水果和顏色 shu-gu# h6 y2ns8 Fruits and Colors

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1 6 水果和顏色 shu-gu# h6 y2ns8 Fruits and Colors 學習目標 Learning Objectives Lesson 6.1 又累又渴 y$u l8i y$u k7 State personal feelings Lesson 6.2 蘋果和草莓 p0nggu# h6 c3om6i Name colors and fruits Lesson 6.3 你喜歡吃什麼? N- x-hu1n ch9 sh6nme? Ask what the person likes to eat - 1 -

2 Unit 6 Fruits and Colors UNIT FOUR I. 情節發展 STORYLINE A week had passed and they were back to Peter s garage, keen to experiment more with the compass. Tom twisted the outer dial even further this time, and it emitted the blinding light once more. This time, when they opened their eyes, they knew they weren t home. They were in a barren desert of grey and black sand and pebbles. It was very hot and dry, and there weren t any plants not even a cactus. Peter said that it looked like pictures of the Gobi Desert that he had seen when studying geography. He proposed that they look around maybe they were near the town of Dunhuang on the Silk Road! He pointed towards a range of hills that didn t look that far away, and they agreed to hike up to the top. It took longer than they expected, and several hours later they were exhausted and thirsty at the top of a barren hill

3 LESSON 6.1 又累又渴 課文對話 UNIT DIALOGUE 湯姆 : 這裡真不好玩, 我又累又渴 琳達 : 我也很渴, 誰有水? 彼得 : 我們都沒有水了, 怎麼辦? (At this moment, Reggie noticed that the compass was flashing.) - 3 -

4 Unit 6 Fruits and Colors 生詞 UNIT VOCABULARY A. 寫字練習 CHARACTER PRACTICE 水果又累渴也 B. 生詞 WORD BANK Traditional Simplified Pinyin Part of Speech Meaning in English 水 水 shu- n. water 果 果 guô n. fruit 水果 水果 shu- guô n. fruit 顏色 颜色 yáns8 n. color 又又 yòu adv. again; ( 又 又, both... and...) 累累 lèi adj. tired; fatigued 渴渴 kě adj. thirsty 也也 y7 adv. also - 4 -

5 A. 擴展練習 MAGIC EXPANSION a.1 真 (zh5n) + Adjective To intensify the extent of the status indicated by the Adj. Examples: 那個學校真好玩! 這個西瓜真甜! N4ge xu6xi4o zh5n h3ow2n! That school is really fun. Zh8ge x9gu1 zh5n ti2n. This watermelon is really sweet! a.2 飲料 (y-nli4o) 各種飲料 g8 zh#ng y-nli4o all kinds of drinks 水 果汁 咖啡 茶 牛奶 可樂 shu- gu#zh9 k1f5i ch2 ni^n3i k7l8 water juice coffee tea milk coke 飲料的量詞 y-nli4o de li4ngc0 measure word for drinks 瓶 (p0ng, bottle) 杯 (b5i, cup; glass) 罐 (gu4n, can,) e.g. 一瓶水 / 一瓶果汁 e.g. 一杯茶 / 一杯咖啡 e.g. 一罐可樂 - 5 -

6 Unit 6 Fruits and Colors B. 語法註解 GRAMMAR NOTES b.1 What is a Stative Verb (S.V.)? In Chinese, sometimes an adjective can function as a verb. For example, I am fine. translated to Chinese will be 我很好 This kind of adjective is called a stative verb (s.v.). EXERCISE: Please match the appropriate pinyin and write down the English translation for each sentence. 我很累 W# h7n k7. 我很渴 W# h7n 8. 我很餓 W# h7n l8i. b.2 又 (y$u) + Verb 1 + 又 (y$u) + Verb 2 a. 又 +S.V.1+ 又 +S.V.2. To describe two states of being. Example: 我又渴又餓 W# y$u k7 y$u 8. I am thirsty and hungry. EXERCISE: Provide pinyin and the English meaning to the sentences below

7 大家又累又渴 Pinyin English: 他哥哥又高 (g1o, tall) 又大 Pinyin: English: 美國又大又好玩 Pinyin: English: b. 又 + (Aux.) V.O. 1, 又 + (Aux.) V.O. 2 Examples: 姐姐又會說中文, 又會說西班牙文 Ji7jie y$u hu= shu! Zh!ngw6n, y$u hu= shu! X9b1ny2 w6n. My older sister can speak both Chinese and Spanish. 弟弟又要吃西瓜, 又要吃草莓 D=di y$u y4o ch9 x9gu1, y$u y4o ch9 c3om6i. My younger brother wants to eat both watermelon and strawberry

8 Unit 6 Fruits and Colors C. 交際活動 ACTIVITIES c.1 What am I? 吃的? 喝的? Interpretive & Interpersonal Communication: The goal of this game is to find out what the card on your back says by collecting clues from your classmates. Instructions: 1. The teacher will put a card on your back. 2. Ask your classmates for clues. Each person is only allowed to give one clue. You will need to ask more than one classmate in order to find out what you are. You are only allowed to ask this question: 我是什麼? and provide clues that you have already gathered. For example: You: 我是什麼? Classmate A: 你是喝的 (h5 de, drinkable) You: 我是什麼? 我知道我是喝的 Classmate B: 你是 transparent. / brown color. 3. If you think you know what s on the card, go to your teacher and say 我知道我是什麼了 我是 4. The quickest student who finds out what himself/herself is wins the game

9 LESSON 6.2 蘋果和草莓 課文對話 UNIT DIALOGUE 瑞奇 : 你們看, 你們看, 那是什麼? 彼得 : 哇! 兩個綠蘋果, 一塊紅西瓜, 還有很多草莓 湯姆 : 草莓太酸了! 給我蘋果, 好嗎? 琳達 : 我也要一個蘋果! - 9 -

10 Unit 6 Fruits and Colors 生詞 UNIT VOCABULARY A. 寫字練習 CHARACTER PRACTICE 看紅西瓜給 B. 生詞 WORD BANK Traditional Simplified Pinyin Part of Speech Meaning in English 看 看 k4n v. to look; to see; to watch 兩 两 li3ng num. two (placed before m.w.) 綠 绿 l} adj. green 果 果 guǒ n. fruit 蘋果 苹果 píngguǒ n. apple 塊块 ku4i m.w. a piece/slice of land, bread, etc.; a dollar 紅 红 h@ng adj. red 西 西 xī n. west 瓜 瓜 guā n. melon 西瓜 西瓜 xīguā n. watermelon 還 还 h2i adv. and also; still 草 草 cǎo n. grass; straw

11 莓 莓 m6i n. berry 草莓 草莓 cǎoméi n. strawberry 酸 酸 suān adj. sour 給 给 gěi v.; prep. to give; to A. 擴展練習 MAGIC EXPANSION a.1 Measure Word (M.W.) If you count something in Chinese, you need to use one of several different measure words. The choice of which measure word to use is based on the characteristics of the objects being counted. Three words in particular are in a special category 天, 年, 歲, act as both noun and measure word (e.g., 一天, 五年, 七歲 ). In English, the construction number + noun is sufficient, but not so in Chinese where a measure word is placed between the number and the object. For example, three birds, six apples, five people are all correct expressions in English, but in Chinese, a proper measure word must be inserted. Observe the examples shown below. Examples: 一個蘋果 y0 ge p0nggu# one apple 兩個草莓 li3ng ge c3om6i two strawberries 一塊西瓜 y0 ku4i x9gu1 one slice of watermelon 兩個西瓜 li3ng ge x9gu1 two watermelons

12 Unit 6 Fruits and Colors a.2 Rule of counting TWO If you just simply count the number from 1-10, you pronounce 8r for the number two. But if two goes with a measure word, then you have to use 兩 (li3ng). EXERCISE: 兩歲 兩個蘋果 兩個西瓜 li3ng su= li3ngge p0nggu# li3ngge x9gu1 two years old two apples two watermelons 兩個姐姐 兩個弟弟 兩個朋友 li3ngge ji7jie li3ngge d=di li3ngge p6ngy#u two older sisters two younger brothers two friends When the number is over 10, you still use 8r. EXERCISE: Please provide pinyin for phrases below. 12 歲 22 個蘋果 24 個西瓜 However, 200 is 兩百 li3ng b3i 2,000 is 兩千 li3ng qi1n EXERCISE: How do you say two phones? How do you say two strawberries?

13 a.3 顏色 (y2ns8) 彩虹的顏色 de y2ns8, colors of the rainbow) 紅色 s8 red 橙色 ch6ng s8 orange 黃色 hu2ng s8 yellow 綠色 l} s8 green 藍色 l2n s8 blue 靛色 di4n s8 indigo 紫色 z- s8 purple 黑色 h5i s8 black 白色 b2i s8 white EXERCISE: Assuming the result of the third color in column C is because someone mixed equal amount of two colors from column A and B (see below), what colors might be the right colors you d fill in the blanks. Write in pinyin. A + B = C + = 粉紅色 (f7nh@ng s8, pink) + = 紫色 (z-s8, purple) + = 灰色 (hu9s8, grey) B. 語法註解 GRAMMAR NOTES b.1 Verb 給 (g7i) To express to give somebody something Examples: 給我一個蘋果 G7i w# y0 ge p0nggu#

14 Unit 6 Fruits and Colors Give me an apple. 請給我三塊西瓜 Q-ng g7i w# s1n ku4i x9gu1. Please give me three slices of watermelon. EXERCISE: fill in the blanks with pinyin accordingly. Use proper measure words when necessary. Please give me strawberries. Father gave me 10 dollars (sh0 ku4i qi2n) today. Reggie gave me his phone number. This teacher gives her student a Chinese name. Melissa wants to give her little brother a big red apple. C. 交際活動 ACTIVITIES c.1 Survey and report Interpersonal Communication: a. Conduct a survey: In five minutes, ask as many classmates as you can, which of the following three fruits is their favorite: 西瓜, 草莓, or 蘋果. Record their names next to the fruit if the person says he/ she likes it. Use the patterns below to complete this survey. Q: 你喜歡 (x-hu1n, to like) 哪一個水果?

15 A: 我喜歡 水果 誰喜歡 The total amount of people who likes this fruit 西瓜 草莓 蘋果 Presentational Communication: b. Report findings: Share your results with your class in Chinese. You need to say the total number of people who like each fruit. Use this pattern to finish your report. 有 (number) 個人喜歡 ( 水果 ) Y#u ge r6n x-hu1n c.2 Jeopardy: Guess which color I like? Interpretive Communication: a. Think about your favorite color and where you can see this color, such as on fruits and your personal clothings. Use English if needed

16 Unit 6 Fruits and Colors 我喜歡的顏色 : 是 的顏色, 也 (y7) 是 的顏色 Interpersonal Communication: b. Ask your classmates, one at a time to guess what your favorite color is. You can use the pattern below to ask you classmates. A: 猜猜看 (c1i c1i k4n, Guess what), 我喜歡什麼顏色? B:... 是草莓的顏色嗎?... 也是蘋果的顏色嗎? If your classmate gets the answer, you can say 答對了! (d2 du= le!, Correct!) If your classmate says the wrong answer, you can say 不對! (b^ du=!, Wrong!) Record the name of the classmates who guess the correct answers. 猜對的人 : winners list

17 LESSON 6.3 你喜歡吃什麼? 課文對話 UNIT DIALOGUE (Reggie pressed the yellow quadrant, and bananas appeared.) 湯姆 : 太好玩了! 我很餓, 我要吃一根香蕉 麗莎 : 我不喜歡吃香蕉, 我想吃大柳橙, 柳橙很甜 瑞奇 : 好 那, 我要吃這些紅色葡萄和藍莓

18 Unit 6 Fruits and Colors 生詞 UNIT VOCABULARY A. 寫字練習 CHARACTER PRACTICE 餓吃喜歡想色甜 B. 生詞 WORD BANK Traditional Simplified Pinyin Part of Speech Meaning in English 餓 饿 è s.v. hungry 吃 吃 chī v. to eat 根 根 g5n m.w. measure word for banana 香 香 xiāng adj. fragrant (of food, flower) 香蕉 香蕉 xiāngjiāo n. banana 喜歡 喜欢 x-hu1n s.v. to like 想 想 xiǎng s.v. ; aux. want to; would like to 橙 橙 ch6ng n.; adj. orange 柳橙 柳橙 li&ch6ng n. orange 甜 甜 tián adj. sweet 些些 xi5 m.w. some; as 一些 ; plural measure word

19 紅色 红色 n. red color 葡萄 葡萄 p^tao/p^t2o n. grape 藍 蓝 l2n adj. blue 藍莓 蓝莓 l2nm6i n. blueberry A. 擴展練習 MAGIC EXPANSION a.1 Verb 喜歡 (x-hu1n) a. 喜歡 + Noun + 嗎? To say like something Examples: Q: 你喜歡你媽媽嗎? N- x-hu1n n- m1ma ma? Do you like your mom? A : 喜歡, 我喜歡我媽媽 X-hu1n,w# x-hu1n w# m1ma. Yes, I like my mom. Q: 你喜歡綠色的蘋果嗎? N- x-hu1n l}s8 de p0nggu# ma? Do you like green apples? A : 喜歡, 我喜歡綠色的蘋果 X-hu1n, w# x-hu1n l}s8 de p0nggu#. Yes, I like green apples

20 Unit 6 Fruits and Colors b. 喜歡 + Verb / Verb Phrase + 嗎? To say like to do something Examples: Q: 你喜歡玩嗎? N- x-hu1n w2n ma? Do you like playing? A : 喜歡, 我喜歡玩 X-hu1n, w# x-hu1n w2n. Yes, I like playing. Q: 你喜歡喝水嗎? N- x-hu1n h5shu- ma? Do you like drinking water? A : 喜歡, 我喜歡喝水 X-hu1n, w# x-hu1n h5shu-. Yes, I like drinking water Q: 你喜歡吃紫色的葡萄嗎? N- x-hu1n ch9 z-s8 de p^tao ma? Do you like to eat purple grapes? A : 喜歡, 我喜歡吃紫色的葡萄 X-hu1n, w# x-hu1n ch9 z-s8 de p/tao. Yes, I like to eat purple grapes. a.2 喜歡不喜歡 (b*x-hu1n) Add 不 to make the negative form of 喜歡 (x-hu1n). The abbrievated 喜不喜歡 is often used to ask question than the full form ( 喜歡不喜歡 ) Examples: Q: 你喜不喜歡 * 吃香蕉? N- x- b* x-hu1n ch9 xi1ngji1o? Do you like to eat banana? A : 不喜歡, 我不喜歡吃香蕉 B* x-hu1n, w# b* x-hu1n ch9 xi1ngji1o. No, I don t like to eat bananas. Q: 你喜不喜歡開玩笑? N- x- b* x-hu1n k1i w2nxi4o? Do you like to play a joke? A : 不喜歡, 我不喜歡開玩笑 B* x-hu1n, w# b* x-hu1n k1iw2nxi4o. No, I don t like to play a joke. Q: 你喜不喜歡說西班牙文? N- x- b* x-hu1n shu! X9b1ny2 w6n? Do you like to speak Spanish? A : 不喜歡, 我不喜歡說西班牙文 B* x-hu1n, w# b* x-hu1n shu! X9b1ny2 w6n. No, I don t like to speak Spanish

21 EXERCISE: Translate the questions into Chinese, then aswer the questions based on your own situation in Chinese characters or pinyin. Q: Do you like juice ( 果汁, gu#zh9)? A: Q: Do you like to eat watermelon? A: a 的 + Noun 紅色的蘋果 h@ngs8 de p0nggu# 大的柳橙 d4de li&ch6ng 黃色的香蕉 hu2ngs8 de xi1ngji1o 小的藍莓 xi3o de l2nm6i B. 語法註解 GRAMMAR NOTES b.1 想 (xi3ng) + Verb a. 想 " would like, want (express the intention of a speaker)

22 Unit 6 Fruits and Colors 我想喝水 W# xi3ng h5shu-. I would like to drink water. b. 想 + noun to miss + someone/something 你想媽媽嗎? 他想他的女朋友 (n{ p6ngyou, girl friend) N- xi3ng m1ma ma? Do you miss your mom? T1 xi3ng t1 de n{ p6ngy#u. He misses his girlfriend. EXERCISE: Translate into pinyin 1. I miss my siblings. 2. My older brother misses his dog (g#u). 3. Does Peter miss his grandpa? b.2 Affirmative + Negative (A not A) questions You can turn a statement into a question by putting both the affirmative and the negative options together. To respond in the negative simply say 不 +Verb or 不 + S.V.. S.V. + 不 + S.V.? 好不好? Verb + 不 +Verb? 吃不吃? Examples: Q: 你渴不渴? N- k7 b* k7? Are you thirsty or not? A1: 我很渴 W# h7n k7. I m thirsty. or A2: 我不渴 W# b* k

23 I m not thirsty. Q: 草莓酸不酸? C3om6i su1n b* su1n? Is the strawberry sour or not? A1: 草莓很酸 C3om6i h7n su1n. The strawberry is very sour. or A2: 草莓不酸, 很甜 C3om6i b* su1n, h7n ti2n. The strawberry is not sour, but sweet. EXERCISE: Translate the following sentences into Chinese characters or pinyin. 1. Are you hungry or not? 2. Are you tired? 3. I m very thirsty; I would like to drink water. 4. Is this green apple sweet? 5. Do you like to eat bananas? C. 交際活動 ACTIVITIES c.1 What would you like to have? Interpretive Communication: Pair up with a partner. Each of you will take on one role: Role A: provides suggestions and wants to find a compromise Role B: is a difficult, disagreeable and opinionated person Examples: A: 你想吃西瓜嗎? B: 我不想 西瓜太甜了

24 Unit 6 Fruits and Colors A: 你想吃草莓嗎? B: 我也不想 草莓太酸了 A: 你想吃香蕉嗎? B: 我不喜歡吃香蕉 A: 那你想吃什麼? B: 我什麼都不想吃 Interpersonal & Presentational Communication: Substitute the underlined phrases or words based on the topic you are talking about. Write a simple dialogue with your partner. Here are the topics you can choose from. Verb + Object Construction: 吃西瓜, 喝水, etc. Topic: (1) 吃水果 (2) 喝 (h5, to drink) 飲料 (y-nli4o, drinks) A: 你想 A 嗎? B: 我不想 A 太 了 A: 你想 B 嗎? B: 我也不想 B 太 了 A: 你想 C 嗎? B: 我不喜歡 C A: 那你想 D? B: 我什麼都不想 c.2 Who has the most cards? Interpersonal Communication: The goal of this game is to lose as few cards as possible. Step I: Make four flash cards: a. On the front side, draw a color of your choice and provide the pinyin or characters for the color. b. On the back side, draw a fruit that s associated with the color and provide the pinyin or characters for the name of that fruit

25 Examples: front back 綠色 l} s8 葡萄 p^tao/p^t2o Step II: How to play this game: a. Find a partner. You will be Student A and your partner will be Student B. b. Student A will show Student B the front (color) side of one of his/her cards, and Student B has only one chance to guess the fruit associated with the color. c. If Student B is correct then Student B takes the card, and puts in a separate pile. If Student B is incorrect, then Student A keeps the card. d. Repeat until Student A finishes showing all 4 cards, Student B will take over and show Student A his/her cards. e. Repeat b., c., and d. f. Each student counts the final number of cards in their possession. The student with the most card wins

26 Unit 6 Fruits and Colors 文化知識 CULTURAL DISCOVERY Cultural Product, Perspective and Practice: Color symbolism in Chinese Culture Red: Happiness, marriage, prosperity During the Chinese New Year, people put money in red envelopes to give to children and older people to wish them prosperity for the coming new year. Most people will wear red clothes during this period, hoping to receive good fortune in the year ahead. Golden Yellow: Royaly, nobility During the imperial time in China, Golden Yellow was used by the Emperor of China. It was forbidden for common people to use these colors. White: Traditionally death, mourning Historically, Chinese people wore red clothes when attending a wedding and white clothes when attending a funeral. A bride would only wear red on her wedding day. However, due to western influences, modern day brides wear white bridal gowns in addition to the traditional red dress. Gold: Strength, wealth Black: Evil influences CULTURE PROJECT: From the color symbolism you have just read about design your own opera mask, and write a description of the personality you wish to convey. Prepare to talk about the differences in color symbolism between your own culture and the Chinese culture

27 認識部首 Radical Writing Interpretive Communication: 水 / 氵草 / 艸 (shu-) water 水, as a radical, is normally written as three dots 氵 and put at the left of a character (e.g., 江 ) (c3o) grass 草, as a radical, is normally written as 艹 and put on the top of a character (e.g., 花 ) Some of the following characters include the radical 水 (water), and some include 草 (grass). Make a circle (O) next to any character with the radical 水 "or 氵 ; make a check mark ( ) for any character with the radical 草 / 艹. 海 sea 渴 thirsty 溪 stream 莓 berries 沒 not 湯 soup 河 river 草 grass 苗 seedling 花 flower/s 菜 vegetable/s 淚 tear

28 Unit 6 Fruits and Colors 課文閱讀 INTERGRATED READING 湯姆 : 這裡真不好玩, 我又累又渴 琳達 : 我也很渴, 誰有水? 彼得 : 我們都沒有水了, 怎麼辦? (At this moment, Reggie noticed that the compass was flashing.) 瑞奇 : 你們看, 你們看, 那是什麼? 彼得 : 哇! 兩個綠蘋果, 一塊紅西瓜, 還有很多草莓 湯姆 : 草莓太酸了! 給我蘋果, 好嗎? 琳達 : 我也要一個蘋果! (Reggie pressed the yellow quadrant, and bananas appeared.) 湯姆 : 太好玩了! 我很餓, 我要吃一根香蕉 麗莎 : 我不喜歡吃香蕉, 我想吃大柳橙, 柳橙很甜! 瑞奇 : 好 那, 我要吃這些紅色葡萄和藍莓

29 Find out how much you know by answering the following questions. 1. Tom says that where they are is not fun, because he a. is tired and thirsty. b. has lost the Magic Compass. c. misses his favorite fruit snacks. 2. What may have caused the children to have fruits? a. They have left China. b. They have no water to drink. c. They have lost their entire backpack of food. 3. Why does Tom want an apple and a banana? Because a. He thinks watermelon is sweet; and he is quite hungry. b. He thinks apples may be sweet; and he is not hungry. c. He thinks strawberries are sour; and he is hungry. 4. Why does Lisa say oranges are sweet? Because a. Lisa does not like eating banana. b. Lisa wants to have small oranges. c. Lisa wants to have those red grapes. 5. What s the story about in this lesson? a. About what the Magic Compass could offer. b. About the food and water from China. c. About how hungry they were. Mark what you can do in Chinese after finishing this lesson. 1. I can say I am thirsty, tired or hungry in Chinese. 2. I can name fruits, their colors and their simple quantities. 3. I can express likes, dislikes, wants or desires. 4. I can ask for alternatives when I dislike someone s offer. 5. I can comment on the taste of different kinds of fruits

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