruna do do we? vážnych problémov, však? Better that fellow than us, replied Radšej on ako my, sprisahanecky Vijay in a conspiratorial whisper. poznamenal Vijay. But what if they convict him? I said Ale, čo ak ho obvinia? spýtal som sa. So what? whispered Fuzzy. A guy "No a čo?" zašepkal Vlasáč. Chalan s with that many pass interceptions deserves toľkými priestupkami na konte si zaslúži some jail time. We're doing this town a trocha posedieť. Urobíme tým mestu favor. You know who Coach is starting in láskavosť.viete koho trenér nasadil do tonight's game? Rupert Trobilius! All he's dnešného zápasu? Ruperta Trobilia! Jeho supposed to do is hand off the backs and jedinou úlohou je prihrať loptu zadným a fall down to get out of the way. They're not klesnúť k zemi, aby viac neprekážal v hre. even going to let him attempt a forward Nič viac nemá dovolené. Dostaneme pass. We're going to get slaughtered. I just poriadny výprask. Dúfam, že sa to hope Heather doesn't get wind of the score nedonesie až k Heather do Santa Cruz. down in Santa Cruz. I ate my peanut butter sandwich and V tichosti som žuval sendvič s Twinkie in silence. Only Francois, a arašidovým maslom. Iba Francois, sociopat, sociopath untroubled by the qualms of bez akýchkoľvek výčitok svedomia, si s conscious, enjoyed his food. kľudom pochutnával na svojej svačine. 7

8 Work was intolerably tedious until 4:59 Dnešný deň v práci sa zdal byť when Mr. Preston handed me an envelope. nekonečne dlhý, až do 16:59, kedy mi pán Inside was my first paycheck: $ The Preston odovzdal obálku s mojou prvou total would have been higher except for výplatou: $44,12. Keby som sa v sobotu missing work on Saturday afternoon and neflákal a naša superveľmoc by ma the exactions of a global superpower. My oslobodila od daní, robilo by to viac. Takto labors bought three rivets for a Cruise som prispel na tri rozbušky do rakiet s missile and a highball for a colonel in plochou dráhou letu a na jedného panáka pre Guam. The balance will go toward my plukovníka niekde v Guame. No a to, čo lingering Santa Cruz restaurant debt and mám v rukách pokryje účet z reštiky v Santa monstrous phone bill. I only pray Dad Cruz a nemálociferný účet za telefón. Len doesn't demand a tithe toward room and dúfam, že si tatko nezmyslí vyberať nájom board. za stravu a ubytovanie. A momentous day for mail. First, I Deň ako stvorený na poštu. Tento opened this scented missive: navoňaný dopis som otvoril ako prvý: Dear Nick, Drahý Nick, It was so nice meeting you the other Naše včerajšie stretnutie vo mne evening. Vijay informs me that you are zanechalo veľmi príjemné pocity. Vijay si good friends with Sheeni Saunders down in dovolil povedať mi o Sheeni Saunders, Santa Cruz. I have a chum in that area also. tvojej milej kamarátke v Santa Cruz. Tiež I wonder if it might be possible for us to tam mám dobrého priateľa. A tak uvažujem get together sometime to discuss this či by bolo možné sa niekedy stretnúť a situation? pohovoriť si o tom? I am downtown studying in the library Každý deň po škole od 15:30 do 17:00 most every weekday afternoon form 3:30 chodievam študovať do knižnice. Možno by to 5. Perhaps you could stop by sometime sme sa tam mohli čoskoro stretnúť? Budem soon? I would like that very much. By the sa tešiť. Tiež by som veľmi ocenila, keby way, I should appreciate it if you would sme o existencii tohto dopisu vedeli len my keep this correspondence confidential. dvaja. Sincerely, S priateľským pozdravom, Apurva Joshi Apurva Joshi The beautiful Apurva wants to have a Nádherná Apurva chce mať so mnou secret rendezvous with me! tajné rande! Then I opened this welcome but Potom prišiel na rad tento prívetivý, no 8

9 unsettling letter, written in a bizzare, leftslanting scrawl: zkresaná čarbanica: znepokojujúci dopis, akási čudesná, doľava Dear Nick, Milý Nickie, What a surprise to receive your letter. príchod tvojho listu ma prekvapil ako It's the first got all term. I almost thought it blesk z čistého neba. Tento semester prvý, had been put in my mailbox by mistake. čo som dostala. Až som si myslela, že to But no, it was addressed to me. Wow! musí byť omyl. Ale nie, naozaj bol pre mňa. I did just what you suggested. Tuesday Wow! when I was scrubbing the floor in the Držala som sa presne tvojich pokynov. administration office I sneaked out some of V utorok, keď som umývala podlahu u Dean Wilson's stationery. I typed the letter dekana Wilsona, čmajzla som mu pár and mailed it that same night. Don't worry, oficiálnch papierov a ešte v ten večer som I mentioned the naked stud with the napísala aj odoslala ten list. Neboj sa, condom and a lot of other stuff you don't spomenula som aj toho žrebca s kondómom know about. a ešte aj iné veci na spestrenie. For your information, I saw Trent and Len aby si vedel, včera okolo 22:30 som Sheeni hanging around outside the Catalyst videla Sheeni s Trentom ako sa pofľakujú last night about 10:30. They looked pretty pred barom Katalyzátor. Dosť sa k sebe friendly to me. If I were you, though, I'd mali. No byť tebou, tak sa jej radšej spýtam ask her about a sophomore named Ed na druháka Eda Smitha z Des Moines. Smith from Des Moines. I see them Každučký deň spolu obedujú a prechádzajú walking to class and eating lunch together sa po chodbách. Povráva sa, že Ed je do nej all the time. The word around school is that úplne buchnutý. A ona sa tiež netvári, že by Ed really has the hots for her. It doesn't jej to nejak vadilo. look to me like she's doing much to Keby si chcel vedieť, prečo som discourage him. umývala tú dlážku, tak to musím kvôli In case you're wondering what I was štipku. Takisto musím vždy v jedálni čakať, doing scrubbing the floors, that's part of kým dojedia všetci tí namyslení snobi. Ak my job as a scholarship student. I also have nemáš na tejto škole prachy a značkové to wait on all those stuck-up snobs in the háby, všetci ťa len prehliadajú. Mne je to ale dining hall. If you're not rich at this school jedno, však sa im to raz všetko isto iste and don't have nice clothes, no one will vráti. give you the time of day. I don't care, Ak sa sem náhodou chystáš, za žiadnych 9

10 they'll all get theirs someday. okolností sa nepribližuj k Darlene. Má ťa za If you visit again, stay away from vyvrheľa, čo sa dotkol jej vzácneho Darlene. She really despises you for uteráčiku. Určite napíš znova. Ja ťa budem i touching her precious towel. Thanks for the naďalej informovať o tvojej malej slečne letter. Feel free to write again. I'll keep you Casanove. posted on what's going on with little Miss So srdečným pozdravom, Two-timer. Bernice Lynch Regards, PS: Prečo strácať čas so Sheeni? Bernice LynchZaslúžiš si niekoho lepšieho. P.S. Why waste your time on Sheeni? You deserve somebody better. Ed Smith? Ed Smith! Sheeni has a Ed Smith? Ed Smith! Sheeninym presentiment that she's going to marry an osudom je vydať sa za bohémskeho artsy French philosopher named Francois, francúzskeho filozofa Francoisa a ona sa but in the meantime she's hobnobbing with zatiaľ zahadzuje s nejakým iowským a sophomoric Iowa hayseed named Ed sedlákom Edom Smithom. Bože, za čo ma Smith. Do I really deserve this, God? tak tresceš? Oh well, Sheeni will be a fading Nevadí, už čoskoro bude môcť pán memory to Mr. Smith soon enough. I Smith o Sheeni iba snívať. Cítim, že v figure dean Wilson's letter ought to be schránke jej rodičov už pomaly tiká nálož v detonating in her parents' mailbox anytime podobe listu dekana Wilsona. Díky ti, now. Thank you Bernice. I could (almost) Bernice. Aj by som ťa (možno) pobozkal. kiss you. No call from Sheeni. I wonder if I should have had Vijay translate that telegram into French before I sent it? SATURDAY, October 20 - The phone Sheeni sa neozýva. Premýšľam, či som nemal nechať Vijaya preložiť ten telegram do francúzštiny. SOBOTA, 20. Októbra - Raňajky rang during breakfast. prerušil telefonát. Hello, Nickie. How are you? It was Ahoj, Nickie. Ako sa máš? Bola to my repulsive, oft-married mother. moja otravná, už niekoľkokrát vydatá matka. Oh, hi Mom. What's up? Oh, zdravím máti. Čo nové? Nickie, when we got back last night Nickie, keď sme sa včera večer vrátili, the house had been broken into! zistili sme, že sa k nám niekto vlámal! 10

11 Everything was a mess and the TV and Domom akoby sa prehnal hurikán. Ukradli VCR were gone. I feel so violated. They nám televízor a video. Cítim sa byť strašne even vandalized Lance's uniforms. And zostudená. Dokonca zničili aj Lancove stole my best pair of red pumps. uniformy. A ukradli moje najlepšie červené lodičky. That's too bad, Mom, I said, trying to Tak to je blbé, mami, snažil som sa sound sympathetic. Maybe it was Leon znieť empaticky. Možno to bol zas ten Polsetta again. Leon Polsetta. No, Leon's away in the army now. Nemožné, Leon narukoval do armády. He's training to be a demolitions expert. Učí sa tam za demoličného experta. Mama His mother is so proud. I'm sorry, Nickie, je naňho veľmi hrdá. Nickie, prepáč, že sa but Lance seems to think you might be pýtam, ale Lance si myslí, že si do toho involved in this somehow. He says only nejako zapletený. Vraj len ty si schopný you would have written that hateful napísať na zrkadlo taký nenávistný odkaz. message on the mirror. I don't know what you're talking Tak teraz fakt neviem o čom hovoríš, about, I said, affecting my most vhlase mi pri tom miešali tóny hlbokého righteously indignant, earnestly innocent rozhorčenie s úprimnounevinnosťou tone. I haven't been away from here five baránka. Nehol som sa odtiaľto na viac ako minutes. You can ask Dad. He's right here. päť minút. Kľudne sa spýtaj otca. Je tu. Do you wish to speak to him? Mám ti ho dať? No, Nickie, please. I m upset enough Prosím ťa, Nickie, nie. Už aj tak som already. I told Lance I didn t think it was dosť na dne. Lancovi som povedala, že je to possible. I didn t mean to sound like I was nemožné. Nechcela som, aby to znelo ako accusing you. Everything is in confusion obvinenie. Všetko je tu hore nohami. Išli here. We went next door to ask Mr. sme sa spýtať pána Fergusona či náhodou Ferguson if he d seen anything, but there niečo nevidel, ale vôbec neotváral. Zľakla was no answer. I was afraid he might be som sa, že mohol dostať záchvat mŕtvice, inside paralyzed from a stroke or dead or ležať tam niekde polomŕtvy alebo horšie, something, so I had Lance break down the atak sa knemu Lance vlámal. Vdome ani door. The house was empty. Mr. Ferguson živáčka. Pán Ferguson je nezvestný! is missing! No, he s not, I replied. He s right Tak to teda nie je, odvetil som. Je here. He s eating oatmeal without his teeht. priamo tu. Bez zubov usrkáva ovsenú kašu.. 11

12 Boy, I don t think he s going to be happy Kruciš, nemyslím, že ho potešia tie when he hears about his door. I hope he rozmlátené dvere. Hádam len nebude doesn t press charges against your vyžadovať od tvojho manžela, aby to husband. zaplatil. Don t be silly, Nickie. I m sure he ll Netrep hlúposti, Nickie. Som understand. What on earth is he doing up presvedčená, že to pochopí. Čo do kelu, ale there? robí tam uvás? I filled Mom in on Mr. Ferguson s Zasvätil som máti do tajov sveta pána quest for labor justice. Fergusona ajeho odborárskej kariéry. Well, Nickie. Study hard. Don t eat Tak, Nickie. Študuj pilne. Nejedz príliš too much fried food. And think about smaženého. Askús aspoň popremýšľať otom maybe spending your Christmas holidays či by si náhodou nechcel stráviť Vianoce tu down here with us. unás. I ll think about it, I lied. Sedí vec, zaklamal som. Thanks for calling, Mom. It s time for Dík za zavolanie, mami. Teraz už me to go to my job now. Click. musím ísť do práce. Klik. We need an answering machine. I have Musíme si zaobstarať záznamník. to start screening my calls. Najvyšší čas začať filtrovať hovory. I rode my Warthog downtown and Vytiahol som bike, vyrazil do mesta a climbed those now familiar creaking, dusty vyšľapal to známe rozpadajúce sa schodisko stairs. The office was deserted. I set to zapadnuté prachom. V kancelárii nebolo ani work arranging the ever-accumulating P nohy. Dal som sa teda do zakladania files in a shiny new plywood filing cabinet. kopiacich sa šanónov P do novej Mr. Preston, it seems, was able to complete preglejkovej kartotéky. Tak sa zdá, že pán his project without further assistance from Preston zvládol dokončiť ten projekt úplne Dad. Thankfully, the fresh green enamel sám. Krvavé škvrny boli vďakabohu obscured the bloodstains. zafarbené novým zeleným náterom. While engrossed in these tedious Aj keď zavalený nudnou prácou, stále labors, I made an extraordinary discovery. som dokázal objaviť niečo bombové. V In a file marked "Personal," I found several zložke označenej ako "Privátna" som našiel pages of a rambling, revelatory narration zatúľaný kus papiera, neveštiaci nič evidently torn in haste from a notebook and dobrého, asi v rýchlosti vytrhnutého z then forgotten. The boldly masculine nejakého diára. Hneď som vedel komu handwritting I recognized at once as that of prináleží ten pevný mužský rukopis. my affected windsurfing rival. I had Nikomu inému než môjmu strojenému 12

13 stumbled upon nothing less than a surférskemu rivalovi. Naďabil som na fragment of the private journals of Trent úryvok z denníka Trenta Prestona! Preston! Heart fibrillating, hands shaking, I read Srdce mi išlo vyskočiť z hrude, ruky these words: som mal roztrasené, keď som čítal tieto vety:... expression of these perceptions... snaha o vyjadrenie týchto pocitov through words must necessarily lessen the slovami musí nevyhnutne ochudobniť experience. That, it seems to me, is the prežitok samotný. Zdá sa, že s touto dilemou dilemma only the greatest poets (other úspešne zápolia len najväčšie básnické artists too?) are able to overcome - and osobnosti (žeby aj iní umelci?) - šťastena then never with any constancy. Words can však býva vrtkavá. Slová dokážu zachytiť embrace only a tiny fraction of the infinite iba nepatrný zlomok z nekonečného chaosu jumble we call human consciousness. Plus, nazývaného ľudským vedomím. Ba čo viac, there is the whole issue of purely bodily ešte stále je tu nezodpovedaná otázka čisto sensations which do not (always? fyzických zážitkov, ktoré nikdy (niekedy?) sometimes?) register upon the mind. What náš intelekt nezachytí. Aká súhra funguje is the interplay between words and the medzi telom a slovami? Ovplyvní napríklad body? How does the temperature of the teplota v sále vnímanie návštevníkov hall, for example, affect an audience's básnického recitálu? Mal by sa vzdelaný perception during a poetry recital? Should básnik v hľadaní nefalšovanej komunikácie be wise poet, seeking true communication, najskôr zmocniť manuálu k termostatu? first seize control of the thermostat? Why Prečo slová nedokážu pravdivo vyjadriť to, cannot I put into words what I experience čo prežívam - vedome, fyzicky a nevedome at every level - consciously, physically, and - keď uchopím do dlane Sheenin obnažený unconsciously - when I grasp Sheeni's prsník? Prečo, keď prahnem po lyrike slova, naked breast? Why, when I strive for sa moja snaha mení na šteklivé porno? poetry, do my words read like soft porn? Včera večer Sheeni priam trvala na tom, Sheeni practically insisted we make aby sme sa milovali. Zatiaľ úspešne love last night. I continue to resist, telling odolávam, vysvetľujúc jej (i mne), že sme her (and myself) we're too young. Perhaps ešte príliš mladí. Možno mám I am being masochistic - savoring the masochystické sklony - žijúc v slastnom anticipation of pleasure by denying it in the očakávaní rozkoše, v prítomnosti 13

14 present. (Admittedly, I was also held back odmietanej. (K mojej zdržanlivosti by the lack of appropriate birth control - a nepochybne prispela aj nedostatočná complication that didn't seem to deter my ochrana pred počatím - komplikácia, ktorá partner.) Yet I found last night's crazed však na moju partnerku nemala odstrašujúci naked fondling (for lack of a better term) účinok.) I napriek všetkému by som ale exquisitely pleasurable in its own right. včerajšie bláznivé hrátky nahých tiel When we move on (as inevitably we must), (výstižnejší popis mi nenapadá) označil, do shall we ever now such fevers of desire slova a do písmena, za rýdzu rozkoš. Keď sa again? Total honesty here: How much of raz dostaneme za onen bod (čo sa my reluctance stems from resentment of nepochybne stane), budeme ešte niekedy Sheeni's continuing flirtations with Bruno? schopní po niečom tak dychtivo túžiť? Teraz Do I hold back to punish her for her lack of bez okolkov: Akú veľú časť môjho fidelity? I don't know. Why does the mind odriekavého postoja možno pripísať have to erect these elaborate screens to Sheeninmu flirtovaniu s Brunom? hide its hurt? Odmietam len preto, aby som ju strestal za I must try to obtain some condoms. zradu? Netuším. Prečo, skrývajúc bolesť, sa This necessarily poses problems in a small naša myseľ stáva slepou? town, where everyone mind everyone else's Musím zaobstarať nejaké kondómy. A to business. Sheeni has volunteered to go on sa nezaobíde bez problémov, keďže v the pill, but I wouldn't want to be within malom meste, kde každý pozná každého, sa 500miles of her parents if they found out. nič neutají. Sheeni by ochotne začala užívať Why does this society hold so steadfastly tabletky, no nechcel by som byť v dosahu jej to the fiction that its children are asexual? rodičov, keby sa to náhodou dozvedeli. I noticed in the mirror this morning a Kedy sa už ľudstvo konečne zobudí z toho small red dot on my chin. I am hoping it nezmyselného sna, v ktorom deti nepoznajú will develop into a pimple. All the writers I slovo sex? admire were physically unattractive; most Dnes ráno ma zrkadlo obdarilo were ugly in the extreme. Their art was pohľadom na malú červenú vyrážku. forged out of rejection, humiliation, and Dúfam, že budem mať akné. Všetci suffering. I've known none of this. Perhaps spisovatelia, ktorých som kedy obdivoval I should be thankful Sheeni pains me by fyzickou krásou neoplývali; poväčšine boli pursuing my cousin. Why was I cursed dokonca až extrémne odpudiví. Ich diela sú 14

15 with such harmonious features? At least uhnetené zo zamietnutí, ponižovania a útrap. my situation is not as desperate as Bruno's. Nič také ma nikdy nepostretlo. Možno by He will never have to struggle. He will som mal byť Sheeni vďačný, že ma zraňuje, never know if he owes the admiration of keď uháňa môjho bratranca. Prečo je mi society to his accomplishments or his pôvabnosť čŕt na tvári prekliatím? physical beauty. I wonder if Sheeni has Prinajmenšom aspoň Bruno je v omnoho slept with him yet? skľučujúcejšej sitúcii než ja. On nebude I ran into Apurva at the library again nikdy trpieť. Nikdy sa nedozvie či jeho this afternoon. Luckily, Sheeni wasn't with sláva pramení z toho, čo v živote dokázal me this time. We had a long conversation alebo za ňu vďačí len svojmu vzhľadu. in the poetry aisle, our hands touching Ktohovie, či s ním Sheeni už spala. occasionally unconsciously (or Poobede som v knižnici znova naďabil consciously). Her pronunciation of "T. S. na Apurvu. Našťastie, dnes to bolo bez Eliot" triggered such a rush of desire, I Sheeni. Viedli sme dlhý rozhovor v oddelení longed to taste her warm, sweet, full lips. lyriky, chvíľami sa nevedome(či vedome) Because of our vastly different cultural dotýkajúc rukami. "T.S. Eliot" v jej podaní backgrounds, I can't tell for certain if she vo mne náhle rozpútal túžbu ochutnať has any romantic feelings toward me. poéziu z jej sladkých, plných pier. Vezmúc Perhaps Indian women just enjoy do úvahy naše diametrálne rozdiele kultúry, intellectual conversations about poetry. So nedokázal som postrehnúť či ku mne I hold back. What if she does like me? Apurva niečo cíti. Možno že všetky Indky Dare I ask her out? Could I ever leave nachádzajú potešenie v duchaplných Sheeni? Our hearts had been intertwined so konverzáciách o poézii. Tak som zbrzdil. Čo long, sometimes I feel we have merged ak ma má rada? Odvážil by som sa pozvať into one identity. Is there no... ju von? Dokázal by som vôbec niekedy opustiť Sheeni? Naše srdcia žijú v symbióze už tak dlho, že mám pocit, akoby nás spojili v jedno telo. Naozaj nie je... What a pretentious, duplicitous, Jeden nadutý, prefíkaný, domýšľavý conceited liar! And only one crummy klamár! Všivavá napodobenina vzdelanca. scholarly allusion. How dare he boast of Ako sa opovažuje chvastať sa svojím his philandering while libeling The Woman sukničkárstvom a ohovárať tak Svetlo I Love. Sheeni assured me last summer that Môjho Života. Minulé leto ma Sheeni 15

16 it was she who was resolutely resisting ubezpečila, že ona bola tá, čo pevne Trent's boorish advances. As I recall, she odrážala všetky Trentove chrapúňske stated explicitly that she preferred "grand návrhy. Pokiaľ ma pamäť neklame, passion in exotic European locales" to výslovne uviedla, že uprednostňuje "furtive gropings in the California "nespútanú vášeň v exotických európskych boondocks." How perversely does Trent lokalitách" pred "utajovaným deceive himself. Only a frighteningly sick obchytkávaním niekde v kalifornskej person could write such untruths in his own divočine." Trent sa teda nechutne ošuškal. private journal. Not to mention all that Iba totálny pošahanec by si do denníka písal bizarre blemish envy. I must protect both také klamstvá. Nehovoriac o všetkej tej Sheeni and Apurva form this deranged ohyzdnej závisti. Musím Sheeni a Apurvu young man. Yes, clearly that is my duty. pred týmto pomätencom ochrániť. Povinnosť volá. At 12:30, after making several Bohatší o niekoľo kópií Trentových clandestine copies of the Trent Papers on Písomností, tajne ofotených na kopírke v the office copier, I rode my bicycle over to kancli, som o 12:30 dobicykloval až k Fuzzy's house. The places was jammed Vlasáčovmu domu. Vnútri sa nedalo hýbať, with grieving relatives laughing, eating, všade samá trúchliaca rodina. Všetci sa and having a good time. I found Fuzzy and smiali, bavili a jedli. Vlasáč s Vijayom, hore Vijay with their shirts off in the sunshine bez, chytali bronz vonku pri bazéne a slopali down by the pool. They were guzzling pivo rafinovane skryté v plechovkách od from soda cans filled with beer. Fuzzy, nealka. Vlasáč, alias prerastený angorský looking somewhat like an oversized králik v slnečných brýloch, mi hneď jednu Angora rabbit with sunglasses, handed me podal. a foaming can. Eighty-four to two, he said morosely. Osemdesiatštyri dva, povedal A new Redwood Empire Athletic League naštvane. Nový ligový rekord. record. Rupert Trobilius didn't rise to the occasion, huh? I asked, sipping my beer. Yuck. It tasted like warm sock soak. He fumbled handing off 16 times, Takže Rupert Trobilius sa neosvedčil, čo? spýtal som sa, popíjajúc pivo. Fuj. Chutilo jak horúci vývar z ponožiek. Už pri prvej predávačke stroskotal 16 said Fuzzy, shaking his head. That's a new krát, odvetil Vlasáč, nechápavo krútiac record, too. hlavou. To je tiež nový rekord. 16

17 Well, at least we avoided a Ale aspoň sme neodišli z ihriska s shutout, Vijay pointed out. nulou, poznamenal Vijay. Fuzzy smirked. You know how we Vlasáč sa uškrnul. Vieš ako sme scored? The other team was laughing so bodovali? Naši súperi dostali záchvat hard, they fell down in our end zone with smiechu a sklátili sa aj s loptou vo vlastnej the ball. It was a safety! koncovej zóne. Takže oni dali vlastne všetky body! Does Heather now? I asked. Heather už to vie? spýtal som sa. Yeah. She called me this morning in a Hej. Volala hneď ráno. Vysvetlil som panic. I told her it wasn't my fault I was jej, že to nebola moja vina - celú dobu som out for the entire game with a groin pull. sedel na lavičke s natiahnutými slabinami. What did she say? asked Vijay. Čo na to povedala? opýtal sa Vijay. She said she wished she was here. Vravela, že keby mohla tak príde a She'd rub it with liniment. ponatiera mi to mastičkou. Rub what? demanded Vijay. A čo by ti ponatierala? dožadoval sa Vijay. My groin, I guess, replied Fuzzy. I Hádam, oblasť tých slabín, odvetil wish someone would rub it. Besides me, I Vlasáč. To by bolo, keby sa tejto oblasti tak mean. It would make a nice change of niekto povenoval. Myslím, niekto iný, než pace. ja. Bolo by fajn vybočiť trocha zo stereotypu. Vijay and I both nodded in agreement. Vijay i ja sme súhlasne prikývli. I pulled off my shirt and relaxed on a Vyzliekol som si tričko a zvalil sa do lounge chair. Yes, I though, I could get lehátka. Ano, tak na toto by som si veru used to this lifestyle. I swilled the warm dokázal zvyknúť, preletelo mi hlavou. beer and looked around: stately pouredconcrete-and-glass mansion, high cement sa dookola: monumentálna betónovo-sklená Nalial som do seba to teplé pivo a rozhliadol garden walls enclosing vast expanses of vila, vysoké betónové múry obohnané okolo concrete patios, concrete pool with cement betónovej terasy, betónový bazén, betónové dive tower and pool cabana, molded odrazové mostíky i prístrešok, miestami concrete birdbaths scattered here and there. nejaké to betónové kúpadlo pre vtákov. Even the chair I was reclining on was Dokonca aj to lehátko, na ktorom som ležal immutable concrete under its foam bolo betónové, pokryté načechranými cushions. vankúšikmi. Fuzzy, I remarked, your parents Vlasáč, podotkol som, vidím, že 17

18 must crave permanence. This place looks tvoji rodičia si potrpia na stálosť. Veď toto like it was built to survive nuclear attack. miesto by nezničila ani atómovka. Yeah, he said. Dad and uncle Polly Si píš, povedal. Tatko s ujkom own a concrete company. Whenever a Pollym vlastnia cementárky. Hocikedy keď truck doesn't use its full load, they send it zostane v nákladiakoch niečo navyše, tak to here to dump. Dad always has a form set zhodia u nás. Tatko má nejaké tie formy up somewhere. You should see the concrete vždy nachystané. Mal by si vidieť tú kopu toys he used to make for me when I was a betónových hračiek, čo mi ako decku kid. vyrobil. Uh, wait a minute, I said. Where is Hou, hou, spomaľ, kamoš, zarazil this concrete company? som sa. Kde presne sídli tá ich spoločnosť? Oh, you know it, Nick, interjected Ale Nick, však to isto vieš, prehodil Vijay. You can see the plant from your Vijay. Veď továreň máš takmer pod house. oknami. Startled, I suddenly realized I was Zdesene som si uvedomil, že sa hobnobbing with Malefactors of Great bratríčkujem s napakovaným Wealth. Mr. Ferguson would not be imperialistyckým vykorisťovateľom. Pán pleased. Fuzzy, I said, aren't your dad's Ferguson by nebol pyšný. Vlasáč, spýtal employees out on strike? som sa, neštrajkujú práve zamestnanci tvojho otca? Yeah, he confessed. It's a real drag. Hej, priznal. začína mi to liezť na Dad had to cut my allowance. But things nervy. Tatko mi dokonca znížil vreckové. might get better soon. They're thinking of Už ale svitá na lepšie časy. Rozmýšľajú, že hiring replacement drivers. príjmu náhradných šoférov. A sensible strategy, commented the Múdra stratégia, ozval sa šľahnutý alien Republican. konzervatívec. They'd really hire scabs? I asked, Fakt by najali štrajkokazov? spýtal shocked. som sa udivene. Not scabs, said Fuzzy. Replacement Nie štrakokazov, povedal Vlasáč. drivers. If the other men don't wish to Nových šoférov. Keď tí, čo sú tam teraz, continue working, it's only fair to give jobs nechcú robiť, bolo by nefér neponúknuť to new people. It helps keep our local prácu iným. Pomáhame tak ozdravovať naše economy healthy. We're fighting hospodárstvo. Bojujeme proti unemployment. nezamestnanosti. 18

19 But what about the drivers on strike? A čo potom bude s tými I asked. štrajkujúcimi? spýtal som sa. They can go do something else, Pôjdu robiť niečo iné, odvetil Vlasáč. replied Fuzzy. Maybe get jobs they enjoy Možno si nájdu zábavnejšiu prácu. Teba by more. Would you want to drive a truck all bavilo celý deň sedieť za volantom? Nuda! day? Booorrrring! We're doing them a Robíme im láskavosť. favor. Yes, I thought, not unlike the favor Ano, pomylsel som si, narozdiel od we're doing Bruno Modjaleski. láskavosti, ktorú robíme Brunovi Modjaleskému. On the way to raid the buffet table, we Pri nájazde na švédske stoly si nás were intercepted by Fuzzy's mom. She was odchytila Vlasáčova máti. Zrelá žena s a shapely maturing beauty, keeping time at ladnými krivkami,ktorej zbraňami proti bay with cosmetics, hair dye, and wirereinforced undergarments. farba na vlasy a drôtom vystužené spodné neúprosným útokom času sú kozmetika, prádlo. Boys! she exclaimed. Show some Chalani! zvrieskla. Preukážte úctu respect for the dead. Go put your shirts on. mŕtvemu a okamžite si choďte obliecť And who is this young man, Frankie? tričká. Frankie, a kto je tento mladík? He's my friend Nick Twisp, mom, Mami, to je môj kamarát Nick Twisp, said Fuzzy. povedal Vlasáč. Hello, Nick, she said. Glad to meet Ahoj, Nick, pozdravila. Rada ťa you. spoznávam. Nice to meet you, Mrs. DeFalco. Potešenie je na mojej strane, pani Sorry about your mother in law. DeFalko. Úprimnú sústrasť nad stratou vašej svokry. Yes, so said, she exclaimed happily. Ano, je to strašne smutné, radostne Marie didn't make it to 100 after all! zvolala. Tak sa Marie nakoniec tej stovky nedožila. When we returned fully garbed, Fuzzy Keď sme opäť vošli dnu, tentokrát pointed out more relatives across the room. oblečení, Vlasáč mi poukazoval ďalších Dad's the big, balding guy with the five členov jeho rodiny. Tato je ten veľký, o'clock shadow in the black suit. Uncle plešatejúci chlapík s riedkym strniskom v Polly is the fat guy next to him crying. čiernom obleku. Ujo Polly je ten tlsťoch, čo vedľa neho plače. 19

20 I studied the DeFalko brothers uneasily Nervózne som si premeral oboch and decided they were not the sort of men I DeFalkovcov a musím priznať, že byť v tom would choose to confront across the picket štrajkujúcom zástupe, oni sú tí poslední, line. ktorých by som chcel vidieť ako vyjednávačov na druhej strane. We carried out laden plates up to a vast S preplnenými taniermi sme sa vybrali unfinished attic over the four-car garage. do nedostavaného podkrovia nad Two small windows at each gable end cast štvorgarážou. Skrz dve malé okienka sa dnu a dim light over piles of dusty trunks, predieralo mihotavé svetlo, rozlievajúce sa boxes, musty garment bags, and discarded cez zaprášené trámy, krabice, zatuchnuté furniture. Fuzzy led the way toward a small tašky plné oblečenia a vyradený nábytok. central clearing containing an elaborate weight bench and a king-size mattress on the floor. Have a seat guys, said our host. I'll Vlasáč nás doviedol našpeciálne miesto, kde stál úžasný posilňovací stroj a na zemi bola obrovská matrac. Posaďte sa, chalani, povedal náš get the wine. hostiteľ. Ja skočím po víno. Vijay and I sat gingerly on the heavily Zatiaľ čo Vlasáč zmizol v nejakom stained mattress, as Fuzzy disappeared into tmavom kúte, ja s Vijayom sme si the gloom under the eaves. He returned nedôverčivo sadli na fľakmi posiatu shortly with a dusty bottle wrapped in a matračku. Keď sa opäť vynoril z tmy, niesol woven straw basket. prútený kôš a v ňom zaprášenú fľašu. Real dago Chianti, he said, attacking Pravé italiánske Chianti, povedal a the cork with his Swiss Army knife. I švajčiarskym nožíčkom zaútočil na korkovú found a whole case of it back there. zátku. Tam vzadu som ich našiel plnú debnu. Have you drunk any of it before? Skúšal si ho už piť? spýtal sa asked Vijay doubtfully. pochybovačne Vijay. Sure, replied Fuzzy. This is the real Jasnačka, odpovedal Vlasáč. Tomuto stuff-what the Godfather drinks. Well aged sa hovorí ozajstné víno - pijáva ho samotný too. I think it was my grandpoppa's private Krstný otec. Je aj dobre vyzreté. Asi z stash. tajných dedových zásob." Vijay and I exchanged grim glances. S Vijayom sme si vymenili kyslé pohľady. Eat guys, said Fuzzy. This may take Chalani, jedzte, povedal Vlasáč. Toto me a while. Damn, I wish Uncle Polly had asi chvíľu potrvá. Do riti, nemohol mi ujo 20

21 given me a knife with a corkscrew. Polly radšej darovať nôž s vývrtkou? I tasted the ravioli. Delicious. Fuzzy, Ochutnal som ravioli. Delikatesa. I said, I didn't know your name was Vlasáč, nadhodil som, nevedel som, že Frank. sa voláš Frank. Yeah, Mom named me after her Hej, matka ma pomenovala po jej favorite singer. Believe it or not, my real milovanom spevákovi. Verte alebo neverte, name is Francis Albert Sinatra DeFalko. moje celé meno je Francis Albert Sinatra DeFalko. That's incredible! I gasped. He's my No ty vole! zalapal som po dychu. Je favorite singer too! aj môj najobľúbenejší spevák! Yeah? said Fuzzy. I never cared Fakt? povedal Vlasáč. Ja som ho much for the guy. Too drippy. I prefer the nikdy moc nemusel. Moc presladený. Ja Flesheaters. mám radšej Bad Religion. They're totally extreme, confirmed Tí sú totálne bomboví, pritakal Vijay. Vijay. Though I'm not so sure I'd want to be named Flesheater DeFalco, admitted Fuzzy. Gee, Nick, maybe you and my mom should get together. Play a few records, see what develops. I don't think Dad would mind. Rumor is he has a cupcake out at the plant. One of the No nie som si istý, že by som sa chcel volať BedReligion DeFalko, priznal Vlasáč. Kokso, Nick, ty a moja matka by ste sa mali dať dokopy. Vypočuť si pár pesničiek a potom sa uvidí. Nemyslím, že by to tatkovi vadilo. Povráva sa, že má v práci nejakú buchtu. Dispečerku. dispatchers. Is she also on strike? asked Vijay. Štrajkuje aj ona? spýtal sa Vijay. Only for more foreplay, answered Miesto milostnej predohry, odpovedal Fuzzy, prying out the last chunk of cork. Vlasáč, zápasiac s poslednými kúskami OK, gentlemen, the wine is served. He štupla. Tak, páni, môžme začať took a big gulp from the bottle and passed servírovať. Dal si jeden ridany hlt a podal it to Vijay. fľašu Vijayovi. Vijay sipped, grimaced, and handed the Vijay si uchlípol, strúhol divnú grimasu bottle to me. I took a deep, pre-alcoholic's a posunul fľašu mne. Dal som si poriadneho draft. A fetid, sour brackishness washed alkoholického glga. Hrdlom sa mi rozliala down my throat. smrdnutá, kyslo-slaná chuť. A bit medicinal, but pleasant, I lied, Zaujímavé, trochu ako nálev z passing the bottle to our host. I only hope liečivých byliniek, zaklamal som a posunul 21

22 French wine is more palatable than Italian. fľašu späť hostiteľovi. Len dúfam, že I would not wish to embarrass Sheeni in francúzske vína sú chutnejšie než talianske. artsy Left Bank cafes by ordering ginger Nerád by som Sheeni zostudil a v nejakej ale. bohémskej kafetérii na brehu Seiny si objednal zázvorové pivo. 3:30 P.M. As I pedaled my Warthog 15:30. Zobral som bike a namieril si to homeward, wine continued to sluice from domov. Do krvného obehu mi zo žalúdka my stomach into my bloodstream. Feeling stále vnikalo viac a viac vína. Omámený extremely light-headed, I stopped at som zastavil vo Flampertovom obchodíku a Flampert's variety store to buy some konečne som nakúpil nejaké psie pamlsky. urgently needed dog crunchies. I Pri pokladni som narazil na Sheeninho encountered Sheeni's prodigal brother Paul márnotratného brata Paula. Kupoval len to in the checkout line. He was buying just najnevyhnutnejšie: cigaretový papier a TV the essentials: cigarette papers and TV Program. Guide. What airline are you flying, Nick? he Na čom fičíš, Nick? vyzvedal. inquired. Aged Chianti, I slurred. Na vyzretom Chianti, vyžvatlal som. That stuff will pickle your brain. Tá vec ti zakonzrevuje mozog. That is my great and earnest hope, I Tak to by sa mi splnil sen, odvetil replied. som. Your plan is working, Nick. World Tvoj plán vychádza, Nick. Tretia War III broke out at 11 this morning. svetová vypukla dnes ráno o 11:00. I wandered if everyone was so Zaujímalo by ma či Paul číta myšlienky transparent to Paul. Or just me. A letter každému alebo len mne. Dopis bol arrived? I asked. doručený? spýtal som sa. A cunning forgery, he confirmed. Šikovný podvrh, potvrdil. Hráš sa s You are playing with fire, Nick. ohňom, Nick. Pyromania is my passion, I slurred. Podpaľačstvo je moja vášeň, What's new with you, Paul? vybľabotal som. Ty máš čo nové, Paul? I'm getting my trio back together. Opäť dávame dokopy našu kapelu. Come and hear us rehearse. You'll know Dojdi si nás vypočuť. Však sa dozvieš kde a where and when. kedy. How can he be so sure? Ako si tým môže byť taký istý? When I got home, Lacey was in the Lacey doma v obývačke mučila tatka, living room tormenting Dad by performing keď cvičila aerobic oblečená v jej 22

23 aerobics in her most curve-hugging body najtesnejších elasťákoch. Byť na jeho tights. If I were him, I'd bring that foolish mieste, okamžite by som tú debilnú hádku quarrel to a screeching halt as soon as rázne ukončil. No tatko radšej stále mrlme a possible. Dad, though, continues to sulk hrá sa na bolesťou zmrzačeného trpiteľa. and play the pain-crippled martyr. I wonder Ktohovie či úrazy palcov majú nejaký if thumbs injuries depress the libido? He's tlmiaci účinok na sexuálne túžby? Tiež ho also incensed because Lacey just returned naštvalo, že Lacey bola na morálkupodporujúcom rozdávaní koláčkov medzi from some morale-boosting cookiedistribution work among the strikers - štrajkujúcich a na sebe mala mala jeden z jej while wearing those same Incendiary vzrušujúcich oranžových oblečkov na Orange workout togs. She may prove to be cvičenie. Americká federácia práce by v nej the AFL-CIO's ultimate secret weapon. mohla mať ničivú zbraň, o ktorej ani nevie. Lacey interrupted her aerobics for an Lacey si spravila malú prestávočku a important bulletin. Nick, Sheeni called predala mi dôležitý odkaz. Nick, dvakrát twice. She wants you to call her right volala Sheeni. Máš jej obratom volať späť. away. Fine, I mumbled. Nice. You look Jasan, zabrblal som. Dobre. Vyzeráš nice, Lacey. dobre, Lacey. I felt like experimenting to see if lying Zrelý som bol akurát tak na posteľ, down made the room stop spinning but možno by sa v leže tie steny okolo mňa instead I stumbled into Dad's bedroom and prestali točiť, no miesto toho som sa dialed Santa Cruz. Within moments I was audibly reunited with The Woman Who Owns the Pawn Ticket to My Soul. Nickie, where were you? I'm frantic. dotackal do tatkovej izby a vytočil Santa Cruz. Za moment som bol zvukovo spojený so Ženou, Ktorá Vlastní Kľúč k Mojej Duši. Nickie, kde si bol? Asi zošaliem. Počul Have you heard what has happened? si, čo sa stalo? I do not believe I have, no, I slurred. Verím tomu, že nie, zažvatlal som. Somehow Dean Wilson found out Neviem ako, ale dekan Wilson sa about your being discovered in my room. dozvedel o tvojej návšteve mojej izby. He has written a libelous letter to my Poslal dosť poburujúci list mojim rodičom! parents! How did they react? I inquired Ako zareagovali? jemne som sa mildly. dotazoval. How do you suppose they reacted? Čo myslíš, ako asi tak mohli You know my parents! zaregovať? Veď poznáš mojich rodičov! 23

24 All too well. Až príliš. They were horrified, shocked, and Boli pohoršení, šokovaní a riadne enraged. I fear there may be no appeasing rozzúrení. Obávam sa, že nebude them. They're on their way here now! jednoduché ich upokojiť. Práve sú na ceste sem! They're driving down? I could Idú tam? ťažko mi bolo uveriť týmto scarcely believe the wonderful news. úžasným správam. That's what I said. Nickie, you sound Ano, presne ako som povedala. Nickie, peculiar. Have you been drinking? čudne znieš. Pil si niečo? I took a little light refreshment at Len prípitok pri obede, priznal som. lunch, I confessed. Nothing I cannot Nič, čo by som nezlvádol. handle. You sound totally plastered. I hope Znieš akoby si bol totálne na mol. you do not intend to abuse alcohol Dúfam, že neplánuješ začať požívať alkohol habitually. In that case, I shall have to pravidelne. V tom prípade by som musela consider removing Albert from your care. vážne popremýšľať o odobratí Alberta z tvojej starostilovati. The only thing I intend to do Jediná vec, ktorú plánujem praktikovať habitually is make love to you, darling, pravideľne je milovanie s tebou, miláčik, slurred Francois. For all his sophistication, vybľabotal Francois. Ani on so svojím he didn't hold his liquor any better than vysokým intelektom nezvládal nápor liehu o Idid. nič lepšie ako ja. That's sweet, Nickie. I'm sorry I hung Si sladký, Nickie. Je mi ľúto, že som ti up on you. to minule položila. I'm sorry I implied that you have slept A mne je ľúto, že som si myslel, že si with Bruno Modjaleski. I realize now that was hitting below the belt. I should have known all along it was Bruno Preston. How did you know that? she demanded. I am wonderfully resourceful, Sheeni, I replied. You should know that spala s Brunom Modjaleským. Bola to odo mňa rana pod pás. Už od začiatku som mal vedieť, že to bol Bruno Preston. Ako si na to prišiel? vyzvedala. Som jednoducho neskonale vynaliezavý, Sheeni, odpovedal som. To about me by now. už by si o mne mohla vedieť. I'm pleased to hear it, Nick. And how Som rada, že to počujem, Nick. Tak a does your wonderfully resourceful mind ako nám tvoja dokonalá vynaliezavosť propose to placate my parents? If they pomôže skľudniť mojich rodičov? Ak ma 24

25 make me leave school, I shall die! prinútia opustiť školu, zhyniem! Simple, darling. Tell them you are Je to jednoduché, zlatíčko. Povedz im, pregnant and have to get married right že si tehotná a musíš sa ihneď vydať. away. We'll live in married students' Budeme spolu žiť v manželskom intráku a housing and your parents can pay for both tvoji rodičia potom môžu platiť za vzdelanie of our tuitions. nás oboch. Oh, Nickie, it's hopeless talking to Oh, Nickie, vtvojom momentálnom you in your present condition. You are no stave s tebou naozaj nie je rozumná reč. Si help at all. Call be back when you sober nepoužiteľný. Zavolaj mi, keď vytriezvieš. up. And please stay away from my darling A ani sa dovtedy prosím ťa nepribližuj k dog until you do so. Goodbye! Click. môjmu miláčkovi psíčkovi. Ahoj! Klik. 9:30 P.M. I just awoke with a splitting 18:30. Práve som sa zobudil s headache. Inexplicably, I had passed out nehoráznou opicou. Je to nad moje and slept through dinner. I found this note, chápanie, ale odkvecol som a prespal written in a nearly illegible scrawl, stuck in večeru. V ľavej nosnej dierke som mal tento my left nostril: "Lier! You do so too slepe! takmer nečitateľne naškrábaný odkaz: Too bad for you! Mom made hambergars "Klamáč! Ty tieš spíš! Tak to máš za to! for super! I ate yors! - Dwayne." Mama robila na večeru hamburgáče! Všetky som ti ziedol! - Dwayne." My body complains but my spirit Telo ubolené, ale moja duša sa vznáša v soars. Sheeni is coming back to me. But oblakoch. Sheeni sa mi vracia. Ale čo si to what was Dwayne doing spying on me in Dwayne dovoľuje, špehovať ma vo vlastnej my own bedroom? And who unzipped my izbe? A kto mi rozopol nohavice? pants? SUNDAY, October 21 - Disaster struck NEDEĽA, 21. Októbra - O 3:45 nás at 3:45 this morning. There was a sharp zasiahla skoro-ranná pohroma. Šľaha jak z retort, a blinding flesh, the acrid smell of dela, oslepujúci záblesk, štipľavý zápach burning flesh, and then all encompassing spálenej kože a potom už len čierno-čierna blackness. tma. That was a concussion grenade! Trieštivý granát! ziapal pán Ferguson, shouted Mr. Ferguson, stumbling about in zmätene pobehujúc tmou. Sme pod the dark. We're under attack! They've paľbou! Odstrihli nás od elektriny! Ztieňov killed the power! He swung his riot shield sa začala vynárať hrozivo vyzerajúca at a menacing figure advancing toward him postava, po ktorej sa prudko ohnal svojím 25

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