OCR GCSE Latin J281/J081 - Vocabulary List

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1 OCR GCSE Latin J281/J081 - Vocabulary List This vocabulary list is required for Latin GCSE Units A401 and A402 In addition to the words printed in the list, candidates will be expected to be familiar with the following forms: all regular adverbs formed from the listed adjectives; comparative and superlative forms of all listed adjectives and corresponding adverbs; cardinal numbers 1 to 10, 100, 1000; compound verbs which are formed by using the prefixes printed in the list (e.g. remitto, I send back) All other words in a passage will be glossed. When a listed word appears in a passage with a meaning that is not listed, it will be glossed.

2 1FTa, ab + ablative (also used as prefix with verbs) preposition from, away from, by absum 2HT abesse, afui verb irregular am absent, am away, am distant from 3 FT ac, atque indeclinable conjunction and 4 FT accido accidere, accidi verb 3 happen accipio accipere, accepi, acceptus verb 3 accept, take in, receive 5HT 6FTad + accusative (also used as prefix with verbs) preposition to, towards, at 7FTadeo indeclinable adverb so much, so greatly 8HTadsum adesse, adfui verb irregular be here, be present 9FTadvenio advenire, adveni verb 4 arrive 10 FT aedifico aedificare, aedificavi, aedificatus verb 1 build 11 HT ager agri, m noun 2 field 12 FT ago agere, egi, actus verb 3 do, act, drive 13 HT alii alii some others 14 HT alius alia, aliud pronoun/adjective other, another, else 15 HT alter altera, alterum pronoun/adjective the other, another, the second of two 16 HT altus alta, altum adjective high, deep 17 FT ambulo ambulare, ambulavi verb 1 walk 18 FT amicus amici, m noun 2 friend 19 FT amo amare, amavi, amatus verb 1 love, like 20 FT amor amoris, m noun 3 love 21 FT ancilla ancillae, f noun 1 slave-girl, slave-woman 22 FT animus animi, m noun 2 spirit, soul, mind 23 FT annus anni, m noun 2 year 24 HT ante + accusative preposition before, in front of 25 HT antea indeclinable adverb before 26 HT appareo apparere, apparui verb 2 appear 27 HT appropinquo appropinquare, appropinquavi + dative verb 1 approach, come near to 28 HT apud + accusative preposition among, with, at the house of 29 FT aqua aquae, f noun 1 water 30 FT arma armorum, n plural noun 2 plural arms, weapons 31 FT ars artis, f noun 3 art, skill 32 FT ascendo ascendere, ascendi, ascensus verb 3 climb 33 FT audax audacis adjective bold, daring 34 HT audeo audere, ausus sum verb 2 dare

3 35 FT audio audire, audivi, auditus verb 4 hear, listen to 36 HT aufero auferre, abstuli, ablatus verb irregular take away, carry off, steal 37 HT autem indeclinable conjunction but, however 38 FT auxilium auxilii, n noun 2 help 39 FT bellum belli, n noun 2 war 40 FT bellum gero gerere, gessi, gestus verb 3 wage war 41 FT bene indeclinable adverb well 42 HT benignus benigna, benignum adjective kind 43 FT bibo bibere, bibi verb 3 drink 44 FT bonus bona, bonum adjective good 45 HT brevis breve adjective short, brief 46 HT cado cadere, cecidi, casus verb 3 fall 47 FT caelum caeli, n noun 2 sky, heaven 48 FT canis canis, m and f noun 3 dog 49 FT capio capere, cepi, captus verb 3 take, catch, capture 50 HT captivus captivi, m noun 2 captive, prisoner 51 FT caput capitis, n noun 3 head 52 FT castra castrorum, n plural noun 2 camp 53 FT celer celeris, celere adjective quick, fast 54 HT celo celare, celavi, celatus verb 1 hide 55 FT cena cenae, f noun 1 dinner, meal 56 FT ceteri ceterae, cetera adjective the rest, the others 57 FT cibus cibi, m noun 2 food 58 FT circum + accusative preposition around 59 FT civis civis, m and f noun 3 citizen 60 FT clamo clamare, clamavi, clamatus verb 1 shout 61 FT clamor clamoris, m noun 3 shout, shouting, noise 62 HT clarus clara, clarum adjective famous, clear 63 HT coepi coepisse verb irregular begin 64 HT cogito cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatus verb 1 think, consider 65 FT cognosco cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus verb 3 get to know, find out 66 HT cogo cogere, coegi, coactus verb 3 force, compel 67 HT comes comitis, m and f noun 3 comrade, companion 68 HT conficio conficere, confeci, confectus verb 3 finish, wear out 69 HT conor conari, conatus sum verb 1 deponent try 70 FT consilium consilii, n noun 2 plan, idea, advice

4 71 FT conspicio conspicere, conspexi, conspectus verb 3 catch sight of, notice 72 FT constituo constituere, constitui, constitutus verb 3 decide 73 FT consul consulis, m noun 3 consul 74 FT consumo consumere, consumpsi, consumptus verb 3 eat 75 FT contra + accusative preposition against 76 FT convenio convenire, conveni verb 4 come together, gather, meet 77 HT copiae copiarum, f plural noun 1 plural forces, troops 78 FT corpus corporis, n noun 3 body 79 FT cras indeclinable adverb tomorrow 80 HT credo credere, credidi, creditus + dative verb 3 believe, trust 81 FT crudelis crudele adjective cruel 82 FT cum + ablative preposition with 83 FT cum indeclinable conjunction when, since 84 FT cupio cupere, cupivi, cupitus verb 3 want, desire 85 FT cur? indeclinable adverb why? 86 FT cura curae, f noun 1 care, worry 87 FT curro currere, cucurri, cursus verb 3 run 88 FT custodio custodire, custodivi, custoditus verb 4 guard 89 FT custos custodis, m and f noun 3 guard 90 FT de + ablative preposition from, down from, about 91 FT dea deae, f noun 1 goddess 92 FT debeo debere, debui, debitus verb 2 owe, ought, should, must 93 FT defendo defendere, defendi, defensus verb 3 defend 94 HT deinde indeclinable adverb then 95 FT deleo delere, delevi, deletus verb 2 destroy 96 FT descendo descendere, descendi, descensus verb 3 go down, come down 97 FT deus dei, m noun 2 god 98 FT dico dicere, dixi, dictus verb 3 say 99 FT dies diei, m noun 5 day 100 FT difficilis difficile adjective difficult 101 HT diligens diligentis adjective careful 102 HT dirus dira, dirum adjective dreadful 103 FT discedo discedere, discessi verb 3 depart, leave 104 FT diu indeclinable adverb for a long time 105 FT do dare, dedi, datus verb 1 give 106 FT doceo docere, docui, doctus verb 2 teach

5 107 FT domina dominae, f noun 1 mistress 108 FT dominus domini, m noun 2 master 109 FT domus domus, f (domi = at home) noun 4 home 110 FT donum doni, n noun 2 gift, present 111 FT dormio dormire, dormivi verb 4 sleep 112 FT duco ducere, duxi, ductus verb 3 lead, take 113 HT dum indeclinable conjunction while, until 114 FT dux ducis, m noun 3 leader 115 FT e, ex + ablative (also used as prefix with verbs) preposition from, out of, out 116 FT ecce! indeclinable adverb look! 117 FT effugio effugere, effugi verb 3 escape 118 FT ego mei pronoun I, me 119 HT egredior egredi, egressus sum verb 3 deponent go out 120 FT emo emere, emi, emptus verb 3 buy 121 HT enim indeclinable conjunction for 122 FT eo ire, i(v)i verb irregular go 123 FT epistula epistulae, f noun 1 letter 124 FT equus equi, m noun 2 horse 125 FT et indeclinable conjunction and 126 HT et... et both... and 127 FT etiam indeclinable adverb also, even 128 HT exercitus exercitus, m noun 4 army 129 FT exspecto exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatus verb 1 wait for 130 FT facilis facile adjective easy 131 FT facio facere, feci, factus verb 3 make, do 132 HT faveo favere, favi, fautus + dative verb 2 favour, support 133 HT felix felicis adjective fortunate, happy 134 FT femina feminae, f noun 1 woman 135 FT fero ferre, tuli, latus verb irregular bring, carry, bear 136 FT ferox ferocis adjective fierce, ferocious 137 FT festino festinare, festinavi verb 1 hurry 138 FT fidelis fidele adjective faithful, loyal 139 FT filia filiae, f noun 1 daughter 140 FT filius filii, m noun 2 son 141 FT flumen fluminis, n noun 3 river 142 HT forte indeclinable adverb by chance

6 143 FT fortis forte adjective brave 144 FT forum fori, n noun 2 forum, market place 145 FT frater fratris, m noun 3 brother 146 HT frustra indeclinable adverb in vain 147 FT fugio fugere, fugi verb 3 run away, flee 148 HT gaudeo gaudere, gavisus sum verb 2 be pleased, rejoice 149 HT gaudium gaudii, n noun 2 joy, pleasure 150 HT gens gentis, f noun 3 family, tribe, race, people 151 FT gladius gladii, m noun 2 sword 152 FT gravis grave adjective heavy, serious 153 FT habeo habere, habui, habitus verb 2 have 154 FT habito habitare, habitavi, habitatus verb 1 live 155 FT heri indeclinable adverb yesterday 156 FT hic haec, hoc pronoun this, he, she, it 157 FT hic indeclinable adverb here 158 FT hodie indeclinable adverb today 159 FT homo hominis, m noun 3 man, human being 160 FT hora horae, f noun 1 hour 161 HT hortor hortari, hortatus sum verb 1 deponent encourage, urge 162 FT hortus horti, m noun 2 garden 163 FT hostis hostis, m noun 3 enemy 164 HT iaceo iacere, iacui verb 2 lie 165 HT iacio iacere, ieci, iactus (in compounds -icio) verb 3 throw 166 FT iam indeclinable adverb now, already 167 FT ianua ianuae, f noun 1 door 168 FT ibi indeclinable adverb there 169 HT idem eadem, idem pronoun the same 170 FT igitur indeclinable adverb therefore, and so 171 FT ille ilia, illud pronoun that, he, she, it 172 FT imperator imperatoris, m noun 3 emperor, general, leader 173 HT imperium imperii, n noun 2 empire, power, command 174 HT impero imperare, imperavi, imperatus + dative verb 1 order, command, power 175 FT in + ablative (also used as prefix with verbs) preposition in, on 176 FT in + accusative (also used as prefix with verbs) preposition into, onto 177 HT incendo incendere, incendi, incensus verb 3 burn, set on fire 178 HT infelix infelicis adjective unlucky, unhappy

7 179 FT ingens ingentis adjective huge 180 HT ingredior ingredi, ingressus sum verb 3 deponent enter 181 HT inimicus inimici, m noun 2 enemy 182 FT inquit verb irregular he/she says, he/she said 183 FT insula insulae, f noun 1 island, block of flats 184 FT intellego intellegere, intellexi, intellectus verb 3 understand, realise 185 FT inter + accusative preposition among, between 186 FT interea indeclinable adverb meanwhile 187 FT interficio interficere, interfeci, interfectus verb 3 kill 188 FT intro intrare, intravi, intratus verb 1 enter 189 FT invenio invenire, inveni, inventus verb 4 find 190 FT invito invitare, invitavi, invitatus verb 1 invite 191 FT ipse ipsa, ipsum pronoun himself, herself, itself, themselves 192 FT ira irae, f noun 1 anger 193 FT iratus irata, iratum adjective angry 194 FT is ea, id pronoun this, that, he, she, it, them 195 FT ita indeclinable adverb in this way, to such an extent, so 196 FT itaque indeclinable adverb and so, therefore 197 FT iter itineris, n noun 3 journey 198 HT iterum indeclinable adverb again 199 FT iubeo iubere, iussi, iussus verb 2 order 200 FT iuvenis iuvenis, m noun 3 young man 201 HT labor laboris, m noun 3 work 202 FT laboro laborare, laboravi verb 1 work 203 FT lacrimo lacrimare, lacrimavi verb 1 weep, cry 204 FT laetus laeta, laetum adjective happy 205 FT laudo laudare, laudavi, laudatus verb 1 praise 206 HT lego legere, legi, lectus verb 3 read, choose 207 FT lentus lenta, lentum adjective slow 208 HT leo leonis, m noun 3 lion 209 HT libenter indeclinable adverb willingly, gladly 210 FT liber libri, m noun 2 book 211 FT liberi liberorum, m plural noun 2 children 212 HT libero liberare, liberavi, liberatus verb 1 set free 213 FT libertus liberti, m noun 2 freedman, ex-slave 214 HT locus loci, m noun 2 place

8 215 FT longus longa, longum adjective long 216 HT loquor loqui, locutus sum verb 3 deponent speak 217 HT lux lucis, f noun 3 light, daylight 218 HT magis indeclinable adverb more 219 FT magnopere indeclinable adverb greatly 220 FT magnus magna, magnum adjective big, large, great 221 HT malo malle, malui verb irregular prefer 222 FT malus mala, malum adjective evil, bad 223 FT maneo manere, mansi verb 2 remain, stay 224 FT manus manus, f noun 4 hand, group of people 225 HT mare maris, n noun 3 sea 226 HT maritus mariti, m noun 2 husband 227 FT mater matris, f noun 3 mother 229 FT maxime indeclinable adverb very greatly 230 FT medius media, medium adjective middle 231 FT mercator mercatoris, m noun 3 merchant 232 FT meus mea, meum pronoun my 233 FT miles militis, m noun 3 soldier 234 FT minime indeclinable adverb very little, least, no 235 HT miror mirari, miratus sum verb 1 deponent wonder at, admire 236 HT miser misera, miserum adjective miserable, wretched, sad 237 FT mitto mittere, misi, missus verb 3 send 238 FT modus modi, m noun 2 manner, way, kind 239 FT moneo monere, monui, monitus verb 2 warn, advise 240 HT mons montis, m noun 3 mountain 241 HT morior mori, mortuus sum verb 3 deponent die 242 FT mors mortis, f noun 3 death 243 HT moveo movere, movi, motus verb 2 move 244 FT mox indeclinable adverb soon 245 HT multo indeclinable adverb much 246 FT multus multa, multum adjective much, many 247 FT murus muri, m noun 2 wall 248 FT nam indeclinable conjunction for 249 FT narro narrare, narravi, narratus verb 1 tell, relate 250 HT nauta nautae, m noun 1 sailor 252 HT navigo navigare, navigavi verb 1 sail

9 253 FT navis navis, f noun 3 ship 254 HT ne indeclinable + subjunctive conjunction that... not, so that... not, that, lest 255 FT -ne indeclinable particle (introduces question) 256 FT nec, neque indeclinable conjunction and not, nor, neither 257 FT neco necare, necavi, necatus verb 1 kill 258 HT nemo neminis noun irregular no one, nobody 259 FT nescio nescire, nescivi verb 4 not know 260 FT nihil indeclinable noun irregular nothing 261 HT nisi indeclinable conjunction unless, except 262 FT nolo nolle, nolui verb irregular not want, refuse 263 FT nomen nominis, n noun 3 name 264 FT non indeclinable adverb not 265 FT nonne? indeclinable adverb surely...? 266 HT nonnulli nonnullae, nonnulla adjective some, several 267 FT nos nostrum pronoun we, us 268 HT noster nostra, nostrum pronoun our 269 FT novus nova, novum adjective new 270 FT nox noctis, f noun 3 night 271 FT nullus nulla, nullum adjective not any, no 272 FT num indeclinable particle whether 273 FT num...? indeclinable particle surely not? 274 FT numquam indeclinable adverb never 275 FT nunc indeclinable adverb now 276 FT nuntio nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus verb 1 announce 277 FT nuntius nuntii, m noun 2 messenger, message, news 278 HT occido occidere, occidi, occisus verb 3 kill 279 HT offero offerre, obtuli, oblatus verb irregular offer 280 FT olim indeclinable adverb once, some time ago 281 FT omnis omne adjective all, every 282 HT opprimo opprimere, oppressi, oppressus verb 3 crush, overwhelm 283 FT oppugno oppugnare, oppugnavi, oppugnatus verb 1 attack 284 HT oro orare, oravi, oratus verb 1 beg 285 FT ostendo ostendere, ostendi, ostentus verb 3 show 286 FT paene indeclinable adverb almost, nearly 287 FT paro parare, paravi, paratus verb 1 prepare 288 HT pars partis, f noun 3 part

10 289 FT parvus parva, parvum adjective small 290 FT pater patris, m noun 3 father 291 HT patior pati, passus sum verb 3 deponent suffer, endure 292 FT patria patriae, f noun 1 country, homeland 293 FT pauci paucae, pauca adjective plural few, a few 294 FT pax pacis, f noun 3 peace 295 FT pecunia pecuniae, f noun 1 money 297 HT pello pellere, pepuli, pulsus verb 3 drive 298 FT per + accusative preposition through, along 299 HT pereo perire, perii verb irregular die, perish 300 FT periculum periculi, n noun 2 danger 301 HT persuadeo persuadere, persuasi + dative verb 2 persuade 302 FT perterritus perterrita, perterritum adjective terrified 303 HT pervenio pervenire, perveni, perventus verb 4 reach, arrive at 304 HT pes pedis, m noun 3 foot 305 FT peto petere, petivi, petitus verb 3 make for, seek, beg/ask for 306 HT plenus plena, plenum adjective full 307 HT poena poenae, f noun 1 punishment 308 HT poenas do pay the penalty, am punished 309 HT pono ponere, posui, positus verb 3 put, place, put up 310 FT porta portae, f noun 1 gate 311 FT porto portare, portavi, portatus verb 1 carry 312 HT portus portus, m noun 4 harbour, port 313 FT possum posse, potui verb irregular can, be able 314 FT post + accusative preposition after, behind 315 HT postea indeclinable adverb afterwards 316 HT postquam indeclinable conjunction after, when 317 HT postridie indeclinable adverb on the next day 318 HT praemium praemii, n noun 2 prize, reward, profit 319 HT precor precari, precatus sum verb 1 deponent pray (to), beg 320 HT primo indeclinable adverb at first 321 FT primus prima, primum adjective first 322 HT princeps principis, m noun 3 chief, emperor 323 HT pro + ablative preposition in front of, for, in return for 324 FT procedo procedere, processi verb 3 advance, proceed 325 HT proelium proelii, n noun 2 battle

11 326 HT proficiscor proficisci, profectus sum verb 3 deponent set out 327 HT progredior progredi, progressus sum verb 3 deponent advance 328 HT promitto promittere, promisi, promissus verb 3 promise 329 FT prope + accusative preposition near 330 HT propter + accusative preposition on account of, because of 331 HT proximus proxima, proximum adjective nearest, next to 332 FT puella puellae, f noun 1 girl 333 FT puer pueri, m noun 2 boy 334 FT pugno pugnare, pugnavi verb 1 fight 335 FT pulcher pulchra, pulchrum adjective beautiful, handsome 336 HT punio punire, punivi, punitus verb 4 punish 337 HT puto putare, putavi, putatus verb 1 think 338 HT quaero quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus verb 3 search for, look for, ask 339 FT qualis? quale adjective what sort of? 340 HT quam + superlative adverb as as possible 341 FT quam indeclinable adverb than quam? quam! indeclinable adverb how? how! 342 HT 343 FT quamquam indeclinable conjunction although 344 HT quando? indeclinable adverb when? 345 FT quantus? quanta? quantum? adjective how big? how much? 346 HT -que indeclinable conjunction and 347 FT qui quae, quod pronoun who, which 348 HT quidam quaedam, quoddam pronoun one, a certain, some 349 FT quis? quid? pronoun who? what? 350 FT quo? indeclinable adverb to where? 351 FT quod indeclinable conjunction because 352 FT quomodo? indeclinable adverb how? 353 FT quoque indeclinable conjunction also, too 354 FT quot? indeclinable adjective how many? 355 HT rapio rapere, rapui, raptus verb 3 seize, grab 356 FT re- (prefix used with verbs) prefix - back 357 HT reddo reddere, reddidi, redditus verb 3 give back, restore 358 HT redeo redire, redii verb irregular go back, come back, return 359 HT refero referre, rettuli, relatus verb irregular bring/carry back, report, tell 360 FT regina reginae, f noun 1 queen

12 361 HT regnum regni, n noun 2 kingdom 362 HT rego regere, rexi, rectus verb 3 rule 363 HT regredior regredi, regressus sum verb 3 deponent go back, return 364 HT relinquo relinquere, reliqui, relictus verb 3 leave, leave behind 365 FT res rei, f noun 5 thing, matter, event 366 FT resisto resistere, restiti + dative verb 3 resist 367 FT respondeo respondere, respondi, responsus verb 2 reply 368 FT rex regis, m noun 3 king 369 FT rideo ridere, risi verb 2 laugh, smile 370 FT rogo rogare, rogavi, rogatus verb 1 ask, ask for 371 FT Roma Romae, f (Romae: at/in Rome) noun 1 Rome 372 FT Romanus Romana, Romanum adjective Roman 373 HT rumpo rumpere, rupi, ruptus verb 3 break, burst 374 FT sacer sacra, sacrum adjective sacred 375 FT saepe indeclinable adverb often 376 FT saevus saeva, saevum adjective savage, cruel 377 FT saluto salutare, salutavi, salutatus verb 1 greet 378 FT salve! salvete! (plural) verb imperative hello! 379 HT sanguis sanguinis, m noun 3 blood 380 HT sapiens sapientis adjective wise 381 FT satis indeclinable adjective/adverb enough 382 HT scelestus scelesta, scelestum adjective wicked 383 HT scelus sceleris, n noun 3 crime 384 FT scio scire, scivi, scitus verb 4 know 385 FT scribo scribere, scripsi, scriptus verb 3 write 386 FT se sui pronoun himself, herself, itself, themselves 387 FT sed indeclinable conjunction but 388 FT sedeo sedere, sedi verb 2 sit 389 FT semper indeclinable adverb always 390 HT senator senatoris, m noun 3 senator 391 FT senex senis, m noun 3 old man 392 HT sentio sentire, sensi, sensus verb 4 feel, notice 393 HT sequor sequi, secutus sum verb 3 deponent follow 394 FT servo servare, servavi, servatus verb 1 save, protect, keep 395 FT servus servi, m noun 2 slave 396 FT si indeclinable conjunction if

13 397 FT sic indeclinable adverb thus, in this way 398 FT signum signi, n noun 2 sign, signal, standard 399 FT silva silvae, f noun 1 wood 400 HT simul indeclinable adverb at the same time simulac, indeclinable conjunction as soon as 401 HT simulatque 402 HT sine + ablative preposition without 403 HT soleo solere, solitus sum verb 2 be accustomed 404 FT solus sola, solum adjective alone, lonely, only, on one's own 405 FT specto spectare, spectavi, spectatus verb 1 look at, watch 406 HT spero sperare, speravi, speratus verb 1 hope, expect 407 HT spes spei, f noun 5 hope 408 FT statim indeclinable adverb at once, immediately 409 FT sto stare, steti verb 1 stand 410 FT stultus stulta, stultum adjective stupid, foolish 411 FT sub + accusative/ablative preposition under, beneath 412 FT subito indeclinable adverb suddenly 413 FT sum esse, fui verb irregular be 414 HT summus summa, summum adjective highest, greatest, top (of) 415 FT supero superare, superavi, superatus verb 1 overcome, overpower 416 HT surgo surgere, surrexi verb 3 get up, stand up, rise 417 FT suus sua, suum pronoun his, her, its, their (own) 419 FT taberna tabernae, f noun 1 shop, inn 420 FT taceo tacere, tacui, tacitus verb 2 be silent, be quiet 421 FT talis tale adjective such 422 FT tam indeclinable adverb so 423 FT tamen indeclinable adverb however 424 FT tandem indeclinable adverb at last, finally 425 FT tantus tanta, tantum adjective so great, such a great 426 HT tempestas tempestatis, f noun 3 storm 427 FT templum templi, n noun 2 temple 428 FT tempus temporis, n noun 3 time 429 FT teneo tenere, tenui, tentus verb 2 hold 430 FT terra terrae, f noun 1 ground, land, country 431 FT terreo terrere, terrui, territus verb 2 frighten 432 FT timeo timere, timui verb 2 fear, be afraid

14 433 HT tollo tollere, sustuli, sublatus verb 3 raise, lift up, hold up 434 FT tot indeclinable adjective so many 435 FT totus tota, totum adjective whole 436 FT trado tradere, tradidi, traditus verb 3 hand over 437 FT traho trahere, traxi, tractus verb 3 drag 439 HT trans + accusative (also used as prefix with verbs) preposition across 440 FT tristis triste adjective sad 441 FT tu tui pronoun you (singular) 442 FT tum indeclinable adverb then 443 HT turba turbae, f noun 1 crowd 444 FT tuus tua, tuum pronoun your (singular), yours 445 FT ubi indeclinable adverb where? where, when 446 FT umquam indeclinable adverb ever 447 HT unde indeclinable adverb from where 448 FT urbs urbis, f noun 3 city, town 449 FT ut indeclinable + subjunctive conjunction that, so that, in order that 450 HT ut indeclinable + indicative conjunction as, when 451 HT uxor uxoris, f noun 3 wife 452 FT vale! valete! (plural) verb imperative goodbye, farewell! 453 HT validus valida, validum adjective strong 454 HT vehementer indeclinable adverb violently, loudly 455 FT vendo vendere, vendidi, venditus verb 3 sell 456 FT venio venire, veni verb 4 come 457 FT verbum verbi, n noun 2 word 458 HT verto vertere, verti, versus verb 3 turn 459 HT verus vera, verum adjective true, real 460 FT vester vestra, vestrum pronoun your (plural), yours 461 FT via viae, f noun 1 street, road, way 462 FT victoria victoriae, f noun 1 victory 463 FT video videre, vidi, visus verb 2 see 464 HT videor videri, visus sum verb 2 deponent seem, appear 465 FT villa villae, f noun 1 house, country villa 466 FT vinco vincere, vici, victus verb 3 conquer, win, be victorious 467 FT vinum vini, n noun 2 wine 468 FT vir viri, m noun 2 man 469 HT virtus virtutis, f noun 3 courage, virtue

15 470 HT vita vitae, f noun 1 life 471 FT vivo vivere, vixi verb 3 live, be alive 472 HT vivus viva, vivum adjective alive, living 473 FT voco vocare, vocavi, vocatus verb 1 call 474 FT volo velle, volui verb irregular want 475 FT vos vestrum pronoun you (plural) 476 FT vox vocis, f noun 3 voice, shout 477 FT vulnero vulnerare, vulneravi, vulneratus verb 1 wound, injure 478 HT vulnus vulneris, n noun 3 wound 479 HT vultus vultus, m noun 4 expression, face


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(Vocabulary Lexical Competencies) JUNE 2010 ENGLISH PAPER I SECTION A (Vocabulary Lexical Competencies) I. A. Choose the most accurate of the four given contexts which equates with that of the italicized lexical item in each of the following

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