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1 FCAT READING SKILL Literary Devices 1. What to do and what to watch for: Writers use a variety of devices or techniques to make their story interesting and believable. 2. Figurative language. Writers often use language in imaginative ways. They do not intend their words to be taken literally. They do not always mean exactly what the words literally mean. Writers put words together for a special effect or image. This is called figurative language or figures of speech. a) Hyperbole. Writers use hyperbole or exaggeration emphasize something or to get the interest of the reader. Hyperbole is not realistic, and is a good attentiongetter. Examples: The day seemed so long, I could have traveled to Europe and back. Mr. Brown was as tall as a mountain. One more minute in that test, and I would have pulled my hair out. b) Personification. Writers may give human characteristics to animals or objects. This is called personification. Examples: The train crawled through the tunnel on legs of steel. A manatee hugs the shore clinging to its food source. The sea spoke in whispers to all who would listen. The tall oak strengthened the young man s resolve. c) Simile. A comparison of two things that are not alike, using the words like, as, or resembles is called a simile. Examples: Your beauty is as fresh-fallen snow. His movements resemble a bird in flight The new play is like a cold drink on a hot day. Her life was like a derailed train in the wilderness. d) Metaphor. A comparison of two things as if they were the same without using the words like or as is called a metaphor. Examples: Sunshine is the breath of life. He was a ghost of a man. Money is a hungry bear that cannot be satisfied. Love is a sea where phantom ships cross always.

2 e) Symbol. A symbol is a person, place or thing that represents something more than what it really is. There are personal symbols and public symbols. Examples: The dove is not just a bird. It stands for peace. The flag is not just a piece of pretty cloth. It represents the hopes and dreams of its patriots. A journey is not just a trip. It is a search for truth, freedom or self-discovery. Winning the girl became a symbol of success and power to him. 3. Other literary devices. a) Foreshadowing. Writers often give hints or clues about what will happen later on in the story. They suggest future events to build the suspense in the reader s mind and maintain interest. This is called foreshadowing. Foreshadowing also prepares you for events that will follow. Then when those events happen in the story, they are easier to believe. Example: There was a hint of emotion in Pietro s once cold eyes. Soon he would have to decide whether he would carry out his orders or spare the man s life. If the man lived, Pietro would be ruined forever. His face was frozen with resolve as he set his chin. b) Flashback. A flashback in a story interrupts the sequence of events to explain an earlier event. Usually a character has a flashback by remembering something from the past. Flashbacks give the reader information that is important to understand the present story. Example: Suddenly Marie remembered the storm on the night her father died. It was her birthday that night. It had changed her life forever. She looked around and realized she was at her birthday party, and she should try to enjoy the love of her friends. c) Imagery. Writers are very good at creating a picture in your mind. This word picture is painted with words. Writers can also create a real sense or sensation of an experience, a place or a person. This device is called imagery. Most images are visual. Other images appeal to the other senses of taste, touch, hearing and smell. Example: The wounded animal shrieked in resonant tones of panic, fear and imminent death. Pain permeated the air, thick with gray, weeping clouds. No one would ever enter these naked woods again without being filled with his torment and the silent void that was once his beauty.

3 d) Irony. Writers often fool the reader s sense of reality by creating an event that is unexpected. This is called irony. Example: Her beauty was known throughout the kingdom, and her handsome, youthful suitors responded to every glance of her eye. Yet this frail and worn man had captured her heart and never noticed her attention. He could not even remember her name. e) Sound Effects: An author uses sound for special effects. Sound effects are used most frequently in poetry, but can be used in any passage. Rhyme. The repetition of vowel sounds in an accented syllable of a word and in other words that follow is called rhyme. Rhyme occurs in the same line (internal rhyme) or at the ends of lines (end rhyme). The writer sometimes establishes a pattern of rhyme and repeats it. Examples: The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain (internal rhyme) I remember it was in the bleak December (internal rhyme) Tonight, tonight The world is full of light (end rhyme) Rhythm: Writers use the rise and fall of the voice by alternating stressed and unstressed syllable. This technique usually follows a pattern that is repeated. Example: Go-o-o team! Go-o-o team! We re the best Better than the rest Beat em. Go! Beat em. Go! Repetition: Writers sometimes use repetition to emphasize a point. Example: A foolish man was asked why A foolish man lied and denied. A foolish man walked away A foolish man Alliteration: The repetition of the same or similar consonant sounds that are close together is called alliteration. Examples: While I pondered weak and weary Doubting, dreaming dreams not mortal ever dared to dream Perfect peace plainly presented possibilities.

4 Name LITERARY DEVICES: HYPERBOLE Title/Topic/Text Hyperbole is exaggeration used to emphasize something or to get the interest of the reader. Hyperbole is not realistic, but it is a good attention-getter. Examples: My computer is so awesome, the thing talks to me. That storm cloud is a huge waiting to eat me alive! Identify facts or statements from the reading, and rewrite them using hyperbole. Remember to exaggerate to get someone s attention. STATEMENT FROM READING RESTATEMENT WITH HYPERBOLE

5 Name LITERARY DEVICES: HYPERBOLE Title/Topic/Text Hyperbole is an 'extravagant exaggeration'. Hyperbole can be humorous. Example: His feet were as big as a barge. (Compare his foot size to a 700 barge.) Illustrate each hyperbole. I nearly died laughing I was hopping mad I tried a thousand times. I've told you a million times I could sleep for a year. This box weighs a ton. not to exaggerate. Your mother is so small, she My Dad is as tall I was so upset, I almost does chin-ups on the curb as a mountain. pulled all my hair out.

6 Name LITERARY DEVICES: PERSONIFICATION Title/Topic/Text Personification is giving human characteristics to animals or objects. Examples: The train crawled through the tunnel on legs of steel. A manatee hugs the shore clinging to its food source. The sea spoke in whispers to all who would listen. The tall oak strengthened the young man s resolve. Identify objects or animals from the reading, and personify them in your own words. OBJECT OR ANIMAL FROM READING OBJECT OR ANIMAL PERSONIFIED OBJECT OR ANIMAL FROM READING OBJECT OR ANIMAL PERSONIFIED OBJECT OR ANIMAL FROM READING OBJECT OR ANIMAL PERSONIFIED OBJECT OR ANIMAL FROM READING OBJECT OR ANIMAL PERSONIFIED

7 Name LITERARY DEVICES: PERSONIFICATION Title/Topic/Text Personification is giving human qualities, feelings, actions, or characteristics to animals or inanimate (non-living) objects. Example: The car groaned into third gear. OBJECT PERSONIFIED MEANING OF PERSONIFICATION The china danced on the shelves during the earthquake. The wind sang her mournful song through the falling leaves. The microwave timer told me it was time to turn my TV dinner. The car engine coughed and sputtered when it started during the blizzard. The china danced on the shelves during the earthquake. The video camera observed the whole scene. The strawberries seemed to sing, "Eat me first!" The rain kissed my cheeks as it fell. The daffodils nodded their yellow heads at the walkers. The water beckoned invitingly to the hot swimmers. The snow whispered as it fell to the ground during the early morning hours.

8 Name LITERARY DEVICES: PERSONIFICATION Title/Topic/Text Personification is giving human qualities, feelings, actions, or characteristics to animals or inanimate (non-living) objects. Rewrite each of the sentences changing the words in parentheses to words that describe a person's actions. SENTENCE Example: My history book (lay) on the desk. My bedroom door (opened). PERSONIFICATION My history book tap-danced on the desk. The puppy (barked) when I left for school. The leaf (fell) from the tree. The flashlight (went on). Hair (is) on my head. The CD player (made a noise). The net (moves) when the basketball goes through. The player piano keys (moved up and down). The space shuttle (took off). The little arrow (moves) across the computer screen.

9 Name LITERARY DEVICES: PERSONIFICATION Title/Topic/Text Personification is giving human qualities, feelings, actions, or characteristics to animals or inanimate (non-living) objects. Practice writing personifications. Choose an A word or a different word that names something in nature. Choose a B or another word that names an action. Write this word next to the A word. Then complete a sentence. Example: stone/listens. The stone listens to the grass growing around it. A Words sun, moon, stars, sky, sea, stone, night, mountain, dawn, morning, dusk, water B Words tells, shows, reminds, teaches, listens, remembers, brings, looks, dances, dreams, guides, takes A WORD B WORD SENTENCE

10 Name LITERARY DEVICES: SIMILE Title/Topic/Text Simile is a comparison of two things that are not alike, using the words like, as, or resembles. Examples: My aunt is as plump as a strawberry. His smile resembles ear of Indian corn. Identify pairs of things from the reading that are not alike or dissimilar, and write your own similes. DISSIMILAR PAIR SIMILE (like, as, resembles)

11 Name LITERARY DEVICES: SIMILE Title/Topic/Text Simile is a comparison of two things that are not alike, using the words like, as, or resembles. Examples: My aunt is as plump as a strawberry. His smile resembles ear of Indian corn. Identify pairs of things from the reading that are not alike (dissimilar), and write similes. ITEM FROM READING DISSIMILAR ITEM FROM READING SIMILE 1 _ resembles. 2 is/are as as. 3 is/are like. 4 _ resembles. 5 is/are as as. 6 is/are like. 7 _ resembles. 8 is/are as as. 9 is/are like. 10 _ resembles.

12 Name LITERARY DEVICES: SIMILE Title/Topic/Text A simile is a comparison of two things that are not alike, using the words like, as, or resembles. Examples: His eyes were as black as the night. (His eyes were black like the night.) Anastasia s temper was as explosive as a volcano. Playing chess with Marta is like trying to outsmart a computer. COMPLETE THE SIMILES USING YOUR OWN COMPARISONS. Her hair was like The clouds resemble My new car is as as The grass is like The bird was as as a My mom is as as The pillow was like a My puppy resembles a She had skin like a He was slow like a It is slippery like a The candy is as good as These books are as heavy as The water was as cold as That runner was as quick as

13 Name LITERARY DEVICES: SIMILE Title/Topic/Text A simile is a comparison of two things that are not alike, using the words like, as, or resembles. Examples: His eyes were as black as the night. (His eyes were black like the night.) Anastasia s temper was as explosive as a volcano. Identify the word or phrase that is being described in each simile and the word or phrase it is being compared to. Maria Rosa believes that taking drugs is like playing with fire. taking drugs playing with fire My sadness was as unending as the waves on the ocean. Mother s cookies taste like lumps of sand. Ignacio was as flaky as a snowstorm. Manouchka s brother is acting like a child. The nurse s smile is as sweet as a lullaby. The sidewalk is as slippery as greased glass. I feel like a bug sitting under a magnifying glass. That fashion will last as long as a balloon in a roomful of kittens.

14 Name LITERARY DEVICES: SIMILE Title/Topic/Text A simile is a comparison of two things that are not alike, using the words like, as, or resembles. Examples: His eyes were as black as the night. (His eyes were black like the night.) Anastasia s temper was as explosive as a volcano. Write similes from the reading and then write what word or phrase is being compared to what word or phrase. Example: Maria Rosa believes that taking drugs is like playing with fire. taking drugs playing with fire _

15 Name LITERARY DEVICES: METAPHOR Title/Topic/Text Metaphor is a comparison of two things as if they were the same without using the words like or as is called a metaphor. Examples: Sunshine is the breath of life. Money is a hungry bear that cannot be satisfied. For each sentence write the two things that are compared equally in the metaphor. METAPHOR ITEM #1 EQUALS ITEM#2 MEANING The hungry man was an octopus, grabbing the food on the table. This class is a breath of fresh air. Homework is pure torture. The huge animal s steps were thunder moving through the forest. A wet bar of soap is a slippery eel in a child s hands. Theodore was a nervous cat waiting for the interview. Life is not a bowl of cherries. Freedom is an eagle in flight. My legs are jelly when I see a fight. Sunshine warmed my body like an embrace. Peace is white silence. To learn English grammar is to tame the wild beast. The fragrance of lavender is a soothing balm. The wind was icy steel cutting his face.

16 Name LITERARY DEVICES: METAPHOR Title/Topic/Text Metaphor is a comparison of two things as if they were the same without using the words like or as is called a metaphor. Example: Sunshine is the breath of life. Identify sentences from the reading with metaphors. Then write the two things that are compared equally. METAPHOR ITEM #1 EQUALS ITEM#2 MEANING Example: This class is a breath of fresh air. class fresh air refreshing, uplifting

17 Name LITERARY DEVICES: SIMILE & METAPHOR Title/Topic/Text Simile is a comparison of two things that are not alike, using the words like, as, or resembles. Example: His movements resemble a bird in flight Metaphor is a comparison of two things as if they were the same without using the words like or as. Example: Sunshine is smile on the face of the day. Read the sentence, write simile or metaphor, and tell what it means. SENTENCE Tracy felt as sick as a dog. The traffic is murder. She ran like the wind. I'm as light as a feather. He is the apple of her mother's eye. My feet are as warm as toast. She looked as pretty as a picture. My friend is as cool as a cucumber. The dog s feet are as black as coal. He is just a shadow of a man. Time is a thief that steals your youth. Everyday is just a winding road. Your beauty shines like the sun. Love is blind. I've been working like a dog. SIMILE or METAPHOR MEANING OF SENTENCE

18 Name LITERARY DEVICES: SIMILE & METAPHOR Title/Topic/Text Simile is a comparison of two things that are not alike, using the words like, as, or resembles. Example: His movements resemble a bird in flight Metaphor is a comparison of two things as if they were the same without using the words like or as. Example: Sunshine is smile on the face of the day. Write sentences from the reading containing a simile/metaphor, and write the meaning. SENTENCE Tracy felt as sick as a dog. SIMILE or METAPHOR MEANING OF SENTENCE

19 Name LITERARY DEVICES: SYMBOLISM A symbol is a person, place or thing that represents something more than what it really is. There are personal symbols and public symbols. Examples: The dove is not just a bird. It stands for peace. The flag isn t just a piece of cloth. It represents hopes and dreams of patriots. Identify each symbol and explain what it means in your own words. SYMBOLS Losing baby teeth is not just painful, it is a symbol of A red rose isn t just a flower, it is a symbol of An egg is not just for breakfast, it is a symbol of A car is not just transportation it is a symbol of The first child born on January first is not just a baby it is a symbol of Glasses are not just for seeing, they are a symbol of Fire is not just for cooking, it is a symbol of Sunrise is not just the sun coming up, it is a symbol of Books are not just piles of paper, they are symbols of The President of the United States is not just a man or woman, but a symbol of Identify one personal symbol of your own, and illustrate it. MY SYMBOL MY ILLUSTRATION _ is not just _ it is a symbol of _

20 Name LITERARY DEVICES: SYMBOLISM Title/Topic/Text A symbol is a person, place or thing that represents something more than what it really is. There are personal symbols and public symbols. Examples: The dove is not just a bird. It stands for peace. The flag isn t just a piece of cloth. It represents hopes and dreams of patriots. Identify symbols from the reading, and explain what each means in your own words. SYMBOL MEANING

21 Name LITERARY DEVICES: FORESHADOWING Title/Topic/Text Foreshadowing is a hint, clue (a shadow) of what happens later on in the story. Foreshadowing builds the suspense and interest. (Remember, you can see a shadow sometimes before you see the object or person.) Identify TWO examples of foreshadowing in the reading and explain what event foreshadows another event. EXAMPLE #1 2 nd EVENT (WHAT HAPPENS LATER ON) (THE REAL THING) 1 st EVENT FORESHADOWS SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS LATER ON (JUST A HINT OR A SHADOW) EXAMPLE #2 2 nd EVENT (WHAT HAPPENS LATER ON) (THE REAL THING) 1 st EVENT FORESHADOWS SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS LATER ON (JUST A HINT OR A SHADOW)

22 Name LITERARY DEVICES: FLASHBACK Title/Topic/Text Flashback in a story interrupts the sequence of events to explain an earlier event. A character has a flashback by remembering something from the past. Flashbacks are a very quick trip back to events in the past. Suddenly Marie remembered the storm on the night her father died. It was her birthday that night. Her life had changed forever. She looked around and realized she was at her birthday party, and she should try to enjoy the love of her friends. Identify story events in the reading separately from events in the flashback. FLASHBACK EVENTS SRY EVENTS 1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _

23 Name LITERARY DEVICES: IMAGERY Imagery is creating a picture or image in your mind. This word picture is painted with words. Writers can create a real sense or sensation of an experience, a place or a person using imagery. Most images are visual, but some images appeal to the other senses of taste, touch, hearing and smell. Example: The wounded animal shrieked in resonant tones of panic, fear and imminent death. Pain permeated the air, thick with gray, weeping clouds. No one would ever enter these naked woods again without being filled with his torment and the silent void that was once his beauty. Select one item from the nature list, and complete the senses organizer. sky sea brook river tree flower cloud animal stone soil MY NATURE WORD IS FEELS LIKE (UCH) SMELLS LIKE SOUNDS LIKE (HEARING) TASTES LIKE LOOKS LIKE (SIGHT) Write several sentences using the information in your organizer to create images. Drawing to represent your images:

24 Name LITERARY DEVICES: IMAGERY Title/Topic/Text Imagery is creating a word picture or image in your mind. Images appeal to the senses of sight, taste, touch, hearing and smell. Identify examples of imagery in the reading and indicate how each image appeals to which senses. IMAGE Example: The wounded animal shrieked in resonant tones of panic, fear and imminent death. Pain permeated the air, thick with gray, weeping clouds. No one would ever enter these naked woods again without being filled with his torment and the silent void that was once his beauty. Touch Smell Sound Taste Sight Touch Smell Sound Taste Sight Touch Smell Sound Taste Sight Touch Smell Sound Taste Sight Touch Smell Sound Taste Sight Appeal to the Senses Pain permeated the air; thick shrieked resonant tones; silent void gray, weeping clouds; naked; wounded

25 Name LITERARY DEVICES: IRONY Irony fools your sense of reality by creating an event that is unexpected, a surprise. Example: Her beauty was known throughout the kingdom, and her handsome suitors responded to every glance of her eye. Yet this frail and worn man had captured her heart but never noticed her attention. He could not remember her name. Complete each sentence with an ironic ending. IRONY The housekeeper left work where she made everything spotless. It is ironic that REASON IT IS IRONIC The president of the college knows the most about education at work. It is ironic that The thief arrived home after a long night s work stealing. It was ironic that When I cook for guests, the meal is delicious. That s why is ironic that The last person on the line usually ends up eating last. That s why it is ironic that Thelma studied for the math test day and night. That s why it is ironic that The judge of the court had studied law for 25 years. That s why it is ironic that The prince always had what he wanted. That s why it is ironic that Seventeen times in a row I knew the correct answer. That s why it is ironic that

26 Name LITERARY DEVICES: IRONY Title/Topic/Text Irony fools your sense of reality by creating an event that is unexpected, a surprise. Example: Her beauty was known throughout the kingdom, and her handsome suitors responded to every glance of her eye. Yet this frail and worn man had captured her heart but never noticed her attention. He could not remember her name. Identify examples of irony from the reading and give the reason. IRONY Example: The housekeeper left work where she made everything spotless. It is ironic that her own home was extremely messy. REASON IT IS IRONIC It is ironic because you expect a good housekeeper to keep her own house spotless too.

27 Name LITERARY DEVICES: SOUND EFFECTS Definitions: Rhythm is the rise and fall of the voice by alternating stressed and unstressed syllables. Example: Up and down, go around and around. Repetition emphasizes a point. Example: I like it, I like it, I like it! Rhyme repeats vowel sounds in stressed syllables. In the same line, it is internal rhyme. At the ends of lines it is end rhyme. Examples: The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain (internal rhyme). Tonight, tonight, the world is full of light (end rhyme) Alliteration repeats the same or consonant sounds closely together. Example: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Practice reading these tongue-twisters that illustrate alliteration: Angela Abigail Apple ate anchovies and artichokes. Bertha Bartholomew blew big, blue bubbles. Clever Clifford Cutter clumsily closed the closet clasps. Dwayne Dwindles drew a drawing of dreaded Dracula. Elmer Elwood eluded eleven elderly elephants. Floyd Flinger flipped flat flapjacks. Greta Gruber grabbed a group of green grapes. Hattie Henderson hated happy healthy hippos. Ida Ivy identified the ivory iris. Julie Jackson juggled the juicy, jiggly Jell-O. Karl Kessler kept the ketchup in the kitchen. Lila Ledbetter lugged a lot of little lemons. Milton Mallard mailed a mangled mango. Norris Newton never needed new noodles. Old Olive Ostrich opened onions over the oven. Patsy planter plucked plump, purple, plastic plums. Quenelle Quest quite quickly quelled the quarreling quartet. Randy Redbone wrapped a rather rare red rabbit. Shelly Sherman shivered in a sheer, short, shirt. Trina Tweedy took two twittering twins to a twiggy tree. Uri Udall usually used his unique, unusual unicycle. Vicky Vick viewed a very valuable vase. Walter Whipple warily warned the weary warrior. Xerxes Xenon expected to Xerox extra x-rays. Yolanda Yvonne Yardley yodeled up yonder yesterday. Zealous Zane zigzagged through the zany zoo zone. Identify the literary devices as rhyme, rhythm, repetition or alliteration. EXAMPLE Handsome Harry hired hundreds of hippos for Hanukah. We re going to the park in the dark to look for a shark. I like green eggs and ham, Sam I am. Puny puma pit their skills against zebras. Inside, outside, upside down! All the kids study all their work all by themselves all week. Roses are white, daisies are yellow, I really think he s a good fellow. Pretty Polly picked pears for preserves. Listen to me! Listen to me! Please listen to me! Sunny skies somehow seldom see the sad side of things. DEVICE

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