جمهوری اسالمی ایران اداره کل آموزش و پرورش شهر تهران اداره آموزش و پرورش منطقه 4 تهران. det a l is called a. Vocabulary:

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1 جمهوری اسالمی ایران اداره کل آموزش و پرورش شهر تهران اداره آموزش و پرورش منطقه 4 تهران محل مهر یا امضاء مدیر سئوال ش صندلی )ش داوطلب(: نام واحد آموزشی: دبیرستان سرای دانش نوبت امتحانی: اول ساعت امتحان: 01:31 صبح 01 دقیقه نام و نامخانوادگی: نام پدر: وقت امتحان: سئوال امتحان درس: نام دبیر/ دبیران: خانم اصفهانی تاريخ امتحان: 00/01/91 سال تحصیلی: Dictation:. We need doctors to. The ( 2) ( 1) c re the sick. abil ty to remember things in great. Her name is difficult. It doesn t ( 5) ( 3) الف: دیكته كلمات ناقص را به طور كامل در پاسخنامه بنویسيد. det a l is called a sti k in my mind. ( 4) p otograph c memory. ( 6) ( 7). Ed c tion is not an end, but a me ns to an end. ( 8) ( 9) ( 10). Ps chol gists are searching for the chemical bas s of the memory in the br in.. Nobody should be ( 11) a hamed of their jobs. ( 12) (13). Who should take the r b ish away from the ho ses? ( 14). By practicing, people can improve their he lth.. Some TV Programs have bad Vocabulary: ( 15) ef e t on children s ( 16) eyes ght. ب: واژگان: 1. با كلمات داده شده جمالت زیر را كامل كنيد. )یك كلمه اضافی است( mentally - producing - scenes - probably - memorize - dead - quickly - occur - viewers. I think that some TV programs have a lot of.. He took a photo of the, from the hotel window.. Little children must never look at body.. I can t Hafiz poems easily.. The cars too much smoke should be stopped.. A: When is your appointment with the dentist? B: It s on Monday.. Forgetting doesn t at an even pace.. He is sick. He must be taken to hospital soon. پاسخ سئواالت در روی برگ سئوال نوشته شود نی به پاسخنامه سفید ندارد. پاسخنامه سفید داده شود.

2 . I can t believe you. You are not a /an person. 2. با معلومات خود كامل كنيد.. To be a skillful swimmer, we need to have arms and legs.. When the police arrived at the place of accident, the driver was still and could talk.. It is difficult to explain the reasons for the of different birds.. The study of religion is called.. His bag is not different form hers. It is to her bag.. We met him on his in Tehran. (arrive) 3. شكل صحيح كلمات داخل پرانتز را بنویسيد.. Parents guide their children in the of their jobs. (choose). I tried to answer my teacher s question.(rapid). The of her best friend was very difficult for her. (lose). Some of the people with university degree avoid low work. (do). We know that English is so important. (learn) Grammar: ج: دستور زبان 1. با هر گروه كلمات زیر یك جمله صحيح بنویسيد.. not / going / look / am / her / I / after / this week / sure / to / is / who /. /. is / for / Mary / difficult / it / to / dirty / wash / dishes /? /. Can you show me to use this computer. a. how b. what c. which d. when 2. گزینه صحيح را انتخاب كنيد.. You must keep on the computer until you understand it. a. practice b. to practice c. practicing d. practiced. My new friend should wear glasses, but sometimes she refuses to. a. put it on b. put on it c. put on them d. put them on. Ali is the engineer who is responsible planning the project. a. in b. with c. of d. for. It isn t safe children in the street. a. of - playing b. of - to play c. for - to play d. for - play. Did you remember what? a. the teacher says b. the teacher said c. did the teacher say d. does the teacher say

3 . Teaching for a long time made John tired. John was. Who did she meet yesterday? We don t know 3. بر اساس جمالت داده شده جمالت ناقص را كامل كنيد. 4. با توجه به تصاویر به سواالت پاسخ دهيد.. What has made Ali tired?. What s Mina s father doing? Language Function د: نقشهای زبانی: مكالمات ناقص زیر را كامل كنيد.. A: do you have chemistry? B: a week. Every Saturday and Monday.. A: is the film on? B: There is a at and one at.. A: What s your? B: tennis is my amusement.. A: What does your father do in his time? B: It. He does many different things. Pronunciation ه: 1- تلفظ: كدام كلمه نظر s یا es پایانی با بقيه متفاوت است. a. uses b. finishes c. workers d. benches. a. roofs b. tapes c. mats d. schools نظر stress با بقيه متفاوت است. a. tomorrow b. mechanic c. garden d. eleven. a. before b. after c. added d. mother 2- در هر گروه كدام كلمه با توجه به مفهوم جمالت زیر گزینه صحيح را انتخاب كنيد.. In some villages children aren t sent to school because their Parents a. love workers very much b. don t know the value of teaching and learning c. believe that teaching and learning are useful. d. aren t very cruel and stupid.. Javad! The train leaves in two hours. why don t you sit down and relax. The above sentences show that Javad a. has a lot of time b. has a little time c. must leave at once d. doesn t have enough time.

4 . The coat you are wearing is very old. I wonder why you a. insist on buying a new one b. don t like to put it on c. keep on wearing it d. want to change it. In some countries people can choose between as many as forty different channels. So in these countries people a. have a wide choice b. can t watch different programs c. should watch all TV programs d. can watch just a few TV channels Reading متن زیر را خوانده و به سواالت پاسخ دهيد. Smaller cars may someday take the place of today s big automobiles. If everyone drives small cars in the future, there will be fewer problems in cities. There will be more space for parking cars in cities, and the streets will be less crowded. The little cars will cost much less to own and to drive. Driving will be safer, too, as these little cars can go only kilometers per hour. The cars of the future will be fine for getting around a city, but they will not be useful for long trips. if the car uses electricity, it will have two batteries: one battery for the engine and one for the other parts. Little cars which use gasoline will go. Why is it better to drive one of these small cars?. What will happen if we use these small cars?. Why are two batteries used in the car using electricity? True / False. These small cars are good for long trips.. The little cars will cost much more to use. Cloze test kilometers before needing to stop for more gasoline. متن زیر را بخوانيد و جاهای خالی را با گزینههای داده شده كامل كنيد. Today finding a job is difficult for a young person. But it will be if you follow these things. First, you should what kind of job you want. Think, what kind of work you like to do. You can talk to some people who have.. kinds of jobs. Then you should write something about your and your earlier jobs if you had any. Remember that it should be written and typed. Then you are ready to start looking for a job.. a. harder b. worse c. easier d. slower. a. advise b. decide c. promise d. permit. a. on b. for c. about d. in. a. serious b. single c. average d. different. a. competition b. degree c. conversation d. observation. a. carefully b. silently c. constantly d. basically Good luck

5 جمهوری اسالمی ایران محل مهر یا امضاء مدیر راهنمای تصحیح ویژه دبیران اداره کل آموزش و پرورش شهر تهران اداره آموزش و پرورش منطقه 4 تهران راهنماي تصحيح درس: زبان انگليسي 3 نوبت امتحاني: اول رشتههاي: سوم رياضي و تجربي نام واحد آموزشي: دبيرستان سراي دانش نام دبير / دبيران: خانم اصفهاني ساعت امتحان: 19:39 صبح تاريخ امتحان: 11/19/29 تعداد برگ پاسخنامه: 1 برگ سال تحصيلي: cure. ability. detail. photographic. stick الف: ديكته. Education. means. psychologists. basis. brain. ashamed. rubbish. houses. health. effect. eyesight ب: واژگان. viewers. scenes. dead. memorize. producing. probably. occur. mentally 1- با كلمات داده شده كامل كنيد. 2- با معلومات خود كامل كنيد.. honest. powerful. conscious. migration. theology. similar 3- شكل صحيح كلمات داخل پرانتز را بنويسيد.. arrival. choice. rapidly. loss. doing. learning ج( دستور زبان. I am not sure who is going to look after her this week.. Is it difficult for Mary to wash dirty dishes?. a. c. d. d. c. b. John was tired of teaching for a long time.. We don t know who she met yesterday.. Playing football has made him tired?. He is waking up Mina. He is waking her up.. A: How often do you have chemistry? B: Twice a week. Every Saturday and Monday.. A: when/what time is the film on? B: There is a show at and one at.. A: What s your hobby? B: playing tennis is my amusement.. A: What does your father do in his free time? B: It depends He does many different things.. c. d. c. a. b. a. c. a 1- جمله صحيح بنويسيد. 2- گزينه صحيح بنويسيد. 3- جمالت ناقص را كامل كنيد. 4- با توجه به تصوير به سواالت پاسخ دهيد. د( نقشهاي زباني: مكالمات ناقص را كامل كنيد. ه( تلفظ -1-2 و( درك مطلب 1- گزينه درست را انتخاب كنيد. 2- متن زير را خوانده به سواالت پاسخ دهيد.. Because, they are less dangerous. /there will be fewer problems in cities. متنCloze. We will have fewer accidents.. One is for the engine and the other for the other parts.. F. F. c. b. c. d. b. a گزینه صحيح را انتخاب كنيد. موفق باشید جمع کل

A: Are you Spanish? B: No, I m not. A: Are you France? B: Yes, I am. A: So, you are B: Yes, that's right.

A: Are you Spanish? B: No, I m not. A: Are you France? B: Yes, I am. A: So, you are B: Yes, that's right. نام و نام خانوادگی:... Grade نام پدر: th 8 پایه: هشتم... شماره داوطلب:... اداره کل آموزش وپرورش شهر تهران مدیریت منطقه 2 دبیرستان دوره اول پسرانه مرزداران امتحانات ترم اول سال تحصیلی 96-1395 نام درس: زبان

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B. There is one extra in B (1 P) A B. 10.let a chemical come out 11.find the place or position of sth 12.a belief in your own ability d) procedure باسمه تعالی دبیرستان غیردولتی امتحانات نوبت اول سال تحصیلی 93-94 ش صندلی : نام و نام خانوادگی: کلاس: چهارم زمان امتحان: 80 دقیقه رشته: ریاضی-تجربی-انسانی درس:زبان انگلیسی تعداد صفحات: 4 تاریخ امتحان: 93/0

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