6. 다음우리말과같은의미가되도록주어진단어를이용하여문장을완성하시오 6) 7. 7) 8. 8) 9. 9) What would you do if you in my )

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1 가정법과거 It that ~ Grammar Basic 6. 다음우리말과같은의미가되도록주어진단어를이용하여문장을완성하시오 6) 날씨가좋다면, 우리는동물원에갈텐데., we would go to the zoo. (the weather, good) 01 가정법과거 다음괄호안에서알맞은것을고르시오. 1. 1) If I (be / am / were) you, I wouldn't go there. 다음괄호안에주어진단어를알맞은형태로바꾸어빈칸에쓰시오. 7. 7) If I Chinese well, I could guide the Chinese tourists. (speak) 2. 2) If I (have / had) enough money, I could visit France. 8. 8) If you the piano well, you could take part in the contest. (play) 3. 3) If I knew her address, I would (send / sent / sends) the parcel. 9. 9) What would you do if you in my shoes? (be) * parcel 소포 ) 4. 4) If he sick, he could go mountain climbing. (not, be) If my father (buy / buys / bought) me headphones, I could listen to music. 5. 5) If I were not busy today, I (will / would) have a good time with my friends.

2 11. 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장알맞은것은? 11) Air pollution is getting worse. If there weren't so much traffic,. 1 the air would be dirty 2 air pollution would be worse 3 the air would be clean 4 the air would have been clean 5 air pollution would have been worse ) As I don't have enough money, I can't buy a car. = If, I would buy a car ) As I feel tired, I can't go there. 다음두문장이같은의미가되도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. = If I, I there ) If I knew her address, I could write to her. = As, I can't write to her. 02 It that ~ 다음밑줄친부분을강조하여 It that ~ 구문으로다시쓰시오 ) ) Because he tells lies all the time, we don't like him. The concert will be held in Seoul. = We would like him ) I saw a shooting star last night ) If my uncle were in the office, I could meet him. = As, I can't meet him ) She came back home just ten minutes ago.

3 20. 20) The raw fish he ate last night caused his stomachache. 24. 다음문장의밑줄친 a, b, c 를각각순서대로 'It that ~' 강조구문으로전환하시오. 24) John sent the letter to Mina one week ago. a b c (1) a 다음우리말뜻과같도록주어진단어를배열하시오 ) 그녀가내게보냈던것은바로몇장의사진이었다. (pictures / it / to / she / that / was / me / some / sent) (2) b (3) c 다음글을보고물음에답하시오 ) 내생일에나에게이노트북을사주신분은바로아빠다. (bought / was / my / that / it / this / for / laptop / birthday / my / on / me / dad ) Cathy's family went to Jeju Island last summer. Cathy's dad swam in the sea, and Cathy's mom and Cathy made sandcastles on the beach ) Q: Did Cathy's family go to Jeju Island last winter? A: No. It was that. 23. 다음밑줄친부분을강조하는문장으로바꿔쓸때빈칸을완성하시오. 23) I found the coin under the bed. under the bed I found the coin ) Q: Who swam in the sea? Was it Cathy's mom? A: No. It was.

4 다음조건에따라 It that ~ 구문을사용하여주어진문장을바꾸어쓰시오. Jenny has been waiting for her boyfriend in front of the library for two hours ) 주어강조 기본학습 31. 다음짝지어진단어의관계가다른것은? 31) 1 include - exclude 2 opinion - fact 3 control - regulate 4 bring - take 5 result - cause 32. 다음영영풀이에해당하는단어로알맞은것은? 32) ) 장소강조 an opinion or suggestion about what somebody should do in a particular situation 1 habit 2 effort 3 presentation 4 advice 5 warning 33. 다음밑줄친단어와바꿔쓸수있는것은? 33) ) 목적어강조 The job turned out to be harder than we thought. 1 proved 2 switched off 3 happened 4 regarded 5 formed ) 시간강조 34. 다음각문장의밑줄친부분과괄호안의의미가서로다른것은? 34) 1 You are supposed to return some books to the library by tomorrow. (must) 2 How in the world did you do it? (on earth) 3 I need someone to look after my dog. (take care of) 4 He wants to get the problem off his mind. (decide) 5 He found out that she didn't often change her clothes. (knew)

5 35. 다음각문장의밑줄친단어의쓰임이어색한것은? 35) 1 They spend every Saturday in playing baseball. 2 It is very important to break a bad habit. 3 Chocolate is one of the major results of obesity. 4 The event included a street parade and dance performances. 5 He formed a band with some friends from school. 3 waste can buy 4 waste can't buy 5 wasted could buy 39. 다음밑줄친 It ~ that 의용법이다른하나는? 39) 1 It is important that you believe me. 2 It is clear that nobody knows the news. 3 It is true that he wrote this novel. 4 It is possible that he will win the race. 5 It was at the bus stop that Sunhee met her favorite singer. 36. 다음문장의빈칸에들어갈알맞은것은? 36) It is important you keep the promise. 1 for 2 that 3 which 4 what 5 whom 37. 다음문장의빈칸에들어갈알맞은것은? 37) If Wise Lady her a question. here with us, I would ask 1 has been 2 had been 3 were 4 is 5 being 38. 다음문장을바꾸어쓸때, 빈칸 a, b 에들어갈알맞은말이차례대로짝지어진것은? 38) 40. 다음중어법상틀린문장은? 40) 1 I would not be lonely if I had any friends. 2 It was not true that the school was on summer vacation. 3 I would visit the Louvre if I had gone to France. 4 If there were no oxygen, life would not exist. 5 It is natural that parents love their own children. 41. 다음대화의빈칸 a, b 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 41) A: The traffic seems worse than usual today. Is a possible that we arrive there in time? B: I'm afraid that's impossible. A: If we b a bird, we would arrive there in time. If we didn't waste more money, we would be able to buy a big house. As we a more money, we b a big house. a 1 this 2 this 3 it 4 it 5 what b were are were are was a b 1 wasted couldn't buy 2 didn't waste couldn't buy

6 42. 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈표현으로어색한것은? 42) W: M: I m worn out. I played soccer all afternoon. W: Why don t you get some rest? M: Thanks. I think I should. 1 What's wrong with you? 2 Is anything wrong? 3 What happened? 4 What do you mean? 5 What s the matter? 45. 다음대화의밑줄친부분과바꿔쓸수있는것모두를고르시오. 45) A: How s it going? B: Not good. I m worried about moving to a new school. A: Moving to a new school? B: Yes, I m moving to Sandong Middle School next week. 1 What are you doing? 2 What brought you down here? 3 How are you doing? 4 Do you know what I mean? 5 What's up? 43. 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈표현으로어색한것은? 43) A: Have you heard about Mina? B: No. What s wrong with her? A: B: Oh, that s too bad. 1 She is sick in bed. 2 She broke her leg. 3 She lost his purse. 4 She dropped her cellphone in the toilet. 5 She remembered bringing her report. 44. 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 44) W: John, where are you going? M: I m going to the dentist. I m a little nervous. W: Anything serious? M: 1 Well, I am sick with fever. 2 Yes, I get nervous in front of other people. 3 Yes, I want to lose weight. 4 Well, I have a habit of getting up late. 5 Well, I m going to get a filling. 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오., I m adoing my best to get good (A)grades. I study for exams bas hard as I can. The results aren t very bad. But I m not as smart as I want to be. - Wendy, Mumbai Dear Wendy, I understand how you re feeling. If you really want to do better, think about your study habits. Are they good enough? Find better habits and try to cget used to them. But listen, Wendy, you re just fine dthe way you are. (B) learn to relax, and think of the good things at school and at home. It s true that grades are important. (C), they re not everything. If they were, and if you e happened to get first place, what would happen? Others would start writing to me as you have just done. :) - Wise Lady with a smile

7 46. 위글의밑줄친 (A) 와의미가같은것은? 46) 1 Schools teach reading in the first grade. 2 She's not in the first grade as a painter. 3 My grades were not good, except for math. 4 All the materials used were of the highest grade. 5 Her grade at work is new worker. 47. 위글의빈칸 (B), (C) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 47) (B) 1 Also 2 So 3 Also 4 So 5 In fact (C) But But For instance Therefore Therefore out sooner or later. Why don t we let each person d[form / to form] their own opinion? - Wise Lady (B) control 49. 위글의밑줄친 a 와쓰임이같은것은? 49) 1 She was the first woman that discovers the fact. 2 The climate of Korea is warmer than that of Japan. 3 Here's the pen that you lent me. 4 It was in the park that I came across her. 5 I want them to know that there s no evidence for that. 50. 위글의밑줄친 (A) 와바꿔쓸수있는것은? 50) 1 if 2 that 3 which 4 what 5 when 48. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 의의미를잘못설명한것은? 48) 1 a: 최선을다하다 2 b: 내가할수있는한열심히 3 c: ~ 에익숙해지다 4 d: 지금그대로의모습 5 e: 발생하다 51. 위글의빈칸 (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 51) 1 under 2 out of 3 from 4 except 5 during 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오., I have this girl in my class. She thinks athat she is the best girl in the whole world. All of my friends like her, but I don t. Am I the only one who knows what she is like? - Brittany, Honolulu 52. 위글 b, c, d 의괄호안에서어법에맞는표현으로가장적절한것은? 52) b c d 1 find turns to form 2 find will turn to form 3 find turns form 4 be found will turn form 5 be found turns to form My dear Brittany, I am wondering (A)wether you think that your friends like this girl more than they like you. I am also wondering (A)whether you are looking for something bad in her. It may be a good idea to b[find / be found] a way to control your thoughts and feelings. It will help you act differently toward your friends than you usually do. If it c[turns / will turn] out that this girl is not a good friend to others, then they will find

8 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오., Every time I m (A), sports come ainto my mind. Every day I think of sports, write about sports, and talk about sports. What in the world am I supposed to do to get sports boff my mind? My dear Sandy, ᄀ - Sandy, Durban. If I spent my cwhole day answering letters, what would happen? I would have no time ᄂ to do other good things. If you want something ᄃ other than sports in your life, dmake a list of the other things you like to do. Get ideas from books and friends. Remember to include reading, ways of helping others, and social activities. Instead of thinking of sports when you re (B) things you can do., eclear your list for other fun - Wise Lady for the good things 53. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중글의흐름상어색한것은? 53) 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e exciting. 3 We have the right to enjoy sports. 4 Sports is more than enjoyment. 5 Too much of anything can be a problem 56. 위글의밑줄친ᄂ과쓰임이같은것은? 56) 1 It is impossible to finish the work in time. 2 My friend advises me to buy a new computer. 3 I get up early to be in time for the first train. 4 I want to have the ability to speak English well. 5 I was disappointed to hear the news. 57. 위글의밑줄친ᄃ의의미로가장적절한것은? 57) 1 except for 2 including 3 such as 4 regarding 5 concerning 58. 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 58) Homin: I don t like playing sports, but my friends think boys should play sports. But I prefer reading books. 54. 위글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에공통으로들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 54) 1 exciting 2 excited 3 bored 4 boring 5 surprised 55. 위글의빈칸ᄀ에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 55) Dear Homin, I understand how you feel. But if I were you, I would tell your friends that you don t like playing sports. Your friends will understand that different people have different tastes. Why don t you tell your friends to your taste? - Wise Lady 1 respect 2 overlook 3 control 4 avoid 5 disregard 1 To understand sports is too difficult. 2 To do more than one thing at the same time is

9 다음대화를읽고물음에답하시오. 내용이해 59. 다음주어진대화에이어질순서로올바른것은? 59) W: Oh, dear. M: What s up? a No, I didn t. I m worried that I forget things too often. b You didn t bring your homework? c I often forget things, too. d I forgot to bring my homework. 1 b - c - d - a 2 c - a - b - d 3 c - b - a - d 4 d - b - a - c 5 d - c - b - a Jinsu: You look worried, Taeho. Taeho: Well, it s Minsu. Jinsu: What s wrong with him? Taeho: He has no close friends, and wants to talk to no one. Jinsu: Hmm. I hope it s not too serious. Taeho: Me, too. But I m really worried about him. Jinsu: Why don t you write to Wise Lady, and ask for help? Taeho: Right! She loves to answer our questions about school life. Jinsu: Feel better now? Taeho: Oh, yes. Thanks for the advice. 61. 위대화의밑줄친문장의의도로가장적절한것은? 61) 1 to command 3 to persuade 5 to require 2 to suggest 4 to decline 60. 다음대화의내용과일치하도록아래빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 60) W: Thanks for the present, Uncle Jack! M: Has it got there, Linda? W: Yes. M: That s great. I was worried that it wouldn t arrive in time. W: Thank you so much. I just love it. M: You are welcome. 62. 위대화에서 Minsu 에대한 Taeho 와 Jinsu 의태도로가장적절한것은? 62) 1 thoughtful and considerate 2 negative and passive 3 indifferent and uninterested 4 disappointed and embarrassed 5 jealous and envious Uncle Jack was a to hear that Linda received the present in time and she expressed b to him. a b 1 surprised indifference 2 relieved appreciation 3 surprised antipathy 4 regretful appreciation 5 relieved antipathy 63. 위대화의내용과일치하는것은? 63) 1 Jinsu has no interest in Minsu's problem. 2 Minsu doesn't get along with friends. 3 Jinsu tells Taeho that Minsu's problem is not that serious. 4 Jinsu will probably write to Wise Lady" for Minsu. 5 Wise Lady sometimes visits schools and gives students advice.

10 64. 다음대화후에두사람이할일로가장적절한것은? 64) M: What s the matter, Semi? W: Some American students are coming to our school tomorrow. I have to give the welcome speech. M: Don t worry too much. You can do it well. W: But I m still worried. Can you help me practice the speech? M: Sure, no problem. 1 They will send out an invitation to students. 2 They will meet American students at the airport. 3 They will learn the whole speech off by heart. 4 They will go to the school library. 5 They will practice the speech. 66. 다음대화의밑줄친 a~e 중흐름상어색한문장은? 66) W: You seem to be in a hurry. M: ayes, I am. I have to go to the hospital. W: The hospital? What s wrong? M: bmy mom is very sick, and I should look after her now. W: ci m sorry to hear that. Anything I can do for you? M: ddo you mind if I ask you to take care of my puppy Happy until tomorrow? W: eof course. Don t worry about him. M: Thank a lot. 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 65. 다음대화의내용과일치하는것은? 65) Minji: Jack, you look worried. Jack: Yes, I am. Minji: What s wrong? Jack: My computer froze, but I have to finish my homework this afternoon. Do you think you can repair this computer right now? Minji: No, I don't. How about going to a computer repair shop? Jack: I'd like to, but I have no enough time. Minji: Then, will you use mine? Jack: Sure. Thanks a lot. 1 Minji and Jack are going to do homework together. 2 Minji understands why Jack's computer is down. 3 Jack must submit his homework by tomorrow. 4 Jack will call a computer repair shop. 5 Minji will lend her computer to Jack. 67. 다음글의흐름상밑줄친 a~e 중어색한것은? 67) Dear Christine, When you think a fight ais about to begin, b walk away for a moment. Think about what s happening. Aren t you fighting over something that just isn t that important? As you cavoid controlling your mind, you ll get better at it. Then you will spend dless time fighting and you will have emore time to have fun with your brother. - Wise Lady 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e

11 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오., I m doing my best to get good grades. I study for exams as hard as I can. The results aren t very bad. But I m not as smart as I want to be. - Wendy, Mumbai Dear Wendy, I understand how you re feeling. If you really want to do better, think about your study habits. Are athey good enough? Find better habits and try to get used to bthem. But listen, Wendy, you re just fine the way you are. So learn to relax, and think of the good things at school and at home. cit s true that grades are important. But dthey re not everything. (A)If they were, and if you happened to get first place, what would happen? eothers would start writing to me as you have just done. :) - Wise Lady with a smile 70. 위글에서 Wendy 가 Wise Lady 에게편지를쓴목적으로가장적절한것은? 70) 1 to find how to understand others' feelings 2 to ask for help about making specific plans 3 to find how to solve the excessive burden about grades 4 to find how to study for exams effectively 5 to ask why studying is important 71. 위글의내용과일치하는것을고르면? 71) 1 Wendy thinks that she is less smart than she wants to be. 2 Wise Lady thinks that Wendy's study habits are better than other students. 3 Wendy always wants to relax at home every weekend. 4 Wise Lady wants Wendy to be a top student in school. 5 Wise Lady thinks that it is difficult for Wendy to achieve the desired result. 68. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 가가리키는것을잘못설명한것은? 68) 1 a: your study habits 2 b: better habits 3 c: to think of the good things 4 d: grades 5 e: Other students 69. 위글의밑줄친 (A)If they were 의의미로가장적절한것은? 69) 1 If the good things happened 2 If you got good grades 3 If you learned to relax 4 If grades were everything 5 If you changed study habits 72. 다음글을쓴목적으로가장적절한것은? 72) Dear Christine, When you think a fight is about to begin, walk away for a moment. Think about what s happening. Aren t you fighting over something that just isn t that important? As you practice controlling your mind, you ll get better at it. Then you will spend less time fighting and you will have more time to have fun with your brother. - Wise Lady 1 to appreciate 2 to apologize 3 to decline 4 to advise 5 to advertise

12 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오., I have this girl in my class. She thinks that she is the best girl in the whole world. All of my friends like her, but I don t. Am I the only one who knows what she is like? - Brittany, Honolulu 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오., Every time I m bored, sports come into my mind. Every day I think of sports, write about sports, and talk about sports. What in the world am I supposed to do to get sports off my mind? - Sandy, Durban My dear Brittany, (A) It will help you act differently toward your friends than you usually do. If it turns out that this girl is not a good friend to others, then they will find out sooner or later. (B) I am also wondering whether you are looking for something bad in her. It may be a good idea to find a way to control your thoughts and feelings. (C) I am wondering whether you think that your friends like this girl more than they like you. Why don t we let each person form their own opinion? - Wise Lady under control 73. 위글의흐름상 (A)~(C) 의순서로가장적절한것은? 73) My dear Sandy, Too much of anything can be a problem. If I spent my whole day answering letters, what would happen? I would have no time to do other good things. If you want something other than sports in your life, make a list of the other things you like to do. Get ideas from books and friends. Remember to include reading, ways of helping others, and social activities. Instead of thinking of sports when you re bored, check your list for other fun things you can do. - Wise Lady for the good things 75. 위글에서 Sandy 의고민으로가장적절한것은? 75) 1 friend 2 grade 3 hobby 4 jobs 5 health 1 (A) - (C) - (B) 3 (B) - (C) - (A) 5 (C) - (B) - (A) 2 (B) - (A) - (C) 4 (C) - (A) - (B) 76. 위글에서드러난 Sandy 의심정으로가장적절한것은? 76) 74. 위글에서알수있는 Brittany 의고민으로가장적절한것은? 74) 1 confused 2 joyful 3 indifferent 4 delighted 5 satisfied 1 She doesn't want to help others. 2 She doesn't find what she likes. 3 She can't reveal her mind. 4 She is carried away by a momentary emotion. 5 She dislikes one girl that all of her classmates like.

13 77. Wise Lady 의충고를아래와같이요약할때, 빈칸 a, b 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 77) Because an a attention to one thing brings about trouble, you'd better b it while you are doing such things as reading, ways of helping others, and social activities. (2) 만약내가그때우산을가지고있었더라면, 나는비가내려도나갈수있었을텐데. = If I then, I out in the rain. a 1 excessive 2 trivial 3 excessive 4 trivial 5 mild b distract concentrate attract eliminate concentrate 80. 다음문장이같은의미가되도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 80) (1) That she went to the party yesterday was not true. = she went to the party yesterday. 주관식서술형 78. 다음우리말과같은뜻이되도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 78) (1) 너는네가할수있는만큼열심히공부해야한다. = You have to study you can. (2) Inji는 Mina가가장똑똑한지아닌지궁금해했다. = Inji was wondering Mina is the smartest. (3) Jack은하루종일비디오게임을하면서시간 을보냈다. = Jack his whole day video games. 79. 다음우리말과같은의미가되도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 79) (1) 만약내가차를가지고있다면, 너를데리러갈수있을텐데. = If I a car, I pick you up. (2) It is possible that she enters a beauty contest. = is. 81. 다음문장에서가정법은직설법으로, 직설법은가정법으로각각고쳐쓰시오. 81) (1) If I knew his address, I could write to him.. (2) As I went to see the soccer game, I could see Park Jisung 다음우리말에맞게괄호안에주어진단어들을올바르게배열하시오. 82) (1) Mary가경주에참가하지못했다는것도사실이니? [ that, also, true, missed, is, Mary, the race, it ]? (2) 네가그문제에대해책임을지는것이필수적이

14 다. [ you, the matter, is, that, take, it, responsibility, for, necessary ] school and at home. It s true that grades are important. But they re not everything. If they were, and if you happened to get first place, what would happen? Others would start writing to me as you have just done. :) - Wise Lady with a smile 83. 다음문장에서어법상틀린부분을찾아각각고쳐쓰시오. 83) (1) What he needs some information is clear. (2) If my family liked animals, I could have had a puppy. 84. 위글의밑줄친 a, b 와의미가같도록아래빈칸을각각채우시오. 84) a= I study for exams hard. b= I m smart than I want to be (3) They are true that she is poor at speaking English. 85. 위글의밑줄친우리말 c 를 4 단어의영어로쓰시오. 85) (4) If I don't know her phone number, I couldn't call her. 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오., I m doing my best to get good grades. ai study for exams as hard as I can. The results aren t very bad. But bi m not as smart as I want to be. - Wendy, Mumbai Dear Wendy, I understand how you re feeling. If you really want to do better, think about your study habits. Are they good enough? Find better habits and try to get used to them. But listen, Wendy, you re just fine c지금그대로의모습. So learn to relax, and think of the good things at 86. 위글을읽고 Wise Lady 의충고를아래와같이정리할때, 빈칸에들어갈말을아래 [ 보기 ] 에서찾아각각쓰시오. 86) (1) about present study habits, and find and get to better study ones. (2) Don't on only grades and learn how to tension. [ 보기 ] accustomed, be nervous, relieve, Rethink, Stick to, distract, focus, using, increase

15 지학사 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오., I have this girl in my class. She thinks that she is the best girl in the whole world. All of my friends like her, but I don t. Am I the only one who knows what she is like? My dear Brittany, - Brittany, Honolulu I am wondering whether you think that your friends like this girl more than they like you. I am also wondering whether you are looking for something bad in her. It may be a good idea to find a way to control your thoughts and feelings. (A)It will help you act differently toward your friends than you usually do. If it turns out that this girl is not a good friend to others, then they will find out sooner or later. (B) 각자가 그들자신의의견을가지도록하는것이어떨까 요? - Wise Lady under control 87. 위글의내용과일치하도록빈칸에들어갈말을주어진철자로시작하여각각쓰시오. 87) Because Brittany is looking for the an side about one girl in her class, Wise Lady suggests that Brittany find how to bc herself. 89. 위글의밑줄친 (B) 의우리말을아래에주어진단어들을이용하여영어로쓰시오. [ 단, 필요시어형을바꾸거나단어를추가할것 ] 89) formed / don t / opinion / let / person / own? 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오., Every time I m bored, sports come into my mind. Every day I think of sports, write about sports, and talk about sports. What in the world am I supposed to do to get sports off my mind? My dear Sandy, - Sandy, Durban Too much of anything can be a problem. If I spent my whole day answering letters, what would happen? I would have no time to do other good things. If you want something other than sports in your life, make a list of the other things you like to do. Get ideas from books and friends. Remember to include reading, ways of helping others, and social activities. Instead of thinking of sports when you re bored, check your list for other fun things you can do. - Wise Lady for the good things 90. 다음우리말을영작할때, 빈칸에공통으로들어갈말을본문에서찾아 2 단어로쓰시오. 90) 88. 위글의밑줄친 (A)It 이가리키는것을찾아쓰시오. 88) (1) 우리는오늘회의를하기로되어있다. We're have a meeting today. (2) 우리항공편은몇시에출발하기로되어있나요? What was our flight leave?

16 지학사 91. 위글의내용과일치하도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 91) (1) If Wise Lady spent her whole day, she would have no time to do other good things. (2) Wise Lady advises Sandy to [ fast food / do / know / how / unhealthy / is / you ]? of the other things she likes to do and her when she becomes. 92. 위글을읽고아래질문에대한답을우리말로쓰시오. 92) Q) Where can Sandy get ideas when she makes a list of the other things she likes to do? A) 93. 위글에서사용된표현을이용하여아래주어진우리말을영작하고자한다. 빈칸에들어갈말을쓰시오. 93) 네가나의사무실로오기전에나에게전화할것을기억하시오. = me before you leave for my office. 95. 다음글에서추론할수있는 Christine 의고민을우리말로쓰시오. 95) Dear Christine, When you think a fight is about to begin, walk away for a moment. Think about what s happening. Aren t you fighting over something that just isn t that important? As you practice controlling your mind, you ll get better at it. Then you will spend less time fighting and you will have more time to have fun with your brother. - Wise Lady 96. 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말을주어진철자로시작하여쓰시오. 96) Cathy: I don t have good friends at school. My classmates are not kind to me. I don t like them. 94. 다음우리말을영작할때, 아래주어진단어들을올바르게배열하시오. 94), I love eating pizza and hamburgers, but my mom doesn t let me. What should I do? - Burger Lover Dear Burger Lover, If I were you, I would be worried about health. 당신은패스트푸드가얼마나몸에좋지않은지알고있나요? Why don t you eat more vegetables and fruit? They will help you think less about pizza and hamburgers. Dear Cathy, I understand how you feel. But if I were you, I would try hard to make friends. Why don t you become more f to your classmates? You can invite some classmates to your birthday party. I hope you will make many good friends at school. - Wise Lady

17 지학사 97. 다음글의빈칸에들어갈표현을본문의단어들을이용하여 5 단어로쓰시오. 97) Homin: I don t like playing sports, but my friends think boys should play sports. But I prefer reading books. Dear Homin, I understand how you feel. But if I were you, I would tell your friends that. Your friends will understand that different people have different tastes. Why don t you tell your friends to respect your taste? - Wise Lady 100. 다음직설법문장을가정법문장으로바꿀때, 올바른것은? 100) It rained, so we couldn't have lunch in the garden. 1 If it doesn't rain, we could have lunch in the garden. 2 If it had not rained, we could have had lunch in the garden. 3 If it rains, we could have lunch in the garden. 4 If it had rained, we couldn't have lunch in the garden. 5 If it had rained, we could have had lunch in the garden. 98. 다음밑줄친부분의쓰임이어색한것은? 98) 1 That's what they are supposed to do. 2 I ve tried many ways to lose weight. 3 He really doesn't look after his health. 4 You'd better change your eating habits. 5 The news report about the explosion turned on to be false 다음중빈칸에들어갈말이다른하나는? 101) 1 she will succeed is certain. 2 It is believed people should learn to dive. 3 It is clear he will come. 4 worries me is when we should leave. 5 It is great we will be high school students next year. 99. Which of the underlined parts has the same meaning to each other? 99) 1 It cost a huge amount of money to fix the house. All eyes are fixed on the screen. 2 She got good grades on her exams. They will have to repeat the grade they have finished. 3 The curtains and carpet are a good match. We won the final match against Japan. 4 My computer screen freezes suddenly. Water freezes at 0. 5 I was so angry that I couldn't control myself. He was finding it difficult to control his feelings 다음주어진단어들을이용하여우리말을영작할때, 6 번째오는단어로가장적절한것은? [ 단, 주어진단어들은모두사용하며, 구두점은생략함 ] 102) 우리가결승전을보러갈수있다는것은대단해. 그렇지않니? [watch / the / we / isn't / that / and / great / is / it / It / go / can / finals] 1 the 2 it 3 that 4 can 5 isn't

18 지학사 103. Which is the most suitable words for the brackets a, b and c? 103) If I a[have had / had] a sister, I would lend her clothes. Isn't it important b[that / what] we follow the rules, is it? I clearly remember c[to put / putting] my wallet in my pocket this morning. a b c 1 have had that to put 2 have had what putting 3 had that putting 4 had what putting 5 had that to put 104. 다음대화에이어질순서로가장적절한것은? 104) W: You seem to be in a hurry. M: Yes, I am. I have to go to the hospital. W: The hospital? What s wrong? a OK. Don t worry about him. b I m sorry to hear that. Anything I can do for you? c Can you take care of my puppy Happy until tomorrow? d My mom is very sick, and I should look after her now. 1 b - c - d - a 3 c - b - a - d 5 d - c - b - a 2 c - a - b - d 4 d - b - c - a 105. 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈표현으로적절하지않은것은? 105) A: You look worried. What s wrong? B: I got a warning from my teacher. A: For what? B: A: You d better not do it again. B: OK, I won t. 1 I dozed off in class. 2 I sent a text message in class. 3 I didn't make a note in class. 4 I was not answering my calls. 5 I had a chat with my friend in class Which dialogue is NOT natural? 106) 1 A: I fell over and broke my arm. B: I'm sorry to hear that. 2 A: How's it going? B: Not good. I'm worried about my puppy. 3 A: Have you heard about Gilbert? B: No. What's wrong with him? 4 A: Wasn't he math test very difficult, was it? B: No, it wasn't. But Mrs. Smith said that some did very well. 5 A: My computer froze, but I have to finish my homework this afternoon. B: Will you use mine? 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오., Every time I m bored, sports come into my mind. Every day I think of sports, write about sports, and talk about sports. What in the world am I supposed to do to get sports off my mind? My dear Sandy, - Sandy, Durban Too much of anything can be a problem. (A) If I spent my whole day answering letters, what would happen? (B) I would have no time to do other good things. (C) If you want something other than sports in your life, make a list of the other things you like to do. (D) Remember to exclude reading, ways of helping others, and social activities. (E) Instead of thinking of sports when you re bored, ᄀ. - Wise Lady for the good things

19 지학사 107. Where does the following sentence fit in the passage? 107) Get ideas from books and friends for such things. 1 (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 108. 위글의빈칸ᄀ에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 108) 1 try to enjoy various sports 2 practice controlling your momentary emotions 3 tell your friends to respect your taste 4 realize the importance of sports 5 check your list for other fun things you can do 109. Wise Lady 의충고가시사하는바로가장적절한것은? 109) 1 Seeing is believing. 2 Practice makes perfect. 3 Habit is a second nature. 4 Too much is as bad as too little. 5 Better late than never 위글의 Wise Lady 의충고에서흐름상어색한단어하나를찾아고쳐쓰시오. 110) 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오., I m doing my best to get good grades. I study for exams as (A)[hard / hardly] as I can. The results aren t very bad. But I m not as smart as I want to be. - Wendy, Mumbai Dear Wendy, I understand how you re feeling. If you really want to do better, think about your study habits. Are they (B)[good enough / enough good]? afind better habits and try to get used to them. bbut listen, Wendy, you'll change the way you are. cso learn to relax, and think of the good things at school and at home. dit s true that grades are important, but they re not everything. eif they were, and if you happened to get first place, what would happen? Others (C)[would / will] start writing to me as you have just done. :) - Wise Lady with a smile 111. 위글 (A), (B), (C) 의각괄호안에서어법에맞는표현으로가장적절한것은? 111) (A) (B) (C) 1 hard enough good would 2 hardly enough good will 3 hard good enough would 4 hardly good enough would 5 hard enough good will 112. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? 112) 1 Wendy isn't interested in her exam results. 2 Wise Lady recommends Wendy to change her study habits completely. 3 Wendy knows how to relax at school, but she ignores it. 4 Wise Lady never tells Wendy that grades didn t matter. 5 Wendy has always got first place in her class 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중전체글의흐름상어색한문장은? 113) 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e

20 지학사 114. 위글을아래와같이요약할때, 빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 114) Wendy is dissatisfied with her grades, so Wise Lady advises her. 1 to enjoy leisure activities on weekends 2 not to concentrate only on grades 3 to find the best place to study 4 to try to improve her grades 5 not to distract attention from her real aims 115. 다음글을아래와같이요약할때, 빈칸에들어갈말을이래 [ 보기 ] 에서찾아각각쓰시오. 115) Dear Christine, When you think a fight is about to begin, walk away for a moment. Think about what s happening. Aren t you fighting over something that just isn t that important? As you practice controlling your mind, you ll get better at it. Then you will spend less time fighting and you will have more time to have fun with your brother. - Wise Lady To a a fight about a trivial matter, Wise Lady advises Christine to b her mind. [ 보기 ] recognize, manage, forgive, determine, avoid, stimulate 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오., I have this girl in my class. She thinks that she is the best girl in the whole world. All of my friends like her, but I don t. Am I the only one who knows what she is like? My dear Brittany, - Brittany, Honolulu ai am wondering whether you think that your friends like this girl more than they like you. bi am also wondering whether you are looking for something bad in her. cit may be a good idea to find a way to control your thoughts and feelings. dit will help you act indifferently toward your friends than you usually do. eif it turns out that this girl is not a good friend to others, then they will find out sooner or later. Why don t we let each person form their own opinion? - Wise Lady under control 116. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중전체글의흐름상어색한문장하나를찾아그기호를쓰고, 올바르게고쳐쓰시오. 116) 117. 위글의내용을아래와같이요약할때, 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 117) Wise Lady advises Brittany to (A) her mind and (B) others' viewpoints. (A) 1 force 2 persist 3 remove 4 control 5 regulate (B) dominate recognize ignore overlook respect

21 지학사 118. Choose all the statements that can be inferred from the passage. 118) 1 All the Brittany's friends dislike Brittany. 2 Brittany doesn't think that Wise Lady is so smart. 3 The girl who Brittany dislikes seems to have a hard time in making friends. 4 Brittany is so jealous that she can't control her feelings. 5 Wise Lady thinks that if the girl who Brittany doesn't like has something bad, it will be revealed. Dear Cathy, I understand how you feel. But if I were you, 친구들을사귀기위해열심히노력할거예요. Why don t you become more friendly to your classmates? You can invite some classmates to your birthday party. I hope you will make many good friends at school. - Wise Lady (try, hard, make) 119. 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 119) Homin: I don t like playing sports, but my friends think boys should play sports. But I prefer reading books. Dear Homin, I understand how you feel. But if I were you, I would tell your friends that you don t like playing sports. Your friends will understand that. Why don t you tell your friends to respect your taste? - Wise Lady 1 attack is the best defence 2 different people have different tastes 3 honesty is the best policy 4 time is money 5 it never rains but it pours 121. 다음각그림과주어진단어들을참고하여충고의말로주어진문장을완성하시오. 121) (1) [ exercise, harder, every day ] a You should. b If,. (2) 120. 다음괄호안의단어를사용하여우리말을영작하시오. 120) Cathy: I don t have good friends at school. My classmates are not kind to me. I don t like them. [ study, harder, everyday ] a It is important to. b If,.

22 지학사 122. 다음대화를한문장으로표현할때, 빈칸에알맞은말을각각쓰시오. 122) (1) A: We get along well with our friends. B: That's good. It is. of something 4 wonder: to walk slowly around or to a place, often without any particular sense of purpose or direction 5 social: connected with society and the way it is organized (2) A: There will not be enough oil in near future. B: That's possible. It is Which of the following has the same usage as the underlined part "that"? 125) Is it possible that fresh air will be sold in the market? 123. Translate the Korean sentence into English sentence as directed. 123) 만약보라가아프지않다면, 그녀는저녁식사하러나갈수있었을텐데. <directions> Use the subjunctive mood. Use the words 'be', 'sick' and 'for dinner'. You can change the form if you need., 124. Which is a correct connection between the word and its meaning? 124) 1 control: to have power over a person, company, country, etc. so that you are able to decide what they must do or how it is run 2 opinion: your feelings or thoughts about something or somebody, rather than a fact 3 include: to make something or somebody part 1 I know many friends that live in New York. 2 Have you forgotten about that money I lent you last week? 3 It is too bad that I don't have much time to spend with my friends. 4 Honestly, I didn't realize they had that many hits. 5 Is there anything that I can do for you? 126. When you translate the Korean sentence into English one, choose all the sentences that are correct. 126) 만약그남자가그여자의근처에살지않는다면, 그는매일그녀를보지않을텐데. 1 As the man doesn't live near the lady, he won't see her every day. 2 If the man didn't live near the lady, he wouldn't see her every day. 3 If the man hadn't lived near the lady, he wouldn't have seen her every day. 4 As the man lives near the lady, he sees her every day. 5 If the man didn't live near the lady, he wouldn't have seen her every day.

23 지학사 Read the dialogue and answer the questions. Jinsu: You look worried, Taeho. Taeho: Well, it s Minsu. Jinsu: What s wrong with him? Taeho: He has no close friends, and wants to talk to no one. Jinsu: Hmm. I hope it s not too serious. Taeho: Me, too. But. Jinsu: Why don t you write to Wise Lady, and ask for help? Taeho: Right! She loves to answer our questions about school life. Jinsu: Feel better now? Taeho: Oh, yes. Thanks for the advice Choose an appropriate expression for the blank of the dialogue. 127) 1 you are not in his shoes 2 he is trying to make friends 3 I'm looking forward to meeting him 4 you're a little nervous 5 I m really anxious about him 129. Choose all the sentences that are grammatically WRONG from the box below. 129) a If it were sunny, we would go on a picnic. b I'm not sure that he is here yet. c It is said what people are not doing their best to save energy. d If it were not for your help, I couldn't have succeeded. e That nobody knows the secret is impossible. f I can't get used to change my life style. g Women get paid less than are their male colleagues. h The company has spent thousands of pounds updating their computer systems. 1 a, b, d, e, f, h 2 a, c, e, g, h 3 b, c, d, f, g 4 b, d, e, f 5 c, e, g, h 130. Which of the following does NOT have the closest meaning to each other? 130) 128. Among the following statements, how many things are TRUE about the dialogue? 128) (1) Taeho had a terrible quarrel with Minsu. (2) Taeho and Jinsu are in the same class at school. (3) Jinsu knew that Minsu has no close friends. (4) Jinsu used to write to Wise Lady" when he was in trouble. (5) Taeho will probably write to Wise Lady" for Minsu. (6) Wise Lady is working as a counseller in a middle school. 1 That she watched TV last night was clear. = It was clear that she watched TV last night. 2 As we aren't rich, we can't buy a car. = If we were rich, we could buy a car. 3 People got used to using blankets to make themselves warm. = People got accustomed to using blankets to make themselves warm. 4 I forget that I sent you a love letter. = I forget sending you a love letter. 5 If I had had enough time, I would have gone with you. = I don't have enough time, so I couldn't go with you. 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five

24 지학사 Read the passage and answer the questions. Dear Wendy, ai understand how are you feeling. If you really want to do better, think about your study habits. Are they good enough? (A) Find better habits and try to get used to them. (B) But listen, Wendy, you re just fine the way you are. (C) So learn to relax, and think of the good things at school and at home. (D) It s true that grades are important. (E) bif they were, and if you happen to get first place, what would happen? Others. :) - Wise Lady with a smile 131. According to the passage, what is Wendy's problem? 131) 1 She has no aptitude for studying. 2 She pays too much attention to the little things. 3 She wastes her time making a detailed plan for studying. 4 She is under stress because of her unsatisfactory grades. 5 She usually gets very nervous before tests Where does the following sentence fit in the passage? 132) But they re not everything. 1 (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 134. Choose the part that is grammatically wrong and write correctly in the underlined sentences a and b. 134) a: b: Read the passage and answer the questions., ᄀ I m bored, sports come into my mind. Every day I think of sports, write about sports, and talk about sports. What in the world am I supposed to do to get sports off my mind? My dear Sandy, - Sandy, Durban Too much of anything can be a problem. If I spent my whole day a[answering / to answer] letters, what would happen? (A) I would have no time to do other good things. If you want something other than sports in your life, b[make / making] a list of the other things you like to do. (B) ᄂ thinking of sports when you re bored, check your list for other fun things you can do. (C) Get ideas from books and friends. Remember c[including / to include] reading, ways of helping others, and social activities. - Wise Lady for the good things 133. Which of the following best fits in the blank? 133) 1 would hesitate to open their problems 2 would stick to their study habits 3 wouldn't be interested in becoming an object of ridicule by their peers 4 would think they are as smart as you 5 would start writing to me as you have just done 135. Choose the right order of the passage above. 135) 1 (A) - (C) - (B) 2 (B) - (A) - (C) 3 (B) - (C) - (A) 4 (C) - (A) - (B) 5 (C) - (B) - (A)

25 지학사 136. Choose the right pair of the grammatically correct words for the brackets a, b and c. 136) a b c 1 answering make including 2 answering making to include 3 answering make to include 4 to answer making including 5 to answer make to include 137. Which is the right pair of words for the blanks ᄀ and ᄂ? 137) ᄀ ᄂ 1 Although Instead of 2 Whenever Instead of 3 Although Because of 4 Whenever In spite of 5 Every time Because of 138. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? 138) 1 Sports Get More and Mor Popular! 2 Sports Make Students Stay Healthy! 3 Sports Help to Mix All Sorts of People. 4 There Are Various Sports As a Hobby 5 Sports Can't Be Everything! 139. Write Wise Lady s advice for Sandy in Korean. 139) 140. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word using given spelling. 140) Dear Christine, When you think a fight is about to begin, walk away for a moment. Think about what s happening. Aren t you fighting over something that just isn t that important? As you practice c your mind, you ll get better at it. Then you will spend less time fighting and you will have more time to have fun with your brother. - Wise Lady 141. Fill in the blanks so that two sentences have the same meaning. 141) (1) If I had some money, I could buy a new bicycle. As,. (2) As I didn't study a little harder, I couldn't pass the exam. If,. Read the passage and answer the questions., I have this girl in my class. She thinks athat she is the best girl in the whole world. All of my friends like her, but I don t. Am I the only one who knows bhow she is like? My dear Brittany, - Brittany, Honolulu I am wondering cwhether you think that your friends like this girl more than they like you. I am also wondering if you are looking for something bad in her. It may be a good idea dto find a way to. It will help you act differently toward your friends than you usually eare. If it turns out that this girl is not a good friend to others, then they will find out sooner or later. Why don t we let each person fto form their own opinion? - Wise Lady under control 142. Among the underlined parts a~f how many things are grammatically incorrect? 142) 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five

26 지학사 143. Which of the following is appropriate for the blank? 143) 1 express your feelings clearly 2 write down the details of the dream 3 appeal to the feelings rather than to the reason 4 tell the ideal from the real 5 control your thoughts and feelings 144. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? 144) 1 Brittany thinks that no one is better than her in the world. 2 Brittany thinks only she knows the girl's true character. 3 Brittany considers the girl she doesn't like impatient. 4 Wise Lady advises Brittany to act kindly toward her friends. 5 Wise Lady suggests that Brittany should not make a compromise with her principles. Read the passage and answer the questions., I have this girl in my class. She thinks that she is the best girl in the whole world. All of my friends like her, but I don t. Am I the only one who knows what she is like? - Brittany, Honolulu 145. Translate the Korean sentence a into English one using the words in the box. [If necessary, add and change words.] 145) also / am / look / something / if / wonder / bad / in her 146. Find and Write what the underlined part bit means. 146) 147. Write an appropriate expression for the blank using the word in the bracket. 147) W: Oh, dear. M: What s up? W:. ( forget ) M: You didn t bring your homework? W: No, I didn t. I m worried that I forget things too often. M: I often forget things, too. My dear Brittany, I am wondering whether you think that your friends like this girl more than they like you. a 또한나는당신이그녀안에서나쁜점을찾고있는지도궁금해요. It may be a good idea to find a way to control your thoughts and feelings. It will help you act differently toward your friends than you usually do. If bit turns out that this girl is not a good friend to others, then they will find out sooner or later. Why don t we let each person form their own opinion? - Wise Lady under control 148. Complete the sentences using the words in the brackets. 148) A: The English test was very difficult, wasn t it? B: Yes, it was. But Mrs. Smith said that some did very well. A: Hmm.? [ true / many students / over 98 / is / that / it / got ] B: No, I don't think so.

27 지학사 149. When you translate the Korean sentences into English ones, fill in each of the blanks with the suitable word. 149) a 여러분은이사진을보면무엇이떠오르나요? = What your when you see this picture? b 어제길을가다우연히옛친구와마주쳤다. = Yesterday I to meet an old friend on the street. c 도대체그게무슨말이에요? = What are you talking about?

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