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1 lease ote that ot all ages are icluded. This is urosely doe i order to rotect our roerty ad the ork o our esteemed comosers. I you ould like to see this ork i its etirety, lease order olie or call us at

2 rogram Notes America Death Ballads as comosed esecially or teor Bria Thorsett. We have ee requet collaorators sice 2011, he he remiered the comlete set o my Three Settigs o W. B. Yeats or strig quartet ad teor. At his urgig, I trascried ad ulished my Three oems o Christia Rossetti (origially or medium voice) or high voice, hich he remiered at the Sa racisco Coservatory i 201. America Death Ballads as remiered y him at the Sa racisco Coservatory, Novemer 1, 2015, ith iaist oh Churchell, ad at the Natioal Associatio o Teachers o Sigig (NATS) Coerece i Chicago, uly 10, 2016, ith iaist Warre oes. The choice o texts or my America Death Ballads as isired artly y Colad s Old America Sogs, hich I deely admire, ut more y my dear ried ad colleague the late Corad Susa s To Murder Ballads. The igeuity o Susa s accomaimets or his allads i imagiig ae the origial source material oes a great deal to Colad s accomaimet or his sogs. Though the cotet o my sogs is comletely origial ad ot ased o reexistig melodies, I have tried to exad o this urther, as the texts are much loger, ad go through may dieret moods ad characters. The our texts I chose iclude stories aout murder, death, ad dyig. Though to o the texts ere ritte i Eglad, they traveled to the coloies almost immediately. The suects o the texts had set time i America, ad their stories ere ell ko to Americas. Wicked olly is a cautioary tale. olly has lived a dissolute ad immoral lie, sayig, I ll tur to God he I gro old. Suddely take ill, she realizes that it is too late to reet. She dies i agoy ad is resumaly set to hell; youg eole are advised to heed. My musical settig is stately ad reacherly i character or the arrator; or olly it ecomes leadig ad remorseul. The Uquiet Grave as rought to the attetio o Ala Lomax, the great America ield collector o olk music, y Eglish olk siger Shirley Collis. The text is take rom a Eglish olk sog datig rom 100. I The Uquiet Grave, a youg ma mours his dead lover too ervetly ad revets her rom otaiig eace. The dead oma comlais that his eeig is keeig her rom eaceul rest. He egs a kiss; she tells him it ould kill him. Whe he ersists, atig to oi her i death, she exlais that oce they ere oth dead their hearts ould simly decay, ad that he should eoy lie hile he has it. My settig is i a loig Adate ith a rockig accomaimet. Three voices are delieated here: the arrator, the mourul lover, ad the dead lover seakig rom the grave. The Dyig Calioria irst aeared i the Ne Eglad Diadem i 185. Its lyrics are ased o a letter rom a Ne Eglader s sailor to his rother ho is dyig at sea hile o the ay to Calioria to seek his ortue i the Calioria gold ields. He imlores his rother to imart his message to his ather, mother, ie, ad childre. My settig oes ith the siger aloe i a moderate dirge temo, the, oied y the iao, moves through may toalities ad moods eore edig ith sureme coidece as the seaker gaied a ort called Heave/Where the gold ill ever rust. Catai Kidd as a Scottish sailor ho as tried ad executed or iracy ad murder i The America coectio to this allad is that Kidd escaed to America ad or a time lived i Ne York ad Bosto, though he as a ated crimial y the British authorities ad as extradited to Britai, here he as hug at Executioer s Dock. The lyric as rited i Britai i 1701, travelig to the coloies almost immediately. Though the didactic toe o the text is similar to Wicked olly, it exresses o regret util the ial lies: Take arig o y me, ad shu ad comay, / Lest you come to hell ith me, or I must die. My settig is ast ad sirited, exressig the coidece o a ma ho lived lie as he ated. David Cote

3 Texts Wicked olly Youg eole ho delight i si, I ll tell you hat has lately ee: A oma ho as youg ad air died i si ad dee desair. She et to rolics, daces ad lay i site o all her rieds could say. I ll tur to God he I get old, ad He ill the receive my soul. Oe riday morig she took sick, her stuor heart ega to reak. She called her mother to her ed, her eyes ere rollig i her head: O mother, mother, are you ell, your icked olly s doomed to hell, The tears are lost you shed or me; my soul is lost, I laily see. My earthly ather, are you ell, your icked olly s doomed to hell. The lamig rath egis to roll; I m a lost ad ruied soul. Your cousels I have slited all, my caral aetite to ill. Whe I am dead, rememer ell, your icked olly groas i hell. She rug her hads ad groaed ad cried ad gaed her togue eore she died; Her ails tured lack, her voice did ail, she died ad let this loer vale. Youg eole, let this e your case, oh, tur to God ad trust His grace. Do o your kees or mercy cry, lest you i si like olly die. The Uquiet Grave The id doth lo today, my love, Ad a e small dros o rai; I ever had ut oe truelove, I cold grave she as lai. I ll do as much or my truelove As ay youg ma may; I ll sit ad mour all at her grave or a telvemoth ad a day. The telvemoth ad a day eig u, The dead ega to seak: Oh ho sits eeig o my grave, Ad ill ot let me slee Tis I, my love, sits o your grave, Ad ill ot let you slee; or I crave oe kiss o your claycold lis, Ad that is all I seek. You crave oe kiss o my claycold lis, But my reath smells earthy strog; I you have oe kiss o my claycold lis, Your time ill ot e log. Tis do i yoder garde gree, Love, here e used to alk, The iest lo r that e re as see Is ithered to a stalk. The stalk is ithered dry, my love, So ill our hearts decay; So make yoursel cotet, my love, Till God calls you aay.

4 The Dyig Calioria Lay u earer, rother, earer, or my lims are groig cold; Ad thy resece seemeth dearer Whe thie arms aroud me old. I am dyig, rother, dyig, Soo you ll miss me i your erth, or my orm ill soo e lyig Neath the ocea s riy sur. Tell my ather he you see him That i death I rayed or him, rayed that I might oly meet him I a orld that s ree rom si. Tell my mother God assist her No that she is groig old That her child ould glad have kissed her Whe his lis gre ale ad cold. Liste, rother, catch each hiser, Tis my ie I seak o o; Tell, O tell her ho I missed her Whe the ever ured my ro. Tell her she must kiss my childre Like the kiss I last imressed, Hold them as he last I held them, Held them closely to my reast. It as or them I crossed the ocea, What my hoes ere I ll ot tell; But they gaied a orha s ortio, Yet He doeth all thigs ell. Tell them I have reached the have Where I sought the recious dust, Ad I gaied a ort called Heave Where the gold ill ever rust. Catai Kidd My ame as Roert Kidd, as I sailed, as I sailed, My ame as Roert Kidd, as I sailed. My ame as Roert Kidd, God s las I did orid, Ad so ickedly I did, as I sailed, as I sailed, Ad so ickedly I did, as I sailed! My arets taught me ell, as I sailed, as I sailed, My arets taught me ell, as I sailed. I cursed my ather dear, ad her that did me ear, Ad so ickedly did sear, as I sailed, as I sailed, Ad so ickedly did sear, as I sailed. I d a ile i my had, as I sailed, as I sailed, But I suk it i the sad, as I sailed. I made a solem vo, to God I ould ot o, Nor mysel oe rayer allo, he I sailed, he I sailed, Nor mysel oe rayer allo, he I sailed. I murdered William Moore, as I sailed, as I sailed, I murdered William Moore, as I sailed; Ad eig cruel still, my guer did I kill, Ad much recious lood did I sill, as I sailed, as I sailed, Ad much recious lood did I sill, as I sailed. To Executio Dock, I must go, I must go, To Executio Dock, I must go; To Executio Dock, here may thousads lock, But I must ear my shock, ad must die, ad must die, But I must ear my shock, ad must die. Come all ye youg ad old, see me die, see me die, Come all ye youg ad old, see me die; Come all ye youg ad old, you re elcome to my gold, or y it I ve lost my soul, ad must die, ad must die, or y it I ve lost my soul, ad must die. Take arig o y me, or I must die, or I must die, Take arig o y me, or I must die; Take arig o y me, ad shu ad comay, Lest you come to hell ith me, or I must die; Lest you come to hell ith me, or I must die.

5 Cotets 1. Wicked olly 6 2. The Uquiet Grave The Dyig Calioria 21. Catai Kidd 27

6 6 Aoymous Catalog No. 85 1st rize Wier o the 2016 Natioal Associatio o Teachers o Sigig Art Sog Comositio Aard Comosed or Bria Thorsett ad Dedicated to the Memory o Corad Susa America Death Ballads or High Voice ad iao David Cote 7 Stately, reacherly q = 63 Stately, reacherly q = Youg. eo le ho de light i si, I ll.. tell you hat has late ly ee: A om a ho as youg ad air died i si ad dee de sair.. 1. Wicked olly Coyright 2016 y E. C. Schirmer Music Comay, Ic., a divisio o ECS All rights reserved.

7 7 9 a She et to rol ics, daces ad lay i r.. 3 site o all her rieds could say..... r He ill the re... ceive r. 3. ust a it roader q = 58 ust a it roader q = 58 I ll my.... r. tur to God he I get old, ad. Temo I q = 63 soul. Temo I q = 63. marcato Cote America Death Ballads 1. Wicked olly

8 l.h. 3 r > ulsatig > ri day mor ig she took sick, her stuor heart e ga to reak. loco Y.. called her moth er to her ed, her eyes ere roll ig i her head:.. She Oe... Cote America Death Ballads 1. Wicked olly

9 ( ) ick ed ol ly s doomed to hell,.. my O The Y.. soul is lost, I lai ly. moth er, moth er, are you ell, your.. tears are lost you shed or me; loco.. see Cote America Death Ballads 1. Wicked olly

10 15 2. The Uquiet Grave Aoymous 5 8 Adate, ot too slo q = 8 Adate, ot too slo q = 8. e small dros o oe true love, I. The id doth lo to. rai;. I cold grave she as. day, my love, Ad a ev er had ut.. lai. Coyright 2016 y E. C. Schirmer Music Comay, Ic., a divisio o ECS All rights reserved.

11 a y youg ma at her grave or a I ll. do as much or. may; I ll. telve moth ad a The.. my true love As sit ad mour all.. day. telvemoth ad a day eig u, The.. Cote America Death Ballads 2. The Uquiet Grave

12 dead ega to seak: Oh ho sits ee ig.. o my grave, Ad Tis slee; cresc. ill ot let me crooigly or I. I, my love, sits crave oe kiss o your. slee o your grave, Ad ill ot let you. clay cold lis, Ad. that is all I 17 Cote America Death Ballads 2. The Uquiet Grave

13 seek You clay cold lis, But my reath smells earth y.. A have oe kiss o my. clay cold lis, Your. crave oe kiss o my. strog; I you time ill ot e Cote America Death Ballads 2. The Uquiet Grave

14 21 3. The Dyig Calioria Aoymous Moderately slo, solem q = 56 Lay u ear er, rother, ear er, or my lims are groig Ad thy res ece seemeth dear er Whe thie arms a I am dy ig, roth er, dy ig, Soo you ll miss me roud me cold; old. i your erth, 3 17 or my orm ill sur. soo e ly ig Neath the o cea s ri Tell my a ther y he you see him Á Coyright 2016 y E. C. Schirmer Music Comay, Ic., a divisio o ECS All rights reserved.

15 That i death I I a orld that s God as sist her glad have kissed. rayed or him, ree rom si.. No that she is rayed that I might Á groig old her Whe his lis gre ale o ly meet him Tell my moth er That her child ould ad cold. Cote America Death Ballads 3. The Dyig Calioria

16 23 37 oco rit. ust a it sloer, teder q = 52 3 Lis te, roth er, 1 5. ( ). catch each his. er, ho I missed her.. Tis my ie. I Whe the e ver oco rit. seak o o;.. ust a it sloer, teder q = su. ured my ro.... Tell, O tell her... loco Cote America Death Ballads 3. The Dyig Calioria

17 2 9 oco rit. A temo, seetly Tell her she must kiss my chil dre Like the kiss I Held them close ly oco rit. A temo, seetly last im ressed, Hold them as he to my reast.. I last held them,.. Cote America Death Ballads 3. The Dyig Calioria

18 27. Catai Kidd Aoymous 7 ast, sirited q = 120 ast, sirited q = 120 sailed, as I sailed, My My ame as Ro ert Kidd, as I ame as Ro ert Kidd, as I. sailed. My ame as Ro ert Kidd, God s las I did or id, Ad so ick edly I did, as I.. Coyright 2016 y E. C. Schirmer Music Comay, Ic., a divisio o ECS All rights reserved.

19 sailed, as I sailed, Ad so ick edly I did as I sailed! sailed, as I sailed, My My ar ets taught me ell, as I ar ets taught me ell, as I. sailed. cursed my a ther dear, ad her that did me ear, Ad so ick edly did sear, as I.. I Cote America Death Ballads. Catai Kidd

20 sailed, as I sailed, Ad so ick edly did sear as I sailed I d a i le i my had, as I sailed, as I sailed, But I suk it i the sad, as I. sailed. I. made a sol em vo, to Cote America Death Ballads. Catai Kidd

21 God I ould ot o, Nor my. sel oe rayer al lo, he I. murdered Wil liam Moore,. sel oe rayer al lo, he I sailed, he I sailed, Nor my sailed.. I murdered Wil liam Moore,.. as I sailed; as I sailed, I. Ad Cote America Death Ballads. Catai Kidd


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