Some Grammatical Points To Be Remembered

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1 A Short Summary of Some Grammatical Points To Be Remembered :Clause ساختاری آه طولانی تر از يك phrase اما آوتاهتر از يك جمله آامل است. Adjective Clause نوعی dependent clause بوده که برای مديفای کردن اسم قبل از خود می ا يد. پس هميشه adj. clause بعد از يک اسم می ا يد. Noun / +wh-word ساختارهای متفاوتی ميتواند داشته باشد از جمه فرمول ساختاری ا ن: +sentence / be +v(ing) / be +pp /simple verb نکته: wh-word شامل which,who,whom و... ميباشد. 1. Some patients who were depressed indicated high disease activity. 2. The cumulative results of studies which are conducted over the past few decades, show direct relationship between cancer and stress. ١

2 Preposition adj. Clause نوعی از adj. Clause می باشد که فرمول ا ن به شرح زير است: Noun+ preposition+ adj. clause تقريبا تمامی preposition ها ميتوانند قبل از wh-word قرار بگيرند به غير از: notwithstanding, during The treatments, in which the doctor performs invasive procedures, are not common in this hospital. اگر قبل از wh-word از one of the استفاده کنيم فعل adj. clause فرم جمع به خود ميگيرد. This is one of the safe methods which have been used to remove tonsil. اگر قبل از wh-word از the only one of استفاده کنيم فعل adj. clause فرم مفرد به خود ميگيرد. This is the only one of safe methods which has been used to remove tonsil. ٢

3 Abridged/Reduced adj. clause برای اين کار ابتدا wh-word را حذف ميکنيم اگر بعد از wh-word ا نرا مينويسيم. يک جمله بوده The results which we conducted from five international studies obviously show relationship between stress and cancer. Abridgment: the results we conducted from five international studies. اگر بعد از wh-word فعل ساده بود فعل به فرم ing تبديل ميشود (present participle) Surgeries which utilize an endoscope are common in this hospital. Abridgement: surgeries utilizing an endoscope are common in this hospital. اگر بعد از wh-word ساختار به صورت be +pp بود be هم حذف ميشود. The results which are conducted from some studies were wonderful. Abridgement: The results conducted from some studies were wonderful. ٣

4 be+ v( ing ) اگر بعد ازwh-word, بود be حذف ميشود The physician who are researching on neuropathy complication design a new approach for diabetic neuropathy. The physician researching on neuropathy complication design a new approach for diabetic neuropathy. Abridged/Reduced preposition adj. clause برای اين کار بايستی preposition را به ا خر clause کوتاه باشد و معنی تغيير نکند. انتقال دهيم به شرط ا نکه clause The rats for which we provided standard condition, were proved to be stronger. Abridgment: the rats provided standard condition for, were proved to be stronger. اگر بعد از اسم superlative adj ندارد. (صفت عالی) باشد امکان abridgment وجود Example; The men the tallest of whom was Ali won the prize. The man the most powerful of whom was absent. Exercise: Q: several methods, have been reported as an effective procedure (abridged adj. clause) A: including wireless endoscopy instrument ۴

5 Q: the man,..., was in ICU (full adj. clause) A: who was injured in accident Adverb Clause گروهی از کلمات که يک رابطه زمانی مکانی علت و معلولی و... نشان ميدهد. Adv clause نقش قيدی برای جمله دارد. الزاما با wh-word شروع نميشود ميتواند با when if after و... شروع شود. When human genome project be completed, it will be able us to cure genetic disease. Abridged /reduced adv. Clause برای abridgement ساختار adv clause نکته مهمی که وجود دارد اين است که بايستی subject درclause dependent با subject ساختار اصلی ) independent (clause يکسان باشد. اگر يکسان بود بدون حذف حرف ربط subject و to be را حذف ميکنيم. When human genome project be disease. completed, it will be able us to cure genetic Abridgement: when completed, it will be able us to cure genetic disease. ۵

6 Exercise: Q:, a genetic defect can be cured by adding gene. (Abridged adv clause) A: if detected in an early embryo Q: the particle destroys the tumor... (Abridged adv clause) A: when exposed to light However, we can use "ING" to make these clauses shorter, provided that the subject in the adverbial clause is the same as the subject in the main clause. For example: Full Adverbial Clause (Subjects are underlined.) While I was biking last summer, I fell and hurt my knee. After we had pitched the tent, we ate dinner. Because Jessie knew I had forgotten mine, she let me borrow her sleeping bag. Since I had never played Spades before, I was not very good. Since I had never played Spades before, Joe took his time explaining the game to me. Reduced Adverbial Clause using ING (While) biking last summer, I fell and hurt my knee. After pitching the tent, we ate dinner. Knowing I had forgotten mine, Jessie let me borrow her sleeping bag. (** Notice, "mine" and "sleeping bag" also refer to the same thing.) Having never played Spades before, I was not very good. WRONG: Having never played Spades before, Joe took his time explaining the game to me. Written this way, this sentence means that Joe had never played before. The full clause therefore cannot be reduced, because it has 2 different subjects, "I" and "Joe." ۶

7 Some adverbial clauses can also use "ED," however, the subjects of both parts of the sentence still must be the same. For example: Full Adverbial Clause Because we were exposed to the sun for so long, we got sunburned. Jody was embarrassed by the photo, so she left. Mom was concerned about Tommy, so she called the police. Because I was irritated by the dog, Joanne put it in the backyard. Reduced Adverbial Clause Using ED (Being) exposed to the sun for so long, we got sunburned. Embarrassed by the photo, Jody left. Concerned about Tommy, Mom called the police. WRONG: Irritated by the dog, Joanne put it in the backyard. Written this way, the sentence means that Joanne was irritated by the dog. The full clause therefore cannot be reduced, because it has 2 different subjects, "I" and "Joanne." The Reduced Adverbial Clause does not have to be the first clause in the sentence. For The family left, irritated that the bears had stolen their food. Jill stared at the sky, looking for signs of life among the stars. Irritated that the bears had stolen their food, the family left. Looking for signs of life among the stars, Jill stared at the sky. Common Errors: Dangling Participles Using a heater, the house was much warmer. Sealed in an airtight container, Jill kept her flour fresh. This means that the house was using a heater itself. Reword: Using a heater, I felt much warmer. This means that Jill is sealed in a waterproof container. Reword: Sealed in an airtight container, the flour was kept fresh by Jill. ٧

8 Noun Clause فرم expand شده يک اسم ساده است از اين رو تمام نقش هايی که اسم در جمله برعهده ميگيرد را ميتواند بپذيرد. Wh-word + subject + verb يک noun clause از سه قسمت اصلی تشکيل شده است: what استفاده ميشوند شامل noun clause هايی که معمولا در Wh-word whatever و... هستند. مثال: :object در نقش noun clause I don't know what the lab's. ( The lab's report: subject, is: verb) report is در نقش :subject What the lab's report is, is not important in this progressive and significant clinical condition. : Object of prep درنقش I am thinking about what the answer is. What is important now is what the answer is. :Subject complement درنقش I know one thing: what the answer is. ٨ :Object complement درنقش

9 Abridged/reduced noun clause برای اين abridgement نيزنکته مهم و اساسی يکسان بودن subject clause) (independent است. با ساختار اصلی Embryologist knows what most important troublesome is, in embryo gene therapy. دراين مثال چون subject جمله اصلی با noun clause صورت نميگيرد. يکسان نيست abridgement اگر subject ساختارclause noun با subject جمله اصلی يکسان بود برای subject abridgement وbe to حذف ميشود ولی wh-word حذف نميگردد و فعل جمله clause به صورت infinitive نوشته ميشود. It is essential that you remember whatever you patient in hypoglycemia. should prescribe for Abridgement: it is essential that you remember whatever to be prescribed for patient in hypoglycemia. Exercise: Q: The doctor wrote what he should write in paper. (Abridgement) A: The doctor wrote what to be written in paper. ٩

10 Inversion برخي مواقع شرايطي در جمله رخ مبدهد آه براساس ا ن بايستي دو عنصر جمله جابه جا شود. اگر جمله ما با قيود منفی شروع شود اين ساختار مورد استفاده قرار ميگيرد. در صورتی که جمله دارای فعل کمکی باشد مورد استفاده قرار خواهد گرفت اما اگر نباشد از do و مشتقات ا ن به عنوان فعل کمکی استفاده ميکنيم. : قيود منفی Never, hardly, seldom, not only, neither, merely, rarely, جمله +فعل کمکی +قيد منفی : فرمول ساختاری Medical students book. rarely rely on information which is provided in academic text Inversion: Rarely do medical students rely on information which is provided in academic text book. Exercise: Q: Not only..nurses control the acidosis condition, but also they monitor amount of potassium. A: do ١٠

11 It Insertion از کاربردهای it ميتوان به بيان زمان مکان فاصله و... اشاره کرد. ولی يکی ازانواع کاربردهای ا ن نقش ا ن به عنوان neutral (خنثی) است که در اين ساختار it به شیء فرد يا مکان و زمان و... Refer نمی شود. ساختارهای (neutral) :it 1. It +be +pp +that + it is said that most complication of diabetes is neuropathy. 2. It +be +adjective +that + it is important that you study hard. 3. It +be +adjective +infinitive + it is important to see carefully. در ساختارهای ١ و ٣ می توان it را حذف کرد و that clause و يا infinitive را به اول جمله ا ورد هرچند که ا وردن that clause در ابتدای جمله Acceptable نيست به هرحال به لحاظ دستوری اشتباه نمی باشد. Emphasize تمام phraseهای جمله را می توانيم با يک فرمول مورد تا کيد قرار دهيم به جز. verb برای تا کيد قرار دادن از فرمول روبه رو استفاده می شود: It + be + noun phrase/ adj. phrase /adv phrase / + that + ( the rest of )sentence در اين ساختار چيزی از جمله کم يا زياد نمی شود بلکه فقط phrase مورد نظر را تا کيد قرار می دهيم. مورد ١١

12 The editors considered the paper's modification essential. It was the editors that considered the paper's modification essential. It was the paper's modification that the editors considered essential. It was essential that the editors considered the paper's modification. Participial Phrase در ادغام دو جمله که subject يکسان دارند و زمان فعل هايشان هم وقوع و يا متوالی باشد مورد استفاده قرار می گيرد. اگر subject دو جمله يکسان فعل ها معلوم و به طو هم وقوع باشند: (١ Subject +verb +., subject + verb + + Verb +ing +.., subject +verb I walked in hospital, I saw my friend. Walking in hospital, I saw my friend. اگر subject دو جمله يکسان و فعل جمله اول مجهول و فعل ها هم وقوع باشند: (٢ Subject + verb +, subject + verb + Being + pp +, subject +verb + ١٢

13 The problem was solved, it looked easy. Being solved, The problem looked easy اگر subject يکسان فعل ها معلوم و غير هم وقوع باشند: (٣ Subject + verb +, subject + verb + having + pp +, subject + verb, He solved the problem. Then he went to drink something. Having solved the problem, he went to drink something اگر subject ها يکسان فعل جمله اول مجهول و فعل ها غير هم وقوع باشند: (۴ Subject +verb +, subject +verb + having +been +pp +, subject +verb+.. The problem was solved. Afterward the problem was found to be unrealistic. Having been solved, the problem was found to be unrealistic. ١٣

14 Parallel Structure And, not or, but, حروفی که ساختار دو طرف ا ن parallel است و عبارتند از: both and, (n)either (n)or, not only but also, نکته : ساختار پس از اين pair-word ها همه بايد parallel باشد. The surgeon was not neither at OR nor at class. The student do what they want to do, not what they should do. His long illness and slow recovery made him very despondent. They told us that two people had been in an accident but that luckily they had not been hurt. فعل های clause هايی که بعد از افعال urge,, suggest, request, require,important, necessary essential, urgent و بعد از صفتهايی مثل demand می ا يد به صورت simple می باشد. a. The chief of university suggested that the final exams hold in next month. b. It is necessary that student study hard. ١۴

15 Infinitive Phrase اگر بعد از noun بيايد به عنوان يک adjective عمل می کند: The desire to fight against cancer was strong in patient. اگر بعد از adjective بيايد به عنوان adj.-complement عمل می کند: The adenocarcinoma is very different to diagnose at the early stage. اگر بعد از يک verb يا جمله بيايد به عنوان adverb عمل می کند: I'm sorry to inform you that your mother is died. Perfect infinitive Progressive infinitive Perfect Progressive infinitive Passive infinitive Perfect Passive infinitive :infinitive شکل های مختلف to have painted to be writing to have been writing to be written to have been written I want to have read the whole report before I answer questions about it. (Perfect inf.) ١۵

16 براي منفي آردن infinitive از not استفاده مي شود. The editor in chief of the journal decided not to accept any submission from him. براي عملي استفاده مي شود آه در گذشته اتفاق نيفتاده است. Unrealized past (Perfect infinitive) The headmaster was to have presented the prize.(he couldn't come on that day and ) ١۶

17 Gerund بدون استثنا تمام ساختارهای gerund به ing ختم می شوند. با present participle در اين است که gerund تمامی نقش های يک noun جمله می پذيرد. تفاوت ا ن را در a. Your heart beating was not in a normal pattern.(subject) b. Cardiologist decreases your heart beating with medication.(object) :The perfect gerund اين ساختار زماني استفاده ميشود آه ما بخواهيم استناد به عملي در گذشته آنيم. فرمول ساختاري ا ن having + past participle ميباشد. 1. Your having had the experience will be to your credit. 2. His not having done the homework made the teacher very angry. Present: Past: :The passive gerund اين ساختار به دو صورت حال و گذشته است. فرمول ساختاري ا ن بدين صورت است : being + the past participle having + been + the past participle He was punished by being sent to bed without any supper. The safe showed no signs of having been touched. ١٧

18 Absolute Construction درون يک جمله ساختاری داريم که يک جمله نيست به عبارت ديگر خلاصه ی يک جمله است. برای اينکه يک جمله را به صورت absolute constriction بنويسيم اگر جمله فعل to be داشت ا نرا حذف می کنيم اما اگر فعل جمله to be نبود و خواستيم ساختار را به صورت with verb بنويسيم verb به pp تبديل ميشود اما اگر خواستيم به صورت without verb بنويسيم verb حذف ميشود. i. Almost all the prescriptions were not correct, the chief ignored them. Almost all the prescription not correct, the chief ignored them. ii. -Our ammunition was exhausted and our water supply was cut off. -we were forced to surrender. With verb: our ammunition was exhausted and our water supply was cut off ; we forced to surrender. Without verb: our ammunition was exhausted and our water supply was cut off; we surrender. ١٨

19 Dangling نوعي ساختار اشتباه است آه در حقيقت نوعي adverb clause است آه به اشتباه reduced شده است چون دراصل subject ساختار independent clause با dependent clause يكسان نيست. While waiting for the doctor, there are a lot of magazines for reading. در اينجا adverb clause subject مان با جمله اصلي يكسان نيست و ساختار صحيح ا ن به صورت زير است: While they wait for the doctor, there are a lot of magazines for reading. After selecting the data they were analyzed by SPSS. در اين جا هم در دو عبارت يکسان نيست. ساختار صحيح ا ن به صورت زير After the researcher collected the data they were analyzed by SPSS. subject است: ١٩

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