-Ñ-Ø -úø - Ú- Ωç 2 -ï- - -J ç Éçûªèπ çü ûá -Ææ -èπ o rule v æé Ωç Ééπ\úø stem 'I am giving the party' apple verb, am

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Download "-Ñ-Ø -úø - Ú- Ωç 2 -ï- - -J ç Éçûªèπ çü ûá -Ææ -èπ o rule v æé Ωç Ééπ\úø stem 'I am giving the party' apple verb, am"


1 II Anu: Hi Suma, Wish a very Happy New Year of better communication. ( y -Ñ Ææç- -ûªq Ωç- apple «í English ö«x-úø-í -- -E ØË éó Ω -èπ ç-ô Ø o). Suma: Same to you, Anu. We are going to have a party on the occasion, aren't we? ( ç Ñ Ææçü - Ωs ç apple party -îëææ éó- appleûª Ø oç éπü?) Anu: Pavani said so yesterday, didn't she? (- ƒ- -E --E- o -Å- «-Åç-C. éπü? Suma: I am giving the party, aren't I? (ØË éπü party É y- apple-ûª - oc?) Anu: Yes, it is your turn this time. (Å Ñ ƒj F çûª... turn= çûª ) Suma: I am giving the party alright, but I am not making the arrangements, am I? (ØË party ÉÆæ h-ø o. à pô x -ØË-- îë-ߪ ôç - -ü éπü?) Anu: -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 91 Ah here comes Bhargavi. Hi Bhargavi, We are talking about the party. You are making all the arrangements, aren't you? (ÉCíÓ µ«ω_n. µ«ω_o, Ë ç party í -Jç-* Å -èπ ç-ô Ø oç. à p-ôxfo y îëææ h-ø o éπü?) Bhargavi: I am. I am getting the money from Suma, aren't I? (îëææ h-ø o. suma ü í _ Ω úø s BÆæ éó- L éπü?) Suma: I am ready. Thank you for making all the arrangements. You are taking trouble. aren't you? (ØËE- y-ö«-eéà Æœü l ç. é F y trouble BÆæ èπ ç-ô -Ø o éπü?) Bhargavi: That doesn't matter as long as I don't spend. (ØË úø s ê Ω a  ôd- ç-ûª- - Ωèπ æ Ω- - -ü -- ) as long as- so long as = ÅC ïj-íí- - Ωèπ, Ç æü l -A apple.so long as - í 'not' Ö o- æ púø -úøû ç. As long as á æ p--úájø úø- îª a. Suma & Anu: Thank you. Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ù í -ûªç-- apple- - -*a- È çúø lessons apple (question tags  j -- -*aç--c) - «í -ØË -Öç-C éπ-ü. äéπ\- ƒj Sx, don't, doesn't, didn'tûó îëa question tag N æߪ ç îª ü lç. Bhushan: You get up quite early, don't you? ( y î «Â çü - «úë Evü - - ƒh, éπü ) Dhiraj: That's right, do you, don't you? ( y èπÿú ÅçûË éπü?) Bhushan: Your college begins at 10, doesn't it? so you can get up late, can't you? (O college 10éÀ éπü, y Ç -Ææuçí Evü - - îª a, éπü?) Dhiraj: But our school started at 7.30, didn't it? so I got used to getting up early. ( school 7.30èπ çúëc éπü? Åçü - éπe Å - -ô- - Ú- çc.) Get used to = Å - -ô - æ-úøôç. I have got used to the hot weather here = (Ééπ\úÕ ËúÕéÀ ØË - - ô æúõ- Ú-ߪ ). Sx í Ω h-îë-ææ èπ çü ç 1) 'Get up' ÅØË Regular doing word verb Å not ü é öàd. Question tag, 'don't you?' 2) 'Begins' ÅØË second regular doing word verb Å not ü é öàd, question tag, 'doesn't it?' 3) 'started' ÅØË past doing word verb Å, not ü é öàd, question tag, 'didn't it?' (Didn't pronunciation - úõø d) É æ úø Ñ lesson v ƒ Ωç- µºç applee Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple... question tags Ö o sentences í -Eü lç. 1. aren't we? 2. didn't she? 3. aren't I? 4. am I? 5. aren't you? 6. doesn't it, etc. OöÀ applex aren't we? didn't she? aren't you? etc., Ñ question tags - èπ éìûëho é ü.én á «form îëߪ apple èπ ûá Ææ. É æ úø èπ éìûªhí *a question tags aren't I? 2. am I? ÉN Ö o sentences: 1) I am giving the party, aren't I? ç Éçûªèπ çü ûá -Ææ -èπ o rule v æé Ωç Ééπ\úø stem 'I am giving the party' apple verb, am giving é öàd, question tag apple am, ü E ûª yûª n't (stem apple not ü é öàd), ü E ûª yûª I *a, Á ûªhç question tag, amn't I? Å L éπü. é E Ééπ\úø aren't I (ÇØ di?) ÅE ÚhçC. ÉC î «êu- Á i N æߪ ç. I ûó begin ÅßË u sentence apple verb, am+í ÖçúÕ, not éπ- ÚûË, question tag á æ púø aren't I? í ØË Öçô çc.amn't I? ÅØË question tag English apple ü. ÅüË stem apple not Öçõ, Å æ úø question tag Sx am I? ( I am not making the arrangements, am I? Ééπ\úø stem apple not ÖçC) J-éÌEo examples îª ü lç. a) I am Andhra, aren't I? (stem apple not ü ) b) I am not an American, am I? (stem apple not ÖçC) 2) a) I am getting good marks, aren't I? (No not in the stem) b) I am not troubling you, am I? (Not in the stem) 3) a) I am an Indian like you, aren't I? ØË O «í µ«ω-b-ߪ -úõøë éπü? (No not in the stem) b) I am not a fool, am I? (ØËØËç Ω ^-úõo é ü, éπü? (not in the stem) é öàd 'I' N æ-ߪ ç apple í Ω hç-îª -éó- -LqçC a) Stem apple not èπ çõ, question tag aren't I? (verb, 'am+' Å ûë) b) stem apple not ÖçúÕ, verb 'am+' Å ûë question tag, 'am I?' Sx éìeo Éûª Ω verb farms éìîëa question tags Ééπ\úø ÉÆæ hø oç. í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ. É Fo èπÿú stem apple not Ö o- æ púø. a) Shall..., - shan't...? b) will.., - won't..? c) can..., _can't...? d) could..., couldn't...? (couldn't - pronunciation - (èπ Ø d) e) may..., - mayn't? ( Á ß Ø d?) -Ñ-Ø -úø - Ú- Ωç 2 -ï- - -J 2006 f) might..., - mightn't? ( Á iõ Ø d) î Å Ω ü. g) have..., - haven't...? has..., hasn't...? h) had..., - hadn't...? i) need..., needn't...? (pron: FØ d) j) should..., shouldn't...? ( æflø d...?) k) would..., wouldn't...? (ÖØ d?) stem apple not Öçõ Ææ ÊÆu ü éπü? verbs apple Á ü öà ô îá œp, subject îá ƒhç. example îª ü lç. 1) a) Sachin could play well, couldn't he? b) Sachin could not play well, could he? 2) a) Ramesh will help you, won't he? b) Sudha will not / won't help you, will she? do you, don't you? -v æ- o: Spoken English èπ Ææç- ç-cµç-* - ç-* books -ûá-l-ߪ -ñ -ߪ í - Ω. -P-K- æ, -ïçí È -úõfí -úáç -ï- - : Spoken English books market apple î «ÖØ o. öà applex éìçîáç ç*n. English conversation by Grant Taylor; Spoken English for you by G.Radhakrishna Pillai and K.Rajeevan. -v æ- o: 1) ƒ-üµ Ω-ùçí - apple-ü Ææ h- - -É-ç-Tx- ˇ- apple Underwear (-Åç-úø - Ë ) -Åç-ö«Ω. Innerwear (-É- o - Ë ) -Å-E -á-ç-ü éπ- Ω?- 2) Ææ q -áíé\-ô æ p-úø, Æœ-E- æ - x -ü í _ Ω -öàèé\-ôxèπ - ΩÆæ-véπ- ç- apple - -ú -EéÀ 'Q' ' æ-ü l -A - ƒ-öàç-îªç-úõ Å-E - apple Ω f- ç-ö«. Íé- - ç Q -Åéπ~ Ωç -vûª- Ë Ê Ì\ç-ö«Ω. - ΩÆæ-véπ- -EéÀ, -Ñ -Éç-Tx- ˇ -Åéπ~ - EéÀ Ææç- ç-üµ ç -à-n -öà? -vq-e- Æˇ, -N u- í -úø -ï- - : 1) Underwear - (Underware é ü ) appleü -Ææ h ç ߪ -öàéà éπ - æúë ü Ææ h - éàç-ü üµ JçîË ü Ææ h é - -öàd Underwear Åçö«Ω. Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. 3) a) Ameet has scored good marks, hasn't he? b) Ameet hasn't (has not) passed, has he? É «N í --û -N «í practice îëêæhøë question tags éπè èπ dí form îëߪ -í ç. Question tags E Ææç µ«- æù î - «EKb- çí Öçô çc. Now practice the following in English: 1) Ganesh: Hi Mahesh, E o va y ÆœE èπ - Á- «} éπü? Mahesh: Å, Á «h- E îá ƒp. åø? Ganesh: îá ƒp-. é F y Á «h- - -éó- ü. Mahesh: ØËØË-ü - Ø -îá-g-ûë serious í ØË Öçö«, éπü? Ganesh: cinema N æ-ߪ ç apple ØË vûªç serious é, éπü? Mahesh: ØË Ø friends ûó ÆœE- -Èé Ïh ÆæçûÓ- œ- ƒh éπü? E o y Ø ûó üëç? Ganesh: E o î - «busy í ÖØ o. - y Á-Rx- cinema hero fan éπü ØË? ØË -ü E «üµ - æ-úø -ûª Ø o. Ñ üµ u innerwear ÅØË word èπÿú úø -éπ- appleéà ÚhçC. Innerwear correct Å - - æp-öàéã (usage appleéà ÚhçC), î «- ç-céà Å Ωnçé éπ- Ú- îª a. áèπ \- - ç-céà Å Ωnç ÅßË u- ô underwear. 2) Ω-Ææ-véπ- ç apple E - úõ Öçúø-ö«-EéÀ English Åéπ~ Ωç Q é ü Q Ü Ω-éπØË Å «úø-û Ω, Thank you apple You èπ ü Thank U úõ- ô x. Ω-Ææ -véπ- ç apple Å Ωnç îëa English word Queue. Please queue up ÅØË - -ü, Please Q up Åçö«Ω, fancy í. People queued for the tickets. -v æ- o: 1) Spoken english èπ, written english èπ -ûë-ú - - -N- -Jç-îªí - Ω. 2) having been -à Ææç-ü Ωs ç- apple - Ææ hç-c? 3) Spelling mistakes Ææ-J-îËÆæ -éó- -ú -EéÀ Ææ- æ -É- yí - Ω. œ.-á-ø.- Í -, æ-j-t 2) Santhi: O Ω Ø O ü jokes ËÆæ h-ø o Ω, éπü? Revathi: ØË -Ææ -ö«xúøôç ü éπü, Jyothi? Jyothi: ØËØË Á Ñ îªü - -ûª -Ø o. åø? Santhi: ØËØË Ò Ω- æ-ú f, éπü? O Ω ç*- Ÿx ƒ æç. Revathi: ØËØË serious type éπü? Ø éπ-ææ jokes îªa. Jyothi: ØË studies appleøë interested, éπü? Santhi: Ø éπ-ææ joke îëߪ ôç ü, éπü? O Ω-Ææ Éûª- Ω O ü jokes Áߪ u Ω, éπü? Revathi: Jyothi N æߪ ç Ø èπ ûá-l-ߪ -ü. ØË vûªç á æ púø serious. Answers: 1) Ganesh: Hi, Mahesh, you went to a movie last night, didn't you. Mahesh: I told you (that) I would (go), didn't I? Ganesh: You told me, yes. But I didn't think you'd go. Mahesh: When I say something, I am serious, aren't I? Ganesh: But I am not serious about movie matters, am I? Mahesh: I feel happy when I go to a movie with my friends, don't I? Why didn't you come? Ganesh: I was very busy yesterday. I am the fan of the hero of the movie. Yesterday aren't I? I am sorry I missed the movie. 2) Santhi: Hey, you are joking at me, aren't you? Revathi: I am not at all talking, am I, Jyothi? Jyothi: I am reading the novel, aren't I? Santhi: I am mistaken, aren't I? You are good people. Revathi: I am the serious type, aren't I? I don't like jokes at all. Jyothi: I am interested only in studies, aren't I? I don't know how to joke, do I? Santhi: You never joke at others? do you? Revathi: I don't know about Jyothi, but I am always serious. -ï- - : 1) Spoken English î «simple í, Å Ωl - - -ú - EéÀ é Ω-ùç Ææ - µºçí, Ææ æ«-ïçí Öç-úø-úøç. æ Jh sentences Öçúø-éπ- Ú- îª a. Written English ÉçéÌçîÁç æü l -Aí, æ Jhí grammatical í, éìclí éàx æ d- Á i ô, é u- ûó Öç-úÌîª a. 2) Having been = Å Ö oç-ü - x Having been deceived by him once, I don't trust him any more äéπ- ƒj ØË -ûª-e-îëûª Á Ææ-Tç-îª- úõ Ö oç-ü - x ÅûªEo ØË Sx t. Having been selected he is happy select Å Ö oç-ü - x Åûª ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖØ oúø. 3) Spelling mistakes ûªí _- çõ ô- syllables í N µº->ç* spelling Ç apple-*ç-îªçúõ. ûªí _- û. Syllable Åçõ Åîª aûó Ö o æü - µ«í ç. Construction. DØÓx con, struc, tion -Å-ØË - úø syllables ÖØ o. É «devide îëææ èπ E spelling Ç apple-*ç-îªçúõ. ûª æ p ûªí _-û. URL:

2 II Ðû è[ª-- ñªëå]î ô Ù 4 áì J 2006 û ìª Íð -ô³ù-æëà-ùæëà Ï y-ö -ÚÛ-ð¼-óŸ«ìª.) Appointment «õª Íô nù ÑëÁuÞœÙ. Ú F appointment ÚÛª ÏÚÛ\è[ î è ì NëÅ]ÙÞ Íô nù = ÚÛõªú ªÚÁè -EÚ ú ªóŸªÙ, àáåª Eô g-ô³ù-àÿè[ù. Ramesh: Oh! Is that so? I didn't know (I haven't known) that you are so great. (Íö Þ, ìª yùêÿ Þ í p-î -è - E û ÚÛª ÏÙêŸ ô ÚÛª êµlóÿªë]ª). Sunil: Only the megastar knows my greatness. (þ -þ d-ôâ Ú û Þ í p-ë]ìù êµõªú ª) Ramesh: Does he? That's news to me. But I have a doubt, my dear Sunil. (Íö Þ? ÏC û ÚÛª Ú êÿh Nù óÿªù. Íô³ê û ÚÁ ú Ùë ï Ù ÑÙC.) 'That's news to me = ÍC û Ú Ù-êŸ- - ô ÚÛª êµlóÿªe Nù óÿªù. conversation öëº practice à óÿªùè. Sunil: What's it? (ÔÙåC?) Ramesh: Are you mentally sound? (FÚÛª ªA-ú n-nª-êÿùþ ÑÙë ÍE.) mentally sound = ªA-ú n-nªêÿùêá ÑÙè[è[Ù mentally unsound = í #a Sunil: Is that your doubt? Call the Megastar and ask him himself. (Íë F ú Ùë ï Ù. Íô³ê þ -þ d-ôâ Ú ðæ¼ûëâ à ú ÚÛìªÚÁ\) Ramesh: Should I? (Do) you want me to be another fool like you? Come on. Cut all that stuff about his calling you and taking your suggestions. You look a real fool. (Íö Þ? Fö Þ û ìª ÚÛ«è ô ª^è[- E-í Ù-àŸª-ÚÁ- ªÙ-æ î? ÏÚÛ Îí ±. þ þ dôâ FÚÛª ðæ¼ûëâ à óÿªè[ù, F ú «àÿ-ìõª Bú ª-ÚÁ-è[Ù-ö Ùæ í #a î Þœªè[ª ÚÛæ dšíåªd. ìª ±y EáÙÞ íæ ²öËÀ-ö Þ Ñû o ±.) Cut = Îí ±, ÚÛæ d-šíåªd, stuff = þ¼c, î Þœªè[ª. Sunil: Do I? (Íö Þ?) šíj ú ÙòÅ -ù -éöëº îµ³ë]æ òå ÞœÙö˺ Sunil «å-õúûª Ramesh responses Þœ ª-EÙ-àŸÙè. Did he? Is that so? I didn't know (I haven't known) Does he? Should I? ÏÙêŸ- -ô ÚÛª ªìÙ question tags Óö form à óÿ«l, conversation öëº î æ ð vêÿ ÞœªJÙ# êµõªú ª-ÚÛªû où. Conversation lively Þ, effective Þ ÑÙè -õ-ìª-úûªùç question tags î è[úûù à ö Í - Sunil: Hi Ramesh, the Megastar phoned ú ô Ù. Íö Þ question tags Ú ÚÛªÙè, Ð lesson me last night and asked for a few tips öëºe Ramesh responses öëºe short questions on acting. - Oæ E response questions ÍÙæ Ù. Ïö Ùæ N (ï óઠô î ªøÉ Eìo-ô va þ -þ dôâ û ÚÛª ÚÛ«è conversation ÚÛª ú ï -á-ê y-eo-þ hô³. ðæ¼ûëâ à ú ìåì ÞœªJÙ# Ú Eo ú «àÿ-ìõª Question tags ö Þ ÏN-ÚÛ«è ÍÙêŸ-ÚÛª ³Ùë]ª Íè -Þ è[ª.) sentenceìª ñæ d ú ªhÙ-æ ô³. î æ -E-ñç d Oæ Ú Ramesh: Oh, did he? Íô nù ú ªhÙ-åªÙC. Íô³ê êµõª-þœªöëº Oå-Eo-æ Ú Ö Ú (Íö Þ?) Íô nù Íö Þ? ÍE. ÏN ÓÚÛª\- Þ ÖÚÛô ª àµí pì Sunil: And what is more, he wanted to see Nù óÿªù ªìÙ ì ªt-ö -E-CÞ Ñìoí ±pè[ªþ E, ªìÚÛª me about a future movie of his. ÎøŒaô uù/îú Ú h ÚÛL-TÙà Nù -óÿª-i-ì-í ±p-è[ª-þ E Unfortunately I am very busy you î è[ê Ù. know. So I couldn't give him an šíj ú ÙòÅ -ù -éöëº Ramesh î ú response questions ÍFo ÍêŸìª ì ªt-ö E Nù -óÿ«-õìª êµlóÿª-â - appointment. (ÏÙÚ ÔÙæ˺ êµõªþ, ÍêŸè[ª ìæ Ù-àŸ-ò˺꟪ìo Ú êÿh ú E «ÞœªJÙ# ììªo ÚÛõª-ú ª-ÚÁ- à óÿªè[ù, ú «àÿ-ì-õ-è[-þœè[ù ö Ùæ N. Ïö Ùæ ë ë í ± 50 ô «ð -óÿªõª.) ú ªh-û oô³ ÚÛë! Sunil ÚÛª Megastar phone (ÍJÚ öëº ÚÛí ±p Ú íæˆ ÖÚÛ è õôâ. ÍÙç î -õ-ìª-úûªù-åª-û o-ìe Íû oè[ª. Ú F ë]ªô -ë]'- responses Oªô «practice à óÿªùè. Íô³ê Ð Preethi: Does it? ù d- -ø êÿªh Í ±û... û ìª à ö G@ ÚÛë? ÎóŸª-ìÚÛª Íö Þ!? (Í ±û?) responses ÍÙêŸ-ÚÛª- ³Ùë]ª sentence öëºe verb ìª ñæ d, subject ìª ñæ d form à þ hù. Pramod: Two or three ministers consult me whenever they have problems. (Ïë]lô ª ö ë ³Þœª_ô ª ªÙv꟪õª ú ªú uö îµjû úh ììªo ú Ùví -C-þ hô ª.) Prasad: O, do they? (Í ±û, Íö Þ? ì ªt-øŒÚÛuÙ Ú ÚÛ-ð¼ê ªìÙ Ïà a response) Pramod sentence öëºe verb 'consult'. ÏC 1st Regular Doing Word- Ú ñæ d responseöëº 'do' ú ªhÙC (MinistersÚÛª ñë]ªõª 'they'êá). ÏÚÛ\è[ ÎÙÞœxòÅ ù é 92 question tags öëºö Þ not ÑÙç tag öëº not ô - ÚÛð¼ è[ù-ö Ùæ C ÔOª ÑÙè[ë]ª. Pramod: Most ministers are my friends. ( ªÙv꟪ö˺x à ö - ªÙC û úoï -êÿªõª.) ÏÚÛ\è[ verb 'are'. Ú ñæ d ministers ñë]ªõª they. Prasad: O, are they? (Íö Þ ÎøŒa-ô u-úû-ô -iì Nù óÿªù Íô³û response Ïö û ú ªhÙC.) Suraj: In the US, a cup of coffee costs a dollar, that is, about Rs. 50/- ÏÚÛ\è[ costs II Regular Doing Word Ú ñæ d response 'does', coffee ÍÙç 'it' ÍÙë]ª-ÚÛE 'Does it?' Prema: Though she is not healthy, her husband does not help her. (ÎÚÛª ÎôÁÞœuÙ ò ÞÁ-ö -ÚÛð¼-ô³û Î òå ô h ÔÙ ú ï óÿªù à óÿªè[ª.) Sujana: O, Doesn't he? (à óÿªè?) verb does (not) help - Ú ñæ d response öëº 'does. Kumar: The actor who played Samson fought with a real lion, you know? (ø uîâª-ú ûëâ ð vêÿ î ú ì ìåªè[ª Eá-iì ú Ùï ÙêÁ ð¼æ x-è è[ª, êµõªþ ) Sudheer: Did he? (Í ±û?) šíj sentence öëº verb 'fought'. ÏC Past Doing word Ú ñæ d, did ú ªhÙC. Subject 'actor' ñë]ªõª 'he' ú ªhÙC. Ïö Þ Am, is, are, was, were, shall, will, can, could, may, might, must, have, has, had etc. combinations êá à a verbsúûª responses ÍEoÙ-æ öëº Ïî ÑÙæ ô³. Charan: I can bat better than Tendulkar. (çµùè[«-õ\ôâ ÚÛû o ò Þ ò uæ ÙÞ à óÿª-þœ-õìª.) Sravan: O, can you? Can't you bowl better than Pathan? (Íö Þ? ªJ í ôè ûëâ ÚÛû o ò Þ ò öëà à óÿª-ö î?) Ïö Ùæ responses ò Þ practice à óÿªùè. Ú ÙàµÙ vøœë]läþ Þœ ª-E úh Ð responses question tags ö Þ à ö ú ªõòÅ Ù. Ú ÙàµÙ practice êá Oªô ª ú ªõ-òÅ ÙÞ form à óÿª-þœ-õô ª. ví óÿª-aoù-àÿùè. Now practise the following in English Tarun: EìoÙê šïj ë]-ô -ò ëâöëº à ö àÿlþ ÑÙC. Kumar: Íö Þ? ÏÚÛ\-è[ÙêŸ ö ë. Tarun: EìoÙê šúyåôâ î ú ªÚÛªû AJÞ. Kumar: Íö Þ? ÏÚÛ\è[ ÖÚÛ îµ«ú hô ª àÿlþ Spoken English ð êÿ î uþ õ ÚÁú Ù Ú xúâ à óÿªùè... URL: ÑÙC Ú F ÍÙêŸ-ö ë]ª. Tarun: ÍÙêŸ àÿl-öëºì«àÿfoüœxêá þ oìù à ø. Kumar: Íö Þ? ÓÙë]ª-ÚÛE? Tarun: û ô «Ùö˺ Þ uúã Íô³-ð¼-ô³ÙC. ðæ¼ûëâ à úh ôùè[ª-ôá-võª í è[ªêÿªù-ë]-û oô ª. Kumar: F ô «Ùö˺ Uáô ö ë? Tarun: FÚÛªÙë? Kumar: ÏC ÍÙêŸ àÿl-ví -ë øœù Ú ë]ª ÚÛë? ÍÙë]ª-ÚÛE UáôÂ Í -ú ô Ù ö ë]ª. Tarun: ÍEo ÎëÅ]ª-EÚÛ ú -êÿª-õêá Ñìo ðæ xæëàìª û ìª êÿyô öëº Ú ì-òëº-êÿª-û oìª. Kumar: Í ±û? ëå]ô ÓÙêŸ ÑÙè àÿªa. Tarun: ë ë í ± 20 õ Ûõ ô «ð -óÿªõª. Answers: Tarun: It was very cold the whole of yesterday in Hyderabad./ Hyderabad was very cold the whole of yesterday. Kumar: Was it? It wasn't so cold here. Tarun: I went about in sweater the whole day. Kumar: Did you? It was cold here too, but it wasn't so bad. Tarun: Even in such cold,/ Though it was so cold, I had a cold water bath/ a cold bath. Kumar: Did you?/ Had you? But why? Tarun: I ran out of gas/ The cylinder was empty/ The gas was exhausted. When I called the gas company, they said it would take two days/ I had to wait for two days. Kumar: Don't you have a geiger? Tarun: Do you?/ Have you? Kumar: This place is not so cold./ It is not so cold here, is it? So we don't need a geiger, do we? Tarun: I am going to buy a flat soon. A modern construction with all amenities. Kumar: Are you? What's the price?/ What is the price likely to be? Tarun: Around Rs. 20 lac. ví øœo: It is not Ú short form it's not/ it isn't. î æ pronunciation ÏæËÀq-û æëà/ ÏæËÀ ÐâµûËÂd Þ í õ-úû- à a? ÏæËÀ ÐâÉÀ û æëà Þ û í õ- Ú ö? Short forms writing öëºû Ú ÚÛªÙè spelling Ú ÚÛ«è Jh-þ hóÿ«? ÖÚÛ-î üœ spellingú ÚÛ«è Jh úh I would- short form I'd. He has - He's, I have - I've îµ³ë]-öµj-ì-î -æ E Óö ÑàŸa-JÙ-à L? Nî ÚÂ, ìöë¹_ùè[ áî ñª: It's not = ÏæËÀq not; It isn't = ÏæËÀ ÐáûËÂd Ïö Þ í õ-ú L. Ïö í õª- ÚÛªê Ù Ú ñç d writingöëº î æ -ìö ô þ hô ª. NªÞœê contracted forms (short forms) Nù -óÿªù-öëºì«ïö Þ ÑàŸa-J-þ hô ª. I'd = ÕèÂ; He has = he's =ï âéà I've = ÕîËÂ. ÍEo contractions îµ³ë]å spoken forms Ú ñæ d writing öëº Íö Í ±-êÿªùc.

3 II -Ñ-Ø -úø - Ÿ-véπ Ωç 6 -ï- - -J 2006 Laxman: Hi Ramu, may the new year bring you all happiness. (éìûªh Ææç -ûªq Ωç Fèπ ÆæçûÓ æç ûá*a  ö«d- E éó Ω -èπ ç-ô -Ø o.) Ramu: So may it to you, Laxman. (Fèπÿ Å «Íí ï Ω-í - E Ø éójéπ) Laxman: Thank you. Éçûªèπ çü Lessons apple May Ö æ-ßá -í éìeoç-öàe ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπ ü. Ñ Â j Sentences apple May Ö æ-ßá í ç îª úøçúõ. ÉN Wishes èπÿ, Greetings (ÅGµ- ç-ü - ) èπÿ úøû ç. Éçü apple îª Ææ h-ø o Ω éπü, Laxman, Ramu wish îëêæ--ô æ púø, Ramu, Laxman wish îëêæ--ô æ púø May úø -ûª -Ø o Ω. Å ûë É «çöà Ææçü - s applex May á æ púø Sentence çü ç-ô çc, Åçõ Sentence May ûó v ƒ Ωç µºç Å -ûª çc. May ûó v ƒ Ωç µºç ÅßË u É «çöà sentences, blessings èπ èπÿú, Åçõ ÇQ- Ωy-îª-Ø - èπ èπÿú úøû ç. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 93 Keshav: Hi Jagan, when are you starting for Delhi? (Delhi éà á æ úø ߪ - l Ω ûª Ø o?) Jagan: In a few hours from now. The train is at 3.30 (Ééπ éìcl í çô- èπ. Train 3.30 éà) Keshav: I am going home now. I may not be able to come to station to see you off. May you have a very happy journey! (ØËEç-öÀéÀ Á ŸhØ oe æ púø. Fèπ OúÓ\-L- y-ö«- EéÀ station èπ éπ Ú îª a. F v æߪ ùç ÆæçûÓ- æçí ƒí - E Ø éójéπ.) Jagan: May you have a happy time in your new course! When do your classes begins? (F éìûªh course apple y ÆæçûÓ- æçí Öçú L. O classes á æ púø - Á -ü - - û.) Keshav: They begin the day after tomorrow. (á xçúõ) Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple 'May' ûó v ƒ Ωç µºç ÅßË u sentences ÅFo wishes ûá- æ-ôç í -Eç-î Ω éπü. -É-N îª úøçúõ.. u May you live long! O Ω î - «é - E. (* Ωç-@! ÅØË ûá í ÇQ-Ææ qèπ Ææ ç) u May your business prosper! O u ƒ Ωç ÅGµ- %Cl îáçü L! (éójéπ, ÇQÆæ q) u May you celebrate many more birth days like this! É «çöà æ öàd ÓV î «î - «-îëææ éó- - -E! u May you live to be a hundred. çüë L. u May God bless you! üë úø E o ÇQ- Ωy-Cç-îª -í éπ! F 'May' È çúó Ö æ-ßá í ç ÉC. Éçûªèπ çü Lessons apple ç ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc. May, probability E ûá æ -ûª çc, ÆæçüË- æ Eo uéπh æ Ω -Ææ hç-ü E éπü! Åçõ Å îª a, Å -éπ- Ú- îª a ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ. u 'May' úó Ö æ-ßá í ç É æ púø îª ü lç. Srinath: May I come in? (ØË appleeéà î a?) Ravi: Please do. Srinath: May I have a few minutes of your time? (O Ææ ߪ ç é Ææh BÆæ éó- î a) Ravi: Please go ahead. What is the matter? (àçöapple îá æpçúõ) Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple 'May' Å - A Permission Åúø-í -ö«-eéà úø -ûª Ø oç éπü. -éπçõ  j ƒn x permission í E, ç î - «íı Ω-NçîË x permission í F Åúø-í - - -èπ -- o- æ púø, May, question form apple I/ we ûó úøû ç. 1) May I sit here? (ØËE-éπ\úø èπÿ Óa- î a?) permission 2) May I use your phone? (O phone -úø éó î a?) permission 3) May I know your name? / May I know who you are? (O Ê -Í ç-öapple/ -O -È - Ó ûá -Ææ -éó- î a?) ÉC æ Jhí Å æ-j-*-ûª - ûó. 4) How long may I keep this book? (ØËF æ Ææhéπç áeo ÓV- ç-îª -éó- îª a?) May official/ formal í permission É y-ú -E-éÀ statement form apple (you ûó êuçí ) úøû ç. Superior status apple Ö o- Ÿ} éàçc xûó ö«x-úøôç æ Ωh- ûª yûª, O Jéπ Á x- îª a ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ May úø-û Ω. 1) You may go now. O Jéπ Á x- îª a. (permission É yôç) 2) You may use my phone if you want. (O Ω, é -LÊÆh Ø phone - -úø éó- îª a) permission É yôç. Å «Íí éìçîáç u-ü í (Åçûª E æ\- Ω{í é èπ çú ) orders É y-ö«-eéà èπÿú statement form apple May úøû ç. 1) You may not leave office before 5 (âü í çô- èπ çü O Ω Ç Ææ ç* Á-- Ô}-ü l) order 2) You may not smoke here (O J-éπ\úø smoke îëߪ -èπÿ-úøü ) order. 3) You may leave office only after five. (O Ω âü ûª yûªøë ߪ öàéà Á- x- îª a) order (Åçõ Åçûªèπ çü Á xèπÿúø-ü E order). É -Fo May Ö æ-ßá -í : äéπ- ƒj Ææçví - æ«çí îª ü lç. 1) 'May' expresses probability (ïjíí Å -é ç) 2) 'May' expresses doubt (ÆæçüË æ«ç) 3) May in the question form, especially with I/ We is used for asking for permission in a very formal and polite manner. 'May' for permission is used to ask for permission in a more polite and formal manner than 'can' and 'shall', with I/ We, and 'will', and 'would' with you (in the question form) 4) 'May' in statement forms some times is used in place of 'shall' to express orders in a polite and formal way. 5) May in the beginning of a statement is used for expressing wishes and blessings. Now practice the following in English. a) Anil: Good morning, Sir. O Ω èπ high school apple teacher, Sir. -N - t-lo äéπ- ƒj éπ -Ææ -éó-ú -EéÀ î a. Murthy: - - y -Ø èπ í Ω h-ø o- -Å-E-. -î - «é - ç -ûª y-ûª -E- o éπ- Ææ éó- --ôç Ææç-ûÓ- æç.- É æ p-úëç -îëææ h-ø o-? When may I know the result? -ï- - : -v æ- o: Bí çtçc, é NJ-TçC, < E-TçC, æ Ææhéπç *J-TçC.. -É- «ç-öà - -öà-e -ߪ -ü -ûª-ü çí (- ç-îª- -úõç-c,- - í - -úõç-c, -Å-E é èπ ç-ú ) -Ççí xç- appleéà -á- «-Å- - - Cç-î - apple -ûá-l-ߪ -ñ -ߪ í - Ω. æ -, - \ æ Ωç- i) Bí çtçc = the wire bent ii) é NJ-TçC = the leg broke iii) < E-TçC = The ant drowned. iv) æ Ææhéπç *J-TçC = The book got torn. Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. Anil:  j îªü - - èπ Å Á -Jé Á Ÿh- Ø o, Sir. Á oøë visa *açc. O ÇQ- Ææ q éóææç î a. Murthy: Fèπ Ø ÇQ-Ææ q- - æ púø Öçö«. F v æߪ ùç Ææ êçí ïjt, yéπ\-úø «í îªcn  jéà - E Ø ÇQ-Ææ q (May úøçúõ). Anil: Ñ Ó-V Ø birthday èπÿú. Sir. Murthy: î «ÆæçûÓ æç. y î - «-é ç Çߪ - - Ó-í u- ûó Öçú - E éó Ω -èπ ç-ô Ø o. (May úøçúõ). Anil: î - «thanks, Sir. Murthy: ç*c. b) Sravan: ØË apple æ-léà -î açúœ? Bhavan: ΩçúÕ. èπÿ ÓaçúÕ. Sravan: Bhavan: Sravan: ØËE-éπ\-úÕéÀ interview attend Å -ú -EéÀ î a. Ø Ê Ω Sravan. Ø èπ interview á æ p-úø ç-úìîª a? îá ƒh- ç-úøçúõ. Ç... O èπ üµ u æ«oç È çúø í çô- èπ interview Öçô çc. É æ púë äçöà í çô- o Ω Å çc éπü çúõ. Ø interview É æ púë ÖçúÌî a? (May úøçúõ). -v æ- o: Idioms, usage í -Jç-* -N- -Jç-îªí - Ω. Ω æ -Ø - í ç, éπ- x Ω -ï- - : Idioms ÅØ o usage ÅØ o ü ü æ äéπõ. úø -éπ apple Ö o ô èπÿ Ω p, Ç ô èπÿ Ω p Á û h-eéà Ö o Å n-eéã, Ç ô èπÿ Ω p apple Ö o äéì\éπ\ ô Å n-eéà Ææç çüµ ç Öçúø-éπ- ÚûË, Ç ô èπÿ Ω p idiom Å -ûª çc. ÅüË úø -éπ- appleéà Ææ hçc é öàd ÅC usage Å -ûª çc. use Åçõ úøéπç. Åçõ äéπ word sentence apple use îëߪ ôç. O Ω vocabulary, idioms, improve îëææ éó- - çõ Vocabulary O ü books (Norman Lewis's Word Power Made Easy «çöàn) éìçûª- - ΩÍé Ö æ-ßá -í - æ-úø--û. Idioms O active use appleéà - çõ Bhavan: Sravan: Bhavan: - æ -» -Öç-úÌ-îª a. ØË Sx œ ƒh-. Åçûª- - Ωèπ ߪ ô wait îëߪ - îª a O Ω. O Ω front room apple èπÿ ÓaçúÕ. Interview Å ç-ûª- yûª èπÿú O Ω âü í çô Ωèπ Á x-èπÿ-úøü. result á æ úø ûá-l-ߪ - îª a? Í æ ƒßª çvûªç Ωèπ O Ω expect îëߪ -éπçúõ. Answers: Anil: Good morning sir. You were our teacher in the high school. I have come to see you. Murthy: I remember you, Anil. (I am) happy to see/ meet you, though after a long time. What are you (now)? Anil: (I am) going to the states for higher studies. I got the visa the day before (yesterday). I've come for your blessings. Murthy: You have my blessings always. May you have a happy journey and may you study well and prosper ( jéà -ôç) there! Anil: Today is my birthday too, sir. Murthy: I am very happy. May you live long in health and happiness! Anil: Thank You, sir. Murthy: You are welcome. (May you have a happy journey = Wish you a happy journey; may you live long = Wish you a long and healthy life) b) Sravan: May I come in (sir)? Bhavan: Please do/ do come in. Have a seat/ Please sit down. Sravan: I have come to attend an interview here. I am Sravan. When may I have the interview?/ When may be my interview? Bhavan: Wait a minute. Let me see... Yes. Your interview is at 2 in the afternoon. Sravan: It's already (É æ púë) 1.30 sir. May I have the interview now itself? Bhavan: That may be possible. I'll call you again. Till then you may wait outside. You may sit in the front room. You may not leave here till 5, even after the interview. Sravan: When may I know the result? Bhavan: Well, you may not expect it before tomorrow evening. Öûªh Ω_ç English Newspapers, The Hindu «çöàn, * o * o story books ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµç*  ü l novels îªü - ôç, êuçí English news magazines îªü - ôç. Vocab books «çöà öà- x words, their meanings ûá - ƒh, but we don't know how to use them. So read, read and read- that's the best way to improve. Åçû îªü -Nç-ûª- yûª Åv æ-ߪ -ûªoçí O èπ í Ω h o idioms, words O language apple úë- ƒh Ω. îªc- Ë-Æœç-ûª- yûª Å Ωnç-é E ô Ø o Öçõ Å æ púø dictionary îª úøçúõ. Commercials/ Ads èπÿú «í îªü - çúõ Modern expression Ææ hçc. O - o- æ p-úø «x English apple ö«x-úøçúõ. URL:

4 II -Ñ-Ø -úø -Ç-C Ωç 8 -ï- - -J 2006 Brahmam: Hi Vishnu, any idea where Siva might be? Vishnu: (P áéπ\-úø ç-úìîóa à Á iø ûá ƒ)? Not in the least. You call Ganesh. He might know. (ÅÆæ ûá-l-ߪ -ü. Ganesh èπ phone îë. Åûª-EéÀ ûál-ߪ - îª a.) Not in the least= ÅÆæ ü. Brahmam: Has he a cell? Let me have the Vishnu: number (Åûª-EéÀ cell Öçü.Number É y) He hasn't a cell/ He has no cell. He fears it might affect his heart if he carries it in his pocket, and his ear, if he hears from it- because of radiation. ( ü. ÅC ñ apple  ô d-èπ çõ heart èπ, ü EoNçõ îánéà üá s ÅE ÅûªE µºßª ç) Brahmam: So how do I get at him now? ( J ÅûªEo æô d-éó- ôç á «?) Get at = îë Ω -éó- -ôç/- æ-ô d-éó- ôç Vishnu: He might be at office now Ringup his office. You might be able to contact him. (Åûª-E æ púø office apple Öçúø- îª a. Åéπ\- úõéà Phone îáß. y-ûªeo Åéπ\úø æô d-éó- îª a). Contact: Ææç ç-üµ ç/- ä-éπ-jûó communication Öçúøôç Brahmam: Any idea who else might know Vishnu: Siva's whereabouts now? I want him urgently. ( ÚF Siva É æ -úá-éπ\-úø -Ø oúó îá æp-í - - Ÿx ÉçÈé- - ΩØ o ÖØ o?åûªeo éπ -Ææ - éó- ôç î - «Å -Ææ Ωç). Try his home. Here's the number. But they might all be out. ( Rxç-öÀéÀ phone îáß. -É-CíÓ - ç-. Å ûë Îx- Ω Éçöapplex éπ- Ú- îª a). (Try= v æߪ -Aoç* îª úø. ûá Ææ éπü : out: Éçöapplex éπ- Ú- ôç; In = Éçöapplex Öçúøôç) É Fo might combination ûó Ö o verbs Ö o sentences éπü. I mean,  j Ææç µ«- æ-ù- apple-en. Might combination ûó verbs English apple ûª Ωîª í -úø -ûª ç-ö«ç. Åçü -éπe might combination ûó îëa verbs í -Jç-* ûá -Ææ -éó- ôç êuç/ -Ö- æ-ßá -í -éπ Ωç. Might Combination Verbs: a) Might be ('be' form); b) Might+ 1st Regular doing word - might know, might come, might like, etc. 1) Might, present appleé F, future appleé F, Åçõ É æ úø é F, Ééπ- çü é F, expresses doubt (ÆæçüË æ«ç) and uncertainty (Ææç-Cí l -ûª). Åçõ ûá -í apple Öçúø- îª a, îª a ÅE ' îª a æü èπ Ææ ç. a) Might be - ÉC 'be' form; Å Ωnç: Öçúø- îª a. -v æ- o: -Éç-Tx- ˇ- apple - «í - -ö«x-ú - ç-õ -àç -îë-ߪ - apple Ææ- æ -É- yí - Ω. -áç.- Áçéπ-õ - y ΩÈ -úõf, -< - -ï- - : v æa- µº apple ÉÆæ h o Spoken English exercises regular í practice îëߪ çúõ. English paper îªü - ôç continue îëߪ çúõ. * o * o English story books èπÿú îªü - çúõ. ûª æpéπ ö«x-úø-í - Ω üµáj Ωuçí ö«x-úøôç v ƒ Ωç-GµÊÆh. -v æ- o: i) -Éç-Tx- ˇ- apple... consist, collapse, cultivation... -O-öÀ-E -á- «æ- é -L? ii) A. How do you go to home? B. I go home by rickshaw. éπè Íéd-Ø? b) Might + 1st Regular doing word (see, go, come, etc) Might see = îª úø- îª a (ÆæçüË æ«ç), Might go = Á x- îª a, Might come = îª a. Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple sentence äéπ- ƒj îª ü lç. a) Any idea where Siva might be? P áéπ\-úø ç-úìîóa à Ø o ûá ƒ? b) You call Ganesh. He might know í ù - ˇèπ phone îáß. Åûª-EéÀ ûál-ߪ - îª a. c) He fears it might affect his heart... í çúá üá s A - -îªae... ÅûªE µºßª ç. d) You might be able to contact him there Féπ-ûª Åéπ\úø üì Ωéπ- -îª a/ -ûª-í - Ôîª a. e) But they might all be out Åçü Ω ßª -öàéà Á Ÿxç-úÌîª a. é öàd  Ω éπü, might, present apple, future apple Åçûª éπ*a-ûªç-é E N æ-ߪ Eo ûá æ ûª ç-ü E Might be/ Might + 1st RDW (Regular Doing Word) ƒüµ u-- Á i, ï Ω-í -éπ- Ú- -îªaøë N æ-ߪ Eo ûá - æ -ûª çc. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 94 Ñ Å ΩnçûÓ Might èπÿ, Éçûªèπ çü ûá -Ææ -èπ o May èπ î «ÚLéπ Ö oô x ûá - ÚhçC éπü. Might, may éπø o áèπ \ ÆæçüË- æ Eo uéπh- æ- Ω - Ææ hçc. Åçõ May - -úõ- æ p-úø áèπ \ ƒüµ u ßË u Å -é ç -Öç-ô ç-ü - o- -ô. 1 a) Sunil may come this evening Ñ ƒßª çvûªç Ææ F îª a. b) Sunil might come this evening Ñ ƒßª çvûªç Sunil -îëa Á. Sentence (a) appleéπø o (b) apple ÆæçüË æ«ç áèπ \. Sunil may come Å o- æ úø Ææ F îëa Ææ îª- áèπ \, Sunil might come Å o- æp-öà-éπø o. 2 a) It may rain ( Ω{ç îª a) doubtful b) It might rain (Highly doubtful) ç Éçûª- - Ωèπ ûá -Ææ -èπ o might Á ü öà Ö æßá í ç. It expresses possibility/ uncertainty/ doubt in the present or in the future. (A) India might win the coming cricket series with Pakistan, atleast Inzamam says so ï Ω-í - o cricket series µ«ωû Èí -- Ìîª a. Éçï- Å «Åçô -Ø oúø. India may win Åçõ µ«ωû ÈíLîË chances Éçé Ææh áèπ \ Å o- ô. Might èπ Ó Ö æ-ßá í ç: a) You might try his office phone number if you are unable to get his home. Åûª-EçöÀ Phone üì Ω-éπ\- ÚûË, Office phone try îëߪ çúõ. b) You might call the helpline in case of trouble. O Íé- Ø o trouble, Öçõ, help line èπ phone îëߪ çúõ. In case of= Å ûë, helpline= äéπ ÆæçÆæn x Ææ æ ߪ ç Òçü -ö«-eéà îëߪ -Lq phone) Ñ È çúø Sentences apple «í might Ææ îª- - /- Ææ- - æ É y-ö«-eéà èπÿú úøû ç êuçí -éπçõ  ü l- - xèπ, éπçõ  j ƒn xèπ Ææ îª- -L- y-ö«-eéà î «u-ü -éπ- Ωçí. Rajasekhar (Senior Manager): Manmohan, the power bills are going up. Can't we make do with two air conditioners instead of four? (Manmohan, éπè çö bills «í áèπ \- Úûª - Ø o. 3 AC machines ü È ç-úõçöàûó Ææ Ω l-éó- îª a éπü? Manmohan (Manager): That might not be much use, sir. Power bills may be less, but the staff might not work so efficiently. (Åü ç-ûª Ö æ-ßá -í -éπ Ωç é éπ- Ú- îª a. ü E x current ê Ω a ûªí _-ûª ç-üë Á é E, Æœ sçc Åçûª Ææ - Ωn-ªçí æe-îë-ߪ -éπ- Ú- îª a, sir) í -Eç-î Ω éπü. Manager, Sr Manager éàîëa u-ü -éπ- Ω- Á i Ææ îª Might úõ. 'What do you think of this method?' (Ñ æü l -A í -Jç-* O Í - - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o Ω?) 'It might not increase our profits, sir' (ÅC «µ«-  çîª-éπ- Ú- îª a). Now practise the following in English: a) Prabhu: ç Ñ Ó-V match -Çúø -ûª Ø oç, éπü? Varma: Å. Å ûë Ω{ç Ææ hç-üë Á? Prabhu: Ω{ç ÊÆh á æ p-úø -ÇúÌîª a ç? Varma: Ñ çûªç Å îª a. Prabhu: ç ÈíLîË Å -é -»- çöapple? Varma: ç... Èí - -îëa Á? Prabhu: àçöà ÆæçüË æ«ç? Varma: Pitch Players èπ help îëߪ -éπ- Ú- îëa- Á - E! Prabhu: bowlers apple Gopala Rao O Ω try îëߪ - îª a. Åûª-Eéà pitch Å -èπÿ- Lç-îª- îª a. b) Manager: Ñ ƒûª furniture Åçû BÊÆÆœ éìûªh furniture Å - a- - -èπ ç-ô Ø o. Superintendent: ÅC ç* idea, sir. Office èπ èπÿú ç* Ω æç Ææ hçc. Éçé, sir, íóúø- -Eoç-öÀéà paint - Ë ç-îªôç èπÿú ç*- üë Á, sir. Manager: ØË ÅüË Å -èπ ç-ô Ø o, Å ûë î - «ê Ω a Å îª a éπü ÅE Å -èπ ç-ô Ø o. Supdt.: é E, O Í - - -éó-éπ- ÚûË, èπ ü E- x business áèπ \ ûª çc, sir. áèπ \ customers îëa Å -é ç Öçô çc éπü, sir. Manager: Ñ Ææç -ûªq Ωç budget apple adjust îëߪ - -îªaç-ö«? Supdt.: ØË budget prepare îëêæ-». O Ì-éπ\- ƒj ÅC -îª Æœ E Ωgߪ ç BÆæ éó- îª a, sir. Answers: a) Prabhu: We are playing the match today, aren't we? You might call the helpline iii) Seminar Ææç-ü s - applex how can we introduce ourselves? -áæˇ.-ûªéàs-ߪ, - -*-M æ-ôoç -ï- - : i) consist = éπø -ÆœÆˇd Æœ ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç collapse = éπ «ˇq «ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç cultivation = éπld- Á-ß - æø Áß ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç ii) A. How do you go to home ÆæJ-é ü How do you go home? - correct. Home çü ƒ - uçí 'to' ü. B. I go home by rickshaw,... iii) Good morning, every body, I am... (name) presenting this paper on... (subject). éπ- ÚûË My name is..., presenting this paper on... Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. Varma: Yes. But (I'm afraid) it might rain. Prabhu: In case/ If it rains when might the match we? Varma: (It) might be this weekend. Prabhu: What might be our chances of winning? Varma: Ah... we might win... Prabhu: What's the doubt?/ Why the doubt? Varma: The pitch might not help our players. Prabhu: You might try Gopala Rao among our bowlers. The pitch might favour him. b) Manager: I want to get rid of all the furniture in the office and get a new set in its place./ I want to replace all the old furniture by a new set. (È çúóc simple, better.) Superintendent: That might be a good idea. It might be good to have the walls painted too, sir. (That might not be a bad idea, after all. Ñ sentence áèπ \ u - æ -J-éπç - -êuçí éìçîáç  ü l xûó õ x-ô- æ úø, í Ω hçc éπü : not bad= very good.) Manager: That's what I think too. But it might cost a lot. Supdt.: If I might say so, (O Í O Å -éó-éπ- Ú-ûË- çúœ) We shall have more business, sir. We might have more customers, sir. Manager: Can we adjust this in this year's budget?/ You feel we can adjust it in this year's budget? Supdt.: I've prepared the budget, sir. You might just look at it and decide. URL:

5 II -Ñ-Ø -úø - çí - Ωç 10 -ï- - -J 2006 Charan: Hi Dheeraj, long time, no see. How's every body? (î «-é çc, îª Æœ. á «ÖØ o Ωçü Ω?) Dheeraj: Fine. Thank you. How's life? (èπ «- ƒøë. Áy «ÖØ o?) Charan: Getting along. (àüó ïj-t- Ú-ûÓçC.) Well, what brings you here? (àçöà «î a?) Ñ Question English apple î «common. bad manners é ü. Dheeraj: I thought I might see you at the book fair yesterday, but I didn't (E o book fair- æ Ææhéπ v æü - Ωz apple y éπ - æ-úø- -îªa- -èπ Ø o. é F ü ) Charan: I was out of town yesterday. In fact I had been away for 3 days. I returned only this morning. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 95 (E o Ü apple}. ÅÆæ úø ÓV- í. É Öü -ߪ Ë AJ-íÌî a.) Dheeraj: I bought some books at the fair yesterday. Look. Here they are. I thought you might be interested in them. (E o éìeo æ Ææh-é éìø o. É Ë. Fèπ öà apple interest Öçúø- -îªae BÆæ -éìî a) Charan: When is the fair closing? (á æ púø í - ÚhçC?) Dheeraj: It closed yesterday. (E o Å - Ú- çc) Charan: I expected it might go on for a few more days. (ÉçéÌEo ÓV- - Ø Öçô ç-ü E ÇPç-î.) Dheeraj: So did I. (-ØË- Å «Íí Å -èπ Ø o) Charan: One of the salesmen told me that it might go on for a few days after the date. (-- -JéÌ-Eo Ó-V- ÒúÕ-Tç-îª- -îªae äéπ salesman Ø ûó ÅØ oúø ) Dheeraj: I thought of visiting it the first day itself. But feared that there might be too much of crowd. Yesterday there was no crowd, and not many books either. ( Á ü öà Óñ Á «l- - -èπ Ø o é F ï ç áèπ \ í Öçö«- ΩE µºßª - æ-ú f. E o ï ç - Ω, áèπ \ æ Ææh-é )  j Ææç µ«- æù apple might combination ûó Ö o Verbs í -Eç-îªçúÕ. ç É æp-öà- - Ωèπ Might Ö æßá í ç í -Jç-* ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc Might, Present appleí F, future appleí F uncertainty E/ doubt E ûá-l-ߪ -ñ -Ææ hç-ü E. a) He might pass = úø pass Å îª a. (Doubt) b) They might agree to it = Ÿ} ä æ p-éó- îª a. -Ñ È ç-úø - é u- future. c) She might be at college now Ç Á É æ púø college apple Öçúø- îª a. Present. É æ púø  j Ææç µ«- æù apple might combination apple verb Ö o sentences îª ü lç. 1) I thought (that) I might see you at the fair. fair apple - - y éπ - æ-úø- -îªae Å -èπ Ø o Past 2) I thought (that) you might be interested in them. öà apple Fèπ ÇÆæéÀh Öçúø- -îªae Å -èπ Ø o Past 3) I expected (that) it might go on - Éçé éì - ƒ-í -ûª ç-ü E ÇPçî. Past Åçõ might past èπÿú ûá - æ -ûª çc àüájø Past apple ÖçúÌ-îªaF, ï Ω-íÌ-îªaF Å ΩnçûÓ. Ñ Å ΩnçûÓ, Might, may éà past form. Compare. a) I think he may help me (-Å-ûªúø Ø èπ Ææ æ ߪ ç îë ƒh-úøe ØË- -èπ ç-ô Ø o Present/ Future) b) I thought he might help me (-Å-ûªúø Ø èπ Ææ æ ߪ ç îë ƒh-úë- Á - E Å -èπ Ø o Past) a) apple I think ÅE present N æߪ ç îá æ h- -o æ púø may Ææ hçc. b) apple I thought ÅE past N æߪ ç ûá-lê -ô- æ púø might ÅE past form (May èπ ) Úhç-C-éπü. c) -Å-ûª-úÕ-éπ\-úÕ-éÌ- ƒh-úë- Á - E µºßª - æú f. I feared/ was afraid that he might come here. ÉC might 2nd use. It is used as the past form of May. a) I went there because you told me that he might be there. y -Å-ûªúø-éπ\úø ÖçúÌ-îªaE îá œp çü - - x -ØË- -éπ\-úõéà Á «x. (Past) b) He feared that they might reveal his secret ûª Ω æ«- ƒueo Ÿx ߪ -ô-â --úø-û Í - Á - E Åûª µºßª - æ-ú fúø (Past) 3) May «í ØË, Might èπÿú î - «- - u-ü í, formal í permission Åúø-í -ö«-eéà úø-û Ω. Might I come in? (More formal than 'May I come in?') 'May I come in?' - ÉüË î - «formal í, Polite í permission Åúø-í -ö«-eéà úøû ç-éπü? 'Might I come in?' - ÉC Éçé áèπ \ formal í, polite í Öçô çc, permission Åúø-í -ö«-eéà. 'Might I use your phone?' O phone äéπ- ƒj úø- î a? 'Might I come a little late tomorrow?' Í æ ØË é Ææh late í î a? Å ûë permission Åúø-í -ö«-eéà î «Å Ω -ü í úø-û Ω. áèπ \ May ü í _Í ÇT- Úû ç. ç Éçûª-èπ - çü ûá -Ææ -èπ -Ø oç-í ü? Can, Shall, May, are used with I/ We in the question form for asking for permission. É æ púø ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç 'Might' too is used with I/ we in the question form for asking for permission. But there are differences among them. Can, shall, may üµ u Ñ N æ-ߪ ç apple Ö o ûëú - - -Éçûªèπ çü N -Jçî ç. É æ púø Sx N -J-Ææ hø oç. Might ûó éπl œ. í -Eç-îªçúÕ, í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ. Now practise the following in English: Mallesh: F Á-Ø o- Ÿxç-úÌ-*a-éπ\úø? Might I come in? -v æ- o: Get, got Åçõ í -Jç-* -N- -Jç-îªç-úÕ. Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. Jagan: Ø Course 15 ÓV- ç-úø- îª a. ØË ÉçéÓ È çúø úø ÓV- ç-ö«- ØË Á Ç ûª yûª. Mallesh: Å æ púø - y Éçöapplex È çvúó- V- ç-úø- îª a Rama has come to Guntur. -Ñ - éπuç -à tense? Bus is come -Åç-õ -Å Ωnç -à-n -öà? has come -Å-E éπ-ü -! I shall have written a letter -Åç-õ I shall write a letter -Å- E éπ-ü -! -É- «ç-ô æ p-úø -õ iç í -Jç-* -îá- ƒp-lqç-üë-ø? I shall be going -Åç-õ -à-n -öà? -áç.- Ë-ù, -ûá-ø -L -ï- - : get Åçõ Òçü ôç, ûáîª a-éó- ôç, äéπ-îó-öàéà Á xôç, éì ôç, ûë ôç, etc. got, get èπ past tense and past participle. He got going - É «çöàîóôx get Ææ æ -ߪ éπ véàߪ Å îª a. (Å Ø English ö«x-úø-ö«-eéã, ߪ -ö«-eéà àc à Ωéπ- Á i- véàߪ ÅE ûá-l-ߪ -Lq- -Å -Ææ- Ωç- ü éπü.) Rama has come. Has come Ééπ\úø present tense. Å ûë É «çöà é u applex ÅC past action, time not stated (í ûªç apple ïjt, à time, day, year ûá - æ-éπ- Ú-ûË) Ææ *-Ææ hçc. For asking for permission with I/ we in the question form. Might (Å Ω ü ) R May AR Most very E Shall formal L Can slightly formal & Y U least formal formal & very polite S & least polite & polite polite E D éπü! Å oߪ u èπÿú ÉçéÌ-Cl- Ó-V applex ƒh-úë Á. Jagan: Åü çû course Å ç-ûª- yûë ƒüµ u- - -ûª çü - -èπ ç-ö«. Course period apple training center appleøë Öçúø- - - îª a directors. Mallesh: ÓW classes Å ç-ûª- yûª àç îë ƒh? Jagan: ÅÆæ programme àçöapple course begin Å çûª y-ûªøë ûá -Ææ hçc. Å æ -úø- ûë ØË Fèπ clear í îá æp- îª a. Mallesh: OK. Åçûª- - Ωèπ phone apple touch apple Öçü ç. Jagan: O Å oߪ u á æ púø îª a? Mallesh: ØË E oøë ƒh-úë Á Å -èπ Ø o. é F phone îëæœ îá ƒpúø. -É-çé È çvúó-v ü é -ØË- Á - -E. Jagan: ØË î «expect îë», O Éü l-je Ñ ÓV éπ - -îªae. b) Namrata: E o y o movie éà BÂÆ\- «h- Ë- Á - E Å -èπ Ø o. Priya: Ç movie FéÀ æ dç Öçúø-üË- Á - E Å -èπ Ø o. Ç hero, heroine F favourites é Ω. Namrata: ØË F phone éóææç wait îëææ hø o, îá x y phone îëߪ -éπ- Ú- -îªae îá œpø èπÿú. Priya: Åçûª «üµ - æ-úøèπ. ÅüË- çûª «í - ü. Ø Íé bore éìöàdçc. Answers: Mallesh: How long might you be here? Jagan: My course may last/ may go on for 15 days. I might stay for two or three days more after that. Mallesh: Then you might stay at our place for two days. My brother might come in a few days. Jagan: It might be possible only after the course. Our directors might ask us to stay in the Training Center during the course. Mallesh: What will you do/ are you going to do after classes every day? Jagan: We shall know the exact programme only after classes begin. I might then be able to tell you clearly about it. Mallesh: OK. Till then let's be in touch over phone. Jagan: When might your brother come? Mallesh: I thought he might come yesterday itself. But he called to say that he might not come for another two days. Jagan: I expected very much that I might meet both of you. b) Namrata: I thought you might take me to the movie yesterday. Priya: I thought that you might not like the movie. The hero and the heroine are not your favourites. Namrata: I was expecting your call though my sister told me you might not call. Priya: Don't worry. The movie wasn't good. It bored even me. The bus is come = Bus *a ÖçC ÅE; é F DE-éπØ o better, the bus has come. The bus is come ûª æ p é ü. I shall have written a letter = (Future apple àüó time èπ í F Åçûª-èπ - ç-ü - í F) letter ÊÆÆœ Öçö«- E. I shall write a letter = (Future apple; á æ púó ûá-l-ߪ ü ) letter ƒh. È ç-úõç-öà - -üµ u -î - «-ûë-ú Öçü E ûá - ÚhçC éπü. Shall be doing it = Future apple îëææ h Öçö«( )/ Ÿx, O Ω, Åûª / Ç Á îëææ h Öçú L. -v æ- o: I want to see a doctor, He wants to meet a doctor, It is better to consult a doctor- -O-öÀ -Å Ωnç -à-n -öà? - -úõ.ææ - «s -, -Q- «é -V- Ω -ï- - : It is better to consult a doctor = Doctor Ææçv æ-cç-îªôç Ë. Consult = Ææçv æ-cç-îªôç I want to see a doctor = ØË Doctor éπ èπ ç-ô -Ø o. He wants to meet a doctor = Åûª doctor éπ èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø. URL:

6 2 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü í Ω Ωç ï- - -J 2006 Ramana: Excuse me, how do I go from here Livewell Hospital? (Ééπ\-úÕoç* Livewell Hospital èπ á «Á «x- çúõ?) Strangers Åçõ éìûªh x æ -éπ-jç-îë-ô æ p-úø, Excuse me Å úøç good manners vûª Ë é èπ çú x ü % œde ÇéπJ{ç-îª-ö«-EéÀ èπÿú Ö æ-ßá í ç. 'Excuse me' úë Éûª Ω Ææçü - s : Åúøfçí Ö o- - x é Ææh ûª æ p-éó- -ØË-ô- æ púø, éìûªh x æéπ\ restaurants apple, ÉçÈé-éπ\-úÁjØ èπÿ Óa- Lq *a- - æ púø, etc.) Manohar: Are you a stranger here? (O J-éπ\-úÕéÀ éìûªh- «x?) stranger = éìûªh- úø Ramana: I am totally new to this place. (ØËE-éπ\-úÕéÀ æ Jhí éìûªh) Manohar: Where exactly do you want to go? (O Ω éπè -é dí áéπ\-úõ-èé- «xl?) Ramana: To Vantage Company somewhere around the Hospital. (Ç Hospital èπ ü í _ Ω Ö o Vantage Company éà) Manohar: Don't worry. A number of buses go to thatway: 125K, 15M, 62, etc. Take 15M; that takes you directly to the Hospital. Facing the hospital is this Vantage Company. (àç æ Ω- - ü. Åô Áj æ Á Ïx bus î «ØË ÖØ o. 125K, 15M, M áéπ\çúõ. ÅC A oí Hospital èπ Á Ÿ-ûª çc. Hospital -áü - Ω -í ØË Vantage Company). Ramana: (Do) you suggest I take an auto. (Auto BÆæ éó- ç-ö«? (Çöapple apple Á x- ç-ö«?) Manohar: That'd be very expensive. Don't worry. Buses on this route, especially 15M is very frequent. (ÅC î -- «áèπ \- - -ûª çc. àç æ Ω- - ü. Ñ route apple buses frequency áèπ \ Ë.) frequency = ûª Ωîª, áeo- ƒ Ω x ôç ÅØËC Ramana: OK. Thank you. I see 15M coming. I'll take it. (15M ÚhçC. ØË -üá-èπ \-û ). Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ùçû èπ éìûªh v æüë- ç apple ü J ûá - Ææ -éó- ôç, ûál-ߪ -E- -JéÀ ü JîÁ æpôç í Jç* ÅE ûá -Ææ høë ÖçC éπü? Ç expressions îª ü lç É æ púø. 1) How do I go to Livewell Hospital? 2) somewhere around 3) buses go that way 4) Take the bus 15M 5) facing the Hospital 6) take an auto. æ «-Ø îóöà-èé «Á «xl ÅØËç-ü èπ simplest expression: How do I go? ÉC Åûªuçûª Ææ æ«-ï- Á i, simplest question. ÉC é éπ- ÚûË, could you let me know/ please tell me how to go/ how to get there? OöÀ Å Ωnç Åéπ\-úÕ-Èé «Á «x apple é Ææh îá -û? ÅE u-ü í Åúø-í ôç. -v æ- o: My brother was come- -Å-ØË- éπuç -ûª æ p -Å-Ø o Ω. é -E VIth form of verb - apple beform+pp - Å-E -îá- ƒp Ω. -Ç -v æé Ωç -Ñ -- éπuç éπè Íéd éπ-ü! -á-ø. æ%-d y, -V- ƒ- ç -ï- - : My brother was come- Ééπ\úø was come was + past participle ÅE BÆæ èπ çõ Å æ púø passive voice Å -ûª çc Å Ωnç Åûªúø -ú fúø DEéÀ Å Ωnç ü, é öàd ÅC sentence Å ü éπü? ÅD é èπ çú beform + pp - verb form, subject ÖçúË verbs (Åçõ á -JE, üëee ÅE v æ o ËÆæ èπ çõ ï îëa verbs) èπ vûª Ë Öçô çc ÉC Éçûªèπ çü Lessons apple explain îë»ç îª úøçúõ. Å ûë He is come/ He is gone- Ñ sentences correct, é F Åçûªí úø Ω. How do I go there/ get there please? ÅE èπÿú Å - îª a. Can you/ Could you direct me/ guide me.. É-ü çû éìçîáç ƒçúõûªuç, conversation apple ü. a) Ë ç Nizam college èπ -á- «Á «x- çúœ? How do we go to/ get to Nizam College, please?/ Could you tell us/ let us know how to go to/ to get to/ We can go to Nizam college, please? b) What's the best way to get to Nizam college, please? ÅE èπÿ-ú Å - îª a. È çúø úø ü Ω - -Öç--úø -îªae - µ«-nç-*- æ p-úø. c) Bus áéπ\úøç. Get into the bus, bus Cí úøç = get down from/ get off the bus. d) Ééπ\-úÕoç* bus/ auto apple Á xçúõ. Take a bus/ an auto. æ «-Ø number bus apple/çöapple apple Á xçúõ/ Auto BÆæ éóçúõ. Take/ Get into bus no./ Take an auto. Train apple Á xçúõ = Take a train. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 96 Éçé É «èπÿú Å - îª a. go by bus/ go by auto/ go by train (Bus apple/ auto apple/ train apple Á xçúõ ÅØËç-ü èπ.) Å ûë ÅEoçöapplexéÀ simplest: Take train apple Á xçúõ. Í æ - -Öü ߪ ç -Ç Ω í ç-ô- éπ- «x Åéπ\úø Öçö«Ω take the train; you will be there by 6 tomorrow morning. (at 6= ÇJç-öÀ-éÀ; by 6 = ÇJç-öÀ-éπ- «x = ÇJç-öÀ-éÀí F Ç apple- æ í F) catch ÅE èπÿú Å - îª a Á Ÿx/- Á- xçúõ ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ, é F ÅEoç-öÀ-éπçõ take ÅØËC best. Raghu: Is Ramesh's very far off/ a long way off from here? ( Ω Ë ˇ x É x Ééπ\-úÕéÀ î - «ü Ω?) Subash: (Do) you want to see him today? (É éπ -Ææ -éó èπ ç-ô -Ø o ÅûªEo?) Raghu: Yea, because I am leaving tomorrow. (Å. ØË Í æ ÁRx- Ú-ûª -Ø o éπü?) Subash: Sorry I can't take you there today. Let's go tomorrow. (É E- o-éπ\-úõéà BÆæ Èé- x-. Í æ - Á- -ü -ç) Raghu: I'll be busy tomorrow. Just tell me how to get/ go there. I can go on my own. (Í æ ØË î - «busy í Öçö«. á «Á «x apple îá æ p. ØË Á x-í -. on my own = Ø Åçûªô ØËØË) Subash: OK. Walk down the street. Turn to the left and wait for Bus No. 4. It's quite frequent. Get off at Head Post Office stop. Walk along in the direction as the bus goes, turn to the right and then left. The fourth house on the right is Ramesh's. You can't miss it. Just opposite the place is Golconda super market. (Ñ street Áç úë úø. áúø - Áj æ A Ω í. -Ø - íó - ç- Bus áèπ \. Post Office stop ü í _ Ω Cí. Bus Á Ïx ÁjÊ é Ææh ü Ωç úõ*, èπ úõ- Áj æ AJT Sx áúø- -- Áj æ A Ω í. Ç road apple èπ úõ--- Áj æ -Ø - íó É x Ω Ë - ˇC. you can't miss it = ÅC éπ - æ-úø-éπ- Ú- ôç Åçô Öçúøü. áü - Ω í íó Ô\çúø super market Öçô çc. Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. Raghu: I can manage. Thank you. I'll be back in an hour and a half or two. Where can I find you? (ØË Á x-í - -. Manage = à æøájø îëææ éó-í - -í ôç. ØË í çô- o, È çúø í çô- éπ- «x îëa- ƒh. -ØË- -E-ØÁoéπ\-úø éπ - Ææ -éó-í - - (-Å æp--öàéà -F- Áéπ\-úø ç-ö«- -E?) Subash: Let's meet for lunch at Eatwell's. Food is good there. Take bus no. 22A, get down at Samir plaza stop. Walk along for a few yards and there you find the eatery. I'll be waiting for you there. (- - ç lunch éà éπ -Ææ -èπ çü ç, eatwell restaurant apple. Åéπ\úø food «í ç-ô çc. 22 A bus áèπ \, samir plaza stop ü í _ Ω CT éìcl ü Ωç úõêæh Ñ eatery (restaurant) éπ-e œææ hç-c.) Éü çû directions É yôç í -Jç-* éπü. Åçõ ü J îá æpôç. expressions úõ N îª úøçúõ; O Ω úõ practice îëߪ çúõ: 1 a) walk down/ walk along/ walk up the road = Road Áç úë úø- çúõ. b) áúø -- Áj æ / èπ úõ-- Áj æ A Ω-í çúõ= Turn to the left/ to the right. éπ- ÚûË take a turn to the left/ to the right. ÅD é éπ- ÚûË turn left/ turn right. c) A oí Á xçúõ= go straight/ walk straight d) Ç post office ü é úø- çúõ: walk on upto the post office. e) Walk on upto the post office and then turn left. Post office ü é úõ* áúø- -- Áj æ A Ω-í çúõ. 2. Cèπ \ Ê Ω x Ææç-ü s - applex.. a) ûª Ω pí Á xçúõ. Go east/ Walk to (towards) the east. b) à Cèπ \- Áj- æø o, A Ω-í ôç= Turn (to the) South/ north, etc. í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Turn to the South = turn South. c) Road ü éà~ùç - Áj æ A Ω -í -ûª çc= The road turns (to the) South d) Road æ A Ω -í -ûª çc= The road takes a bend. e) Road æ ü í _Í Ç building= The building is at the bend of the road= You find the building (Fé building éπe- œ- Ææ hçc) at the point where the road takes a bend. f) Road apple Ö o äéπîóô = a point. g) Ñ îóöà ç* Åéπ\-úÕéÀ 2 éà.o. It is 2 km from the point. ç directions îáê p-ô- æ púø úë éìçúø í Ω h = land marks. a) Åéπ\-úÕéÀ ü í _J éìçúø í Ω h the nearest land mark to the place. b) Hyderabad central is a famous land mark 'Hyderabd Central' Åçü -Jéà ûál-æœ éìçúø í Ω h. c) How do I find your home? Any land mark? O É x ûá -Ææ -éì-øë-üá «? àüájø éìçúø í Ω hçü? To the left/ right; on the left/ on the right. Turn/ go «çöà verbs æéπ\ Å ûë to the left/ to the right Åçö«ç. äéπ uéàh, É x «çöàn -Öçúøôç Å ûë on the right/ on the left Åçö«ç. He is on my right. (Ø èπ úõ - Áj æ -Ø oúø ). The school is on the left of the shop. (Shop áúø - Áj æ School ÖçC) ÉN ü J îá æp-ö«-eéà úë ô. «í practice îëߪ çúõ. Practise the following in English: Tej: Lxé ÉçöÀéÀ á «Á xôç? Ééπ\-úÕoç* áçûª ü Ωç? Nikhil: Å apples î «ü Ωç. y È çúø bus J Sx é Ææh ü Ωç úø- L. How do I get there? Tej: y BÆæ Èé- x-í -? Nikhil: -Ñ Ó-V ØË- -î - «busy í ÖØ o. ü Ω- Ë -í E É x éπ éó\- ôç ûëlíé. Tej: éìeo éìçúø-í - Ω h îá æ p. ØË éπ - èπ \çö«. Nikhil: ü éà~ùç - Áj æ úõêæh Bus stop Ææ hçc, éπü? 13 number bus áèπ \. Ééπ\-úÕéÀ 6 stop apple Cí. -ü -E-E Gulab Restaurant Stop Åçö«Ω. Åéπ\úø 27 bus áèπ \. Urdu School stop ü í _ Ω Cí. Urdu School ü é úõ*, Åçõ ûª Ω p - Áj æ, Åéπ\úÕoç* ü éà~ùç - Áj æ A Ω í. Åéπ\úø Fèπ éìçúø í Ω h æ«- Ø Ç ßª ç. Ç Ç ßª ç ç* úó É x - -úõc. Tej: áçûªêæ æ æúø -ûª çc?- Nikhil: éπfææç 45 E-N - ƒ-. Answer: Tej: How to go to/ how do I go to Malliks?/ Malliks place? Nikhil: O, it's a long way off. You need to walk some distance after changing two buses. Tej: Can you take me there? Nikhil: I am very busy today. The place is distant but is easy to find. Tej: Give me/ Let me have some land marks. I'll manage. Nikhil: Walk South and you get the bus stop, don't you? Take bus no. 13. Get off / get down at the 6th stop from here. That is the Gulab Restaurant stop. Catch Bus no. 27 there. Get off at Urdu School stop. Walk up to Urdu School, that is, walk (to the) east, and then turn South. There you have a land mark- Hanuman Temple. The third from the temple is our friend's. Tej: How long will it take? Nikhil: At least 45 minutes. URL:

7 I Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -E Ωç ï- - -J 2006 Ranjan: Hi Sajjan, what brings you here so early in the day? (àçöà, Éçûª  ç-ü - Ï É «î a?) Sajjan: Just to see you, Ranjan, long since we met you know. (Ç, E o îª úø-ö«-eíé, ç éπ -Ææ èπ -E -î - «ÓV- - ç-c-éπü?) Ranjan: That's right/ so it is, of course. What's (what has) happened to you all these days? You forgot me. Didn't you? (éπè Íéd. ÉEo ÓV- - -ߪ u y?/ à çc Fèπ? o Ja- Ú-ߪ, éπü?) Sajjan: I could say the same about you, couldn't I? (E o í -Jç-* èπÿú ØË üë Å - îª a éπü?) Ranjan: Ok, Ok, let's not quarrel. Happy we've met atleast now, aren't we? (ÆæÍ x, íì-úø- Ì-ü l. É æpöàèéjø éπ -Ææ -èπ - oçü èπ ÆæçûÓ æç éπü?) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 97 Sajjan: You can very well say that. How about disturbing Bhushan now? ( y-øëc correct. Bhushan Rxç-öÀéÀ Á «l?) you can say that/ you can very well say that = y-øëc correct. Disturbing Bhushan Åç-õ Rxç-öÀéÀ Á «l? ÅØË é F ÅûªEo trouble îëߪ -ö«-e-éπe é ü ) Ranjan: (I) Like to, but I'm not for going so far off now? (É æ d Ë é E, -É æ p-úø Åçûªü Ωç îëa æj-æœn- A apple ) Sajjan: far off? His place is/ He lives close by, doesn't he? (ü Ωç Åçô -Ø o- ËçöÀ? Ééπ\-úÕéÀ ü í _Í éπü Rx- x?/-é-éπ\-úõéà ü í _ Ω appleøë Öçö«úø éπü?) Ranjan: That was till 2 months ago. He moved to surendranagar. (Å-C È ç-úø -ØÁ- - éàç-ü -öà Ææçí -A. - -úø Surendra nagar èπ É x -úø.) -É- x - Ωôç-= move; shift Åçûª- Ææ-J-é ü. Å «Íí 2 months ago, correct, 2 months back ÆæJ-é ü ) Sajjan: That's news. The fellow didn't even call to tell me of it. I wish to see him urgently about something important. How do I go to him? (ÅC Ø èπ ûá-l-ߪ ü. úø Ç N æߪ ç phone îëææ- Ø îá æp- ü. ùào- æ púø êu- Á i N æߪ ç í -Jç-* éπ -Ææ -éó- L. á «?) Ranjan: I'll tell you. Listen carefully. You have a bike, haven't you. Drive straight along the road. At the next cross roads, turn left. Take the third right turn again. (îáê pc ñ«ví -ûªhí N. F bike ÖçC, éπü?ñ road Áç úë Á Ÿx. (Drive = Motor æ«- ç apple Á xôç.) Ç ûª yûª îëa Centre apple áúø - Áj æ A Ω í. Sx úóèπ úõ- Áj æ -BÆæ éó) Sajjan: You are confusing me. Why don't you come along too. ( y o confuse îëææ h-ø o. - y- -èπÿ-úøü? Ranjan: Ok, I'll give you another route. Drive along, take the 3rd right, proceed till you see a Ganesh temple with a large neem tree behind it. Go on further along. Then turn left. You find the sales Tax Office there. You can't miss it because in front of it there is an STD booth. The 2nd house from it is Bhushan's. So, distant perhaps, but easy to locate, isn't it? (ÉçéÓ route îá ƒh. É «Á Ÿx, úó- èπ úõ road - Áj æ A Ω í. Å «Íí Á Ÿx í ù»- -ߪ ç Ωèπ. Ç ßª ç Á éπ  ü l Ë æ îáô dçô çc. Éçé Ææh ü Ωç- Á Ÿx, áúø- - Áj æ A Ω í. Åéπ\úø sales tax office Öçô çc. ÅC miss Å - y. áçü -éπçõ ü E çüë ã STD booth Öç-C. Åéπ\-úÕ-Eç-* È çúó É x Bhushan C.) éàç-ü -öà lesson apple «Íí Ñ Ææç µ«- æù èπÿú ü J Åúø-í -ö«-eéã, ü J îá æp-ö«-eéà Ææç ç-cµç-* Ææç µ«- æù éπü? Ééπ\úø ô îª ü lç: cross roads, behind, in front of, proceed, go further along. 1) Cross Roads/ road junction = Ø í Óúøx -èπÿ-úøl = DEo X roads ÅE -èπÿú ƒh Ω. áèπ \ í center ÅF, î é ÅF- Åçô çö«ç. chowk œ«çd- ô. center ÆæJ-é ü. 2) behind = Á éπ. DE ü ƒ - uçí î - «- çc backside/ at the back side Åçô ç-ö«ω. é E english apple backside = buttocks ( œ Ω -ü ). Åçûªí back ú - - -èπ çõ, at the back of Åçõ ÆæJ- Ú-ûª çc. a) The car is behind/ at back of the bus. (At the backside of the bus é ü.) 3) In front of = ç-ü -Å-E (space Ææç-ü Ωs ç- apple). ÉC behind/ at the back of èπ opposite. DE ü èπÿú before áèπ \ úø -ûª çö«ç. Before Åçõ ' çü ÅØË Å Ωnç, é E ÅC Time apple çü ÅE space apple é ü. Å ûë The School comes before the cloth shop - Ééπ\úø Correct, à Å ΩnçûÓ? Ç cloth shop èπ É -ûª ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ ÅçûËé F äéπ building èπ çü Ω ÅE é ü. a) ÉçöÀ ç-ü -ã éì sj-îá-ô dçc. There is a Coconut tree in front of our home. b) x É x Post Office É -ûª = Their place is/ comes before the post office. 4) Beside = æéπ\ The Collectorate is beside the swaraj Maidan. (Ææy ñ Á iü Ø æéπ\øë Collectorate = Collector's office. Collector, director, Commissioner, etc, èπ 'ate' îëjêæh x é u- -ߪ - ØË Å Ωnç Ææ hçc). a) The Cloth shop is beside the Post Office - Å ûë beside éπçõ èπÿú 'next to' better, áèπ \. b) The cloth shop is next to the jewellery on the left of/ on the right of it = Ç í shop æéπ\øë Ç ôd shop, èπ úõ - Áj æ /-á-úø Áj æ (Beside, besides. beside = by the side of = æéπ\ ç Éçûª- - Ωèπ æéπ\ ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úõ- - ô. Besides = also, èπÿú, ü E-ûÓ- ƒô ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ. I lost my pen besides my book. Book ûó ƒô pen èπÿú ÚíÌ-ô d-èπ Ø o) 5) Close by = near by = close to = near = (Åéπ\-úÕéÀ) ü í _- Ω apple, Ç ü J-ü - æ applex a) You know the collectorate, don't you? The electricity office is close by/ nearby/ close to it/ near it = Fèπ collectorate ûá -Ææ -éπü? (Collector, Director, Commissioner «çöà æü - èπ ' - ate' îëjêæh J é u- -ߪ - ØË Å Ωnç Ææ hçc.) Ç electricity office ü EéÀ ü í _Í. 6) Proceed = Å «Íí Á xôç/ - Á- x-ôç. a) Ñ road Áç õ A oí Á xçúõ proceed straight along this road. b) Proceed to the east = ûª Ω p - Áj æ Á xçúõ c) If you proceed for a KM, you will see the place = Å «Íí ã éà- apple-o -ô Ω ü Ωç Á Ïh Ç îóô O èπ éπe œ-ææ hçc. Need not walk further Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. 7) farther, further: farther, far èπ Comparative; far: ü Ωç. i) farther: áèπ \ ü Ωç. Mumbai is farther from than Vijayawada, from Hyderabad. ç j  j«ü - - «ü éπç-õ Nï-ߪ - -úø- ç* áèπ \ ü Ωç. ii) further: Éçé. I can't walk any further: ÉçÈé-èπ \ ü Ωç (Éçéπ) ØË úø- -. (Ééπ\úø farther= further éπü?) b) Don't talk any further: ÉçÍéç ö«x-úøèπ. c) Walk further (farther) along: Å «Íí Éçé úø- çúõ. d) Go further down the street: Ç road Áç úõ Éçé -ü Ωç úø- çúõ. e) You need not walk further than the statue Ç Nví æ«ç ü öà úø- -éπ\- Ω- ü. Lesson No 96 ô, Ñ Lesson ô, ü J ûá -Ææ -éó- -ôç apple, Éûª- Ω - èπ ü J îá æp-ôç apple úøôç Ææ Ωy- ƒ--üµ Ωùç. O conversation apple Practice îëߪ çúõ. -v æ- o: Main verbs (tell, drinks), - -öàéà - ç-ü - -îëa helping verbs (do, did) ËÍ y Ω tenses - apple -Ö- o æp-öàéã (present tense, past tense) È ç-úõç-öà- Å Ωnç -äéπ\-õ -Ø? eg. I didn't tell, I never told I might tell, I might have told I did not tell, I have not told. Èé.-A Ω æ-a, - -ߪ çê -ô -ï- - : Helping verbs úëîóôx, helping verb ûª ya main verbs tense, helping verb tense õ d Öçô çc. eg: He does not know this: Ééπ\úø 'does' present tense é öàd, verb 'does know' present tense. I did not tell him - 'did' past tense; so verb did tell- past tense. Now Practise the following aloud in English: Pavan: Arjun, O ÉçöÀéÀ -Ç -èπ o Building àçöà? Arjun: Net Centre Ææçí û - - y-úõ-ííc? Pavan: Net Centre O ÉçöÀéÀ èπ úõ-- Áj æ. ØË -úõ-ííc áúø - Áj æ Building Ææçí A. Arjun: ÅC Telephone Engineering Company xc. xèπ á æ púø ߪ ô æe áèπ \. Åçü -éπe ü ü æ á æ púø ÊÆ Öçô çc. Pavan: -Ç -ã- -áéπ\-úø ç-ö«-úø? Arjun: Çߪ - çúëc X ç- -í - apple. Ny-éπ\-úÕoç* Á «x- çõ ûìn t-üó- ç- Bus áèπ \. Pavan: Ø èπ bike ÖçC. Arjun: Ñ Óú Áç úë ÁRx, èπ úõ-- Áj æ AJ-TûË éìçûªü Ωç ûª yûª ƒ booth éπ-e œææ hç-c. ü E Á -éπøë Çߪ -E x. Çߪ EçöÀ æéπ\ building Åü l Ë úø Åçö«Ω. Åéπ\-úÕéÀ ü í _Í Maths lecturer É x. Pavan: OK Thank you. Answer: Pavan: Arjun, What's in the building beside/ next to yours? Arjun: Are you talking of the Net Centre? Pavan: The Net Centre is on the right of your place. I am asking you about the building on the left of your place. Arjun: That belongs to a Telephone Engineering Company. Most of their work is outdoors ( ߪ ô). That's why it is almost (ü ü æ ) always closed. Pavan: Where does the owner live? Do you know? Arjun: He lives in Sriram Nagar. If you are going from here take bus No.9 Pavan: I have my bike. Arjun: Drive along this road, turn right and go on for some distance; you find a milk booth. The house behind it is his. The building next to his is called Addala meda. Our Maths lecturer's place is closeby. Pavan: OK. Thank you. I didn't tell him= ØË -ûª-eéà îá æp- ü I never told him = - ØË -ûª-e-èé- æ púø îá æp- ü. (never = á æ púø ü / é ü ) I might tell him: ØË -ûª-eéà îá æp- îª a (îá ƒh-øë Á ) (future) I might have told him = ØË -ûª-eéà îá œp Öçúø- îª a (îá ƒp-øë Á past) îª úøçúõ: 'tell' ûª yûª á -JûÓ îá œpçc èπÿú îá ƒpl. 'say' and 'tell' èπ ûëú -É-C- Ω- apple N -Jç-î ç. I did not tell him = ØË -ûª-eéà îá æp- ü (í ûªç apple, time, Åçõ á æ púø ÅE îá æpúøç ïj-tûë äéπ time, date, year, week, etc) I have not told him = ØËEçûª Ωèπ îá æp- ü. URL:

8 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- çí - Ωç ï- - -J 2006 Varun: Hi Tarun, Congrats on scoring a hundred percent in Maths. ( öàéà Ω Ω \ Maths apple *a- çü èπ congratulations. Cent percent É æ púø ƒûª- úõ Ú çc. A / One hundred percent ÅØËC É æp-öà- -úø éπ.) Tarun: Thank you. Congrats to you too. You scored the highest in English, didn't you? (Fèπÿ Congrats. Fèπ English apple Åçü -Jéπçõ áèπ \ Ω \ î a éπü?) Varun: I am happy about it. My marks in Maths aren't bad either, though didn't get a hundred percent. When I joined the course a few months I was not that confident about Maths. My hard work has paid off. The marks in this exam have given me confidence. (Ø èπ ÆæçûÓ- æç-í ØË ÖçC. Maths apple èπÿú Ø èπ ç* Marks î a öà-éà - Ω é Ú- Ø. course apple join Å - - æ púø Åçûª- - téπç ü Maths N æ-ߪ ç apple. Ñ exam apple marks Ø apple téπç éπ-l-tç-î. Aren't bad either = ÅC èπÿú -îáúëç é ü «í ØË *açc. English apple not ûó also ü. either Ææ hçc. Confidence = téπç; paid off= ç* îëæœçc/ «µºç éπl-tç-*çc. Tarun: How come you joined this college, when you have so many colleges in your place? O Ü applex á-øóo College -Öçúøí, Ééπ\úø -áç-ü èπ join Åߪ u---? How come= áçü èπ, purely conversational expression. O conversation apple ûª Ω-îª í úøçúõ: How come you are here? = -àçöà-éπ\-úø -Ø o? How come you don't know this? FéÀC ûá-l--ߪ éπ- Ú- ôç àçöà? Varun: Dad wasn't happy with any of those colleges, so he admitted me into / to this college. ( Ø oéπ Ë-O îªa- ü. Åçü -éπe Ééπ\úø îëjpç-î Ω.) Tarun: Where did you do your schooling? ( y à School apple îªü - -èπ -Ø o?) Varun: Upto the 7th Class in Teachwell School and from the 8h to the 10th in Learnwell School. (7 class Ωèπ Teachwell School apple, 8th ç* 10th Ωèπ Learnwell School apple) Tarun: How do you like being a hosteller? (Hostel apple Öçúøôç á «-ÖçC Fèπ?) Hosteller = resident = Hostel apple ÖçúÕ îªü èπ ØË úø. Being= Öçúøôç, Being a hosteller = Hosteller í Öçúøôç. Varun: O, I do like it. That's a kind of experience. Valuable in its own way. The only problem is food. Where did you do Intermediate? (Ø éà æ d Ë. ÅüÓ Å - µº- ç - ü E N ü Eèπ çc. (valuable= N - Áj ) Ç æ Ωç äéπõ Ææ Ææu. - y -Éç-ô áéπ\úø îªc-?) Tarun: Here itself. Why didn't you go for Engineering after Inter? (Ééπ\úË. Áyç-ü èπ Engineering îë Ω- ü?) Ééπ\úË Å -ö«-eéà Here only ÅE Åçô çö«ç Éü çûª ÆæJ-é ü Here itself ÆæÈ j expression. Varun: I am not interested. Moreover I want to be an MBA. Why didn't you? (Ø èπ interest ü. ÅçûË-é -èπ çú Ø èπ MBA Å - E -Öç-C. J Áyç-ü èπ Engineering îë Ω- ü?) Tarun: I want to do a PG course in IISC, Bangalore. (ÉüÁjçûªª yûª Bangalore apple IISC îë - E) PG course= Post graduate. (MA, M.Sc «çöà Master courses PG courses Åçö«Ω. BA, B.Sc, «çöà B ûó Courses= Bachelor/ degree/ graduate courses Åçö«ç. Post = ûª y-ûª. Post graduate = graduate ûª y-ûª. Varun: That's a good idea. You are good at Sciences. (Fèπ Sciences «í Ææ hç-c é - -öàd ÅC ç* idea ØË.) Tarun: I think the time has come for us to apply for the entrance exams of these courses which are usually in December every year. ( ç Ñ entrance exams v æ Ë- - æ-k-éπ~- èπ apply îëߪ -Lq time *aç-ü - -èπ çö«. ƒ-üµ Ω-ùçí Ñ entrance exams ÅFo èπÿú December apple Öçö«.) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 98 Varun: Yesterday's papers carried the ads about the entrance exams. The last date for sending in the filled in applications is the 12th of next month. (E oöà papers apple Ñ v æ Ë æk-éπ~ ads î a. æ -Jh-îËÆœ- applications æç ƒ-lq * --J-ûËC îëa ØÁ 12) Tarun: Then we had better get ready. Ok, then, see you. (Å ûë ç ready Å ôç ç*c. - -S} éπ Ææ èπ çü ç) Varun: Bye. Students, Studies, courses èπ Ææç- ç-cµç-*- Ææç µ«- æù éπü ÉC? éìeo expressions æj-q-lü lç. students Å -í ØË marks, pass, fail, score É «çöà ô, fees, study, «çöà ô í Ìh- ƒh- -éπü? î - «simple í, Ææ æ«-ïçí ÖçúË ô B Ω É «Öçô çc. 1 a) Áy-éπ\úø îªü ûª Ø o? Where are you studying?/ Which School/ College are you studying in?/ Which School/ College are you a student of? b) F Ë class? = what class are you in?/ Which class are you studying? what class are you doing? OöÀéÀ Ææ -üµ -Ø. Iam studying in... School/ College. I am in the I year Inter/ II year degree, etc. Studying ü, doing áèπ \ u - æ -Jéπç. a) ØË I year Engineering îªü - -ûª -Ø o I am doing my I year Engineering. b) Which year of medicine are you in? are you studying/ which year? (ÉC Éçûªèπ çüë medicine ÅE ûálêæh)/ Which year are you doing? Medicine à Ææç -ûªq Ωç îªü - -ûª -Ø o? Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. Shankar: May I Know what you are? (O Í ç îëææ hç-ö«ó ûá -Ææ -éó- -î a?/ O Í ç îëææ hç-ö«ω?) Dinakar: I am a student Shankar: Studying...? (àç îªü ûª Ø o Ω ) Dinakar: I am doing my II year Inter/ I am at college in the degree course/ I am in the 10th Class/ I am doing my X class. 2 a) School/ College apple îë Ωôç= Join a School/ college - join in é ü. b) äéπ course îªü - ôç = studying a course. äéó\- æ púø taking a course. c) She is taking a course in Software Software course îªü - -ûóçc. 3 a) She is taking lessons in music/ dance, etc: Music, dance apple Péπ~ù Òçü -ûóçc/ ØË Ω a-éìçöappleçc = She is learning music/ dance = She is doing taking a course in music/ dance. ÅC í ûªç apple Å ûë took, learned, etc úøû ç. b) I want to take this software course ØËF software course îªü èπ ç-ô Ø o. 4 i) «í îªü - ôç= study well/ do well at studies. a) 'How is he studying?/ Is he good at studies? 'O, he is doing very well at studies/ He is studying very well; he is hardworking.' (éπ æ d- æúõ îªü - ôç) ii) «í îªü - ôç = be good at studies, clever/ bright at studies ( «í, ûál-ní îªü - -û Ω.) b) She is good at maths, but rather poor at Physics = -Ç -Å- t éà éπ\ «í ØË - -îª a, é F Physics apple é Ææh poor. 5 Class èπ æ ï- Ω- ôç/ college éà æ ï- Ω- ôç attend class (es)/ attend college. 6 Poor at studies = dull at studies. 7 ækéπ~ = exam (examination êuçí ûª- appleøë úø-û Ω. ö«x-úë--ô æ púø exam úøôç Ææ ); exam èπÿ, test èπÿ ûëú : a) exam: äéπ Nü u- Ω ûª (qualification) - X class Inter, B.Tech, Msc «çöà certificates é F, degrees é F Òçü -ö«-eéà Å -Ææ- Ω- Á i êu- Á i ækéπ~. b) Test: ã exam èπ ü í í F, Åü - çí í F Nü u- Ω n à subject áçûª Ωèπ Å Ωnç îëææ -èπ - Ø o Ω, áçûª- - Ωèπ xé subject îª a ÅE E Ωg- ç-îª-ö«-eéà E Ωy- œ«çîë ækéπ~ test. Test Ææ ߪ ç, exam Ææ ߪ ç éπçõ ûªèπ \ Ë Öçúø- îª a. Ææçü - s Eo öàd test apple marks èπ Nü u- Ω -ûª apple Åçûª- -êuçí í Jhç- æ -Öç-úø-éπ- Ú- îª a. 8 ækéπ~ ߪ ôç: Take an exam/ sit an exam. a) ØË Í æ ækéπ~ ߪ - apple-ûª -Ø o I am taking an exam tomorrow. b) ØË Ñ --àú C * Ω Inter exams ߪ - apple-ûª - Ø o (I am taking/ will take the Inter exams at the end of this year/ I am sitting the Inter exams at the end of this year/ I sit the exam. Appear for an exam - Ñ expression É æ p-úøçûª úø-ôç- ü. í -Eç-îªçúÕ: ækéπ~ ߪ ôç ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ a) give an exam, b) write an exam ÅE î - «çc Åçô ç-ö«ω OöÀ applex àc-èπÿú correct é ü. (say either, 'Take an exam' or 'sit an exam'.) Å «Íí am appearing/ is appearing/ are appearing for an exam èπÿú ûªê p. É «çöà îóôxçû taking úõûë ÆæJ- Ú-ûª çc. Éçé Do an exam ÅE èπÿú Å - îª a. She is going her final year B.Tech exam at the end of this year. I am taking the exams Ç Á Ñ Ææç -ûªq- Ωç apple B.tech * J Ææç -ûªq Ωç ækéπ~ Ææ hçc. 8 æk-éπ~ applex Ω \ ûáîª aéó- ôç get/ score/ secure. OöÀ applex secure éìclí ƒçúõûªuç úøéπ- Ú- ôç ç*c. Rama Rao: How much/ How many marks did you get/ score in last week's exam? (éàç-ü -öà- Ωç æk-éπ~ apple áçûª/ -áeo Ω \ -ûáîª a-èπ -Ø o?/ î a Fèπ?) Bharadwaj: Dad, I can't say I got/ scored very high marks. (-- Ω \- «í ûáîª a-èπ - o-ô d/- -*a- ô d îá æp- ) Rama Rao: Why isn't your score high? Why aren't your marks high? (áèπ \ marks áçü èπ ûáîª a-éó- -ü /- - ü?) OR Why Couldn't you score high? Why couldn't you get high marks? (áçü èπ áèπ \- í ûáîª a-éó- -éπ- Ú-ߪ?) OR Why did you score low? Why did you get such low marks. (Åçûª- ûª-èπ \- Áç-ü èπ ûáîª a-èπ -Ø o- / - Åçûª ûªèπ \ Marks á «î aß?) Éçûª-éπçõ Á Ω -Èíj Marks ûáîª a-éó- -éπ- Ú-ߪ Ëç? Why could n't you score better?/ Why couldn't you get better marks than this?. URL:

9 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü í Ω Ωç ï- - -J 2006 Neeraj: Hi Suraj, ages since we met; what's wrong? ( ç éπ -Ææ -èπ E î - «ÓV- - çc. àçöà é Ωùç?) Suraj: I was very busy till yesterday with my exams. Thank God, its all over. What a relief! No more exam nerves (E oöà Ωèπ exams x î - «busy í ÖØ o. Å tߪ u Å - Ú-ߪ. áçûª æ í ÖçüÓ! æk-éπ~ - - ü Ω Ééπ- ü.) Relief = ( ü l Ω ØÁAh O ü ç* Cç*- ô d) Núø -ü. exam nerves æk-éπ~- çõ - ü Ω ) Neeraj: Happy to hear that. How did you do in the exams? (ÆæçûÓ æç! á exams?) Suraj: Well, I hope ( «í ØË ÅE ÇP-Ææ h-ø o ) Neeraj: What were your marks in the earlier exams? (Åçûªèπ çü exams apple marks á «- -î a?) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 99 Suraj: In most of them just above sixty percent. In one or two others I scored quite high - above 90% (î - «öà applex 60] éπçõ éìclí áèπ \. äéπöà È çúø papers apple vûªç 90% éπçõ áèπ \ - Ω \- -î a.) Neeraj: Why just above 60% in most of the papers? Weren't you saying you had done well in all the exams? (î - «- öà applex 60] éπçõ áèπ \ vûª Ë áçü -éì-*açc? î ««í»- E Åçô çúë- -úõn éπü?) Suraj: I thought so, but when I saw the marks I understood I had fared badly in them. One can never be sure in these matters, you know? (ØË- Å «ØË Å -èπ Ø o, marks îª Æœ- - æ púë ÆæJí ߪ - -ü E Å Ωn- - çc. Å Ø Éô - çöà N æ-ߪ applex á Ω à-d í öàdí îá æp- Ω, éπü ) Neeraj: What about your performance this time? (Ñ ƒj á?/ J Ñ ƒj Ææçí A?) Suraj: I think I fared very well. I am satisfied with my performance. ( «í»- ØË Å -èπ ç-ô -Ø o. Ø èπ ûª% œhí ØË ÖçC) Neeraj: Well, wish you all the best. How about a movie this evening then? ( ƒßª çvûªç ÆœE- -Èé- «l?) Suraj: That's be a real pleasure. (ã, ÆæçûÓ- æçí ) Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple úõ expressions í -EçîªçúÕ. É Fo èπÿú exams èπÿ, studies èπÿ Ææç ç-cµç-*- Ë OöÀ apple ç ú -Lq Ææçü - s î «áèπ \- í Öçö«. é öàd, Å -é ç *a- - æ p-úø «x úõ, practice îëߪ çúõ. Busy with exams exam nerves How did you do in the exam? I did well What were your marks? above 60% above 90% you had done well I had fared badly..your performance this time? a)busy with exams, busy preparing for exams, busy studying for exams - Oô-Eo-öÀéà ŠΩnç, exams ûó ûª - - -éπ- í (BJéπ èπ çú ) Öçúøôç- êuçí exams èπ îªü - ûª. b) exams Ææ hç-úøôç x BJéπ éπ- Úôç busy taking/ attending exams (Busy writing exams vûªç-é ü, english apple writing an exam/ exams ÅØË ô ü éàç-ü -öà lesson apple ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç í ü?) c) exams îëaææ hø o = exams are fast approaching = exams ÆæO - œ-ææ h-ø o = (Approach - Åv Úî v Ú ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç = ÆæO - œç-îªôç = ü í _- Ωèπ úøç/ Á xúøç) exam nerves = æk-éπ~- çõ éìçûª- çcéà -Öç-úË ü Ω, éπçí Ω, æk-éπ~- - µºßª ç. æk-éπ~ µºßª ç ç* ߪ -ô- -úøôç get over exam nerves, get over = ÅCµ-í -N ç-îªôç. How did you do in the exam? exam á -? ÉC êuçí í -Eç-î L ç english apple á exam Å -ú -EéÀ 'write' ü E Éûª Ω forms ØË-. î - «ûª Ω-îª í úë ô, 'do' ü E Éûª Ω forms a) ØË E o æk-éπ~ «í» I did well in the exam yesterday. b) ØË ç-ûª-ææ-jí ߪ - ü I didn't do so well/ I haven't done so well (Ææçü - s Eo öàd) c) ØË - -èπ - o ü E-éπØ o «í» I did much better than I had expected. d) ÅûªØËç «í ߪ - -ü He didn't do well at all. e) Åûª paper îáúõ-ê -»úø ( «í ߪ -ØË- ü -Å-ØË Å ΩnçûÓ) He did poorly/ very poorly in the exam. He did badly in the exam. É «- í Å ûë do úøû ç, ækéπ~ ߪ ôç ÅØË µ«-eéà. ÉüË O Ω Â j Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple í -Eç-îª- - -Æœ Åç ç. ' ߪ ôç *a îóô «x 'do' ü E Éûª Ω Ω ƒ í -EçîË Öçö«Ω. ÉC «í practice îáߪ uçúõ. Å ûë Å æ p-úø- æ púø, ækéπ~ ߪ ôç ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ fare èπÿú úøû ç....i had fared badly... I had done badly «í ߪ - ü. îáûªhí». a) á «- -» E oöà exam? How did you fare in the exam yesterday? b) «í ØË» = I fared well Prakash: How did you fare in the exams? (á?) Akash: Well, I think. I got 97% Prakash: Oh, you didn't fare badly after all. Congrats. (v æ tçúøç, î - ««í ØË»- - o- ô. í Ω h ûáîª a-éóçúõ = not bad = very good) c) Hold the exam any time you like, he is sure to fare well O É æ dç *a- - æ púø  ô d-éóçúõ ækéπ~, úø éπ*a-ûªçí «í ƒhúø. ækéπ~  ôdúøç = Hold an exam/ exams -É-C îª úøçúõ: i) what about your performance this time ii) I am satisfied with my performance. Å æ p-úø- æ púø, ækéπ~ ߪ ôç ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ performance èπÿú úøû ç. Å ûë ÉC é Ææh ƒçúõûªuç. a) á Ω E oöà exam? How was your exam yesterday? b) His performance in exams is usually brilliant exams apple ƒüµ - Ω-ùçí Åûª î ««í ƒhúø. brilliant = v æé - - ç-ûª- Á i, é ça-- ç-ûª- Á i (vg uçö 'vg ØÌéÀ\- æ- -èπ û ç) Vinod: You know, Vikas topped the school with his one hundred percent each in Maths and Science. (Ææ \ applex Åçü -J-éπØ o áèπ \ Ω \ Maths Science apple 100]) Pramod: That's brilliant/ really brilliant. (î «íì æp-í /- E-ïçí íì æpí ÖçC, Åûª-úø ækéπ~ Æœ B Ω ) Vinod: Every teacher likes him for his performance in the exams. ( æk-éπ~- applex -Å-ûª-úÕ B Ω - x teachers -Åç-ü -Jéà Åûª- çõ É æ dç.) äéπ N æߪ ç: do, fare, perform - -Ñ - -úõç-öà-e- Íé- - ç ækéπ~ N æ-ߪ ç- appleøë é èπ çú äéπj ƒ Ωnuç ߪ -ô- æúë N æ-ߪ - -Eoç-öÀ- apple úøû ç. How did you do in the exam? Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. a) How is YSR doing/ faring/ performing as the CM? CM í YSR -á- «ÖØ o Ω? (Ææ - Ωn-ç-í Ø é ü?) b) The Sri Lankans did/ fared/ performed very badly/ poorly in the last cricket series. Sri Lankans î - «poor í Çú Ω. c) Her performance in the movie was disappointing Ç *vûªç- apple Ç Á ô E æj-*çc. d) He did/ fared/ performed well in the movie Åûª Ç *vûªç apple «í öàç-î úø. e) He is doing very well as a teacher Teacher í Åûª î - ««í îëææ h-ø oúø. Do/ fare/ perform OöÀ applex Åûªuçûª Ææ æ«-ïçí, áèπ \- í úë- ô, 'do' f) I hope to do well in the exam ØË exam «í ƒh- ØË ÇP-Ææ h-ø o. -É æ p-úø -É-çéÌ-Eo expressions. a) O Marks àçöà?/-áeo? What are your marks?/ What marks did you get? What is your score?/ How many marks did you get/ score? b) F marks àç ûª% œh-éπ- Ωçí Your score is/ your marks are, not satisfactory. c) With such a low score/ such low marks, you can't get a seat in that college. Åçûª ûªèπ \ Ω \- ûó Fé college apple seat ü. Meghana: Congrats Sumana, on your high Score in Physics. (Physics apple Fèπ ç* marks *a ç-ü èπ congrats.) Sumana: You didn't fare badly either. You got just one mark below mine. So my congrats to you. Poor Jamuna! she got below 50%. (Fèπÿ àç ûªèπ \ ü éπü. äéπ\ Mark vûª Ë éπü Ø éπçõ ûªèπ \. Ñ Ææçü - Ωs ç apple -Fèπ -Ø --Å-Gµ- ç-ü - -. ƒ æç ï 50-»-ûªç éπçõ ûªèπ \ -î a ) (Above - áèπ \- /- «-îª aí ; below=ûªèπ \ ) Meghana: I'm surprised. She usually does very well. She never scored below 85% in the previous exams. (Eïçí Ç a- Ωuçí ÖçüË, ƒ æç. - æöà (previous - v œn-ߪ Æˇ) æk-éπ~ applex á æ púø 85]èπ ûªí _- ü.) É «çöàîóôx less than 85% -Åç-ô ƒ-üµ Ω-ùçí úë-c -Åç-ûª-Ææ-J-é ü ) Exam fail Å ôç, pass Å ôç = He/ she failed the exam/ passed the exam. ÉO exams èπÿ, marks èπ Ææç ç-cµç-* ô : Now practise the following in English: Subodh: Hi Pranav, exams èπ á «prepare Å -ûª -Ø o? Pranav: æk-éπ~- çõ Ø Èé- æ púø ü Í, Å - Ú-ßË çûª Ωèπ. Subodh: é -F FÈé- æ púø ç* marks ƒh- - éπü? Pranav: Ø èπ ç* marks ƒh, é F Éçé áèπ \ marks ûáîª a-éó- - E -Ø éójéπ. Subodh: á -J-èπ ç-úøü Ç éójéπ? Pranav: O class xèπ æk-éπ~- - æ púø? Subodh: E oøë Å - Ú-ߪ. Pranav: á y? Subodh: «í ØË», é F äéπ Chemistry paper vûª Ë îáúø-íì-ö«d. N í û papers apple 80 éà  jøë- - îª a. Chemistry apple vûªç 60 ü é - - îª a. Pranav: O cousin Sucharita á «- -ÆœçC? Subodh: «í ØË Æœç-ü - -èπ çö«. -Éçûªèπ - çü exams apple Ç Á -î - «- «í Æœç-C. ÅEoöapplex 100 èπ äéπöà, È çúø Ω \ vûª Ë ûªèπ \. Pranav: é F íì æp performance. Girls, -éπçõ «í îªü - -û - Ω- -èπ çö«. Subodh: îá æp- ç. Answer: Subodh: Hi Pranav, how are you preparing for the exams? Pranav: I always have/ suffer from exam nerves, until they are over. Subodh: But you always get good marks/ score high. Pranav: I do, but I wish to score even better marks. (Even = Éçé ) Subodh: Who doesn't wish it?/ Who doesn't have the wish? Pranav: When are the exams for your class?/ When are you people taking the exams? Subodh: They were over yesterday./ Yesterday was the last of them. Pranav: How did you do? Subodh: (I) did very well, but I did poorly/ fared badly in chemistry. In the other papers I may get/ score above 80%. In chemistry I may get about 60. Pranav: How did your cousin Sucharita do? Subodh: (I) think she did well. In the earlier exams, however, her performance was very good. In all the papers, she got just one or two marks below 100. Pranav: That's good performance. I suppose girls study better than we, boys. Subodh: We can't say./ Difficult to say. URL:

10 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -E Ωç ï- - -J 2006 W 100 -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù W Anand: (Eïçí îá ƒp- çõ Ø éì-*a English Ø Íé ÆæçûÓ- æçí ü. Éçûª-éπçõ «í ö«x-úø-í -LT, ߪ -í -LTûË Ø èπ î «ÆæçûÓ- æçí Öçô çc. We can be good speakers of English if we have regular practice. (Regular practice Öçõ «í English ö«x-úë xç Å û ç) Santosh: Yes, we frequently read so in these Spoken English lessons. (Ñ English lessons apple ÅüË ûª Ω-îª í îª Ææ hçö«ç/ îªü - -ûª çö«ç) ÉC 100 lesson éπü. Ñ Ææçü - Ωs çí for a change (* o- - Ω p-í / -é Ææh ûëú í ) ã * o Language game Çúøü ç.  j Ææç µ«- æ-ù- applee sentences îª úøçúõ: I a) I am happy; I am not satisfied; I too am anxious to learn more; I am not at all pleased; I am able to speak; I shall be happy. ÉçûËé èπ çú OöÀE question form apple èπÿú, not ûó, not èπ ç-ú èπÿú Å - îª a éπü? eg: Am I a doctor? Am I not a teacher? etc. É «Íí N í û 'be' forms ûó áeo sentences, statements vûª Ë é èπ çú, questions èπÿú, not èπ çú, not ûó Å -í - Ó îª úøçúõ. Gí _- Ωí O friend ûóøó, O ûó cooperate îëêæ x-ûóøó Å çúõ. Questions apple èπÿú, È çúø Ωé questions. 1) 'Wh' words (what, when, who, etc.,)ûó îëan. eg. Why are you happy? What is your brother? When was he a teacher? «çöà-n. 2) 'Wh' words E questions. eg. Are you happy? Is she your sister? Can he be a leader? «çöà-n. S} OöÀE not ûó, eg: Are you not happy? Were they not students? «çöàn. a) He is happy to meet me (To meet me áçü -éπ-ûª happy ÅØËC -ûá- æ ûª ç-c éπü ) b) They were not satisfied with their salaries. (with their salaries - ûó ÅØËC Ÿx áçü - x not satisfied ÅØËC ûá æ -ûª çc) c) Will they be pleased if I give them the books? (If I give them the books - ØË xé æ Ææh-é - LÊÆh ÅØËC Ÿx á «ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ-ú h-- Ω-ØËC ûá æ ûª çc éπü ) É «O Ω 'be' forms ûó - -îëa sentences ÒúÕ-Tç-îª -èπ çô Á x- îª a. Å ûë Å Ωnç vûªç correct í îëaô x îª Ææ éó- ôç î - «êuç. III Ééπ Ñ game apple úó- µ«í ç: Éçûª- - Ωèπ O Ω practice îëæœ sentences ÅEoç-öÀ apple verb, 'be' form éπü. Ñ 'be' form ü 'action words' áéπ\-úá-éπ\úø meanings Ω-èπ çú úø-í - Ó îª úøçúõ, Öü - æ«- Ω-ù : Anand: I am happy today. (ØËF- Ó-V ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖØ o) Santosh: Why?/ Why are you happy? Anand: (áçü èπ?) Because this is the hundredth lesson in spoken English. You are happy too, aren't you? (ÉC spoken English apple 100 lesson é öàd. Fèπÿ ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçC, éπü?) Santosh: Ofcourse I am, but I am not satisfied. There's a lot more english to learn. (Ø èπ ÆæçûÓ- æ Ë, Å ûë ûª% œhí ü. ØË Ω a-éó- -Lqç-C -Éçé î «ÖçC) Anand: I too am anxious to learn more. (Ø èπÿ Éçé ØË Ω a-éó- - ØË -Ç-ûª%ûªí ÖçC) Santosh: My sister appears very serious about learning more English, and so is my Anand: cousin Harsha. ( sister english ØË Ω a-éó- - E î «serious í ÖçC, cousin æ«ω{- èπÿú ) Deepti and Divya were my school mates. They were eager to learn English. They would be ever ready to read English newspapers and books, speak english, listen to others speak english, and so on. They are fluent in English now. Whenever they had an opportunity, they used to speak English. (D œh, C u Ø schoolmates. Ÿx English ØË Ω a-éó- - E áçûó Ç--ûª%-ûª-ûÓ ÖçúË- Ÿx. á æ púø English newspaper, books îªü - ôç, English ö«xúøôç, Éûª- Ω English ö«x-úë- æ púø N ôç «çöàn îëߪ -ö«-e-èé- æ púø Æœ-ü l ç. Åçü Íé Ÿx É æ púø English üµ - çí ö«x-úø-í - Ω. Å -é ç üìj-éà- - æ p-úø «x English ö«x-úë- Ÿx) Santosh: To tell you frankly, I am not at all pleased with my English. I shall be happy if I am able to speak and write better. b) Why are you happy? You are happy too; So is my cousin Harsha; They are fluent. c) Deepti and Divya were my school mates; They were eager to learn English. d) They would be ever ready to... e) We can be Ñ sentences apple ç í -EçîË N æߪ ç OöÀ applex verbs ÅFo èπÿú 'be' forms vûª Ë éπü? îª úøçúõ, Íé- - ç 'be' forms ûó áçûª Ææç µ«- æù ƒtçüó? É æ púø game. Ééπ\úÕ sentences apple 'be' forms (am, is, are, were, shall be, can be, would be, etc,) æéπ\ Ö o 'happy' «çöà ô ü O Ω úøí L- T ô- -Eoç-öÀE úõ sentences practice îëߪ çúõ. äéπ statements vûª Ë é èπ çú questions, exclamations èπÿú practice îëߪ çúõ. Not, never (á æ púø é ü /- ü ) ûó èπÿú practice îëߪ çúõ. Öü - æ«- Ωù îª úøçúõ. I am happy- Ééπ\úø Ö o 'be' form 'am' æéπ\ Ö o happy ü, ÆæÈ j Å Ωnç îëa-ô xí O èπ ûál-æœ ô úøçúõ. Öü - æ«- Ω-ùèπ, happy ü, a) sad, sorry, proud, tall, short «çöà µ«- éπ~-ù«- í ù«- ûálê ô (Å Ωn- ç-ûªçí ) áøáj oø úø- îª a. Éçé b) àüájø %ûª h, æ «çöàn îëêæ xøë Å Ωnç îëa-ô xí ÖçúË ô úø- îª a éπü? I am a teacher/ an actor/ a cricketer/ an employee/ a landlord/ a doctor, etc. Sx OöÀ applex not/ never èπÿú éπl œ úø- îª a éπü? I am not happy; I am not a teacher, etc «í. Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. I am happy today É «ç-öàn áeo sentences O Ω Å -í - Ó éà\ç-îª -éóçúõ. áéπ\úø O Ω questions ËÆæ - èπ çõ Åéπ\úø öàéà Answers èπÿú îá æ péóçúõ. Éü l Ω í _ Ω éπlæœ Ñ game Çúø -éóçúõ. O Ω áeo sentences îëߪ -í -L-í Ó îª Ææ -éóçúõ. O Íé Ç a Ωuç ËÆæ hçc. ' ç ÉEo sentences Å -í -L-í Ë ÅE. O Ææ æ ߪ ç éóææç: 'be' forms æéπ\ úøí LÍí ô Ñ éàçc Ωé - í Öçö«. 1) í ù«, (proud, good, bad, wicked) ûá-lê ô. 2) µ«(feelings) ûá-lê ô (happy, sad, jealous, etc). 3) éπ~-ù«(tall, short, fat, etc,) ûá-lê ô. 4) Past participle forms (satisfied, pleased, trained) 5) äéπ %ûóh, æøó îëêæ Ÿ} ÅØË Å Ωnç-ûÓ îëa ô (Actor, doctor, teacher, cook, lawyer, speaker, etc). Ñ Ωéπç ô úõ- - æ púø, singular çü Ω a/ an - E èπ ûá Ææ. áçü -éπçõ countable singular çü á æ púø 'a/ an' L éπü. 6) '-ing' forms (going, singing, walking)  j Ωé ô- Fo úøçúõ. öàéà Å Ωnç O Ω- -èπ - oô x ÆæJí ÚhçüÓ, üó îª Ææ -éóçúõ. Å æ púø O Íé ûá -Ææ hçc O È çûª English ö«x-úø-í - Ó. ç English ö«x-úø - ØË Å Ú æ«öçúøü. II An extension of the game, Ñ game é Ææh  çîª- îª a Ñ sentences J-éÌEo ô éπl œ: eg: He is happy. Ñ sentence É «ÒúÕ-Tçîª îª a éπü? a) They were all happy. Ééπ\úø 'be' form 'were' ü feel úø- îª a éπü. Å ûë, 'be' form í û Eo ûá-lê - ô é öàd, feel èπ èπÿú í û Eo - -ûá-lê õ ú L éπü. é öàd, felt Ææ hçc. Å æ púø, They all felt happy (They were all happy) b) She can be here in 10 minutes. Ééπ\úø 'can be' ÅØË 'be' form -ûó îëa Å Ωnç Ç Á Ééπ\úø 10 EN - ƒ- èπ Öçúø-í ü ÅE éπü. Åçõ Å Ωnç Ç Á Ééπ\-úÕéÀ 10 EN - ƒ- èπ îë Ω-í - ü ÅE Å æ púø ç îá æp-í sentence ÉüË Å ΩnçûÓ She can reach here in ten minutes. c) They shall be here for an hour. Rx-éπ\úø ã í çô-êæ æ Öçú L. ÉüË Å ΩnçûÓ 'shall be' ÅØË 'be form ü, ç 'shall stay' ÅEé F, shall remain ÅE -é -F Åçõ Å Ωnç Ωü. Å æ púø sentence They shall stay/ remain here for an hour. d) He could be helpful for us: Ééπ\úø be form could be Å Ωnç Åûªúø èπ Ææ æ -ߪ -é Jí Öçúøí - -úë Á. Could be ÅØË 'be' form ü action word ú - - -èπ çõ help úìîª a éπü. ü çûó sentence É «Ωa- îª aí ü? He could help us. É «O Ω áeo sentences îëߪ -í - Ó îª úøçúõ Å -é ç *a- - æ p-úø «x. Å -é ç éπ- ÚûË éπlpç-îª -éìe É «çöà sentences frame îëߪ çúõ J-*- Ú-éπçúÕ statements vûª Ë é èπ çú, questions (È çúø Ωé 'wh' questions, non 'wh' questions èπÿú ), Negatives (not, never) Ææ æ practice îëߪ çúõ. URL:

11 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- Ú- Ωç ï- - -J 2006 Damodar: Hi, Krupakar, I couldn't see you the whole of yesterday. What were you doing? (éπ%- ƒéπ-, E oçû y éπ-e œç-îª- -ü, àç îëææ h-ø o?) Krupakar: Busy playing the game - making as many sentences as we could - with my sister and prabhakar. ( Sister, prabhakar ûó éπlæœ Game -Ç-úø -ûª áeo Sentences O - ûë ÅEo Form îëææ h Busy í ÖçúÕ- Úߪ ) Damodar: What game was that? (àç Game?) Krupakar: You find the game in the hundredth lesson of spoken english. It's a simple game - forming sentences, as many as we can by adding suitable words after 'be' forms and action words - sentences to be not only statements but also questions, both types, 'wh' and 'non wh' questions, with not and never too... (î - «Simple game ÅC. sub + verbverb 'be' form Å îª a, action word Å îª a, ü E ûª yûª ô îë Ω a-èπ çô Ú- ôç Sentences statements vûª Ë é èπ çú, Questions, Exclamations èπÿú. Questions È çúø Ωé Questions 'wh' words ûó 'non wh' words ûó èπÿú. ÅçûË-é -èπ çú, not ûó never ûó èπÿú ) Damodar: Was that so? O I missed the game. How many sentences were you able to frame? (Å «í? Å ûë ØË game miss Åߪ u. O È Eo Sentences îëߪ -í -Lí Ω?) Krupakar: We didn't count, but we were able to make a good number. We have understood that we can improve our english by this kind of practice more than by reading books on spoken english. ( éπ\â ôd- ü é F î «ØË îë»ç. Spoken english O ü books îªü - ôç éπçõ É «çöà practice ü y ØË English «í ö«x-úøôç Ææ hç-ü E Å Ωn- Á içc)  j Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple Å -èπ ç-ô - oô d, practice x confidence  Ω-í -ô Ë é èπ çú, English Ææ æ«-ïçí ö«x-úøôç Å - -ô- -ûª çc. v æa- ÓW Friends ûó Ñ game practice îëߪ çúõ. Ñ Lesson apple éìclí ûëú ûó É «çöà game ÉçéÓöÀ îª ü lç. O èπ ûá Ææ verbs apple È çúø Ωé. Á ü -öàc 'love' «çöàn. OöÀéÀ á -JE, üëee v æ o ËÆæ - èπ çõ x ÅØÓ, ü EE ÅØÓ Ææ -üµ ç Ææ hçc. È çúó Ωé --E-N - walk ( -úø- ôç) «çöàn. á -JE úø- ôç, üëe-e úø- ôç Åçõ Ææ -üµ ç ü éπü. Ñ ƒj game apple Á ü öà Ωéπç verbs ûó sentences îëߪ çúõ. statements vûª Ë é èπ çú, questions, exclamations ûó Ææ æ, Not/ never ûó èπÿú O èπ ûál-æœ- Eo verbs ûó á o- ûë ÅEo. eg: 1) Vineet bought a book 2) When did Naresh meet you? 3) She doesnot like me (at all) 4) How well Rupa sings that song! 5) The teacher never made a joke É «áeo Sentences îëߪ -í - Ó îª úøçúõ. ûª yûª ÆæÈ j ô îëja Sentences extend îëߪ çúõ. eg: 1) Vineet bought a book at the college stores. 2) When did Naresh meet you to give you the book. 3) She does not like me because I do not like her. 4) How well Rupa sings that song from the movie, nuvvu naaku nachau. 5) The teacher never made a joke while teaching. É «çöà sentences O Ω O friends etc., ûó practice îëߪ çúõ. I, We, You, he, she, it and they ûó èπÿú sentences îëߪ çúõ. u u u Renuka: Urmila, why don't you lend me the book. I have to prepare for the exam the day after tomorrow. (Ç æ Ææhéπç é Ææh É ƒh-? á xçúõ exam èπ prepare Å Lq ÖçC.) Urmila: Sorry Renuka, Bhoomika has taken it -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 101 away. She has to prepare for the exam as well. You are a little late. I have to prepare (Sorry, µº N éπ Ç æ Ææhéπç BÆæ Èé-R}ç-C. ûª - èπÿú exam èπ prepare Å y- E.) Renuka: I thought of buying the book yesterday, but I had to take mom to hospital, so I didn't find the time. I must get the book somehow. Otherwise I'll be doing very badly in the exam. (E oøë book éìø - E Å -èπ -Ø o, é E Å t hospital èπ BÆæ Èé «}Lq *açc. éì - -éπ- Úߪ. á «íó äéπ- «í Ç æ Ææhéπç ûáîª a-éó- L ØË. éπ- ÚûË á xçúõ exam - «í -ߪ - éπ- Ú-û -- -.) Urmila: I must pay the fees today. Today is the last date. I should go to the bank and get the money. (É fees éπ-ö«dl ØË. -É- - Ï -*- -J ÓV. Bank èπ Á «xl, úø s ûáîª a-éó- L.) Renuka: That's true. We must submit exam applications by tomorrow. That's the rule. (Eï Ë. Exam applications Í æöà apple æ submit îáߪ ul. ÅüË rule.) Urmila: The applications should have the signature of the parent or the guardian, shouldn't it? (Application apple parent/ guardian Ææçûªéπç Öçú L, éπü?) Renuka: Yes, that's the rule. Further we must mention the amount paid, and enclose the fee receipt. (ÅçûË-é -èπ çú, áçûª úø s éπöàdçd clear í ûá- - ƒ-l, fee receipt ü -E-ûÓ ïûª- æ Ω-î L.) Urmila: OK then. Bye. I must hurry. ( ƒh Å ûë. ØË -ûªy ΩΩ- æ-ú L.) Ñ Ææç µ«- æù applee sentences í -Eç-îªçúÕ. 1) I have to prepare 2) She has to prepare 3) I had to take 4) I must get 5) I must pay 6) We must submit 7) The application should have the signature 8) We must mention.  j sentences applee verbs: have to + 1st RDW; has to + 1st RDW; had to + 1st RDW; must + 1st RDW; should + 1st RDW. Have to/ has to, had to, must, should É Fo èπÿú NCµí, rule v æé Ωç, ûª æp-e-ææ-jí îëߪ -Lq æ - ûá æ û. Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. OöÀ 'be' forms. Have to be, has to be, must be, should be. (Have to be/ has to be - I, we, you and they subjects ûó have to be Ææ hçc. He, she and it subjects ûó has to be Ææ hçc.) -O-ô-Eoç-öÀéÀ Å Ωnç Öçú L ÅE. ÅC äéπj Çïc (command) é îª a, NCµ (duty) é îª a, necessity (Å -Ææ Ωç) é îª a. Have to be, has to be, should be, must be = Öçú L, present appleí F, future appleí E. Vinod: Let me go. I have to be at home in ten minutes. Dad will be angry if I am late. ( o Á xf. ØË 10 EN - ƒ applex Éçöapplex Öçú L. èπ ç-õ Ø oèπ éó æç Ææ hçc) Suman: Hari too has to be at home in ten minutes. He doesn't like to miss the serial. Isn't it so, Hari? ( æ«j èπÿú 10 EN - ƒ- èπ Éçöapplex Öçú L. Åûª-úÕéÀ serial miss Å ôç É æ dç- ü. ÅçûË éπü æ«j?) Hari: That's right. I have to hurry now. Bye. (Eï Ë. ØË -ûªy ΩΩ- æ-ú L) Suman: Don't forget tomorrow's exam time. You have to be at the centre by 9.45 (Í æ exam time Ω-*- Ú-éπçúÕ. O Ω-éπ\úø 9.45 éπ- «x Öçú L) Ééπ\úø ç éπü. Present appleí F, future appleí F 'Öçú L ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ have to be/ has to be ú ç. äéπ Order / Command x, NCµ x (Åçõ Duty), éπ ÚûË Å -Ææ Ωç (Necessity) x Öçú Lq ÊÆh, Å æ púø Have to be/ has to be úøû ç. a) O Ω 10éπ- «x office apple Öçú L. You have to be at office by 10 (Command) b) v æa ÖüÓuT 10 ç* 5 Ωèπ Office apple Öçú L Every employee has to be in the office from 10 to 5 (Command) c) I have to be at office by 10. ØË 10éπ- «x office apple Öçú L. (Duty = NCµ) d) She has to be at office for a minimum of Six hours. (-Ç- Á éπfææç 6 í çô- -ÊÆ- jø Office apple Öçú L = Duty/ NCµ) e) I have to be at the station at 2 or I shall miss the train. ØË station - apple È çúõçöàéà Öçú L. èπ çõ train miss Å -û. (ÉC necessity, Åçõ Å -Ææ Ωç éπü ) f) He has to be here atleast by tomorrow. Otherwise he will miss the chance. (éπfææç Í æ-öà-èéjø -Å-ûª-úø -Åéπ\-úø ç-ú L. èπ çõ Å -é ç éó applep-û úø. necessity.) ÉC èπÿú í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Pramod: I am happy to have got the job, Sir. When have I to be here to report for duty, Sir? (Job *a- ç-ü èπ ÆæçûÓ æçí ÖçC. Report îëߪ -ú -EéÀ/ Duty apple Join Å -ö«-eéà á æ -púø - - çúœ Ééπ\-úÕéÀ?) (Have to be Ééπ\úø duty E ûá æ ûª çc.) Prasanth: You have to be here by 9.30 everyday. (9.30 éπ- «x Ééπ\-úø ç-ú -L- y. You have to be here till 5.30 in the evening. (5.30 Ωèπÿ Öçú L Ñ È çúø commands.) Your colleague too, has to be here at the same time. (F Ææ æ«ù-üóut èπÿú ÅçûË. has to be Ééπ\úø command.) Pramod: I will start work now itself sir, because I have to be thorough with my job. (ØË É æ púë v ƒ Ωç-Gµ- ƒh. áçü -éπçõ Ø æe ØË èπ~ ùoçí ûá Ææ - éó- L éπü (Ééπ\úø have to be - necessity). I understand I have to be at office for atleast 6 hours. (éπfææç 6 í çô ÊÆ æ- Ø office apple Öçú - E Ø èπ ûá Ææ. Ééπ\úø have to be NCµE ûá æ ûóçc éπü.) Now practice the following in English: Kranthi: y éπfææç üµ u æ«oç È çúø í çô Ω-ÈéjØ Ééπ\-úø ç-ú L, Å Ωn- - çü? Shanthi: Yes, Madam. Ñ Ó-ñ é -ü, Í æ -èπÿú ÉüË Ë applex Ééπ\-úø ç-ú - E ûá Ææ madam. Kranthi: Watchman ûó îá æ p, Åûª-Eç-é Ææh ñ«ví -ûªhí Öçú L ÅE; pass Ö o x vûª Ë apple æ Öçú - -F. Shanthi: Ok, Madam. Åûª-E-éπ\úø 8 í çô Ωèπÿ Öçú - E èπÿú îá ƒh. Kranthi: OK. ñ«ví ûªh. Ø èπ meeting ÖçC. Åéπ\úø ØË 1.30 éπçû Öçú L. ØËØÌîËa ÆæJéÀ files ÅFo ready Å -Öç-ú L. ûál-æœçü? Shanthi: Readyí Öçö«, madam. Answer: Kranthi: You have to be here till atleast 2 in the afternoon, understand? Shanthi: Yes, Madam. I Understand too, that not only today, but also tomorrow I have to be here during the same time. Kranthi: Tell the watchman that he has to be a little more careful, that only those who have passes have to be here. Shanthi: Ok, Madam. I will tell him too that he has to be here till 8 o'clock. Kranthi: Ok. Be careful. I have a meeting. I have to be there by By the time I return all the files must be ready. Shanthi: They shall be, madam. URL:

12 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- -üµ Ωç ï- - -J 2006 Hitesh: Hi Mallesh, I coludn't see you the whole of yesterday. What happened? (E oçû éπ-e œç--îª ü. àç ïjtçc?) Mallesh: (I was) Busy at home. I had to be at home attending to some repairs for the house. Dad was out of town. (Éçöapplex busy í ÖØ o. ÉçöÀ repairs îª Ææ éó- -ö«-eéà ÉçöapplexØË Öçú Lq *açc. Ø o- Ü applex Ω.) a) Attend = College/ School/ Class «çöà öàéà, functions/ meetings/ marriages «çöà öàéà æ ï- Ω- ôç. b) attend to = äéπ æe îë æ-ôd-ôç / «üµ u-ûªí îëߪ ôç; 'I am attending to the repairs'. c) Attend on = ÅA--ü - èπ, Óí - èπ Ææ æ- Ωu îëߪ ôç, When I was ill, my sister, attended on me. Hitesh: You remember we have to go to Naresh's for his birthday party. It's already 5. Shall we start? (Naresh birthday party Èé «x- E í Ω hç-céπü? É æp-öàíé 5 Å - Ú- çc. ߪ - - üë Ω-ü -?) Mallesh: But we should buy some gift for him. (àüó gift éìø -L-éπü?) Hitesh: We must hurry then. We shouldn't be late. (ûªy Ω- æ-ú L J. late Å -èπÿ-úøü.) Mallesh: What, do you think, is Naresh's age now? (ÉçûªéÃ Í ˇ ߪ Ææ q áçûª ç-úì--îªaç-ö«? ÉC ÅûªE áøóo birthday? DEéÀ English ü.) Hitesh: He must be 18 now. I think it is his 18th birth anniversary. (18 à Ÿxç-ú L. ÉC ÅûªE 18 birthday Å -èπ çö«. Anniversary- J{-éÓûªq- ç) Mallesh: We are all the same age then, give or take a few months. (Å ûë - çû ØÁ ûëú ûó äíé ߪ Ææ q apple ÖØ o - o- ô.) Hitesh: Ok. Let's start. Mallesh: We must get back home early. Don't forget our exams from the day after tomorrow. Because of the change in the exam hours, we must be at college 10 minutes before nine. ( ç ûªy Ωí ÉçöÀéÀ AJT îëa-ߪ L. á xçúõ ç* èπ exams ÅE Ω-*- Úèπ. J Ë v æé Ωç College apple 10 EN - ƒ ûªèπ \ 9 éπ- «x -Öçú -L-.) éàç-ü -öà lesson apple have to be/ has to be Ö æ-ßá í ç ç éπü? äéπ- ƒj í Ω hèπ ûáîª a-èπ çü ç. a) I, We, You, They subjects Å ûë have to. b) He, She, It Å ûë has to. c) be form: have to be/ has to be (Öçú L ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ). -v æ- o: 1) æ«-ø Á éπ ÊÆ 'please sound horn' Å Ωnç N -Jç-îªçúÕ. 2) Á æ«- -ö«eéà Ææ Å Ωnç îëa ÉçTx ˇ æü ç à Á iø Öçü? > «E, é éà-ø úø -ï- - : 1) Please sound horn Åçõ horn Á Tç-îªçúÕ ÅE Å Ωnç. äéπ æ«ç Á -éπ- o æ«ç, çü J æ«-ø Eo ü öà çü èπ Á «x- - -èπ çõ, horn Á TÊÆh, çü J æ«ç, Á éπ æ«-ø -EéÀ ü JÆæ hçü E îá æp-ö«-eéà Å «ƒh Ω. 2) ' Á æ«- ôç Å o- -ôèπ ü ü æ ü í _- Ωí Å -í -L-TçC 'unassertive'. 'assertive' Åçõ E Ìt- æ«- -ôçí Öçúøôç, é öàd, 'unassertive' Åçõ Á æ«- ôç í ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úø- îª a. d) Action word: have to + 1st Regular Doing Word, has to + 1st Regular Doing Word. (Have to go, have to do, has to go, has to do etc, Á «}L, îëߪ L ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ) Éçé ç ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc a) ç àüájø æj-æœn-ûª x Öçúø- - -Æœ- - æ púø, îëߪ - - -Æœ- - æ púø have to be/ has to be; have to + 1st RDW/ has to + 1st RDW. eg: 1) I have to be at home by 8. ØË 8 éπ- «x Éçöapplex Öçú L. ( èπ çõ Ø - oéó æp-úøû Ω ) 2) He has to be here by 10. Otherwise we can't start. (Åûª-E-éπ\úø 10éπ- «x Öçú L. èπ çõ ߪ - l- Ω ç) 3) They have to see the doctor today. The appointment is for today. (É - Ÿx doctor ü í _- Ω-Èé- «xl. Çߪ Ñ ÓVèπ appointment Éî aúø ) Ééπ\úø 'have to' (Åçõ has to èπÿú ) ç çü E Ωg- çîª -èπ o æeéà úø -ûª Ø oç. Å «Íí -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 102 4) He has to return my book today. He said he would. (Åûª Ø èπ -Ñ Ó--V æ Ææhéπç ÉîËa-ߪ L. É ƒh- -Ø oúø.) b) Éûª- Ω - çûªç x-í F, àüájø E ç-üµ - -xí F (Rules) ç îëߪ -Lq- - æ púø / Öçú - Lq- - æ púø have to/ has to úøû ç. 1) You have to show the ticket on demand. Keep it safe until the journey is over. [ÅúÕT æ púø Ticket (öàèéö öà ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç) îª ƒl. v æߪ ùç æ Ωh-ßË -u - Ωèπ ñ«ví -ûªhí Öç-îª. On demand = ÅúÕT æ púø -] 2) Kumar has to pay the fees tomorrow. (kumar Í æ fees éπö«dl.) 3) The boss has asked us to be at office half an hour earlier than usual. We have to be at office at 9. (Boss Lo ã Å Ω-í çô çü office èπ Ω t-ø o Ω éπü. ç 9 éπ- «x office apple Öçú L.) Have to/ has to á æ púø present/ future situations èπ Jh- ƒh. ÅüË past apple ç îá ƒp- - -èπ çõ had to úøû ç. lesson v ƒ Ωç µº Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple Mallesh -à- -Ø oúø?i had to be at home (Yesterday - past) ÅE. Åçõ ØËEçöapplex Öçú Lq *açc. é öàd í ûªç apple a) --à-üáj-ø æj- Æœn-ûª x-í E, E ç-üµ - x-í E, Éûª- Ω - ç-ûªç- xí E áéπ\-úájø Öçú Lq ÊÆh, had to be, àüájø îëߪ -Lq- ÊÆh had to + 1st Regular Doing Word (RDW) úøû ç. 1. He had to be at station by 8, as his friend was coming. (Station apple Åûª 8 éà Öçú Lq *açc, x friend á Ó Ææ h-ø o Ω é öàd) 2. Santhi had to go to Vijayawada last Sunday to attend a marriage. (éàç-ü -öà ÇC- Ωç»çA Nï-ߪ - úø,  RxéÀ Á «}Lq *açc.) 3. Vishal had to pay the fees yesterday; he had no money, so I had to lend him the amount. (N» E o fees îálxç-î Lq *açc. ÅûªE ü í _ Ω úø s- ü. Åçü -éπe ØË- -Å Ω -- -É ylq *açc.) Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. b) í ûªç apple Éûª- Ω - çûªç x-í F, E ç-üµ - xí F ç àüájø îëߪ -Lq- - æ púø / Öçú -Lq æ púø πÿú had to úøû ç. 1) Lord Rama had to go to forests to honour his father's word. x-ø o ô E - -ôd-ö«-eéà X - úø Åúø- èπ - Á «x-lq- -*açc. 2) He had to live in the forest for 12 years æøáoç-úë x - Ææç îëߪ Lq *açc. 3) He had to pay a fine of Rs. 250/- for driving the wrong way. (Åûª wrong direction apple drive îëæœ- ç-ü èπ 250 Ω - ƒ-ߪ -ï-j-- -Ø éπö«dlq *açc.) 4) Pramila had to submit the application the day before yesterday. She submitted it yesterday, so she had to pay a late fee of Rs. 10/-. (v æo Á oøë application submit îëߪ -LqçC é F E- o îëæœçc, Åçü -éπe 10 Ω ƒ-ߪ late fee îálxç-î Lq *açc.) Sx lesson Á ü öapplex Ö o Ææç µ«- æù ã ƒj îª úøçúõ: Mallesh: We should buy some gift for him. Hitesh:... We shouldn't (should not) be late. Ééπ\úø 'should' Ö æ-ßá í ç îª ü lç. ÉC èπÿú have to/ has to èπ î - «ü í _ Ωí Öçô çc. DEéÀ 'be' form should be = Öçú L ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ; Action word, should + 1st RDW (should go, should know, should do, etc.) = Á «xl, ûál-ߪ L/ ûá Ææ -éó- L, îëߪ L, etc. Å n- ûó) should á æ púø ç Öçú -Lq ÆæÈ j B Ω í -Jç-*, ÆæJí ûá æ ûª çc. îëߪ Lq æee í -Jç-* a) You should be here at 10 everyday. y ÓW æ-cç-öàéà -Ééπ\-úø -Öç-ú -L. b) He should understand that we are his well wishers. ç ÅûªE v ÏßÁ -Gµ- «- æfl - ØË N æߪ ç Åûª Å Ωnç îëææ éó L. c) You should refer to the dictionary when you are in doubt. FÍé-üÁjØ ÆæçüË æ«ç Ö o- æ púø Dictionary îª ú L. (îª úøôç ÆæÈ j æe) E ç-üµ - v æé Ωç ÆæÈ j D, é E-D ûá-lê ç-ü π πÿú should úø- îª a. a) You should not drive at more than 20 kmph along this road. (Ñ road apple O Ω 20 éà- appleo -ô Ωx Ëí -Eo --N ç-* - -úø æ -ü.) (Kmph = KPH = Kilometres per hour) b) Passengers should be at the airport half an hour before the flight departure. (N ç ߪ - l- Ω-ö«-EéÀ Å Ω-í çô çü v æߪ ---ùàèπ airport apple Öçú L.) flight = N - -ߪ ç/ æéà~ áí - Ωôç, Departure = ߪ - l- Ωôç c) Before you build a house, you should submit the plan for approval. (É x éπõ d çü, ÉçöÀ plan Ç Á -ü -EéÀ submit îëߪ L) Should èπ èπÿú past form 'had to' ØË, have to/ has to èπ «í. Ñ éàçc sentences Ú açúõ. a) The Players should be at the field by 9 AM ûìn t-cç-öà-éπ- «x véãú -é - Ω field apple Öçú L. ÉC present/ future Å îª a. b) The players had to be at the field by 9 AM. Players 9 éà field apple Öçú Lq *açc ÉC Past. êu í -Eéπ: E ç-üµ -, Å -Ææ- - π have to/ has to, should úõ- - æ púø, should éπçõ have to/ has to á π \ powerful. You have to do it You have to do it = O JC îëߪ L = You should do it. Ééπ\úø you have to do it èπ, you should do it éπø o force áèπ \, Åçõ ÉçéÌç-îÁç í öàdí îá æpôç. Now practise the following in English: Prema: ç á æ púø - -ߪ - -üë -L? Preethi: ÉçéÓ í çô apple/ 9 í çô- éπ- «x ç airport apple Öçú L. Passport, visa, Éûª Ω documents Åçû ready í Öçîª -éó- L. - Ÿx -Å-úøí ç-í ØË îª œç-îª-í - í L. Prema: úø Ø í çü - * x- Ω èπÿ-ú Öçîª - éó- L éπü. àüájø Å -Ææ Ωç îª a. Preethi: Airport entrance ticket éì -éó\- - -E O Prema: OK. Answer: friends ûó îá ƒpl y. Ÿx lounge appleøë èπÿ Óa- L. Prema: When have we to start? / When should we start? Preethi: In an hour from now. We have to be at the airport by 9. We have to have our passport, visa and other documents ready. We should be able to show them when they ask for it. Prema: We have to have / should have three hundred to four hundred rupees in change in case of need. Preethi: You should tell your friends that they have to buy the airport entrance ticket. They have to sit all the time in the lounge. Prema: OK. URL:

13 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü --- Ÿ-véπ Ωç ï- - -J 2006 Vipula: Hi Klupta, what's new? (àçöà N Ï- ƒ? ÉC É æ púø «í úø -éπ- appleéà Ææ h o æ -éπ-jç æ ô) Klupta: O nothing. Just getting on. (àç. àüó Å «ïj-t- Ú-ûÓçC) Vipula: Is your application for the job ready? (job èπ æç ƒ-lq Application Æœü l ç îë»?/ ready í Öçü?) Klupta: What's the hurry, Vipula? We have plenty of time, haven't we? (àçöà ûìçü Ω? é - -Lq- çûª time ÖçC, éπü? Plenty of = î «) Vipula: What are you talking? Only four days are left, you know. You must hurry. (àçöà ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø o? Ééπ Ø í ÓV í ÖçC?ûªy Ω- æ-ú L) left = N T-LçC Klupta: Dad's going to fill it in tonight and it will be ready by tomorrow afternoon. ( Ø o É va application æ Jh îë ƒh Ω. Í æ üµ u- æ o-e-éπ «x ready í Öçô çc.) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 103 Vipula: Klupta, don't talk like a child. Don't you know that the application must be in the candidate's own hand writing? It must be complete in with all particulars. No column must be blank. If a column does not apply to us, we must write in it, Does not apply / Not applicable' No dashes either. (* o- œ- x «ö«x-úøèπ. O Ø o fill îëߪ ôç (Eç æôç) àn öà? Application Å µºujn Ææyü -Ææ h-jûó Öçú L. ÅEo N - - ûó æ Jhí Öçú L. à column èπÿú ë«sí Öçúø-èπÿ-úøü. èπ Jhç-îªE column àüáj-ø Öçõ Does not apply/ Not applicable ÅE ߪ L. Dash «çöàn èπÿú Öçúø-èπÿ-úøü.) Candidate (é uef-úá-ß ö é u, bank apple b «í é u ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç) = Å µºujn particulars ( æöàèπ u- ñ öà ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç, r silent, * J ñ, size apple z «í ) = N -. blank = -ë«-s. Does not apply/ Not applicable = Jhç-îªü. No... either = 'no' -ûó é F, not ûó é F also úø-èπÿ-úøü. Å «ç-ô- æ púø, No/ not either Åçö«ç. Column = é ç = Application apple ÅúÕÍí Åç» Åçü èπ ç ߪ -ö«-eéà ÖüËl-Pç-* ë«s Ææn ç) Klupta: I don't know how to fill in properly. ( J- Ø èπ ÆæJí Eç æôç ü. Properly = v ƒ æ-l = ÆæJí _) Vipula: Take your dad's help. Remember too that you must enclose all the certificates. The application must reach the office on or before the 31st January. (O Ø o ƒßª çûó fill îáß. ÅEo certificates ïûª- æ- al. Application, Ç office èπ, 31st Jan ü Åç-ûªèπ çü í -F îë L. Certificate - ÆæöÀ- œ-èé-ß ö Èé ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç) Klupta: I must hurry up. (Å ûë ØË ûªy Ω æ-ú L)  j Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple must úõ Ææçü - s îª úøçúõ 1) The application must be in the candidate's own handwriting = Ææyü -Ææ h-j apple Öçú L 2) No column must be blank = ë«sí Öçúø-èπÿ-úøü. 3) We must write = ç ߪ L. 4) You must enclose = ïûª- æ- al. 5) must reach = îë L. apple î - «çcéà ûá Ææ must Åçõ ûª æpeææjåe. Must be - be form = Öçú L; Must + 1st RDW - Action word (Must go, must write, etc,) = Á «xl, ߪ L, etc.) éàçü öà Lesson apple have to/ has to, should èπ must èπÿ î - «ü í _ Ω Ææç çüµ ç ÖçC Å Ωnç apple, Ö æ-ßá -í ç apple.  j Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple N æ must E ç-üµ -, Åçõ ûª æp-e-ææ-jí Öçú -Lq- O (must be) / îëߪ -Lq- O (must + 1st RDW) úøôç í -Eç-î Ω éπü. éàçcn èπÿú îª úøçúõ. a) Voters must show their ID cards to the polling Officers = Voters polling officers èπ ûª í Jhç æ cards (ID cards = Identity cards) îª ƒl. (E ç-üµ ) b) Students must get their own geometry box to the exam = æk-éπ~èπ Nü u- Ω n x Òçûª Geometry box ûáîª a-éó- L. (E ç-üµ ) Varun: When will you be back, Kuber? (èπ, á æ púø AJ-íÌ- ƒh?) Kuber: Only after 5. Till then I must be at office. I must close the accounts before I leave office. (5 í çô ûª yûë. Åçûª- - Ωèπ office appleøë Öçú L. Office C- - çü, accounts èπÿú close îëߪ L) Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple kuber, must ûª duties îáê pç-ü èπ úø -ûª -Ø oúø éπü? (office apple Öçú - Lq Ææ ߪ ç, îëߪ -Lq æ É «çöà Nüµ / duties) ÉN must èπ -Ö o È çúó Ö æ-ßá í ç Must expresses duties. May I go now Madam? ( Á- Ôx-î açúœ?) Udaya: Sandhya: No. You must stay here for another hour; understand? You must finish the work I have given you and then only leave. ( ü. ÉçéÓ í çô Öçú L Ny-éπ\úø. ØËE-*a æe æ JhîËÆœ ûª yûë Á «xl y. -ûá-læœçü?) Ééπ\úø Sandhya ô Fo commands/ orders = Çïc. Åçõ ÇïcL- y-ö«-eéà èπÿú must úøû ç. É æpöà Ωèπ ç ûá -Ææ -èπ o must uses: 1) Rules (E ç-üµ - - èπ ) 2) duties (Nüµ - èπ ) 3) commands/ orders (Çïc- èπ ) Now practice the following in English: a) Karthik: y ready Ø? ߪ - l- Ω --ü? Sravan: é Ææh Çí. ØË Ñ Ó-V V-éπ-ö«dL. Åçü -éπe úø s ûáîª a-èπ ç-ö«. Karthik: Í æ éπôd-èπÿ-úøü? Sravan: Í æöà ç* ÓVèπ Rs 10/- ïj- éπö«dlq Öçô çc. Karthik: ç lab apple 9 éπ «x Öçú L. àn öà Ç Ææuç? úø s ready í ØË ÖçC-éπü? Sravan: Éçöapplex á - Ω - Ω. Å t îëa-ü é Çí L ØË. ûª îëaü é Öçúø- E K í öàdí îá œpçc. Karthik: - ç 9 éπ «x lab apple Öçú L, éπ*a-ûªçí. ØË Á xø? Sravan: Åçûª -éπç-í -È ç-ü èπ? æéπ\øë ÖØ oúø í ÅPyE. úõ bike O ü Á «lç. b) police officer: É æ púø time áçûª? Shopkeeper: ü öàçc. Police officer: éπ «x shop ÂÆ-ߪ u- E --ûá-l-ߪ -ü? ÂÆ-ߪ u-l- O -J- æ púø. Shopkeeper: ߪ ô showcase ÖçC. ü Eo - apple æ  ö«dl. You must finish the work Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. Police officer: ØË Sx O shop ûª yûª ûá Ω* Öçúøôç îª úø-èπÿ-úøü, ûál-æœçü? Shopkeeper: ÉçéÓ police officer à Ó- éì- -ú -EéÀ î a Ω. ÅC éì ôç æ Ωh-ßË u-ü é shop ûáj-* -Öç-îª- E Çïc Éî a Ω, sir. Police officer: Governor *aø va 10.30èπ shop éπõ d-ߪ ul. Ja- Úèπ. Answers: a) Karthik: Are you ready? Shall we start? Sravan: Wait I must pay the fees today. Let me get the money. Karthik: Why can't you pay tomorrow? Sravan: From tomorrow, we must pay a fine of Rs.10/- per day. Karthik: We must be at the lab by 9. What's the delay? You have the money. Sravan: No one is at home. I must/ have to wait till mother comes back. She has told me that I must wait till she is back. Karthik: We must be at the lab at 9. Shall I go? Sravan: Why are you so worried? Aswini is here. We can go on his bike. b) Police officer: What is the time now? Shopkeeper: Past Police officer: Don't you know that you must close shop by 10.30? you must close it now. Shopkeeper: The showcase is outside. I must keep it in. Police officer: I must not see the shop open after again; understand? Shopkeeper: Some other Police Officer came here to buy something. He ordered me to keep the shop open until his purchases are complete, sir. (Purchases = éì -íó ) Police Officer: Even if the Governor comes, you must close shop by Don't forget. É æ púø Ñ * o game practice îëߪ çúõ. Infinitive Åçõ ûá -Ææ -éπü Éçûª-èπ - çü lessons apple N -Jçî ç to + Ist Regular Doing Word. eg: to go, to come, to know, etc, OöÀE úø Nüµ - í úøû ç. 1) Á xôç, ôç, ûá-l-ߪ ôç/ ûá Ææ -éó- ôç, ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ. To go now will be the right thing É æ púø Á xôç ÆæÈ jç-cí Öçô çc. 2) Á «x- E, - E, ûá -Ææ -éó- - E ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ I want to go = Á «x- E Å -èπ ç-ô -Ø o. 3) Á x-ö«-eéà, -ö«-eéà, ûá-l-ߪ -ö«-eéà ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ a) He is getting ready to go Á x-ö«-eéà ûªßª - Ω- -ûª -Ø oúø she is going out to buy a book æ Ææhéπç éì -ö«-eéà Á applehçc. É æ púø game. É «çöà infinitives Ö æ-ßá -Tç* sentences form îëߪ ôç áeo îëߪ -í -L-TûË ÅEo, áeo varieties Å ûë ÅEo statements & questions, negative sentences (no/ not/ never ûó, O - ûë dialogue form apple. eg: 1) She wants to sing ƒú - E Å -èπ ç-öappleçc 2) To smoke is not good for health. ( smoke îëߪ ôç Ç Ó-í u-eéà ç*cé ü ) 3) She has came to borrow a book from me (Ø ü í _ Ω æ Ææhéπç BÆæ éó- -ö«-eéà *açc) 4) Where do you want to go now? É æ púø áéπ\-úõéà Á «x- E Å -èπ ç-ô -Ø o? 5) Vasanth: Which college do you want to join? Hemanth: I have come to consult you. Vasanth: To join our college will be the best. Hemanth: But to join your college will be expensive, won't it? É «ç-öàn Ñ game apple practice îëߪ çúõ. -v æ- o: - y - Ω-*- Ú-û - Ë- Á - -E í Ω h -îë-»-. 'Lest you should forget that I have reminded you' Ñ éπuç ÆæÈ j- - üëø?lest ÊÆ hshould -L -éπü? i) úõûó ØË îá ƒpe îá æ p Fèπ Ç æe-îëæœ Â úø-û úø.- ii) y Å «Å -èπ ç-ö«- E Ø èπ çüë ûá Ææ. -O-öÀ-E ÉçTx- ˇ apple á «îá ƒpl? iii) old boy Åçõ close friend ÅØË Å Ωnç éπè -ÍédØ? ñ - π -, ü Jz -ï- - : 1. y Ja- Ú-û - Ë Á E í Ω h îë» DEéÀ correct English - I have reminded you lest you (should) forget. 'That I have reminded you; ûª æ p 2. Start early lest you should be late Ç Ææuç é èπ ç-ú ÖçúËç-ü èπ ûªy Ωí ߪ - l Ω. 3. He carried an umbrella lest he (should) get drenched ûªúõ-æœ- Ú-èπ çú ÖçúËç-ü èπ íìúø í BÂÆ\- «xúø. No 1, No 3 sentences apple should omit îëߪ - îª a. No. 2 apple èπÿú should BÊÆÆœ, lest you be late Å - îª a. Lest = so that not. i) Tell him it is from me. He will do it. (It is from me = ØË îá ƒp- E îá æ p) ii) I knew that you would think so. iii) Close friend, old boy Å ôç correct, Ææ Ωy- ƒ-üµ - Ωùç. URL:

14 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü ---Ç-C Ωç ï- - -J 2006 Subodh: Pramod, we must travel by some morning train to avoid hot sun. So let's have our tickets booked by an early morning train. ( ç Öü -ߪ ç- æ ô train apple Á «xl, áçúø ûªí - -èπ çú ÖçúËç-ü èπ. Åçü -éπe ç Òü l- - æ ô train èπ tickets book îë çîª -èπ çü ç.) Pramod: And as it's going to be a long journey, we must carry enough cash with us as well. We must be careful about spending too, not at every place can we find an ATM of our bank. (î «ü Ω v æߪ ùç é öàd ûªt- çûª úø s èπÿú BÆæ -èπ - Á- «xl. ÅC èπÿú ñ«ví ûªhí ê Ω a  ö«dl. ÅEo-îÓö«x bank ATM Öçúø-éπ- Ú- îª a) (ATM = Automatic Teller Machine - Bank card ûó úø s Òçü -í à pô ) Subodh: We must carry food too. The food on the train is very expensive and not at all good. ( ç A -ú -EéÀ èπÿú à Á iø BÆæ Èé- «xl. Train apple Ç æ Ωç êküë é èπ çú «í çúøü èπÿú ) Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple must ûó *a expressions îª ü lç. Must travel, must carry, must be careful. -É æp-öà- - Ωèπ ç ûá -Ææ -èπ o must Ö æ-ßá -í. 1) Must expresses rules. (E ç-üµ - ûá - æ ûª çc) Candidates must report for the interview at 9 AM on 2nd Feb (2nd Feb 2006 ÓV Å µºu- Ω n- interview èπ æ ï Ω é L) 2) Must expresses commands (Çïc-L- y-ö«-eéà must úøû ç) You must not do it again. (O JC Sx îëߪ -èπÿ-úøü ) 3) Must expresses duty. I must be at office until 5. (âcçöà Ωèπ ØË office apple Öçú L) Sx  j Ææç µ«- æù îªcn must Ö o expressions í -Eç-îªçúÕ. a) We must carry enough cash. î L- çûª cash BÆæ Èé- «xl ç b) We must travel by some morning train. ç Òü l train apple Á «xl. c) We must be careful. ç ñ«ví -ûªhí Öçú L.  j úø é u applex must, necessity (Å -Ææ- Eo) ûá - æ -ûª çc éπü? Åçõ ç É sçc æúø-èπ çú, èπ îáúø ï Ω-í -èπ çú Å -Ææ- Eo ûál-ê ç-ü èπ must úøû ç. a) We must hurry or we'll miss the beginning of the movie. ç ûªy Ωí Á «xl, èπ çõ movie beginning miss Å û ç. b) We must carry enough cash. î L- çûª cash BÆæ -èπ - Á- «xl ç, ( èπ çõ É sçc æúøû ç) c) If I want to avoid the queue, I must be there atleast by 8. (Q apple E - -èπ çú Öçú - -èπ çõ, ØË -éπ\úø 8 éπ «x Öçú L) d) I must check up with him and see that every thing is ready. (ÅFo Æœü l çí ÖØ oßá üó úõûó ö«xúõ ûá -Ææ -éó- L)  j é u- -Eoçöapplex èπÿú must, necessity (Å -Ææ- Eo Åçõ æj-æœn-ûª v Úü s ç x èπ é - - Æœ N æ-ߪ -, ç îëߪ - - -Æœ- N) ûá - æ ûª çc. êuçí í -Eç-î -LqçC: Have to/ has to, should, must- Ñ úø èπÿú Å Ωnç, Ö æ-ßá -í applex î «ü í _- Ωí ÖØ o éπü. Ñ úõç-öàf èπÿú ç, Rules, duty, commands, necessity express îëߪ -ö«-eéà úøû ç. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 104 Å ûë should Oô-Eoç-öÀ apple mild (ûªèπ \ force). should êuçí àc îëêæh ÆæJ, àc é ü Å -ö«- EéÀ áèπ \ úøû ç. a) You should be punctual ( y punctual í Öçú L Öçúøôç ç*c). b) He should not talk like that (Åûª- «ö«x-úø-èπÿ-úøü Å «ö«x-úø-èπ çú Öçõ ç*c) should éπø o, have to/ has to, force áèπ \. éìçîáç í öàdí command É y-ö«-eéà, Nüµ -ߪ éπç ÅE îá æp-ö«-eéã, E ç-üµ - éìçîáç force ûó ûá - æö«-eéà have to/ has to úøû ç. a) I have to take my sister to the hospital BÆæ -èπ - Á- «xl. î «Å -Ææ Ωç (more powerful than, 'I should take')... b) He has to do whatever I want him to do ØËØËC úõo îáߪ u- ç--ö«øó úøc îáߪ u-lqçüë. c) They have to finish the work by the evening ( ƒßª ç-vû -E-éπ «x - «} æe æ Jh-îË-ߪ -LqçüË). b), c) apple should úø- îª a have to/ has to èπ ü. Å ûë have to/ has to Åçûª force ü. d) He has made mistakes and has to face the consequences. (ûª æ p îë»úø é öàd ælûªç Å - µº-nç-î -LqçüË). -v æ- o: Learn èπ past Ω ƒ È çúø learned, learnt ÅE ÖØ o. Å «Íí past participles èπÿú. Å ûë she learnt english ÅØ «? She learned english ÅØ «? Å «Íí passive voice apple English was learned Å - î a? English was learnt ÅØË ÅØ «? Å «Íí burnt, burned, dreamt, dreamed í -Jç-< N -Jç-îª-í - Ω. á. éπ% æg-u-û - Ω b, Eúø-ü - Ó -ï- - : Learned, learnt- past tense éπ Ø, past participle éπ Ø OöÀ È çúõöapplex àüájø úø- îª a ÅFo äéπõ, passive apple èπÿú. ÅüË Nüµ çí, burned, burnt, dreamt, dreamed N æ-ߪ ç apple àüájø, à voice appleøájø úø- îª a. Å ûë learned E «í ûál-æœ (àüájø subject) ÅØË Å Ωnç apple úõ- - æ úø, learned (pronunciation - Eú ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç) vûª Ë úøû ç. Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. é öàd have to/ has to expresses command, duty, necessity, etc., more powerfully than should. Must Ñ úõçöapplex ÅEo-öÀ-éπçõ áèπ \ í öàdí îá æ hçc, commands é F, duty é F, necessity é F, rules é F. 'Must' is stronger than have to/ has to or should. I should go- ØË Á «xl; DØËo ÉçéÌçîÁç í öàdí îá ƒp- çõ I have to go- Éçé í öàdí îá ƒp- çõ I must go. ÉO should, have to/ has to, must èπ ÖçúË ûëú. For commands, duties, necessity and rules. must have to/ has to should stronger strongest least than form strong should ( êu- Á i N æߪ ç: Commands, rules «çöàn îá æp-ö«-eéà must áçûª ûªèπ \- í úõûë Åçûª ç*c. Must K í öàdí Çñ«c- œç-îªôç, çü -Lçîªôç Å -ûª çc. ÅC ç àüó ÇCµ-éπu-ûª, ÅCµ-é - Eo îª œç-îª -èπ - oô d Å -ûª çc. ƒ - uçí Çñ«c- œç-îªôç, E ç-üµ - ûál-ߪ - æ- Ω-îªôç Å ûë shall, should ûó ÇT- Ú- ôç good manners. Must, manners ûál-æœ- - Ÿx Çïc- èπ î -- «Å Ω -ü í úø-û Ω. Duty, necessity ûá - æö«-eéà Ææçü - s Eo öàd àüájø úø- îª a). Should, must- -Ñ È ç-úõ-ç-öà-f ç éπ*aûªç Å -èπ ØË N æ-ߪ Eo ûá - æ-ú -EéÀ èπÿú úøû ç. Åçõ ÉN perhaps ( æ -- ) èπ opposite. Pramod: Any idea where Praful is? (v æ æ áéπ\-úø -Ø oúó à Á iø ûá ƒ?) Manoj: He must be at home. He is expecting some guests. (ÉçöapplexØË Öçú L J. á Ó guests éóææç áü - Ω -îª -Ææ h-ø oúø ) Pramod: Who are the guests? (á Ω guests?) Manoj: His cousins from the states on a short visit to India. (Å Á -J-é apple Ö o -ÅûªE cousins - India èπ - î a Ω. éìcl ÓV-- ç-ö«ω ) Pramod: That should keep him busy for another two days then. (Åçü - x Åûªúø È çúø úø ÓV éπ*a-ûªçí busy í Öçö«úø ) Ééπ\úø must be at home, should keep him busy- É Fo èπÿú ç éπ*a-ûªçí ï Ω -í -ûª ç-c/ -Öç-ô çc Å -èπ ØË N æ-ߪ - èπ. ûª æp-e-ææj Å -èπ ØË N æ-ߪ - èπ must, should úøû ç. 1) See her always with a lot of jewellry on. She must be quite rich. á æ púø î «í - ûó éπe- œ-ææ hç-ü Á. «í Ö o Îkx Öçú L. 2) I see prasanth's name on the book. It should be his. -Ç é O ü v æ»çû Ê Ω çc. ÅC Åûª-EüÁj Öçú L. practice the following in English Kesav: èπ - E ÁçôØË ØË éπ - L. ÅûªúÕûÓ ö«x-ú -Lq êu- Á i N æߪ ç äéπ-ô çc. Gangadhar: Éçöapplex Öçú L æ púø-ûª J. Å Ω-í çô éàçü õ ØË phone îëêæh îá ƒpúø ûªøá-éπ\-úõéã Á xôç ü E Kesav: Å ûë ØË ÁçôØË Á «xl. y ƒh? Gangadhar: ÇNúø ûª áéπ\-úõéó BÆæ -Èé- x- çc. ØË Á- «xl ÁçôØË. ÇNúø Ø éóææç wait îëææ h Öçô çc ûª æp-èπ çú. We must be careful Kesav: Å ûë ÁçôØË Á Ÿx. µ«ωu N æߪ applex ñ«ví -ûªhí Öçú L ç. Gangadhar: y Å - µº- çûó îá ûª -ç-ú -L Kesav: Ok. Ok. ØË Á ŸhØ o. Answer: Kesav: I must / have to meet kumar urgently. There is an important matter I have to talk to him about./ I have to talk to him about something important. Gangadhar: He must be at home now. A shortwhile ago I called him and he told me he wouldn't be going anywhere. Kesav: Then I must rush. Are you coming with me? Gangadhar: My wife wanted me to take her somewhere. I must go home at once, she must be waiting for me. Kesav: Then go. We must be careful about things connected with them. Gangadhar: You must be speaking from experience. Kesav: Ok. Ok. I'm going. Ñ ƒj Ñ game practice îëߪ çúõ. éàçü öà ƒj É*a game apple infinitive practice îë»- Ω -í ü. Ñ ƒj sentence apple verb èπ, infinitive èπÿ üµ u me, us, you, him, her, it, them  öàd practice îëߪ çúõ. eg: a) I want you to go; b) She wants him to sing c) What do you want me to do? d) Dad doesn't want me to waste time. É «ç-öàn practice îëߪ -í - Ó îª úøçúõ. îëæœ áeo sentences URL:

15 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü --- çí - Ωç ï- - -J 2006 Sravan: Hi Pavan, how was the movie yesterday? (E o movie á «ÖçC?) Pavan: Not very good, but not so bad either. (Åçûª «í - ü, Åçûª îáúø í ü ) Sravan: (Do) you suggest that I see it? (îª úø- ç-ö«? suggest = Ææ *ç-îªôç) Pavan: I leave it to you. (ÅC F É æ dç leave it to you = FéÌ-C- - Ææ hø o. F É æ dç) Sravan: The other day, I happened to watch an old English movie. 'The ten commandments' on the TV. A real good movie - one of the all time greats. ( Á ØÁo- æ púó äéπ ÓV TV apple ƒûª English movie, 'The ten commandments . Eïçí íì æp movie. - á æp-öàéã íì æp Ë Å -èπ ØË öà applex -Å-üÌéπöÀ. (All time great - á æ púø íì æp) Pavan: Why didn't you tell me? (Ø Èéç-ü èπ îá æp- ü?) Sravan: I didn't know myself that it was showing. I just turned on HBO channel and there it was. (Ø èπ ûámü ÅC - - Úhç-ü -E Ü-JÍé HBO channel A ƒp. Ñ movie éπe- œç-*çc) Pavan: Was it very good? (î ««í çü?) Sravan: You can say that again and again. ( Sx- Sx -îá Òpîª a. Ç ô.) It ran to packed houses for weeks together those days (Ç ÓV applex ûª Ω- úõ Houseful í úõ-*çc) Pavan: Who were the cast? (û Ω- - Ω?) Sravan: The movie features Charlton Heston as Moses and Yul Brynner as the Pharaoh. (Moses í Charlton Heston, Pharaoh í Yul Brynner öàç-î Ω. Moses-- Á ñ Æˇ; Pharaoh - ƒ Ó Egyptian-îªvéπ- Jh) Pavan: Any special feature of it? (Ç movie apple àçöà -v æ-ûëuéπ-ûª?) Sravan: The cleavage of the sea. It's a grand shot. I have yet to see such a shot in any movie. It looked as though the sea really parted by a path. That's the highlight of the movie. (Ææ vü ç < ôç Å «çöà Shot ØË Éçûª- - Ωèπ à ÆœE- - apple îª úø- ü. Eïç-í ØË Ææ vü ç È çúø - ƒ--ߪ üµ u ü Í - ΩpúÕ ô d îª œç-î Ω. Ç movie- apple - v æ-üµ - Çéπ- Ω{ù ÅüË.) Pavan: can we get a CD of it? (ü E CD üì Ω -èπ -ûª çü?) Sravan: Definitely (ûª æp-èπ çú ) Ñ Ææç µ«æù çû ÆœE í JçîË éπü. Ñ lesson apple movie èπ Ææç ç-cµç-* vocabulary ( æü -ñ«ç) ûá -Ææ -èπ ç-ü? - ç-ü -Ñ ô îª úøçúõ; movie, TVéÀ Ææç ç-cµç-*- N. 1. Movie 2. Watch a movie on the TV 3. One of all time greats 4. Was showing 5. turned on 6. ran to packed houses 7. cast 8. featured 9. shot 10. highlight - í îª - -*vûªç -Åç-õ English apple movie. Cinema Åçõ English apple cinema hall, Ç hall apple ÇúË *vûªç é ü. The cinema Åçõ îª - -*vûª æjv. îª - -*-vû Eo English apple film ÅE èπÿú Å - îª a. That cinema is good Åçõ Ç ÆœE hall «í ç-ü ØË é F, Åçü apple Çúø -ûª o *vûªç «í ç-ü E é ü. See / watch a movie = movie îª úøôç. (Å ûë am seeing / is seeing / are seeing a movie Å ç. Am+ing / is+ing / are + ing ú Lq ÊÆh am watching / is watching / are watching a movie Å ôç correct) TV apple = on the TV. We are watching an interesting programme on the TV. (in the TV é ü ) One of all time greats: All time great - Ñ ô á æ púø íì æp- - Ÿx-í / -íì- æp-ní æj-í -ùàç-îë- Ÿx/ æj-í -ùàç-îën ÅE Å Ωnç. a) Sankarabharanam is an all time great. b) Tendulkar is an all time great. ÅD all time great meaning and use. Was showing: *vûªç -äéπ hall apple -Çúø -ûª çc (í ûªç apple) Kranthi: The movie is excellent. You must see it. I feel like seeing it a second time. Prasanth: Where is it showing? Kranthi: (ÅC áéπ\úø Çúø -ûóçc?) It is showing in Chitramahal. (ÅC *vûª- - æ«- apple Çúø -ûóçc) *vûªç -äéπ theatre apple Çúøôç = showing Last week it was showing in Chitradarsini. I don't know where it is showing now. Some other movie is showing in Chitradarsini. (í ûª Ωç ÅC *vûª-ü -Jz-E apple Ç-úÕç-C.É æ úø áéπ\úø Çúø -ûª çüó ûámü. *vûª-ü -Jz-E apple ÉçÍéüÓ movie Çúø -ûóç-c- æ púø ) Ran to packed houses: Houseful í ÇúÕçC. Packed house = houseful Run to packed houses = housefulí úø- úøç. movie Çúø-ö«Eo run ÅE èπÿú Åçö«ç. Ç movie É æpöà- - Ωèπ 4 ÇúÕçC. The movie has run for the past four weeks. éπ*a-ûªçí 100 ÓV Çúø -ûª çc = It will certainly run for a hundred days. movie Åçü Ko Çéπ-J{ç-îË-ü - ûë It's a big draw. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 105 a) This movie will be a big draw (Ñ movie Åçü Ω É æ d- æ-ú h Ω / ÅC Åçü Ko Çéπ-J{-Ææ hçc.) (It will run to packed houses) b) *vûªç apple àüájø ã ÆæEo- Ë ç î - «-íì- æp-ü - ûë, ÅC èπÿú big draw ØË. The chariot race in Benhur is a big draw (Benhur apple Ωü æçüáç ÆæEo- Ë ç êu Çéπ- Ω{ù.) Movie apple ÆæEo- Ë ç = sequence (Æ ÈéyØ q) Big draw, high light ü ü æ äíé Å Ωnç éπ -N = êu- Ç-éπ- Ω{ù. caste = û -í ùç, movie /drama apple. a) 'Danaveera Sura karna' casts Rama Rao in the roles of Duryodhana, Krishna and Karna. (ü -O- Ω- - Ω-éπ- Ωg apple - -ü Óu-üµ -, éπ%-- æ-g, éπ Ω gúõí úø ƒvûª- applex öàç-î úø ) b) He is cast as a villain in the movie (Ç movie apple ÅûªEC villain (N Ø ) ƒvûª) c) The cast of the movie has chitrakumar as hero and chitrasri as the heroine (Ç *vûªç- apple -*--vûªèπ - «Óí, -*-vûª-vq - «Ó -Ø í - -öàç-î Ω ) d) Feature ÅØ o èπÿú ü ü æ ÅüË. a) The movie, Ninnu Nenu Pelladanu features Natesh and Abhinetri in the lead roles ('E o ØË Â «x-ú *vûªç apple õ ˇ, ÅGµ-ØËvA v æüµ ƒvûªüµ Ω. Lead role = v æüµ ƒvûª, movie apple é F Ø ô-éπç apple é E.) b) The movie features all great actors (Ç *vûªç apple û Ω- ç-ü Ω íì æp- Ïx.) c) The movie features him in a minor role (Åûª Ç movie apple ã * o- ƒ-vûª apple éπep- ƒhúø.) Shot = *vûªç apple ÆæEo- Ë ç = sequence. a) That's the best shot in the movie=that's the Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. best sequence in the movie. (Ç *vûªç apple ÅC Öûªh ÆæEo- Ë ç) b) Most of the shots in the movie were shot in Kashmir (Ç *vûªç apple î - «ÆæEo- Ë-» é Qt- apple B» Ω Role= - ƒ--vûª = part. a) SV Rangarao could act any role with ease (SV Ωçí - à ƒvûª-øájø Ææ Ø -ߪ -Ææçí (with ease) öàçîª-líí- úø ) b) His is the most important role in the movie (Ç *vûªç apple Åûª-EC ÅA êu- Á i ƒvûª) act a role = do a role = take on a role (äéπ ƒvûª apple öàç-îªôç) a) Nageswara Rao acted the role of Narada in Bhukailas \ Nageswara Rao did the role of Narada. (Ø Íí- y- Ω- Ø Ωü úõ ƒvûª Ë» Ω ) b) He acted the role well (Ç ƒvûª apple Çߪ «í öàç-î úø ) Live a role = ƒvûª Do justice to a role = ƒvûªèπ Ø uߪ ç îëèπÿ- Ωaôç Comic role = æ Ææu ƒvûª, Tragic role = ü ê- ƒvûª Perform = E Ωy œ«ç-îª-úøç He performed well = Çߪ «í öàç-î úø. His performance as Sri Rama deserves all praise. (X - -úõí Çߪ ô Á îª a-éó-ûª-í _C.) (Deserve = Å Ω ûª éπlt Öçúøôç. He deserves an award (Çߪ æ - -AéÀ Å Ω úø ) Comedy = Ææ ë«ç-ûª- Á i- /- æ -Ææu-v æ-üµ - - Á i- éπü /movie / Ø ôéπç Tragedy = ü ë«ç-ûª- Á i Ø ô-éπç/-*-vûªç/-éπü a) Missamma is a comedy b) Devadasu is a tragedy Comic role = æ Ææu ƒvûª; Tragic role = ü ê- æ -J- ƒvûª a) Brahmanandam is known for his comic roles ( æ Ææu- ƒ-vûª- èπ -v æ t- ç-ü ç v ææœ-cl - Òç-ü úø ) b) Some artists are suitable for tragic roles (éìçü Ω ô ü ê- ƒ-vûª «í îë ƒh Ω.) æ Ææu- -ô úø = comedian (éπo -úõ-ߪ -Ø '-O -ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç Relangi was a great comedian æ Ææu- öà = comedienne (éπn -úœ-ߪ Ø ), úœ, O éπçõ áèπ \ ØÌéÀ\- æ- -é L. Practice the following in English. Sruthi: Hi Laya, y E o ƒßª çvûªç Éçöapplex? Laya =. àçîë-ߪ apple ûóîªéπ Movie Èé «x Sruthi: à movie, áéπ\-ú -úø -ûóçc? Laya: vê èπ éπ Ÿx. *vûª-ñappleu-a apple. Sruthi: «í çü? Laya: My God, áçûª bore éìöàdçüó? Sruthi: ô - - Ω? Laya: íì æp- -ô ÖØ o Ω. é F movie àç «í - ü. Sruthi: Îx «îë» Ω? Laya: x à çûª íì æpí öàç-îª- -éπ- Ú-ߪ Ω. Sruthi: Å ûë ØË îª úø-éπ\- Ω- -ü - o- ô. Answers: Sruthi: Hi Laya, weren't you (were you not) at home yesterday? Laya: No, I went to a movie. I had not going better to do. (I went to a movie, having - nothing better to do.) Sruthi: Which movie, and where is it showing? Laya: Premaku Kallu Levu. At Chitrajyothi. Sruthi: Was it good? Laya: My God! What a bore (it was)! Sruthi: Who were the actors? \ What was the cast? Laya: The movie featured a big cast./ The actors were all great./ The cast included all great actors. Sruthi: How did they act?/ How did they do?/ How did they perform?/ How was their Tendulkar is an all time great performance? Laya: They couldn't act well./they didn't do well. Sruthi: So I need not see it. Ñ ƒj Ñ game ÇúøçúÕ. I know what to do. (ØËØËç îëߪ apple Ø èπ ûá Ææ ) Ééπ\úø O Ω îëߪ -Lqçü «x ÉüË -Ø apple O Ω îá æp-í -L_- Eo sentences îá æp-í - _úøç. Variety èπÿú Öçú L. Åçõ, no ûó, questions, dialogue form èπÿú L. Å Ωnç correct í Öçú L. eg: a) Hema forgot how to open the box (box á «ûá Ω- apple Ê «Ja- Ú- çc) b) She did not know where to sit (áéπ\úø èπÿ Óa- apple Ç Á èπ ûám- ü ) c) Do you know when to start? (á æ púø ߪ - l- apple ûá ƒ?) Ñ sentence pattern í -Eç-îªçúÕ: Sub. ûª yûª verb, Ç ûª yûª 'Wh' Word, Ç ûª yûª infinitive éπü. Ñ dialogue èπÿú îª úøçúõ. Prem: Do you remember when to start? (á æ púø ߪ - l- apple ñ«c æéπç Öçü?) Syam: I do, but you did not tell me where to go. (ûá Ææ. é F áéπ\-úõ-èé- «x apple y îá æp- ü.) É «Ñ game practice îëæœ áeo sentences ߪ - í - Ó îª úøçúõ. -v æ- o-: éπè -Fq -ØÓ-ôx-O -ü -'I PROMiSE TO PAY THE BEARER THE SUM OF TWENTY RUPEES'- Å-E -Öç-ô ç-c.-d-e -Å Ωnç -à-n -öà? -áæˇ.-á-.-úõ. -É p -Ø, - ç-ü u - - -ï- -.- Currency notes O ü Ç sentence éπ- ÚûË ÅC à N - - E é Tûª Ë Å -ûª çc. Currency notes ñ«k-îë-êæc Reserve Bank of India. ü E ÅCµ-é J Governor of Reserve Bank of India. Ç ÅCµ-é J -éàîëa æ O ßË Ç sentence - Ñ é Tûªç- Ö- o á -J-ÈéjØ (bearer) ØË Ω. 20/ ( éπ- ÚûË ÉçÈéç-ûª- Ø ) îálx- ƒh- E. URL:

16 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü ---í Ω Ωç 2 œ-v - -J 2006 Priya: Hi Divya, We really enjoyed the movie yesterday, didn't we? (E o movie Eïçí enjoy îë»ç, éπü?) Divya: Certainly. Chitrasri's performance as the heroine was really superb. (Eïç-í ØË Heroine í *vûªx ô Åü s ûªç) Heroine  «Ó- Ø Â «ØÌéÀ\- æ- -èπ û ç Superb: Ææ u æ æ ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç. Priya: The movie will be a runaway success. (Ñ *vûªç «í Nï-ߪ - çûªç Å -ûª çc) Divya: It can't be otherwise with that kind of story line, brilliant action and clever direction (Å «çöà éπü, ç* ô, ûál Áj ü Ωz-éπûªyçûÓ ÅC ÉçéÓ Nüµ çí Öçúø-ö«-EéÀ ü ) Priya: The main characters brought out the talent of the lead pair. ( êu- Á i ƒvûª v æüµ ïçô v æa- µº ÁL-éÀ-ûÁ-î a ) Character: é u Ωéπd é ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç; é, «uçé apple «u «í = Å Ωnç Q ç/ í ù-í -ù«/ Ææy µ«ç. é F Ééπ\úø Å Ωnç ã éπü apple, Ø ô-éπç apple ÆœE- apple ƒvûª. Lead Pair = v æ ê ïçô ƒ - uçí éπü apple/ Ø ô-éπç apple/ *vûªç apple Ø ßª -é -Ø - -éπ. Divya: They have been a hit pair - chitrakumar and chitrasri. Their combination has been successful. ( R}-ü lj *vûª-èπ -, *vûªx ïçô hero, heroine í  ü l hit. xc Nï-ߪ - ç-ûª- Á i ïçô Éçûª- - Ωèπ ) Priya: They are teaming up again in the next movie 'premikulugane vundam' ( apple-ûª o *vûªç 'vê N -èπ - -í ØË Öçü ç apple èπÿú Ÿx éπlæœ öàææ hø o Ω ) Divya: They show themselves at their best when they are cast opposite each other ( Ÿx ïçôí / Ø ßª -é -Ø - -éπ- í öàêæh x v æa µº î ««í îª œ- ƒh Ω ) Priya: I think she made her debut in nee kosame. She hasn't had a failure in her career (Ç Á ÆœF- Ωçí ç v æ Ë ç FéÓ-Ææ Ë *vûªçûóøë Å -èπ çö«, Éçûª- - Ωèπ à *vûªç èπÿú N æ- - - y- ü ) Her action in "Aunantara, Kadantara?" is really memorable (å ç-ö«, é ü ç-ö«? *vûªç apple Ç Á ô Ω- æ - -EC) Divya: Ok. I must be going Priya. Meet you tomorrow. Bye (ØË Á «xl. Í æ éπ - ƒh. Bye) Priya: Bye éàçü öà Lesson apple îª - -*-vû - èπ Ææç ç-cµç-* ô î «îª»ç éπü? É æ púø J-éÌEo îª ü lç. É Fo ç ö«x-úø -ûª - o- æ púø úø -ûª çõ Conversational English î ««í ç-ô çc. ÉN îª úøçúõ. 1. Superb 2. A runaway success 3. storyline 4. characters 5. lead pair 6. hit pair 7. teaming up 8. cast opposite 9. debut 1) superb= Åü s ûªç/ Å Á æ ç = àüáj-ø -ÆæÍ Movie é îª a, ã íì æp æ Ææhéπç é îª a, äéπj ô / véãúø/ äéπ Ω ƒcµç-*çc É Ë- ÁjØ ÆæÍ Åü s -ûªçí Öçõ Superb Åçö«ç. a) It is a superb hattrick by Irfan Pathan = É p Ø æ -Ø C Åü s -ûª- Á i hattrick. Hattrick Åçõ ûá -Ææ -éπü úø - ƒ Ω x Ω-Ææí Nïߪ ç ƒcµêæh, êuçí véãúø applex, ÅD äíé Player Å ûë, hat-trick Åçö«ç. b) The movie is superb= Ç *vûªç î «íì æpí ÖçC. c) Tendulkar's was a superb century ÅûªúÕ Century Åü s ûªç. 2) A runaway success ûªyj-ûª- Á i Nïߪ ç a) The movie was a runaway success. Ç *vûªç Núø -ü - j ÁçôØË Nïߪ - ç-ûª- Á içc. b) Missamma was a runaway success. N Ææq t ÅA ûªy Ωí Nï-ߪ - ç-ûª- Á içc Ü œ«ç-îªe KA apple. c) No one has the formula to make a movie a runaway success - ã *vû Eo Å - æ«u-k-a apple ÅA ûªy Ωí Nï-ߪ - çûªç îëߪ -í Ææ vû á -J- ü l. Formula Ææ vûªç. Flop, Runaway success èπ ua-í éπç. 3) Story line éπü ÆæçN-üµ ç ã *vûªç éπü ü Ωz-èπ úø îª œçîë B Ω. DEÍé ÉçéÓ- ô Plot a) His movies have the same basic story but the story line differs ÅûªúÕ *vû -éπü äéπõ, é F éπü ÆæçN-üµ - Ë ûëú b) The movie failed because of its weak story line éπü apple/ éπü ÆæçN-üµ - ç apple æô d éπ- Ú- -úøç - - x ÅC N æ- - Á içc. c) Weak story line is the cause of most failures î «*vû æô -d E éπü x üá s-aç-ô - Ø o. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 106 d) The movie flopped/ flopped at the box office/ The movie was a flop, because of its thin story line ü E - «éπü / éπü ÆæçN-üµ ç x Ç *vûªç üá s-açc. Thin èπ Ééπ\úø Å Ωnç weak ÅE. ü E ÅÆæ Å Ωnç Ææ oe/ æ ae. 4) Character: éπü apple/ Ø ô-éπç apple/ *vûªç apple ƒvûª. DØËo ç role ÅE-í F part ÅE-í F Å - îª a. a) NTR played the character/ role/ part of Karna in the drama Ç Ø ô-éπç apple NTR éπ Ω gúõ ƒvûª Ë»úø / öàç-î úø. b) One of the main characters in the movie is Lord Venkateshwara played by Suman Ç *vûªç apple êu- Á i ƒvûª applex äéπöà Suman öàç* Ëçéπ-õ - y- Ω- ƒyn ƒvûª. c) He played his part well ÅûªúÕ ƒvûª Åûªúø «í öàç-î úø. Play - í Å ûë Çúøôç, Ééπ\úø öàç-îªúøç. 5) lead pair= êu-ïçô Ø ßª é Ø -éπ. (the hero and the heroine) a) NTR and Anjali Devi are the lead pair in Lavakusa -èπ *vûªç apple Rx-ü l-jd êu- Á i ïçô (Hero, heroine). b) The lead pair in the movie is Rajanikanth and Jyothika Ωï-F-é çû, ñappleuaéπ Ç *vûªç apple v æüµ ƒvûªüµ - Ω, ïçôí. c) They have proved a hit pair Nï-ߪ - ç-ûª- Á i ïçô. 6) Hit pair *vû -EéÀ Nïߪ ç îëèπÿí a/ Nï-ߪ - ç-ûª- Á i / vê éπ~-èπ ÅGµ- ç ÒçC ïçô ( - í hero, heroine ƒvûª applex) a) They make a hit pair Rx-ü l-jd Nï-ߪ - ç-ûª- Á i ïçô. Åçõ Ÿx öàç-* *vû - Fo hits ÅE. 7) Teaming up ïûª éπ - ôç, ïçôí öàç-îªúøç ƒ - uçí hero, heroine. a) They are teaming up again in the next movie o *vûªç apple Sx Rx-ü l Ω éπlæœ öà-ææ h-ø o Ω. b) They have teamed up again Sx Ïx éπlæœ öà-ææ h-ø o Ω. Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. Team up: äéπ movie N æ-ߪ ç- appleøë é èπ çú, à æe îëߪ -ö«-e-èéjø éìçûª- çc éπlêæh, They team up. The three boys teamed up to decorate the room Ç í CE Å ç-éπ-jç-îª-ú -EéÀ Ÿx í _ Ω äéπ ïô dí à Ωp-ú f Ω. 8) Cast opposite: äéπ öà ( ƒ - uçí heroine) äéπ ô úõ (hero) Ææ Ω-Ææ öàêæh Å æ púø they are cast opposite each other Åçö«ç. a) Vikram is cast opposite Sada/ Sada is cast opposite Vikram/ Vikram and Sada are cast opposite each other in Aparichitudu Å æ-j-*-ûª -úõ apple Vikram, Ææü Ææ Ω-Ææ / Ææü, Nvéπ Ææ Ω-Ææ / Nvéπ, Ææü äéπj Ææ Ω-Ææ äéπ Ω öàç-î Ω. b) Surya and Asin are cast opposite each other Ÿx äéπj Ææ Ω-Ææ äéπ Ω öà-ææ h-ø o Ω. 9) Debut: Á ôd- Á -ü -öà- ƒ-jí ÆæGµ-èπ çü Ø ôuç îëߪ úøç/ Á ü -öà- ƒ-jí *vû applex öàçîªôç/ Á ü -öà- ƒ-jí Ωçí -v æ- Ë ç (»Æ Yߪ %ûªu Ææçv æü -ߪ ç apple DEo Ç Ωç-Íívôç Åçö«ç) Debut- pronunciation - úáß u úá ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç. Á ü -öà- ƒ-jí Ωçí -v æ- Ë ç îëߪ ôç Make a debut/ Have a debut. a) She made her debut in this movie. -É-C Ç Á ûìl-*vûªç. Ñ *vûªç apple Ç Á Á ü -öà- ƒ-jí öàç-*çc. b) His debut wasn't very successful ÅûªúÕ Á ü öà ô Åçûª Nï-ߪ - çûªç é ü. Debut êuçí Ø ôuç, Ø ôéπç «çöà éπ N æ-ߪ ç appleøë áèπ \- í úø-û Ω. äéó\- ƒj N í û Ωçí - èπ èπÿú úø-û Ω. He made his debut in politics in apple Çߪ ï-éã-ߪ - Ωçí v æ Ë ç îë» Ω. Now Practise the following in English: a) Yasvanth: Hi Srikanth, F favourite hero, heroine ïçô Ñ ƒj Åçûª Nïߪ - çûªç é üëç? Srikanth: Ç éπü apple æô d- ü. Ÿx «í ØË öàç-î Ω éπü? Yasvanth: y x ÅGµ- -EN éπü. Åçûª-éπçõ à ç-ö«? Srikanth: Ëy-- Á iø îá æ p, -R}-ü l Ω éπ-læœ öàç-î Ω é öàd Ç vûª- Á iø ÖçC Ç *vûªç. èπ çõ æ Jhí üá s-a-øëüë. Yasvanth: x ô x *vûªç üá s-aç-ü -E -Åç-ô -Ø o Ω. Srikanth: ØËØÌ- æ p-éó. - x-c Nï-ߪ - ç-ûª- Á i ïçô. x í ûª *vûªç Å - æ«u- Á i Nïߪ ç ƒcµç-*çcéπü? Ç hero Ωçí -v æ- Ë ç îëæœ- - æp-öà- ç* flop ÅØËC ü éπü? Yasvanth: ÉC Çߪ Á ü öà flop à Á? Åûª-úÕ-éÀ --É*a ƒvûªèπ Åûªúø suit Å -úøe Ø ÅGµ-v ƒßª ç. Srikanth: Çߪ à ƒvûª-èéjø ÆæJ- Ú-û úø, à ƒvûª Ø Ææ Ø -ߪ -Ææçí îëߪ -í - úø. b) Vinitha: Hi Sunitha, E o ØË TV apple 'àn öã N*vûªç . áçûª «í çüó! Sunitha: ØË C á æ púó . Ú ØÁ Å -èπ çö«, Ájñ«-í apple. Vinitha: î ««í çc éπü. Åçü apple hero, heroine Ê Í xçöà? Rx-ü l-jéã Á ü öà *vûªç Å -èπ çö«. Sunitha: Å. x Á ü öà Å -é - ç- appleøë ç* v æa µº éπ - - Ω-î Ω. Vinitha: É æ púø Rx-ü l Ω È çúø úø *vû applex êu ïçôí - -öàææ h-ø o Ω. He made his debut in.. Sunitha: êuçí Ç heroine ç* öàí í Jhç æ ûáîª a-èπ çc. Answers: a) Yasvanth: Your favourite lead pair has not been very successful this time, has it? Srikanth: The movie has a weak story line. They have acted well. Yasvanth: You are their fan. What else can you say? Srikanth: Whatever you say- the movie is atleast that good because they have acted in it. Otherwise it would have been an utter flop. (utter = æ Jh) Yasvanth: The movie is a flop because of their action. That's what people say. Srikanth: I don't agree. They are a hit pair. Their last movie was a runaway success. The hero hasn't had a failure since his debut. Yasvanth: This might be his first flop. I feel that he doesn't suit the role/ the character. Srikanth: He suits any role. He can do any role with ease. b) Vinitha: Hi Sunitha, yesterday I watched the movie, 'Emitivichitram' on the TV. What a movie it is! / How good it is! Sunitha: I saw it long ago. I think it was last month, in Vizag. Vinitha: Isn't it good? What are the names of the lead pair, I think they made their debut in the movie. Sunitha: Yes. Even in their debut they displayed their talent. (Display = v æü -Jzç-îªôç) Vinitha: They are acting as the lead pair in two or three movies. Sunitha: The heroine especially has won recognition as a good actor/actress. URL:

17 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -E Ωç 4 œ-v - -J 2006 Hemanth: Hi Vasanth, I didn't see you the whole of yesterday. What was wrong? àçöà E oçû y éπ æ-úø- ü. àçöà N æߪ ç? Vasanth: The Deepavali effect you know. We enjoyed the festival the day before Yesterday. We were so tired yesterday. We were resting almost the whole of yesterday.fortunately yesterday was a Sunday. Éü çû D ƒ- R v æ µ«ç. Á oçû æç-úøí ï Ω - æ -éì-øë-ææ-jéà E oçû ÅL-Æœ- Úߪ ç. ü ü æ E oçû æúø -èπ ØË ÖØ oç. Åü %- æ d- -»ûª h E o ÇC- Ωç. Hemanth: So you celebrated it with all enthusiasm. We did too, but we were off the fireworks by about 10. We were in bed by 10.30pm Åçûª Öû q- æ«çí ï Ω - æ -èπ -Ø o- Ω- o- ô. Ë ï Ω - æ -èπ Ø oç. é F ô ƒ-é -ߪ é aúøç 10 í çô- Íé ÇÊ»ç éπ- «x æúø -èπ Ø oç. Enthusiasm - ÉØ ü uæœ-ߪ ï. ü u ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç. * Ω 'ï size apple z «í, = Öû q æ«ç. fireworks = «-ùææçî / ô ƒ-é -ߪ Vasanth: We were enjoying the fireworks till almost eleven. Dad was liberal this time. We let off Rs. 800/-work of crackers sparklers this time. 11 Ωèπÿ é -Ææ høë ÖØ oç. Ø o Ñ ƒj úø s «í ØË Éî a Ω. 800 Ω ƒßª «ù-ææçî é «aç worth - û (bird «í )= -N- Ö o. crackers = vé éπñ = Ê ô ƒ-é -ߪ, sparklers = ƒpéπxñ = ÁL-ÍíN ( û -, é éπ Ω æ Ìy-ûª h etc) let off = ô ƒ-é -ߪ é aôç = Let off fire works) Hemanth: So it was a grand affair after all. Some how I feel spending so much on fire works is a waste Á ûªhç-o ü î «Ææ Ω-ü í í úø - æ -èπ -Ø o Ω.affair, Å  ØÌèπ \û ç = N æߪ ç. Vasanth: It's just once a year. A few hundred rupees shouldn't matter much. Ææç -ûªq- -EéÀ äéπ- ƒj éπü. ã È çúø úìç-ü Åçûª Ææ Ææu èπÿú é üë) Hemanth: Opinions differ. Well what about the other things? á J ÅGµ-v ƒ-ߪ xn. N í û N æߪ Ææçí A àçöã? Opinion- ÅGµ-v ƒßª ç. differ - µ C- ƒh. Vasanth: Well, we all had new clothes. Told you, dad was quite liberal this time. He was in a mood to celebrate. He let us buy whatever clothes we liked, and sister had the greatest luck. She had a pair of ear rings. Åçü Ωç éìûªh ôd éì -èπ \Ø oç. îá ƒp- í Ø o î «Öü - Ωçí ÖØ o Ω. - Ë ç --É- æ d æ-úõ- - -ôd- -Fo -BÆæ éì-î a Ω. æçúøí mood apple ÖØ o Ω. Åçü -J-éπçõ îálx Åü %- æ d- ç-ûª -. éπ t ïûª *açc ûª èπ. Hemanth: We had new clothes too and of course the feast too. Mom prepared wonderful dishes and delicious sweets. Ë éìûªh ôd ûáîª a-èπ Ø oç. æçúøí µappleï-ø -EéÀ Å t ç* çô-é, Ω *-éπ- Ω- Á i Æ y-ö q èπÿú îëæœçc. Feast æçúøí µappleï ç/ Nçü. dishes = úõ œñ (ñ size apple- z «) Vasanth: That's good. Ñ Ææç µ«- æù æçúøí í -Jç-* éπü. æç-úø-í Ææçü - Ωs çí úë expressions éìeo ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç Ñ ƒj. Festival = æçúøí, æçúøí ï Ω - æ -éó- ôç = celebrate a festival. We celebrate Deepavali every year in the month of Kartheekam. - v æ-a Ææç- -ûªq Ωç é -K-héπ- Ææç- apple -D- ƒ- --S -ï Ω æ èπ ç-ö«ç. Festival enjoy èπÿú îë ƒhç We enjoy a festival. Charlie (over phone from the US): Hello Sampath, this is Charlie from the states. How are you? ( æ«- apple Ææç- æ-û, ØË Å Á -Jé ç* îµ M -ö«xúø -ûª Ø o. -á- «-Ö-Ø o-?) Sampath: Fine, Charlie, thank you, how are you? (- «í -Ø o- -îµ --M.- -üµ - u- -ü -. -F- -á- «-Ö-Ø o-? ) Charlie: Same here, thank you. Can we have a chat over the net? Matter of 20 to 30 minutes (Éç-ô -ØÁ-ö apple ç ö«x-úø -èπ çü?20, 30 EN - ƒ æôd- îª a.) Sampath: Sorry, Charlie. It is morning here you know. I am very busy celebrating Sri Ramanavami. ( ƒ-k..x N ÂÆ- -v -ö - -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 107 îëææ èπ çô ØË î «-G-@í ÖØ o É æ p-úõ-éπ\úø Öü ߪ ç.) Charlie: What's Sri Ramanavami, sampy? What's its significance? (-X N -Åç-õ -à-n -öà? -ü -E -v ƒ-- - êuç -à-n -öà?) Sampath: It's an important festival for us in India. We celebrate the birth of lord SriRama on the occasion. (ÉçúÕ-ߪ apple ÉC î «êu- Á i æçúøí. X - úõ æ öàd ÓV æçúøí í ï Ω - æ -èπ çö«ç) Occasion = ÅÍé-ß -ïø Íé ØÌéÀ\- æ-- é -L. -ï, vision apple ïø - «í = Ææçü Ωs ç. Charlie: How do you celebrate it? á «ï Ω - æ --û Ω? Sampath: We offer worship to Lord Sri Rama by performing Pooja. We do it at home and in temples too. We do it special pandals put up at street corners as well.then we eat a good feast too with special dishes. Greengram soaked in water and jaggery water are the offerings to Lord Rama. æ ï îëæœ X - úõo éì ƒhç. É x applex, í x applex, Oüµ - -èπÿ-úø- x applex èπÿú. --v æ--ûëuéπ - çôé - -ûó - µapple-ï- ç -îë ƒhç. -úø æ æ p, - ƒ- éπç -X - -úõéà -ØÁj- Ë-ü uç  --úø-û ç. Pandal = æçcj putup = à pô îëߪ -ôç/-e-jtç-îªôç as well = èπÿú (Green gram =  Ææ / Ææ- Ω- æ æ p ( úø- æ æ p) jaggery = xç offering = ØÁj Ëü uç feast = Nçü / æç-úøí µappleï ç Charlie: Well, have a happy time, then call you later. (Å ûë ÆæçûÓ- æçí í úø æ. Sx -- Ú-Ø îë ƒh.)  j Ææç µ«- æ-ùçû æçúøí í -Jç-îË -éπü. DEéÀ Ææç ç- Cµç-* éìeo expressions í -Jç-* ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç. æçúøí = festival Deepavali, Chavithi, Vinayaka Ramzon, Christmas -É Fo festivals. æçúøí ï Ω - æ -éó- ôç = celebrate a festival. We enjoy a festival= ç æç-úø-í ÆæçûÓ- æçí ï Ω - æ èπ çö«ç. «-ù-ææçî =fireworks. Ê ô ƒ-é -ߪ = crackers; ÁLÍí ô ƒ-é -ߪ = sparklers In a mood to celebrate = in a celebration mood = Ëúø -éπí --ï-jê -ÆœnA. Pakistan was in a mood to celebrate = Pakistan was in a celebration mood ƒéà- ƒhø Ëúø -éπ ( x Nï-ߪ Eo) ï Ω - æ -èπ ØË mood apple ÖçC. Let's not stop him. He is in a celebration mood -Å-ûª-úø Ææç - Ωç apple ÖØ oúø. úõe Ç Òü l. Sparklers, crackers Ê aôç = Let off fireworks -ô ƒ-é -ߪ Ah = fuse ( Light the fuse = Ah ÁL-Tç-îªôç) Ê ôç = explode / blow/ go of = (with a loud sound/noise) Explode  ü l-â ü l Ê - xèπ -úøû ç. blow = Ê x x ÅßË u üµ yçææç. 'go off' = ô ƒ-é -ߪ - èπ ÆæJ- Ú-ûª çc. Feast = Nçü ( ƒ - œ«-éπçí ) æç-úøí Nçü Dishes = çô-é / ƒvûª Chat over the net = ØÁ--ö Ææç µ«- æù v ƒ êuç = significance = ÆœTo- œ-èéø q Significance of a festival = æç-úøí v ƒ êuç. æçúøí Ææç - = festivities a) The festivities of Dasara last for 9 days ü Ææ Ææç - 9 ÓV ï Ω -í -û. b) The Festivities are keeping us busy æçúøí Ëúø -éπ Lo -G-@í -Öç-îª -û. æçúøí Öû q æ«ç = The enthusiasm for a festival We celebrated Deepavali with enthusiasm Ë ç D ƒ- R Öû q- æ«çûó í úø - æ -èπ Ø oç. æçúøí äéπ ÓV- - úøç The festival is / falls on a day. a) This year the festival falls on a Sunday/ is on a Sunday. Ñ Ææç -ûªq Ωç æç-úøí ÇC ç Å -ûª çc/çc- Ωç ÓV. b) Last year it fell on a Wednesday í ûª àú C ÅC üµ - Ωç *açc. Now Practise the following: a) Sunil: áéπ\-úõoç* Ææ h-ø o, ÅE? Anil: X N æçcj ç*. Åéπ\úø üë úõ Å éπ Ω-ù î «í çc. Sunil: Å ûë ØË èπÿú ÁR} îª úøø? Anil: Éçûª- - Ωèπ àç îëææ h-ø o? Sunil: Éçöapplex æ ï É æ úë Å çc. é Ææh úø- æ æ p, Anil: Sunil: -ãíé. b) ƒ éπç BÆæ \ç-ü. ÆæÍ. Ç ûª yûª y æçcj ç* ÉçöÀ- Èé Ïx æ úø ÉçöÀéÀ. Have a happy time... Prem: àçöà? F îá u-íé- - çc? Syam: E o ô ƒ-é -ߪ Ê a-ô- æ úø äéπöà Ø îëa- appleøë Ê LçC. ü E Ah î ÒöÀdí ÖçC. Prem: îë «í é Lçü? Syam: Å Ω-îË, È çúø Ë Ÿx - «í é - «. -ú éπd ü í _- Ω-Èé Ïh éπô d éπö«dúø. Prem: «í «üµ í Öçü? Syam: Åç-ûªí ü. Prem: èπ úõ îë éπü. æçúøí Nçü à «AØ o? Syam: Ç «üµ apple Å -Fo Ja- Úߪ.ÉçöÀ-éÌ-îËa-ÆæJéÀ va 12 Å çc. Answers: a) Sunil: Where are you coming from Anil? Anil: From the Sri Ramanavami pandal. The decorations are really beautiful. Sunil: Shall I go and see too. Anil: What have you been doing so far? Sunil: We have just finished the puja at home, come in and have some vadapappu and panakam. Anil: Ok. On your way back from the pandal come to my home. Sunil: Ok b) Prem: Hi Syam, What is wrong with your hand? Syam: While letting off crackers yesterday, one of them went off in my hand. It had a short fuse. Prem: Are the burns very bad? (burns = é L í ߪ ) Syam: The palm and two fingures. Doctor bandaged / dressed the injuries. Prem: Is it paining a lot? Syam: Not so bad now. Prem: It's your right hand. How could you eat? Syam: I forgot all that in the pain by the time I came back home it was 12 midnight. Úpéπ-Ø -Éç-Tx- ˇ - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé - îë-ߪ ç-úõ.- URL: spoken/spoken.htm

18 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü ---- Ú- Ωç 6 - œ--v - -J 2006 Navya: Hi Sreya, any idea when we are starting for the picnic spot tomorrow? (Í æ Picnic îóô -Èé- æ púø ߪ - l- apple à Ø o idea Öçü?) Spot = îóô Sreya: None, dear. Divya must be able to tell us. She is making the arrangements. (ûál-ߪ ü. C u èπ îá æp-í - ü. ûªøë à pô x îë ÚhçC éπü ) Navya: I called her home. Her mom told me she was out. Must be busy with arrangements. ( x ÉçöÀéÀ Phone îë». ߪ -öà-èé-rxç-ü E x t îá œpçc. «í busyí Öçúø ç-ú L J) Sreya: Let's ring up Kavya. Divya is taking kavya's help. So Kavya should be knowing about Divya. She should be able to tell us where Divya is. ( ç é uèπ Phone îëü lç. C u, é u Ææ æ ߪ ç BÆæ -èπ ç-öappleçc. é öàd C u í Jç* é uèπ ûálææ ç-úìîª a. C u í Jç* é - Ëu îá æp-í - í L.) Navya: Kavya should know at least the time of starting. (Start ÅßË u time Å Ø é uèπ ûál-ææ çú L) Sreya: That's right. Let's ring her up. (éπè Íéd Phone îëü lç Öçúø ) Navya: Let's wait. They will call us and tell us. We must be there for the picnic after all. (é Ææh Çí ü ç. Ïx èπ Phone îëæœ îá ƒh Ω. picnic ïj-ííç-ü èπ ç Öçú L éπü.) Sreya: OK. I must be going. Bye. (ØË Á «xl J. Bye) Navya: Bye í ûª éìeo lessons apple must, should Å n, Ö æßá -í ûá -Ææ -èπ -Ø oç-í ü. öàe ã ƒj Ææçví - æ«çí í -Eü lç. Must, have to/ has to, should- 1) Ñ úø èπÿú Å Ωnç apple úø -éπ apple î «ü í _- Ωí Öçö«. 2) úø èπÿú commands (Çïc ), duty (NCµ), necessity (Å -Ææ Ωç), Obligation ûá - æ -û. warnings ( «îªa-jéπ) èπÿú ûá - æ -û. 3) Must, should ç éπ*aûªç Å -èπ ç-ô o, Å -èπ ØË N æ-ߪ - îá æp-ö«-eéà úøû ç. Bhavan: Hi Sravan, When are you leaving for Kashmir? (F Á- æ púø é Qt- Ω èπ ߪ - -üë- Ω -ûª -Ø o?) Sravan: The coming Friday. ( îëa Ÿvéπ- Ωç) Bhavan: That's just two days off. You must be busy making arrangements because you are going to be there for a few weeks. Kashmir must be quite cold now. Carry enough warm clothing. Pavan is also joining you, isn't he? (Éçéπ È çúø - Ó-V. à pôxûó î «busy í Öçúø ç-ö«éπ*a-ûªçí ; éìeo - ç-úø- apple-ûª -Ø o. é Qt Ω «í îªlí Öçú -L- æ púø. Pavan èπÿú FûÓ Ææ h-ø oúø éπü?) (Carry enough warm clothing = î L- Eo ÁîªaöÀ ôd BÆæ -Èé Ÿx.) Sravan: Yes, He should be on the way because he has to be here this evening. (Å. Ñ ƒßª ç-vû Eéπ «x Ééπ\-úø ç-ú L é öàd Åûªúø ü J apple Öçúø ç-ú L.) Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple Must be, should be ûó Expressions í -Eç-îªçúÕ. 1) You must be busy = y busyí Öçú L. (Bhavan éπ*aûªç Å -èπ ØË N æߪ ç) 2) Kashmir must be quite cold now É æ púø é Qt «í îªlí Öçú L. (ÉC èπÿú Bhavan éπ*aûªç Å -èπ ØË N æߪ ç) 3) He should be on the way -Å--ûªúø ü J apple Öçú L. (ÉC éπ*aûªç Å -èπ ØË N æߪ ç.) É «çöà Ææçü - s applex must, should úøû ç. Ñ Ææçü - s applex have to/ has to úøç. É æ púø Ñ lesson applee Á ôd- Á -ü öà dialogue Ó- ƒj îª úøçúõ. Åçü apple must ûó, should ûó Ö o expressions. 1) Divya must be able to tell us. 2) Must be busy with arrangements. 3) Should be knowing. 4) Should be able to tell us. OöÀ applex (1), (2) ç éπ*aûªç Å -èπ ØË N æ-ߪ - ûá - æ -ûª -Ø o. (3), (4) äéπ Ω çúë æj-æœn-ûª applex x ç* ç ÇPçîË N æ-ߪ - ûá - æ -ûª -Ø o éπü. ÉD must èπ,should èπ ÉçéÓ Ö æ-ßá í ç. a) Bharat: Why did India lose the match? (India áçü èπ ãúõ- Ú- çc?) Lakshman: Ask Dravid about it. He is the captain. He must know. (Ç N æߪ ç vü N-ú Åúø í. Çߪ captain éπü. Çߪ - Íé ûál-ߪ L.) Åçõ Dravid, captain é öàd, ãôn éà é Ωù«Çߪ -- oç* ÇPç-îªúøç Kumar: How is the financial position of India? ( µ«ωû financial position = ÇJnéπ æj-æœna á «Öçü ç-ö«?) Saradhi: How do I know? The finance minister should be able to tell you. (Ø Íéç ûá Ææ. -Fèπ Ç N æߪ ç Finance Minister îá æp-í -- -úø ) É «çöà uses have to/ has to èπ. Maithri: Hi Meghana, what brings you here? (àçöà- «- -î a?) Meghana: I need your help. (F ƒßª ç é L.) Maithri: Regarding? (üëe N æߪ ç) Meghana: I wasn't very polite to our lecturer yesterday. I am sure my words hurt him (E o lecturer æôx u-ü í v æ - Jhç-îª- ü. Ø ô Çߪ Eo éπ*aûªçí í ߪ - æ-j-î -ߪ - -èπ ç-ô Ø o. hurt = í ߪ - æ- Ω-îªôç. Maithri: Meghana, not the first time for you to be rude to elders. ( ü l- - x- æôx Å - u-ü í Öçúøôç FéÀüËç Á ü öà ƒj é ü éπü.) You ought to know manners. (Fèπ manners ûál-ߪ L/ y manners ûá -Ææ -éó- L.) Meghana: Yes, I ought to be careful how I talk to elders. I ought to respect elders. (Å.  ü l- - xûó ö«x-úë-ô- æ púø ØË ñ«ví -ûªhí Öçú L.  ü l- - x íı Ω- Nç-î L.) Maithri: -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 108 We ought to remember who we talk to when we talk to elders. So what do you want me to do now? Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. ( ü l- - xûó ö«x-úë-ô- æ púø á -JûÓ ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø o Á í Ω hç-îª -éó- L. Å ûë É æ púø ØËoç-îË-ߪ - ç-ö«?) Meghana: I want to apologize to him. Won't you come with me? (ØËØ -ߪ - èπ éπ~ - æù îá ƒp- - -èπ ç-ô - Ø o. y Ø ûó? Apologize = Å Ò- -ñ jñ Ò ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç. * Ω 'ñ size apple Z «í Å Ωnç éπ~ - æù éó Ωôç Apology = Å Ú- > = éπ~ - æù) Maithri: Let's hurry then. I ought to be back soon. None to attend on my sick mother. (ûªy Ωí Á «lç æü. ØË Sx ÁçôØË Á éà\ L, Å t îª Ææ -èπ -ØËçü èπ Ç Á äçöapplex «í ü.) Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple ought to ú ç-éπü. Ought to ÅØ o èπÿú, must, should «í ØË, Öçú L, îëߪ L ÅØË Å Ωnç ÚhçC éπü. Å ûë éìçûª ûëú î «êu- Á i ûëú ÖçC. çü Å Ωnç îª ü lç a) ought to be ('be' form) = Öçú L b) ought to go, ought to respect, ought to know- ought to + 1st RDW- action word= Á «xl, íı Ω-Nç-î L, ûá -Ææ -éó- L, etc. Ñ Å ΩnçûÓ must, should, have to/ has to èπ ought to Ææ - Ë. Å ûë ought to Å o- æ púø Çïc, E ç-üµ -, Nüµ, Å -Ææ- - - x é èπ çú ç FA v æé Ωç Öçúø- - -Æœ ÆœnA, îëߪ - - -Æœ æ ûá - æ -û. Åçõ ØÁjAéπ «üµ u-ûª (Moral obligations).  j Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple ought to Ö æ-ßá -Tç* îª úøçúõ: 1) You ought to know manners y manners ûá -Ææ -éó- L. (ûál-ߪ -éπ- ÚûË - o- Ω PéÀ~ç-îª Ω é F ûá -Ææ - éó- ôç ØÁjAéπ «üµ uûª.) 2) I ought to be careful how I talk to elders  ü l- - xûó ö«x-úë-ô- æ púø ØË ñ«ví -ûªhí Öçú L. (v æ - ΩhØ «üµ uûª) 3) We ought to remember who we are talking to á -JûÓ ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø o Á í Ω hç-îª -éó- L. (v æ - ΩhØ «üµ uûª) 4) I ought to be back early to attend on my sick mother ï sûó Ö o Å t îª Ææ -éó- -ö«-eéà ûªy Ωí AJT L. (Ø ØÁjAéπ NCµ/ «üµ uûª) ÉC ought to îª úøçúõ. a)  ü l- - x íı Ω-Nç-î L èπ Ææç ç-cµç-* N æߪ ç, Sx You ought to respect elders. b) Å -ߪ -èπ - ƒ - µº -AûÓ îª ú L. You ought to sympathize with innocent people.) (Sympathy = Æœç æa. 'Æœç ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç = ƒ - µº A. Sympathize with = Æœç æ-ûájñ ñ size apple Z «í. ƒ - µº A îª æôç. innocent = É -Ææçö É ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç = Å -ߪ -èπ - j ). c) You ought not to talk to your father like that O Ø oûó Å «ö«x-úø-èπÿ-úøü y (ÆæÈ j v æ - Ωh é ü ) NOW PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING IN ENGLISH: Prabha: Hi Subha, file no. 10 áéπ\-úø çc? Subha: Ïê- Ωo-úø í. Åûª-úÕéÀ ûál-ߪ L. E o ƒßª çvûªç ÅC Çߪ table O ü ÖçC. Prabha: Ïê áéπ\úø? Subha: 5 EN - ƒ véàûªç Manager í C- appleéà Á «xúø. Åéπ\úË Öçú L J. We ought to respect elders Prabha: ü ØÓx Ú - - Ωç Å t-é N - Ø o éπü? Subha: Fèπ ûál-ߪ L ÅC. Å t-é N æ-ߪ îª ÊÆC Ëy éπü? Prabha: àçöà Åçûª F Ω-Ææçí ÖØ o? Subha: Office æf, ÉçöÀ æf «í Å -Ææô éπl-t-ææ h- Ø o. Prabha: î «Weak í éπe- œ-ææ h-ø o. ÁçôØË doctor E îª ú L y. F Ç Óí uç N æߪ ç apple ñ«ví ûªh BÆæ -éó- L éπü? O Çߪ ÉçöÀ æe apple éìçûª ƒßª ç îëߪ L éπü? Subha: Çߪ - èπ office æøë ÆæJ- Ú-ûª çc. Prabha: Doctor ü í _- Ω-éπ- Ø BÆæ -Èé- «xl éπü? Subha: É BÆæ -Èé- «h- -Ø o Ω. ANSWER: Prabha: Hi Subha, any idea where file no. 10 is?/ Do you know where file no. 10 is?/ Where is file no 10? Subha: Ask Sekhar about it. He should know / must know. The file was on his table last evening. Prabha: Where is Sekhar? Subha: He went to the manager's room 5 minutes ago. He must be there now. Prabha: Why are you so weak? Subha: The work at office and at home is very tiring/ is tiring me. Prabha: You look very weak/ run down. You ought to see a doctor immediately. You ought to take care of your health. Your husband ought to help you in the work at home. Subha: His office work takes his whole time. Prabha: He ought to take you atleast to the doctor. Subha: He said he would take me today. URL:

19 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -üµ - Ωç 8 œ-v - -J 2006 Dinakar: Where did you buy those fruits yesterday? They were quite fresh and sweet. (E o Ç æçúø x áéπ\úø éìø o? î «û ñ«í Bߪ í ÖØ o ÅN) Fresh - û ñ«. (Opp: Stale/ rotten stale. E y Ö o ( êuçí çúõ- N); rotten - J-T- Ú-, èπ Rx- Ú-. stale - ÂÆdß, rotten - -ô-ø Aô d- æü ç èπÿú. These rotten movies (îáûªh movies)/ rotten fellow E- œe Aôdúøç, NENE NÆœ-T- Ú- jokes - stale jokes. Madhukar: Why are you asking? Do you need Dinakar: fruits now? (áçü -éπ-úø -í -ûª -Ø o? É æ púë Ø o æçúø x Å -Ææ- Ω Fèπ?) Yea. I need some to present to my uncle. You bought them at Sarvam Super Market, didn't you? (Å. uncle èπ æçúø x present îëü l- - -èπ ç-ô Ø o. ÅN y 'Ææ Ωyç Super Market apple éìø o éπü? Madhukar: No. That's very far off. You need not go that far. If fruits are what you need, there's a good fruit shop nearby. I bought them there. Dinakar: How costly are they? Perhaps you bought them at Rs.70 a dozen. ( öà êküáçûª? dozen 70 Ω ƒ-ߪ v æé Ωç éìø o Ë Á éπü?) Madhukar: No. You need not spend so much. Dinakar: They are quite cheap there. (Åçûª  ôd- - -Ææ- Ωç- ü. ÅN î «îª éπ Ç shop apple) Will you show me the shop? (Ç shop îª œ- ƒh?) Madhukar: You don't need my help, old boy. Walk along this way and turn right. Dinakar: You find 'Sufala' fruit shop. That's it. (Ø ƒßª ç Åéπ\- Ω- ü. Éô --- Áj æ ÁR} èπ úõ æéπ\èπ A Ω í. Ç shop éπ - æ-úø - ûª çc) OK, bye Madhukar: OK. Ñ Ææç µ«- æù apple Åçû need ûó Ö o expressions áèπ \ ÖØ o éπü. Need Å n, úøéπç ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç Ñ lesson apple. 1. Do you need fruits now? 2. I need some 3. You need not go that far. 4. You need not spend so much 5. You don't need my help çü Jéà ûá Ææ. need Åçõ Å -Ææ Ωç Å-E, é L ÅØË Å Ωnç îëa Å -Ææ Ωç ÅE. 1. Do you need fruits now? FéÀ æ púø æçúø x Å -Ææ- Ω? (é «?) 2. I need some Ø èπ éìeo Å -Ææ Ωç/ é L 3. You don't need my help Ø ƒßª ç Féπ- -Ææ- Ωç- ü / Åéπ\- Ω- ü  j Ææçü - s - -Eoç-öÀ apple need Åçõ Å -Ææ Ωç/ é L, Åçõ 'Åéπ\- Ω- ü èπ ua-í -éπçí a) I need your help F ƒßª ç Ø éπ- -Ææ Ωç (é L) b) She doesn't need any body's help Ç Á Èé J ƒßª ç Åéπ\-Í xü X She needs every body's help Ç Á -éπç-ü J (v æa- J) ƒßª ç Å -Ææ Ωç (é L) c) Animals need oxygen ïçûª - - èπ oxyzen Å -Ææ Ωç. d) He doesn't (does not) need any more money Åûª-E-éπç-ûª-éπçõ úø s Åéπ\- Ω- ü. e) Ç Á Íéç Å -Ææ Ωç (àç é L?) What does she need? f) úõéà Rs.100/- éπçõ áèπ \ Å -Ææ Ωç ü. He doesnot need more than Rs. 100/- Oô-Eo-öÀ apple verb, need/ needs éπü? Ñ sentences apple need Ö æ-ßá -í -EéÀ,  j conversation appleç* BÆœ sentences (3) and (4) apple need úø-é -EéÀ ûëú îª ü lç. 3) You need not go that far Åçûª ü Ωç Á x-éπ\í xü. 4) You need not spend so much Åçûª ê Ω a  ôd-éπ\-í xü. 3) apple verb need go - need + 1st regular doing word 4) apple verb need spend - need + 1st regular doing word Need + 1st regular DW ( í not ûóøë Ææ hçc) verb Å ûë, I RDW öàd Å Ωnç Öçô çc. (Need not go = Á x-éπ\-í xü ) Need not spend = ê Ω a  ôd-éπ\-í xü You need not be here (Ééπ\úø verb - need be - ÉC be form - Öçúø-éπ\- Ω- ü (not ûó) ÉC need èπ È çúó Ö æ-ßá í ç. Á ü -öàc need independent í úìîª a. È çúóc need + 1st RDW ( í not ûó). [ You need not go = You don't need to go Å - îª a. [ She need not sing = She does not need to sing Å - îª a. ÉçéÓ N æߪ ç: Karuna: Must you go now? ( y Á «} «? É æ púø?) Aruna: -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 109 I need not go. It's enough if I call (ØË Á x-éπ\- Ω- ü. Phone îëêæh î. Karuna: You should go tomorrow at least (éπfææç Í Â jø Á «xl y) Sumana: No, she need not go tomorrow either (Í æ èπÿú Á x- -éπ\- Ω- ü ) Karuna: She has to be there at least the day after (tomorrow) Sumana: No, I tell you, she need not be there on any day. (á æ púø Åéπ\úø Öçúø-éπ\-Í xü ) Ñ conversation apple must/ should/ has to Ñ úõç-öàéà Å Ωnç àüájø îëߪ L/ Öçú L Å-E. Need not be -Å- o æ p-úø opposite meaning ÚhçCéπü îëߪ - -éπ\-í xü ÅØË Å Ωnç-ûÓ. ÉC êuç. a) She has to be there X She need not be there b) I must know it X You need not know it (ØË C ûá -Ææ -éó- L) X y ûá -Ææ -éó- - -Ææ- Ωç- ü c) Have I to go? X You need not go ( Á «x «X Åéπ\-Í xü ) [a) You must go - y Á «xl. b) You must not go - y Á x-èπÿ-úøü c) You need not go - Á- }- - -Ææ- Ωç- ü b) éà, c) éà ûëú îª úøçúõ. ÅüË Nüµ çí should èπÿ, have to/ has to èπÿ èπÿú Ææ hçc.] Need í Jç* ç ûá -Ææ -èπ o points. 1) Need independent í äéπ\-öàí úõûë é L ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ Å -Ææ Ωç ÅØË µ«ç Ææ hçc. 2) Need + 1 st RDW ( - í not ûó) Ç I RDW ûó îáê p- æe îëߪ -éπ\-í xü ÅE Å Ωnç. You need not spend so much Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. 3) She need not go «çöà sentences apple need not go ü don't/ doesn't need to go úø- îª a. 4) Need + 1 st RDW (not ûó) must/ should/ have to/ has to èπ ua-í éπç Need + infinitive (to + 1 st RDW) èπÿú úøû ç. a) You don't need to go now É æ púø Á «}-Lq Å -Ææ Ωç - -ü. b) She needs to be there at least for an hour éπfææç ã í çõ jø Ç Á Åéπ\úø Öçúøôç Å -Ææ Ωç. c) I need to go home now ØË- Á «x-lq Å -Ææ Ωç ÖçC. NOW PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING IN ENGLISH: a) Padma: Hi Kamala, é Ææh Karuna Phone Number É ƒh? ûª ûó urgent í ö«x-ú -Lq Å -Ææ Ωç ÖçC Ø èπ. Kamala: üëe í Jç*? Padma: y ûá Ææ -éó- - -Ææ Ωç ü Kamala: FÈéç-ü éπ -Ææ Ωç ûª number? -v æ- o: Rama could have done that work Rama could haven't done that work Ñ È ç-úõçöàéà áeo Å n- -Ø oßá ûá æçúõ. Would, could Ö æ-ßá -í ÅFo ߪ çúõ. He might have done the work Åçõ ào îáߪ u- -ü Ø? îëæœ Öçúø-éπ- Ú- -îªaø? He may have done éà might / would éà may ƒn ç apple à Å n- -Ø oßá ûá- æçúõ. áæˇ., ûáø L ï- - : 1. Rama could have done that work Rama -Ç æee îëæœöçúø-í -L-Íí- úë é F îëߪ ü. 2. Rama could haven't done that work DEéÀ correct form, Rama couldn't have done that work. DE Å Ωnç, Rama Ç æee îëæœ Öçúø-í -L-Íí- úø é ü. é E îë»úø ÅE. Padma: ûª ü í _ Ω ç* ã êu- Á i Ææ -î Ωç Å -Ææ Ωç (é L) Ø èπ. îá æ p, ûª èπ ØË Phone îëߪ -Lq Å -Ææ Ωç ÖçC. Kamala: y worry é - -Ææ Ωç ü. ûª Phone number èπÿú Å -Ææ Ωç ü, Ç Á æéπ\ í C- appleøë ÖçC. ÁRx ö«xúø. b) Krupakar: úõ- æ púø ߪ - l- L J. Dayakar: úø-ææ Á x-éπ\-í xü Krupakar: áçü -éπe? Dayakar: ØË úõo éìeo æ Ææh-é ûá t-ø o. Ç æ Ææh-é -L-éπ\úø ÖØ oß. ÅN èπÿú É æ púøçûª Å -Ææ Ωç ü Ø èπ. Krupakar: ÅN Ø èπ Å -Ææ Ωç. îª œçîª. öà-e ØË îª ú L. Dayakar: Ëyç îª úø-éπ\- Ω- -C æ púø. Í æ îª úø. ANSWERS: a) Padma: Hi Kamala, let me have Karuna's phone number. I must/ I need to talk to her urgently. Kamala: What about? Padma: You need not know it./ You don't need to know it. Kamala: Why do you need her number? Padma: I need some important information from her. Tell me (her number). I need to phone to her. Kamala: You needn't worry. You don't need her phone number either, she is in the next room. Go talk to her. b) Krupakar: He must start now, mustn't he? Dayakar: He need not go. Krupakar: Why? Dayakar: I told him to get some books. They are (available) here. I don't need them even now either. Krupakar: I need them. Let me see them. I must see them. Dayakar: You need not see them now. See them tomorrow. É Ë OöÀéÀ Ö o Å n- Fo. 1) úø Ç æee îëæœ Öçúø- îª a Rama might have done that work. úø Ç æe îëæœ Öçú -LqçC (é E îëߪ - ü ) Rama should have done that work. úø Ç æe îë»úø Rama has done that work. 2) îëæœ Öçúøúø, (é F îë»úø ) - Rama wouldn't have done it. îëæœ Öçú -LqçC é ü, é F îë»úø He shouldn't have done it. îëߪ - -éπ- Ú-ߪ úø - Rama could not do it. He may have/ might have done îëæœ Öçúø- îª a. URL:

20 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ÿ-véπ- Ωç 10 œ-v - -J 2006 Ranjit: Sanjai, we need to be careful. ( ç ñ«ví -ûªhí Öçú -Lq Å -Ææ Ωç ÖçC.) Sanjai: What about? (üëe í Jç*?) Ranjit: About the way we are spending money. ( ç úø s ê Ω a îëææ h o N æߪ ç.) We have to manage with this money till the month end. (Ñ úø sûó ØÁ «-ê Ω Ωèπÿ í úø- ƒl.) We need an extra Rs. 500/- for the book I need. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 110 (Ø éπ -Ææ- Ω- Á i æ Ææh-é -EéÀ Åü - çí Rs. 500 Å -Ææ Ωç). Sanjai: That's true. But you need not worry. I called Dad yesterday and told him to send us Rs He is sending it. We'll get it in a day or two. (Eï Ë, é E y worry Å - -éπ\- Ω- ü. E oøë Ø oèπ phone îëæœ ã Á u Ω ƒßª æç æ- Ø o. äéπ-öà È ç-úø Ó-V- applex (-úø- s) Ææ hçc.) Ranjit: I have to pay for the tuition I am taking. (ØË BÆæ -èπ ç-ô o tuition èπ èπÿú fees éπö«dl éπü?) Sanjai: Do you need (to) continue the tuition? (Tuition continue îëߪ ôç Å -Ææ- Ω?) Ranjit: I need not continue. (Å -Ææ Ωç ü ) Sanjai: Then stop it. You need to understand that if you continue to attend tuitions, you don't have the time to study. (Å ûë Ç u. É «tuitions èπ Á h Öçõ Fèπ îªü - -ö«-eéà time Öçúø-ü E Å Ωnç îëææ éó- L (îëææ -éó- -Lq- Å -Ææ Ωç ÖçC). You don't need it any more. (FéπCçéπ Å -Ææ Ωç ü.) Ñ Ææç µ«- æù need í JçîË éπü? ç éàçü öà lessons apple need Ö æ-ßá -í éìeo ûá -Ææ - èπ Ø oç. J-éÌEo îª ü lç. Need independent í úøû ç; Éûª Ω verbs ûó éπl úøû ç.- I. Need independent í úõûë, Å -Ææ Ωç Öç-úø-ôç, Å -Ææ- Ω- - ôç ÅØË Å Ωnç Ææ hçc, éπü? 1) We need an extra Rs. 500/- èπ Åü - çí 500 Ω ƒ-ߪ Å -Ææ- Ω û (é L) 2) You do not need it any more. Fèπ -ÅCçéπ Å -Ææ- Ωç- ü. ç Éûª Ω ûó éπl œ èπÿú úøû ç. Å æ púø Ç verbs ûálê æe-îë-ߪ Ææ- Ωç- -ü E Å Ωnç. Ñ use áèπ \ not ûó Ææ hçc, -ü question form apple Öçô çc. a) I need not be there now Åéπ\úø -É æ p-úø ØË ç-úø- - -Ææ- Ωç- ü. (verb - need + be) II. Need verbs b) She need not come Ç Á - -Ææ- Ωç- ü. (verb - need come) c) Need I go there now? ØË -éπ\úõéà -É æ p-úø Á xôç Å -Ææ- Ω? look at the following sentences: a) I need your help F Ææ æ ߪ ç Ø éπ- -Ææ Ωç b) She needs some dresses. Ç Á èπ éìeo dresses Å -Ææ Ωç c) They will need it when they are there. x-éπ\-úø - o- æ púø x-éπc Å -Ææ Ωç Å -ûª çc. d) Kumar needed some money yesterday. Kumar èπ -E- o éìç-ûª -úø- s Å -Ææ- Ω- Á içc. Ñ sentences ÅEoç-öÀ apple need Éûª Ω verbs combination èπ çú independent í ú ç. Need I go there now? (1) Tarun: Varun, àçöà N Ï- ƒ? Varun: ØË Lx-é ÁçôØË éπ -Ææ -éó- -Lq Å -Ææ Ωç ÖçC. Tarun: áçü èπ? Varun: Åûª-úÕ ü í _ Ω ç* éìçûª information Å -Ææ Ωç Ø èπ. Tarun: üëe í Jç*? Varun: Ë ç îëa Ωç A Ω - æa Á ŸhØ oç. Åéπ\úø ü Ωz ç N æߪ ç apple Åûª-úÕ help é L. Tarun: ü E-Èéj-ûË y Lxé ü í _- Ω-Èé- x-éπ\- Ω- -ü. ««Åéπ\úø æe-îë-ææ hç-ö«ω. ØË -Fèπ ƒßª ç îëߪ -í -. Varun: Çߪ o á «éπ -Ææ éó- -L ØË? Tarun: Ëyç worry é - éπ\ Ω- -ü. Åéπ\úø Çߪ Fèπ Å -Ææ- Ω- Á i Ææ æ ߪ ç Åçû îë ƒh Ω. Varun: Å ûë Lxé ü í _- Ω- ç* ØËØËç Introduction letter BÆæ Èé- x- -éπ\- Ω- ü éπü? Tarun: Å -Ææ- Ωç- ü. Åéπ\-úÕ-Èé-Rxç-ûª- yûª Çߪ E o áéπ\-úõéà á æ púø Ω tçõ Åéπ\-úøèπ Á «xl y. Çߪ éìclí éó œ œd. Varun: ÅüËç æ Ω- - -ü. Å «Íí. (2) Sumanth: Hi Sudheer, F Ææ æ Å -Ææ Ωç Ø èπ. FéÓÆæç Áûª -èπ ûª Ø o. - Ëy éπe- œç-î. Sudheer: üëe í Jç*? Ø Ææ æ Fèπ Eïçí Å -Ææ- Ω- Á iûë, ûª æp-èπ çú É ƒh. Sumanth: ØË bike éì -éó\ èπ ç-ô Ø o. Bike Ø èπ î «Å - Ææ Ωç É æ púø. second hand éì -éó\ø, éìûªhc éì -éó\ø? Sudheer: ÅC F ü í _- Ω o úø s öàd Öçô çc éπü? y - µº-jç-îªí - L-TûË, éìûªhüë better éπü. Sumanth: Ø èπ bank loan Å -Ææ Ωç, éìûªhc éìø - çõ. Loan ûáîª aéì-øëç-ü èπ èπÿú F ƒßª ç Å -Ææ Ωç. Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. É æ púø Ñ sentences îª úøçúõ: a) You need not go now. (verb: need go; = y Á x- - -Ææ- Ωç- ü.) b) She need not send any money now. (verb: need send; Ç Á É æ púëç úø s æç- ƒ- Lq- -Å- Ææ- Ωç - ü.) c) I need not take advice from him (verb: need take- ØË Åûª-úÕ Ææ æ BÆæ éó - - -Ææ- Ωç- ü ) Ñ sentences apple need Éûª Ω verbs ûó combination ûó ÚhçC, êuçí not ûó. Questions èπÿú ƒh. a) Need I go there now? (É æ púø -ØË- Á- «x-lq Å -Ææ Ωç Öçü?verb - need go.) b) Need you take so much trouble? yçûª trouble BÆæ éó -Lq Å -Ææ Ωç Öçü? verb- need take.) III. Need not Å ôç, must, should, have to/ has to èπ opposite ÅE èπÿú ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING IN ENGLISH Sudheer: Worry Å -- - Ææ Ωç ü. ØË- éπ -éì\e Ñ ƒßª ç-vûª Ë îá ƒh. ØË Phone îë ƒh. Sumanth: F îëߪ -éπ\-í x-ü. ØËØË îë ƒh. ANSWERS: 1) Tarun: Hi Varun, What news? Varun: I need to meet Mallik immediately. (immediately = ÁçôØË) Tarun: Why? Varun: I need some information from him. Tarun: What about? Varun: We are going to Tirupathi next week. We need his help in the matter of darsanam. Tarun: If it is for that you need not go to Mallik. My uncle works there. I can help you. Varun: How do I meet him? Tarun: You need not worry at all. He will give you all help you need. Varun: So I need not take any introduction letter from Mallik. Tarun: No need. Once you go there you should be and you should go wherever and whenever he wants you to. He is a bit short tempered. (Short tempered = ûªy Ωí éó æpúë Ææy µ«ç) Varun: Don't you worry. OK. àüájø E ç-üµ - í, Çñ«c- - ƒ Ωç, NCµí, îëߪ ôç ç*c ÅE îëߪ Lq - ÊÆh/ Öçú Lq ÊÆh, must/ should, have to/ has to úøû ç éπü. DEéÀ ua-í éπçí îëߪ - -éπ\- Ω- ü / Öçúø- -éπ\- Ω- ü Å o- æ púø, need not úøû ç. a) You must do it ( y ÅC îëߪ L) You need not do it. ( y ÅC îëߪ - -éπ\- Ω- -ü ) b) She has to be here at 10. (10éÀ Ç Á Ééπ\úø Öçú L) She need not be here (Ç Á Ééπ\úø Öçúø- -éπ\ Ω ü.) ÉC í -Eç-îªçúÕ. a) You must make Coffee for us y èπ Coffee îëߪ L. b) You must not make Coffee for us y èπ Coffee îëߪ -èπÿ-úøü. c) You need not make Coffee for us. y èπ Coffee îëߪ - -éπ\- Ω- ü. b) éà c) éà ûëú îª úøçúõ: b) èπÿú, a) «í Command. c) Command èπ opposite éπü. ÉüË should èπ èπÿú Jh-Ææ hçc. a) He should do it b) He should not do it c) He need not do it ûá - ÚhçC éπü, (a), (b) Commands. (c) opposite of (a). Å ûë have to/ has to N æ-ߪ ç apple é Ææh ûëú. Have to/ has to èπ not îëjêæh need not meaning Ææ hçc. She has to be here Ç Á Ééπ\úø Öçú L. She doesn't have to be here She need not be here Ç Á Ééπ\úø Öçúø- -éπ\- Ω- ü. 2) Sumanth: Sudheer, I need your advice. I have been looking for you, I see you here now. Sudheer: What's it about? If you really need my advice, you have it/ I will give it. Sumanth: I want to buy a bike. I need a bike very badly now. (need badly = î - «Å -Ææ Ωç). Shall I buy a second hand one or a new one? Sudheer: Depends on the money you have. If you can afford it, have a new one. (afford = Å æú =  ô d-éó-í - í -úøç/- Úh- ûª) Sumanth: If I want to buy a new one, I have to take a bank loan. I need your help for that too. Sudheer: Don't worry/ No need to worry. I will find out and call you this evening. Sumanth: You need not. I'll call you. Ñ ƒj Ñ game practice îëߪ çúõ: He gave me advice - Ñ sentence -Ø í îëææ èπ E áeo sentences, different subjects ûó, different verbs ûó, not ûó, question form apple, dialogue form apple áeo frame îëߪ -í -L-TûË ÅEo îëߪ çúõ. eg: a) Saritha showed me her chain. b) Sunil did not give me the book c) Why did they offer him the job? d) Mukesh: Are you paying me the money now? Ganesh: I am not promising you anything. I will try. Mukesh: Send me the money tomorrow atleast. URL:

21 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -Ç-C- Ωç 12 œ-v - -J 2006 Harihar: Hi Subhakar, do you know Murthy? (Fèπ Jh ûá ƒ?) Subhakar: Of course. We Went to school together. We were the same class. We used to sit on the same bench too. We were together for three years at school. (ûá-l--ߪ -éπ- Ú- -ô- Ë çöà? Ë ç äíé school apple îªü - -èπ Ø oç. Classmates. äíé bench O ü èπÿîª -ØË- xç èπÿú ) Harihar: I happened to meet him on train. He told me about you. (ØË -ûª-úõe train apple éπ -Ææ -èπ Ø o. F í Jç* îá ƒpúø.) Subhakar: We are still in touch with each other. He joined a college in Hyderabad, and I stayed on here. (É æ púø èπÿú Ë ç äéπ-j-éì-éπ Ωç touch apple ÖØ oç. úë Á Hyderabad college apple îë úø, ØËE-éπ\úË ÖçúÕ- Úߪ ) Harihar: Quite a nice fellow, isn't he? (î «ç* úø, éπü?) Subhakar: Certainly. We used to be close. He used to help me in studies, especially in maths. He used to be very good at studies (Eï Ë. Ë ç î «ÆæEo- œ«-ûªçí ÖçúË- xç. Ø èπ îªü - apple êuçí maths apple ƒßª ç îëêæ- úø. «í îªc- Ë- úø ) Harihar: He told me you used to play cricket very well. It seems you used to be the opener for your school team ( y cricket î ««í ÇúË- -úõ- E îá ƒpúø. O school team èπ y opener í ÖçúË- -úõ- ô éπü?) Subhakar: Yes. I used to play, but not as well as Murthy has told you. (Eï Ë, ØËØ -úë- úëo, Å ûë Jh îá œp- çûª «í é ü ) Harihar: Why aren't you playing now? (É æ púø áçü é -úøôç ü?) Subhakar: I used to find a lot of time to play at school. Now my concentration is on EAMCET. No time for games now. (school apple î «time ÖçúË-C Ø èπ. É æ púø ØË EAMCET O ü concentrate îëææ hø o. Games èπ time üì Ω-éπôç ü ) Harihar: I used to play shuttle regularly, but I gave it up after I joined college. Dad wont' let me play any game now. (ØË shuttle ÇúË- -úõe. é F ØË», college apple îëj ûª yûª Ø o ä æ p-éó- ôç ü ) -v æ- o: 1) - Á -ü -öà Ó-V Office èπ Á- Ÿ-ûª -Ø o-úø -Å- -ú -Eo 'He is going to office for the first time'- Å-E -îª-c- -. -Å-C correct Å- -ûª ç-ü? -D-Eo- Ó - N-üµ çí -á- «ƒh Ω? 2 ) ''Phonetics'' ØË Ω aèπ -ØËçü èπ -äéπ - ç-* æ Ææhéπç Ææ -*ç-îªí - Ω. - á. - Ë-ù íó- ƒ-, -Å-Mx æ ï- - : 1) He is going to office for the first time = Á ü öà ƒjí ( ÓV é ü ) office èπ Á Ÿh-Ø oúø. ÉüË Å Ωnç îëaô x, This is the first time he is going to office Å - îª a. 2) Oxford, longman's Dictionaries î. Subhakar: That's right too. We cant' do two things at the same time. We have to Harihar: choose between the two. (ÅD Eï Ë. äíé- ƒj È çúø æ îëߪ ç éπü. àüó äéπöà á o-éó- L.) Bye then. Time for me to go for my Physics tuition class. (Physics tuition Á «xl ØË, ƒh. Subhakar: Bye Ñ dialogue apple Ñ expressions îª úøçúõ. 1) We used to sit on the same bench. 2) We used to be close 3) He used to help me 4) He used to be very good at studies. 5) You used to be the opener 6) I used to play -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 111 7) I used to find a lot of time. Ñ expressions ÅFo èπÿú used to èπ Ææç ç-cµç-*- Ë éπü. É æ púø used to Ö æ-ßá í ç ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç. used to èπ be form used to be; Action word: used to + 1st Regular Doing word e.g: used to play, used to sing, etc., Used to í ûªç apple Å - -ô í, véπ ç ûª æp-èπ çú Ö o ÆœnAE é F, îª Ωu (action) é F ûá - æ -ûª çc. Ñ used to èπ, Ö æ-ßá í ç ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úë use èπ Ææç çüµ ç ü. Subhakar ô we used to sit on the same bench äíé bench O ü èπÿîª ØË xç (A regular action of the past) ûá -í apple: Å æ -úø «ï Ω -í -ûª ç-úëc (It used to be so); úø ÓW ÇúË- úø (He used to play every day); Ç Á «í ƒúëc (she used to sing well); They used to quarrel with each other. ( Ÿx -äéπ-j-ûó äéπ Ω ö«x-úø -éì-øë- Ÿx) É «çöà µ«- ûá - æ-ú -EéÀ used to úøû ç.  j dialogue apple èπÿú É «çöà öàíé used to úøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. 1) He used to help me Åûªúø Ø èπ ƒßª ç îëêæ- úø 2) We used to be close Ë ç ÆæEo- œ«-ûªçí ÖçúË- xç 3) He used to be good at studies îªü - apple «í ÖçúË- úø ( «í îªc- Ë- úø ÉüË ÉçéÓ Nüµ çí He used to study well ) 4) You used to be the opener y opener í ÖçúË- -úõn. 5) I used to play ØË ÇúË- -úõe 6) I used to find a lot of time Ø èπ î «time üìj-íéc é öàd 'used to' expresses a habitual state of being or action. Pramod: Your teacher at school was at our place this afternoon. She's dad's cousin ( O School teacher ÉçöÀéÀ *açc üµ u æ«oç. ÇNúø Ø o cousin. Cousin éπ>ø 'éπ ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç, > size apple z «í. Å Ωnç = Ωéπh Ææç çüµ ç E ü í _ Ω îª ö«d- ç-ü Ω English apple cousins. Children of your parents brothers and sisters are all your cousins. Åçõ O ߪ u éìúø -èπ, èπÿûª -- Ÿx -Åç-ü Ω O cousins - cousin sister, cousin brother ÅØË ô English apple. ÅN úøç) Prasanth: She used to like me a lot she was a very good teacher. (ØË çõ Ç Á «í É æ d- æ-úëc/ ÅGµ- ç ÇNúø î «ç* teacher) Pramod: Though I was n't her student, I used to go to her for tuition. (ØËØ Á student Å éπ Ú- Ø, Ç Á ü í _- ΩéÀ tuition - Á Ïx- -úõe.) Prasanth: Didn't she use to say, 'understand?' at the end of her every sentence? (v æa sentence * (Ç Á teach îëêæ-ô- æ púø, 'understand?' ÅØË-C-éπü?) Pramod: That she used to. I observed too. Most teachers, I think say that. (Å Å «Åçô ç-úëc. ØË í - Eçî. Teachers î «- çc Å «Åçö«- Ω- -èπ çö«.) Prasanth: I never used to find our Maths teacher say that. He used to say, 'Isn't it?' quite often. ( Maths teacher Å «Å ôç ØËØÁ- æ púø NØË- -úõe é. Çߪ á æ púø, 'Isn't it?' ÅØË- úø. Used to  j conversation apple question apple not ûó, never ûó úøôç îª úøçúõ. É «èπÿú O Ω used to úø- îª a. J-éÌEo îª úøçúõ. a) Å-ûªúÁ- æ púø punctual í ÖçúË- úø é ü He never used to be punctual? b) ÅûªúÕ ƒßª ç y ûª Ω-îª í BÆæ -èπ -ØË- -úõ? Did you use to take his help often? (N í û verbs èπ «í ØË used to question -ûó é F not ûó é F úõûë did use Å -ûª çc. -Å-ûªúø Ø èπ  ü l ƒßª ç ào îëêæ- úø é ü He didn't use to help me much. [Used to present/ future actions èπÿ states of being èπÿ ü ] She used to sing well -v æ- o: -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù æ -Jhí -ØË Ω aéó- -ú -EéÀ Ææ - Ω éπu - - -Ø - (patterns or structures) -î - -E -Éç-Tx- ˇ - uéπ Ω-ù æç-úõ-ûª - -Å-Gµ-v ƒ-ߪ ç. -Ç é u- - -ûá- í -vö«-ø q- - æ-ø - Ææ æ -ûá-l-ߪ -ñ -ߪ í - Ω. Èé. - -, -N-ï-ߪ - -úø ï- - : O Ω- oc correct. Å ûë ç-ü í fundamentals «í ûálêæh Å æ púø O Ω îá œp éπu -Ø (sentence patterns) practice îëߪ - îª a. Åçü èπ ûªt vocabulary èπÿú  çîª -éó- L éπü, slots fill îëêæç-ü èπ. Thanks for the suggestion. Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. NOW PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING IN ENGLISH Ananth: Hi Sumanth, É - ÏçöÀ Éçûª ûªy Ωí Evü - -î? Sumanth: Ñ üµ u ØË ûªy Ω-í ØË Ææ h-ø o. úø ØÁ éàçü öà Ωèπ late í îë- -úõe college hours áe-n C ç* äçöàí çô Ωèπ Í a Ωèπ Ananth: áçü -éπçûª Ç -Ææuçí îë- -úõn? Sumanth: va î «-ÊÆ æ îªc Ë úõe. Ç -Ææuçí æúø -èπ ØË úõe. Åçü -éπe Ç -Ææuçí îë- -úõe. Ananth: ü u îë-ô- æp-öà-éà-èéçûª time ÅßË uc Sumanth: ü í _ Ω ü í _ Ω 8 ÅßË uc. áçûª æ í ÖçúËüÓ Ananth: ØË - vûªç Ç Ω Íé îë- -úõe. É æ púø âcç-öàíé Ææ hø o. Sumanth: àüájø Ç -Ææuçí -ô Ë Ø éà æ dç. ANSWER: Ananth: Hi Sumanth, why are you up so early? How is it you are up so early? How is it you got up so early? How is it = àçöà? get up = Evü - - ôç = be up. 'be up' ÅEo-öÀ-éπçõ simple, natural) Sumanth: Of late I have been getting up early. I used to get up late till 3 months ago- till the college hours were changed from 8 AM to 1 PM Ananth: Why did you use to get up so late? Sumanth: I used to study till late in the night. So I used to get up/to be up late. Ananth: what used to be the time when you got up/when you were up? Sumanth: It used to be nearly 8. How happy I was!/ How I enjoyed it! Ananth: I used to get up at 6. Now I get up at 5 itself. Sumanth: What ever you may say. I like getting up late. URL:

22 iii i Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - çí - Ωç 14 œ-v - -J 2006 Himakar: Who do I see here? Dinakar? Oh what a surprise! When did you come? (àß, á Ω? C -éπ? Ç a Ωuçí - -Öç-C! á æ p-úì-î a?) Dinakar: Yesterday. The first thing I thought I would do was see you and here I am (E o, í ØË Á ôd- Á -ü ô E o îª ú èπ Ø o. îëa») Himakar: Real pleasure seeing you. So how's Bangalore? (E o îª úøôç Eïçí ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçC. Bangalore á «ÖçC?) Dinakar: A beautiful city. I went there in the winter. I used to find the cold difficult to bear, but now I am used to it. (Åçü - Á i í Ωç. ØË -éπ\-úõéà îªl-é - ç apple Á «x. Ç îªl ûªô d-éó- úøç éπ æ dçí ÖçúËC. é -F É æ púø Å - -ô - æ-úõ- Úߪ ) Himakar: What about the food? (-Ç æ Ωç - -õ ç-öà?) Dinakar: No trouble now. I cook for myself. I used to eat out in the beginning but I could not get used to the food. I started cooking, and I am happy now. (É æ púëç É sçc ü. ØËØË çúø -èπ ç-ô - Ø o. Á ü öapplex æ«ùô applex AØË- -úõe. é -F -Å- ô îëææ -éó- -éπ- Ú-ߪ. çúø -éóôç Á ü - - ö«d. É æ púë É sçd ü. (Eat out = Restaurants apple A ôç) Himakar: You know our friend Bhaskar, don't you? He works in a Call Centre there. (Fè𠵫ææ\ ûá -Ææ í. úø-éπ\úø Call Centre apple æe-îë-ææ h-ø oúø ) Dinakar: How is he? He used to be quite active here (á «ÖØ oúø? Ééπ\úø Åûª î «îª Ω í _ ÖçúË- úø ) Himakar: He is OK. except for his odd hours of duty. He has to work late night shifts. It's troubling him a bit. (-Ç--úø u-öã - Ë- - ûª æp «í ØË ÖØ oúø. -va - Ë-- - applex æ-e-îë-ߪ -úøç -Å-ûª-Eo -É- sç-c  -úø -ûóç-c) Dinakar: He was used to keeping awake late at night here. He used to get up quite late here. what's the problem? (Ééπ\úø á æ púø va î «-ÊÆ æ Ë apple\- ôç Å - õ éπü Åûª-EéÀ. Ç Ææuçí ØË Evü îë úø éπü?) Himakar: But there he has to get off duty too late, after 12 mid night, and so he can get up only after 9 or 10 in the morning. This is his problem. He hopes he will be used to it in a course of time (é F -Åéπ\úø K Ç Ææuç. va 12 ûª yûë duty Å Evü - Ú- ôç, Åçü - x Öü ߪ ç 9, 10 ûª yûë Evü ôç, ÉD ÅûªE Ææ Ææu. é -véπ- Ë ù«å ô æúø-û - E ÇP-Ææ h-ø oúø ) Dinakar: Best of luck for him Ñ conversation apple éàçc expressions í -Eç-îªçúÕ. 1. I used to find I used to eat out 3. He used to be quite active here. 4. He used to get up quite late 5. I am used to it. 6. I could not get used to the food 7. He was used to keeping awake late 8. He will be used to it. éàçü öà lesson apple ç used to Ö æ-ßá -í ç éπü. í ûªç apple véπ ç ûª æp-èπ çú Å - ô æúøf Æœnûª - èπÿ, îª Ωu- èπÿ (Habitual status of being/habitual actions in the past) -úø-û ç -Å-E  j expressions from 1 to 4 ü EéÀ Öü - æ«- Ω-ù éπü. 1. I used to find the cold difficult to bear Ç îªl ûªô d-éóôç éπ æ dçí ÅE- œç-îëc. 2. I used to eat out ߪ ô AØË- úõo. 3. He used to be quite active here Ééπ\úø î «îª Ω í _ ÖçúË- úø. 4. He used to get up quite late «í Ç Ææuçí îë- úø. Used to 1) Past apple véπ ç ûª æp-èπ çú Ö o Æœnûª - èπÿ, ïj-t æ - èπÿ vûª Ë úøû ç. Present, futureèπ á æ púø úøç. 2) Used to ûª yûª 'be' é F, Ist Regular Doing Words (used to + go / Walk) Sleep, etc) é F ƒh. ÉC ç last lesson apple ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. Sx îª úøçúõ. 1) éπ- æ púø -EéÀ 5 ÓV ÖçúË--C We used to have school only for 5 days a week. 2) ûª Ωîª Ø ü í _-JéÀ Ææ hç-úë- úø. He used to visit me frequently 3) Ç Á Åûª-ØÁo- æ púø É æ d- æ-úëc é ü She never used to like him -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 112 4) EØÁo- æ p-úájø É sçc  õ d úõø ØË? Did I ever used to trouble you? 5) úø æí çû Ééπ\úË í úõ-ê - úø He used to spend the whole of day being here. 6) úø Ø èπ Ææ æ -ߪ -çí ÖçúË- úø He used to be very helpful to me 6) Ç Á Åçü çí ÖçúËC She used to be beautiful used to úøéπç ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü?é æ púø  j conversation - ç* BÆœ expressions... Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. No. 5 to 8 îª úøçúõ. Á ü ô 5, 7 and 8 îª úøçúõ 5. I am used to it 7. He was used to keeping awake late 8. He will be used to it 5, 7 and 8 expressions apple used to çü be forms (am, was, will be) Öçúøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. ÅçûË-é èπ çú, used to ûª yûª 'be' form é F, Regular doing word é F éπ- Ú- ôç îª úøçúõ. Used to, ûª yûª, It é F, ing form é F Ææ h-ø o éπü. Åçõ 5, 7 and 8 apple ç úõçc. 'be' form (am/was/willbe) + it/...ing form (Expressions 1, 2, 3, 4 apple úõçc. (Used to + be / Ist Regular Doing Word) Used to + be/1st RDW í ûªç apple véπ ç ûª æp-èπ çú Ö o ÆœnA/ ïj-t æe. - É-D É æp-öà- - Ωèπ ç îª ÆœçC. É æ úø 'be' form + used + it/...ing form (expressions, 5, 7 and 8 apple ÖçC) ÉC äéπ N æ-ߪ -EéÀ Å - ô æúøôç any time past, present or future ûá-l-ߪ - ñ Ææ hç-c. (í Ω hçc éπü, used to + be/ 1st RDW - past Íé æj-n ûªç) a) Kesav: How do you find Delhi in Summer? ( ËÆæN apple Delhi á «ÖçC?) Eswar: Quite hot. But I have been used to the heat for past three years. (áçúøí ØË Öçô çc. é F í ûª úë- Ÿxí ØËØ áçúøéà Å - ô æú f. É æ púø ÅC Ææ Ææu é ü ). (have been (be form) + used + to the heat (noun) (üëe-èéjø ç ÉîËa Ê Ω noun. ü E ü it / that / this etc. «çöàn úø- îª a) b) Åûª-úÕéÀ night shifts ( va- Ë- duties) Å - õ He is used to night shifts. c) É «çöà v Åûª--úÕéÀ éìûªh. éìçûª é - «-EéÀ Å - ô æúøû úø This kind of hard work is new to him, but he will be used to the work in course of time. d) úõ boss Å - -Ø Åûª--úÕéÀ Å - õ He is used to the insults from his boss. e) Pratap: How are you able to carry such a load? (Åçûª Ω Á «Á ߪ -í _ûª Ø o?) Sekhar: What a question? Weren't we (were we not) used to carrying heavier loads of books at school? (àç -v æ-- o -Å-C? School apple èπ ÉçûªéπØ o Ω - o æ Ææh-é Á ߪ ôç Å -- -õ éπü?) é öàd be used to Åçõ Å - ô Öçúøôç, éìûªh é éπ- Ú- ôç. be used to ûª yûª noun form (this food, the heat, the insults etc) é F, '... ing' form é F Ææ hçc. be used to Ææçü - s -Eo- öàd, present, future, past apple üëe-èéjø úø- îª a. a) I am used to coffee in the morning (Coffee - noun) (Ø èπ Òü l coffee Å - ô ) I am used to taking coffee in the morning Ø èπ Òü løë coffee B Ú\- ôç Å - ô. (Ééπ\úø am used to ûª yûª, taking,... ing form ôç í - -Eç-îªç-úÕ) b) He is used to long walks / taking long walks in the morning ( úøéπ, úø- ôç Å-ûª-úÕéÀ Å - ô.) c) Ram: Your boss seems to be an angry man. (O boss éó œ- œd «éπ-epææ h-ø oúø?) Rahim: I just don't bother. I am used to his anger. (ØËØËç éπ\-îë-ߪ. Å - -ô - æ-úõ- Úߪ She used to be beautiful -v æ- o: éàç-c æ-ü - π ÆæÈ j- Pronunciation -ûá- æí - Ω? Bear, Owl, yacht, Menace, Cheer (v), Cheers (n), Cop, Cheerful (adj), tyrant, martyr, Chaos, Career -öà. -P-, - ç-céì-ô \ Ω. -ï- - : 1) Bear= -Å; 2) Owl=ñ -(Å--Ö ), 3) yacht=ߪ ö 4) Menace= Á Æˇ (' Á ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç) 5) Cheer=*µßª ; Cheers=*µßª ñ.('ñ size apple z «) 6) Cop=é ˇ (é  -ü - í çvúøçí A œp, Ø éπ çéπ- Ω- -ôdçúõ) 8) Cheerful='-*µßª - ˇ '*µ ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç. 9) tyrant=õ j Ω-Ø ö ('õ j ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç) 1) 10) martyr= ô (' ØÌéÀ\- æ- -èπ û ç)11) Chaos=Èéߪ Æˇ ('Èé ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç) 12) Career=éπJߪ ('JØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç) Çߪ éó ƒ-eéà.)(am used to - his anger) d) Bhavan: His wife appears to be the - nagging type. ( Ææ- õ d Ωéπç- «ÖçC úõ µ«ωu.) Sravan: He is so used to her nagging that without it he feels he misses something. (Ç Ææ éπ- ÚûË àüó Á-L-Aí Ö oô d «üµ - æ-úø-û úø úø. Ç Ææ-éπçûª Å - ô æú fúø ) (is used to -nagging) Now practise the following:- Sekhar: y * o- æ púø «í æj-èí-ûëh- -úõn éπü? É æ p-úëçöà ÅÆæ éìçûª ü Ωç èπÿú úø- - - éπ- Ú-ûª -Ø o? Pramod: Ñ office apple join Å - -ûª- yûª Ø èπ æ«ç ÖçC éπü. * o * o ü - èπ èπÿú bike O ü Á xôç Å - --õ i- Ú- -úøç x, úøéπ ûªt_çc. Sekhar: Å æ púø «í slim í ÖçúË úõn èπÿú. Pramod: Ñ Nüµ - Á Eéπ - -ô - æ-úøôç x weight èπÿú  J-TçC. Eï Ë. Sekhar: Bike úøôç ØËÆœ urgent é E æ - èπ úø. Pramod: úø- - -E œçîªü Ø èπ. é F v æߪ -Aoç-î L. à ç-c, È çúø úø ÓV úõêæh Å - ô æúõ- Ú-û. Å, y Delhi apple Öçô -Ø o éπü?åéπ\úø AçúÕ Fèπ æúø - ûóçü? Sekhar: Ææ ÊÆu ü. Å - -ô - æ-ú f. b) Dushyant: Hi Bharat, àçöà K Sundays èπÿú busy í Öçô -Ø o? Bharat: àç îëߪ - ç-ö«? Busy life éπ - -ô - æú f. É æ púø æe- -éπ- ÚûË àç ûóîªü. Dishyant: Í æ promotion ÊÆh «í BJéπ Öçô çc éπü? Å æ púëç îë ƒh? Bharat: Å æ púø ü EéÀ Å - ô æúø-û. àüájø Ω p éìeo ÓV Ææ Ææu. Ç ûª yûª ü EéÀ Å -ô - æ-úøû ç. Dushyant: Å. Correct Å o Å t, Ø o î «Ææ êçí  çî Ω. É æ púø îª úø. business apple ÓW 8 í çô- -éπçõ áèπ \ æe-îë- ƒhúø. URL:

23 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü í Ω - Ωç 16 œ-v - -J 2006 Balaram: Hi Damodar, how's your new bike? (F éìûªh bike á «ÖçC?) Damodar: I have used it for just a few days. I feel it is heavy for a man my size. So I find it a bit difficult to handle it. (éìcl- Ó-V- -í ØË éπü ØË úø -ûª Ø o ü Eo. Ø Size éπc éìçîáç Ω Ë ÅEp- ÚhçC. Åçü -éπe ü Eo handle îáߪ uôç é Ææh éπ æ dçí ÖçC) Balaram: Could it be a wrong choice? (F áç œéπ (-selection) Åç-ûª ÆæÈ jçc é üë Á Å èπ ç-ö«?) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 113 Damodar: (I) Can't say anything now. I think I will get used to it as days pass. (É æ púëç îá æp-. ÓV í úõîëéìdl Å - ô æúø-í èπ ç-ô Ø o) Balaram: I think so too. (ØË Å «Íí Å -èπ ç-ô Ø o) Damodar: Once it begins to move I feel very comfortable riding it. Only when I have to stand it do I feel the weight (éπü - ôç Á ü - jûë î «æ í Öçô çc. ü Eo Stand Ëߪ Lq *a- - æ púë Ω - -E- œ-ææ hçc). But I enjoy the ride. (Å ûë ü EO ü Ææ-- -K î «Ææ Ω-ü í Öçô çc) Balaram: Don't worry. You will get used to handling it. Look at Arjun. He is Shorter than you and his bike heavier than yours. I See him handling it with ease. He has got used to holding its weight. (àç æ Ω- - ü. y ûªy Ω-í ØË ü E Ω - èπ Å - ô æúø-û. Å Ω b-ø îª úø úø F éπçõ ÒöÀd, úõ bike F ü Eéπçõ Ω. é E ü Eo úø î «Ææ í handle îë ƒhúø. úø Å - ô æú fúø ) Damodar: Yes That was my Experience of my cycle too, when I had my First Cycle, I Was just 7 or 8 years old and the cycle felt heavy, but I got used to it. (Å Ø Cycle ûó Å - µº ç èπÿú ÅüË. ØË Á ü öà ƒjí Cycle éì o- æ púø, Ø èπ àúë applex áe-n -üë applex Å æ púø Ø èπ Cycle Ω - -E œç-îëc. é F Å - ô æú f ü E Ω - éà. Balaram: I ride a bike well, but I have yet to get used to the traffic of Hyderabad. I think it will be a few more weeks before I can drive comfortably in such traffic. (Ø éàçé Ñ Â j«ü - - «ü Traffic apple drive îëߪ ôç Å - ô æúø- ü. ÉçéÌEo - -èπ -í E Ææ êçí drive îëߪ èπ çö«) OK. I must be going. Bye (Oh, ØËEéπ Á «xl Bye) Damodar: Bye Ñ Conversations apple Get used to ûó Ö o expressions í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Éçûª-èπ - çü Lessons apple Åçû be used to èπ Ææç ç-cµç-* N - ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple Get used to ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ: 1) I will get used to 2) You will get used to handling it 3) He has got used to holding its weight 4) I got used to it Éçûª-èπ - çü Lessons apple be used to ú ç éπü. èπ ûá Ææ be used to Åçõ Å - ô æúøôç ÅE, be used to ûª yûª á æ púø noun é F, '...ing' form é F Ææ hç-ü E. 1) She is used to the rudeness of her mother-inlaw. Ç Á Åûªh-í J ü Ω -Ææ -ûª-ø -EéÀ Å - ô æúõ- Ú- çc. (Ééπ\úø rudeness, noun) 2) They are used to working for low wages. ûªèπ - èπ æe-îë-ߪ ôç x-éπ- - õ. (Åçõ éìûëho é ü. xç-ü apple éìûªhí «üµ - æ-ú - Lqç-üËO ü ) 3) This street boy is used to the cold of the winter. Ñ OCµ- «- úø Qû -é - æ îªl-éπ- - -ô - æ-úøf- úë. äéó\- ƒj, noun ü, is èπÿú Ææ hçc.  j conversation apple get used to èπÿ, Éçûª- - Ωèπÿ ç îª Æœ be used to èπ Å Ωnç apple, Ö æ-ßá -í ç apple áçûó ûëú ü. 'be used to' èπ ü Ææçü - s -Eo- öàd ÆæÈ j tense form ûó get used to úìîª a: a) In the beginning I could not adjust to the hostel food, but I got used to it as time went on/but I am now used to it Á ü ô hostel food æúëc é ü, é F ÓV í úõ-îë-éìcl Å - -õ j- Ú- çc; É æ úø ØË ü EéÀ Å - -ô - æ-ú f. b) How long did it take for you to get used to the climate of Kashmir? é Qt û - - Ω-ù«-EéÀ Å - -ô - æ-úø-ö«-e-èéçûª time æöàdçc Fèπ? c) I think he hasn't yet got used to working for long hours here unlike in his previous job Ééπ\úø áèπ \- -ÊÆ æ æe-îë-ߪ -ö«-eéà úõçé Å - -ô - æ-úø- -ü - -èπ çö«, úõç-ûª-èπ - ç-ü o job apple «é èπ çú. d) People in government jobs find it difficult to get used to working in private organisations. v æ µº ûªy é u- -ߪ applex æe-îëêæ xèπ private ÆæçÆæn applex æeîëߪ ú -EéÀ Å ô æúøôç éπ æ dçí Öçô çc.  j (b), (c), (d) applex `be used to' èπÿú úø- îª a. b) How long did it take for you to get used to...? = How long did take for you to be used to...? c) I think he hasn't yet got used to working = I think he hasn't been used to working d) People in government jobs find it difficult to get used to working- People in government jobs find it difficult to be used to working in... be used to, get used to úë îóôx become used to èπÿú úìîª a. a) I've got used/ I've become used to/ I've been used to this kind of treatment from the Boss Boss Eo «îª úøôç (treatment= Ájü uç, Å Ωnç. Ééπ\-úø Å Ωnç äéπ Ω ÉçéÌ-éπJo îª úøôç, Åçõ íı Ω-Nç-îªôç, îª -éπ- í îª úøôç, üëy æç Öçúøôç, éπ\-îë-ߪ -éπ- Ú- ôç «çöàn: Ñ Nüµ çí boss o îª úøôç (treat îëߪ ôç) Ø èπ éìûëho é ü. b) Having been poor till now, he is yet to be used/ yet to get used to/ yet to become used to, the comforts of rich life Éçûª- - Ωèπ Hü - -úø í Öçúø-ôç- x, üµ Ææ ë«- -éàçé Å - ô æúø- -ü -ûª / ÅN Åûª-EéÀçé éìûªh/ -Å-ûª-EéÀ ÅN É sç-cí ÖØ o. I got used to it Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. ÉO be used to, got used to, became used to Å n, Ö æ-ßá -í. Sx Ææçví - æ«çí... 1) be (get/ become) used to ûª yûª noun é F,...ing form é F ƒh. Ist RDW ü. Å Ωnç Å - -ô- ôç, éìûªh-é -éπ- Ú- ôç, É sçc éπ -í -éπ- Ú- ôç. 2) be (get/ become) used to à tense appleøájø úø- îª a, Öçúøôç, îª Ωu ïjíí é «-Eo- öàd. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING IN ENGLISH: Sneha: Hi Á ivb, á «ÖçC Ééπ\úÕ Maithri: Ø Íéç éìûªh ÅE œç-îª-ôç- ü. Å - -õ j- Ú- çc. îª ô d F «çöà friends Öçúø-ôç- x Sneha: J O Çߪ Ææçí A? Maithri: Çߪ - Íé é Ææh Ææ -Ææuí ÖçC. Çߪ - C marketing job éπü? Ééπ\úÕ market B Ω - ûá- o- -éàçé Å - ô æúø- -ü -ߪ. Ééπ\úÕ market Çߪ - èπ æ Jhí éìûªh. Sneha: Åçü apple µ«æ èπÿú ûëú éπü? é Ææh time æôd- îª a Å - ô æúø-ö«-eéà. Maithri: ÉçTx ˇ ûál-æœ îóôx Çߪ - -ÍéO æ y- ü. Çߪ - èπ ÉçTx- ˇ apple Ææç µ«- æù Å - õ. ƒneé𠵫æ Å -ûëøë Ææ Ææu. Sneha: æ Å ûë ÉçéÓ ØÁ æôd- -îª a. Ç ûª yûª Å - õ j Úûª çc. ANSWER: Sneha: How is the new life here, Maithri? Maithri: I don't find it new/ different any more; especially with friends like you around. Sneha: What about your husband/ hubby? Maithri: He finds it a little problem/ He has some trouble. Hence a marketing job, isn't it? He hasn't yet got used to/ He has yet to get used to the trends of the market here. The market here is entirely/ completely/ totally new to him. -v æ- o: 1. Leave letter Ææ h- o- æ púø, (Head master address îëææ h Teachers) Kindly grant me, ÅE ߪ úøç ûª ƒp, may I request you ÅE ߪ úøç correct Å -ûª çü, ûá - æçúõ. 2.Respected Ö æ-ßá -Tç-îª- î a, Yours sincerely / Yours faithfully -à-c -Ö æ-ßá -Tç-î -L? -G-.-vQ-E- Æˇ, éì- y Ω -ï- - : 1. È çúø correct. May I request you ÅØËC é Ææh formal. 2. Respected Sir, Å ôç correct é ü. Sir, ÅE Ææç apple-cµêæh î. Respected sir ÆæÈ j English é ü. Leave letter -éπçõ  j ÅCµ-é -JéÀ address îëæœ- - æ púø yours faithfully, ûª æp-e-ææj. Yours sincerely ÆæJ-é ü. Sneha: Moreover the language here is different, so he may take (some) time to get used to it. Maithri: Where English is known/ Where people know English, he hasn't any problem. He is used to communicating in English. The problem is with the local language. Sneha: At the most he may take a month to get used to the circumstances/ situation here. That's all. - çí - - Ωç-Ø -öà -Å- µ«u ƒ- Ææ- -üµ -Ø - : a) Sekhar: You used to be good at running/used to run well/used to be a good runner when you were young. Why aren't you able to walk even a short distance? Pramod: After I joined this office, I got a vehicle. I am used to going on the bike even for short distances. So I walk less now. Sekhar: You used to be very slim. Pramod: True. Because I am used to this kind of life and my weight has increased too/ has gone up too/ I have put on weight. Sekhar: Stop using the bike. Walk for things not urgent. Pramod: I don't feel like. But I must try. That's nothing, of course. If I walk for 2 or 3 days, I will be used to walking you are in Delhi now. Are you used to the food there? Sekhar: No problem. I am used to it. / I have got used to it. b) Dushyant: Hi Bharat, you are busy on Sundays too/ even on Sundays, what's the matter? Bharat: What can I do. I am used to this busy life. I feel bad/ out of sorts if I don't have enough work. Dushyant: If you get promotion, you will have a lot of leisure. What will you do then? Bharat: I will be used to it then change a problem for only a few days. After that we are used to it. Dushyant: Yes, that's right. My parents brought up my brother in all comfort. But look now. In his business, he now works for more than eight hours. -v æ- o: Am, is, are + V 3 = ï Ω-í - úõ Öçúøôç ü ï Ω-í - -úøúøç ( ü ) È çúø Ωé - í Ææç-ü - s - - ƒ- Ωçí Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- «? -á- «ú -L? -áæˇ.-ü _ -, é éà-ø -úø -ï- - : am/ is / are + v 3 (past participle) Ñ combination apple Ö o verb passive voice apple Öçô çc. Å Ωnç ' úø ÅE Ææ hçc. 1) The poem is written by John = John îëûª Ç poem ߪ - -úõçc Å-E Å Ωnç îëææ éó- L. The poem has been written/ was written by John ÅØËC Éçûª-éπçõ better form. am/ is/ are + pp (past participle - v 3 ) - ÉC habitual action èπ vûª Ë ú L. Å - Ú- action Å ûë, has been + pp/ was/ were + pp úøôç Á Ω í, time state îë-»-, ü Å-ØËü Eo öàd. 2) He is gone úø -éπ apple ÖçC He has gone ÅØË Å Ωnç-ûÓ. -É-ç-ü apple ûª æ p- ü. URL:

24 iii Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -E- Ωç 18 œ-v - -J 2006 Jagan: Mohan, when did you last meet kumar? (èπ á æ púø éπ -Ææ -èπ Ø o, * - Ωí?) Mohan: Just yesterday. He was going home from office. (E oøë. úø office ç* ÉçöÀéÀ Á Ÿh o æ púø ) Jagan: Do you meet frequently? (O Ω ûª Ωîª éπ Ææ èπ ç-ö«?) Mohan: We used to. Of late, however, we haven t been seeing each other that frequently. His writing stories for the magazine keeps him busy. (í ûªç apple éπ -Ææ -èπ ØË xç. Ñ üµ u Åçûª ûª Ω-îª í éπ - ôç ü. æva-éπèπ éπü ߪ - ôç apple Åûªúø busy í Öçö«úø ) Of late = lately = Ñ üµ u = recently. of late/ lately éà, late èπ Å Ωnç apple Ææç çüµ ç ü late = Ç Ææuç Jagan: I have read some of his stories. They are quite good. (ØË ÅûªúÕ éπü éìeo îªc. «í ØË ÖØ o ) Mohan: He writes well. He has written about 40 stories and short stories so far. (Åûªúø «í ØË ƒhúø. É æpöà Ωèπ ü ü æ 40 éπü, éπü -E-éπ»úø ) Jagan: Has he been writing for long? (Åûª î «é çí Ææ h-ø oú?) Mohan: He started writing at the age of 18 itself. He had written for the school and college magazines before he took to serious writing (18 à xíé ߪ ôç v ƒ Ωç-Gµç-î -úø-ûª. ߪ ôç serious í BÆæ -èπ ØË çü school, college magazines èπ»úø ) Jagan: Any idea of bring out a collection of all his stories? (ÅEo éπü äéπ Ææç æ -öàí -ûá-îëa Ç apple-îª- ØË- Ø o Öçü?) Bringing out = v æîª -Jç-îªôç, collection = ( Ωîª N æ-ߪ ç apple) Ææç æ öà Mohan: A publishing company will soon publish it. It will be out this June, I think. (ã v æîª - Ω-ù«- ߪ ç ûªy Ω- appleøë Ç Ææç æ öàe v æîª -J-Ææ hçc. Ñ June apple v æîª -J- ƒh- Ω- - èπ çö«) Jagan: I see him the other day when he was talking to someone. (- Á -ØÁo æ p-úó Åûªúø á -J-ûÓØÓ ö«x-úø - ûª çõ ØË ûªeo ) Mohan: He has a number of admirers. (Åûª-úÕE ÅGµ- -EçîË Ÿx î «çc ÖØ o Ω.) admirers = ÅGµ- -EçîË Ÿx = fans. Admire = äéπj v æa- µº Á îª a-éó- ôç Jagan: He deserves (Åûªúø ü EéÀ Å Ω úë) deserve = Å Ω ûª éπlt Öçúøôç Mohan: He will be completing his fiftieth novel next year ûª 50- Çߪ îëa Ææç -ûªq Ωç æ Jh îë ƒh-úø- -èπ çö«. Jagan: My best wishes to him. (î «çc ƒ Ω-èπ tenses í Jç* Sx Sx Åúø -í -ûª ç-úø-ôçûó Ñ lesson apple tenses revise îëææ hø ç, í -Eç-îªçúÕ) Do you meet him frequently? - Ééπ\úø verb - do meet. do meet ÅØ o äéπõ, meet ÅØ o äéπ\õ. meet, meets, sing write come watch sings writes comes watches -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 114 É «çöà verb forms present simple/ present indefinite tense Åçö«Ω.- Ñ verbs apple Á ü öà column apple Ö o verbs I, we, you and they ûó, È çúó column applee verbs- sings, writes, etc - he, she, it ûó - -úø-û ç. Question apple, not ûó 1st column apple ÖçúË verbs èπ do Ææ hçc. II column apple ÖçúË verbs èπ does Ææ hçc. Ñ verbs véπ ç ûª æp-èπ çú ïjíí æ - èπ including habits, facts of science, universal truths èπ úøû ç. 1st column apple verbs I RDW, II column apple verbs II Regular Doing Words Åçö«ç. 1) úõ-éπ\-úõéà ÓW ƒhúø He comes here everyday. 2) Ÿx á æ p-úì ƒh Ω ÓW Ééπ\-úÕéÀ? When do they come here everyday? Do you meet him frequently? 3) Åûªúø smoke îë ƒhúø. He smokes (Habit) 4) The sun rises in the east - universal truth. É «á «çöà Regular actions ÈéjØ Regular Doing Words úøû ç. É-C present simple Tense. Éçé îª úøçúõ 5) Writing for the magazine keeps him busy. II. am +...ing / is +...ing / are +...ing for actions taking place now. This tense is present continuous tense. É æ púø ï Ω -í -ûª o æ - èπ Ñ tense úøû ç. a) I am reading the paper - É æ púø b) She is singing - É æ púø c) They are walking - É æ púø III. have (for, I, we, you and they) + past participle/ has (for, he, she, it) - ÉC present perfect tense. DE-E 1) for past actions, time not stated (í ûªç apple ïjt, time ûál-ߪ E æ - èπ ) 2) for action going on from then till now, (Å æpöà ç* É æpöà Ωèπ ïj-t æ - èπ ) 3) for actions just completed. (É æ púë æ Ωh- æ - èπ, just, just now Å-ØË - -ô- - úøû ç) a) I have read some of his novels, (îªc- Time îá æpôç ü ) b) He has studied here for the past one year (äéπ Ææç -ûªq- Ωçí Çߪ Ééπ\úø îªc- úø ) c) They have just gone out Ÿx -É æ p-úë ߪ -öà-èé- «x Ω. IV He has been writing for long. have been + ing / has been + ing. -D-E-E present perfect continuous tense Åçö«ç í ûªç apple v ƒ Ωç µº- Á i Éçé ï Ω -í -ûª o æ - èπ úøû ç. Congress has been ruling AP for the past year and a half -à-ú -C- o Ωí AP E é çvèíæˇ ƒl- ÚhçC. PRACTICE THE FOLLOWING IN ENGLISH: Prabha: Ææ ï o ûª Ωîª disturb îëææ hçc. Subha: ØÁo- æ púø disturb îëߪ ü. Prabha: Éçûª- - Ωèπ Ø èπ -Ø -- í ƒ Ω x phone îëæœçc. Subha: Ø éàç-ûª- - Ωèπ îëߪ - ü. Prabha: Ç Ë üó é Ω -éì-eç-ü ô. Ç N æߪ ç É æp-öàéà Ø èπ æ-c ƒ Ω x phone îëæœçc. ANSWER: Prabha: Sujana disturbs me often. Subha: She never disturbs me. Prabha: She has phoned four times so far today. Subha: She hasn t called me so far. Prabha: She has bought a car. She has phoned about it to me 10 times. -v æ- o: ÉçTx- ˇ apple Being, Been æü passive voice apple é èπ çú Éçé à Nüµ çí Ö æ-ßá -í - æ-úø-û ßÁ ûá - æ-í - Ω. Öü : éàçc é u- apple-x µ«eo ûá - æ-ö«-eéà ØË Ö æ-ßá -Tç-* Been, Being æü v æßá í ç ÆæJí _ ÖçüÓ, üó ûá - æçúõ. 1. Being their faithful servant, finally he cheated them. 2. Being she is very intelligent, she succeeded in dealing the situation. 3. Being it is one of the finest products of Wipro, today it is known to every customer/ consumer. 4. Being she was disgraceful in public by him, she has decided not to talk Ravi from now on. 5. Been/ Being beaten by his master Ravi didnot come to class today. 6. Been our companion for 6 months, she is not coming to us as she has became a famous TV anchor today. 7. Miss Savithri Been practising the violin since 6 months, now she has improved. 8. Been/ Being it was very hot sunny they didnot attend the meeting yesterday. v» ùà, çü u ï : i) a) Being ÅØ o having been ÅØ o Å Ωnç Öçúøôç, Öçúøôç x, ÖçúÕ- ç-ü - x (í ûªç apple, êuçí having been Å o- æ púø ). Öûªh been ü. b) being/ having been ûª yûª verb ûó Ö o group of words. i) Being : We don t like his being here Åûª-úÕ-éπ\úø Öçúøôç éà- æ dç- ü. (being = Öçúøôç) ii) Having been: His having been a collector was helpful to us. (Åûªúø collector í Öçúøôç èπ Ë - uçc í ûªç apple) Ñ È çúø sentences apple being Åçõ É æ púø Öçúøôç, Having been Åçõ í ûªç apple Öçúøôç ÅE ûá -Ææ hçc éπü? Being / Having been = Ö oç-ü - x / Å çü x a) Being weak, he is unable to walk - «- çí Ö oç-ü - x, úø- - -éπ- Ú-ûª -Ø oúø. b) Having been weak, he was unable to walk - «- çí Ö oç-ü - x úø- - -éπ- Ú-ߪ úø (í ûªç). Ééπ O sentences- - -öàéà corrections. 1) Being their faithful servant, he cheated them - ÉC ûª æ p. Å Ωnç ü. t-éπ- Á i ÊÆ -èπ -úø- ôç x Á Ææç îë»úø ÉC ûª æ p éπü. t-éπ- Á i servant í Öçô ØË Åçõ Å æ púø, Inspite of being their faithful servant... Åçõ ÆæÈ j- Å Ωnç Ææ hçc. 2) Being she is very intelligent - ÉC Wrong construction. Being ûó verb ÖçúË group of words -. (Ñ group apple is ÅØË verb ÖçC éπü ) Ééπ\úø correction- Being very intelligent, she succeeded... 3) Ééπ\úø èπÿú,  j sentence apple «í ØË, Being one of the finest products of Wipro, it is known today... 4) Being disgraced in public by him, she has decided not to talk to him. 5) Having been beaten by his master, Ravi did not come to class today. -Ééπ\-úø action past é - -öàd, having been - Ææ hç-c. Being beaten -ü. 6) Ééπ\úø èπÿú, though / inspite of ú L. Inspite of having been our companian for 6 months, she... today. (Öûªh been ü ) 7) Having been practising the violin for the past six months,... 8) It being a hot / sunny day...

25 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ú- Ωç 20 œ-v - -J 2006 Sravan: Hi Bhavan, when do you start for your class? (O class èπ y á æ púø ߪ - l- Ω-û?) Bhavan: Usually at 10. Today I am a little late. ( - í 10 éà. É é Ææh Ç Ææuç Åߪ u) Sravan: And when does the class begin? (Class - í á æ púø v ƒ Ωç- µº- - ûª çc?) Bhavan: Usually at ( - í éà) Sravan: Perhaps you donot have the class on Sundays. (Sunday classes Ë Á éπü?) Bhavan: That s true. The teacher does not hold classes on Saturday either. (Eï Ë. teacher E- - èπÿú classes  ôd Ω ) Sravan: Does he teach only for five days a week? (Åçõ Çߪ -EéÀ 5 ÓV- Ø class îáê pc?) Bhavan: Yes, we like it that way too. ( èπÿ ÅüË É æ dç) Look at the following sentences from the dialogue above. 1) When do you start for college? 2) When does the class begin? 3) You do not have classes on Sundays. 4) The teacher does not hold classes. 5) Does he teach only for 5 days a week? éàçü öà lesson apple ç I Regular Doing Words (come, go, sing «çöàn, I, we, you and they ûó úën), II Regular Doing Words (comes, goes, sings «çöàn, he, she, it ûó úën) í Jç* ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. OöÀE regular actions- véπ ç ûª æp-èπ çú ïjíí æ - èπ úøû ç. Éçé OöÀEnot ûó, question apple úõ- - æ púø I Regular Doing Word (I RDW) - do + Ist RDW Å -ûª çc, II Regular Doing Word (II RDW) - does + Ist RDW Å -ûª çc. É Ë Â j conversation apple pick up îëæœ sentences apple ÖØ o îª úøçúõ: 1) When do you start? - verb - do start (Question é öàd) = start (in a statement) 2) When does the class begin? - verb - does begin (in a question) = begins (statement apple) 3) You do not have classes on Sundays - verb - do have (not ûó) = have (not éπ- ÚûË) 4) The teacher does not hold classes - verb - does hold (not ûó) = holds (not èπ çú ) 5) Does he teach only for...? - verb - does teach (question é öàd) = teaches (statement apple) II Compare the following pairs of sentences: (compare = Ú açúõ, pairs = ïûª ) I (a) I go to college at 10 b) I am going to college II (a) The boys come here in the evenings b) The boys are coming. III (a) Hemanth plays cricket b) Hemanth is playing  j sentences apple (I (a), II (a), III (a)) verbs, I RDW and II RDW éπü? Åçõ ÅN regular actions îá ƒh. I (b) apple verb - am going - am +...ing - ÉC college èπ Á ŸhØ o, ÅE É æ púø ï Ω -í -ûª o action ûá - æ -ûª çc. II (b) apple èπÿú The boys (they) are coming apple verb - are + coming - are +...ing. D Ωnç Ÿx É æ úø Ææ h-ø o Ω ÅE É æ púø ï Ω -í -ûª o action ûá - æ -ûª çc. Å «Íí Hemanth is playing cricket - DØÓx verb is playing - is +...ing É æ púø Çúø -ûª -Ø oúø, ÅE É æ púø ï Ω -í -ûª o action ûá - æ -ûóçc. é öàd am + ing/ is + ing/ are + ing - they talk about actions going on now. Ñ am + ing/ is + ing/ are + ing forms of verb - present continuous tense. Are you coming? - verb, are coming - y Ææ h-ø o (É æ púø )? Who is singing? - verb, is singing - á Ω ƒúø - ûª -Ø o Ω (É æ púø )? Am I talking toomuch - verb - am talking - am + ing - áèπ \ ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø oø (É æ púø )? u am + ing/ is + ing/ are + ing, future ( çü ï Ω-í - appleßë ) actions èπ èπÿú úøû ç, time í éπ îáê h. Åçõ Past action, time known (í ûªç apple ïjt à time apple æ «Ø ÓW, Ææç -ûªq Ωç, Ææ ߪ ç ûálêæh Å æ púø ç Å «çöà actionsèπ ) Past doing word úøû ç a) He has gone out (has gone- has + pp; ߪ -öà- Èé- «xúø No time mentioned) b) He went out an hour ago (í çô éàçü ô ÅE time îá æ hø oç é öàd - went - past doing word. a) I have bought the book b) I bought it yesterday -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 115 [ (a) apple time ü é öàd have bought - have + PP. (b) apple yesterday ÅE time îá æ hø oç, é öàd - bought - past doing word] Past doing word - came, went, walked, cooked, liked, loved «çöàn not ûó é F, question apple é E did + 1st Regular Doing Word Å -û éπü? a) He came yesterday X He did not come yesterday (Not ÖçC é öàd did come) Question: Did he come yesterday? (Questiondid come) a) I am leaving for Guntur tomorrow ØË Í æ í çô Ω Á Ÿh-Ø o. (Tomorrow, future ( çü ï Ω-í - apple-ûóç-ü E) ûá - æ -ûóçc éπü?) b) My sister is coming here next week Ééπ\úø next week ÅE time îá æpôç x, is coming èπÿú future action ûá - æ -ûóçc. c) My Parents (they) are starting for Kasi tomorrow When does the class begin? -v æ- o: Where we have to use to 1. I) Naveen told Ramana. II) Naveen told to Ramana. Which is correct? 2. I) After the meeting, please come to me. II) After the meeting, please come me. 3. I) If you have two pens please give me. II) If you have two pens please give to me. Which is correct? Please tell me proper usage of to. Generally we use off as switch off, Turn off, power off like that in order to stop some thing. In your article you had told that how did the marriage go off. Tell me the usage of off also. Ω- -ù, -ߪ -Ø ç -ï- - : 1) Naveen told Ramana is correct. Tell is not followed by to. 2) Please come to me - is correct, come is followed by to before a place/ person. Tomorrow ÅE time îá æpôç, are coming èπÿú future action ûá - æ -ûóç-ü E Å Ωn- - -ûª çc. u éìeo verbs am + ing/ is + ing/ are + ing form apple úøç éπü : ÅN a) -Ææ èπ Ææç ç-cµç- * love, hate, like, dislike, feel «çöàn b) mind èπ Ææç ç-cµç-* know, understand, remember, forget, think «çöàn; c) appear, belong, comprise, contain, consist of, need, seem «çöàn. OöÀ applex ËöÀéÀ èπÿú am + ing/ is + ing/ are + ing forms. u have + past participle/ has + participle form- DEo present perfect Åçö«ç. DEéÀ äéπ Ö æ-ßá í ç, past action, time not statedéπü? a) They have seen the movie (verb - have seen - have + pp Ÿx movie  Ω á æ p-úø-øëc ûálߪ ôç ü ) They saw the movie yesterday ( Ÿx E o  Ω verb saw - ÉC past doing word. Ñ é ueo simple past tense Åçö«ç) b) I saw him last night X I did not see him last night (not ÖçC é öàd did see) c) They bought a car a year ago X They did not buy a car a year ago. (not ÖçC é öàd did buy) Questions apple èπÿú did + 1st RDW: Did you see him last night? Did they buy a car a year ago? 3) None of the sentences is correct. The correct sentence is: If you have two pens, please give me one/ please give one to me. The uses of to: It has a number of uses. We use to before a place, a person, after a number of verbs. Please refer to the earlier lessons of spoken English on prepositions, for the correct uses of to, off, etc. How did the marriage go off? In this sentence go off is a phrasal verb, and off is a part of it. Go off - the set of words here, as a whole means, take place. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING Pavan: Oy üµ u çûª-ø -ØË- Ø o éπl-»? Suman: á æ púó Ωç-éÀçü éπe- œç-î úø. Pavan: úø Å Á -Jé Á Ïx N æߪ ç FûÓ à Ø o îá ƒpú Ç ÓV? Suman: úø next monday ߪ - l- Ω -ûª -Ø oúø. Pavan: úø Ø èπ éìeo æ Ææh-é -L-î aúø. öàe AJ- TîËaߪ - -èπ ç-ô Ø o. úø o Ωçí éπ - - ü. Suman: Åûª EFo- ÓV éπ -Ææ -èπ ç-ö«-úø- -èπ çö«. Pavan: FÈé «ûá Ææ? Suman: Ωç éàçü éπl-» éπü. Å æ púø Ø ûó ÅØ oúø. ANSWER Pavan: Have you met Santhan recently/ of late? Suman: I saw him about a week ago Pavan: Did he tell you/ talk to you that day about his going to the US Suman: He is leaving next monday. Pavan: He has given me some books. I want to return them. He hasn t (has not) met me for a week. Suman: I think he is meeting/ is seeing/ will see you today. Pavan: How do you know? Suman: I met him a week ago, didn t I? He told me then. Ñ game practice îëߪ çúõ Suneetha gave the book to me. (Ææ Fûª Ø π æ Ææhéπç É*açC) É «çöà sentences ËÍ subjects, ËÍ verbs ûó question apple, not ûó, dialogue form apple áeo ߪ -í - -í -û Ó îª úøçúõ. eg: a) They distribute sweets to children b) Harish did not show his book to me c) Does he tell his secrets to you? Raghu: Has he written any letter to you? Ramana: I wrote one to him yesterday. Raghu: He made a call to me yesterday. He gave his address to me. Do you want it? Ramana: Give it to me. -v æ- o: ØË ûá í O úõߪ ç Nü u-jne-e. é ÂÆçô ÖüÓuí ç îëߪ - - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o. éπè -é dí English spell îëߪ -ö«-eéà Pronunciation Audio Casettes, Foreign Accent èπ Ææç ç- Cµç* Ö æ-ßá -í - æúë cassettes í Jç* ûá-l-ߪ - -ñ -ߪ çúõ. é q à Á iø È \öapplex -Öç-ö«ßª? Èé.- -ߪ -J, é -@Ê -ô -ï- - : 1) Pronunciation Audio Casettes, CIEFL (Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages) x Casettes O èπ æßá -í - æ-úø-- û.  ü l book shops apple üì Ω -èπ -û. BBC, êuçí CNN TV Channels Newscasts N çúõ. 2) Books N æ-ߪ -E-éÌÊÆh Oxford/ Langman s Dictionary pronunciation follow Å çúõ öà applex British/ American- È çúø Ωé Pronunciation É ƒh Ω.

26 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -üµ Ωç 22 œ-v - -J 2006 Dinesh: Hi Ramesh, I hear (that) you have bought a new bike. ( y éìûªh bike éìø o- E NØ o / ûál-æœçc) Ramesh: Yes, I bought it the day before yesterday. I took it to the temple yesterday, and had the pooja done. (Å, Á o éìø o. E o í úõéà BÆæ -ÈéR} æ ï îë ç-î ) Had the pooja done = æ -ï îë ç-î Dinesh: Wish you a happy ride on the new bike ride = ( - í ) ƒyk, bike, scooter «çöà æ«-ø O ü Á xôç èπÿú ride -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 116 Ramesh: Thank you. I have called your home three times yesterday, but there was no response. I wanted to show the bike to you. (O ÉçöÀéÀ E o úø - ƒ Ω x phone îë», é E á Ω áûªh- ü. Fèπ bike îª œ-ü l- - -èπ -Ø o.) Response = Ææpçü. Phone «çöàn á -È jø îëêæh æ -éπúøç response Dinesh: We were at my cousin s to attend a function ( cousin Éçöapplex function èπ Á «xç) Ramesh: Any idea of buying a new bike? ( Ëy- Ø o éìûªh bike éìçü - - -èπ ç-ô - Ø o?) Dinesh: I have used my bike for only two years. I haven t had any trouble with it, so I don t find a reason to change it. (Ø bike È çúë Ïx ú -E- æp-öà- - Ωèπ. Éçûª- - Ωèπ ÅC Ø Íéç trouble É y- ü. Ωa-ö«-EéÀ Ø Íéç é Ωùç éπe- œç-îª-ôç- ü ) Ramesh: My brother hasn t seen my new bike yet. He has been away in Chennai for the past four days. We expect him tomorrow. ( brother Éçé Ø new bike îª Ïxü. Çߪ Ø -í - Ó-V- í îáøáj o apple ÖØ oúø. Í Ò- ƒh-úø- -èπ ç-ô Ø oç.) Dinesh: Have you shown it to our friend Kapil? (éπ œ- èπ îª œç-î?) Ramesh: Yes. I showed it to him yesterday itself. He liked the colour very much. (E oøë îª œç-î. Ωçí Åûª-EéÀ î «*açc). Dinesh: Do come down this evening. Let me have a ride on it. ( ƒßª çvûªç ÉçöÀéÀ. ã ƒj o - -úø æf ü Eo.) Ramesh: Oh, certainly. (ûª æp-èπ çú ). Dinesh: Bye then, see you this evening. (Å «Íí, ƒßª çvûªç éπ ü lç). éàçü öà lesson apple ç ç have + past participle/ has + past participle (PP)_ (DEo present perfect tense Åçö«ç) past action time not stated èπ úøû ç. Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple èπÿú Å «çöà úøéπç îª úøçúõ. You have bought a new bike = y éìûªh bike éìø o. éì ôç past, Å ûë á æ p-úø-øëc îá æpôç ü. Verb: have bought = have + PP ÅD past action, time stated (í ûªç apple ïjt, á æ púø ïj-tçd time ûál- ƒ- - -éóçúõ) Å æ púø past indefinite / past simple tense úøû ç. Åçõ Past doing word (came, went, sang, danced «çöà verbs úøû ç). Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple ü E Öü - æ«- Ωù îª úøçúõ. a) I bought it the day before yesterday. ( Á o éìø o é öàd bought - past doing word) b) I took it to temple yesterday and had the pooja done E o í úõéà BÆæ -ÈéR} æ ï îë çî c) I called your home three times yesterday ØË O ÉçöÀéÀ E o úø - ƒ Ω x Phone îë» I haven t had any trouble Interviewer: O Nü u- Ω -ûª àn öà? Candidate (Å µºujn): ØË B.Tech îë». Interviewer: O Ω B.Tech degree á æ púø BÆæ - èπ -Ø o Ω? Candidate: ØË B.Tech exam June 2004 apple». Result Aug 2004 apple *açc. Interviewer: Å æp-öà- ç* Éçûª- - Ωèπ O Í çîë-» Ω? Candidate: ØË ã software company apple Programmer í ÖØ o. Interviewer: É æp-öàéà O èπ áøëo x experience? Candidate: ü ü æ Ææç -ûªq- Ωç- o Ω. Interviewer: îª úøçúõ, O È ç-ü èπ éπçâ F - - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o Ω? Candidate: O éπçâ -F apple job îëߪ - ØË éójéπ Ø èπ î «-é - çí ÖçC. Interviewer: That s OK. O certificates ûáî a? Candidate: ûáî a. Interviewer: o îª úø-e- yçúõ. PRACTISE THE FOLLOW- ANSWER: Interviewer: What are your qualifications? Candidate: I have done B.Tech. Interviewer: When did you take the B.Tech Degree? Candidate: I took the B.Tech exam in June The result came in Aug Interviewer: What have you done since then? Candidate: I have been a programmer in a software company. Interviewer: Howmany years of experience have you had so far? Candidate: About a year and a half. Interviewer: Look here, Why do you want to change your company? Candidate: I have had the wish/ desire of doing a job in your company. Interviewer: That s OK. Have you brought your certificates? Candidate: Yes, I have. Interviewer: Let me see them.  j úø Ææçü - s - applex time ûál-æœ Past actions é öàd bought, took, called ÅØË past doings words ú ç. a) I have seen the movie; I saw it yesterday. Á ü ô time îá æpôç ü á æ púø îª ÆœçC. Åçü - x have seen (have + pp). È çúó µ«í ç apple yesterday ÅE îá æp-ôç- x, saw - past doing word. b) We have finished our breakfast; We finished it an hour ago. ( Á ü öà µ«í ç apple time îá æpôç ü, é öàd have finished. È çúó µ«í ç apple an hour ago, ÅE time îá æ hø oç, é öàd finished. c) The police have arrested him; They arrested him last week. (Ééπ\úø èπÿú have arrested (time not stated); arrested (past doing word because time is stated) Ñ difference English apple very important. So ç have + pp/ has + pp èπ, Past doing èπÿ Ö o ûëú î «careful í í Ω h-â -ô d-éó- L. Ñ game ÇúøçúÕ I know that he has gone. Åûªúø Á «x-úøe Ø èπ ûá Ææ. That he has gone= Á «x-úøe (that èπ Ééπ\úø Å Ωnç = ÅE.) That he has passed = Åûªúø pass Åߪ uúø É «English apple that ûó begin ÅßË u ô applex verb (6 forms of verb í Ω h-ø o éπü?) Öçõ ü Eo that clause Åçö«ç. Ééπ\úø... that he has gone- that ûó begin ÅßË u Ñ ô applex has gone ÅØË verb ÖçC. é öàd, ÉC, that clause. u have + pp/ has + pp á æ púó v ƒ Ωç- µº Á i É æpöà- - Ωèπÿ ïj-t actions èπÿ úøû ç.  j conversation apple Ñ sentences îª úøçúõ. a) I have used my bike for only two years (È çúë- Ÿxí Åçõ È çúë x éàçü öà ç* É æp-öà- - Ωèπ Ø bike ú. Åçõ action from then. Å æpöà ç* É æp-öà- - Ωèπ ïj-t æe.) b) I haven t had (have not had) any trouble with it so far (ü E- x Ø éà- æp-öà- - Ωèπ àç trouble ü ) Ééπ\úø èπÿú É æp-öà- - Ωèπ (Till now) ïj-t action èπ have + not + pp (haven t had) ú ç. c) My brother hasn t seen my new bike yet. (yet= Éçûª- - Ωèπ brother Ø éìûªh bike îª úø- ü. verb - has + not + seen) d) Have you shown your bike to Kapil? (F bike éπ œ- èπ îª ƒ (Éçûª- - Ωèπ Have shown) e) He has been away in Chennai for the past four days (Ø í ÓV- í Ø í ÓV éàçü öà ç* É æp-öà- - Ωèπ Çߪ îáøáj o apple ÖØ oúø. has been - be form - state of being -ÖØ oúø ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ) u So, have + pp/ has + pp- Ñ verb form éàçc Ææçü - s applex úøû ç. 1) Past action, time not stated (í ûªç apple ïjt, time îá æpe æeéà) 2) Action from then till now (Å æpöà ç* É æp-öà- - Ωèπ ïj-t æeéà) u have + pp/ has + pp (pp- Åçõ past participle)- just, just now, ÅØË ô úõûë É æ púë æ Ωh- æ - èπ úø- îª a. a) úõ- æ púë ߪ -ôèπ Á «xúø = He has just gone out b) Train É æ púë *açc= The train has just arrived. c) Rx- æ púë µappleçîë-» Ω = They have just had their meals. É æ púø O Ω îëߪ -LqçC. I know that he has gone- Ñ sentence model í BÆæ -èπ E áeo sentences Å ûë ÅEo Å ôç Model: sub + Vb + that clause I Know that he has gone J-éÌEo examples: She says that she knows Telugu. He does (not) know that it is mine. OöÀ applex a) questions b) dialogues èπÿú practice îëߪ - îª a. a) Does she think that I am a fool? b) Kumar: Do you know that Ganesh is here? Kesav: I don t. How do you Know that he is here. Kumar: Your sister has said that he is here. -v æ- o: He is a student of learn well school ÅE -O Ω» Ω. He is a student at learn well school ÅE Öçú L éπü. N -Jç-îª-í - Ω. -üµ -,  j«-ü - «-ü -ï- - : A Student of, Student at- Ñ È çúø correct. Å ûë A Student at Learn well School éìçîáç formal. - u - æ -J-éπçí student of a School/ College/ University ÅØËüË áèπ \ úø -éπ apple ÖçC.

27 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ÿ-véπ Ωç 24 œ-v - -J 2006 Gunavanth: Where have you been since the morning? (Öü ߪ ç ç* áéπ\-úø -Ø o?) Yashwanth: I have been working on the computer in the next room. ( æéπ\ í C apple computer  j \ îëææ - èπ ç-ô Ø o.) Gunavanth: I have been trying to get you since the morning. ( Òü löà ç* FûÓ ö«x-ú - E v æߪ - Ao-Ææ hø o.) Yashwanth: Why didn't you call my cell? (Ø cell Èéçü èπ phone îëߪ - ü?) Gunavanth: That's what I did. But I've been getting the response, 'switched off' (ÅüË ØË îëæœçc. áeo ƒ Ω x îëæœø 'switched off' ÅØË - ÚhçC.) Yashwanth: Well, what's so urgent? (-àçôçûª Å -Ææ Ωç?) Gunavanth: Ravi is in town for some course in software. He has been staying at his cousin's for the past two days. He wants to meet us. ( ΩN Ü applex ÖØ oúø. àüó software course èπ. È çvúó-v- í x cousin Éçöapplex Ææ îëææ h-ø oúø. -Lo-ü ljo éπ - Ææ -éó èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø.) Yashwanth: In fact I've been thinking of meeting him. I want some books from him. (ØËØË Åûª-úÕE éπ -Ææ -éó èπ ç-ô - Ø o. úõ ü í _- Ω oç* Ø èπ éìeo æ Ææh-é é L.) Gunavanth: Why do you need them? (-Å-N FÈéç-ü -é \- L?) Yashwanth: You know, I've been doing a special course in computers for the past two weeks. The course has almost come to an end. I've to take an exam in it next week. That's why I need them. (Fèπ ûá Ææ éπü, È çúø - í computers apple ØËØÓ special course îëææ h- oô x. ÅC ü ü æ Å - Ú- çc. îëa Ωç ækéπ~. Åçü Íé æ Ææh-é é L.) Gunavanth: Perhaps that's why he has wanted to meet us ( æ Åçü -éπøë Åûªúø Lo éπ -Ææ -éó èπ ç-ô -Ø o-úë Á.) Yashwanth: I have been enquiring all book shops here for the books. They aren't available. (-Ç æ Ææhé - éóææç ØËE-éπ\úø ÅEo book shops apple Áûª -èπ -ûª Ø o. ÅN üì Ω-éπôç ü.) Gunavanth: Are you sure Ravi has them? ( ΩN ü í _ Ω ÅN ÖØ oߪ E éπ-*a-ûªçí ûá ƒ?) Yashwanth: I bought them here a year ago and sent them to him. (àú C éàçü ØËØË öàe éìe Åûª-úÕéÀ æç ƒ.) Gunavanth: That's O.K. Then let's ring him up and ask him to see us. (ÆæÍ Åûª-úÕéÀ ç phone îëæœ éπ -Ææ -éó- çü ç.) (Let us ring him up = phone îëü lç. Let's go = Á «lç æü. Let Åçõ äéπ Ω äéπ æe îëߪ F ÅE Å Ωnç èπÿú ÖçC. Let him come = ÅûªúÕE F. Let me go = o Á xf... É «í.)  j Conversation apple Ñ sentences îª úøçúõ: a) I have been working on the computer since the morning. b) I have been trying to get you since the morning. c) I have been getting the response... d) He has been staying at his cousin's. e) I have been thinking of meeting him. f) I have been doing a special course in computers. g) I have been enquiring. Oô-Eoöapplex verb have been +... ing/ -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 117 has been +... ing form apple ÖçC éπü. Have been +... ing/ has been +... ing form apple verb Öçõ ÅC Present Perfect Continuous Tense Å -ûª çc. I have been trying to get you since the morning. Òü löà ç* F éóææç v æߪ -Ao-Ææ hø o (Phone - apple ). Ñ sentence apple îª úøçúõ. í ûªç apple v ƒ Ωç- µº Á i, Éçé éì - ƒ-í --ûª çúë action èπ have been + ing úø -ûª Ø oç. ( Òü löà ç*, Éçé ). O èπ ûá Ææ, I, we, you and they Å ûë, have been +... ing Åçö«ç, He, she, it Å ûë has been +... ing Åçö«ç. (This is for an action starting in the past and continuing even now.) The congress party has been ruling AP for the year and a half (AP E Ææç -ûªq- Ωç- o- Ωí ƒl- Úhç-C. -à-ú -C- o Ω éàçü ô, past apple v ƒ Ωç- µº Á i Éçé éì - ƒ-í -ûóçc ƒ.)  j conversation appleç* BÆœ sentences apple Present Perfect Continuous Ö æ-ßá í ç í -EçîªçúÕ. c) I have been getting the response... (... ÅØË response éìçûª é ç ç*, ( Òü l- Eoç* Éçé ) ÚhçC.) d) He has been staying at his cousin's. ( x cousin Éçöapplex Ææ îëææ h-ø oúø Past apple v ƒ Ωç- µº Á i, Éçé.) e) I have been thinking of meeting him (Åûª-úÕE éπ -Ææ -éó èπ ç-ô -Ø o Éçé ) f) I have been enquiring (Nî -JÆæ h ÖØ o á æp-öà- çîó... Éçé ) (éàç-ü -ô lesson apple have + PP (Past Participle)/ has + PP use ç éπü? ÅC üëeéà úøû ç? 1) Past action, time not stated. 2) Action just completed. 3) Action starting in the past and going on till now. í -Eç-îªçúÕ ñ«ví -ûªhí, Ééπ\úÕ 3rd use- (Action starting in the past and going on till now) èπÿ have been + ing/ has been + ing use- Action starting in the past and going on even now èπÿ î «ÚLéπ ÖçC éπü? ÅC correct. a) í ûªç ç* É æp-öà- - Ωèπ Å ûë: have + PP / has + PP I have been enquiring b) í ûªç ç* Éçé Å ûë have been +...ing/ has been +...ing. a) Tendulkar has played cricket for since his nineteenth year (19 àöà ç* É æp-öà- - Ωèπÿ Çú úø ). Çúøôç Å - Ú- çü? -ûá-l-ߪ ü. Ñ sentence v æé Ωç Çúøôç éì - ƒ-í -ûóç-ü? ÅD ûál-ߪ ü. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING Govind: Áy-éπ\úø îªü - -ûª -Ø o? Krishna: Ææ Nü u é -@ apple Govind: áçûª-é çí îªü - -ûª -Ø o- -éπ\úø? Krishna: í ûª È çúë- Ÿxí Govind: F marks á «ÖØ o? Krishna: ÅEo subjects apple 80] éπçõ áèπ \ Ë score îëææ h-ø o Éçûª- - Ωèπ. Maths apple Å ûë ØËEçûª Ωèπ 90]èπ ûªí _- ü. Govind: Ééπ\úø y O ûªlxü çvúø ûó Öçô -Ø o? Krishna: ü. Á ü -öàoç* hostel appleøë Öçô Ø o. (Stay úøçúõ) Govind: Ø friend Ravi èπÿú ã Ææç ûªq Ωçí hostel appleøë Öçô -Ø oúø. Åûªúø Fèπ ûá ƒ? Krishna: ûá Ææ. - Ë - È çúø ØÁ - í äíé teacher ü í _-JéÀ tuition èπ Á Ÿ-ûª Ø oç. Govind: ØË -ûª-úõe éπ - -ö«-eéà Åûªúø îëj- - æpöà ç* Ææ h-ø o. ØÁo- æ púø îª úø- ü? Krishna: ü. Ë ç ËÍ y Ω blocks apple Öçö«ç. Have + PP/ has + PP É æp-öà- - Ωèπ ïj-t action îá -ûª çc. É æ p-úõçé ï Ω -í -ûóçü, ü ÅØË N æ-ߪ ü E- x ûál-ߪ. b) Tendulkar has been playing cricket since his 19th year. Ééπ\úÕ verb, has been +...ing Åçõ 19 àöà ç* Éçé Çúø -ûª ØË ÖØ o-úøe. Continue Å ûóçc. é öàd 1) have + PP/ has + PP - É æpöà Ωèπ ii) have been +...ing/ has been +...ing - Éçé (Å ûë ã êu N æߪ ç. Ñ ûëú Ö o- æp-öàéã, usage apple Spoken/ Written form apple OöÀ È çöàéã Ñ ûëú  ü lí ƒöàç-îª Ω. Éçé ØÌéÀ\ îá ƒp-lq- - æ púø have been +...ing/ has been +...ing, better) a) I have worked here for ten years now. b) I have been working here for ten years now. a), b) ü ü æ äíé Å Ωnç éπ N. Å ûë b) apple áèπ \ continuity éà v ƒüµ uç. ANSWER Govind: Where are you studying? Krishna: In Suvidya College Govind: How long have you been studying there? Krishna: For the past/ last two years/ for two years now. Govind: How are your marks? Krishna: I have been scoring more than 80% in all subjects. In Maths, I haven't scored less than 90% so far. Govind: Do you live with your parents here? Krishna: No. From the beginning I have been staying in the hostel. Govind: My friend Ravi too has been staying in the hostel for the past one year. Do you now him? Krishna: Yes. I know him (I do). We have been going to the same teacher for tuition Govind: I have been visiting him frequently since he joined there. Haven't you ever seen me? (ever - á æ p-úájø ) Krishna: No. We live in different blocks. -v æ- o: Pronunciation èπ Ææç ç-cµç-* Åç» - ÚpéπØ ÉçTx- ˇ apple µ«í çí ÅçCç-îªí - Ω. µ«æ ØË Ω a-éó- -úøç apple çü í Öî a Ωù êuç. à æü Eo à Nüµ çí æ -é apple ûá- Ææ hçc. - ÚpéπØ ÉçTx ˇèπ Ææç ç-cµç-* Æ úœ- -í F, é uâæ-ô x-í F üì-jíé Åvúø-Æˇ- ûál-ߪ -ñ -ߪ -í - Ω. Èé.-áÆˇ.éπ%- æg, - Á -ö æ-lx -ï- - : 1) éìûªh -ô àüájø úõ- - æ púø ü E pronunciation Ææ *-Ææ høë ÖØ oç éπü. çü - çü lessons - apple N - Ωù éìçûª áèπ \- í Öçô çc. 2) Spoken English èπ Ææç ç-cµç-* CDs, Casettes  ü l  ü l bookshops apple üì Ω èπ -û. Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages (CIEFL) x Pronunciation Casettes, CDs -N- ç-úõ.

28 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -Ç-C Ωç 26 œ-v - -J 2006 Kasturi: Hi Mayuri what's new? (àçöà N Ï- ƒ ) Mayuri: I met Charitha yesterday. She had a piece of good news. She told me she had bought a new apartment. (E o ØË îªj-ûª éπ -Ææ -èπ Ø o. ã ÆæçûÓ- æéπ- Ω- Á i N æߪ ç îá œpçc. éìûªh apartment éìø o- çc.) News - uncountable. A news Å ç. Å ûë News á æ púø singular í ØË úøû ç. A good/ a bad news ÆæJ-é ü. Good news/ bad news Åçö«ç. èπ çõ a piece of good news/ a piece of bad news Å - îª a. Kasturi: That's good really. Mayuri: She told me (that) she had got bank loan for buying the apartment. The bank released the loan three days ago. (ûª èπ É x éì -ú -EéÀ bank Ω ùç É*aç-ü E îá œpçc. È çvúó-v éàçü õ Ω ùç Núø -ü îë» Ω.) Kasturi: Where are you coming from now? ( y É æ púø áéπ\úõ ç* Ææ h-ø o?) Mayuri: I went to the station to book tickets to Tirupati. But by the time I reached the reservation counter, they had closed. I was late by only five minutes. ØË A Ω - æ-aéà tickets reserve îëææ -èπ ç-ü - E station èπ Á «x. é E Á Ïx-Ææ-JéÀ, reservation counter ÊÆ-» Ω. 5 EN - ƒ Ç -Ææuçí Á «x. Kasturi: Why didn't you start early enough? (éìçîáç çüë áçü èπ ߪ - l- Ω- ü?) Mayuri: I had some work, and when I finally went there it was 2 o' clock. You know that on sundays reservation closes by I started on my scooter, but on the way I found it had run out of petrol. I had it filled and then went to the station. That delayed me. àüó æ ç-úõçc. Ç ûª yûª ߪ - l-í -Ææ-JéÀ õ jç È çúájçc. Fèπ ûá -Ææ -éπü. ÇC- -, Reservations 2.30Íé éπõ d- ƒh- ΩE. Scooter O ü ߪ - l. ü J apple ü çöapplex petrol Å - Ú- ç-ü E . Petrol Ú ç* Á Ïx-Ææ-JéÀ Ç Ææuç Å - Ú- çc. Run out of (petrol/ money etc.) = Å - Ú- ôç.have it filled = Ú ç-îªôç, Ééπ\úø Kasturi: A similar thing happened to me yesterday. The train had left before I reached the station. So I called my office and told them I was not coming. My delay was due to traffic jam. (--E- o Ø èπÿ Å «ç-öàüë ïj-tçc. ØË station èπ îëí - appleê train ÁRx- Ú- çc. office èπ Phone îëæœ ØË -ôç- -ü E îá ƒp. Ø èπ traffic jam x Ç Ææuç Å çc.) -v æ- o: 5-15 Ææç -ûªq- ߪ -Ææ q o œ x- èπ Spoken English apple æô d ƒcµçîëç-ü èπ àßë areas apple focus îëߪ L. ü EéÀ Ææç ç-cµç-* Books, Cassettes, C.D.s áéπ\úø üì Ω -èπ -û? Æœ.-áç.-áÆˇ. -V, È j- yéó-úø Ω -ï- - : NCERT x- (Central schools/ central syllabus follow ÅßË schools apple úë) books î - «Ö æ-ßá -í -éπ Ωç à x- apple æ Ÿx concentrate îëߪ -Lq areas: spellings, sentence structures, Conversational Skills. É Fo èπÿú NCERT books apple -Öç-ö«. Mayuri: You know what happened to me yesterday? I went home from Charitha, and by then my husband had left for office. He had not taken the lunch box. He had forgotten it in his hurry. (E o Ø Íéç ïj-tçüó ûá ƒ? ØË îªjûª ü í _-J- ç* ÉçöÀ-Èé- «x. Å æp-öàíé Çߪ Office èπ ÁRx Ú-ߪ úø. Lunch box BÆæ -èπ - Á- x- ü. ûìçü - Ω apple Ω-*- Ú-ߪ úø.) Look at these sentences picked up from the conversation above: a) She told me she had bought a new apartment b) She told me she had got a bank loan -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 118 c) By the time I reached the reservation counter they had closed. d) I had had some work and when I finally... e) I found it had run out of petrol. f) The train had left before I reached the station. g)... by then my husband had left for office h)... he had not taken the lunch box i) He had forgotten it. In all the sentences above look at the verbs: a) had bought (had + Past participle (PP) of buy) b) had got (had + PP of get) c) had closed (had+ PP of close) d) had had (had + PP of have) e) had run (had + PP of run) f) had left (had + PP of leave) g) had left ( had + PP of leave ) h) had (not) taken (had + PP) i) had forgotten (had + PP)  j verb form í -Eç-î Ω éπü : had + Past Participle (had + PP)-verb- Ñ form apple Öçõ ÅC past perfect tense Å -ûª çc. É æ púø DE Ö æ-ßá í ç îª ü lç. a) She told me (yesterday) that she had bought a new apartment éìûªh apartment éìø o- E îá œpçc E o. ñ«ví -ûªhí í -Eç-îªçúÕ: There are two past actions in sentence (a): 1) She told me (Ø ûó îá œpçc) 2) That she had bought an apartment (apartment éì o-ü E). Ñ È çúø past actions. Å ûë éì ôç çü, (éìø o- E) îá æpôç ûª yûª ïj-í. çü ïj- T action had bought (had + PP form) apple Öçúøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Åçõ had + PP form, È çúø past actions apple çü Ω ïj-t past action èπ úøû ç. Å «Íí sentence (b) apple èπÿú. She told me (that) she had got a bank loan - loan *açü E îá œpçc. loan ôç çü J past action é öàd had got. Sentence c) By the time I reached the reservation counter, they had closed. (ØË îëí -ô- æpöàíé Ÿx ÊÆ-» Ω ). ÊÆ-ߪ ôç çü é öàd had closed. d) I had had some work and when I finally went there it was 2 o' clock. Ééπ\úø èπÿú æe ÖçúÕçC çü Ω, Á xôç ûª yûª é öàd had had (had + PP) e) I found it had run out of petrol Petrol Å - Ú Öçúøôç ( çü J action)  é öàd had run (had + PP) f) ØË platform îë Ω -éìøëææjéà train ÁR}- Ú- çc. ÉC çü, é öàd had left (had + PP) g) Éçü apple èπÿú 'ØËEç-öÀ-Èé- Ï}-Ææ-JéÀ, Çߪ ÁRx- Ú-ߪ úø. (Had left- ÉC çü ) h) He had not taken the lunch box - Lunch box BÂÆ\- x- ü ÉC çü é öàd had (not) taken i) He had forgotten - ÉC èπÿú çü J past action é öàd had forgotten - had + PP ç ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc: Had + PP is always used for the earlier of two past actions- Åçõ í ûªç apple ïj-t È çúø æ applex, Á ü öà/ çü J æeéà had + PP úøû ç. a) The teacher knew that he had not done the home work Åûªúø home work îëߪ - -ü E teacher èπ ûál-æœçc. (îëߪ -éπ- Ú- ôç earlier/ first past action) b) Where had you worked before you joined here? I had had some work Angad: Hi Vaali. Åûªúø Chennai Á «x-úøe y E o Ø ûó áçü èπ Å ü l ç îá ƒp? (Å ü l ç lie úøçúõ) Vaali: ü. ØË Å ü l ç îá æp- ü. Åûªúø Á -û - E Ø ûó îá ƒpúø. FûÓ ö«x-úõç-ûª- yûª Åûªúø Á x- -ü E ûál-æœçc. Åûªúø programme Ω a-èπ Ø o E îá ƒpúø. Angad: ØËØË Á Åûªúø Á «x-úøe Å -èπ Ø o. Åçü -éπe ÅûªúÕé æ Ææhéπç ûª yûª É yîª a Å -èπ Ø o. ØËØ æ Ææhéπç É y- -ü E Ø O ü î «éó æp-ú fúø. Vaali: I am sorry. Åûªúø -FûÓ Programme Ω a-èπ o N æߪ ç îá ƒh-úø- -èπ Ø o. é öàd Fèπ Phone îëߪ ü ØË. Angad: Åûªúø Á x-úøe Ø èπ çüë ûá Ææ. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING Vaali: Åûªúø áçü èπ Á x- ü? Angad: Åûªúø wait îëææ h o Phone call -ü ô. Vaali: OK. ØË Á- «xl. ƒh. Angad: Bye. ANSWER Angad: Hi. Vaali, why did you lie to me that he had left for Chennai yesterday? Vaali: No. I didn't lie. He had told me that he would go. I knew that he had not gone only after I had talked to you. He told me that he had changed his programme. (Ééπ\úø îëí - çü O È -éπ\úø æe-îë-» Ω.) Ééπ\úø îë Ωôç past - Åçûª-èπ - çü Ææçí -A -é - öàd had worked) c) I had not known him till you introduced him to me. O Ω æj-îªßª ç îëêæ- - Ωèπ Çߪ Ø èπ ûál-ߪ ü. In English, had + PP is very important. ÅC úø-éπ- ÚûË confusion éπlt, communication ÆæJí Öçúøü. Look at the following. 1) He gave me yesterday what I asked for 2) He gave me yesterday what I had asked for. Sentence 1 Å Ωnç: ØË -úõ-tçc ÅûªúÕî aúø. Ééπ\úø ØË -úø-í ôç, Åûªúø É yôç Áçô ÁçôØË, ü ü æ äíé- ƒj ïj-t- ô x Å Ωnç Ææ hçc. È çúø E oøë. Sentence 2 Å Ωnç: ØË ç-ûªèπ çüá- æ úó ÅúÕ-TçC Åûªúø Ø èπ E o Éî aúø. (É y-ô Ë E o, Åúø-í ôç Åçûªèπ çüá- æ púó) Sentence (1) èπÿ, (2) èπÿ áçûª ûëú ØÓ í -Eçî Ω éπü. ÅD had + PP Ö æ-ßá í ç. J-éÌEo examples îª úøçúõ. a) He had not slept for two days. When I know that I felt pity for him È çúø ÓV- í Åûªúø Evü - Ú- ü. ÅC ûál-æœ ØË ñ«l- æ-ú f. b) Who had opened this before I saw it? ØË îª ÊÆ- çüë á Ω ûáj-î Ω DEo? Angad: I thought that he had gone. So I thought I could give him the book later. He was/ felt angry that I had not returned his book. Vaali: I am sorry. I thought he would tell you about his change of programme. Because I had thought so, I didn't call you (So - Å «) Angad: I had known that he would not go. Vaali: Why didn't he go? (Why did he not go?) Angad: He didn't get the phone call he had waited for. Vaali: OK. I must be going. Bye. Angad: Bye.

29 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- çí - Ωç 28 œ-v - -J 2006 Soundarya: Hi What a fine dress you've bought? Where did you buy it and how much did it cost you? (Å apples -î - «- «í ç-c - F vúøæˇ áéπ\úøéìø o? áçûª?) Aiswarya: Thank you for the compliment. I bought it at Vastraloka for Rs. 3000/- (-ü uçé q - -úø - Ë- Ω - ƒ- -ߪ -  öàd ÆæY- appleéπ apple éìø o.) Soundarya: Certainly worth it. I wish I had one like it. (éπ*a-ûªçí Åçûª îëææ hçc. Ø èπÿ\ú Å «ç-öàc Öçõ áçûª «í ç-ô ç-ü -E - œ- ÚhçC.) I wish I had one like that. ç ö«xúø ûª o- æ púø B ΩE éójéπ èπ É «Åçö«ç. She wishes she had a car (ûª èπ é Ω çõ áçûª «í ç-úø ØÓ Å èπ ç-öappleçc.) Ééπ\úø had, past Å - - æp-öàéà É æpöà éójéπ ûá - æ ûª çc. Aiswarya: Time you bought one, Soundarya. (É æp-öàíé éìø -LqçC y) Ééπ\úø èπÿú bought - past form Time you bought = á æ púó éìe Öçú -LqçC. Time you learnt manners. ( y manners ØË Ω a-éó- L) (Éçé Fèπ manners ûál-ߪ ü ; á æ púó ØË Ω a-éó- -LqçC.) Soundarya: When did you buy it? (á æ púø éìø o?) Aiswarya: Yesterday. I had been thinking of buying it for a long time. I had the opportunity yesterday when dad gave me the money. I got it for my birthday the day after tomorrow. Soundarya: Who is the other dress for? Aiswarya: (Ç ÉçéÓ vúøæˇ á -JéÀ?) That's for my cousin Sowjanya. I am going to present it to her. (ÅC éπ->-ø - -ï- uèπ. ØËØ - Á èπ ÅC é -éπí É y- apple-ûª -Ø o.) Soundarya: Has she returned from the states? Aiswarya: ( ÊÆd--ö q ç* AJ-íÌ-*açü?) Yes, last weekend. (Å. í ûª çûªç- apple) Soundarya: Wasn't she a teacher here? (Ééπ\úø Ç Á -öã-îª í ÖçúËC éπü?) Aiswarya: Yes. She had been working as a teacher when she got married. She then joined her husband in the U.S. ( x-ßë u- æp-öàéà Ç Á Ééπ\úø öã-îª í æe îëææ hç-úëc. Ç ûª yûª «x-ߪ ü í _- Ωèπ ÁRx- Ú- çc.) Soundarya: We had been studying in the same college until we completed the degree. Later she took a job and I went for M.Sc. ( Ë ç Éü l Ωç -úõ-vu æ -Jh ÅßË u- - Ωèπ äíé é - -ñ apple îªü - -èπ -ØË xç. ûª yûª Ç Á ÖüÓu-í ç apple îëjçc. ØË - áç.- áæˇ.æœ.éà ÁRx- Ú-ߪ. Aiswarya: She had been staying with us until, she got the job. Her father who had been working else where, had a transfer here, and she went back home. ( -Ö-üÓuí ç îëa Ωèπ ü í _Í ÖçC. Åçûª- - Ωèπ ÉçÈé-éπ\úÓ æe îëææ h o x Ø oèπ -Ééπ\-úÕéÀ vö«-ø q æ ÅßË u- Ææ-JéÀ Rxç-öÀéÀ ÁRx- Ú- çc.) Soundarya: She is quite nice. (-ûª- ç* Å t )  j Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple had been combinations ûó - Ö o Ñ verbs sentenceses îª úøçúõ. 1) I had been thinking of buying it for a longtime. I had the opportunity yesterday. 2) She had been working as a teacher when she got married. 3) We had been studying in the same college until we completed the degree. 4) She had been staying with us until she got the job. Last two lessons apple ç had + past participle ( past perfect tense ) uses ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü! Let us recall it once again. Had Past participle is used for the earlier of two past actions. (í ûªç apple ïj-t È çúø æ applex, Á ü öà ü ØÁo- æ p -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 119 úø had + PP form apple ûá - æ û ç.) e.g. a) He was unhappy that his friend had gone. ( x -vâ ç-ú ÁRx- Ú-ߪ -úøe Åûª «üµ - æ-ú fúø ) b) She had worked as a teacher before she got married. ( RxéÀ çü -öã-îª í æe îëæœçc) c) We know that he had passed. (-- ƒæˇ Åߪ u-úøe èπ ûál-æœçc) ÉO Had + PP Ö æ-ßá -í -EéÀ Öü - æ«- Ω-ù. É æ púø Á ü öà Ææç µ«- æ-ù- applee had been + ing (Åçõ Past Perfect Continuous tense) Ö æ-ßá í ç îª ü lç. í ûªç apple ïj-t È çúø æ- - applex äéπöà çü v ƒ Ωç- µº Á i È çúó æe ïjííü é continue Å ûë Å æ púø Á ü öà N æ-ߪ Eo had been + ing form apple îá ƒhç. Compare the following sentences. a) She had worked as a teacher before she got married. ( RxéÀ çü Ç Á -öã-îª í æe îëæœçc.) Ééπ\- úø verb- had + PP b) She had been working as a teacher untilwhen she got married. ( xßë Ωèπÿ/  x-ßë u-ô- æp-öàéà Ç Á -öã-îª í æeîëææ h ÖçC.) Ééπ\-úø verb had been+ing. (a) apple í ûªç apple ïj-t æ applex äéπöà çü, È çúóc ûª yûª, éπü? - (had + pp) (b) apple í ûªç apple äéπ æe v ƒ Ωç- µº Á i È çúó æe Ωèπ continue Å uçc é öàd had been + ing. a) He had been driving at 100 kmph when he hit a lorry. (Åûªúø «KE úµœéì-õ d- æp-öàéà éà.-o. Ëí çûó - - vúáj- îëææ h-ø oúø.) b) The British had been ruling India for over two centuries until it became independent in 1947 (1947 apple ƒyûªçvûªuç ÒçüË- - Ωèπ --vg-öã- æ Ω xx µ«ω-û È çúø û - «l-- - ç-* ƒl-ææ h-ø o Ω.) Doctor: What's your complaint? Subash: Doctor: I have a pain in the side, doctor. I have had the pain since this morning. I had been taking my morning walk when I suddenly felt it. ( Òü löà ç* úìéπ\ apple ØÌ œpí ÖçC. ØË Òü l úø -Ææ h- o- æ púø ØÌ œp - -*aç- C) I remember that you came to me last month with a similar complaint. (O Ω í -ûª ØÁ ÉüË éπç æx ç-ö -ûó *a- ô d Ø èπ í Ω h) Subash: Yes, doctor. You gave me some tablets and I felt all right after two days. Since then I hadn't been having any problem till this morning. (Å. Å- æ púø O Í - Á - -vûª- Éî a Ω. È çvúóv ûª yûª ûªt_- Ú- çc. Å æp-öà- ç* Ñ ÓV Öü ߪ ç Ωèπ Ø Íé Ææ ƒu ü ) Ééπ\úø πÿú... a) had been walking... felt the pain. b) hadn't been having any pain till this morning. a) Ø èπ ØÌ œp éπl-t- - æ úø úø Ææ h ÖØ o. b) Òü l- - - Ωèπ Ø èπ ØÌ œp ÅØË-üË ü. é öàd had been + ing á æ púø èπÿú í ûªç apple v ƒ Ωç- We had been studying... Tarun: - Ω -ù, î «-é - - Á içc E o îª Æœ, áéπ\- úø -Ø o? àç îëææ h-ø o? Varun: v æææ hûªç ØË - ç- --- apple ÖØ o. ç- --- apple Å -é ç îëa- æp-öàéà  j«ü - - «-ü apple æe-îë-ææ hø o. Tarun: - ç- --- éà Í - - Ωèπ  j«-ü - «-ü apple áçûªé ç æe-îë-». Varun: v Ú-ví - í æe-îëææ h Ñ Å -é ç Òçü. Tarun:  j«-ü - «-ü èπ çüá-éπ\úó ÖØ o éπü? Varun: Å. îáøáj o apple ÖØ o 6 ØÁ. Tarun: É æ p-úá-éπ\-úõéà? Varun: ØË Ø -vâ ç-ú -ûó, ( í -ûª ØÁ Å -èπ çö«) ö«xúø ûª çõ, ÅûªúÕ -vâ ç--ú î aúø. ã - í çô ö«x-úø -èπ -ØË-ô- æp-öàéà Ñ È çúó -vâ ç-- ú èπ -äéπ -Ç- apple-îª- *açc. Ë ç í _ Ωç éπlæœ Â j«-ü - «---ü apple ã - ƒ ˇd- Ë éπçâ -F  ö«d- -E. Tarun: Varun: «í ØË ÖçC. á æ púø v ƒ Ωç-Gµ-Ææ h-ø o Ω. È çúø úø ØÁ applex. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING µº- Á i two actions apple first action, 2nd action Ωèπ continue Å ûë ü Eo had been + ing ûó îá æ û ç. ÉC 'be' form apple îª úøçúõ. (Åçõ í ûªç apple È çúó æe ïjíí Ωèπ Ö o N æ-ߪ Eo -Ê Ì\- -úøç) a) He had been here till his father called him. ( x Ø o œlîë Ωèπ Åûª-E-éπ\úË ÖØ oúø.) (Öçúøôç had been - í ûªç apple, ûª yûª his father called- œ - ôç) b) Abdul Kalam had been a space scientist until he took over as President ( - æz æ-aí «üµ uûª Æ yéπ-jçîë Ωèπ éπ- «ç ÊÆpÆˇ ÂÆjç-öÀÆˇdí (ÖØ o Ω ) c) I thought till this morning that he had been here. ( Òü l Ωèπ Åûª-E-éπ\úË ÖØ o-úøe Å -èπ Ø o) ÉD had been, had been + ing ú -Lq B Ω. ûá - í apple «é èπ çú, English apple time of action, time of state of being öàd ç úë verb forms éπ*aûªçí Ω --ûª ç-ö«. Å «correct í Å verb forms úø-éπ- ÚûË Â úø- n- èπ, -Aéπ- éπ èπ ü J- B- ƒh. Tarun: Best of Luck. Answers Tarun: Hi Varun, long since I saw you. Where are you and what are you? Varun: I am at present in Mumbai. I had been working in Hyderabad when I got the opportunity in Mumbai. Tarun: How long had you been working in Hyderabad when you got the opportunity in Mumbai? Varun: I had been working as a programmer when I got the opportunity. Tarun: Hadn't you (had you not) been some where before you were in Hyderabad? Varun: Yes. In Chennai for six months. Tarun: Where now? Varun: When I was talking to my friend, I think it was last month, his friend came. As we had been talking for an hour, this Tarun: Varun: Tarun: friend got an idea that we start a software company in Hyderabad. It's good. When are you starting it? In two or three months. Best of luck. Ñ game ÇúøçúÕ. Ñ éàçc sentence Ø apple O j- Eo sentences ߪ çúõ. Æœ Gí _- Ωí îªü - çúõ, Not ûó, Question í, Dialogue form apple ߪ çúõ. They laughed at him Ééπ\úø Ø. sub verb Preposition Noun or pronoun a) She looked at me. b) They did not come for him c) Why do you stare at her? (Stare- ÅüË æeí îª úøúøç) a) Prem: Why do you look at your watch (so often)? Karim: Prem: Karim: I must talk to my uncle immediately You wait for a few minutes. I have waited for half an hour already

30 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü í Ω Ωç 2 - -Ja 2006 Pramod: Hi Prasanth, when are you starting for Bangalore? (á æ púø ߪ - l- Ω -ûª -Ø o?) Prasanth: Tomorrow by the evening train.it arrives here at 6 and leaves at 6.10 ( ƒßª çvûªç Train apple. ÅC-éπ\-úÕéÀ ÇJç-öÀ-éÀ- *a, 6.10éÀ ߪ - l- Ω -ûª çc.) Pramod: I'll be at the station even before 6 to see you off. (Fèπ OúÓ\-L- y-ö«-eéà ÇJç-öÀéÀ çüë station apple Öçö«) See off= OúÓ\-L- yôç Prasanth: O that's good of you. Thank you. (î ««í çc. ü çé ߪ. á -È j-ø èπ ç*-í F, ÆæçûÓ æç éπl-tçîëcí F îëêæh, that's (that is) good of you, That's Kind of you Åçö«ç. good/ Kind çü very îë Ωa- îª a) Pramod: You remember our friend vinod is there too. He is into software. ( vâ çú NØÓü èπÿú Åéπ\úË ÖØ oúø. Åûªúø èπÿú ƒ ˇd- Ë (éπç æ uô q) apple ÖØ oúø. 'into' Ñ üµ u Ñ Å ΩnçûÓ áèπ \ úø -ûª -Ø o Ω. He was into business for some time Åûªúø éìçûª-é ç u ƒ- Ωç apple ÖØ oúø / u ƒ Ωç îë»úø ) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 120 Pramod: It's for him and for his dad to settle. Meet you at the station tomorrow. Bye. (ÅC úø, x Ø o ûë a-éó- -Lq N æߪ ç. Í æ E o station apple éπ ƒh. ƒh- J) Prasanth: Bye. Ñ Conversation apple, look at the following expressions. 1) starting for Bangalore 2) by the evening train 3) arrives here at 6 and leaves at ) before six 5) good of you 6) into software 7) close to 8) talked to him over phone 9) the day before sivarathri 10) his father is angry with him at his postponing his marriage. 11) differs with his father over who he should marry. 12) Particular about 13) Outside the family circle 14) The reason for 15) It's for him and for his dad to settle. 16) At the station Words like for, by, at, before, of, into, to, over, with, about, outside etc. are prepositions. prepositions í Jç* Éçûªèπ çü lessons apple éìçûª ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. At home, at college, at school, at that place, at the village, at 6.00 pm, at 12 noon, at a stage/ a certain stage/ at that stage, (stage = ü ) at the theatre, at the station etc. 2) to = äéπîóöàéà, äéπ-jéà, äéπîóô Áj æ - to Hyderabad, to Vijayawada, to Tirupathi to my father, to the CM, etc. 3) äéπj ç*, äéπ v æüë ç ç* = from. from Hyderabad, order from the CM, etc. 4) By- éπ æ p Ö o æ«-ø - - ûë - by bus, by car, by train, by ship, by lorry, etc - D Ωnç Ñ æ«- Ø applex ÅE. a) I go to school by bus = School èπ bus apple Á «h. b) Goods arrived by lorry = ƒ x «K apple î a. c) He travelled by train = Train apple v æߪ ùç îë»úø. 5) Top E (scooter, bike, cycle, horse) «çöà- - ûë on. a) He goes to college on bike. By the evening train PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING Subha: àçöà apple µ«, Vizag ç* á æ púø AJ-íÌ-î a-? Sobha: E o, Òü l--öà train apple Subha: Á Ï-x-ô- æ púø car apple - Á- «}- í -ü, é ÓxØË ƒh- - -èπ -Ø o. Sobha: Car repair apple ÖçC. ØËE-éπ\-úÕéÀ ÁçôØË Lq îëa-». Subha: F O ü Ø èπ î «éó æçí ÖçC. Sobha: áçü èπ? Subha: E oöà ç* Éçöapplex ÖçúÕ äéπ\- ƒj èπÿú phone îëߪ - ç-ü èπ Sobha: ØË îëa-ææ-jéà É xçû JéÀ. É xçû clean îëææ h busy í Ö-Ø o. Sorry. ANSWER Subha: Hi Sobha, when did you come back? Sobha: Yesterday, by the morning train. Subha: While going you went by car. I thought you would return by car again. Sobha: The car was under repair. I came back because I had to come back urgently. Subha: I am very angry with you Sobha: What for? Subha: You have been at home and haven't called me even once. Sobha: By the time I came back, the house was dirty. I was busy cleaning it. Sorry. Prasanth: Yea. My office in Bangalore is close to his. I talked to him over phone this morning, He said he would be at the station to receive me' (Bangalore apple Ø office ÅûªúÕ Ç Æˇèπ ü í _Í. ØË -ûª-úõûó Ñ ÓV Phone apple ö«x-ú. Ø éóææç station èπ ƒh Ø oúø.) Pramod: He was here the day before sivarathri it seems his father is angry with him at his postponing his marriage. ( Á o P - vaéà çü - ÓV Ééπ\-úø - Ø oúø. Åûªúø  Rx- - ü ËÆæ h-ø o-úøe x Ø oèπ éó æçí Ö o-ô dçc) It seems- Å «ÅE- œç-îªôç/ éπe- œç-îªôç Prasanth: He differs with his father over who he should marry. His father insists that he marry his uncle's daughter. He is particular about marrying a girl outside the family circle. That's the reason for his coming rarely. (Åûª-úÕéÀ, x Ø oèπ, ÅûªúÁ JE  Rx îëææ -éó- - ØË N æߪ ç apple ÅGµ-v ƒ-ߪ - µ -ü - - Ø o. x Ø -ØËo Á ÅûªúÕ ßª u èπÿûª -JE  Rx îëææ -éó- - E æô d- -úø -ûª - Ø oúø. ÉûªúË Á ü í _ Ω îª ö«d- - - Îx- -JE îëææ -éó- E æô d-ü - í ÖØ oúø. úõ-éπ\-úõéà ôç Åçü Íé Å Ω ü ) ƒ - uçí prepositions - æfl, Ææ h-, ïçûª - Ê Ωx çü Ææn ç, ÆœnA, time, æü l A ûál-ê ç-ü èπ úøû ç ÅE -É-C- Ωéπ-öÀ lessons apple ç. äéó\- ƒj ô ûª yûª èπÿú prepositions ƒh. î «êu- Á i N æߪ ç. à preposition áéπ\úø ú - ØË rule à-o ü. ö«x-úøôç, îªü - ôç x Å - -ô- -ûª çc. The correct use of prepositions is just a matter of practice. English ö«x-úø -ûª oéìdl, îªü - -ûª oéìdl prepositions Å - -ô- -û. Öü - æ«- Ω-ùèπ ç ûá -í apple Åçô çö«ç: úõ O ü Ø èπ éó æç. Ééπ\úø éó æç çü 'O ü áçü èπ ú L ÅØË v æ oèπ ï - ç-úøü éπü. Ç µ«æ éπ~ùç, úø éπ ÅçûË. English apple preposition úø éπ èπÿú ÅçûË. à ô çü à preposition, ûª yûª à preposition ÅØËC éìçîáç éπç ΩÆæhç îëߪ ôç èπÿú ç*üë. äíé- ô ûª yûª úë preposition apple ûëú ÊÆh Å Ωnçèπÿú J- Ú-ûª çc. Åçü -éπe prepositions N æߪ ç- apple î «ñ«ví ûªh Å -Ææ Ωç. Å ûë éìeoîóôx Åçûª confusion ü. í Ω hç-îª - éó- -Lq N æߪ ç: ûá -í apple, English apple, çü Á éπ Å -ûª ç-ö«. Eg: To Mumbai = ç jéà 1) äéπ-îóô, äéπ v æüë- ç apple, äéπ time èπÿ, äéπ ü apple É «çöà Å n îëa preposition, at. b) She moves about on a scooter - Ç Á scooter O ü A Ω í ûª çô çc. c) Travel was on horseback in the olden days = ƒûª ÓV applex v æߪ -ù«í v O ü. 6) äéπ îóöàéà Á xôç = go to a place; Å ûë äéπ-îó-öàéà ߪ - l- Ωôç = leave for a place, depart for a place; be bound for a place. a) He is going to Delhi tonight. b) She has left for Kolkata c) This train is bound for Chennai (îáøáj o Á Ÿ-ûª çc) d) The train is ready to depart for Lucknow. 7) äéπjéóææç, äéπ N æߪ çéóææç = for a) This book is for Ramesh = Ñ æ Ææhéπç Ω Ë ˇ éóææç. b) I am taking a lot of trouble for you = O éóææç ØËEçûª trouble BÆæ -èπ ç-ô -Ø o. 8) a) Angry with = äéπ uéàh O ü éó æç b) Angry at/about = äéπ N æ-ߪ -EéÀ éó æç. i) My father is angry with me = Ø O ü éó æç. ii) My father is angry at/about my low marks. (Ø éì*a ûªèπ \ Ω \- èπ Çߪ - èπ éó æçí ÖçC) 9) Particular about = äéπ N æߪ ç apple æô d-ü - í Öçúøôç. Many members of TRS are particular about KCR's resignation = N æߪ ç apple î «çc TRS Ææ µº u æô d- -úø -ûª -Ø o Ω. É «çöàn îªc- Ë-ô- æ púø í -EÆæ h îªü - çúõ. v æ o: Spoken English, Grammar ØË Ω a-éó- ú -EéÀ ûá -í apple, ûªèπ \ üµ Ω ÖçúË æ Ææhé N - îá æp-í - Ω. >. Íé -, ƒ - π çô -ï- - : O Ω Ö oc * o æ xô Ω - ç-ü - x O èπ English îëa Å -é -» ûªèπ \ ÅØË µºßª ç Åéπ\- Ω- ü. * o æ x-ô - Ωx- ç-* îëa- Ÿx èπÿú v æ tç-úøçí English ö«x-úø-í - -í -ûª -Ø o Ω, O Ω èπÿú ö«xúø-í - Ω ÆæÈ j serious practice îëêæh. ûá -í apple N - Ωù ÖçúË spoken English books apple Rapidex, English in 30 days «çöà æ Ææh-é îª úøçúõ. Á - xí English news paper îªü - ôç v ƒ Ωç-GµçîªçúÕ. Å Ωnç Å Ø é éπ- Ú- Ø, interest ÖØ o éπ- Ú- Ø îªü - çúõ. ç* dictionary (English to Telugu) ü í _ Ω Öçîª - éìe àüájø æü ç O èπ Å Ωnç é èπ ç-õ ûá - Ææ -éóçúõ. * o * o story books, * o classes English nondetailed books îªü - çúõ. Å Ωnç Å Ø é éπ- Ú- Ø TV English news N ç-úõ. O èπ ûó*- N Æœ é Ææh English ûál-æœ xèπ îª œç-îªçúõ. OöÀûÓ ƒô Spoken English îªü - ôç practice îëߪ ôç x O èπ ã ØÁ ÓV applex î - «ûëú éπe œææ hçc.

31 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -E Ωç 4 - -Ja 2006 Yamini: Hi Salini, when exactly do you expect Malini? ( LE éπ*a-ûªçí á æ púø Ææ hç-ü - -èπ ç-ô - Ø o?) expect = ÉÈéqpé d 'Èéqp ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç = ÇPç-îªôç/ áü - Ω -îª -úøôç/ Å -éó- ôç Salini: At I am sure she will be here atleast by (11.30 éà. éπfææç éπ «x Ééπ\-úø ç-ô çü E éπ*a-ûªçí Å -èπ ç-ô Ø o) sure = æ uå = éπ*a-ûªçí Yamini: So she is returning from the US. When did she actually leave for the states? (Åçõ Ç Á US ç* AJ-íÌ-Ææ hç-ü - o- ô. ÅÆæ- - æ p-úá-rxçc Å Á -J-é èπ?) Salini: She left at the age of twenty two, two years ago. By then she had completed her software training here. (Ç Á èπ 22 à x- æ púø, È çúë x éàçü ô. Å æp-öàé Á Ééπ\úø ûª software training æ Jh-îË- ÆœçC). Yamini: I was at breakfast when you called to tell me that she wanted to see me. I am surprised that Malini still remembers me and told you to phone me. (Ç Á o îª ú - - -èπ ç-ô o N æߪ ç îá æp-ú -EéÀ F Ø èπ ÚØ îëæœ- - æ púø ØË v é - ƒæˇd îëææ h-ø o. LE É æp-öàéã o í Ω h-â -ô d-èπ - oç-ü èπ, Ø èπ ÚØ îëߪ - E Fèπ îá œp- ç-ü èπ Ç a- Ωuçí ÖçC) Salini: She is that type. She never loses friendship. (ûª «çöàüë. friendship ü - -éóü ). Yamini: We met only once, that too by chance, a year ago. After that we have met just once or twice. Good of her to remember me. (á æ púó Ææç -ûªq Ωç éàçü Å -éó-èπ çú éπ - Ææ -èπ Ø oç Á ü -öà- ƒj. Ç ûª yûª äéπöà È çúø - ƒ- Ωx-éπçõ áèπ \ éπ -Ææ -éó- ü. Eïçí ç*üë o éπ éó- ôç) Salini: What's the time by your watch? (F watch time áçûª?) Yamini: It is Salini: Mine shows My watch is fast by five minutes or your watch is slow by 5 minutes. Doesn't matter. She will be here in a short time. (Ø watch îª œ- ÚhçC. Ø watch 5 EN - ƒ çüájø úø -Ææ hç-ú L, ü F watch 5 EN - ƒ Ç -Ææuçí úø -Ææ hç-ú L. æ Ω- - -ü. éìcl-êæ- æöapplex ûªe-éπ\-úø ç-ô çc.) Yamini: How is she coming? Salini: She is driving. When she last called me she was at a distance of 80 Kms. Suppose she is driving at 50 to 60 KMPH, she will be here by at the most. (Ç Á Car apple ÚhçC. Ç Á Ø èπ Phone îëæœ- - æ púø 80 Kms ü Ωç apple ÖçC. í çôèπ 50/ 60 Km Ëí çûó Úhç-ü - éó éπ «x Ééπ\úø Öçô çc.) Yamini: You are good at calculations. ç last lesson apple prepositions discuss (îªjaç-îªôç) îë»ç éπü. Let's (let us) know something more. ( J-éÌçûª ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç).  j Conversation apple We have used the two prepositions 'at' and 'by'. Let's look where we have used them: I a) at II a) by b) at the age of 22 b) by then c) at breakfast c) by chance d) at a distance of d) by your watch e) at 50 to 60 KMPH e) fast by/ slow by 5 min. f) good at calculations f) by Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ù- applee Éûª Ω prepositions: a) from the US b) leave for c) age of d) in a short time I) At áéπ\-úá-éπ\úø ú Á îª úøçúõ. a) at éπ*a-ûªçí æ «Ø time èπ ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ at úøû ç. i) I show 6.15 èπ Á ü - - -ûª çc. The first show begins at 6.15 ii) classes 4.30 éà Å Úû. Our classes end/ close at 4.30 iii) Ç time èπ Ø éã Ææçí A ûál-ߪ ü I did not know this at that time. iv) úá æ púø ƒh-úø- -èπ ç-ô -Ø o? At what time do you expect him? (Å ûë Ééπ\úø At what time ü, when, better) b) at the age of äéπ-jéà æ «Ø ßª -Ææ- æ púø i) Children in India are put to school at the age of 3. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 121 µ«ω-û apple œ xlo úó àôøë School èπ æç æ -û Ω. ii) Åûª-úø 11 àôøë Chess grand master Åߪ uúø He became a Chess grand master even at the age of 11/ even at 11 c) at break fast = breakfast îëææ h- o- æ púø. É «Íí at lunch; at dinner; at bath, etc... Çߪ Ææ - ߪ applex ÅE. i) Ÿx µappleçîë-ææ h- o- æ púø jokes ËÆæ -èπ -Ø o Ω. They had jokes at their meals/ lunch/ dinner etc... ii) Åûªúø ƒo ç îëææ h- o- æ púø phone Á TçC. He heard the phone ringing when he was at bath. É «Íí - at that height = Ç áûª h apple ÅE èπÿú Åçö«ç. d) at a distance of =... ü Ωç apple i) Nï-ߪ - úø  j«ü - - «ü èπ 300 Km ü Ωç apple ÖçC Vijayawada is at a distance of 300 Km from Hyderabad. ii) Åçûªü Ωç apple Öçúø-ôç- x Åûª-E-éπ\-úÕéÀ ûª Ωîª úø Being at such a distance (= so far off) he cannot come here frequently. e) at 50 to 60 KMPH 50/ 60 Km Ëí çûó. Ëí ç í çôéó, EN - ƒ-eéó îáê pô- æ púø at úøû ç. i) í çôèπ 70 Km = at 70 KMPH; Second èπ 1230 Åúø -í Ëí çûó = at 1230 feet per second etc. ii) Planes Ñ ÓV applex í çôèπ 700 Á i Ÿx ü öà v æߪ ùç îëߪ -í -. Planes today can travel/ fly at more than 700 miles per hour. f) Good at calculations éπ\ «í ûálæœ Öçúøôç i) Maths «í îëߪ -í - -í ôç= good at/ clever at/ bright at Maths ii) English «í éπ- Ú- ôç= poor at/ bad at English iii) ØË Ω a-éó- ôç Ç -Ææuçí / Eü - çí = slow at learningiv) ûªy Ωí ØË Ω a-éó- ôç= quick at learning. II) Now let us look at by a) By 12.30= éπ «x= ü ô-èπ çú = 12.30èπ í F, Åçûª-èπ - ç-ü -í E. ÉC time Íé é èπ çú, date èπ, month èπÿ year èπÿ à time apple Å Ø Jh-Ææ hçc. I will be there by 6.30 i) ØË 6.30 éπ «x Åéπ\úø Öçö«= I will be there by 6.30 (I will be there at 6.30= 6.30 èπ correctí, by 6.30= 6.30 èπ í F, Åçûª-èπ - ç-ü -í -F) ii) 20 à xíé Tendulkar tests Çúøôç v ƒ Ωç-Gµçî úø = Tendulkar began playing tests by his twentieth year iii) 2003 èπ Åûª é~ -Cµ-é J Å - Ú-ߪ úø = He became a lakhier by b) By then= Å æp-öàíé i) I went there at By then the match had begun= ØË -éπ\-úõéà 11.30èπ Á «x. Å æp-öàíé match v ƒ Ωç- µº- Á içc. ii) ØË Á Ïx-Ææ-JéÀ ÅûªEo Ÿx B-Ææ Èé- «} Ω = By the time I reach there, they had taken him away. c) By chance= Å -éó-èπ çú = by accident. i) Ë Å -éó-èπ çú éπ Ææ -èπ Ø oç= We met by chance/ by accident (accidentally). Å «Íí by mistake= Ò Ω- ƒ-ô. ii) By mistake I posted the letter to him instead of to his sister= Ò Ω- ƒ-ô x îá x-léà ü, Ç Öûªh Ωç ÅûªúÕéÀ post îë». iii) Åûªúø àüó Ò Ω- ƒô x ÅC îë»úø = He did it by mistake. d) By your watch= O watch v æé Ωç. i) Ø watch apple time 8 Å çc. It's 8 by my watch. ii) O watch apple time áçûª?= What's the time by your watch? e) Fast/ slow by= Éô - ç-öà-îóôx by 'áçûª Ë Ωèπ ÅØË N æ-ߪ Eo ûá - æ -ûª çc. i) Å o Ø éπø o È çúë Ÿx  ü l= My brother is my elder by two years. ii) ÉçöÀ-éπØ o æéà\ x 10 Åúø -í áûª h= Our next building is taller than ours by 10 feet. iii) ü EéÀ DEéÀ ûëú 10 Ω ƒ-ߪ = This differs from that by Rs 10/- (This is costlier than that by Rs 10/-) iv) He is taller than his brother by 4 cms x brother éπø o Åûªúø 4 cms Òúø. ÉO at, by Ö æ-ßá -í. É æ púø 1) From: --D-E-E ' ç* ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úøû ç. Kumar: Srikanth is coming from Chennai today Kesav: How do you know? (FÈé «ûá Ææ ) Kumar: I had it from his brother. (Ñ Ωh Ø èπ ÅûªúÕ brother ç* ûál-æœçc) Kesav: You know, Srikanth and I are from Nellore. (Fèπ ûá ƒ, Xé çû, ØË Éü l Ωç ØÁ x Ω x Ë ). Ééπ\úø From à ÜJéÀ îáçc ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úøû ç. Sankar: Where are you from? (O üë Ü Ω?) Sukumar: I am from Vizag ( C Vizag) Ééπ\úø Sentence apple from Å Ωnç îª úøçúõ. O üë Ü Ω? ÅE Å Ωnç= Ñ Å Ωnç-ûÓØË Where do you come from? Åçö«ç Åçõ O È -éπ\-úõoç* Ææ h- Ø o Ω ÅE é ü, O üë- Ω ÅE. I come from Hyderabad Åçõ C Hyderabad ÅE. (Å ûë Ææçü - s -Eo- öàd äéó\- ƒj O È -éπ\-úõoç* ƒh Ω v æa ÓW ÅØËç-ü èπ, where do you come from? Å - îª a. Where are you coming from Åçõ vûªç, O Ω É æ púø áéπ\-úõoç* Ææ h-ø o Ω? ÅE.) PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING IN ENGLISH: Sasikanth: í Áy- æ p-úø ç-ö«-n-éπ\úø? Ravikanth: 9.30 éπ «x Ééπ\-úø ç-ö«. Éçöapplex correct í 8.45 èπ ߪ - l- Ω -û. Sasikanth: 8.45èπ ØË breakfast apple Öçö«. Ravikanth: Ç time èπ ØË ƒo ç, breakfast Åçû æ Jh îë ƒh. Sasikanth: á «ƒh y? Ravikanth: Bus apple, Office ÉçöÀéÀ 10 éà.o ü Ωç. Åçü -éπe 45E. ç-ü ߪ - l- Ω û. Sasikanth: ØË bike apple ƒh. Traffic jam éπ- ÚûË kmph Ëí çûó ÊÆh ØËE-éπ\- úõéà correct í 9.30éÀ îë Ω -èπ çö«. Ravikanth: E o Å -éó-èπ çú Xé çû éπl-»úø. Åûª lift Éî aúø. - -éπø o 10 EN - ƒ çü - Ω Ø o. Sasikanth: Xé çû «í drive îë ƒhúø. ANSWER Sasikanth: When/ At what time are you here usually? Ravikanth: By I start at home at 8.45 Sasikanth: I am at breakfast at 8.45 Ravikanth: By then I finish my both, breakfast, etc. Sasikanth: How do you come? Ravikanth: By bus. My home is at a distance of 10 km from office. So I start 45 minutes earlier. Sasikanth: I come on bike. If there is no traffic jam, I reach here exactly at 9.30, driving at 40 to 50 kmph. Ravikanth: I met Srikanth by chance yesterday. He gave me a lift on his bike. So I was here earlier than usual by 10 minutes. Sasikanth: He is good at driving.

32 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ú- Ωç 6 - -Ja 2006 Vighnesh: Hi Manikanth you appear very happy today. (Ñ ÓV y î «ÆæçûÓ- æçí éπe- œ- Ææ h-ø o ) Manikanth: You are right. Dad called home this morning. He is coming on the 10th, that is, the day after tomorrow. ( Òü l Ø o ÚØ îë» Ω. á xçúõ Åçõ 10 ûëc Ææ h-ø o Ω ) Vighnesh: So he will be here on saturday. That's good. Will he go back to the states again? (Åçõ E- Ωç Ééπ\-úÕéÀ ƒh- Ω- o- ô. Sx states èπ Á «h?) Manikanth: Yes, he will be leaving again in a month. He has to be back there in April. (Å. äéπ ØÁ ûª yûª ÁRx- Ú-û Ω. àv œ- apple Çߪ Åéπ\úø Öçú L.) Vighnesh: Will he settle down there? (Åéπ\úË Æœn Ω æúøû?) Manikanth: No, but he will be there for quite a longtime. (é ü. Å ûë éì-ø o- x- ƒ-ô Åéπ\úË Öçö«Ω ) Vighnesh: When will you people join him? (O Ωç-ü Ω Çߪ ü í _- Ω-Èé- æ púø Á «h Ω?) Manikanth: I have told you my sister is getting married on the 4th of April. The bridegroom is a software engineer there. So she will be leaving on the 10th or so of April. Dad will leave a week after that.mother and I will join him next year, after I finish my studies. ( Åéπ\  Rx àv œ 4 ÅE îá ƒp éπü.  Rx-éÌ-úø èπ Åéπ\úø ƒ ˇd- Ë Éç>- F. Ç Á 10 ÁRx- Ú-ûª çc. -ûª y-ûª - Ωç Ó-V- èπ -Ø - oí Ω - Á- «h Ω.ØË, Å t îëa Ææç -ûªq Ωç Ø îªü æ Ωh- ûª yûª Á «hç.) Vighnesh: I have my visa interview on 18th March. I have got admission into MBA in one of the universities in the US. The course will begin on the 7th May. I propose to leave in the 4th week of April. (Ø èπ -O ƒ Éç-ô Ω yu -- -Ja Öç-C. Å Á -J-é apple-e ߪ E- -Kq-öÀ apple áç.g.à. Æ ö *açc. éó Ω q - Ë 7- v ƒ Ωç µº -ûª çc. ØË -àv œ Ø - apple_ Ωç- apple Á -û.) Manikanth: Best of luck for you. During your stay there you can meet dad. He will be happy to be of help to you. (Best of luck) ( y-éπ\úø Ö o- æ úø Ø o í Jo éπ -Ææ -éó- îª a. Çߪ Fèπ ÆæçûÓ- æçí à ƒßª ç Å Ø îë ƒh Ω. Vighnesh: Thank you. As soon as I go there, I shall get in touch with him. (ü çèπÿu. Åéπ\-úøéÀ Á x-í ØË Çߪ - ûó touch apple Öçö«.) At, by time èπ Ææç ç-cµç-* prepositions. Å «Íí in, on, during, for, from, to/till, since èπÿú timeèπ Åçõ Ææ -ߪ -EéÀ Ææç ç-cµç-* preps. (prepositions) Look at the following expressions from the conversation at the beginning of this lesson: a) This morning b) on the 10th c) on saturday d) in a month e) for quite a longtime f) on the 4th of April g) on the 10th of April h) on 18th March /the 7 th May i) in the 4th week j) during your stay Days (sunday, monday,etc.) dates (the 10th, the 18th April) èπ çü, on -ú Eo í -Eç* Öçö«Ω. Å «Íí months and years çü in ÚhçC éπü? a) India became independent on the 15th August b) The college closed preparation holidays on the 2nd March. c) India became a republic on Jan 26th  j Sentence apple date îáê p-ô- æ púø month (January) çü îá œp ûª yûª ûëc îá ƒpç éπü. Åçü éπøë on Jan 26th ÅØ oç. Months (ØÁ ), Ææç -ûªq- (years) çü çû in. a) Ramu: When did Saran come here? Raghu: He came here in February. Ramu: (February apple î aúø ) When is he going to complete his research project? (Åûªúø ûª -KÂÆ a -v ƒ-ñ é d- á æ púø æ Jh îëߪ - apple-ûª -Ø oúø?) Raghu: I think in another year; that is in (ÉçéÓ Ææç -ûªq- -E-éπ- -èπ çö«, Åçõ 2007 apple) Ramu: When did he begin it? Raghu: In 2005 b) There are only 28 days in February, except once in four years. (Ø -Íí- xèπ äéπ- ƒj ûª æp February apple 28 ÓV Öçö«.) c) There are 12 months in a year. (Ææç -ûªq- Ωç apple 12 ØÁ - ç-ö«) d) He was born on 10th September ( úø 10th September 1984 apple æ ö«dúø.) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù Imp... i) On before dates and days; 122 in before months and years. -ûë--d- èπ çüá- æ púø 'the' L. On the 10th June; on the 15th of August, etc. Å ûë dates, days, months, years èπ çü Next ( îëa), last ( Ú ), every (v æa) this (Ñ), that (Ç) ÅE- ÊÆh Å æ púø dates and days èπ çü on é F, months and years çü in é F. 1. a) He will be here on Sunday. (Åûª ÇC- Ωç Ééπ\úø Öçö«úø.) Sunday çü on -ú Eo í -Eç-îªçúÕ) b) He will be here next Sunday ( îëa (next) Sunday úõ-éπ\úø çö«úø - next Sunday é öàd on úøç] 2. a) I met him on the 26th Feb. (ØË ÅûªúÕo œv - J 26 éπ -Ææ -èπ Ø o). ûëc çü On -ú Eo í -Eç-îªçúÕ. b) I met him last 26th. ( Ú 26 éπ q-èπ Ø o) last Öçúøôç x 'on' ü ) c) Salaries are paid on the first of every month. [on the first - í -Eç-îªçúÕ on] d) Salaries are paid every 1st. (v æa ØÁ «Á ü öà îálx- ƒh Ω ) Ééπ\úø every 1st é öàd on ü. 3. a) Deepavali comes in October or November. (D ƒ- R October apple é F November apple é F Ææ hçc). Ééπ\úø month çü in -ú Eo í -Eç-îªçúÕ. b) Deepavali comes every October/November. [every October / November é öàd on ü ] c) The child was born in August (Gúøf August 2005 apple æ öàdçc - in August) d) The child was born last August ( Ú August apple æ öàdçc last ÖçC é öàd in ü ) Å «Íí Last year, next year, that year, this year, every year çü in ü a) We had heavy rains last year (í ûª àú C { «í æú f.) Last year çü in ü. b) There was an earthquake that year (Ç Ææç -ûªq Ωç µº éπç æç *açc.) That year çü in ü ) c) He will return next year ( úø îëa Ææç -ûªq Ωç AJ-íÌ- ƒhúø ) next year çü in ü ) d) He goes to Ooty every year (v æa Ææç -ûªq Ωç Å-ûª-úø ÜöÀéÀ Á -û úø ) (Every year çü in ü. Å «Íí This week, that week, next week, every week, last week çü in ü. (Week çü á æ púø in) a) I saw him here three times last week ( Ú Ωç ØË -ûªeoéπ\úø úø - ƒ Ω x ) (Last week çü in ü ) e) For quite a long time: For Ö æ-ßá í ç... (for Åçõ Éçûª-é çí ÅE.) i) (He was here for a week.) ( úõ-éπ\úø Ωç ÖØ oúø.) ii) (I waited for two hours for you yesterday.) E o FéÓÆæç È çúø í çô  iii) Any degree course is for three years (à degree Course Å Ø úë- x- ƒô Öçô çc.) é - u- Cµ (Period of time) çü for úøû ç. a) He has been here for the past two days (È çvúó-v- í Çߪ -E-éπ\úø Öçô -Ø oúø ) b) The train stops here only for 5 minutes ( È j Ééπ\úø 5 EN - ƒ vûª Ë Çí -ûª çc. f) During your stay = ( y Ö o é ç apple) äéπ u Cµ apple æ ÅØË Å Ωnç îëa-ô dí Å ûë during úøû ç. i) During his visit here, he did not meet me (Åûª- -ûª- æ Ωu-ô- - apple o éπ q-éó- ü.) ii) During the training period, you do not get any salary (Péπ~ù«é ç apple ü ) iii) During the show there was some disturbance (Ç v æü - Ωz time apple àüó Åçûª- ߪ ç éπl-tçc.) iv) During his tenure as President, he visited many foreign countries. (Åüµ u-èπ~ -úõí Çߪ æü -O-é - ç apple î «NüË» úø. Tenure - õ uå = æü -O -é ç) Since = DE Å Ωnç í ûªç apple äéπ time ç* ÅE. Åçõ æ «- time ç*, æ «- ÓV ç*, æ «E ØÁ /Ææç -ûªq Ωç / Ææç æ ô ç* ÅØËç-ü èπ since úøû ç. i) India has been independent since 1947 (1947 ç*) ii) I have not met him since last January (í ûª January ç* ØË -ûªeo éπ q-éó- ü ) Compare the following: a) India has been a republic since b) India has been a republic for the past/ for the last 55 years. a) apple 1950 ç* Republic í ÖçC Åçô Ø oç. Åçõ since, point of time ç-ü úø -ûª Ø oç. b) apple 55 à Ÿxí (Period of time) ÅE u Cµ é öàd for úø -ûª Ø oç. a) He has not seen a movie since January b) He has not seen a movie for the past / for the last two months. During the training period... a) apple January ç* b) apple È çúø ØÁ - í Now practise the following Dheeraj: ØËFo-éπØ o  ü l- --úõ- -E áçü -éπ- -èπ ç-ô - Ø o? Neeraj: y July apple æ ö«d, ØË September apple æ ö«d é - -öàd. Dheeraj: é F - - -É-ü l Ωç school apple June 12 îë ç. Neeraj: Ú Ωç ü é E-ü l Ωç äíé ߪ -Ææ- -èπ Ø o ØË. F date of birth áéπ\úó . Å æ púø ûál-æœçc. Dheeraj: Ñ ØÁ 12 Ø æ öàd ÓV y ûª æpéπ ç* Ø æ öàd ÓV-Èé- æ púø Ææ h-ø o éπü. Ñ ƒj èπÿú. Neeraj: Ñ ƒj ØË -ØË Á. Ø éóææç Ü applex Ø í ÓV- í Åéπ\ߪ u áü - Ω - îª - ÚhçC. Sx ØË îëa Ú - - Ω Ë í -. ANSWERS Dheeraj: Why do you think I am older than you? Neeraj: You were born in July and I was born in September. Dheeraj: But we joined school on 12th June. Neeraj: Till last week I had thought we were the same age. I then saw your date of birth some where I knew it then. Dheeraj: My birth day is on the 12th this month. Do attend it. You have been attending (coming for) my birth day since Don't fail this time. Neeraj: I'm afraid I may not come/ I doubt if I can come - My sister has been waiting for me for the past four days at my village. I can come back only next Monday.

33 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -üµ Ωç 8 - -Ja 2006 Viswanath: When does the temple near your place open? (O ÉçöÀ ü í _ Ω temple á æ púø ûá Ω - ƒh Ω?) Lokanath: In the morning or in the evening? ( Òü lø o, ƒßª ç-vûª?) Viswanath: In the morning. ( Òü løëo) Lokanath: It opens at 5 in the morning and closes at 12 noon. ( Òü l 5 í çô- èπ ûá Ω - ƒh Ω. üµ u æ«oç 12èπ ƒh Ω.) Viswanath: In the evening? ( ƒßª çvûªç?) Lokanath: The temple is open from 4 in the evening till 8 in the evening. ( ƒßª çvûªç Ø í ç* 8 Ωèπ ûájîë Öçô çc.) Viswanath: I thought it opened from three in the afternoon. ( üµ u æ«oç úõçöà ç* ûáj* Öçô ç-ü - -èπ Ø o.) Lokanath: On festive days it is open till 2 in the afternoon. For example it was open at one on the afternoon of Sivarathri and closed late at night. ( æçúøí ÓV applex üµ u æ«oç È çúø Ωèπ ûájîë Öçô çc. Öü - æ«- Ω-ùèπ P - va ÓV üµ u æ«oç äçöà-í ç-ôèπ èπÿú ûáj* Öç-*, va î «Ç -Ææuçí» Ω.) Viswanath: I visited the temple on the morning of Saturday. I went to your place too. You were out. (ØË í úõéà E- Ωç Öü ߪ ç Á «x. Å «Íí O ÉçöÀéÀ î a. y ߪ -öàéà Á «x.) Lokanath: On the morning of Saturday? Yea, I went to my sister's. She was planing to go to Delhi on the evening of Sunday. I was there to help her in packing. ( E- Ωç Òü lø o? Å. Åéπ\ߪ u ÉçöÀéÀ Á «x. ÇC- Ωç ƒßª çvûªç Ç Á úµõmxéà - Á- Ÿ-ûª ç-úø-ôçûó ƒ x Ææ Ωl-ôç apple Ææ æ -ߪ - æ-ú - E Á «x.) Viswanath: Do you go to your sister's frequently? (O Åéπ\ߪ u Rxç-öÀéÀ ûª Ωîª Á «h?) Lokanath: Almost every evening. They live very close to our place. (ü ü æ v æa ƒßª çvûªç.) Viswanath: But I saw you at home last evening. (Å ûë E o ƒßª çvûªç Nyçöapplex Öçúøôç .) Lokanath: Yea, I was at home last evening. My sister was away shopping. (E o ØË ÉçöapplexØË ÖØ o, ƒßª çvûªç Åéπ\ߪ u shopping èπ ÁRxçC.) Viswanath: A few days ago our friend Trinath met me. You know he had been away for long. He said he would meet me the next evening, but he did not come. ( vâ çú vaø ü, éìcl ÓV éàçü éπ -Ææ -èπ -Ø oúø. Ω -ÆæöÀ ÓV éπ -Ææ -èπ ç-ö«- -Ø oúø. é E ü. Åûªúø î «é ç ç* Ééπ\úø úø.) Lokanath: Trinath is unreliable. (vaø ü Åçûª ô E - æ -éìøë úø é ü. Unreliable = Çüµ - Ω- æ-úø-ü -í -E) Viswanath: Well then. Meet you again. ( ç*c. Sx éπ -Ææ -èπ çö«.) Lokanath: Bye. ç timeèπ Ææç ç-cµç-* prepositions îªja-ææ hø oç éπü éìeo lessons ç*. This lesson too deals with prepositions of time. deal with = îªjaç-îªôç/ äéπ N æߪ ç îª Ææ -éóôç etc. Look at the following expressions in the conversation above: a) In the morning or in the evening. b) at 12 noon c) till 8 in the evening d) in the afternoon e) on the afternoon of Sivarathri f) at night g) on the morning of Saturday h) every evening i) last evening -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 123 j) the next evening Ééπ\úø îª Ææ hø oç éπü : Åçû morning, evening, night, noon «çöà öàe áèπ \- í ú ç. É Fo æ ô (parts of the day) æ «- - æ ô morning, evening etc. ïj-t N æߪ ç í Jç* îá ƒp- çõ, Ç æ ô (part of the day) çü, the  öàd, ü E çüá- æ púø 'in' úøû ç. é - -ñ Òü l 8éÀ Á ü - - -ûª çc The college starts at 8 in the morning. é ñ üµ u æ«oç È çúõç-öàéà Å - Ú-ûª çc. The college closes at 2 in the afternoon a) In the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon i) My mother gets up at 5 in the morning Å t Öü ߪ ç Å CçöÀéÀ Ææ hçc. ii) I saw him in the park at 8 in the evening. ØË úõe E o ƒßª çvûªç áe-n -Cç-öÀéÀ -. í -Eéπ: English apple ü ü æ va æúø -èπ ØË Ωèπ, ƒ - uçí evening ÅØË Åçö«Ω. ü ü æ 9 Ωèπ evening ÅØË Åçö«ç. iii) She is very busy in the mornings. Òü l- - æ ô Ç Á èπ ÅÆæ BJ-èπ ç-úøü. iv) She is at leisure in the evenings ƒßª ç-vû Ç Á BJ-éπí Öçô çc. (leisure = ï measure apple su «í ' ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç) b) at noon: ÆæJí _ üµ u æ«oç 12 í çô noon. DEéÀ Åçõ noon èπ çü vûªç at noon, the ü. i) üµ u æ«oç 12èπ Ææ Ω uúø ØÁAh O ü Öçö«úø The Sun is exactly above our heads at noon. ii) üµ u æ«oç æøáoç-úõç-öàéà Åûª ߪ -öàéà Á «xúø He went out at 12 noon/at noon. c) In the night or at night - Ñ È ç-úõ-çöà apple àüájø Å - îª a. Å ûë, in ûª yûª the ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. She is very busy in the mornings i) Åûªúø va Ç -Ææuçí Evü - Ú-û úø He goes to bed late in the night/late at night. ii) va Åçûª-ÊÆ æ Ë Ô\E Öçúøôç éπ æ dç It's difficult to be awake/keep awake so late in the night/so late at night. iii) Åûªúø va î «Òü l- Ú-ߪ éπ ÉçöÀéÀ î aúø. He came home very late at night/in the night. ƒ - uçí in the night éπø o at night úø éπ áèπ \. d) in the day = æí -öà- æ ô. i) va-éπø o æí -öà- æ ô îªü - ôç Ë It is better to study in/ during the day than at night. (during = Ç u -Cµ apple) ii) We move about more during/ in the day than at night æí -öà- æ ô áèπ \ A Ω -í û ç va-éπçõ. iii) He worked day and night to educate his children ûª œ x- îªc-nç-îª-ö«-eéà vaç- - - Ÿx/ - -vûª- éπ æí - - éπ æe-îë-»úø. Ééπ\úø day and night çü à preposition úøç. e) At midnight = va 12 í çô- èπ. i) You can wake me up even at midnight if you want my help = Ø ƒßª ç éóææç üµ u- -vûª- Ø o æ- îª a. ii) The train arrive here at midnight Train Ééπ\-úÕéÀ va 12èπ Ææ hçc. The morning, the evening, the afternoon, the night çü in Ææ hçc; Å «Íí noon, mid day, night, mid night çü at Ææ hçc. Bhanu: You come here in the mornings; why? (Ééπ\-úÕéÀ Òü løëo áçü -éì- ƒh?) Ramana: You see me on my morning walk up to the river bank ( C äúø f ü é Òü l úõ-îë--ô æ púø ØË Fèπ éπe- œ- ƒh. Bhanu: But I didn't see you on the morning of Saturday. Ramana: Well, let me see; that is the 4th Feb, isn't it? That's right. On the morning of the 4th Feb I left for Guntur. So I didn't take the walk that morning. (Åçõ... Ç ÓV Ø íó ûëd éπü. éπè Íéd. Ø íó ûëc Öü ߪ ç ØË í çô Ω Á «x.) Bhanu: When did you return? (á æ púø AJ-íÌ-î a ) Ramana: I returned on the evening of the 5th (Å üó ûëd ƒßª çvûªç). The morning, the evening, the afternoon çü in Ææ hçc. Å ûë  j conversation apple «í æ «- - ÓV, æ «ûëc morning, afternoon, evening Å ûë on ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. 1) on the morning of the 4th 2) on the evening of the 5th 3) on the after noon of Sunday. We met him on a Sunday afternoon Ñ ÓV Öü ߪ ç, Ñ ÓV üµ u æ«oç, Ñ ÓV ƒßª çvûªç This morning, this afternoon, this evening. (today morning/ today afternoon, today evening Å ç). Ñ ÓV va = tonight (this night, today night Å ç) i) ØËF- ÓV va Nï-ߪ - úø Á ŸhØ o I am leaving for Vijayawada tonight 2) Programme Ñ ÓV Òü l Á ü - jçc The programme began this morning. (Today morning é ü.) 3) Ñ ÓV üµ u- æ«o Ë ØË -ûªeo éπ -Ææ -èπ Ø o I met him only this afternoon (Today afternoon é ü ) 4) Ñ ÓV ƒßª çvûªç Ôx- ƒh Ω They will come this evening (Today evening é ü ) Å «Íí, E o- va = last night, E o ƒßª çvûªç = last evening. (yesterday night, yesterday evening Å ç). That, this, every, last, next OöÀ applex à ÁjØ morning, evening, afternoon, night çü - Ω- -úõûë in, on ào-. 1) He came to me that morning (on ü ) 2) I sent it to him that afternoon (on ü ) 3) The doctor checks him up every morning (v æa- ÓV Öü ߪ ç doctor Åûª-úÕE æk-éà~- ƒhúø.) (on/in ü ) 4) He left for Bangalore that night (on ü ) 5) He goes out 9 every night and comes back at 11. (v æa- va ûìn t-cç-öàéà ߪ -öà-éà- ÁRx 11 í ç--ô- èπ AJ-íÌ- ƒhúø ) (In/ on/ at ào- ) 6) I wanted to meet him the next morning but I was busy. (On the next morning é ü )

34 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ÿ-véπ Ωç Ja 2006 Karthik: Kousik, have you seen Mallik? ( Lxé ?) Kousik: I haven't met him since the day before yesterday. Well, What's the matter? ( Á oöà ç* éπ - - ü. àçöà N æߪ ç?) Karthik: If you happen to see him, tell him to call me or meet me. I need to see him urgently. ( úõe y îª ÊÆh o éπ - ØÁjØ îá æ p. èπ çõ ÚØ Å Ø îëߪ -. úõe ØË ÁçôØË éπ - -Lq Å -Ææ Ωç ÖçC) Kousik: What is so urgent about it? (àçôçûª Å -Ææ Ωç?) Karthik: He has two books of mine with him. I need the books for my assignment. If I don't submit the assignment tomorrow, I lose marks. (Ø æ Ææh-é È çúø úõ ü í _ Ω Ø o. Ø assignment èπ ÅN Å -Ææ Ωç. Í æöà apple æ submit îëߪ -éπ- ÚûË, Ω \ Úû.) Kousik: Phone him or go to his place. ( úõéà phone Å Ø îá u, ü çõ Rxç-öÀéÀ Á Ÿ}) Karthik: I've called his home twice already. He is out. He will be back in an hour, his mother told me. I have to go home now urgently to take mother to hospital. If I do not go now, mother will be in trouble. (È çúø - ƒ Ω x ÚØ îë». úø ߪ -öà-èé- «xúø. í çôûª yûª AJT ƒh-úøe x t îá œpçc. ØËEç-öÀéÀ ûªy Ωí Á «xl. Å t hospital èπ BÆæ -Èé- x-ú -EéÀ. É æ púø ØË Á x-éπ- ÚûË Å t É sçc æúø -ûª çc.) Kousik: If see him I'll definitely tell him about the books. ( úõe îª ÊÆh books N æߪ ç îá ƒh) Karthik: If you go to his place, you can see him. ( y úõç-öàéà - Á- Ïh úõe y éπ - í - ) Kousik: If I go now, how can I meet him? He will be back only an hour later. (É æ púø Á Ïh á «éπ - -í - úø í çô- ÊÆ- æöà ûª yûë éπü AJ-íÌ- ƒhúø ) Karthik: That's what I mean too. If you wait for another 45 minutes, and go to his place, you will find him. If he sends me the books, I shall be happy. (ØË -ØËD ÅüË. ÉçéÓ ƒp í çô îª Æœ, úõç-öà-èé- «x- çõ úõe éπ -Ææ -éó- îª a. úø books æç œêæh Ø èπ ÆæçûÓ æç) Kousik: Don't you worry. You will get them. ( «üµ - æ-úøèπ Fèπ æ Ææh-é Åçü -û ) Look at the following expressions from the conversation above. 1) If you happen to see him 2) If I don't submit it tomorrow 3) If I do not go now 4) If I see him 5) If I go to his place 6) If I go now 7) If he sends me the books  j expressions ÅFo èπÿú groups of words ( ô èπÿ Ω p ) éπü.  j groups of words v æa öà applex verb Öçúøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. 1) If you happen to see him -Ééπ\úø verb, happen (To see = to+1st Regular doing word- DEo infinitive Åçö«ç. ÉC verb é ü. í Ω hçc éπü ) Å Ωnç, Åûª-úÕE y îª ÊÆh. (If - Å - -ôx- ûë). 2) If I don't submit it tomorrow - verb, do submit (= submit) = Í æ ØË submit îëߪ -éπ- ÚûË. 3) If I do not go now - Verb, do go (=go) É æ púø ØË Á x-éπ- ÚûË. 4) If I see him - verb, see = ØË Åûª-úÕE îª ÊÆh/éπLÊÆh 5) If I go to his place - verb, go= ØË Rxç-öÀéÀ ÁRûË 6) If I go now - verb - go, É æ púø ØË Á Ïh 7) If he sends me the books- verb, sends - úø Ø èπ books æç œûë IMP: É «çöà verb Ö o group of words clause Åçö«ç. (ÉC î «êuç. í Ω hç-îª - éóçúõ. Ééπ\úÕ ç* ç clauses ûó deal îëææ hçö«ç) So a CLAUSE is a group of words with a verb. Some more examples of clauses (Clauses J-éÌEo Öü - æ«- Ω-ù ) 1) Though she likes music (verb - likes, though - Å - - æp-öàéã) 2) When he was here (verb- was) 3) He knows that... (verb- knows) 4) After he had done it.. (verb - had done) É «verb Ö o group of words ÅEoç-öÀE clauses Åçö«ç. É «ç conversation (at the beginning of this lesson) appleç* BÆœ clauses æj-q-lü lç. 1) Ñ Clauses ÅFo èπÿú if ûó begin Å -ûª -Ø o éπü É «if ûó begin ÅßË u clauses, if clauses Åçö«ç. 2) If Åçõ 'Å - -ôx- ûë ÅE Å Ωnç éπü. 3)  j ç îª Æœ 7 clauses èπÿú if clauses. If clauses á æ púø æ Ω-ûª ûál-ߪ -ñ - ƒh. Åçõ Condition. 1) If you happen to see him - y úõe îª úøôç ïj-tûë Tell him to call me - Ø èπ Phone îë-ߪ - -E îá æ p -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 124 7) If he sends me the books - æ Ææh-é úø Ø èπ æç œûë, I shall be happy - ØË ÆæçûÓ- æ- æú h 7) apple îª úøçúõ. ØË ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ-úë-üá- æ púø If he sends me the books, Åçõ úø æ Ææh-é æç œûë é öàd Ø ÆæçûÓ- ƒ-eéà æ Ωûª (condition) úø æ Ææh-é æç æôç. If clauses á æ púø É «çöà conditions ûá - æ -û. É «conditions ûálê clauses conditional clauses Åçö«ç. Á ü öà conversation applee clauses (1) to (7) ÅFo èπÿú conditional clauses. Ééπ\úÕ conditional clauses ÅFo èπÿú 'if' ûó begin Å -ûª - Ø o éπü. conditional clauses, if ûóøë é èπ çú, éìeo Éûª Ω ô- -ûó v ƒ Ωç µºç é îª a. a) Unless he pays the money, I will not give him the book ( úø úø s îálxêæh ûª æp, ØË úõéà æ Ææhéπç É y. Unless - Å ûë ûª æp, Unless you study well = y «í îªc-nûë ûª æp... conditional clause b) Before you pay the money, you cannot get admission (úø s îálxç-îª-éπ- çü Fèπ v æ Ë ç ü. úø s îálxç-îª-éπ- çü úø s îálxç-îª-èπ çõ Before you pay the money - conditional clause) c) You come here, - only after you get the permission (Permission - Å - A ÒçC ûª yûë Ø ü í _- Ωèπ. Å - A ÒçC ûª y-ûªøë Only after you get the permission - conditional clause) d) You get the books when you pay the money (úø s îálxç-*- - æ púë Fèπ æ Ææh-é - Ô- ƒh. úø s îálxç-*- - æ púø when you pay the money - conditional clause) É «çöà Ë - Ø ÆæÍ, conditions ûálê clauses - conditional clauses. If I see him - Ñ conditional clause ØË -ûª-úõe éπlêæh Éçé éπ - - ü. éπ - L Åçõ ÉC future ( µºn- æuûª h) ûálê clause. Å ûë Éçü apple verb - 'see' future tense é ü. Present tense ÅØËC í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Åçõ àçöà? Conditional Clause Future ûálê üájø, Åçü - applee verb future tense apple Öçúøü. Åçõ conditional clause apple shall/ will. If you happen to see him Vidur: Hi Sasir, Ç æ Ææhéπç áéπ\úø éìø o y? ØË î «shops ÁA-é. Ø èπ üì Ω-éπ- ü. Sasir: ØËEC Books 'n Books apple éìø o. Åéπ\úø èπÿú áèπ \ copies. ÁçôØË ÁRûË éì - í -. Vidur: y Ø èπ Å œpêæh ÁçôØË Á «h. ØËEç-öÀéÀ ÁR} úø s ûáîª a-éì-øë-ææ-jéà Ç Ææuç Å Ìyîª a. Sasir: ØË úøgsîëa çü äéπ N æߪ ç îá æ p. -Ø ü í _- Ω oü çû Rs. 200/-. y ƒßª çvûªç AJ--TîËa-ôx- ûë É æ púø FéÀ ƒh. Vidur: Book éì -èπ \E ÉçöÀéÀ Á x-í ØË, Ø o- -ÅúÕT BÆæ -éì*a FéÀ ƒh. Sasir: æ Ææhéπç éìøë-ô- æ púø, ü çûó ƒô ÉîËa gift coupon Ja- Úèπ. Vidur: Gift Coupon BÆæ -éó-éπ ÚûË à - -ûª çc? Sasir: y gift coupon BÆæ -èπ çõ ûª æp Fèπ II Part of the book ü free í. Vidur: Thank you. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING ALOUD IN ENGLISH Sasir: ÉCíÓ úø s. ûªy Ωí Á Ÿx. Ny- æ púø Á x-éπ- ÚûË, Fèπ æ Ææhéπç üì Ω-éπ\- Ú- îª a. Vidur: Bye. ANSWER Vidur: Hi Sasir, where did you buy the book? I have searched/ enquired at a number of shops, but I could not get/ find it. Sasir: I bought it at Books 'n Books. There aren't (are not) many copies either. If you go now/ at once/ immediately you can buy it. Vidur: If you lend me the money, I will buy it. If I go home now, get the money and go, it might be too late. (By the time I go home, take the money and go to the shop, it might be too late) S} îá æ hø oç. conditional clause, future N æ-ߪ Eo îá œpø èπÿú, Åçü apple verb future tense Öçúøü. Åçõ conditional clause apple shall/ will.  j îá œp «çöà conditions apple present tense verbs vûª Ë ƒh. a) Doctor E o æk-éà~ç-* ûª yûª çü -L- ƒhúø The doctor will give you medicines, after he examines you (will examine ü ) b) ÉçöÀéÀ ÁR} ûª yûª Nv»çA BÆæ -èπ ç-ö«= I will take rest after I go home (I will go home é ü ) c) úõ-éàc ûálêæh ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ-úø-û úø If he knows this, (if he will know this é ü ), he will be happy. d) Ø èπ prize ÊÆh, ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ-úø-û = If I get the prize (If I will get the prize é ü éπü?) I shall be glad. Imp: Ñ will/ shall éπ- Ú- ôç conditional clauses Íé, sentences apple N í û clauses èπ Jhç-îªü. Sasir: Before I give/ lend you the money, let me tell you one thing. All the money I have is Rs.200/- If you (can) return it by the evening, I will give it to you. Vidur: As soon as I buy the book, I will go home, take the money from dad and repay you. Sasir: When you buy the book, don't forget to take/ collect the gift coupon. Vidur: What happens if I don't take the gift coupon? Sasir: Unless you take the gift coupon, you cannot get the II part of the book free. Vidur: Thank you. Sasir: Here is the money. Hurry up. If you don't go now/ unless you go now, you may not get the book. Vidur: Bye.

35 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -Ç-C Ωç Ja 2006 Neeraj: Shall we start? Unless we start now, we Suraj: cannot reach college on time. ( ç ߪ - -üë- Ω-ü? É æ púø ߪ - - üë-jûëûª æp college éà time èπ îë Ω -éó ç) Have you taken the money? Before you pay the fees they won't allow you to attend classes. (úø s BÆæ -èπ -Ø o? úø s îálxç-îª-éπ- çü E o classes èπ Á x-f-ߪ Ω ) Neeraj: I have the money ready. (úø s ready) Suraj: Have you all your certificates? They will grant you admission after they check up your certificates. (certificates ÅFo ÖØ oߪ? F certificates ÅFo æj-q-lç-* ûª y-ûªøë Ÿx admission É ƒh Ω ) Neeraj: The certificates are all ready, but I have yet to fill in some columns in the application. Suraj: (certificates Æœü l ç. é F application apple éìeo columns é çñ ï size apple z «í, Éçé æ Jh îëߪ Lq ÖçC) They will accept the application after you fill it completely. ( y æ Jhí Eç œ ûª yûë F application BÆæ -èπ ç-ö«ω ) Neeraj: I will complete it if you help me. ( y ƒßª ç-îëêæh æ Jh-îË ƒh) Suraj: Fill it yourself. If I go on helping you, your dependence on me will increase. You will never be independent. ( Ëy fill îá u. ØË Fèπ ƒßª ç-îëææ h Öçõ, Ø O ü Çüµ - Ω- æ-úøôç áèπ \- - -ûª çc. y Ææyûªç-vûªçí Öçúø-.) go on doing something = äéπ æe îëææ h Öçúøôç = continue Neeraj: I may make mistake if I do it on my Suraj: -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 125 own. That's my fear. ( Òçûªçí îëêæh ûª æ p îëßá îª a ØË, ÅüË Ø µºßª ç) Don't worry. Complete the application and show it to me. Hurry up. (àç æ Ω- - ü. Application æ Jh-îËÆœ Ø èπ îª œçîª. ûªy Ωí é F) In the last lesson, ç conditional clauses í Jç* ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc 1) A group of words with a verb is a clause. (Verb Ö o ô èπÿ Ω p clause) 2) A clause stating a condition is a CONDI- TIONAL CLAUSE: æ Ω-ûª ûálê clause, conditional clause. 3) Conditional clauses begin with if, unless, before, after, when, where, provided, etc. (Conditional clauses  j ô- ûó v ƒ Ωç- Gµç-îª- îª a) Provided = if = Å ûë I will pay the advance provided you begin the work y æe v ƒ Ωç-Gµ-ÊÆhØË ØË advance É ƒh. If, unless Ææç çüµ ç If = unless... not; unless = if... not Åçõ if Ö o clause, unless clause í Ωa- îª a; á «? If Ö o sentence apple not  öàd. eg. a) If you work hard, you will pass (éπ æ d- æúõ îªc-nûë, y ƒææ- -û ) b) Unless you work hard, you will not pass ( y éπ æ d- æúõ îªc-nûë ûª æp, pass é ) a) apple if clause Ö o sentence apple not ü. b) apple ÅüË Å Ωnç, unless clause Ö o sentence not x ÚhçC éπü? Å «Íí unless clause Ö o sentence apple not éπ- ÚûË, ÅüË Å Ωnç îëa-ô xí if clause Ö o sentence apple not omit îëæœ îá Òpîª a. a) Unless we start now, we cannot catch the train = ç É æ púø ߪ - -üë-jûë ûª æp train Åçü -éó ç. b) If we start now we can catch the train ç É æ úø ߪ - -üë-jûë, train Åçü -éó-í ç. É «çöà if, sentences if, unless äéπ-ü Eo äéπ-öàí Ja practice îëߪ çúõ. 4) Conditional clauses apple shall/ will. (Åçõ future tense Öçúø-ü conditional clause future ûá - æ -ûª - o- æp-öàéã.) ÉO conditional clauses í Jç* ç last lesson apple ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc. Very Important: Main clause: Å Ωnç æ Ωh- clause. Subordinate clause = Å Ωnç æ Jh-é E clause, Conditional clause. Éçûª- - Ωèπ ç îª Æœ- - Fo subordinate clauses éπü? áçü -éπçõ öàéà Å Ωnç complete é -ü é - -öàd. If he comes - úø ÊÆh - (conditional clause) Å Ωnç æ Ωh- - ü. é öàd ÉC subordinate clause. Look at the following sentences from the conversation above: i) Unless we start now, we cannot reach college on time. Éçü apple áeo clauses ÖØ o? í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ. äéπ sentence apple the number of clauses = The number of verbs in it. Åçõ sentence apple áeo verbs Öçõ ÅEo clauses. In the sentence above, there are two verbs. 1) Start 2) Can reach. So there are two clauses. 1) Unless we start now = ç É æ úø ߪ - - üë-jûë é E - conditional clause, so subordinate clause. 2) We cannot reach college = ç college îë Ω -éó ç Ñ clause èπ meaning æ Ωh- çc éπü. é öàd ÉC main clause. ii) Before you pay the fees, they won't allow (will not allow) you to attend classes. Here again, there are two verbs = pay, will allow. é öàd Ñ sentences apple èπÿú two clauses Öçö«. (to attend - infinitive; verb é ü ) I Clause: Before you pay the fees = Fees îálxç-îë- çü ; Å Ωnç æ Jh-é - ü, é öàd ÉC subordinate clause. II Clause: They will not allow you to attend classes = E o classes èπ E- y Ω DEéÀ Å Ωnç æ Ωh- çc, é öàd ÉC main clause. Exercise 1 Now, Á ü öà conversation applee éàçc sentences apple main clauses, subordinate clauses í Jhç-îªçúÕ. 1) They will grant you admission after they check up your certificates. 2) They will accept the application after you fill it completely. 3) I will complete it if you help me. If you work hard, you will pass 4) If I go on helping you, your dependence on me will increase. 5) I may make mistakes if I do it on my own. Answer: Main clause (complete meaning) 1. They will grant you admission. verb, will grant.( Ÿx Fèπ admission É ƒh Ω ). 2. They will accept the application. verb - will accept. ( Ÿx application BÆæ -èπ ç-ö«ω ). 3. I will complete it. verb - will complete. (ØË æ Jh îë ƒh ). 4. your dependence on me increases. verb - increase; (Ø O ü Çüµ - Ω- æ-úøôç áèπ \- - -ûª çc). 5. I may make mistakes. verb - may make. (ØË ûª æ p îëߪ - îª a). í -Eéπ:  j *a subordinates ÅFo conditional clauses. Éûª Ω Ωé subordinates clauses èπÿú î - «ÖØ o. äíé clause ÖçúË sentences èπÿú Öçö«. I saw him yesterday. This sentence has only one verb - saw. So it is a sentence with just one clause, and it is the main clause and it is the sentence. Éûª Ω Ωé subordinate clauses éàçc sentences apple îª úøçúõ: Sub clause (incomplete meaning) after they checkup your certificates... Verb - checkup (F certificates æj-q-lç-* ûª yûª..) after you fill it completely... Verb - fill ( æ Jh îëæœ ûª yûª..) if you help me... verb - help ( y Ææ æ ߪ ç îëêæh...) If I go on helping you... verb - go (helping - Íé- - ç 'ing' from - verb é ü ) (Fèπ ƒßª ç- îëææ h Öçõ...) If I do it on my own... verb - do. (-Ø -Åçûªô ØË îëêæh...) 1) He was an LIC agent when I last met him. Ééπ\úø Subordinate clause - when I last met him. Åûª-úÕ-E ØË * -Jí éπ -Ææ -èπ - o- æ púø... (meaning not complete). He was an LIC agent. Åûª LIC agent í ÖØ oúø. Main clause (complete meaning) 2) I know where he is hiding. subordinate clause - where he is hiding Åûª-ØÁ-éπ\úø ü éì\e ÖØ oúó, (incomplete meaning) Main clause - I know Ø èπ ûá Ææ complete meaning. Exercise 2 PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING IN ENGLISH Sriram: y Kumar - -*- -Jí -á æ púø ? Raghu: äéπ Ωç éàç-ü -ô. Sriram: úë- Ø o o éπ- Ææ -èπ ç-ö«- E îá ƒpú? Raghu: È çvúó-v Ü applex Öçúø- E îá ƒpúø.åçûª-éπçõ ÉçÍéç îá æp- ü. Sriram: úø ûªy Ωí ƒh-úøe Ç-PÆæ hø o. Raghu: àçöà -Ææç-í A? Sriram: film hero ü í _-JéÀ BÆæ Èé- -û - -Ø o-úø. Ë ç Éü l Ωç Çߪ fans í ü? Raghu: ü E-éπçûª ûìçü -Í çöà? Sriram: next month ç* Çߪ busy, É æ púø éπ - - -éπ- ÚûË ûª yûª Çߪ Eo éπ - ç. Answer: Sriram: When did you see Kumar last? Raghu: A week ago. (a week back é ü ) Sriram: Did he tell you (that) he would meet me? Raghu: He just told me (that) he would be out of town for 2 days. He didn't tell me anything more. Sriram: I hope (that) he will come soon. Raghu: What's the matter? Sriram: He said (that) he would take me to our hero. We two are his fans, you know. Raghu: What's the hurry? Sriram: He will be busy from next month. If we can't (can not) see him now, we cannot see him afterwards. -v æ- o: Not only did He... But also... subject èπ çü verb ÊÆh v æ o Å -ûª çc éπü? Ø u - ælx  çôߪ u, ÅL-ߪ - «ü -ï- - : Sentence not only «çöà öàûó v ƒ Ωç-GµÊÆh, question é éπ- Ú- Ø verb çü Ω L. a) Not only did he insult me, but also hit me. b) Not once has he helped me. äéπ- ƒj èπÿú úø Ø èπ ƒßª ç îëߪ - ü.

36 II Ðû è[ª-- ªÙÞœüŒî ô Ù 14 «Ja 2006 Prabodh: Hi Subodh, (do) you know where pretext = ví çµúâdq çµ ûë Ú \-í -õª-úûªê Ù = þ ÚÛª we can get good mangoes? put on weight = ñô ª-îµ-ÚÛ\è[Ù/ ö è[ù (ï óઠú ªò˺ëÅÂ! ªÙ# «Nªè í üœ x Subodh: Tell your wife that you are not a diabetie. Let her know that eating ÓÚÛ\è[ ë ô ª-ÚÛª-ê ó ª êµõªþ?) Subodh: Where else? At rythu bazaar. mangoes within limits wouldn't Every one says that the quality is harm you. good, and the prices moderate. (ìª ±y ªëÅ]ª-î ª-ï -î ucå íˆè -êÿª-è N Ú E (ÏÙ Ú-ÚÛ\è[? ôjêÿª ñâ ôáx. û éuêÿ ò ÞœªÙåªÙë]E, ëå]ô õª ú ô -ú ÙÞ ÑÙæ óÿªe ví A- í Ùè[ªx Aìè[Ù õx ví «-ë]î ªOª ö ë]e Oª ÎNè[êÁ àµí ±p. í J-Nª-êŸÙÞ «Nªè î üœ x ÍÙæ ô ª.) àµí ±p). else = ÏÙÚÛ (Ô ÏêŸô Íû Íô nùêá). Diabetie = a person suffering from diabetes/sugar complaint where else = ÏÙ Ú-ÚÛ\è[ who else = ÏÙ Ú- ô ª? harm = ï E when else = ÏÙ Ú-í ±pè[ª He thinks he is great. Prabodh: I keep telling her that but she how else = ÏÙ Ú-N-ëÅ]ÙÞ / ÏÙ Úö?) d) ÍêŸè[ª ÑëÁuޜ٠ú ªhÙ-ë]E ÎPÙ-àŸ-è[Ù-ö ë]ª. doesn't listen. Prabodh: How about Sakala Supermarket? He does not hope (that) he will get the job. (û ìª àµñªêÿ«û ÑÙæ. Ú F Î Nìë]ª.) ÍìªÚÛªû o.. ( ªJ ú ÚÛõ ú «í ôâ «ô\æëºx?) e) ÍêŸ-è Ú «þ óÿªù Ú î õe î ªÙ Íìª-ÚÁ- è[ù ÎPÙ#û.. Íìª «EÙ#û..! Subodh: Wish you a sweet time with the ö ë]ª. Subodh: The quality may be good there, but the prices are prohibitive. I am sure (that) it is not the place if you want reasonable prices. Why? What's the matter? (ÍÚÛ\è[ í Ùè[x û éuêÿ ò ÞœªÙ-è àÿªa Ú F ëå]ô õª «vêÿù ªìÙ òå JÙ-àŸ-ö -EN. ú ôjì ëå]ô õª Ú î -õùç ÍC ú ôjì àáåª-ú -ë]e ÚÛ#a-êŸÙÞ àµí p-þœ-õìª.) prohibitive = (ëå]ô õª) Íè[ªf-ÚÛªû. prohibitive = Ú ì-è -EÚ Íè[ªfí -è ÙêŸ ëå]ô õª. Prabodh: Perhaps you are right. I expect some guests tomorrow. I thought (that) I would serve them mangoes. (ÍóŸ³uÙ-è àÿªa. ôí ± «ÏÙæ Ú ÍAëÇ]ªõª þ h-ô -ìª-úûªùåªû o. î üœxúûª «Nªè í Ùè[ªx šíè[ë - ªE Íìª-ÚÛªû o.) Subodh: Go ahead. They will know that you are a good host. (Ú F ªJ. ìª ±y ªÙ# ÎAëÇ]uÙ Ïà a-î è - E êµõª-ú ª-ÚÛªÙ-æ ô ª.) host = ÎAëÇ]uÙ Ïà a-î è[ª Prabodh: It just gives me a pretext to enjoy mangoes. Otherwise my wife wouldn't let me. She fears that I may put on weight if I eat mangoes. (û ìª «Nªè í üœ x Aû Ù-ë]ªÚÛª ÍA-ëÇ]ªõª ÖÚÛ þ ÚÛª «vêÿî ª. ö ÚÛ-ð¼ê «ÎNè[ ììªo «Nªè í üœ x Aì-F-óŸªë]ª. û ìª ö îµj-ð¼-ê -ìe ÎNè[ òå óÿªù.) mangoes. Bye. (ìª ±y AóŸªuæ «Nª-è í Ùè[ªx Aû -õe ÚÁô ª-ÚÛªÙ-åªû o. òµj) Ïí pæ ìªù# Ú ú h advanced level conversation practice à ë lù. â vþœ-êÿhþ follow Í Ùè. Last lesson öëº the things we have learnt. A clause is a group of words with a verb. A main clause has complete meaning. A subordinate clause doesn't have complete meaning. The number of clauses in a sentence = The number of verbs in it. That êá begin Íó ªu clauses- that clauses. Ïö Ùæ that clauses öëºthat ÚÛª meaning ÍE ÍE. Conversation öëº ÓÚÛª\ î è clauses öëº that clause ÖÚÛæ ÍE Íô nù Í ±-êÿ«û ÑÙC ÚÛë. ÖÚÛ- ôëá Íö / Ïö ÍE àµñªê ô ª/ àµð p-ô ª/àµñªêŸªû oô ª ÍE ªìÙ Íìo-í ±pè[ö x, ÖÚÛô ª/ û ìª/ î ª ³ etc. Íö / Ïö ÍE Íìª-ÚÛªû o, ÎPÙ-#û, Íìª- «-EÙ-#û, êµl-ú û, ªìÙ î è -LqÙC that clause «vêÿî ª ÚÛë. a) ÍêŸè[ª þ hè[ª ÍE, û ÚÛª êµõªú ª. I know that he will come. ÏÚÛ\è[ àÿ«è[ùè. î è[ª- -þ hè[ª = he will come î è[ª þ h-è[e =that he will come. û ÚÛª êµõªú ª =I know. b) «Nªè í Ùè[ª Î-Ú -ù d- ªE ÍÙæ˺ÙC. «Nªè í Ùè[ª Î-Ú -ù dù/-î Ïù d-í -è[ª-êáùc. She likes the mango. «Nªè í Ùè[ª Î Ïù d-í -è[ª-êáù-ë]e that she likes the mango. ÍÙæ˺ÙC = she says/ is saying. She says that she likes the mango. c) î è[-ìª-úûªù-æ è[ª î è[ª Þ í p ÍE. î è[ª-þ í p = he is great; î è[ª Þ í p ÍE = that he is great. He thinks that he is great. Íô³ê conversation öëº that C-ö -óÿª- àÿªa. He thinks that he is great. MAIN CLAUSE ÎÙÞœxòÅ ù é 126 We do not think (that) he needs our help. f) ìª ±y êµl-n-þœõ î è ìe Íìª-ÚÛªÙ-åª-û oî? Do you think (that) you are clever? Ïí ±pè[ª look at the table - subordinate clauses in the conversation at the beginning of the lesson- Oªô ª ç ñªöëàöëº Þœ ª-EÙà ÑÙæ ô ª. ÖÚÛ sentenceöëº ôùè[ª è[ª sub. clauses ÑÙè[è[Ù. Íö Þ main clauses Óûµjoû ÑÙè àÿªa. šíj sentences ÍEoÙ-æ öëº main clause ³Ùë]ª, subordinate clause êÿô yêÿ à aô³. Íö ô î õe rule ö ë]ª. ÔC ³Ùë]ª, ÔC îµì- Újû íæ ô yö ë]ª. Every body knows that he plays well. That he plays well, every body knows. ªìÙ daily conversation öëº ÖÚÛô ª ൠíp, Íìª- ÚÛªû, ÎPÙà, Îö˺-#Ùà, ÚÛ#a-êŸÙÞ ÑÙè (be sure) Spoken English ð êÿ î uþ õ ÚÁú Ù Ú xúâ à óÿªùè... SUBORDINATE CLAUSE 1) Do you know Where we can get good mangoes. (FÚÛª êµõªþ?) ( ªÙ# «Nªè í Ùèµx-ÚÛ\è[ ë ô ª-ÚÛª-ê óµ«?) 2) Every one says a) That the quality is good. (ví A-î üœšx ÍÙæ ô ª) (û éuêÿ ò ÞœªÙ-åª-ë]E) b) (that) the prices are moderate. (ëå]ô õª ú ô -ú ÙÞ ÑÙæ -óÿªe) 3) I am sure a) That is not the place. (û ÚÛª êµõªú ª) (ÍC ú ôjì àáåª Ú ë]e) b) if you want reasonable prices. (FÚÛª ú ôjì ëå]ô õª Ú î -õùç ) 4) I thought That I would serve them mangoes. (Íìª-ÚÛª-û oìª) (î üœxúûª «Nª-è í Ùè[ªx šíæ d-õe) 5) They will know That you are a good host. (î üœ x êµõª-ú ª-ÚÛªÙ-æ ô ª) (ìª ±y ò Þ ÎAëÇ]uÙ Ïà aî è E) 6) She fears That I may put on weight. (Î òå óÿªí è[ªêáùc) (û ìª ö - ±-ê -ìe) 7) Tell your wife That you are not a diabetie (Oª ÎNè[êÁ àµí ±p) (ìª ±y ªëÅ]ª-î ª-ï -î ucå íˆè -êÿª-è N Ú ë]e) 8) Let her know That eating mangoes within limits wouldn't harm you. (Îîµªìª Íô nù à ú ª-ÚÁE) (í J-Nª-êŸÙÞ «Nª-è -í Ùè[ªx AìåÙ ï E à óÿª-ë]e) URL: Nù -óÿ«õª Ïö / Íö ÍE ÍÙåªÙæ Ù ÚÛë. situation conversationöëº ÏC êÿô -àÿªþ ú ªhÙ-åªÙC. ÍÙë]ª-ÚÛE say, know, think, hope, expect, suspect, doubt, (be) sure, assure, admit, deny, allow, agree (ÏN Ú Eo. Ïö Ùæ N à ö Ñû oô³.)êá à a Main ClausesÚÛª That clauses join à óÿªè[ù practice à óÿªùè. Now practise the following in English: Vimal: ú ªÚÛª- «-ôâìª Ïî ü ªû o ÚÛõª-þ hî ìª ±y? Kamal: ÔÙ? ÓÙë]ªÚÛª? Vimal: î è êá àµí ±p, à a-î ô Ù «uàâ ÑÙë]E. Kamal: à a î ô Ù «uàâ ÑÙë]E ìª ±y î è êá àµí p-ö ë? Vimal: û ÚÛª Eìoû ê D êµl-ú ÙC. ôí æ ìªù# ªìÙ vð Ú dúã à óÿ«-õe ÚÛ«è àµí ±p. Kamal: î è Ú êµõª-ú E û ìªìª-úûªù-åªû o. Eìo ôùè[ª- è[ª þ ô ªx ë E ÞœªJÙà «æ x-è è[ª. ªìÙ ÞLà Í -Ú -ø õª ò Þ û Ñû o-óÿªe Íìª-ÚÛªÙ-åª-û oè[ª. Vimal: î è[ö ÍìªÚÁ è[ù û ÚÛª ú ÙêÁ-ù ÙÞ ÑÙC. û ìª ÚÛ«è ªìÙ Þõª-þ h- ªE Þœæ dþ ÎP-ú ªhû o. Kamal: ï ªÙê ú ª-óŸ«-EÚ ÒJÚ AJ-Þ -þ h-è[ùæ î? Vimal: î è[ª ô í à a-þ h-ìû oè[ª û êá. Kamal: î è[ª ÑÙç ªìÙ Þõª- ÚÛ#a-êŸÙÞ þ h ªìªÚÁ- àÿªa. þ h! Answer: Vimal: Are you meeting/ Will you meet Sukumar today? Kamal: Why? What's the matter? Vimal: Tell him (that) we have the match next week/ That the match is next week. Kamal: Have n't you (= Have you not) told him (that) the match is next week? Vimal: I knew the date, only yesterday you tell him too (that) we have to practise from tomorrow. Kamal: I think he knows the date. He referred to it/ talked about it two or three times yesterday. He thinks (that) we have good chances of winning. (refer = (ÏÚÛ\è[) ví þ h-nù-àÿè[ù) Vimal: I am glad (that) he thinks. I strongly hope too that we will win. Kamal: Do you say (that) Hemanth will return in time for the match? Vimal: He has told me (that) he will come back tomorrow itself. Kamal: If he is there we can be sure (that) we will win the match. Bye.

37 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü í Ω - Ωç Ja 2006 Brahmam: (Do) you know when the train arrives here? Vishnu: (Train Ééπ\-úÕ-Èé- æ púø Ææ hçüó ûá ƒ?) I do not know exactly when, but I am sure that it arrives between 8.30 and 9.00 in the morning. (éπ*a-ûªçí á æ púó ûál-ߪ ü, é E Òü l 8.30, 9.00 üµ u Ææ hç-ü -ØËC vûªç éπ*aûªç) Brahmam: That suits us fine then. Find out Vishnu: where Eswar is. Ask him whether he is coming with us or not. Tell him we have to reserve tickets. (ÅC èπ «í éπ Ωuç. Ñ y áéπ\- úø -Ø oúó îª úø. úø ûó Ææ h-ø oúó üó éπ éó\. ç tickets reserve îëææ -éó- - E îá æ p.) (I have) no idea how I can meet him. I called his home twice but there was no response. He hasn't/he doesn't have a cell phone. (Åûª-ØÁo «éπ -Ææ -éó- apple ûál-ߪ ôç ü. È çúø - ƒ Ω x x ÉçöÀéÀ phone îë», é E á Ω áûªh-ôç- ü. úõéà cell phone ü.) Brahmam: How can we know how many berths Vishnu: we have to reserve? Hi... I remember. He and his people are away in Eluru. They will be back tomorrow. (Ç... É æ púø í Ìh-*açC. Åûª, x Ÿx à Ω Á «x Ω. Í æ AJ-íÌ- ƒh Ω.) Brahmam: I now understand why he hasn't met us. ( úø - oç-ü èπ éπ -Ææ -éó- üó É æ púø Ø éπ Ωnç Å -ûóçc). I think I have his cell number in my Vishnu: pocket book. Let met see. (ÅûªE cell no. Ø pocket book apple Öçü - -éìçö«. îª úøf.) I am telling you he doesn't have a cell. ( úõéà cell ü E îá -ûª -Ø o éπü?) Brahmam: Then whose is this cell no. here? (Å ûë Ééπ\úø Ñ cell no. á -JC?) Vishnu: I do not know whose number it is, but I am sure he has no cell. (ÅC á J ç Ó Ø èπ ûál-ߪ ü, é E úõéà cell ü -ØËC vûªç éπ*aûªç) In our earlier lesson we have seen the uses of that clauses. There are some more subordinate clauses. öàe ç daily conversation apple frequent í úø -ûª çö«ç. Real life situations apple OöÀ úøéπç î «áèπ \ Ë. öàe main clauses ûó join îëæœ á «ú - -ØËC É æ púø îª ü lç: Let us look at the subordinate clauses in the conversation between Brahmam and Vishnu: 1. When the train arrives (Train á æ p-úì-ææ hçüó). 2. Where Eswar is (Eswar áéπ\-úø -Ø oúó.) 3. Whether he is coming or not (Åûª Ææ h-ø oúó üó). 4. How I can meet him (ØË -ûªeo á «éπ -Ææ -éó-í - ØÓ). 5. (that) We have to reserve tickets ( ç tickets reserve îëææ -éó- - E). 6. How many berths we have to reserve ( ç áeo berths reserve îëߪ apple). 7. Why he hasn't met us ( Lo áçü èπ éπ -Ææ -éó- üó). 8. (that) He doesn't have a cell ( úõéà cell ü E). 9. Whose number it is (ÅC á J ç Ó). 10. (that) he has no cell ( úõéà cell ü E). OöÀ applex subordinate clauses no. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 9 îª úøçúõ. É Fo 'Wh' words (When, Where, How, How many, Why and Whose)ûÓ begin Å -ûª -Ø o éπü? É Fo When, Where, How «çöà 'Wh' wordsûó begin Å - - æp-öàéã, questions é. Á ü öà lessons apple ØË Ω a-èπ - oc í Ω hç-c-éπü. Question Å ûë 'Wh' word ûª yûª verb çü, ûª yûª subject ƒh. Clauses No. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 9 apple 'Wh' word ûª yûª subject çü, verb ûª yû Ææ h-ø o. Åçü -éπe É Fo (sub + verb) form apple ÖçúË subordinate clauses. öà Å n èπÿú îª úøçúõ: questions «í ôç ü éπü. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 127 Look at the difference between 'wh' subordinate clauses and 'wh' questions. ÉD wh words ûó begin ÅßË u subordinate clause èπÿ, wh word ûó begin ÅßË u Question èπÿ ÖçúË ûëú. Ñ ûëú ûál-ߪ -èπ çú ö«x-úõûë èπ English ÆæJí ü - -èπ ç-ö«ω. õ x èπÿú. Ñ wh word subordinate clause main clause apple join îëêæh èπ sentence form Å -ûª çc. Éçé îª úøçúõ. a) úá-éπ\úø îªü - -ûª Ø oúó Ø èπ ûál-ߪ ü = I do not know where he studies. b) úáç-ü èπ time waste îë ƒhúó Ø éπ- Ωnç-é - -ôç- ü I do not understand why he wastes time c) úõéπçûª úø s á «ÚhçüÓ á -Jéà ûál-ߪ ü No body knows how he gets/ is getting all that money. d) úá- æ p-úì- ƒhúó èπ îá æpçúõ. Please tell us when he will come/ comes/ is coming. e) function á Ω v ƒ Ωç-Gµ- ƒh Ó xèπ ûál-ߪ ü = They do not know who will inaugurate the function. f) Åûª-EüËÜ Ó Åûª xèπ îá æp- ü = He hasn't told them where he is from. g) ÅC Ë Á «îëߪ apple èπ teacher explain îëߪ - ü = Our teacher hasn't explained to us how we should do have to do it. h) ÅC á -J applex á -Jéà ûál-ߪ ü Whose house it is no one knows. í -Eéπ: Ééπ\úø where, when ûó begin ÅßË u clauses conditional clauses é éπü Å Ëç condition ûá - æ-ôç- ü. Åçü -éπe will/ shall Ææçü - s Eo öàd úøû ç. É «çöà clauses O conversation apple «í practice îëߪ ôç î «êuç. É æ púø Ñ lesson beginning applee clauses E îª úøçúõ Whether he is coming or not = Åûª Ææ h-ø oúó üó.. ask him - ÅûªEo Åúø í. -éìéπ N æߪ ç Å ØÓ é üó Ææp æ dçí ûál-ߪ -éπ- ÚûË, Å æ púø whether é F, if é F úøû ç. if Åçõ Ééπ\úø conditional clause if (Å ûë ÅØË Å Ωnç) é ü. a) Åûª Á «xúó üó Ç Á èπ ûál-ߪ ü = She does not know whether/ if he has gone or not. b) Ç Á fees éπöàdçüó üó èπ ûál-ߪ ü We do not know whether/ if she has paid the fees (or not) c) Chief Guest ÅÆæ î aú ü ÅØËC á Ω îá æp- -èπ çú ÖØ o Ω = No one is able to say whether/ if the Chief guest has arrived (or not) d) ÅC êk-üáj- ü, îª -Èéj- ü ÅØËC Fèπ ûá ƒ? Do you know whether/ if it is expensive or cheap? ÉC whether/ if ú -Lq B Ω. ÉC èπÿú real life situations apple èπ conversation apple î «Å -Ææ Ωç éπü. Practice îëߪ çúõ. Ééπ lesson beginning applee conversation apple clauses 5, 8 and 10 that clauses. öà í Jç* Éçûª-èπ - çüë ûá -Ææ -èπ -Ø oç-í ü. EXERCISE: NOW PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING IN ENGLISH. Vani: Hi Durga, Lakshmi áéπ\-úõéà ÁR}çüÓ ûá ƒ? Durga: ûª ûó Fèπ Å -Ææ- Ω- Ë çöapple îá æ p, çü. Vani: ûª ç* Ø èπ úø s Å -Ææ- Ω- E îá ƒp éπü? Durga: Ç Á ü í _ Ω úø sçüó üó ûá ƒ Fèπ? Whether he is coming or not Subordinate Clause (With Wh words) 1)... when the train arrives (train á æ p-úì- Ææ hçüó... sub clause No. 1) Not a question. 2)... Where Eswar is- (Ñ y áéπ\-úø -Ø oúó subordinate clause No. 2) - not a question. 3)... How I can meet him- (Åûª-ØÁo «éπ - Ææ -éó-í - ØÓ) subordinate clause No. 4 4)... how many berths we have to reserve ( ç áeo berths reserve îëߪ apple) subordinate clause no.6 5) Why he hasn't met us éπ -Ææ -éó- üó) Subordinate Clause No.7 ( - oç-ü èπ 6) Whose number it is (ÅC á J ç Ó) Subordinate clause No. 9. Question (With Wh words) 1) When does the train arrive? (Train á æ p-úì-ææ hçc?) question 2) Where is Eswar? (Ñ y áéπ\-úø - Ø oúø?) question 3) How can I meet him? (ØË -ûªeo á «éπ -Ææ -éó-í -?) question 4)... how many berths have we to reserve ( ç áeo berths reserve îëߪ L?)- Question 5) Why hasn't he met us? ( - oç-ü èπ éπ -Ææ -éó- ü?)- Question 6) Whose number is it? (ÅC á J number? - Question Vani: éà~ t ü í _ Ω úø s éπ- ÚûË ÉçÈé- -Jü -í _- Ω ç-ô çc? Ëyç ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø o Ó Fèπ ûál-ߪ -ôç- ü. Durga: Ç Á ü í _ Ω úø sç-úìîª a. é F FéÀ-Ææ hçüó üó FÈé «ûá Ææ? Vani: ØË ûª E éπ -Ææ -èπ - o- æ púø E o Å -èπ çö«é ƒh- E promise îëæœçc. Durga: FÈéçûª é apple îá ƒp Ç Á èπ? Vani: Féà N - - Fo áçü éó ØË ûá -Ææ -éó- î a? Durga: Sorry. Ø èπ áéπ\úõéà ÁR}çD ûál-ߪ ü. áéπ\-úø çüó ûál-ߪ ü. á æ p-úõç-öàéà Ææ hçüó ûál-ߪ ü. Vani: Durga: OK. ANSWER: ûª AJ-íÌÊÆh Ø èπ îá ƒh? Vani: Hi Durga, (Do) you know where Lakshmi has gone? Durga: Tell me first why do you need her? Vani: I've told you that I need money from her. Durga: Do you know whether/ if she has money or not? Vani: If Lakshmi doesn't have/ has no money, who else has? You do not understand what you are talking. Durga: She may have money, but how do you know/ how are you sure whether she will give it to you or not? Vani: When I met her- I think it was yesterday, she promised to give it. Durga: Did you tell her how much you need? Vani: May I know why you need all these details? Durga: Sorry. I do not know where she has gone, where she is and when she will return home/ will be back home. Vani: Will you let me know when she returns? Durga: OK

38 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -E- Ωç Ja 2006 Sridhar: Who do I see here? Giridhar! what a surprise! (I have) been thinking you are still in Dubai. What brings you here so suddenly? (á Ω? TJ-üµ Ç a- Ωuçí ÖçüË! Nyçé ü «-ß apple ÖØ o - -èπ çô Ø o. Ö oô xçúõ É «ÜúÕ æ-úø-ö«-eéà é Ω-ù- Ë çöà?) Giridhar: Because dad wanted me here urgently for my sisters wedding engagement. Though he wanted me yesterday morning itself, I could be here only last night. I tried my best, but I could not get the ticket for the earlier flight. ( sister EPa-û - n-eéà Ø o o ÁçôØË Ω t-ø oúø. Çߪ o E o Òü løëo Ééπ\-úø ç-úø- - o- æp-öàéà, E o vaéà vûª Ë Ééπ\-úø ç-úø-í -L-í. Åçûªèπ çü flight èπ áçûª v æߪ -Aoç- *Ø ticket üì Ω-éπ- ü. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 128 í -Eéπ: Because dad wanted... engagement - ÉC sentence é ü éπü, clause vûª Ë conversation apple Éô - çöà clause úø- îª a, writing apple because ûó clause begin îëæœ, main clause èπ çú úøç. Wedding engagement =  Rx -E-Pa-û - Ωnç/- û ç- - «æ îª a-éó- ôç. flight = N ç. ( æéà~ áí - Ωôç èπÿú ) Sridhar: When is the engagement? (Engagement á æ púø?) Giridhar: The day after tomorrow. Dad has none to help him, so he asked me here urgently. (á xçúõ Ø oèπ Ææ æ ߪ ç îëߪ -ú -EéÀ á Ω Ω, Åçü -éπe Eo-éπ\-úÕéÀ ÁçôØË Ω t-ø o Ω ) Sridhar: Happy to hear that she is getting engaged. Congrats to her. But why this hurry? O sister EPa-û Ωnç ï Ω -í -ûª - oç-ü èπ î «ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçC. Ç Á èπ Ø Ÿ µ«- é ç-éπ~. Å ûë Éçûª æ«ú -N-úËçöÀ?) And you haven't told me who the bride groom is, what he is, where he is from, and whether he is in India or abroad ( Rx-éÌ-úø -Èé- Ó, àç îëææ hç-ö«úó, à Ü Ó, India apple Öçö«ú, NüË-» applex Öçö«ú y Éçûª- - ΩÍéç îá æp- ü ) Giridhar: O you are too impatient. It is not even minutes since we met, you shoot question after question. Will you let me talk? (Fèπ ã Ω p- ü. ç éπ -Ææ -èπ E EN - ƒ- - Ø Å - ü. v æ o Áçô v æ o -èπ -J- œç-îë-ææ h-ø o. o ö«x-úø- E- ƒh?) Sridhar: Ok, Go ahead. (ÆæÍ...é F) Giridhar: You and I have known him since our College days. He was our junior at college by two years. He is Eswar. He is a software man in the US. As he has to be back in the states by the month end, he is in a hurry. Sridhar: It is Eswar. Is it? A good choice. A nice young man. Giridhar: Since my sister too a B.Tech, he hasn't demanded any dowry. yet the marriage is going to cost us a lot, as they want the marriage to be a grand affair, ( sister èπÿú B.Tech é öàd, éπôoç àç Åúø-í - ü. é E  RxéÀ èπ «í ØË ê Ωa- - apple-ûª çc, Ÿx  Rx æ çí îëߪ - -Ø o Ω é öàd) A Grand affair = íì æp N æ-ߪ ç/- æ çí ïjíí N æߪ ç. Affair: ÅÊ Å Ê ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç = N æߪ ç. Sridhar: When is the marriage? Giridhar: The 17th this month. only 12 days left. (Ñ ØÁ ÓV N T- -Ø o ) Last Lesson apple wh words ûó Á ü - ßË u subordinate clause ç éπü. Éûª- Ω - Ω-é subordinate clauses É æ púø îª ü lç. Study the following subordinate clauses from the conversation above: 1) Because dad wanted me here urgently 2) Though he wanted me here yesterday itself. 3) What he is, where he is from and whether he is in India or abroad (ÉN úø clauses; Á ü öà È çúø wh subordinate clauses, * -JC whether clause. OöÀE í Jç* last lesson apple ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü ) 4) since we met 5) as he has to be back in the states by the month end. 6) since my sister too is a B.Tech 7) as they want the marriage to be a grand affair. Ñ subordinate clauses ÅFo èπÿú daily real life situation apple Å -Ææ- Ω Ë éπü. ÉN ï Ω-í ôç x, Åü «Å - æp-öàéà, æ «N æ-ߪ ç/-ææç- æ - ô ïjt æpöà ç*, Åü «Å Ø èπÿú É «çöà µ«ûó Ö o Ñ clauses ç Eûªuç conversation apple ú -Lq æj-æœn--ûª áøóo. Åçü -éπe practice them well and fill your conversation with ideas. Look at the clauses No 1, 5, 6 and 7 Observe that they begin with because, as, and since. É «çöà clauses - Åçõ, because/ as/ since clauses apple because = as = since = Å - ç-ü - x. Clause 1: Because dad wanted me here urgently Ø o o urgentí Ééπ\úø é - - oç-ü - x. Clause 5: as he has to be back in the states by the month end. Åûª states (America) apple ØÁ «-ê- Ω éà AJT Öçú -Lq- ç-ü - x Clause 6: Since my sister too is a B.Tech sister èπÿú B.Tech é öàd. Clause 7: as they want the marriage to be a grand affair Ÿx  Rx æ çí ï Ω- ƒ- -Ø o Ω é öàd. O Ω í -EçîË Öçö«Ω. É Fo é Ω-ù«ûÁLÊ clauses éπü. Oô-Eoç-öÀE, because/ as/ since ûó ËöÀ-ûÓØÁjØ v ƒ Ωç-Gµç-îª- îª a. Oô-EoöÀ Å Ωnç Å - ç-ü - - x/-áç-ü -îë-ûª- ç-õ /-é - öàd ÅE. 1) áçúøí Öçúøôç x ߪ öàéà Á } ü. I haven't gone out because it is hot (as it is hot/ since it is hot) 2) As he did not start on time, he missed the bus Time èπ ߪ - l- Ω- ü é öàd bus Åçü -éó- ü. (Ééπ\úø, as ü, because/ since úø- îª a) 3) Since/ as/ because he knows English well he is successful Although Ganguly scored a century... English «í ûá Ææ é öàd, Åûª Nïߪ ç Òçü -ûª -Ø oúø. Now look at clause 2: Though he wanted me here yesterday itself E o ØËEéπ\úø Öçú - E Çߪ Å -èπ - o- æp-öàéã. Though = although = even though Å - - æpöàéã, ÉC èπÿú conversation apple common. a) Åûªúø Ç -Ææuçí æúø -èπ - o- æp-öàéã ûªy Ωí Evü - - ƒhúø Though/ although/ even though he goes to bed late, he gets up early. b) Åûªúø æ- Ω -Èí-Ah- - æp-öàéã, bus Åçü -éó- -éπ- Ú-ߪ úø Though he ran, he could not catch the bus. c) Although/ though/ even though Ganguly scored a century, his team lost the match í çí M century éìöàd- - æp-öàéã, Çߪ team ãúõ- Ú- çc. Look at clause no. 4 now. Since we met - Ñ since èπ Å Ωnç as/ because ÅE é ü. Ééπ\úø since èπ Å Ωnç, í ûªç apple ã Ææç æ - ô ïj-t- - æpöà ç*, í ûªç apple æ «Ø time ç* ÅE. Since we met = ç éπ -Ææ -èπ - o- æpöà ç* a) If not even minute since we met (Giridhar Å ôç) ç éπ -Ææ -èπ - o- æp-öà- ç*/ éπ -Ææ -èπ E EN - ƒ- Ø o Å - ü. b) Since India became independent 58 years have passed µ«ω-ûª-üë-»-eéà ƒyûªçvûªuç *a 58 à Ÿx í úõ-î. c) Hi Arun, it is ages since we met ( æ -éπ-jç æ ô) ç éπ -Ææ -èπ - o- æp-öàoç*/ éπ -Ææ -èπ E ߪ í (ages) Åߪ u. d) Since the time he came here, he has been troubling me úõ-éπ\úõéà *a- - æpöà ç< Ø èπ É sçc éπlt-ææ h- Ø oúø. Å ûë since Åçõ because/ as Å ΩnçûÓ èπÿú úøôç x confusion Öçô çc é öàd, since (Å æpöà ç* ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ) ever since ÅE èπÿú Åçö«Ω. Since/ Ever since he came here, he has been good to me. ÉO because/ as/ since clauses, since clauses í Jç-* N æߪ ç. Practice them thoroughly. PRACTICE THE FOLLOWING IN ENGLISH Vasanth: àçöà y E o ü? Hemanth: - E v æߪ -Aoç-*- - æpöàéã -éπ- Úߪ. -ߪ u- Ÿx Ææ hç-úøôç x ÉçöapplexØË ÖçúÕ- Ú- Lq *açc. Vasanth: Phone îëæœ ôç ü E îá æp- üëç? Hemanth: ØË îë», é F Áy-ûªh- ü. Áyç-ü èπ îëߪ - ü? Vasanth: Ø cell out of order Å - ç-ü - x îëߪ - -éπ- Úߪ. E o Òü l éàçü æúõ- - æpöà ç* ÅC ÆæJí æe îëߪ -õ xü. Hemanth: Land phone ç* áçü èπ îëߪ - ü? Vasanth: Ë ç bill îálxç-îª- ç-ü - x ÅC disconnect Å çc. Hemanth: Öü ߪ ç ƒ üóâæ A o- æp-öàoç*, Ø èπ ûª hí ÖçC. ÉçöÀ-ÈéRx Evü - Úû. Bye. ANSWER Vasanth: Why didn't you come yesterday? Hemanth: Though I tried to come, I could not (come). I had to be/ to stay at home since / as/ because my uncle was coming. Vasanth: Why didn't you phone me (that) you were not coming? Hemanth: I called you, but you didn't respond. Why didn't you phone? Vasanth: Because/ as/ since my phone is out of order. Ever since/ since it fell down yesterday morning it hasn't been working well. Hemanth: Why didn't you phone from/ use your land phone? Vasanth: As/ since/ because we had not paid the bill they disconnected it. Hemanth: Since/ Ever since I ate masala dosa in the morning I've been drowsy. I'd go home and sleep. Bye. v æ o: 1) -O Ω -äéπ Lesson apple The Wife and husband have a good understanding for each other ÅØ o Ω. é F grammatical í Man and Wife ÅØ -L-éπü! 2) ô apple * Ω Yours faithfully ÅE ƒhç-éπü! DE Å Ωnç N JçîªçúÕ. ÁØ o *-ôd- «s, é éà-ø úø -ï- - : 1) Husband and wife/ wife and husband Å ôç, accepted usage - Éçü apple ûªê pç ü. Man and wife èπÿú correct, Å ûë -É-C éìçîáç formal. áèπ \ úø -éπ apple Ö oc husband and wife. 2) Yours faithfully; Ñ expression, formal letters Ê Ω ûó é èπ çú, (Dear) Sir/ Madam ÅE Ææç apple- CµçîË î - «formal letters apple Tç- æ í úøû ç éπü. DEéÀ ƒûª Ω æç: I am/ I remain. Your faithful servant xxx. v æñ«- ƒy u v æ µ«ç x, servant ÅØËC Ú, faithfully yours, O N»yÆæ ƒvûª -úáj / O èπ ÅEo N æ-ߪ (faithful) Ö o-ü - o-ô xí ûá p-èπ ç-ô o O úø ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ ÖçúËC. É æ úø faithfully yours, yours faithfully í JçC. éìçûª çc faithfully yours úø -ûª ç-ö«ω. Ééπ\úø faithfully Å ôç Æœ N Eï Ë ÅE ûá-lê ç-ü èπ.

39 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- Ú- Ωç Ja 2006 Shantan: Hi Vineet, Sunil was here yesterday. He suggested we see a movie but dropped the idea. He suddenly remembered he had to take his Vineet: mother to temple. (Ææ F E o Ééπ\úø ÖØ oúø. ç ÆœE- -Èé- «l- -Ø oúø é F -Ç Ç apple-îª -èπ - Ø oúø. }- t í úõéà BÂÆ\- «x- E úõéà Ö o-ô dçúõ í Ìh-*açC) Though I wanted to see you both, I could not come. My bike had troubled, so I took it to the mechanic. He took an hour to repair it. (E o N tlo éπ -Ææ -éó èπ Ø o é F -éπ- Ú-ߪ. Ø jé èπ -àüó Ææ- Ææu *açc.åçü -éπe - Á é -Eé ü í _- Ωèπ BÆæ Èé- «x. -JÊ -îë-ߪ -ú --EéÀ -Å-ûª-úø í çô Ææ- -ߪ ç BÆæ -èπ -Ø oúø ) Shantan: How much did it cost you? (áçûª- çc) Vineet: He billed me Rs.200/- But I offered him only Rs. 150/-. He accepted it. ( úø Ω.200 ÅúÕ-í úø /È çúìç-ü Ω ƒ-ߪ G Ë»úø. ØË ô ߪ µ j Éî a. BÆæ \-Ø oúø ) Shantan: These mechanics are smart guys. They demand more than What is right because we bargain for less. (O Ÿx î «ûál- Áj- - Ÿx. ÆæÈ j ü E-éπçõ áèπ \- -úø -í -û Ω. ç á «í ûªèπ \- èπ Ωç îë ƒhç é öàd) Smart = ûál-- Áj / ç* ôd- ûó îªéπ\í éπe- œçîë bargain = «í Ø = - Ωç/ Ωç îëߪ ôç Vineet: That's true, but my mechanic is n't that type. (éπè Íéd. é -F - Á é -Eé Å «ç-öà- úø é ü ) Shantan: Every one thinks so about their mechanics (v æa úø ûª Á é -Eé í -Jç-* Å «Íí Å -èπ ç-ö«úø ) Vineet: OK. Will Sunil be coming here today? (ÆæÍ. Ææ F Ñ ƒhú ) Shantan: He hasn't even called me since he left me yesterday. I don't know if he will come. As I am going back to College tomorrow, how about a Vineet: movie this evening? (E o ØÌo-CL ÁRx æpöà ç* Ø èπ - Ú-Ø èπÿú îëߪ -- ü. úì- ƒhúó üó ûámü. Í æ ØË é - --ñ èπ ÁR} Úûª -Ø o é öàd Ñ ƒßª çvûªç ÆœE- -Èé- «l?) That's a good idea. When are you starting for your Engineering College in Anantapur? ( «í ØË ÖçC. Å ç-ûª- æ - apple-e Engineering College Èé æ p-úá- Ÿh-Ø o ) Shantan: Tomorrow After noon (Í æ - --üµ u æ«oç - Á-- Ÿ-ûª -Ø o- ) Vineet: Let's call Sunil then (Sunil èπ Ú---Ø îëü lç) Shantan: Let's go to his place - Vineet: ( úõç-öà-èé «lç) OK ç É æp-öà- - Ω π ûá -Ææ - π o Subordinate Clauses. 1) That clauses (He says that he saw you yesterday) (ÅE ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ) 2) Wh clauses (á æ púø ïjtçüó, à - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o Ó, Á ü - j ô çöà Å ΩnçûÓ), He has agreed to what I have said. 3) Whether / if clauses (Å Ø /é ü ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ) I don't know whether/ if he has come ( úì-î aúó üó Ø èπ ûámü ) 4) Because/ as/ since clauses (Åçü - x/é öàd ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ) As the book is expensive, I cannot buy it. ( æ Ææhéπç êk-üáj C Å ôç x ØË éì - ) 5) though/although/even though clauses Though it is raining he has gone out ( Ω{ç èπ Ω -Ææ h- o- æp-öàéã, ߪ -öà-èé- «xúø ) 6) Since / ever since clauses (Å æpöà ç* ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ) Ever since he came here, he has had health problems (Ééπ\-úÕéÀ *a- - æpöà ç--< úø èπ «- ƒí úø ) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 129 É Fo í Ω h-ø oß éπü. OöÀE Ææçü - s Eo öàdstraight í main clause ûó join îëêæh O conversation î ««í ç-ô çc. Practise îëߪ çúõ. Now look at the following clauses from the conversation at the beginning of this lesson. 1)... but (he) dropped the idea. (Ç Ç apple-îª N Ω-N ç-îª -èπ -Ø oúø ) 2)... So I took it to the mechanic. 3)... but I offered him only Rs )... because we bargain for less. 5)... but my mechanic isn't that type. 6)... Since he left me yesterday. 7) As I am going back to college tomorrow. ( 4, 6, 7 èπ ûál-æœ clauses éπü. Clause No.4 é Ω-ù«Eo ûá pc. clause No. 6 æ «Ø Ææç æ -ô ç* ÅE îáê pc. Clause No. 7 èπÿú é Ω-ù«Eo ûá p-c É æ púø look at Clause NO but (he) dropped the idea Ñ Clause apple µ«í çí Ö o- - é u-eo æ-j-q-l-ü lç He suggested that we see a movie but dropped the idea. DØÓx but BÊÆÆœ though úø- îª a éπü. (áçü - éπçõ though (Å - - æp-öàéã), but È ç-úõç-öà Å Ωnç äéπõ Å - - æp-öàéã, sentence structure Ω - ûª çc) Though / Although / Even though he suggested the movie he dropped the idea. Though / Although / Even though He is weak, he works hard (or) He is Weak, but works hard. ( - «çí ÖØ o éπ æ d- æúõ æe-îë- ƒhúø.) Though he is rich, he is not proud (or) He is rich, but he is not proud (Å-ûª-úø -üµ - - ç-ûª -úáj - æpöàéã, Åûª---úÕéÀ í Ωyç- - -ü ) Clause No.3 apple èπÿú but ü though / although / even though ûó practice îëߪ çúõ. Clause No.2,... so, I took it to the mechanic Ñ clause apple µ«í çí Ö o- - é u-eo æ-j-q-l-ü lç My bike had trouble, so, I took it to the mechanic. Ééπ\úø 'so ü because / as / since úø- îª a éπü. Because / Since / as my bike had trouble I took it to the mechanic. My bike had trouble. So I took it to the mechanic. Clauses 4, 7 apple èπÿú as / since / because ü so úõ îª ü l? Clause 4: They demand what is more than right because we bargain for less. We bargain for less, so they demand what is more than right. Clause 7: As I am going back to College tomorrow. Ñ clause apple µ«í çí Ö o- - é u-eo æ-j-q-l-ü lç... As I am going... tomorrow, how about a movie this evening? I am going back to college tomorrow, So how about a movie tonight. É «Though / Although / Even though Let's go to his place... Sailesh: Ω Ë ˇ, ØË «í ØË ÆœØ æ-kéπ~- applex Ø èπ Ω \- ÆæJí -üëçöà? Ramesh: F -îë-a ûª «í ç-úøéπ Ú úøç xøë Fèπ - Ω \- ÆæJí -ôç- ü. Sailesh: ØË Ææ \- apple -ñ«-ø Å - - æpöà ç* Ø -îë-a -ûª É «Íí ÖçöappleçC. Ææ \- apple Ø èπ Ω \- «í ØË î a. J é -- -ñ - apple -ôç- -üëçöà? Ramesh: y - éπa Ω qûó ã ƒj ö«x-úø-èπÿ-úøü? Sailesh: Ç æe îë ƒh. - u--ü q - éπa Ω q éπ -Ææ -éó- - E v æߪ -Aoç-î E o, é F Çߪ üì Ω-éπ- ü. Ramesh: Çߪ tuitionsûó á æ púø busy. Åçü - éπe Çߪ o éπ -Ææ -éó- ôç éπ æ dç. Sailesh: Çߪ Answer books AJT É*a- - æpöà ç* Çߪ o éπ -Ææ -éó- - E v æߪ - PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING Aoç-*Ø èπ ü - Ω-ôç ü. Ramesh: Don't worry. Çߪ - çûª busy Å - - æpöàéã, Çߪ Eo éπ -Ææ -éó-í Ω_ç Fèπ îá ƒh. Clauses But Clause, But Clauses Though Clause í Ωa- îª a. Å «Íí, Because / As / Since Clauses 'So' Clauses,So Clause Because Clause í Ωa- îª a éπü. O Ω í -EçîË Öçö«Ω. Though Clause But Clause í Í a-ô- æ púø though E clause -èπ but  úøû ç. Because / as / since clauses, so clause í Í a-ô- æ púø because / as /since E clause çü so Ææ hçc. Though she is beautiful, she is not proud (or) She is beautiful but she is not proud (-Ç- Á -Åç--ü çí -Ö- o æp-öàéã -Ç- Á èπ í Ωyç - --ü ) (Though, but Ö o Clause í -Eç-îªçúÕ.) Because She is good, every one likes her (or) She is good, so every one likes her. (-Ç- Á - ç-* - uéàh é - -öàd -Åç-ü Ω - Ç- Á - -Å-Gµ- -E ƒh Ω ) Sailesh: Thank you Answers: Sailesh: Ramesh, I did well in the exam. But I got low marks. Why? Ramesh: You are not getting good marks because your hand writing is bad. Sailesh: My handwriting has been like this since I joined School.. But I got/used to get good marks at school. How is it I don't get such marks in College? Ramesh: Why don't you talk to the lecturers once? Sailesh: I will do that. I tried to meet the Maths Lecturer Yesterday. But he was not available. Ramesh: He is always busy with tuitions. So it is difficult to meet him. Sailesh: Ever since he returned our answer books, I have been trying to meet him, but could not. Ramesh: Don't worry. Though he is busy, I will tell you a way to meet him. Sailesh: Thank you. (In the sentence above, change but into although/though/even though, and as/since/because into so, and vice versa.

40 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -üµ Ωç Ja 2006 Anand: Before you start, check up your luggage. ( ߪ - lí çü ƒ ÆæJ-îª -Ææ éó) Achyut: I will do that after I complete packing. (ØË C Ææ Ω l-éó- úøç æ Ωh- ûª yûª îë ƒh) Anand: OK, then, I am leaving. I will collect from the shop on my way those books you need. I will be at the station twenty minutes before the train arrives. I will have the lunch packed for you at the station. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 130 (ØË Á ŸhØ o. ü J apple Fé \- -Lq æ Ææhé Shop apple BÆæ -èπ çö«. Train -ú -EéÀ É Ω Áj EN - ƒ çü Station éì ƒh. Fèπ lunch èπÿú pack îë ƒh. Achyut: Thank you. Call me as soon as you reach the station. I think by then I shall be on my way to the station. My packing is almost complete. I will be starting in ten minutes. Anand: You must hurry for there isn't much time left? (ûªy Ωí ûá - «L y. time áèπ \ ü ) Achyut: Bye. See you at the station ( ƒh. ÊÆd æø apple éπ -Ææ -èπ çü ç) Anand: Bye É æp-öà- - Ωèπ ç ûá -Ææ -èπ o subordinate clauses, öà Ææy µ«ç èπ x æhçí... 1) That clause : 'ÅE ÅE ûál-ê C 2) 'Wh' clause: What, When, Where, Who, Whom, Which, Why and how ûó v ƒ Ωç- µº- -ßË un ã uéàh, Ææç æ -ô í Jç-* N - ûál-ê N. 3) Whether/ If clauses - Å ØÓ, é üó ÅØË ÆæçüË- æ Eo, v æ»o- Ωn-é Eo ûál-ê N. 4) Because/ as/ since clauses - é Ω-ù«clauses- OöÀE so clauses í Ωa- îª a. 5) Though / although / even though clauses- Å - - æp-öàéã ÅØË Å Ωnç ûálê clauses - OöÀE but, yet, still clauses í Ωa- îª a. (But = yet = still = é F/ Å - - æp-öàéã) 6) Since ( æ «Ææ ߪ ç/ Ææç æ -ô ç* ÅE ûálê clauses. Since ü ever since úø- îª a. from the time ÅE èπÿú úø- îª a. É Ëé èπ çú Åçûª-èπ - çü ûá -Ææ -èπ o conditional clauses. (if/ unless/ before etc. ûó v ƒ Ωç- µº Á i will/ shall úø-en) Now look at the following clauses used in the conversation at the beginning of this lesson. 1) Before you start 2) after I complete packing 3)... before the train arrives 4)... as soon as you reach the station 5)... by then I shall be on my way to the station 6)... for there isn't much time left. Take clauses 1, 2 and 3. Ñ úø èπÿú before, after ûó Á ü - - -ûª -Ø o éπü. OöÀE before, after clauses Åçü ç. É ËçöÃ? äéπöà time èπÿ, Ææç æ -ô èπÿ, çü, Á é ïjíí öàe ûá - æ -û. Ñ N æߪ ç O èπ ûá -Ææ høë ÖçC éπü. 1) Before you start - y ߪ lí çü 2) After I complete packing Ææ Ω l-éó- ôç æ Ωh-ߪ uéπ 3)... before the train arrives train îëa çü ÉN ç conversation apple ûª Ωîª úë clauses éπü. a) India was under British before it became independent ƒyûªçvûªuç Òçü -éπ- çü µ«ωû vgöà ˇ ƒ - apple ÖçC. As soon as he saw the police.. b) ØË station èπ ÁRx ûª yûª train *açc The train arrived after I (had) reached the station c) Ω{ç ÇT ûª yûª Ÿx Çô Sx Á ü  ö«d Ω They resumed the game after the rain (had) stopped (resumed - Sx v ƒ Ωç-Gµç-î Ω ) d) úø Ééπ\-úÕéÀ éπ- çü úõíéç Job ü He had no job/ He was jobless before he came here. e) O Í ç îëêæ- Ω. Lecturer é éπ- çü? (Åçõ àç ÖüÓu-í - E) What were you, before you became a lecturer? What were you (í ûªç apple) O ÖüÓuí ç àn öà? ÉO before, after clauses. Ñ before, after clauses î «ñ«ví ûªhí practice îëߪ çúõ. 4) As soon as clauses DE Å Ωnç ÁçôØË ÅE. a) Call me as soon as you reach the station station îëj ÁçôØË/ îë Ω-í ØË Ø èπ Phone îá u. b) úø í ØË ç v ƒ Ωç-Gµü lç We will begin as soon as he comes. c) Çߪ class èπ í ØË ƒ Ωç Á ü  úø-û úø. Ü œj a-èπ ØË Ææ ߪ ç èπÿú É yúø He begins the lesson as soon as he enters class; he doesn't give us even the time to breathe. (even = Åçü èπ èπÿú ) d) As soon as he saw the police, he ran away ÚMÆæ îª úø-í ØË Åûª ƒj- Ú-ߪ úø. 5) By then I shall be on my way to the station Ç ƒ-öàéà / Ç Ææ -ߪ -EéÀ / Å æp-öàéà ØË station èπ Á Ïx-ü -J apple Öçö«. a) By then he had finished his lunch Å æp-öàéà Åûªúø lunch æ Jh-îË-»-úø /- A-ØË-»úø. b) By then he had gone Ç Ææ -ߪ -EéÀ Åûªúø ÁRx- Ú-ߪ úø. c) for clause: Ééπ\úø for èπ Å Ωnç Åçü - x, é öàd ÅE because/ since/ as «í. You must hurry for there isn't much time left time áèπ \ ç-ü - x y ûªy Ω- æ-ú L. a) He can play well for he is tall Åûª Òúø í _ Öçúøôç x «í Çúøí - úø. b) Let's stand in the shade of the tree for it is very hot here Ééπ\úø «í áçúøí Ö oç-ü - x ç îáô d Fúø E açü ç. c) I need water for I am thirsty Ø èπ ü æ«çí ÖçC é öàd F Ÿx é L. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING Eswar: Hi Govind, y ߪ - l-í - çü Sriram - -à Ø o éπ -Ææ -èπ -Ø o? Govind: ü. ØË ßª - lj ûª yûª úø Ø èπ ÚØ îë»úø. Eswar: úõe ØË ÁçôØË éπ - L, úõ ç* Ø èπ éìçûª Ææ -î Ωç urgent í é L. Govind: úõ-éπ\-úõíé Ææ hø o Ø oúø é F á æ p-úì- ƒhúó îá æp- ü. Eswar: Sekhar èπÿú Ééπ\-úÕ-éÌ-Ææ h-ø oúø. úø îëa- çüë ØË Sriram ûó ö«x-ú L. Govind: Ïê, X ç éπçõ çü ÊÆh ØË -ûªeo ߪ -ôèπ BÆæ -Èé- «h. Å æ púø y X çûó ö«x-úø- îª a. Eswar: Fèπÿ ûál-n-ûë-ô- -Ø o, Åçü èπ Á îª aèπ ç-ô Ø o. Govind: F friendship x Ø éã ûál-n-ûë-ô î a. ANSWER Eswar: Hi Govind, did you meet Sriram before you started? Govind: No. He called me after I (had) started. Eswar: I have to meet him. I need some information urgently from him. Govind: He told me (that) he would be coming here, but when exactly, he did not say. Eswar: Sekhar too is coming here. I have to take to Sriram before Sekhar comes here. Govind: If Sekhar comes here before Sriram comes I will take him away. You can then talk to Sriram. Eswar: I appreciate you for you too are smart/ clever. Govind: That's because of my friendship with you. TENSE O Ω next lesson ÆæJí _ Ææ - µºçí Å Ωnç îëææ -èπ -ØËç-ü èπ éàçc table «í study îëæœ í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ. VERB FORMS PRESENT a) am, is, are I RDW a) have, has may b) am, is, are ûó II RDW îëa- Fo. do b) have ûó, has ûó îëa- Fo can does PAST a) was, were a) Past doing a) had might FUTURE b) was, were ûó word b) had ûó îëa- -Fo could îëa- Fo. b) did í a) Shall/ Will b) Shall/ Will ûó îëa- Fo I RDW = Ist Regular Doing Word (come, go, eat, etc) II RDW = IInd Regular Doing Word (comes, goes, eats, etc) Past Doing Word = came, ate, went, etc. Ñ Table apple îª œ verbs Ç tenses apple Öçö«. ÉC O Ω correct í í Ω hç-îª -èπ çõ ÅFo Ææ µºç. èπ çõ v æad confusing í Öçô çc.

41 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ÿ-véπ- Ωç Ja 2006 Sugandhi: I thought (that) you were not in town. ( y Ü applex - -èπ Ø o) Supushpa: True; I phoned you yesterday that we were going to our village, but we dropped the idea because we had relatives coming suddenly. (Eï Ë. E o Fèπ ÚØ îëæœ ô Ææh- Ë Ë ç ÜJéÀ Á Ÿh-Ø o- E, é F ØË-ߪ Lq *açc, sudden í îª ö«d ôç x). Sugandhi: In fact surekha was about to start for your place yesterday. I told her (that) you were away and she stopped. She said (that) she did not know about your plan to go to your village. (ÅÆæ E o Ææ Í ê O ÉçöÀÍé ߪ - l- JçC. O Ω ΩE ØË îágûë ÇT- Ú- çc. O Ω Ü Ω Á Ÿh o Ææçí A ûª èπÿ ûálߪ ü çc). Supushpa: We were sorry (that) we missed a few days of quiet at our village. (v æߪ ùç ÇT- Ú-ßË -Ææ-JéÀ, éìcl- Ó-V æ x-ô J v æ»ç-ûªûª éó applep-ߪ - E «üµ - æú fç.) (quiet = v æ»ç-ûªûª) Sugandhi: Why didn't you tell your relatives that you would be away? (O Ω ç-úø- ΩE O çüµ - - ûó áçü èπ îá æp- ü?) Supushpa: They were coming with an alliance for my elder sister. The boy is a bank officer. ( Ÿx Åéπ\-éÓÆæç Ææç çüµ ç BÆæ -éì- Ææ h-ø o Ω. Ç Å «s «uçé Ç -Ææ ) Alliance = Å -ߪ Ø q = (marriage alliance) =  Rx Ææç çüµ ç; political alliance = ï-éãߪ èπÿôn / Ææç çüµ ç. Eg: UPA (v æææ hûªç Íéçvü ç apple ÅCµ-é - Ωç apple Ö o èπÿôn ) = (United People's Alliance.) Sugandhi: Then of course you must welcome them. (Å «Å ûë x ƒyí -Aç-î -LqçüË) Supushpa: Father told them that he would talk to the boy's father and took their address. ( Ø o x address BÆæ -èπ E Å «s Ø oûó ö«x-úøû - -Ø o Ω ). Sugandhi: That's good news ( Ÿ µº- Ωh) a) am is are d) have, has a) was were d) had Last lesson * Ω É*a tense table í Ω hçc éπü. Ó- ƒj í Ω h îëææ -èπ çü ç. PRESENT TENSE b) am is are -ûócombinations II c) I RDW RDW e) have, has combinations PAST TENSE b) was were -ûócombinations e) had ûó combinations FUTURE TENSE shall, will forms --Å-Fo f) can could c) past doing word f) could would Main clause, subordinate clauses í Ω h-ø o éπü. (Main clause - meaning complete; subordinate clause - meaning incomplete). Now look at the clauses in the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. Subordinate clause Main clause 1. (that) you were not in town I thought ( y Ü applex- - E) (ØË - -èπ Ø o) 2. (that) We were going to I phoned you our village Fèπ phone ( Ë ç ÜÈ - Ÿh-Ø o- E) îë». 3. because we had relatives But we dropped coming. the idea. îª ö«d- Ô-Ææ h- oç-ü - x Ç Ç apple-îª -èπ Ø oç 4. (that) you were away I told her O Ω Ü applex ΩE ØË -Ç-- Á -ûó îá ƒp 5. (that) you would be Why didn't you away tell them? O Ω ç-úø- ΩE xûó áçü èπ îá æp- ü? 6. (that) he would talk Father told them to the boy's father Å «s ûªçvúõûó ö«x-úø-û - E Ø o- xûó ÅØ o Ω. É æ púø î «êu- Á i N æߪ ç:  j sentences apple Main Clause Verb, Subordinate Clause Verb í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Main Clause Verb past tense Å ûë, subordinate Clause Verb èπÿú past tense éπü. îª úøçúõ:  Ω éπü : In all the sentences above, the main clause verb is in the past tense, so the subordinate clause verb too is in the past tense. That is the rule we have to follow in conversation. If the main clause verb is in the past tense, the subordinate clause verb too must be in the past tense. 2) Main clause apple past tense verb ú - - -éóçúõ: Å æ púø subordinate clause apple will, shall, can, may èπ ü would, should, could, might Ω-Ææí ƒh. ÉC conversation apple ƒöàç-î - Lq Åç ç. I. a) Åûªúø Ω -Ææ-öÀ- ÓV ƒh- -Ø oúø He said (that) he would come the next day. DEo éàçü (b)ûó Ú açúõ: b) Åûª Í Ò- ƒh- ç-ô -Ø oúø He says (that) he will come tomorrow. II. a) Ôx- ƒh- ΩE Åûª-E-éÀ- æ púø ûá ƒ? Does he know (that) they will come -É æ p-úø (b)ûó Ú açúõ: b) Ôx- ƒh- ΩE Åûª-E-éÀç-ûª-èπ - çüë ûá ƒ? Did he know (that) they would come. III. a) y ÉçúÕߪ Èí - -í - -ü E Å -èπ ç-ô -Ø o? Do you think (that) India can win the match? éàçü (b) îª úøçúõ. b) y India Èí - -í - -í -ûª ç-ü - -èπ -Ø o? Did you think (that) India could win the match? IV. a) Åûªúø Ø èπ ƒßª çîëߪ -éπ- Ú- -îªae Å -èπ ç-ô Ø o I think (that) he may not help me. b) Åûªúø Ø èπ ƒßª ç îëߪ -éπ- Ú- -îªae Å -èπ Ø o. I thought (that) he might not help me. V. a) úø ƒ-âæj-ûë ØË ÆæçûÓ- œ- ƒh- ç-ô Ø o I say (that) I shall be happy if he passes b) úø ƒâæjûë ØË ÆæçûÓ- œ- ƒh- E ÅØ o I said (that) I should be happy if he passed.  Ω éπü? Main Clause apple said, knew, thought «çöà past tense verbs *a æ púø subordinate clause apple would, should, could, might ôç. Å «Íí Main clause verb past tense Ö o -îó-ô «x subordinate clause verb èπÿú past tense appleøë Öçô çc. I a) Ç Á *aç-ü E Åûª-úÕéÀ ûá Ææ (í ûªç apple) He knew (that) she had come. b) Ç Á *aç-ü E Åûª-úÕéÀ ûá Ææ É æ púø He knows (that) she has come. II a) Ç Á Åçü -í ûáh ÅE Å -éìç-öappleçc She thinks (that) she is beautiful b) Ç Á Åçü -í ûáh ÅE Å -éì-øëc (í ûªç apple) She thought (that) she was beautiful. III a) úõéã N æߪ ç ûá-l-ߪ ü E ÇPç-î = I hope (that) he doesn't know about it. b) úõéã N æߪ ç ûál-ߪ -ü E ÇPç-î. I hoped (that) he did not know about it. So, remember: If the main clause verb is in past tense, the subordinate clause verb is also in the past tense. Main clause verb present tenseí F future tenseí F Å ûë, subordinate clause (Å Ωnç îáúø-èπ çú ) à tense Å Ø ÖçúÌîª a. a) Åûªúø E o î a-úøe Ø èπ ûá Ææ = I know that he came yesterday b) O Ω E o éìûªh é Ω éìø o- ΩE Åûª- ç-ô -Ø oúø = He says that you bought a new car yesterday. c) E o y absent ÅE O Ø oûó îá ƒh I will tell your father that you were absent yesterday. îª úøçúõ a) apple, b) apple Main clause - present, subordinate clause - past c) apple Main clause - future, subordinate clause - past. ÉO ö«x-úë---ô æ púø í Ω hç-îª -éó- - -Æœ N æ-ߪ. practice öàd Å - -ô- -û. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING Ravikanth: Féπ Ωnç Å -ûóçü ÅûªØËç ÅØ oúó? Sreekanth: ûá -Ææ høë ÖçC. ûª E o Ééπ\-úÕéÀ -ü E -Å-ûª-úø -îá- ƒp-úø. Ravikanth: Å ûë y-øëc Åûª-E-éπ\úø E o ÖØ o-úøø? Sreekanth: Åûª-úÕ-E E o Ééπ\úø îª Æœ- -ô xí Ø èπ «í í Ω h. Ravikanth: ç Éûª- Ω - èπ èπÿú îá ƒhç. xèπÿ ûá -Ææ hçc Åûª E o Ééπ\úø ÖØ o-úøe. é E Åûª vûªç í çô éàçü ô ÅØ oúø ûªe-éπ\-úõéà -ü E. Sreekanth: O.K. Å ûë á Ω t-û Ω? He knows (that) she has come Main Clause Verb Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 Sentence 4 Sentence 5 Sentence 6 Thought - Past tense Phoned - Past tense dropped - Past tense told - Past tense did tell (told) - Past tense told - Past tense Sub Clause Verb were - past tense were going - past tense had - past tense were - past tense would be -Past (future from the past) would talk - Past (future from the past) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 131 ANSWER Ravikanth: Do you understand what he has said? Sreekanth: It is clear - he says that he did not come here yesterday. Ravikanth: (Do) you mean he was here yesterday. Sreekanth: I remember well that I saw him here yesterday. Ravikanth: Let us tell others too. They will know that he was here yesterday. But he told me an hour ago that he had not come here yesterday. Sreekanth: OK, but who will believe it? v æ o: 1. Ç Á èπ á Ω ûá Ææ? Ç Á á -JéÀ -ûá- Ææ?, -F- á J ü lèπ Á -û?, Ç Á F ü lèπ Ææ hçü?, -Ç- Á á J ü í _- Ωèπ Ææ hç-c?, Ç Á á J æéπ\ E- -îª çc?, Åûªúø E o áçü èπ Á x- -ü le ÅØ oúø? OöÀE ÉçTx- ˇ apple á «îá ƒpl? 2. I alone can do it. I can do it alone. Ñ È çöàéã üµ u ûëú àn öà? 3. She was tired with riding. She was tired of riding. ûëú ûá - æçúõ. - >. Ææ Ωu-ûËï, -îªç-vü - æ Ωç 1. Ç Á èπ á Ω ûá Ææ? = Who (whom) does she know? (whom É æ púø Åçûªí úøôç ü ). Ç Á á -JéÀ ûá Ææ = Who knows her? F á J ü lèπ Á «h? = Who do you go to?/ Who will you go to? (É «çöàîóôx èπÿú conversational English apple whom úøéπç ûªt_- Ú-ûÓçC). Does/ Will she come to you? (does - í / will future apple). Who does/ will she come to? Who did she stand by?/ Stand next to?/ Whose side did she stand by?/ Who did she stand beside? Why did he tell you not to go? 2. I alone can do it = ØË vûª Ë îëߪ -í -. (ÉçÈé- Ω îëߪ - Ω ) I can do it alone = ØË C äçô-jí (Éûª- Ω Ææ æ ߪ ç èπ çú ) îëߪ -í She was tired of riding, correct.

42 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -Ç-C Ωç Ja 2006 Madhav: Hi Mahesh, come in. Have a seat. I called your home twice yesterday, but you were out. ( èπÿ Óa, E o È çúø - ƒ Ω x O ÉçöÀéÀ ÚØ îë», y ) Mahesh: I was away at college to apply for my certificates. (Certificates èπ apply îëêæç-ü èπ é -ñ èπ Á «x.) Madhav: When are you going to get them. (á æ p-úì- ƒh?) Mahesh: The clerk told me that they would be ready in two days. (È çúø ÓV applex ready í ƒh îá ƒp Ω.) í Öçö«-ߪ E -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 132 Clerk - Pron. é xé (bird apple ' «) Madhav: And when is your interview? Éçô Ω yu á æ púø? Mahesh: On the 22nd. I received the call letter yesterday. (22. E oøë Call letter *açc. Call letter - Interview, exam «çöà öàéà îëa œ æ ) Madhav: I met Madhu yesterday. I told him about your interview. He knows about the company. He says it is a good company and pays its staff well. (E o Ø èπ üµ éπe œç-î úø. F Éçô Ω yu Ææçí A îá ƒp. Åûª-Eé éπçâ F í Jç* ûá Ææ. ÅC ç* Company ÅE, -L- ƒh- ΩE Åçö«úø ) Mahesh: Happy to hear that. Dad doesn't bother what pay I will get. He first wants me to join the company, as experience in the company will be of great value for my career. (ÆæçûÓ áçûªøë N æߪ ç Ø - o  ü lí æöàdç-îª -éó-- ôç- ü ). Ç Company apple experience ÅØËC Ø µºn- æu-ûª hèπ î «N - ÁjçC é öàd ü çöapplex ÖüÓuí ç ÊÆh î.) Madhav: You will certainly be lucky if you get the job. People do talk lot about the company. Wish you all luck. (Fé ÖüÓuí ç ÊÆh Åü %- æ d- ç-ûª -úõ Ë. Ç company íì æp-ü ØË Åçö«Ω.) Mahesh: Thank you. Any tips you wish to give me? (FNîËa Ææ - æ - /- Ææ -îª- (interview) èπ à Á iø ÖØ oߪ?) Madhav: Let's meet this evening, when I am at leisure ( ƒßª çvûªç éπ ü lç. Å æ púø Ø èπ BJéπ) Mahesh: Bye. In the last few lessons we have been discussing clauses. We have seen the following. 1. If the main clause verb is in the past tense, the subordinate clause verb should also be in the past. 2. If the main clause verb is in the present or the future tense, the subordinate clause verb can be in any tense. Last lesson apple  j rules ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü. Éçé ÉC èπÿú ç. Main clause verb past tense apple -Öçõ subordinate clause apple will, shall, can, may. öà- -ü Ω-Ææí would, should, could, might ƒh.  j points ÅFo conversation apple î «ñ«ví -ûªhí ƒöàç-î L. (É «í Ω hç-îª -èπ E practice îëæœ- -éìdl Å - -ô- - Ú v æߪ ûªoç èπ ç-ú ØË correct í ö«xúë ÆœnAéÀ îë Ω -èπ çö«ç) Look at the following sentence in the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. 1) I called your home twice yesterday, but you were out. (Called, were - È çúø past tense) 2) a) The clerk told me that they would be ready in 2 days. (Main clause apple told past tense éπü, é öàd sub-ordinate clause apple verbwould be) - sentence éàçc sentence ûó Ú açúõ. b) The clerk tells me that they will be ready in 2 days  b) apple main clause verb, tellspresent tense éπü Åçü -éπe sub clause apple verb will be a) Å Ωnç È çvúó-v- èπ ready Å -ûª ç-ü E clerk îá ƒpúø. ÉC past (í ûªç) b) Å Ωnç È çvúó-v- èπ ready Å -ûª ç-ü E clerk Åçô -Ø oúø ÉC É æ púø (present) 2) He says that it is a good company, and pays its staff well. Ééπ\úø main clause verb, says- present tenses, subordinate clause verbs, 1) is 2) pays. (Company ç*-ü F, Æœ «í É ƒh- ΩE Åçô -Ø oúø É æ púø present apple) 3) Dad doesn't bother about what pay I will get Main clause- Dad doesn't bother about. Verb does bother- present time, so subordinate clause - will get.  j sentence applee verb in the Main clause, past tenseèπ (Åçõ didn't bother ÅE a- - -éóçúõ) Å æ púø sentence à - -ûª çc? Dad didn't bother about what pay I would get. - didn't (main clause), would get - subordinate clause. Main clause verb past tense Å - - æ púø sub ordinate clause apple will, shall, can, may öàéà Ω í would, should, could, mightûó sentences practice îëߪ çúõ. Main clause verb past tense Å ûë, subordinate clause apple 1) am, is úøç, öà ü was úøû ç 2) are úøç, ü E ü were úøû ç 3) have, has úøç, öà ߪ had úøû ç 4) do, does úøç öà- -ü did úøû ç. a) E o úø-éπ\-úø -Ø o-úøe Ø èπ ûá Ææ I knew that he was there yesterday. b) Áy-éπ\-úø -Ø o Ó Ø Èé- Ω îá æp- ü No one told me where you were. c) She was proud that she had so much of gold (-ûª- èπ î «çí Ωç ÖçúË-ü E Ç Á í Ωy- æ-úëc) d) Åûªúø v æa- ÓV uߪ ç îëêæ- -úøe x-ø o Ω They said that he did exercise everyday. e) Ç ÓV ØË -éπ\-úø - oç-ü èπ úø ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ-úø- ü He was not happy that I was there yesterday. é öàd English ö«x-úë- æ púø ñ«ví -ûªhí í Ω h-  -ô d-éó- -Lq N æ-ߪ. Main clause verb past tense Å ûë, sub ordinate clause apple úø-en. will, shall, may, can, Ist RDW, IInd RDW, have, has, do and does. OöÀ ü úën: Would, should, might, could, past doing word, had and did. I called..., but you were out Main clause present tense, future tense apple Öçõ sub ordinate clause à tense apple Å Ø Öçúø- îª a Å Ωnç îáúø-èπ çú, Å n-eo- öàd. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING Subhash: Vinod, ØË éπ -èπ \ç-ö«. E o úõ-éπ\- úõéà î aú, ü ÅE. Vinod: Ø èπ éπ*aûªçí ûá Ææ. E o úõ-éπ\úø ÖØ o-úøe. Subhash: Å ûë ØÁoç-ü èπ éπ - - üó Ø èπ Å Ωnç a) He tells me that he sees her here everyday. - Main clause verb tells - present tense; Sub clause verb sees - present tense. Å Ωnç: Ç Á -E-éπ\úø v æa- ÓW îª ƒh- E Åçô -Ø oúø. b) He tells me that he saw her here yesterday Main Clause Verb - Tells- Present tense Subordinate clause Verb - Saw- past tense Å Ωnç: Ç Á -E-éπ\úø E o - E Åûª- ç-ô -Ø oúø.  Ω éπü. ç îá ƒp- - -èπ ØË N æ-ߪ Eo öàd MC (Main Clause) apple Present tense Öçõ, SC (Subordinate Clause) apple à tense Å Ø Öçúø- îª a. Å «Íí, future tense èπ èπÿú. I will tell him that you are present ( y î a- E Åûª-EûÓ îá ƒh. MC Verb - will tell - future tense, SC verb - are - present tense.) I will tell him that you were here yesterday ( y E o Ééπ\úø ÖØ o- E Åûª-EûÓ îá ƒh. MC Verb - will tell - future; SC Verb - were - past tense) É «Ñ úø-é Eo í Ω h  ô d-èπ E O conversation apple practice îëߪ çúõ. Vinod: é -ôç- ü. E o Ñ Óñapple Í Ú éπ -Ææ -èπ ç-ö«- E ÅØ oúø. Subhash: ØË Ωç éàçü õ ÅØ o úõûó. ƒßª çvûªç 5 7 üµ u ØÁo- æ p-úøø o éπ - Ææ -éó- -îªae. Vinod: E o éπ -Ææ -èπ ØË v æߪ -ûªoç- appleøë ÖØ o- E, FéÀ- y-lq æ Ææh-é É y- E v æߪ -Ao-Ææ h- oô x èπÿú îá ƒpúø Ø ûó. Subhash: Phone îëü l- çõ Ééπ\úø Åûª-EéÀ Phone ü. Vinod: ØË É æp-öàíé È çúø - ƒ Ω x îá ƒp- -ûª-úõûó y Åûª-úÕE éπ èπ ç-ô -Ø o- E. Subhash: Í æ- Ø éπ -Ææ -èπ ç-ö«-úøe ÇPü lç. v æ o: 1) Inurn - -á- «æ- é -L? 2) To be Form à tense apple Ö æ-ßá -Tç-î L? 3) As = want, As = intentioned ÅØË Å n çéπ- Ω-Ø - -ߪ ù úõéπ{- -K apple ÖØ o. I as apple ÅØÌî a? As E áeo Nüµ - í Ö æ-ßá -Tç-îª- îª a? Èé. ÅE- - π -, æçîª- - Ωç -ï- - : 1) Inurn ÅØË ô Ø èπ ûálæœ ü. é öàd ü E Öî a- Ωù N æߪ ç out of the question. 2) To be form ÅØËC form of the verb. to be / be forms am, is, are, was, were, shall be etc., «í î «ÖØ o. à be form, am, is, are «çöà öà applex àd ÅØË-ü Eo öàd Tense Öçô çc. Be forms Spoken English Á ü öà lessons apple explain îë»ç. îª úøçúõ. Íé- - ç to be Å ûë infinitive. DEéÀ tense Åçô Öçõ present Å -ûª çc. äéó\- ƒj Past èπÿú Å -ûª çc. To be = Öçúøôç. 3) As èπ -Ö o Å n applex want, intentioned ÅØËN. O Ω çéπ- Ω-Ø - -ߪ ù Dictionary apple ÆæJí îª Ææ ç-úø Ω. As èπ -Ö o Å n : ANSWER: Subhash: Vinod, I will find out whether he came here yesterday or not. Vinod: I know surely that he was here yesterday. Subhash: Then I do not understand why he did not meet me. Vinod: He said he would meet you today or tomorrow. Subhash: I told him a week ago that he could meet me (on) any day between 5 and 7 in the evening. Vinod: He told me too, that he was trying to meet you and give you the books he had to give you. Subhash: He doesn't have a phone, even if I want to phone him. Vinod: I have already told him twice that you have been wishing to see him Subhash: Let's hope we will meet him atleast tomorrow. 1., «í : a) He works as hard as his father (father «éπ æ d- æúõ æe îë ƒhúø.) b) talks as his father does. ( x Ø o «í ØË ö«x-úø-û úø ) 2. as Åçõ because/ since (é öàd) a) As he is tall he can bowl well = Åûª Òúø í _ -Öç-úø-ôç x «í bowl îëߪ -í - úø. b) As it is hot, I don t want to go out = áçúøí Öç-C é öàd, ߪ -ôèπ Á «x- - -éó- ôç ü. 3. As Åçõ 'í a) As a doctor, I advise you to eat less - Doctor í E o ØË ûªt_ç* A - ç-ô -Ø o. b) As a player, Ram has no equal = véãú -é - Ω -úõí, Ram èπ Ææ- - Ω. 4. As Åçõ Åçûª: 1) He is not as good as you think = -Å-ûª- y- -èπ - oçûª ç*- úø é ü. Ñ Å n vûª Ë ÖØ o As èπ. DEo öàd N í -û N follow Å -û. I as pen, I as apple- Å Ωnç ü.

43 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - çí - Ωç Ja 2006 Jagan: I met our schoolmate Prasad yesterday. (E o, Ææ \- - Ë -ö -v æ- ƒ-ü - éπ -Ææ - èπ Ø o.) Sekhar: Did you? Long since we saw him. How is he? What did he say? (Å Ø? î -é - Á içc Åûª-úÕE îª Æœ. á «ÖØ oúø? à -Ø oúø?) Jagan: He said he is doing Engineering in Hyderabad. ( j«ü - - «ü apple Éç>-F-Jçí îëææ h-ø o- E îá ƒpúø.) Sekhar: I think he is in his second year. (ÂÆéπçú Éߪ Å -èπ çö«.) Jagan: No. He said he is in his 3rd year. (é ü. ÅûªØË îá ƒpúø, -ü f -É-ߪ ÅE) Sekhar: Remember? At school the teacher once said that truth wins, he then picked up an argument with her. He told her that was correct in the olden days, and that truth had no place in the modern world. (í Ω hçü? Ææ \ apple öãîª Ææûªu Ë Èí -Ææ hç-ü E îá œp- - æ púø ú - Á ûó ü -EéÀ Look at sentence 1. He said (that) he is doing Engineering. Ééπ\úø Main Clause, He said; verb - said - past tense. (ÉC yesterday ïj-t Ææç µ«- æù) (that) he is doing Engineering - ÉC Subordinate Clause - Verb - is doing - present tense. So, in this sentence the Main Clause verb is in the past tense and the Subordinate Clause is in the present tense. Rule v æé Ωç É «Öçúø-èπÿ-úøü éπü. é F Ééπ\úø rule Jhç-îªü. áçü -éπçõ É æ p-úõçé ï Ω -í -ûª o (present apple ï Ω -í -ûª o) N æ-ߪ Eo E o -v æ ƒü -ïí -Ø èπ îá ƒpúø. îá œpçc past. é E N æߪ ç Éçé ï Ω -í -ûóçc Åçü -éπe MC verb past Å - - æp-öàéã SC verb É «çöà îóôx present tense appleøë Öçô çc. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 133 3rd year' ÅØËüË correct. é öàd É «çöà îóôx, Å Ωnç éπè é dí îëaç-ü èπ MC verb past tense Å - - æp-öàéã, SC verb present tense apple Öçô çc. MC verb past tense apple Öçõ SC verb èπÿú past tense appleøë Öçú - ØË rule Jhç-îªE Ææçü - s JéÌEo ÖØ o. Sentence No. 3 îª úøçúõ: The teacher once said that truth wins. (äéπ- ƒj teacher îá œpçc Ææûªuç ï -Ææ hç-ü E). Éçü apple MC verb - said - past tense tense apple ÖçúË Ææçü - s J-éÌEo. Sentence No. 4 îª úøçúõ. He read that boiled water is free from bacteria. MC- He read - read (È ú ) past tense SC - that boiled water is free from bacteria Verb is present tense. Éçü apple SC verb present tense apple Öçúøôç, (MC verb past tense apple Ö o- æ púø ) ûª æ p é ü ÆæÈ j- üë. áçü -éπçõ Åûªúø îªc-n- - æ púë é èπ çú á æ p-úájø ÆæÍ J-T F x apple véà - çúø. ÉC fact of science. Åçõ»ÆæY v æ -ù- Á i Ææûªuç. Åçü -éπe Ééπ\úø èπÿú MC verb can't achieve anything without hardwork Cí úø. Ææûªuç Èí - ôç ƒûª ÓV applex ÅE, v æææ hûª v æ æç-îªç apple Ææû u-eéà û ü E.) Jagan: Yes, I do. I remember too his drinking only boiled cooled water from the day he read that boiled water is free from bacteria. (Å. ÅçûË é èπ çú é * îª «x-ja F x apple «uéãd-jߪ Öçúø--ü E îªc-n- - æpöà ç* Å Ë û í ôç èπÿú Ø èπ í Í h.) Sekhar: He is a peculiar type, isn't he? (N*-vûª- Á i Ωéπç éπü Åûªúø?) (Peculiar =  èπÿu-lߪ 'èπÿu ØÌéÀ\ æ - èπ û ç = - -éπçõ Gµ oçí Ö o) Jagan: Yes. He doesn't believe others easily. (Åûªúø Éûª- Ω - Ææ - µºçí túø.) ç Éçûª- - Ωèπ ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc Main Clause (MC), Subordinate Clause (SC) í Jç*: 1) MC verb, past tense Å ûë, SC verb èπÿú past tense 2) MC verb, present or future tense Å ûë, SC verb, any tense. Å ûë  j îá œp rule no. 1, MC - past tense, SC also past tense ÅØË rule éìeo éìeo Ææçü - s applex Jhç-îªü. Å Ë-N öapple É æ púø îª ü lç: Look at the following sentences from the dialogue above: 1) He said (that) he is doing Engineering. 2) He said (that) he is in his 3rd year. 3) The teacher once said that truth wins. 4)... from the day he read that boiled water is free from bacteria. (Rule v æé Ωç SC Verb past tense apple Öçî - - -éóçúõ; He said he was doing Engineering ÅE sentence Å -ûª çc Å Ωnç? Åûª Engineering îëææ h-ø o- E was doing = í ûªç apple ÅØË Å Ωnç Ææ hçc, Åçõ É æ púø é ü E éπü? é F Åûª-úø É æ púø èπÿú Engineering îëææ h-ø oúøe éπü µ«ç! Åçü -éπe verb present tense Sentence No. 2 èπÿú ÅçûË: He said (yesterday) that he is in his 3rd year. MC Verb - said, Past tense; SC verb - is present tense. Ééπ\úø èπÿú MC verb past tense é öàd, SC verb èπÿú past tense apple Öçú - ØË rule Jhçîªü. áçü -éπçõ rule v æé Ωç sentence a- - -éóçúõ: Å æ púø sentence: He said (yesterday) that he was in his 3rd year Å -ûª çc. Åçõ Å Ωnç, Åûª 3rd year apple Öçúøôç, í ûªç apple (was), é F, É æ púø é ü ØË Ææ hçc. é F îá œp- - æ púë (E o) é èπ çú É æ púø èπÿú III year éπü. Åçü -éπe Ééπ\úø 'he is in his SC verb - wins - present tense Practise the following in English Sasikanth: Fèπ ûá ƒ. N ß É æ púó  ü l bank officer ÅE? Yaswanth: Ø Èé- æ púó ûá Ææ. ØËØË éπü Fèπ îá œpçc. Ú - - Ωç, úø Ç - «uçé - apple ç* - Ò->- æ-ø - apple Mumbai apple ÖØ oúøe? Sasikanth: Å. í Ìh-*açC. ØË E oê æ - apple èπÿú îªc. Åûªú bank èπ ÁjÆˇ vâ Æœ-úÁçö ÅE. Yaswanth: úœ ÓV Ç-- Ò->- æ-ø position apple Öçúø-ö«-EéÀ úø î «v - æ-ú fúø. á æ púø Åçô ç-úë- úø. éπ æ d- æ-úø-e-üë àd ƒcµçîª- - E. î «éπ æ d- æúõ æk-éπ~ ƒæˇ Åߪ uúø.  jéì-î aúø. Sasikanth: Å. ÅçûË-é -èπ çú, àc îªc-nø Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- ö«eéà îªc- Ë- úø. äéπ- ƒj ÅEo Ææ h- µº O t-ü éà äíé Ëí çûó æúøû -ߪ E Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- -ö«-eéà äéπ é, Â Ø éàçü æúë-»úø. Yashwant: Éçé  jéì- ƒhúø úø. Rule v æé Ωç SC verb èπÿú past tense (won) L. Å «a- - -éóçúõ The teacher once said that truth won Å ûª çc Å Ωnç: Eïç í ûªç apple ÈíL-îËC (Åçõ É æ púø Èí - -ôç- -ü E) -Å-ØË Å Ωnç Ææ hçc. ÉC é ü éπ-ü µ«ç? ÅÆæ µ«ç Ææûªuç á æ púø Èí -Ææ hç-ü E. Å «Å Ωnç - çõ Truth wins ÅE present tense appleøë úøû ç. é öàd Ééπ\úø SC verb present tense appleøë ÖçC. MC Verb past Å - - æp-öàéã 'Truth wins', 'Goodness is rewarded' ( ç*éà ælûªç Öçô çc), Justice prevails (Ø uߪ -EüË Â jîë É «çöà é u- generalisations Åçö«ç. N æ-ߪ ç apple, MC verb past tense Å - - æp-öàéã, SC Verb prsent tense appleøë Öçô çc. MC Verb past Å - - æp-öàéã, SC verb present past tense Å - - æp-öàéã SC verb present tense appleøë Öçô çc. EûªuÆæû u- (universal truths) N æ-ߪ ç apple èπÿú. MC verb, past tense Å - - æp-öàéã, SC Verb present tense appleøë Öçô çc. eg: Galileo discovered that the earth goes round the sun. ( µº N, Ææ Ω uúõ îª ô d A Ω -í -ûª ç-ü E ÈíM-LßÁ éπe-â -ö«dúø ) Subordinate clause- universal truth ûá - æ -ûóçc é öàd, MC verb past tense Å - - æp-öàéã. SC verb present tense. MC verb past tense Å ûë, SC verb èπÿú past tense Öçú - ØË rule Jhç-îªE îóô x: If the subordinate cluase states 1) a universal truth (Eûªu Ææûªuç) 2) a fact of science (»ÆæY v æé Ωç ûál-æœ N æߪ ç) 3) a generalisation (Truth wins, etc) and 4) a regular/repeated action continuing into the future Ñ Ø í èπÿú Ñ rule èπ N - æ - ç- æ. Answer: Sasikanth: Do you know, Vinai now is a big officer in a bank? Yashwant: I knew it long ago. Isn't it I who told you last week that he is in a good position in a bank? Sasikanth: Yes, it is you; I remember. I read in the papers too, Yesterday, that he is the vice president of the bank. Yashwant: You know that he worked very hard to be in that position now. He always used to say that we can't achieve anything without hardwork. He worked hard and passed exams, and he came up that way. Sasikanth: That's right. Moreover, he always studied things to understand them. Once, to understand all objects fall to the ground at the same speed, he let fall a book and a pen on the ground. Yashwant: He will come up further.

44 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü í Ω - Ωç Ja 2006 Akhilesh: (Do) you know when the matches begin? (Matches á æ púó ûá ƒ?) Avinash: Hemanth is the man who can give the information. (Fé Ææ -î Ωç É y-í -L-TçC Hemanth) Akhilesh: I wish to know the date of the match which they play here. (Ééπ\úø ÇúË match date ûá -Ææ -éó- - E ÖçC). I am not interested in the matches at the other venues. (Éûª- ΩîÓôx matches apple Ø èπ interest ü ) Avinash: Hemanth is out of town now. (Ê «çû É æ púø Ü applex úø ) Akhilesh: Who is the person that can tell us about it? ( èπ ü Eo í Jç* îá æp-í -L-Íí- -È - Ω? Avinash: Here is the phone number which you can call for the information (Fé \- - -Æœ Ææ -î Ωç éóææç ÚØ îáߪ u-lq number ÉCíÓ) Akhilesh: Why don't you call? ( Áyç-ü èπ îëߪ -èπÿ-úøü?) Avinash: Cricket is a game which does not interest me ( o interest îëߪ E (-ÇÆæéÀh éπ-l-tç-îª-e) game cricket = Ø èπ cricket apple interest ü ) Akhilesh: You seem to be the only one who is not interested in it. (Åçü apple interest E- -úõn Ìy-éπ\-úÕ- «Íí ÖØ o ). Avinash: When I see people who show interest in cricket, I think they are mad. (cricket apple interest Ö o- - x îª Æœ- - æ púø Ÿx Ø èπ œîóa- x-e- œ-ææ hçc) Akhilesh: OK, OK. Tastes differ. (ÆæÍ, ÆæÍ, äéì\-éπ\-jéà äéó\ ÅGµ- Ω *). Let's not argue about it. (ü Eí Jç* Cç-îÌü l ç). ç Éçûª- - Ωèπ î «Ωé sub ordinate clauses í Jç* ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü. Ñ conversation apple úõ subordinate clauses îª úøçúõ. Ñ conversation apple Ö o sub ordinate clauses úø-èπ çú we can carry on conversation. O - - ç-ûª- - Ωèπ Ñ sub ordinate clauses úø-èπ çõ ç*c. Å ûë ÉC «í ûá -Ææ -éó- ôç Å -Ææ Ωç, Å -ûª-l- Ÿx OöÀE úõ- - æ úø -éπ Ωn- - yl éπü. Åçü -éπe OöÀE ûá -Ææ - èπ çü ç. Åûªuçûª Å -Ææ- Ω- Á i- - æ púë úøü ç. «í study îëü lç: Look at these following SCs (Subordinate clauses) in the conversation: 1)... the man who can give the information 2)... the match which they play here 3)... the person that can give the information 4) The phone number which you can call 5)... a game which doesn't interest me. 6)... the only one who is not interested in it 7)... people who show interest in cricket.  j SCs ÅEoç-öÀ apple who, which, that Ææ h-ø o éπü. OöÀF îª úøçúõ. 8) a) She is the one whose voice is good. b) He is the hero whom I like. a), b) apple SCs a) the one whose voice is good b)... the hero whom I like whose, whom ûó èπÿú, who, which, that Ö o SCs (Subordinate Clauses) îëߪ - îª a éπü? Let us now study the SCs having who, whom, which, whose and that, and the MCs (Main Clauses) they are joined to. éàçc v æa SC E ü Eo join îëæœ MC ûó éπl œ îªü - çúõ ÅN Ö o sentences Å Ωnç easy í Å Ωnç îëææ -èπ -ØËç-ü èπ. (î «Ææçü - s applex English apple MC, SC, order, ûá -í apple reverse ( ua-í éπç) Å -ûª çc çü C Á éπ, Á -éπc çü í..) SUBORDINATE CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE 1... the man who can give you the imformation. =... Fé Ææ -î Ωç É y-í uéàh 2... the date of the match which they play here = Rx-éπ\úø ÇúË match ûëc 3... the person that can tell us about it =... ü E í Jç* îá æp-í - - uéàh 4..the phone number which you can call for the information = Fé \- - -Æœ Ææ -î Ωç éóææç phone îëߪ -Lq ç Ω 5... a game which does not interest me = Ø èπ ÇÆæéÀh éπl-tç-îªe game ÉD Ñ Ωéπç Subordinate Clauses, ÅN éπlæœ ÖçúË Main Clauses Hemanth is Ê «çû I wish to know ØË ûá -Ææ -éó èπ ç-ô Ø o. Who is? á Ω? Here is. ÉCíÓ Cricket Cricket Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- -Lq N-üµ - ç. (É «çöà Clauses èπ Å Ωnç àn -ôe î «- çc ƒ Ω-èπ èπ Æœ questions ÅEoç-öÀéà Ææ -üµ ç ÉüË). Sx í Ω hç-îª -èπ çü ç: O - - ç-ûª- - Ωèπÿ É «çöà SCs conversation apple úø-èπ çú Öçõ conversation, simple í, direct í, interesting í Öçô çc. é E OöÀE «í ûá -Ææ -éó- ôç Å -Ææ Ωç Éûª- Ω conversation correct í Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- -ö«-eéà. ÉN úø-èπ çú, ÉüË Å Ωnç îëa * o * o sentences úøôç É «: 1) Hemanth is the man who can give you the information = Hemanth can give you the information. 2) I wish to know the date of the match they play here = I wish to know the date of the match here. 3) Who is the person that can tell us about it? = Who can tell us about it? 4) Here is the phone number which you can call for the information = You can call this phone number for the information. 5) Cricket is a game which does not interest me = Cricket/ The game cricket does not interest me. 6) You seem to be the only one who is not interested = You seem to be the only one not interested = You alone seem to be not interested/ uninterested (alone = only = vûª Ë. Å - - æp-öàéã Ééπ\úø you only éπçõ you alone, better.) 7) People who show interest in cricket = People interested in cricket. 8) She is the one whose voice is good = Her voice is good. 9) He is the hero whom I like = I like that hero.  Ω éπü? Who, Whom, Whose, Which, that clauses á «Ææ Ω ç (simple) í, direct í îëߪ - îóa! conversation á æ púø simple í, direct í Öçõ natural (Ææ æ«ïç) í Öçô çc. NOW SIMPLIFY THE FOLLOWING: (éàçc- -öà apple who, whom, which, etc., ûó îëa clauses - í simple í ö«x-úøçúõ.) eg: The book which I bought yesterday is here = I bought this book yesterday. 1) He is the man who tore the book. 2) They are the people whose houses look beautiful. 3) We are the students whom they admitted. 4) These are the books which are interesting but expensive. 5) Those who play cricket think they are great. 6) This is a problem which is easy enough to solve. 7) Can you show me a man who dislikes cricket? 8) This is a question to which no one knows the answer. 9) A man who is poor should not waste money. 10) These are all sentences which we can simplify. Cricket...does not interest me -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 134 is SUBORDINATE CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE 6... the only one who is not You seem to interested in it = Åçü apple ÇÆæ-éÀh- E äíé uéàh 7... people who show interest in cricket = Cricket apple ÇÆæéÀh îª œç-îë- - x... When I see = ØË îª Æœ- - æ púø... (that) they are mad = Ÿx œ*a- - xe (3 SCS Öçúøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ) 8. a)... the one whose voice is good = íìçûª «í Ö o äéπ Ω b)... the hero whom I like ØË É æ d- æúë hero be Ìy-éπ\-úÕ- «Íí ÖØ o I think = Ø éπ-e- œ-ææ hçc 1) He took the book. ANSWERS: 2) Their houses look beautiful. 3) They admitted us (ÉC conversation apple vûª Ë ) 4) Those books are interesting but expensive. 5) Cricket players/ cricketers think they are great. 6) This problem is enough to solve. 7) Can you show me a hater of cricket? (hater = üëy œ äéπ- æ púø î «Å Ω -ü í É*a 'who' clause sentence úøôç ûª æp-e-ææj Å îª a. é F O - - ç-ûª- - Ωèπÿ úø-éπ- Ú- ôç ç*c.) 8) No one knows the answer to this question. 9) A poor man should not waste money. 10) We can simplify all these sentences. She is = Ç Á He is = Åûª -v æ- o: ought be, dare be, need be à Nüµ çí Ö æ-ßá -Tç-î -L? Èé. Jqç æ È úõf,  j«ü - - «-ü. -ï- - : 1) Ought be - ought be implies an obligation - it more or less means, 'must be'. But 'ought' always expresses a moral obligation - some thing a person is expected to do as a moral obligation. eg: a) you ought to be respectful to elders. (Morals require that you should be respectful) b) Humans ought to be kind to animals c) A youngster like you ought not talk like that to elders. 2) Dare: Meaning and use no.1. Be brave enough to do something. He doesn't dare (to) talk to another woman in his wife's presence = He isn't brave enough to do it. In this sense, 'dare' is usually used with 'not'. He dare not do it = He doesn't dare to do it. 'He dare not do it' is more common. Meaning and use no.2. Used to warn some one against doing some thing/ tell someone strongly not to do something. Eg: a) Don't you dare talk to me like that again! (= I warn you not to talk to me like that again.) b) How dare you to talk like that to me? Meaning and use no.3: To persuade someone to do some thing. Eg: They dared him to climb up the mountain = They persuaded him to climb up the mountain. Imp: 'Dare' is used mostly with 'not' if it is used with the meaning of 'be brave enough' 3) Need be: 1) 'Need' is used as a 'main' verb, as well as a 'model'. eg: a) I need some money - here 'need' with the meaning of 'being in need' is a main verb. b) He needs her help - needs is a main verb. 2) Followed by not, it is used in the following manner. a) You need not go now. (It is not necessary) b) He need not come here again (It is not necessary)

45 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -E Ωç 1 -à-v œ Susanth: Here's good news for you. Vishal has achieved what he set out to achieve. He has got the 5th rank in the entrance exam (FéÓ Ÿ µº- Ωh. N» Å -èπ oc ƒcµç-î úø. áçvôø q áí b- apple 5th rank ûáîª a-èπ -Ø oúø ) Prasanth: That's news to me. I haven't known it. Vishal's is an achievement indeed. I am eager to see him and congratulate him. (Ø èπ ûál-ߪ ü. É æ púø y îágûë ûál-æœçc. N» C íì æp Nï-ߪ Ë. úõe éπ -Ææ -éìe congrats îá ƒp- E Ç--ûª%-ûªí ÖçC) Susanth: I met him accidentally this morning. He told me of it then. He was accompanying his dad to some place. His dad was very happy. (Ñ ÓV Öü ߪ ç ØË Åûª-úÕE Å -éóèπ çú éπ -Ææ -èπ Ø o. Å æ púø îá ƒp-úø-ûª. x Ø oûó éπlæœ áéπ\-úõéó Á Ÿh-Ø oúø. Çߪ èπÿú î «ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖØ oúø ) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 135 Prasanth: Which father won't be? I admire the way Vishal worked hard to get such a good rank. (à ûªçvúõ ÆæçûÓ- æçí Öçúøúø? N» Å «çöà rank ûáîª a-éó- -ö«-eéà æúøf v ØË Á îª a-èπ ç-ô -Ø o ) Susanth: Vishal himself wasn't happy. He was a bit ashamed of not getting one of the 1st three ranks. (Vishal vûªç Åçûª ÆæçûÓ- æçí úø. Á ü öà úø uçèπ applex àd -ü E Æœí _- æ-ú fúø ) Prasanth: What about you then? You are going to take the exam next year, aren't you? What is your target? (F Ææçí -ûëçöà J? îëa Ææç -ûªq Ωç y èπÿú áçvôø q áí b ߪ - apple-ûª - Ø o éπü! F éπ~uç àçöà?) Susanth: My target is one of the first ten ranks. But I am not sure. Our college isn't as good as Vishal's ( Á ü öà 10 uçèπ applex Öçú - ØËC Ø éπ~uç. é F Åçûª téπç ü. é ñ N» x é ñ «Åçûª ç*c é ü ) Prasanth: Why didn't you join that college, then? ( J Ç é -ñ apple áçü èπ îë Ω- ü?) Susanth: The fees there are too high. I can't afford that. (Åéπ\úø fees î «áèπ \. ØË Åçûª µºjç-îª- ) Prasanth: I understand. Do try your best. You will get it. (Å Ωnç Å uçc. F éàh-éìdl v æߪ Aoçîª. uçé ûáîª a-èπ ç-ö«) Susanth: Thanks for the encouragement. I am on my way to college. See you. (F v Úû q- æ -EéÀ ü uçé q. ØË é ñ Èé ŸhØ o, Sx éπ ü lç)  j Ææç µ«- æ-ù applee Ñ ô í -Eç-îªçúÕ. 1) Vishal has achieved 2) Vishal's is an achievement indeed 3) I am eager to see him 4) I met him accidentally 5) He was accompanying his father 6) I admire the way he worked hard. 7) He was a bit ashamed 8) What's your target. 9) I can't afford it. English conversation apple high frequency words (ÅA ûª Ω-îª í úë ô applex) ÉN éìeo. OöÀ Å Ωnç, Ö æ-ßá í ç îª ü lç. 1) achieve - Å'<, '< ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç. Å Ωnç: ƒcµç-îªôç DEéÀ past tense, past participle - achieved. a) Our freedom fighters achieved Independence for us: ƒyûªç-vûªu-ßá -üµ èπ ƒyûªç-vû ueo ƒcµç-î Ω. b) People who work hard achieve success éπ æ d- æúõ æe-îë-êæ- Ÿx Nïߪ ç ƒcµ- ƒh Ω. c) Tendulkar achieved the highest number of test centuries Tendulkar Åçü -J-éπçõ áèπ \ test centuries ƒcµç-î úø. 2) Achievement: á -È jø ƒcµç-* N æߪ ç. a) Åûªúø ƒcµç*çc íì æp N æ-ߪ Ë His achievement is really great. b) Anand's achievement makes India proud Ç çü (Chess apple) ƒcµç-* æ ûª èπ í Ωyç éπl-t-ææ hçc. ii) Indeed: ÉØ -úœú 'úœ ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç. DE Å Ωnç Eïç-í ØË ÅE: Å ûë äé𠵫eo ûá - æ -ûª - o- æ púø, ü Eo Éçé ØÌéÀ\-îÁ- æp-ö«-eéà indeed úøû ç. ÉC conversation apple î «Ææ æ«-ïçí Öçô çc. Bhavan: Do you like it? (FéπC *açü?) Sravan: (I like it) verymuch indeed (î «*açc ÅE ØÌéÀ\ îá æpôç. I like it C- Æœ îá æ hç-ö«ω ƒ - uçí.) Indeed ÉçéÓ úøéπç, ç t- EüËüÁjØ á - È jø îá œp- - æ púø, t- -éπ- Ú- -ö«eo ûál-ߪ -îá- æpôç (Eïç-í Ø? Å Ø? «çöà ô- ûó Å æ- - téπç ûál-ߪ -ñ ÊÆ Å ΩnçûÓ Indeed úøû ç) Praveen: I met the CM today and talked to him for an hour. (ØË Ñ ÓV êu- çvae éπ -Ææ -èπ E í çô-êæ æ ö«x-ú ) Prakash: Indeed? (Eïç-í Ø?) Å æ- - téπç (disbelief) uéπh- æ- Ω-îªôç. 3) Eager: Ç-ûª%-ûª (-Çvûªçí Öçúøôç) Kiran: I am not coming to college today. (ØËF- ÓV é -ñ èπ -ôç- ü.) Kishore: Why? Kiran: The great cricketer is coming to town. I am eager to see him and take his autograph. íì æp véàèé-ô Ü applex-éì-ææ h-ø oúø. Åûª-úÕE îª Æœ, Çöapple-ví ˇBÆæ -éó- - E Ç-ûª%-ûªí ÖçC. 4) accidentally = by accident = Å -éó-èπ çú a) Newton discovered the law of gravitation accidentally/ by accident = uôø Å -éó-èπ çú µº u-éπ- Ω{ù Æœü l çûªç éπe-â -ö«dúø. b) As I raised my hand, it hit him accidentally = ØË îáßá u-ûëh-ææ-jéà, Å -éó-èπ çú ÅC Åûª-úÕéÀ ûªt-lçc. c) I stepped on his shoes accidentally = Å -éó-èπ çú ÅûªúÕ æ Æˇ O ü ØË -úø -í -  -ö«d. Å -éó-èπ çú, ç áü - Ω -îª -úø-èπ çú ïjíín é õ d Road v æ -ü, æúøôç «çöà v æ -ü - accident Åçö«ç. People who work hard achieve success 5) Accompany = á -J-ûÓ-ØÁjØ éπl-æœ- Á- xôç. (past tense, past participle - accompanied) a) The President's wife accompanied him on the tour = Åüµ u-èπ~ úõ æ Ωu-ô- èπ Çߪ µ«ωu Çߪ ûó ÁRxçC. b) His dog always accompanies him = ÅûªúÕ èπ éπ\ á æ púø Åûª-úÕûÓ Á ŸhçC. c) The client accompanied the lawyer to the court = lawyer ûó client court èπ Á «xúø. äéπ ÆæçU-ûª- ü uç, ÉçéÓ ÆæçU-ûª- ü uç éπl œ ç-*ø, äéπ Ω ƒúø -ûª - o- æ púø, ã ü uç Å -Ææ-Jç-*Ø, ÅC accompany Å -ûª çc. The fluit accompanied him = ÅûªE ƒôèπ Ëù ûóúø- çc. 6) admire = Á îª a-éó- ôç. (äéπj íì æpü Ø Eo, achievement, ÅGµ- - çûó Á îª a-éó- ôç) a) I admire MS Subbulakshmi's voice MS Subbulakshmi íìçûª - ØË Á îª a-èπ ç-ö«. b) Everyone admires Tendulkar's great achievement = Tendulkar ƒcµç-* æ -ûª Åçü Ω Á îª a-èπ ç-ö«ω. 7) ashamed = Æœí _- æ-úøôç. a) He is ashamed of his low marks ûª ûªèπ \ Ω \- èπ ÅûªØÁçûÓ Æœí _- æ-úø - ûª -Ø oúø. b) The father is ashamed of his son's behaviour éìúø èπ v æ - Ωh- èπ ûªçvúõ Æœí _- æ-úø -ûª -Ø oúø. To be Ashamed of Åçõ Æœí _- æ-úøôç éπü? DEéÀ ua-í éπç í Jyç-îªôç to be proud of. 8) Target = éπ~uç. (Pronunciation= ö«tö ) a) The company has set a target of 20% increase in sales = Ç company éπ~uç Å t-é - apple 20] Â Ω -í -ü ) b) My target is to be a computer professional Ø éπ~uç computer professional Å ôç. éπ~uç -EÍ l-pç-îª éó- ôç = Set a target éπ~uç ƒcµç-îªôç = achieve the target/ clear the target/ hit the target. ç í J-îª ÊÆ éπ~uç èπÿú target (shooting apple) 9) Afford = àüájø éì -í / Òçü -í Ún ûª. a) I cannot afford a car = é Ω -éìøë Ún ûª Ø èπ ü. b) He can afford a number of such buildings = Å «çöà É Ÿx áøáj oø éì í Ún ûª Åûª-úÕèπ çc. c) With the exam tomorrow you can't afford to go to bed so early = Í æ æk-éπ~-â -ô d-éìe Åçûª ûªy Ωí Evü - ÚßË Å -é ç Fèπ ü. ÉO Ñ ô N -. daily conversation apple OöÀE úë Å -é -» áèπ \. Practice îëߪ çúõ. EXERCISE Ram: Hi Shyam, é Ω á æ púø éìçô -Ø o? Shyam: Bike éìøë Ún ûë ü. Éçéπ é È -éπ\úø Ram: éì? Å «í?/ Eïç-í Ø? O Ø o  ü l Shopping Complex owner éπü? Shyam: ÅC Çߪ complex. Ø C é ü éπü? ØË Ææç ƒ-cç-îª-í -L-TçüË Ø úø s. ü çûó car éì -ô Ë Ø éπ~uç. Ram: Ram: O Ø o úø sûó éì - -îª a-éπü? Shyam: ÅC ØË ƒcµç-*çc é ü éπü? Ø o ƒcµç-*çc. Ram: E o ØË Å -éó-èπ çú Venu éπ -Ææ -èπ - Ø o. úõ Ø o úõéà bike éìe-î a-úøe îá ƒpúø. Shyam: Ø o úø s- ûó îëa car Å - µº-nçî - ØË Çûª%ûª Ø èπ ü. F æü l A Á îª a-èπ ç-ô -Ø o. ANSWER Ram: Hi shyam, when are you buying a car? Shyam: I can't afford even a bike. How can I buy a car? Ram: Indeed? Isn't your father the owner of a big shopping complex?/ Doesn't he own a big shopping complex? Shyam: That is/ belong to dad. What I earn is my money. My target is to buy a car with my money. Ram: You can buy it with your father's money, can't you? Shyam: That is not what I have achieved. It's dad's achievement. Ram: I met Venu Yesterday by accident/ accidentally. He told me his father had bought him a bike. Shyam: I am not eager to enjoy a car bought with dad's money. Ram: I admire your policy.

46 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- Ú- - Ωç 3 -à-v œ Ramesh: Hi Naresh, you are late by half an hour. I have been waiting and waiting. ( y Å Ω-í çô Ç -Ææuçí î a. FéÓÆæç é îª -éìe ÖØ o ) Naresh: I would have been here on time, but my train was late. (ØËE-éπ\-úÕéÀ õ j èπ ÖçúË- -úõøë, é E Ø train Ç Ææuç Å çc) Ramesh: I would have gone away, but I thought I would wait for another half an hour. That's why I am here. Otherwise you would have missed me. (ØË ÁRx- Ú-ßË - -úõøë. é F ÉçéÓ Å Ω-í çô îª ü l- - -èπ Ø o. Åçü -éπøë Ééπ\úø ÖØ o. èπ çõ y o éπ -Ææ -éìe ÖçúË- -úõn é ü ) Naresh: That's good of you. Thank you. I wouldn't have been late but for the train. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 136 ÅC ç* æøë. Thank you. Train xûª æp ØËØ - Ææuç ÅßË u- -úõ-e-é ) Ramesh: Where is Jagadish? (ïí -D ˇ áéπ\úø?) Naresh: I would have brought him along, but he was busy. ( úõe BÆæ -èπ - -îëa- -úõøë é F úø busy í ÖØ oúø ) Ramesh: OK. By the way what happened to the cricket match? (ÅC ÆæÍ. Cricket match à Á içc?) (by the way = Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple N æߪ ç Í aç-ü èπ úë ô) Naresh: Don't you know? India won the match by four wickets. It would not have won the match but for Suresh Raina and Dhoni. (ûál-ߪ ü. 4 NÈéôx ûëú ûó ÉçúÕߪ ÈíL- *çc. Suresh Raina, Dhoni éπ- ÚûË India ÈíL-îËC é ü ) Ramesh: Happy to hear that. I would have watched the match yesterday, but I had important work. (ÆæçûÓ æç. E o ØË match îª ÊÆ úõøë é F î «êu- Á i æe ÖçúÕçC) Now, look at the following sentences from the conversation above: 1) I would have been here on time. 2) I would have gone away. 3) You would have missed me 4) I wouldn't (would not) have been late 5) I would have brought him along. 6) It wouldn't have won the match. 7) I would have watched the match. The verbs in the sentences above are: 1. Would have been 2. Would have gone 3. Would have missed 4. Would have been 5. Would have brought 6. Would have won 7. Would have watched Verbs no. 1 and 4 are would have been. ÉC 'be' form. N í û verbs form îª úøçúõ. 2. Would have gone - would have + past participle (of go) 3. Would have missed - would have + past participle (of miss) 5. Would have brought - would have + past participle (of bring) 6. Would have won - would have + past participle (of win) 7. Would have watched - would have + past participle (of watch) verbs 1 and 4 - be forms. Åçõ ÉN Öçúø-ö«Eo (state of being) ûálê N éπü. Verbs 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 ÅFo èπÿú à form apple ÖØ o? Would have + past participle. ÉN action words éπü. Åçõ ÉN æ - ûálê verbs. É «çöà verbs î «ñ«ví -ûªhí í -Eç* Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- L. áçü -éπçõ Ñ verbs 1) would have been, 2) would have + pp (past participle) conversation apple ûª Ωîª úø -ûª çö«ç. ÓV î «- ƒ Ω x ç Å -èπ ç-ô çö«ç. äéπ N æߪ ç Å «ÖçúÕ ÖçúËC, é F ü. (í ûªç apple) äéπ N æߪ ç Å «ÖçúËC é ü, é E ÖçúÕçC, äéπ N æߪ ç Å «ïjt ÖçúËC, é E ï Ω-í - ü, äéπ N æߪ ç Å «ïjt ÖçúËC é ü, é F ïj-tçc ÅØË É «çöà µ«- ûó ç ÓW áøóo- ƒ Ω x Å -èπ ç-ô çö«ç, ö«x-úø -ûª çö«ç. Å «çöà µ«- ûál-ê Ë Ñ would have been, would have + pp verbs. Look at sentence No. 1: I would have been on time ØË time èπ ÆæJí _ ÖçúË- -úõøë. (é E ) Sentence No. 4: I wouldn't (would not) have been late ØË Ç Ææuç ÅßË u- -úõ-e-é (é E Åߪ u ) Ó example: ÚE-ߪ -í çdµ prime minister í ÖçúËC (é E ü éπü ) Sonia Gandhi would have been the prime minister. , would have been èπ Å Ωnç ÖçúËD/ ÖçúË- úë é E ü / úø (ÉC í ûª N æߪ ç) Wouldn't (would not) have been = ÖçúËC é ü / ÖçúË- úø é ü (é E ÖØ oúø ) í ûªç apple She wouldn't have been here Ç Á Ééπ\úø ÖçúËC é ü (é F ÖçC) He would have been the CM Åûªúø CM í ÖçúË- úë (é F úø ) ÉD would have been/ wouldn't have been Å Ωnç, Ö æ-ßá í ç. Next, would have + past participle I would have gone = Á ŸxçúË -úõøë (é F Á x- ü ) India would have last the match= India ãúõ- Ú-ßË üë (é F ãúõ- Ú- ü, ÈíL-*çC) She would not have attended the marriage= Ç Á  RxéÀ *a ÖçúË-C-é ü. (é F *açc) He wouldn't have seen me= Åûªúø o îª Ææ ç-úë- úø é ü. (é F úø ) They would have won= Ÿx ÈíL* ÖçúË Ïx (é E Èí - - ü ). ØË -éπ\úø È çúõç-öàíé ÖçúË- -úõe= I would have been there at 2. (é F ) But for = Åçü - x é èπ çõ You would have missed me But for my help, he would not have passed=ø Ææ æ -ߪ ç- x é èπ çõ, úø pass ÅßË u úø é ü. (Ø Ææ æ ߪ ç ÖçúÕçD, úø pass Åߪ uúø.) British ƒ - - -èπ çõ, India áçûó æ Ó-Gµ- %Cl îáçc ÖçúËC= But for the British rule, India would have progressed a lot. É «çöà sentences applee Ææçü - s - imaginary past (Ü œ«ç-îª -èπ ØË Eïç-é E í ûªç) Åçö«ç. ÉC Ü œ«ç-îª -éó- -ô Ë éπü Å «ïjt Öçúøü, É «ïjt ÖçúËC é ü, Å «ÖçúÕ ÖçúËC, É «ÖçúËC é ü... É «Å -éó- ôç. EXERCISE Damodar: Hi Sudhakar, Éçûª-ÊÆ æ áéπ\úø Ø o? Sudhakar: College ç* Ææ hø o. Å Ω-í çô éàçü ô îëa- -úõøë. é F Maths lecturer éπe- œç-îë-ææ-jéà Çߪ - ûó ö«xúø ûª ÖçúÕ- Úߪ. Damodar: Çߪ ûª túø, vâ çú áéπ\-úø -Ø oúõ- æ púø? Sudhakar: Ééπ\úË ÖØ oúø. US èπ ÁRx- Ú-ßË - úë. é F Visa ü. Visa áçü èπ - ü E ÅúÕ-í ç-úë- -úõe é F Éçûª- appleøë Çߪ topic aúø. Damodar: Çߪ î «ç* lecturer. Çߪ èπ çõ Maths paper Åçûª «í answer îëêæ- -úõ-e-é ü. Sudhakar: Çߪ Ææ æ ߪ ç èπ çõ Çߪ ûª túø èπÿú Åçûª- ç* Ω \ ûáîª a-èπ -ØË- úø é ü. Damodar: y é Ææh çüì- ƒh- - -èπ Ø o. ç ÆœE Èé Ÿxç-úË- xç. Sudhakar: É æ púø time Å - Ú- çc éπü. II show èπ Á ü ç. í Ω hç-îª -èπ çü ç I a) Would have been - ÖçúËüË é F Öçúø- ü. b) Would not have been - ÖçúË-C-é ü é E ÖçC. II) a) would have + pp - äéπ æe ïjt ÖçúËüË é E ï Ω-í - ü. (He would have gone= Á Ÿxç-úË- úë, Á x- ü ). b) wouldn't have + pp= äéπ æe ïj-íícé ü é F ïj-tçc. He wouldn't have gone= Åûªúø Á Ïx- úø é ü, é F Á «xúø. ÉO imaginary past forms. apple ÉN úë Ææçü - s î «áèπ \ éπü. Åçü -éπe «í practice îëü lç. Ñ Vocabulary practice îëߪ çúõ affect: Å é d  ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç. Å Ωnç v æ µ«ç éπl-tç-îªôç, v æ µ«ç éπlt Öçúøôç. a) Rain or the lack of it affects crops= Ω{ç, ÅC- -éπ- Ú- ôç æçô O ü v æ µ«ç éπlt Öçô çc. b) Climate affects our health û - - Ωùç Ç Óí uç O ü v æ µ«çîª œææ hç-c. c) Our parent's opinion affects our decisions= ûªlx-ü ç-vúø ÅGµ-v ƒ-ߪ E Ωg-ߪ - - O ü v æ µ«ç -îª æ -û. d) ç ö«x-úë-b Ω -O ü Éûª- Ω - -èπ o ÅGµ-v ƒ-ߪ - v æ µ«-nûªç îëææ hçc= The way we talk affects other's opinion of us. Affect Åçõ v æ µ«-nûªç îëߪ -í - -í ôç Åçõ simple í Ω p ûë ôç, Ωa-í - -í ôç ÅE. Ç æ - Ω- æ -ô- - ô x Ç Ó-í ueo Ωa-í -. Our food habits can affect our health. ANSWER Damodar: Hi Sudhakar, where have you been all along? Sudhakar: I'm returning from college. I would have come half an hour ago, but I met our Maths lecturer. I was talking to him. Damodar: Where is his brother, our friend? Sudhakar: He is here. He would have left for/ gone to the US. But he hasn't got his visa. I would have asked him why he hasn't got the visa, but he changed the topic. Damodar: He is a great lecturer. But for him I wouldn't have answered the Maths paper so well. Sudhakar: But for his help his brother wouldn't have got such high marks either. Damodar: I thought you would come a little earlier. We would have gone to a movie. Sudhakar: It is too late now, isn't it? Let's go the 2nd show.

47 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -üµ - Ωç 5 --à-v œ Karuna: Sumana, where were you yesterday? I couldn't see you anywhere. (Ææ Ø, E o áéπ\úø ÖØ o? áéπ\ú éπe- œç-îª- ü ) Sumana: I was at Valli's. You would have met me if you had come there. (ØË Lx Rxçöapplex ÖØ o. y-éπ\-úõéà îª açõ o éπ -Ææ -èπ -ØË-ü -EN) Karuna: I would have taken you to a movie if we had met. ( ç éπ -Ææ -èπ - çõ E o ÆœE- èπ BÆæ -Èé- Ï}-ü Eo) Sumana: So I have missed a movie. If you had told me earlier I would have waited for you at home. (Åçõ movie chance ÚíÌ-ô d-èπ -Ø o- - o- ô. y çüë îá œp Öçõ F éóææç Éçöapplex áü Ω îª ÊÆ-ü Eo.) Karuna: If I had thought of it earlier, I would have called you. I got the idea about 5 in the evening. I had nothing else to do. So I felt like seeing a movie. If I had got you over the phone, we would have seen the movie. ( çüë Å -èπ E Öçõ Fèπ Phone îëêæü ØËo. Ø èπ ÆœE idea âcç-öàéà *açc. æøëç- ü. ÆœE îª ú - -E- œç- *çc. y Phone apple üìj-èπ çõ ÆœE- - Èé- Ïx- - x Ë. Sumana: Which movie did you think of? (à movie éà Á «x - -èπ -Ø o-nç-ûªèπÿ?) Karuna: Neetone Unta (FûÓØË Öçö«) Sumana: Don't worry. We didn't miss much. ( æ y- -ü. ç  ü l miss Å ç-üëç- ü ) Suguna has seen it and says it is awful. (Ææ í ù îª ÆœçC. ÅC ü Ω -ùçí Öçü E îá œpçc.) awful = ü Ω ùç/ µºßª ç-éπ Ωç Karuna: That's OK, Then. éàçü öà lesson apple ç 1) Would have been, 2) Would have + Past Participle (Would have gone, Would have seen, etc) ÅØË verbs í Jç* ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü? 1) a) Would have been = ÉC 'be' form ÖçúËüË/ ÖçúË- úë (é E ü / úø ) i) He would have been here = úõ-éπ\úø ÖçúË- úë (é F Öçúø- ü ) (í ûªç apple ÖçúË- úë é E Å æ púø úø ) ii) She would have been here yesterday = Ç Á E o Ééπ\úø ÖçúËüË (é F ü ) iii) He would not have been the Prime Minister (Åûª PM í ÖçúË- úø é ü é F ÖØ oúø ) b) Would have + Past Participle (PP) DE Å Ωnç í ûªç apple ã æe ïj-ííüë é E ï Ω-í - -ü E; DçûÓ not ÊÆh äéπ æe ïj-ííc é ü, é F ïj-tçc ÅE. i) I would have met him = ØË -ûªeo éπ -Ææ -èπ -ØË- -úõøë; é F éπ -Ææ -éó- ü. ii) He wouldn't (would not) have passed Pass ÅßË u- úø é ü, é F Åߪ uúø.  j Ö æ-ßá -í would have been, would have + PP, verbs èπ last lessons apple ûá -Ææ - èπ Ø oç éπü. Ñ lesson v ƒ Ωç- µºç- applee conversation apple Ñ sentences í -Eç-îªçúÕ: 1) You would have met me, if you had come there. 2) I would have taken you to a movie, if we had met 3) If you had told me earlier, I would have waited for you. 4) If I had thought of it earlier, I would have called you. 5) If I had got you over the phone, we would have seen the movie. ñ«ví -ûªhí í -Eç-îªçúÕ:  j sentences ÅEoç-öÀ apple, 1) Would have + PP Verb ÖçúË main clause, 2) if clause ÖØ o. would have + PP Ææçí A èπ ûá Ææ. In all the sentences above, observe the form of the verb in the 'if' clause: Sentence 1:... if you had come. verb - had come (had + PP) if we had met. verb - had met (had + PP) 3. If you had told me. verb - had told (had + PP) 4. If I had thought of it. verb - had thought (had + PP) 5. If I had got you over phone. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 137 verb - had got (had + PP)  j 'If clauses' ÅEoç-öÀ apple, verb form  Ω éπü : had + PP é öàd Ééπ\úø would have been/ would have + PP main clause í Öçõ, if clause apple had + PP verb ÚhçC éπü. ÉC á æ púø í Ω hç-îª -éó- -Lq N æߪ ç: Å æ púø Å Ωnç É «Öçô çc. If clause apple îá œpçc ïjt Ö o-ôx- ûë, Main clause apple N æߪ ç ïjt ÖçúËC ÅE. (Main clause, if clause à order apple Å Ø îª a. äéπöà çü, äéπöà ûª yûª) OöÀE îª úøçúõ: If clause apple N æߪ ç ïjt Öçõ Main clause apple N æߪ ç ïjt ÖçúËC. Åçõ If clause N æߪ ç ï Ω-í - ü. Åçü -éπe main clause N æߪ ç èπÿú ï Ω-í - ü, ÅE. Important: If clause apple verb- had been/ had + pp, Main clause apple verb- would have been/ would have + pp Ñ combination Ωèπÿ-úøü Å æ púë sentence right Å -ûª çc. Some more examples: 1) ØË -éπ\úø Öçúø çõ, ÅC ï Ω-í -E-îËa- úõeé ü. If I had been there, I would not allowed it. (ØË -éπ\-úø-, ÅC ïj-tçc) (If clause verb - had been; main clause verb - would have + pp). 2) If he had participated, he would have got the prize úø ƒ Ô_E Öçõ, úõéà prize îëaüë. (Åçõ ƒ Ô_- - ü, prize ü ). (If clause verb - had + pp; main clause verb - would have + pp) 3) úø-éπ\-úõéà Á x-èπ çú Öçõ, x friend éπ -Ææ - èπ -ØË- -úø -é ü. If he had not gone there, he would not have met his friend If you had told me earlier.. If clause (had been/ had + pp) 1. If you had come there îª açõ ü )] [ y-éπ\-úõéà ( y 2. If we had met = [ ç éπ -Ææ -èπ E Öçõ (é F éπ -Ææ -éó- ü )] 3. If you had told me earlier [ y çüë îá œp Öçõ (é F îá æp- ü )] 4. If I had thought of it earlier [ çüë Å - èπ E Öçõ (é F Å -éó- ü )]. 5. If I had got you over phone [phone apple y üìj-èπ çõ (é F üì Ω-éπ- ü )]. If clause (had been/ had + pp) you would have met me. [ o éπ -Ææ -èπ ØË ü EN (éπ -Ææ -éó- ü )]. I would have taken you to a movie. [E o moive éà BÆæ -Èé- Ïx-ü Eo (é F BÆæ -Èé- x- ü )] I would have waited [ØË áü - Ω -îª -ÊÆ-ü Eo (é F Å «îëߪ - ü )] I would have called you. [phone îëêæü Eo (é E îëߪ - ü )] We would have seen the movie. [ ç ÆœE îª ÊÆ- - x Ë (é E îª úø- ü )]. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING Yamuna: Ñ chain á æ púø éìø o? Kanchana: éìe î «ÓV- - çc. Yamuna: Å ûë Éçûª-èπ - ç-üá- æ púø îª úø- ü ØË. Kanchana: Éçûª-èπ - ç-üá- æ p-úø- Ø ØË ËÆæ -éì- çõ y îª ÊÆ-ü -EN. ÉüË Á ü -öà- ƒj ËÆæ -éó- ôç. Yamuna: ØÁ éàçü í show room apple É «çöà chain ØË îª». úø sçõ éìøë-êæ-ü ØËo. ÁçôØË ËÆæ -éì-øë-ü Eo. Kanchana: ØË éì o æ púë ËÆæ -éì-øë-ü Eo, Ø birthday éóææç Çí -éπ- Ú-ߪ çõ. Yamuna: Å ûë É F birthday Å o- ô. Many happy returns of the day. Ñ Ææçí A çüë ûál-ææ çõ àüó é éπ ûáîëa-ü -Eo-í üë. Kanchana: Åçü -éπøë îá æp- ü. Ø èπ é -éπ BÆæ - éó- ôç É æ dç- üë. Yamuna: Å ûë party Å Ø É ƒh? Kanchana: éπ*a-ûªçí. Åçü Íé œ - -ö«-e-éìî a. -v æ- o: äéπ sentence apple îëa æü (words) à parts of speech èπ îáçü ßÁ í Jhç-îª-úø- Á «? (sentence meaning ûó Ææç çüµ ç èπ çú ) Öü : Beauty (root word) Parts of Speech beautiful (adj), beauteous (adj), beautifully (adv), beautify (vt), beautification (abs.n) beautician (n). à æü -E-ÈéjØ * Ω ly ÊÆh ÅC adverb Å -ûª çü? part of speech - -vûª- Ë é èπ çú N í û öàe í Ω h- æ-ö«d- çõ à ÁjØ æü l -ûª Ø oߪ? œ.éπ% ƒgè úõf, -îá-øëo éìûªh- ælx (-Å- ç-ûª æ Ωç ->- «x) (Åéπ\-úÕéÀ Á «xúø, friend éπ -Ææ -èπ -Ø oúø.) (If clause verb - had + pp; main clause verb - would have + pp). É «çöà Ææçü - s - -Eoç-öÀ apple èπÿú, If clause verb: had been/ had + pp, main clause verb: would have been/ would have + pp. ÉC î «êuç. É «çöà Ææçü - s applex Ñ combination of verbs Ωü. ANSWER Yamuna: When did you buy this chain? Kanchana: Long since I bought it. Yamuna: I haven't seen it before. Kanchana: If I had worn it earlier, you would have seen it. I am wearing it for the first time now. Yamuna: I saw a chain like this a month ago in a jewellry show room. If I had had / If I had got the money, I would have bought it. I would have worn it immediately. Kanchana: If I had not waited till my birthday, I would have worn it too when I bought it/ soon after I bought it. Yamuna: Oh, today is your birthday. Many happy returns of the day. If I had known it, I would have brought you a present. Kanchana: That's why I didn't tell you. I don't like gifts. Yamuna: Would you give/ throw at least a party? Kanchana: Sure. I came to invite you. -ï- - : î - «æü parts of speech Å neo öàd ûá -Ææ -éó- îª a. Å «ûá -Ææ hçc èπÿú. Å ûë O Ω- oô x word endings öàd, suffices öàdèπÿú parts of speech ûá -Ææ hçc. O J-*a Öü - æ«- Ω-ù- applexøë, ful ûó Åçûª- ßË u ô- Fo èπÿú adjectives; - ious, eous, * Ω îëan èπÿú adjectives; -ly * Ω îëa æü 90»ûªç adverbs, costly «çöà N - æ - ç- æ - ûó. -fy, -ise «çöà suffices (* Ω îëa «l ) ÅFo verbs. -sion, -ssion, -tion, - ation, -ment, -ness, -ty, -th * Ω îëa- Fo nouns. à ç* grammar æ Ææh-éπ-ç- apple-øáj-ø Ñ N - ç-ö«. English fluent í ö«x-úøí - -í -ö«-eéà parts of speech Åçûª thorough í -ûá-l-ߪ -éπ\- Ω- ü éπü? Å -Ææ- Ω- Á i- - æ úø Ñ lessons apple parts of speech í Ω h- æõ d æü l A N -J ƒhç.

48 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- Ÿ-véπ- Ωç 7 -à-v œ Gagan: Why was your little daughter crying so long this morning? (O Å t Òü l Åçûª-ÊÆ æ àúø - ÚhçüËçöÀ?) Jagan: Her mother did not give her the sweet it wanted. (ÅC ÅúÕ-T sweet x t É y ü ) Gagan: She should have given it. Then you should not have let the child cry so long. (Å ûë Éîª aç-ú -LqçC. Åçûª-ÊÆ æ Ç - ƒ æ- àúõ- œç-î -LqçC é ü.) Jagan: If the doctor had not advised us against it, we would have given it. (Doctor É Ìy-ü le Ææ æ É y-èπ çú Öçõ, ÉîËa- - x Ë ) Gagan: Why, has she been ill? (àçöà, ƒ æèπ ï sí Öçü?) Jagan: Yea, she has been ill for a few days now. Only yesterday I took her to doctor. (éìcl- Ó-V- í äçöapplex «í - ü. E oøë doctor ü í _- Ωèπ BÆæ -Èé «x.) Gagan: You should have been more careful. You should have taken her to the doctor as soon as she fell ill. You should not have neglected it. (ï s- æúøf ÁçôØË O Ω doctor ü í _- Ωèπ BÆæ - Èé- «}-LqçC.ÖÊ -éà~ç-î -LqçC é ü ) Jagan: True, but she has improved. Today she is much better than she was yesterday. (Eï Ë Å éó. é E ƒ æ æj-æœna Á Ω -í - çc. E oöàéπø o Ñ ÓV «í çc) Gagan: If the doctor had seen her earlier, she would have recovered earlier. ( çüë doctor îª Ææ çõ, çüë éó - éì-øëc éπü ) Jagan: That's true. (Eï Ë ) Gagan: Wish her a speedy recovery. (ûªy Ωí éó -éó- - E éó Ω -èπ ç-ô -Ø o.) Spoken English 137 apple, Åçûª-èπ çü, Ñ N æ-ߪ ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç: a) Would have been Åçõ äéπ uéàh, äéπ N æߪ ç í ûªç apple ÖçúË- úø / ÖçúËüË é F úø / ü ÅE. Wouldn't (would not) have been Åçõ í ûªç apple äéπ uéàh/ äéπ N æߪ ç ÖçúË- úø é úø / ÖçúËC é ü é E ÖØ oúø / ÖçC ÅE. b) Would have + past participle (PP) Åçõ í ûªç apple äéπ N æߪ ç ïj-ííüë é E ï Ω-í - ü ÅE. wouldn't (would not) have + past participle (PP) Åçõ äéπ N æߪ ç ïj-ííc é ü, é E ïj-tçc ÅE. 2) Ñ would have been/ would have + PP ÅØË main clause èπ combination, If clause apple had been/ had + Past Participle verbs ôç. a) If she had been here, I would have consulted her Ç Á Ééπ\úø ÖçúÕ Öçõ, ØËØ - Á Ææçv æ-cç-îë- -úõøë. (Ç Á Ééπ\úø ü ØËØ - Á Ææçv æ-cç-îª- ü ) b) If he had answered one more question, he would have got 100% ÉçéÌéπ\ question answer îëæœ Öçõ, úõéà 100] îëaüë. (Ç question C- -»úø, úõéà 100] ü ) c) If he had not been careful, he would have lost the money ñ«ví -ûªhí Öçúø-éπ- Ú-ߪ çõ, úø s ÚíÌ-ô d-èπ -ØË- úë. (ñ«ví -ûªhí ÖØ oúø, úø s Ú ü ) d) If he had not met her at the party, he would not have fallen in love with her. (Ç party apple Ç Á éπ -Ææ -éó-éπ- Ú-ߪ çõ, Ç Á vê N ç-îë- -úø -é úø éπ -Ææ -èπ -Ø oúø vê N ç-î úø ) Very important: If clause: had been / had + pp Main Clause: would have been / would have + pp Ñ combination î «êuçí í Ω hç-îª -éó- L. Now, look at these sentences in the conversation at the beginning of the lesson: 1) Then she should have given it. 2) You should have seen the doctor much earlier. 3) You should have taken her to the doctor as soon as she fell ill. 4) You should not have neglected it. 5) You should have been more careful. Ñ sentences apple verbs îª ü lç. 1) should have given [should have + past participle (of give)] 2) should have seen [should have + past participle (of see)] 3) should have taken [should have + past participle (of take)] 4) have neglected [should have + past participle (of neglect)] 5) should have been. Ñ ƒj, verb forms  j îª œ- ô x, -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 138 a) should have been b) should have + pp. a) should have been ÅØËC 'be' form éπü. DE Å Ωnç: i) Öçúø- - -Æœ uéàh/ N æߪ ç úø / ü ÅE. ii) not (should not have been) Å ûë, Öçúø-èπÿ-úøE uéàh/ N æߪ ç Öçü E. i) Å Ω-í çô éàçü õ Ny-éπ\úø Öçú -LqçC (é F ) you should have been here half an hour ago. ii) Ÿx E o Åéπ\úø Öçú Lq Ÿxé Ω (é F ÖØ o Ω ) They should not have been there yesterday. iii) I should have been there at that time, I would have taught him a lesson Ç time èπ ØË -éπ\úø Öçú -LqçC; úõéà Cl îáê p- -úõe. É æ púø sentence (a), sentence (b) Ú açúõ: a) She should have been more careful Ç Á Éçé áèπ \ ñ«ví ûªhí Öçú -LqçC (é F- ü ). b) She would have been more careful Ç Á Éçé áèπ \ ñ«ví -ûªhí ÖçúËüË (é F- ü ). Should have been, would have been ûëú í -Eç-îªçúÕ. 1) should have been = Öçú -LqçC (é F ü ) 2) would have been = ÖçúËüË (é F- ü ) 3) should not have been = Öçú -LqçC é ü (é E ÖçC). 4) would not have been = ÖçúË-C-é ü (é E ÖçC) Ñ conversation apple N í û verbs should have + pp, should not have + pp form apple ÖØ o éπü. 1) She should have given it Ç Á É*a Öçú -LqçC/ É y-lqçc (í ûªç apple) (é F É y- ü ) 2) You should have seen the doctor much earlier Doctor çüë îª ú -LqçC. (îª úø- ü ) 3) You should have taken her to doctor doctor ü í _- Ωèπ BÆæ -Èé- «}- LqçC (BÆæ -Èé- x- ü ).- 4) You should not have neglected it ÖÊ -éà~ç-î -LqçC é ü (ÖÊ -éà~ç-î ). ÉC èπÿú îª úøçúõ: 1) Karuna: Oy E Ωgߪ ç BÆæ -èπ ØË çü, O Ø oûó ö«x-ú -LqçC. Kavya: (Before taking the decision, you should have consulted your father) Ø o Ü applex Öçõ ö«x-úë-ü ØËo. (I would have consulted him, if he had been in town). Karuna: Çߪ AJ-íÌ-*aç-ü é Çí çú -LqçC. (You should have waited until he returned.) Kavya: ØË wait îëêæ-ü ØËo, é E Å æp-öàíé K late Å - Ú-ßË C. (I would have waited, but it would have been too late by then.) 2) Åûªúø Ç car éì ç-ú -LqçC é ü He should not have bought the car. a) îëߪ - - -Æœ ã æe îëߪ -éπ- ÚûË= You should have done it. b) îëߪ -èπÿ-úøe æe-îëêæh= you should not have done it. Would have been, would have + pp éã, should have been, should have + pp éã ûëú îª ü lç. 1) He would have done it = Åûªúø îëêæ- úë (îëߪ - ü ) He should have done it = Åûªúø îëߪ -LqçC (NCµí / Å -Ææ- Ω Á i, Éûª- Ω Çïc ƒöàçîë Ææçü - s applex) (îëߪ - ü ). 2) She would have bought the sari = < Ω-éÌ-ØËüË, éì - ü. She should have bought the sari = < Ω-éÌ- ç-ú -LqçC, éì - ü. ( ç* Å -é ç Ú çc.) ÉO should have been, should have + pp N -. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING Hiranya: Hi Rajitha, y E o ûó ÆœE- èπ îª açú -LqçC. Eïçí ç* ÆœE miss Åߪ u. Rajitha: îëa-ü ØËo, cousin éπ- Ú-ߪ çõ. Ç Á ûó ö«x-úø ûª èπÿ Ω aø o. Hiranya: Ç Á èπÿú BÆæ -èπ - - -LqçC. He would have done it Rajitha: ÅC Á «xl, Á «xl ÅE ûìçü - Ω- æ-úø-éπ- Ú-- ߪ çõ, Éü l Ωç éπlæœ îëa- - x Ë. Hiranya: yçõ Éçé «í enjoy îëêæ x Ë. Å ûë E o holiday é èπ çõ Á Ïx- xç é ü. O cousin ÁR}- Ú- çü? Rajitha: E oøë ÁRx- Ú- çc. ûªeçéó È çúø ÓV ç-ú -LqçC. N tlo Åçû æjîªßª ç îëêæ-ü Eo. ÆæÍ. ØË ƒh. Time Å çc. Hiranya: Bye. ANSWERS Hiranya: Hi Rajitha, you should have come with us to the movie. Really you missed a good movie. Rajitha: If my cousin had not visited me (come), I would have definitely (éπ*aûªçí ) come. I spent time talking to her. Hiranya: You should have brought her along. Rajitha: If she had not been in a hurry, I would have brought her along. Hiranya: If you had come we would have enjoyed still more. But if yesterday had not been a holiday we would not have gone to the movie. Has your cousin gone/ left? Rajitha: She left yesterday itself. She should have been here/ should have stayed here for another two days. I would have introduced her to you all. OK. Time is up. I must be going, bye. Hiranya: Bye. Spoken English 137 apple È ç-úó Column applee Table apple Á ü öà column (Åçõ áúø- - Áj æ column) heading vûª Ë If clause (had been/ had + PP). È ç-úó- column (èπ úõ column) heading Main clause (would have been/ would have + PP) ÅE Öçú L.

49 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -Ç-C- Ωç 9 -à-v œ Surendra: We missed you at the picnic last weekend. ( Ú çûªç picnic apple y E appleô éπe- œç-*çc èπ ) Mahendra: So did I miss the fun too. I now feel I should have joined you. I shouldn't (should not) have stayed back for the meeting. What a bore it was! But for the dinner at the end of the meeting, it would have been unbearable. (ØË èπÿú Ç Ææ Ωü ÚíÌ-ô d-èπ -Ø o. O ûó îª aç-ú -Lqç-ü E É æ púø -èπ çô Ø o. Meeting éóææç Ééπ\úø ÖçúÕ Ú -Lqç-C-é ü. Å apples áçûª bore éìöàdçüó! Meeting ûª yûª dinner éπ- Ú-ߪ çõ, ü Eo µºjç-îª-ûª- Ω- -ßË u-cé ü.) fun (Ééπ\úø) = Ææ Ωü ; But for Åçõ ÅüË éπ- ÚûË. unbearable = µºjç- æ- éπuç é E. Surendra: I thought of pressing you. But I thought that it was an important meeting. So I didn't force you. (E o - ç-ûª-â -úø-ü - - -èπ -Ø o, é F ÅüËüÓ êu- Á i meeting Å -èπ - Ø o. Åçü -éπe - çûªç îëߪ - ü.) press = äahúõ ûë ôç, - ç-ûª-â -ôdúøç = force Mahendra: But you should have told me earlier. The time you gave me was short. If you told me earlier of it, I would have thought of an excuse to skip the meeting. I would have been happy. ( y (picnic í Jç*) é Ææh çü îá ƒp-lqçc. y Ø èπ K ûªèπ \ time Éî a. é Ææh çü í îá œp Öçõ, meeting áíì_-ôd-ú -EéÀ àüó ƒèπ Ç apple-*ç-îë- -úõe. ØË ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçúË- -úõe) Excuse = ƒèπ. Lame excuse = èπ çöà- ƒèπ. Lame = èπ çöà Surendra: You were out of town for me to tell you earlier. So I couldn't. Mahendra: OK. That's past. How about a movie this evening? (OK, ÅC Å - Ú- çc í ü. É y ƒßª çvûªç ÆœE- -Èé- «l?) Surendra: I am game for it. (ØË ready ØË.) game for = Æœü l ç Look at the following clauses in the conversation above: I should have joined you 2. I shouldn't have stayed back it would have been unbearable 4. But you should have told me earlier. 5. I would have thought of an excuse 6. I would have been happy. Look at the verbs in the clauses above: 1. Should have joined 2. Shouldn't have stayed back 3. Would have been (unbearable) 4. Should have told 5. Would have thought 6. Would have been. Ñ Verbs ÅFo èπÿú Imaginary past situations apple úë- E èπ ûá Ææ. í ûª 4, 5 lessons OöÀ í JçîË éπü. ÉN conversation apple Ææ Ωy ƒüµ - Ω-ù- Á i- - æp-öàéà ö«x-úë-ô- æ púø correct í úø-í - -í ôç éìçîáç éπ æ d Ë. áçûª áèπ \ Practice îëêæh Åçûª «í Å - õ j, correct í úø-í ç. Åçü -éπe Ñ lesson èπÿú Imaginary past forms í JçîË.. Éçûª- - Ωèπ ç ûá -Ææ -èπ o Imaginary past forms: I a) Would have been (ÖçúË- úë/ ÖçúËüË é E úø / ü ) b) Would have + Past participle (PP) eg: Would have gone, Would have seen, etc) (ã æe ïj-ííüë é F ï Ω-í - ü ÅE. Not ûó Å ûë ïj-ííc é ü, é E ïj-tçc ÅE) II a) Should have been= Öçú -LqçC/ Öçú -Lq úø é F ü / úø ) b) Should have + Past Participle (PP) (eg: should have gone, should have seen, etc.) (ã æe) îëææ ç-ú -LqçC é F îëߪ - ü. Not ûó (ã æe) îë-ߪ éπ- Ú-ߪ ç-ú -Lqç-C, é F îë»- / -îë-»- / -îë-» Ω ) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 139 Let's look at the verbs of imaginary past situations above. 1. should have joined - éπ LqçC ( y). é E éπ - - ü. 2. I shouldn't have stayed back - Ééπ\úø ÖçúÕ- Ú- -Lqç-C-é ü é F ÖØ o 3. Would have been unbearable - µºjç- æ- éπuç é èπ çú ÖçúËC é E éπu- - çc (Dinner x) 4. You should have told me - îá ƒp-lqçc îá æp- ü 5. would have thought - Ç apple-*ç-îë- -úõøë é F Ç apple-*ç-îª- ü. 6. would have been happy - ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçúË úõøë é F. Reminding you - (O èπ í Ω h-îë-ææ hø oç): Main clause verbs- would have been, would have + pp Å ûë subordinate clause verbs- had been, had + pp. If you had told me earlier of it, I would have thought of some excuse to skip the meeting. Main clause: I would have thought of some excuse to skip the meeting (meeting áíì_-ôd-ú -EéÀ ƒèπ Ç apple-*ç-îë- -úõe. verb: would have thought - would have + pp) Sub. clause: If you had told me of it earlier. ( y ü E í Jç* çüë îá æ pçõ verb- had told - had + pp) This lesson is a revision of the points of the earlier lessons: «í îª Ææ -èπ E practice îëߪ çúõ. í ûª 5, 6 lessons apple É*a N æ-ߪ é Ææh éπ æ dç é öàd éàçc N æ-ߪ O èπ S} í Ω h îëææ hø oç. IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER µ Clause - A group of words with a verb µ Main clause has complete meaning. µ Subordinate clause has no complete meaning. Examples of subordinate clauses. All clauses beginning with a) who, whom, whose, where, when, which, why and how. b) 'that' clauses. c) before.., after.., soon after, as soon as, since, because, though, although, even though «çöà öàûó begin ÅßË u clauses. d) If clauses. Rules: 1) Main clause verb - past tense, subordinate clause verb - also past tense. Exceptions: (N - æ - ç- æ  j rule èπ ) subordinate clause apple universal truths, facts of science, generalisations, repeated actions of the present continuing into future- OöÀ N æ-ߪ ç apple main clause verb past tense Å - - æp-öàéà sub clause verb, present tense apple Öçú L. 2) Main clause verb, present/ future tense, sub clause verb - any tense.  j points ÅFo á æ púø í Ω hç-îª -èπ çõ O conversation and communication, perfect í Öçô çc. Practise, practise and practise. EXERCISE Govind: Sir, Ø èπ Ó È çvúó-v time É yçúõ, assignment submit îëêæç-ü èπ. Lecturer: È çvúó-v «? y Á oøë submit îëߪ - LqçC. Ñ ƒßª çvûªç appleí submit îë. Govind: Á o Ø èπ ïy Ωç éπ- ÚûË E oøë îëêæ- -úõe, Sir, Lecturer: y E o submit îëææ çõ, marks list Ñ ƒ-öàéà ØË office apple ÉîËa-ÊÆ- -úõe. ÅÆæ marks lists ÅFo Á oøë submit îëߪ -LqçC ØË. F äéπ\úõ x Åçû Ç -Ææu- - çc. Govind: Ø èπ äéπ\- ÓV time É yçúõ sir. Lecturer: Í time èπ submit îë. I would have been happy v æ o: Past tense apple sentence ÊÆh, ÅD-èπÿú regular verbs Ö æ-ßá -TÊÆh èπ àc 2nd form Å simple past Å -ûª çc, Å «Íí 3rd form Å past participle ÅE ûá -Ææ hçc? Å «Íí regular verbs Ö æ-ßá -TçîË-ô- æ púø êuçí simple past tense apple Å ûë, -èπ o 3 forms of verb apple past form, P.P. form confusion í ÖØ o. î «æ Ææh-é - applex P.P form -Å -ûë Past modification, premodification apple passive voice í à Ωp-úø-û ÅE -» Ω. ÉN éìçîáç N - Ωçí ûá - æçúõ. >.N.Ææûªuç, N»-ê- æôoç -ï-- -- : Regular verbs past tense, past participle, äíé «Öçö«. Å ûë á æ -úøc past tense, á æ úø past participle ÅE ûá-l-ߪ -ö«-eéà, Ç verb form èπ, á -JE, üëee ÅE question Ë Ú\çúÕ. Answer ÊÆh ÅC past simple. Answer éπ- ÚûË ÅC past participle. eg: like BÆæ èπ çü ç. DEéÀ past tense, past participle - liked. She liked the sari. Ééπ\úø liked what? (üëee like îëæœçc?) Åçõ answer sari ÅE Ææ hçc é öàd Ééπ\úø liked, past simple. The teacher liked all over the college, Ééπ\úø liked what (üëee like îëæœçc?)/ liked whom? (á -JE like îëæœçc?) Åçõ answer ôç ü éπü? Åçü -éπe Ééπ\úø liked past participle. ANSWER Govind: Sir, please give me two days time to submit the assignment. Lecturer: Two more days? You should have submitted it the day before (yesterday). Submit it by the evening. Govind: If I had not had a fever/ had not been down with a fever, I would have submitted it yesterday itself. Lecturer: If you had submitted it yesterday, I would have given the marks lists to the office yesterday. I should have submitted them the day before (yesterday). The whole delay is because of you. Govind: Give me just a day's time, sir. Lecturer: Submit tomorrow by this time. The teacher liked all over the college Åçõ Å Ωnç, college Á ûªhçîë ÅGµ- -Eç-îª- -úø -ûª o teacher... ÅE Å Ωnç. é F æ Jh Å Ωnç ôç ü é öàd ÉC sentence é -ü. ÉçéÓ example: a) He repaired the car. b) The car repaired yesterday.. a) apple repaired- üëeo repair îë»úø?car. b) The car repaired... - car üëeo repair îëæœçc? Åçõ answer ü éπü. é öàd The car repaired yesterday... Åçõ Å Ωnç, E o repair îëߪ - - úõ car,...åøë Å ΩnçûÓ ÅÆæç- æ -Jhí Öçúøôç x sentence Å ü. í Ω hçîª -éóçúõ. Past participle èπ -á æ p-úø ' úë ÅE Å Ωnç Ææ hçc. The paper bought by millions = éπ~- «C v æï- îë éì - úë ævaéπ (ûá -í apple éπ~- v æï éìøë ævaéπ Åçö«ç.) The book read by millions = éπ~- «C v æï- îë îªü - - úë æ Ææhéπç ( éπ~- - ç-c îªc Ë æ Ææhéπç) àüájø be form æéπ\ past participle ÊÆh Å æ úø verb, passive. The book is liked by all- verb, is (be form) + liked (pp) - æ Ææhéπç ÅGµ- Eçîª -úø -ûª çc. ( úø -ûª çc). á æ p-úø be form æéπ\ past simple ü.

50 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - çí - - Ωç 11 -à-v œ Rama Rao: Why do you keep so much money at home, son? It isn't safe. (Åçûª úø s áçü -éàçöapplex Öçîªôç? Åü çûª Íé~ ç é ü éπü?) Kumar : I know it isn't safe, dad, but I haven't found the time to put it in the bank. Moreover such a lot of money in my account in the bank... That's worrying me. (Ø èπ ûá Ææ Ø o ÅC Íé~ ç é ü E. é E úø s bank apple Ëߪ ö«-eéà õ j üì Ω-éπôç ü. ÅçûËé èπ çú Ø äéπ\úõ ë«û apple... ÅD Ø worry). Rama Rao: I have the time, so let me deposit it then. I'll (I will) open an account, and let's have an account opened in mother's name too. Then you can put the money in three different accounts. That'll solve your problem. (Ø èπ time ÖçC éπü, ØË ï Kumar îë ƒh bank apple Ø Ê Ω ûó äéπ account open îë ƒh, Å t Ê Ω èπÿú äéπ account v ƒ Ωç-Gµü lç. Å æ pú úø s úø accounts apple éìçûª éìçûª- Ë-ßÁ îª a. F Ææ Ææu BJ- Úûª çc.) : That's an idea. You apply for the ATM cards too. You need not go to the bank every time you want to withdraw money. ( «í ØË ÖçC Ñ idea. O Ω ATM Cards èπ èπÿú apply îëߪ çúõ. Å æ púø úø s BÆæ éó- - -èπ - o- æ p-úø «x bank èπ Á x-éπ\- Ω- ü. Rama Rao: But we have to use cheques till we get the cards. (Cards îëaç-ûª- - Ωèπ cheques Kumar -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 140 úøü ç.) : Credit some of the money into my account. Open SB accounts in your name and mother's name. I'll sign as the introducer. Let's go. (éìçûª úø s Ø ë«û apple ï -îá u. F Ê Ω, Å t Ê Ω SB Accounts v ƒ Ωç- Gµü lç. ØË æj-îªßª ç îëêæç-ü èπ Ææçûªéπç  úøû. Á «lç æü.) Rama Rao: What about the Rs /- brother Ramu wants for the bike? We'll take a D.D. and send it to him. (Bike éì -éó\- -ö«-eéà ûª túø - Å-úø í -ûª - o Ω /- õ -N öà. Ç Á û h-eéà D.D. BÆœ æç œü lç.) Kumar : D.D. means delay. We have to send it by post and even then he can't have it immediately. Our bank has online transfer facility. Let us send it that way. (DD Åçõ Ç -Ææu Ë. ç post apple æç ƒl. Å æp-öàéã ÁçôØË úø BÆæ -éó- úø. bank apple online transfer éπ Ωuç ÖçC. ç online - apple æç œü lç. facility = éπ Ωuç) Rama Rao: Let's put a part of the money in term deposit. That gets us a higher interest. (éìçûª úø s term deposit apple Ëü lç. áèπ \ úœf Ææ hçc.) Kumar : How about investing in shares? (Shares apple  úø-ü? invest =  ô d- úõ  ôdôç) Rama Rao: I am not for it. It is risky. Kumar (Ø éà æ dç ü. Risk ÖçC ü ØÓx.) : O.K. Dad, as you say. (ÆæÍ.. F É æ dç ) You see the whole conversation above is about money and banks. Most words used are banking words.  j Ææç µ«- æ-ù- applee ô î «- -ô èπ bank èπ Ææç ç-cµç-*- N éπü. öàe í Jç* N - Ωçí ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç. 1) Bank apple ë«û ûá Ω- -ôç/-v ƒ- Ωç-Gµç-îªôç = Open an account. Account A/c ÅE Ææ hç-ö«ω èπÿú. 2) Bank apple úø s Ëߪ -ôç/-ï- -îë-ߪ -ôç/-e- y-îëߪ ôç = put money in/credit money into/deposit money in, the bank. 3) Bank apple E y = deposit He is quite rich. He has a lot of bank deposits. Åûªúø üµ E-èπ úø. «í Bank E y- -Ø o. 4) Ëߪ ôç, Bߪ ôç ûª yûª, Account apple Ö o E y = balance. 5) Bank apple úø s BÆæ -éó- ôç = withdraw He withdrew Rs. 10,000/- yesterday= E o Ω. 10,000 B»úø. You credit money into the bank and withdraw money from the bank. äéó\- ƒj withdraw ü draw ÅE-èπ ú Åçö«ç. I don't draw money on Fridays and Tuesdays. ( Ÿvéπ- Ωç, çí - - Ωç úø s Bߪ.) SB Account = Savings bank A/c = u ƒ Ω ÆæçÆæn, v æ µº ûªyç EN ûªhç - èπ ç--ú uéàh-í -ûªçí úø s ü îª -èπ ØË ë«û. Bank transactions = Bank «-üë-o. (úø s BÆæ -éó- -ôç/- Ë-ߪ ôç «çöàn) úø s withdraw/draw îëߪ -ö«-eéà EçÊ - ævûªç = withdrawal form úø s ï -îë-ߪ -ú -EéÀ úë ævûªç = credit challan. úø s withdraw îëߪ -ö«-eéà cheque èπÿú úøû ç. A/c O ü èπ cheque book Öçõ, pay self ÅE Æœ ç úø s withdraw îëææ -éó- îª a. äéπ Ω ÉçéÓ-éπ-JéÀ É y-lq úø s cheque Æœ x-éàêæh, Ÿx Ç cheque x A/c èπ credit -îëææ èπ ç-ö«ω. cheque Ç bank O ü é éπ- ÚûË cheque úø s credit Å -ö«-eéà Ç Ææuç Å ûª çc. Åçü -éπe ËÍ bank O C cheques uéàh-í ûª «-üë-o- èπ í F, æj-îª-ߪ ç- E x ü í _ Ω ç* BÆæ -éó Ω. Ìéπ\ç É y- ç-ö«ω. ATM= Automatic Teller Machine = Bankèπ ç Á x- - -Ææ Ωç èπ çú, Bank business hours ûó Ææç çüµ ç èπ çú, Bank Card ü y, úø s ÒçüË Ææü - ƒßª ç. Ñ Cards È çúø Ωé. 1) Debit Card: Account apple Ö o balance Ë Ωèπ ç BÆæ -éì-øëç-ü èπ úëc. 2) Credit Card: balance ûó Ææç çüµ ç èπ çú, éìçûª æj-n A Ë Ωèπ úø s Òçü -ö«-eéà Advance í Ö æ-ßá -í - æ-úëc. DEéÀ éìçûª»ûªç ØÁ -ØÁ «úœf, service charges æúø- îª a. DD= Demand Draft= ç Éûª- Ω - -éà- y-lq  jéπç, bank apple éπöàd Ç Á û h-eéà DD BÆæ -èπ çö«ç, Ç DD E ç á -JéÀ úø s éπö«d apple xèπ æç œûë, x-éπ\úø Ç bank»ê apple úø sí BÆæ -éó- îª a. DD E x A/c apple credit îëææ -éó- îª a. (Cheques, DDs, crossed, uncrossed ÅE È çúø Nüµ Cheque/DD éà áúø- - Áj- æ  j È çúø Uûª UÆœØ Account Payee ÅE ÆœØ ÅC crossed cheque / crossed DD - Crossed Å ûë í ü îálxç-îª Ω Cheque / DD ÒçC- - x A/c apple ï îë ƒh Ω. uncrossed Å ûë í ü He would have deposited... îálxç æ Öçô çc.) On line transfer = DD/Cheque x éπlíí Ç Ææuç, Å -éπ Ωuç èπ çú, computer, electronics ߪ í ç apple -èπ o  ü l éπ Ωuç. üë ç Á ûªhç apple áéπ\úõ -ÈéjØ á -J-ÈéjØ, áçûª - Á -ûªh- Á iø (éìeo Ççéπ~- ûó) éπ~ù«applex ÅçüËô x æç æ -í éπ Ωuç. úø s ÒçüË - x A/c number apple ç áéπ\úø ï -îë -ÆœØ, éπ~ù«applex ÅC x A/c apple ŸxçúËîÓô Ç bank branch apple ï Å -ûª çc. Ÿx ÁçôØË withdraw îëææ -éó- îª a. Å ûë Ñ éπ Ωuç ÅEo bank apple,x ÅEo»ê applex ü. Term deposit/fixed deposit: á æ púø é - çõ Å æ púø é èπ çú, äéπ EKgûª é ç (fixed term) ( úø ØÁ ç* áeo Ææç -ûªq jø ) bank apple úø s ÖçîË-ߪ ôç withdraw îëߪ -èπ çú DEéÀ bank ÉîËa úœf, SB A/c O ü úœf éπø o áèπ \. é ç  J-T éìdl - -úœf áèπ \- - -ûª çc. Current Account: u ƒ Ω ÆæçÆæn- èπ Ö æ-ßá í ç ÓVèπ áeo ƒ Ωx- BÊÆç-ü èπ O í -Öç-ô ç-c. úœf Öçúø-éπ- Ú- îª a. Interest = úœf Payee = úø s ÒçüË- úø Debit = ç withdraw îëêæ úø s, ç Cheque/DD ü y ÉîËa úø s, Account apple ê Ω a ߪ ôç (BÊÆ-ߪ ôç) The Cheque amount has been debited = O J-*a cheque Á ûªhç O balance apple BÊÆߪ ôç ïj-tçc. -Èé- -È jø É*a cheque ç credit îëêæh í F, ÅC uncrossed cheque Å, Ò t BÆæ -éó- -ö«-eéà Ç bank apple É yôç presenting the cehque. äéπj Account apple Ö o Balance éπø o áèπ \ Á û h-eéà ÉçéÌ-éπ-JéÀ cheque ÆœÊÆh, Ç cheque bank Ÿx ûªt- çûª balance ü E, return -îëêæh Å æ púø Cheque bounce Å- -ûª ç-c. Cheque bounce Å ûë ÅC cheque Æœ-*a x-øë Ωç. Å «Æœ*a x O ü case  öôdîª a. Péπ~ áèπ \ Ë. Bounce Å cheque, dishonour Å çc Åçö«Ω. ÉO ç ƒ - uçí bank transactions - apple úë ô. Now practise the following: Siva: æ ß Ææ àçöà Ææçí A? Vasu: E o æéà\çöapplex üìçí -ûª ç ïj-tçc. R}çöapplex - æ púø üìçí ñô Ω- úõ- úø- s - á-ûª hèé- «x Ω. Siva: áçûë-n öà? Vasu: éπ~ Siva: ü Eo Çߪ «uçé apple - ËÆœ -Öçú -LqçC. Vasu: ƒ æç - ËÊÆ úë. E o sudden í áéπ\-úõéó Á «xlq *a - «uçé èπ Á x- ü. Siva: «í Ö o- -úëø? Vasu: Ç Á oøë á -JéÓ îálxç-î Lq *a ã éπ~ Ω ƒ-ߪ DD B»úø. - éπ- Ú-ûË ÅC èπÿú ÚßË üë. á æ púø bank apple úø s Ëߪ -ô Ë é F Bߪ ôç Öçúøü. Siva: Å ûë É æ púëç îëߪ - apple-ûª -Ø oúø? Vasu: Á oøë á -JéÓ cheque Éî aúø. ÅC Åûªúø bank apple ËÊÆ apple æ Ñ úø s éπõ dêæh, cheque èπ ûªt Ò tç-ô ç-ü F, AJT æç æ- ΩE Ñ ÓV ï îëߪ - - -èπ -Ø oúø. É æ púø balance ü -éπü, ÅC AJT æç æ -û Ω. Siva: y ƒßª ç îëߪ -? F bank E y- applexç* BÆœ Çߪ - -éà y. Vasu: ØËØ! ØËØËç èπ - Ω -úø- -èπ ç-ö«? Ø èπ o éìcl úø s ÅFo term deposits apple ÖØ o. y É y. ØË í u Ωç--öà Öçö«. Siva: ØËØËüÓ Ææ Ω-ü éà ÅØ o. Answer Siva: Hi Vasu, What's new? Vasu: There was a theft/burglary in my neighbour's. When they were out, thieves entered the house and took away cash (theft = üìçí ª-ûª ç. burglary = û ««çöàn æí - -íìöàd, éπø o ËÆœ Éçöapplex ñô Ω- úõ üìçí -ûª ç îëߪ ôç. Burglar - Å «çöà üìçí -ûª ç îëêæ- úø ) Siva: How much? Vasu: One lakh Siva: Why didn't he put/deposit it in the bank. Vasu: He would have deposited but they had to go suddenly somewhere, and could not go to bank. Siva: Is he rich/well to do? (well to do = «í úø s- o- úø ) Vasu: Yea. He bought a DD the other day, for a lakh rupees to make some payment/to pay someone. Otherwise he would have lost it/that amount too. He always deposits money into the banks and never withdraws. Siva: What's he going to do? Vasu: He gave/issued a cheque to some one. He wanted to credit this amount into bank, so that even if he presented the cheque there would be enough balance, and the cheque would not be returned/dishonoured/bounce. Now there isn't enough balance. So he is worried that the bank might dishonour/return the cheque. Siva: Can't you help him? you draw from your deposits and give him the money. Vasu: Me? (Do) you think I am Kubera. The little money I have is in term deposits you give him; I'll stand guarantee. Siva: I just joked. Don't worry.

51 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü í Ω - Ωç à-v œ Praveen: Congrats on your high score. Keep it up. áèπ \ Ω \ ƒcµç-*- ç-ü èπ éπçví ö q. Naveen: Thank you. But I left out two questions. If had answered them, I could have scored still higher. È çúø questions C- -». öàe answer îëææ çõ, ØËEçé áèπ \ Ω \ ûáîª a-éó-í -LÍí úõe. Praveen: Don't worry. Your marks are high enough. Better luck next time. Worry Å èπ. F Ω \ É æ púø áèπ \- -í ØË ÖØ o éπü. îëa- ƒj F Åü % æ dç «í ç-ú L ÅE Ø éó-jéπ. Naveen: Thank you. But for your help I couldn't (could not) have scored so high. Thank you for all your help. ü uçé q.. F Ææ æ ߪ ç èπ çõ ØË çûª áèπ \ Ω \ ûáîª aéóí LÍí úõe é. Score = marks. Score high = áèπ \ marks ûáîª a-éó- ôç. High score = áèπ \ Ω \ Praveen: You are welcome. It is your hard work more than my help that got you these marks. Ø Ææ æ ߪ çéπø o F éπ%ê FéπEo Ω \ ûá*a-â -öàdçc. Naveen: The college is a good college too. The teaching is good. Had it not been for the teachers, many could not have passed. College èπÿú ç*üë. Teaching «í ç-ô çc. Teachers Ééπ\úø íì æp- Ÿx é éπ- ÚûË î «- çc pass -Å-ßË u Ÿx é ü. Praveen: True. The college can be proud of its Lecturers. The college wouldn't have become so famous without them. Eï Ë. Ñ college éà Lecturers í Ωyé - Ωùç. x- x é éπ- ÚûË, College èπ - Åçûª fame ÖçúËC é ü (é F ÖçC) Naveen: If I had not advised your father, he would have put you in some other college and you would have faced problems. ØË O Ø o-èπ Ææ æ Éîª aç-úø-éπ- ÚûË O Ø o- EEoçéÓ College apple îëí a- Ω. Å æ púø - - -y éπ ƒd- -ü - Ó\- - Ôq-îËaC. Praveen: O.K. I must be leaving. I should have been at college by 10 for the certificates. I am late. Bye. ØË- Á- «xl. College apple certificates BÆæ -éó- -ú -EéÀ 10 í çô- èπ Öçú -LqçC. Ç -Ææu- Á içc. ƒh. Naveen: Bye. µ In the last few lessons we studied the uses of Would have been, Would have + Past Participle, should have been, should have + pp. a) would have been = ÖçúË úë/ ÖçúËüË ( ü ) would have + pp = ïj-ííüë é F ï Ω-í - ü. wouldn't (would not) have been = ÖçúËC é ü (é F ÖçC)/ ÖçúË úø é ü (é F ÖØ oúø ) Wouldn't have + pp = (ã æe) ïj-ííc é ü (é F ïj-tçc) b) should have been = Öçú -LqçC (NCµí )/ Öçú -Lq úø (NCµí ) é E ü /- úø shouldn't (should not) have been = Öçú -LqçC é ü (é F ÖçC) / Öçú -Lq- - úø é ü - (é E ÖØ oúø ) should have done = îëߪ -LqçC (NCµí ) é F îëߪ - ü. should n't (should not have done) îë-ߪ -Lqç-C é -ü -é -F îë-» Ω. ÉD Ææçví - æ«çí ç imaginary past forms í Jç* ûá -Ææ -èπ o N æ-ߪ. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson: 1) I could have scored still higher marks. 2) I couldn't (could not) have scored so high 3) Many couldn't have passed 4) The college wouldn't have become so famous 5) He would have put you in some other college 6) You would have faced problems 7) I should have been at college by 10 Look at the underline verbs in the sentences above: 1) Could have scored 2) couldn't have scored, 3) couldn't have passed 4) wouldn't have become 5) would have put 6) would have faced 7) should have been. We know the uses of verbs No. 4, 5, 6 and 7. Now let's look at verbs No. 1, 2, and 3. We see that the verb form is could have + past participle. Could have been / could have + PP are two more imaginary past forms. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 141 could have been = Öçúø-í -L-Íí-C/- Öç-úø-í -LÍí úë (é E ü / úø ) a) She could have been the Prime Minister= ÇNúø v æüµ - - çvaí Öçúø-í -L-ÍíüË (é E ü ) [could Åçõ past ability E ûá - æ -ûª çc éπü Åçõ í ûªç apple Öçúø-í - í ôç/ îëߪ -í - í -ö«eo ûá - æ -ûª çc í Ω hçc éπü ] b) Mrs Sonia Gandhi could have been the PM if she had wanted = Ç Á Å -èπ - o-ôd- ûë, PM í Öçúø-í -L-ÍíüË. (Å -éó- ü, PM í ü ) c) I could have been there even at 10- Åéπ\úø ØË æcç-öàíé Öçúø-í -L-Íí- -úõøë, if the train hadn't been late. train Ç Ææuç Å -èπ çú Öçõ. (Train x ) d) How could she have been here?= Ç Á Ééπ\úø á «Öçúø-í -L-ÍíC? (Åçõ ü E éπü ) Krishna: She should have been here at 10. (Ç Á Ééπ\úø 10éÀ Öçú -LqçC) (é F ü ) Vishnu: How could she have been here when she had a class. (Ç Á èπ class Öçõ, á «Öçúø-í -L-ÍíC?) (Åçü -éπe ü ) e) If I had not given her a lift, she couldn't have been here on time = ØË lift É y-éπ- Ú-ߪ çõ Ç Á Ééπ\úø time èπ Öçúøí -L-ÍíC é ü lift Éî a, Ç Á Öçúø-í -L-TçC, ÖçC) f) ÚEߪ PM í Öçúø-ö«-EéÀ -Åç-Uéπ-Jç-îª ç-õ, Manmohan Singh, PM í Öçúø-í -LÍí úø é ü. If Sonia Gandhi had agreed to be the PM, Manmohan Singh couldn't have been the PM.  j Fo could have been/ couldn't have been úõ sentences. É æ púø conversation applee could have ûó Ö o Éûª Ω verbs îª ü lç. 1) I could have scored still higher marks= Éçé áèπ \ Ω \ ûáîª a-éó-í -L-Íí- -úõøë (ûáîª aéó- éπ Úߪ ) Åçõ could have + past participle Å Ωnç, äéπ æe á -È jø îëߪ -í -L-Íí- Ïx, Å ûë îëߪ - -éπ- Ú-ߪ Ω ÅE. Å «Íí couldn't (could not) have + past participle Åçõ Å Ωnç (á -È jø ) äéπ æe-îëߪ éπ- Ú-ßË - Í é E îëߪ -í -L-í Ω ÅE. 2) I couldn't have scored so high Åçûª áèπ \ marks ûáîª a-éó- -éπ- Ú-ßË - -úõe (é F ûáîª a-éó-í -L-í - / -ûá-îª a-èπ -Ø o.) 3) Many couldn't have passed î - «- çc pass é -éπ- Ú-ßË - Í (é E Å-ߪ u Ω ) Éçé îª úøçúõ. But for my help, he couldn't have got the job. Ø Ææ æ -ߪ Ë èπ çõ Åûªú ÖüÓuí ç Òçü - -éπ- Ú-ßË - úë. (Ø Ææ æ ߪ ç x Òçü -í -L-í úø ). But for the timely rains, we couldn't have had such a harvest= Ææé ç- apple { èπ çõ -N çûª ç* æçô Òçü - -éπ- Ú-ßË - xç (Ææé { - - x æçô «í Òçü -í -Lí ç) (Harvest = æ ÁÆˇd = æçô éóûª/- æçô) If I had answered two more questions, I could have got 100%= ÉçéÓ È çúø v æ o- èπ ï - Ææ çõ öàéà Ω ûáîª a-éó-í -L-Íí- -úõøë. (Two questions C- -» 100 èπ 100 ûáîª a-éó- -éπ- Úߪ.)  j sentence apple If clause verb had answered -had + PP Would have been/ would have + PP, main clause verb Å ûë if clause verb, had been/ had + PP Öçú - E Éçûª-èπ - çü ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç, í Ω hçc éπü. Could have been/ could have + PP, main clause very Å ûë èπÿú ü EéÀ combination, If clause verb - had been/ had + PP ØË. If he had been there, he could have got a share. (If clause verb - had been; Main clause verb could have got)= úø-éπ\úø Ö o-ôx- ûë, úó µ«í ç Òçü -í -L-Íí- úë. ( úø, Òçü - -ü ) a) Ìyéπ\ EN æç çü îª açõ, Fèπ Ω é ü, Ω É y-í -LÍí úõøë = If you had come a minute earlier, I could have given you not just Rs 1000, but even Rs ( Ìyéπ\ EN æç Ç Ææuç Åߪ u, ØËØËO É y- -éπ- Ú-ߪ.) b) British ƒ èπ çõ µ«ωû î «ÅGµ- %Cl - îáçü -í -L-ÍíüË India could have progressed a lot if the British had not ruled it. c) oߪ îªe- Ú-èπ çú Öçõ µ«ω-û Eo æ Jh îëߪ - í -L-Íí- úë= She could have been the PM Would have Should have (NCµí ) Could have (Ability) VERB FORMS IMAGINARY PAST FORMS If Nannaya had not died he could have completed the Mahabharatam. d) Ÿx car apple Á x-èπ çõ ü Ωz ç îëææ -éó-í -L-Íí- Ÿx é Ω = If they had not taken the car, they could not have had the darsanam. (Could not have + pp of have - had) e) çô éπ~ùç apple æ Jh îëߪ -í --LÍíü ØËo gas î L- çûª Öçõ = I could have completed cooking in a jiffy, if there had been enough gas in a jiffy = éπ~ùç apple ÉD could have been/ could have + pp, meaning and use a) would have been, would have + pp b) should have been, should have + pp c) could have been, could have + pp  j verbs ûëú ûá -Ææ -èπ E úøôç î «êuç. MAIN CLAUSE ÖçúË-üË/ -Öç-úË- Ïx é F ü /- Ω. not ûó ÖçúËC é ü / -Öç-úË- Ÿx é Ω é F ÖçC/ ---Ö-Ø o Ω äéπ æe ïj-íí-c/- ä-éπ Ω -äéπ æe-îë-êæ- Ω é F ï Ω-í - -ü /- îë-ߪ - ü. Not ûó äéπ æe ïj-íícé ü / -ä-éπ Ω äéπ æe îëêæ Ω é ü é E ïj-tç-c/- îë-» Ω. Öçú -LqçC é F ü /- úø Not ûó Öçú -LqçC é ü, é F ÖçúÕçC/ Ö-Ø o Ω äéπ æe ï Ω-í -Lqç-C/ äéπ Ω äéπ æe îëߪ -LqçC é E ï Ω-í - -ü / -îë-ߪ - ü Not ûó ï Ω-í -èπÿ-úø-e-c/ -îë-ߪ -èπÿ-úø-ec ïj-tç-c/- îë-» Ω. Öçúø-í --LÍíüË/- Öç-úø-í --LÍí- úë é F ü /- úø not ûó Öçúø-í --LÍíC é ü /- Öç-úø-í --LÍí úø é ü, é E Öçúø-í -L-Tç-C/ -Öç-úø-í --Lí Ω Å -í --LÍíüË/- îë-ߪ -í --LÍí Ïx, é EÅ - -ü /-îë-ߪ - ü Not ûó Å -í --LÍíCé ü /- îë-ߪ -í --LÍí Ÿxé ü / -é F Å ç-c/- îë-ߪ -í --Lí Ω. been Past participle been Past participle been Past participle IF CLAUSE (verb-forms) Had been Had + pp - Had been Had + pp

52 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -E Ωç 15 --à-v œ Pramod: Prakash didn't attend our party yesterday. What might have been the reason? (v æé E o ƒkdéà ü. é Ω-ù- Ë Á i ÖçúÌîª a?) Prabhat: He might have been out of town or he might have forgotten. When did you last tell him of the party? (Åûªúø Ü applex éπ- Ú ÖçúÌîª a. éπ- ÚûË ƒkd N æߪ ç J-*- Ú-ߪ ç-úìîª a. Åûª-úÕéÀ y ƒkd N æߪ ç * -Jí á æ púø îá ƒp?) Pramod: I think last saturday ( Ú E- Ωç Å -èπ çö«) Prabhat: That's it. He is very busy. You should have reminded him of it after that. So, he might have forgotten. (ÅD Ææçí A. Ç ûª yûª y-ûª-úõéà í Ω h îëߪ -LqçC. Åçü -éπe Åûªúø Ja- Ú Öçö«úø.) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 142 Pramod: I myself have been very busy this week. Otherwise I might have reminded him. (ØË èπÿú Ñ Ω- çû busy í ÖØ o. èπ çõ í Ω hîëêæ- -úõe.) Prabhat: He was talking to me of going to Mumbai. So my other doubt is he might have left for Mumbai. (Ø ûó àüó ç- «Á xôç í Jç* ö«x-ú úø. é öàd Ø éó ÆæçüË æ«ç ç- «Á Ÿxç-úÌ-îªaE.) Pramod: I now feel that we might not have missed him if we had reminded him of it. ( ç äéπ- ƒj úõéà í Ω h-îë-ææ çõ ç úõe miss ÅßË u- xç é Ë Á ÅE É æ púø Ø éπ-e- œ- ÚhçC.) Prabhat: Any way, past is past. What do people say about the party? (Å - Ú- ç-üëüó Å - Ú- çc. party í Jç* Åçü Ω à - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o Ω?) Pramod: They are all happy. A good number still feel that the party might have been a greater success if Prasad had been there to entertain us with his jokes. (Åçü Ω ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ-ú f Ω. Å ûë ûª jokes ûó èπ NØÓü ç éπl-tç-îª-ö«-eéà Prasad èπÿú Öçúø çõ party Éçé Nï-ߪ - ç-ûª Á i ÖçúË-üË Á --Å-E -î - «- ç-c - µ«-nææ h-ø o Ω.) Prabhat: What about the expenses? (ê Ω a Ææçí -ûë-n öà?) Pramod: We have yet to get the bill. It might have come to around Rs. 10,000/-. We have paid an advance of Rs. 5000/-. It might have cost us more if it had been any other hotel. Prabhat: True. It might have gone beyond our estimation. (Eï Ë Åçîª-Ø - èπ N ç*- Ú-ߪ çúìîª a.) Pramod: Let's settle the bill at once. Prabhat: Wait for an hour. The bank might not have been open by now. It is only 9. (í çö«í. Bank É æ púë ûáj-îª ç-úø-éπ- Ú- îª a. Time É æ púø ûìn tüë.) Pramod: O.K. We have seen so far the three imaginary past forms: 1) would have been/ would have + past participle (PP), 2) should have been/ should have + pp, and 3) could have been / could have + pp. Would have been = ÖçúËüË / ÖçúË- úë é F ü / - úø. Would have + pp = ïj-ííüë / îëêæ- úë é F ï Ω-í - ü / îëߪ - ü. Should have been = Öçú -LqçC é F ü Should have + pp = îëߪ -LqçC (îëߪ - ü ) Could have been = Öçúø-í -L-ÍíC/ Öçúø-í -L-Íí- úø ( éπ- Ú- çc/ éπ- Ú-ߪ úø ) Could have + pp = îëߪ -í -L-Íí- úë/ îëߪ - -éπ- Ú-ߪ úø.  j - -öàéà not îëjêæh, ü EéÀ opposite Å Ωnç Ææ hç-ü -E í ûª úø, Ø í lessons apple ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü. In this lesson we are going to study the fourth imaginary past form: Might have been; Might have + past participle (PP) Would Should } Could have been, have + pp - Oô-Eoç-öÀéÀ ÅN Ææ *çîë states of being èπÿ, actions èπÿ ua-í -é Ωnç Ææ hçc. é F might have been, might have + pp èπ Å «ü. ÉC ÆæçüË- æ Eo ûá - æ -ûª çc.  j Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple might have been, might have + pp verbs Ö o sentences äéπ- ƒj îª ü lç. 1) What might have been the reason? (é Ωùç à Á i Öç-úø çúìîª a?) 2) He might have been out of town (Ü applex éπ- Ú-ߪ ç-úìîª a). 3) So he might have forgotten Åûªúø Ja- Ú-ߪ ç-úìîª a. 4) I might have reminded him = ØË Åûª-úÕéÀ í Ω h-îë-ææ ç-úìîª a. 5) He might have left for Mumbai = Åûªúø ç- «ÁRx ÖçúÌîª a. 6) We might not have missed him = Åûª-úÕE ç miss Åߪ uçúë xç é Ë Á. 7)... the party might have been a greater success = Party -Éçé Nï-ߪ - çûªç Å ÖçúË-üË- Á /- Å-ߪ uç-úìîª a. 8) It might have come to around Rs 10000/- ü ü æ Ω Åߪ uçúìîª a. 9) It might have cost us more = -éàçé áèπ \ ê Ω a Åߪ uç-úìîª a. 10) It might have gone beyond our estimation Åçîª-Ø - N ç*- Ú-ߪ ç-úìîª a. 11) The Bank might not have opened by now = Bank ûáj-îª ç-úø-éπ- Ú- îª a. Might have been = Öçúø ç-úì-îª a/- Öç-úË-üË Á ÆæçüË æ«ç. Öçúø îª a/ - -éπ- Ú îª a ÆæçüË æ«ç. Might have + pp = (äéπ N æߪ ç) ï-jt ÖçúÌ-îª a/- ï- Ω-í -éπ- Ú-ߪ ç-úìîª a ÆæçüË æ«ç. Ñ ûëú îª úøçúõ. 1) He would have gone Á Ïx- úë (é F Á x ü ) 2) He should have gone Åûªúø Á «x-lqçd (é F Á x- ü ) 3) He could have gone = Á x-í -L-Íí- úë (é E Á x- -éπ- Ú-ߪ úø ) 4) He might have gone = ÁRx- Ú-ߪ ç-úìîª a Åçõ Åçûª éπ*a-ûªçí ûál-ߪ ôç ü Á «xú, ü ÅE. He might have gone îª úøçúõ,  j sentences from No 1 to No 11 ÅFo èπÿú ÆæçüË- æ ØËo ûá - æ -ûª -Ø o éπü, 1) Öçúø ç-úìîª a, 2) éπ- Ú-ߪ ç-úìîª a, 3) Ja- Úߪ ç-úìîª a, 4) í Ω hîëææ ç-úìîª a, 5) Á Ÿxç-úÌîª a, 6) Miss Å -éπ- Ú-ߪ ç-úìîª a, 7) Éçé Nï-ߪ - ç-ûª Á i ÖçúÌîª a, 8) Åߪ uç-úìîª a, 9) áèπ \ ê Ωa ÖçúÌîª a, 10) Åçîª-Ø - N çîª ç-úìîª a, 11) ûáj-îª ç-úø-éπ- Ú- îª a. é öàd í ûªç apple Ö o/ ïj-t N æ-ߪ (ÖçúÕ ÖçúÌ-îËa Á / ïj-tç-üë Á «çöà Å ΩnçûÓ) ÆæçüË- æ - Ææp-ü Á i í ûªç apple ÖçüÓ, üó, ïj-tçüó, ï Ωí - üó Ææp- æ d-çí ûál-ߪ - - æ púø úë verb forms - might have been, might have + past participle. 1) E o  j«ü - - «ü apple î «áçúøí ÖçC, Nï-ߪ - -úø apple èπÿú î «áçúøí Öç-úø ç-úìîª a (ÖçüË Á ) It was very hot in Hyderabad; so might it have been in Vijayawada (Vijayawada too might have been hot) 2) Åûªúø Fèπ ƒßª ç îëææ ç-úìîª a (Åûª-úÕE y-úõt Öçõ )=He might have helped you (if you had asked him) (îëêæ úë Á ). 3) She might have become the PM Ç Á PM Åߪ uç-úì-îëa Á. 4) They might not have seen him xûª-úõe îª Ææ ç-úø-éπ- Ú- îª a. Imp: Might have been, Might have + pp, main clause verbs Å ûë, DE 'if clause' combination verbs - had been, had + pp. a) If you had taken his book, he might have been very angry Ëy ÅûªúÕ æ Ææhéπç BÆæ -èπ - çõ Åûªúø î «éó æp-úø ç-úìîª a. b) He might have made her very happy if she had married him Ç Á Åûª-úÕE  «x-úø çõ, Åûªúø î «ÆæçûÓ- æ-  -ô dç-úìîª a. ( õ d- -úë-øë Á ). c) If the mob had not become violent the police might not have opened fire = ï ç üˆ Ωb uç îëߪ éπ Ú-ߪ çõ, police é p ïj œ Öçúøéπ- Ú- îª a. (ÆæçüË æ«ç üˆ Ωb uç é éπ- Ú- Ø é p ïjt ÖçúÌîª a.) d) If it had not been money, what might have stopped him from coming úø s- x é éπ- Ú-ߪ çõ, üë-e- x éπ- Ú-ߪ ç-ö«- úø-ûª? ÉD, might have been, might have + PP N -. Now Practise the following, using all the four imaginary past forms you have learnt so far. Rahul: y E o  j«ü - - «ü Á Ÿxçõ, Ïê- éπ -Ææ -éó-í -L-Íí- -úõn. Kousik: Ø èπ ÆæçüË- æ«ë. E o Åéπ\-úÕéÀ ÁRxØ Åûª-úÕE éπ -Ææ -éó-éπ- Ú-ߪ ç-úìîª a. Rahul: áçü -éπ- -èπ ç-ô -Ø o- «? Kousik: Åûªúø  j«ü - - «ü appleøë Öçõ Ø èπ ÚØ îëêæ úë. Ø Íéç ÚØ -ü -ûª-úõ ç*. Rahul: y ÚØ îëææ ç-ú -Lqç-ü ûªúõéà. Kousik: Åûª- -éπ\úø éπ*a-ûªçí ÖØ o-úøe ûálêæh îëêæ- úõo. Åûª  j«ü - - «ü èπ «í Òü l- Úߪ éπ îë Ω ç-úì-îªae Ø ÅGµ-v ƒßª ç. Rahul: äéπ- Ë ÚØ îëææ çõ àç ÚßË C Fèπ? úø -Ø oú ü ÅE ûá -Ææ éóí L-Íí- -úõn. Kousik: o-ûªúø éπ -Ææ -èπ ØË Ææ ߪ ç èπÿú Öçúø ç-úø-üë- Á? Rahul: Sx á æ púø éπ -Ææ -éó- -îªaøë N æ-ߪ - Á iø ûál-ææ çúëc éπü? Kousik: ÅC Eï Ë. Å ûë cousin Á Ÿxç-úÌîª a. ÚØ îëæœ éπ -èπ \çö«. Rahul: Åü çû áçü èπ? Ëy sekhar èπ phone îá u. Kousik: Ok. ANSWER Rahul: If you had gone to Hyderabad yesterday, you could have met Sekhar. Kousik: I doubt. Even if I had gone there I might not have met him. (Even = Å Ø ) Rahul: Why do you think so? Kousik: If he had been in Hyderabad, he would have called me. I didn't have any call from him. Rahul: You should have phoned. Kousik: If I had known definitely that he was there, I would have phoned him. But my opinion is that he might have reached Hyderabad late in the night. Rahul: What might you have lost, If you had phoned? You could have known if he was there or not. Kousik: He might not have had the time to meet me. Rahul: At least you would have known/ found out when you might meet him again. Kousik: That's true. But my cousin might have gone. I'll ring up and find out. Rahul: Why all that? you call sekhar Kousik: Ok.

53 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ú- Ωç 17 --à-v œ Mrinal: Hi Kripal, how did you do in the exam Kripal: Mrinal: Kripal: yesterday? (E o exam á?) Well, Of course, but I could have done better. ( «í ØË». é F Éçé «í ߪ -í -L- Íí- -úõøë.) Why? What was wrong? -(à Á içc?) The noise from a workshop nearby the exam centre disturbed me a lot. I couldn't concentrate. (exam centre ü í _- Ω o workshop íìúø o «í disturb îëæœçc. concentrate îëߪ - -éπ- Úߪ.) Mrinal: Sorry to hear that. Sorry that you Kripal: couldn't get a better centre. (Åçûª-éπçõ ç* centre- y Òçü - -éπ- Ú- - ç-ü èπ Nî -J-Ææ hø o) If I had chosen some other town, I would have got a better centre. I could have done certainly much better. (ÉçÍé ÜÈ jø ØË áç œéπ îëææ èπ E Öçõ Éçûª-éπçõ ç* centre îëaüë. Å æ púø ØË Éçûª-éπçõ «í ߪ í LÍí úõe) Mrinal: You should have thought of it before Kripal: indicating the centre. ( æké~ Íéçvü Eo áç œéπ îëææ -èπ ØË çü, Ñ N æߪ ç Ç apple-*ç-î -LqçC) (indicate= ÉçúÕ-Èé-ß ö 'É ØÌéÀ\ æ - èπ û ç = Ææ *ç-îªôç) That's true. I chose the place because my uncle advised it. (ÅC Eï Ë. ߪ u Ææ æ Ë Ωèπ Ñ Íéçvü Eo áç œéπ -îëææ èπ -Ø o.) Mrinal: What about your cousin? She took the Kripal: Mrinal: Kripal: exam too, didn't she? (O cousin õ -N öà? ûª èπÿú Ñ exam ÆœçC éπü?) She is very good at the subject. She did very well and is sure of selection. If I had taken help, I could have prepared much better. (Ç Á èπ subject «í îª a. î ««í ÆœçC, éπ*a-ûªçí select Å ûª çc. ØË Ç Á ƒßª ç BÆæ èπ E Öçõ Éçé «í prepare ÅßË u- -úõøë.) OK. All the best then. Don't worry. You'll get the Job (Fèπ Job Ææ hçc. Worry Å èπ ). OK. Hope so. Thank you. (Å «Íí ÇPü lç. Thanks) Would have been/would have + past participle (PP)èπ, could have been / could have + PP èπ Ö o ûëú N -Jç-îª- E î «çc ƒ Ω-èπ éó Ω-úøçûÓ Sx ÉÆæ hø oç. ñ«ví -ûªhí í - Eç-îªçúÕ. Look the following sentences from the conversation above. 1) I could have done better 2) I would have got a better centre 3) I could have done certainly much better 4) You should have thought of it 5) I could have prepared much better. Look at the verbs in the sentences above: 1) Could have done.. Could have + past participle ( PP) 2) Would have got (would have + PP) 3) Could have done (could have + PP) 4) Should have thought (should have + PP) 5) Could have prepared (could have + pp) 1) I could have done better. «í ߪ -í -L-Íí- -úõøë, é E ߪ - -éπ- Ú-ߪ. could ÅØËC áèπ \- í past ability (í ûªç apple ƒ Ωnuç) -ûá- æ -ûª ç-c. Å «Íí, 2) Could have prepared better. Éçé «í prepare ÅßË u- úõøë, é -éπ- Ú-ߪ.Ééπ\úø èπÿú prepare Å -í LT ( ƒ Ωnuç ÖçúÕ) èπÿú prepare é -éπ- Ú-ߪ. ñ«ví -ûªhí í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Could have been/could have + PP úõ- - æ púø, Öçúø-í LÍí ü îëߪ - í LÍí ƒ nueéà (ability) v ƒüµ uç Öçô çc. ÅüË I would have got a better centre Å o- æ púø... Åçõ would have + pp úõ- - æ púø ƒ - nu-e (ability)éà v ƒ êuç Öçúøü. äéπ N æߪ ç ïj-tçü ü ÅØË-ü EÍé Ééπ\úø v ƒüµ uç. 1 a) He would have become the PM. Ééπ\úø verb, would have + pp Å Ωnç - PM ÅßË u- úë é E é - ü. (ability v æææéàh C-éπ\úø) b) The train would have run over the boy. (Ç èπ v úõ O ü í train ÁRx- Ú-ßË üë, é F Á x- ü. Ééπ\úø Could have+ pp - -úõ-ûë, ÆæÈ j meaning ü. áçü éπçõ ability v æææéàh Ééπ\úø ü é öàd. 2 a) He would have escaped. ûª œpç-îª -èπ ØË úë (Ææç æ -ô- èπ v ƒ êuç ûª œpçîª -éó- ü æô d- -ú fúø ) b) He could have escaped - ûª œpç-îª éóí -L-Íí- úë, ûª œpç-îª -éó- -éπ- Ú-ߪ úø, æô d- -ú fúø ability ÖçúÕ èπÿú *éà\- Ú-ߪ úø. would have been/would have + PPèπ, could have been/could have + PP èπ ælûªç äéπ\õ. ÅC Å -èπ - oc -ï Ωí éπ- Ú- ôç. notûó Å ûë Å -éó-ec ï Ω-í ôç. would have been/would have + pp úõ- - æ púø ability v æææéàh ü. Could have been/could have + PP úõ- - æ púø abilityèπ v ƒüµ uç. Éçé îª úøçúõ! He couldn't have done it without my help. (Ø Ææ æ ߪ ç éπ- ÚûË -Å-ûª-úø îëߪ -í -L-Íí- úø é ü. Åçõ Ø Ææ æ ߪ ç x) He was able to do it. Ééπ\úø wouldn't have done it Åçõ...Ø Ææ æ ߪ ç éπ- ÚûË îëêæ- úø é ü Åçõ Å Ωnç ÆæJí ü éπü. a) Without the boss's orders he wouldn't have done it. (Boss orders èπ çõ úøc îëêæ- úø é ü. Ééπ\úø ability v æææéàh ü.) é öàd could have+ pp úõûë Å Ωnç Öçúøü. b) without my recommendation, he couldn't have got the job. (Ø recommendation èπ çõ Åûª-úø Job Òçü -í -L- Íí- úø é ü. ( Òçü -í -L-T ability Ø x). Ééπ\úø wouldn't have got èπÿú úø- îª a. Å ûë Å Ωnç éìclí Ω -ûª çc. ÒçüË- úø é ü, Òçü úø ÅE. Ééπ\úø ïj-t Ææç æ -ô- èπ v ƒüµ uç. O Ω regular í English ö«x-úøôç, ߪ ôç îëææ h Öçõ O Íé Å Ωn Á i Ú-ûª çc. à Ææçü - Ωs ç apple could have been / could have + PP, should have been/should have+pp ú apple ûá - Ææ hçc. Ú - Ú, correct í úøôç, Ç apple-*ç-îª-èπ ç-ú ØË Å õ j Úûª çc. é öàd O j Eo sentences practice îëߪ çúõ. Ææ Ææu Öçúøü. practise the following Lasya: Hi Kavya, Sx Ωh applexéà î a. Congrats. Kavya: ÅüË- çûª íì æpe ØË - -éó- ôç ü. Ø v æûªu-jn-â j ÉçéÌçîÁç áèπ \ ûëú ûó ÈíLîª çõ Éçé ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ-úë-ü Eo. Lasya: y Éçé Ææh ñ«ví -ûªhí ÇúÕ Öçõ, áèπ \ ûëú ûó Èí - -í -L-Íí-ü -E Ë. * -J EN - ƒ applex Éçé Ææh ñ«ví -ûªhí ÇúÕ Öçú -LqçC. Kavya: Ø é L-éπç-úø Ωç æô dèπ E Öçúø-éπ- ÚûË, ÆæJí _ Çúø-í -L-Íí-ü ØËo. é F äéπõ ØÌ œp. Åçü - x Çô üá s-açc. Lasya: y çüë îá œp-öçõ Coach Fèπ ƒßª ç îëêæ-üë-éπü. Kavya: á - Ω- -èπ -Ø o- ΩC Ææ hç-ü E? Lasya: Å ØËx. ÅC áü - Ω --îª -úøç-c -éπü. Kavya: Éçé éìç-îáç áèπ \ ûëú ûó Èí açõ coach ÆæçûÓ- œç-îëüë. Lasya: Åçü - Ω. Áy- æ púó Car prize í Òçü -í -L-Íí-ü -EN. Kavya: ÆæÍ. better luck next time Answer: Lasya: Hi kavya, you are again in the news, congrats. Kavya: I don't think much of it/i don't think it's -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 143 a great achievement. If I had won/defeated my rival with a greater He would have escaped... v æ o: Åûªúø E o ü Å -ú -EéÀ He did not come here yesterday Åçö«ç. Å «Íí Åûªúø E o *a Öçúø- ü Å -ú -EéÀ He was not come here yesterday ÅØÌî a? áæˇ.ü -éà- apple, éà~t- æ Ωç He was not come yesterday - Ñ sentence apple verb: Was come - ÉC Ñ éàçc È çúø Ωé applex àüó äéπ-öàí Öçú L. i) was ( be form) + come (1st Regular Doing word). - ÉC ûª æ p É «çöà verb form English apple ü, áçü -éπçõ be form æéπ\, 1st Regular Doing word á æ púø ü. margin (If I had had greater lead over my rival) I would have been happier. (Rival = v æûªujn) Lasya: If You had played more carefully you could have won by a greater margin/lead. Kavya: If I hadn't had a pulled muscle in my leg, I could have played well. Oh my! It pained me a lot. That affected my game. (affect = v æ µ«ç îª æúøç pulled muscle = éπçúø- æô d-éó- -ôç/-g-í -Ææ -èπ - Ú- ôç) Lasya: If you had told the coach of it earlier, she would have helped you. Kavya: Who expected it? Lasya: True, It is unexpected. Kavya: If I had won by a wider margin, my coach would have been happy. Lasya: Every one, of course you could have then won a car too as a prize. Kavya: O.K.Hope for better luck next time ii) was ( be form)+ come (Past Participle of come ) Åçõ Ñ verb, beform + Past participle í -BÆæ èπ ç-õ, verb form correct. DE úøéπç î Å Ω ü. Åçü apple was/were «çöà past forms apple î «Å Ω ü. áçü -éπçõ Ææçü - s Eo öàd í E ü EéÀ ÆæÈ j Å Ωnç ü. Ééπ OöÀéÀ not îëja was not come/were not come ÅØËC K Å Ω ü. Å Ωnç ÆæJí ü. É «çöà îóôx, had come úøôç better, clarity èπÿú «í Öçô çc. Had come úøôç correct èπÿú. I went there at 3 yesterday. He had not come by then. ØË éπ\-úõéà úõç-öàéà Á «x. Å æp-öà-éà-ûª- - - ü ( *a Öçúø- ü ) was come/were come; am/is/are come «çöà verbs - -úøèπ ç-ú Öçúø-ô Ë ç*c. Å Ωnç clear í Öçúøü é öàd.

54 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -üµ - Ωç 19 --à-v œ Vipula: Hi Charitha, have you seen Archana anywhere? (îªjû, y Å Ωa- -ØË- Ø o ?) Charitha: Yes, she was here till 20 minutes ago. She was getting ready to go home. She must have gone. (Ç. É Ω Áj EN - ƒ- -éàç-ü öà Ωèπ Ééπ\úË ÖçC. ÉçöÀÈé Ï}ç-ü èπ Æœü l - Á içc. É æp-öàéà ÁR}- ÚßË Öçô çc) Vipula: (Are) you sure? (éπ*a-ûªçí ûá ƒ?) Charitha: Yes. I saw her about to leave 20 minutes ago. It hardly takes her 10 minutes to walk home. So she must have reached home by now. (Å. 20 EN - ƒ éàçü ô ߪ - -üë- Ω- appleûª ç-úøí ØË îª». Rxç-öÀéÀ úø- -ö«-eéà 10 EN - ƒ èπÿú æôdü. é öàd Ñ ƒ-öàéà îëí Öçô çc) Vipula: I told her I would meet her here at There was a traffic jam because of a procession. So I couldn't be here on time. She must have waited long for me. She must have been very angry with me at the delay. She must have told you of it. (ØË ûª -E-éπ\úø Ø -Tç-öÀéÀ éπ -Ææ -èπ ç-ö«- E îá ƒp. àüó ÜÍ Tç æ x traffic ÇT- Ú Ø èπ Ç Ææu- Á içc. Åçü - x time èπ Ééπ\úø Öçúø- -éπ- Ú-ߪ. Åçü èπ ûª èπ î «éó æç îª aç-ú L. FûÓ èπÿú îáê p Öçô çc.) Charitha: She did tell me that she was waiting for you, but she didn't appear angry. She said she would call you after reaching home. (FéÓÆæç îª Ææ h-ø o- E îá œpçc. é F Åçûª éó æçí àç éπ - æ-úø- ü. É x îëjç-ûª- yûª Fèπ Phone îë ƒh- çc). Vipula: Yes, my cell is ringing. It must be her. (Å. Ø cell Á í -ûóçc. ûªøë Å - ç-ú L) É æp-öà- - Ωèπ ç îª Æœ Imaginary past forms: 1) Would have been, would have + pp 2) Should have been, should have + pp 3) Could have been, could have + pp 4) Might have been, might have + pp. Á ü öà úõç-öàéà Opposite meanings ƒhߪ E èπÿú èπ ûá Ææ. verb No. 4, might have been, might have + pp, ÆæçüË- æ Eo ûál-ߪ - æ- Ω - ÚhçC éπü. Éü çû ç last lessons apple ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. Let's now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson: 1) She must have gone. ( ÁR}- ÚßË Öçô çc) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 144 2) She must have reached home by now. (Ñ ƒöàéà É x îëí Öçô çc) 3) She must have waited long for me (Ø éóææç î «-ÊÆ æ áü Ω îª ÊÆ Öçô çc) 4) She must have been very angry with me (Ø O ü î «éó æç ÖçúË Öçô çc) 5) She must have told you of it (FûÓ îáê p Öçô çc) You must have seen that the verbs in the sentences above are: 1) Must have gone (Must have + past participle (pp) of go.) 2) Must have reached (must have + pp of reach) 3) Must have waited (must have + pp of wait) 4) Must have been (be form) 5) Must have told (must have + pp of tell) So the verb forms in the conversation are: Must have been/ must have + past participle (pp) - Must have been/ must have + PP is also an imaginary past form like the other four imaginary past forms we have seen in the lessons past: [1. Would have been/ Would have + PP 2. Should have been/ Should have + PP 3. Could have been/ Could have + PP 4. Might have been/ Might have + PP] èπ ûá Ææ, would have, should have, could have ûó îëa imaginary past forms ÅEoç-öÀéÀ Å Ωnç, ua-í éπçí Ææ hç-ü E. Might have been/ might have + PP N æ-ߪ -EéÀ ÊÆh, ÅC ÆæçüË- æ Eo uéπh- æ- Ω -Ææ hçc ÅC ïj-tç-üë Á, äéπ Ω äéπ æe-îë-ææ ç-úìîª a. Now, the imaginary past form we are going to study in this lesson is: a) Must have been (be form) b) Must have + past participle (action) a) Must have been= (í ûªç apple éπ*a-ûªçí ) ÖçúË Öçô çc/ ÖçúË Öçö«úø / ÖçúË Öçö«Ω b) Must have + past participle= (í ûªç apple éπ*a-ûªçí ) äéπ æe ïjíí Öçô çc/ äéπ Ω äéπ æe-îëêæ Öçö«Ω. Must ûó îëa Imaginary past forms èπÿ, N í û Imaginary past forms èπÿ ûëú ûá -Ææ - éó- ôç î «êuç. Ç ûëú àn öapple îª ü lç: Verb 'go' èπ different Imaginary past forms apple îëa different meanings æöàd-éπ apple îª úøçúõ: í -Eç-î Ω éπü! Imaginary past forms, 1, 2 and 3 éà opposite meanings Ææ h-ø o. Imaginary past form 4 èπ doubtful Å o Å Ωnç. Imaginary past form 5 (Must have been/ must have + PP) í ûªç apple éπ*aûªçí äéπ N æߪ ç ÖçúË Öçô ç-ü - -èπ ØËü Eo ûál-ߪ - æ- Ω -Ææ hçc. a) Mohan: Did Madan pass? ( ü Ø pass Åߪ uú?) Manoj: He must have passed. Otherwise he would not have applied for the job ( úø pass ÅßË u Öçö«úø. èπ- Ú-ûË (otherwise) job èπ apply îëææ ç-úë- -úø -é ü. pass Åߪ uúø é öàd apply îë»úø ). She must have told you of it Mohan: Did he tell you so? (FûÓ Å «îá ƒpú?) Manoj: He would have told me if we had met. ( Ë ç éπ -Ææ -èπ - çõ îáê p- úø ). Mohan: Who told you then? (Å ûë FÈé Ω îá ƒp Ω?) Manoj: My brother told me. Madan must have told my brother. ( brother îá ƒpúø. Madan brother èπ îá æ pç-ö«úø ). b) va Ω{ç èπ JÊÆ Öçô çc. èπ çõ roads ÒúÕí ÖçúË Ë. It must have rained last night. Otherwise the roads would have been dry. c) Something must have gone wrong, otherwise he could have been here an hour ago= àüó Ò Ω- ƒô ïjíí Öçô çc, èπ çõ í çô éàçü õ Ééπ\úø Öçúø-í -L-Íí- úø. d) Kumar: Kesav was talking about your foreign trip. (Íé Éçü éπ F foreign trip í Jç* ö«x-úø - ûª -Ø oúø ) Verb: Go No. Sentence Verb form Meaning Nature 1 a) He would have been there would have been Åûª--úø-éπ\úË ÖçúË- úë é E úø (Opposite) b) He would have gone would have + PP Åûª--úø Á Ïx- úë Á x- ü (opposite) 2 a) He should have been there should have been Åûª Åéπ\úø Öçú -LqçC úø (opposite) b) He should have gone should have + PP Åûªúø Á Ÿxç-ú -LqçC Á x- ü (opposite) 3 a) He could have been the CM could have been Åûª-úø CM í Öçúø-í -L-Íí- úë é F úø (opp.) b) He could have gone could have + PP Åûªúø Á x-í -L-Íí- úë é F Á x- ü (opp.) 4 a) He might have been there might have been Åûªúø Åéπ\úø Öçúø ç-úìîª a Öçúø-éπ- Ú-ߪ ç-úìîª a (doubt) b) He might have gone might have + PP Åûª-úø Á ÔxçúÌîª a Á x-éπ- Ú-ߪ ç-úìîª a (doubt) 5 a) He must have been there must have been Åûª--úøéπ\úø éπ*aûªçí ÖçúË ÆæçüË æ«ç ü Öçö«úø (í ûªç apple) b) He must have gone must have + PP Åûª-úø Á Ïx Öçö«úø (í ûªç apple) ÆæçüË æ«ç ü. Pavan: He must have got the news from Madhav. Madhav called him this morning. He must have been happy about it. ( úõéà üµ x ûál-ææ ç-ô çü N æߪ ç. Madhav úõéà phone îë»úœ Öü ߪ ç. úø ÆæçûÓ- æ- æúõ Öçö«úø ). Kumar: Yes. He was (Å ) ÉD must have been, must have + PP Ö æ-ßá -í. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING Manasa: Congrats «ƒ, Fèπ prize *aç-ü - ôí? Lalasa: á Ω îá ƒp Ω Fèπ? Manasa: Ü œ«ç-îª éó îª ü lç. Lalasa: «Ææu îá æ pç-ô çc. Manasa: ØË «Ææu éπ -Ææ -èπ - çõ, F Ü æ«correct ÅßË uüë. ÉçéÌçîÁç «í Ç apple-*ç-îª çú -LqçC y. Lalasa: Å ûë, Ç... ûá Ææ. yc College notice board apple îª Ææ ç-ö«. Manasa: ØË -Ææ È çúø ÓV- í College éà ü éπü. Lalasa: y îá x-léà phone îë»- -ôí Öü ߪ ç ØË - æ púø. ûª îá æ pç-ô çc Fèπ. Manasa: Correct. çüë E o éπ -Ææ -èπ - çõ Féπçûª-èπ - çüë Congrats ûálê ü Eo. Lalasa: Thanks again. Òü l -LqçC y. ç* breakfast miss Åߪ uç-úë-ü -E-Né -ü. Manasa: Don't worry. Fèπ Prize -ô Ë Ø èπ treat (Nçü ). ANSWER Manasa: Congrats Lalasa. It seems you have got a prize. Lalasa: Who told you? Manasa: Just guess Lalasa: Lasya must have told you. Manasa: Your guess would have been correct if I had met Lasya. You should have thought better/ guessed better. Lalasa: Then... ah... I know. You must have seen it on our college notice board. Manasa: I haven't attended college for the past two days. Lalasa: You phoned my sister this morning when I was away, didn't you? She must have told you. Manasa: Correct. If I had met you I would have congratulated you earlier. Lalasa: Thanks again. You should have come to my place this morning, you would not have missed a good breakfast. Manasa: Don't worry. Your getting the prize is itself a treat.

55 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ÿ-véπ Ωç 21 --à-v œ Udai: These books are really wonderful. Where are they sold? (Ñ æ Ææh-é Eïçí «í -Ø o. áéπ\úø üì Ω -èπ -û -ߪ N?) Vijai: Where else? At Books, Books 'n Books. Name the book you need, and it is found there. (ÉçÈé-éπ\úø?Books, Books 'n Books apple. Fé \- -Lq æ Ææhéπç îá æ p, ÅC Féπ-éπ\úø üì Ω -èπ -ûª çc) Udai: Yes. Now I remember. Certain varieties of books were offered by them last month at discount of 15% to 50%. (Å. í Ìh-*açC. Ú ØÁ Ÿx éìeo Ωé æ Ææh-é O ü 15% ç* 50% Ωèπ discount Éî a Ω ) Vijai: Such discounts will be given next month too. They have all varieties of books. Infact all books in our college library have been supplied by them. (Å «çöà discounts îëa ØÁ èπÿú É y- apple-ûª -Ø o Ω. x ü í _ Ω ÅEo Ωé æ Ææhé üì Ω -èπ -û. ÅÆæ college library apple Ö o books ÅFo Ÿx supply îëæœ- Ë) Udai: A book exhibition is going to be held in town next month. A wide variety of books will be on display and sold at discount. ( îëa ØÁ æ Ææhéπ v æü - Ωz Öçô çc Ü applex. î «Ωé æ Ææh-é v æü -Jzç-îª-ô Ë é èπ çú, discount èπÿú É ƒh Ω ) Vijai: OK, let's start for college now. (college éà ߪ - l- Ω ü ç æü.) Udai: Vijai, what are you talking? Don't you know that college is closed today? (àç ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø o? É college ü E ûál-ߪ ü Fèπ?) Vijai: Really I don't know. But what for? (Ø èπ ûál-ߪ ü. áçü èπ?) Udai: The college cricket team has won the finals of the cricket tournament, and our classmate Vinai has been declared Man of the Match. ( college team cricket tournament finals apple ÈíL-*çC. friend Vinai Man of the Match í v æéπ-öàçî Ω.) Vijai: So no classes today. How happy I am! May our college win many more matches. (Å ûë É classes - o- ô. áçûª ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçüÓ! É «Íí college î «matches Èí L.) t t t t t Ñ lesson ç* ç English conversation apple éìûªh N æߪ ç îª úø- apple-ûª Ø oç. Ééπ\úÕ ç* é Ææh ñ«ví ûªh Å -Ææ Ωç.  j conversation apple Ñ sentences îª úøçúõ: 1) Where are they sold? 2)... and it is found there. 3) Certain varieties of books were offered by them... 4) Such discounts will be given next month too. 5)... all books in our college have been supplied by them. 6) A book exhibition is going to be held in town. 7)... the college is closed today? 8)... our classmate Vinai has been declared the Man of the Match. Look at the verbs in the sentences above. No. verb verb form 1. are sold are (be form) + past participle (PP) of sell 2. is found is (be form) + PP of find 3. were offered were (be form) + PP of offer 4. will be given will be (be form) + PP of give No. verb verb form 5. have been supplied have been (be form) + PP of supply 6. is going to be held is going to be (be form) + PP of hold 7. is closed is (be form) + PP of close 8. has been declared has been (be form) + PP of declare í -Eç-î Ω éπü,  j verbs ÅFo èπÿú 'be' form + past participle (PP) í ÖØ o éπü. (be forms Åçõ í Ω hç-c-éπü. Ó ƒ-j í Ω h -îë-ææ èπ ç-ü ç. am, is, are, was, were; * Ω 'be' îëa shall be, should be, will be, would be, can be, could be, may be, might be, must be, * Ω been îëa have been, has been, had been, will have been, would have been, shall have been, should have been, can have been, could have been, may have been, might have been, must have been «çöàn É Fo 'be' forms. ) All the verbs above are 'be' form + past participle. Important: Verb, 'be' form + past participle Å ûë Å æ púø ÅC PASSIVE VOICE apple Öçô çc. Åçõ  j list applee 8 verbs èπÿú passive voice apple Ö o-õ x-éπü? (English apple î «verbs -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 145 èπ past tense, past participle äéπõ éπü. Åçü - x be form æéπ\ Ö oc past tense apple Öçü, past participle Å -ûª çü ÅØË ÆæçüË æ«ç îª a. äéπõ í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ. English apple be form æéπ\ -á æ p-úø èπÿú past tense form ü. é öàd be form æéπ\ îëa-üá- æ púø past participle vûª Ë.) Verb passive voice apple Öçõ, Åçõ verb be form + pp Å ûë ûá -í apple Å Ωnç ' úø ÅE Ææ hç-ô çc. îª úøçúõ: 1) Where are the books sold? áéπ\úø Å t- -úø-û? 2)... It is found there Åéπ\úø îª úø- -úø -ûª çc. 3) Certain varieties of books were offered at discounts éìeo Ωé æ Ææh-é Discount O ü offer îëߪ - -ú f. 4) Such discounts will be given next month too îëa ØÁ èπÿú Å «çöà Discounts É y- -úø-û. 5)...all books in our college have been supplied by them ÅEo æ Ææh-é x-îëûª Ææ Ω- æ îëߪ - -ú f. 6) A book exhibition is going to be held æ Ææhéπ v æü - Ωz E Ωy- œ«ç-îª- -úø -ûª çc. (Future) 7) The College is closed = ߪ - -úõçc 8) Vinai has been declared the man of the match Man of the match í v æéπ-öàç-îª- -ú fúø. English apple Passive voice Ææ Ωy- ƒ-üµ - Ωùç. Å ûë ûá -í apple êuçí ûá í Conversations apple Passive voice úøç. ç ûá -í apple Ñ Road á æ p-úë-» Ω? Åçö«ç é F Ñ Road á æ púø Ëߪ - -úõçc Å ç éπü? Å «Íí Éçöapplex, Å oç çúø- -úõçü? ÅE Åúøí ç éπü? Å ûë English apple ÅC î «Common. i) When was this road laid? ii) Has the food been cooked. í Ω hç-îª -éó- -Lq N æߪ ç: Verb, 'be' form + pp Å ûë ÅC Passive voice. ç, Ñ Spoken English course apple - Á ôd- Á -ü ô ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc English apple Verb èπ 6 Forms Öçö«-ߪ E, öà applex 'be' from + pp, passive voice ÅE, N í û 5 forms active voice ÅE. English apple Passive voice úøéπç áèπ \ Ë é öàd ü E í Jç* ûá -Ææ -éó- Lq Å -Ææ Ωç áçûª- Ø ÖçC. English apple passive voice êuçí newspapers reports apple áèπ \- í éπe- œ-ææ hçc. (ûá -í apple passive voice ÅÆæ- æ«-ïçí éπe- œ-ææ hçc é õ d, Ñ lesson v ƒ Ωç- µºç- applee conversation ûá í Å - ü ç active voice apple îª œçî ç.) English apple passive voice, äéπ æe á Ω îëæœçd ûál-ߪ - - æ púø, îá æpôç É æ dç - æ púø áèπ \ úø-û Ω. When was this road laid? EXERCISE Ñ éàçc sentences apple passive voice verbs, active voice verbs, identify îëߪ çúõ / í Ω h-â -ôdçúõ; passive voice verbs èπ ûá í Å - ü ç v æߪ -Aoç-îªçúÕ. Tarun: When was your college closed? (O college á æ púø» Ω ) Varun: On 15th March Tarun: And when will it be reopened? (á æ púø ûá Ω - ƒh Ω?) Varun: In the 3rd week of June Tarun: So no classes will be held till then. When will the admissions start? (Åçõ Åçûª- - Ωèπ classes Öçúø- - o- ô. Admissions á æ púø v ƒ Ωç µºç?) Varun: As soon as the college reopens. (college ûáj-* ÁçôØË.) Tarun: Any idea when the results will be declared? ( æl-û v æéπöàçîëüá- æ úó ûá ƒ?) Varun: Only the Inter Board and the University can say that. They are usually declared in the 1st week of May. This time too, they can be expected about the same time. (Inter board, University vûª Ë îá æp-í -. - í Å ûë May Á ü -öà- - Ωç apple ÅN Á - -úø-û. Ñ ƒj èπÿú ÅüË Time apple Á - -úø-û -ߪ E ÇPç-îª- îª a) Tarun: Seats in your college are said to be in demand (O college apple seats èπ T éã áèπ \- ç-ö«ω ) Varun: That's why they are offered on merit, so only merited students are admitted into the college. (Åçü -éπøë v æa µº Çüµ - Ωçí seats É ƒh Ω, é öàd v æa- µº-í Nü u- Ω n o îë Ω a-èπ ç-ö«ω ) Tarun: My cousin wants to join ( cousin îë - - -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø ) Varun: Well, let him apply (apply îëߪ - ) 1) The college has been closed college ÊÆ-» Ω (English - college ߪ - -úõçc. á Ω» Ó îá æp ç é - -öàd) 2) The man was killed yesterday (Passive) Åûªúø E o îªç æ- -ú fúø. (á Ω îªç œçc ûál-ߪ ü, So passive) 3) He was elected MP á o-éó- -ú fúø (á -È - o-èπ -Ø o- Ω-ØËC êuç é ü ) 4) Students will be given bus passes Students èπ bus passes É y- -úø-û. (á -J- ƒh Ω ÅØËC êuç é ü ) Active voice apple verb ûálê æe á æ púø ïj-tçc ÅØË-ü Eo öàd tense (verb form) J- ô x, passive voice apple èπÿú verb form Ω -ûª ç-ô çc. ANSWER Active passive Telugu Translation will start college reopens was closed? ߪ - -úõçc? will be reopened? ûá Ω - - -úø ûª çc? will be held E Ωy- œ«ç-îª- -úø-û? Ç Ωç µº- -û AJT v ƒ Ωç µº- -ûª çc will be declared v æéπ-öàç-îª- -úø-û îá æp-í - are declared v æéπ-öàç-îª- -úø-û can be expected ÇPç-îª- -úø- îª a can say (possibility) are said to be îá æp- -úø-û are offered É y- -úø-û are admitted îë Ω a-éó- -úøû Ω éó Ω -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø apply îëߪ F Passive voice ûá -í apple (Å - -ü ç apple) áçûª ÅÆæ- æ«-ïçí, äéó\- ƒj Å Ωnçé ôç -áç-ûª éπ æ dçí Öçô çüó í -Eç-îªçúÕ. wants let him apply

56 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -Ç-C- Ωç 23 --à-v œ Laxman: Now that the building has been painted it looks beautiful. (Paint Ëߪ ôç x building î «Åçü çí éπe- œ- ÚhçC.) Bharat: It is painted regularly. (véπ ç ûª æp-èπ çú Ωçí Ë ƒh Ω ) Laxman: When was it last painted? (* -Jí á æ púø paint îë» Ω?) Bharat: I think two years ago. The painting is done once every two years. (È çúë x éàçü ô Å -èπ çö«. È çúë- x-éó- ƒj Ωçí Ëߪ ôç ï Ω -í -ûª çc) Laxman: So it will be painted again two years from now. (Åçõ Sx È çúë- xèπ Ωçí Ë ƒh- Ω- o- ô) Bharat: Certainly. The house was built decades ago. Still it looks new because it has been maintained well. Every care has been taken to keep it in good condition. (éπ*a-ûªçí. Ñ É x ü»- «l éàçü éπöàdçc. Å Ø éìûªh-cí éπep-ææ hçc áçü -éπçõ ü Eo «í îª Ææ -èπ ç-ö«ω é öàd. Ç µº -Ø Eo ç* ÆœnA apple Öçîª-ö«-EéÀ ÅEo ñ«ví -ûªh BÆæ -èπ ç-ö«ω ) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 146 Now let's study the verbs in the conversation above. 1) has been painted (has been - be form + past participle (PP) of paint) 2) is painted (is - be from + PP of paint) 3) was painted (was - be form + PP of paint) (This is in a question) 4) is done (is - be form + PP of do) 5) will be painted (will be - be form + PP of paint) 6) owns - II RDW (Active Voice) 7) takes - II RDW (Active Voice) 8) was discharged - (was - be form + PP of discharge) 9) had been treated - (had been - be form + PP of treat) 10) think - I RDW (Active Voice) 11) will take - will + I RDW (Active Voice) Verbs No. 6, 7, 10 and 11 are in active voice. The rest of the verbs are all be form + PP Åçõ passive voice apple ÖØ o-ߪ - o- ô. Åçõ éπè -é dí ûá -í - appleéà translate îëêæh ' úø ÅØË ô combination ûó Å n ƒh ô-eo-öàéà. Important: Active voice apple Ö o v æa verb èπÿ passive form Öçô çc. 2) They play the game twice a week (I RDW - active) = The game is played twice every week (is + pp - passive - regular) 3) The school holds weekly tests (II RDW - active - Regular action) = Weekly tests are held (are held - passive voice - Regular action) Passive voice apple regular actions îá ƒp- çõ am + pp / is + pp / are + pp ú L ç. Active apple time ûá - æe past actions èπÿ, éìçûªé çí ïj-t action èπ, É æ púë complete Å action èπ have + pp / has + pp úøû ç. OöÀE passive apple îá ƒp- çõ have been + pp / has been + pp ƒh. 1) The building has been painted (has been + pp) - Passive (îëߪ - -úõçc) = They have painted the building. (Active) (îë» Ω ) I am seen here every evening.. 2) Nü u- Ω n èπ Hall tickets É y- -ú f = Hall tickets have been issued to students (passive) = The college has issued hall tickets to students. 3) ÅûªúÕ îë é LçC = His hand has been burnt Å «Íí future actions èπ passive apple will be + pp úøû ç. i) Hall tickets Í æöà ç* É ƒh Ω (É y- -úø-û ) Hall tickets will be issued from tomorrow. ii) æk-éπ~ May apple E Ωy- œ«- ƒh Ω ( úø-û ) The exams will be held in May. Time ûál-æœ past actions èπ úë Passive verb = was + pp / were + pp 1) YSR Ú Ææç -ûªq Ωç áeo-éπ applex CM í áeoéπ-ߪ u Ω YSR was elected CM in the elections last year. (á o-éó- -ú f Ω ) (was + pp) 2) í ûª ØÁ ÅTov æ -ü ç apple Ë- É Ÿx üµ yçææç Åߪ u. Thousands of houses were destroyed in the fire last month (were + pp). (Decade = úõèé-ß ú = ü» lç) Laxman: Who owns the building? (á -JC building?) Bharat: My cousin's. He is an engineer in the states. (Ø cousin C. Çߪ US apple Engineer) Laxman: But who takes care of it here? (Ééπ\úø ü Eo á Ω îª Ææ -èπ ç-ö«ω?) Bharat: His father. He was also an engineer - very famous. Unfortunately he is not in good health now. Only a few days ago he was discharged from hospital. He had been treated for knee trouble. ( x Ø o. Çߪ Ø engineer í ÖçúË- úø. î «Ê Ω çc. ü Ω-ü %- æ d- -»ûª h Çߪ Ç Óí uç É æ púø ÆæJ-í - ü. éìcl ÓV éàçü -õ Á é LéÀ *éàûªq îë ç-îª -èπ E ÇÆæpvA ç* î a Ω.) Laxman: A nice piece of work, this building. I think I'll take it for my office. (GLfç-í î ««í -éπ-ö«d Ω. Ø office éóææç DEo ØË BÆæ -èπ ç-ö«.) í Ω hûáîª a-éóçúõ: Verb, 'be' form + participle Å ûë, PASSIVE VOICE Å -ûª çc. O Ω í - EçîË Öçö«Ω.  j conversation apple î «verbs, passive voice apple ÖØ o éπü. (é F ûá í Å - ü ç passive apple éπ- Ú- ôç èπÿú í -Eç-î Ω éπü. ûá -í apple passive voice î «ÅÆæ- æ«-ïçí, Å - -Ææ Ω ƒçúõ-ûªuç- «Öçô çc é öàd í ö«xúë ûá Íí -ú ç.) Öü - æ«- Ω-ùèπ I RDW (see, take, etc) and II RDW (sees, takes, etc) - -É-N ç regular actions èπ úë active voice verbs éπü. Å «Íí regular actions ûálê passive voice verbs Åçõ I RDW / II RDW èπ Ææ - - Á i- N, am + past participle, is + past participle, are + past participle. Ñ éàçü îª úøçúõ. Verb No 2: The building is painted regularly (Regular í ïjíí action, passive form apple á «îá æ hø o Á îª úøçúõ is + PP ûó. (Building paint îëߪ - -úø -ûª çc véπ ç ûª æp-èπ çú ) Verb No 4: The painting is done once every two years. ( Ωçí - -ߪ ôç v æa È çúë- xèπÿ îëߪ - -úø -ûª çc ÉC èπÿú is + PPûÓ regular action éπü?) Regular actions Passive apple Éçé îª úøçúõ ÅN am + PP / is + PP / are + PP apple Ææ hçc. 1) I am seen here every evening - ØËE-éπ\úø v æa ƒßª çvûªç îª úø- -úø-û. 2) Pooja is done every day v æa ÓW æ ï îëߪ - -úø -ûª çc ( æ ï îë ƒh Ω ). 3) Lakhs of copies of the Eenadu are sold everyday (v æa ÓW éπ~- copies Å t- -úø-û = Å t-úø- -û ) é öàd Regular actions passive apple Å ûë, am + pp / is + pp / are + pp úøû ç ÅüË active voice apple Å ûë I RDW / II RDW úøû ç. 1) The doctor checks me once in two months (II RDW - Active) = I am checked once in two months by the doctor. (Doctor îëûª ØË æk-éà~ç- æ- -úø-û Regular). EXERCISE Practise the following in English, using passive forms where necessary. Arjun: Ñ news paper áéπ\úõ ç* Á - -úø - ûª çc? (Publish úøçúõ) Pavan:  j«ü - - «ü ç*. Arjun: ÉçÈééπ\úø print Å -ûª ç-ü C? Pavan: Nï-ߪ - úø, N»-ê- æôoç. Arjun: ÓW áeo copies Å t-úø- -û? Pavan: éìeo éπ~? Arjun: Pavan: 1980 apple Arjun: á æ púø v ƒ Ωç-Gµç-î Ω ü Eo? Ø í ÓV- í éìclí late deliver Å -ûóçc éπü? Pavan: Å. x ߪ çvûªç apple àüó Ææ Ææu. Arjun: Newspapers apple ï-éã-ߪ áèπ \ v ƒüµ uç Òçü -û. Pavan: Eï Ë! ç éìøëc Åçü -Íéí! ANSWER Arjun: Where is this paper published from? Pavan: Hyderabad Arjun: Where else is it printed? Pavan: Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam. Arjun: How many copies are sold every day? Pavan: Some lakhs. Arjun: When was it started? Pavan: In 1980 Arjun: It has been delivered a little late for the past four days, hasn't it? Pavan: Yes. Some problem with their machinery. Arjun: Politics get a lot of importance in papers/ politics are given a lot of importance. Pavan: Correct. We read them only for that. v æ o: ÖüÓuT CM Å - - æ púø ÉîËa Relieving Certificate apple éìçü Ω is/ was/ has/ has been relieved ÅE Ωéπ- Ω-é - í Ææ hç-ö«ω. öà apple àc éπè é d? á «? N JçîªçúÕ. æ - ΩyÆæ, ØÁ x Ω -ï- - : a) ÖüÓuT æ «Ø ûëc ç* ( ƒ - uçí DEE official language apple with effect from such and such a date ÅE Åçô ç-ö«ω ) relieve Å - ô x ߪ -Lq- ÊÆh Mr X has been relieved of his duties in this office with effect from 4th April b) ÖüÓuT æ «Ø ûëd relieve Åߪ uúø ÅE Å ûë Mr X was relieved of his duties here on 4th April c) ûëd, ÓV, Å «çöàn àç îá æp-èπ çú Å ûë is relieved, has been relieved Å - îª a. He is relieved of/ He has been relieved of his duties here. DE Å Ωnç Çߪ relieve Å ôç ïj-tç-ü E. Ééπ\úø èπÿú has been relieved, better.

57 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü --- çí - - Ωç 25 --à-v œ Damodar: Hi Divakar, you know my favourite hero was awarded Padmabhushan. (Ø ÅGµ ô -úõéà æü t- µº - æù G Ω ü *açc.) was awarded (passive) = É y- -ú fúø. Award= Å -ú ' ØÌéÀ\- æ- -èπ û ç = (G Ω - ü, æ - -ûª, æ Ω- ƒ\- - - «ç-öàn) v æü ç îëߪ -ôç/-é- yôç. Award = æ - A, æ Ω- ƒ\ Ωç, G Ω ü ÅØË Å n èπÿú ÖØ o. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 147 Divakar: The title was conferred on many others too. (Éçé Éûª- Ω - èπ èπÿú Ç G Ω ü Éî a Ω.) Title = õ jöà = G Ω ü. Confer = äéπ-je G Ω -ü ûó, æ Ω- ƒ\- ΩçûÓ Ææûª\-Jç-îªôç. They conferred on him the title = ÅûªúÕE «x G Ω -ü ûó Ææûª\-Jç-î Ω. Was conferred (passive) = É y- -ú fúø. Damodar: I am happy that only deserving people were awarded the title. (Å Ω ûª éπl-t- - Ïx Ç Ææû \- Eo Òçü úøç Ø èπ ÆæçûÓ- ƒeo éπl-t-ææ hçc. Deserving = úõï-nçí = Å Ω ûª éπl-t. Deserve =úõï = Å Ω ûª éπlt Öçúøôç. He deserves the award = Ç award BÆæ -éó- -ú -EéÀ Åûª-úÕéÀ Å Ω ûª ÖçC.) Divakar: You say all this because your favourite hero got it. (F ÅGµ- ô -úõéà *açc é öàd É «ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø o.) Damodar: Your favourite hero was not even considered for the award. That's why you talk like that. (F ÅGµ- - -ô -úõ-e Ç æ Ω- ƒ\- -EéÀ éπ-fææç æj-í -ùàç-îª ü é öàd y «ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø o. Consider = 'éπeqúø = æj-í -ùàç-îªôç was not considered (passive) = æj-í -ùàç-îª- -úø- ü.) Divakar: You feel as if you were given the award. (Ç æ - -ûëüó F éì*a- ô x ö«x-úø -ûª - Ø o. were given (passive)= É y- - ú f.) Damodar: Yes, I do feel so. (Å Å «Íí Å -èπ ç-ô Ø o.) Divakar: Just wait and see. My favourite hero will be honoured with Padmavibhushan next year. (îª Ææ h Öçúø. îëa Ææç -ûªq Ωç ÅGµ- ô -úõéà æü t-n- µº - æù Ææ hçc.) will be honoured (passive) = Ææûª\-Jç-îª- - úø-û úø. Damodar: Such honours are given only to the talented. (v æa µº Ö o- -JÍé Ç Ææû \ Ωç Gµ- Ææ hçc. are given (passive) = É y- -úø - ûª çc.) Divakar: True. Your hero will not get it, because he lacks talent. (Eï Ë. ÅC O «Óèπ ü, áçü -éπçõ Çߪ - èπ v æa µº ü é öàd.) Prabhakar: Will you stop it. You and your heroes. You are both silly (Éçéπ Ç æ -û? O Ω, O heroes. O Ω î «œ x-ûª- Ω- æ í ÖØ o Ω.) [ [ [ You must have observed that most of the verbs in the conversation above are in the passive voice because every one of them is a 'be' form + past participle (PP) The verbs are: 1. was awarded (was + pp of award) 2. was conferred (was + pp of confer) 3. were awarded (were + pp of award) 4. was (not even) considered (was + pp of consider) 5. were given (were + pp of give) 6. will be honoured (will be + pp of honour) 7. are given (are + pp of give) In the last lesson we have seen that we use the passive verbs am + pp/is+pp /are+pp for regular actions í Ω hçc éπü! The verbs (in the conversation above) from verbs No. 1 to 5 are: was+past participle (was+pp) / were+pp. í ûªç apple ïj-t- Ú- (time ûál-æœ ) actions passive apple was + pp / were + pp apple ûá - æ û ç. 1)... hero was awarded Padmabhushan æü t- µº - æù É y- -ú fúø. 2)... the title was conferred G Ω ü v æü ç îëߪ - -úõç-c/-é- y- -úõçc. 3)... people were awarded î «- çc É y- -ú f Ω. 4)... hero was (not even) considered. æj-í -ùàç-îª- -úø- ü. 5)... you were given ( y) É y -ú f. Åçõ í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ. Active apple past doing word (gave, took, liked, talked, etc) í ûªç apple Å - Ú- æ - èπ úøû ç êuçí time ûálêæh. 1) She took the book yesterday E o Ç Á Ç æ Ææhéπç BÆæ -èπ çc. 2) He liked the movie (last night) Ç *vûªç Åûª-úÕéÀ *açc. 3) They gave us the information (last week) é Ææ -î Ωç Rx-î a Ω. É «çöà N æ-ߪ - ØË passive apple ûá - ƒ- çõ was + PP or were + PP úøû ç. êuçí Ç æee îëæœçüá Ó -ûá-l-ߪ éπ- Ú -Ø, îá æpôç éπ æ d- Á iø, Åçûª êuç é éπ- Ú- Ø, Å æ púø passive úøû ç. 1) He was awarded Padmabhushan Åûªúø æü t- µº - æù É y -ú fúø. (á -J-îËûª ÉC îá æpôç éπ æ dç Åçü -éπe passive. Government îëûª ÅE îá Òpîª a. é E Åü çûª v ƒ êuç é ü éπü. English apple èπÿú O j- çûª Ωèπÿ passive úøèπ çú Öçúøôç î «ç*c. O Ω í -EçîË Öçö«Ω Spoken English 144 lessons Ωèπÿ ç áéπ\ú passive voice úø- ü. Åçõ passive úë Å -Ææ Ωç ü ü æ ü - o- ô. passive voice (English apple èπÿú ) ûª æpeææj Å ûë ûª æp úø-èπ çú Öç-úøôç ç*c. Å æ púø English conversation simple í, Ææ æ«-ïçí Öçô çc. í - -Eç-îªç-úÕ: He was awarded Padmabhushan--D-Eo Active Voice apple É «simple í îá Òpîª a. He got Padmabhushan. ÉC èπÿú Simple í - - ü, He was awarded Padmabhushan éπçõ? Å «Íí was + PP/ were + PP úõ N í û Sentences èπÿú îª ü lç. 2) The title was conferred on many others too = Many others got the title too / Many others received the title too/ Many others had the honour/ Distinction. É «îá æ p-éó- îª a éπü. 3) Were awarded (Passive) = got the award (active) 4)... Hero was not even considered = They did not even consider him for an award. (Ééπ\úø They Åçõ á Ó ûá-l-ߪ -ü é öàd passive úìîª a) 5)... you were given an award = Ééπ\úø èπÿú you got an award, simple éπü? passive avoid îá-ߪ - -îª a. 6) Will be honoured = will receive the honour ÅØÌîª a. passive avoid îëêæçü èπ 7)... honours are given to the talented (PV) = Only the talented get such honours (Active Expression) é öàd past doing word active Å ûë ü EéÀ passive equivalent was + past participle/ were past participle. Past actions at a time Known. Exercise: Practise the following aloud in English. Spandana : Hi Chandana, Ç fan É æ púø ready ßË Ø? Chandana : Ç... E oøë ÅC repair Å uçc. Spandana : Ωçí èπÿú Ë»? Chandana : Ç... Á ûªhç E o üµ u- æ o-eéà æ Ωh- çc. Spandana : E oøë Lights ÅFo Å - a? Chandana : ÅC èπÿú æ Ωh- çc E oøë. workers Åçü Ko æç œçîëߪ ôç èπÿú The title was conferred ACTIVE 1st Regular Doing Word (give, take, like, etc) 2nd Regular Doing Word (gives, takes, likes. etc) REGULAR ACTION PASSIVE am+pp/is+pp/ are+pp am given/taken/liked etc., is given/taken/liked etc., are given/taken/liked etc. ACTIVE Past Doing word (took, gave, liked etc.,) PASSIVE Was+PP/ Were+PP Was taken/ Were taken Was given/ Were given Was liked/ Were liked etc. Å çc. Payment èπÿú Å - Ú- çc. Spandana : Very good. Answer: Spandana : Hi Chandana, is the fan ready? Chandana : It was repaired yesterday. Spandana : Was it painted too? Chandana : Yes. Everything was completed Yesterday. Spandana : Were the lights also fixed Yesterday? Chandana : That was completed too. The Workers were sent away too. Even the payments were made. Spandana : Good 1. Sachin is to play the cricket. 2. Sachin has to play cricket. 3. Sachin was to play cricket. 4. Sachin had to play cricket.  j é u- èπ Å Ωnç N -Jç-îªçúÕ. 1,2 3,4 é u äíé Å Ωnç éπl-t ÖØ oߪ ûálߪ -îë-ߪ çúõ. N -ß - π -, E Ωt 1) Sachin is to play cricket = Ææ*Ø Çú Lq ÖçC, NCµí /-ûª- æp-éπ/-å- -èπ o v æé - Ωç/- îë-ææ èπ - o ä æpç-ü ç/-à- pôx v æé Ωç Ç-úø-û úø èπÿú. 2) Sachin has to play cricket = Çú L. äéπj Çïc x/duty/åûªe Å -Ææ Ωç x-é E Çúøû úó üó -ûá-l-ߪ -ü. 3) Sachin was to play cricket - í ûªç apple Çú Lq ÖçúÕçC. Çú úø. Dhoni was to score 66 not out. (üµóe 66 éìúø-û úø Ç ûª yûª Åçõ éìö«dúø ÅE). Rama was to go to forest - Åúø-NéÀ Á «húø í ûªç apple äéπ ü apple, Å æp-öà- ç* ïj- T æe. 4) Sachin had to play - Çú Lq Öç--úÕçC Çú úó üó -ûá-l-ߪ -ü.

58 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü í Ω Ωç 27 --à-v œ Ram: You are late again. You are expected to be here by 10, and it is now (O Ω Sx Ç Ææuçí - -î a Ω. O J-éπ\úø 10éÀ Öçú L. É æ púø Å çc.) Sita: Sorry sir. The bus was late. The bus is supposed to pick us up at It was 10 minutes late. Some trouble on the way. (Bus late Å çc èπ Lo áéà\ç-îª - éó- -Lq bus 10 EN - ƒ Ç -Ææu- Á içc. ü J apple ü E-ÍéüÓ trouble *açc.) Ram: OK, OK. Let's get down to work. Only a few files were cleared yesterday. Many more have to be cleared today. We are required to clear at least 15 files a day. (ÆæÍ, ÆæÍ, æe v ƒ Ωç-Gµü lç. E o- éìeo files vûª Ë æ Jh îë»ç. -É î - «files clear îëߪ L. ÓVèπ éπfææç 15 files Å Ø æ Jh îëߪ L.) Sita: When are we expected to complete them, sir? ( -ô-eoç-öàf ç æ Jh îëߪ -Lqç-üÁ- æ púø, sir.) Ram: They should have been sent last week itself. But we have been given some more time because we did not have the necessary information. (í ûª Ωç æç œ-ç-î -LqçC. é E ü í _ Ω information éπ- Ú- ôç x, -èπ -é Ææh time Éî a Ω.) Sita: That's ok, sir. I won't take much time. The files will all be on your table a little after lunch break. (ÆæÍ sir, -ØË-ØÁèπ \ time -BÆæ éó. Lunch time Å é ÊÆq æ-öàéà Ç files ÅFo O table O ü Öçö«.) Ram: Go ahead. When you say something, I know it will be done. (O Ì-éπ\- ƒj à -Ø o -Å-Ø o- Ωçõ, ÅC ï Ω -í - ûª ç-ü E Ø èπ ûá Ææ.) Let's continue our study of the passive forms. The sentences with verbs in passive voice in the dialogue are: 1) You are expected to be here by 10. 2) The bus is supposed to pick us up. 3) Only a few files were cleared yesterday. 4) Many more have to be cleared today. 5) We are required to clear. 6) When are we expected to complete them? 7) They should have been sent. 8) We have been given. 9)... it will be done. Let's look at verbs No. 1, 2, 5 and 6: are expected, is supposed, are required, are expected. Ñ verbs ƒ - uçí passive apple official and formal Ææçü - s applex úø -ûª ç-ö«ω. Official language apple passive voice úøéπç á «Öçô çüó -Ééπ- ç-ü ûá -Ææ -èπ çö«ç. 1. You are expected to be here by 10. (O J-éπ\úø 10éÀ Öçú - - èπ ç-ö«. Ééπ\úø are expected (Å -éó- -úø-û Ω ) ÅØËC must èπ ü éìçîáç ûªèπ \ B-v ûªûó, é Ææh -Ææ -Eoûªçí üµ yeç-îëô d úë expression. English language apple manners èπ v ƒüµ uç áèπ \. Åçü -éπe Çñ«c- œç-îëç-ü èπ must î - «Å Ω -ü í -úø-û Ω, Å «úõûë -K E Ωç-èπ - çí, bossy í Öçô ç-ü E. Must ú -Lq ü ü æ Å-Eo-îÓ-ö«x É «expect, suppose, require «çöà verbs passive forms úøû Ω. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 148 1) You are expected to be here by 10. (passive) The superiors (ÅCµ-é - Ω ) expect you to be here by 10 (Active) = you must be here by 10. (Must É «çöàîóôx avoid îë ƒh Ω.) 2) The bus is supposed to pick us up by 9.45 (passive) = We (office staff = Æœ sçc) suppose the bus to pick us up by 9.45 (active) = The bus must pick us up by 9.45 = tlo 9.45 éπ- «x áéà\ç-îª -éó- L. Ééπ\-úø èπÿú must avoid îë ƒhç. 5) We are required to clear files (passive) = The superiors (ÅCµ-é - Ω ) require (Åúø -í -û Ω ) us to clear files (active) = we must clear files. (Ééπ\úø èπÿú must avoid îë ƒh Ω ). 6) When are we expected to complete them (passive) = When do our superiors expect us to complete them? (active) = When must we complete them? (Ñ sentence apple èπÿú must úø Ω ) É «çöà Ææçü - s JéÌEo îª ü lç. (i) Smoking æ Jhí E œü l ç. Smoking is strictly prohibited (passive) (ii) Strict silence should be maintained in the library (passive). (You should maintain strict silence in the library) = Library apple E z lç ƒöàç-î L. Now practise the following in English use passive forms where necessary (conversation O - - ç-ûª- - Ωèπÿ passive èπ çú practise îëߪ çúõ.) Hi Prabhas, y-ô -- Áj æ F ƒ x  ôd-èπÿ-úøü. Venkat: (iii) Trespassers will be prosecuted = æ«ü l-o -J Ω Pé~ - Ω (PéÀ~ç- æ- -úø-û Ω ) É «çöà E ç-üµ -, E œ-ü l ûá-lê ç-ü èπ ƒ - uçí passive voice úøû Ω. N í û sentences (conversation apple) îª ü lç. 3) Only a few files were cleared (by us) = éìeo files vûª Ë æ JhîË»ç = We cleared only a few files. You are expected to be here.. Prabhas: È éπ\úø  ö«dl? Venkat: Åéπ\úøûª æp ÉçÈé-éπ\-úøØ o. Åéπ\úø boss ûª ƒ x  ô d-èπ ç-ö«ω. Prabhas: Áyçûª Ωèπÿ Öçú -L-éπ\úø? Venkat: ƒßª çvûªç 5 Ωèπÿ. Sx Í æ 10éÀ Ééπ\úø Öçú L. Prabhas: Í æ æe æ Ωh- -í - ü? Venkat: Åçûª æe Í Â «Å -ûª çc? á xçúõ ƒßª ç-vû -EéÀ æ Ωh- -ûª ç-üë Á? Prabhas: ƒßª ç Å -Ææ- Ω- Á iûë, ØË ready. 4) Many more have to be cleared today (by us) = We have to clear many more files today = Éçé î «files clear îëߪ L. 7) They should have been sent (by us) = we should have sent them = ç æç ƒ-lqçc (á æ púó) 8) We have been given (by the superiors) = They have given us = èπ time Éî a Ω. 9) It will be done (by you) = You will do it = y îë ƒh. Éçé passive voice Ö æ-ßá -í î «ÖØ o. ÅN ûá -Ææ -èπ -ØË- çü Ñ éàçc active verbs èπ - passive equivalents îª úøçúõ. Active ç* passive èπ, passive ç* active èπ Ωaôç äéπ exercise (Å µ«u-ææç) í practice îëߪ -éπçúõ. Å «îëêæh O Ω English (spoken form) free í, fluent í ö«x-úø- Ω. Å «ö«x-úø- -éπ- Úí O èπ E ÚE doubts èπÿú *a ö«x-úø- -éπ- Ú--û Ω. ûª æpe æj-æœn-ûª applex impersonal ( uèπ h- ûó Ææç çüµ ç E) occasions (Ææçü - s applex) vûªç úøçúõ. Å ûë passive forms ûá -Ææ -éó- ôç vûªç Å -Ææ- Ω Ë. áçü -éπçõ Å -ûª-l- Ÿx Passive úõûë ç Å Ωnç îëææ éóí - -í -L-éπü? ANSWER Venkat: Hi Prabhas, you are not supposed to keep your things there. Prabhas: Where else should I keep then? Venkat: Anywhere else except there. The boss keeps his things there. Prabhas: How long are you expected to be here? Venkat: Till 5 in the evening. Again at 10 tomorrow morning. Prabhas: Can the work be completed tomorrow? Venkat: How can the whole work be completed tomorrow? It might be completed by the evening of the day after. Prabhas: If help is needed, I am ready. I. Verb: Give ACTIONS ACTIVE PASSIVE Regular 1st RDW (give) am+pp=am given Actions 2nd RDW (gives) is+pp=is given are+pp=are given Past actions Past doing was+pp=was given time known word-gave were+pp=were given II. Shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must OöÀûÓ 1st RDW éπ-l œûë form ÅßË u verb - (shall give, should give, will give, would give, can give, could give, may give, might give, must give, etc) èπ passive form é - çõ, shall, should, etc, «çöà öà æéπ\ be îëja past participle îëjêæh ÅC passive Å -ûª çc. eg: They will give the book [verb- will givewill + 1st RDW- active]= The book will be given (by them) [verb- will be- be form+given (Past participle)- Passive] He can give it - Ééπ\úø verb, can do- can + 1st RDW éπü é öàd passive à - yl can + be + pp of give = can be given. Å «Íí should give - active - DEéÀ passive- should + be + given (PP of give) é öàd  j îá œp verbs ÅEo-öÀéà passive form, Ç shall, should, etc... ô-eo-öà æéπ\ø be  öàd ü E- æ-éπ\ past participle îëjêæh ÅC passive Å -ûª çc éπü. They may give it - (active) It may be given (by them) - (passive) III. have + pp ûó end ÅßË u active verbs ÅEo-öÀéÃ, have èπÿ past participle èπ üµ u been  úõûë passive Å -ûª çc. They have given the books - verb have given (active)- DEéÀ passive have èπÿ, given èπÿ üµ u apple been  ôd-ô Ë have been given. They have given the books (Active) The books have been given (by them) - (Passive). v æ o: 1. ØË ÓW ôé îëææ -èπ ç-ö«( ü ) ØË ÓW ÉØ - æ d îëææ -èπ ç-ö«. 2. Féπçõ ØË Å ü Íé@ Ω - Á-èπ \. Ñ é u- ÉçTx- ˇ apple á «îá ƒp apple ûál-ߪ -ñ -ߪ çúõ. Æœ. Ïyûª, È j y-éó-úø -ï- - : 1. I tuck my shirt in. In shirt ÅØË ô English apple úø Ω. 2. I am heavier than you by 5 Kgs/ I weigh 5 Kgs more than you/ I weigh more than you by 5 Kgs.

59 -E Ωç 29 --à-v œ Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -I Ravikanth: Hi Prakash, who is this book meant for? I found it here. (Ñ æ Ææhéπç á J éóææç? Ø éà-éπ\úø éπ-e œç-*ç-c.) Prakash: It was left here by someone. I don't remember. (-ü -Eo á Ó Ééπ\úø CL Á «x Ω. Ø èπ í Ω h- - ôç ü J) Ravikanth: Who does it belong to? (ÅC á -JC?) Prakash: No name is written on the book. Only the bill of the book is found in the book. No name in the bill either. ( æ Ææhéπç O ü à Ê Ω Æœ ü. æ Ææhéπç éì o-ô dí Bill ÖçC. ü E apple èπÿú Ê Ω - ü.) Ravikanth: Ok. Let's no more worry about the book. Were you, by any chance, in college last evening? (ÆæÍ, Ç æ Ææhéπç í Jç* C- ü lç. E o ƒßª çvûªç - Ëy- Ø o college apple ÖØ o?) Prakash: I was asked to be there for the selections for the debate team. Someone was invited to select the college team. I have been picked up as a reserve member. (college debate team selections èπ o-éπ\-úøèπ Ω t-ø o Ω. College team select îëߪ -ö«-eéà á -JØÓ œl-î Ω. o reserve member í BÆæ -èπ -Ø o Ω.) Debate = éπh %ûªyç. Pick up = choose. áç œ-éπ-îë-ߪ ôç. Ravikanth: Where will the contest be held? ( Úöà áéπ\úø?) (Contest = éπçõ Æˇd = ÚöÃ) Prakash: It is going to be held this month end at Rajamundry. ( ï- ç-vúõ apple Ñ ØÁ «-ê Óx Öçô çc) Ravikanth: Wish you should be include in the final team. (final team apple yçú - E Ø éójéπ) Prakash: Thank you. lllll Last lesson apple principles of changing verbs from active to passive ç éπü. Ææ n çí Ì-éπ\- ƒj í Ω h-îë-ææ -èπ çü ç. -Ñ æ-öàdéπ -îª -úøç-úõ. ACTIVE 1. 1st RDW/ 2nd RDW (give, take, etc/ gives, takes, etc) 2. Past Doing Word (gave, took etc) 3. shall/ should/ will/ would/ can/ could/ may/ might/ must etc + 1st RDW (shall take, will take, would take etc) Shall have/ should have/ will have/ would have/ can have, etc + past participle (would have taken, could have taken etc) Now let's take a look at the verbs in the passive form, used in the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. 1) who is this meant for? (verb- is meant- passive) 2) It was left here.. (verb- was left- was + pp -passive) 3) No name is written.. (verb- is written- is + pp -passive) 4) I was asked.. (verb- was asked- was + pp -passive) 5) Was invited... (verb- was invited- was + pp -passive) 6) I have been picked up (verb- have been picked - have been + pp - passive) 7) When will the contest be held? (verb- will be held- will be + pp -passive) 8) you should be included (verb- should be included- should be + pp - passive)  j æöàd-éπ apple É*a transformation principles èπ Ñ 8 verbs in passive ÆæJ- Ú-ûª -Ø o éπü?åçõ a) Active apple RDWs Öçõ, passive, am/ is/ are + past participle. b) Active apple PDW Öçõ, passive, was/ were + past participle. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 149 c) shall/ should/ will/ would, etc + 1st RDW active Å ûë, OöÀ apple shall/ should, etc èπ be îëja, past participle îëjaûë passive. d) shall be/ should be/ will be/ would be, etc + 1st RDW active Å ûë, shall be/ should be/ can be, etc + past participle - passive. -Ñ -Ø - í patterns í Ω hç-îª èπ ç-õ passive -î - «easy. Last lesson apple îá œp- ô x ã æe á -J- x ïj-tçüó îá æpôç É æ dç éπ- Ú- Ø, éπ æ d- - Ø, ü E-éπçûª v ƒ êuç éπ- Ú- Ø, Passive Voice Å -Ææ Ωç Å -ûª çc. èπ çõ active always preferable. Passive voice questions practice îëü lç: 1) Who is it meant for? (ÉC á JéÓÆæç ÖüËl-Pç-îª- -úõçc? Old usage - for whom is it meant?) 2) Where are these shirts sold? (ÉN áéπ\úø Å t- --úø-û?) When was the letter posted? PASSIVE 1. am + pp / is + pp / are + pp. (am given, is given, are given etc) 2. Was+pp/ Were+pp (was given / were given) 3. É «çöà verbs N æ-ߪ ç apple shall/ should/ will/ would... æéπ\ be  öàd, ü EéÀ Past Participle îë Ωaôç. shall be taken (shall + be + past participle) / will be taken, etc. É «çöà verbs N æ-ߪ ç apple shall have/ should have/ will have, etc æéπ\ been  öàd, ü EéÀ past participle îë Ω ƒhç. (would have been taken, could have been taken, etc) 3) How was he killed? (á «îªç æ- -ú fúø?= á «îªç ƒ- Ω-ûªEo?) 4) Who were you seen by? (By Whom were you seen - old use = á -JîË îª úø- -ú f? á Ω îª» Ω -E o?) 5) What were you told? = Ëyç îá æp- -ú f? (FÍéç -îá- ƒp Ω?) 6) When was the letter posted? = Öûªh Ωç á æ púø post îëߪ - -úõçc? (á æ púø Post îë» Ω?) Active voice apple «ØË, passive apple èπÿú question apple verb çü, subject ûª yûª ƒh. èπ çõ Helping verb èπ, main verb èπÿ üµ u apple subject Ææ hçc. ÉC î - «êuçí í -Eçî Lq N æߪ ç. Now practise the following in English use passive forms only where necessary: Lavanya: æ çû æ Ωh- çü? Bhramara: Éçé ü. Éçé éìçûª N TL ÖçC. Lavanya: ÅC èπÿú á æ púø æ Ωh- -ûª çc? Bhramara: Í æ üµ u- æ o-eéà æ -Jhé îª a. Lavanya: Invitations ÅFo post Å-ߪ uߪ? Bhramara: Yes î - «ô èπ. Å ûë O Ω addresses ߪ -Lq- N éìeo ÖØ o. öàe O È - æ púø æ JhîËߪ -í - Ω? Lavanya: éìeo addresses Éçé L. ÅN í ØË ÊÆ- ƒh. Bhramara: ÅN O Ω æ JhîËÊÆh ÅFo éπl œ post îëߪ - îª a. ANSWER Lavanya: Has the work been completed? EXERCISE éàçc öàéà passive forms ߪ çúõ: 1) Åûª-úø ûª Åüµ u-èπ~ --úõí áeo-éπ-ߪ uúø. 2) E oöà accident apple - - í Ω îªe- Ú-ߪ Ω. æ-c çc í ߪ - æ-ú f Ω. 3) Ω-éπôoç EÊ -Cµç-î Ω. 4) í ûª Ææç -ûªq Ωç -Ø - í éìûªh È j y - j x Ë» Ω. 5) Date of Interview ûªy Ω- appleøë Å µºu- Ω n- èπ ûál-ߪ - ñ -ߪ ôç ï Ω -í -ûª çc. ANSWERS 1) He has been elected the new president. 2) Four were killed and ten injured in the accident yesterday. 3) Dowry has been abolished. 4) Four new rail lines were laid last year. 5) Candidates will soon be informed of the date of interview. Bhramara: Not yet. some more work is left. Lavanya: When will it be completed too? Bhramara: It may be completed by tomorrow afternoon. Lavanya: Have all the invitations been posted? Bhramara: Yes, most of them. But then there are invitations for which the addresses have to be written by you/ you have to write the addresses. When can you complete it? Lavanya: Some addresses are yet to be received, once they are received, I will write the addresses. Bhramara: If you complete them, all of them may be posted together/ we may post all of them together. -ØË-öÀ - apple Let's remember once again: 1) Passive voice to be used only when absolutely necessary. 2) Question structure to be followed in passive voice too. 3) In most cases where whom was used in the past, we now use 'Who'. -áçâæ-ö -ví ç-ú -õ Æˇd

60 -I-I Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ú- Ωç 1 - Ë 2006 Pranav: Hi Prabhat, you look quite smart in your clothes today. Are they new? (v æ µ«û, -Ñ ôd applex -F- î «Åçü çí ÖØ o. ÅN éìûªh?) Prabhat: They are, of course. But I'm afraid I don't look smarter than you, in spite of my new clothes. Any way, I thank you for the compliment. (ÅN éìûªh Ë. Å - - æp-öàéã, Féπçõ ØËØËç smarter Åçü çí / Çéπ- Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ çí éπe- œçîªúøç ü. àüáj-ûëøëç, F Á îª a-èπ ç-ô - oç-ü èπ thanks.) Pranav: Mine are sincere compliments, prabhat. They aren't mere flattery. (ØË Eïç-í ØË -Ææ p -Jh-í ØË E o Á îª aèπ ç-ô Ø o, Å- Ëç Á Ω- Á îª a ô / Òí úøh é ü ) Prabhat: I have no doubt about that. But really I don't like these clothes very much. Dad bought me them from Hyderabad. I wear them because I don't want to offend him. (-Ç N æߪ ç- apple Ø èπ ÆæçüË æ«ç ü. Eïçí Ñ ôd Ø éπçûª É æ dç- ü. Ø o OöÀE  j«ü - - «ü ç* ûáî a Ω Ø èπ. -Çߪ «üµ - æ-úø-û -Í - Á - E ËÆæ - éó- -úø Ë ) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 150 Pranav: I don't see why you think they aren't good. They really suit you well. (ÅN «í - E y áçü -éπ- -èπ ç-ô - Ø o Ó Ø éπ Ωnçé ôç ü. ÅN Fèπ î ««í ƒp.) Prabhat: Do they, really? Then I am happy. (Eïç-í Ø. Å ûë Ø èπ ÆæçûÓ- æ Ë ) Pranav: You are always well dressed. I don't have the patience to choose what clothes I wear. (F Á- æ púø ôd «í ËÆæ -èπ ç-ö«. ôd áç œ-éπ-éπçûª ã œéπ ü Ø èπ ) Prabhat: Still you look stylish. There is some charm about you that makes your appearance attractive. (Å Ø y é Ææh stylish í ØË éπe- œ- ƒh. F apple àüó Çéπ- Ω{ù ÖçC. ÅC E o Çéπ- Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ çí îëææ hçc) Pranav: Enough. You are tiring. Let's talk of something else. (Ééπ î. NÆœ-T-Ææ h-ø o. ÉçÍé N æ-ߪ - Á iø ö«x-úøü ç) v v v v v Look at the following sentences from the dialogue above. 1) you look quite smart in your clothes 2)... I'm afraid I don't look smarter than you, in spite of my new clothes 3) Anyway I thank you for the compliment. 4) Mine are sincere compliments. They aren't mere flattery 5)... because I don't want to offend him. 6) I don't see why you think... 7)... you are always well dressed 8) still you look stylish 9) Enough. You are tiring. In the lesson, lets learn a few items of vocabulary. Vocabulary Åçõ í Ω hçc éπü. simple í ü Ωnç ô æü ÅE éπü? äé𠵫æ apple ÖçúË ô- -Eo-öÀF Ç µ«æ vocabulary Åçö«ç. É æ púø  j sentences applee Underline îëæœ ô- Fo appearance (éπe- œçîë B Ω ) èπÿ, ôd- èπÿ ( êuçí í - x ôd- èπ ) Ææç ç-cµç-* E ûá -Ææ høë ÖçC éπü? Ñ ô- Fo èπÿú daily life situation apple spoken english apple úë ô é öàd practice îëߪ çúõ. 1) You look quite smart in your clothes. Look Åçõ ç-ü -Jéà ûá Ææ éπe- œç-îªôç/ Åí - œçîªôç. smart = Çéπ- Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ çí, Åçü çí Öçúøôç/ éπe- œç-îªôç. ç ËÆæ -èπ o ôd èπ «í suit Å ûë Å æ púø ç smart. tip top í Öçúøôç ÅØ o smart. a) The army officer is really smart in his uniform. Ç Army officer, Ç Uniform apple î «Çéπ- Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ çí ÖØ oúø. b) The students were all smartly dressed for the college anniversary = College J{-éÓ-ûªq ç Ææçü - Ωs çí Nü u- Ω n- ç-ü Ω Çéπ- Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ - Á i ü Ææ h applex ÖØ o Ω. Dress and clothes: Dress ËÆæ -èπ -ØËC Çúø- Ïx. í - Ÿx ËÆæ -èπ -ØËN clothes. Åçõ í - x ôd- dress/ dresses Å ç. Å ûë He is always dressed in good clothes «çöà sentences apple dress Åçõ ôd ÅE é èπ çú ôd ËÆæ -éó- ôç ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úøû ç. -Å-C ûª æ p-é ü. ç ËÆæ -èπ o ôd î «Neat í Å -J-éπí Öçõ Å æ púø ç smart. c) She smarted up for the interview Interview èπ Ç Á îªéπ\í ƒh- çc. Smart èπ Ææ - - Á i Éûª Ω æü ; Stylish, trendy. Å ûë Ñ È çúø ô applex éìclí fashion v æ µ«ç áèπ \. ôd neat í, Å -J-éπí Öçúø-ôç-ûÓ- ƒô, é Ææh fashionable í Öçõ Å æ p-úøn, stylish, trendy. Smart Åçõ ÉçéÓ Å Ωnç ûál- Áj, îª Ω -Èéj. a) The boy is smart. You can't cheat him= Ç èπ v úø ûál- Áj- - úø (Clever). y úõo Á Ææç îëߪ -. b) It was smart of her to give such an answer Ç Ææ -üµ ç Ç Á ûál-n-í ØË É*açC. É «çöà Ææçü - s applex smart Åçõ î «ûál-ní ûªy Ωí Ç apple-*ç-îª-í éàh Ö o ÅØË Å Ωnç Ææ hçc. c) Don't try to be smart with me= Ø ü í _ Ω F ûáln îª æèπ. A smart restaurant = a fashionable restaurant= Food prices are high at this smart restaurant. (Ñ fashionable æ«ùô applex A - ç-ú - üµ Ω áèπ \ ). 2) I'm afraid= I am afraid. Afraid èπ Å Ωnç ç-ü - Ωèπ ûá Ææ µºßª - æ-úøôç/ µºßª çûó Öçúøôç. é F Ñ Ææçü Ωs ç apple I'm afraid Åçõ ØË *ça-ææ h-ø o- ØË Å ΩnçûÓ úøû ç. I'm afraid I am not smarter than you= FéπØ o ØË smart í ØË- Á - E *ça-ææ hø o. Åçõ -éà æ dç E N æߪ ç é Ææh «üµ ûó îá æpö«-eéà I'm afraid ÅE úøû ç/ I'm afraid ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. a) Nishant: Has Prashanth passed? (v æ»çû pass Åߪ uú?) Susanth: I'm afraid, no. (v æ»çû Pass Å - -ü E «üµ í / Å - æ dçí îá æpôç) b) Sulochana: Are you coming for the picnic? ( Ìy-Ææ h-ø o Picnic èπ?) Sunayana: I'am afraid I can't because dad isn't well (Ø oèπ äçöapplex «í - ü é öàd ØË - E, «üµ í îá æpôç) I'm afraid/ we're afraid «çöà expressions O conversation apple ûª Ωîª úøçúõ. 3) In spite of: Å - - æpöàéã. (though/ although/ even though/ but/ yet ûó Ææ ç. Å ûë úø - éπ apple OöÀ-éÌ-éπ-ü -E-éÌ-éπ-öÀéÀ î «ûëú ÖçC. Åçü -éπe ñ«ví -ûªhí practice îëߪ L. a) In spite of her greatness, she is not conceited (Ç Á èπ íì æp-ûª ç Ö o- æp-öàéà, Ç Á èπ í Ωyç ü. Conceit= í Ωyç) = Though/ Although/ Even though she is great, she is not conceited (Ç Á íì æp-ü - Ø, í Ωyç ü ) = She is great, but/ yet she is not conceited = Ç Á íì æpc, é E Ç Á èπ í Ωyç ü / í Jy-é ü ) b) Inspite of his fever, he is able to walk= ïy Ωç Ö o- æp-öàéã (ïy ΩçûÓ èπÿú ) Å-ûª-úø úø- -í - -í -ûª -Ø oúø. I don't want to offend him = Though/ Although/ Even though he has a fever, he is able to walk. = He has a fever, but/ yet he is able to walk. 4) Compliment = Á æ p- ô, ÅGµ- ç-ü / Á îª aéó- ôç, ÅGµ- ç-cç-îªôç. á -J-ØÁjØ ç Á îª aéìøë ô- -í F, á -J-ÈéjØ ç ûálê ÅGµ- ç-ü - - -í F compliments. á -J-ØÁjØ Á îª a-éó- ôç, ÅGµ- ç-cç-îªôç, to compliment. a) My compliments to you on your high marks in the exam= æk-éπ~ apple F ûáîª a-èπ o íì æp marks èπ Ø ÅGµ- ç-ü -. compliment ûª yûª on Ææ hçc. b) He sent his compliments to the actor on his action in the movie= Ç ô úõ íì æp ô- èπ Çߪ ûª ÅGµ- ç-ü - æç ƒúø. c) Everyone complimented Dhoni on his wonderful play = üµóe Çô v æa- x Á îª a-èπ -Ø o Ω. d) He complimented her on her taste in the choice of her dress = Dress áç œ-éπ apple Ç Á ÅGµ- Ω -*E Åûª-úø éìe-ߪ -ú úø. 5) Compliment èπ é Ææh Ææç çüµ ç Ö o Ó- ô flattery. Flattery ÅØ o èπÿú Á Ê p, é E flattery Åçõ Éûª- Ω - îë æe-îë- ç-îª -éó- -ö«-eéó, x- x àüájø v æßá -ï ç Òçü -ö«-eéó îëêæ Òí úøh. Òí -úøh flattery. a) He flatters the minister to get his help. çva Ææ æ ߪ ç éóææç, Çߪ Eo Òí -úø -ûª ç-ö«úø. b) Everyone in the world falls for flattery = v æ æç-îªç apple v æa- x Òí -úøhèπ ÔçÍí- Ïx. 6) sincere= -Ææ p JhßÁi, *ûªh- Ÿ-Cl -í. a) I am sincere in my wish to help you = Fèπ ØË Eïç-í ØË ( -Ææ p -JhûÓ) Ææ æ ߪ ç îëߪ - - -èπ ç--ô -Ø o. b) No politician is sincere about servicing people. = politicians èπ -v ææñ«-êæ- apple *ûªh- Ÿ-Cl - ü. c) She is sincere student= -Ç- Á *ûªh- Ÿ-Cl -í Nü ujn-e 7) Offend= ( Ææ q, µ«) ØÌ œpç-îªôç. a) I don't want to offend him= Çߪ o ØÌ œpç-îªôç Ø éà æ dç- ü. b) The book has been banned because it offends the sentiments of the minority community = Á iø -JöÀ _ µ«- ØÌ œpç-îëcí ÖçC é öàd Ç æ Ææh-é Eo EÊ -Cµç-î Ω. c) You offend me if you talk badly about my favourite hero= Ø ÅGµ- ô úõo í Jç* îáúø í ö«x-úõûë o ØÌ œp-ç-*- ---õ x. 8) tire= Å Ωnç, Å -Ææô éπl-tç-îªôç/ Å -Æœ- Ú- ôç. Å ûë, bore éìôdôç/ NÆœ-Tç-îªôç ÅØË Å Ωnç èπÿú ÖçC. ÉC É æ púø áèπ \ úø -éπ apple ÖçC. a) The movie is tiring= Ç ÆœE NÆæ -í -E- œç-*çc. b) I don't want to go to him. He tires me by talking of his greatness = úõ ü í _- Ωèπ Á }ôç Ø éà æ dç ü. úõ íì æp-ûª ç í Jç* ö«xúõ NÆœ-T- ƒhúø. Now practise the following in English Nimisha: Hi Lipta, àçöà éìûªh- -ôd «? áçûª Çéπ- Ω{- ùã-ߪ çí ÖØ o Ó! áéπ\-úø-éì-ø o? áçûª? Lipta: F Á - æ pèπ thanks. Eïçí «çü -Ñ combination? Nimisha: -Ææ p Jhí îá æ p-ø oøë. t? Lipta: àüó Òí -úøh- -èπ -Ø o-. Nimisha: Å ûë áéπ\úø, áçûª-éì\-ø o Ó îá æp- ü. Lipta: éì - üë. ÅüÁ- «íó *açc Ø èπ. Åü çû îá œp E o NÆœ-Tç-îªôç É æ dç- ü. Nimisha: Åçõ ØË èπÿú éì -èπ \ç-ö«- E Lipta: ÅÆæ ߪ? áçü Íé Ç ô? ØÁoç-ûª- ØÌ- œp-ææ h- Ø o Ó Fèπ ûál-ߪ ü. Ø éπ-üëüó gift í *açc Å -éó-èπ çú. Nimisha: ÅüË îá Òp--îª aí. Åçü apple NÆœ-Tç-îËüË- çc? Lipta: O.K. ANSWER Nimisha: Hi Lipta, new dress? How smart you look in the dress! Where did you buy it and how much is it? Lipta: Thank you for your compliment. Is the combination really good? Nimisha: I am sincere in my compliments. Don't you believe me? Lipta: I thought you were flattering me/ I thought it was flattery/ I took it for flattery. Nimisha: But you haven't told me where and how much you bought it for. Lipta: I didn't buy it. I got it some how. I don't want to tire you by telling you of it. Nimisha: (Are) you jealous that I too will buy it? Lipta: Why such words? You don't know how much you offend me. I got it as a gift unexpectedly. Nimisha: You could have told me so. What is there in to tire me? Lipta: That's OK.

61 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -üµ Ωç 3 - Ë 2006 Devanath: I bought this shirt for Rs 350/-. A good bargain, isn't it? (Ñ shirt ØË 350 Ω ƒ-ߪ - èπ éìø o. ç* Ω Ë éπü?) Raghunath: I'm afraid that it is too much for it. I have a similar shirt. It cost me just around Rs 250/- ( y K áèπ \  ö«d- - -èπ çö«. Ø éà- «çöà shirt ÖçC. ü Eo ØË 250 Ω ƒ-ߪ - èπ éìø o.) Devanath: You mean I have been cheated? (Åçõ ØË Á Ææ- Ú-ߪ - Ø?) Cheat = Á Ææç îëߪ ôç/ Á Ææ-í úø Cheater ÅØË ô ü Raghunath: If its price is Rs 350/-, you were charged Rs 100 more. Where did you buy it? ( y- oô x ÅC 350 Ω ƒ-ߪ - jûë, 100 Ω ƒ-ߪ áèπ \  ö«d. áéπ\úø éìø o?) Devanath: At the Fitwell readymade shop. Raghunath: It is often called the cheatwell shop. Didn't you know that? (ü Eo cheatwell shop Åçö«Ωçü Ω. Fèπ ûál-ߪ ü?) Devanath: You should have told me of it earlier. Then I wouldn't have been cheated. ( y Ø èπ çüë îá æ pç-ú -LqçC. Á Ææ- Ú-ßË - úõo é ü.) Raghunath: I would have, if I had been asked, and if I had known that you were going to that shop. Can't it be returned or exchanged now? ( o-úõ-í çõ, y shop èπ Á «h E ûálêæh ØË îáê p- -úõøë. ü Eo æ púø AJ-T -É y-ö«-e-éà-í F Ω a-èπ -ØËç-ü -èπ -í F ü?) Devanath: How can it be, after it has been used? (á «Ω a-éó- ôç, úë-» éπü?) Raghunath: Then stop worrying about it. Be careful in future. (Å ûë Éçéπ-ü Eo í Jç* «üµ - æ-úøèπ. Future apple ñ«ví -ûªhí Öçúø ) Devanath: The shop fellow should be taught a lesson. (Ç shop úõéà «í Cl îá ƒpl.) Raghunath: In that attempt, don't be cheated once more. (Ç v æߪ -ûªoç apple Sx Á Ææ- Úèπ ) Devanath: No; I will take you this time. You act smart in these matters. (Ñ ƒj E o BÆæ -Èé «h. Oy N æ-ߪ applex ûál-n-í - - -úõn) Raghunath: It will be taken care of, don't worry. (ØË îª Ææ -èπ ç-ö«. «üµ - æ-úøèπ ) Observe the use of passive forms in the conversation above: 1) You mean I have been cheated? 2) You were charged Rs 100/- more 3) It is often called the cheatwell shop. 4) I wouldn't have been cheated. 5)... if I had been asked. 6) How can it be (returned/ exchanged) after it has been used. 7) The shop fellow should be taught a lesson 8)... don't be cheated once more 9) It will be taken care of Ñ Sentences applee passive verb forms É æp-öà- Ωèπ îª Æœ verb forms (passive) èπ Åü ç. 1)... I have been cheated = Á ÆæTç- æ- -ú f = Á Ææ- Ú-ߪ. 2) Were charged = Ææ îëߪ - -ú f = F ü í _ Ω ç* Ææ îë» Ω. 3) is called = œ - - -úø -ûª çc/ œ - ƒh Ω. 4) Wouldn't have been cheated = Á Ææ-Tç- æ- -úë- úõo é ü = Á Ææ- Ú-ßË - úõo é ü 5)... had been asked = Åúø-í - úõ Öçõ / o-úõt Öçõ. 6) a) can be returned/ exchanged = AJT É y- -úø-í / Ωa- -úø-í = AJT ÉîËaߪ / Ω a-éó-í b) has been used = úø- -úõçc/ ú ç. 7) should be taught a lesson = ƒ Ωç ØË Ωp- -ú L = ƒ Ωç ØË pl. 8) don't be cheated = Á Ææ-Tç- æ- -úøèπ / Á Ææ- Úèπ 9) will be taken care of = ñ«--ví -ûªh BÆæ -éó- -úø -ûª çc/ ñ«ví ûªh BÆæ -èπ çö«. ( j Å - -ü ç apple Á ü öàc passive translation ûá -í apple, ü E æéπ\ Ö oc normal ( ) ûá -í apple) All the verbs above, you notice, are in the be form + past participle (pp), so they are all in the passive voice. í Ω hçc éπü? Éçûª-èπ - çü passive voice lessons apple îá œp Ñ points: have/ has/ had/ shall have/ etc + past participle, form apple Ö o active voice verbs èπ Passive form: have/ has/ had/ shall have, etc èπ, ü E ûª yûª îëa past participle èπ üµ u apple been  ôd-úø Ë. 1) (Do) you mean I have been cheated. ÉC passive. DEéÀ active- have/ has cheated Å -ûª çc éπü? = (Do) you mean that the shop fellow has cheated me? ÅüË shop people ( ƒ æ - Ÿx) Å -èπ çõ, Å æ púø (Do) you mean the shop fellows have cheated me? 2) you were charged Rs 100/- more: Ééπ\úø passive, were + pp. DEéÀ active- past doing word éπü? -Å æ p-úø sentence, active apple à - -ûª çc? The shop fellow charged you Rs 100/- more. 3) It is often called the cheatwell shop = ü Eo cheatwell shop Åçö«Ω (v æï ). Ééπ\úø Passive- is called, é öàd DEéÀ Active, I RDW/ II RDW éπü? (Past lessons applee tables îª úøçúõ) É æ púø DEéÀ active - people call it the cheatwell shop. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 151 4) I wouldn't have been cheated = ØË Á Ææ-Tç- æ- -úë- -úõo-é ü. Ñ verb, ÉüË list apple  j verb No 1 äíé class éπü - have/ has/ had/ would have, etc + PP - Passive, DEéÀ active á «Öçô çc? üµ u apple been BÊÆ-ߪ çúõ. I wouldn't have been cheated = He/ they (the shop fellow/ the shop fellows) would not have cheated me. Ñ form of the verb Éçûªèπ çü ç îª Æœ Imaginary past form éπü. 5) If I had been asked - ÉC èπÿú verb No 4, verb No 1 «Íí ÖçC, passive apple. DEéÀ active- had been asked apple, üµ u been BÊÆ-ߪ -ô Ë. If I had been asked (by you) = (Passive) = If you had asked me (Active) 6) Verb b) îª úøçúõ: has been used. ÉC èπÿú verb No. 1, verb No. 4 «í ØË, Passive apple ÖçC. ÉC active é - çõ has been used apple been BÊÆ-ߪ -ô Ë. It has been used (by me)= I have used it (active) 7) Verbs no 6 (a) can be returned, No. 7 should be taught, No. 9 will be taken. ÉN úø èπÿú shall/ should/ can/ could/ may/ might/ must etc + 1st RDW èπ passive form éπü. Verb No. 6 (a) can be returned/ exchanged (by me)/ Passive - I can return/ exchange it (Active) Verb No. 7: Should be taught (by us) - ÉC passive - We should teach him (the shop fellow)- Active. Verb No.9: Will be taken care of (by me) - Passive - I will take care of it (Active) In the case of the verbs above, we have seen the active equivalents of passive forms. Ñ N æߪ ç ñ«ví -ûªhí í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Passive sentences apple,  j ç îª Æœ sentences apple 'äéπ æe á -J-îËûª îëߪ - -úõçc? ÅØËC ûál-ߪ ôç ü éπü? eg: I have been cheated ( Á Ææ- Ú-ߪ ) á -J-îËûª ÅØËC clear í ûál-ߪ ôç ü. Å «ç-öà-îóôx ç Ææçü - s Eo öàd Ü œ«ç-îª -éó- L. Ñ Ææçü - s applex, Shop fellow ÅE Ü œ«ç-îª -éó- îª a. Å æ púø, Passive ç* active èπ Ω a-éó- - çõ shop fellow ûó sentence begin îë ƒhç. Å «îë»ç éπü Ééπ\úø? Å «Íí If I had been asked - passive apple ÖçC. by whom (á J îëûª) ÅØËC Ééπ\úø ûál-ߪ -ôç- ü. Ææçü - s Eo öàd Íéç ûá - ÚhçC FîËûª = by you ÅE. é öàd Active- You ûó begin Å u, If you had asked me Å -ûª çc. É «Íí passive apple by whom/ by what (á J îëûª/ üëe îëûª) ÅØËC ç Ü œ«ç-îª -éó- L. Passive ÆæJí úõ- -îóôx, by so and so, æ «-Ø - x îëûª ÅØËC omit îëææ hçö«ç. ÉC í -Eç* practice îëêæh, passive apple èπÿú conversation effective í Öçô çc. Practise the following in English. Express the passive equivalents of the following: a) Xé - æ«-æœhe ü éà~ù é Qí œ - ƒh Ω. b) D ƒ- R ÓV buildings D ƒ- ûó Å ç-éπ- J- ƒh Ω. c) ç * o œ x- Ææ - µºçí ÆæçûÓ- æ-â -ôdí ç. (passive apple îá ƒpl). d) Ñ road Ææí Ë repair îë»-jç-ûª- - Ωèπ.... I have been cheated? e) ØË select Å ÖçúË- úõo é, time èπ ÆæJí Ø application }èπ Á x-èπ çú Öçõ. f) Ç æ Ææhéπç X Class èπ text book í prescribe é îª a. g) ÉC ÁçôØË îëߪ L. h) Åûªúø select é LqçC i) Ñ road á æ púó Ëߪ -LqçC. j) ÉC î «Ææ - µºçí îëߪ - îª a. ANSWERS a) Srikalahasti is called Dakshina Kasi/ The Kasi of the south. b) Buildings are decorated with lamps on the day of Deepavali/ on the Deepavali day/ on the occasion of Deepavali. c) Children can be made happy easily d) Only half of the road has been repaired. e) I would not have been selected, if my application had not reached in time. (This is imaginary past, isn't it?) f) The book may be prescribed as a text book for X class. g) This should be/ must be/ has to be done at once. h) He should have been selected (Imaginary past) i) This road should have been laid long ago (Imaginary past) j) This can be done easily.

62 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -E- Ωç 6 - Ë 2006 Spandana: Oh, Chandana, what a relief? I'm off. I'll be seeing you only after 10 days. (Chandana, áçûª relief í ÖçüÓ! ØË Á Ÿ-ûª Ø o. Sx 10 ÓV ûª yûª E o éπ -Ææ -èπ çö«.) relief= N éàh / ØÁAh-O -ü - ç*  ü l Ω Cç*- -ô xç-úøôç Chandana: What are you so excited about? (Are you) on a holiday or what? (üëe í Jç* Åçûª Öû q- æ«çí ÖØ o? ÂÆ -O ü Á Ÿh-Ø o à Ø o?) On a holiday= ÂÆ -O ü Á xôç Spandana: Happy that I am (on a holiday). I am going home, sweet home. All these days I have been dying to be back home, and I've the chance now. I've packed up and am leaving. (ÂÆ - - èπ Á Ÿh-Ø o- E ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçC. ÉçöÀ-Èé- ŸhØ o. ÉçöÀ-Èé- æ p-úá- æ púø Á «h Å -èπ ç-ô çõ, É æ p-úì-*açü Å -é ç. ƒ - xeo Ææ Ω l-èπ -Ø o, Á Ÿh-Ø o.) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 152 Chandana: I am eager to go home too, but I can't get leave until next month. How I envy you! (Ø èπÿ ÉçöÀ-Èé- «x- E Çûª%-ûªí ÖçüË, é E îëa ØÁ -ü é ÂÆ üì Ω-éπü. E o-îª ÊÆh áçûª Ñ Ω{uí ÖçüÓ!) Spandana: I called mom and told her. She is anxious to see me back. So is dad. Still two hours for the train and I feel it's too long. I can't wait any longer. (Å tèπ phone îëæœ îá ƒp. Ç Á èπ èπÿú o îª ú - E Çûª%-ûªí ÖçC. Ø oèπ èπÿú ÅçûË. Train -ö«-eéà Éçé È çúø í çô- çc. áçûª-êæ Ú!) Chandana: I see how impatient you are! So would anyone be when they have a chance. How are you going to spend the days? (áçûª ûìçü - Ω- æ-úø -ûª -Ø o Ó Å Ωnç îëææ éóí. á -È jø ÅçûË Å -é ç ÊÆh. àç îëߪ - apple-ûª -Ø o Ñ 10 ÓV?/ á «í úø- æ- apple-ûª -Ø o?) Spandana: Just laze about. I don't want to do anything. This nine month grind has taken the life out of me. No leisure. I am fed up with work. Just eat, sleep, watch the TV and go to movies. That's what I am going to do. (ào îëߪ. îëߪ - E Å -éó- -ôç- ü. Ñ ûìn tc ØÁ æe Ø v ƒù«lo ûóúë- ÆœçC, Nv»çA ÅØËC èπ çú. NÆœ-T- Úߪ. A ôç, Evü - Ú- ôç, TV îª úøôç, ÆœE- - -Èé- xôç ÉD ØË îëߪ - apple-ßë C.) Chandana: Next month I am likely to get my break. I'll get even with you then. Bye then. See you. ( îëa ØÁ Ø èπÿ Ææ hçc break. Å æ púø FûÓ Ææ û. ÁRx Å ûë) Look at the following words and expressions from the dialogue between Spandana and Chandana. 1) What a relief! I'm off; 2) excited; 3) on a holiday; 4) I've been dying to be back home; 5) I've packed up; 6) I am eager; 7) envy; 8) anxious; 9) can't wait; 10) how impatient you are!; 11) laze about; 12) the nine month grind; 13) get even with you. Learn and practise these expressions when you speak. Your English will be very effective. 1) relief: DE Å Ωnç apple î «- ç-céà ûá Ææ ( «üµ ç* Å ûë) Ö æ- - ç. ( «üµ u-ûª, Ω - ç* Å ûë) Núø -ü, Åçü - x îëa æ. What a relief!. Å s, áçûª æ í ÖçüÓ! äéπ éπ æ d- Á i æe æ Ωh- ûë, äéπ «üµ uûª ç* N éàh ÒçCûË, -éπ-e- œçîë æ, relief. (Also, relief from headache, fever, etc.) I'm off= I am off= I am going= ØË ÁRx- Ú-ûª - Ø o Á Ÿh- o- æ púø, Á x- apple-ûª - o- æ púø úë- ô èπ x æhçí áèπ \ Å neo îá æ hçc. He's off. If you want to tell him anything, hurry up= úø ÁRx- Ú-ûª -Ø oúø. àü Ø o îá ƒp- - - èπ çõ ÁçôØË îá æ p. 2) excited= you are excited when some thing good happens to you/ when you are very happy about something. ç* ï Ω -í -ûª - o- æ púø, ï Ω-í - apple-ûª - o- æ púø èπ éπlíí ÆæçûÓ æç, Öû q æ«ç. a) They were excited when their favourite hero talked to them= x ÅGµ- hero x æ -éπ-jç-*- - æ púø Ÿx î «ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ-ú f Ω. b) He felt excited when he got the prize= úõéà prize *a- æ p-úø î «Öû q- æ«çí ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖØ oúø. c) The movie is exciting/ It's an exciting movie= î «ÇÆæ-éÀhE ÆæçûÓ- ƒeo éπl-tçîë movie. d) Nothing exciting about the movie. It's dull= Ç movie apple Öû q- æ«-éπ- Ω- Á iç-üë-d- ü. î «ÅØ - Ææ-éÀh-éπ- Ωçí ÖçC. (Dull= unexciting) e) Exciting news= ÇÆæ-éÀh-éπ Ω N æߪ ç. 3) On a holiday= You are on a holiday, if you have break from your work for a few days. îëêæ æe ç* éìeo ÓV- - ƒô Nv»ç-Aí, NØÓ-ü çí í úõ- œûë, You are on a holiday. Holiday= ÂÆ, Holidays= ÂÆ êuçí Nü u- Ω n N æ-ߪ ç apple a) They are on a holiday/ they have gone on a holiday= (éìeo ÓV ƒô ) æe ç* N ç/ Nv»çA Òçü ôç. Ü Ÿx A Ω -í ûª NØÓ-ü çí í úø- æôç. b) I haven't been on a holiday for the past one year= àú -Cí Nv»çA/ N ç á Ω-í. Expression No 4: I've been dying, No. 6: I am eager, No.8: Anxious, No. 9: Can't wait, and No. 10: How impatient you are. Oô-Eo-öÀéÀ Å n ü ü æ äéπõ Çûª%ûª æúøôç, Çûª%-ûªûÓ áü Ω îª úøôç, ûª æ«-ûª- æ«- «-úøôç, ûªy Ω- æ-úøôç. Dying= Ñ Ææçü - Ωs ç apple Dying èπÿ, ü E Å Ωnç Ω-ù«-EéÀ Ææç çüµ ç ü. Ééπ\úø dying Åçõ ûª æ«-ûª- æ«- «-úøôç. He is dying to become a minister= çva é E ûª æ«-ûª- æ«- «-úø -ûª -Ø oúø He is very eager to become a minister= He is anxious to become a minister= He can't wait to become a minister= He is impatient to become a minister. É Fo äíé Å n-eo- ƒh. Çߪ çvûª- -ö«-eéà áçûó Çûª%-ûªí ÖØ oúøe/ ûª æ«-ûª- æ«- «-úø -ûª -Ø o-úøe. Ñ ô- π Éûª Ω Ææçü - s applex Å n îª ü lç. i) Dying - Éü ç-ü -Jéà ûá Ææ î - apple-ûª o ü apple Öçúøôç. Dying to do something= ûª æ«-ûª- æ«- «-úø-ôç. The child is dying to see its mother= ûªlxe îª úø-ö«-eéà Gúøf ûª æ«-ûª æ««úø -ûóçc. ii) eager= Çûª%-ûªí Öçúøôç= anxious. a) The hero is eager to see/ anxious to see his son also as an actor= Ç hero èπ ûª éìúø -èπ èπÿú actor í îª ú - E Çûª%-ûªí ÖçC. What a relief! I'm off b) The patient is eager/ anxious to see the doctor= ÓT doctor îª úø-ö«-eéà Çûª%ûª æúø -ûóçc. Å ûë eager èπ E Å Ωnç, anxious èπ Ö o ÉçéÓ Å Ωnç -Æœ-éπçí ÇçüÓ- -îáç-ü -ôç. c) The mother is anxious about the child's condition Ç ûªlx ûª Gúøf æj-æœna (Ç Óí uç) í Jç* ÇçüÓ- -îáç-ü -ûóçc. Ééπ\úø anxious èπ ü eager úøç. Å Ωnç äéπõ Å ü. anxious èπ, worried úìîª a. d) The MD (Managing Director) is anxious about the loss in the profits of the company. Company «µ«ûªí _-ü í Jç* MD ÇçüÓ- îáçü -ûª -Ø oúø = Çü l æúø -ûª -Ø oúø. Anxiety= ÇçüÓ- ( -Æœéπç) e) She wants to see a psychiatrist about her anxiety= ûª -Æœéπ ÇçüÓ- N æߪ ç í Jç* Ç Á -Æœéπ Ájü uúõo Ææçv æ-cç-î - - -èπ ç-öappleçc. iii) Can't wait= Ë* îª ÊÆ ã Ω p éπ- Ú- ôç. (wait - Ωnç áü - Ω -îª -úøôç) a) He can't wait to go to the US= Å Á -J-é èπ á æ p-úá- æ púø Á «l Å -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø. b) He can't wait to meet his lover= ûª v œßª - Lo á æ p-úá- æ púø éπ -Ææ -èπ ç-ü ÅE ÖØ oúø. iv) impatient= Å Ωnç, ã Ω p éπ- Ú- ôç, ÅÆæ- æ«- çí Öçúøôç (opposite of patient) a) He doesn't want to wait. He is impatient to go= Åûª-úø Çí ôç ü / Çí - E ü -ûª-úõéà ÁRx- Ú- - E ûìçü - Ω- æ-úø -ûª -Ø oúø. b) He was impatient at my replies= Ø Ææ -üµ -Ø - -éπ-ûª-úø ã Ω p éó applep-ߪ úø / ÅÆæ- æ«ç v æü -Jzç-î úø. ÉO Ñ Ø í expressions NNüµ Å n, úø éπ. OöÀE O conversation apple practice îëߪ çúõ. Å Ωn- ç-ûªçí Öçô çc. Ééπ N í û ô Ææçí A îª ü lç. 5) I've packed up= ƒ x Ææ Ω l-éó- ôç v æߪ -ù«- EéÀ, É x Ω-ö«-EéÀ, etc. a) Pack up and get out= ƒ x Ææ Ω l-éìe ÁRx Ú. b) He was packed up and is about to leave= ƒ x Ææ Ω l-èπ E Á x-ö«-eéà Æœü l çí ÖØ oúø. c) Time for us to pack up= ö«-- x Ææ Ω l-éìøë time *açc. 7) envy= áey 'á ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç= Ñ Ω{u, äéπ-j-èπ o Ææ h èπ éπ- ÚûË îëa «üµ æéπ\- - xèπ é Ω çc, èπ ü Å æ púø We envy them. ( xçõ èπ Ñ Ω{u). a) She envies her sister because she has more jewellery= Ç Á sister èπ áèπ \ í çúøôç Ç Á èπ Ñ Ω{uí ÖçC. b) I envy your health= Fèπ Ç Óí uç ÖçC, Ø èπ ü Åçü - x Ñ Ω{u. 11) Laze (about)= à æf îëߪ -èπ çú lazy ( Ú -J)í Öçúøôç. a) I like to laze about on the weekend= çûªç æe-îë-ߪ -èπ çú Ú -Jí í úø- æôç Ø éà æ dç. b) He wastes money and time. He Lazes about: Time, úø s %ü îë ƒhúø. Ú -Jí Öçö«úø. c) Don't laze about. Do some work = Ú -Jí Öçúøèπ, àüó æe-îáß. 12) The nine month grind: grind Åçõ œçúõ-îë-ߪ ôç ÅØËC Å Ωnç. a) We grind wheat into fine powder (flour) for making chapathis = íóüµ - ç îª ƒ-b éóææç œçúõ îë ƒhç. grind èπ past tense, past participle- ground. b) He ground the wheat into flour = íóüµ - - œçúõ îë»úø ( Ω apple) flour = flower «pronounce îëߪ L æx-å= œçúõ. wheat flour = íóüµ œçúõ. é E Ééπ\úø grind èπ Å Ωnç v, éπ% œ. Nine month grind - ûìn tc ØÁ v c) I need at least a week's break after this grind Éçûª v æúõçûª yûª -Ø èπ éπfææç Ωç Nv»çA Å -Ææ Ωç. d) Put him through the grind = úõo éπ æ d- æúõ æe-îë-ߪ F. e) Every trainee has to go through daily grind of six hour = v æa trainee (Péπ~ù ÒçüË- úø ) ÓVèπ Ç Ω - í ç-ô v îëߪ Lq Öçô çc. 13) get even = æí B Ω a-éó- ôç/ ÆæJ-Ææ- ôç. a) In most Indian movies the hero gets even with the villain = î «Indian movies apple * - Ωèπ hero, villain O ü æí B Ω a-èπ ç-ö«úø. b) In the 1st match India defeated Pak; but in the next match, Pak got even with India. Á ü öà match apple ãúõ Pak, È çúó match apple India ûó Ææ - - Á içc. c) Next month when I go on a holiday, I get even with you = îëa ØÁ Ø èπ holiday Ææ û. *a- - æ púø FûÓ ÆæJ-

63 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- Ú- Ωç 8 - Ë 2006 Vikranth: Any idea when Vijai is coming? (Nïß á æ p--úì-ææ h-ø oúó ûá ƒ?) Prasanth: Not in the least. I don't know where Vikranth: he is now. (ÅÆæ ûámü. ÅûªúÁéπ\-úø -Ø oúó èπÿú ûál-ߪ ü ) I do not know what he wants from me. He suddenly rang up yesterday to tell me he was coming. He didn't make clear why he would see me. úõéà Ø ç* àç é apple Ø èπ ûálߪ -úøç ü. Ö o-ô dçúõ E o Phone îëæœ Ææ h-ø o- E îá ƒpúø. ØÁoç-ü èπ éπ -Ææ -éó èπ ç-ô -Ø oúó Ææp ædçí îá æp- ü Prasanth: I don't see why you didn't ask him when exactly he wanted to come. We have work now. We don't know whether to wait for him here or to go about our work. (ûª correct í á æ p-úì- ƒhúó Áyçü èπ Åúø-í - üó Ø éπ Ωnç é ôç ü. -Íé Á æ ç--c. úõ éóææç N éπ\úø wait îëߪ apple æe O ü Á «x apple ûámúøç ü ) Vikranth: I insisted that he tell me the purpose of his meeting, but he wouldn't. I don't know why. Prasanth: Did you atleast ask him how he would becoming? (éπfææç á «ƒhúó ÅúÕ-í?) Vikranth: No. Prasanth: I don't see how you could be so indifferent. you could have fixed a time for his meeting us. (Åçûª E Ωx-éπ~uçí á «Öçúø-í -L-í Ó Å Ωnç é ôç ü. Åûªúø Lo éπ -Ææ -éìøë time Å Ø E Ωg- ç* ÖçúÌîª a éπü?) Vikranth: Look here, Prasanth. Not that I could not ask him all that. I was about to. But then he disconnected. (Åü çû Åúø-í - Íéç é ü. Åúøí appleßë - appleí Phone  õ d-»úø.) Prasanth: Why didn't you call him again? ( Sx Áyç-ü èπ Phone îëߪ - ü?) Vikranth: I didn't know which Phone he was calling from. I saw the number on my cell and called. He called from a public Phone. (à Phone appleç* ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø oúó Ø èπ ûál-ߪ - ü. Cell apple Ç number îª Æœ phone îë». ÅC Public Phone) Prasanth: I am not able to say whose fault it is. (ÅC á J Ò Ω- ƒöapple ØË îá æp- -èπ çú ÖØ o ) We are unable to decide what we have to do now. (É æ púø ç àç îëߪ apple ûë a-éó- - èπ çú ÖØ oç) Vikranth: Ah here he is! He has come. (Ç.. î aúëx) Prasanth: What a relief! (Å s î aúø éπü!) Ñ ƒj ç* é Ææh advanced level of conversational skills îª ü lç. Åçü - éπe î «ñ«ví -ûªhí í -Eç-îªç-úÕ. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation above. 1) Any idea when Vijai is coming? 2) Not in the least. I don't know where he is now. 3) I do not know what he wants from me. 4) He didn't make clear why he would see me. 5) I don't see why you didn't ask him when exactly he wanted to come. 6) We do not know whether to wait for him here or go about our work. 7) I insisted that he tell me the purpose of his meeting. 8) I don't know why 9) Did you at least ask him how he would be coming. 10) I don't see how you could be so indifferent 11) I didn't know which phone he was calling from. 12) I am not able to say whose fault it is. ç Éçûªèπ çü clauses í Jç* ûá Ææ èπ Ø oç éπü. Ó- ƒj í Ω h îëææ -èπ çü ç. A clause is a group of words with a verb. (verb ÖçúË group of words clause Åçö«ç éπü.) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 153 In most sentences above, they are clauses beginning with 'wh' words (why, what, when, where, which, who, whom, whose, and how) Ñ 'wh' clauses daily conversation apple very common. ûá -í apple ç ö«x-úë-ô- æ púø áçü èπ, á -JûÓ, áçûó, á -JüÓ, á «íó, ÅØË - öà-e sentences apple úø -ûª çö«ç éπü. ÅC English apple ö«xúëô æ púø Öçô çc. Öü - æ«- Ωùèπ  j öà applex I don't know where he is now ÅØËC BÆæ èπ çü ç = úá-éπ\-úø -Ø oúó Ø èπ ûámü. Where he is Åûª-ØÁ-éπ\úø ÖØ oúó. let us take the clauses which begin with 'wh' words in the other sentences: 1) Any idea when vijai is coming = Nïß á æ p--úì- ƒhúó FÍé- Ø o idea Öçü? 3) I do not know what he wants from me = úõéà Ø ç* àç é apple Ø èπ ûál-ߪ úøç ü. 4) He didn't make clear why he would see me úø - -ØÁoç-ü èπ îª ú - - -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúó Ææp æ dç îëߪ - ü. 5) a) I don't see why you didn't ask him = Áyç-ü èπ Åúø-í - üó Ø éπ Ωnç é ôç ü. (see = îª úøôç, éπ -Ææ -éó- ôç, Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- ôç) b)... when exactly he wanted to come = á æ púø correct í - - -èπ -Ø oúó 6) We do not know whether to wait him for or to go about our work = ç ÅûªúÕ éóææç îª ú apple ü æe-o ü Á «x apple ûál-ߪ úøç ü. (Whether N í û 'wh' words «çöàc é ü choice express îëߪ -ö«-eéà úë ô) 8) I don't know why = áçü éó ûámü 9) Did you atleast ask him how he would be coming = á «ƒhúó ÅØÁjØ ÅúÕ-í? 10) I don't see how you could be so indifferent = Åçûª E Ωx-éπ~uçí á «Öçúø-í -L-í Ó Ø éπ Ωnç é úøç- ü 11) I didn't know which phone he was calling from = à phone ç* îëææ h- Ø oúó Ø èπ ûám- ü. 12) I am not able to say whose fault it is = ÅC á J ûª Úp ØË îá æp- -éπ- Ú-ûª -Ø o.  j underline îëæœ clause Fo èπÿú 'wh' word clauses. Å ûë äéπ êu N æߪ ç ÉN 'wh' words ûó v ƒ Ωç- µº- - -ûª Ø o, questions é ÅE í -Eç-î L. Åçü -éπøë ÅN question structure (wh+verb+subject/wh word + Helping verb + Sub +Main verb) apple, Öçúø-èπÿ-úøü. ÉN 'wh' word ûó v ƒ Ωç- µº- Á i- - æpöàéã, statement apple µ«í éπü Åçü -éπe statement structure. statement apple á æ púø çü í subject ûª Ω ûª verb ƒh. Åçü -éπe Ééπ\úø èπÿú wh word ûó îëa clauses ÅEoç-öÀ apple wh word ûª Ω ûª sub+verb structure apple Öçú L. eg: Åûªúø É æ p-úá-éπ\-úø -Ø oúó Ø èπ ûámü. O éã- ƒ-öàéà ûálêæ Öçô çc. english apple word order æü Å -Jéπ sentence apple ûá í word order èπ î «- - Ωèπ oppositeí Öçô çc. èπ úõ áúø Å ûª çc. é -öàd  j sentence á «begin îë ƒhç? I dont know ûó I dont know when he will be here. (when will he be here é ü éπü?) Éçé îª úøçúõ. a) á -J-E œ - ƒh-úø-øëc úõéà Ææç çcµç* N æߪ ç = who he is going to invite (whom - old fashioned) is his business. b) úõ -Ææ apple à çüó á -JéÀ ûá Ææ? who knows what he has in his mind? (Ééπ\úø who knows µ«í ç question. Åçü -éπe question mark.) c) Ç æ -Ææhéπç áéπ\-úø çüó Fèπ ûá ƒ? = Do you know where the book is? ( Sx í -Eç-îªçúÕ where the book is = æ Ææhéπç áéπ\úø ÖçC? ÅE é ü Å Ωnç. ' æ Ææhéπç áéπ\úø ÖçüÓ ÅE d) Åûª-ØÁ æ púìææ h-ø oúó FÈé- - ΩØ o îá ƒp? = Has any one told you when he will be coming? Å «Íí Ñ éàçc 2 sentenceèπÿ ûëú îª úøçúõ: 1 a) why did he go there? I want to know Ñ È çúø sentences éπl œ Å çúõ: b) I want to know why he went there. a) applee Á ü öà sentence question é öàd why did he go? Åçö«ç. b) È çúø sentences éπl œ Åçô Ø oç é öàd I want to know why he went there Åçö«ç. 2 a) where did he buy it? I wish to know Who knows what he has in his mind? Ñ È çúø sentence éπl œ äéπ sentencesí Åçõ Å æ p-úë- - -ûª çc? I wish to know where he brought it Åçö«ç. É «ç-öàc «í practice îëߪ L conversation «í freeí, fluentí Öçú çõ êuçí É «çöà Ææçü - s applex Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- - LqçC 'wh' words ûó v ƒç µº- -ßË un á æ púø questions Å - -éπ\- Ω- -ü F, wh word ûó v ƒ Ωç- µº- ßË u clauses statement structure apple èπÿú Öçö«-ߪ E. exercise: practise the following in English Vilas: Áy- æ úø AJ-íÌ- ƒh Ó Ø èπ correctí îá æp- ü. Kailas: á æ p-úì- ƒhøó Ø Íé correct idea ü Vilas: kumar FûÓ îá æp- ü Ç æ-eéà áçûª time æúø - ûª çüó E? Kailas: úõéà phone îëߪ - - -èπ ç-ô Ø o. úá-éπ\-úø -Ø oúó Ø èπ ûámü. úë Ø èπ phone îë ƒh- -Ø oúø. Éçûª- - Ωèπ áçü èπ phone îëߪ - üó Å Ωnç é -ôç- ü. Vilas: ÆæÍ. úõéà phone îëæœ Sx Áy- æ púø í - Ó Ø ûó îá æ p. ç á æ púø ߪ - l- apple E Ωg- ç-î? Kailas: ØËØÁ «E Ωg- ç-îª-í - ØËØÁ- æ p--úì ƒhøó Ø Íé ûál-ߪ -éπ- ÚûË? Vilas: Å ûë kumar èπ ÁçôØË phone îëæœ decide îá u. Answer: Vilas: you haven't (have not) told me correctly when you will return. Kailas: I dont my self/ I myself (Ø Íé) have a correct idea when I will return Vilas: Hasn't kumar told you how much time it will take? Kailas: I want to call him. I don't know where he is. He said he would call me. I don't see why he hasn't phoned me. Vilas: OK. Phone him and tell me when you can come back again. Have you decided when we should return. Kailas: when I don't know myself when I will return Vilas: Then phone kumar and decide.

64 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü í Ω Ωç Ë 2006 Saran: Congrats Varun. I really felt very happy when I heard that our team had won the match yesterday. I shall be delighted if I hear more such news. ( team E o ÈíL-*ç-ü E N -í ØË, î «ÆæçûÓ- æ- æú f. É «çöà Ωh Éçé Nçõ ØË ÆæçûÓ- œ- ƒh.) Varun: Thank you, sir. We are glad that we always have your encouragement. (O v Úû q æ«ç èπ ç-úøôç Èé- æ púø ÆæçûÓ- æ Ë ) Saran: Boys, I was telling you all along that you should not lose confidence. (O èπ ØË îá -ûª ØË ÖØ o éπü, Çûªt- N-»yÆæç éó applep-èπÿ-úø-ü E.) Varun: Thank you again sir. In fact we didn't expect that we would win. But we played to our capacity. The other team's mistakes helped us. ( Sx thanks. ÅÆæ Ë ç Èí - ƒh- - -éó- ü. Å ûë éàh-éìdl Çú ç, Å -ûªl team Ò Ω- ƒô x èπ Ææ æ ߪ ç îë».) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 154 Saran: I warned you too that you should not take things lightly, and you should be aggressive. (-N - t-lo  «îªa-jç-î èπÿú, üëfo ûëléπí BÆæ -éó-èπÿ-úø-ü F, ü èπ -úø í Öçú - F.) aggressive= ü èπ -úø í, îì Ω- í Öçúøôç Varun: True sir. We are delighted that we have such encouragement and advice from you. We are thrilled that we have won this difficult match. (Eï- çúõ. Å «çöà v Úû q æ«ç, Ææ æ O Ω éà-ææ h- oç-ü èπ î - «ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçC. Éçûª éπ æ d- Á i match ÈíL-î - E æ -éàç-ûªí ÖçC.) Saran: My only desire is that I should not hear about the defeat of our college team in any match. Varun: You can be sure that we will always do our best sir. (»ßª - -èπ h «Ë ç v æߪ ûªoç îë ƒh E O Ω Á tîª a) Saran: I was a bit hurt when I heard some of the lecturers talking low of our team. ( lecturers apple éìçü Ω team í Jç* ûªèπ \- -îëæœ ö«x-ú - ΩE «üµ - æ-ú f ). Varun: Let them sir. They will be surprised when they hear our team too can win matches. ( ö«x-úø-e- yçúõ, sir, team èπÿú matches Èí - -í - -ü E ûá -Ææ -èπ - o- æ púø Ç a- Ωu- Ú-û Ω ). Saran: OK boy, keep it up. ( Å «-Íí-é F). English conversation, simple í, direct í Öçõ î «Ææ æ«-ïçí Öçô ç-ü E Á ü -öà- ç* îá æ høë ÖØ oç. Ñ lesson apple ÉC Ó- ƒj îª ü lç. Clause Åçõ Verb Ö o group of words. ç ö«x-úë-ô- æ púø sentences apple O j- çûª Ωèπÿ clauses ûªt_ç-îª -èπ çõ sentences Ææ Ω- çí Åçü -Jéà ŠΩnç ÅßË u-ô xç--ö«. Å ûë é xv á «C-Lç-îª -éó- ôç? Infinitives úõ. Infinitive Åçõ? Éçûª-èπ - çü È çúø, úø ƒ Ω x N -Jç-î ç -éπü? Sx í Ω h-îë-ææ hø oç. í -Eç-îªçúÕ: Infinitive Åçõ, to + Ist RDW (Regular Doing Word)- to go, to come, to walk, to learn, etc. É Fo infinitives. Infinitive èπ Å Ωnç- 1) æ «æe-îá-ߪ u- E (to go = Á «x- E) 2) æ «æe-îë-ߪ ôç (to go = Á xôç) 3) æ «æe-îë-ߪ -ö«-eéà (to go = Á x-ö«-eéà) a) I want to go = Ø èπ Á «x- E ÖçC. b) To go now is not safe = É æ púø Á xôç Íé~ ç é ü. c) He stood up to go - Á x-ö«-eéà * E -îª -Ø oúø. î «Ææçü - s applex  ü l-â ü l clause èπ ü, Infinitive úõ Ææç- µ«- æù Ææ Ω ç îëߪ - îª a. How we can do it is the matter of this lesson. Let's now look at the following sentences from the conversation above. 1) I really felt happy when I heard that our team had won the match. 2) I shall be delighted if I hear more such news. 3) We are glad that we always have your encouragement. 4) I was telling you all along that you should not lose confidence. 5)...We didn't expect that we would win the match. 6) I warned you that you should not take things lightly and that you should be aggressive 7)... We are delighted that we have such encouragement and advice from you 8) We are thrilled that we have won this difficult match 9) My only desire is that I should not hear about the defeat of our college team 10) I was a bit hurt when I heard some of the lecturers talking low... 11) They will be surprised when they hear our team too can win matches. All the parts of sentences underlined above are clauses, aren't they? We are now going to simplify them by using infinitives in their places. clauses ƒn ç apple infinitives úõ sentences É «Ææ Ω ç îëߪ çúõ. 1) I really felt happy when I heard our team had won the match. I really felt happy to hear that our team had won the match... to hear about our team's success. îª úøçúõ áçûª simple Å - Ú- çüó to hear ûó infinitive x. 2) I shall be delighted if I hear more such news = (delighted = ÆæçûÓ- æçí Öçúøôç) 3) We are glad that we always have your encouragement = We are glad to have your encouragement 4) I was telling you all along that you should not lose confidence = I was telling you not to lose confidence 5) We didn't expect that we would win the match =... expect to win 6) I warned you that you shouldn't take things lightly and that you should be aggressive = I warned not to take things lightly and to be aggressive. 7) We.. that we have such encouragement and advice from you = We are glad to have your.. We are delighted to have such encouragement and advice from you =...to have your encouragement and advice. 8) We are thrilled that we have won this difficult match = We are thrilled to have won this difficult match 9) My only desire is that I should not hear about the defeat of our college team = My only desire is not to hear the... of our college teams 10) I was a bit hurt when I heard some of our lecturers talking low... to hear some of our lecturers... 11) They will be surprised when they hear our team... = They will be surprised to hear... So, you have seen how an infinitive can make your speech shorter, simpler and direct.  j ç infinitive ûó replace îëæœ öà applex áèπ \ that clauses. (that ûó begin ÅßË u clauses éπü ) OöÀE êuçí infinitive ûó replace îëæœ, short îëߪ - îª a. Éçé îª úøçúõ. 1) y exam apple fail Åߪ u- E Nçõ ØË «üµ - æ-úø-û = I shall be sorry if I hear that you have failed the exam = I shall be sorry to hear that you have... 2) Åçûª ûªy Ωí Á «xlq *a- ç-ü èπ ØË î ««üµ - æ-ú f = I was sorry that I had to leave so early = I was sorry to leave so early 3) É «çöà v æ»çûª v æüë- ç apple Ø éó É xçõ ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ-úø-û = I'd (I would) love it if I had a house in such a peaceful place = I'd (I would) love to have a house in... 4) É «çöà P pç îª Æœ- ç-ü èπ Ø èπ æ -éàçûªí ÖçC. I am thrilled that I have seen such a beautiful statue = I am really thrilled to have seen... É «çöà examples O Ω practice îëߪ çúõ. Infinitive xøë é èπ çú, ü çûó- ƒô ÉçÍé Nüµ çí ØÁjØ sentences Ææ Ω ç îëߪ -ö«eo practice îëߪ çúõ. EXERCISE Practise the following aloud in English. Use only infinitives. Komal: Syamal: Komal: Syamal: Komal: Syamal: Komal: y foreign Á Ÿ-ûª -Ø o- E NE Ø èπ î «Ç çü çí ÖçC. y èπÿú ûªy Ω appleøë Åéπ\-úÕ-éÌ-Ææ h- Ø o- E ûálæœ ØË ÆæçûÓ- œ-ææ h- Ø o. ØËØ v æߪ ûªoç O ü ÖØ o- E ûálêæh Å t, Ø Ø o Eïçí «üµ - æ-úø-û Ω. xèπ ØË èπ çú Öçúøôç éπ ædçí Öçô çc. o Á x-e- yôç Å tèπÿ É æ dç ü. é F ØËØË îªa--ñ ƒp. Å t xèπ ØË ûªy Ωí AJT îëa- ƒh- E ô É ƒh. xèπ ûªy Ω apple ÅC Å - -õ j- Ú-ûª çc. Å ûë Ø o vûªç î «Ö Òpç-T- Ú-ߪ úø Ø éã Å -é ç *aç-ü E N -ö«-eéà. ØË v æߪ -Ao ƒh. ANSWER Komal: I am very happy to hear that you are going abroad/ about your travel abroad. Syamal: I am happy too that to know that you too are coming. Komal: Mom and dad will be sorry to know about my trials. It will be difficult for them to be without me. Syamal: Mom didn't like to hear it first, but I convinced her. Komal: I will promise to mom and dad to return early. Soon they will get used to it. Syamal: Komal: ( get used = be used = Å - -ô - æ-úøôç) Dad was happy to hear that I got this opportunity. I'll try too.

65 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -E Ωç 13 - Ë 2006 Sampurna: Here is the book you asked for yesterday Prapurna: (E o y-úõ-t æ Ææhéπç ÉCíÓ) Happy it's here. Where did you find it? (ÆæçûÓ æç. Fèπ áéπ\úø éπe- œç-*çc?) Sampurna: It was among the books you kept in the shelf. (shelf Å «t- apple y  öàd æ Ææhé applex ÖçC.) Prapurna: Oh I forgot to look for it there. Nirmala wanted it. (Åéπ\úø Áü -éπôç Ω-*- Úߪ. E Ωt- èπ ÅC é Lq *açc.) Sampurna: Which Nirmala? Prapurna: The girl I introduced to you, the other day, on our way to the shop. ( ç Á ØÓo ÓV shop Èé Ÿh- o- æ púø Fèπ ØË æj-îªßª ç îëæœ Å t.) The other day = Á ØÓo- Ó-V Sampurna: Isn't that the girl you call the college beauty? ( y college beauty ÅØËC Ç Å tßë éπü?) Prapurna: That she is. But that's also one you find to be very simple and humble too. (Å. Å ûë ÅüË Å t î «simple, Eí Jy èπÿú.) humble= í Ωyç èπ çú Öçúøôç Sampurna: She is the one who all like, you said. (Åçü Ω Á îª a-éì-øëc Ç Å t- ØË ÅØ o éπü y?) Prapurna: She is getting married. Who do you think she is going to marry? (ûªy Ω- appleøë  Rx îëææ -éó- apple-ûóçc. á -JE Å -èπ ç-ô -Ø o?) Sampurna: Who do you take me for? Am I an astrologer? How do I know unless you tell me? (ØËØÁ- - Ωo- -èπ ç-ô -Ø o? ñappleææ u-úõø àn öà? y îá æp-éπ- ÚûË Ø Èé «ûá - Ææ hçc?) Prapurna: My cousin Sravan. Sampurna: Do I know him? Prapurna: (Åûªúø Ø èπ ûá ƒ?) Yea. You met him last summer. Software engineer in the US. He is the guy we sent pickles to, last month. Don't you remember? (ûá Ææ. Ú summer y-ûª-úõe . í Ω hçü, éàçü -öà-øá ÅûªúÕéÀ ç pickles = Ü Ω-í -ߪ æç ƒç) Sampurna: I remember him. English conversation apple whom, which Ö æßá -í î «interesting í Öçö«. êuçí questions. OöÀûÓ questions ÅúÕÍí N æ-ߪ ç apple î «Ìp-*açC. conversation, modern í Öçú - çõ OöÀE áéπ\úø úøèπÿ-úøüó ûá -Ææ -éó- ôç î «êuç. I. Whom = á -JE, á -JéÀ (to ûó) ÉC ç-ü -Jéà ûá Ææ. 1. Whom do you want to meet here? = O J-éπ\úø á -JE éπ èπ ç-ô -Ø o Ω? 2. Whom do you know here? = O éà-éπ\úø á Ω ûá Ææ? 3. Whom did she consult? = Ç Á á -JE Ææçv æ-cç-*çc?  j questions apple Íéç N*vûªç ÅE- œç-îªúøç ü -éπü? Å Fo questions. á -JE Å -ú -EéÀ English apple whom úøû ç. Å ûë  j Nüµ çí whom ûó questions Åúø-í ôç/ begin îëߪ ôç æ Jhí old fashioned. English ÆæJí _ ö«x-úø - ûª - o- -È - Ω Å «çöà questions Åúø-í Ω. á -È jø Å «çöà questions ÅúÕ-TûË Nçûªí NE- œ-ææ hçc speakers of modern English èπ. É æpöà (present day) úøéπç (usage) apple whom ú -Lq îóô who úë-ææ h-ø o Ω. Who? = á Ω?; whom? = á -JE? a) Who did this? = ÉC á Ω îë» Ω? b) Who sees such movies? = Å «çöà ÆœE- á Ω îª ƒh Ω? c) Whom do you know? = O Èé- Ω ûá Ææ? d) With whom did you come?= y á -JûÓ î a? So we know the difference between who and whom, don't we? Modern English apple á Ω? á -JE? ÅØË È çúø Å n- -ûó who úë-ææ h-ø o Ω. ÅüË correct èπÿú. Study ( æj-q-lç-îªçúõ) the following: 1. O J-éπ\úø á -JE éπ èπ ç-ô -Ø o Ω? a) Whom do you want to meet here? (Old fashioned and incorrect. ƒûª úø éπ ûª æ p) b) Who do you want to meet here? (Modern usage and correct. É æp-öà- -úø éπ right). 2. O éà-éπ\úø á Ω ûá Ææ? = a) Whom do you know here. (old fashioned and wrong) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 155 b) Who do you know here? (Modern and correct) 3. Ç Á á JE Ææçv æ-cç-*çc? a) Whom did she consult? (Old fashioned and wrong) b) Who did she consult? (Modern and correct) Now observe the following: 1. O Ω ÆœE èπ á -JûÓ Á «} Ω? Who did you go to the movie with? (Old form and incorrect with whom did you go to the movie?) 2. O èπ Ç Ææ -î Ωç á J ç* *açc? Who did you get the information from? (From whom did you get the information? wrong -old usage) 3. y á -JE í Jç* ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø o? Who are you talking about? (Old form and incorrect: About whom are you talking?/ Whom are you talking about?) ÉC î «ñ«ví -ûªhí í Ω hç-îª -éó- L English conversation apple. á -JE ÅE questions ÅúÕ-Íí-ô- æ púø whom õ x. ü E ü who úøôç correct. a) E o y á -JûÓ ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø o? Who were you talking to yesterday? (with/ to whom were you talking é ü ) b) Åûªúø á -JE  Rx îëææ -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø? Who is he marrying? (Whom is he marrying? é ü ) c) Áy- -JéÀ Ææ æ ߪ ç îëææ h-ø o? Who are you helping? (Whom are you helping é ü ) II. Who, whose, whom and which- OöÀE questions Åúø-í -ö«-eíé é èπ çú, È çúø úø sentences äéπ sentence í éπ - æ-ö«-eéà èπÿú úøû ç. a) I saw a man. He was taller than six feet. ØËØÌéπ E- œe . Åûªúø Ç Ωúø -í - -éπçõ áûª h (í ÖØ oúø ). Ñ È çúø sentences äéπöàí îëü lç. I saw a man who was taller than six feet (Ç Ω-úø-í - -éπø o áèπ \ áûªh- E- œe ØË îª» ) b) He is a doctor. He charges high fees. Çߪ ØÓ Ájü uúø. Åûªúø áèπ \ fees BÆæ -èπ ç-ö«úø. éπ - æçúõ: He is a doctor who charges high fees. c) She is a great doctor. Everyone likes her. Ç Á íì æp doctor. v æa- x Ç Á E É æ d æ-úø-û Ω. éπ - æçúõ: She is a great doctor whom everyone likes. Ééπ\úø 'whom' äéπ- æ púø correct, É æ púø whom ü who úøû ç. She is a great doctor who everyone likes. d) He is the person who I consult before taking a decision. -E Ωg-ߪ ç BÆæ -èπ -ØË- çü ØË consult îëêæc Çߪ ØËo. (Ééπ\úø whom ƒûª- -úõ- Ú- çc. who correct.) Å ûë ã êu Á i N æߪ ç: É «ç-öà-îóôx whom úø-ôç- ü. ü E ü who úø -ûª -Ø o Ω. É æ púø È çúõç-öà apple àd úø-èπ çú ö«x-úøôç Ç Á -ü -ßÁ í uç. a) v æa- x É æ d- æúë doctor Ç Á. She is a doctor everyone likes. ? Ééπ\úø everyone çü who/ whom éπ- Ú- ôç. ÉD present usage. b) E Ωgߪ ç BÆæ -èπ -ØË- çü ØË Ææçv æ-cçîë uéàh Çߪ. He is the person I consult before taking a decision. (the person who/ whom I consult Å -ôç- -C- æ púø. who úõûë ûª æ p- ü ) c) Secretary í Îx- o-èπ - oc Ç student ØË. He is the student they have elected secretary (student who/ whom é ü ) who úìîª a. d) ØË ÅGµ EçîË teacher Çߪ He is the teacher I admire. (who/ whom é ü. who úø- îª a.) III. Which N æߪ ç èπÿú ÉçûË. Which èπÿú È çúø úø sentences äéπ-öàí éπ - æú EéÀ úøû ç. eg: He bought a car. It is blue. Çߪ car éìø oúø. ÅC blue The car which he bought is blue. b) I gave you a book. It is my sister's. (FéÓ æ Ææhéπç Éî a. ÅC sister C) The book which I gave you is my sister's. Modern conversation apple  j sentences «çöà öà applex whom «í, which èπÿú æ Jhí C- - Ææ h-ø o Ω. a) The car which he bought is blue = The car he bought is blue. b) The book I gave you is my sister's É «çöà sentences ØË Ñ lesson v ƒ Ωç- µºç apple Ææç æ - Ωgèπ, v æ æ - Ωgèπ ïj-t Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple îª úøçúõ. 1) Here is the book you asked for yesterday (The book which you asked for - old usage) = y E o-úõ-t æ Ææhéπç ÉCíÓ. 2) It was among the books you kept in the shelf. (The books which you kept - old usage) = y shelf apple  öàd æ Ææh-é applex Öçü C. 3) The girl I introduced to you ØË Fèπ æj-îªßª ç îëæœ Å t (The girl whom (wrong)/ Who (right) I introduced to you) 4)... the girl you call college beauty? = y college beauty ÅØË Å t (the girl whom (wrong) / who (right) you call college beauty?) 5)... but that (she) is also one you find to be very simple and humble = simple í Eí -Jyí éπe- œçîë Å t èπÿú ûªøë (she is also the girl whom (wrong)/ who (right) you find simple and humble) 6) She is the one who all like = Åçü Ω É æ d- æúë Å t = She is the one all like (who Åéπ\- Ω- ü, whom ûª æ p) Who do you know here? 7) Who, do you think, she is going to marry? = Ç Á á -JE  Rx îëææ -éó- apple-ûóç-ü - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o? (á -JE ÅØ o èπÿú whom ü ) 8) Who do you take me for? = ØËØÁ- - ΩoE Å -èπ ç-ô -Ø o? (whom ü 'á Jo Å o- æp-öàéã) 9) He is the one we sent pickles to = ç Ü Ω-í -ߪ æç œ- -ûª. (to whom ü ) EXERCISE Practise the following aloud in English Vasanth: E o y ö«x-úø -ûª - o-üá- -JûÓ? Hemanth: y Á o chess ÇúÕ P- ûó Vasanth: ç* game Çúø-û úø. ØË Á îª a-éìøë x apple Åûª-ØÌ-éπúø. Hemanth: î «îª Ω èπ. Åûª ÇúË game Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- ôç î «éπ æ dç. Å «çöà game Çúø-û -úø-ûª. Vasanth: y î «ØË Ω a-éó-í x apple Åûª-ØÌ-éπúø. ØË î «É æ d- æ-úë- - x apple Åûª-ØÌ-éπúø. Hemanth: ÅûªE ü í _- Ωèπ Í Â - «l? Vasanth: ÅûªE Åçü Ω Á îª a-èπ ØË íì æp lawyer. Çߪ Í Ò-Ææ hø oúø. ç á xçúõ Á «lç. ANSWER Vasanth: Who were you talking to, yesterday? Hemanth: Sasir, you played chess with the day before. Vasanth: He plays a good game. He is among those I admire. Hemanth: Quite smart/ sharp. Difficult to understand the game he plays. He plays such a game. Vasanth: He is one you can learn a lot from, and I like a lot. Hemanth: Shall we go to him tomorrow? Vasanth: His uncle is a lawyer everyone praises. He is coming tomorrow. We will go the day after.

66 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- Ú- Ωç 15 - Ë 2006 Tarun: No bus is coming. No auto (is) in sight. So what are we going to do? (Bus àd ôç ü. Auto Å Ø éπe- œçîªôç ü. àç îëü l- ç-ö«?) Kiran: Let's start walking. If we chance upon an auto on the way we'll take it, or else I don't mind walking the whole distance. (Å ûë úø ü lç. üµ u apple Auto üìj-éàûë ü E apple Á «lç. èπ çõ Á ûªhç ü Ωç úø- -ö«- EéÃ Ø éπ- µºuç-ûª Ωç ü.) On the way = ü J apple Chance upon = Å -éó-èπ çú éπe- œç-îªúøç Tarun:You talking of walking! That's surprising since when did you start liking walking, buddy? ( y úø -ü l- ç-ô -Ø o! Ç a- Ωu Ë! á æp-öà- ç* úøéπ O ü É æ dç éπl-tçc Fèπ?) buddy = v œßª N vûª -úõe Ææç apple-cµçîë Nüµ ç (American) Kiran: Stop it. I've always liked walking. I avoid walking only in hot sun or when I don't have the time. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 156 (Ééπ Ç æ. Ø èπ úø-éπçõ á æ púø É æ d Ë. «í áçúøí Ö o- æ púø, Ø èπ time - æ úø vûª Ë úøéπ -û.) Avoid = ôç!/ îëߪ -èπ çú Öçúøôç Tarun:Ok. Let's stop arguing. Come, let's enjoy walking. As you said I shall appreciate your walking the whole distance. (ÆæÍ x. ç Cç-îªúøç Ç œ úøéπ enjoy îëü lç. y- oô d Åçûª ü Ω úõêæh Ø èπ ÆæçûÓ- æ Ë / E o Á îª a-èπ çö«.) Appreciate = ÆæçûÓ- œç-îªôç/ Á îª a-éó- ôç Kiran: Come on. Let's start. I hate backing out. ( æü, ߪ - l- Ωü ç. Á éà\ ûªí _ôç Åçõ Ø èπ É æ dç Öçúøü.) Tarun:You waste time talking. Show it in action. Start walking ( ô- ûó time %ü îëææ h-ø o. îª Ωu apple îª œçîª. úøéπ v ƒ Ωç-Gµçîª ) Kiran: Ok. I am off. Whoever first stops walking shall stand the other a drink, ok? (ÉCíÓ ßª - l-. úøéπ á Ω Ç æ -û Ó Ÿx Å -ûª-l- -JéÀ drink É œpç-î L, ÆæÍ Ø?) stand a drink/ a dinner/ party, etc. = drink, dinner, party, etc É œpç-îªúøç) Tarun:I am game for it. (ØË ç-ü èπ Æœü l Ë.) J J J English apple ÅEo verbs úøéπç äíé «Öçúøü. éàçü öà lesson apple ç éπü Infinitive úõ clauses C-Lç-îª -èπ çõ conversation î «simple í, natural í Öçô ç-ü E. Å «Íí éìeo éìeo verbs ûª yûª '-ing' form úõûë conversation, bookish (ví çc -éπç)í é èπ çú u - æ -J-éπçí N - Òç- æ í Öçô çc. éìeo éìeo Ææçü - s applex infinitive ü '-ing form (going, coming, walking «çöàn) úø-û Ω. ÉN èπÿú sentence ÒöÀd îëߪ -ö«-eéà Ö æ-ßá -í - æ-úø-û. Infinitive (to + 1st RDW) èπ Ö o Å n applex äéπöà ߪ ôç, A ôç, ØË Ω a-éó- ôç (to write, to eat, to learn) éπü. ÉüË Å ΩnçûÓ '-ing' form úìîª a. eg. a) To walk ( úø- ôç) is good for health (Ç Ó-í u-éπ Ωç) = walking ( úø- ôç) is good for health b) To get up so early is not easy = getting up so early is not easy = Åçûª ûªy Ωí Evü - - ôç Ææ µºç é ü. c) I hate to get up late = Ç -Ææuçí Evü - - ôç ØËE- æ d- æ-úø = I hate getting up late. d) He likes to swim in cold water = îªfo- x apple Ñü ôç Åûª-E-éÀ æ dç = He likes swimming in cold water. í -Eçî ç éπü Infinitive úë îóôx '-ing'.  j sentences apple äéπ N æߪ ç êuçí í -E ƒhç. sentences a), b) applex Infinitive, '-ing' form independent í Åçõ sentence èπ subject í ú ç. ÅüË, c), d) applex Infinitive, '-ing' form hate, like «çöà verbs ûª yûª ú ç éπü. a), b) applex «í independent í úë-ô- æ púø infinitive '-ing' form äéπ-ü E ü ÉçéÌ-éπöÀ á æ p-úájø úìîª a. a) To waste time/ wasting time is never good b) To walk alone/ walking alone at midnight is not always safe = Å Ωl - -va- æ ô äçô-jí úø- ôç Íé~ ç é ü. Å ûë (c), (d) «çöà sentences apple éìeo verbs æéπ\øë infinitive, '-ing' form Ja úø-í ç. éìeo Éûª Ω verbs, expressions æéπ\ Infinitive vûª Ë é F, '-ing' form vûª Ë é E úø-í ç. éàçc verbs æéπ\ È çúø úø-í ç. 1) Start 2) begin 3) like 4) dislike 5) love 6) hate 7) remember 8) forget 9) propose, etc. 1) He started to sing/ started singing ƒúøôç Á ü - - -ö«dúø 2) She began to run = she began running = æ Ω í Á ü -öàdçc 3) She likes to dance = She likes dancing = Ø ôuç îëߪ ôç Ç Á -éà æ dç 4) She loves to cook = She loves cooking = çô îëߪ ôç Ç Á èπ î «É æ dç Å «Íí N í -û - -öàûó èπÿú Åçõ 4) dislike 6) hate 7) remember 8) forget and 9) propose (v æa- ƒ-cç-îªôç). Ç verbs æéπ\ infinitive, '-ing' form È çúø ƒhßë Á îª úøçúõ. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation between Tarun and Kiran at the beginning of the lesson. 1) Let's start walking. 2) I don't mind walking... 3) I avoid walking 4) Let's stop arguing 5) Let's enjoy walking 6)... I shall appreciate your walking 7) I hate backing out 8) You waste time talking Look at sentence No 1. The verb 'start' has 'ing' after it. 'start' ûª yûª infinitive Å Ø, '-ing' form Å Ø úìîª a ÅE ç éπü. 2) I don't mind walking - verb mind ü E ûª yûª walking, '-ing' form. Mind Åçõ Å µºuç-ûª Ωç îá æpôç. I don't mind walking = úø- ôç Ø éπ- µºuç-ûª- Ωç- ü. Mind ûª yûª á æ púø '-ing' form Ææ hçc. éπ- ÚûË noun Ææ hçc. eg: I don't mind the expenditure = Ç ê Ω a Ø éπ- µºuç-ûª- Ωç- ü / ê Ω a N æߪ ç ØË æöàdç-îª -éó. Expenditure, noun éπü. '-ing' form ûó: I don't mind spending the money = Ç úø s ê Ω a-â -ôdôç Ø Íéç «üµ -é ü. Mind æéπ\ 'if' clause Ææ hçc. He doesn't mind if I use his bike = ÅûªúÕ bike ØË úø -èπ çõ ÅûªØËç Å -éóúø. She likes dancing é öàd 'mind' æéπ\ '-ing' form / noun/ 'if' clause ƒh. infinitive vûªç ü. Sentence No 3 apple 'avoid' ûª yûª èπÿú 'ing' form é F, noun é F Ææ hçc. infinitive ü. [avoid = (àüájø æe) îëߪ -èπ çú Öçúøôç] a) I avoid walking ('-'ing' form) = ØË úø- ôç -èπ çö«. b) He avoids Govind because he owes him money. (Åûªúø Govind èπ Å æ p-ø oúø é öàd îª úø-èπ çú ûª œpç-îª èπ A Ω -í -ûª -Ø oúø ) Ééπ\úø avoid = äéπ-je îª úø-èπ çú / éπ -Ææ -éóèπ çú Öçúøôç. Why are you avoiding me? = áçü èπ o îª úø-èπ çú ÖØ o? Ééπ\úø avoid ûª yûª Govind ÅØËC noun éπü. Avoid ûª yûª '-ing form'/ noun ƒh. infinitive úøç. c) she always avoids classes (noun) in the after noon = Ç Á üµ u æ«oç ûª Ω-í -ûª - èπ á æ púø ü. Sentence 4) Stop arguing - stop ûª yûª èπÿú noun/ ing form vûª Ë ƒh. infinitive ü. a) He stopped singing - ƒúøôç ÇÊ -»úø stopped + singing ('-ing' form) b) He stopped the song in the middle = ƒô üµ u apple ÇÊ -»úø stopped + the song (noun) Ééπ\úø èπÿú 'stop' ûª yûª infinitive ü. Sentence No. 5 'Enjoy' too is followed either by the '-ing' form or a noun, but not by the infinitive. Let's enjoy walking - enjoy + walking ('-ing' form) a) I enjoy music = ØË ÆæçU-û Eo enjoy îë ƒh enjoy + music (noun) b) She enjoys reading books = æ Ææh-é îªü - ôç Ç Á -éà æ dç enjoy + reading ('-ing' form). enjoy ûª yûª infinitive ü. 6) I shall appreciate your walking = y úø- ôç ØË ÆæçûÓ- œ- ƒh / Á îª a-èπ ç-ö«. appreciate + your walking ('-ing' form) She will appreciate your help = F Ææ æ -ߪ Eo Ç Á æ«j{-ææ hçc. appreciate + help (noun) Appreciate ûª yûª 'If' clause èπÿú úøû ç. a) I shall appreciate if you walk b) I shall appreciate if you help me. a), b) applex appreciate + 'if' clause. 7) I hate backing out - Á -éπ-úø í Ëߪ ôç Ø éà- æ dç- ü = I hate to back out (hate + infinitive). hate ûª yûª È çúø, Åçõ Infinitive, '-ing' form úø- îª a 8) You waste time talking - Ééπ\úø èπÿú waste ûª yûª àc waste îë ƒh Á ü Eo îá œp, Ç ûª yûª 'ing' form Ææ hçc. a) He wastes time talking about others = Éûª- Ω - í Jç* ö«x-úø ûª time waste îë ƒhúø. b) He wastes money indulging in luxuries = N «- ƒ applex ƒ Ô_çô üµ ç %ü îë ƒhúø. Ééπ\úø infinitive ü. Practise the following aloud in English Laxman: Hi Arjun, àçöà N Ï- ƒ? Arjun: àüó Å «ïj-t- Ú-ûÓçC. F îëa apple Ç æ Ææhéπç àçöà? Laxman: àüó detective novel. Åô - ç-öàn îªü - ôç FéÀ- æ dç- -ü -éπü? Arjun: Correct. Áyç-ü èπ Å «ç-öàn îªü - ûª time waste îëææ -èπ ç-ö«? öà-éπçõ ç* novels î «ÖØ o éπü? Laxman: Eï Ë. é F OöÀE îªü - -ö«-eíé ØË áèπ \ É æ d- æ-úø-û. Serious novels îªü - ôç ØË avoid îë ƒh. Åçûª concentrate îëߪ - ØË. Arjun: Åçû Å - -ô öàd Öçô çc. îªü - ôç v ƒ Ωç-Gµçîª. öàe É æ d- æ-úøôç Á ü - - -ûª çc. Laxman: ÅD v æߪ -Aoç-î. é E É æ d- æ-úø- -éπ- Úߪ. Arjun: S} v æߪ -Aoçîª. ANSWER Laxman: Hi Arjun, what news? / what's new? Arjun: Just getting on. What's that book in your hand? Laxman: Some detective novel. (Some= àüó). You don't like reading such books, do you? / You don't like to read such books, do you? Arjun: Correct. Why do you waste time reading them? Aren't there better books than they? Laxman: True. But I love reading / I love to read these. I avoid reading serious novels. I cannot concentrate so much. Arjun: It's all a matter of habit. Begin reading them/ Begin to read them. You begin liking them./ You begin to like them. Laxman: I tried but I could not like them. Arjun: Try once again.

67 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -üµ Ωç 17 - Ë 2006 Raghav: Hi Madhav, how are you? You appear much better than last week. There is surely some improvement in your health. (á «ÖØ o? í ûª Ωç éπçõ Á Ω í _ éπe- œ-ææ h-ø o. éπ*aûªçí F Ç Óí uç æ çvèπ - o-ô dçc) Madhav: You can say that. I feel much better now. (Eï Ë. É æ púø î ««í -Ø o, Éçûª-èπ - ç-ü -éπçõ ) You can say that = Å «y îá Òpîª a = y éπ ΩÍéd Raghav: What's that due to? I don't recollect seeing you earlier as fit as you are today. (àçöà é Ωùç? É éπ p-úø -ûª oçûª Ç Óí uçí Éçûª-èπ - ç-üá- æ púø îª Æœ- ô x í Ω h- ü.) recollect = í Ω h ûáîª a-éó- ôç.fit = Ç Óí uçí Öçúøôç Madhav: Thanks to my doctor. He insisted on my giving up smoking, and I gave up smoking, though I found it difficult in the beginning. (Åçû ú éπd x. ØË smoking ØË-ߪ - E æô d- -ö«dúø. Á ü öapplex éìçîáç éπ æ d- Á i- - æp-öàéã ØË».) Thanks to my doctor = doctor x. ' x ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ Thanks to úìîª a, ç* ïj-tø, îáúø ïj-tø. He died, thanks to the doctor's negligence - úø îªe- Úߪ úø, doctor -E Ωxéπ~uç x Raghav: So (do) you deny smoking anymore? (Å ûë, y smoking îëߪ ôç ü ç-ô - Ø o?) deny - é ü - ôç/ ü - ôç Madhav: Do you think I'm a fool to go on doing something that costs my life? (Ø v ƒù«-eíé æ E éπl-tçîë æe îëææ hç-úøö«-eéà ØËØË- Ø o Ω ^-úõø?) I don't fear death but I don't like dying of cancer. (ØË î èπ µºßª - æ-úø, é E cancer ûó î ôç Ø éà æ dç ü ) Raghav: Happy to hear that. Whenever I saw lighting a cigarette I couldn't help feeling you were burning out your life (ÆæçûÓ æç. y á æ púø cigarette öàdç-îªúøç îª ÆœØ, y F v ƒù«lo ûªí - - -ô d-èπ ç-ô -Ø o- ØË µ«ç Ø apple ûªê p-c-é ü ) Madhav: I now practise swimming too. Every morning I go swimming. (É æ púø Ñûª èπÿú practise îëææ hø o. ÓW ÑûªÈé ŸhØ o) Raghav: Good. Though late you've given up smoking. Better late than never. ( «í çc. Ç Ææuçí ØÁjØ smoking - èπ -Ø o. ÅÆæ -èπ çú Öçúøôç éπø o Ç Ææuçí ôç ߪ ç éπü.) Better late than never = ÉC English apple ƒüµ - Ωùçí Åçô ç-ö«ω. Å Ωnç: äéπ æe ÅÆæ îëߪ -èπ çú ÖçúË-éπØ o Ç Ææuçí îëߪ ôç ç*c éπü ÅE. [ [ [ í ûª È çúø úø lessons apple ç infinitives, '-ing' forms í Jç* îªja-ææ hø oç éπü. We have seen how certain verbs are always followed by an Infinitive/ -ing form /noun/ an if clause, or just by an '-ing' form. Now let's see some more verbs followed by the '-ing' form/ noun. Look at these following sentences from the conversation between Raghav and Madhav. 1) I don't recollect seeing you earlier as fit as you are now. 2)... and I gave up smoking. 3) So (do) you deny smoking any more? 4) Do you think I am a fool to go on doing some thing... 5)... I couldn't help feeling... 6) I now practise swimming too. O Ω í -Eç-î Ω éπü.  j sentences applee verbs ÅEoçöÀ æéπ\ø '-ing' form ôç. ÉC conversation apple Ωéπ- Ω-é µ«- simple í express îëߪ -ö«-eéà Ö æ-ßá -í - æ-úø -ûª çc. O conversation apple practice îëߪ çúõ. 1) I don't recollect seeing you = E o «îª úøôç Ø èπ í Ω hèπ ôç ü.(remember = èπ í Ω hèπ ôç. Recollect/ recall = ç v æߪ - Aoç* í Ω hèπ ûáîª a-éó- ôç.) a) I remember seeing him somewhere = Åûª-úÕ-E ØËØÁ-éπ\úÓ îª Æœ- ô x í Ìh- ÚhçC. ( v æߪ ûªoç ü ) b) Let me recollect where I saw him = áéπ\úø øó í Ω h ûáîª a-éóf ( v æߪ ûªoç). c) He recalled later that she owed him money = ûª -é Á «éã Ö oô x Çߪ í Ω h ûáîª a-èπ -Ø oúø (Çߪ v æߪ ûªoç) Å ûë 'Try to remember' Å ôç úø éπ, í Ω h ûáîª a-éì-øëç-ü èπ v æߪ -Aoçîª, ÅØË Å Ωnç apple Å æ p-úø- æ púø ç èπÿú ÉC úø -ûª çö«ç éπü? Try as I might, I am unable to remember if he came here that day = áçûª v æߪ -Aoç-*Ø ñ«c æéπç ûáîª a-éó- -éπ- Ú-ûª Ø o, Åûª-Ø - ÓV Ééπ\-úÕ-éÌî aú, ü ÅE. Recollect ûª yûª noun èπÿú úøû ç. '-ing' form vûª Ë é èπ çú. I recollected the events of the day =Ç ÓV Ææç æ -ô- ØË í Ω hèπ ûáîª a-èπ Ø o. events = Ææç æ -ô- - Noun. 2)... and I gave up smoking = ØË smoking -èπ Ø o. give up = ØË-ߪ ôç/ ü - -éó- ôç ( æü -, Å - -ôx- «çöà öàe) give up ûª yûª èπÿú '-ing' form é F, noun é F úøû ç. (noun Åçõ Sx í Ω h ûáîª a-èπ çü ç.. à Ê È jø noun.) a) I gave up smoking = smoking -èπ -Ø o. smoking '-ing' form b) I gave up cigarettes = cigarettes -èπ Ø o.- cigarettes - noun. c) Harischandra gave up his throne for the sake of truth : æ«j- aç-vü úø Ææûªuç éóææç Æœç æ -Ææ-Ø Eo C- -»úø. Throne = Æœç æ -Ææ ç - Noun. d) He was a fool to give up the job = Ç job ü - -èπ -Ø o-úø-ûª Ω ^úø. Job - noun. 3) (Do) you deny smoking anymore? = y Ééπ smoke îëߪ ôç ü ç-ö«? deny + smoking. '-ing' form. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 157 deny = é ü - ôç/ ü - ôç. DE ûª yûª èπÿú '- ing' form é F, noun é F Ææ hçc. That clause èπÿú Ææ hçc. a) He denied stealing the pen = ûª Ç pen üìçt-lç-îª- -ü -Ø oúø. denied + stealing - stealing '-ing' form. b) Dushyanta denied seeing Sakuntala or loving her = ü æuç-ûª úø èπ ç-ûª- îª úøôç é F, vê N ç-îªôç é F îëߪ - -ü -Ø oúø. denied + seeing or loving - '-ing' forms. c) She denied the truth in his statement = Ç Á ÅûªE ô applex Eïç ü çc. denied + truth - noun. d) The minister denies his statement = çva ûª ô é ü ç-ô -Ø o Ω (Å - -ü ç-ô -Ø o Ω ). e) The minister denies the media reports = O úõߪ Ωh çva é ü ç-ô -Ø o Ω. denied + the reports (noun) 4) Do you think I am a fool to go on doing something... = ÅC îëææ h Öçúø-ö«-EéÀ ØË Ω ^-úøo- - èπ ç-ô -Ø o? to go on = (ã æe) îëææ h Öçúøôç. go on ûª yûª èπÿú, îëææ h Öçúøôç ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ ' ing form' vûª Ë Ææ hçc. a) Though defeated, he goes on arguing ãúõ- Ú- Ø, C-Ææ høë Öçö«-ú -ߪ. b) In spite of the doctor's advice, he goes on smoking = Doctor ü lø o, Åûª smoke îëææ høë ÖØ oúø. c) He goes on talking, whether others listen to him or not = Åûª îáê pc Éûª- Ω Nçô Ø o N -éπ- Ú- Ø, ö«x-úø -ûª ØË Öçö«úø. a) goes on + arguing ('-ing' form) b) goes on + smoking ('-ing' form) c) goes on + talking ('-ing' form) d) They went on shouting and throwing stones at the police = Ÿx Å Ω -Ææ høë ÖØ o Ω, Police O ü Ÿx Ω y-ûª ØË ÖØ o Ω. (Past) Went on (past of go on) + shouting and throwing ('-ing' forms) Å ûë go on ûª yûª 'with' úõûë noun Ææ hçc. a) She went on with her studies in spite of disturbances = Disturbances Ö o- æp-öàéã ûª îªü éì - ƒ-tç-*çc. b) They go on with their work whatever the trouble = à trouble ÖØ o x æe Ÿx îëææ -èπ - Ú-û Ω. a) Went on with + studies (noun) b) go on with their work [with + work (n)] 5) I could not help feeling... = Å -éó- ôç ûª æp- ü. Ñ expression é Ææh ñ«ví -ûªhí í -Eç-îªçúÕ: I cannot help going now = É æ púø Ø èπ Á xéπ ûª æpü. (Ééπ\úø úõ help èπÿ, Ææ æ ߪ ç ÅØË Å n-eéà Ææç çüµ ç ü Ééπ\úø cannot help éπl œ úøû ç Å Ωnç 'ûª æpü ÅE). I could not help feeling = Å -éó- ôç ûª æp- ü. Ñ cannot help æéπ\ èπÿú '-ing' form é F, noun é F Ææ hçc. a) She cannot help the expenditure if she wants to learn music = ÆæçUûªç ØË Ω a-éó- - çõ Ç Á éã ê Ω a ûª æpü. (expenditure = ê Ω a noun). b) She cannot help spending this money, if she wants to learn music = Ç Á ÆæçUûªç ØË Ω a-éó- - çõ ê Ω a-â -ôdúøç ûª æpü. (Spending ê Ω a-  -ôdúøç '-ing' form). c) They cannot help the trip if they want to have a darsanam = ü Ωz ç é - çõ xéã v æߪ ùç ûª æpü. (cannot help + the trip (noun)) d) They cannot help going on the trip if they want a darsanam = ü Ωz ç é - çõ v æߪ ùç îëߪ ôç ûª æpü. (cannot help + going on the trip (-ing form)) 6) Practise èπÿú ÅçûË: Practise Åçõ Å µºu-æœç-îªôç. DE ûª yûªèπÿú noun/ '... ing' form Ææ hçc. I practise swimming = Ñûª practise îë ƒh. (practise + swimming - '-ing' form) a) She practises running everyday = Ç Á ÓW æ Ω í practise îëææ hçc. (practises + running - '-ing' form) Let me recollect where I.. b) She practises music = ÆæçUûªç Å µºu-æœ-ææ hçc. (practises + music - noun) So, É «çöà verbs ñ«ví -ûªhí practice îëߪ çúõ. EXERCISE Practise the following aloud in English: Mithun: Åûª-EûÓ áçü èπ ö«x-úø-û? Åûª á Ω îá œpø N úø. Sachin: Ø èπ ûª æpü. úõ ü í _ Ω Ø books ÖØ o. ÅN îëa- - Ωèπ úõûó friendly í ØË Öçú L. Mithun: Å «ç-öà- -úøe ûálæœ èπÿú y úõéà æ Ææh-é - ç-ü -éàææ h Öçö«? Sachin: æ Ææh-é BÆæ -èπ çõ AJ-T- y-úøøë ô é ü - ôç ü. é F x o Ø èπ ç* friend. Mithun: y úõûó ö«x-úøôç -èπ çõ æ Ææhé -L- y-éπ\- Ω- -ü í. (give up úøçúõ) Sachin: x o BÆæ -èπ o æ Ææh-é -L- y-ôç apple Éçûª Ç Ææuç îëߪ ôç Ø èπ í Ω h- ü. Mithun: Éü l-jéã ÚL-Íé- ü. ANSWER Mithun: Why do you talk to him? He never listen to anyone. Sachin: I can't help talking to him. He has my books. Until I get them back, I have to be friendly with him. Mithun: Why do you go on giving him books, when you know that he is that type? Sachin: I don't deny his not returning the books he takes, but his brother is a good friend of mine. (I don't deny that he does not return the books he takes...) Mithun: If you give up talking to him you need not lend him books. Sachin: I don't remember his brother delaying the return of books. Mithun: They are very unlike each other.

68 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- Ÿ-véπ Ωç 19 - Ë Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 158 Sumathi: True. But I felt I needed time. It's not easy preparing for that kind of exams, is it? Pranuthi: Hi Sumathi, (it's a) pleasure seeing you, though after a long time. How's everybody? (î «-é ç ûª yûª Ø E o éπ -Ææ - èπ - oç-ü èπ ÆæçûÓ æç. Åçû èπ - - Ë Ø?) Sumathi: Everybody is OK. (It's) nice seeing you too. (Åçû Íé~ ç. E o îª úøôç èπÿú Ø èπ Ç çü çí ÖçC) Pranuthi: What's (What has) kept you away so long? ( Ny-Eo- Ó-V áçü èπ o éπ - - ü / îª úø- ü / à Á içceo ÓV?) Sumathi: You know I'd been very busy preparing for the civils. I sat the last exam the day before (yesterday). It's off my mind now. Oh, what a relief! (Fèπ ûá -Ææ í ØË civils (= IAS, IPS, etc., exams) ûó BJéπ èπ çú ÖØ o. Á o * J exam». Å - Ú- çc. áçûª æ í ÖçüÓ!) Pranuthi: I think you delayed taking the exams. You should have attempted them last year itself. ( y Ç Ææuç îë». y Ú Ææç -ûªq- Ω Ë Ææ ç-ú -LqçC.) (last year itself = í ûª Ææç -ûªq- Ω Ë ) (Eï Ë. é F Éçé Ææh time é - -E- œç- *çc Ø èπ. / é -F time î -ü -E- œç-*çc. Å «çöà exams èπ prepare é ôç Åçûª Ææ µºç é ü -éπü.) Pranuthi: So how did you in the exams? Sumathi: To my satisfaction of course. But then there is no knowing what happens until the results are out. (Ø ûª% œh Ë Ωèπ». Å Ø æl-û Á - -úë- - Ωèπ ào ûál-ߪ ü / îá æp ç) Pranuthi: Happy that you leave fared well. Civils are always worth trying. ( y «í Æœ- ç-ü èπ ÆæçûÓ æç. civils á æ púø v æߪ -Aoç-îª-ü -í _ Ë.) (worth trying = v æߪ -Aoç-îª-ü -T ) Sumathi: They are, undoubtedly. But they are quite tough. Even brilliant candidates have difficulty making it to the top ranks. (éπ*a-ûªçí. Å ûë Ñ exams î «éπ æ dç. î «ûál-n-í Å µºu- Ω n èπÿú  j ranks ûáîª a-éó- -ö«-eéà éπ æ d- æ-úø -ûª ç-ö«ω.) tough = éπ æ dç (exams N æߪ ç.) quite = æ Jhí / «í. brilliant = î «ûál- Áj. (ÅÆæ Å Ωnç = î «v æé - - ç-ûª- Á i ) Pranuthi: Still there is nothing wrong in hoping for the best, you see. Sometimes the results are long coming. (Å Ø ç*e ÇPç-îª-ôç apple ûªê pç- ü. äéì\-éπ\- æ púø results -ö«-eéà time æúø -ûª çc) J J J J We have been discussing the use of the '-ing' form for some time now, haven't we? We have seen so far the verbs which are followed by the '-ing' forms. äéπ verbs vûª Ë é èπ çú, éìeo Éûª Ω expressions ûª yûª èπÿú '-ing' forms úø -ûª ç-ö«ω. ÉC conversations ÆæçéÀ~- æhçí Öçúø-ö«-EéÀ ƒßª - æ-úø -ûª çc. Ç expressions éìeo ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç. Now, Look at the following sentences from the dialogue between Pranuthi and Sumathi above. 1. (It's a) pleasure seeing you, though after a long time. 2. (It's) nice seeing you too 3. I've been very busy preparing for the civils 4. I think you delayed taking the exams 5. It's not easy preparing for the exam there is no knowing what happens.. 7. Civils are always worth trying candidates have difficulty making it to the top. 9. Sometimes the results are long coming. 1. It's a pleasure seeing you, though after a long time. 2. It's nice seeing you too. Ééπ\úø pleasure/ nice æéπ\ '-ing' form úøéπç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. O èπ ûá -Ææ -í ü, pleasure meeting you, nice meeting you æ -éπ-jç æ ô- E. É «æ -éπ-jç æ Ææçü - s applex pleasure, nice «çöà ô ûª yûë é èπ çú glad ûª yûª èπÿú '-ing' form úøôç í -EçîË Öçö«Ω. Glad meeting/ seeing you. ( æj-îª-ߪ - Á i- - æ púø, Åçõ introduction Å æ púø ) Glad knowing you - (ÉC-èπÿú introduction Å æ púø úë expression. (Å ûë Ñ ô- -EoöÀ ûª yûª, æ -éπ-jç æ, æj-îªßª Ææçü - Ωs ç apple '-ing' form ü, infinitive èπÿú úø îª a. Pleasure/ nice/ glad seeing you/ knowing you/ meeting you = pleasure/ nice/ glad to see/ to know/ to meet you. 3) I'd been busy preparing for the civils = ØË civils èπ prepare Å ûª busy í ÖØ o/ BJ-éπ- -èπ çú ÖØ o. Ééπ\úø busy æéπ\, à é Ωùç x busy Å o- æ púø ÅC '-ing' form apple úøû ç. a) She is busy making arrangements for the dinner = Ç Á dinner à p-ôxûó BJ-éπ- -èπ çú ÖçC. b) They are busy inviting people to their daughter's marriage = x- t  Rx- œ- - æ - ûó Ÿx busy í ÖØ o Ω. c) I was busy the whole of last week moving to our new home. í ûª Ωç Åçû É x Ω-ôçûÓ BJ-éπ- -èπ çú ÖØ o/ É x Ω-ôçûÓ ÆæJ- Ú- çc. Å ûë busy with ûª yûª noun Ææ hçc. a) I was busy with the arrangements for the meeting. (meeting à p-ôxûó busy í ÖØ o arrangements - noun.) b) She is busy with the exams = æk-éπ~- ûó BJ-éπ- -èπ çú ÖçC. [busy with + the exams (noun)] 4. delayed taking the exams. Exams èπ èπÿ Óa- ôç Ç Ææuç îë». a) He delayed taking a decision = E Ωgߪ ç BÆæ -éó- ôç apple ñ«æuç îë»úø. taking - '-ing' form b) They delayed coming to an agreement = ä æpçü ç èπ ü - Ω a-éó- -ôç apple ñ«æuç îë» Ω. í ûªç apple ç, delay ûª yûª noun èπÿú úì-îªae. c) The government delayed the project = v æ µº ûªyç project Ç Ææuç îëæœçc. d) They delayed the completion of the bridge = Bridge æ -Jh-îË-ߪ -ö«-eo Ÿx Ç Ææuç îë» Ω. (c), (d) apple delayed ûª yûª, project, completion, È çúø nouns éπü. 5. It's not easy preparing for the civils = civils èπ prepare Å ôç Ææ µºç é ü. Preparing- 'ing' form) a) It is easy convincing mother = Å tèπ îªaîá- æpôç Ææ µºç= It is easy to convince mother Åçõ easy ûª yûª '-ing' form Å Ø úìîª a, infinitive Å Ø úìîª a. b) It wasn't easy operating the machine = Ç machine úø- æôç Ææ µºç ÅE- œç-îª- ü = It wasn't easy to operate the machine. It's a pleasure seeing you c) It's always easy cheating an innocent man = Å -ߪ -èπ úõo Á Ææç îëߪ ôç á æ púø Ææ - µº Ë. Ééπ\úø èπÿú cheating ü, to cheat úìîª a. 6. There's no knowing what happens. àç ï Ω -í -ûª çüó á -Jéà ûál-ߪ ü / ûálêæ O - ü. There is no knowing- ÉC English conversation apple î «frequent í úø -ûª ç-ö«ω. There is no knowing = No one knows/ No one can know. a) That will happen, no doubt, but there is no knowing when = ÅC ï Ω -í -ûª çc, ÆæçüË æ«ç ü. é E á æ púø-øëc á Ω îá æp- Ω. b) There was no knowing why he did it at all = ÅÆæ úøc áçü èπ îë»-úø-øëc á -Jéà ûál-ߪ ü. c) Ram: When is Laxman coming? Syam: There's no knowing when he will come. (ûál-ߪ ü ) 7. Civils are worth trying= civils v æߪ -Aoç-îª-ü -í _ Ë. worth = îëߪ -ü -T / N í / N îëߪ ôç. worth ûª yûª '-ing' form é F, noun é F Ææ hçc. a) The movie is worth watching = ÆœE îª úø-ü -í _üë (watching - ing form) b) It is not worth spending so much time = Åçûª time Á*aç-îËçûª N æߪ ç é ü C. c) This second hand car is not worth Rs. 1 lakh Ñ second hand car éπ~ Ω ƒ-ߪ N îëߪ ü. (Rs 1 lakh = Noun) d) The book is worth its weight in gold = Ç æ Ææhéπç ü E Ω - çûª çí Ωç N - -í - C. (worth its weight - noun) 8. Candidates have difficulty making it to the top ûál- Áj Å µºu- Ω n èπÿú Ö oûª rank Òçü - ö«-eéà éπ æ d- æ-úø-û Ω. difficulty + making ('-ing' form) a) I had difficulty finding the address = Ç address ûá -Ææ -éó- -ö«-eéà Ø èπ éπ æ d- - çc. b) She had a lot of difficulty understanding what he had said = Åûª îá œpçc Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- ôç Ç Á èπ î «éπ æ d- - çc. É «difficulty ûª yûª '-ing' form Ææ hçc. (äéì\-éπ\- æ púø difficulty + in + ing form èπÿú Ææ hçc. é F É æ p-úõc Å Ω ü, 'in' C- -Ææ h-ø o Ω ) 9)... the results are long coming = long + coming ('-ing' form) = Ç -Ææu- - -û. a) He was long/ He took long buying a house = É x éì ôç ñ«æuç îë»úø. b) I won't be long coming = ØË ôç Ç Ææuç îëߪ. (long + coming -ing form) c) He took long deciding what to do àç îëߪ apple E Ωg- ç-îª -éó- -ö«-eéà î «time BÆæ -èπ -Ø oúø. ÉC modern English conversation apple î «common. d) She wasn't long/ didn't take long marrying the young man she loved. ûª vê N ç-*- -ûª-úõ-e  Rx îëææ -éó- -ôç apple Ç Á Ç Ææuç îëߪ - ü. Ñ expressions ÅEoçöÀ æéπ\ '-ing' form úøôç É æpöà úø éπ. «í practice îëߪ çúõ. EXERCISE Pranav: Hi Ramana, á æ púø àüó îëææ h BJéπ èπ çú Öçö«Ramana: àç îëߪ? ÉçöÀéÀ ÓW á Ó äéπ Ω ÅA-ü - í ƒh Ω. }-é \- -Lq à p-ôxûó Ø time Åçû Å - Ú-ûÓçC. Pranav: Å ûë îªü - -éó- -ö«-eéà time á æ púø üì Ω -èπ -ûª çüó? Ramana: ÅüË Ø Ææ Ææu. îªü - -éó- -ö«-eéà äéπ\ EN æç time üì Ω-éπôç éπ æ dçí ÖçöappleçC. Pranav: É Ld guests á æ -úá- «h Ω?. Ramana: ÅC á -Jéà ûál-ߪ ü Îx- æ p-úá- «h Ó? Pranav: Exams Ææ h-ø o éπü. öàéà prepare Å ôç Åçûª Ææ µºç é ü éπü? Ramana: é Ææh ÉçöÀéÀ ü Ωçí room BÆæ -èπ çö«. Å æ púœ íìúø èπ çú îªü - Ìîª a. Pranav: ç* idea. ÅC îëߪ -ü -í _üë. Ramana: Ø o ÜJ- ç* AJT í ØË Ç æe îë ƒh. Ø o Ç Ææuç îëߪ -èπ çú AJ-íÌ- ƒh-úøøë ÇP-Ææ hø o. ANSWER Pranav: Hi Ramana, you appear busy doing something or the other. Ramana: What can I do? We have some guests or the other everyday. I spend the whole time attending on them. I am busy arranging for their stay. Pranav: When do you find the time for study? Ramana: That's my problem. I have difficulty finding a minute's time for study. Pranav: When do today's guests go away? Ramana: There's no knowing when they go away. Pranav: Exams are fast approaching. It's not easy preparing for them. Ramana: I want to take room some distance from home. I'll then be free from the disturbance. Pranav: A good idea. worth trying. Ramana: I'll do that after my father comes back. Hope he won't be/ take long coming.

69 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü ---Ç-C Ωç 21 - Ë 2006 Chandan: Have you seen Pradhan, by any chance? ( Ëy- Ø o Pradhan ? By any chance = à Á i-ø /- à- Ø o îª úøôç ûªô-æœnç-*çü ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ. Nandan: I think yes. I saw him driving some where an hour ago. I could have stopped him, but I didn't like to. (Å - - -èπ çö«. í çô éàçü ô car apple áéπ\-úõéó Á xôç . ÅûªúÕE Ç œ ÖçúÌ-îª a -é F É æ dç éπ- Ú- çc.) (driving = car apple Á xôç) Chandan: Is that so? He said he would see me today. (Å «í? Fo- ÓV éπ -Ææ -èπ ç-ö«- -Ø oúø.) Nandan: Not just today. In fact I see him drive down our road everyday at that time. (Ñ Óñ é ü. ÅÆæ v æa- ÓW ÅüË time èπ car apple ÅüË Áj æ Á h éπe- œ- ƒhúø Ø èπ / car apple Á xúøç îª ƒh ØË.) Chandan: You are right. I heard Pradhan say that he would go at that time everyday to attend yoga classes. ( y îá œpçc Eï Ë. v æa- ÓW Ç time èπ ßÁ í ûª Ω-í -ûª - èπ Á -û - E Åûªúø îá æpí NØ o.) Nandan: O... perhaps that's why I find him becoming more and more active nowadays. (ÅD Ææçí A. Åçü -éπøë Åûªúø Ñ üµ u active é ôç í -E-Ææ hø o.) Chandan: He observed his nephew losing weight after attending the yoga classes. So he thought, 'why shouldn't I as well?' and joined the classes. But I notice him gaining weight. He is more active as you have said, but has he lost any weight? (ÅûªúÕ nephew (= son of a brother or a sister) yoga classes èπ Á xôç ûª yûª Ω ûªí _ôç í -Eç-î úø. Åûª- - - èπ -Ø oúø, 'ØË áçü èπ ûªí _-èπÿ-úøü? ÅE. Yoga classes apple îë úø. é F ØË í -Eç-*ç-ü -ûª Ω Â Ω-í ôç. y- oô d îª Ω í _ Å ûë Åߪ uúø é F, Ω - Ë- Ø o ûªí _-úøç-ö«?) Nandan: Come now Chandan; Yoga might not have slimmed down, but he hasn't certainly put on weight. Be fair to him. (Chandan, Ééπ Ç æ. ßÁ í ÅûªúÕE ûªt_çîª- -üë Á é F, «vûªç  Ω-í - ü. ÅûªúÕ N æ-ߪ ç apple é Ææh Ø uߪ çí Öçúø.) come now = Informal conversation apple come now= Ééπ Ç æ. fair= äéπ-j- æôx Ø uߪ çí Öçúøôç Chandan: Do you mean he hasn't put on weight? (Å ûë úø «ü ç-ö«?) put on weight= «/ - - Ω - Á-éπ\ôç Nandan: No, certainly not. I have noticed you having a dig at him whenever you find a chance. (-à- -vûªç - -ü. Å -é ç üìj-éà- - æ p-úø «x ÅûªúÕE Çô- æ-öàd- ƒh- E ØËØÁ- æ púó í -Eç-î.) have a dig at= Çô æöàdç-îª-úøç/- ÍíL îëߪ ôç Chandan: Nothing of the sort. I like him a lot. (ÅüËç ü. úøçõ Ø èπ î «É æ dç.) Nothing of the sort = ÅüËç ü '-ing' forms ú -Lq êu- Á i Ææçü - s applex, J-éÌEo verbs ÖØ o. Ñ verbs æéπ\ á æ púø '-ing' forms é F, 1st RDW (go, come, walk, etc) é F ƒh. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation between Chandan and Nandan: 1) I saw him driving an hour ago = í çô éàçü ô Åûªúø car apple Á xôç ØË îª». 2) In fact I see him drive down the road at this time every day= ÅÆæ v æa ÓW ÉüË time èπ Ñ ÓúÓx car apple Á xôç ØË îª ƒh. 3) I heard Pradhan say that he would go at that time every day... = ûª ÅüË time èπ Å «Á «h- E Pradhan îá æpí NØ o. 4)... that's why. I find Pradhan becoming more and more active nowadays= ÅD. É æ púø v æüµ Ø active í Öçúøôç í - E-Ææ h-ø o. 5) He observed his nephew losing weight... (ÅûªúÕ nephew Ω ûªí _ôç Åûªúø í -Eç-î úø ) 6) I have noticed you having a dig at him= y-ûª-úõe Çô æöàdç-îªúøç ØË í -Eç-î. Look at the verbs in the sentences above: 1 & 2. saw 3. heard 4. find 5. observed 6. have noticed. í -Eç-îªçúÕ:  j verbs ÅFo πÿú îª úøôç/ éπe œç-îªôç, N ôç, í -Eç-îªôç, æj-q-lçîªôç ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ ÖØ o éπü. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 159 Åçõ É Fo éπ Ÿx, îá «çöà ñ«cøëçvcߪ - èπ Ææç ç-cµç-*- N. OöÀ ûª yûª á æ púø '-ing' form é F, 1st Regular doing word (go, come, etc) é F, that clause é F Ææ hçc. àüó æe-îë-ææ hç-úøôç/ îëææ hç-úøí îª úøúøç, í -Eç-îªúøç, æj-q-lç-îªúøç ïj-tç-ü ØÓ, àüó Åçô ç-úøí / Åçô -çúøôç N ôç ïj-tç-ü -ØÓ Å Ωnç Ææ hçc. (Ñ see, hear, find, observe, notice- Oö-EoçöÀE verbs of sense perception Åçö«ç.) ( ñ«cøëçvcߪ sense organs- eyes, nose, ear, tongue, skin OöÀéÀ Ææç ç- Cµç-*- N.) 1&2) saw: a) I see him always watching / watch the TV / I see that he always watch the TV = Åûª-ØÁ- æ púø TV îª úøôç/ îª Ææ hç-úøí îª ƒh-øëo / Åûª-ØÁ- æ púø TV îª Ææ h éπe- œç-îë- úø Ø èπ. b) Åûªúø 11 í çô Ææ -ߪ ç apple ߪ -öàéà ôç/ police î «- ƒ Ω x  Ω / Åûªúø 11 í çô Ææ -ߪ ç apple ߪ -ôéà Ææ h éπe- œç-î úø police èπ = The police saw him coming out/ come out at 11 a number of times. A number of times the police saw that he was coming out at 11. c) Ç restaurant Åçõ Åûª-E-éÀ- æ dçí Ö o-ô xçc. Åéπ\úø A ôç î «- ƒ Ω x  = He seems to like the restaurant a lot. I saw him eat/ eating there quite often. Å «Íí hear ûª yûª èπÿú '-ing' form / I RDW ƒh. äéì\-éπ\- æ púø that clause îª a. 3) heard: a) I heard her sing / singing = Ç Á ƒúø -ûª ç-úøôç ØË NØ o. b) We heard them quarrelling / quarrel about something- Ÿx üëe N æ-ߪ Á Úö«x-úø -éó- ôç Ë ç NØ oç. c) She heard him say / saying that he was going to buy a house = É x éì - apple-ûª -Ø o- E îá æ hç-úøôç / îá æ hç-úøí Ç Á N oc. 4) find: a) The teacher found him working hard = Åûªúø éπ æ d- æúõ æe-îë-ߪ ôç (îªü - ôç) teacher úø. b) We always find him sleeping = Ë ç á æ púø Åûªúø Evü - Ú-ûª ç-úøí îª ƒhç. c) The engineer has found the machine going out of order often= ûª Ωîª Ç machine îáúõ Ú- ôç Ç engineer úø. Ñ find æéπ\ 1st RDW ü. That clause îª a. 5) observe: a) The invigilator has observed the student taking/ take a slip out of his pocket= Åûªúø ñ - appleç* slip ߪ -ôèπ Bߪ úøç invigilator í -Eç-î úø. (Invigilator= ækéπ~ rooms apple é - «ç-öàn ï Ω-í -èπ çú îª ÊÆ teachers) Observe ûª yûª 'that' clause Ææ hçc= The invigilator observed that the student was taking out a slip from his pocket. b) I have observed him bunk/ bunking classes quite often: ûª Ωîª Åûªúø classes áíì_-ôdúøç ØË í -Eç-î. c) She observed him looking/look at her = Åûªúø ûª - Áj æ îª úøôç Ç Á í -Eç-*çC. 6) notice: í -Eç-îª-úøç/- ü %- œd apple æúøôç a) Suddenly I noticed them going/ go out together= Ÿx éπlæœ ßª -öàéà Á xôç -Ø -éπçô æúõçc. b) I often notice her talking / talk to him= Ç Á Åûª-úÕûÓ ö«x-úøôç ØË ûª Ωîª í -E- ƒh./ Ç Á ûª Ωîª Åûª-EûÓ ö«x-úø ûª Ø éπçô æúõçc. c) The police have noticed him visiting/ visit one house in the old town at midnight= Ç uéàh Å Ωl - va Ë old town apple äéπ ÉçöÀéÀ Á xôç í -Eç-î Ω / x éπçô- æ-úõçc. É «çöà verb ÉçéÓöÀ 'watch' (í -Eç-îªôç) a) She watched him water / watering the garden patiently = Åûªúø ã œí _ ûóôèπ F Ω - -ôdúøç Ç Á í -Eç-*çC. b) They have watched her dancing/ dance for an hour= Ç Á í çô-êæ æ Ø ôuç îëߪ ôç Ÿx A -éàç-î Ω. c) The thief watched the inmates of the house going out/ go out, waited for some time, broke the lock and entered the house = Ç üìçí Éçöapplex- Ÿx (inmates) ߪ -ôèπ Á xôç í -Eç-î úø. é ÊÆ- ƒt û ç ü l- -éìöàd appleeéà v æ Ë-Pç-î úø. É «Ñ see, hear, find, observe, notice, watch «çöà verbs æéπ\- - «x '-ing' form/ 1st RDW/ that clauses (éìeoîóôx) ƒh. Å ûë OöÀ ûª yûª ƒ - uçí 'that' clause úø-èπ çú Öçúøôç better. '-ing form'/ I RDW effective í Öçô çc. NOW PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING ALOUD IN ENGLISH: Namratha: Ææ F-ûÁ- æ púø äíé- Ωéπç ôd ËÆæ -éó- úøç ØË îª ƒh. ûª ôd fashion apple Í pç Öçúøü. Charitha: ÅüËç ü. ûª ûëú í ÖçúË ôd ËÆæ -éó- úøç ØË äéπöà È çúø ƒ Ω x í -Eç-î. Namratha: OK, ûª N æߪ ç áçü -èπ. Áy- æ -úøø o Ææ v œßª ƒúøí NØ o? Charitha: áçü -éπ-úø -í -ûª -Ø o? I noticed her humming Namratha: î ««í ƒúø -ûª çc. í ûª E- Ωç cinema music director Ç Á ƒúøôç í -Eç-î úø. Ç Á èπ ÆœE- applex ƒúë Å -é ç îª a. Charitha: ûª èπÿe- -í ƒúøôç ØË í -Eçî. é F Åçûª íì æp í ߪ -èπ éó- ü. Namratha: Ç Á ÆœE- - èπ ƒúøôç ûªy Ω- appleøë Nçö«ç. Charitha: ûª»æ Yߪ ÆæçUûªç CD N ôç ØË í -Eç-î. (watch úøçúõ) Namratha: ûª èπ Åü % æ dç éπ-læœ - -E ÇPü lç. ANSWER Namratha: I see Sunitha wear/ wearing the same style of dress/ dress of the same cut always. No change in the fashion of her clothes. Charitha: No. I have observed her wear dresses of different style once or twice. Namratha: OK. Why talk of her now?/ Let's not talk of her now. Have you ever heard Sunitha sing/ singing? Charitha: Why do you ask? Namratha: She sings very well. A film music director observed her sing/ singing. Very soon she may get an opportunity to sing for movies. Charitha: I noticed her hum/ humming (èπÿe- -í / ûª - apple-ûªøë ƒúø -éóôç) but I didn't think that she was a good singer. Namratha: We can soon hear her sing/ singing for movies. Charitha: I've watched her listening/ listen to classical music CD's. Namratha: Let's wish her best of luck.

70 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü üµ Ωç 24 - Ë 2006 Anand: Hi Milind, congrats on your new bike. How much is it? (éìûªh bike éì oç-ü èπ congrats. áçûª- çc?) Milind: The on road cost is Rs /-. How do you find it? (Road O C-éÌ-îËa-ô- æp-öàéà 47,250 Ω ƒ-ߪ - jçc. á «ÖçC?) Anand: I find it quite sleek. Congrats on your choice of colour. She is gleaming and is a real beauty. What do you feel about its performance? (î «oí Á Ω - ÚhçC. F colour áç œ-éπèπ ÅGµ- ç-ü -. ÅC î «v æé - - ç-ûªçí, Åçü çí ÖçC. æ-e-b Ω -á- «-Å-E œ- Úh-ç-C?) Sleek = - æ í, polish îëæœ- ô x Öçúøôç = sleek. êuçí vehicles èπ úøû ç. A sleek bike/ a sleek car, etc. Vô d Åçü çí Eí -E-í - «- úø ûª - æ í ü Ny Öçõ ÅC èπÿú sleek hair. English apple æ«-ø - 'she' Åçö«Ω. 'I bought the car last week. Isn't she a real beauty? = ØËØ é Ω Ú - - Ωç éìø o. Eïçí ÅC Åçü çí ü? Milind: I feel it is a good buy. It gives 75 kmph, and carries a two year warranty. What do you think? ( ç* Ω Ë Å -èπ ç-ô -Ø o. Litre èπ 75 km. Ææ hçc. ü E-ûÓ- «ô È çúë x warranty èπÿú ÖçC. à ç-ö«?) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 160 Anand: Can't say. Long since I bought a bike. I don't know much about the recent brands. But, if you don't mind, I have a feeling that nearly Rs. 50,000/- is rather on the high side for a two wheeler. (îá æp-. ØË bike éìe î «é - - çc. Ñ üµ u *a Ωé í Jç* Ø éπçûªí ûál-ߪ ü. é F Ëy -éó-éπ- ÚûË, ü í _ Ω ü í _ Ω Ω.50,000 é Ææháèπ \ Ë Å -èπ ç-ô Ø o.) Can't say - ç àd îá æp- - - æ púø / à ÅGµ-v ƒßª ç - æ púø úë ô. I have a feeling = I feel = Ø éπ-e- œ- ÚhçC, rather on the high side = é Ææh áèπ \ Ë. On the high side = áèπ \ Ë. rather = -éà æ dç EN é Ææh áèπ \, Å -ö«-eéà úøû ç. The movie is rather dull = Ç ÆœE é Ææh NÆæ Íí. She is rather short = Ç Á é Ææh Òõ d. rather costly = é Ææh êküë. ç*- -öàf -éà- æ d- Á i öàf, æ y ü, «í ØË ÖçC Å -ö«-eéà, fairly úøû ç. The movie is fairly good. Ç ÆœE æ y ü. «í ØË ÖçC. The movie is rather dull. She is fairly tall. ( æ y- ü. Òúø Íí). She is rather short (é Ææh Òõ d). Milind: You can't get any other brand at that price for that mileage. (Åçûª Á ÉîËa à Éûª Ω v «çú èπÿú Ç üµ Ωèπ ü ) Anand: I Think you're right. My opinion is outdated. You change bikes often. You must know. ( y correct Å -èπ çö«. Ø ÅGµ-v ƒßª é - ç -îá-lx- N. y bikes ûª Ωîª Ω -Ææ hç-ö«fíé ûál-ߪ L.) Milind: Why don't you go for a new bike? For one like mine? (éìûªh bike äéπöà BÆæ -éó-èπÿ-úøü Ø «ç-öàüë?) Anand: I feel happy with the one I have. My impression is that the new ones are a bit difficult to handle, because of their pickup. (Ø èπ o bike Ø èπ «í ØË ÖçC. É æ p-úì-ææ h o éìûªh bikes Ëí ç ûªy Ωí æ çvéó- úøç x öàe Eߪ ç-vaç-îªúøç éπ æ d- E Ø ÅGµ-v ƒßª ç) Milind: Nothing of the sort. Ride one and feel for yourself. You'll get rid of your bike, I'm sure. (ÅüËç- ü. äéπ bike drive îëæœ îª úø, Å - µº- çûó ûá -Ææ éó. F ƒûª bike C-Lç-îª -èπ ç-ö«) Nothing of the sort = ÅüËç-/ Å «ç-öàüëç ü. get rid of = ü -Lç-îª -éó- ôç Å - -ôxèπ èπÿú îá ƒhç English apple äéπj ÅGµ-v ƒßª ç ûálê æü l -A apple Ææ Eoûªç áèπ \. ØË - -éìçö«, à Á îá æp-, Ëy- - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o? É «çöà ÅGµ-v ƒ-ߪ ûá -Ææ -èπ ØË ô î «ØË ÖØ o. ÅN á «ú apple É æ púø îª ü lç. Look at the following sentences from the dialogue between Anand and Milind 1) How do you find it? 2) I find it quite sleek 3) What do you feel about its performance? 4) What do you say? 5) Can't say 6)... I have a feeling... 7) I think you are right 8) My impression is that... 9) I'm sure. ç àüájø Ææp æ d- Á i N æߪ ç ûál-ߪ - æ- Ω-îª- - - æ púø, èπ çúø- -ü l éìöàd- ô x Eïç îá æpôç Á æ«- ôç x É æ dç éπ- Ú- Ø, Å -ûª-l- - x ØÌ œpç-îªôç É æ dç- -éπ- Ú- Ø Â j expressions úøû ç. 1) How do you find it? ÉC üëe í Jç-îÁjØ äéπj ÅGµv ƒßª ç ûá -Ææ -èπ -ØËç-ü èπ ÅúÕÍí ƒüµ - Ω-ù- Á i v æ o. What do you think of/ about it? / what's your opinion? éπçõ How do you find it? ÅØËüË áèπ \- í NE- œ-ææ hçc. Yamuna: You went to the movie yesterday. How did you find it? = E o y îª Æœ movie á «ÅE- œç-*çc Fèπ? (Éçûª-éπçõ simple, how was the movie yesterday? ÅØÌîª a, é F How did you find? ÅØËüË ûª Ω-îª í úø -ûª ç-ö«ω.) Ganga: I found it very good/ very exciting. (î ««í - oô d, Öû q- æ«-éπ- Ωç-í ÅE- œç-*çc. (Ø Å - µº ç) Mom to saw it. She finds it good too. ( Å t èπÿú îª ÆœçC. Ç Á èπÿú «í ØË Öçü - -èπ ç-öappleçc) Ééπ\úÕ 'find' èπ éπ -éó\- ôç ÅØË Å n-eéã Ææç çüµ ç ü. Find out= éπ -éó\- ôç/ ûá -Ææ - éó- ôç.'find' èπ ÅE- œç-îª-ôç-ûó- «ô éπe- œç-îª-ôç/- üì- Ω-éπôç ÅE èπÿú Å Ωnç. a) Where did you find the book? = Fé æ Ææhéπç áéπ\úø éπe- œç-*çc? I had been searching for it. I couldn't find it= ü E-éÓÆæç Áûª -èπ -ûª ØË ÖØ o. Ø èπ éπe- œç-îª- ü / üì Ω-éπ- ü. b) Find out= éπ -éó\- ôç/ ûá -Ææ -éó- ôç. i) The police have find out important information about the thief= üìçí í Jç* police î «êu N æ-ߪ éπ -íì-ø o Ω / ûá -Ææ -èπ -Ø o Ω. ii) I am unable to find out where he has gone Åûªúø áéπ\-úõ-èé- «xúó ØË ûá -Ææ -éó- -éπ- Ú-ûª -Ø o. iii) Find out where she was hidden the money (Ç Á úø s áéπ\úø ü *çüó éπ éó\) Be careful, you find her difficult to deal with ñ«ví ûªh. ÇNúøûÓ deal îëߪ ôç Fèπ éπ æ dçí ÅE- œç-îª- îª a). ÉD find èπÿ, find out èπÿ ûëú. Let's come back to 'find'. 2) I find it quite sleek = î «polished í Åçü çí éπe- œ- ÚhçC/ ÅE- œ- ÚhçC Ø èπ. a) -Ç movie Ø Íé- çûª ûª% œhí - -ü = I don't find it satisfactory (ûª% œhí ÅE- œçîªúøç ü.) b) That's OK for me, but my friend doesn't find it acceptable= Ø éπc ûª% œh-í ØË ÖçC/ *açc. friend èπ vûªç Ç Á -ü -ßÁ -í uçí ÅE- œç-îªôç ü. ÉD find ú -Lq Ææçü - s, B Ω. 3) What do you feel about its performance? = ü E æe-b Ω á «ÅE- œ- ÚhçC? find = feel about = ÅE- œç-îªôç/ éπe- œç-îªôç. How do you find it? Kundan: What do you feel about the food in the hostel? (Hostel food á «ÅE- œ- ÚhçC?/ á «ÖçC?) Madan: I feel/ find it OK. Can get on. ( æ Ω- - -ü -E- œ- ÚhçC. Ææ Ω l-èπ - Ú- îª a = «üµëç- ü ) I feel it/ find it OK= I feel (that) it is OK/ I find (that) it is OK. 4) What do you say? = Ëy- ç-ö«?/ O Í - çö«ω? ÉC äéπj ÅGµ-v ƒ-ߪ Eo ûá -Ææ -éó- -ö«-eéà úë Ææ Ωy- ƒ-üµ - Ω-ù- Á i v æ o. What do you say / does your father say? ÉC î «áèπ \- í Nçô çö«ç éπü? What do the students say / feel about/ How do the students find the new teacher? = éìûªh teacher í Jç* students ÅGµ-v ƒßª ç àn öà? à - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o Ω? (6) & (8): I have a feeling/ My impression that: 6) I have a feeling = Ø éπ-e- œ- ÚhçC. I have a feeling that Rs. 50,000 is too high for a two wheeler = Cyîªvéπ æ«-ø -EéÀ Ω ƒ-ߪ - -èπ \- Ë- Á - E Ø éπ-e- œ- ÚhçC. a) She had a feeling that the doctor wasn't treating her properly = ú éπd Ω ûª ÆæJí îª úø-ôç- -ü E Ç Á -éó- µ«ç ÖçúËC/ ÅE- œç-*çc. b) Why do you have the feeling we don't like you? yçõ èπ É æ dç- -ü E áçü -éπ- -èπ ç-ô -Ø o? ÉN What's you feeling? ÅØË question èπ answers Å -û. 8) My impression is that... Ø èπ o/ Ø Íé- Ωp-úÕ ÅGµ-v ƒßª ç... ÅE Å Ωnç. a) Dhiraj: Well, you have seen the arrangements. What do you feel? (à p-ôxfo - í ) à -E- œ- ÚhçC? Niraj: OK. But my impression is that you have taken too much trouble. ( «í ØË ÖçC. é F y K áèπ \ trouble BÆæ -èπ -Ø o- -E- œ- ÚhçC/ Ø Íé- Ωp-úÕ ÅGµ-v ƒßª ç y K áèπ \ trouble BÆæ -èπ -Ø o- Ë- Á - E. c) His impression is that he was not treated properly. ûª ÆæJí îª úø- -ü ØË µ«ç Åûª-E apple ÖçC.  j Fo -éπ-e- œç-*- N, -Íé- Ωp-úÕ ÅGµ-v ƒ-ߪ í Jç* Åúø-í -ö«-eéà, îá æp-ö«-eéà úë ô. ( ç éπ*aûªçí É «Å -èπ ç-ô -Ø o- E îáê pçü èπ, I am/ he is/ they are sure/ certain Åçö«ç ÅE èπ ûá Ææ ) äéó\- ƒj ÅGµ-v ƒ-ߪ Eo éπ*a-ûªçí uéπh- æ- Ωîª ç; Á æ«- ôç x é îª a, ã N æ-ߪ Eo í Jç* èπ æ Jhí Å -í - æ«éπ- Ú- -ôç- «x é îª a. Å «ç-ô- æ púø, I can't say Åçö«ç. 5) I can't say. Kumar: What do you feel about Mallik? (Do you) think he is good? ( Lx-é í Jç* à - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o? úø ç*- -úëø?) Kesav: Can't say. I've known him for just two days (îá æp- / á «îá æp? Åûª Ø èπ È çúø ÓV- -í ØË ûá Ææ ). b) Murali: Do you think he can do the job? ( ú æe îëߪ -í - -úøç-ö«?) Pramod: Difficult to say. He hasn't done this type of job before. (îá æpúøç éπ æ dç/ îá æp ç. É «çöà æe Éçûª-èπ - ç-üá- æ púø îëߪ - -ü -ûª.) So, can't say, difficult to say- Åçõ èπ Ææp æ d- Á i ÅGµ-v ƒßª ç ü - o- ô. Now practise the following aloud in English Mahesh: Hi Ganesh, ç j ç* á æ púø AJ-íÌ-î a? Ganesh: E oøë. Mahesh: Åéπ\úø áçúø- «ÖØ oß?(feel/ find úøçúõ.) Ganesh:  j«ü - - «ü apple éπçõ Åüµ y- oçí ÅE- œç- *çc. Ø µ«,  j«ü - - «ü apple áçúø- -èπ \- - Ø îá ô æôdü. vûª Ÿ} îª xí ÅE- œ-ææ hçc. Mahesh: Åéπ\úø Nü u- -Ææ-ûª Ééπ\-úÕ-éπçõ «í ç-ö«ßª? Ganesh: îá æp-, ØËF N æߪ ç Åçûª æj-q-lç-îª- ü. Ø µ«ééπ\úë Á Ω -í E. Mahesh: áçü -éì-*açc Fé ÅGµv ƒßª ç? Ganesh: ØË o ÓV applex Åéπ\úø Ø èπ ûªt-l xç-ü Ω business ûª æp ÉçéÓöÀ ö«x-úø- ü. Education èπ Åçûª v ƒüµ uç É y- -ôd-e- œç-*çc. Answer Mahesh: Hi Ganesh, When did you return from Mumbai? Ganesh: The day before (yesterday). Mahesh: How did you find/ feel the summer/ heat there? Ganesh: I found it worse than in Hyderabad. My feeling is that though Hyderabad is hot, we don't sweat here. We feel the nights are cool. Mahesh: Did you find educational facilities better there than here? Ganesh: (I) can't say/ difficult to say. I didn't pay attention to it I have a feel that they are better here. Mahesh: Why did you/ do you feel so? Ganesh: All those I met there during my stay talked only of business. My impression was that they didn't give importance to studies.

71 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ÿ-véπ Ωç 26 - Ë 2006 Prasanth: Meena, You remember Sekhar. don't Meena: you? Fèπ Sekhar í Ω h-ø oúø éπü? (sentence * Óx don't you? ÅØËC question tag. ûá Ææ éπü? î «-é ç éàçü õ ç Ñ columns apple OöÀE í Jç* ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. éπü? é ü? åø? ü? ÅØË Å n- ûó Ææ hçc.) Of course. Isn't he that police officer? He helped us a lot when we had an accident last year? í Ω h éπ- Ú- -ô- Ë çöà? (= ofcourse). Ç police officer éπü? èπ í ûª Ææç ûªq Ωç accident Å - - æ púø î «Ææ æ ߪ ç îë»úø. Prasanth: That's he. My cousin Govind is a good friend of his. He has phoned me Mr. Sekhar has come here. So I went and invited him. cousin Govind Åûª-úÕéÀ ç* friend. Sekhar Ééπ\úÕéÀ î a- ΩE Phone îë»úø. ØË- ÁRx dinner èπ œl-î. Meena: You've done a good thing. Mr.Sekhar had a doctor friend in the hospital. That doctor friend attended on us immediately, because of Mr.Sekhar. Mr.Sekhar had been a stranger to us till then. Surprising he took such an interest in us. î «ç* æe îë» Ω. Ïê èπ hospital apple ã doctor friend ÖØ oúø. Ïê x Çߪ èπ ÁçôØË Ájü uç îë»úø. Åçûª- - Ωèπ, Ïê- èπ - Á Ó ûál-ߪ ü. -N- æ-ߪ ç- apple Çߪ Åçûª interest BÆæ -éó- ôç Ç a- Ωu Ë. Prasanth: Mr. Sekhar was really God sent that day. He saved our lives. But for him there is no knowing what would Meena: have happened to us. Ç ÓV èπ Ïê üë úë æç œ- ô x î a Ω. v ƒù«lo é ƒ-ú Ω. Çߪ ØË éπ- Ú Öçõ -Íé- -ߪ uç-úëüó ûál-ߪ ü. My brother has just sent us a basket of mangoes from his garden. We will serve Mr.Sekhar those mangoes. We will serve him to Jangri. I made it yesterday. Å oߪ u/ ûª túø É æ púë ûóô apple ç* N -úõ- æç-úø x æç œç-î úø. öàe Ïê- èπ úõfü lç. Çߪ - èπ ñ«çvt èπÿú úõfü lç. E oøë îë». Prasanth: He deserves all hospitality. He saved our lives. Let's do our best to Meena: satisfy him. Çߪ áçûª-öà ÇA--ü u-e-èéjø Å Ω úë. v ƒù«é ƒ-ú úø. Çߪ Eo ûª% œh- æ- Ω-îª-ö«- EéÀ ÅEo v æߪ -û o îëü lç. OK then. I will be on the job. ÆæÍ Å ûë ØËØ æe O üë Öçö«. J J J O j- ç-ûª- - Ωèπ conversation simple í easy í Öçúøôç éπ*a-ûªçí ÅGµ- - æ-ùã-ߪ Ë. Å ûë ÅC ÅEo ƒ Ω x ƒüµ uç é éπ- Ú- îª a éπü. ÅDé èπ çú Å -ûªl Ÿx é Ææh éπ æ d- Á i sentences ö«x-úõûë ç Å Ωnç îëææ -éó-í - -í L éπü. Åçü -éπe Ñ ƒj ç* conversation apple èπÿú é Ææh extended sentences úøôç practice îëü lç. Åçõ É æpöà- ç* ç advanced level conversation/ Spoken English practice îëææ h-ø o- - o- ô. Clause Åçõ í Ω hçc éπü? A group of words with a verb. È çúø sentences * o * on NúÕ NúÕí úë ü äíé sentence é Ææh  ü lc úõ conversation effective í îëææ -éó- ôç ç*c. îª úøçúõ: He is the same teacher. He taught us this lesson. He taught us it interestingly. Ñ sentences îª ÊÆç-ü èπ * o-ní, Ææ - µºçí ÖØ o. é F öà- -öàéã He, repeat Å ôç á s-ô dí ü. ÅüË Å Ωnç îëaô x éàçc sentence îª úøçúõ. He is the same teacher who taught us this lesson interestingly. (Ñ ƒ Ωç interesting í îá œpçc ÅüË teacher).  j sentence apple àç îë»ç? Åçûª-èπ - ç-ü o úø sentences, 'who' ûó éπl-ê ƒç. É æ púø äíé sentence Å uçc. so, éìçîáç advanced level conversation apple, who, which, that, whose ûó, Å æ p-úø- æ púø 'whom' ûó éπ - æ- îª a. á «íó îª ü l? -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 161 Now look at the following sentences from the dialogue above. 1) Isn't he the police officer? He helped us a lot when we had an accident last year. 2) My cousin Govind is a good friend of his. He has phoned me Sekhar is here. 3) Mr. Sekhar had a doctor friend in the hospital. That doctor friend attended on us immediately because of Mr. Sekhar. 4) Mr. Sekhar was really God sent that day. He saved our lives that day. 5) My brother has just sent us a basket of mangoes from his garden. We will serve them to Mr. Sekhar. Let's try to reduce the length of the each group of sentences above. We can do so by joining them with who, whose, which and that. But before that OöÀ Å n, Ö æ-ßá í ç îª ü lç: a) The man who wrote the book is my friend. á æ Ææhéπç» Ó Åûªúø Ø ÊÆo œ«-ûª úø Ñ Å Ωnç ÆæÈ j- üë. é F ûá -í apple É «Å çéπü. Åçü èπ ü : Ç æ Ææhéπç Æœ- -ûªúø Ø ÊÆo œ«-ûª úø -Å-E -Åç-ö«ç. DEo È çúø sentences éπ - -éπí èπÿú Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- îª a: The man wrote the book. He is my friend - ÉC Åçü çí Öçü? èπ çõ The man who wrote the book is my friend, ÅØËC Åçü çí Öçü? The man wrote the book. He is my friend ÉC éìçîáç Nçûª-í ØË ÅE œ-ææ hçc NØËç-ü èπ. Åçü -éπe The man who wrote the book is my friend - ÉC æ çü í NE œ-ææ hçc. b) His brother came here yesterday. He has just left. ÅûªúÕ brother E o î aúø. Åûªúø É æ púë Á «xúø Ñ 2 sentences ü, É «Å çúõ. His brother who came here yesterday has just left. E o *a ÅûªúÕ brother É æ púë Á «xúø. c) This is the book. I gave it to him yesterday. ÉC æ Ææhéπç. ÅC ØË -ûª-úõéà E o Éî a ÉC áçûª á s-ô dí ÖçC? Ñ È çúø é u- äéπ-öàí 'which' úõ éπ - æ ü ç. (a), (b) applex - æfl é öàd who ú ç. æ Ææhéπç Ææ h éπü? Åçü -éπe which ú L. This is the book which I gave him yesterday= E o ØË -ûª-úõ-éà-*a æ Ææhéπç ÉC. d) Here is the dog. It tried to bite me. Ç èπ éπ\ Ééπ\-úø çc. ÅC o éπ Ω ú EéÀ v æߪ -Aoç-*çC. Ééπ\úø èπÿú 'which' join îëߪ çúõ. Here is the dog which tried to bite me. e) This is Hari. His parents are here. Éûªúø æ«j. ÅûªE ûªlxü ç-vúø -L-éπ\-úø -Ø o Ω. éπ - æçúõ. This is Hari whose parents are here. Ééπ\úø ûªlx-ü ç-vúø - - o-ûª æ«j. äéì\-éπ\- æ púø who/ which ü that úøû ç. èπÿú Conversation appleç* BÆœ sentence groups apple 1st group îª ü lç. 1) Isn't he the police officer? He helped us a lot when we had an accident last year. éπ - æ ü ç: Isn't he the police officer who helped us a lot when... 2) My cousin Govind is a good friend of his. He has phoned me Sekhar is here = My cousin Govind who is a good friend of his has phoned me... 3) Mr. Sekhar had a doctor friend in the hospital. That doctor friend attended on us immediately. éπl- œûë, Mr. Sekhar had a doctor friend who attended on us immediately at the hospital. This is the book which I. Now practise the following aloud in English (OôEoöÀ apple who, whose, which and that ûó éπl- œ sentences úøçúõ.) Pramila: Pratyusha: y EØÓo æ Ææhéπç ûáî a. ÅC àc? Åçõ ØËEoØÓo æ Ææhéπç v æ -Réπ ü í _ Ω ç* ûáî a, ü Eo í JçîËØ y-úõ-ííc? 4) Mr. Sekhar was really God sent that day. He saved our lives that day. Mr. Sekhar who was really God sent helped us that day. 5) My brother has just sent us a basket of mangoes. We will serve them to Mr. Sekhar. Join the sentences: My brother has just sent us a basket of mangoes which we will served to Mr. Sekhar. É «who, whom, whose, which and that ûó éπlê sentences N - î «ÖØ o. Pramila: Pratyusha: Pramila: v æ -Réπ Ç æ Ææhéπç v æææ ü í _ Ω ç* ûá*açc. ÅC FéÀ-*açC. v æææ Åçõ Ç English novels ûáí îªc Ë Å t-ßë Ø? Å. Ç Å t- Íé Ñ üµ u English essay writing apple Ist prize *açc. -v æ- o: i) Future perfect tense à Nüµ çí Ö æ-ßá - Tç-î L?ii) Vocabulary & word power á «Â çîª -éó- L?iii) Helping verb ûª yûª to infinitive Öçú «? ü plain (bare) infinitive Öçú «? ñ. V, ñ j, -Ç-C «- «ü apple äéπ Ææ -ߪ -EéÀ æ Ωh Öçô ç-ü ØË æeéà future perfect úøû ç. shall have + past participle/ will have + past participle -ï- - : i) Future a) In an hour from now, he will/ have reached home = äéπ í çô Ææ -ߪ -E-éÀ/- í çô í úõ-îë- apple æ ANSWER Pramila: Where is the book which/ that you brought yesterday? Pratyusha: Are you talking of the book which/ that I brought from Pravalika. Pramila: Pravalika gave you the book which she borrowed (Å Ω ûá*açc) (that book) from Prasuna. Pratyusha: Is Pravalika the girl who always reads English novels? Pramila: Yea. That's the girl who got the Ist prize in English essay writing competition. úø É x îëj Öçö«úø Åçõ í çô- apple- æ úõ x îë Ωôç Å - Ú-ûª çc. b) They will have come back by this time tomorrow = Í - ƒ-öàéà Ÿx AJ-íÌ-îª açö«ω. (Åçõ Ñ timeèπ Í æ çüë AJ-T- - ôç Å - Ú-ûª çc) ii) You can improve your vocabulary by regular reading - of English newspapers, books, etc. That's the only way. iii) Help ûª yûª to infinitive/plain infinitive - àüájø correct. a) He helped me to get the tickets = He helped me get the tickets - both right.

72 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü --Ç-C Ωç 28 - Ë 2006 Kedar: Isn't it Nikhil who called? Phone îëæœçc Nikhil éπü? Kailas: Yes. Our mechanic repaired my bike last week, you know. Nikhil wants him. Å. Ú - - Ωç bike mechanic repair îë»úø í ü. Nikhil èπ ûª é - ô. Kedar: Why? (Is) something wrong with his bike? áçü èπ? ÅûªúÕ bike èπ à Ø o JÊ? Kailas: Obviously. But my surprise is he got it repaired it only the day before. It has trouble now again. Few mechanics are honest. Few know their job well. ÅçûË-éπü. é F Ç a Ωuç àn ôçõ Åûªúø ü Eo Á oøë repair îë çî úø. Sx É æ púø ü EéÀ trouble. Eñ«-ߪ B Ö o mechanics ü ü æ Ω. æe ûál-æœ mechanics èπÿú ü ü æ Ω. Obviously - evidently = clearly = ûá -Ææ høë/ éπe œ-ææ høë/ îª ÊÆhØË Å Ωnç ÅßË u «ÖçC. Few = ü ü æ Ω / ü A few - à éìcl- çüó/ à éìøóo. ÉC îª úøçúõ. Few Mechanics are honest, fewer (mechanics) still know their job.. (È çúó- ƒj fewer ûª yûª mechanics îá æpéπ\- Ω ü. ü ü æ à mechanic èπÿ Eñ«-ߪ B ü. Åçûª-éπØ o ûªèπ \ (Fewer) xèπ æe ûá Ææ. É «çöà expression «í practice îëߪ çúõ for effective conversation. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 162 Kedar: But What happened to his mechanic? His shop is next to the fast food joint. It is very close to his rooms. é F ÅûªúÕ mechanic à -ߪ uúø? Ç öà œø centre æéπ\øë ÅûªúÕ Shop. Nikhil x rooms èπ ü í _ Ω. (Rooms = Bachelors «çöà- Ÿx ÅüÁlèπ BÆæ èπ E ÖçúË í CE rooms Åçö«Ω. Room ÅE Singular apple úø Ω Ñ Å ΩnçûÓ) Kailas: It seems he is out with another customer. He is buying a bike. He wanted this mechanic's opinion. Åûªúø ÉçéÓ customer ûó ߪ -öàéà Á «xúø. Åûª-ØËüÓ bike éìçô -Ø oúø. Ñ mechanic ÅGµ-v ƒßª ç ûá -Ææ -èπ -ØËç-ü èπ Åûª-úÕE BÆæ -Èé- «xúø. Kedar: So what are you going to do? Å ûë Ëyç îëߪ - apple-ûª -Ø o? Kailas: I've already called our mechanic and told him of it. He is sending his boy. He will fetch the bike to the shop. The mechanic will attend to it. Ø mechanic èπ Phone îëæœ îá ƒp. x èπ v -úõe æç ƒúø. Åûªúø çúõ BÆæ -èπ - ÊÆh mechanic ü Eo repair îë ƒhúø. Kedar: Our mechanic does his job well. His knowledge of mechanism is sound. mechanic «í ØË îë ƒhúø. Mechanism æôx Åûª-úÕéÀ Ö o Å -í - æ«ç*üë. Sound = good; Sound Health - ç* Ç Óí uç sound knowledge - ç* knowledge sound sleep - ç* Evü sound financial position - ç* ÇJnéπ æj-æœna. Kailas: He is certainly a good one. His boys too are well trained. Åûªúø Eïçí ç* mechanic. ÅûªúÕ èπ v Ÿx èπÿú «í Péπ~ù Ö o Ïx. Kedar: I have a number of friends. He has repaired their bikes. They are all happy. He repaired my cousin's bike six months ago. It has not given him any trouble since then. Ø friends î «- çc bikes Éûª-úø repair îëêæh Ææç-ûª% œh -îáç-ü Ω. cousin bike Ç Ω ØÁ éàçü repair îë»úø. Å æpöà ç* ÅüËç trouble É y- ü. È çúø úø sentences éπl œ effective sentence í Ωaúøç practice îëææ hø oç éπü Who, whom, whose, which and that ûó éπl œ. ÉC áçûª áèπ \ practice îëêæh conversation apple K * o * o sentences ûó repetition èπ çú é Ææh æ çü í Öçô çc. Åçü Íé É æ púø ç advanced level of conversation apple ÖØ oç ÅE í Ω hîëææ -éóçúõ. Look at the following sentences from the dialogue above. 1) Isn't it Nikhil who called? 2) Our mechanic repaired my bike last week. Nikhil wants him. 3) He got it repaired the day before. It has trouble now. 4) His shop is next to the fast food joint. It is very close to his rooms. 5)... he is out with another customer. He is buying a bike. He wanted this mechanic's opinion. 6) He is sending his boy. He will fetch the bike to the shop. The mechanic will attend to it. 7) Our mechanic does his job well. His knowledge of mechanism is sound. 8) I have a number of friends. He repaired their bikes. They are all happy. 9) He repaired my cousin's bike. It hasn't given him any trouble since then. Oô--Eoç-öÀF ç who, which, whose and that ûó éπl œ * o sentences í Ω ü lç. 1) Isn't it Nikhil who/ that called? ÉC ûª Ω-îª í conversation apple ú -Lq / èπ NE- œçîë expression - E" é ü œl-*çc? ÅØË Å Ωnç apple E" éπü œl-*çc? = Is it Nikhil who/ that called? È çúõç-öàéã not ûëú. Ééπ\úø who/ that È ç-úõçöà apple àüájø úìîª a. Å ûë v ƒùç- E Ææ h- N æ-ߪ ç apple who ü, that vûª Ë Ææ hçc. Which èπÿú Ææ hçc. eg. Isn't it the book that / which you want? (Fèπ é - -Æœ æ Ææhéπç ÉC é ü?) Å ûë Ééπ\úø who, which etc ûó join îëߪ -Lq Å -Ææ- Ωç- ü. 2) Our mechanic repaired my bike. Nikhil wants him mechanic Ú Ωç Ø bike repair îë»úø, Nikhil èπ ûª é L. Ééπ\úø who/ that úõ Ñ È çúø sentences éπ - æ- -îª a-éπü, É «îª úøçúõ. áçûª effective í Öçô çüó. Nikhil wants our mechanic who/ that repaired my bike last week. Ø bike repair îëæœ mechanic Nikhil èπ é L. 3) He got repaired the day before. It has trouble now. úø ü Eo Á o repair îë ç-îª -èπ -Ø oúø. É æ p-úøc trouble É ÚhçC. Ééπ\úø Ñ È çúø sentences üëeûó éπ - ƒl? Ææ h é öàd 'which'. îª úøçúõ. The bike (it) which he got repaired the day before has trouble now. Á o repair îë ç-îª -èπ o bike èπ É æ púø trouble ÖçC. 4) His shop is next to the fast food joint. It is close to his rooms. ÅûªúÕ shop, Ç öà œø centre èπ ü í _Í. ÅC ÅûªúÕ í CéÀ ü í _Í. fast food joint - ÉC correct English, öà œø English é ü ÅE Éçûªèπ çü ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü. É æ púø éπ - æçúõ,  j È ç-úõçöàf. which éπü, Ææ h é öàd. His shop is next to the fast food joint which is close to his rooms. ÅûªúÕ í CéÀ ü í _- Ωí Ö o fast food joint æéπ\øë Ç shop. He is sending his boy who will.. 5) He is out with another customer. He is buying a bike. He wanted this mechanic's opinion. Åûªúø ÉçéÓ customer ûó Á «xúø. Ç customer bike éìçô -Ø oúø. Åûª-úÕéÀ Á é -Eé ÅGµ-v ƒßª ç é L. Combine the above. Use 'who' - - æfl é öàd. He is out with another customer who is buying a bike and wanted his opinion. Bike éìçô o ÉçéÓ customer ÅûªúÕ ÅGµv ƒßª ç é - - -úøçûó ûª ( Á é -Eé ) Åûª-úÕûÓ Á «xúø. EXERCISE Practise the following aloud in English. (éàçc öà applex who, which, whose, that úøçúõ) Preethi: Hi Prema, O ûª t-úá «ÖØ oúø? Prema: «í ØË ÖØ oúø. í úõ æéπ\ practice îëêæ doctor ü í _- ΩÍé BÆæ -Èé- «x. Çߪ É*a çü «í æe-îë-». É æ úø é Ææh èπ «- ƒí ÖØ oúø. Preethi: Èé- æ púø Ájü uç îëêæ ú éπd Ω Çߪ ØË. Çߪ prescribe îëêæ çü «í æe-îë- ƒh. ucµ E Ωgߪ ç (diagnosis) ûª æ p- ÚE doctors apple Çߪ -ØÌ-éπúø (whose úøçúõ) Prema: ûª túõo E oöà Ωèπ treat îëߪ E doctor Çߪ -ØÌ-éπ\úË. Ñ area apple N í û Doctors Åçü Ω ûª t-úõe îª Æœ- - Ïx. Preethi: ÅûªúÕ Ç Óí uç æôx Éçé v ü l œ«ç-î L O Ω. Prema: ÅüË «üµ. 6) He is sending his boy. He will fetch the bike. ûª èπ v -úõe æç œ-ææ h-ø oúø. Åûªúø bike BÆæ éì- ƒhúø. Fetch= äéπîóôèπ ÁRx BÆæ -èπ - - ôç bring = ç Ö o îóô ç* BÆæ -èπ - - ôç = He is sending his boy who will fetch the bike. 7) Our Mechanic does his job well. His knowledge of mechanism is sound. mechanic «í ØË îë ƒhúø. Åûª-úÕéÀ Mechanism apple ç* ñ«c ç ÖçC. Ñ È çúø sentences È çúø Nüµ - í éπ - Òîª a 'who', 'whose' úõ. a) Our Mechanic who does his job well has a sound knowledge of... «í îëêæ Mechanic èπ Mechanism ñ«c ç «í ÖçC. b) Our Mechanic whose knowledge of mechanism is sound does his job well = Mechanism apple ç* knowledge Ö o Mechanic «í îë ƒhúø. 8) I have a number of friends. He repaired their bikes. They are happy. Ø èπ î «çc friends ÖØ o Ω. Åûªúø x bikes repair îë»úø. Ÿx ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖØ o Ω. 'Whose' úõ éπ - æ ü ç. Å Ωnç, á J bikes Å ûë Åûªúø repair îë»úó... Å o-ô xí Ææ hçc. ûá -í apple Å «Å ç. I have a number of friends whose bikes he has repaired, and they are all happy. 9) He repaired my cousin's bike six months ago, it hasn't given him trouble ever since. éπ - æ ü ç Ééπ\úø èπÿú which ûó éπ - Ò-îª aéπü? My cousin's bike which he repaired six months ago hasn't given him any trouble ever since. Åûªúø Ç Ω ØÁ éàçü repair îëæœ cousin bike Å æpöà ç* à trouble É y- ü. Ever since = Å æpöà ç* ÉN ô applex «í practice -îë-ߪ çúõ. ANSWER Preethi: Hi Prema, how's your brother? Prema: OK. I took him to the doctor who practises by the temple. The medicines which he gave had a good effect. He is better now. Preethi: He is the doctor who treats all of us. The medicines which he prescribes work. He is one of those whose diagnosis does not go wrong. Prema: He was the only one who did not treat my brother till yesterday in this area. The others in the area have all treated my brother. Preethi: You must take still greater care of him. Prema: That's our worry.

73 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü --- çí - Ωç 30 - Ë 2006 Neeraj: What's wrong Suraj? Your head looks rather odd. Let me see. Ah... it's your haircut. (àçöà Ò Ω- ƒô? F ûª üó N*vûªçí éπ - æ-úø -ûóçc. îª úøf.. Ç Å Ωn- Á içc... y îë ç-îª -èπ o hair cut) (rather - -éà- æ dç- E N æߪ ç éìclí áèπ \ ÅEpç-*- - æ púø rather Åçö«ç. Éçûªèπ - çü lessons apple DFo îªjaçî ç. îª úøçúõ. Odd- éπçõ ËÍ / N*-vûª- Á i (Ééπ\úÕ Å n ) Odd Number = Æœ Ææçêu Rs. Two thousand odd = È çúø Ë Ω ƒ-ߪ * x Ω (üµ Ω, ê Ω a «çöàn úë- æ púø ) Suraj: You are talking about my hair cut! My barber is an expert hair stylist. He always gives me the latest in hair cut. Any thing looks odd if it is the latest ( y Ø hair cut í Jç* ö«x-úø -ûª - Ø o? barber î «E æ -ù úø. Ø Èé- æ púø latest hair cut îë ƒhúø. éìûªhüëüáj Á ü ô Nçûªí ØË éπ - æ-úø -ûª çc.) Hair stylist - barber Neeraj: It does perhaps. But I still feel you should have gone to my barber. Every one likes him a lot. His shop is just across the road from your man's (Å -ûª ç-üë Á. Å Ø y barber ü í _- Ω-Èé- Ÿxç-ú -Lqç--C -Å-E -Å- -èπ ç--ô Ø o.) Suraj: Look here My barber gave me this hair cut. I am satisfied with it. I don't know your hair stylist.why should I go to him at all? (îª úø. barber É «îë»úø. Ø èπ Ææçûª%- œhí ÖçC. O úá- Ó Ø éπææ ûá-l-ߪ -ü. ØËØÁç-ü èπ Á «xl ÅûªúÕ ü í _-JéÀ?) Neeraj: Come, Suraj. Don't be cross with me. There are more interesting things to talk about, aren't there? You bought some books yester day.you didn't show them to me at all. (Ææ Ωñ éó æp-úìü l. Éçûª-éπçõ ÇÆæ-éÀh-éπ- Ω- Á i N æ-ߪ - -Ø o éπü? E o y éì o æ Ææhé Ø èπ îª œç-îªøë ü ) Suraj: These are the books. I bought at a discount of 30% to 40% each at the book fare. They are interesting books. (Ç æ Ææh-é -LN. v æ-b-c 30 ç* 40»ûªç ûªt_ç æ üµ Ω apple éìø o ) Neeraj: What are they about? (ÅN üëe í Jç*?) Suraj: All of them are fiction. But this book is different. It deals with the future of Kashmir. It's interesting. The author is a great historian. Great Scholars respect him (Å Fo éπü æ Ææh-é. fictions - éπü. (éπlpç-*- N é öàd) Fiction - éπlpûªç. Å ûë ÉC vûªç ûëú. ÅC Kashmir µºn æuûª h îªja-ææ hçc. deal with = äéπ æ Ææhéπç/ äéπ subject/ ã Ö æ-ø uææç/ã Ö æ- Ø u-ææ-èπ úø etc. îªjaç-îªôç.) Eg: Zoology deals with animals = (ïçûª -»ÆæYç ïçûª - - í Jç* îªja-ææ hçc/ Åüµ uߪ ç îëææ hçc.) deal with/deals with (Present) dealt with (Past tense & past participle) Neeraj: There are two or three books here. I find them interesting. Shall I take them? I promise to return them promptly within ten days. (Ééπ\úø È çúø úø æ Ææh-é Ø èπ ÇÆæéÀh éπl-tçîë-ní ÖØ o. ØË öàe BÆæ -éóø?10 ÓV applex ûª æpéπ AJT ÉîËa ƒh E öà-ææ hø o.) Suraj: Who's (who is) stopping you? E-ØÁo Ω Ç æ -ûª -Ø o Ω?(Åçõ BÆæ éó ÅE. ÆæçûÓ- æçí é F éó æçí é F, E-ØÁo Ω Ç æõ xü. àç îëߪ - - -èπ ç-ö«ó îë, ÅE) O conversation apple practice îëߪ çúõ. Neeraj: Thank you. éàçü öà lesson apple ç ØË Ω a-èπ o who, what, whom, whose ûó, N -ö«-eéà é Ææh á s- -ôde- œçîë ÒöÀd ÒöÀd Sentences äéπ Sentence í éπ- æ-úøç ØË Ω a-èπ Ø oç. J-éÌEo N - É æ púø... Look at the following sentences from the conversation above. 1) My barber is an expert hairstylist. He always gives me the latest in hair cut ( «éπöàçí apple barber î «E æ -ù úø. Hair cut apple latest fashion îë ƒhúø.) 2) You should have gone to my barber. Everyone likes him. ( hair dresser ü í _-JéÀ y Á Ÿxç-ú -LqçC. v æa äéπ\ Ω ÇûªEo É æ d- æ-úø-û Ω.) He is just across the road from your man's (O «Ωs áü - Ω -í ØË ÅûªúÕ shop.) 3) My barber gave me a hair cut. I am satisfied with it. (Ø barber Ø èπ îëæœ éπöàçí Ææçûª%- œhí ÖçC.) 4) I don't know your hairstylist. Why should I go to him at all? (F hair dresser (ÉC èπÿú úøû ç) Ø èπ ûál-ߪ ü. ØËØÁç-ü -Èé- «xl Åûª-E-ü -í _ Ωèπ?) 5) You bought some books yesterday. You didn't show them to me. (E o y éìeo æ Ææh-é éìø o. öàe Ø èπ îª œç-îª- ü.) 6) These are the books. I bought them at discount of 30% to 40% each. (ÉO Ç æ Ææh-é. OöÀE ØË äéó\-ü Eo 30 ç* 40»ûªç Ωèπÿ Discount apple éìø o ) 7) This book is different. It deals with the future of Kashmir. (-Ñ æ Ææhéπç -v æ-ûëuéπ- Á i- -C. ÉC Kashmir µºnûª -N- Ïx- œç-*ç-c.) 8) The author is a great historian. All scholars respect him. ( Ωîª- ûª íì æp îªjvûªé Ω úø. æçúõ-ûª - -ûª-úõe íı Ω-N- ƒh Ω.) 9) There are two or three books here. I find them interesting. (OöÀ applee È çúø úø æ Ææh-é Ø èπ ÇÆæ-éÀh-éπ- Ωçí ÖØ o.) Sentence groups No 1, and No 9 äéπöàí éπ - æ-ú -EéÀ, who and which ûª æp-e-ææ- Jí ú -LqçüË. Sentence group No 1 My barber is an expert hairstylist. He always gives me the latest in hair cut= My barber is an expert hair stylist who gives me... Sentence group No. 7: This book is different. It deals with the future of Kashmir= This book which deals with the future of Kashmir is different. N í û Sentence groups who (whom ü - í Who) úø-û - ΩE í ûª lessons apple ûá -Ææ - èπ Ø oç. 2) You should have gone to my barber. Everyone likes him. (v æa Ÿx á -JE É æ d æúøû Ó Ç barber ü í _-JéÀ Áy- «x-lqçc. ûá -í apple DEéÀ ü v æa- x É æ d- æúë barber ü í _-JéÀ... ÅE Åçö«ç. Å æ púø á -JE Å -ö«-eéà èπÿú whom ü who É «-úø û ç.) You should have gone to my barber who everyone likes. 3) My barber gave me a hair cut. I am satisfied with it. My barber gave me a hair cut which I am satisfied with. É «çöà Ææçü - s applex which èπÿú C- - ߪ ôç úø -Èéj- Ú- çc. The author is a great historian who... -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 163 îª úøçúõ! My barber gave me a haircut I am satisfied with. (with ûª yûª it Sx ü ). 4) I don't know your hair stylist why should I go to him at all. éπ - æ ü ç: Why should I go to your hair stylist who (whom é ü ) I don't know at all? (ÉC Ú açúõ. Why should I go to a hair stylist I don't know at all- Ééπ\úø who èπÿú C- - ߪ ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ). 5) You bought some books. You didn't show them to me = You bought some books which you didn't EXERCISE Practise the following aloud in English. Saran: E o FûÓ Ö o ÅûªØÁ- Ω? Varun: Åûªúø Ø friend Tarun. Majority students support îëêæ student leader Åûªúø. Saran: ØË àüó æva-éπ apple Åûªúø Æœ uææç îªc- Åéπ\úø ØË -ûªúõ photo . Åçü -éπe ÅúÕí. Varun: Åûªúø ÊÆ u ƒ î «interesting í, Ç apple-îª Í Èé-Ahç-îË-Ní Öçö«. Saran: ÅC ØË í -Eç-î. Åûªúø Lecturers èπÿú É æ d- æúë student Å -èπ çö«. Varun: ÆæçüË- æ«? ç* book reader. Åûªúø îªc Ë books î «serious books. Ñ æ Ææhéπç Åûªúø îªü - - E Ææ æ É*açüË. Saran: Å «çöà students Å Ω -ü í îª ƒhç éπü? show me - You didn't show me the books you bought yesterday. (Ñ last sentence apple which èπÿú éπ- Ú- úøç correct - í -Eç-îªçúÕ). 6) These are the books I bought them at a discount of 30% to 40% each. = These are the books which I bought at a discount of 30% to 40% each = These are the books I bought at a discount of 30% to 40% each. * J sentences apple which drop îë»ç. Å Ø éπè Íéd. 8) The author is a great historian. All scholars respect = The author is a great historian who all scholars respect= The author is a great historian all scholars respect. (who èπÿú èπ Ø o last sentence correct) 9) There are two or three books here. - I find them interesting = There are two or three books here which I find interesting = There are two or three books here I find interesting. (which èπ Ø o correct). É æ p-úø Sx îª úøçúõ. 1) ØË t-éπ- Á i uéàh-éóææç îª Ææ h-ø o = (ØË á -J-ØÁjûË t-í - ØÓ Å «çöà uéàh-éóææç îª Ææ h-ø o.) = I am looking for a person who (whom ü ) I can trust (trust = túøç). = I am looking for a person I can trust. 2) The man who (whom ü ) she wants is here = The man she wants is here = Ç Ë é - - -èπ o -Åûª Ééπ\-úø -Ø oúø. 3) Fèπ ØË E o É*a pen áéπ\úø?= Where is the pen which I gave you yesterday? = Where's the pen I gave you yesterday? 4) ØË Áûª èπ -ûª o æ Ææhéπç ÉüË = This is the book which I've been searching for= This is the book I've been searching for. é öàd ñ«ví -ûªhí practice îëêæh who (whom), which úø-èπ ç-ú ØË sentences join îëߪ - îª a. Å «îëêæh conversation î «Åçü çí, modern í Öçô çc. Answer: Saran: Who was the man I saw you with yesterday? (whom ü úë who èπ çú ). Varun: My friend Tarun. He is a student leader majority of students support. Saran: I read his article ( æva-éπ applex ÊÆ uææç) in some paper. I saw his photo in it. That's why I am asking. Varun: The articles he writes are interesting and thought provoking. (Thought provoking = Ç apple-îª- Í Èé-AhçîË) Saran: I've observed that. I think he is a student the lecturers like too. Varun: Why doubt? He is a book reader too. The books he reads are serious ones. This is a book he has advised me to read. Saran: Such students are rare, aren't they?

74 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü í Ω Ωç 1 -W-Ø 2006 Rajita: Hi Likhita, the bakery we buy our cakes from is closed. What shall we do now. ( ç - í cakes éìøë bakery Æœ ÖçC. àç îëü lç?) Likhita: I'm afraid. We have to make do with the cakes we have at home. ( ç Éçöapplex Ö o cakes ûó Ææ Ω l-éó- -LqçüË) Rajita: But are they enough for all the friends we are going to have for the party? (é F party éìîëa friends ÆæJ- Ú-û ߪ?) Åçü -Jéà ÅN Likhita: Let's see if the bakery at the other end of the street is open. (OCµéÀ Ñ * Ω Ö o bakery ÖçüË Á îª ü lç) ûáj* Rajita: The time I told our friends to come at is It's already The time we are left with is rather short. Let's hurry. ( friends ØË Ω t o time 5.30 É æp-öàíé 4.30 Å - Ú- çc. èπ N T-L time áèπ \ ü. ûªy Ωí æü ) Likhita: Two of the guests we've invited have called to tell me they aren't coming. ( ç œl-* x apple Éü l Ω -ôç- -ü E Phone îë» Ω.) Rajita: Who are they? ( Îx- Ω ) Likhita: Hasya and Lasya, the two girls you like so much. One is down with a fever and the other doesn't like to come alone. ( y «í É æ d- æúë Éü l- Ω- t- æ Ææu, «Ææu. äéπ-j-íé Á ïy Ωç, ÉçéÌ-éπ-J-Íé Á äçô- Jí ôç É æ dç ü ) Rajita: That's disappointing. How much more cake do we need? (ÅC E -»-éπ Ωç. -éàç-èéçûª cake é L?) Likhita: (It) depends on the number of guests we expect. My estimate is atleast 40. That means we need at least a Kg more. (ÅC ç ƒh- Ω- -éìøë Ç æ y-e-ûª Ææçêu öàd Öçô çc. Ø ÅçîªØ éπfææç 40, Åçõ ÉçéÓ éà apple é L) Rajita: Ah... here we are. Thank god. This bakery is open. (Ç... Å tߪ u. Ñ bakery ûájîë ÖçC.) Thank god = AéÀ- Úߪ ç = üë -úõéà üµ u- -ü Likhita: They aren't good at making cakes here. (Ééπ\úÕ Ÿx cakes ÆæJí _ îëߪ Ω ) Rajita: We have to buy here for now. No helping it. (Ééπ\úø É -RdéÀ éìø LqçüË. ûª æpü ) í ûª éìeo lessons í who (whom ü - í ) which ûó short sentence éπ - æôç practice îëææ hø oç éπü. ÉçéÓ N æߪ ç. î «Ææçü - s applex who (whom ü ) & which ûó sentences join îëêæ-ô- æ púø who (whom) and which E C- Æœ èπÿú join îáßá -uîªae ç í Ω hçc éπü? ÉC -Ææ apple Öçîª -éìe  j conversation apple Ñ sentences study îëߪ çúõ. 1) The bakery we buy our cakes from is closed ( ç cakes éìøë bakery ÊÆÆœ ÖçC) 2)... We have to make do with the cakes we have at home. ( Éçöapplex Ö o cakes ûó Ææ Ω l-éó- -LqçüË) 3)... are they enough for all the friends we are going to have for the party? = party éà apple-ûª o friends Åçü -JéÀ ÅN ÆæJ- Ú-û ߪ? 4) The time I told our friends to come at is 5.30 ØË friends Ω t o time ) The time we are left with is rather short ( èπ N T-L time î «ûªèπ \ ) 6) Two of the guests we have invited have called... ç œl-* guests apple Éü l Ω phone 7)... The two girls you like so much. îë» Ω. ( ÁyçûÓ É æ d- æúë -É-ü l Ω- t - ) îª úøçúõ,  j sentences ÅEoçöÀ apple Á ü öà µ«í ç/ clause (English apple * J clause) Å Ωnç á «Ææ hçüó: 1) ç cakes éìøë bakery = ( ç à bakery apple cakes éìçö«á ÅC ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ) = The bakery we buy cakes from = (the bakery from which we buy cakes ÅE ÅÆæ clause - é F modern English spoken form apple É «Å úøç ü.) É «çöà îóôx from which «çöà expressions ØË--» Ω.) 2) Éçöapplex Ö o cakes ûó = With the cakes we have at home (modern for with the cakes which we have at home - which present day English apple úøôç ü / NE- œç-îªü ) 3)... The friends we are going to have = èπ apple-ûª o friends Åçü -Jéà (modern for 'the friends who/ that (whom = ü ) we are going to have - É æpöà Spoken English apple who/ that drop îëߪ ôç æj- ƒöà. whom ÅÆæ NE- œç-îªúøç ü ) 4) ØË friends Ω t o time = The time I told our friends to come at (the time at which I told them to come - at which «çöà expressions old fashioned - é öàd Å «Å ç. The time I told our friends to come at ÅØË Åçö«ç.) 5) Two of the guests we have invited have called = ç œl-* guests apple Éü l Ω phone îë» Ω. (Two of the guests who/ that (whom ü ) we invited have called - who/ that Ééπ\úø old fashioned - É æ púø úøôç ü ) 7)... y Åçûª É æ d- æúë Ç Éü l- Ω- t- = The two girls you like so much (The two girls who/ that (whom ü ) you like so much- old fashioned. Who/ that É æ úø drop îëêæ-ææ h-ø o Ω.)  j ç í -Eç-* N æߪ ç È çúø úø short sentences äéπ-öàí îëja ö«xúëô æ púø modern spoken form apple whom èπ ƒn ç ü. ÅC ûª æpéπ ú -Lq- ÊÆh who/ that úøû ç. a) Police Å -Eç-îËC Åûª-úÕE= He is the man who/ that the police suspect. Å ûë É «Å úøç Éçé better. He is the man the police suspect. (who/ that èπÿú drop îëêæ-ææ hø oç). É «Íí which èπÿú. b) ØË áèπ \- í É æ d- æúë pen ÉC= This is the pen which I like a lot (old fashioned). Which É æ púø êuçí spoken English apple úøôç ü. = This is the pen I like a lot (which èπ çú ) c) Ñ Channel appleøë ØËØ programme îª ÆœçC= This is the channel on which I saw the programme. (old fashioned). On which úø-èπ çú - This is the channel I watched the programme on. Å ûë Ééπ\úø í -Eç-îª-ü í _ N æߪ ç, preposition 'on' C- -ߪ -èπÿ-úøü. d) Ñ room appleøë Åûªúø æ«ûªuèπ í È jçc. = This is the room in which he was murdered (in which- old fashioned) Modern: This is the room he was murdered in. ('In' sentence * Ω ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ) e) y æ Ÿx éóæœ éπah æü -ØÁjçC= The knife with which you cut the fruits is sharp. (with which - old fashioned) Modern: The knife you cut the fruits with is sharp. ('with' fruits ûª yûª ôç í -EçîªçúÕ). É «O j- Eo Ææçü - s applex, ç English ö«x-úëô- æ púø, whom úøéπç æ Jhí ØË-» Ω. Åçü èπ ü á -JE ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ èπÿú 'who' 'that' úø -ûª -Ø o Ω. Å «Íí which èπÿú drop îëêæ-ææ h-ø o Ω. Whom ü who, that èπÿ-ú úøôç C- æ púø. Å «Íí which èπÿú ü. ÉN èπ ç-ú ØË, we can join two/ more sentences into one ÅE  j examples apple ç éπü. a) v æa x Á îª a-èπ ØË Ø ßª -èπ -úø-ûª = He is the leader every one admires. (Who everyone admires é ü ). b) v æa- x îª úø-ü í _ *vûª- C= That is a movie every one must see. (Which every one must see é ü ) c) Åûªúø v æߪ -ùàçîë car î «êk-üájçc= The car he travels by is expensive. (The car by which he travels,- old fashioned) Å ûë Ééπ\úø 'by' ÅØË preposition ü - -èπÿ-úøü. Åçü -éπøë, the car he travels by ÅE by úøû ç. This is the pen I like a lot -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 164 EXERCISE Practise the following aloud in English Praneeth: E o ØË A o fish Åçûª Ω *í ü. Vineeth: áéπ\úø AØ o. Praneeth: y ûª Ω-îª í Á Ïx, y á æ púø ö«xúë restaurant apple. Vineeth: Åéπ\úø complain îëߪ -ö«-eéà Ø Íéç éπepç-îª- üë? Praneeth: ØË Ò Ω- ƒô îë». E o ØË E oèπÿú BÆæ èπ Á «xlqçc. Å æ úø y ûá -Ææ -èπ - ç-úë- -úõn Ÿx úõfçîë Ç æ Ωç íì æp. Vineeth: Ñ ÓV BÂÆ\ Ÿx. îª ü lç. Praneeth: É Ø ü í _- Ω o úø s î ü. Å Ø á J úø s- úõ y Ω V îëߪ - - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o. Vineeth: Ëy-í ü complain îëæœçc. Praneeth: Åçü èπ ü Ç restaurant èπ Á xôç ØË- ƒh. -v æ- o: i) The uses of adversity are sweet. ii) âø -Æ dø ƒê éπ~ Æœü l ç-û Eo v æa- ƒ-cç-î úø. -Ñ È çúø é u- èπ subject, object, verb ûá - æ-í - Ω. (ûá í, ÉçTx- ˇ applex) iii) simple, complex, compound í Jç* Jçûª Ææ -î Ωç ÅçCç-îªí Ω. Ω Ë - ˇ- «, π - Ω-üË- Ωç -ï- - : i) The uses of adversity are sweet. Éçü apple subject - the uses of adversity. ANSWER Praneeth: The fish I ate yesterday wasn't tasty. Vineeth: Where did you eat? Praneeth: The restaurant you frequently go to, and talk so much about. Vineeth: I haven't found anything to complain about there. Praneeth: I made a mistake. I should have taken you there yesterday. You would then have known the quality of food they serve. Vineeth: Take me today and let's see. Praneeth: The money I have today isn't enough. Whose money do you wish to use to prove your point. Vineeth: It's you who complained. Praneeth: I'd rather stop going to the restaurant. verb - are Ñ sentence apple object ü. Verb, 'be', form Å ûë object Öçúøü - 'are', 'be' form. ii) Einstein propounded the theory of relativity a) subject - Einstein b) verb- propounded c) object - the theory of relativity ûá í - subject - Einstein, verb - v æa- ƒ-cç-î úø, object - ƒê éπ~ Æœü l çûªç. iii) Simple, compound, complex sentence Ç Ê Ω x úø-èπ çú N -J-Ææ høë ÖØ oç, clause apple N -Jç-*- - æ p-úø «x öàe îª úøçúõ.

75 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -E Ωç 3 -W-Ø 2006 Pranai: Are you going to meet Sekhar today? ( y Ñ ÓV Ïê- éπ -Ææ -éó- apple-ûª -Ø o?) Vinai: If he is in town, I will meet him. (Åûªúø Ü applex Öçõ, ØË éπ -Ææ -èπ ç-ö«) Pranai: He is in town, ofcourse. He has been here since yesterday. (Åûªúø Ü applexøë ÖØ oúø. E oöà ç* Ééπ\úË ÖØ oúø ) Vinai: If I had known it, I would have met him yesterday itself. (ÅC Ø èπ ûál-ææ çõ E oøë éπ -Ææ -èπ -ØË- -úõe) Pranai: If you want to go, I will tell him you want to see him. ( y Á «x- - -èπ çõ, Åûª-úÕûÓ y éπ -Ææ - éó èπ ç-ô -Ø o- E îá û.) Vinai: If you do that, I will be happy. ( yc îëêæh ØË ÆæçûÓ- œ- ƒh ) Pranai: I'll ofcourse. But if I were you, I wouldn't try to meet him. (ØËØ - æe îë ƒh. é F F ƒn ç apple ØË çõ -Å-ûªúÕE éπ -Ææ -éó- -ö«-eéà v æߪ -Aoç-îª.) Vinai: Why wouldn't you? (áçü èπ?) Pranai: You are very hopeful of his help, but I am afraid he is not the helping type. (ÅûªúÕ Ææ æ ߪ ç éóææç y î «Ç ûó ÖØ o, é F Åûªúø Ææ æ ߪ ç îëêæ Ωéπç é ü ) Vinai: If I had his power, I would help everyone that came to me. (Ø éπ-ûªúõèπ oçûª éàh Öçõ Ø ü í _- Ω-éÌîËa v æa- - xèπÿ ØË- Ææ æ ߪ ç îë ƒh.) Pranai: If I didn't know him so well, I wouldn't tell you all this. (ÅûªúÕ í Jç* Ø èπ «í ûál-ߪ -éπ- ÚûË, FéÀ-ü çû îá æp ) Vinai: Thank you. Then I won't go to him. But unfortunately he is the only man who can help me. (Å ûë ØË -ûªúõ ü í _- Ωèπ Á x. ü Ω-ü %- æ d- -»ûª h Ø èπ ƒßª çîëߪ -í - - úø ûªøì-éπ\úë.) Pranai: I know another friend of mine who can help you. If only today were a holiday, I would take you to him. Can't you wait till tomorrow. (Ø éàçéó ÊÆo œ«-ûª -úø -Ø oúø. Fèπ ƒßª ç îëߪ -í - - úø. É y ÂÆ Óï- ûë E o ØË -ûªúõ ü í _- Ωèπ BÆæ -Èé- Ïx- -úõøë. Í æöà Ωèπ Çí -?) Vinai: If I could, I would, but the matter is urgent. If you take me to him today, I shall be grateful. (ÇÍí æj-æœnûë Öçõ /- Ç-í -í -L-TûË Çí -û. é F î «urgent. Oy- ÓV o-ûªúõ ü í _- Ωèπ BÆæ èπ ÁRûË, ØË Fèπ éπ%ûª-vc-úõí Öçö«.) Pranai: Ok. Let me see. If my boss grants me leave, I will take you. (Å ûë îª ƒh. boss Ø èπ leave ÉÊÆh, E o BÆæ -èπ - Á- û.) éìçûª-é ç éàçü ô ç Conditional Clauses îªjaçî ç, í Ω hçc éπü. àüájø æ Ω-ûª ûálê clause conditional clause éπü. ç Éçûªèπ çü È çúø Ωé conditional clauses ç. öà examples. a) If he comes here, they will discuss the matter with him. (Åûª-E-éπ\-úÕéÀ ÊÆh, - «xn æߪ ç Åûª-úÕûÓ îªja- ƒh Ω.) Ééπ\úÕ È çúø clauses: 1) If he comes here= Åûª-E-éπ\-úÕéÀ ÊÆh (If clause) 2) They will discuss the matter with him = Ç N æߪ ç x-ûª-úõûó îªja- ƒh Ω. (Main clause) b) If he walks fast, he will reach on time. (Åûªúø ûªy Ωí úõêæh, Ææ -ߪ -EéÀ îë Ω -èπ ç-ö«úø ) Éçü applee È çúø clauses. 1) If he walks fast Åûªúø ûªy Ωí úõêæh ('If' clause) 2) He will reach on time = Ææ -ߪ -EéÀ îë Ω -èπ ç-ö«úø (main clause)  j È çúø sentences apple, main clause verbs: will discuss, will reach - Åçõ ÉN future tense. 'If clause verbs - comes, walks - present tense. É «çöà verb combination Ö o sentence îáê p N æߪ ç ïjíí Å -é ç ÖçC. (probable) Sentence No.1 apple Åûªúø îëa Å -é ç ÖçD, x-ûª-úõûó îªjaçîë Å -é - ÖçC. Sentence No. 2 apple Åûªúø ûªy Ωí úø- - - îª a, Ææé - «-EéÀ îë Ω -éó-- - îª a. É «ïj-ííc Ææç µº ç (probable) é öàd  j È çúø sentences applee situation, probable present Åçö«ç. ÉC Éçûªèπ çü lessons apple ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. É «îáê p sentences apple verb combination. If clause - Present tense, Main clause - will/ shall/ can/ may ÉC v æææ hûªç Ææç µº ç Å îª a. é öàd DEE probable present Åçö«ç. Look at the following: a) If he had studied well, he would have passed. b) If he had come here, I would have told him of it a) Å Ωnç: úø «í îªcn Öçõ, (îªü - - ü ), pass ÅßË u- úë (pass Å - ü ) Ñ situation, í û -EC (past) ïj-tçc. ïj-t- Ú- çc. ÅC Éçéπ Ωü, ç ÜJÍé Å - èπ çö«ç Å «Å Öçõ, É «Å -Öç-ô ç-ü E. b) Å Ωnç: Åûª-E-éπ\-úÕéÀ *a Öçõ, ØËF N æߪ ç ÅûªúÕéÀ îáê p- -úõe (Åûªúø ü, ØË îá æp- ü ) ÉC èπÿú past. ç Ωa- -EC. Ñ È çúø situations, ç Ü œ«ç-îª -èπ ØË í ûªç Imaginary past Åçö«ç. Ñ È çúø (probable present, imaginary past) situations ûálê sentences Éçûª-èπ - çü lessons apple N -ü çí N -Jçî ç éπü. Now look at the following sentences from the dialogue between Pranai and Vinai: 1) If he is in town, I will meet him. (Probable present) 2) If I had known it, I would have met him yesterday itself (ÅC ûál-ææ çõ, E oøë éπ -Ææ -èπ ØË úõo Imaginary past) 3) If you want to go, I will tell him you want to see him. ( y Á «x- - -èπ çõ, Ç N æߪ ç Åûª-úÕûÓ îá ƒh Probable present) 4) If I were you, I wouldn't try to meet him. (ØË y- ûë, Åûª-úÕE éπ -Ææ -èπ -ØËç-ü èπ v æߪ - Aoç-îª ) 5) If I had his power, I would help every one. 6) If only today were a holiday, I would take you to him. 7) If I could, I would. (îëߪ -í -L-TûË, îë ƒh = îëߪ -, îëߪ ) 8) If you take me to him, I shall be grateful. ( y-ûªúõ ü í _ Ωèπ o BÆæ -èπ - Á-RûË, ØË éπ%ûª-vc-úõe) 9) If my boss grants me leave, I will take you. ( boss Ø èπ leave ÉÊÆh, E o BÆæ èπ - Á- -û ) Ééπ\úø Sentences No 1, 3, 8 and 9 É Fo èπÿú ç Éçûª-èπ - çü îª Æœ 'probable present' situations- Åçõ Ç sentences ûálê N æ-ߪ ïjíí Å -é ç ÖçC. Sentence No 2 apple situation, Imaginary past - DEo èπÿú ç Éçûªèπ çü ç. ÉC Å - Ú- N æߪ ç, Ωa ç, ÜJÍé Å - èπ çö«ç. É «çöà sentences èπÿú ç Éçûªèπ çü îª Æœ ÖØ oç. Now, look at the sentences No 4, 5, 6 and 7 and notice the verbs in the 'if' clauses and the main clauses in them. If I could, I would -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 165 4) If I were you, I wouldn't try to meet him. (ØË-ØË y- ûë, Åûª-úÕE éπ -Ææ -èπ ØË v æߪ ûªoç îëߪ ) 5) If I had his power, I would help every one. ÅûªúÕ éàh Ø èπ çõ, ØË ç-ü -Jéà ƒßª ç îë ƒh. 6) If only today were a holiday, I would take you to him. (É y ÂÆ Óï- ûë, ØË E o-ûªúõ ü í _ Ωèπ BÆæ -Èé- Ïx- -úõøë) 7) If I could, I would- îëߪ -í -L-TûË, îë ƒh.  j Ø í sentences èπÿú v æææ hûªç ï Ω-í E æ - ûá - æ -û. Åçü -éπe Ñ sentences applee situation, improbable present (ï Ω-í E v æææ hûªç) Åçö«ç. ÉC ûá í apple Å Ω ü. Åçü - éπe ûªy Ωí English conversation appleéà ü. é F English apple î «frequent í úø-û Ω. Åçü -éπe Spoken English éàc -î «êuç. Sx í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ. Ñ sentences apple N æ-ߪ É æ púø (present apple) ï Ω-í -EN. Sentence 4: If I were you = ØË y- ûë (É æ púø ) ØË y- úøç ï Ω-í -ü -í ü ØË y- æj-æœn-a apple, I wouldn't try to meet him = Åûª-úÕE éπ -Ææ -èπ ØË v æߪ ûªoç îëߪ. 1) ÉC present situation Å - - æp-öàéã 'If' clause apple were ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. 2) 'I' singular Å - - æp-öàéã, plural verb were úøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. (N í û Ææçü - s applex I was Åçö«ç) v æææ hûªç ï Ω-í E æee îáê p-ô æ púø á æ púø, 'If' clause apple, were é F, past doing word (came, went, sang, tried «çöà verbs) ƒh. eg: a) If I were CM = ØËE- æ púø CM Å ûë, (ØËE- æ púø CM ÅßË u Å -é - Ë ü ) b) If she were here. (Ç Á É æ p-úõ-éπ\úø ü / ÖçúË O- xü ) c) If I bought a car = (ØËE- æ púø car éìçõ éìøë æj-æœna é ü.) Sx í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ. É «çöà situations apple N æߪ ç v æææ hûªç (present) Å Ø, If clause apple, past doing Å Ø èπÿú, were úøû ç. úøû ç/ subject, singular Verb Combination: If clause - were/ past doing word. Main clause, would/ should/ could/ might. a) If I were the CM, I would make you the Finance Minister. (ØË É æ púø CM Å ûë, (é ) E o Finance Minister îë ƒh. (îëêæ Å -é ç ü ) b) If he were here, I would consult him. úõ-éπ\úø É æ púø úø, Öçõ consult îë ƒh. (îëêæ Å -é ç ü ) Look at sentence No 5: If I had his power, I would help every one (ÅûªúÕ éàh Ø èπ -Öçõ É æ púø Ø èπ ü ; Öçõ, Åçü -Jéà ƒßª ç îë ƒh. If clause verb - had - past tense, main clause verb - would help.) eg: If he consulted me, I could advise him (Åûªúø Eo- æ púø Ææçv æ-cç-îªúøç Åçô ïj-tûë ( ÅC ï Ω-í ü ) ØË -ûª-úõéà Ææ æ É y-í -. = Åûª o Ææçv æ-cç-îªúø, ØË Ææ æ É y.) Sentence No 6 If today were a holiday - É- y- ÂÆ Óï- ûë (é E É y ÂÆ é ü.) I would take you to him (ÅûªúÕ ü í _- Ωèπ BÆæ -èπ - Á- û.) = É y ÂÆ é ü, ØË E o-ûªúõ ü í _- Ωèπ BÆæ èπ Á Ïx Å -é - ü. Sentence No 7 If I could, I would. ØË îëߪ í -L-TûË (é F îëߪ - ), I would (îë ƒh é E îëߪ - é öàd îëêæ Å -é ç ü ) Ééπ\úø èπÿú É æpöà æj-æœna (present situation) í Jç* ö«x-úø -ûª - o- æp-öàéã, 'if' clause apple 'could' úøéπç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Å «Íí main clause apple would ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ: É æ púø ÉC îª úøçúõ: Improbable Present: 'If' clause - verb - were/ Past Doing Word, Main clause verb - would/ should/ could/ might. Now Practise the following aloud in English Raghu: éπ~ tù í éπ É æ p-úõ-éπ\úø Öçõ ç ÅûªúÕE Ææçv æ-c ƒhç. Ram: Å. Ñ N æߪ ç Åûª-úÕéÀ ûálêæh ÁçôØË ƒh-úõ-éπ\-úõéà. Raghu: Å ûë Åûª-úÕéÀ F cellûó phone îá u. Ram: Ø èπ cell Öçõ, F ü í _- Ω-èπ - éπü? Raghu: F cell à Á içc? Ram: ÅC Ú çc. Raghu: ÉC úó cell y ÚíÌ-ô d-éó- ôç. y ñ«ví -ûªhí Öçõ, cells Ú éπü? Ram: v æߪ -Ao- ƒh. Answer Raghu: If Laxman were here, we would consult him. Ram: If he knew about this, he would immediately come here. Raghu: Call him over your cell then. Ram: If I had my cell, I wouldn't come to you. Raghu: What's happened to your cell? Ram: I have lost it. Raghu: This is the third cell you have lost. If you were careful, you wouldn't lose them. Ram: I will try.

76 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ú- Ωç 5 -W-Ø 2006 Ramesh: Look at the car parked there. How nice the car is, but how poorly kept! (Åéπ\-ú - œ car îª úø. áçûª ç* car, é E áçûª ÅÆæ- æ«uçí Öçîª -èπ ç-ô -Ø o Ó! poorly kept = badly maintained = ÆæJí Öçîª -éó- -ôç- ü ) Naresh: That's right. It's a very expensive car. The owner doesn't seen to care a bit about its upkeep. (Å. î «êk-ü - car. ü E owner éìç-îáç èπÿú car í Jç* æöàdç-îª -èπ - oô x úø ) Jagdeesh: If I were the owner, I would keep it cleaner than I would keep my own home. You wouldn't see even a speck of dust on it. (ØËØË Ç car ߪ ï- -E-ØÁjûË, ü Eo Ø ÉçöÀéπçõ Ÿv µºçí Öçîª -èπ çö«. äéπ ü t éπùç èπÿú ü EO ü éπe- œç-îªü O èπ ) (speck of dust = ü t-éπùç) Ramesh: If I had enough money, I would first buy such a car. (Ø Íé î L- çûª úø sçõ, Á ü ô Å «çöà car éìçö«) Jagdeesh: Who wouldn't buy such a car, if they had the money? (úø sçõ Å «çöà car á Ω éì Ω?) Naresh: OK. Leave the car alone. Are you attending Mahesh's birthday party this weekend? (ÆæÍ car N æߪ ç Åô çîª. Ñ çûªç Mahesh birthday party éà O Ì-Ææ h-ø o? leave alone = Ç Ææçí A Åô ç-îªçúõ) Ramesh: I hear it's going to be a grand affair. But I'm afraid I can't make it. I am taking mom to Hyderabad that day. (î «grand í Öçúø- apple-ûª ç-ü E NØ o. é F ØË. Ç ÓV Å t  j«ü - - «-ü èπ BÆæ -Èé- Ÿh-Ø o ) Naresh: What about you, Jagdeesh? Jagdeesh: If I didn't attend, he would be disappointed. (ØË Á x-éπ- ÚûË Åûª E - - æ-úø-û úø ) Ramesh: If he had told me earlier, I would have postponed mother's journey. (Ø èπ çüë îá œp Öçõ ØË Å t v æߪ ù«eo ü ËÊÆ- úõo.) What are you going to do Naresh? ( Ëyç îëߪ - apple-ûª - Ø o, Í ˇ) Naresh: No idea as yet. If I have my interview on saturday, I will come to the party on sunday. (Éçé àç îá æp-. Ø èπ E- Ωç interview Öçõ, ØË ÇC- Ωç ƒh ) Jagdeesh: If we present him something, he will be happy. Let's buy the present now. ( ç àüájø é -éàêæh Åûª ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ-úø-û úø. É æ púë àüájø éìøëü lç.) Naresh: That's right. Let's go. If we start now, we will be able to finish off before it gets late in the evening. (Å. Á «lç æü çúõ. ç É æ púø ߪ - -üë-jûë va Ç Ææuç ÅßË u apple æ æe Tç-îª -éó- îª a.) Ramesh: If you had told me earlier, I would have brought enough money. I don't have the money now. (O Ω çüë îá æ pçõ úø s ûáîëa- -úõe.. É æ púø Ø ü í _ Ω úø s ü.) Jagdeesh: Don't worry. We have enough. You can pay later. ( æ y- -ü. ü í _- Ω - Ø o. y ûª yûª É Ìyîª a.) All: Ok. Let's go. ( Á «lç æü çúõ) éàçü öà lesson apple Improbable present Åçõ v æææ hûªç ï Ω-í E N æ-ߪ - îáê p clauses apple verbs á «Öçö«ßÁ ç éπü. Improbable present situation ûálê sentences If clause, main clause verb combinations ÖçúË Nüµ ç last lesson apple ç. S} äéπ- ƒj í Ω h îëææ -èπ çü ç. Main clause verb: would/ should/ could/ might. 'If' clause verb: were/ past doing word (went, sung, took, gave, etc.) Ééπ\úø êuçí í -Eç-î -Lq N æ-ߪ È çúø : 1. Subject singular Å ûë, verb, were 2. Sentence ö«x-úëc É æpöà N æ-ߪ - Á iø, verb, 'if' clause apple past doing word. Ñ È çúø points, á æ púø í Ω hç-îª -éó- L. ÅçûËé -èπ çú, main clause apple would, should, could, might. ÉçéÓ N æߪ ç: v æææ hûªç ï Ω-í E N æ-ߪ - ØË ÉC îá æ hçc. (ûá -í apple éã úø éπ ü. Åçü -éπe ÉEo ñ«ví -ûªh ) a) If you ate that kind of food, you would ask for it again and again = y- «çöà µappleï ç É æ púø A ôç Åçô ïj-tûë (AØË Å -é ç ü ), Sx Sx ÅüË é - ç-ö«. ( y A -ô ï Ω-í ü Sx Sx é - - -ô ï Ω-í ü ) Ñ sentence apple 'if clause' verb 'ate' past tense Å - - æp-öàéã É æpöà N æ-ߪ ØËo îá æ hçc. b) If I were a mouse, the cat would eat me. = ØË á éπ-øájûë É æ púø (ØËØÁ- éπ Å í ü?) œlx o Açô çc. (Note the use of were with the singular subject 'I') c) If he were here, I could consult him.åûª-e- æ púø Ééπ\úø Öçõ, ØË -ûªeo Ææçv æ-cç-îª-í - / îª a. (Åûª-E-éπ\úø É æ púø úø ) Now look at the following sentences from the dialogue between Ramesh, Naresh and Jagdeesh: 1) If I were the owner, I would keep it cleaner than..., you wouldn't see a speck of dust on it. (ØËE- æ púø ü E ownerøájûë, ü Eo ÉçöÀ-éπçõ Ÿv µºçí Öçîª û y ü E-O ü äéπ ü t éπùçèπÿú îª úø. é F ØË ü E owner é.) 2) If I had enough money, I would buy such a car = Ø ü í _ Ω É æ púø î L- çûª úø sçõ (é E Ø ü í _- Ω- ü ), ØË Á ü öà Å «çöà car éìçö«. 3) Who wouldn't buy such a car, if they had enough money? = Åçûª úø s Öçõ (É æ púø ü ) á - Ω- «çöà car éì Ω? 4) If I didn't attend, he would be unhappy = ØË Á x-éπ- ÚûË ( Á «h ) Åûª E - - æ-ú húø. (í -Eç-îªçúÕ ÉC future - Å Ø, if clause verb - did attend = past tense) Ñ Â j sentences ÅFo èπÿú improbable present situations - Åçõ öà- applexe 'if' clauses apple îá œp N æ-ߪ - O èπÿú v æææ hûªç (In the present) ïjíí Å -é ç ü. If clause N æ-ߪ ïj-tûë, éπlíí æ Ωu- - ƒ- Ë, Main clause apple N æ-ߪ. J-éÌEo examples îª úøçúõ. a) If wishes were horses, beggars would ride = éój-éπ í v - jûë, œd- Ÿx ƒyk îë ƒh Ω éój-éπ í v - ßË u Å -é ç ü. (were.. would ride) b) úø îªü - ôç Åçô ïj-tûë (é E îªü - úø ), éπ*aûªçí pass Å -û úø = If he studied well, he would pass. (studied.. would pass) c) Åçü Ω æ o Æævéπ- çí îálxêæh (ï Ω-í ü éπü?) µ«ω-ûª-üë ç Ææç æ- oçí Öçúø-í - ü. If everyone paid taxes properly, India could be rich (paid.. could be) d) What would your father think, if he saw you here? = É æ púø O Ø o Ééπ\úø -E- o îª úøôç Åçô ïj-tûë, Çߪ à - -èπ ç-ö«úø? (Çߪ îª ÊÆ Å -é - ç- ü ) (saw.. would) e) Ny- æ púø êu- ç-vaí Öçõ, Á ôd- Á -ü ô àç îë ƒh? = If you were the CM, what would you do first? f) Thank God he isn't here. If he were here, he would know our secret = úõ-éπ\úø éπ- Ú- ôç ç*-ü - çc, Öçõ Ω æ«ææuç úõéà ûá - Ææ hçc. (were.. would know) If I were you - ØËØË y- ûë ÉC î «common í úë expression - O Ω Éûª- Ω conversation apple í - EçîË Öçö«Ω. ÉO, improbable present express îëêæ sentences. N í -û -È çúø i) probable present, ii) imaginary past. OöÀE í Jç* Éçûª-èπ - çü N -ü çí ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπ ü. Å Ø Ì-éπ\- ƒj îª ü lç. Probable present: v æææ hûªç ïjíí Å -é ç Ö o Ææçü - s - îá æ -ûª çc. Look at the following sentences from the dialogue at the beginning of the lesson. 1) If I have my interview on saturday, I will come. (Ø interview í - éπ E- Ωç Å ûë ØË party éà ƒh.) ÉC ïjíí Å -é ç ÖçC. Interview E- Ωç Öçúø- îª a, Å æ púø ØË sunday party éà îª a. 2) If we present him something, he will be happy ç é -Íé-üÁjØ ÉÊÆh úø ÆæçûÓ- œ- ƒhúø. ÉC ƒüµ u Ë é îª a. Ñ 2 sentences talk of a situation probable (ï Ω-í - îª a) in the present or in the near future. a) If he knows this, he will feel happy = ÉC ÅûªúÕéÀ ûálêæh, Åûª ÆæçûÓ- œ- ƒhúø. b) If you walk a little faster, you can catch the train = é Ææh ûªy Ωí úõêæh train Åçü -éó-í -. (probable = ï Ω-í - îª a) In the sentences above, Main clause verb - will/ shall/ can/ may. If clause verb - am/ is/ are/ RDWs (go, goes, etc) and other present forms. a) If he talks to us, we shall be happy b) If she comes here, I can help her c) If they write to him, they may get some information = Åûª-EéÀ ÊÆh (Öûªh Ωç) Ïx-Íé-üÁjØ Ææ î Ωç îª a. É Fo probable present. II. É æ púø Imaginary past ûálê Ñ sentences from the dialogue îª úøçúõ. 1) If he had told me earlier, I would have postponed my journey = Åûª çüë îá œp Öçõ v æߪ ùç ü ËÆæ -èπ -ØË- -úõøë. (È çúø ï Ω-í - ü past apple) 2) If you had told me earlier, I would have brought enough money = O Ω çüë îá œp Öçõ, î L- çûª úø s ûáîëa- -úõøë. (È çúø ï Ω-í - ü í ûªç apple). Ñ situation á æ púø past. Éçü apple verb combination îª úøçúõ. Main clause - would have been/ should have been/ could have been/ might have been OR would have + pp (past participle)/ should have + pp/ could have + pp/ might have + pp a) If she had been here yesterday, he would have talked to her = Ç Á EEo-éπ\úø Ö o-ôx- ûë, Åûª Ç Á ûó ö«x-úë- úë (È çúø í ûªç apple ï Ω-í - ü ) b) If they had taken him to the doctor, he would have been alive. ( x-ûªeo doctor ü í _- Ωèπ BÆœ-Èé-Rx- -ôx- ûë, Åûª AéÀ ÖçúË- úø ) If you were the CM... -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 166 ÉO Ñ úø situations. a) If he studies well, he will pass = «í îªc-nûë pass Å -û úø (ïjíí Å -é ç ÖçC) é öàd Probable present. b) If he studied well, he would pass = úø É æ púø îªü - ôç Åçô ïj-tûë, pass Å -û úø. (È çúø É æ púø ï Ω-í é öàd) Improbable present. c) If he had studied well, he would have passed (í ûªç apple) úø «í îªc- çõ, pass Åߪ uç-úë- úø.(è çúø í ûªç appleï Ω-í - ü ) é öàd Imaginary past. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING ALOUD IN ENGLISH Ω : Hi Suma, E o ØË ÆœE- -Èé «x. y Éçöapplex Öçúø çõ E o BÆæ Èé Ïxü ØËo. Ææ -- : E o ØË Å tûó shopping èπ Á «x. Á x-éπ- ÚûË, ØË O ÉçöÀéÀ *a E o BÆæ -Èé- Ïx-ü Eo. Éçûªéà á -JûÓ Á «x? Ω : Å oûó. y ÊÆh Ñ E- Ωç ØËØ -Æœ-E Sx îª ƒh. Ææ -- : Ø èπ æk-éπ~- -Ø o. æk-éπ~ èπ çõ -ö«-eéà Æœü l Ë. Ω : Å ûë à N æ-ߪ phone -îá u. Ææ -- : Phone Ø èπ ç-õ í îëߪ -ö«-eéà. Ø cell Ú çc. land phone out of order. Ω : Å ûë ØË E o éπ -Ææ -èπ ç-ö«. ANSWER Rama: I went to a movie yesterday. If you had been at home I would have taken you. Suma: I went shopping with mom. If I had not gone, I would have come to your place and taken you to the movie. Who did you go with? Rama: With my brother. If you are coming, I will see it again this saturday. Suma: I have exams. If I had no exams, I would be ready to come. Rama: Phone me and let me know. Suma: If I were on Phone, I would call you. I've lost my cell. Our land phone is out of order Rama: I will meet you then.

77 II Ðû è[ª-- ñªëå]î ô Ù 7 WûË 2006 Pratap: The top hero on the telugu screen àÿ«ø Ù Íí ±pè[ª ªìÙ ÔÙ êµõª-ú ª-ÚÛª-û o- ªÙç and our favourite is in town for the 'If clauses' öëº were/ Past Doing Words celebration to honour him and we î è ê ví ú ªhêŸÙ áô -ÞœE (Íú Ù-òÅ Ù) Nù óÿ«õìª have this rotten class to attend. I êµlóÿª-â -þ hô³. wish I were at the theatre. ªì conversation correct Þ ÑÙè[è -EÚ ÏC (êÿì ú ê \-ôá-êÿq- Ùö˺ ð öë¹_-ì-è -EÚ êµõªþœª à ö ³ÜuÙ. e.g.- êµô ÑêŸh- ª-ì-åªè[ª, ªì ÍGÅ- «-ì-ì-åªè[«1) If he were here, he wouldn't allow this. ÒüÉÁx Ñû oè[ª. ªìî ªîµ«Ïí ±pè[ª Ð ÍêŸû ÏÚÛ\è[ ÑÙç (ÍêŸ-E-ÚÛ\è[ Ïí ±pè[ª ö è[ª) ÏC í EÚ «Lì Ú xúãú îµü xl. û ÚΠáô Þœ-E- yè[ª (ÍêŸ-E-ÚÛ\è[ Ïí ±pè[ª ö è[ª Ú ñæ d ÏC CÇó ª-å-ôÂö˺ ÑÙè -õ-e-í -þ¼hùc.) áô ª-Þœª-êÁÙC). - 'If Clause'ö˺ he- singular, Rotten = ³J-T-ð¼-ô³ì verb- were- plural. Ð í ë Eo Óí ±pè[«aådè EÚ Ñí -óµ«-t-þ hô ª. 2) If I were the Chief Minister, I would appoint Sundeep: I wish too, we didn't have this you the finance minister. class now. I'd rather we were in û û Ïí ±pè[ª ³Üu- ªÙ-vAÞ (Ïí ±pè[ª ³Üu- ªÙvA 1) Compare sentences (a) and (c): his presence than in this boring Ú ë]ª) ÑÙç, Eìªo ÎJnÚÛ ªÙvAÞ EóŸª-Nª-þ hìª. a) I wish to be in the US. class. 3) If he came here now, his mother would be û ìª Í-J-Ú öëº ÑÙè -õe ÚÁJÚÛ. (ÏC û ÚÁJÚÛ (û ÚÛª ÚÛ«è Ð Ú xúã Ïí ±pè[ª ö ÚÛ-ð¼ê happy. ÏC áô -Þœ- àÿªa) ÏÚÛ\è[ wishes êÿô yêÿ 'to be'. ÐôÁV ò ÞœªÙåªÙë]E-í -þ¼hùc. Ð Nú ªÞœª í ±æ dùà šúõîµjê ÓÙêŸò ÞœªÙè C! c) I wish (that) I were in the US. Ú xúã ÚÛû o Î ïˆ ôá ë]þœ_ô ÑÙç ÓÙêŸ ò ÞœªÙ-åªÙëÁ?) Pratap: This is the second time for us to miss the chance of meeting him. When he came here last october for the silver jubilee of his movie we had exams. How I wish we hadn't had those exams. We could have seen him at least then. (ÍêŸEo àÿ«ú Í -Ú øœù ÚÁö˺p- è[ù ªìÚÛª ÏC ôùèá-þ J. ÞœêŸ ÍÚÁd-ñ-ôÂö˺ ÎóŸªì #vêÿù ô á-êá-êÿq Ù áj-t-ì-í ±pè[ª ªìÚÛª í K- Ûõª. í K- Ûõª ö ÚÛ-ð¼ê ò ÞœªÙ-è C. Íí ±pè[ª ÚÛ«è ÎóŸª-ììª àÿ«è[-ö -ÚÛ-ð¼óŸ«Ù.) Sundeep: All this because of this college. It's very strict about exams and attendance. We can't cut even a single class. I wish I hadn't joined this college. But for my father, I wouldn't have joined here. (ÍÙê Ð Ú ö x! í K- Ûõª, ï áô ªö Ùæ Nù -óÿ«öëºx OüŒ x à ö ÚÛJÈìÙÞ ÑÙæ ô ª. ÖÚÛ\ Ú xúã ÓÞ _-åd-è -EÚ ö ë]ª. ÏÚÛ\è[ à ô -ÚÛªÙè ÑÙç ÓÙêŸ ò ÞœªÙ-è ëá! «û ìo ÞœªJÙ# Ú ÚÛ-ð¼ê û ìª ÏÚÛ\è[ à ôî -è E Ú ë]ª.) Pratap: How I wish today were a holiday! Too few holidays in this college. Lecturers rarely go on leave here. No class is let free. (ÐôÁV šúõîµjê ÓÙêŸ-ò -ÞœªÙè C. Ð Ú ö šúõ- ±õª ªK êÿúûª\. öµúûa-ô ô ªx à ö Íô ª-ë]ªÞ šúõ ± šíè[-ê ô ª. ÖÚÛ\ Ú xúã ÚÛ«è ë]-õô ª.) Sundeep: We should have thought of all this before joining this college. (Ï Fo ªìÙ Ú ö -@öëº à ô ÚÛ ³Ùë Îö˺-#Ù-à L.) Pratap: OK. OK. Now let's hope that our hero will be here in the evening. I only wish his programme were delayed. We could then see him towards the end of his celebrations. ( ªì ïˆ ôá þ óÿªùvêÿù ô ÚÛª ÑÙæ -è[e ÎPë lù. Ú ô u-vúû ªÙ Îõú uù Íô³ê ò ÞœªÙè[ª. # ôáx Íô³û ÎóŸªEo àÿ«ú Í -Ú øœù ÑÙåªÙC.) Sundeep: Let's hope so. I wish I were rather at the function than here. But there is no helping being in the class. (Íö Þ ÎPë lù. ÏÚÛ\-è -ÚÛû o Î íæ ÙÚÛ{- ûëâöëº ÑÙç ò ÞœªÙ-åªÙC. Ú F Ú xúãöëº ÑÙè[ÚÛ êÿí pë]ª.) No helping = êÿí pë]ª ÞœêŸ ôùè[ª lessons öëº 'If clauses'öëº were (Singular SubjectsêÁ ÚÛ«è )/ Past Doing Words (came, gave, took, etc) î è ú Ùë]-ô säõª î è[ª Ïí ±pè[ª ÏÚÛ\è Ú úh (î è[ª Ïí ±pè[ª ÏÚÛ\è[ÚÛª ô è[ª), î üœx ªt ú ÙêÁ-ù -ú ªhÙC. (î è[ªô è[ª î üœx ªt ú ÙêÁ-ù ÙÞ ö ë]ª). 4) If she were here I could tell her of this. Îî ª ÏÚÛ\è[ ÑÙç (Î Ïí ±pè[ª ÏÚÛ\è[ ö ë]ª), û F Nù óÿªù ÎÚÛª àµí p ÑÙè[ àÿªa (Î ö ë]ª, ÎÚÛª û ìª àµí p-ö ìª). Have you seen Suma's dress today? Ïí ±pè[ª Ïö 'If clause' öëº were (singular subjects êá ÚÛ«è )/ Past Doing Words î è[åù ví ú ªhêŸÙ ú ÙòÅ Ù Ú E (present improbable) Nù óÿ«-õìª êµlóÿª-â -þ hô³. Ð were (singular subjects êá)/ Past Doing Words (gave, wrote etc) ìª ªJ-Ú Eo ú Ùë]-ô säöëºx ÚÛ«è î è[ê Ù. Î ú Ùë]-ô säöëºx (If clause ö ÚÛªÙè ÚÛ«è ) ÍN ví ú ªhêŸÙ áô -ÞœE Nù -óÿ«-õìª êµlóÿª-â - þ hô³. Oæ E àÿ«è[ùè : a) I wish to be in the US. (û ìª Í-J-Ú öëº ÑÙè -õ-ìª-úûªù-åª-û oìª/ ÚÁô ª-ÚÛªÙåª-û oìª.) b) He wishes to be a collector. (ÍêŸìª ÚÛöµ-ÚÛd-ôÂÞ ÑÙè -õ-ìª-úûªù-åª-û oè[ª/ ÚÁô ª- ÚÛªÙ-åª-û oè[ª.) Compare the sentences above with the following: c) I wish (that) I were in the US. d) He wishes (that) he were a collector. sentences (c), (d) õöëº I, he, singular Íô³-ì-í pæ Ú 'were' ô åù Þœ ª-EÙ-àŸÙè Ð ú Ùë]-ô säùöëº ÏC êÿí ±p Ú ë]ª. û ìª Ïí p-æ -Ú -í ±pè[ª (Ð ÛéÙö˺) Í-J-Ú öëº ÑÙç ÓÙêŸ ò ÞœªÙ-åªÙC. (Ïí p-æ -ÚÛ-í ±pè[ª û ìª Í- JÚ öëº ÑÙè[è[Ù Íú Ù-òÅ Ù ÚÛë ) ÏÚÛ\è[ wish êÿô yêÿ 'I were'. 2) Compare sentences (b) and (d). b) He wishes to be a collector. ÍêŸè[ª ÚÛöµ-ÚÛdôÂÞ ÑÙè L/ Íî y-õe ÚÁô ª-ÚÛª-åªû oè[ª. áj Þ Í -Ú øœù ÑÙC (áô ª-Þœª-꟪Ù-ë]E àµí pö Ù). ÏÚÛ\è[ wishes êÿô yêÿ 'to be'. d) He wishes (that) he were a collector. ÎÙÞœxòÅ ù é 167 ÍêŸè[ª Ïí p-æ -ÚÛ-í ±pè[ª, Ð ÛéÙö˺ ÚÛöµ-ÚÛd-ôÂÞ ÑÙç ÓÙêŸ ò ÞœªÙåªÙëÁ (Ô æ àÿôâþ ûëá, ÏÙÚÁ Ô í ë]- Nö˺ûËÁÚ -ÚÛªÙè ). Ïí p-æ -Ú -í ±pè[ª ÍêŸè[ª ÚÛöµ-ÚÛdôÂ Í è[ù Íú Ù-òÅ Ù. ÏÚÛ\è[ wishes êÿô yêÿ he were. (c), (d) öëºx were î è[è[ù ªì Bô E ÚÁJÚÛ êµlóÿªâ - ú-åªxþ ÑÙC ÚÛë. Jayaram: What a beautiful building this is! Who lives in it? (ÓÙêŸ ÍÙë]ÙÞ ÑÙëÁ Ð GLfÙÞÂ! Ó ô ªÙæ ô ª ÏÙë]ªö˺?) Janakiram: The forest officer. (Íå-O-ø Ü ÍCÅ-Ú J) Jayaram: How I wish I were a forest officer! (û ìª Íå-O-ø Ü ÍCÅ-Ú J Íô³ê ÓÙêŸ ò ÞœªÙåªÙëÁ Íí ±pè[ª û ì«ïö Ùæ òå ÙAö˺ ÑÙæ ìª ÚÛë Íû Íô nùêá Ïí ±pè[ª áóÿª-ô î⪠Íå-O-ø Ü ÍCÅ-Ú J Í è[ª ÚÛë!) ÏD Singulars êá 'were' î è ÏÙÚÁ ú Ùë]ô säù. Ïö Ùæ ú Ùë]-ô säù-öëºû Past Doing Word ÚÛ«è î è[ê Ù. a) I wish to travel in such a car. Íö Ùæ Ú ô ªö˺ ví óÿ«éù à óÿ«-õe û ÚÁJÚÛ. ÏÚÛ\è[ wish êÿô yêÿ to travel. b) I wish (that) I travelled is such a car. - travelled (Past Doing Word) (Ïí p-æ -Ú -í ±pè[ª) û ì-ö Ùæ Ú ô ªö˺ ví óÿ«éù à ú ªhÙè -õe û ÚÁJÚÛ/ ví óÿ«éù à úh ÓÙêŸ ò ÞœªÙåªÙC! (Íú Ù-òÅ Ù). c) He wishes (that) he owned such a house. Íö Ùæ Ïõªx êÿìú ÑÙç (Ïí p-æ -Ú -í ±pè[ª) ÓÙêŸ ò ÞœªÙ-åªÙC ÍE Íìª-ÚÛªÙ-åª-û oè[ª. d) They wish (that) that they had a holiday Spoken English ð êÿ î uþ õ ÚÁú Ù Ú xúâ à óÿªùè... URL: today. î üœ x Ð ôáv šúõîµjê ò ÞœªÙ-åªÙC Íìª-ÚÛªÙ-åªû oô ª. They wish (that) today were a holiday. Íí ±p-è[-í ±pè[ª I wish ñë]ªõª, 'Oh'êÁ ÚÛ«è begin à óÿª- àÿªa. I wish I were at home now! Oh, I were at home now! Ïí ±pè[ª û ìª ÏÙæ˺x ÑÙè -LqÙC/ ÏÙæ˺x ÑÙç ò ÞœªÙåªÙC. (Ïí ±pè[ª ÏÙ Ú-ÚÛ\èÁ Ñû oìª. ÍÚÛ\-è[ªÙ-è[è[Ù Ïù dù ö ë]ª) Now look at the following sentences from the dialogue at the beginning of the lesson. 1) I wish I were at the theatre. û ìª Ïí ±pè[ª CÇó ª-å-ôÂö˺ ÑÙç ï ô³þ ÑÙåªÙC (Ú xúãöëº Ú ÚÛªÙè ). 2) I wish we didn't have (past tense) the class now. Ð Ú xúã Ïí ±pè[ª ö ÚÛ-ð¼ê ò ÞœªÙ-è C ( ªìÙ CÇó ª-åôÂÚÛª îµü x-î üœxù) 3) I wish we hadn't had the exams. ªìÚÛª Íí ±pè[ª (in the past) í K- Ûõª ö ÚÛªÙè ÑÙç ò ÞœªÙ-è C ÏC ÞœêŸÙö˺ Ïí pè[ª Ú ë]ª. Íô³ð¼-ô³ì Nù óÿªù ÍÙë]ª-ÚÛE had + past participle. 4) How I wish today were a holiday. ÐôÁV šúõ ± Íô³ê ÓÙêŸ ò ÞœªÙ-åªÙC! 5) I only wish his programme were delayed. ÍêŸè Ú ô u-vúû ªÙ Îõú uiê ò ÞœªÙ-åªÙC (Ú xúã Íô³ì êÿô yêÿ ªìÙ îµüé xàÿªa). 6) I wish I were rather at the function than here. ÏÚÛ\è[ ÚÛû o Î íæ ÙÚÛ{-ûËÂö˺ ÑÙè[è[Ù Ïù dù û ÚÛª. Very important: Ð ÛéÙö˺ Bô E ÚÁJ-ÚÛìª êµlóÿª-â -óÿª-è -EÚ Ïö ÍÙåªÙæ Ù: a) I/we/you/they wish I/we/you/they were... OR I/we/you/they + Past Doing Word (went, came, etc). b) He/She wishes he/she were... OR He/she + Past Doing Word. (ÏÚÛ\è[ ÍEo àáæ x wish ñë]ªõª 'oh'... ÍE vð ô Ù- GÅÙ-àŸ- àÿªa.) Practise the following aloud in English Prema: ÐôÁV ú ª ª vèµúã àÿ«ø î? û ÚÛ«Íö Ùæ C ÑÙç ÓÙêŸ-ò -ÞœªÙ-åªÙëÁ!...! Hema: Íö Ù-æ C îµ³ìo û ûë ÚÛ ÿ íãöëº àÿ«ø. û ÚÛª ÍC ÍÙêŸÞ ìàÿa-ö ë]ª. Prema: û v赚úúã ÍFo «Íî ªt šúöµúâd à ú ªhÙC. û ÚÛª Ú ú h ú yêÿùvêÿù Ï úh ò ÞœªÙåªÙC. Hema: ìª yc Öí ±p-úá-úûªùè ÑÙç ò ÞœªÙ-åªÙC. Prema: «Í ªt-ÚÛC Íô niê ò ÞœªÙ-åªÙC. ììªo šúöµúâd à ú ªÚÁ-E úh ÓÚÛª\ è[ñªsõª šíè[ê ìe Î òå óÿªù. Answer: Prema: Have you seen Suma's dress today? How nice it is/ I wish/ How I wish/ Oh, I had a dress like that! Hema: I saw the same kind of dress in some shop. I didn't like it much. Prema: The trouble is mom selects all my dresses. How I wish/ I wish/ Oh, she gave me the freedom to select my dresses. Hema: I wish you didn't agree to it. Prema: I wish my mother understood it. Her fear is that if I selected my dresses I would spend more money.

78 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- Ÿ-véπ Ωç 9 -W-Ø 2006 Sharmila: I bought this book on Physics Urmila: Yesterday. (E o ØË Ñ Physics book éìø o.) Oh, this one! I wish you hadn't bought it. (Éü? - - y-c éì -èπ çú Öçõ «í çúëc) Sharmila: Why? (àç?) Urmila: I have bought it too and I find it utterly useless. It is very badly written. (Ç æ Ææh-é Eo ØË éìø o. ÅüËç «í - ü. «í - -ߪ ü.) utterly = totally, æ Jhí Sharmila: Oh, I wish you had told me earlier of Urmila: it. I wouldn't have bought it. ( y Ø èπ çüë îá œp Öçõ «í çúëc éπü / çüë áçü èπ îá æp- ü. ØË æ Ææh-é Eo éì çúë ü Eo é ü.) When I showed it to our lecturer she said I had made a mistake in buying this book. I wish I had known you were going to buy it. I would have told you not to. Can you return it and get the money back? (ØË DEo lecturer èπ îª œçî. Ñ æ Ææhéπç éìe ØË Ò Ω- ƒô îë»- E Ç Á ÅçC. y éì - apple-ûª -Ø o- E -ûálêæh «í ç-úëc. éìøì-ü le îáê p-ü Eo. ÅC AJ-T-îËaÆœ úø s ûáîª a-éó-í -?) Sharmila: I wish I could. But no shop would agree. At the most they may agree Urmila: to an exchange. (Å «æ Ææhéπç AJ-T*a úø s ûáîª a-éó-í -L-T-ûË ÆæçûÓ æ Ë. é F à shop Åçü èπ ä æ p-éóü éπü? æ Å ûë Ç æ Ææhéπç ü ÉçÍéüÁjØ æ Ææhéπç É y-ö«- EéÀ ä æ p-éó- îª a) (At the most = æ Å ûë) The author doesn't appear to know how to write a book useful for the students. I think the poor sales would make him wish that he had not written the book. (Nü u- Ω n- èπ Ö æßá í - æ-úë «æ Ææhéπç ߪ ôç Ç Ωîª- -ûªèπ ûál-æœ- ô x ü. Å té ûªèπ \- í Öçõ... æ Ææhéπç ߪ èπ çú Öçõ «í ç-úë-üá- Á -Å-E Åûª---úÕéÀ -Å-E- œææ hç--c) Sharmila: So what do I do now? (Å ûë ØË àç îëߪ?) Urmila: Exchange it for Prof Bhoutik's Manual of Physics. ( DEo ÉîËaÆœ Prof Bhoutik Æœ Manual of Physics ûáîª aéó) lé æ púø ï Ω-í E N æ-ߪ éó Ω -éó- -ö«-eéà 'If clause' apple were/ past doing word á «úøû Á ç ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü (í ûª È çúø úø lessons apple). 1) I wish I were not here = (ØËE æ púø Ééπ\úø Öçúø-èπÿ-úø-ü -E œ- ÚhçC/ Öçúø-éπ- ÚûË «í ç-ô çc) É æ p-úõ-éπ\úø ÖØ o 2) He wishes he were consulted = (ûª É æ púø Ÿx Ææçv æ-cêæh «í ç-ô ç-ü E éó Ω -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø / Ææçv æ-cêæh «í ç-ô ç-ü E Å - èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø.) ûª É æ púø Ÿx Ææçv æ-cç-îªôç ü 3) She wishes she bought such a necklace= (ûª É æ púø «çöà necklace éì -èπ \çõ «í çô ç-ü - -éìç-öappleçc) É æ púø éì -éó\- -úøç ï Ω-í ü éàçc öà ûëú í -Eç-îªçúÕ. She wishes to buy such a necklace (Å «çöà necklace éì -éó\ èπ ç-öappleçc) éì -éó\- îª a Å -é ç ÖçC She wishes she bought such a necklace = (Ç Á èπ Å «çöà necklace éì -èπ \çõ «í ç-ô çü E œ ÚhçC.) é F éìøë æj-æœna ü / Ç Å -é ç É æ púø ü. a) She wishes to have such a necklace (Å «çöà necklace ûª -èπ ç-ú - E éó Ω-èπ ç-öappleçc Ç Á éì -èπ \ØË Å -é ç ÖçC) b) She wishes she had such a necklace - (ûª é necklace Öçõ áçûª «í ç-ô çüó Å - éìç-öappleçc É æ p-ú - Á -éπ- «çöà necklace ü.) l(éc ÉEo ƒ Ω x repeat îëߪ ö«eéà é Ωùç... I wish I were, She wishes she were «çöà expression correct meaning and use ƒ Ω-èπ - èπ ûál-êæç-ü èπ.) É æ púø Ó éìûªh N æߪ ç ûá Ææ èπ çü ç. Observe carefully. Compare the sentences (a) and (b) below: a) He is buying car. I wish he took an expert's advice. (é Ω éìçô -Ø oúø. á -È jø E æ -ùàúõ (expert) Ææ æ BÆæ èπ çõ ç*c) Ææ æ BÆæ éó- ôç ü. b) He has bought a car and it is giving him trouble. He wishes he had taken an experts advice. (Åûª é Ω éì -èπ \-Ø oúø, ÅC trouble É ÚhçC. á -È jø E æ -ù úõ Ææ æ BÆæ èπ -E- Öçõ «í ç-úë-ü E Å èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø ). éì o- æ púø BÆæ éó ü. Sentence (a) Sentence (b) 1) He is buying He has bought (éìçô -Ø oúø ) (éìø oúø past) 2) He took He had taken É æ púø Ææ æ BÆæ èπ çõ éì o- æ púø Ææ æ (É æ púø BÆæ éó- -ôç ü ) BÆæ èπ - çõ (past)) léçûª Ωèπ ç É æ púø îëߪ E/ ï Ω-í E æ - í -Jç-* îá ƒp- çõ were/ past doing word ú - E ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. Sentence (a) låüë í ûªç apple ï Ω-í E æ ïjt Öçõ / ïj-t æ ï Ω-í èπ çú Öçõ ÅE îá ƒp- çõ had been/ had + PP (Sentence (b) ) -úøû ç. She bought such a necklace -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 168 Prabha: Ñ ÂÆ ÁjûË «í ç-ô çc? Subha: Ñ ƒúø college apple holidays Öçúø. ØËE-éπ\úø student í Öç-úøéπ- Ú-ûË «í çô çc. Prabha: F x ØËF college apple îë. E o Å -Ææ-Jç-îª-èπ çú Öçõ «í ç-úëc. Subha: y Ø o Ææ æ Åúø-í -èπ çú Öçõ «í ç-úëc. Study the following: 1) The mother wishes that her son were here. (ûª éìúø èπ É æ púø Ééπ\úø Öçõ «í ç-ô ç-ü E ûªlx Å -èπ çöappleçc.) (É æ púø Ééπ\úø úø ) 2) He wishes that he were selected- (É æ púø -Å-ûª-úø áç œèéj Öçõ «í ç-úë-ü E Å -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø / áç œ-èéjûë «í ç-ô ç-ü E ÅûªE éójéπ.) 3) She wishes she did not see him. (Åûª- -éπ\úø éπ - æ-úø-èπ çú Öçú - E Ç Á Å -èπ ç-öappleçc. É æ púø éπ - æ-úø -ûª -Ø oúø ) Prabha: college N æߪ ç æéπ\- - ô d. Ø éã hostel apple Öçú - -E œç-îªôç ü. Hosteller í Öçúø-èπÿ-úø-ü E Ø éójéπ. Subha: ÆœE- îª úø-ö«-eéà free í Öçú - E éójéπ. É æp-öàíé î - «ÆœE- miss Åߪ uç. Å Fo îª Ææ ç-ú -Lqç-ü E éó Ω -èπ çô Ø o. Prabha: ÉC èπ ûª æpü. ÉçéÓ È çúë Ÿx Ééπ\úË Öçú L. Answer: Prabha: (How) I wish today were a holiday Subha: No holidays at all in this rotten college - rotten = J-T- Ú-, Aô dèπ áèπ \- í -úø-û Ω ). I wish I were not a student here. Prabha: I joined this college because of you. I wish I hadn't (had not) followed you That's the difference between the use of were/ the past doing word, and the use of had been / had + past participlea) were/past doing word (came, went, etc) - present b) had been / had + past participle - past Now look at the use of had been, and had + past participle in the dialogue between Sharmila and Urmila. 1) I wish you hadn't bought it - verb had+past participle (PP) - past - ( y- éì- -èπ çú Öçõ «í ç-úë-c/-éì- ç-ú -LqçC é ü -èπ ç-ô Ø o). 2) I wish you had told me of it earlier - had+pppast- Éçûª-èπ çüë îá æ pç-ú -LqçC. 3) I wish I had known you were going to buy it - had known - had+pp- ( çüë (past apple) ûál-ææ çõ «í ç-úëc ü le îáê p ü Eo. 4) I wish I could - AJT ÉîËaߪ í -L-TûË (É æ púø ) «í ç--ô ç-c...(past apple Å ûë could have +pp) The mother wishes that her son had been present at the function last night. ( í ûª- va ïj-t function apple ûª éìúø èπ ÖçúÕ Öçõ «í ç-úë-ü - -éìöappleçc ÅûªE ûªlx past) He wishes that he had been selected - ( ûª- (í -ûªç- apple) -áç œ-èéj -Öç-õ - «í ç-úë-ü - èπ ç-ô -Ø o--úø ) (had been selected) She wishes she had not seen him last monday. (í ûª Ú - Ωç Åûªúø éπ - æ-úø-éπ- Ú Öçõ «í ç-ô ç-ü E / éπ - æúø-èπ çú Öçú -Lqç-ü E Å -éìçöappleçc) 5)... poor sales would make him wish he had not written the book = (-Åç-ûª -ûªèπ \- - -Å- té - - Å-ûª -Ø æ Ææhéπç -ߪ éπ- Ú çõ - «í ç- -úë - Á -Å-E œ ƒh )  j Fo past èπ Ææç ç-cµç- * N é öàd, had + past participle form. DEoÅçõ, I/ we / you / they wish /He / she / it wishes + were/past doing word - present èπÿ, had been/had+past participle - past èπÿ. OöÀE «í practice îëæœ O conversation apple úøçúõ. ÉN úë Ææçü - s î «Öçö«. Practise the following aloud in English (ÉC past é öàd had+pp) Subha: I wish you hadn't asked for my dad's advice. (ÉC past é öàd had+pp) Prabha: Let alone this College. I don't feel like being in the hostel. (feel like = Å-E œç -îªôç) Oh, I were not a hosteller! Subha: I wish to be free to see movies. We have already missed a number of movies. I only wish we had seen all of them. Prabha: (There is) no helping it (ûª æpü ) we have to be here for two years more.

79 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ú- Ωç 12 -W-Ø 2006 Nandan: Santan, I'm afraid that something is seriously wrong with me. I'm unable to concentrate on studies. (Ø ÍéüÓ Å -ûª - o-ôd-e- œ- ÚhçC. îªü O ü ü % œd  ôd- -éπ- Ú-ûª -Ø o. Ø èπ «üµ í ÖçC.(I'm afraid.) (Ééπ\úø µºßª ç ÅE Å Ωnç é ü.) concentrate = ÍéçvD-éπ-Jç-îª-ôç/-v -ü l -îª - æôç. Santan: I've observed that. Of late you haven't been as serious about studies as you were in the past. Your scores too have been low. Something wrong with your health, perhaps. (ØË í - Eç-î ÅC. îªü O ü Fèπ Éç-ûªèπ çü o v ü l Ñ üµ u éπ-e œç-îª-ôç- ü.- Ω \- èπÿú ûªí _. F Ç Óí uç à Ø o «í ø- -üë Á.) Of late = lately = Ñ üµ u. OöÀéÀ late = 'Ç Ææu- Á i èπ àç Ææç çüµ ç ü. Nandan: My health is OK. I eat well and sleep well. No illness at all. Had there been anything wrong, I would have know. (Ø Ç Ó-í u-eíéç.. «í ØË ÖçC. «í Açô Ø o, Evü - apple-ûª Ø o, ï sç- ü. àüájø Öçõ Ø èπ ûál-êæc éπü?) Santan: Still we can't say. It's time (that) you saw a doctor. (Å Ø ç àç îá æp ç. Nyç-ûªèπ çüë -ú éπd Ææç-v æ-cç-î -LqçC.) Nandan: Shall I do that then? (Å ûë Å «îëߪ Ø?) Santan: You had better. Exams are round the corner, time we started serious preparation. (ÅüË ç*c. æk-éπ~ ü í _- Ω-éÌ-îËa-Ææ h-ø o. ç -v œ æí - æ-ø á æ púó Á ü  ö«d- LqçC.) Nandan: It is time my father were here. He told me a week ago that he would come here in two or three days. If he were here now, he could take me to a doc. ( Ø o É æp-öàéã úõ-éπ\úø, á æ púó -Öçú - Lq-Ø -ߪ. È çúø úø ÓV- èπ ƒh- E Ωç éàç-ü -ô îá ƒpúø. Çߪ E æ -úø -Öç-úÕ Öçõ - - o -ú éπd ü í _- Ωèπ BÆæ -Èé-- Ïx- úø.) Doc = present day English apple short form for doctor.) Santan: Call him and tell him of your problem. Time you were free from all worries to prepare for the exams. (Ñ éπ -ûª ç* á æ púó ߪ -ô- æúõ æ-kéπ~- èπ -v œê Å -ûª -Öç-ú -LqçC y) Nandan: I'll do it immediately then. ( ÁçôØË îë ƒh.) Santan: The earlier, the better. (áçûª ûªy Ωí îëêæh Åçûª- ç-*c.),,, Look at the sentences (a) and (b) below. a) It's time for him to start for college. The time has come for him to start for college. Åûªúø college éà ߪ - l- -Lq time ÉC./- -*açc. b) It's (high) time (that) he started for college = Time he started for college (It's, high, that ÖØ o äéπõ, éπ- Ú- Ø äéπõ ) College éà á æ púó ߪ - l- -Lqç-ü -ûª. (Éçé ߪ - l- Ω- ü ÅE Å Ωnç) He should have started for college before now = Åûª college Èé Ïx time ü öà- Ú- çc. Sentences (a) (b) π - áçûª ûëú ÖçüÓ í -Eç-îªçúÕ. c) It's time/the time has come for him to be at home. Éçöapplex Öçú Lq- -õ i- ÉC./Éçöapplex Öçú -Lq -õ i- *açc. d) (It's) time (that) he were at home. = Åûª Éçöapplex Éçûª-èπ - ç-üë/-á- æ púó Öçú -LqçC, Éçé - úø. Sentences (b), (d) apple verbs í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Verb in sentence (b) = started - past doing word Verb in sentence (d) = were - plural verb, though the subject 'he' is singular. ÉD É «çöà sentences apple v æûëu-éπûª were, past doing word úøéπç. Éçé îª úøçúõ. e) Åûª á æ púó  Rx îëææ éì-e -Öç-ú -LqçC. (It's) (high) time he got married/he were married (Åçõ Éçé îëææ éó- -üëçöà ÅE) He should have been married before now. f) Time he learnt manners. Éçé Åûª manners ØË Ω a-éó- -ü /-Éç-ûª- ü l úáj- - æp-öàéã -Å-ûªúÕéÀ manners ûámü. g) Time (It's high time that) he consulted a doctor. á æ púó -ú éπd Ææçv æ-cç-î -LqçC, Éçûª Ωèπ îëߪ - ü. He should have consulted a doctor much earlier. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation between Nandan and Santan 1) It's time you saw a doctor. y Éçûªèπ çüë -ú éπd Ææç-v æ-cç-î -LqçC/ Ç Ææuç îë». (Verb - saw - past doing word) 2) Time we started serious preparation. æ--kéπ~- èπ Æ -J-ߪ Æˇí -v œê é ôç Éçûªèπ çüá- æ púó Ç Ωç-Gµç-î -Lqç-C/-Ç- Ææuç Å çc. (Verb - started - past doing word) 3) It's time my father were here. Ø o á æ púó Ééπ\-úø ç-ú -Lqç-C/-Ç- Ææuç Å çc (Verb - were) 4) Time you were free from all worries to prepare for the exams. ( y æk-éπ~- èπ «í ûªßª - Ω- -ö«-eéà Ñ éπ -ûª ç* á æ púó ߪ ô æúõ Öçú Lqç-C.) (verb - were) Ñ sentences applee Ñ construction «í practice îëߪ çúõ. O Spoken English, natural í Öçô çc. Exercise: Practise the following aloud in English Prabhas: -àçöà î - «-G-@í ÖØ o? Subhash: àç îëߪ. Å tèπ äçöapplex «í ü. Prabhas: y ú éπd éà -á æ p-úó îª œç-î -LqçC. Ç Ææuç îë».- Subhash: Ç æe O üë -G-@í ÖØ o. Ç -ÇÆæ æ-va apple - îµ -Kb- K áèπ \.úø s éóææç îª Ææ hø o. Prabhas: îª -úø Subhash.. Ééπ\úø Fèπ Ææ æ ߪ ç éó æç áèπ \- Áj -éìdl ûªèπ \ Ç apple-* ƒhç! -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 169 Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. URL: îëߪ -í ÊÆo œ«-ûª -úø ÖØ o-úøe á æ púó ûá - Ææ -èπ - ç-ú -LqçC - - y. ØË -Ø o- í. áçûª é L? Subhash: ü l. á «íó ûáîª a-èπ çö«. Prabhas: Ø ü í _ Ω ü îªôç Ç ƒ-lq -õ i- *açc. Ç Ææuç îëߪ èπ. -îá æ p -áçûª é apple? Subhash: ØËEç-ûªèπ çü F ü í _ Ω BÆæ èπ o úø s á æ púó AJ-T- y-lqçc. Sx á «BÆæ éó? Prabhas: Ø èπ éó æç ûá œpç-îªèπ. áçûª é apple îá Òpîª a éπü? Subhash: æ-c- Ë- Ω - ƒ-ߪ - Prabhas: B Ú\. ÉçöÀéÀ. ANSWER: Prabhas: What makes you so busy? Subhash: What shall I do? Mom is not at all well. Prabhas: Time you took her to a doctor. Subhash: That's what I am busy doing. The charges in the hospital are high. I am looking for money. Prabhas: Look here, Subhash. Time you knew you have a friend who can help you. Subhash: Just don't worry. I will get it some how. Prabhas: Time you stopped hiding things from me. Subhash: Time I repaid the money. I borrowed from you already. How can I borrow again? Prabhas: Don't make me angry. Tell me how much you want. Subhash: Rs /- Prabhas: Have it. come home to me. Nandan, Varun conversation applee Ñ sentences í -Eç-îªçúÕ. 'Shall I do that then?' (shall I see the doctor then?) 'You had better do it! (ÅC îëߪ ôç better.) yc îëߪ ôç ç*c ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ you had better do it Åçô çö«ç. It is better for you to do that ÅE èπÿú Å - îª a. é F you had better do it ÅØË-üË better. He had better not go there now. Åûª- -éπ\-úõéà Á }éπ Ú ôç ç*c. Ñ sentences èπÿú îª úøçúõ. Nandan: I'll do it immediately then. Santan: The earlier, the better. The earlier, the better= áçûª ûªy Ωí îëêæh Åçûª ç*c. Ñ type of sentences èπÿú practice îëߪ çúõ. áçûª Òúø -í - ûë, Åçûª «í bowl îëߪ -í - Ω. = The taller a person is, the better can they bowl. É «çöà Ææçü - s applex ç í -Eç-î -LqçC. 1) The use of the comparative. 2) The inversion of the verb. a) The more angry you are, the less do you think. éó æç áèπ \- Áj -éìdl, ûªèπ \ Ç apple-* ƒhç. b) The hotter the sun is, the more tired one is. áçúø áèπ \-- Áj éìdl, Å -Ææô áèπ \- - -ûª çc/ áèπ \ Å -Æœ- Ú-û Ω. Ñ éàçc sentences English apple practice îëߪ çúõ. 1)  ü l x- - -éìdl, Å - µº ç Â Ω -í -ûª çc. 2) áçûª Ç -vúõçé û TûË, Åçûª Éçé û í - -E- œ-ææ hçc. ANSWERS: 1) The older you are/ you grow, the more is your experience. 2) The more you drink it, the more you feel like drinking it. -v æ- o: What is the difference between "found" and "discovery"? Å - ÎöÀd éà Ú, -N- -ûª- -ï- - : 'Found' means to establish ( ƒn œç-îªôç). NTR founded the TDP. (NTR TDP E ƒn œç-î Ω.) 2) Found is the past tense of 'find'. ûá -Ææ -éó- ôç, í -Eç-îªôç, îª úøôç ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ. I found him working very hard = Åûªúø éπ æ d- æúõ æe-îë-ߪ ôç í -Eçî. 3) Discovery - the act of finding or learning about something for the first time Åçõ à N æ-ߪ -ØÁj oø Á ü -öà- ƒ-jí ûá -Ææ -éó- ôç, Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- ôç, ÅE. Newton's discovery of the laws of gravitation changed out understanding of nature. u-ô-ø í Ω -û y-éπ- Ω{ù éàhe éπ -éó\- ôç (Åçü -J-éπØ o çü ûá -Ææ -éó- ôç /Å Ωnç îëææ éó- ôç) v æéπ%-ae í Jç* Å -í - æ«- apple Ω p ûá*açc. Find out Åçõ discover ÅØË Å Ωnç- -Ææ hçc.-

80 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -üµ Ωç 14 -W-Ø 2006 I. Prasad: Your clothes look nice. Are they new? (F ôd «í -Ø o. ÅN éìûªh?) Pramod: Yes. They are. (Å ) Prasad: Perhaps they cost you a lot. (ÅN «í êk-üáj èπ çö«) Pramod: Yes. They did. Prasad: You look quite smart in them. ( y ôd applex Çéπ- Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ çí éπe- œ-ææ h-ø o ) Pramod: Do I? Thanks for the compliment. (Å Ø? F Òí -úøhèπ thanks) Prasad: Then shall we start? Pramod: We shall. II. Srikanth: Have you met suman? Ravinder: Yes. I have. Srikanth: Do you know where he is? Ravinder: No, I don't. Srikanth: Will you meet him again? Ravinder: No, I won't. I've important work. Srikanth: Do you expect him here today? (Ñ ÓV ƒh-úø- -èπ ç-ô -Ø o?) Ravinder: I'm afraid no. ( úø- -èπ çö«) III. Naresh: The shop hasn't yet opened today. (Ñ ÓV shop Éçé ûá Ω- - ü ) Mahesh: Yes, it hasn't. It is usually open by this time. ( - í Ñ time èπ ûáj-îª ç-ô çc) Naresh: So it is. But I don't know what's happened today. (Å. Ñ ÓV à Á içüó ûál-ߪ ôç ü ) Mahesh: There they are coming to open. But I think it will be some time before they start selling. I can't wait. (ÅCíÓ Ÿx ûá Ω- -ö«-eéà Ææ h-ø o Ω. Å tôç v ƒ Ωç-Gµç-îª-ö«-EéÀ éìçûª time æúø -ûª çc. ØË wait îëߪ -.) IV. Bhaskar: Why did you come so late yesterday? (E o áçü èπ Ç -Ææuçí î a?) Bhavani: Did I? I was here on time. (-ØËØ? ØËE-éπ\úø time èπ ÖØ o.) Bhaskar: But you weren't. I noted the time. It was Bhavani: But it wasn't It was only (Å æ púø 8.15 é ü vûª Ë ) Bhaskar: Even that makes you late. (Å æ púø Ø y Ç -Ææu- Ë -éπü?) Bhavani: So it does. (Å -ØÁxçúÕ) V. Chetan: Madan, we have been here before. ( ü Ø, ç Ééπ\-úÕéÀ Éçûªèπ çüìî aç.) Madan: But we haven't. You are mistaken. ( ç ü. ËyüÓ Ò Ω- -úø -ûª -Ø o ) Chetan: But I'm not. Some how the place seems familiar to me. (ØËØËç Ò Ω- -úø-ôç- ü. áçü -éπøó Ñ v æüë ç Éçûª-èπ - çü îª Æœ ô d ÅE- œ- ÚhçC) Madan: But it doesn't to me. (Ø éπ «ào ÅE- œç-îª-ôç- ü ) VI. Balu: I must start at once, or I'll be late for office. (-ØË- - ÁçôØË ßª - l- L. èπ- Ú-ûË office èπ Ç Ææu-- - -ûª ç-c.) Giri: So must I. I've to reserve tickets for my journey. (ØË Á «xl. v æߪ -ù«-eéà tickets reserve îëææ -éó- L) Balu: Have you the key to lock the room? Giri: I have. Balu: Will you lock the room then? Giri: I will. Don't worry.  j short conversations  Ω éπü? öà apple O Ω í -EçîË Öçö«Ω. ƒ - uçí daily conversation apple informal situations apple ç ËÊÆ questions, Åçü èπ îëa answers  j -Fo. Carefully observe the questions and the replies in the dialogues above. you find the responses (replies) very brief and expressed in a word or two. ( j passage applee ï - - Fo èπÿú î «èπ x æhçí äéπöà È çúø - -ô éπçõ áèπ \ éπ- Ú- ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ.) É «çöà short responses English conversation/ spoken English èπ Ææ æ«-ï-û y-eo- ƒh. Spoken English apple questions èπ, êuçí non 'wh' word questions (Åçõ what, when, why, where, who, whose «çöà ô- ûó v ƒ Ωç µºç é E questions) èπ responses î «èπ x æhçí Öçö«.  j conversation passages äéì\-éπ\öà úø, Ø -í - ƒ Ω x Gí _- Ωí îªcn practice îëߪ çúõ. short responses á «Öçö«ßÁ O èπ Å Ωn- - ûª çc. Look at the following exchanges. I. Balaram: May I come in? -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 170 Rajaram: Please do. (Have a seat) Ééπ\úø come in ÅE é F, please come in ÅE é F reply apple éπ- Ú- ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. II. Ramana: Australians play well. Kamala: Yes, they do/ No, they don't. Ééπ\úø èπÿú yes, they play well/ No, they don't' play well ÅE, play úø-éπ- Ú- úøç í - Eç-îªçúÕ. ÉD English apple natural practice. III. Teacher: Can you sing, Radha? Radha: Yes, I can, Maam/ No I can't/ I'm afraid I can't. Ñ dialogue applee response apple èπÿú sing repeat é éπ- Ú- ôç í -Eç-î Ω éπü. (I'm afraid; Ééπ\úø afraid èπ Å Ωnç µºßª ç ÅE é ü. à N æ-ߪ - Á iø îá æp-ö«-eéà «üµ - æú f/ É æ dç- -éπ- Ú- Ø I'm afraid Åçö«ç.) É «çöà short responses vûª Ë spoken English èπ Ææ æ«-ï-û yeo yí -. É «çöà short responses E conversation bookish í, ÅA-éÀç-*- ô x Öçô çc. O English speech Å -J- -ô xç-ú - çõ ÉN «í practice îëæœ ûªúø - -éó-èπ çú úøí LT Öçú L. ÉN á «îëߪ apple ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç: Á ü -ôí study the short responses in the short conversations at the beginning of this lesson. 1. Prasad:... Are they new? Pramod: Yes, they are. (Ééπ\úÕ response, î «- çc ÅØËô x, yes, ÅEé E, yes, they are new ÅEé F Å Ω. correct conversation apple ÆæÈ j response: Yes, they are. Answer é ü Å ûë, No, they aren't. Ééπ\úø èπÿú, No ûó Ç æ-ôç-é F, No, they are not new ÅE æ Jhí Ç æôç ï Ω-í ü, standard spoken English apple. Å «Íí Prasad: Perhaps they cost you a lot. Pramod: Yes, they did. (Yes ûó Ç æôç é F, Yes, they cost me a lot é F é ü ) Prasad: Shall we start? Pramod: We shall. (short response) (We shall start é ü ) May I come in? - Please do. Passage II apple short responses í -Eç-îªçúÕ. a) Yes, I have (met ü ) b) No. I don't (Know ü ) c) No I won't (meet ü ) d) I'm afraid no (Ééπ\úø expect v æ ƒh- ØË ü ) Passage III: a) Yes, it hasn't. (opened ü ) b) So it is. (open ü ) c) Nor can I (wait ü ) Passage IV: a) Did I? (Did I come late ü éπü?) b) But you weren't (here ü ) c) So, it does (So it makes me late é ü ) Passage V: a) But we haven't (been îë Ωa- ü ) b) But I'm not. (mistaken îë Ωa- ü ) c) But it doesn't seem, to me (familiar repeat Å ôç ü ) Passage VI: a) So must I ('Start' repeat é ôç ü ) b) I have ('the key' repeat é ôç ü ) c) I will (lock it Å ôç ü )  j passages ÅFo Gí _- Ωí 3, 4 ƒ Ω x practice îëߪ çúõ. Short responses Å - -ô- -û. Short responses Áçô ÁçôØË ÅçCç-îª-ö«-EéÀ ÅC form îëߪ ôç Å Ωnç îëææ -èπ çü ç. Ç Ææ vû -LN: a) Are they students? DEéÀ short response - Ÿx students Å ûë, Yes, they are students ÅE æ Jhí ÅØË ü, yes, they are ûó ÇÊ ƒhç. é éπ- ÚûË, No, they aren't (are not) Åçö«ç. Ééπ\úø easy short response ÉîËa-ô- æ púø Á ü ô sentence apple verb îª Ææ -éó- L. ü Eo- öàd response Öçô çc. sentence apple 'Are' ÖçC é öàd, So they are ÅE response. b) Ramarao: Are you a student? Balaram: Yes, I am/ No I'm not. Sentence applee verb, Are, response applee verb 'am' äíé tense apple Öçú L. c) Sentence apple 1st Regular Doing Word (go, come, sing..), 2nd Regular Doing Word (goes, comes, sings..) and 3rd Regular Doing Word (went, came, sang..) *a- - æ púø, öàéà Ææç ç-cµç-* do, does and did úøû ç. 1) Ramu: Do you take coffee? Somu: Yes, I do/ No, I don't (do not) 2) John: Does she sing well? Eddy: Yes, she does/ No, she doesn't (does not) 3) Sarala: Did he meet you yesterday? Vanaja: Yes, he did/ No he didn't (did not) Å «Íí sentence apple shall, will, can, could, may, might, need ÊÆh, responses apple èπÿú Å Ë repeat Å -û, Yes, Å ûë not èπ çú, No Å ûë, not îëja. a) Kavya: Will you buy the book? Navya: Yes, I will/ No, I won't (will not) b) Kiran: Can he walk? Shyam: Yes, he can/ No, he can't. c) Ram: could you understand that? Das: Yes, I could/ No, I couldn't. 4) Have, has, had sentences apple ÊÆh responses apple èπÿú Å Ë ƒh. a) Venu: Have you understood it? Ramu: Yes, I have/ No, I haven't/ I'm afraid I haven't. b) Balu: Has he come? Somu: Yes, he has/ No, he hasn't/ I'm afraid he hasn't. 5) Kesav: He had seen me before he went out. Kumar: Yes, he had/ No, he hadn't. EXERCISE Now practise short responses for the following aloud. Srinath: E o y úõe éπ -Ææ -èπ -Ø o? Srikar: ( «üµ í ) ü. Srinath: Ñ Ó-ñ jø éπ -Ææ -èπ ç-ö«? Srikar: éπ -Ææ -éó, Ø èπ æ çc. Srinath: úõéà phone Å Ø îë ƒh? Srikar: îë ƒh. é F úø Ü applex ÖØ oú ÅØËC Å - ç Ø èπ. Srinath: y úõe last time éπ -Ææ -èπ - o- æ púø Oy N æߪ ç îá ƒp- - -èπ ç-ô Ø o. Srikar: îá ƒp. Ç N æߪ ç Fèπ îá ƒp éπü, í Ω hç-ü - -èπ çö«. Srinath: í Ω hçc. äéπ- ƒj ü Eo Sx îá æpôç FÍéç Å µºuç-ûª Ωç ü éπü? Srikar: ÅüËç- ü. ûª æp-èπ çú îá ƒh. ANSWER Srinath: Did you meet him yesterday? Srikar: No, I didn't/ I'm afraid I didn't. Srinath: Will you meet him at least today? Srikar: I won't. I have work. Srinath: Will you at least call him? Srikar: I will, of course. But I doubt if he is in town. Srinath: When you met him last, I think you told him of it. Srikar: I did. I told you that I had told him of it too. Hope you remember it. Srinath: I do. But would you mind repeating it? Srikar: No, certainly not.

81 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ÿ-véπ Ωç 16 -W-Ø 2006 Bhanu: Hi Sarat, how do you feel now? ( Ωû, É æ p-úá «ÖçC?) Sarat: Certainly much better, though not allright. (éπ*a-ûªçí Á Ω í _ ÖçC, æ Jhí éó -éó-éπ- Ú- - - æp-öàéã) Bhanu: You still feel week, don't you? (Éçé F Ω-Ææçí ÖçC, éπü?) Sarat: Yes, I do. I look week, don't I? (ØË F Ω-Ææçí éπ-e- œææ h-ø o, éπü?) Bhanu: That you do. The Doctor has treated Sarat: you well, hasn't he? (Å. Doctor E o «í ØË îª»úø éπü?) Yes, he has, certainly. Otherwise I couldn't have recovered so quickly, could I? (éπ*a-ûªçí. èπ çõ ØËEçûª ûªy Ωí éó -éóí -L-í ç-úë- -úõe é éπü?) Bhanu: You will resume duty next Monday, Sarat: won't you? ( y îëa Ú - Ωç Sx office éì ƒh éπü?) (resume = Sx v ƒ Ωç-Gµç-îªôç. Resume - pronunciation È Wu (Wu size apple z «í ). ÅüË spelling ûó È Vu Á (Vu size apple z «í ) ÅE pronounce îëêæh biodata/ cv ÅE Å Ωnç. Job applications ûó ïûª- æ- Ω-îËC) I hope I well (Å «ØË ÇP-Ææ hø o) Bhanu: Get well soon. I'll make a move then. You don't need anything more, do you? (ûªy Ωí éó éó. (Get well soon - ÉC ï s- æ-úøf- - x éó -éó- - E Éûª- Ω éóí C.) Å ûë ØË Á -û. FéÀçÍéç Å - Ææ Ωç ü éπü?) Sarat: No. Thank you. You are going straight to office, aren't you? Bhanu: Yes, I am. Sarat: Bye, then. Bhanu: Bye. éàçü öà lesson apple English apple Ææ Ωy- ƒ-üµ - Ω-ùçí úë short responses ç éπü. Ñ short responses í Jç* J-éÌçûª ûá -Ææ -èπ -ØË- çü Question Tags í Jç* ûá -Ææ -éó- L. ÉC- - Ω apple ûá -Ææ -èπ - o-ü Eo Ó- ƒj í Ω h-îë-ææ -èπ çü ç. ç ûá -í apple äéπ N æߪ ç îá œp, ü E * Ω, éπü, é ü, åø, ü Åçô çö«ç éπü? Å «English apple ÅØË ô- ØË question tags Åçö«ç. eg: He is a great actor, isn't he? = Åûª íì æp ô úø, éπü? Sentence * Ω Ö o 'isn't he?' ØË question tag Åçö«ç. ûá -í apple à sentence * -È jø, ç úë question tag, éπü? é ü? åø? ü? Ñ Ø -Tç-öÀ apple àüájø úøû ç. ûª æ p- ü. Å ûë English apple question tag, sentence subject öàd, verb öãd sentence, sentence èπÿ J- Ú-ûª ç-ô çc. eg: 1) she is here, isn't she? (Ç Á Ééπ\úø ÖçC éπü?) 2) He comes here, doesn't he? (Åûª-E-éπ\-úÕ-éÌ- ƒhúø éπü?) îª úøçúõ: Sentence 1 apple, subject - she. verb - is. Question tag: isn't she? Sentence 2 apple subject - He, verb - comes. Question tag - doesn't he? (Ééπ\úø verb comes, II RDW é öàd question tag apple 'does' Ææ hçc) É æ púø Question tags á «form îëߪ apple îª ü lç. She was here. DEéÀ Question tag form îëߪ L. 1) Á ü ô verb ߪ L sentence * Ω (she was here, was...) 2) sentence apple not ü. é öàd verb ûª yûª not verb ûó éπl œ n't í ߪ L. She was here, wasn't...? 3) ûª yûª sentence subject, 'she' îë al. ûª yûª Question mark  ö«dl. Å æ púø question tag Á ûªhç... wasn't she? sentence Á ûªhç, question tag ûó she was here, wasn't she? (Sentence apple æ not Öçõ tag apple not (n't) ü. eg: She wasn't here, was she? sentence apple not Öçúøôç x, tag apple not ü.) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 171 Sentence applee verb, 1st Regular doing word (come, go, sing, etc), 2nd Regular doing word (comes, goes, sings, etc), Past doing word (came, went, sang, etc) Å ûë, question tag apple do (I RDW èπ ), does (II RDW èπ ) did (Past doing word) ƒh. a) They study (I RDW) well, don't they? (They do not study well, do they?) b) She sings (II RDW) well, doesn't she?) (She does not sing well, does she?) c) They came (PDW) yesterday, didn't they? (They did not come yesterday, did they?) Ñ regular doing words, (I RDW, II RDW) past doing words èπ vûª Ë É «ËÍ í do, does, did Question tags apple ƒh. ÉN éìçîáç Ü æ«ûó practice îëߪ L. N í û verbs Åçõ will, would, shall, should, can, could, may might, must èπ Å Ë verbs question tags apple repeat Å -û. a) She will come, won't she? (won't = will not) b) They would help me, wouldn't they? c) I shall go, shan't I? (shan't = shall not) d) He should know this, shouldn't he? e) She can sing, can't she? (can't = cannot) f) He could pass, couldn't he? g) They may help you, mayn't they? (very rare) h) The people might like it, mightn't they? (very rare) i) He must go, mustn't he? Study the following: Pramada: Can you speak English? Narmada: I can, of course. ( ö«x-úø-í - ) Pramada: Is your knowledge of English good? Narmada: Yes, it is (Å ) Pramada: So you haven't forgotten what you learnt at school. ( y school apple ØË Ω a-èπ - oc J-*- Ú- -ü - o- ô) Narmada: No, I haven't ( ü ) îª úøçúõ: -Ñ responses apple áéπ\ú èπÿú yes, no ûó Ç æ-èπ çú, yes, I can; yes, it is; No, I haven't ÅE sentences apple Ö o helping verbs repeat îëߪ ôç í -EçîË Öçö«Ω. Now observe the following short responses from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. 1) Bhanu: You still feel week, don't you? Sarat: Yes, I do. 2) Bhanu: The doctor has treated you well, hasn't he? Sarat: Yes, he has, certainly 3) Bhanu: You will resume duty next week, won't you? Sarat: I hope I will 4) Sarat: You are going straight to office, aren't you? Bhanu: Yes, I am à sentence éπ Ø îëa short response, Ç sentence applee verb form, tense öàd ÖçC ÅE í -Eç-î Ω éπü! Ñ Short responses apple, I'm afraid..., I wonder..., of course..., certainly, I doubt whether..., ÅE èπÿú ÅØÌîª a; äéπ\ I ûóøë é èπ çú, we, you, they, he, she, it èπÿú îª a. Look at the following: Kesav: Did you have enough money to buy the book? (Ç æ Ææhéπç éìøëç-ü èπ î L- çûª úø sç-úõçü?) Kedar: Of course, I had. Kesav: You seen to have got it cheap. (FéπC î éπí *a- -ô xçc) Kedar: No, certainly not. (é ØË-é ü ) Kesav: Why? Did it cost you a lot? (î - «êk-ü - çü,) Kedar: Of course, it did. (ÆæçüË- æ«ë ç ü ) Kesav: You should have bargained. ( Ωç îëߪ - LqçC) You would have got it for a lower price. (Féπç-ûª-éπØ o ûªèπ \ üµ Ωèπ îëac) Kedar: I did. But I doubt whether I could have got it for a lower price. Kesav: I need two copies of the book, one for me and another for my cousin. Can I get them? (Ø èπ Ç æ Ææhéπç copies È çúø é L äéπöà Ø èπ, ÉçéÓöÀ cousin èπ. üì Ω -èπ -û ߪ?) Kedar: I wonder. (ÆæçüË- æ«ë ) Kesav: You mean you got the last copy? (Åçõ y- ôç, y ûáîª a-èπ - oc, Åéπ\úÕ * J copy ÅØ?) Kedar: I'm afraid so... at least in that shop. (ÅØË Å -èπ ç-ô Ø o (îá æp-ö«-eéà «üµ - æ-úøôç I'm afraid.) éπfææç Ç shop apple) Kesav: Then have I to go without such an important book? (Å ûë ØËF êu- Á i æ Ææhéπç èπ ç-ú ØË Ææ Ω l-éó- «?) Kedar: You have to,... at least for the present. (Å, ÅçûË. v æææ h-û -E-éπçûË)  Ω éπü? Ü æ - -éàhe öàd Å Ωn- ç-ûªçí áeo Short responses É y- îóa, ç áçûª áèπ \- í Short responses ûó Ææç µ«- æù îëߪ -í - L-TûË English O ü Åçûª- æ-ô d- oô x. EXERCISE Madhukar: ØË œl-êæh- úø úøçö«? Subhakar: Ø èπ ÆæçüË- æ«ë. Madhukar: ØË çõ úõéà íı Ω ç ÖçC éπü? Subhakar: ü EéÀ ÆæçüË æ«ç ü. Madhukar: Å ûë úø ôç ÆæçüË- æ«- E áçü - éπç-ô -Ø o? úõ N æߪ ç Fèπ «í ûá ƒ? She wasn't here, was she? Subhakar: Å. Madhukar: úõéà y îªaîá- æp-? Subhakar: îá æp-í -. é F... y Åûª-EûÓ ö«x-úø- - -Æœç-üËØ? Madhukar: Å Subhakar: Ëy ÅûªE ü í _ Ω Èé Ôx-îª a-éπü? Madhukar: Á x-. Subhakar: F u-ü èπ ûªèπ \- - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o? Madhukar: é ü. Åéπ\úø x o Öçö«úø. Subhakar: Åûª- çõ FéÀ æ dç ü? Madhukar: ÅçûË. äéπ- ƒj v æߪ ûªoç îá u. Subhakar: OK. Å «Íí. ANSWER Madhukar: Do you think he wouldn't come if I called him? Subhakar: I doubt/ I'm afraid, so. Madhukar: He respects me, doesn't he? Subhakar: Ofcourse, he does. Madhukar: Then why do you doubt his coming? Do you know him well? Subhakar: Yes, I do. Madhukar: Can't you persuade him? Subhakar: Yes, I can, but must you talk to him? Madhukar: Yes, I must Subhakar: Then you can as well go to him. Madhukar: No. I can't. Subhakar: You feel it lowering yourself, don't you? Madhukar: No. I don't. But his brother will be there. Subhakar: Don't you like him? Madhukar: No. I don't. Just try once to get him here. Subhakar: OK. So I will.

82 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -Ç-C Ωç 18 -W-Ø 2006 Gowtham: How was the movie yesterday? (E o ÆœE á «ÖçC?) Uttham: I didn't like it one bit at all. You saw it the day before. How did you find it? (ÅÆæ (äéπ\ œææ-è jø ) îªa- ü Ø èπ. y Á o . FÈé «ÅE- œç-*çc?) Gowtham: I didn't like it either. It had too much of violence and sex. (-Ø èπÿ îªa- ü. ü çöapplex N A-O -J œ«çææ, %çí Ωç ÖçC.) Uttham: So have most movies nowadays. But unfortunately there are people who see them. No wonder that only such movies are produced. (ÅEoçöapplex ÅçûË. ü Ω-ü %- æ d- Ë - N -ôçõ Å «çöà ÆœE- - îª ÊÆ- x ÖØ o Ω. Åçü -éπe Å «çöà ÆœE ôç (EJtç-îª-úøç) apple Ç a- Ωu Ë ç ü. Gowtham: The story line is very thin and Uttham: So they are. dances and fights are a plenty in all of them. ( ô-eoçöapplex éπü î «ûªèπ \, dances, fights áèπ \ ) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 172 Gowtham: Our heroes and heroines just dance in the movies. They act little. ( heroes and heroines ÆœE- applex dance îë ƒh ΩçûË. Ÿx öàç--îªôç ÅØËC ü ü æ ü ) Uttham: So they do! The weak story line offers them no scope for action. (Å Ÿx îëêæ-ü üë. éπü applex ç éπ- Ú- -úøçûó Ÿx ûª ô îª œçîë Ç ƒ\- Ω Ë ü ) Gowtham: No it doesn't. Nor do most of the audiences seem to expect anything other than that. (Å Ç éπü - çûë. vê éπ~-èπ applex î «- çc Åçûª-éπçõ àç éó Ω - èπ -ØËô x Ω ) Uttham: What do you think of Hindi movies? ( œ«çc ÆœE- - «ÖØ o-ߪ ç-ö«?) Gowtham: (Do) you think they are better? All Indian movies are alike. Perhaps the music in them is better. (Å Ë- o Á Ω -í - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o? µ«ω-bߪ *vû - Fo äíé-b Ω. æ» œ«çd ÆœE- applex ÆæçUûªç é Ææh «í ç-ô ç-üë Á?) Uttham: We don't hear people saying that a hero's action in a movie is good. All that we hear them say is that the hero has danced well in the movie and that his steps are good. (ÆœE- apple hero action «í ç-ü E vê éπ~-èπ - - ôç ç N ç. ç NØËü çû Ç hero «í dance îë»-úøf, Çߪ 'steps' «í -Ø o-ߪ E.) Gowtham: That's true. All that they care about is the hero's ability to dance. (Eï Ë Ÿx îª ÊÆ-ü çû dance apple hero v æa µº vûª Ë ) Uttham: So they do! OK. Let's hope for better days for our movies. (ÅçûË Ÿx-îË-ÊÆC. *vû - èπ ç* ÓV- Ô- ƒh-ߪ E ÇPü lç.) ç éàçü öà È çúø lessons apple short responses á «É y apple ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç í ü. Ñ lesson apple èπÿú äéπ Ω îá œp ôèπ ç å (yes) ÅØËç-ü èπÿ, é ü (no) ÅØËç-ü èπÿ, spoken form á «Öçô çüó ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç. a) Prakash: He appears to be worried. Vikas: Yes, he does. Ééπ\úø 1st sentence apple verb appears é öàd, Vikas's response, 'yes, he does' ÅE Ææ hçc áçü -éπçõ, appears (2nd RDW) = does + appear. Åçü -éπe Ééπ\úø, he does Åçö«ç, 'yes' ûª yûª. b) Sunil: You see movies quite often, don't you? Kiran: Yes, I do. Ééπ\úø Sunil ô applex verb, see. see (1st RDW) = do + see. Åçü -éπe response, Yes, I do. ÅüË negative response Å -éóçúõ. Å æ púø, Kiran's response á «Öçô çc? No, I don't. (do + not) c) Ganesh: You went to a movie yesterday, didn't you? ( y E o ÆœE Èé «x, éπü?) Mahesh: Yes, I did/ No, I didn't. (Å, Á «x / ü, Á x- ü ) Ganesh's sentence apple verb, went (Past doing word) = did + go. Åçü -éπe response, yes Å ûë, Yes, I did. no Å ûë No, I didn't. Sentences (b), (c) apple question tags ÖØ o, (Don't you? and didn't you). Åçü - éπe Ééπ\úø response É y-ö«-eéà, öà- applexøë èπ é - -Æœ helping verbs (do, did) ÖØ o. Verbs 1st Regular Doing Word (come, go, sing, etc), 2nd Regular Doing Word (comes, goes, sings, etc), Past Doing Word (came, went, sang, etc) Å ûë, responses apple do, does and did Ω-Ææí ƒh. ÉC ç ñ«ví -ûªhí í Ω h-â -ô d-éó- L. Ééπ N í û verbs N æ-ߪ ç apple (will, shall, would, could, etc...) ÅN éπe- œ-ææ høë Öçö«. é öàd, short responses apple öàøë úøû ç. Now look at the following. d) Srikanth: The milk is too hot to drink. Vikranth: Yes, it is. Yes, it is ÅØËC Ééπ\úø - í îëa short response. Å ûë Ç milk èπ Ç a Ωuç éπl- TçîË Åçûª ËúÕ (Å ØË, ËúÕí ÖçüË! ÅØË Å Ωnç îëaô x) Å ûë, Å æ púø response: Yes, so it is! e) Vinai: Isn't he more than 6 feet tall? Vijai: Yes, so he is!/ ofcourse he is! (ofcourse = ûá -Ææ høë ÖçC éπü ) f) Jayanth: Is he paying us today? (Ñ ÓV Åûªúø úø s îálx-ææ h-ø oú?) Ananth: No, I'm afraid he isn't. g) Ram: Must I take the exam? (ØË exam ߪ -Lqç-üËØ?) Raghu: Yes, you must./ Oh no, you needn't. Must, should, have to/ has to N æ-ߪ ç apple é Ææh ñ«ví ûªh Å -Ææ Ωç. Response, 'yes' Å ûë Ææ - Ææu- ü. áçü -éπçõ Å æ púø ç, Yes/ ofcourse you must/ should/ have to Åçö«ç. He/ she/ it Å ûë Yes/ ofcourse, he/ she/ it must/ should/ has to Åçö«ç. No ÅE response Å ûë, response apple needn't. (í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ must/ should/ have to/ has to èπ opposite- needn't (needn't = need not) - you must do it ( y-c-îë-ߪ L $ you need not (needn't) do it ( yc îëߪ - -éπ\- Ω- ü ) Ramesh: Has he to start the work now? (Åûª-E- æ púë æe v ƒ Ωç-Gµç-î «?) Naresh: Yes, he has to/ yes, I'm afraid he has to/ ofcourse, he has to/ so, he has to (OR) Oh, no, he needn't. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson: 1) I didn't like it either! 2) So have most movies nowadays! 3) So they are! 4) So they do! 5) No, it doesn't. I am not going - Nor am I Spoken English apple also (èπÿú ) ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ Å Ω -ü í úø-û - ΩF, ü E ü too/ as well úø-û - ΩF, not ûó ÅÆæ úø- ΩE Éçûª-èπ - çü lessons apple ç ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. eg: a) He knows English; he knows Telugu too/ he knows Telugu as well. (Ééπ\úø He also..., spoken form apple Å Ω ü.) ÅüË not ûó also ú Lq ÊÆh, not either (n't either) úøû ç. He doesn't know Telugu; he doesn't know Tamil either. (Åûª-úÕéÀ ûá í ü, Tamil èπÿú ü ) I didn't like it ÅE Gowtham Åçõ,Uttam èπÿú Ø èπÿ îªa- ü, ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ - I didn't like it either Å úøç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. N í -û - Fo èπÿú : So have most movies nowadays! so they are! So they do! No, it doesn't èπÿú ÅçûË. 2) So have most movies nowadays. (Å, ÅüË, Ñ ÓV applex î «ÆœE- applex ÅçûË ÅE ä æ p-éó- ôç) 3) So they are (-ØË- èπÿ-ú ) (ÉC yes, so are they éà ü ) ÉC èπÿú (Å, ÅçûË ÅüË ØË Å -èπ ç-ô -Ø o, ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ) 4) So they do (yes, so do they) - so they do Åçõ ç Éçé «í ä æ p-éìç-ô - oô x Å, ÅüË Ø éπ-e- œç-îë-d ÅØË Å Ωnç îëaô x. 5) No, it doesn't ÉC - í Éçûª-èπ - çü ç ûá -Ææ -èπ o short response. t t t t Now look at the following. I a) Santhi: I am happy about the results. ( ælû N æߪ ç apple î «ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖØ o) Klupta: So am I. b) Prabhat: Mine is an imported watch. (Ø C imported/ foreign watch). Prakash: So what? So is mine. (Å ûë àçöà? Ø C èπÿú foreign watch)  j È çúø dialogues îª úøçúõ. Dialogue (a) apple - í Å ûë, Klupta response, I am also happy ÅE Åçô ç-ö«ω. Å «Íí dialogue (b) apple Mine is also a foreign watch ÅE Åçô ç-ö«ω. é F spoken form apple Å «- ü. So ûóøë response Ç Ωç µºç Å -ûª çc also -ØË -ü. a) Åûªúø «í îªü - -û úø, ÅûªúÕ Å o èπÿú «í îªü - -û úø = He studies well, so does his brother. (His brother too studies well Å Ω - His brother studies well too ÅØÌîª a. Å ûë Åçûª common é ü ) b) úø Ç school apple îë úø, x Åéπ\ߪ u ÅüË School apple îëjçc. He joined that school, and so did his sister. II a) Akash: Sunil doesn't study well. (Ææ F ÆæJí îªü - úø ) Eswar: Nor does his brother/ Neither does his brother/ His brother doesn't either. (ÅûªúÕ brother èπÿú ÆæJí _ îªü - úø ) É «çöà Negative Sentences èπ negative response  j Nüµ çí Öçô çc. Sx îª úøçúõ. b) Sasi: 'The mother didn't come' (Ç ûªlx ü ) Anil: ( œ x èπÿú ü ) Nor did the children/ neither did the children/ The children didn't either. (The children also did not come Å ç. NotûÓ also ØË- ü ). III a) Ramana: I didn't like the movie. (Ø é -Æœ-E îªa- ü ) Sumana: But I did. (é F Ø èπ *açc) b) Raghav: He has passed. (Åûªúø pass Åߪ uúø ) Sekhar: But I'm afraid his brother hasn't. (é F ÅûªúÕ brother pass Å - ü )  Ω éπü. äéπ sentence apple îá œpç-ü -EéÀ ua- Í -éπ- Á i response É y- çõ 'But' ûó begin îë ƒhç. Ñ three types of response Ó- ƒj îª ü lç. I. Both positive Prem: My watch shows the correct time. (Ø watch correct time îª œ-ææ hçc) Syam: So does mine. (Ø C èπÿú ) II. Both negative: Radha: I am not going (ØË Á- xúøç ü ) Sneha: Nor am I/ neither am I/ I'm not either. III. Statement & response opposite each other. Hitesh: He is quite happy. (Åûª ÆæçûÓ- æç-í ØË ÖØ oúø ) Nitesh: But his brother isn't. ç Ééπ\úø í -Eç-î -LqçC So, nor, neither, ûó v ƒ Ωç- µº- ßË u responses apple verb çü, subject ûª yûª ôç. eg: So do I, nor do I, neither do I. ÉC êuç. Ñ order JûË response ÆæJ-é ü.

83 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- çí - Ωç 20 -W-Ø 2006 Archana: You were late to class yesterday. Rachana: But I wasn't Archana: The day before? Rachana: The day before? yes, I was. But so were you too. ( Á oø? Å Ç -Ææu- Á içc. Å ûë - Fèπÿ\-ú éπü!) Archana: I am not usually late. You are rarely on time. (ØË - í Ç Ææuçí -. y Å Ω -ü í Ææ -ߪ -E-éÌ- ƒh ) Rachana: So would you be if you had to come from a long way off and depend on city busses. ( O É x ü Ωçí -Öç-úÕ city bus O ü Çüµ - Ω æú Lq- ÊÆh - u ÅçûË- t) Archana: But I wouldn't. I would start early enough to avoid being late. (ÅüËç é ü. Ç Ææuç é èπ çú ÖçúËç-ü èπ çüë ߪ - l- Ω-û ) Rachana: You can't do it ( y îëߪ - ) Archana: But I can (îëߪ -í - ) Rachana: You often tell me that you don't get up before 6 in the morning. Its possible for you to start early? (Ø ûó á æ púø Åçô ç-ö«, ÇJç-öÀ-éπçõ çüë - E, á «ƒüµ uç Fèπ ûìçü - Ωí ߪ - l- Ωôç) Archana: But I would, if I had to start early ( ç-üë ߪ - l- Lq ÊÆh -ûªy Ωí ƒh ) Rachana: You sleep like a log, and you want me to believe that you'd get up early. ( y ü éπ\- «í Evü - Ú-û. o t- ç-ö«... y ûªy Ωí ƒh- çõ ) Archana: My policy is sleep while you sleep, work while you work. (Evü - Ú- -Lq- - æ úø Evü - Ú- ôç, æe-îëߪ Lq æ úø æe-îë-ߪ ôç, Ø æ-ü l -A) Rachana: You can say all this, but action is different. (-É- -Fo ô, æe-îë-ߪ Lq æ púø æe-éà- ) Éçûªèπ çü lessons apple questions èπÿ, question tag Ö o sentences èπÿ ç short responses ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü, ÅüËçöÀ? a) Answer, yes Å ûë, short response, i) yes,i/ we/ you/ they do/ did/ have/ can/ could/ may, etc. ii) yes, he/ she/ it does/ did/ has/ can/ could/ may, etc b) Answer, no Å ûë short response, i) No, I/ we/ you/ they don't/ didn't/ haven't/ can't/ could't/ may it etc. ii) No, he/ she/ it doesn't/ didn't/ hasn't/ can't/ couldn't/ mayn't etc. É æ púø ç practise îëæœ, conversation apple úø- apple-ûª o short responses, äéπ Ω îá œp- - ü -EéÀ (Question é èπ çú ) Å - - -ôç/-é -ü - ôç á «ÅE. ÉC éàçü öà lessons apple èπÿú ç. É æ púø J-éÌçûª N - Ωçí îª ü lç. a) Vanaja: Sujana's dress is good. Jalaja: So it is (yes, it is ÅE èπÿú Åçö«Ω ) b) Sailaja: Bhramara's necklace must have cost her a lot. (v µº Ω necklace î «êküáj Öçú -L/- ê-k-üájç-cí Öç-C.) Viraja: Yes it must have/ So it must have (Å, î «êküáj Öçú L) C) Rahul: One of your shirt buttons has come off. Sasir: Yes, it has/so it has. a) apple Jalaja's response: yes it is/ so it is b) apple Viraja's response: yes, it musthave/ so it must have c) apple sasir's response: yes, it has/ so it has Oô-Eo-öÀ apple yes ûó begin ÅßË u response äéπöã, so ûó begin ÅßË u response äéπöã Ææ h-ø o éπü! È çúø correct Å ûë, so ûó bigin ÅßË u responses, ( so it must have/so it is), yes ûó begin ÅßË u responses éπçõ áèπ \ éπ*aûªç, éìçûª Ç a- ueo èπÿú uéπh- æ- Ω - ƒh. (Å ØË, éπè - ÍédØË ÅØË Å Ωnç üµ yeç-îëô x) é öàd ä æ p-éó- ôç áèπ \ Å æ púø so ûó begin ÅßË u response better. Passages a), b) and c) ( j É*a- N) apple äéπ Ω îá œp- -ü -EéÀ, 'Å ÅØË responses ç. J-éÌEo Öü - æ«- Ω-ù îª úøçúõ. d) Lasya: Divya speaks English well. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 173 (C u English «í ö«x-úø -ûª çc) Priya: Yes, she does/ so she does. Yes, it has/so it has Lasya: In fact she speaks better than most of us (ÅÆæ apple áèπ \- - çc éπçõ «í ö«x-úø -ûª çc.) Priya: Yes/of course she does/so she does (Å, ÆæçüË- æ«- Ë çöà?) e) Prem: Australia has the best cricket team in the world. (v æ æç-îªç apple Australia èπ Öûªh cricket team ÖçC) Syam: Yes, it has/so it has (Å )  j dialogues apple responses ÅFoäéπ Ω îá œpçc ÅçU-éπJçîË responses. äéπ Ω îá œpçc é ü - -ö«-eéà Åçõ negative responses á «Öçö«ßË îª ü lç. a) Bhanu: You know Tamil well. Can you explain this? (Fèπ Tamil ûá Ææ éπü. ÉC N -Jçîª ) Suman: But I don't. (é F Ø èπ ûál-ߪ ü ) b) Kesav: You go there everyday. Why don't you take me there today? ( y ÓW Åéπ\-úÕ-Èé- «h. É y - -ØÁoç-ü èπ BÆæ -Èé- x-èπÿ-úøü?) Kedar: But I don't ØË ( ÓW) Á xøë. (Åçõ Ñ ÓV-ØË Á x-éπ- Ú- îª a) Dialogues a), b) apple responses äéπ Ω îá œp-- ü Eo ÉçéÌ-éπ Ω é ü - ôç. Ééπ\úø negative response, 'but' ûó v ƒ Ωç µºç Å ôç O Ω í - EçîË Öçö«Ω. c) Madhav: You can't understand this, I'm sure. ( NyC Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- - E Ø téπç) Mahesh: But I can/but I'm sure I can. (é F ØË Ωnç îëææ -éó-í - / é F ØË Ωnç îëææ - éó-í - - ØË téπç Ø èπ çc) d) Anand: I haven't been here before. (Éçûªèπ çü ØËØÁ- æ púø Ééπ\-úÕéÀ ü ) Vinod: But I've been. (ØËØÌ-î a ) É «opposite responses 'but' ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. ÉN í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ. É æ púø opposite responses apple, neither, nor, n't either (not either) èπÿú úø -ûª ç-ö«ω. ( English apple not ÊÆh also ÅüË sentence apple ü E éàçü öà lesson apple ç - (Not only, but also Éçü èπ N - æ - ç æ ) a) Lakshmi: Snakes don't fly ( ƒ áí Ω ) Lalasa: Neither do cats/nor do cats/cats don't (do not) either. ( œ x áí - Ω ) b) Manasa: Suseela wasn't late (Ææ Q Ç -Ææuçí ü ) Rajita: Nor was I/ Neither was I/ I wasn't either. (ØË late é üë) ÉC ç last lesson apple ç. î «êuçí í Ω hç-îª -éó- -Lq N æߪ ç not ûó also ü. Summary: É æpöà Ωèπ the points we have learnt a) Questions é èπ çú statements ç ä æ pèπ ØËôôx ûë Yes, it is/so it is. (Ééπ\úø is èπ ü subject öãd, time of action of the verb öãd verb Ω -ûª ç-ü ØË N æߪ ç O èπ ûá Ææ. So it is, ÅØË response, yes, it is éπø o èπÿú éìçîáç stress áèπ \ (ØÌéÀ\-îÁ- æp-ôç/-éìçûª Ç a Ωuç uéπh- æ- Ωîªôç Å ØË! Å oô x) b) äéπ Ω îá œpç-ü -EéÀ ç negative response ÉÆæ h oôx ûë ç ÅC 'but' ûó begin îë ƒhç. a) Keval: She appears fat Kesav: But she doesn't b) Kumar: She is not beautiful Krishna: But she is c) äéπ Ω îáê p negative statements èπ negative responses apple Neither, nor, n't either úøü ç. Anand: I'm not hungry. Vikram: Neither am I / Nor am I/ I'm not either. (Neither, nor ûó begin îëææ h- o- æ púø, verb çü, subject ûª yûª ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Exercise: Now, practise the following aloud in English, using short responses Translate each statement into English, and give the response, both positive and negative. Example: Ñ Öü - æ«- Ωù v æé Ωç îëߪ çúõ. Ramesh: Ñ Table î «Â ü lc. DEéÀ Á ü ô English îá æpçúõ: This table is very big. Suresh: a) Å - /-Å- ØË î «Â ü lüë. Yes, it is/so it is! b) ÅüËç  ü lc é ü But it isn't Do the following examples: 1) Ñ æ Ææhéπç î «bore a) Å - /-Å- ØË, bore! b) ÅüËç é ü 2) Åûªúø «í Çúø-û úø : a) Å - /-Å-, Eïç-í ØË Çúø-û úø : b) àç Çúøúø : 3) ØË î «Å -Ææ-ôí feel Å -ûª -Ø o : a) Å Å «Íí éπe- œ-ææ h-ø o- /- Å- ØË, Å «Íí éπe- œ-ææ h-ø o : b) ÅüËç ü, y fresh í éπe- œ-ææ h-ø o 4) úø î «éó æçí éπe- œ-ææ h-ø oúø : a) Å - /-Å- ØË, Å «Íí éπe- œ-ææ h-ø oúø : b) ÅüËç ü 5) Fèπ Coffee É æ dç- -ü E Ø èπ ûá Ææ : a) Å, É æ dç ü : b) Ø éà- æ d Ë : 6) E o ØË E o îª úø- ü : a) ØË îª» : b) ØË E o îª úø- ü : 7) E o y áçü èπ Ç Ææuçí î a : a) Å, Ç -Ææuç-í ØË î a : b) ØËØËç Ç -Ææuçí ü : 8) ï æ Ææhéπç éìçc: a) Å éìeçc. b) ØË éìø o : c) ØË éì - ü : 9) xèπ teacher Åçõ µºßª ç ü : a) Ø èπ çc: b) Ø èπÿ ü : 10) ØË FéπØ o î «çü í Ééπ\úø ÖØ o: a) Å : b) àç é ü : Answers: 1) This book is a big bore a) Yes it is/so it is, b) But it isn't 2) He plays well a) Yes, he does/so he does, b) But he doesn't 3) I feel very tired a) Yes, you look so/you do look so b) But you don't look so/but you look fresh 4) He looks very angry a) Yes, he does/so he does b) But he doesn't 5) I know you don't like coffee: a) Yes, I don't/so I don't, b) But I like coffee 6) I didn't see you yesterday a) But I did b) Neither did I see you/nor did I see you/ I didn't see you either 7) Why did you come late yesterday? a) Yes I did/so I did, b) But I didn't 8) Vanaja has bought the book a) Yes, she has/so she has. b) So have I c) But I haven't 9) They are not afraid of the teacher a) But I am b) Neither am I/nor am I/I'm not either 10) I have been here long before you a) Yes, you have/so you have b) But you haven't

84 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -í Ω Ωç 22 -W-Ø 2006 Himesh: Hi Mahesh, congrats. Mahesh: What on? (áçü èπÿ?) Himesh: I hear that your score is better than all the others' scores in the class. (class apple Åçü -J-éπçõ F- Á-èπ \ score -îë-»- E NØ o ) Mahesh: Thanks a lot. But I feel happy that I've got very good marks, and not because my score is better than the others. I don't like comparisons. (î «thanks. Å ûë Ø èπ ç* marks *a- ç-ü Íé ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ-úø -ûª -Ø o-í F, Éûª- Ω éπçõ áèπ \ *a- ç-ü èπ é ü. Ø èπ ÚL-éπ É æ dç Öçúø ). (Comparison = ÚLéπ, compare Ú aôç) Himesh: They say you are the cleverest in the class. Doesn't it make you happy? (Åçü Ω E o class apple -Å-ûªuç-ûª ûál Áj úøç-ö«ω. ÅC E o ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ- Ω-îªü?) Mahesh: I am certainly happy to get a high score, even a higher score than I've got this time. But I don't care whether my marks are better than those or others or not. (Ø èπ ç* marks ôç ÆæçûÓ- æ Ë. É æ p-úì-*a marks éπçõ Éçé áèπ \ ôç èπÿú ÆæçûÓ æ- Ë. Å ûë Éûª- Ω éπø o áèπ \, ûªèπ \ ÅØËC -Ø èπ -Å- - -Ææ Ωç). Himesh: But Mahesh, comparisons are quite common, aren't they? When we talk of two or more things or people having same similarity we compare them. Comparisons are only natural. (Å ûë, Ê «ˇ, Ú aôç ÅØËC Ææ Ωy- ƒ-üµ - Ωù- Á i- N æ-ߪ Ë éπü? È çúø úø Ææ h- - applexí F, uèπ h- applex-í F àüájø ƒ Ω æuç éπ - æ-úõûë Ú aôç Ææ æ«-ï Ë éπü?) Mahesh: So they are. But I don't see why I should feel happy when my marks are higher than the others' marks. I am happy If I get marks that I deserve. I don't like to be compared with others. (Eï Ë. Å ûë É-ûª Ω - -éπçõ Ø Èéèπ \ marks ÊÆh ØËØÁç-ü èπ ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ-ú apple Ø éπ Ωnç é ü. Ø èπ Å Ω -ûª -Ö o marks ÊÆhØË Ø èπ ÆæçûÓ æç) Himesh: Then why do we have competitive exams? Why ranking in exams? Isn't the purpose of competitive exams, choosing the best candidates? What is it if not comparison? ( J competitive exams Úöà æk-éπ~ áçü -èπ - oô x? Å µºu- Ω n applex Öûªh- - áç œéπ îëææ -èπ -ØËçü èπ é ü? ÅC Ú aôç é éπ- ÚûË Í çöà?) Mahesh: Oh, Himesh, you are talking about some thing entirely different. All that I say is my marks make me happy and not my being better than others. ( Ëyçöapple ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø o. ØË -ØË-üË-N - ôçõ, Ø èπ ÆæçûÓ- ƒ-eo-îëan Ø marks vûª- Ë -é F, Éûª- Ω - -éπø o ØË Á Ω -í _ ÖØ o ØË N æߪ ç é ü ) Himesh: But you said you were against comparisons. How can you escape comparisons? When you buy something, for example, a shirt, don't you compare a number of shirts, their quality, their price etc. before you settle for the 'cheapest and the best'? ( ÚL-éπ èπ ua-í -éπ- E Ëy ÅØ o- í. Ú aôç ç* ûª œpç-îª -éó-í apple? àüájø Ææ h éìøë-ô- æ púø, ã shirt Å -èπ çü ç, two shirts, öà Ø ùu-ûª, öà üµ Ω- Ú a-éπü, 'ÅA îª í _ ÅA ç* shirt éì -ö«-eéà Æœü l - æ-úø-û? (settle for = àüájø Ææ h éìøëç-ü èπ Æœü l - æ-úøôç/ áç œéπ îëææ -éó- ôç) Mahesh: OK. OK. We've had enough argument. Let's talk of something different. (ÆæÍ, ÆæÍ, Ééπ Ñ ü ç î x. - Í ü -E í Jç-îÁjØ ö«x-úøü ç) Ææ h- -, - æfl-, v æüë-»-, ïçûª - - ÚLa öà applex/ x applex ûª Ω-ûª µ ü îª úøôç èπ î «Ææ æ«-ï- Á i üµó ΩùÀ éπü! The minute we see two or more things/ people of the same nature, we compare them. Comparisons are very common. We usually compare the qualities of people and things. Åçõ - æfl, Ææ h- í ù«-, éπ~-ù«- Ú ƒhç. ç-ü -JéÀ ûá Ææ í ù«-, éπ~-ù«- ûálê ô 'Adjectives' ÅE. ƒ - uçí Å, Å - -ô - çöà, éπ, éπl- T- -ô - çöà ÅE Å Ωnç îëa ô, adjectives. Comparison Ñ adjectives Íé Öçö«. ƒ - uçí 'á «çöà, 'áô - çöà? ÅØË v æ o- èπ ï îëa æ-ü ç, adjective. a) Kumar is tall = èπ Òúø í. èπ á «ç-öà- úø? Answer: Òúø- Áj- - úø (tall) é öàd, tall, adjective. b) Tendulkar is a great cricketer = õ ç-úø - \ íì æp cricketer. áô - çöà cricketer? ÅØË v æ oèπ, great cricketer ÅE answer é öàd, 'great' Ééπ\úø adjective. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 174 c) It is a foreign car. -Å-üÁ- «ç-öà car? Answer: foreign car - é öàd 'foreign' ÅØËC adjective. d) Dravid is the Captain of the Indian team = Dravid µ«ωûª ( µ«ω-bߪ ) ïô dèπ Captain. Indian - adjective. e) A dark room = (<éπöà í C). áô - çöà room? Answer: dark room; so dark - adjective. f) A clever student: á «çöà student? Answer- clever, so clever - adjective.  j Fo tall, great, foreign, Indian, dark, clever - adjectives (í ù«-, éπ~-ù«- ûálê ô ). Å «Íí verb æ - ûá - æ -ûª çc éπü Ç æ á «ïj-í / ï Ω -í -û ÅE ûálê ô ADVERB. a) He walks slowly - verb - walks = úø - ƒhúø. á «úø - ƒhúø Answer - slowly. é öàd slowly, adverb. b) She sings well - verb: sings = ƒúø -ûª çc. á «ƒúø -ûª çc? Answer - well ( «í ) so, well - adverb. Ñ adjectives ûálê í ù-í -ù«-, adverbs ûálê æe Nüµ -Ø - Ú -Ææ hçö«ç. a) Kumar is taller than Kesav= Íé éπçõ èπ Òúø í. Ééπ\úø Íé, èπ Òúø í Ú -Ææ hø oç ÉC Comparison of an adjective (í ùç ÚLéπ). b) He works harder than Karim = éπkç éπçõ úø áèπ \ éπ æ d- æ-úø-û úø ÉC Rx-ü l Ω îëêæ æe ÚLéπ Åçõ comparison of an adverb. daily conversation apple comparison ( ÚLa îª úøôç) î «ûª Ω-îª í ï Ω -í -ûª çc. é öàd degrees of comparison (í ù-í -ù«applex, æ ïjíí Nüµ ç apple ûª Ω-ûª µ ü ) úøôç ûª æpü. öàe correct í úø-í -L-í - çõ Å æ púø conversation èπ precision (éπ*a-ûªûªyç) ÖçúÕ ç îá ƒp- - -èπ o µ«ç correct í îá æp-í ç. Degrees of comparison ã grammar exercise í practice îëߪ -ôç- x v æßá -ï ç Öçúøü. öà N æߪ ç Å Ωnç îëææ -èπ E Å -Ææ Ω Á i - æ púø, precision (éπ*a-ûªûªyç) éóææç Ææçü - s -EéÀ ûªt- ô x úø-ö«-eéà vûª Ë ØË Ω a-èπ çü ç. êu- Á i N æ-ߪ : 1) - í à adjective Å Ø positive degree apple Öçô çc. tall ( Òúø í ), short ( ÒöÀd) high (áûákh ), large ( ü l-üáj ), etc. É «çöà Fo positive degree. Ñ positive degree äéπ Ææ h / E œ í ù«eo ûá - æ -ûª çc. DEE ÚLéπ ÖØ o, éπ- Ú- Ø úøû ç. a) Chandra is tall (positive degree - Ú a-ôç- ü ) b) Surya is not so/ as tall as Chandra (positive degree - Ú -Ææ hø oç îªçvü, Ææ Ωu ) Positive degree applee adjectives èπ, + er/ + r îë Ωa-ôç- x, èπ çõ öà- çü more îë Ωa-ôç- x ÅN comparative degree Å -û (Éûª- Ω - éπçõ áèπ \ ÅØË Å Ωnç apple). a) Chandra is taller than Surya (Surya éπçõ Chandra Òúø í ) (tall + er - comparative degree of tall) b) Surya is braver than Chandra (îªçvü éπçõ Ææ Ωu üµáj Ωu-Ææ húø brave + r - comparative degree of brave = üµáj Ωuç-í ) c) Kashmir is more beautiful than any other state in India. (à Éûª Ω æzç-éπø o é Qt Åçü - Á içc) (more + beautiful - comparative of beautiful) Å «Íí adjective * Ω + est/ st îëjaø, ü E- çü most îëjaø superlative degree Å -ûª çc. a) Chandra is the tallest in the class. (Class apple Chandra Åçü -J-éπØ o Òúø í tall + est - superlative of tall) b) Surya is the bravest in the class. (Class apple Ææ Ωu Åûªuçûª üµáj Ωu-Ææ húø brave + st - superlative of brave) c) Kashmir is the most beautiful state in India (Kashmir Åûªuçûª Ææ çü - Ω- Á i æ Zç. most + beautiful - superlative of beautiful) ç Ææ h- - Ú -Ææ h- o- æ púø / - æfl- Ú -Ææ h- o- æ púø Ææçü - s -Eo- öàd äé𠵫eo, positive, comparative, superlative degree applex üëe- apple-øájø îá æp- îª a. Look at these sentences from the conversation between Himesh and Mahesh. 1)... you are the cleverest boy in the class. cleverest - Ééπ\úÕ adjective. DE * Ω + est ÖçC é öàd ÉC superlative degree. á æ púø í Ω hç-îª -éó- -Lq N æߪ ç superlative çü, the ûª æp-èπ çú Öçú L. The Eenadu is the largest circulated Telugu Daily. (The + Largest - superlative) 2) Your score is better than all the others' scores = F marks Éûª- Ω - ç-ü J marks éπçõ «í -Ø o. (Better - good èπ comparative. Best, - good èπ superlative) 3) I am happy to get a higher score. (higher - comparative) 4)... whether my marks are better than those of others (Éûª- Ω marks éπçõ Ø N Á Ω í, é ü ÅØËC...) 5)... my marks are higher than others' marks (Éûª- Ω marks éπçõ Ø N áèπ \. higher - comparative) äíé µ«eo positive, comparative, superlative degrees apple á «îá ÒpîÌa îª ü lç. AP is the biggest state in South India. ÉC superlative. ü éà~ù µ«ω-ûªç apple AP Åûªuçûª  ü l æzç. (The biggest - superlative çü 'The'). AP is bigger than any other state/ all other states in South India - bigger - comparative. ü éà~ù µ«ω-ûªç- applee à Éûª Ω æzç/ ÅEo Éûª Ω ƒz éπçõ  ü lc. He works harder than... Comparative apple îá ƒp-lq æ púø í -Eç-î -Lq N æߪ ç Comparative ûª yûª than any other + singular/ than all other + plural ôç. ÉüË µ«eo Positive, Åçõ, 'big' úõ îá æp- îª a. No other state in South India is as/ so big as AP. (ü éà~ù µ«ω-û apple à Éûª Ω æzç èπÿú AP Åçûª  ü lc é ü.) Positive apple í -Eç-î -Lq N æߪ ç: 1) No other ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. Positive degree big çü, so é F, as é F, ü E ûª yûª, as ôç í -Eç-î L. µ Ææ çû class apple Åçü -J apple Òúø í ÉC Superlative degree apple -îá- -ü ç. Òúø -í èπ superlative - tallest. ü E- çü 'the' L éπü.sumanth is the tallest (boy) in the class. µ æèπ~ -- applex ØÁ L Åçü - Á içc. ÉC Comparative apple -îá- -ü ç. Åçü - Á i - comparative - more beautiful. Comparative ûª yûá æ púø than, any other singular/ all other plural L éπü (than any other bird/ than all other birds). The peacock is more beautiful than any other bird (singular)/ than all other birds (plural). µ à Éûª Ω Dictionary èπÿú Ñ dictionary Åçûª Ö æ-ßá -í -éπ- Ωçí ü. DEo positive apple -îá- -ü ç. Å æ púëç îëߪ L? No other dictionary ûó begin îëߪ L. Positive degree 'useful' çü, Á éπ, so/ as... as L. Å æ púø sentence, No other dictionary is so/ as useful as this. Ææçví - æ«çí : 1) Superlative degree çü, the. 2) Comparative degree ûª yûª than any other + singular/ than all other + plural. 3) Positive degree: v ƒ Ωç µºç no other ûó. Positive degree çü, so/ as, ûª yûª as.

85 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -E Ωç 24 -W-Ø 2006 Pavan: Why all this excitement about football? What's there in it? (Ñ football í Jç* -Éçûª Öû q æ«- Á ç-ü èπ? -Éçü apple à- çc?) Suman: You know, it's the most popular game in the world. Yes, people watch this game more than any other game. (v æ æç-îªç apple î «áèπ \- - çc ÅGµ- -EçîË véãúø -ÉüË. N í û Çô- -éπø o Ñ ÇôØË áèπ \- - çc îª ƒh Ω ) Pavan: But we don't see many playing the game in India. I often see more people playing cricket than football in India. ( µ«ω-û apple áèπ \- - çc football éπçõ cricket Ç-úø-ô Ë ûª Ω-îª í éπ-e œææ hç-c.) Suman: That's true. No other game is played so much as cricket in India. But it is surprising that in a poor country like India people are more interested in cricket than in football. Cricket is a costlier game than football. Football is much cheaper than cricket. All that it needs is a football. It is not so expensive as cricket- cricket equipment costs a lot more than football. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 175 (Eï Ë µ«ω-û apple cricket ÇúÕ- ç-ûªí N í û à game Çúø Ω. NçûË-N -ôçõ µ«ω-û - «çöà Ê ü üë- ç apple v æï football éπçõ cricket apple áèπ \ ÇÆæéÀh îª œç-îªôç. Football éπø o cricket êküáj véãúø. Football, cricket éπçõ ê Ω a ûªèπ \ game. é -Lqç-ü - «x ã football. -D-EéÀ cricket Åçûª ê Ω a-é ü. Cricket Ææ Ωç-ñ«football éπçõ êkü îëææ hçc) Pavan: In Bengal football is more popular than cricket. Most of our great footballers are from Bengal, particularly Kolkata. There are more football fans than cricket fans in Bengal. ( çí - apple cricket éπçõ football Åçõ ØË ÅGµ- ç áèπ \. íì æp football véãú é - Ω - ç-ü Ω çí -M, êuçí éó -éπ-û Ÿx. Bengal apple cricket ÅGµ éπçõ football ÅGµ èπ \.) fan = ÅGµ- E Suman: Cricketers are the richest of Indian sportsmen. The players of other games do not earn as much. And our cricket control board is the richest in the world. ( µ«ωûª véãú -é - Ω applex cricketers Åûªuçûª üµ Eèπ. Éûª Ω véãú -é - Ω Åçûª Ææç ƒ-cç-îª-úøç- ü. µ«ωûª cricket control board v æ æç-îªç applee ÅEo cricket boards éπçõ üµ E-éπ- Á içc.) Pavan: That's true. Hockey is our national game, but hockey players are not so highly paid, unfortunately. (Å. ñ«bߪ véãúø hockey. é F ü Ω-ü %- æ d- -»ûª h x-éπçûª úø s îálxç-îª Ω.) Suman: I wish there were more encouragement for football. The world cup football is a mega event and India is no where in it. With such a vast population India is not able to have eleven players. (football èπ éìçîáç áèπ \ v Úû q æ«ç Öçõ «í ç-ô çc. Éçûª v æ tç-úø- Á i world cup matches ï Ω -í -ûª çõ, µ«ωûªüë»-eéà ƒn ç èπ çú Ú çc. Éçûª ïø µ«ö o èπ æü -éìç-úø - çc Çôí Ÿx éπ Ω- -ߪ u Ω.) Pavan: OK. Let's watch this evening's match. Bye. (Ñ ƒßª çvûªç match îª ü lç. Bye) éàçü öà lesson apple degrees of comparison í Jç* éìçûª ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü? - -JéÌ-Eo- ØË- Ω aèπ --ØË- ç-ü Å-N Ó- ƒj ÆæçéÀ~- æhçí : 1) Three degrees: positive, comparative and superlative. 2) Degrees of comparison - adjectives, adverbs èπÿ Öçö«. a) formation of comparative: By adding + er/ er to, or more + before the adjective b) formation of superlative: By adding, + est / + st to the adjective/ adverb or most + before the adjective/ adverb Some irregular formations: Good better best well } bad worse worst ill } 3) a) Superlative degree çü, 'the' éπ*a-ûªçí ú L b) comparative ûª yûª than any other + singular/ than all other + plural L. c) positive, no other ûó begin Å -ûª çc. 4) Ææçü - s Eo öàd à degree ú apple E Ωg- ç-îª - èπ çö«ç. ÅçûË-é F ÅüË- æ-eí äéπ degree ç* ÉçéÓ degree Í a exercise Å - -Ææ Ωç. Now, look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson: a) It's the most popular game in the world. v æ æç-îªç apple Åûªu-Cµéπ v æñ«-gµ- ç Ö o véãúø. (superlative degree) b) People watch this game more than any other game - comparative degree c) I often see more people playing cricket than football. d) No other game is played so much as cricket in India - much - positive degree e)... people are more interested in cricket than in football - comparative degree. f) Cricket is a costlier game than football = football éπçõ cricket êk-üáj Çô Football is much cheaper than cricket. Comparative degree. g) Cricket equipment costs a lot more than a football. cricket Ææ Ωç-ñ«äéπ football éπø o êk-üá-èπ \ comparative degree. h) There are more football fans than cricket fans in Bengal = çí applex cricket ÅGµ éπø o football ÅGµ èπ \ comparative degree i) Cricketers are the richest sportsmen in India véãú -é - Ω applex Åûªuçûª üµ - ç-ûª véàèé-ô Ω x. - superlative degree j) Indian cricket control board is the richest in the world = - µ«ω-ûª véàèéö éπçvöapple apple f v æ æç-îªç apple Åûªuçûª üµ E-éπ- Á içc superlative degree k)... but they are not so highly paid (as cricketers are) = Hockey players èπ Åçûª (cricketers èπ îálxç-îëçûª) îálxç-îª Ω.  Ω éπü? Ææçü - s Eo öàd à degree ú - -ØËC, practice x ÅüË èπ Ææ hçc. îá ƒp o µ«- Eo öàd, ç degree select îëææ -èπ çö«ç. English apple È çúõç-öà-éπø o, Éü l-j-éπø o áèπ \ öàe/ çce ÚLa- - æ úø sentence constructions èπÿ, È çúõç-öàe/ Éü l-jf vûª Ë ÚLa- - æ púø sentence construction èπÿ ûëú Öçô çc. êu- Á i Åç ç: È çúõç-öàe/ Éü l-je vûª Ë ÚLa- - æ púø, superlative Öçúøü. Cricket is a costlier game than football Look at sentences (c), (e), (f), (g) and (h). OöÀ applex comparison È çúø N æ-ߪ - èπ vûª Ë cricket, football. Åçü -éπe OöÀéÀ superlative Öçúøü. c) I often see more people playing cricket than football = football ÇúË- - x-éπçõ cricket ÇúË- Ïx áèπ \ éπe- œ- ƒh Ω. e) People are more interested in cricket than in football. f) Cricket is a costlier game than football. g) Cricket equipment costs a lot more than football. h) There are more cricket fans than football fans in India È çúø N æ-ߪ - ÚLa- - æ púø superlative Öçúøü.  j é u- Eo èπÿú comparative apple Öçúøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Cricket is more popular than football in India. È çúø N æ-ߪ - ØË ÚLa- - æ púø, comparative ûª yûª than, ü E ûª yûª È çúó N æߪ ç (foot ball) ôç, í -Eç-îªçúÕ. (... than any other/ all other ü.) N í û sentences apple èπÿú (È çúø N æ-ߪ - ÚLa- - æ púø ) than ûª yûª È çúó N æߪ ç ôç îª úøçúõ (than any other/ all other é èπ çú ). Now look at the following sentences: a) Suman is not so/ as tall as Pavan. Ééπ\úø èπÿú Éü l-jøë Ú -Ææ hø oç. Å ûë Ñ sentence apple adjective 'tall' - positive degree apple Öçúøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Positive degree apple sentence: A is not so/ as (adjective... tall, short, etc.,) as B. b) India is not as/ so rich as America- Positive (America is richer than India)- comparative ( µ«ωû, America Åçûª Ææç æ oç é ü positive/ µ«ωû éπçõ America Ææç æ- o- Á iç-c) c) Kedar does not play as (so) well as Kesav (Kedar, Íé Åçûª «í Çúøúø ) d) Bhavan is as tall as Sravan- ( µº Ø v ù Åçûª Òúø í ) Positive degree. e) Sravan is not taller than Bhavan (Sravan µº Ø éπçõ Òúø í é ü ) ÉçéÓ Ωéπç comparative îª úøçúõ. (È çúø N æ-ߪ ÚLéπ). Of Bangalore and Hyderabad, Bangalore is the cooler. (Bangalore, Hyderabad applex Bangalore áèπ \ îª xí Öçô çc) (Imp:  j sentence apple comparative ûª yûª than ü éπü? Å «ç-ô- æ púø, comparative çü 'the' ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ.) Of the two, this is the better. comparative. (Ç È çúõç-öà applex ÉC Á Ω í ) É «çöà é u O conversation î «effective í ÖçúËô x îë ƒh. Å «Íí This is good, but not so (as) good as the other. (Positive)- ÉC «í ØË ÖçC, é F ü çûª «í ü. This is the best of the lot- superlative. (comparison of more than 2 Ö o öà applex ÉC Åûª u-ûªh ç) É «çöà sentences ØË Ω a-éìe practice îëߪ çúõ. Practise the following aloud in English Pranav: àçöà! Ç È çúø æ Ææh-é - Åçûªí îª Ææ h-ø o? Vinai: Ç È çúõç-öà apple àc Á Ω í ÅE Ç apple-*-ææ hø o. Pranav: áv Ω coverûó -Ö- o -Ç æ Ææhéπç îª úø. ÅC, Ç éó èπ îáçc æ Ææh-é - -Eoç-öÀ- apple Öûªh ç. Vinai: F ü í _- Ω o æ Ææhéπç Åçûª íì æpü? Pranav: îá ƒp- í. ÅEoç-öÀ apple ÉC íì æp-ü E. Vinai: ØË lecturer Åúø í û. Pranav: Åçõ Ø éπçõ Çߪ -ØÁo-èπ \ t-û? Vinai: ÅçûË J. Answer Pranav: Why are you looking at those two books? Vinai: I am just wandering which of the two is the better. Pranav: Look at that book... the one with the red cover; that is the best of all/ the best of the books in its class/ category. Vinai: Is it as good as the one you have? Pranav: I told you. That's the best of the lot. Vinai: I'll consult our lecturer. Pranav: (Do) you trust him more than me? Vinai: Ofcourse.

86 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- Ú- Ωç 26 -W-Ø 2006 Rupa: Hi Hema, did you meet your classmate yesterday? ( æ ß Ê «, E o y O classmate éπl-»?) Hema: I did. We met yesterday after nearly five years. She looked a little older than she is. (éπ -Ææ -èπ -Ø o. Å üë x ûª yûª E oøë Ë ç éπ -Ææ -éó- ôç. ûª ߪ Ææ éπø o  ü l-c «éπe- œç-*çc.) Rupa: Are you the same age? (O Jü ljc äíé ߪ ƒ?) Hema: No, I am slightly older than her (she). But now she looks older than me (I). (ØËØË éìçîáç  ü l. Å ûë É æ púø ûªøë Ø éπçõ  ü lí éπe- œ-ææ hçc.) Rupa: What is she? (Ç Á ÖüÓuí ç à Ø o îë Úhçü?) Hema: She is a government officer. Rupa: That's it. She looks older than you because of her responsibilities. (ÅD Ææçí A. Ç Á «üµ u-ûª x (Officer í ) Féπçõ é Ææh  ü l-cí éπe- œ-ææ hçc) Hema: I have responsibilities as well, as the President of the local women's club. ( ƒneéπ women's club president í Ø èπÿ «üµ u-ûª- -Ø o.) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 176 Rupa: But your responsibilities are not as serious, are they? (Å ûë F «üµ uûª Ç Á «üµ u-ûª- çûª Bv - Á i- N é ü éπü?) Hema: I wish I were in such a position. (ûª o ÆœnA apple ØË çõ áçûª «í ç-úø ÅE- œ- ÚhçC) Rupa: Why so? Hema: A government officer's position is certainly superior to that of a home maker, isn't it? ( í % œ«ùà position éπø o government officer position íì æpc éπü.) Rupa: But I prefer being a home maker to being a job holder. A home maker is in no way inferior to an officer. (é E Ø èπ vûªç ÖüÓu-Tí Öçúøôç éπçõ í % œ«-ùàí Öçúø-ô Ë É æ dç. í % œ«ùà officer éπø o àç ûªèπ \ é ü.) Hema: Let's not talk of superior and inferior any more. Everyone is great in their own way. (áèπ \ ûªèπ \- í Jç* ö«xúøôç ÇÊ ü lç. á J íì æp xüë.) Rupa: Ramu is coming this evening. ( Ñ ƒßª çvûªç Ææ h-ø oúø.) Hema: Who? Your brother? Rupa: Yes. He returned from the states a few days ago. He is coming to stay with me for a few days. (States ç* È çúø úø ÓV éàçü ô AJ-íÌ-î aúø. È çvúó-v Ø ûó Öçúø-ö«-EéÀ Ææ h-ø oúø.) Hema: I've often wondered is he older or younger than you? (Ø èπ ûál-ߪ E N æߪ ç Féπçõ *Ø o,  ü l?) Rupa: He is my elder. Doesn't he look so? (Åûª Ø éπø o  ü l/ Å o. Å «éπe- œç-îªú?) Hema: Long since I saw him. (îª Æœ î «ÓV çc) Rupa: Perhaps you saw him prior to his leaving for the states. ( æ y-ûªeo states èπ Á Ïx- çü - Ë Á?) Hema: Yes. È çúø, úø lessons apple ç degrees of comparison N - ûá -Ææ -èπ ç-ô Ø oç éπü. Ñ lesson apple J-éÌEo N - îª ü lç. éìeo éìeo ƒ Ω x comparative, positive degrees apple I, we, he, she, they ú «, me, us, him, her, them ú «ÅØË confusion Ææ h Öçô çc. Look at the following: a) Åûª Ø éπçõ Òúø í (Comparative): He is taller than I/ me (?) b) Ç Á -éπçõ Åûª * o = He is younger than she/ her (?) c) Ÿx -éπçõ clever é ü = They aren't cleverer than us/ we (?) d) Ç Á -éπçõ Åûª  ü l = He is older than she/ her (?) In the sentences above, sentence * - Ωx apple -éìîëa ÆæçüË- æ : (a) apple I ú «, me ú «, (b) apple she ú «, her ú «, (c) apple us ú «, we ú «, (d) apple she ú «, her ú «ÅE. Correct í Å ûë sentence Å Ωnç v æé Ωç, (a) taller than I, (b) apple younger than she, (c) cleverer than we, and (d) apple older than she ÅØË L. a) He is taller than I (am) = (ØË Òúø í _ Ö o-ü -Eéπçõ Åûª- o Òúø -Èíèπ \ ÅE Å Ωnç Ææ hçc English apple.) Å «Íí (b), (c), (d) apple èπÿú : b) He is younger than she (is) c) They aren't cleverer than we (are) d) He is older than she (is)- É «ƒh. ƒ - uçí brackets apple ÖçúË verbs (a)- am, (b)- is, (c)- are, (d)- is omit îëææ hçö«ç. Å ûë spoken English apple É «çöà sentences apple comparative apple than ûª yûª me, us, him, her, them úøôç É æ púø Ææ Ωy- ƒ-üµ - Ω-ù- Á i- Ú- çc. ÉC  ü l ûª æ pí æj-í -ùàç-îªúøç ü. êuçí, comparative apple than ûª yûª both, all «çöàn úõ- - æ púø, we, they èπ ü us, them áèπ \- í NE- œ-ææ hç-ö«. a) He is cleverer than all of us/ all of them. b) He is cleverer than both of us/ both of them. É «ç-öà-îóôx they, we èπ ü - Ω-ü -í ü? Positive degree apple èπÿú as ûª yûª, I, we, he, she, they ü me, us, him, her, them- É Ë áèπ \ NE- œ-ææ h-ø o. OöÀE á Ω ûª æ pí æj-í -ùàç-îªúøç ü. a) He is as tall as I am/ He is as tall as me (both are correct) b) She is as old as he/ She is as old as him. (both are correct) c) They are as clever as we/ they are as clever as us. (Ééπ\úø vûªç as clever as us éìçûª Å Ω üë) Å ûë éìeo éìeo îóôx than I/ we/ he/ she/ they èπ, than me/ us/ him/ her/ them èπÿ Å n ûëú í Öçö«. Å æ púø Ææçü - s -Eo- öàd àc ú apple ûë a-éó- L. a) My sister likes my younger brother more than I. ûª t-úøçõ ØËE- æ d- æúë ü E-éπØ o sister áèπ \ É æ d- æ-úø -ûª çc ( ûª t-úøçõ Ø éπçõ sister èπ áèπ \ É æ dç). b) My sister likes my younger more than me = sister èπ Ø éπçõ èπÿú ûª t-úøçõ áèπ \ É æ dç. c) He likes the mango more than she = Éü l-jéã mango Åçõ É æ dç. é F Ç Á -éπçõ Åûª-E-éÀ -á-èπ \ É æ dç. d) He likes the mango more than her = Ç Á -éπçõ èπÿú, N úõ æçúøç-õ ØË Åûª-E-éÀ æ dç. é öàd É «ç-ô- æ púø é Ææh ñ«ví ûªh Å -Ææ Ωç. Positive apple èπÿú ÅçûË. a) I don't like my brother as much as she = Ç Á É æ d- æ-úøfçûªí ØË brother É æ d æ-úø. b) I don't like my brother as much as I like her. brother éπçõ èπÿú Ç Á Åçõ ØË Ø éà æ dç. Positive Comparative Superlative Old Older Oldest Elder Eldest He was junior to me...  Ω éπü : Old has two comparatives and two superlatives Old èπ È çúø- n éπü? ߪ ÂÆèπ \- - / ƒûªü. é öàd Older, Oldest ߪ ÂÆèπ \ ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ - æfl- èπÿ, ƒûª ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ Ææ h èπÿ úøû ç. 1) a) Janaki is older than Lalitha (Lalitha éπø o ñ«éà  ü lc) b) Rama Rao is the oldest man in the village. (Ç ví ç apple - Åçü -J apple  ü l)  j È çúø - æfl- í Jç*) c) This house is older than yours = F ÉçöÀ éπø o Ñ É x ƒûªc d) This is the oldest building in the town - Ñ Ü ÓxE buildings ÅEoç-öÀ apple ÉC ƒûªc. (c), (d) Ææ h í Jç* 2. Old èπ ÉçéÓ Comparative, Elder; ÉçéÓ Superlative eldest. OöÀ Å Ωnç ߪ -Ææ apple  ü l ÅE vûª Ë. Åçõ È çúø ô-, - æfl- èπ (Å æ -úø- æ úø ïçûª - - èπ ) vûª Ë úøû ç. ÅC èπÿú äéπ èπ ô ç- «-EéÀ îáçc xèπ vûª Ë úøû ç. a) Sri Rama was the eldest of the sons of Dasaratha. ü - Ω-ü E éìúø èπ applex X -úøç-ü -J apple  ü l Same family ÅØËC îª úøçúõ. b) Dharmaraja was the eldest of the Pandavas. ƒçúø- - ç-ü J apple üµ Ωt- V  ü l Elder úøéπç: Important: Elder ûª yûª than é F, to é F úøç. Comparative Å - - æp-öàéã éàçc Nüµ çí úøû ç. a) X - úø éπ~ t-ù úõ éπø o  ü l Sri Rama was Lakshmana's elder. (Elder than/ to Lakshmana é ü ) b) My uncle is my mother's elder - Å t éπçõ  ü l. c) My brother is my elder by two years brother (Å o) Ø éπø o È çúë Ÿx  ü l. ÉD elder úë Nüµ ç. J-éÌEo comparatives ÖØ o. öà ûª yûª than ü. to Ææ hçc. Å «çöà comparatives, Superior (íì æp), Inferior (ûªèπ \ ), Senior ( ߪ Ææ apple, Å - µº- ç apple  ü l), Junior ( ߪ -Ææ apple Å - µº- ç apple * o), Prior (time apple çü ) Oô- EoöÀ ûª yûª 'to' vûª Ë úøû ç. than úøç. a) Imported cars are superior to Indian cars µ«ωûª é Ωx éπø o NüËQ é Ω x Á Ω í b) A Collector is inferior to a Chief Secretary êu é Ωu-ü Jz éπø o Collector ûªèπ \ ( æ«ùü apple) c) He is senior to the others in the group Ç %çü ç apple Åûª ߪ -Ææ q apple/ Å - µº- ç apple  ü l. d) He was junior to me at College = College apple Åûª Ø éàçc Class apple ÖçúË- úø. e) Even prior to his marriage he knew the girl. (Åûª-EéÀ  R}éÀ æ Ωy Ë Ç Å t ûá Ææ ) Ñ N æ-ߪ conversation at the beginning of the lesson apple èπÿú Öçúøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. a) I am slightly older than She/ her b) A government officer's position is certainly superior to that of a home maker. c) A home maker is no way inferior to an official d) He is my elder äéπ N æߪ ç: American English apple elder brother ü older brother ûª Ω-îª í úø -ûª ç-ö«ω. EXERCISE Pratibha: O Éü l-j apple á Ω Òúø -í ç-ö«, y ÅEû? Pratima: ÅÆæ- - ûë ÅEûË Òúø í Ø éπçõ. é F ûª Ø éπçõ «- ôç x ØË ûª éπçõ Òúø í _ éπe- œ ƒh. Pratibha: E-ü l-j apple á Ω Òúø -í ç-ö«? Pratima: ÅüËç question? y Ø éπçõ Òúø -í - éπü! Pratibha: ÅEûª àüó Slimming machine éì o-ô xçc ? Pratima: . é F Åü çûª «í - ü. Ææ Fûª ü í _ Ω o machine ü E-éπçõ Á Ω -ÈíjçC. Pratibha: y Ææ Fûª î «ÆæEo- œ«ûªçí Öçö«Ω. O Ω classmates Å -èπ çö«. Pratima: é ü. ØË ü E-éπØ o äéπ class áèπ \. ߪ -Ææ q apple èπÿú äéπ Ææç -ûªq Ωç  ü l ØË. Pratibha: Å «í. Å ûë Ñ Ü Ω Féπçõ ûª èπ «í ûá Ææ J. Pratima: ØË éπ- çüë ûªe-éπ\-úõéà *açc. ANSWER Pratibha: Who is the taller of you two? You or Anitha? Pratima: Actually she is taller than me (I), but because she is fatter than me, I look taller than her (she). Pratibha: Who is the taller of us two? Pratima: What question is that? You certainly are taller than me (I) Pratibha: Anita seems to have bought a slimming machine. Have you seen it? Pratima: Yes, I have. But it isn't that good. Sunita's machine is superior to it. Pratibha: You and Sunitha are close. Were you classmates at College. Pratima: No. I was senior to her by a year. I am senior to her in age too by a year. Pratibha: She knows this place better than you. Pratima: She came here prior to my coming here.

87 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - -üµ - Ωç 28 -W-Ø 2006 Sekhar: You are up so early. What's the matter? (àçôçûª ûªy Ωí î?) (be up = Ë apple\- ôç/ ôç) Venkat: Yes, I am. Infact I got up earlier than you by half an hour. (Å, î. Féπçõ Å Ω-í çô çü î -E- ) Sekhar: But, why? (áçü èπ?) Venkat: Our lecturer is holding a special class today. He insisted that everyone of us turned up for the class. (É lecturer special class  úø -ûª -Ø oúø. v æa äéπ\ Ω ûª æpéπ - E í öàdí îá ƒpúø.) Insist = ÉEqÆˇd 'Eq ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç = æô d- -ôdúøç/ ã N æߪ ç apple í öàdí Öçúøôç Sekhar: I don't know about you. But I am fedup with these extra classes. (F Ææçí A Ø èπ ûál-ߪ -ü -í F, Ø èπ vûªç Ñ extra classes Åçõ NÆæ í æ úø ûóçc.) be fed up = NÆæ -í -E- œç-îªôç Venkat: Why so? Sekhar: They rob us of our leisure. (ÅN èπ BJéπ èπ çú îë ƒh.) Venkat: I am not with you there. They are useful. I like them. (ØË Ç N æߪ ç ÅçU-éπ-Jç-îª. ÅN î «Ö æ-ßá í ç. Ø éà æ dç.) Sekhar: Not me, any way. Why don't these lecturers leave us alone? (àüë- Á iø Ø èπ vûªç É æ dç- ü. Ø Lo äü - Ô-îª aí.) Venkat: Who is forcing you? I find our lecturer's classes interesting. Infact everyone does. They feel the classes worth attending. (EØÁo- Ω - ç-ûª-â -úø -ûª -Ø o Ω? lecturer classes Ø èπ î «ÇÆæ-éÀh-éπ- Ωçí Öçö«. Ø Íé-é ü, é xæˇ apple Åçü -JéÃ Ö æ-ßá -í -éπ Ωç ÅE- œ-ææ hçc.) Sekhar: When you attend special classes like this, you are left with little time to study. (É «y special classes èπ Á hçõ Fèπ îªü - -éó- -ö«-eéà time N í - ü ) Venkat: You talk as though you didn't waste time at all. ( Ëy-üÓ time waste îëߪ - ô x ö«x-úøû - ËçöÀ?) Sekhar: Don't talk as if you were a sincere student. ( ËyüÓ Cl í îªü - -èπ ØË Nü u-jn «ö«x-úøèπ.) Venkat: Far from that. All I wish to say is we lose nothing if we attend extra classes. (Å «ÅE ØËØËç Å -ôç- ü. ØË îáê p-ü «x extra classes èπ Á xôç x ç ÚíÌ-ô d-éì-øë-üëç- -ü E.) Sekhar: OK. OK. Have a good time in your class. Do by all means attend all classes and get good marks. I shall be happy. (ÆæÍ. ÆæÍ. ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÁR} class èπ. ÅEo classes èπÿ îªéπ\í ÁRx ç* Ω \ ûáîª aéó. ØË ÆæçûÓ- œ ƒh.) Venkat: Don't be cross with me, buddy, I just like to attend the class, and you don't. That's all. (éó æp-úøèπ N vûª ; Ø Íé Á class èπ Á xôç É æ dç, FéÀ æ dç ü. ÅçûË.) (buddy = friend) Sekhar: OK. Venkat: I am off (ØË Á ŸhØ o), Bye. Clause Åçõ ûá -Ææ -éπü a group of words with a verb. (verb Ö o ô Ææ æ«ç). DEo í Jç* Éçûª-èπ - çü ç î «ûá -Ææ - èπ Ø oç. É æ púø verb E group of words í Jç* ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç. A group of words without a verb is a PHRASE. Ñ Ææçü - Ωs ç apple ç í Ω hç-îª -éó- -Lq N æ-ߪ : Ñ éàçcn verbs é. i) Infinitive (to + 1st RDW - to go, to come, to sing, to walk, etc) ii) '-ing form' (walking, singing, going, coming, etc.) (- ing form çü 'be' form Öçõ, be form + ing form éπlæœ verb Å -ûª çc. am coming, was going, will be dancing, etc.) iii) past participle (done, sung, seen, etc.) ÉNèπÿú verbs é. Å ûë be form + past participle combination, verb (passive voice) Å ûª çc. Å «Íí have/ has/ had/ will have/ shall have + past participle èπÿú verb Å -ûª çc. English apple î «phrasal verbs, verbs ûª yûª prepositions îë Ωaôç x à Ωp-úø-û : sit on a chair, get into a bus; put on shirt, put off an event, etc. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 177 É «çöà phrasal verbs È çúø Ωé : 1) Phrasal verbs apple Ö o verb, ü E ûª y-ûª preposition Ω-èπ çú ÖçúËN. (sit on a chair, jump over the wall etc.) 2) verb + preposition x à Ωp-úÕ phrasal verb Å n-eéã, Åçü applee verb, preposition Å n-eéã áéπ\ú Ææç çüµ ç èπ çú ÖçúËN. eg: He put off his trip. (-Å-ûª-úø ûª v æߪ -ù«eo ü ËÆæ -èπ -Ø oúø.) Ééπ\úÕ phrasal verb - put off. îª úøçúõ. put Å n- EéÃ, off Å n-eéã, öàe éπl œ put off ÅE úõ- - æ púø ü E Å n-eéà ( ü Ëߪ ôç) áéπ\ú Ææç çüµ ç ü. É «çöà phrasal verbs Å n- practice x, Åçõ µ«æûó «í æj-îªßª ç  çîª -éó- ôç xøë ûá - ƒh. ÅN ç spoken English apple úõ- - æ púø µ«æ î «Ææ æ«-ïçí Öçô çc. öà apple éìeo îª ü lç. Now look at the following expressions from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. 1) I got up earlier than you 2) You are up so early 3) I am fed up with these extra classes 4) They rob us of our leisure 5) I am not with you 6) Why don't these lecturers leave us alone? 7) You are left with little time 8) I am off The word groups underlined are all phrasal verbs: 1) I got up earlier than you = Féπçõ ØË çü î. get up î «ûª Ω-îª í Evü - - ôç ÅØË Å Ωnç apple úø -ûª çö«ç. get up Ë apple\- ôç -Å-ØË Å ΩnçûÓ, wake up éπçõ èπÿú áèπ \ úøû ç. When do you wake up everyday éπçõ, When do you get up everyday áèπ \ úøû ç. 5) I am not with you there = Ç N æ-ߪ ç apple ØË FûÓ àéã- µº-nç-îª. ÉC î «simple and useful expression. be with some one = äéπ Ω îá œp- -ü -EûÓ àéã µºnç-îªôç/ äéπjo Ææ -Jnç-îªôç. (äéπ Ω îá œpçc Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- ôç èπÿú ) a) I am with the government in ending child marriages = «u N - æ -- - ÅJéπõ d N æ-ߪ ç apple ØË v æ µº -û yeo Ææ -Jn- ƒh. b) He is totally with his friend on that issue = Ç N æ-ߪ ç apple Åûª æ Jhí ÅûªE ÊÆo œ«-ûª úõûó àéã- µº-n- ƒhúø. c) He is with her upto the point of marrying her, but not without his parents consent Ç Á  Rx-îË-Ææ -èπ ØË N æ-ߪ ç- - Ωèπ ä æ p-éìç-ô - Ø oúø é E, ÅûªE ûªlx-ü ç-vúø Ææ ta èπ çú vûªç é ü. 6) Why don't these lecturers leave us alone? Leave alone ÅØËC English conversation apple ûª Ω-îª í NE- œçîë ô. Å Ωnç = C- -ߪ ôç, disturb îëߪ -èπ çú Öçúøôç, á J Ø x C- -ߪ ôç ÅE. a) Please leave me alone. I am studying. = ØÌo-C- ß. ØË îªü - -èπ ç-ô Ø o. (Don't disturb me.) b) Leave movies alone. Get going with your studies ÆœE N æߪ ç C- ß (á æ púø ÅüËØ?) îªü Ææçí A îª Ææ éó. c) Leave alone which party is good. Let's talk of something else - à ƒkd ç*-ü ØË N æߪ ç C- ß. ÉçÍé N æ-ߪ - Á iø ö«x-úøü ç. 7) be left with/ leave with: N í - ôç (time, money, food, etc. «çöàn) a) There is a little milk left in the glass = glass apple é Ææh ƒ N T- «. b) His work at office leaves him (with) little time for his family ÅûªE office æe èπ ô ç- çûó í úø- æ-ö«-eéà é Ææh time èπÿú N í - aü. c) Hurry up. We are left with just an hour to finish this whole work = ûªy Ωí é F. Á ûªhç- æe æ Jh-îË-ߪ -ö«-eéà äéπ í çô vûª Ë N T-LçC. d) That leaves you with the only option of going = Á Ï} äíé E Ωg-ߪ Ë Fèπ N T-LçC. 8) I am off = ØË ÁR} Ú-ûª Ø o. Phrase= to be off. ç Á xôç éπ*a-ûª- Á i æ púø, Éçéπ Á x- apple-ûª - o- æ púø Åçô çö«ç. I am off. ØË ü ü æ ÁRx- Úߪ ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úøû ç. É Fo conversation apple daily life apple ûª Ωîª NE- œçîë expressions. ÉN «í practice îëæœ O æ p-úø «x úøçúõ. ÉN î «simple expressions. éπ æ difficult. dç é èπÿ-úøü. It shouldn't be There are some other expressions in the conversation between Sekhar and Venkat. They are not phrasal verbs, but useful expressions. Learn them as well. 1) Insist = æô d- -ôdúøç Know how to use it. Insist ûª yûª on ÊÆh, ü E ûª yûª noun é F '...ing' form é F Ææ hçc. a) The teacher insists on silence in the class é xææ apple E z lç N æ-ߪ ç apple teacher æô d-ü í ÖØ oúø. (Insist + on + silence (n) b) I insist on starting immediately ÁçôØË ßª - -üë- - ØËüË Ø æô d-ü (Insist + on + starting (ing form) Insist úø-ôç apple  j È çúø (Nouns/...ing) form é éπ- ÚûË, that clause úìîª a. c) The teacher insists that the students remain silent. Students silent í Öçú - E Çߪ æô d-ü.(... that the students remain silent - that clause éπü?) I am not with you there d) He insists that we follow his orders. He insists on our following his orders. ÅûªE Çïc ç ƒöàç-î - E æô d- -úø -ûª -Ø oúø. (He insists + that clause = He insists on + ing form í -Eç-îªçúÕ) 2) As though/ as if = DE Å Ωnç, Å - ô x, é F é ü. You talk as if you didn't waste time at all = ËyüÓ ÅÆæ time waste îëߪ - õ x ö«x-úø-û - ËçöÀ? ( y time waste îë ƒh ) Ééπ\úø 'as if' clause apple verb í -EçîªçúÕ. did waste (didn't waste) - past tense éπü. ÅD important. ÉC- æ púø ï Ω-í -ôç- ü é öàd, past tense Ææ hçc. singular subject ûó èπÿú were Ææ hçc. a) He feels as if I were responsible for his troubles - ÅûªE éπ ƒd- èπ ØËØËüÓ é Ω-ù- Á i- ô x (é F é ü ) Å -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø. b) He behaves as though he could not get on without servants servants éπ- ÚûË ûª-éπ- - - oô x v æ -Jh- ƒhúø. c) She talks as though she were born rich = æ ôd-úø Ë üµ E-èπ - -Lí æ öàd- ô x ö«x-úø -ûª çc. 3) Far from it: ÉC èπÿú î «common expression. DE Å Ωnç, ÉçéÌ-éπ Ω îáê pc correct é ü E. Pranav: Is he a good player? (-Å-ûªúø ç* -Ç-ôí -ú?) Prabhat: Far from it. (é ØË é ü ) (Åçõ äéπ Ω îá æ h- oc, é ØË é ü Å -ö«-eéà far from it Åçö«ç. 'Is Vijayawada a cool place? (Nï-ߪ - úø îª xöà v æüë-?) far from it. (é ØË é ü ) Ñ expressions «í practice îëæœ O conversation apple ûª Ω-îª í úøçúõ. î «simple í effective í Öçô çc.

88 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ÿ-véπ Ωç 30 -W-Ø 2006 Navya: I'm afraid I can't stay here any longer. (ØËEçéπ Ééπ\úø Öçúø- - -E- œ- ÚhçC.) Divya: Why? What happened? (áçü èπ? à Á içc?) Navya: The food here doesn't agree with me. (Ééπ\úÕ Ç æ Ωç Ø èπ ÆæJ- æ-úøôç ü ) Divya: Anything again? ( S} à Ø o Å uçü?) Navya: Yea. Last night as I reached our rooms, I threw up all the food I had eaten. The food in the restaurant upset me. (Å. E o- va room èπ AJT í ØË, Ç restaurant apple A oü çû çûª- - Ú- çc. Åéπ\úÕ AçúÕ Ø èπ éπúø æ AÊ p-æœçc) Divya: So you want to pack up (é öàd ÁR}- Ú-û - ç-ö«?) Navya: Yes. I can't get on any more with this kind of food. I am afraid of permanent damage to my health. (Å. É «çöà food ûó ØË í úø- æôç éπ æ dç. Ø Ç Óí uç» y-ûªçí üá s-aç-ô çüë- Á - E µºßª çí ÖçC.) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 178 Divya: Does it mean you want to give up your job, just because the food here is not to your liking? Come now, Navya, you can't be so silly as to throw a good job up as yours and go away. (Ééπ\úÕ AçúÕ ÆæJ- æ-úø- çûª vû ç* ÖüÓuí ç C- Æœ ÁR}- Ú-û - ç-ö«? Fèπ o Åçûª- ç* ÖüÓuí ç C- Æœ ÁR}- Ú-ßË çûª ûál-n-ûª-èπ \ æ-e-îë-ߪ èπ ) Navya: There's no use your keeping as telling me to adjust with the food here. I've had enough of it. I have to go. (Ééπ\úÕ AçúÕûÓ Ææ Ω l-èπ Ú ÅE y öà- -öàéã Å ôç x v æßá -ï ç ü. Ééπ î. ØË Á-Rx- Ú- -LqçüË) Divya: I still don't understand why you wish to leave. ( y ÁR}- Ú- - E áçü éπ- -èπ ç-ô -Ø o Ó Éçé Ø éπ Ωnç é -ôç- ü ) Navya: If only you went through, what I have been through, you wouldn't be here for a minute, job or no job. (Ø Å - µº- Ë Fèπ çõ Ìy-éπ\-éπ~ùç èπÿú Ééπ\úø Öçúø ) Divya: So you have made up your mind to leave. (Å ûë Á }-ú EÍé E a- ç-îª -èπ -Ø o- - o- ô) Navya: That's it. (ÅçûË) Divya: You can cook for yourself and avoid eating out. ( y çúø -éó- -îª a-éπü. Å æ púø ߪ ô A ôç ØË-ßÁ îª a) Navya: That's impossible for me. (Ø x é ü ) Divya: Ok ç phrasal verbs í Jç* ûá -Ææ -èπ ç-ô Ø oç éπü. É æ púø J-éÌEo îª ü lç. í Ω hçc éπü Ñ Phrasal verbs Å Ωnç, úøéπç practice «x, îªü - ôç «x Ææ hçc. èπ çõ àüájø ç* dictionary apple àüájø ôèπ / êuçí verb èπ Å Ωnç îª Æœ- - æ púø ü E-éÀçü Ç verb, ü E ûª yûª îëa preposition èπ Å Ωnç ûá -Ææ hçc. Now look at the following phrasal verbs in the conversation between Divya and Navya. 1) The food here doesn't agree with me. 2) I threw up all the food I had eaten. 3) So you want to pack up. 4) I can't get on any more. 5) Does it mean you want to give up your job? 6) You can't be so silly as to throw a good job up... 7) There's no use keep on telling me. 8) If only you went through what I have been through. 9) You have made up your mind.  j underline îëæœ Fo phrasal verbs. Let's now know their meanings and uses. 1) The food here doesn't agree with me. The phrasal verb here is agree with. we know the usual meaning of 'agree with'. D Ωnç, äéπjûó àéã- µº-nç-îªôç/ ÅçU-éπ-Jç-îªôç. (The father doesn't agree with his son on the type of house they want to buy - á «çöà É x éìø ØË N æ-ߪ ç apple xèπ àé -Gµ-v ƒßª ç ü ) Å ûë, Ééπ\úÕ expression: The food doesn't agree with me - Ééπ\úø agree with èπ Å Ωnç 'ÆæJ- æ-úøôç ü (does not suit) ÅE. a) The climate here doesn't agree with me - Ééπ\úÕ û - - Ωùç Ø èπ æúø-ôç- ü. b) Hot stuff doesn't agree with her áèπ \ é Ω æ Ææ h- Ç Á èπ æúø.  j expressions ÅEoçöÀ apple not agree with ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. æúøü ÅØË Å Ωnç-ûÓØË ÉN áèπ \ úøû ç. 2) I threw up all the food I had eaten = A o-ü çû ça îëææ -èπ Ø o. Ééπ\úÕ phrasal verb: throw up = ça îëææ -éó- ôç = vomit. Å ûë vomit éπø o throw up ÅØËC better, vomit é Ææh ƒçúõûªuç. throw up ÅØËC u - æ -Jéπç. Spoken English apple throw up ÅØËüË Á Ω í. a) She was sick after eating the cake. she threw up = cake A -í ØË Ç Á èπ Áí ô æ öàdçc. ÁçôØË ça îëææ -èπ çc. (sick = 'ï s ÅE Å Ωnç. Sick Åçõ Áí ô / ça éπlíí feeling ÅE èπÿú î «ûª Ω-îª í úøû ç) b) The child is throwing up the milk= ƒ éπíé\- ÚhçC. 3) So you want to pack up = Ééπ\úÕ phrasal verb, to pack up. D Ωnç v æߪ -ù«-eéà/ ÁR} Ú ö«-eéà Æœü l - æ-úøôç. ( õ d ú Ææ Ω l-éó- ôç) a) He has packed up = ÁR}- Ú-ßË ç-ü èπ Æœü l çí ÖØ oúø. b) When are you packing up? = y á æ p-úá- Ÿh-Ø o? c) We are waiting for him to pack up = Åûª-ØÁ- æ p-úá- æ púø Á «hú ÅE îª Ææ hø oç. 4) I can't get on any more = phrasal verb- to get on = ƒt- Ú- ôç/ éì - ƒí ôç/ Ææ Ω l-èπ - Ú- ôç/ ïj-t- Ú- ôç É «çöà Å n- ûó Ææçü - s -Eo- öàd 'get on' úø -ûª çö«ç. I can't get on any more = Éçéπ É «éì - ƒ-í - -éπ- Ú-ûª Ø o. a) Pranav: How is your new job? (F éìûªh ÖüÓuí ç á «ÖçC?) Prakash: (I'm) getting on well. No problem. ( «í ØË ÖçC, Ææ -Ææu ç / ÖüÓuí ç «í ØË îëææ -éó-í - -í -ûª Ø o.) b) Sudheer: How are you, Sumant? Long time since we met. (á «ÖØ o? éπ -Ææ -èπ E î «ÓV- - çc) Sumant: Just getting on (àüó Å «ïj-t- Ú-ûÓçC.) c) Stop talking and get on with the work. ô- «œ æe éì ƒ-tç-îªçúõ. 5) Does it mean you want to give up your job. Phrasal verb - give up = ØË-ߪ ôç, C- -ߪ ôç, ü - -éó- ôç, ÇÊ -ߪ ôç. a) She wants to give up her job and start business = ÖüÓuí ç C- Æœ u ƒ Ωç îëߪ - - -éìç-öappleçc. The food here doesn't agree with me b) He hasn't given up smoking in spite of his doctor's advice = Doctor ü l- o- æp-öàéã Åûª smoking - ü. c) He gave up his rights to the property = ÇÆœh j ûª æ«èπ \ ü - -éì-ø oúø. d) He gave up his attempts = v æߪ -û o ÇÊ -»úø. 6) You want to throw a good job up Ééπ\úø phrasal verb - throw a job up = job ü - - éó- ôç. (Éçü éπ throw up Åçõ ça îëææ - éó- ôç ÅØË Å Ωnç ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü. ÖüÓuí ç/ Å -é ç «çöàn ü - -éó- ôç èπÿú throw up.) a) Who will throw up such a good job? = Åçûª ç* ÖüÓuí ç á Ω -èπ ç-ö«ω?/ ü - -èπ ç-ö«ω? b) He threw up a good job and a good family and took to drinking. = ç* ÖüÓuí ç, Ææç ƒ Ωç ÅFo ü - -èπ E û í úø Á ü - - -ö«dúø. 7) There's no use keeping on telling me to adjust with the food = üì Ω -èπ -ûª o AçúÕûÓ Ææ Ω l-èπ - Ò- te îá ûª Öçúøôç x v æßá -ï ç ü. Keep on doing something = äéπ æe-e ÅüË- æ-eí îëææ h Öçúøôç. a) He keeps on smoking though his health is bad = Ç Óí uç «í - -éπ- Ú- Ø, smoke îëææ høë Öçö«úø. b) Though the teacher punished him, he keeps on talking = Teacher úõe PéÀ~ç-*Ø, ö«x-úø -ûª ØË Öçö«úø. Å ûë present day English apple keep ûª yûª on Åçûªí úø-ôç- ü. He keeps on talking (= He continues to talk) = He keeps talking. c) Don't keep asking me silly questions = œ*a œ*a v æ o Åúø -í ûª Öçúøèπ 8) If only you went through, what I have been through. D Ωnç, ØË - - µº-nç-* éπ ƒd, y- - µº-nêæh ÅE. Ééπ\úø, phrasal verbs, 1) to go through, 2) to be through. a) Pratap: I had a lot of difficulty getting the MRO's certificate. (MRO ü í _ Ω certificate ûáîª a-éó- ôç Ø èπ î «éπ æ d- - çc.) Pramod: I have been through all that/ I have gone through all that = ØË - Fo Å - µº-nç-î. I know how difficult it is = ÅC áçûª éπ æ d Á Ø èπ ûá Ææ. b) He is going through a difficult period in his life = Åûª î «éπ æ d Ææ ߪ ç Å - µº-n-ææ h-ø oúø. c) I don't want my son to go through the difficult I have gone through = ØË - - µº-nç-* éπ ƒd Å «s Å - µº-nçîªôç Ø éà- æ dç- ü. Å ûë go through Åçõ îªü - ôç ÅE èπÿú ÖçC. a) Did you go through the paper today? É Rd paper îªc-? b) The CM has to go through the committee's report. éπn -öã report CM Éçé îªü - Lq ÖçC. 9) You have made up your mind. y E Ωg- ç-îª -èπ -Ø o. Ééπ\úø verb - make up ones mind - E Ωg- ç-îª -éó- ôç a) Please make up your mind whether to go or not = Á «} apple üól E Ωg- ç-îª -éóçúõ. b) I have made up my mind to buy that car = Ç car éìøëç-ü Íé E Ωg- ç-îª -èπ Ø o. éàçü öà lesson apple É*a phrasal verbs, Ñ lesson apple É*a phrasal verbs, spoken English apple î «common í NE- œç-îë Ë. OöÀE «í practice îëߪ çúõ. Åçü - x * o-* o sentences ûó O conversation Åçü çí, Å Ωn- ç-ûªçí Öçô çc. EXERCISE Practise the following aloud in English. Mahesh: ØË wash basin ü í _- Ω-Èé- Ï}-Ææ-JéÀ, ƒ æç Åûª ça îëææ -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø. Naresh: á Ω? Mahesh: ÉçÈé- Ω, Ramesh. E oöà ç* Ø éã AçúÕ- æ-úø-ôç- ü ÅE complain îëææ høë ÖØ o-úø -í ü? Naresh: ç «í ØË Ææ Ω l-èπ - Ú-í - -í -ûª Ø oç éπü? Mahesh: Åûª áèπ \ coffee û í -û úø. Åçü - x éìçîáç áèπ \ AØ o Áí -ô-e- œ-ææ hçc. Naresh: ÅüËçöapple Ç é Å «û í -ûª ØË Öçö«úø. ÅC ÇÊ -ü é, ÅûªE æj-æœn-açûë. ANSWER Mahesh: When I went to the wash basin the poor fellow ( ƒ æç Åûª ÅØË µ«çûó) was throwing up. Naresh: Who? Mahesh: Who else? Ramesh. He has been complaining since yesterday that this food doesn't agree with him. Naresh: But we are able to get on with the food. Mahesh: He takes too much of coffee. That's why even if he eats a little too much, he feels sick. Naresh: He keeps as drinking coffee. Until he gives it up, his condition will be like this.

89 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -Ç-C Ωç 2 --V- j 2006 Sharath: Hi Vasanth, I look forward to the study tour we are going on, this weekend. (Ñ Ωç * Ω ç Á x- apple-ûª o study tour á æ p-úá- æ pú ÅE áü - Ω -îª -Ææ hø o.) Vasanth: So do I, but am a bit worried about mother. She has taken ill suddenly. Dad is away on camp and will be back only this weekend. (Ø èπÿ Ææ Ω-ü -í ØË ÖçC. é E Å tèπ Ö o-ô dçúõ ï s îëæœçc. Ø o camp ç* ç-ûª Ë AJ-íÌ- ƒh Ω ) Sharath: So you are worried who will look after her if we start before your father comes, aren't you? ( ç O father -ú -EéÀ çüë ߪ - -üë-jûë O Å t îª Ææ -èπ -ØËçü èπ á Ω Öçúø- ΩE éπü F «üµ?) Vasanth: Exactly. But I've called my elder sister and told her of the situation. I told her to come here two days before our departure. (Å. Åéπ\èπ Phone îëæœ îá ƒp. ç ߪ - -üë- Ω-ö«-EéÀ È çúø ÓV çü - Ω- te.) Sharath: That's a good idea. ( «í ØË ÖçC) Vasanth: I called dad and he came up with the idea. ( Ø oèπ ØË phone îëêæh Çߪ - -éì- *açd idea) Sharath: I am happy you are making it, after all. I was afraid you might not come. ( ÚF, àüë- Á iø Ìy-Ææ h-ø o ÆæçûÓ æç. y Ë- Á - E «üµ - æú f) Vasanth: I am coming, of course. But the trouble is my sister's son. He goes to school. He can be a handful. (ØË Ææ h-ø oøëx. Å ûë Åéπ\ éìúø Íé Ææ Ææu. úø îªü - -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø. éìçîáç Å x-è -èπ \.) Sharath: I've seen him. He takes after your sister, doesn't he? (ØË úõo øëx. Åîªaç O Åéπ\ ÚLÍé éπü?) Vasanth: Only in features. In traits he takes after his dad. Quite mischievous. (Çé Ωç, Ω æ Í ê- applexøë. éπ~-ù«- Fo x Ø o Ë. Å x-è -èπ \.) features = ê éπ -R-éπ, Ω æ Í ê. traits = éπ~-ù«, í ù«sharath: By the way, you know, Vinod showed up suddenly yesterday. He is preparing for the civils exam this year. He has been in Hyderabad for six months now. (Å oô x E o Ö o-ô xçúõ Vinod éπe- œçî úø. úø civils èπ prepare Å -ûª - Ø oúø. Ç Ω -ØÁ- - í Hyderabad appleøë ÖØ oúø ) Vasanth: Yea. I know. I met him when I went to Hyderabad. He put up at his uncle's for a few days. He said he would be taking rooms, and moving into them.) (Å. Ø èπ ûá Ææ. ØË Â j«ü - - «ü èπ ÁRx- - æ púø éπ -Ææ -èπ -Ø o. Åûª- - æ púø éìeo- Ó-V x ߪ u Éçöapplex ÖØ oúø. ûªy Ω apple rooms îª Ææ -èπ E Ω-û - -Ø oúø ) Sharath: So he did. My cousin and he are room mates. (Å cousin, Åûª room mates.) In this lesson too, we continue our study of phrasal verbs. We have in the last two lessons seen some of them commonly used in conversation. Let us now look at some more of them. Now look at the following expressions at the beginning of the lesson between Sharath and Vasanth. 1) I look forward to the study tour. 2) She has taken ill suddenly. 3)... who will look after her if we... 4) I called dad and he came up with the idea. 5) I am happy you are making it after all. 6) He can be a handful. 7 a) He takes after your sister, doesn't he? b) In traits he takes after his dad. 8) Vinod showed up suddenly yesterday. 9) He put up at his uncle's place. 1) I look forward to the study tour. Look forward to= ÆæçûÓ- æçûó/ Çûª%-ûªûÓ áü - Ω -îª -úøôç. Look forward to ûª yûª noun é F,...ing form é F Ææ hçc. a) He is looking forward to the match= Åûª match á æ p-úá- æ pú ÅE áü - Ω - îª -Ææ h-ø oúø. Match - noun. b) He is looking forward to participating in the match. Match apple á æ p-úá- æ púø ƒ Ô_ç-ü ÅE áü - Ω -îª -Ææ h-ø oúø. Participating- 'ing' form. (Look forward to ûª yûª 1st RDW ü. He is looking forward to meet you ûª æ p) 2) She has taken ill suddenly. To take ill= to fall ill= ï s- æ-úøôç (Ç Á Å -éó-èπ çú ï s æúõçc) a) He took ill after eating the food on the train= È j applex Ç æ Ωç A oç-ü - x Åûª-EéÀ ï s îëæœçc. b) If you go out in the cold you may take ill= îªl apple AJ-TûË ï s îëߪ - îª a. 3) Who will look after her...? -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 179 To look after= to take care of= to care for= ( Óí - èπ, œ x- èπ, ÅA-ü - èπ etc) Ææ æ- Ωu îëߪ ôç/ îª Ææ -éó- ôç a) When I fell ill, my sister looked after me= Ø èπ Ææ Æ hí Ö o- æ púø sister îª Ææ -èπ çc. (Ææ æ Ωu îëæœçc) b) There is none to look after the child= Gúøf îª Ææ -éó- -ö«-eéà á - Ω - Ω. c) He is an important guest. Look after him well= Åûªúø î «êu- Á i ÅAC, ñ«ví -ûªhí îª Ææ éó. 4) I called dad and he came up with the idea. To come up with= á -È jø àüájø Ç apple-îª É yôç. He came up with the idea that we could get the accommodation by bribing the TC= TC îëa apple àüájø  úõûë seats üì Ω-éπ- -îª a- ØË Ç apple-îª Åûª-E-î aúø. Accommodation= 1) Train/ bus apple seats, berths; 2) ÆæA. 5) I am happy you are making it after all. ( y í - -í -ûª - oç-ü èπ ÆæçûÓ æç) To make it to= Ñ expression î «ƒüµ - Ω-ù- Á i- C. Å Ωnç à æøájø îëߪ -í - -í ôç. a) He made it to the IAS= IAS apple îë Ω-í -L-í úø / îë úø. b) The team made it to the finals, after all= àüáj-ûëøëç, team finals èπ îë Ω -éó-í -L-TçC/ îë Ω -èπ çc. c) I doubt if he can make it to the place on time= úø time èπ Åéπ\úø îë Ω -éó-í - -í úøç Ø éπ- - - Ë. d) Election apple Èí - -í -L-í úø = He made it to the seat. 6) He can be a handful = Åûª Ææ Ææu é í - úø. To be a handful= á -È jø, êuçí œ x ûªlxü ç-vúø - èπ Ææ Ææu Å ûë, he/ she is a handful Åçö«ç. Handful í Ö o œ x- ûªlx-ü ç-vúø Åü ƒ-ïc applex Öçîªôç éπ æ dç. a) Purnima: Can't your sister lend a hand with the cooking? O sister Fèπ çô apple ƒßª ç îëߪ - ü? (lend a hand = ƒßª ç îëߪ ôç. He lent me a hand with tidying up the home= É x ÆæJl Å - Ωa-ôç apple Åûªúø Ø èπ ƒßª ç îë»úø.) Chitra: She can't. Her two children are a handful for her. îëߪ - ü. Ç Á Éü l Ω œ x- ûó Ëí - -éπ- Ú-ûÓçC b) The boy is a handful for the teacher = Ç teacher èπ Ç œ «xúø  ü l Ææ Ææu. ÇN-úøèπ úõûó Ëí ôç éπ æ dç. [Handful = 1) éìeo vûª Ë / éìcl- çc vûª Ë. 2) îëa-eçú Ñ È çúø Å n Ø o. a) Only a handful of students were present = éìcl- çc students vûª Ë î a Ω. b) He has a handful of grapes = úõ îëa-eçú vü éπ~ æçúø x-ø o.] 7 a) He takes after your sister, doesn't he? O Åéπ\ߪ u ÚLéπ éπü, x- «s? b) In traits he takes after his dad éπ~-ù«applex x Ø o ÚLéπ. To take after = to resemble = ÚL Öçúøôç a) Children usually take after their parents = œ x - í ûªlx-ü ç-vúø - ÚL Öçö«Ω. b) In features she takes after her mother, but in traits she takes after her father. = Ç Å t Ω æç apple ûªlxe, í ù«applex ûªçvúõe ÚL ÖçC. c) In being tall, he takes after his grand father Òúø -í apple, x û ûª ÚL ÖØ oúø / Òúø -í apple x û ûë Åûªúø. 8) Vinod showed up suddenly yesterday. NØÓü Ö o-ô xçúõ E o v æûªu-éπ~- -ߪ uúø / éπe- œç-î úø. a) After weeks of absence, she showed up yesterday= ûª yûª, E o éπe- œç-*ç-ü Á. He can be a handful b) Kumar shows up at the least expected moment = èπ éπ - æ-úø-û -úøe Å -éóe Ææ -ߪ ç apple èπ v æûªu-éπ~- - -û úø. c) Sekhar promised to be here last sunday, but he hasn't showed up so far = éàçü öà ÇC- Ωç Ééπ\úø Öçö«- o Sekhar, É æp-öà- - Ωèπ Sx éπe- œç-îª- ü / Åçûª - úø. d) He hasn't showed up for the class. Åûª class èπ ü. 9) He put up at his uncle's place (for a few days). x uncle Éçöapplex û û \-L-éπçí ÖØ oúø. To put up = (à éìcl ÓV- éó) Ææ îëߪ ôç, Hotel, lodge «çöà öà applex. a) They put up at the nearest lodge, after getting off the train = Train Cí -í ØË, station èπ ÅA ü í _- Ωí Ö o lodge apple Ææ-îË-» Ω / Cí Ω. b) As she had nobody known to her in the city, she put up at a hotel. í - Ωç apple ûál-æœ- - - Îx- Ω éπ- Ú- -ôçûó Ç Á hotel apple CTçC. í -Eç-îªçúÕ: äéπ-jéà ÆæA îª œç-îªôç = put some one up: a) I put my friend up in our spare bed room = friend èπ Éçöapplex ë«sí Ö o bedroom apple ÆæA Éî a. b) He put me up in his uncle's place = Ø èπ x uncle Éçöapplex ÆæA éπlpç-î úø. ÉN î «common phrasal verbs conversation apple. «í practice îëߪ çúõ. t tt

90 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - çí - Ωç 4 --V- j 2006 Bhagat: Hi Jagat, why are you putting on a new shirt and a new pair of trousers? (àçöà ïí û, éìûªh shirt, éìûªh pants ËÆæ -èπ ç-ô -Ø o. àçöà N Ï æç?) Jagat: Today is my birthday. (É Ø æ öàd- - ÓV). Bhagat: Many happy returns of the day. But why not a word of it to me earlier? I'd have had the pleasure of presenting you something. ( Oy æ öàd- - ÓV î «- ƒ Ω x ï Ω æ éó- - E Ø éójéπ. é F Oy N æߪ ç Ø ûó äéπ\- ô èπÿú Å - ü. FÍé-üÁjØ é -éà*a ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ-úë- úõo éπü?) Jagat: That's precisely why I've put off telling you of it until now. I am against receiving birth day gifts. First of all, I am not for celebrating my birthday. (éπ*a-ûªçí Åçü - x Fèπ Éçûª- - Ωèπ îá æpôç ü Ë». æ öàd- - ÓV é -éπ Æ yéπ-jç-îªôç Ø éπçûª É æ dç ü. ÅÆæ æ öàd - Ó-V- æç-úøí í ï Ω - æ -éó- ôç É æ dç- ü Ø èπ.) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 180 Bhagat: That's rather odd. I've come across very few that don't celebrate their birthdays. (ÉC é Ææh NçûË. æ öàd- - ÓV ï Ω - æ -éó-e- - x éìcl çcøë .) Jagat: Well, I don't mind your taking me as one of those few. ( ÚF. Å «çöà éìcl- ç-c apple ØËØÌ-éπ-úøoE y- -èπ çõ Ø Íéç Å µºuç-ûª- Ωç- ü.) Bhagat: I don't see eye to eye with you on this. What's wrong in enjoying yourself on the day you entered the world? (Ñ N æ-ߪ ç apple ØËFoûÓ àéã- µº-nç-îª-ôç- ü. ç v æ æç-îªç- appleéà Åúø í  öàd ÓV ÆæçûÓ- æçí í úø - æ -éó- -úøç apple ûªê pçöà?) Jagat: Is it any achievement of yours if a year rolls on? Time passes and it can't be credited to anyone. I am all for a person celebrating an achievement, but not for the passage of time. (ã Ææç -ûªq Ωç í úø- ôç ÅØËC ç ƒcµçîë-üëç-é -ü -éπü. é ç í úõ-*- Ú-ûª çc. ÅC á J íì æp-ûª- é ü. apple äéπ Ææç -ûªq Ωç Ø íì æp Å -éó- ÅØË µ«ç.) àüájø ç ƒcµç-*çc Öçõ ü Eo ÆæçûÓ- æçí í úø- æôç Ø èπ æ Jhí É æ d Ë, é E é ç í úõ-*ç-ü -EéÀ æ ûª àç ü.) Bhagat: Then why did you put on the new clothes? (Å ûë éìûªh ôd- ç-ü èπ ËÆæ -èπ -Ø o?) Jagat: Mom was particular and sent me them. So I put them on- just to please her. (Å t æô d- -öàdçc. Ç ôd æç œçc. Å t ÆæçûÓ- æ-â -ôd-ú -EéÀ ËÆæ -èπ Ø o.) Bhagat: OK. OK. At least are you going to give us a treat? (éπfææç Nçü Ø o É ƒh?) Jagat: We'll have it, don't worry. (Å «Íí). Bhagat: What about a movie after that? (Ç ûª yûª ÆœE?) Jagat: Not certainly. I can't sit through the two and half hours of loud songs, dance, sex and violence that an Indian movie is. (ÅC vûªç ü. µ«ω-bߪ ÆœE ÅØË È çúø - o Ω í çô íìúø ƒô, Ø ö«u, %çí Ωç, œ«çææ îª Ææ h èπÿîó- ôç Ø x é ü.) Bhagat: But so many watch them. (é F î «- çc öàe îª ƒh Ω.) Jagat: Sorry. Anything but that. I can't put up with the boredom. (ÅC-ûª æp ÉçÍé-ü Ø o æ Ω- - ü. Ç NÆæ -í ØË µºjç-îª-.) Bhagat: OK. Thanks for the treat at least. (éπfææç dinner Å Ø ÉÆæ h-ø o. Thanks) Let's continue our study of phrasal verbs. Look at the following expressions from the conversation above: 1)... Why are you putting on a new shirt and a new pair of trousers? 2)... Why I have put off telling you of it. 3)... I am against; I am for/ I am not for/ I am all for. 4) I've come across very few that don't celebrate their birthdays. 5) I don't see eye to eye with. 6)... and it can't be credited to anyone. 7) Are you going to give us a treat? 8) I can't sit through the loud songs, dances, sex and violence. 9) I can't put up with the boredom. Ñ expressions meanings, use ûá -Ææ -èπ -ØË- çü ç -ÉçéÌ-Eo æü Å n èπÿú ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç. 1) Precisely = éπ*a-ûªçí ( çí Ωç «çöàn ûª îëô- æ púø, íì æp íì æp (Olympic véãúø- «xçöà) æ Ω -í - æç-ü applex time î «éπ*a-ûªçí, ÂÆéπ x ûëú èπÿú èπ çú Öçúø-ôç- «çöàc precise.) 2) Odd = NçûÁj. éπçõ Gµ oçí Ö o. He doesn't like curd. That's odd. (î «- ç-céà É æ d- Á i Â Ω í Åûª-EéÀ É æ dç- ü. ÅC Nçûª.) 3) Mind: Å Ωnç ûá Ææ éπü ç Ç apple-*çîë, ûál-néà E -ߪ - Á i v Ω. Ééπ\úø Mind Åçõ Å µºuç-ûª Ωç Öçúøôç. Do you mind waiting for a few minutes? = é Ææh wait îëߪ -ö«-eéà O Íé- Ø o Å µºuç-ûª- Ω? I don't mind it at all = Ø Íéç Å µºuç-ûª Ωç ü. Never mind = ü E í Jç* æöàdçîª -éó- ü l. (á -È jø sorry Å «ç-öàn Åçõ ç never mind Åçö«ç.) 4) Achievement = ƒcµçîë N æߪ ç æ ûª. Achieve = ƒcµç-îªôç. a) A score of a century in cricket is an achievement = Century éìôdúøç æ ûª ( ƒcµç-* N æߪ ç). b) Getting a good rank is an achievement = ç* rank ƒcµç-îªôç äéπ æ ûª. 5) Time rolling = é ç üì Ωxôç 6) be particular about = æô d-ü - í Öçúøôç (äéπ N æߪ ç- apple) a) I am particular about vegetarian food = Ø èπ»é - æ - Ω Ë é L ( æô d- -ôdúøç) b) She is particular about this sari = -Ç Á Ñ <Í é - ç-öappleçc/ Ñ < Ω éóææ Ë æô d- -úø - ûóçc. É æ púø phrasal verbs N æ-ߪ -E-éÌü lç: 1) Why are you putting on a new shirt and a new pair of trousers? To put on = ( ôd ) ËÆæ -éó- ôç/ ûìúø -éó\- ôç. üµ Jç-îªôç Åçõ wear. É æp-öà-éà- æ púø ôd ËÆæ -éó- ôç/ ûìúø -éó\- ôç vûª Ë to put on. - í üµ Jç-îªôç = to wear. a) If you are going to the marriage, put on the new clothes =  RxéÀ Á Ÿh- o-ôx- ûë éìûªh ôd ËÆæ éó. b) He is putting on a sweater because he is going out in the cold weather = îªl apple ߪ - öàéà Á Ÿh-Ø oúø é öàd sweater ËÆæ -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø. Wear = üµ Jç-îªôç. He wears expensive clothes = êk-üáj ôd üµ J- ƒh-úø-ûª. I don't see eye to eye with.. 2) Why I've put off telling you of it. To put off = to postpone ( ü Ëߪ ôç) a) I shall be happy if the exams are put off until the next week = îëa- - Ωçü é æk-éπ~ -ü - æ-úõûë Ø èπ ÆæçûÓ æç. b) Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today = Ñ ÓV îëߪ -í -L-Tç-ü Eo Í æöà Ωèπ ü ËßÁ ü l. Put off ûª yûª till é F, until é F úøû ç. 3) I am for/ I am all for/ I am against. To be for/ to be all for = äéπ N æ-ߪ ç- æôx Ææ -êçí / æ Jhí Ææ -êçí Öçúøôç/ äéπ N æߪ ç Ææ -Jnç-îªôç. a) I am for/ I am all for starting early = ûªy Ωí ߪ - l- Ω-ö«-EÍé ØË Ææ -êçí ÖØ o. ÅüË Ø éà æ dç. b) She is for attending the function = Ç Á function èπ Á x-ú -EÍé Ææ -êçí ÖçC. c) He was not for his son joining politics = Çߪ éìúø èπ ï-éã-ߪ applex îë Ωúøç Çߪ - -éà æ dç ü. Against = ua-í éπç. 4) I've come across very few that don't celebrate their birthdays. To come across = îª úøôç, Å - µº-nç-îªôç, û Ω-Ææ- æ-úøôç. a) We come across camels only in deserts = äçõ - áú - Ω - applexøë îª ƒhç áú - Ω - applexøë ÅN èπ éπe- œ- ƒh. b) The doctor says he hasn't come across such a case so far in his practice = ûª practice apple Éçûª- - Ωèπ É «çöà case îª úø- -ü ç-ô -Ø oúø doctor. c) You come across the likes of Gandhi rarely í çdµ- «ç-öà- Ÿx èπ Å Ω -ü í éπe- œ- ƒh Ω. 5) I don't see eye to eye with you. to see eye to eye with = àéã- µº-nç-îªôç. êuçí Ñ expression àéã- µº-nç-îª-éπ- Ú- -ö«- EÍé úø-û Ω not see eye to eye with ÅE. (äéπ Ω îá œpçc ÉçéÌ-éπ Ω ä æ p-éó-éπ- Ú- -ö«-eíé áèπ \ úø-û Ω.) a) The father and the son don't see eye to eye with each other on the matter of the son's marriage = éìúø èπ  Rx N æ-ߪ ç apple ûªçvúõ éìúø -èπ - èπ µ ü -Gµ-v ƒ-ߪ - -Ø o. b) He doesn't see eye to eye with his wife on many matters = î «N æ-ߪ applex µ«u- µº- Ωh- èπ ÅçU-é Ωç ü. 6)... and it can't be credited to anyone = ü E-Èé- Ω æ ûª œ«ç-îª- Ω (Ç íì æp-ûª ç á -J-D-é ü ) a) Indian independence is credited to Mahatma Gandhi = µ«ωûª ƒyûªçvûªuç ûá*a æ ûª/ íì æp-ûª ç í çdµc. b) The profits of the company are credited to the General Manager = Ç company «µ«- èπ General Manager üë æ ûª. 7)... are you going to give us a treat? treat = ÆæçûÓ- æ-éπ- Ω- Á i / Ç æ x-ü -éπ- Ω- Á i N æߪ ç àüájø treat. a) The movie is a real treat after a long period of bad movies = î «æe-éà- E *vû ûª yûª *a Ñ ÆœE Eïçí î ««í çc. Ç æ x-ü -éπ- Ωçí ÖçC. b) To give a treat = Nçü É yôç. He gave us a treat on his birthday = æ öàd- - ÓV Ææçü - Ωs çí Åûª NçC-î aúø. c) The treat he gave us on his wedding anniversary was grand =  Rx J{-éÓ-ûªq ç Ææçü - Ωs çí Åûª-E-*a Nçü íì æpí ÖçC. 8) I can't sit through the loud songs, dances,.. To sit through = (ã œí _) * -J-ü é èπÿ Óa- ôç. a) He can't teach well. I can't sit through his class = Çߪ ÆæJí _ applecµç-îª- úø. Çߪ class * -J-ü é ØË èπÿ Óa. b) (Do) you want to sit through the discussion? I don't have the patience. (Ç îª Ωa * -J-ü é o èπÿ Óa- ç-ö«? Ø é ã œéπ ü.) Sit through, ƒ - uçí not ûóøë úø-û Ω. (èπÿ Óa- ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ). 9) I can't put up with the boredom = Ç NÆæ í µºjç-îª-. To put up with = Ææ œ«ç-îªôç/ µºjç-îªôç a) Sita was a great woman. She put up with a lot of hardship = Æ ûª íì æp Æ Y. î «éπ ƒd- µºjç*çc. b) I cannot put up with the noise = Ç íìúø µºjç-îª-. c) She has put up with all the trouble her husband gave her = µº Ωh- -öàd «üµ - -Eo-öÀF Ç Á µºjç-*çc.

91 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü í Ω Ωç 6 --V- j 2006 Badari: Shall we go for lunch? Don't you think it is time? (Lunch éà Á «l? Time Å çc éπü?) Kedar: It is only I feel its too early. (-É æ p-úø vûª- Ë -Å ç-c. î - «- ûªy Ωí - Á-R}- -ôx- -ûª ç-c.) Badari: Hei, Both of us have forgotten. Hasn't Amareswar asked us to lunch today at his home? (àß, ç Éü l Ωç Ω-*- Úߪ ç. É Å -Í - y Lo µappleï-ø -EéÀ œ - - ü?) Kedar: That's right. So he has. This is the third or fourth sunday this year he has asked us to eat at his place. He seems to keep open house on Sundays. (Å Eï Ë. Åûª œl-î úø. Ñ Ææç -ûªq- Ωç apple ÉC úó ÇC- - Ω Á, Ø íó ÇC - Ω Á Åûª Lo µappleï-ø -EéÀ œ - úøç. Åûª-ØÁ- æ púø ÇC- - á Ó äéπ-je œlîë «ÖçC) Badari: That's correct. You remember what happened last time. He kept us too long after dinner. There was no bus at that hour. No auto was in sight. So we had to foot our way back. (Å. Fèπ Ú - ƒí - çüó í Ω hçc éπü? µappleï ç Å ûª yûª î «-ÊÆ æ èπÿ Óa- -ö«dúø. Ç time èπ bus O -. áéπ\ú auto éπe- œç-îª- ü. ç Á èπ \ úõ* - Æœ *açc) Kedar: Of course I remember. But that was a good dinner that he gave us that day. What if we had to walk back? That dinner was worth the walk. (Ø èπ í Ω hç-úøíéç? é E Ç ÓV Åéπ\úÕ µappleï ç î ««í çc. úõêæh à - ç- C? Ç µappleï- çûó îª Ææ -èπ çõ úøíéç  ü l v -é ü.) (worth èπ Å Ωnç, use Éçûª-èπ - çü ç.) Badari: The wonder is his wife is as hospitable as he. (Ç a Ωuç àn -ôçõ ÅûªE µ«ωu ÇAü uç É y-ôç apple Åûª-EûÓ ÆæJ-Ææ- ç.) Kedar: In that respect they are cut out for each other. (Ç N æ-ߪ ç apple Ÿx äéπ-j-éì-éπ Ω ÆæJí _ ÆæJ- Ú-û Ω ) Badari: So they are. The way they serve us makes us feel at home. Kedar: I think I hear him calling. Shall I tell him we are starting? (ÅûªØË phone îëææ h-ø o-úø- -èπ çö«/ ÅûªE phone Å -èπ çö«ne- œ- ÚhçC. ߪ - - üë- Ω -ûª -Ø o- E îá æpø?) Badari: Do. (îá æ p) Here are some more phrasal verbs we hear frequently in daily conversation. Like the phrasal verbs we have seen in the earlier lessons, they can make your conversation very effective. Now let's study them. Look at the following sentences from the conversation between Badari and Kedar. 1) He seems to keep open house on Sundays 2) We had to foot our way back home 3) In that respect they are cut out for each other 4)... They make us feel at home 5) That dinner was worth it OöÀE í Jç* îªjaç-îë- çü, ç J-éÌEo ô Å Ωnç, use ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç. He asked us to lunch today: Åûªúø É Lo lunchèπ œl-î úø / Ç æ y-eç-î úø. - í Ç æ y-eç-îªôç Åçõ invite ÅE èπ ûá Ææ. Conversational í Å ûë Éçé simple í invite ü ask úøôç î «ƒüµ - Ωùç. He has invited me to dinner = He has asked me to dinner = o µappleï-ø -EéÀ œl-î úø / Ç æ y-eç-î úø (ûá -í apple èπÿú u - æ -J-éπçí Ç æ y-eç-î úø Å úøç éπçõ œl-î úø Å úøç áèπ \ éπü?) No auto was in sight áéπ\ú Auto éπe- œç-îª- ü. (in sight = ü % œd apple/ éπe- œææ h) áèπ \- í not ûó éπ - æ-úø- ü ÅØËç-ü Íé úøû ç. Not a policeman was in sight. äéπ\ police man èπÿú éπe- œç-îª- ü. É «ç-öà Fo «í practice îëߪ çúõ. Now let's look at the following. 1) He seems to keep open house = Åûª á æ púø ÅA-ü - œlîëô xø oúø. (ÇAü uç É y-ö«-eéà Åûª-ØÁ- æ púø Æœü l çí éπ - æ-úø-û úø ). -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 181 Ééπ\úÕ phrasal verb: to keep open house = ÅA-ü - -Èé- æ púø É x ûájîë Öçúøôç/ ÇAü uç É y-ö«- EéÀ á æ púø Æœü l Ë. a) Come Sunday, they keep open house = ÇC- Ωç ÊÆh-ÆæJ, Rxçöapplex ÅA-ü - ç-ú -LqçüË. b) We keep open house. You can drop in at any time ÅA-ü - -Èé- æ púø É x ûájîë Öçô çc. Áy- æ p-úø- -èπ çõ Å æ púø îª a. They keep open house on sundays. You are always sure to see there some guest or the other ÇC- - Rxçöapplex ÇAü uç á æ púø Öçô çc. á Ó äéπ ÅAC Åéπ\úø èπ éπ - æ-úøôç ûªü uç. 2) We had to foot our way back home = ç ÉçöÀéÀ úõ* Lq *açc. foot one's way = úø- ôç/ walk. a) As his vehicle broke down, he left it there and footed his way to office = æ«ç îáúõ- Ú- -ôçûó, Åûª ü o-éπ\úø CL, office èπ úõ* Á «xúø. b) Foot your way as much as possible and you will be healthy = O - - ç-ûª- - Ωèπ úõêæh Ç Óí uç «í ç-ô çc. (you Åçõ y, O Ω, Fèπ, O èπ ÅØË Å n vûª Ë é èπ çú, general í á -È jø, á -J-ÈéjØ ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úø-û Ω.) Foot your way as much as possible ÅØË sentence apple ' y/ O Ω áçûª-ü Ωç úõêæh ÅØË é èπ çú, á -È jø / ç, áçûªü Ωç úõêæh Åçûª Ç Óí uç «í ç-ô çc ÅE Å Ωnç. Éçé îª úøçúõ: You cannot extract oil from sand = ÉÆæ-éπ- appleç* ØÁ Bߪ ç. Ééπ\úø you Åçõ y/ O Ω ÅØË Å n-eéà æj-n ûªç é ü. c) I can't foot my walk for such a long distance = Åçûª ü Ωç ØË úø- -. 3) In that respect they are cut out for each other. Ç N æ-ߪ ç apple äéπ-j-éì-éπ Ω ÆæJ- Ú-û Ω. be cut out for (something)/ be cut out to be (something) - Ééπ\úø be Åçõ à 'be' form (am, is, are, was, were etc) úø- îª a. ÉC î «ç* expression. Å Ωnç äéπ Ω äéπ æe îëߪ -ö«-eéà ûªt ƒ Ωnuç, í ù-í -ù«éπlt Öçúøôç. a) Are you sure you are cut out for the army? ÂÆj uç apple îë Ω-ú -EéÀ ûªt ƒ Ωnuç Fèπ ç-ü E t-ûª -Ø o? b) He is cut out to be a teacher = His teaching is excellent = teacher èπ ûªt ƒ Ωnuç Åûª-E apple ÖçC. ÅûªE appleüµ î ««í ç-ô çc. c) She is cut out to be a doctor. No doubt about it = Ç Á Doctor Å -ö«eíé æ öàd- -ô dçü ÅE- œ-ææ hçc. Doctor Å -ö«-eéà ÆæJí _ ÆæJ- Ú-ûª çc. EÆæqç-üË æ«ç. 4) They make us feel at home = ÉçöapplexØË ÖØ o ØË µ«éπl-t- ƒh Ω Ÿx. (Åçõ ÅA-ü Lo Åçûª «í îª Ææ -èπ ç-ö«- Ω- o- ô) To make your guest feel at home= ÅA-C E à Nüµ ç-í Á æ«- -ô- æ-úø-èπ çú îª úøôç a) He treats his guests well. He makes them feel absolutely at home = ÅA-ü - Çߪ «í îª ƒhúø. x apple Òçûª ÉçöapplexØË Ö o µ«éπl-t- ƒhúø b) Don't be hesitant. Feel at home. Ask for whatever you want= Á æ«- -ô- æ-úìü l. O É x Å -éóçúõ. àç é apple ÅúÕT BÆæ éóçúõ. (ÅA-C ûó É «Åçô çö«ç) 5) That dinner was worth it = Ç dinner ûó ÚLÊÆh ç úø- Lq ôç  ü l «üµë-o -é ü. They are cut out for each other EXERCISE 1 Syamala: àçöà < Ω éπô d-èπ -Ø o? Nirmala: classmate birthday Ææçü - Ωs çí Nçü É ÚhçC. Syamala: Åçûª-ÊÆ æ < ΩûÓ Öçúøôç éπ æ dç é ü? Nirmala: Ø èπ Å çõ É æ dç. < ΩûÓ áçûª-êæ- æ- Ø Öçúø-í -. Syamala: Åéπ\úË E-ü l-jéã ûëú. Ø èπ < Ωçõ ÅçA- æ dç- ü. Nirmala: à ÁjØ v æûëuéπ Ææçü s çõ ØË Ø èπ < Ω É æ dç. Syamala: Å, æ öàd- ÓV E o-ø o? Nirmala: E oøë, é E dinner vûªç É -RdéÀ -ü - Ë-ÆœçC. Syamala: Wish you a good time. EXERCISE 2 Ganesh: Hi Karthik, àçöà Åçûª F Ω-Ææçí Å -Æœ - Ú- - ô x éπe- œ-ææ h-ø o? Karthik: Ø bike üµ u apple îáúõ- Ú- çc. ü Eo úõ- œç-îª -èπ çô *a mechanic èπ É*a, Åéπ\-úÕ- ç* È çúø éà apple-o -ô Ωx ü Ωç úõ* î a. Ganesh: Ø èπ phone îëææ çõ ØË *a lift ÉîËa- -úõe éπü? Karthik: y Ææ æ ߪ ç îëêæ- -úõ- Ë- E Ø èπ ûá Ææ. Åçü x Ø rooms èπ Á xèπ çú F rooms èπ î a. Ñ vaéà ØËE-éπ\--úø -Öç-úÌî a? Ganesh: Åçûª-éπ-Ø oø? ÉC F É x Å éó. Karthik: Thank you. àçöã maths îëææ h-ø o? Å oô d, O éìûªh maths lecturer á «ÖØ oúø? Ganesh: î «íì æp lecturer. Åçü -éó-ææ Ë æ ö«dú Å oô x maths lecturer í ÆæJí _ ÆæJ- Ú-û úø. Karthik: Å ûë ÆæçûÓ æç. ANSWER Syamala: Why have you put on a sari? Nirmala: Our classmate is giving us a treat on the occasion of her birthday. Syamala: Can you be in the sari all the time? Nirmala: I like saris. So I can put with it for any time. Syamala: That's where we don't see eye to eye with each other. I don't like saris much. Nirmala: I am for saris only for special occasions. Syamala: But didn't you say the birthday was yesterday? Nirmala: Yes, it was, but she put off the dinner till today. Syamala: Wish you a good time. ANSWER Ganesh: Hi Karthik, you look so tired and weak, why? Karthik: My bike broke down on the way. I walked it up to my mechanic, gave it to him for repair and footed my way for 2 kms here. Ganesh: If you had phone me, I would have given you a lift. Karthik: I know you are the helping type. That's why I came straight to your rooms without going to my place. can I stay here for the night? Ganesh: By all means/ you are welcome. Feel absolutely at home. Karthik: Thank you. You seem to be doing maths. By the way how is your new maths lecturer? Ganesh: Excellent. He is cut out for the job. Karthik: Happy to hear it.

92 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- -E Ωç 8 --V- j 2006 Akhila: How is your mother? Is she improving? (O Å Á t «ÖçC? éó -èπ ç-öappleçü?) Nikhila: She is, but she is too weak to move about. (éó -èπ ç-öappleçc é E éπü - x- çûª F Ω-Ææçí / - «- çí ÖçC) Akhila: She is taking too many drugs perhaps. May be that's why she is so weak. ( çü K áèπ \ BÆæ -èπ ç-öappleç-üë Á. Åçü - x Åçûª F Ω-Ææçí ÖçúÌîª a) Nikhila: On the contrary she avoids even the medicines she has to take. She hates them too much to take them regularly. Hence her slow recovery. (ÅüËç ü. Åçü -é Á ua-í éπç. BÆæ -éó- - Lq çü ÆæJí BÆæ -éóü. çü véπ - -ü l çí BÆæ -éó- - çõ áçûó üëy æç) Akhila: Who is treating her? (á Ω / à doctor îª Ææ h-ø o Ω?) Nikhila: We put her in Readycure Hospital. (Readycure Hospital apple îë aç) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 182 Akhila: But isn't it too expensive and too far off a place? (é E, ÅC K êkü, ü Ωç é ü?) Nikhila: It is. But mom's cousin is a doctor there. So we admitted her there. (Eï Ë. é E Å t cousin Åéπ\úø doctor. Åçü -éπ- -éπ\úø îë aç) Akhila: You must be spending a lot on transport to and fro. You must have spent quite a lot already. (A Ω-í -ö«-eíé î «ê Ω a  ô dç-ú L O Ω. É æp-öàíé î «ê Ωa Öçú L.) Nikhila: You can say that again the tests they have prescribed as alone have cost us a lot. The medicines are expensive too. (Ç ô y Sx Sx ÅØÌîª a. Ÿx îë ç* æk-éπ~ Íé î «-ê Ωa uçc. çü èπÿú î «êküë) Akhila: These days medicare has become too costly. Only the rich can afford it. The Poor have to make do with substandard treatment. (Ñ ÓV applex Ájü uç î «êk-üáj- Ú- çc. Ö o- - xíé ÅC Åçü - «-ô apple ÖçC. E- Ÿx ûªèπ \ Ωéπç Ájü uçûó ÆæJ- -ô d-éó- -LqçüË.) make do = Ææ Ω l-éó- ôç/ ÆæJ- -ô d-éó- ôç Nikhila: Mom is too impatient. She wants to get out as soon as possible. The doctors however insist that she stay there for at Akhila: If only she takes medicines properly... ( çü ÆæJí BÆæ -éó- ôç Åçô Öçõ...) Nikhila: Oh, my! It's already I have stayed here too long. I'm afraid I'll be late for the hospital. I must hurry. Bye. (Å Á t! Å æ púë 7.30 Å - Ú- çc. K áèπ \- -ÊÆ- æ -Ø o-e-éπ\úø. ÇÆæ - æ-vaéà Ç Ææu Á i Ú-ûÓçC. ØË ûªy Ωí Á «xl. Bye.) Too Ö æ-ßá í ç ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç Ñ ƒj. 1) Too ç ƒ - uçí 'also' (èπÿú ) ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úøû ç éπü? Ramya: Has she come? (Ç Á *açü?) Priya: She has. (Ç. *açc.) Ramya: Has her husband come too? (Ç Á µº Ωh èπÿú î aú?) Priya: Yes. He has come too. (Å. Çߪ èπÿú î aúø ) least four more days. She feels it too long. (Å t K ÅÆæ- æ«- çí ÖçC. O - çûª ûªy Ωí ÇÆæ - æva ç* ߪ -ô- æ-ú èπ ç-öappleçc. é F doctors vûªç éπfææç Éçé Ø í ÓV- ç-ú - ç-ô -Ø o Ω. Ç Á èπ vûªç Å-C K áèπ \- -é ç ÅE- œ- ÚhçC) Spoken English apple 'èπÿú ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ also î «Å Ω -ü í úø-û Ω. áèπ \- í 'too' úøû Ω. 'Too' á æ púø verb ûª yûª úøôç better. She too has come éπø o She has come too, better. Éçûªèπ çü î «- ƒ Ω x ç Not ûó also ÅÆæ- - ü. 2) Too èπ ÉçéÓ Ö æ-ßá í ç îª ü lç Ñ lesson apple úõ Nüµ çí Too Åçõ K/ ÅA ÅE ûá -í apple Å Ωnç îá æ p-éó- îª a. Look at the following. a) He is tall = Åûªúø Òúø í ç*üë. b) He is very tall = Åûªúø î «Òúø í ç*üë. c) He is too tall = Åûªúø K Òúø í Åçõ Ééπ\úø Òúø í x àüó É sçc Öçúø- îª a. ( K Òúø -í - ôç x, Eö«- Ω í E -îó- -éπ- Ú- -ô Á, à í C- apple-èéjø Á Ïx-ô- æ púø ü y Ωç ûªí - -ô Á, K çt v æ Ë-Pç--î -Lq -ô- Á - «çöà É sç-ü ÖçúÌîª a èπ çõ ÅûªúÕ áûª hèπ ûªt µ«ωu üì Ω-éπ\- Ú- îª a!) Too Åçõ ÅA ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ áèπ \- í úøôç x, ü E v æßá -ï-ø ç*-ní Öçúø-éπ- Ú- îª a. a) He drives too fast = Åûªúø K Ëí çí drive îë ƒhúø. Åçü - x v æ ü ç Ææç µº-nç-îª- îª a. b) She talks too much. Å -Ææ- Ω- Á i ü E-éπçõ áèπ \ ö«xúø ûª çc. c) It is too costly = ÅC K êkü. (Åçü - x éì -éπ- Ú- îª a.) DEo éàçc- -öàûó Ú açúõ. i) It is costly = ÅC êkü (éìøìîª a) ii) It is very costly = ÅC «í êkü (Å - - æp-öàéã éìøìîª a.) iii) It is too costly = ÅC ÅA/ K êkü (ØË éì éìøë Å -é ç éπ- Ú- îª a) d) Sarat: You liked the suitcase. Why didn't you buy it? (Ç suitcase Åçõ É æd- æ-ú f. È ç-ü èπ éì - ü?) Bharat: Oh, it's too heavy. ÅC K Ω í ÖçC. (ØË Á ߪ - - çûª Ω. Åçü - x éì - ü.) e) Kiran: How do you find your new home? (O Ω éìûªhí îëj É x «ÖçC?) Varun: It's OK, but it is too big. ( «í ØË ÖçC. é F Åçü apple ÖçúË x Ææçë u Á ûªèπ \ É x Á Éçé áèπ \ çcéà ÆæJ- ÚßË çûª  ü lc Åçü - x éπ Ωuç éπçõ É sçüë áèπ \ ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ.) 3) Too Åçõ - í ƒüµ u- ßË u ü E-éπØ o áèπ \ ÅØË Å Ωnç èπÿú ÖçC. a) He is too clever for a boy his age = ÅûªúÕ ßª Ææ q œ x- -éπçõ Åûªúø î «ûál-n-í - - úø. (Åûª-úÕéÀ ߪ Ææ èπ N ç* ûál-n-ûë-ô- -Ø o.) b) She is too tall for a girl her age = Ç ßª Ææ Å t- éπçõ K Òúø -í ç-ü Å t. c) She is too red for an Asian = - í ÇƜߪ Ææ Öçúø- çûª áv Ωí Öçü Á. 4) Too éìclí Å Ωnç ûëú ûó É «èπÿú úøû ç: a) She is too young for marriage =  Rx ߪ -Ææ èπ Ç Á ߪ Ææ K ûªèπ \.  Sxúø èπ î «ûªèπ \ = She is too young to be married/ to get married. She is too weak to move.. b) He is too fat to walk fast- Éô - çöà sentences apple ua-í -é Ωnç Ææ hçc. -Ñ - é u-eéà -Å Ωnç= Åûª ûªy Ωí úø- - - çûª «. c) She is too young to understand all this = ÉN Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- - çûª * o œ x Ç Å t. d) In the past children were married off when they were too young to understand what marriage was = í ûªç apple  xçõ àn öapple Å Ωnç-é E * o ߪ - Ææ appleøë œ x- èπ  Rx Ÿx îëêæ- Ÿx. 5) äéó\- ƒj too positive meaning ûó éàçc sentences apple «í úøû ç. a) Pavan: Are you ready for this job? Ñ ÖüÓu-í -EéÀ y Æœü l - Ë Ø? Vinod: I shall be only too glad to accept it. ü Eo Æ yéπ-jç-îªôç Ø èπ î «ÆæçûÓ æç/ ÆæçûÓ- æçí b) He will be only too pleased to assist you= Fèπ Ææ æ -ߪ - æ-úøôç Åûª-úÕéÀ î «ÆæçûÓ æç. c) She'll be too ready to leave the place = Ééπ\-úÕ- ç* ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÁRx- Ú-ûª çc/ Á x-ö«-e-éà -á- æ púø Æœü l Ë. 6) Too áèπ \- í éàçc Å ΩnçûÓ úø-û Ω. a) It is too much for him = ÅC Åûªúø îëߪ - - çûª éπ æ dç/ µºjç-îª- - çûª v / «üµ. b) Working for such long hours is too much for the boys = ÅEo í çô æe-îë-ߪ ôç Ÿx îëߪ - E/ µºjç-îª- E v ( œ x é öàd.) c) This question is too much for the little girl. Ç * o œ xèπ ï îá æp- - çûª éπ æ d- Á i v æ- o -É-C. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation between Akhila and Nikhila at the beginning of the lesson: 1) She is too weak to move about. 2) She is taking too many drugs perhaps. 3) She hates them too much to take them regularly. 4) But isn't it too expensive and too far off a place? 5) Mom is too impatient. 6) She feels it too long. 7) I've stayed here too long. 1) She is too weak to move about = Ç Á éπü çûª F Ω-Ææçí ÖçC = She is so weak that she cannot move about. 2) She is taking too many drugs perhaps = æ -» - ç-ü - K áèπ \ (îáúø ïj-ííçûª) BÆæ -èπ ç-öappleç-üë Á Ñ Å ΩnçûÓ É «èπÿú too úøû ç. a) You are a minute too late = y äéπ\ EN æç Ç -Ææu- -ߪ u. (äéπ\ EN æç çü - -îª açõ F æe ÅßË uc) b) This passenger is one too many for the bus. Bus is full. It can't take even one more. (Ñ äéπ\ v æߪ -ùà-èπ úë áèπ \. Ææqçû EçúÕ- Ú- çc. Éçéπ äéπ\-jéà èπÿú îóô - ü ) 3) She hates them too much to take them regularly = Ç Á èπ Ç çü - véπ ç-ûª- æp-èπ çú ËÆæ -éó- -úø- çõ ÅE æ dç./ Ç ÅE- æ dç- x Å -Ææ- Ω- Á iø Ç çü BÆæ -éóü. ÉC sentence no.1 «í ØË ÖçC îª úøçúõ. 4) But isn't it too expensive and too far off a place? = ÅC ç µºjç-îª- - çûª êk-üájçd, Á x- - çûª ü Ω é ü? It's too expensive = K êk-üá-èπ \ (ØË µºjç-îª- ) It's too far off ( K ü Ωç áèπ \, ØË Á x- ) 5) Mom is too impatient = Å t K ÅÆæ- æ«- çí ÖçC. (Åéπ\úø Öçúø- -éπ- Ú-ûÓçC) 6) She feels it too long = K áèπ \ é - E Å -èπ ç-öappleçc. (Öçúø- -éπ- Ú-ßË çûª) 7) I have stayed here too long = Å -ûª æ çúõ èπÿú î «áèπ \- -ÊÆ- æ Ø o Öçúø-èπÿ-úø- çûª ÊÆ æ Ø o. éàçc Ö æ-ßá -í πÿú îª úøçúõ: a) The box is too heavy for me = the box is so heavy that I cannot lift it = ØË áûªh- - çûª Ω í Öçü - õ d. b) The TV is too costly for me = The TV is so costly that I can't buy it. ØË éì - - çûª êk-ü - çü öão.

93 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ú- Ωç 10 --V- j 2006 Swarna: Hi Rajitha, get dressed and get ready to go out. ( ôd Ω aéó, ߪ -öà-èé- x-ö«-eéà -ûª-ߪ Ω y) Kamala: What is Swarna saying, Rajitha? (Ææy Ωg à ç-öappleçd?) Rajitha: She is telling me to get dressed and get ready to go. ( ôd Ω a-èπ E ߪ -ô-èé- x-ö«-eéà ûªßª - Ω- - E Ææy Ωg Ø ûó îá ÚhçC) Swarna: Go to the market and get some vegetables. There aren't any left. (Market èπ - Á---R} èπÿ Ω-í -ߪ BÆæ -èπ. Éçöapplex àç.) Kamala: Don't you hear, Rajitha? Swarna is telling you to go to the market and get vegetables (NE- œç-îª- ü, Ω>û? Market èπ - Á---R} èπÿ Ω ûá te îá ÚhçC éπü?) Rajitha: What do you mean? (àçôç-ô -Ø o?) Kamala: You have heard what Swarna has said. So do what she says. (NØ o éπü Ææy Ωg îá œpçc. ûª îá œp- ô x îá u.) Rajitha: Are you both telling me to go to the market and get vegetables? Kamala, are you telling me to do what she says? (Éü l Ω o market ÈéRx èπÿ Ω ûá tçö«? éπ «, ûªøëç îëߪ - ç-ô çüó ÅC îëߪ - ç-ö«? Swarna: And cook too. ( çô èπÿú îá u) Kamala: Don't stand there. Get going. Swarna has told you to cook too. (Å «E appleaèπ. æe é F. Ææy Ω-g - ç-ô èπÿ-ú -îá-ߪ u- ç--öappleç-c.) Get going= ߪ - l Ω / æe-é F, etc. Swarna: Why are you still here? Kamala is telling you not to stand there but get going. (àçöàçé Ééπ\-úø -Ø o? Kamala îá œpç-céπü, Å «E applea- -ü lf, ߪ - l- Ω- E.) Rajitha: Stop it. Don't think I am your servant. Don't order me about, you stupids. (Ç æçúõ. ØË O servant Å -éó-éπçúõ. Ø èπ Çïc-L- y-éπçúõ, Ω ^- «x?) Swarna: Look, Kamala, she is telling us to stop it and not to think she is our servant. She is telling us further not to order her about. (éπ «îª úø, Éü çû Ç æ- E, ûª servant í Å -éó- -ü lf, Çïc ñ«kîë-ßá -ü lf ÅçöappleçC.) Kamala: Come now, Rajitha. Don't be angry. We have just been joking. Please don't think we are serious. (Rajitha, éó æp-úøèπ. ÜJ-éπØË joke îëææ hø oç. Ë ç serious í ÅØ o- E Å -éóèπ. ÜJÍé EØ o-ô- æ-öàdç-î - çûë) Rajitha: You've carried the joke too far. (O joke ÅAí ÖçC) Swarna: Come, come, don't be angry. Take a joke. Enjoy it, girl. (éó æp-úøèπÿ. Joke í BÆæ éó. y èπÿú ÆæçûÓ- æ- æúø.) Kamala: You still look angry. Swarna has told you to take joke and not to be angry but enjoy it. Come laugh it off. (Éçé éó æçí éπe- œ-ææ h-ø o. Ææy Ωg îá œpçc éπü Åçû joke í BÆæ -éó- F, éó æp-úì-ü lf, y èπÿú enjoy îáߪ u- E. ËyÆœ Ü Ω éó) Rajitha: OK. I excuse you. I will have my turn too. (Å «Íí. N tlo éπ~n -Ææ h-ø o. Ø èπÿ Ææ hçc Å -é ç. Å æ púø îá ƒh.) Compare the following pair of sentences from the conversation above: a) Swarna: Rajitha, get dressed and get ready to start. ( ôd Ω aéó, ߪ -öà-èé- x-ö«-eéà ûªßª - Ω y) b) Rajitha: She (Swarna) is telling me to get dressed and get ready to start. ( ôd Ω a-èπ E ߪ -ô-èé- x-ö«-eéà ûªßª - Ω- - E Ææy Ωg Ø ûó îá ÚhçC) sentence (a) apple ç îª ÊÆC: Ææy Ωg, Ω>-ûª ÖüËl-Pç* ØË Ω (direct) í, êûª Ω>-ûªûÓ îáê p N æߪ ç. sentence (b) apple ç îª ÊÆC: Ω>ûª, Ææy Ωg ûª ûó Å o- -ô-, ûª ô applex éπ - èπ îá æpôç/ report îëߪ ôç. sentence (a) direct í Ææy Ωg Ω>-ûªûÓ Å o - -ô. é öàd ÅC Direct speech. sentence (b) Ω>ûª, ûª ô applex Ææy Ωg- -ô- éπ - èπ report îëߪ ôç é öàd ÅC Reported (Indirect) speech. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 183 Look at the following too: 1 Swarna (to Rajitha): Go to the market and get some vegetables (Market ÈéRx èπÿ Ω ævö«direct speech éπü?) Kamala: Swarna is telling you to go to the market and get some vegetables (Market ÈéRx èπÿ Ω ûá te Ææy Ωg ÅçöappleçC FûÓ) (ÉC Kamala report îë ÚhçC é öàd reported speech) 2. a) Kamala (to Rajitha)... Do what she (Swarna) Says. (Ææy Ωg -îá- œpçc îá u Direct speech éπü?) b) Rajitha (To Swarna and Kamala) Are you both telling me to go to market and get vegetables? Kamala, Are you telling me to do what she says? (Direct speech) ( o Market ÈéRx èπÿ Ω ûá tç-ô -Ø o? éπ «, Ææy Ωg îá œpçc îëߪ - ç-ö«o?) 3 a) Kamala (To Rajitha): Don't stand there. Get going. (Direct speech) Å «E appleaèπ, ߪ - l Ω ) Swarna is telling you to cook too (Reported speech - Ææy Ωg E o çô èπÿú îëߪ - ç-öappleçc) b) Swarna: Kamala is telling you not to stand there but get going. (Å «E applea- -ü lf, ߪ - l- Ω- E éπ îá ÚhçC FûÓ Reported speech) 4 a) Rajitha (to Swarna & Kamala): Stop it. Don't think I am your servant. Don't order me about (Direct speech) (Ç æçúõ, ØË O servant Å -éó-éπçúõ. O É æ dç *a- ô x Çïc É y-éπçúõ Direct speech) b) Swarna: She is telling us to stop it and not to think she is our servant. She is further telling us not to order her about. (Indirect speech) ( -Lo-ü çû Ç æ- F, ûª servant Å - éó- -ü lf, É æ dç *a- ô x Çïc-L- y-ü lf Ω>ûª ÅçöappleçC Indirect speech) 5 a) Swarna to Rajitha: Don't be angry. Take a joke. enjoy it, girl (éó æp-úøèπ. Joke Ç ç-cçîª Direct speech) b) Kamala: Swarna has told you not to be angry, to take a joke and enjoy it (Swarna îá œpçc éπü éó æp-úì-ü lf, joke Ç ç-cç-îª- F Reported speech)  j sentences apple 1 (a) 2 (a), 2 (b), 3 (a) 4 (a), 5 (a) - É Fo direct speech apple ÖØ o. Sentences 1 (b), 3 (b), 4 (b) and 5 (b) - É Fo reported (Indirect) speech apple ÖØ o. 1) Swarna: Hi Rajitha, get dressed and get ready to go out. ÉC Direct speech apple ÖçC éπü. 'Get dressed and get ready to go out - Ñ ô Imperative sentence - Åçõ äéπ-je Çñ«c- œçîë/ Å µºu-jnçîë (request)/ äéπ æe îëߪ - E ÅúÕÍí sentence imperative sentence Åçö«ç. Swarna, Ω>-ûª ôd- - - Ω aéó, ߪ -öà-èé- x-ö«-eéà Æœü l çí Öçúø ÅE Åúø -í -ûóçc/ ü ü æ Çñ«c œ ÚhçC. é öàd 'Get dressed and go out', imperative sentence Å -ûª çc. Imperative sentence direct ç* reported (indirect) èπ a- çõ, Ç imperative çü, to îë Ωa-ô Ë. Åçõ, Swarna: Hi Rajitha, get dressed and get ready to go out - DEéÀ reported speech: Swarna is telling/ asking (tells/ asks) Rajitha to get dressed and get ready to go out. í -Eç-î Ω éπü get dressed and get ready to go out çü, to  ö«dç. ÅçûË-éπü. So, imperative sentence indirect speech éà a- çõ, ü E çü 'to'  õ d ƒhç. Éçûª-èπ - çü ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç say ûª yûª infinitive ( to go, to come, to sing «çöà ô ) ü E. Tell/ ask æéπ\ infinitive Ææ hçc. Åçü -éπe reported speech apple tell (somebody)/ Ask (somebody) + Infinitive Ææ hçc, Imperative Reported speech èπ Ja- - æ úø. Look at the other pairs of sentences from the conversation. 1 a) Swarna (to Rajitha): Go to the market and get some vegetables (market ÈéRx èπÿ Ω BÆæ -èπ ÉC Imperative sentence) DEéÀ Reported speech, DE-éÀç-ü ØË éπ ô applex 1 (b) îª úøçúõ. Swarna is telling you to go to the market and get some vegetables  Ω éπü, Kamala, Swarna ôlo reported speech - apple -îá æpôç Ç ô çü 'to' îëa- ÆœçC She is telling you to go to the market... 3 a) Kamala (to Rajitha): Don't stand there. Get going (Direct speech- E applea-éπ «, ߪ - l Ω ) Çïc «ÖçC é öàd imperative sentence. 3 b) îª úøçúõ ÉC Kamala, Ææy Ωg ôlo reported speech apple îá æpôç: Kamala is telling you not to stand there but get going. Ééπ\úø èπÿú Kamala, Ææy Ωg - -ô çü, to úõçc to stand there... Å ûë Ééπ\úø direct speech apple Don't (do not) ÅE not ÖçC é öàd, reported speech apple, not to ÅE Ææ hçc. a) Suseel: Make good use of your time, Sumant. (Sumant, F Ææ -ߪ Eo ÆæCy-E-ßÁ í ç îëææ éó Direct speech éπü.) Swarna is telling... Indirect, Suseel is telling Sumant to make good use of his time. b) Suseel: Don't waste your time, Sumant (Direct speech - Imperative - Don't = do not ûó ÖçC) Reported speech: Suseel is telling sumant not to waste his time. 4 a) Rajitha (To Swarna and Kamala): Stop it. Don't think I am your servant. Don't order me about. (Direct speech-imperative with don't = do not) b) É Ë ô- Swarna reported speech apple Kamala èπ : She is telling us to stop it, not to think she is our servant and not to order her about. (Reported speech beginning with 'not to', because of don't in Direct speech)  Ω éπü : Orders, requests, asking ûálê imperative sentence, direct speech apple Öçõ, ü Eo report îëêæ-ô- æ púø, to ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç, don't Öçõ not to ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. a) Kamal: Krishna have something to eat. Direct speech - imperative. Kamal is asking Krishna to have something to eat - Reported speech b) Teacher: Don't read such books. (Direct speech- Begins with don't) Teacher is telling (the students) not to read such books. Ñ Â j examples apple -à Ææç µ«- æ-ù á æ púø ï Ω -í -ûª -Ø oßá correct í ûál-ߪ ôç ü é öàd ç Indirect (reported) speech apple à tense Å Ø úø- îª a.  j È çúø examples apple, Reported speech apple, is asking/ is telling ü has asked/ asked/ has told/ told èπÿú úø- îª a. That is how we change imperative into indirect speech.

94 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü í Ω - Ωç 13 -V- j 2006 éàçü öà lesson apple ç 1st sample of direct speech and reported speech ç. Direct and reported speech Å -í ØË èπ í Ìh-îËaC, Quotations/ Inverted commas (" "), öà apple æ Ö o sentence µ«í ç, Åçü apple verb/ verbs quotations ߪ ô Ö o verb «çöàn. Å ûë ç Ééπ\úø í Ω hç-îª -éó- -LqçC, Ñ columns apple ç îëææ hçc Spoken English practice. Åçõ English ö«x-úøôç. ö«x-úë--ô æ púø quotations, Åçü apple µ«í ç, ü E - -ߪ öà µ«í ç «çöàn Öçúø éπü. Spoken English apple ç í Ω hç-îª -éó- -Lqçü «x, Á ü öà uéàh È çúó uéàhûó îáê p ô direct speech. Á ü öà uéàh îá œp N æ-ߪ Eo È çúó uéàh ûª ô applex ÉçéÓ uéàhéà îá æpôç/ report îëߪ ôç, reported speech. Conversation/ Spoken English practice îëêæ-ô- æ púø Ñ N æߪ ç í Ω hç-îª -éó- L. Quotations, reported verb «çöà öàéóææç Áûªéπç. Reporting verb Åçõ reported speech v ƒ Ωç- Gµç-îË- çü úë tell, ask, request, order, advise, hope «çöà öàe Ææçü - s Eo öàd Ë áç œéπ îëææ èπ ç-ö«ç. English ö«x-úë-ô- æ púø úëc reported speech é öàd, ç ûá -Ææ -éó- -Lqç-ü - «x äéπ uéàh Å o N æ-ߪ Eo ÉçéÌ-éπ-JéÀ Ææp æ dçí á «NE- œç-î L ÅØËC vûª Ë. ÉüË-éπü, ç éàçü öà lesson apple Swarna, Rajitha and Kamala conversation apple îª ÆœçC. Å «Íí practice îëü lç. Ééπ îªü - çúõ. Rakesh: They were talking. Naveen told Ramani to leave her book with him, and to take his book and return it the next day. ( Ÿx ö«x-úø -èπ ç-ô -Ø o Ω. Ç Á æ Ææh-é Eo ûª -éà*a, ûª æ Ææh-é Eo BÆæ -èπ E, Ω -ÆæöÀ Ó>- y- E OØ Ω -ùàûó ÅØ oúø.) Mahesh: I heard Ramani's words. She requested him to let her have both the books. ( Ω ùà ô ØË NØ o. È çúø æ Ææhé BÆæ -Èé- x-e- y- E Å µºu-jnç-*çc) Rakesh: Naveen then told her to take both of them but to make sure she returned them the day after next. (Å æ púø È çúø æ Ææh-é BÂÆ\- }- F, éπ*a-ûªçí á xçúõ (È çvúó-v ûª yûª) AJ-T- y- F, Naveen Ω -ùàûó ÅØ oúø.) Mahesh: I was sitting next to Ramani. So I heard her. She requested him to allow her to keep them for at least three days. ( Ω ùà æéπ\øë èπÿîª Ø o. Ç Á îá œpçc ØË NØ o, éπfææç úø ÓV- Ø o Öçîª -éó-e-- y- -E Ω ùà ÅúÕ-TçC.) Rakesh: Then the teacher ordered them both to stop talking. (Teacher xe ö«x-úøôç Ç æ- E Çïc- œç-î úø.) Å «é èπ çú éàçü öà lesson apple «í á æ púø ïj-t Ææç µ«- æ-ù Å æ púë report îëêæh tell/ ask/ request/ order/ wish «çöà verbs I Regular doing word/ II Regular doing word/ am+ing, is+ing, are+ing/ have+pp/ has+pp (past participle) form apple begin îë ƒhç.)  j OØ èπÿ Ω ùàéã í ûªç apple ïj-t Ææç µ«- æù Ê «ˇ, Ω Ë ˇ reported speech apple îá æ h-ø o Ω. Direct speech ç* reported èπ Í a-ô- æ púø, Ææçü - s Eo öàd éàçc Ω p èπÿú îë ƒhç. DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH I, You (-ØË-, y) He, She We, You (- Ë -, - - ç, O Ω ) They Me, You (-Ø èπ, - - o, Fèπ, E o) Him, her Us ( Lo, èπ / - - t-lo, èπ ) Them You (O èπ ) Them My, Your (-Ø, F) His/ Her She requested him to.. -Ñ passage Report îëߪ çúõ (English apple Gí _- Ωí ). Ææçü - Ωs çí îëa- Ωç o ÆœE èπ BÆæ ÈéRx Kowmudi: F birthday dinner É y. Kavitha: y punctual í Éç-öÀéÀ üµ u æ«oç 2:30 èπ. Kowmudi: Ø èπ ÆæJí _ Ç ÓV È çúõç-öàéà í Ω h-îë, ØË èπ çú Öçõ îª úø. Kavitha: îëa--ô æ púø O îá xlo èπÿú BÆæ -èπ! Kowmudi: îá xl N æߪ ç æöàdç-îª -éóèπ. ü çõ Ëy - Ú-Ø îëæœ ü Eo œ. Kavitha: Ç N æߪ ç Ø éì-c- ß. y-jíé ûª ûó îá æ p. Kowmudi: Å «Íí. ANSWER -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 184 I. Naveen: Leave your book with me. You take my book and return it tomorrow. (F æ Ææh-é Eoéπ\úø Öçîª. y Ø æ Ææh-é Eo BÆæ -èπ E Í æ AJ-T y) Ramani: Please let me have both the books. (È çúõç-öàf BÆæ -éó-e y) Naveen: OK. Take both of them but make sure that you return them the day after. (ÆæÍ, È çúø BÆæ éó, Å ûë á xç-úõéà éπ*a-ûªçí AJ-T-îËaß ) Ramani: Please allow me to keep them for at least three days. (éπfææç úø ÓV- Ø o Öçîª -éó-e y) Teacher: Stop talking, both of you. (O J-ü l Ω ö«x-úø-éπçúõ) Naveen and Ramani: Don't be angry, sir. Excuse us this once. (éó æp-úø-èπ çú t-lo Ñ äéπ\- ƒ-jéà éπ~n ç-îªçúõ ƒ ) Teacher: Concentrate on the lesson. Keep your mouths shut or get out of the class. ( ƒ Ωç O ü ü % œd  ôdçúõ. ØÓ Ω - -Ææ - éóçúõ ü ߪ -öà-èé-rx- ÚçúÕ) Naveen: Please, don't be cross, sir. (ü ߪ -îëæœ éó æp-úø-éπçúõ ƒ ) Teacher: Be silent, then (Å ûë E z- lçí ÖçúøçúÕ) Naveen: OK. Sir. (Å «Íí ƒ ) II. Mahesh: Why was the teacher angry with Naveen and Ramani? (Naveen, Ramani O ü teacher áçü èπ éó æç *açc?) èπ Mahesh: Then both of them requested the teacher not to be angry and to excuse them that once. ( x- æ púø éó æp-úø- -ü le, Ñ ƒ-jéà éπ~n ç-îª- E teacher Å µºu-jnç-î Ω ) Rakesh: The teacher was still angry. He ordered them to concentrate on the lesson, to keep their mouths shut or to get out. (Teacher Éçé éó æçí ÖØ oúø, x lesson O ü ü % œd  ôd- F, ØÓ Ω Ææ éó- E ü ߪ -öà-èé- }- F -Å-Ø o-úø.) Naveen then requested/ pleaded with the teacher again not to be cross. Observe: I) The conversation between Naveen and Ramani, and II) Mahesh and Rakesh reporting the conversation between Naveen and Ramani. O Ω í -EçîË Öçö«Ω Part I apple OØ, Ω ùà Ææç µ«- æ-ù, Part II apple Mahesh, Rakesh reported (indirect) speech apple îá æ p-éó- ôç. ÉC èπÿú í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Part II apple, Ê «ˇ Íé- ˇ ÅúÕ-T Á ü öà v æ o: Why was the teacher angry with Naveen and Ramani? Åçõ, Éçü apple was x èπ ûá -Ææ h o N æߪ ç: OØ, Ω -ùà Ææç µ«- æù í ûªç apple ïj-tç-ü E, Ç N æ-ߪ Eo æ púø Mahesh, Rakesh v æ ƒh-n-ææ h-ø o- ΩE. É «í ûªç apple ïj-t Ææç µ«- æ-ù reported speech èπ a- çõ, told, requested, ordered ÅE Past doing word ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. Our, Your (-, - -, O ) Mine, Yours (-Ø -C, FC) Ours, Yours (-- -C, O C) This (-É-C) These (-É-N) Their His/ Her Theirs That Those Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow That day, The day before, The Now next day Ω-Ææí Then Important:  j Ω p- Fo Ææçü - s Eo -öàd îëߪ -Lq Ω p. ÅüË æeí îëߪ -Lq Å -Ææ Ωç ü. êuçí English ö«x-úø -ûª - o- æ púø. É æ púø O JçéÓ N æߪ ç í -Eç-îªçúÕ: OØ, Ω ùà Ææç µ«- æ-ùçû, imperative (Çïc, Å µºu- Ωn-, Åúø-í -ö«ûálê sentences- é öàd reported speech, to + 1st Regular doing word ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç éàçü öà lesson apple îª Æœ- ô x.) O-Ø èπ, Ω -ùàéà ïj-t Ææç µ«- æ-ù, direct speech apple, indirect speech apple éàç-ü æ-öàdéπ- apple îª úøçúõ. DIRECT SPEECH 1. Naveen (to Ramani): Leave your books with me. You take the other book and return it tomorrow. 2. Ramani (to Naveen): Please let me have both the books. 3. Naveen (to Ramani): Take both of them and make sure that you return them the day after. 4. Ramani (to Naveen): Please allow me to keep them for at least three days. 5. Teacher (to Ramani & Naveen): Stop talking both of you. 6. Naveen & Ramani (to teacher): Don't be angry, sir. Excuse us this once. 7. Teacher (to Naveen and Ramani): Concentrate on the lesson. Keep your mouths shut or get out of the class 8. Naveen (to Teacher): Please, sir, don't be cross with us. t Kowmudi asks/ asked Kavitha to take her to a movie and give her a dinner on her birthday next week. t Kavitha asks/ asked Kowmudi to go home to Kavitha exactly at 2.30 t Kowmudi then tells/ told Kavitha to remind her at 2 that day and see if she (Kowmudi) doesn't/ wouldn't come. t Kavitha asks/ asked Kowmudi to bring her sister along. t Kowmudi then tells/ told Kavitha to leave her sister alone or call her herself. t Kavitha then tells/ told her to leave the matter to her, and just to tell her sister of it. t Kowmudi said OK. REPORTED SPEECH µ Naveen told Ramani (ÉC í ûªç é öàd) to leave her book with him and take his book and return it the next day. µ She (Ramani) requested him to let her have both the books. µ Naveen then told her to take both of them but to make sure she returned them the day after. µ She (Ramani) requested him to allow her to keep them for at least three days. µ The teacher ordered them both to stop talking. µ Both of them (Naveen and Ramani) requested the teacher not to be angry and excuse them that once. µ He (the teacher) ordered them to concentrate on the lesson, to keep their mouths shut or get out of the class. µ Naveen then requested/ pleaded with the teacher not to be cross with them.

95 - -E Ωç 15 --V- j 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü II Pridhvi: Hi Akash, I am very happy today. Akash: Are you, really? Why so? (Å Ø? áçü éó?) Pridhvi: My exam results are out and I have passed with a very high score. (Ø exam results î a. ØË î «ç* Ω \- ûó pass Åߪ u ) Akash: Congrats. That makes me really happy. You owe me and Varun a treat. (Congrats. ÅC o î «ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ- Ω - ÚhçC. y Ø èπ, Ω ù èπ NçC- yl.) Treat- Nçü ; Owe- «éã Öçúøôç. He owes me Rs.100 = Åûªúø Ø èπ Ω.100 «éã He owes his greatness to his father = (ÅûªúÕ íì æpûªø -EéÀ x Ø ØËo é Ωùç) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 185 Pridhvi: Who is coming here? Oh, it is Varun. (á Ω Ææ h-ø Ω? ã... Ω ù.) Varun: I heard you both talking about results and treat. What is it? (O J-ü l Ω àüó results, treat ö«x-úø -èπ ç-ô -Ø o Ω. àçôc?) í Jç* Akash: Pridhvi has just told me that his exam results are out and that he has passed with a high score (ûª exam results î a-ߪ F, ûª ç* marks ûó pass Åߪ u- F É æ púë Ø ûó Pridhvi îá ƒpúø.) Varun: That's great. Congrats Pridhvi. How about a treat then? (î «íì æp N æߪ ç. Congrats. J treat ( dinner) õ -N öà?) Pridhvi: Akash has said that it really makes him happy and that I owe you and him a treat. I am ready. Just fix the date and time. (ÅC úõe î «ÆæçûÓ- æ-â -úø -ûóçü F, ØË ûª èπÿ, Fèπÿ ã treat (dinner) É y- F Çé ˇ Éçûª-èπ - çüë ÅØ oúø. ØË ready. Date, time O Ω E Ωg- ç-îªçúõ) Akash: Varun, you have heard what Pridhvi has said. He is telling us that he is ready, and to fix the date and time for the dinner. ( Ω ù, NØ o- í. æ%cµy àç îá ƒpúó. úõîëa treat èπ Lo date, time E Ωg- ç-îª- -Ø oúø ) Pridhvi: Mom's calling me. I'll be back in a minute. You decide and let me know where to go and when to go and I will take you there and then. Don't bother about the expenses. ( Å t œ ÚhçC. *öà-èé apple AJ-íÌ ƒh. á æ púø, áéπ\úõéà Á «x apple O Ω E Ωg- ç* Ø èπ îá æpçúõ. Åéπ\-úÕéÀ BÆæ -èπ - Á- û. ê Ω a í Jç* æöàdç-îª -éó-éπçúõ) DIRECT SPEECH 1. Akash (To Pridhvi): That makes me really happy. You owe me and Varun a treat 2. Pridhvi (To Varun & Akash): I am ready. Just fix the date and time. - I am ready - ÉC statement. Just fix the date and time - ÉC imperative 3. Pridhvi (To Akash & Varun): You decide and let me to know where to go and when to go and I will take you there and then. ''You decide and let me know...to go..." ÉC imperative. I will take you there- ÉC statement. Varun: Have you heard what he has said? He has told us to decide and let him know where to go and when to go and he will take us there. He has told us too not to bother about expenses. How generous he is! ( úë- -Ø oúó NØ o? á æ p-úø áéπ\úõèé «x apple ç E Ωg ç* úõûó îágûë úø Lo Åéπ\- úõéà BÆæ èπ - Á -û - E ÅØ oúø. ê Ω a N æߪ ç æöàdç-îª -éó- -ü le èπÿú ÅØ oúø. íì æp Öü - Ω úë!) Akash: He is back. Pridhvi it will be tomorrow. We will to go the matinee show of Chilipi and then have a dinner at Shadrasa restaurant. ( æ%cµy îëa-»úø. æ%cµy, Í æ ç *L œ uöão - Ú èπ ÁRx, ævúøææ restaurant apple dinner îëü lç) Pridhvi: That's OK, then. Now look at the part of the conversation between Pridhvi and Akash at the beginning of the lesson. Pridhvi (to Akash): My exam results are out and I have passed with a very high score. æ%cµy Çé ˇûÓ Å o direct speech applee  j sentence, statement form apple ÖçC; statement Åçõ äéπ N æ-ߪ Eo îáê p sentence. ( ç éàçü öà lesson apple report îëߪ ôç ØË Ω aèπ - oc imperative (Çïc, Å µºu- Ωn-, etc. ûálê ) sentence) É æ púø äéπ Ω îá œp statement report îëêæô- æ púø (Reported speech èπ Í a-ô- æ púø ), that ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç.  j æ%dµy Çé ˇûÓ Å o ô-, Çé ˇ, Ω ù ûó report îëߪ ôç îª úøçúõ. (Akash to Varun): Pridhvi has just told me that his exam results are out and that he has passed with a very high score He says that he is.. í -Eç-îªçúÕ: Akash Ω ù ûó îá æpôç ( æ%cµy Å o N æ-ߪ Eo) that ûó begin Å ôç; N í û Ω p- Fo éπü. Look at the following table. éàçc Fo èπÿú statements, imperatives. INDIRECT SPEECH t Pridhvi reporting Akash's words to Varun: Akash has said that it really makes him happy and that I owe you and Akash a treat takash reporting Pridhvi's words to Varun: He is telling us that he is ready, and to fix the date and time. 'he is ready' - statement é öàd that ûó, 'fix the date and time' imperative é öàd, to ûó begin Å -û. t Varun reporting Pridhvi's words to Akash: He has told us to decide and let him know where to go and when to go, and that he will take us there. Ééπ\úø, 'He has told.. to go' Ωèπÿ imperative é öàd to ûó, 'he will take us there' statement é öàd that ûó begin îë ƒhç. Éçûª- - Ωèπÿ ç Imperative sentences -, statements Reported (Indirect) speech appleéà Ωaôç (Report îëߪ ôç) ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. J-éÌEo examples îª ü lç: DIRECT 1. Rama Rao: Wait here till I come back. (ØË AJ-íÌîËa Ωèπ Ééπ\úË Öçúø.) (Imperative) Vinai: Please come back early, dad. I am hungry. (ûªy Ωí -Ø -Ø -o, Ø èπ ÇéπLí ÖçC.) (Imperative + statement) 2. Patient: Doctor, I have a temperature and a severe cold. (ú éπd, ä Ÿx ËúÕí ÖçC. «í ï îëæœçc.) (statement) Doctor: Take these tablets and you will be cured by the evening. (Ñ ö«xö q BÆæ -éóçúõ. ƒßª çvû E-éπ «x O èπ ߪ ûª çc) (Imperative + statement) 3. Doctor (To patient): Take a cold shower before breakfast if you want to keep fit. (Ç Óí uçí Öçú çõ breakfast çü îªfo x ƒo ç îáß ) Imperative 4. Sumathi (To Sumanth): You've wasted your time and money and that's why you are in trouble now. ( y time, úø s, %ü îë». Åçü - - x y éπ ƒd applex ÖØ o ) statement 5. Teacher (To students): Imitate my pronunciation if you want to speak well. (O Ω «í ö«x-ú - çõ Ø Ö-î a Ωù Å -éπ-jç-îªçúõ) Imperative EXERCISE Put the following first in English and then report it (change it into reported speech. Use reporting verbs only in present tense. is telling/ tells/ has told/ is asking/ asks/ has asked etc.) èπ Á Ïx-ôx- ûë Ø éó dozen N -úõ- æçúø x BÆæ -èπ please. Sujani: ΩïF, y market DIRECT Sujani: Rajani, If you are going to the market, get me a dozen mangoes, please. Rajani: I will, but tell me how much you want me to spend. Sujani: Not more than Rs. 100 a dozen. Don't buy if it is more than that. Rajani: Don't expect me back early. Sujani: Doesn't matter when you come back. Take this hundred rupees. Rajani: Give it to me after I return. INDIRECT (REPORTED) t Rama Rao asks his son to wait there till he comes back. Vinai asks/ requests his father to come back early. He says that he is hungry. (ûª AJ-íÌîËa Ωèπ Åéπ\úË Öçúø- E éìúø èπ ûó - Åçô -Ø oúø. N ß x Ø o ûªy Ωí Ω te Åúø -í -ûª -Ø oúø, ûª èπ Çéπ-Lí Öçü E Åçô -Ø oúø.) tthe patient has complained to the doctor that she has a temperature and a severe cold. The doctor advises her to take those tablets and says that she will be cured by the evening. (Patient ûª èπ temperature, ï í Öçü E doctor ûó îá œpçc. Doctor Ç tablets BÆæ -éó- E Ææ æ É*a, ƒßª çvû E-éπ «x ߪ - - -ûª ç-ü E ÅØ oúø ) tthe doctor tells the patient to take a cold shower before breakfast if he/ she wants to be fit. (Ç Óí uçí Öçú - çõ breakfast çü îªfo x ƒo ç îëߪ - E doctor, ÓTûÓ Åçô -Ø oúø ) t Sumathi is telling Sumanth that he has wasted his time and money and that's why he is in trouble now. (Sumanth ûª úø s, time %ü îë»-úøf, Åçü - -- x éπ ƒd applex ÖØ o-úøf Sumathi ÅçöappleçC.) tthe teacher is telling/ is asking the students to imitate her if they want to speak well. ( «í ö«x-ú - çõ ûª Å -éπ-jç-îª- E Nü u- Ω n ûó teacher ÅçöappleçC.) Rajani: ûá ƒh. - -ØÁoçûª  ôd- ç-ö«ó îá æ p Sujani: Dozen çü Ω ƒ-ߪ - -éπçõ ü l. Åçûªéπçõ áèπ \ ÁjûË éìøìü l. Rajani: ØË ûªy Ωí AJ-íÌ- ƒh- E Å -éó- ü l. Sujani: Áy- æ p-úì-*aø æ Ω- - ü. ÉCíÓ Ñ çü BÆæ éó... Rajani: ûá*a ûª yûª É y. REPORTED t Sujani is asking Rajani to get her a dozen mangoes if she is going to the market. t Rajani says she will, but is asking Sujani to tell her how much she wants her to spend. t Sujani tells Rajani not to spend more than Rs.100. t Rajani tells Sujani not to expect her back early t Sujani replies that it doesn't matter when Rajani comes back and asks her to take Rs.100. t Rajani tells Sujani to give to her after she returned.

96 -- çí - Ωç 18 --V- j 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü II Kavitha: Vinitha, don't make a noise. Be quiet. (NFû, íìúø îëߪ èπ, E z- lçí Öçúø.) Vinitha: Give me those sweets then, mom. (Å ûë Ø èπ -Ç Æ y--ô x É y t.) Kavitha: You've already had a quite a lot. Be a good child. (É æp-öàíé î L- çûª AØ o / A- o-c î. ç* -Å- t -N éπü ) Vinitha: Let me have just one more piece of Kalakand. I will not ask for more. (äéπ\ éπ- «-éπçú É y.øë Sx Åúø-í ) Kavitha: That'll be one too many, child. No. Do your home work first. If you eat any more, you will fall ill. (ÉçéÌéπ\öÀ áèπ \ ÁjØ áèπ \- Áj- õ x. ü. çü æ«ù- - \ îá u. Éçé Açõ, äçöàéà -Å-Ø Óí uç -îëææ hç-c.) Vinitha: Then give it after I do my homework. (Å ûë æ«ù- - \ îëæœ ûª yûª É y.) Kavitha: You are not getting any more for today. I'm going to tell dad you are asking for too many sweets. (Ééπ Ñ ÓV-éÀç-ûË / Ééπ Ñ ÓV Æ y-ö q àç - -. y K áèπ \ Æ y-ö q Åúø -í -ûª -Ø o- E Ø oûó îá- -û - çúø.) Vinitha: I will tell dad too that you aren't giving me any sweets. ( y-ææ Æ y-ö q É y-ôç - -ü E Ø oûó ØË îá ƒh) Kavitha: Come on. Get your books and start doing the home work. You are talking too much. ( æ«ù- - \ é F. æ Ææh-é ûáîª a-èπ E Á ü - -  ô d. y K áèπ \ ö«x-úø -ûª - Ø o ) Vinitha: Please... mom. Let me watch the TV for some time. I will do the home work later. (Å t.. Å t... é ÊÆ æ -öã-o îª --úø-e- y? Ç ûª yûª æ«ù- - \ îë ƒh.) Kavitha: OK. Go on then. (ÆæÍ, Å «Íí é E-ß ) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 186 You must have observed that the conversation between the mother and her daughter has only imperatives (Çïc, Å µºu- Ωn-, Åúø-í -ö«) and statements. (äéπ N æ-ߪ Eo ûálê sentences) Éçûª- - Ωèπ ç Imperative sentences, statements reported speech appleéà Í a-ô- æ púø Reporting Verb, present tense apple É «ú ç. tell/ tells/ is, am, are telling/ have, has told/ ask/ asks/ is, am, are asking/ have, has asked. É æ púø mother and daughter conversation ç past tense reported verb ûó report (Indirect) speech apple îá æp- îª a. (Åçõ told/ asked/ ordered/ said «çöà verbs ûó) Á ØÁo- æ púó ïj-t Ææç µ«- æù Ñ -J- Ú d îë»- - -éóçúõ. Å æ púø á Ó Past apple îá œpçc, É æ púø - -ô applex ç á «v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç... He/ she/ they, told/ asked/ said/ ordered ÅE past tense apple v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç éπü. Å æ púø é Ææh ñ«ví ûªh Å -Ææ Ωç. ç -J- Ú d îëææ h o x ô- applexe Verbs ÅFo Past tense forms appleéà Í a ƒhç. Look at the following Direct Speech 1. Suketh: Come in Subodh. My idea is to take you to a movie this evening ( Ææ appleüµ, -Ñ ƒßª çvûªç -E- o ÆœE- èπ BÆæ - èπ - Á- -ü - E Ø -Ç- apple-îª-.) 2. Subodh: Put it off to tomorrow. I have some important work in the evening. (Í æöàéà ü - Ë- Ú\. ƒßª çvûªç Ø èπ êu- Á i- - æe ÖçC)  Ω éπü. Suketh, Subodh ô- ç report îëêæ- æ púø reporting verb, told, said «çöà past forms ú L. Åçü -éπe Suketh, Subodh ô- applexe Present tense verbs is, have öàe was, had «çöà past forms èπ aç. Å ûë êu- Á i N æߪ ç Direct ç* reported èπ Í a-ô- æ púø, Imperative Sentences applee Verb tenses vûªç Ωaç. a) Teacher: Ram, show me your home work - Direct speech. The teacher asked Ram to show her, his home work. Direct speech applee 'show' ç reported speech apple to show -ÅE infinitive í Ω ƒhç. (Imperative sentence é öàd) b) Ram: Come in Shyam and have a seat. Direct Ram told Shyam to come in and have a seat. (Imperative, direct applee come ç report îëêæ-ô- æ púø to come in ÅE infinitive í Ω ƒhç.- N í û types of sentences report îëêæ--ô æ úø, Reporting verb told/ asked «past tense apple Öçõ, report îëêæ ô- applexe verbs ÅEo Verbs, past tense appleéà al; éàçc Nüµ çí : - am, is, are was, were 1st RDW (come, go etc) 2nd RDW (comes, goes etc) PDW (came, went etc) shall will can may should must have to Reported was, were had been Past Doing Word (came, went etc) had + past participle (had come, had gone etc) should would could might had to has to ö«x-úõ J ô- applexe verb tenses  j Nüµ çí Ω ƒhç. Direct Kavitha: Vinitha, don't make a noise. Be quiet (íìúø îëߪ èπ, E z- lçí Öçúø ) Vinitha: Give me those sweets then, mom (Å ûë Ø èπ -Ç Æ y--ö q É- y) Kavitha: You have already had enough. Be a good child and don't eat any more. (É æp-öàíé î L- çûª AØ o. ç* -Å- t -N éπü. Éçéπ A èπ.) Vinitha: Let me just one more piece of Kalakand. I will not ask for more. (ÉçéÓ éπ\ éπ- «-éπçú É y. ØËEçéπ Sx Åúø-í.) Reported (Indirect) Speech Suketh told Subodh to come in and said that his idea was to take him to a movie that evening (Ææ Íéû Ææ appleüµ apple æ-léà Ω te Åûª-úÕE Ç ƒßª çvûªç ÆœE- èπ BÆæ -Èé Ïx Ç apple-îª Öçü E îá ƒpúø ) Reported Kavitha asked (Past tense) Vinitha not to make a noise and be quiet. (éπ-n-ûª, NF-ûª íìúø îáßá uü le, E z- lçí Öçúø- E îá œpçc) È çúø Imperative é öàd, to make and be quiet Å-ØË-N infinitives. Vinitha asked her mom to give her those sweets (ûª èπ -Ç Æ y--ö q É te NFûª x- t- -úõ-tçc) Imperative- to give - infinitive. Kavitha told Vinitha that she had already had enough. She told Vinitha to be a good child and not to eat any more. 'You have already had...' ÉC statement. é öàd, that you had already had Å -ûª çc. Vinitha asked her mother to let her have one more piece of kalakand and said that she would not ask for more. 'I will not... more'- statement é öàd, ç report îëêæ-ô- æ púø that -ûó begin îë ƒhç. will - would í aç í ü. Let us now try to report the conversation at the begining of the lesson between the mother and her daughter. (See above table ) Exercise: Subodh told Suketh to put it off to the next day and Kavitha, her daughter conversation (at the beginning of the lesson) N í û added/said that he had some important work in the evening (ü Eo Ω -Ææ-öÀ- Ó-Vèπ ü ËÆæ -éó- E, ûª èπ Ç µ«í Eo É «æöàdéπ UÆœ, report îëߪ çúõ. ƒßª çvûªç êu- Á i- - æe Öçü F ÅØ oúø ) Reported/Indirect Speech appleéà Ja, -Gí _ Ωí -v ƒéãdæˇ --îë-ߪ ç-úõ. ç* -Å- t -N éπü! «çöà -v æ-- o: Mean while, However, So that, In order to, By way of æü - èπ Å n, úø éπ ûál-ߪ -îëߪ çúõ. Èé. Áçéπ-õ - y- Ω-, ÒCL. -ï- - : Mean while 1) v æææ h-û -EéÃ, µºn- æuû Ææç æ -ô- èπ üµ u apple (Ñ appleí ) a) The guests will be here in an hour. Meanwhile let us prepare a good meal for them = ÅAü í çô apple îëa- ƒh Ω. Ñ appleí ç ç* µappleï ç ûªßª - Ω -îëü lç. b) I will be leaving in 10 minutes. Meanwhile I want to call my friend = ØË 10 EN - ƒ applex ÁRx- Ú-ûª Ø o. Ñ appleí -vâ ç-ú éà -äéπ ƒ-j - Ú-Ø îëߪ èπ ç-ô Ø o. 2) È çúø í ûª Ææç æ -ô- - π üµ u.. a) We agreed to meet the next week. Meanwhile I had to leave for Mumbai on urgent business = Ë ç ûª yûª Ωç éπ -Ææ -éó èπ Ø oç. Éçûª apple (Ç apple-í )ØË -Å Ωbç-ö æe-o ü ç j Á «x- Ôq-*açC. b) I met him five years later. Meanwhile he had got married = Åûª-úÕE ØË âüë x ûª yûª éπ -Ææ -èπ -Ø o. Ñ -- appleí Åûªúø  Rx îëææ -èπ -Ø oúø.- However However èπ äéπ Å Ωnç but (é F, Å ûë). ƒ - uçí but ûó sentence Ç Ωç-Gµçîªç. Å ûë however ûó sentence Ç Ωç-Gµç-îª- îª a. ( çü îá œp N æ-ߪ -EéÀ -Gµ- oçí, ua-í -éπçí àüájø N æߪ ç îá ƒp- Lq- ÊÆh, Ç N æ-ߪ Eo however ûó îá ƒhç) However sentence üµ u apple èπÿú úø- îª a. a) The book gives very valuable information. However it is very expensive = Ç æ Ææhéπç î «N - Áj Ææ -î Ωç ÉÆæ hçc. é -F/- Å ûë üµ Ω î «áèπ \. b) I lent him my book, which, however, he never returned = úõéà Ø æ Ææhéπç Éî a. é E úø Sx Ø èπ AJ-T- y- ü. So that So that Åçõ Åçü -éóææç ÅE Å Ωnç. a) He worked very hard so that he might get a rank = ç* rank Ææ hç-ü ØË ÖüËl- çûó éπ æ d- æúõ îªc- úø. b) She started early so that she might not miss the train = È j- -ûª œp- Úèπÿ-úø-ü -ØË ÖüËl- çûó -ûªy Ωí ߪ - l-jçc. a) Inorder to: In order to pass you must study well = - ƒæˇ ÅßË uç-ü èπ «í îªü - L. b) In order to qualify for IIT entrance test you should pass Inter in the first attempt IIT entrance exam èπ Å Ω ûª Òçü -ö«-eéà -Éç-ô Á ü öà v æߪ -ûªoç- appleøë - ƒæˇ Å yl. Å ûë, In order to úë -v æ-a -îó-ö«to úìîª a. ÉC simple, In order to éìçîáç ƒçúõûªuç. úø-èπ çú Öçúøôç ç*c. to î. In order to Åéπ\-Í x-ü. By way of (Ç Ω æç apple) He received Rs.10 lac by way of dowry = Åûªúø éπôoç Ω æç apple 10 éπ~ Ω ƒ-ߪ -BÆæ èπ - Ø oúø. b) Drona demanded Ekalavya's thumb by way of 'gurudakshina'. vüóù úø í Ω -ü -éà~-ùí àéπ- - uúõ Ôô- - Ë ÅúÕ-í úø. Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. URL:

97 - Ÿ-véπ Ωç 21 --V- j 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Manasa: Hi Lalasa, come in. Have a seat. (, èπÿ Óa) Lalasa: Thank you. I am dead tired. (î «Å -Æœ- Úߪ ) Manasa: Have some coffee then. It won't take more than a minute for me to make it. (Å ûë é Ææh coffee B Ú\. éπ~ù«applex îë ƒh) Lalasa: Sure, that'd be most welcome. (ûª æp-èπ çú ) Manasa: It's brewing now. Tell me why you are so tired. (coffee Å -ûóçc. É æ púø îá æ p, - - y áçü -éπ- -Æœ- Ú-ߪ Ó) (brew = coffee «çöàn îëߪ ôç. J-TçîË v ævéà-ߪ brew Åçö«Ω ) Lalasa: My boss is an evening walker. She wanted me to walk with her to her home for company. ( boss evenings úø -Ææ hçc. ûª -ûó- ƒô R}ç-öÀéÀ o úø- - çc) Manasa: So you walked. How far? (Åçü -éπe y úõ-î. áçûª-ü Ωç?) Lalasa: Oh, my! It is nearly four kilometers. (Å apples, Ø í éà apple-o -ô Ω x). On the way back I dropped in here. (AJT îëaô æ púø Ééπ\úø Çí ) 2) Reporting verb past tense Å ûë (Åçõ said/ was, were saying/ told/ was/ were telling/ ordered/ was, were ordered/ etc Å ûë) éàçü öà lesson apple îª œ- -ô xí ç report îëææ h- o- x ô- applexe verbs ÅEoç-öÀE past tense forms èπ Í a ƒhç. 3) Imperative sentences report îëêæô æ púø öà- applee verbs çü 'to'  öàd infinitive îë ƒhç. é öàd OöÀ applex tense Ω p v æææ-éàh- ü. Eg: See the table. DIRECT 1. Kanya: Stop talking, you, Sirisha. (Imperative) 2. Kavya: Sravya, I am going to town with sister. Please come with us. 3. Suman: Hi Kiran, take the book and read the lines underlined on page 23. You will find what you need. REPORTED SPEECH 1. a) Kanya is asking (present tense) Sirisha to stop talking. b) Kanya asked (past tense) Sirisha to stop talking. 2. a) (Present tense reporting verb) Kavya is telling Sravya that she (Kavya) is going to town with sister and requests Sravya to go with them b) (Reporting verb - Past) Kavya told Sravya that she (Kavya) was going to town with sister and requested her to go with them. 3. a) (Reporting verb - present) Suman is asking/ asks Kiran to take the book and read the lines underlined on page 23 and says that he will find what he need. b) (Reporting verb - Past) Suman asked Kiran to take the book and read the lines underlined on page 23 and said that he would find what he needed. É æ púø imperative combination èπ çú Íé ç statements vûªç á «report îëߪ apple îª ü lç. Mallesh: Our friends will be here soon. We are going to have a jolly time with them. ( friends éìcl-êæ- æöapplex Ééπ\-úø ç-ö«ω. ç é ÊÆ æ Ææ Ω-ü í í úø- Òîª a.) jolly= Ææ Ωü. A jolly fellow= Ææ Ω-ü í ÖçúË- úø Kamesh: I hope they will have their dinner with us. We can go to a movie after that. ( Ÿx ûó µappleï ç îë ƒh- ΩE ÇP-Ææ h- Ø o. Ç ûª yûª ç ÆœE- -Èé- Ô}îª a.) Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ùçû statements (äéπ N æ-ߪ Eo ûálê sentences) éπü. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 187 That'd be most welcome Manasa: Don't regret. You have had a good exercise (*çaç-îª-èπ, ÅüÓ ç* exercise) Lalasa: Try it yourself now. You will then know what it means to walk four kms. ( y úõ* îª úø. Å æ púø ûá -Ææ hçc Ø í éà apple-o -ô Ω x úø- ôç Åçõ àn öapple?) Manasa: Don't be angry. I said it just for fun. Here's the coffee. Have it and relax. (éó æp-úøèπ, ØËØËüÓ ûª - ƒ-éπ-ø o-. ÉCíÓ é. û T é Ææh Nv»çA BÆæ éó) Lalasa: Thank you. You make very good coffee. (Thank you. y é î ««í îë ƒh ) Manasa: Choose good coffee powder. Have fresh milk about. That's the recipe for good coffee. ( ç* coffee ÒúÕ áç œéπ îëææ éó. û ñ«ƒ ûáîª aéó. ç* coffee éà ÅC Ææ vûªç.) recipe È ÆœÂ = çô-é -EéÀ Ææ vûªç Lalasa: Thanks once again. éàçü öà lesson Ωèπ ç ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc, imperative (Çïc, Å µºu- Ωn-, Åúø-í -ö«ûálê ) sentences, statements (äéπ N æߪ ç ûálê sentences) report îëߪ ôç. ç ûá -Ææ -èπ o ÉçéÌEo êu N æ-ߪ : 1) Report îëææ h- o- æ púø says/ am, is, are saying/ has/ have said, tells/ is telling/ are telling/ have told/ has told/ ask etc «çöà present tense reported verbs úõ æ púø ç report îëææ h- o- x ô applexe verbs tenses a-lq æe- ü. ÚLa îª úøçúõ. Reporting verb present tense apple Ö o- æ púø, reported part apple verb tenses Ωü. ÅüË reporting verb past tense apple Öçõ, reported part verb tenses ÅFo past Å - Ú-û. É æ púø ç îª ÆœçC reported part (äéπ Ω ûª ô applex Éûª- Ω îá œpçc report îëߪ ôç) imperative sentences, and statements. É æ púø at the beginning of the lesson conversation report îëü lç. DIRECT 1. Manasa: Lalasa, come in, have a seat. 2. Lalasa: Thank you. I'm dead tired. 3. Manasa: Take, some coffee. It won't take more than a minute to make it. 4. Lalasa: Sure, that's most welcome. 5. Manasa: It's brewing now. Tell me why you are so tired. 6. Lalasa: My boss is an evening walker. She wanted me to walk with her to her home for company. Reporting verb present tense 1. Manasa asks Lalasa to come in and have a seat 2. Lalasa thanks Manasa and says that she is dead tired 3. Manasa asks (offers) Lalasa some coffee and adds (says) that it won't take more than a minute to make it. 4. Lalasa assures Manasa that it is most welcome 5. Manasa tells Lalasa that it is brewing and asks Lalasa to tell her why she is so tired 6. Lalasa tells Manasa that her boss is an evening walker and that she wanted her to walk with her to her home for company. INDIRECT Reporting verb past tense 1. Manasa asked Lalasa... (No change, because the reported part is imperative) 2. Lalasa thanked Manasa and said that she was dead tired. 3. Manasa asked (offered) Lalasa to take some coffee and added (said) that it wouldn't take more than a minute to make it. 4. Lalasa assured Manasa that it was most welcome (Oh, sure! direct speech apple Öçõ ÅC report îëêæ-ô- æ púø assures/ assured Åçö«ç) 5. Manasa told Lalasa that it was brewing and asked Lalasa to tell her why she was so tired. 6. Lalasa told Manasa that her boss was an evening walker and that she had wanted her to walk with her to home for company.  j table «í study îëæœ practice îëߪ çúõ. ÉçéÓ í -Eéπ: to come, to go, to see- É «çöà öàe infinitives Åçö«ç. Infinitives report îëêæ-ô- æ púø infinitives í ØË Öçîª û ç. öàéà tense Öçúøü. é öàd tense Ωaôç Öçúøü. Éçûª- - Ωèπ ç Imperative sentences, statements report îëߪ ôç (Indirect speech appleéà Ωaôç) ç. a) Imperative sentences report îëߪ -ö«-eéà, öà- applexe verbs çü to  öàd öàe infinitives í report îë ƒhç. Don't ÅE Öçõ, not + infinitive îë ƒhç. b) Statements report îëêæç-ü èπ, report îëêæ part that ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. OöÀ í Jç* ÉC- - Ω apple ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. È çúø úø statements éπl œ report îëߪ Lq *a- - æ púø, äéπ statement èπÿ ÉçéÓ statement èπ üµ u and that  úøû ç. Table apple É «Öçúøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. È çúø statements éπçõ áèπ \- - o- æ púø úó statements èπ, he/ she etc, added/ said further Åçö«ç. É æ púø Mallesh, Kamesh conversation report îëü lç. Reported verb, past tense úøü ç. Mallesh told Kamesh that their friends would be there soon and that they were going to have a jolly time with them. Kamesh said that he hoped they would have their dinner with them and that they could all go to a movie after that.  j - Ω -éπü : Mallesh, Kamesh Å o È çúø statements and that ûó éπl ƒç. Another point: Kamesh: I hope they will have their dinner with us - DEE report îëߪ Lq- - æ púø, Kamesh said that he hoped ÅØ oç éπü. -É- «Ææ vûªv æé - Ωçí ÅØË ü, Kamesh hoped that Å- - îª a. ÉC simpler, natural. É æ púø more than two statements á «report îá-ߪ -u- îóa îª ü lç: Suresh: Hi Manish, I am happy that I finally got the book. I searched the whole of the market finally I found it in a small shop. This was the only copy available. Ééπ\úø four statements Öçúøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. OöÀE report (Indirect speech) îëü lç. past tense, reported verb Ö æ-ßá -Tü lç. Suresh told Manish that he was happy that he had finally got the book, and that he had searched the whole of the market. He added that finally he had found it in a small shop and that that was the only copy available.

98 -Ç-C Ωç 23 -V- j 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Bhavan: I called your home twice last evening, but there wasn't any response. (ØË E o ƒßª çvûªç O ÉçöÀéÀ È çúø - ƒ Ω x Phone îë», é E á Ω Bߪ - ü ) Mohan: We were all out at the exhibition. ( Ë çû exhibition èπ Á «}ç) Bhavan: I called you to know the details of the match. When is the match? ( uî N - éóææç ÚØ îë». á æ pú uî?) Mohan: There are two matches. What match are you talking of? (È çúø matches ÖØ o. à uî í Jç* ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø o?) Bhavan: Which of the two is this weekend? (Ñ çûªç apple ÖçúËC à uî?) Mohan: It's the match with the team of 'The Nedu' group of publications. (Å ûë ÅC 'ØËúø v æîª - Ω-ù team ûó) Bhavan: Where are we going to play the match? (Ñ match áéπ\úø Çúø- apple-ûª Ø oç?) Mohan: At the stadium grounds. (ÊÆdúÕߪ ç víıçú q apple) Bhavan: Who are our bowlers? ( bowlers á Ω?) Mohan: I don't have the list. (Ç ñ«gû Ø ü í _ Ω ü ) Bhavan: Then who is the list with? (Å ûë Ç list á J ü í _- Ω çc?) Mohan: It is with our captain Arya and the coach Guruprasad. ( captain Arya ü í _ Ω, coach ü í _ Ω ÖØ o ) Bhavan: I want to see it. (ØË îª ú - - -èπ ç-ô Ø o) Mohan: Why do you want to see it? (áçü èπ îª ú - - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o?) Bhavan: I want to be sure that Manoj is on the team. ( ØÓñ ÖØ oú ü ÅE E Ωl -Jç-îª -èπ -ØËç-ü èπ.) Mohan: Don't worry. He is on the team. (ÖØ oúø. «üµ - æ-úøèπ ) Bhavan: OK. ç Éçûª- - Ωèπ, imperative sentences, statements á «report îëߪ apple (indirect speech apple îá ƒp apple) ç éπü. a) Imperative sentences (Çïc, Å µºu- Ωn-, Åúø-í ôç ûálê sentences) eg: i) Get out (order) ii) Please come in (request) iii) Sit down (asking) É «çöà sentences (imperative) report îëêæô- æ púø Ñ verbs çü to  öàd infinitives í Ω ƒhç. b) Statements (äéπ N æ-ߪ Eo -ûá-lê sentences) i) He attends classes regularly ii) They do not come here often iii) I had a tiresome journey Statements report Ææçü - s applex 'that' ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµç* N í û Ω p îë ƒhç. É Fo -É-C- Ωéπ-öÀ lessons apple ç. Now observe the conversation between Bhavan and Mohan at the beginning of this lesson. You see that there are a number of questions in the conversation. Bhavan puts a number of questions to Mohan. We are now going to see how to report questions. (Questions indirect speech appleéà á «a apple Ñ lesson apple îª ü lç): You know there are two types of questions: 1) 'Wh' questions - questions beginning with 'Wh' words what, when, where, why, who, whom, whose and how. OöÀûÓ begin ÅßË u questions 'Wh' questions Åçö«ç. eg: What is your name? Where is he? 2) Non 'Wh' questions: 'Wh' words ûó v ƒ Ωç- µºç-é E questions. eg: a) Is he your friend? b) Are you happy? etc. Ñ ƒj ç 'Wh' questions á «report îëߪ apple (indirect speech appleéà a apple) îª ü lç: Direct speech apple Ö o question report îëêæô- æ púø ü Eo statement structure (sub + verb) èπ Í a ƒhç. í Ω hçc éπü : Question apple á æ púø verb çü ü E ûª yûª subject -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 188 Are you happy? Ææ hç-c-. - -ü helping verb, main verb - üµ u subject Ææ hçc. 1) Where is he? [Where + is (verb) + he (subject)?] 2) What is he doing? [What + is (helping verb) + he (subject) + doing (main verb)] É æ púø É «çöà questions report îëêæ-ô- æ púø 'Wh' word ûª yûª statement word order èπ Í a ƒhç. Åçõ verb + subject/ helping verb + subject + main verb order, sub + verb í Ω ƒhç. Kesav: Where is Shyam? Karuna: I do not know Let us report the conversation above: Reporting verb present tense Kesav asks/ is asking Karuna where Shyam is. í -Eç-îªçúÕ: Direct speech applee Where is Shyam, report îëêæô æ púø, where Shyam is í Ω -ûª ç-c. Karuna replies that she does not know (ÉC statement) Reporting verb past tense Kesav asked Karuna where Shyam was. Ééπ\úø reporting verb past é öàd, where Shyam is ü where Shyam Åçö«ç. was Karuna replied that she did not know. Direct speech apple Ö o questions report îëêæ-ô- æ púø, éìeo Ω p èπÿú îëߪ L (do, does and did N æ-ߪ ç apple). See the table. DIRECT 1. Do + 1st Regular Doing Word: do come, do know, do take etc. 2. Does + 1st Regular Doing Word: does come, does know, does take, etc 3. Did + 1st Regular Doing Word: did come, did know, did take, etc. Reporting verb present tense Come, know, take etc. (I RDW) comes, knows, takes, etc (II Regular Doing Word) came, knew, took, etc. REPORTED SPEECH Ñ Ω p îëߪ ôç î «êuç. É æ púø ç Bhavan, Mohan conversation report îëü l? Åçü apple 'Wh' questions, statements éπlæœ ÖØ o- -éπü? Direct speech applee questions, reported speech apple statements í Ω-û -ߪ E í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ (Åçõ sub + verb word order Å -ûª çc). DIRECT SPEECH 1. Bhavan (to Mohan) I called your home twice last evening, but there wasn't any response. (Statement) 2. Mohan (to Bhavan): We were all out at the exhibition. (Statement) 3. Bhavan (to Mohan): I called you to know the details of the match. When is the Match? (Statement + 'Wh' question) 4. Mohan (to Bhavan): There are two matches. Which match are you talking of? (Statement + 'Wh' question) 5. Bhavan (to Mohan): Which of the two is this weekend? ('Wh' question) 6. Mohan (to Bhavan): It is with the team of 'Nedu' group of publications (Statement) 7. Bhavan (to Mohan): Where are we going to play the match? ('Wh' question) Reporting verb (present) Bhavan tells Mohan that he called his home twice the day before but there wasn't any response. Mohan tells Bhavan that they were all out at the exhibition. Bhavan says he called Mohan to know the details of the match and asks him when the match is. Mohan says to Bhavan that there are two matches and asks him which match he is talking of. Bhavan asks Mohan which of the two is this weekend? Mohan tells Bhavan that it is with the Nedu group of Publications. Bhavan asks Mohan where they are going to play the match. REPORTED  j í -Eç-î Ω éπü Statements, 'Wh' questions éπl œ á «report îëߪ apple, Íé ç 'Wh' questions á «report îëߪ apple. Questions ÅEoç-öÀE reported speech apple statement word order èπ Ωaúøç èπÿú í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Exercise: Conversation at the beginning of this lesson N í û µ«í Eo  j îª œç-*- ô x, reporting verb, present tense, past tense È çúõç-öà apple report îëߪ çúõ.- Reporting verb past tense Came, knew, took etc. (Past Doing Word) came, knew, took, etc. had come, had known, had taken, etc. (had + past participle) Reporting verb (past) Bhavan told Mohan that he had called his home twice the day before but there hadn't been any response. Mohan told Bhavan that they had been all out at the exhibition. Bhavan said he had called Mohan to know the details of the match and asked him when the match was. Mohan told Bhavan that there were two matches and asked him which match he was talking of. Bhavan asked Mohan which of the two was that weekend. Mohan told Bhavan that it was with the Nedu group of publications. Bhavan asked Mohan where they were going to play the match.

99 ªÙÞœüŒî ô Ù 25 --Vöµj 2006 Ðû è[ª šïj ë]ô ò ëâ -2 ú ÙòÅ ù éöëºx ÍFo ªìÙ «æ xè «åö Íô³ ÑÙè Lqì Í ú ô Ù ö ë]ª. Ó ôá àµí pì «ålo ÚÛ«è, î üœ x àµí pìåªxþ «Ja àµð plq ú ªhÙC. Ð ôùè[ª ú Ùë]ô säöëºxì«ôùè[ª í ë]läêÿªlo Ñí óµ«tþ hù. ÖÚÛæ ví êÿu ÛÙÞ àµ ípc, ÏÙÚÁæ í ôá ÛÙö˺ íæ ö û uú h íæ ö û «åõû oè[e ൠípc. ÎÙÞœxòÅ ù éöëº þ»þœú ª Ú î õùç Ð ÍÙø Eo ò Þ û ô ªaÚÁî L. î Ú ueo ÖÚÛ í ë]läa ìªù# ªôÁ í ë]läaöëºú «ô aè EÚ î uúûô éù ú «vê õìª E ôlpù#ùc. ÎóŸªì ÓÙêŸ Bú ªÚÛªÙæ ô ª? Visala: Where are you starting off so early? (ÓÚÛ\è Ú ÍÙêŸ ê Ùë]- ô Þ ñóÿª-õª-ë -ô ª-꟪û o ±?) Vinod: To our maths lecturer's. ( ««uëçâq öµúûa-ô ôâ ÏÙæ Ú.) To our maths lecturer's Ïö lecturer's öëºö Þ 's î è ê 'to' ³Ùë]ô ÑÙ# î RxÙ-æ Ú Íû Íô nù ú ªhÙC. To my friend's = «friend ÏÙæ Ú Visala: What do you want from him? (ÎóŸªì ë]þœ_ô ìªù# ÔÙ Ú î -L?/-ÓÙë]ªÚÛª?) Vinod: I want to have tuition from him. (ÎóŸªì ë]þœ_ô û ìª å«uù ûëâúûª à ô -õ-ìª-úûªùåªû o.) Visala: Which maths lecturer do you want to go to? (Ô «uëçâq öµúûa-ô ôâ ë]þœ_ô ÚÛª îµü xõ-ìª-úûªù-åªû o ±?) Vinod: Mr. Ganak. He is the best in the town. (ÞœéÚ þ ôâ. ÒüÉÁx ÎóŸªû Þ í p-î è[ª.) Visala: Who suggested him to you? (ÎóŸªì ÞœªJÙ# F Ú- ô ª àµð pô ª?) Vinod: Most of my friends go to him, so I am going to him too. 1 Direct Speech 1. Krishna: Where is your father? (Oª û ìo-þ - ô-úû\è[?) Sathya: Why do you want to know? (ÓÙë]ªÚÛª êµõª-ú ª-ÚÁ-î -õ-ìª-úûªù-åª-û o ±?) 2. Madhavi: What are your goals? Prasanth: What do you advise? ví øœo: 1. They have been able to keep their promise Structure: have been above to + P.V. 2. He might have been able to do the job structure: might have been able to + P.V. 3. She must have been able to persuade him to marry her. structure: must have been able to + P.V. šíj î Ú uõ í ²Jh Íô neo, Ñí -óµ«-þ Eo N -JÙ-àŸ-Þœ-õô ª. ÓúÃ. îµ³ï -ìª-dlûëâ, ÚÛô «oõª Which maths lecturer do you want to go to? ( «úoï -êÿªöëºx à ö ªÙC ÎóŸªì ë]þœ_-ô Ú îµüœê ô ª, ÍÙë]ª-ÚÛE û ìª ÚÛ«è ÍÚÛ\è Ú îµüœ - êÿªû o.) Visala: How much does he charge? (ÎóŸªì ÓÙêŸ Bú ª-ÚÛªÙ-æ ô ª?) Vinod: I have to find out. That's what I am going for. (û ìª ÚÛìª-ÚÁ\-î L. ÍÙë]ª-ÚÛû Ïí ±pè[ª îµüœ - êÿªû o.) Visala: When do you think you can come back? (Óí ±pè[ª AJT ô Þœ-õ-ìª-ÚÛªÙ-åª-û o ±?) Vinod: Why do you want to know? (ìªîµyù-ë]ªúûª êµõª-ú ª-ÚÁ-î -õ-ìª-úûªù-åª-û o ±?) Visala: Vikram has invited us to lunch. We have to start here at least by 10. Reporting Verb (Present) Krishna is asking/ asks Sathya where her father is. Sathya asks in reply why he wants to know. Madhavi asks Prasanth what his goals are. Prasanth questions her what she advises. Reporting Speech Reporting Verb (Past) Krishna asked Sathya where her father was. Sathya asked in reply why he wanted to know. Madhavi asked Prasanth what his goals were. Prasanth questioned her what she advised. áî ñª: 1. They have been able to keep their promise = They have kept their promise. (î üœ x êÿ ª «åìª Eõ-òµ-åªd-ÚÁ-Þœ-L-Þ ô ª Eõ-òµ-åªd-ÚÛªû oô ª) 2. He might have been able to do the job = Perhaps (ñï ø )he did the job/ did not do the job. (ÍêŸè[ª Îí E à óÿª-þœlt ÑÙè[ àÿªa, ÞœêŸÙö˺ à ú ÑÙè[ àÿªa ö ë à óÿª-úû-ð¼ô³ ÑÙè[ àÿªa ÚÛ«è.) 3. She must have been able to persuade him to marry her. (êÿììª šírx-à -ú ª-ÚÁ- ªE Î ÍêŸ-è Ú ìàÿa-âµí p ÑÙè L ÍÙë]ª Ú ÍêŸè îµªìª šírx à ú ª-ÚÛª-û oè[ª) Compare: The roads are wet. It must have rained during the night. (NvÚÛîª ªìLo õùàâú í Là è[ª. í CÙæ ÚÛö x ªìÙ ñóÿª-ö l-ô L.) Vinod: OK. I'll be back in time. (ú ôjì ú ª-óŸ«-E Ú AJ-Þ -þ hö.) Study carefully the conversation above. You find a number of 'wh' questions in it. Ú Ùë]æ lesson öëº ªìÙ êµõª-ú ª-ÚÛªÙC: 'wh' questions ìª report à óÿªè[ù, (indirect speech öëºú «ô aè[ù) ªìÙ àÿ«ú ÙC 'wh' questions ìª Jð¼ôÂd à ú-å-í ±pè[ª question ìª statement form öëºú «ôaþ hù. Question: a) Where is he? Ð question öëº word order ( «åõ Í ª-JÚÛ) Where (wh word) + is (verb)+ he (subject) b) Where is he going? Ð question word order: 2 Direct Speech 1. Visala: (to Vinod) Where are you starting off so early? Vinod: To our maths lecturer's ÎÙÞœxòÅ ù é Visala: What do you want from him? Vinod: I want to have tuition from him. 3. Visala: Which maths lecturer do you want to go to. Vinod: Mr. Ganak. He is the best in the town. (ôáè[xfo êÿè Þ Ñû oô³. ô va ô {Ù ÚÛªJú ÑÙè L ÚÛªJ-ú ÙC). ví øœo: 1. Gup Íô nù ÔNªæ˺ N -JÙ#, ë EE Ô NëÅ]ÙÞ Ñí -óµ«-t-þ hôá êµl-óÿª-â -óÿªùè. 2. Past participle (V3) N -JÙ#, Ñë -ï -ô éõª êµlóÿª-â -óÿªùè. þ ï B Në u- ªÙ-CôÂ, íæ ê hí ±ô Ù áî ñª: 1. Gup Íû «å û ÚÛª êµl-ú -ìù-êÿ- -ô ÚÛ«ö ë]ª. Guppy Íû C ÖÚÛ ô ÚÛ-iì à í. 2. Past participle: Object Ñìo Verb Past participle ÚÛª ñè ì ÍE Íô nù ú ªhÙC. a) The man seen here yesterday. (Eìo ÏÚÛ\ àÿ«è[-ñ-è ì uú h ú ôjì êµõª-þœªöëº Eìo ÏÚÛ\è[ Oªô ª/ î ªÙ/ î üœ x àÿ«ú ì uú h.) Spoken English ð êÿ î uþ õ ÚÁú Ù Ú xúâ à óÿªùè... URL: Where (wh word) + is (helping verb) + he (subject) + going (main verb)? Questions (a), (b)õìª report à ú-å-í ±pè[ª NªÞœê «ô ªpõª à ú «h question öëºe wh word ìª Íö ÑÙà ú, NªÞœê question part ìª statement word order (verb + subject) öëºú «ôa-óÿ«l. ÏÚÛ\è[ 'that' ô ë]ª. ç ñªöëà 1 àÿ«è[ùè. Î ôùè[ª ú ÙòÅ -ù -éöëºx ÚÛ«è Question word order ìª report à ú-åí ±pè[ª Wh word šíæ d NªÞœê Part ìª statement word order öëºú «ôa-óÿªè[ù Þœ ª-EÙ-àŸÙè. Let us now try to report the conversation between Visala and Vinod at the beginning of the lesson. Note that we have to report both statements and 'wh' Question (table -2). ç ñªöëà 2ö˺ àÿ«ø ô ª ÚÛë Question structure ìª statement structure Þ «ô aåù Óö ÞÁ. Exercise: Ð Lesson öëºe NªÞœê conversation between Visala and Vinod ìª report à óÿªùè Reporting verb, present tense, past tense öëº ÚÛ«è. Oªô ª practice à óÿªåù ÍÙç ô óÿªåù «vêÿî ª Ú ë]ª. Oªô ª ô ú ÙC, Oª friends Ó -J-êÁ-ûµjû GÞœ_-ô Þ ôùè[ª è[ª þ ô ªx «õªþ «æ x-è[ª-êÿª-ìoåªx practice à óÿªùè. Reporting Verb (Present) Visala asks Vinod where he is starting off so early. Vinod replies that it is to their maths lecturer's. Visala asks Vinod what he wants from him. Vinod tells her he wants to have tuition from him. Visala asks Vinod which maths lecturer he wants to go to. Vinod says/ replies that he wants to go Mr. Ganak (and adds that) he is the best in the town. Reporting Speech Reporting Verb (Past) Visala asked Vinod where he was starting off so early. Vinod replied that it was to their maths lecturer's. Visala asked Vinod what he wanted from him. Vinod told her he wanted to have his tuition from him. Visala asked Vinod which maths lecturer he wanted to go to. Vinod replied that he wanted to go to Mr. Ganak (and added that) he is the best in the town. b) The money stolen from the bank. (ò uùúâ ìªù# ë ÙT-LÙ-àŸñè ì è[ñªs.) Past participle, verb Ú ë]ª. Be form (am, is, are, was, shall be, have been, etc.,) + Past participle Íô³ê verb Í ±-êÿªùc. Íí ±pè[ª verb, passive voice. a) Salaries were paid yesterday. (@ê õª Eìo Ï y-ñ-è fô³/ àµlxù-àÿ-ñ-è fô³.) b) The college will be closed from tomorrow onwards. (Ú ôí æ ìªù# óÿª-ñ-è[ª-êÿªùc.) Past participle ìª adjective Þ î è[ê Ù. ÍÙç ë ûµj oû JgÙ-àŸ-è -EÚ î è[ê Ù. a) The murdered man was related to her. (àÿùí ñè ì uú h ÎÚÛª àÿªådù.) b) The ruined fort = PCÇ-õ-iì ÚÁå

100 -í Ω Ωç 27 --V- j 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Arjun: Hi Nakul, well-met. How busy are you this evening? ( æ ß èπ, éπ -Ææ -èπ - oç-ü èπ ÆæçûÓ æçí -ÖçC. Ñ ƒßª çvûªç - Ëy--- Á i-ø busy Ø?) Well met - Ñ expression conversations apple practice îëߪ çúõ éπ - éπ ÆæçûÓ æç ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ. How busy - ÉC èπÿú Practice îëߪ çúõ. Nakul: Why are you asking? (áçü -éπ-úø -í -ûª -Ø o?) Arjun: I want to take you to a movie. Feel like it? (ÆœE èπ BÆæ -Èé- -ü - - -èπ ç-ô Ø o. - - çü?) feel like - ÅE- œç-îªúøç Nakul: (It) depends on the movie you take me to (ÆœE öàd îá ƒh) Arjun: How about 'Sarkar Mogudu - Seema Pellam'? ('Ææ \ Ω Á í úø Æ Â «}ç èπ Á «l?) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 190 Nakul: How good is it? (áçûª «í ç-ü C?) Arjun: Why haven't you seen the posters? (It's) seventy five days gone. (Posters áçü èπ îª Ï}ü? É æp-öàéà 75 ÓV- jçc) Nakul: OK. But what's the occasion for your taking me to the movie? (ÅC-ÆæÍ. o à Ææçü Ωs ç apple ÆœE- èπ BÆæ -Èé- Ÿ-ûª -Ø o?) Arjun: O Nakul, why do you forget things so early? I've got admission in Sanketic college of Engineering, one of the best in the state. (àçôçûª ûªy Ωí Ja- Ú-û y? æzç apple íì æp- -öà applex äéπõ j ƒçíé-aé Engineering college apple Ø èπ seat *açc) Nakul: Oh, sorry I forgot it. I will make it. Don't worry ( Ω-*- Ú- - ç-ü èπ «üµ - æ-úø -ûª -Ø o. ûª æpéπ ƒh. «üµ - æ-úøèπ ) ç É æp-öà- - Ωèπ Imperatives, statements, 'Wh' questions report îëߪ ôç ç éπü. 'Wh' questions report J-éÌçûª practice îëü lç. ç Éçûª Ωèπ ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc: 'Wh' questions J Ú d îëêæ-ô- æ púø, 'Wh' ûó begin îëæœ, ü E ûª yûª îëa Vb + Sub/ HV + sub + MV order Sub + Verb order í Í a ƒhç. Eg: a) Arjun (to Nakul): How busy are you this evening? DEo report îëߪ ôç: i) Arjun is asking/ asks Nakul how busy he is this evening. (Reporting verb - Present tense) ii) Arjun asked Nakul how busy Nakul was that evening (Reporting verb - Past tense) ÉC èπ ûál-æœ N æ-ߪ - Ë -éπü? Sx ÉçéÓ sample îª ü lç. b) Nakul (to Arjun): Why are you asking? Reported speech: i) Nakul asks Arjun why he is asking. ii) Nakul asked Arjun why he was asking. É æ púø  j report îëæœ (a) & (b) questions report îëêæ-ô- æ púø, Arjun is asking/ asks Nakul (Present tense), Arjun asked Nakul (Past tense) apple begin îë»ç éπü. ç practice îëææ h- oc Spoken English é öàd, É «öà- öàéã reporting verbs tell, ask, question etc. ÅE bookish í úë ü öà ƒn ç- appleøë variety éóææç wants to know/ wanted to know/ wished to know ÅE èπÿú úõûë Ææ æ«ïçí Öçô çc. Åçõ, tell, ask, question Å ôç ûª æ p-é ü. Correct. é F É «wish to know/ wishes to know/ would know/ wants to know É «ç-öàn Å æ p-úø- æ púø úõûë variety í ØË é èπ çú, Ææ æ«ïçí Öçô çc. See table 1: É «report îëߪ ôç î «simple í èπÿú ÅE- œ-ææ hçc. O JC áçûª «í practice îëêæh Åçûª Ææ - - -ûª çc. Nakul: (It) depends on the movie you take me to. Report: i) Nakul said it depended on the movie he took him to (Reporting verb - said - Past tense) ii) Nakul says it depends on the movie he (Arjun) takes him to (Reporting verb - says - present tense) Arjun: How about 'Sarkar Mogudu - Seema Pellam'? Report: Arjun suggested 'Sarkar Mogudu - Seema Pellam' N í û conversation at the beginning of the lesson exercise í practice îëߪ çúõ. Now look at the conversation below. Preethi: Hi Sruthi, do you fancy classical music? (»Æ Yߪ ÆæçU-ûª- Ë - Ø o Nçö«?) fancy = É æ dç Sruthi: Why? Are you going to play any? (àç, Ëy- Ø o NE- œç-îª- appleûª Ø o?) Play - Two in one O ü -í F, CD O ü -í F NE- œç-îªôç. Are you going to play any? TABLE 1: Direct Speech Arjun: Hi Nakul, Wellmet. How busy are you this evening? Nakul: Why are you asking? Arjun: I want to take you to a movie. Feel like it? Reporting verb - present Arjun, happy to meet Nakul wants to know how busy he is this evening. Nakul wants to know why he (Arjun) is asking. Arjun wants to take him to a move and asks him if he feels like it. Ééπ\úø Arjun tells Nakul Å - èπ ç-ú ØË 'I want' 'he wants' í Í a»ç. É «Ωaôç î «Ææ æ«ïçí Öçô çc. Report Reporting verb - past Arjun, happy to meet Nakul wanted to know how busy he was that evening. Nakul wanted to know why he (Arjun) was asking. Arjun wanted to take Nakul to a movie and asked him if he felt like it. Ééπ\úø èπÿú straight í he wanted ú ç éπü, I want èπ ü he told Nakul Å -èπ çú. Preethi: Do you like to listen to some of MS Subbulakshmi's? (MS Subbulakshmi ÆæçUûªç à Ø o Nçö«?) Sruthi: Have you any of Balamuralikrishna's latest CDs? (Ñ üµ u *a «- - Ω-S-éπ% æg ÆæçUûªç CDs ÖØ oߪ?) Preethi: Don't you like MS? (MS FéÀ- æ dç- ü?) Sruthi: Of course I do, I have listened to plenty of hers. I have yet to hear some of Balamurali's DIRECT Sankar (to sarala): Are you interested in cricket? Sarala: Don't you know? Preethi: Hi Sruthi, do you fancy classical music? Sruthi: Why? Are you going to play any? Preethi: Do you like to listen to some of MS Subbu lakshmi's Sruthi: Have you any of Balamurali Krishna's latest CD's? Sankar asks Sarala if/ whether she is interested in cricket Sarala asks Sankar in return if / whether he doesn't know (éπ*a-ûªçí É æ d Ë. Å ûë «- - ΩR ÆæçUûªç Éçé Ææh NØ L ØË ) Preethi: Will you wait for some time then? (Å ûë é Ææh Çí -û?) Sruthi: Have you to search for it? (ÅC Áü -é «y) Preethi: Yes. Sruthi: Go ahead then. Can I have today's paper in the mean time? Å ûë é F. Åçûª- - Ωèπ Ñ ÓV paper É y. O Ω í -EçîË Öçö«Ω There are many questions in the conversation above. There are all non 'Wh' questions. Éçûª Ωèπ ç 'Wh' questions report îëߪ ôç ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. É æ púø Non 'Wh' questions report îëߪ ôç á «íó îª ü lç. í Ω hçc éπü : 'Wh' questions Åçõ, What, which, when, where, etc. «çöà 'Wh' ûó Á ü - ßË u ô ûó v ƒ Ωç- µº- ßË u questions. Non 'Wh' questions Åçõ ÅN E v æ o. Sankar: Are you interested in cricket? Sarala: Don't you know? É æ púø É «çöà Non Wh questions report îëߪ ôç (Indirect Speech apple îá æpôç) á «? 1. Reporting Verb, is asking/ asks/ is questioning/ questions/ asked ûª yûª if ûó é F, Whether ûó é F v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. Sankar is asking Sarala if/ whether Ç ûª yûª questions word order (verb + subject/ helping verb + sub + main verb) statement order (sub + verb) í Í a ƒhç. N í û Ω p èπÿú îë ƒhç. See table. REPORT Reporting verb - present Reporting verb - past Preethi is asking/ asks Sruthi if/ whether she fancies classical music Sruthi wants to know (is asking/ asks èπ ü ) if Preethi is going to play any Preethi asks Sruthi if she likes to listen to some of MS Subbulakshmi's Sruthi asks Preethi if/ whether she has any of Balamurali's latest CD's Sankar asked Sarala if/ whether she was interested in cricket Sarala asked Sankar in return if/ whether he did not know Look at the following. We are going to report part of the conversation between Preethi and Sruthi. Observe how we are going to report non 'wh' questions: DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH Reporting verb present tense Reporting verb past tense Preethi asked Sruthi if she fancied classical music í -Eç-îªçúÕ: Report îëêæ--ô æ púø verb + sub, HV + Sub + MV sub + verb í Ωôç. Sruthi wanted to know (asked ü ) if Preethi was going to play any. Preethi asked Sruthi if/ whether she liked to some of MS Subbulakshmi's Sruthi asked Preethi if/ whether she had any of Balamurali's latest CDs.

101 -Ç-C- Ωç 30 -V- j 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Pramod: (It's) days since I saw you. Where Vinod: have you been? (îª Æœ î «ÓV- jçc. ÉEo ÓV-- -á-éπ\-úø -Ø o?) I had been away at the NCC camp and returned only this morning. Hasn't anyone told you of it? Haven't you called my home? (ØË NCC camp èπ Á «}. Ñ ÓV Öü ߪ ç AJ-íÌ-î a. FûÓ á Ω îá æp- ü? - - y ÉçöÀéÀ ÚØ îëߪ - ü?) Pramod: Why didn't you tell me before leaving? Your college and home are so far off that I couldn't get any information. Moreover I was busy too, with our college cultural festivals. Vinod: -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 191 ( Á Ï} çü áçü èπ îá æp- ü? O college, O É x î «ü Ωçí Öçúøôç- x Ø Íé N æߪ ç ûál-ߪ - ü. ÅçûËé -èπ çú college ƒçææ\%aéπ -Öûªq- - ûó Ø èπ BJéπ èπ ç-ú - Ú- çc.) Did you participate in them? Did you get any prizes? ( Ëy- Ø o ƒ Ô_-Ø o? FÍé- Ø o æ - -ûª - Ô-î aߪ?) Pramod: I did ofcourse, and won prizes too. ( ƒ Ô_-Ø o. æ - -ûª èπÿú î a.) Vinod: Congrats. What prizes did you get? Did you participate in debate? (ÅGµ- ç-ü -, FÍéç æ - -ûª î a?úõ ö apple ƒ Ô_-Ø o?) Pramod: I got prizes in three events - light music, debate and mimicry. Won't you see my prizes? Come in. ( úø Úöà applex prizes ûáîª a-èπ -Ø o. Lûª ÆæçU-ûªç, debate, mimicry apple. ØË ûáîª a-èπ o prizes îª úø? apple æ-l-éà.) Event (É Áçö ) Å Ωnç Ææç æ -ô. Ééπ\úÕ Å Ωnç.. Úöà Åç ç véãúø, éπ çöà Åç» applex. Vinod: Do you want me to see them now? Mom's calling me over phone. I have to be at home urgently. Show them to me when I come tomorrow. It's days since I saw you Type of sentence 1. Imperative (Çïc, Å µºu- Ωn-, Åúø-í -ö«ûálê ) sentences eg: Kamala: Neelam, go away. 2. Statements (äéπ N æߪ Eo ûálê sentences) eg: Srikanth: Rani, my sister has come back 3. 'Wh' questions eg: Sushma: Sumanth, where are you? 4. Non 'Wh' question eg: Kesav: Kedar, are you coming? (É æ púø öàe îª úø- ç-ö«? Å t ÚØ îë ÚhçC. ØË ÁçôØË ÉçöÀéÀ Á «xl. öàe -ØË- Í Ò-*a- - æ púø îª œçîª.) Pramod: Do come down tomorrow. Just not to see the prizes but to give me your Vinod: company. Don't disappoint me. (Í æ ûª æpéπ. Ø prizes îª úø-ö«-eéà ÅE é ü, é Ææh Ø ûó í úõ-ê ç-ü èπ. o E - - æ- Ω-îªèπ ) OK. Bye then. ç Éçûª- - Ω π report îëߪ ôç ûá -Ææ - π o sentences Ωé, öàe report îëêæ æü l -ûª : Method of Reporting (Reporting æü l A) Report îëߪ -Lq ô- applexe verb çü, to  öàd infinitive îë ƒhç. Report: Kamala is asking/ asks/ has asked Neelam to go away. (Ééπ\úø, Kamala asked ÅØ o èπÿú to go away ÅØË Ææ hçc) Report îëߪ -Lq µ«í Eo that ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. Report: a) Srikanth tells Rani that his sister has come back b) Srikanth told Rani that his sister had come back Report îëߪ -Lq question µ«í Eo 'wh' ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµç* question word order (vb + sub/ Hv + sub + Mv) statement word order (sub + verb) í Ωaôç Report: a) Sushma is asking/ asks/ has asked Sumanth where he is b) Sushma asked Sumanth where he was Report îëߪ Lq µ«í ç çü, If/ whether é F  öàd  j example apple «í question word order statement word order í Ω ƒhç. Report: a) Kesav asks/ is asking/ has asked Kedar if he is coming. b) Kesav asked Kedar if he was coming É æ púø Imperative, statement, 'Wh' question, non 'wh' question éπlæœ Ö o passage á «report îë ƒh Á îª ü lç. O Ω í -EçîË Öçö«Ω. The conversation at the beginning of the lesson, (between Pramod and Vinod) has mixed sentences (Imperatives, statements, 'wh' and non 'wh' questions) DIRECT SPEECH 1. Pramod (to Vinod): It's days since I saw you. Where have you been? 2. Vinod: I had been away at NCC camp and returned only this morning. Hasn't any one told you of it? Haven't you called my home? (statement+non 'wh' question) 3. Pramod: Why didn't you tell me before leaving? Your college and home are so far off that I couldn't get any information. Moreover I was busy too, with our college cultural festivals. 4. Vinod: Did you participate in them? Did you get any prizes? (Only non wh questions) 5. Pramod: I did, of course and won prizes too. (Statement) 6. Vinod: Congrats. What prizes did you get? Did you participate in debate? REPORTED SPEECH Reporting verb present tense Reporting verb past tense Pramod tells Vinod that it is days since he saw him and asks him where he has been. Vinod says he had been away at NCC camp and returned home only that morning. He asks/ is asking Pramod if any one hasn't told him of it and if he hasn't called his home. Pramod asks Vinod why he didn't tell him before leaving, and says that his college and home are too far off to get any information. Moreover he was busy too with their college cultural festivals. Vinod is asking/ asks/ has asked Pramod if he participated in any of them and if he got any prizes. Pramod replies that he did, of course and won prizes too. Vinod congratulates Pramod and asks him what prizes he got, and if he participated in debates. ('Wh' question, non Wh question combination) Pramod: I got prizes in light music, debate and mimicry. Won't you see my prizes? Come in. Vinod: Do you want me to see them now? Mom's calling me over phone. I have to be urgently at home. Show them to me tomorrow. Pramod: Do come down tomorrow, just not to see the prizes but to give me your company. Don't disappoint me. Pramod tells Vinod that he got prizes in..., and asks him/ is asking him/ has asked him if he won't see his prizes. He asks him to come in. Vinod asks Pramod if he wants him to see them then. He says that Mom is calling him over phone and he has to be urgently at home. He asks Pramod to show them to him tomorrow. Pramod tells/ is telling Vinod to come down tomorrow, just not to see the prizes but to give him his company. He asks Vinod not to disappoint him. Pramod told Vinod that it was days since he had seen Vinod and asked him where he had been. (1st sentence - statement, 2nd sentence 'wh' question. Åçü - x 1st sentence that ûó, 2nd sentence where + statement word order ûó report îë»ç.) í -Eç-îªçúÕ: Wh questions, statement combination Ééπ\úø. Vinod said that he had been away at the NCC camp and had returned home only that morning. He asked Vinod if any one had not told him of it and if he had not called his home. Pramod asked Vinod why he had not told him before leaving and said that his college and home were too far off to get any information. Moreover he had been busy too with their college cultural festivals. Vinod asked Pramod if he had participated in any of them and if he had got any prizes. Pramod replied that he had, of course and had won prizes too. Vinod congratulated Pramod and asked him what prizes he had got and if he had participated in debates. EXERCISE: Report and practise aloud the rest of the conversation. Use both present and past tense reporting verbs. Compare your answer with ours: ANSWER: DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH Reporting verb present tense Reporting verb past tense Pramod told Vinod that he had got prizes in..., and asked him if he wouldn't see his prizes. He asked him to come in. Vinod asked Pramod if he wanted him to see them then. He said Mom was calling him over phone and he had to be urgently at home. He asked Pramod to show them to him the next day. Pramod told Vinod to comedown the next day, just not to see the prizes but to give him his company. He asked Vinod not to disappoint him.

102 - çí - - Ωç 1 -Çí Ææ d 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Ranjan: Oh... Is it you, Kundan? What a pleasure it is to see you! It's nearly a year since we met. (àß, y èπ çü Ø. áçûª ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçüÓ E o îª -úø-ö«-eéà! Ææç -ûªq- Ω- Á içc ç éπ q-éìe) Kundan: How pleased I am to be with you again! ( Sx FûÓ Öçúø-ö«-EéÀ áçûª ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçüÓ-) Ranjan: What a smart fellow you've grown into in just a year! (äéπ\ Ææç -ûªq- Ωç appleøë áçûª Çéπ- Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ çí!) (smart = ç* - ü Ææ h- ûó Çéπ- Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ çí ûªßª - Ω- ôç) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 192 Kundan: My job requires that I appear smart. What a bore it is to turn out in these clothes everyday! You don't know. I have to get back again in a week. (v æa ÓV Ñ -ü Ææ h applex ûªßª - Ω- yôç áçûª NÆæ íó Féπ Ωnç é ü. Sx -E-éÀ ÁRx- Ú- L.) Ranjan: Here's something for a change, don't worry. (-É æ p-úø é Ææh Ω p -éπ-l--t-ç-îë-c -Öç-C-. «üµ - æ-úøèπ ) Kundan: What is it? Ranjan: You are here just when I am about to have a mango. Happy. Let me treat you to some wonderful mangoes. They are from our own groves! fresh, fleshy and juicy. ( ç* time éìî a, ØË N úõ æçúø A - apple-ûª - o- æ púø. ç* N úõ æ xûó Fèπ Nçü îëߪ F. ÅN ûóô- apple Ë. û ñ«-n, éπçúø, ΩÆæç Ö on. treat = Å Ωnç, ( ç Éûª- Ω æôx ÖçúË -B Ω ) doctor, patient èπ Ájü uç îëߪ ôç. Ééπ\úÕ Å Ωnç EXCLAMATION Ranjan: What a pleasure it is to see you! Kundan: How pleased I am to be with you again! Ranjan: What a smart fellow you've grown into! Kundan: What a bore it is to turn out in these clothes every day! Ranjan exclaims (to Kundan/on seeing Kundan) that It is a great pleasure to see him.. Kundan exclaims that he is very pleased to be with Ranjan again. Ranjan exclaims that Kundan has grown into a very smart fellow. Kundan exclaims that it is a big bore to turn out in these/those clothes every day. -Nç-ü îëߪ ôç, Ö «xææç éπl_ç-îªôç). (grove - ûóô äíé Ωéπç îáô x- oc) Kundan: Yes, I smell them. How tempting their very smell is! (Å. Ø èπ Ææ ÚhçC. áçûª Çéπ- Ω{- ùí ÖçüÓ öà Ææ! tempting = Çéπ-J{çîË.) Ranjan: Here you are. Have it. (ÉCíÓ, BÆæ éó). wh word + noun + Sub + verb Kundan: Haa... how delicious it is! At my (í çdµ áçûª íì æp Ø ßª -èπ úó!) place of work, we don't get such fruit. 2. How sweet the song is! How sweet! 'wh' word + adjective + Sub + Verb (-Å- s... áçûª Ω *í ÖçüÓ! ØË æe-îëêæ (Ç ƒô áçûª üµ - Ωçí ÖçüÓ!) îóô É «çöà æ Ÿx üì Ω-éπ. áçûª Aߪ uí 3. How fast he bowls! ÖçüÓ! 'wh word + adverb + Sub + verb. Ranjan: Take some with (Noun: üëe-èéjø ç ÉîËa Ê Ω. Adjectiveí ù«eo ûálê æü ç. Adverb - verb ûá p æe á «you when you go. ïj-tçüó îáê p ô) ( Áy- Ïx- æ púø éìeo BÂÆ\ Ÿx) Ææ n çí exclamation word order: Kundan: Thank you. wh word + noun/adjective/adverb + subject + ç Éçûª- - Ωèπ, imperative sentences, state- What a leader Gandhi was! = ÉC Gandhi was verb. ments, 'wh' questions, a very great leader ÅE ÉçéÓ Nüµ çí îá æpôç. 'non wh' questions report Å «Íí The Taj Mahal is very beautiful - Ñ îëߪ ôç (Indirect statement ÉçéÓ Nüµ çí explanation Ω æç apple speech apple îá æpôç) ç éπü. É æ púø exclama- îá ƒp- çõ Ç ƒô áçûª üµ - Ωçí ÖçüÓ! tions (Ç a- ueo ûá p é u / æ«-ûª hí èπ éπlíí µ«- ûá p é u ) á «report îëߪ apple îª ü lç: Let us first study the word order in an exclamation. ( ç çü exclamation apple word order- ô Å -Jéπ îª ü lç) Look at the following exclamations: 1. What a leader Gandhi was! STATEMENT 1. How cold the day is! The day is very cold (áçûª îªlí ÖçüÓ Ñ ÓV) (Ñ Ë î «îªlí ÖçC) 2. What a beautiful Car it is! The car is very beautiful (Ç car áçûª Åçü çí ÖçüÓ!) (Ç Car î «Åçü çí ÖçC) 3. How well she sings! She sings very well. (áçûª «í ƒúø hçüó!) (Å Á î ««í ƒúø -ûª çc) 4. What a building it is! (áçûª ç*/åçü - Á i / ü l éπôd-úø Á!) It is a very good/beautiful/big building. (ÅC î «ç*/åçü - Á i / ü l éπôdúøç) Direct Speech Report Reporting Verb-Present Reporting Verb-Past The Tourist: How The tourist exclaims The tourist exclaimed beautiful the that the scenery is that the scenery scenery is! very beautiful. was very beautiful. DIRECT SPEECH Reporting verb Present tense INDIRECT SPEECH -REPORT Spoken English -éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. URL: Reporting verb Past tense Ranjan exclaimed (to Kundan/on seeing Kundan) that it was a great pleasure to see him) í -Eç-î Ω éπ-ü. What a pleasure it is to see you! ÅØË exclamation Á ü ô statement form appleéà aç: It is a great pleasure to see him. ü Eo report îë»ç. exclaims/exclaimed ÅØË reporting verb-ûó Kundan exclaimed that he was very pleased to be with Ranjan again. Ranjan exclaimed that Kundan had grown into a very smart fellow. Kundan exclaimed that it was a big bore to turn out in these clothes everyday. How beautiful the Taj Mahal is! Å - îª a. (û ñ æ«áçûª Åçü çí ÖçüÓ! ÉC exclamation- DØËo statementí îáê h, The Taj Mahal is very beautiful Åçö«ç. Direct Speech applee exclamation report îëߪ - çõ, çü öàe statement í Ω a-èπ çö«ç. (-õ îª úøçúõ.) Á -ü ô ç report îëߪ -Lq exclamation É «statement appleéà Ja, Ç ûª yûª statement report îëæœ- -ô d that ûó begin îëæœ report îëߪ L. The Tourist: How beautiful the Scenery is! É æ -úø - - ç  j exclamation - report îëߪ L. Åç-ûªèπ ç-üë ç Ç exclamation statement í Ω ƒhç. (The scenery is very beautiful) DIRECT SPEECH Ranjan: Here's something for a change. Don't Worry Kundan: What it is? Ranjan: You are here just when I am about to have a mango. Happy. Let me treat you to some wonderful mangoes. They are from our own groves - fresh, fleshy and juicy. Kundan: Yes. I smell them. How tempting the smell is! Ranjan: Here you are. Have it. Kundan: Haa... how delicious it is! At my place of work we don't get such fruit how sweet! Ranjan: Take some with you when you go. ANSWER to the exercise 4 Ranjan tells Kundan that there is something for a change and asks him not to worry. Kundan asks him what it is. Ranjan tells Kundan that he is there just when he is about to have a mango. Ranjan is happy. He wishes to treat Kundan to some wonderful mangoes. They are from their groves - fresh, fleshy and juicy. Kundan (says yes) and that he smells them. He exclaims that the smell is very tempting. Ranjan offers the mango to Kundan Kundan exclaims that it is very delicious. They don't get such fruit at his place of work. They are/it is very sweet. Ranjan asks Kundan to take some with him when he goes. É æ púø Ñ statement report îëߪ L. ('that' ü, exclaimed ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµç-î -L) (-õ îª úøçúõ.) É æ púø ç conversation at the beginning of the lesson applee exclamations report îëü lç: (-õ îª úøçúõ.) The conversation above (table-3) is a mixture of exclamation and statements. (Ñ lesson v ƒ Ωç- µºç apple Ö o Conversation apple Statements and exclamations éπl-ææ -Ø o éπü ) Å «éπl-ææ - o- æ úø report îëߪ ôç èπÿú ÉçûË. Á ü ô exclamation statement í Ja, ü EûÓ ƒô Éûª Ω statement èπÿú report îë ƒhç. eg: Direct Speech: Ranjan: Oh... Is it you, Kundan? What a pleasure it is to see you! It's a year since we met. Report (present tense - reporting verb) Ranjan surprised at seeing Kundan exclaims that it is a great pleasure to see him (and adds/says) that is a year since they met. Report (past tense- Reported verb) Rajan surprised at seeing Kundans exclaimed that it was a great pleasure to see him, (and added/said) that was a year since they had met. Exclamation report îëêæ full stop -ûó ÇÊ Æœ, statement part éìûªh sentence í èπÿú îá Òpîª a. Eg: Ranjan surprised at seeing Kundan exclaims that it is a great pleasure to see him. He says that it is a year since they met. Exercise: Conversation at the beginning of the lesson N í û µ«í Eo Á ûªhç (StatementsûÓ Ææ æ ) Present tense and past tense reporting verbs éóææç report îëߪ çúõ. (-õ îª úøç-úõ) REPORT Present tense Reporting verb Past tense Reporting verb Ranjan told Kundan that there was something for a change and asked him not to worry. Kundan asked him what it was. Ranjan told Kundan that he was there just when he (Ranjan) was about to have a mango. He was happy. He wished to treat Kundan to some wonderful mangoes - they were from their groves - fresh, fleshy and juicy. Kundan (said yes) and that he smelt them. He exclaimed that the smell was very tempting. Ranjan offered the mango to Kundan. Kundan exclaimed that it was very delicious. They didn't get such fruit at his place of work. they were/ it was very sweet. Ranjan asked Kundan to take some with him when he went

103 í Ω Ωç 3 -Çí Ææ d 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Pratibha: Hi Mahima. How glad I am to see you! How is everybody in your village? (áçûª ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖØ oøó E o îª úøí ØË, O Ü applex Åçü Ω á «ÖØ o Ω?) Mahima: We are all OK. Thank you. How are you? Pratibha: Fine too. Thank you. What news? Did the local body elections go off well in your place? (è𠫃øë. Thank you. àçöà N Ï- ƒ? ƒneéπ áeo-éπ- «ïj-í O Ü applex?) Mahima: Didn't you read about them all in the papers? What did you watch on the TV? ( æva-éπ applex îªü - - ü ô-eoçöà í Jç*? TV apple àç ?) Pratibha: I did, of course. But it is different to hear about them from one like you on the scene. (îªc-,  éó. é E Ææç æ -ô Ææn ç apple Ö o F «çöà x ü í _- Ω- ç* N ôç ËÍ.) Mahima: Get me some water first. Pratibha: Have some coffee too. (é Ææh coffee èπÿú BÆæ éó) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 193 Mahima: Thank you. Now about the elections. I'm happy they are all over. Oh, what have we been through! You just can't imagine. (áeo-éπ- - - Ú-ߪ -ߪ E ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçC. N á «çöà Å - µº- apple y Ü œ«çîª- ) Pratibha: That's why I asked you to tell me about them. (Åçü -éπøë éπü E o îá ƒp- çc) Mahima: Many people didnot find their names on the voter lists. Liquor flowed freely. Money- lots of it- passed hands. There were group clashes and faction fights. We passed through the worst of the tension. (î «- çc Ê Ω x ãô Ωx ñ«g-û apple. ü uç üµ - çí ƒjçc.  -ü l- Á -ûªhç apple úø s îëûª JçC. Ω_- Ú- -ö«ïj-í. î «tension Å µº-nçî ç) Pratibha: We pride on being a democratic Country. ( ç àüó v æñ«- ƒy u üë - E í Ωy- æ-úøû ç) Mahima: These politicians, oh, God! (Ñ ï-éãߪ Ø ßª -èπ î. üë -úóß!) ç Éçûª- - Ωèπ Imperative structures, statements, questions ('wh', non-wh), exclamations report îëߪ ôç (Indirect speech apple îá æpôç) ç. Å «report îëêæ-ô- æ púø N í û ÅEo Ωé sentence word order statement word order appleéà Ω - ƒh- E ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. ÉC î «êuç report îëêæ-ô- æ púø. Å ûë î «- çc ƒ Ω-èπ sentences word order í Jç*, öàe statement word order appleéà á «al ÅE Åúø -í -ûª -Ø o Ω. ÉC ûál-ߪ -éπ- ÚûË report îëߪ ôç Å ƒüµ uç. Ñ sentence Ωé, Ææç ç-cµûª N - - spoken English -É-C- Ωéπ-öÀ lessons apple î «N - Ωçí ûál ƒç. î «- çc Ç lessons miss Åߪ uç-ö«- ΩØË ÖüËl- çûó É æ púø S} N - J-Ææ hø oç. í -Eç* í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ. ûá -í - -éπuç apple à ô áéπ\-úø Ø o Å Ωnç Ωü. úø ù úõe îªç ƒúø Ñ éπu Ë BÆæ -èπ çü ç. DE apple à ô áéπ\-úø - Öç*Ø Å Ωnç Ωü. ù úõe úø îªç ƒúø / îªç ƒúø úø -ù -úõe É «ô- éπuç apple á «JaØ Å Ωnç Ωü éπü. -É æ p-úø English apple try îëߪ çúõ: Rama killed Ravana- Ñ éπuç apple Ñ ô îóôx ΩaçúÕ Å Ωnç á «J- Ú-ûª çüó O Íé ûá -Ææ hçc. Rama killed Ravana - ÉD, Ravana killed Rama - äíé Å Ωnç É y-éπ- Úí uaí éπ Å n- -E-Ææ h-ø o éπü. Åçü -éπe English sentences apple à ô Öçú -Lq îóô ÅC Öçú L. îóô - -JûË Å Ωnç J- Ú-ûª çc. Word order ( ô Å -Jéπ) î «êuç. ÅC îª ü lç É æ púø. English apple 4 Ωé sentences úøû ç. 1. Statement (äéπ N æߪ ç ûálê sentence)- ÉC «Öçô çc/ ÅC Å «îáߪ ul «çöà Å n- ûó 2. Questions: ÉN Åçü -Jéà ûá Ææ v æ o È çúø Ωé : a) 'Wh' questions - What, Which, Where, When, Why, Who, Whom, Whose and how «çöà v æ»o- Ωnéπ æü É Fo Wh ûó Á ü - - -û é öàd OöÀE 'Wh' Words Åçö«ç. b) Non 'Wh' questions- 'Wh' words E questions. 3. Imperative sentences: Çïc, Å µºu- Ωn-, Åúø-í -ö«ûálê sentences. 4. Exclamations: Ç a- ueo, æ«-ü s - - ûál-ê N: Let us now study the word order in each of the four types of sentences and how they can be changed into the statement word order. (This is very important for Reporting, direct speech). Word Order in.. 1) Statement: Statement word order: Subject + verb. Åçõ statement apple á æ púø Subject çü, ûª Ω- ûª verb ƒh. É æ púø îª úøçúõ: a) He is a singer - word order- He (Subject) + is (verb) +... b) They play well - They (Subject) + play (verb) +..  Ω éπü : Statement apple ƒüµ - Ω-ùçí ç-ü subject, ûª y-ûªª verb ƒh. 2 a) Non Wh question: i) Is he a singer? [Is (verb) + he (Subject) +...] ii) Are they playing- Éçü apple verb, Are playing- É «verb apple È çúø úø ô- çõ Á ü öà ô helping verb, N í û ô- main verb Åçö«ç. é öàd Are they playing? Word order: Are (helping verb) + they (subject)+ playing? (main verb) 2 b) Wh questions: i) Where are they? Ñ question word order: Where (Wh word) + are (verb) + they (subject) ii) Where are they going?- Where (Wh word) + are (helping verb) + they (subject) + going (main verb) Åçõ question π 4 word orders ÖØ o : i) Verb + Subject ii) Helping verb + Subject + Main verb These politicians, oh, God! iii) Wh word + Verb + Subject iv) Wh word+helping verb+subject+main verb Very important: Wh questions appleí F, Non Wh questions appleí F subject á æ púø, verb ûª y-ûª-í F, helping verb ûª -ûªy-í F ÚhçC éπü. ç questions É «Íí Åúø-í L. Å æ púë correct. 3) Imperative sentences: É Fo Çïc, Å µºu- Ωn- ûál-ê N eg: a) come in ( =you come in) = (Asking) b) Please help me (you please come in- request) c) Get out (you get out) - order. (Oô-Eoç-öÀéà subject 'you' ØË. ƒüµ - Ω-ùçí C- ƒhç) 4) Exclamations: a) What a fool you are! What (Wh word) + a fool (noun) + you (sub) + are (verb) b) How good he is! - How (Wh word) + good (adj) + he (sub) + is (verb) c) How well he plays! How (Wh word) + well (adv) + he (sub) + plays (verb) 4 kinds of sentences word order Ææ n çí : Statement Subject + Verb Question 1) Verb + Subject 2) Helping Verb + Subject + Main Verb 3) Wh word + Verb + Subject 4) Wh word + Helping Verb + Subject + Main Verb ç Direct speech report îëêæ-ô- æ púø, question statement order apple report îë ƒhç. Åçõ subject verb çü Ω Â úøû ç. Imperative sentence çü toâ öàd v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. Exclamation çü statement í Ja report îë ƒhç. Method of reporting: 1) statement Kamala to Karuna: Sita came here yesterday (statement) Report: a) Kamala says to Karuna that Sita came there yesterday (Reporting verb - Present tense) b) Kamala told Karuna that Sita had come yesterday. 2) 'wh' question report îëêæ-ô- æ púø, wh + verb + subject/ wh + helping verb + subject + main verb, wh word + subject + verb structure appleéà Í a ƒhç. 3) Imperative sentences report îëêæç-ü èπ, imperative part çü to  öàd infinitive îë ƒhç. 4) Exclamations report îëêæ-ô- æ púø öàe çü statement word order appleéà Ja, statement «í that ûó report v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. Exclamation: a) How well she sings! (Ç Á áçûª «í ƒúø -ûª çüó!) ÉüË Å ΩnçûÓ DEo statement í Ωaôç: She sings very well. (Ç Á î ««í ƒúø -ûª çc.) b) Exclamation: How tall he is! (ÅûªØÁçûª Òúø íó!) ÉüË Å ΩnçûÓ DEéÀ statement form: He is very tall. (Åûªúø î «Òúø í ) Exercise: Report the conversation at the beginning of this lesson. -v æ- o: What is the difference between.. a) The Eenadu was published first from Vizag. b) The Eenadu was published first in Vizag. c) The Eenadu was first published in Vizag. G. æ«- çûª, îª Ωx. -ï- - : Ç úø é u applex The Eenadu was published from Vizag ÅØËC éπè é d. N í û È çúø ÆæJ-é ü. publish Åçõ v æîª -Jçîªôç Åçõ æva-éπ N æ-ߪ ç apple Á - -úøôç ÅE Å Ωnç. æva-éπ -äéπ-îó-ô vü ù Å - - æp-öàéã, Åéπ\úÕ ç* N í û îóôxèπ Á -û é öàd published from Åçö«Ω. Imperative sentence You (subject îá æpç) + verb. ƒüµ - Ω-ùçí çü verb éπe- œ-ææ hçc. You á æ púø subject. N - æ-úøü ü ü æ. Exclamation Wh word + noun/ adjective/ adverb + sub + verb. Question apple- «é èπ çú Ééπ\úø sentence * Ω verb úøû ç.

104 - -E Ωç 5 -Çí Ææ d 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Rohit: It is raining now. How shall I go? ( Ω{ç ÚhçC. á «Á x?) Rajat: You have to, some how. Otherwise we can't get the tickets and we shall be missing the movie. (á «-ÈíjØ Á «xl y. èπ çõ ç öàèéö q ûáîª a-éó ç, ÆœE miss Å û ç). Rohit: You're not ready yet. ( Nyçé ûªßª - Ω- - ü ) Rajat: You have a friend at the theatre, don't you? Take his help to get the tickets (Fèπ Theatre apple friend ÖØ oúø éπü. úõ ƒßª çûó öàèéö q BÆæ éó) Rohit: Shall I go now and wait for you at the hall? (É æ púø -ØË- ÁRx öàèéö q BÆæ -èπ E FéÓÆæç æ ü í _ Ω áü Ω îª úøø?) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 194 2) ç îëߪ - appleßë æ, requests, permissions èπ ÅúÕÍí question form apple shall ú L. a) Shall I help you? (ØË- ƒßª ç îëߪ Ø?) b) Shall we wait till tomorrow? (Í æ-öà-ü é Çí - ç-ö«?) c) When shall we start? ( tlo á æ púø ߪ - -üë- Ω- ç-ö«ω?/ Ë ç á æ púø ߪ - -üë- L?) First type of questions applee shall report îëêæ-ô- æ púø, reporting verb, present tense apple Öçõ, shall ü will Ææ hçc. a) Pranav: 'Shall I ever become rich?' Santhi: You will, of course. DEo report îëü lç. Pranav is asking/ has asked Santhi, if he will ever become rich. Santhi assured him he will. ÅüË reported verb past tense apple Öçõ shall ü would Ææ hçc. DIRECT SPEECH Rohit: Shall I go now and wait for you at the hall? Rohit: Shall I take the bike? Rajat: How Shall I come then? Rohit: Shall I come back and pick you up? REPORTED SPEECH Reporting verb present tense Reporting verb past tense Rohit asks Rajat if he should go at once and wait for him at the hall. Rohit is asking Rajat if he can take the bike. Rajat asks/ is asking Rohit how he will come then. Rohit is asking/asks Rajat if he should come back and pick him up. Rohit asked Rajat if he should go at once and wait for him at the hall. Rohit asked Rajat if he should take the bike. Rajat asked Rohit how he would come then. Rohit asked Rajat if he should come back and pick him up. Exercise: Report the whole conversation between Rohit and Rajat at the beginning of the lesson - with the reporting verb both in the present tense and past tense. It is raining now... Rajat: Do. As soon as I get there, I shall call you and we can meet each other. (Å «-îáß. ØË -C µßë -ô ü í _- Ωèπ í ØË, Fèπ ÚØ îë ƒh. E-ü l Ωç éπ -Ææ -éó- îª a.) Rohit: Shall I take the bike? (ØË Bike BÆæ -éóø?) Rajat: How shall I come then? (ØËØÁ «?) Rohit: Shall I come back and pick you up? (ØË AJ-íÌ*a E o BÆæ -Èé-- xø?) Rajat: Don't worry. I shall take an auto. ( æ y- -ü. ØË Çöapple apple ƒh.) Rohit: I shall get going then. (Å ûë ØË ßª - l- Ω û ) Rajat: Do. (é F.) É æp-öà- - Ωèπ ç ÅEo Ωé sentences report îëêæ Nüµ ç ç éπü. Å ûë shall ûó Ö o questions report -îëêæ N æߪ ç apple éìçûª ñ«ví ûªh Å -Ææ Ωç. Present day English usage apple shall èπÿ will èπÿ ü ü æ àç ûëú èπ çú úë-ææ h-ø o Ω. shall ú -Lq îóô «x, ü ü æ ÅEo-îÓö«x will úë-ææ h-ø o Ω. Shall, will - -üµ u ûëú - -É æ p-úø Åçûªí æöàdç--îª éó- -úøç- -ü. Å ûë I and we ûó questions èπ vûªç Éçé áèπ \- í shall úø -ûª ØË ÖØ o Ω. Shall I and we ûó question form apple È çúø Ωé - í úøû ç: 1) Indefinite future- ç éπ*aûªçí Ü œ«ç-îª- E/ èπ future apple ï Ω -í -ûª çü / ï Ω-í ü ÅE ÆæJí _ ûál-ߪ E N æ-ߪ - í Jç* question apple ÊÆh shall ú L. a) Shall I ever become great? = ØË àø öà-èéjø íì æp- -úõ- - -û Ø? b) Shall I be happy there? = ØË -éπ\úø ÆæçûÓ- æçí Öçö«Ø? c) Shall We need these books after we complete the course? = éó Ω q æ Ωh - ûª yûª èπ -Ç é q Å -Ææ- Ω? Pranav asked Santhi if he would ever become rich. Santhi assured that he would. ÉçéÓ Example: Sankar: Shall I be happy if I accept the job? Ramani: You will be, certainly. Reporting Verb Present tense Sankar is asking Ramani if he will be happy if he accepts the job. Ramani assures him that he will be, certainly. É æ púø shall - -úë È çúó æ--ü l -A: Reported Verb Past tense Sankar asked Ramani if he would be happy if he accepted the job. Ramani assured him that he would be, certainly. Kumar: Shall I help you? ÉC Kumar îëææ h o offer. Reporting verb present tense Å ûë, Kumar is asking her if he can help her. Å ûë É «çöà Ææçü - Ωs ç apple (spoken English apple) He is offering to help her -Å- -úøç Öûªh ç. ÉüË reported verb past tense apple Å ûë. Kumar asked Santhi if he should help her Å -ûª çc. Åçõ É «ç-öà-îóôx, ç îëߪ - appleßë æ N æ-ߪ ç apple, shall ü should Ææ hçc. Prasad: When shall I see you again? Pramod: You can see me whenever you like. Prasad asked Pramod when he should see him again. Pramod told him that he could see him whenever he liked. Now look at the following conversation at the beginning of the lesson: 1) Rohit (to Rajat): How shall I go? Report: Rohit asked Rajat how he should go. (Reporting verb - past tense). Rohit asks Rajat how he can go. (Reporting Verb - present tense - É «çöàîóôx can úø éπ ƒüµ - Ωùç) DIRECT SPEECH Pratibha: Hi Mahima, how glad I am to see you! How is everybody in your village? Mahima: We are all OK. Thank you. How are you. Pratibha: Fine too. Thank you, what news? Did the local body elections in your village go off well? Mahima: Didn't you read about them in the papers what did you watch on the TV? Pratibha: I did of course. But it is different to hear about them from one like you on the scene. Mahima: Get me some water first. Pratibha: Have some Coffee too. Mahima: Thank you. Now about the elections. I'm happy they are all over. Oh what we have been through you just can't imagine. Pratibha: That's why I asked you to tell me about them. Mahima: Many people did not find their names on the voter list. Liquor flowed freely. Money- lots of it changed hands. There were group clashes and faction fights. We passed through the worst of tension. Pratibha: We pride on being a democratic country Mahima:These politicians, Oh, God. Answer to exercise under lesson 193 REPORTED SPEECH Reporting verb present tense Reporting verb past tense Pratibha tells she is very glad to see mahima and asks her if every body is well in her village. Mahima says they are all OK. She thanks Pratibha and asks her how she is. Pratibha says she is fine too. She thanks her and asks her for news. She asks her if the local body elections in her village went off well. Mahima asks Pratibha if she didn't read about them in the papers, and what she watched on the TV. Pratibha says/replies that she did but it is different to hear about them from one like her on the scene. Mahima wants some water. Pratibha offers some coffee too. Mahima thanks Pratibha. About the elections she (says she) is happy they are all over. She says Pratibha cannot imagine what they have been through. Pratibha says that's why she asked her to tell her all about them. Mahima says that many people did not find their names on the voter list, that liquor flowed freely, that money- lots of itchanged hands and that there were group clashes and faction fights. They passed through worst of tension. Pratibha says we pride on being a democratic country. Mahima expresses her disgust (üëy æç/-å-ææ æ«uç) of politicians. Pratibha told Mahima that she was very glad to see Mahima and asked her if everybody was well in her village. Mahima said that they were all OK. She thanked Pratibha and asked her how she was. Pratibha said that she was fine too. She thanked her and asked her if the local body elections in her village had gone off well. Mahima asked Pratibha if she had not read about them in the papers and what she had watched on the TV. Pratibha replied that she had done but it was different to hear about them from one like her on the scene. Mahima asked for some water Pratibha offered some coffee too. Mahima thanked Pratibha. About the election she (said she) was happy they were all over. She said Pratibha could not imagine what they had been through. Pratibha said that was why she had asked her to tell her all about them. Mahima said that many people had not found their names on the voter list that liquor had flowed freely that money- lots of it- had changed hands and that there had been group clashes and faction fights. they had passed through the worst of tension. Pratibha said we prided on being a democratic country. Mahima expressed her disgust of politicians.

105 - Ú- Ωç 7 -Çí Ææ d 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Darsan: How about eating out today? ( ߪ -õ -éπ\--úøø o (hotel apple) µappleç-îë-ü l?) Vardhan: That's ok with me. I welcome the change. (Ø èπ Ææ t-ûª Ë. é Ææh Ω p Ø èπÿ ÆæçûÓ- æ Ë ) Darsan: Which restaurant shall we go to? (à restaurant Èé «lç?) Vardhan: Let's try 'Vindu Vilas' today. (Ñ Nçü -N- «Æˇ èπ - Ú-ü ç) Darsan: Isn't that a long way off? Moreover it's threatening to rain. I am afraid we might get drenched on our way back. (ÅC ü Ωç éπü? Ω{ç îëa-ô dí èπÿú ÖçC. AJ-íÌîËa-ô- æ púø ûª-úø ƒh--- Ë - Á ). threatening to rain - Ω{- Ææ -îª «í Öçúøôç. Å ûë threaten èπ Å Ωnç C-Jç-îªôç. Don't try to threaten me = o C-Jç-îª-ö«-EéÀ v æߪ -Aoç-îÌü l. Vardhan: Why don't we go to Eat 'n' joy? It's not far off. (Eat'nJoy Èéçü -Èé- x-èπÿ-úøü. Å-üË- ç-ûª ü Ωç é ü.) Darsan: If I were you, I wouldn't even think of it. The food there is rotten. (ØË - ÁjyûË, ü E í -Jç-* Ç apple-*ç-îª. Åéπ\úø food îáûªh- «í -Öç-ôç--C). (rotten - ÅÆæ- Ωnç J-T- Ú-. é E Aô d æü çí áèπ \ ú h Ω.) Vardhan: You say, 'Vindu Vilas' is a long way off. Eat 'n' Joy doesn't serve good food. So where shall we go now? ('Nçü ü Ω- ç-ö«. Eat'n'Joy apple food «í ç-úø-ü ç-ö«- -È éπ\-úõ-èé- «lç) Darsan: Why not the restaurant at Hotel Manpreet? (Manpreet Èé Ïh?) Vardhan: That's ok for me. Let's start then. (Ø éà- æ d Ë. æü ߪ - l lç.) Éçûª- - Ωèπ ç ÅEo Ωé sentences report îëߪ ôç ØË Ω a-èπ Ø oç éπü. Å ûë Spoken English apple Éûª Ω - ô- report îëêæ-ô- æ púø éìeo ƒ Ω x strictly grammatical í report îëߪ ôç éìçîáç ví ç-c -éπçí éπ-e œç-îª-úø Ë é èπ çú ÅÆæ- æ«-ïçí èπÿú -Öç-ô ç-c. éàçc Ææç µ«- æù report îëߪ -ö«-eéà v æߪ -Aoç-îªçúÕ: Samir: What shall I do now? What's your advice? ( ØËoç îëߪ - ç-ö«-n- æ púø? F Ææ æ à-n -öà?) Kumar: Buy it if you like. What can I say? (FéÀ- æ d- Á iûë éì éó\. ØËØËç îá æp-í -?) Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ù Kumar report îëߪ - - -èπ çõ È çúø Nüµ - í îëߪ - îª a 1) Åçû rules v æé Ωç. 2) Spoken form of English ( English Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple) informalí report îëߪ ôç.. Compare the following (--õ îª -úøç-úõ) í -Eç-îªçúÕ: Informal í ( Ææç µ«- æ-ù Ω æç apple) report îëߪ ôç áçûª Ææ æ«-ïçí ÖçüÓ. Å ûë ƒ Ω-èπ - -éìéπ Ææ îª : Á ü ô «í rules v æé Ωç report îëߪ ôç practice îëæœ ûª Ω- -ûë spoken form apple informal í report îëߪ ôç practice îëߪ çúõ: É æ púø  j Ææç- µ«- æùøë past tense apple report îëü lç: (--õ îª -úøç-úõ) ç English ö«x-úø -ûª - o- æ púø report îëߪ ôç If I were you... Table -1 Direct Speech Samir: What shall I do now? What's your advice? Kumar: Buy it if you like. What can I say? Table -2 Direct Speech Samir: What shall I do now? What's your advice? Kumar: Buy it if you like what can I say? Kumar's Report In present Tense According to Rules Samir is asking me what he should do now and what my advice is. I am telling him to buy it if he likes and am asking him what I can say. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 195 î «Ææ æ«ïçí simple í Öçô çc éπü. Å «Öçú - çõ öà- -öàéã told, asked «çöà reporting verbs, he added, he further said «çöà ô úøôç é Ææh á sô dí Öçô çc. ÅüË æk-éπ~ applex (X Class, Inter, Degree) reported speech - direct speech appleéà Ja- - æ púø Å «ßª ôç correct. É æ púø ç -îá æ pèπ ç-ô - o-c Spoken English é E, written English é ü éπü. Practice îëææ h- od Columns apple. Åçü -éπe natural í NEpçîË spoken forms ØË practice îëü lç. Let us now try to report the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. strictly according to the rules and informally, with the reporting verb in the present form and the past form as well. (--õ îª -úøç-úõ)  Ω éπü. Spoken form apple informal í report îëߪ ôç áçûª simple í, natural í éπep- ÚhçüÓ. Å ûë Å «Informal (Ææç- µ«- æ-ù Ω æç) Samir is unable to decide and is asking for my advice. I am telling him to buy it if he likes and that there is nothing I can say / for me to say. Kumar's Report (Past Tense) According to Rules Informal (Ææç- µ«- æ-ù Ω æç) Samir asked me what he should do then and what my advice was I told him to buy it if he liked and asked him what I could say Samir was unable to decide and asked for/ wanted my advice I told him to buy it if he liked and that there was nothing for I could say / for me to say. îëêæ-ô- æ púø Direct Speech applee µ«ç ào îáúø-èπ çú -ñ«-ví -ûªh æú -L.-Å «ÖçúË Nüµ çí informal í report îëߪ - çõ éìçîáç vocabulary ( æü Ææç æü ) Å -Ææ Ωç. ÅC Öçõ informal report î «Ææ µºç. Exercise: Report aloud the rest of the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. both a) according to rules b) in the informal (spoken) form, and also a) in the present form and b) past form (--õ îª -úøç-úõ) Table -3 DIRECT SPEECH Darsan: How about eating out today Vardhan: That's OK with me. I welcome the change Darsan: Which restaurant shall we go to? Vardhan: Let's try Vindu Vilas today Darsan: Isn't it a long way off? Moreover it's threatening to rain. I am afraid we might get drenched on our way back. Vardhan: Why don't we go to Eat 'n'joy? It's not far off. Table -4 DIRECT SPEECH Darsan: If I were you, I Wouldn't even think of it. The food there is rotten. Vardhan: You say 'Vindu Vilas' is a long way off. Eat'n'Joy doesn't serve good food. So where shall we go now? Darsan: Why not the restaurant at Hotel Manpreet? Vardhan: That's Ok for me Let's start them REPORT Formal (According to rules) a) Present Tense Darsan asks Vardhan how about eating out that day. b) Past Tense: Darsan asked Vardhan how about eating out that day. a) Vardhan says it is OK with him and that he welcomes the change Vardhan said it was OK with him and that he welcomed the change. a) Darsan asks which restaurant they will go to. b) Darsan asked which restaurant that would go to. a) Vardhan suggest that they try Vindu Vilas that day. b) Vardhan suggested that they try Vindu Vilas that day a) Darsan asks Vardhan if it is not a long way off, and says that it's threatening to rain and adds that he is afraid they might get drenched on their way back b) Darsan asked if it was not a long way off, and said that it was threatening to rain and added that he was afraid that they might get drenched... a) Vardhan asks why they don't go to Eat 'n'joy and adds that it is not far off. b) Vardhan asked why they didn't go to Eat 'n' Joy and adds that it is not far off REPORT according to rules a) Darsan tells vardhan that if he were he, he wouldn't think of it and that the food there is rotten. b) Darsan told vardhan that if he had been he, he woudn't have even thought of it and that the food there was rotten. a) Vardhan Observes that Darsan says that Vindu Vilas is a long way off and Eat'n'Joy doesn't serve good food. He asks where they will go now. b) Vardhan observed that Darsan said that Vindu Vilas was long way off and Eat 'n' Joy didn't serve good food. He Asked him, where they would go. a) Darsan asks why they spend not go to the restaurant at Hotel Manpreet? b) Darsan asked why they shouldn't' go to the restaurant... a) Vardhan says that it is ok for him and suggests they start. b) Vardhan said that is was ok for him, and suggested that they start. Informal (Spoken Form) Present Tense Darsan suggests that they eat out that day. Darsan suggested that they eat out that day. Vardhan is for it and welcomes the change. Vardhan was for it/ agreed to it and welcomed the change. a) Darsan asks about the restaurant they will go to. b) Darsan asked about the restaurant they would go to a) Vardhan suggests trying Vindu Vilas that day/suggests Vindu Vilas b) Vardhan suggested trying Vindu Vilas. a) Darsan feels it is long way off. Moreover it is threatening to rain and is afraid they might get drenched on their way back b) Darsan felt it was a long way off. Moreover it was threatening to rain and feared (that) they might.. a) Vardhan proposes/ suggests Eat 'n' Joy. it is not far off. b) Vardhan proposed/suggested Eat 'n' Joy. It was not far off. Informal (Spoken Form) Darsan Says if he were Vardhan he wouldn't think of it and calls the food there rotten. He has no good word for the food there. b) Darsan said that if he had been vardhan he wouldn't have even thought of it and called the food there rotten / he had no good word for the food there. a) Darsan feels Vindu Vilas is a long way off, and Eat 'n' Joy doesn't serve good food, so where will they go now. b) Vardhan Felt that Vindu Vilas was a long way off, Eat 'n'joy didn't serve good food, so where would they go Now?. a) Darsan suggests the restaurant at Hotel Manpreet. b) Darsan suggested the restaurant... a) Darsan says OK and suggests that they start. b) Vardhan said OK and suggested that they start.

106 í Ω Ωç 10 -Çí Ææ d 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 1) Hemanth: Sarath, you are late again. ( Ωû, Sx y Ç Ææuçí - -î a- ) Sarath: But I'm not. You wanted me here at 5, and here I am at 5. ( ØËØËç Ç Ææuçí - -ü. y -Å Cç-öÀéÀ Ω- t-ø o-. Å Cç-öÀéÀ -Ééπ\-úø -Ø o ) Hemanth: Didn't you promise to be here 4.30 itself? (4.30 èπ Ééπ\-úø ç-ö«- E öà- y- ü?) Sarath: I did, but then you said it was enough If I was here by 5. (Eï Ë é E Ëy ÅØ o éπü ØËE-éπ\úø - Å Cç-öÀ-èπ çõ î E) 2) Dheeraj: Hi Neeraj, would you like to have Neeraj: some coffee? (é Ææh coffee BÆæ -èπ ç-ö«?) I don't feel like it I've just had coffee. (BÆæ éó- - -E œç-îª-ôç- ü. É æ púë coffee BÆæ èπ Ø o) Dheeraj: But you must take some thing. Shall I get you a drink, perhaps some orange Neeraj: juice? ( Ëy-ü - Ø -BÆæ éó -LqçüË. orange juice «çöà-üë- Á iø É yø?) Not now, please. Thank you, just the same. (É æ púø - -ü l Å Ø thank you.) just the same = Å Ø 3) komala: Shall we go to the exhibition this evening? (Ñ ƒßª çvûªç ç exhibition Èé «l?) Vimala: Sure; I like to, very much. (ûª æp-èπ çú. Ø èπ î - «É æ dç) Komala: Then shall we start at 6.30? Vimala: (Å ûë 6.30èπ ߪ - l- Ω --ü?) That's OK for me. I'll be here exactly at (-Å- «Íí. ØËE-éπ\úø correct í 6.30 èπ çö«) 4) Hema: How do you like my calling you Now practise the following Report the direct speech both in the Formal and Spoken form. Prameela: Let's show our teacher we are clever students. Vineela: That is the thing we have to do. Let's work hard and get good ACCORDING TO RULES Prameela suggested that they show their teacher that they were clever students. Vineela said that that was the thing they had to do, and suggested that they work hard and get good marks. Kalyan said that Pavan had not done his homework and asked him if the teacher wouldn't punish him. Pavan said that he did not care, and did not mind her punishing him. Sangeeta urged that there should be no delay. urge = Strong request (í öàd Nïc œh). Vignata told Sangeeta to be sure that she would be prompt. Malli? (ØË -E- o ' Lx ÅE œ - úøç -É- æ d- Ë Ø?) Malini: Nothing of the sort, Call me Malini. That is how I like it. (ÅüËç èπ ü - Ωü. o LE ÅØË- œ- -. ÅüË Ø éà æ dç) Nothing of the sort= ÅüËç èπ ü - Ωü Ñ Å ΩnçûÓ DEo -à Ææç-ü - Ωs ç apple Å Ø úø- îª a. Purely conversational. O conversation apple practice îëߪ çúõ. 5) Subba Rao: How about Rs 500/- for the whole job? (Ñ Á ûªhç æeéà Ω. 500 É ƒh-. à ç-ö«?) Apparao: That's too little for such a lot of work. I don't like the amount at all, but I need money now, so I agree to do it. (Åçûª æeéà -Éçûª ûªèπ \? Ø èπ É æ dç ü. Å Ø Ø éà- æ púø úø s Å -Ææ Ωç. Åçü -éπe ä æ p-èπ ç-ô Ø o.) éàç-ü -öà lesson apple Direct speech - strictly according to rules, formal (Ææ vû v æé Ωç, ví ç--c éπç) í report marks. Kalyan: You haven't done the homework. Won't the teacher punish you? Pavan: What do I care? Let her. Sangeeta: Let there be no delay, please. Vignata: Be sure I'll be prompt. INFORMAL Prameela wanted to show their teacher that that they were clever students. Vineela agreed and suggested their working hard and getting good marks. Kalyan observed Pavan had not done his homework and warned him that the teacher would punish him. Pavan said he didn't care. Sangeeta urged that there should be no delay. (formal & Spoken form - same). Vignata assured Sangeeta that she would be prompt. Prompt = Ææé - «-EéÀ Öçúøôç. I don't feel like.. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 196 îëߪ -ö«-eéà, ordinary spoken form ( u - æ -Jé𠵫æ) apple îëߪ -ú Eéà ÖçúË ûëú í -Eçî ç. É æ púø, - ƒ- uç- ç -v ƒ Ωç-- µºç- apple -Ö- o Ææç- µ«-- æ-ù- í - -Eç-îªç-úÕ. OöÀ- apple ü ü æ ÅFo èπÿú strictly according to rules report îëêæh î - «ÅÆæ- æ«-ïçí, Å Ωnç îëææ éó- ôç é Ææh É sç-cí Öçô çc. Åçü -éπe  j Ææç µ«- æ-ù- -- µ«ç îáúø-èπ çú á «report îëæœø æ Ω- - ü. Å -ûª-l- --JéÀ Ææ-Jí _ -Å Ωn-- Á i-ûë -î -. Let's try to report this conversation ( æéπ\ -õ îª -úøç-úõ) DIRECT SPEECH 1) Hemanth: Sarath, you are late again. Sarath: But I'm not. You wanted me here at 5, and here I am at 5. Hemanth: Didn't you promise to be here at 4.30 itself?. Sarath: I did but then you said that it was enough if I was here by 5.. 2) Dheeraj: Hi Neeraj, would you like to have some coffee? Neeraj: I don't feel like it, I've just had some coffee. Dheeraj: But you must take something. Shall I get you a drink, perhaps some orange juice. Neeraj: Not now, please. Thank you just the same. 3) Komala: Shall we go to the exhibition this evening? Vimala: Sure, I like to, very much. Komala: Then shall we start at Komala: That's OK for me. I'll be here at ) Hema: How do you like my calling you Malli?. Malini: Nothing of the sort. Call me Malini. That's how I like it. 5) Subbarao: How about Rs. 500/- for the whole job?. Apparao: That's too little for such a lot of work. I don't like the amount at all, but I need money now and I'll do it. REPORTING Formal (According to rules) Informal (Spoken Form) Reporting Verb Past tense Hemanth observed that Sarath was late again. Sarath said he was, however, not late, and that Hemant had wanted him there at 5, and there he was at 5. Hemanth asked sarath if he hadn't promised to be there at 4.30 itself. Sarath told Hemanth that he had said so, but that Hemanth had said that it would be enough if he was there by 5. Dheeraj asked Neeraj if he would like to have some coffee. Neeraj replied he didn't feel like it and added that he had just had some coffee. Dheeraj said that Neeraj had to take something. He asked him if he should get some drink, perhaps some orange juice. Neeraj politely said that he wouldn't have anything then. He thanked Neeraj, just the same. Komala suggested that they go to the exhibition that evening/ Komala suggested their going to the exhibition that evening. Vimala agreed and said she liked to, very much. Komala asked Vimala if they would start at Komala said that it was OK for her and that she would be there at Hema asked Malli how she liked her calling her Malli. Malini said nothing of the sort. She asked Hema to call her Malini and added that that was how she liked it. Subbarao asked Apparao if he would do the whole job for Rs. 500/-. Apparao said that it was too little for such a lot of work, and added that he didn't like the amount at all, but that he needed money then and that he would do it. Hemanth complained that Sarath was late again. Sarath protested and asserted that he was there at 5, as Hemanth had wanted him. Hemanth reminded sarath of his promise to be there at 4.30 itself. Sarath agreed but reminded Hemanth that he had told him that it was enough if he was there by 5. Ééπ\úø Informal reporting apple complained, protested, reminded, agreed «çöà ô úø éπ í -Eç-î Ω éπü. Å «çöà ô reporting Ææ æ«-ïçí ÖçúËô x -îë ƒh Dheeraj offered coffee to Neeraj. Neeraj refused Has he had just had some coffee. Neeraj didn't feel like it as he had just had some coffee. Dheeraj insisted that Neeraj take something. He offered to get drink, perhaps some orange juice. insist = æô d- æ-ôdúøç Neeraj wouldn't have any thing then and thanked Neeraj just the same. Komala suggested that they go to the exhibition that evening/ Komala suggested their going to the exhibition that evening. Vimala readily agreed and liked to go very much. Komala proposed then they start at It was OK for Komala. She would be there at Hema wanted to know how she like her calling Malli/ Hema would call her Malli. How would she like it?. Malini wouldn't have anything of the sort. She asked Hema to call her Malini. That was how she liked it. Subbarao proposed Rs. 500/- for the whole job. Apparao complained that it was too little for such a lot of work. He grumbled that he didn't like the money at all but to do it as he needed the money, he would do it. grumble = Ææù-í ôç. URL:

107 - -E Ωç 12 -Çí Ææ d 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Prabhakar: Hi Divakar, when did you come? ( æ ß C -éπ! á æ p-úì-î a?) Divakar: Hardly a few hours ago, by the Howrah Express. (É æ púë éìeo-í ç-ô éàçü ô, æ«áé q-vâ Æˇ apple î a.) Prabhakar: Back home after a long time, you feel happy, don't you? But why Divakar: are you out so soon? (î «-é ç ûª yûª AJ-íÌ-î a. ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçC éπü? Å ûë Å æ púë S} ߪ -öà-éì-î a- ËçöÀ?) Oh, just think of it. What do I find as I step into home? Mom down with a fever. (îª úø. Éçöapplex Cí -í ØË ØË îª Æœç -üë-n öà? Å tèπ ïy Ωç.) Prabhakar: What train did you say you came Divakar: by? (à train apple î a Ø o y?) Didn't you say the Howrah Express? ( æ«áé q-vâ Æˇ ÅØ o éπü?) My uncle must have come by the same train. ( ߪ u èπÿú ÅüË train apple îª aç-ú L). But why are you out? I told you. Mom has a fever and I am going to get some medicines. What a bother? (îá ƒp éπü. Å tèπ ïy Ωçí Öçü E, çü BÆæ -èπ - - -ú -EéÀ Á Ÿûª Ø o. àç «üµó! NÆæ í What a bother) Prabhakar: Really a pity! Hope it's just an Divakar: ordinary fever (Eïçí ü Ωü % æd Ë. ïy Ω Ë éπü?) (I) wish it were! But I'm afraid it's some viral fever. ( ïy Ωç Å ûë «í ØË Öç-úË-C. àüó viral fever ÅE Å - - çí ÖçC Ø èπ.) Prabhakar: Sorry to hear that. (ÅÈ, ƒ æç) Divakar: Damn these heavy rains! They are the cause of all these. (Ñ Áüµ {. OöÀ- x É Fo.) Prabhakar: Oh, curse my memory! I forgot to congratulate you on your getting Divakar: a new and better job. (Ø A- - Ω- æ - x Ω-*- Ú-ߪ. Fèπ Éçûª-èπ - çü éπçõ ç*, éìûªh job *a- ç-ü èπ éπçví ö q. Thank you. But I must rush. I've been too long with you. Mom must be wondering where I am. See you later. Bye. (Thanks. é F ØË Á «}L. FûÓ K áèπ \- -ÊÆ- æ -Ø o. OúÁ-éπ\-úø -Ø oú ÅE Å t Å -éìç-ô ç-ô çc. ûª yûª éπ ü lç.) Ñ Ææç µ«- æù í -Eç-î Ω éπü? ÅFo-é -éπ- Ú- Ø, áèπ \- í short sentences, exclamations ÖØ o éπü. ç OöÀE spoken English apple report îëêæ-ô- æ púø, Ç ô-éìêæh formal í report îëêæ-ô- æ púø èπÿú éã\éà - -éà\í rules v æé Ωç report îëߪ - -éπ\- Ω- ü. äéπj ô- applexe µ«ç îáúøèπ çú, Ææ æ«-ïûªyç éπe- œç-îë-ôô x report îëߪ -í -L-TûË î ««í ç-ô çc. îª úøçúõ: Kumar: I am taking the exam next week. Kesav: Wish you the best of luck. Report: Kumar told Kesav that he was taking the exam next week, and Kesav wished him the best of luck. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 197 Kesav's words á «report îë» Á (Indirect speech apple á «îá ƒp Á ) í -Eç-îªçúÕ. - í Å ûë, Kesav said that he wished him the best of luck ÅE ÅØ Lq Ææ hçc. Å «Åçõ formal í í F, spoken form apple í F, (formal í éπçõ spoken form apple áèπ \- í ) î «ÅÆæ- æ«- ïçí Öçô çc. Åçü -éπe Å «çöà µ«ç îáúø-èπ çú  j ûál- œ- ô x report îëߪ ôç better. 1) Abhishek: Thanks a lot for your help. Anamika: You are welcome. (á -È jø èπ thanks îá œp- - æ púø, you are welcome/ you are most welcome/ welcome Åçö«ç) Report: a) Present tense: Abhishek thanks Anamika a lot for her help. Anamika appreciates his thanks. b) Past tense: Abhishek thanked Anamika a lot for her help. Anamika appreciated it. 2) Pradhan: Congratulations on your getting the top grade. Keep it up. Prakash: Thank you. a) Reporting verb - Present tense: Pradhan congratulates Prakash on his getting the top grade and adds a word of encouragement. Prakash thanks him. b) Reporting verb - Past tense: Pradhan congratulated Prakash on his getting the top grade and added a word of encouragement. Prakash thanked him. 3) Susanth: This bike often gives me trouble. What a bother! (What a bother= áçûª *é èπ ) Report: a) Susanth is vexed that this/ that bike often gives him trouble. b) Susanth was vexed that that bike often gave him trouble. É «ç report îëêæ-ô- æ púø He said that, etc., «çöàn úø-èπ çú µ«eo ûá æ-í -L-TûË î. 4) Ashok: Why did you drive so fast? (áçü -éπçûª Ëí çí úõ- ƒ?) Amar: I was late for class. (class èπ Ç -Ææu- - çc) Ashok: I wouldn't do it if I were you. Isn't dangerous? (ØËØË y- ûë Å «îëߪ. v æ ü ç éπü?) You are welcome Report: a) Present tense: Ashok wonders why Amar drive so fast. Amar says he was late for class. Ashok advises him not to do it and warns him it is dangerous. b) Past tense: Ashok wondered why Amar had driven so fast. Amar said he was late for class. Ashok advised him not to do it and warned him against it/ of the danger/ that it was dangerous. Now look at the following part of conversation at the beginning of the lesson: Prabhakar: Really a pity! Hope it is just an ordinary fever. Divakar: (I) wish it were! But I'm afraid it's some viral fever. Prabhakar: Sorry to hear that. Suppose we want to report the conversation above. How do we go about it? ( ç  j Ææç µ«- æù á «report îë ƒhç?) Study this table carefully and practise the spoken form well. Now look at the following expressions & sentences. Prabhakar: What train did you say you came by? D Ωnç: y à train apple î a- -Ø o? äéπ Ω îá œpçc ÆæJí N -éπ- ÚûË, S} îá æp- - ôç É «. a) O Ê Í -N -ô-ø o Ω, S} ã ƒj îá æpçúõ. What did you say your name was? b) Srinath: You kept it where? Sumanth: I kept it on the table. - í Å ûë, Where did you keep it? Åçö«ç éπü. spoken form apple you kept it where ÅØËC common. DØËo ÉçéÓ Nüµ çí Where did you say you kept it? (áéπ\úø  ö«d- -Ø o ü Eo?) 2) Mom must be wondering where I am. ØËØÁ-éπ\-úø -Ø oø ÅE Å t -Ç- apple-îª- - apple æ-úõ -Öç-ô ç-c. - í wonder Åçõ Å Ωnç ç-ü -JéÀ ûá Ææ Ç a- Ωu-éπ- Ω- Á i N æߪ ç ÅE. Å ûë Ééπ\úø, Mom must be wondering/ I wonder- É «ç-öà-îóôx wonder èπ Å Ωnç 'à -ߪ uç-ô çd, à - îª a ÅE. àüájø N æ-ߪ Eo í Jç* ç Ç apple-îª- apple æúøôç ÅE. a) I wonder if he knows this = úõ-éàc ûá Ú ûál-ߪ üó? (Ø éπ Ωnç é -ôç- ü ) b) Suneetha: Will Suguna come now? (Ææ í ù É æ p-úì-ææ hçü?) Supriya: I wonder. ( Ææ hçüó üó, Ø éπ- - - Ë ) Exercise: Report aloud the whole conversation at the beginning of the lesson, both according to rules and informally. Reporting - Present Reporting - Past Formal (acc. to rules) Informal (spoken) Formal (acc. to rules) Informal (spoken) Prabhakar says it is really a pity and that he hopes it is ordinary fever Prabhakar is disappointed and hopes it is ordinary fever. Prabhakar said it was really a pity and that he hoped it was ordinary fever. Prabhakar was disappointed and hoped it was ordinary fever. Divakar says he wishes it Divakar wishes it Divakar expressed a wish Divakar wished it were, but that he suspects it is some viral fever. were, but suspects it is a viral fever. that it had been, but that he suspected it was some viral fever. had been, but suspected it to be a viral fever. 1. Make, Do àn-üµ çí -Ö æßá -Tç-î L? 2. Xerox, photocopy üµ u ûëú ûá - æçúõ. ñ. V, ÇC- «- «ü 1. a) Make means to produce / manufacture. Make Åçõ üëøáj oø ûªßª - Ω -îë-ߪ úøç, ÖûªpAh îëߪ úøç ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ áèπ \- í úøû ç. i) Mother is making coffee = Å t é ûªßª Ω îë ÚhçC. ii) The student is making an attempt to understand the subject = Nü ujn Ææ b-èπ d Å Ωnç îëææ - éó- -ö«-eéà v æߪ ûªoç îëææ h-ø oúø. b) Do= àüájø æe-îë-ߪ ôç/ E Ωy- œ«ç-îªôç i) What is he doing? = ÅûªØËç îëææ h-ø oúø (àüájø æe) He is studying= Åûªúø îªü - -ûª -Ø oúø. F NCµ y- îá u (E Ωy- œ«çîª ) ii) You do your duty = Do work, harm, homework, business, a course, one's best, etc. Make a cake, money, a speech, fun etc., 2. Photocopy, Photostat Åçõ üëe-èéjø photo BÆœ -ô xí îëa copy ÅE. Xerox company x machine O ü BÊÆ photocopy Å ûë Xerox copy Åçö«Ω. photostat machines Á ü ô v æ Ë- - -öàdçd, É æp-öàéã Åûªuçûª  ü l company ÅüË. ÅÆæ ÅØ -LqçC photocopy ÅØË. Xerox copy Xerox brand machine O ü -BÊÆ copy È çúø äéπõ. photocopy correct.

108 l - - Ú- Ωç 14 -Çí Ææ d 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 1 Naresh: Where are you coming from? ( Áy-éπ\--úø oç* Ææ h-ø o?) Ramesh: From my uncle's. ( ߪ u ÉçöÀ ç* - Ææ h--ø o- ) Naresh: You go there quite frequently, don't you? ( y-éπ\-úõéà ûª Ωîª Á -û éπü?) Ramesh: I do. He asks me to eat there quite often. (Å. Çߪ o ûª Ω----îª µappleï-ø -EéÀ œ - ƒhúø.) Naresh: Hasn't he a daughter? (Çߪ - èπ èπÿûª - Ω çc éπü?) Ramesh: What're you driving at? (àn öà yç-öappleçc?) drive at = ÉçÍéüÓ ÖüË -Pç* îá æpôç. I still don't understand what she was driving at = Ç Á Å «Å -ôç apple -Ö- o ÖüË l ç àn öapple É æpöà -Ø èπ -Å Ωl ç é ôç ü. 'drive at' - -úø éπ- -O conversation apple practice îëߪ ç-úõ. Naresh: I've been wondering all these days why you go there so often. Now I know. ( y áçü èπ Åéπ\úÕ-éÀ ûª Ωîª Á- Ÿ-ûª -Ø o Ó Ø èπ -ÉEo ÓV Å Ωnç é ü. É æ púø ûál-æœçc) Wonder = Å Ωnç Ç a- Ωu- æ-úøôç É «çöà Ææçü - Ωs ç apple, Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- -ú -EéÀ î «v æߪ -Aoç-îª-ôç/- Å Ωnç é éπ- Ú- ôç) Ramesh: What do you know? (àçöà Fèπ ûál-æœçc?) Naresh: A marriage in the offing. ( Rx ï Ω-í - apple-ûóç-ü E) (In the offing = ï Ω -í - o) Ramesh: I'm sorry I'm going to disappoint you. My uncle does have a daughter, but she is already the mother of two babes. (E o E Ω -û q æ«æ- Ω Ææ h- -oç-ü èπ «üµ í ÖçC. -ߪ uèπ èπÿûª - Ω çc, é F Ç Á Éü l Ω œ x ûªlx) 2) Sekhar: Hi Nabh, how tall you have grown since I saw you last a year ago!. (Ææç -ûªq Ωç éàçü ô E o îª Æœ- - æpöàéà... -É æp-öàéà áçûª ác-í!) Nabh: So have you. True; I certainly am 2 inches taller than I was a year ago. What about you. (Eï Ë éàçü õ -ú C éπçõ É æ púø È çúøç-í - «Â -Jí J F Ææçí A?) Sekhar: Just two inches. That's all. (È çúøç-í - «ÅçûË. That's all = ÅçûË Is this all? = ÉçûËØ? That's all = ÅçûË. O conversation apple practice îëߪ çúõ. Nabh: That makes us equally tall. (Åçõ E-ü l Ωç äíé áûªh- o- ô) Sekhar: You're wrong, my friend. I am still taller than you by half an inch. ( Ò Ω- - -úø -ûª -Ø o- N vûª, Féπçõ -ØË - É æpöàéã 1/2 Åçí - - ç áèπ \- áûª h -Ö-Ø o- ) - Nabh: If that makes you happy, have it so. (Å «Å -éóôç Fèπ ÆæçûÓ- æ- Á iûë, Å- «Íí Å éó.) 3) Nagaraj: Let me finish this chapter. I'll come with you wherever you want. (Ñ chapter æ Jh îëæœ- --ûª y-ûª Áy-éπ\-úÕ-éÀ- Ω- tçõ Åéπ\-úÕ-éÌ- ƒh ) Prakash: Murthy will complain we are late. ( ç late ÅE Jh ûª æ p æ-úø-û -úø ) Nagaraj: Let him. My test tomorrow is more important than this outing. (ûª æp-ôdf. Ñ œé Ω éπçõ Í æ-öà Ø test Ø èπ -î - «êuç) Prakash: you're right Let him understand that. I'm sorry I'm going... Q) Year by year, Year after year, Every other year Ñ úõç-öàéà ûëú àn öà? üëeo á æ púø Ö æßá -Tç-î L? üµ,  j«-ü -- «-ü. i) Year by year = Every year. v æa Ææç -ûªq Ωç ÅE. Year by year, he is growing richer and richer. (Ææç -ûªq Ωç Ææç -û q- -EéÃ, ÅûªúÕ Ææç æü  J-T- Ú-ûÓçC). ii) Year after year = continuously, without brake. Year after year passed, he continued to work hard, though he was getting older and older Ææçûªq- ûª Ω- úõ, ߪ Ææ  j æúø ûª Ø o, Åûªúø éπ æ d æúõ æe-îë-ææ høë ÖØ oúø. Year after year his study continued = Ææç -ûªq- - í ÅûªúÕ Åüµ u-ߪ ç ƒtçc. Every other year = alternate year Ææç -ûªq Ωç Ja (NúÕ*) Ææç -ûªq Ωç -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 198 ( y ÅØËC Ææ. ÅC úø Å Ωnç îëææ éó L.) ç direct speech report È çúø Ωé - í îë-ߪ - -îªa- E í -ûª lessons apple ç éπü. 1) î - «formal í (rule v æé Ωç) 2) Å Ωnç îáúø-èπ çú (informal í ) spoken form apple (Åçõ u - æ -J-éπçí ). Ñ columns apple ÖüËl ç spoken English ØË Ω a-éó- ôç é öàd, ç ö«xúë English Ææ Ω- çí, Ææ æ«- ïçí Öçú - çõ, spoken form apple report îëߪ úøç-ûó - ƒ-ô, --v ƒéãdæˇ èπÿ-ú -Å-ûªuç-ûª éã- éπç.  j passage apple áèπ \ µ«í ç Spoken form apple report îëߪ -ö«-eíé Å - í Ö-ç-úø -ö«-eo í -Eç-îªçúÕ. According to rules practice îëߪ - -úøç -Åç-ûª «í ç-úø -ü. -É-C í - Eç-îªçúÕ. Let us see two or three samples: Practise them with the reporting verb in the Present Tense and in the Past Tense as well. Á ü öà ç* ç reporting verb present tense apple èπÿú practise îëߪ ôç O Ω í -EçîË Öçö«Ω. DEéÀ êu-é - Ωùç ç ö«xúë Ææçü - s applex î «- Ωèπ ç Éûª- Ω Ææ -éπ~ç appleøë x ô report îëêæ Ææçü - s áèπ \- -í ØË Öçö«. Å «çöà Ææçü - s applex present tense appleøë report îë ƒhç éπü? É æ púø èπÿú ÅüË îëü lç: Every other year he goes to the US = Ææç -ûªq Ωç NúÕ* Ææç -ûªq Ωç Åûªúø Å Á -Jé Á -û úø. Q) a, e, i, o, u ûó Á ü - ßË u æü çü An L éπü! Å ûë University, European «çöà æü çü 'A' áçü èπ úøû ç? N. í çdµ ƒ-, éì-ûªhí -úáç. ï : a/ an Ö æ-ßá í ç Å, Ç, É, Ñ, á, à, â, ä, ã, å Ñ «l- ûó v ƒ Ωç- µº- ßË u English ô çü 'an' úøû ç. N í -û - öà çü 'a' úøû ç. University, European, Ñ È çúø ô,  j îá œp «l- ûó v ƒ Ωç µºç é ôç ü éπü? Åçü -éπe an úøç (European= ߪ Ω- œ-ߪ Ø ; University = ߪ E- -JqöÀ 'ߪ ÅØË lç Å ç* å Ωèπ ÖçúË ûá í «l applex ü éπü.) DIRECT SPEECH Naresh: Where are you coming from? Ramesh: from my uncle's Naresh: You go there, frequently, don't you? Ramesh: I do. He asks me to eat there quite often. Naresh: Hasn't he a daughter? Ramesh: What are you driving at? Naresh: I've been wondering all these days why you go there so often. Now know. Ramesh: What do you know? Naresh: A Marriage in the offing. Ramesh: I'm sorry I am going to disappoint you. My uncle does have daughter, but she is already the mother of two babes. DIRECT SPEECH Prabhakar: Hi Divakar When did you come? Divakar: Hardly a few hours ago, by Howrah Express Prabhakar: Back home after a long time, you feel happy, don't you? But why are you out so soon? Divakar: Oh, Just think of it what do I find as I step into home? Mom down with a fever. Prabhakar: What train did You say you came by? Didn't you say Howrah Express? But why are you out? Divakar: I told you. mom has a fever and I'm going to get some medicines What a bother! Divakar: Damn these heavy rains! They are the cause of all these. Prabhakar: Oh curse my memory. I forgot to congratulate on your getting new and better Job. Divakar: Thank you, but I must rush. I've been long with you. Mom must be wondering where I am. See you later Bye. REPORTING (Only Spoken Form) Reporting Verb Present Reporting Verb Past Naresh wants to know where Ramesh is coming from. Ramesh is coming from his uncle's place. Naresh observes that Ramesh goes there frequently and asks him if he doesn't? Ramesh agrees that he goes there often as his uncle asks him to eat there quite often. Naresh wonders if he hasn't a daughter. Ramesh wants to know /wonders what Naresh is driving at. Naresh has been wondering all these days why Ramesh went there so often. Now he knows. Ramesh is asking Naresh what he knows. Naresh hopes for a marriage in the offing. Ramesh is sorry to disappoint Naresh. Ramesh's uncle does have a daughter but she is already the mother of two babes. Answers to the exercise under lesson no: 197 Reporting Verb Past tence According to rules Prabhakar asked Divakar when he had came. Divakar Replied that he had come hardly a few hours ago by the Howrah Express. Prabhakar asked observed that back home after a long time, he felt happy and asked him if he didn't. He asked him however why he was out so soon. Divakar disappointed asked Prabhakar to think of what he found just as he stepped into home- mom down with a fever Prabhakar asked Divakar what train he had said he came by, and if he hadn't said Howrah Express. He asked him why he was out. Divakar said that he had told him that mom has a fever and he was going to get some medicines. He was not at all happy about it. Divakar cursed the rains, and said they were the cause of all those. Prabhakar cursed his memory, as he forgot to congratulate Divakar on his getting a new and better job. Divakar, thanking Prabhakar said he had to rush and that he had been with him long. Mom must be wondering where he was. He would see him later. He said bye to him. Naresh Wanted to know where Ramesh was coming from. Ramesh was coming from his uncle's place. Naresh observed that Ramesh went there frequently, and asks him if he didn't. Ramesh agreed that he went there often as his uncle asked him to eat there quite often. Naresh wondered if he hadn't a daughter Ramesh wanted to know/ wondered at What Naresh was driving at. Naresh had been wondering why Ramesh went there so often. Now he knew. Ramesh asked Naresh what he knew. Naresh hoped for a marriage in the offing. Ramesh was sorry to disappoint Naresh. Ramesh's uncle did have a daughter but she was already the mother of two babes. Spoken Form Prabhakar wanted to know when Divakar had come. Divakar had come hardly a few hours ago by the Howrah Express Prabhakar said that Divakar must be feeling happy to be back home after a long time, but wondered why he was out so soon. Divakar was disappointed that as he stepped into home he found mom down with a fever. Prabhakar wanted to be sure what train Divakar had come by and if it wasn't Howrah Express. He wanted to know why he was out. Divakar had already told him to his mom's fever and was very unhappy he was going to get some medicines. Divakar cursed the rains for being the cause of all these. Prabhakar cursed his memory, as he forgot to congratulate Divakar on his getting a new and better job. Divakar thanked Prabhakar and wanted to rush. He had been with him long and his mom must be wondering where he was. He would see him later and bade him bye.



111 ÎCî ô Ù 20 ÎÞœú ªd 2006 Ðû è[ª šïj ë]ô ò ëâ -1 Pramila: Please remember that the party is at 7. Let's start here at 6. Let there be no delay. (ð Kd Ôè[ª-ÞœÙ-å-õ Ú. Þœªô ªhÙ-àŸªÚÁ. ÎJÙæ Ú ñóÿªõªë -ô ë Ù. Îõú uù àµóµ³uë]ªl.) Lakshmi: Let us remind Sneha of it too. Let's call her and tell her that she need not worry about conveyance. We'll pick her up on our way to the party. ( úoï ÚÛª ÚÛ«è ªìÙ Ð Nù óÿªù Þœªô ªh à ë lù. êÿìúûª ðæ¼ûëâ à ú ÍÚÛ\-è Ú Óö îµü xö ÍE ÎÙëÁ-üŒì í è -ë]le àµñªë Ù. ªìÙ ð KdÚ îµü xå-í ±pè[ª ë Jö˺ êÿììª ÚÛ«è Bú ª Ú-üŒë Ù.) conveyance = ÚÛû y-óÿªûëâq = ví óÿ«é þ ÚÛô uù car, bike, scooter, cycle ö Ùæ N. The company provides conveyance to the manager. (î ªû -á-ôâúûª ÚÛÙšíF ví óÿ«é þ ÚÛô uù ÚÛLp-ú ªhÙC ÍÙç ÚÛÙšíF Ú ô ª Ïú ªhÙC.) Pramila: OK. We must, not waste any more time now. We must buy some present for the bride and the groom. We must have our faces done up too. (ÏÙ ÚÙ ú ªóŸªÙ 'ëç à óÿª-úû«-è[ë]ª. ªìÙ ÚÛ«è šíæóàª-ù öëà à ô³ù-àÿª-úá-î L.) Have our faces done up = îµ³ï Ù ìªìoþ Ú ÙA- Ù-êŸÙÞ ÚÛEí Ù-à -ö Þ à ú facial. facial - šíæóàª-ù öëà šíæ ûë Ú \ í õª-úûªê Ù. Lakshmi: I need not have the facial. I had it just yesterday. (û Ú -í ±pè[ª šíæóàª-ù öëà ÍÚÛ\- ôxë]ª. Eìoû à ô³ù-àÿª-úûªû o.) Pramila: We have go to the bank or the ATM too. We have to draw some money. ( ªìÙ ò uùúâ-úûª-þ F, Ôæ -Ó-îÂªÚ Þ F îµü xl. è[ñªs Bú ªÚÁ-î L.) ATM ÍÙç êµõª-ú ª-ÚÛë Automated Teller Machine - Bank card Ñí -óµ«-tù# è[ñªs Bú ª- ÚÛª-û Ù-ë]ªÚÛª Ñìo machine. draw money = Banks ö Ùæ î æ ìªù# è[ñªs Bú ªÚÁ- è[ù = withdraw. Lakshmi: We need not. I've enough cash. (ÍÚÛ\ ôxë]ª. û ë]þœ_-ô ªÙC è[ñªs.) Pramila: Then we had better hurry up. Lakshmi: Need I get money now or do you have it? (û E-í ±pè[ª è[ñªs Bú ªÚÛª-ô -î -Lqì Í ú ô Ù ÑÙë? ö ÚÛð¼ê F ë]þœ_-ô ªìo è[ñªs ú J-ð¼-꟪Ù-ë]Ù-æ î?) Pramila: I think the money I've should be enough. You needn't bring any. (û ë]þœ_-ô ªìo è[ñªs ú J-ð¼-î L. F ± Bú ªÚÛª-ô -ì- -ú ô Ù ö ë]ªö!) Lakshmi: We must not spend much time there. We have to get back to make other arrangements. ( ªìÙ ÍÚÛ\è[ ÓÚÛª\- - úí ± ÑÙè[-ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª. ÏêŸô í ìªõª àÿ«ú ª-ÚÁ-è -EÚ êÿyô Þ AJT ô î L.) I. ªìÙ Ïí pæ ô ÚÛ«let ÚÛª Ñìo NNëÅ] Íô nõª, Ñí óµ«þ õêá Ñìo sentences ìª Óö report à óÿ«öëº àÿ«ø Ù ÚÛë. î æ E ªôÁ-þ J ÚÛªxí hùþ Þœªô ªh à ú ªÚÛªÙë Ù. 1) Let ÍÙç ³ÜuÙÞ Ôëµjû ú «#Ù-àŸ-è -EÚ / ú «àÿì à óÿª-è -EÚ / ví A-ð -ë]-ìúûª î è[ê Ù Íí ±pè[ª report öëº suggest î è[ê Ù. Hema: Let's go home. Report: Hema suggests/ suggested that we (should) go home. 2) Let ìª Ôëµjû àÿô uúûª í õªí ± Ï yè -EÚ î è[ê Ù. Íí ±pè[ª call/ urge êá report - à þ hù. Leader: Let's all be united. ( ªìÙ ÍÙê ÔÚÛÙÞ ÑÙæ Ù.) The leader called/ urged the followers to be united. Reporting verb calls/ urges ÍE ÚÛ«è present tense ÑÙè àÿªa. 3) ªìÙ Ïà a ÖÚÛ Îác. ë E Í ªõª ªì à êÿªöëºx ö ÚÛ-ð¼- àÿªa. Íí ±pè[ª report öëº must ú ªhÙC. Spoken English ð êÿ î uþ õ ÚÁú Ù Ú xúâ à óÿªùè... URL: Kumar: Why should I do it? Let the company do it. (û ûµù-ë]ªúûª à óÿ«l? ÚÛÙšíF à óÿ«l.) a) Kumar asks why he should do it and says that the company has to do it/ must do it (It is for the company to do it.). b) Kumar asked why he should do it and said that the company had to do it. Kumar said it wasn't his business and that it was for the company to do it. 4) ÖÚÁ\-þ J let ìª command (Îác)ÚÛª ÚÛ«è î è[ê Ù. Íí ±pè[ª report öëº should/ must/ have to/ has to/ had to ú ªhÙC. Rajesh: Let them finish the work by 10. with him. (í C ÚÛö x î üœ x í E í ²Jh à óÿ«l.) Syam said he would n't as he must not a) Rajesh orders that they should finish the leave office then/ as he was not to leave work by 10. office then. b) Rajesh ordered that they should/ must/ had 2) Ramesh: May I know why you stopped Óí ±pèµí ±pè[ª me? LET? to finish the work by 10. 5) Let ìª ÖÚÛ ÍòÅ u-ô nì (request) ÚÛª ÚÛ«è î è[ê Ù. Prasad: Vinod let me have some money please. (NûËÁë û ÚÛª Ú ú h è[ñªs Ï ±y.) Prasad requested Vinod to let him have some money/ requested Vinod for some money. 6) Let êá Eô x ÛuÙ êµlóÿª-â þ hù. Íí ±pè[ª report öëº not care, not mind ú ªhÙC. Let us remind Sneha of it too... Satish: He may report to the police. Rajesh: Let him. When Satish said he might report to the police, Rajesh said he didn't mind/ he didn't care. Let ìª ªìÙ conversation öëº î è ú Ùë]-ô säõª ÏN. II. ªìÙ ÏÙêŸÚÛª ³Ùë]ª êµõª-ú ª-ÚÛª-ÙC: Must, should, have to, has to Ñìo direct speech report à ú ì-í ±pè[ª past tense reporting verb Íô³ê had to Þ «ô ªþ hù. ÏC NCÅÞ, Í -ú ô Ù õxûëá Íô³ê had to Þ «ô ªþ hù. Kesav: I must go now - Direct speech. Kesav said he had to go then - Report (Reporting verb- past). Íô³ê must not ÍE direct speech öëº ÖÚÛ í E à óÿª-úû«è[ë]e ø øœyêÿ E ùëå]ù Ñìo-í ±pè[ª report öëº, reported verb past tense Íô³-ì-í p-æ Ú must not ìª must not Þ û ÑÙàŸªê Ù. ö ÚÛð¼ê wasn't/ weren't to + 1st RDW î è[ê Ù. Reporting verb present tense Íô³ê ú ª úu ö ë]ª. Verb formìª «ô aù. 1) Pran: Why don't you come with me? Syam: No. I must not leave office now. (û E-í ±pè[ª Îíƈú ª CL ô ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª ÏÚÛ\è[ ô ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª Íû C E ù-ëå Eo êµlóÿª-â -þ¼hùc.) Report: Reporting verb - past tense. Pran wanted syam to go (ììªo ÓÙë]ªÚÛª Îð ôá êµõª-ú ª-ÚÁ- à a?) Policeman: You must not cross the road against the red light. ( ôèâ-öµjæëà îµõª-þœª-êÿª-ìo-í ±pè[ª ôáèâ ë å- ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª Eù ë]läù.) Report (Past reporting verb): ÎÙÞœxòÅ ù é 201 Ramesh wanted to know why the policeman had stopped him. The policeman said that he must not cross/ was not to cross the road against the red light. 3) Principal: Students must not be late to classes. Report: (Past reporting verb)- The Principal said/ ruled that the students must not be/ were not to be late to classes. ÍÙç ÖÚÛ E ù-ëå Eo êµlóÿª-â ú Íô nùêá must not î è ê, ÍC report öëº ÚÛ«è must not Þ û ÑÙà þ hù. «ô aù. ÏÚÛ need Nù óÿªù àÿ«ë lù. Need ÚÛª ë ë í ± must Direct Speech Pramila: Let's remember that the party is at 7. Let's start by 6. Let there be no delay. Lakshmi: Let's remind Sneha of it too. Let's call her and tell her that she need not worry about conveyance. We'll pick her up on our way to the party. Pramila: OK. We must not waste any more time now. We must buy some present for the bride and the groom. We must have our faces done up too. Íû Íô nî ª ÑÙC. Need I do it now itself? = Must I do it now itself? = û ìc Ïí ±pè àµóÿ«uö? Need ìª report öëº past formöëº must ö Þ û had to Þ «ô ªþ hù. Naresh: Need I do it now? DEÚ report: Naresh asked if he had to do it then. Need not (need ìª not êá à óÿ«lqì Í -ú ô Ù ö ë]ª Íû Íô nùêá î è -ì-í ±pè[ª), report öëº past tense reporting verb Íô³-ì-í p-æ Ú need not Íû ÑÙà þ hù. ö ÚÛð¼ê wouldn't have to (would not have to) ÍE «ô a- àÿªa. ö ë did not have to ÚÛ«è î è[- àÿªa. a) Ganesh: How long have I to wait? (ÓÙêŸ úí ± ÑÙè L?) Mahesh: You need not wait. Report: Ganesh wanted to know how long he had to wait. Mahesh told him he need not wait/ Would not have to wait/ did not have to wait. b) Sridhar: Need I pay any money now? (Ïí ±pè[ª è[ñªs àµlxù-à -Lqì Í -ú ô Ù ÑÙë?) Sri Ram: You need not pay a single paisa now. (ìª ±y ÖÚÛ šíjú ÚÛ«è àµlxù-à -Lqì Í -ú ô Ù ö ë]ª.) Report: Sridhar wanted to know if he had to pay any money then. Sri Ram told him that need not pay a single paisa then/ did not have/ did not need to pay a single paisa then. ÏO must not, need, need not ìª reporting verb past tense êá report à úåí ±pè[ª Þœªô ªhÙàŸªÚÁî Lqì Nù -óÿ«õª. Now let us try to report a part of the conversation at the beginning of the lesson (see table)... Reporting Verb (Present) Pramila reminds Lakshmi that the party is at 7 and suggests that they (should) start by 6. She wants no delay. Lakshmi suggests they (should) remind Sneha of it too. She suggests that they (should) call her and tell her that she need not worry about conveyance. They will pick her up on their way to the party. Pramila agrees and says they must not waste any more time then. They must buy some present for the bride and the groom. They must have their faces done up too. Report (Spoken form) Reporting Verb (Past) Pramila reminded Lakshmi that the party was at 7 and suggested that they (should) start by 6. She wanted no delay. (suggest/ sugested êÿô yêÿ Óí ±pè[«should + 1st RDW Þ E/ ÖÚÛ\ 1st RDW Þ F ú ªhÙC.) Lakshmi suggested that they (should) remind Sneha of it too. She suggested that they (should) call her and tell her that she need not/ did not have to worry about conveyance. They would pick her up on their way to the party. Pramila agreed and said that they must not waste/ were not to waste any more time then. They had to buy some present for the bride and the groom. They had to have their faces done up too.

112 ÎCî ô Ù 20 ÎÞœú ªd 2006 Ðû è[ª šïj ë]ô ò ëâ II GENERAL INTELLIGENCE 1. If PALAM could be given the code no 43, what code no can be given to SAN- TACRUZ? A) 123 B) 120 C) 85 D) If diamond is called gold, gold is called silver, silver is called ruby and ruby is called emerald, which is the cheapest jewel? A) Diamond B) Silver C) Ruby D) Gold 3. If water is called blue, blue is called red, red is called white, white is called sky, sky is called rain, rain is called green and green is called air, which of the following is the colour milk? A) White B) Sky C) Air D) Green 4. Find the missing number? 5 6? A) 69 B) 93 C) 99 D) none of these 5. Find the missing number? ? A) 8 B) 10 C) 12 D) 20 (Directions 6 to 7) choose the best alternative as the answer. 6. A hospital always has a A) Nurse B) Bed C) Doctor D) Telephone 7. A hill always has A) Trees B) Animals C) Snow D) Height 8. Five boys took part in race. Rakesh finished before Manoj but behind Gajanan. Ashok finished before Sanjeev but behind Manoj. Who won the race? A) Rakesh B) Gajanan C) Manoj D) Ashok 9. Gopal is facing east. He turns 100 o in the clock wise direction and then 145 o in the anti clock wise direction. Which direction is he facing now? A) East B) North C) North to East D) South to West 10. Rahul goes to 30 meters North, then turns right and walks 40 meters then again turns right and walks 20 meters, than again turns right and walks 40 meters. How many meters is he from his original position? A) 0 B) 10 C) 20 D) A direction pole was situated on the crossing. Due to an accident the pole turns in such a manner that the pointer which was showing east, started showing south. One traveller went to the wrong direction thinking it to be the west. In what direction was he actually travelling? A) South B) North C) East D) West 12. One evening before sunset two friends Sham and Ram were talking to each other face to face. If Ram's shadow was exactly to his right side which direction was Sham facing? A) West B) North C) South D) Data in adequate 21. 3,10,29,74,? 13. Abdul ranked ninth from the top and A) 128 B) 120 C) 1270 D) 173 thirty eighth from the bottom in a class , 6, 12, 20, 30,? How many students are there in the A) 42 B) 40 C) 36 D) 44 class A) 46 B) 47 C) 48 D) If 123 stands for 987, than 234 stands for? 14. In a class of 60, where girls are twice A) 876 B) 786 C) 785 D) 867 that of boys, Kunal ranked seventeenth from the top. If there are 9 girls ahead of 24. If LADY is coded as , how will MAN be coded? kunal, how many boys are after him in A) B) the rank? C) D) A) 5 B) 7 C) 9 D) If I am sixth in the queue from either and 15. A bus for Pune leaves for every 30 minutes from a bustand in Mumbai. Enquiry how many persons are in the queue? A) 12 B) 10 C) 13 D) 11 clerk told a passenger that the bus had already left 10 minutes ago and the next bus will leave at 9.35 am. At what time did the enquiry clerk give this information 26. If 10th of a month falls three days preceding Sunday on what day will 22nd of the month fall? to the passenger? A) Tuesday B) Friday A) 8.55 am B) 9.05 am C) Wednesday D) Thursday C) 9.10 am D) 9.15am 27. Raju's Birthday is on the third Thursday 16. A monkey climbs 30 feet at the beginning of each hour and rests for a while of the month which begins on Monday what is the birth date of Raju? when, he slips back 20 feet before he A) 15 B) 16 C)25 D) Non of these again starts climbing at the beginning of the next hour. If he begins at 9.00 am, at what time will he first touch a flag at 120 feet from the ground? 28. If Rahul finds that he is 12th from the right in a line of boys and 14th from the left, how many boys should be added to the lines so that there are 28 boys in the A) 5.00pm B) 6.00pm line? C) 7.00pm D) None of A) 12 B) 13 C) 14 these 17. Find the missing number? D) A bus for Delhi leaves every thirty minutes from a bus stand. An enquiry clerk told a passenger that the bus had KASEEM JAGATI already left ten minutes ago and the next bus will 6 12 leave at 9.35a.m. At what time did the enquiry R R B 16? clerk give the information to the passenger? A) 9.10 a.m B) 8.55 a.m C) 9.08 a.m D) 9.15 a. m One morning after sunrise, Gangadar was standing facing a pole. The shadow A) 60 B) 50 of the pole fell exactly to his right, which C) 25 D) None of these direction was he facing? 18. I was born August 11. Mohan is younger A) East B) South then me by 11 days. This year, independence day falls on Monday. On what day C) West D) Data inadequate will Mohan's birthday fall this year? 31. In an examination Raj got more marks than Moti but not as many as meena. A) Monday B) Wednesday Meena got more marks than Ganesh C) Sunday D) Can't say and Rupali, Ganesh got less marks than 19. If Ram is richer then Shyam but not so Moti but his marks are not the lowest in rich as mohan then Sham is? the group. Who is second in ascending A) Poorer than Ram B) Richer than Mohan order of marks? A) Meena B) Ganesh C) Poorer than Mohan D) Richer than Ram C) Raj D) Cannot be determined (Directions 32-36) Read the following bags A, B, C, D and E are Lying in pile information carefully and answer the questions given below: one above the other if A is above B, C is above D but below E and D is above A, which bag is in middle? 1. There is a group of six persons A, B, C, A) A B) B C) D D) E D, E and F from a family. They are Psychologist, Manager lawyer, Jeweller, Doctor and Engineer. 2. The doctor is the grandfather of F, who is a Psychologist. 3. The Manager 'D' is married to A 4. C, the jeweller is married to the lawyer. 5. B is the mother of F and E, 32. what is the profession of the E A) Doctor B) Manager C) Psychologist D) None of these 33. How is A related to E A) Brother B) Uncle C) Father D) Grandfather 34. How many male members are there in the family A) One B) Three C) Four D) Can't determined 35. what is the profession of A A) Doctor B) Lawyer C) Manager D) None of these 36. Which of the following is one of the pairs of coupe in the family A) AB B) AC C) AD D) None of these. DIRECTIONS (37-41) : Notice carefully the following series and answer the questions based on them. A G L 2 0 K WC 3 R M N P D 4 H S T Y OE 6 Q U N F B K V Which is the seventh letter from your right? A) H B) Q C) T D) None of the above 38. If the first half is written in the reverse order then which number / letter will be third from the right to the 21st letter from your right? A) P B) U C) L D) W 39. Which amongst the following will be 5th from the 12th from the left if every second position is removed beginning from 2? A) M B) V C) S D) 3 E) None of these 40. One day immediately after sunrise, Gandadhar was standing in front of a pole.the shadow of the pole was falling exactly to his right. Which direction was he facing? A) East B) South C) West D) Date inadequate E) None of these K E Y 1) A 2) C 3) B 4) B 5) C 6) C 7) D 8) B 9) C 10) B 11) B 12) C 13) A 14) D 15) D 16) C 17) C 18) A 19) C 20) C 21) D 22) A 23) A 24) B 25) D 26)C 27) D 28) B 29) D 30) B 31) B 32) D 33) D 34) D 35) A 36) C 37) C 38) C 39) E 40) A. (ô àÿô³êÿ šïj ë]ô ò ëâöëºe Ú úˆîâªq ú dè ú J\öËÀ èµj ôúûdôâ)

113 - çí - Ωç 22 -Çí Ææ d 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Vikas: (Do you) fancy eating something? (àüájø AØ - - çü?) fancy = É æ dç/é æ d- æ-úøôç. Conversational English apple ç ö«xúë x v æ o- -úõ-íí--ô æ p-úø Do you/ would you- (question v ƒ Ωç- µºç apple úë ô ) C- --ߪ - îª a.  j brackets apple (Do you) îª œ Nüµ çí. eg: a) Mind waiting for sometime = Do/Would you mind waiting for sometime? Mind = Å µºuç-ûª Ωç b) Like some coffee = Do/would you like some coffee? ( í èπ «í æj-îªßª ç Ö o xûóí F, Åçûª serious conversation é - - æ púø é F, É «Do you/ would you C- Æœ ö«x-úõûë Ææ æ«ïçí Öçúøô Ë é èπ ç-ú ç ö«xúë xûó - - ƒeo- œ«-û ueo èπÿú ûá - æ -ûª çc.) Suhas: Yea. I do feel like it. You do too, don't you? And how about some real good coffee to go with it? (Å. Ø èπ AØ - ØË -ÖçC. Fèπÿ\ú éπü? ü çûó- ƒô ç* é èπÿú BÆæ èπ ç-ü?) ç É æp-öà- - Ωèπÿ do, does and did í -Jç-* ûá -Ææ -èπ - o -N- æ-ߪ Ó ƒ-j -ØÁ- Ω - ËÆæ èπ ç-ü ç. 1st Regular Doing Word (come, go, sing, etc) not ûóí F, question ûóé F úõ- - æ púø do Ææ hçü F, II Regular Doing Word (goes, comes, sings, etc) not ûóé F question -ûó é F úõ- - æ púø does Ææ hç-ü F, Past Doing Word (came, went, sang) not ûó é F question ûó é F úõ- - æ púø did Ææ hç--c -Å-E -ûá-- Ææ èπ -Ø oç. Å ûë do, does, did not - æ púø, question é - æ púø èπÿú úø - ûª çö«ç ñ«ví -ûªhí í -Eç-îªçúÕ. I do know him well - Ééπ\úø not ü. ÉC question é ü. Å Ø do know Åçô Ø oç. ÉC ûª æ p é ü Ø éπ-ûª ûá Ææ (-ûá-l-ߪ -éπ- Ú-- ô- Ë çöà?) ÅØË N æ-ߪ Eo í öàdí ØÌéÀ\ îá æpôç. I know him well Å ôç éπø o I do know him well Åçõ Åûª Ø èπ «í ûá Ææ ÅE ÉçéÌçîÁç í öàdí îá æpôç. She does sing well (She sings well) Ééπ\úø èπÿú She does sing well Åçõ Ç Á éπ*aûªçí «í ƒúø -ûª ç-ü E ØÌéÀ\ îá æpôç. Å «Íí I did see him yesterday Åçõ (I saw him yesterday) ØË ûª æp-èπ çú Åûª-úÕ-E - E í öàdí (Emphasis ûó) îá æpôç. ÉN O conversation apple practice îëߪ ôç î «êuç. -É- «-îëêæh O µ«æ effectiveí Öçô çc. Vikas: Sure. Suggest a good place where we get real good stuff (éπ*aûªçí. ç* æ - æ Ωç, é üìjíé àüájø ç* îóô îá æ p) (Real good stuff- Eïçí èπ îëaô x ç*í ÖçúË Ææ h.) (Ééπ\úø æ - æ Ωç, é. S} í Ω h îëææ hø oç. öà œø English ô é ü. æ - æ Ωç/Ö ƒ- æ -EéÀ ÆæÈ j English ô Snack/ refreshment. - í Å ûë Some thing to eat; Any thing to eat? Åçö«Ω. Any eats? Let's have some eats ÅE èπÿú informal í Åçö«Ω. Suhas: Nikhil often says that Cafe 'Shadruchi' is the place for good eats and coffee. Shall we go there? (Cafe 'Shadruchi' ç* æ - æ - - èπÿ, coffee éà ÆæÈ j îóô (The place) ÅE E" ûª Ωîª Åçô ç-ö«úø. Åéπ\-úÕéÀ Á «l? Cafe' - pronunciation - éπuâ ß éπu bank apple ba «í = ææ - æ - Ω-». í Íé ˇ ÅE pronounce îëææ hç-ö«ω ÆæJ-é ü.) Vikas: That suits me fine. Let's go (Ø éà- æ d Ë. Á «lç æü.) Suhas: Well, What does Nikhil say about our trip to Tirupathi and other places in South India? (Do you) Know any thing about what he is doing about it? (ÅC ÆæÍ. ç A Ω - æ-aéà Éûª Ω îóôxèπ èπÿú Á «x- - -èπ Ø oç éπü. -Ç -N æߪ ç í -Jç-* -E-"- à ç-ô -Ø oúø? ü E í -Jç-* àç îëææ h- Ø oúø?) Vikas: It isn't going to be a problem at all, he says. He is in touch, he has told me, with the travel agency which his uncle runs. (ÅüËç Ææ Ææu é ü ç-ô -Ø o-úø-ûª. x -Åçèπ - - úõê -vö«- Á- -à-ï-fqûó Ææçv æ-c-ææ h--- o-ô x îá ƒpúø.) Be in touch - Ææç çüµ ç  ô d-éó- ôç/ ö«xúø ûª Öçúøôç/ Contact apple Öçúøôç. Suhas: When did he say he would confirm things? (ÅEo N æ-ߪ - í -Jç-* éπ*aûªçí -á æ p-úø - -îá- -û - -Ø o-úø.) Confirm - éπø æ æ- bird apple «í.- Vikas: He expects to have everything planned Å «Íí Nikhil í ûªç apple îá œp N æߪ ç Vikas á «report îëææ h-ø oúø? It is not going to be a problem at all, he says. Says- present tense apple report îëææ h-ø oúø. ÅçûË-é ü ç report îëêæ--ô æ púø He says ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. Ééπ\úø he says, reported part * Ω ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Å «Íí, He is in touch, he has told me, with the travel agency which his uncle runs. ÅØË sentence apple èπÿ-ú í Å ûë he has told me - éπuç ç-ü L. é F Ééπ\úø üµ u apple *açc éπü. ÉC èπÿú -Ççí x-- µ«- æ-ù- apple ÆæÈ j- -üë. a) The exams won't be postponed, the princi- by this weekend, he says. That'll give us pal says. enough time for preparation. 'Íé- ˇ é -ü... 'éπuâ -ß (Ñ çû EéÀ - ƒx-ø îëߪ ôç æ Ωh- --ûª ç-ü E ÅØ oúø. èπ ûªßª - Ω-- y-ö«-eéà Ææ-J- æ-ú Ææ ߪ ç Öçô çc.) Suhas: What were the places we would be visiting, did he say? ( ç Á Ï} -v æ-üë-»-- -N- -- Á i-ø îá ƒp-ú?) Vikas: I don't exactly remember. Any way, he will be meeting us this evening. (Ø èπ éπ*aûªçí í Ω h ü. àüë- Á iø úø Lo ƒßª çvûªç éπ -Ææ -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø.) ç Éçûª Ωèπÿ Direct Speech - report îëߪ ôç îª -»ç. Reporting verb present tense, past tense - apple -á- «-J- Ú d -îë-ߪ - apple -îª --»ç éπ-ü. É æ púø O Ω îªü - - apple-ßë -N ñ«ví ûªhí í -Eç-îªç-úÕ a) Nagesh: So, you are going to do MBA. (Å ûë y -áç-g-à îëߪ - apple-ûª -Ø o- - o- ô). Rajesh: Yes. I am (Å.) Nagesh: Have you talked to your dad about it? (Ç N æߪ ç O Ø oí JûÓ ö«x-ú?) Rajesh: Yes. I have ( ö«x-ú.) Nagesh: What does he say? (Çߪ -ØË- ç-ô -Ø oúø?) Rajesh: He says he prefers my doing MCA to doing MBA. ( ØË MBA éπø o MCA îëߪ ôç better ÅE -Ç-ߪ - ç-ô -Ø o Ω.) Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple Rajesh ûª Course N æߪ ç ö«xúø-ôç í ûªç apple ïj-t N æߪ ç. Å Ø Nagesh Åûª- -úõ-e -à- -úø -í -ûª -Ø oúø? What does he say? ÅE. (Ééπ\úø does say ) (=says) present tense apple Öçúøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Å «Íí Rajesh x Ø o í ûªç apple îá œp N æ-ߪ Eo èπÿú He says ÅE present tense apple îá æpôç --O Ω í -EçîË Öçö«Ω. ÉC English apple î «Ææ Ωy ƒüµ - Ωùç. -É- «-Å- -ôç ûª æ p é ü. B) Sunder: Does the Principal know about your excursion programme? (O N æ - Ω-ߪ vûª í -Jç-* O -v œ-eq æ- èπ ûá ƒ?) Sumanth: He does (ûá Ææ.) Sundar: What does he say about it? (-ü -Eí -Jç-* -Ç-ߪ - à ç-ô -Ø oúø?) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù Sumanth: He has given us permission but wants us to be careful during the journeys. ( Çߪ èπ -Å- - -A Éî aúø. é -F v æߪ -ù«applex ñ«ví ûªhí Öçúø- -Ø oúø ). (ÅÆæ Å Ωnç éó Ω -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø.) Ñ conversation apple èπÿú ç îª ÊÆ-üËçöÀ? Principal -à -Ø o Ω í ûªç Å Ø English apple What does he say - Present úø -ûª Ø oç. Å «Íí He wants us ÅE S} present úø -ûª Ø oç. É-C ç í Ω hç-îª -éó- -Lq N æߪ ç. Spoken English apple É «past conversation report îëêæ-ô- æ púø èπÿú present tense úë ƒhç. ÉC ñ«ví -ûªhí practice îëêæh English Åçü çí, Ææ æ«ïçí Öçô çc. C) Kumar: I (have) asked my mother to come, but she says she will not come. (-ØË- Å t- Ω t-ø o. é F -çc ( ç-öappleçc ûá -í apple èπÿú É «Íí Åçö«ç éπü ) Ñ sentence 'I have asked my mother... not come; Kumar x tûó á æ púó ö«xúõ- ûª Ω- ûª x t - æ púø report îëææ hø o, she says Å ôç í -Eç-î L. ÉüË µ«eo ÉçéÓ Nüµ çí É «îá Òpîª a Kesav: I asked my mother to come. But she said she would not come. 202 d) Sampath: Did you see the doctor? (ú éπd-jo Ææç-v æ-cç-î -?) Shanmukh: I did. He says the disease is not serious. (éπ-l». ÉC Åçûª Bv - Á iç-üëo é ü çô -Ø oúø / é ü -Ø oúø.) ÉC (Past event Present apple report îëߪ ôç) î «ƒüµ - Ωùç. Now look at the following part of the conversation at the beginning of the passage. Suhas: Well, what does Nikhil say about our trip to Tirupathi and other places in South India? What is he doing about it? Vikas: It isn't going to be a problem at all, he says. He is in touch, he has told with the travel agency which his uncle runs. Ééπ\úø èπÿú îª Ææ hø oç éπü. a) Nikhil - æ púø E" à - od, Suhas á «Åçô -Ø oúø? What does Nikhil say about...? b) The students answer was wrong, the teacher says. ç Å æ p-úø- æ púø Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple á -J-ØÁjØ x Ê Ω È çúó- ƒj îá æp- çö«ç. -D-EéÀ é Ω-ùç Ÿx Á ü -ô-îá- œp- - æ púø ÆæJí N -éπ- Ú- ôç - -ü NE J-*- Ú- ôç - x. Å æ púë çö«ç. O Ê Í - ç-ô -Ø o Ω? / O J-éπ\-úÕ-éÌ- *aç-üá- æ p-úø-ø o Ω? É «çöà v æ o Ééπ\úø îª úøçúõ. a) What did you say your name was? Look at the following words of Suhas from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. i) Suhas: When did he say he would confirm things? (Åûª -èπ -Å-Eo N æ-ߪ éπ*aûªçí á æ púø îá ƒh- -Ø oúø?) ii) Suhas: What were the places we would be visiting, did he say? ( ç Á Ïx Ü Ÿ} à E îá ƒpúø?) Å «Íí When did you say the meeting would be? (Meeting á æ p-úø ç-ô ç-ü ç-ô -Ø o?) ( S} îá æ p ÅE) Ñ úø Åç» í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ. 1) Spoken English form apple äéó\- ƒ-j í ûªç apple ïj-t- -Åç-»- - report îëêæ-ô- æ púø èπÿú Present reporting verbs He/she says, They feel; they want; he/she wants «çöà öàe úõûë «í ç-ô çc. 2) Conversation apple ç report îëߪ -ú -EéÀ úë He says, they said, he/she told (some one) «çöàn sentence ç-ü é èπ çú sentence * Ω, üµ u apple é F îª a. 3) ç á -J-ØÁjØ à-üájø È çúó- ƒj Åúø-í - - -èπ - o- æ púø What did he say his name was? «çöà sentence pattern -úøû ç. Exercise: Report (aloud) the whole conversation at the beginning of this lesson, with the reporting verb in the present as well as in the past tense.

114 -í Ω Ωç 24 -Çí Ææ d 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Sravya: You look gorgeous today. What a beautiful dress you are in! Who selected it for you? (-Ñ Ó-V y î «Åçü çí éπ-e- œææ hø o F -vúáæˇ áçûª Åçü çí ÖçüÓ! á Ω ÂÆ- é d îë» Ω -DEo?) gorgeous (Pronunciation: 'í ïæˇ 'í ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç) = î «Åçü çí Çéπ- Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ çí Ö o. áèπ \- í American usage.) Lasya: That's my own selection. (ÅC Ø áç œíé.) Sravya: This is more beautiful than the one you wore for Kavya's birthday party. (é - u æ -öàd- Ó-V - ƒ-kdéà - y - ËÆæ èπ - o - vúáæˇ éπø o ÉC Åçü çí ÖçC.) Lasya: But Navya's dress was the most beautiful that day. (é F Ç ÓV u-vúáæˇ ÅEoöapplex Åçü çí ÖçC.) Sravya: And you know she is the tallest of all of us too. That made her the lovelier than any other girl there. (ÅçûË é èπ çú ûª ç-ü -J apple Òúø- éπü. Åçü - x -Ç Ó-V Éûª- Ω çü J-éπçõ Åçü çí Öç-ü éπ\-úø.) Lovely= beautiful= Åçü - Á i. Lasya: We have another party coming. ( èπ ûªy Ω- apple-øë ÉçéÓ ƒkd ÖçC.) Sravya: Who is giving that and what's the occasion? (á -J-Ææ h-ø o Ω? Ææçü Ωs ç àçöà?) Lasya: Divya is giving it. She has got the 25th rank in CAT. (C u É ÚhçC. Common Admission Test (CAT) apple 25 uçé *a- ç-ü èπ.) Sravya: I'm not at all surprised. She is the cleverest girl among our friends who took the test. (-Åç-ü - apple -Ç a Ωuç ü. Ç -õ Æˇd Æœ vâ ç-ú q Åçü - Óx ûª Åûªuçûª ûál-- Áj-çC.) Lasya: Her brother is even clever than she (her). Last year he got the 18th rank in the IIT entrance test. (Ç Á -Å- o-ߪ u Ç Á éπçõ ûál- Áj - úø. í -ûëú C -â-â-öã -áç-võ -Ø q -õ Æˇd apple Åûª--úÕéÀ 18 uçé *açc.) Sravya: Yea. No other candidate's rank in the town is so good as his. (Å. Ñ Ü Ω Á ûªhç apple á Jéà -Åç-ûª - ç-* uçé - -ü.) Lasya: All of them are quite smart. Few parents are as lucky as they, in having such children. ( Rxçöapplex Åçü Ω ûál-n-í - - Ïx. Åçûª Åü %- æ d- ç-ûª -- j ûªlx-ü ç-vúø ü ü - æ -Öç-úø Ω.) smart= ƒtö Å Ωnç Åçü - Á i -ü Ææ h- applex Çéπ- Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ çí Öçúøôç. Ééπ\úÕ Å Ωnç ûál-n-í. Sravya: Her elder sister is brighter than all of them but no so hardworking, ( x Åéπ\ߪ u -Åç-ü -J-éπçõ ûál-n-í C. é F Åçûª éπ æ d- æúõ æe-îë-êæc é ü.) Lasya: They're all sure of good careers. That's a thing to be happy about. ( xèπ ç* Nü u, ÖüÓu-í ûªü uç. - Å-C ÆæçûÓ- œç-î -Lq N æߪ ç.) í -EçîË Öçö«Ω :  j conversation Åçû ÚLéπ (comparison) v æ ƒh- ØË éπü. -E-ûªu -@-N-ûªç- apple ç Ú a-èπ çú à Ææç µ«- æù èπÿú Öçúø-üË Á éπü. äéπ Ææ h Ø ùuûª, üµ Ω, ÅüË ûª Ω-í AéÀ -îáç-c- Éûª Ω Ææ h Ø ùu-ûª, -üµ ΩûÓ, äéπ uéàhí ù«-, Çé Ωç, íì æp--ü ç, Éûª Ω uèπ h Çé Ωç, íì æp--ü ç, í ù«- ûó ÚLa à-c, á Ω áèπ \ Ó E l - Ω-ùèπ -ô Á, èπ çõ í öàdí Cç-îª -éó- -ô Á îëææ hçö«ç éπü. Spoken English apple Ñ ÚL-éπ - -á- «uéπh æ Ω - ƒh Á îª ü lç. - í Grammar apple Å ûë DEo Degrees of comparisons Åçö«- ΩE ç-ü -Jéà ûá Ææ. Åçõ Å Ωnç Ææ h- - uèπ h- ÚLa ûª Ω-ûª - µ -ü E Ωg- ç-îªôç. These are the comparisons made in the conversation at the beginning of this lesson. 1) This (Lasya's today's dress) is more beautiful than the one you wore for Kavya's birth day party. (ÉC Oy- ÓV ËÆæ èπ - o dress Kavya birthday party éà ËÆæ èπ - o -vúáæˇ éπø o Åçü çí ÖçC.) 2) But Navya's dress was the most beautiful est that day= Å ûë Ç ÓV Åçü J -vúáæˇ applex - - u -vúáæˇ * Ω îëa superlative degree forms. b) finest, simplest, nicest, etc- Åûªuçûª Åçü çí ÖçC. ÉN * Ω 'st' îëa superlative degree forms. 3)... She is the tallest of all of us too. c) (ÅçûË é èπ çú ç-ü -J apple ûª Åûªuçûª Òúø-.) YûÓ Åçûª- ßË u ô N æ-ߪ ç apple * Ω Y 4) That made her lovelier than any other girl ÅC -Ç- Á - Éûª- Ω éπø o Åçü çí ÖçúË «îëæœçc. 5) She is the cleverest girl among our friends who took the test. (Ç -õ -Æˇd Æœ -vâ ç-ú q -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù Åçü -J apple Ç Á Åûªuçûª ûál- ÁjçC) ) Her Brother is even cleverer than she. Ç Á -Å- o-ߪ u Ç Á éπçõ èπÿú ûál Áj úø. BÊÆÆœ, iest éπl œûë superlative form Å -ûª çc. 7) No other candidate's rank in the town is so healthiest (healthy); wealthiest,(wealthy) (as) good as his. costliest (costly) etc. Ü Óx à Éûª Ω Å µºujn uçé èπÿú Åûª-úÕ uçéπçûª d) ç*c é ü. fulûó Åçûª- ßË u ô- -Eoç-öÀéÀ, öà çü Ω îáê p æ-ü l -A Ë Ω...ÅçûË! 8) Few Parents are as lucky as they. Åçûª Åü %- æ d- ç-ûª - j ûªlx-ü ç-vúø ü ü æ Öçúø Ω. 9) Her elder sister is brighter than all of them but not so hard working. x Åéπ\ xç-ü J éπçõ ûál- ÁjçC é F Åçûª v - æ-úëc é ü.  Ω éπü Comparisons: Ú aôç English apple úø Nüµ -. -Åç-õ úø degrees apple îë ƒh Ω. 1) Positive degree 2) Comparative degree 3) Superlative degree (Degrees of comparison adjectives èπ, adverbs èπÿ Öçö«. Adjectives Ææ h- --, uèπ -, v æüë-»-, ïçûª - -, - Á -ü - j- - -öà í ù-í -ù«ûálê ô.) eg: Tall, short, fine, beautiful, good, bad etc. O-ô-Eoç-öÀéÀ Å, Å - -ô - çöà ÅE, Ö o ÅE, Å Ωnç Ææ hçc. tall = Òúø- Áj, á-ûákh-, short = ÒöÀdí Ö o, fine = Çéπ- Ω{-ùÃߪ - Á i, etc) Adverbs Åçõ, verb -îëêæ æ á «ïjí ÅØË N æߪ ç- ûá-lê ô äéπ í ùç à Ë - Ωèπ ÖçC ÅE ûá-lê ô èπÿú adverbs.) Look at the following. a) No other actor is so tall as Amitabh Bachchan. (à Éûª Ω ô úø ÅN -û - -îªaø Åçûª Ò-úø- é ü.) Ééπ\úø We are comparing all other actors with Amitabh - ÚLa á Ω èπÿú Amitabh Åçûª Ò-úø- é -ü ÅE Åçô Ø oç Not so tall as ÅE Ééπ\úø tall positive degree. b) Amitabh is taller than any other actor/all other actors. (ÅN -û à Éûª Ω ô -úõ/-n -í û Åçü Ω ô - -éπø o Ò-úø-.) Ééπ\úø èπÿú we are comparing all other actors with Amitabh. }-éπø o Éûª Ò-úø- Åçô Ø oç. Amitabh is taller than - Ééπ\úø taller, comparative degree. 1) Amitabh is the tallest of all actors - Åçü Ω ô -- applex Amitabh Åûªuçûª Ò-úø-. Ééπ\úø we are comparing all other actors with Amitabh - xçü J apple Éûª Åûªuçûª Ò-úø- Åçô Ø oç. Ééπ\úø tallest superlative degree. ÉC í -Eç-îªçúÕ. 1) * Ω +est, +st í F ÊÆh ÅCsuperlative degree. a) tallest, highest, shortest, slightest, etc. ÉN most îëjêæh superlative form Å -ûª çc. i) beautiful - most beautiful (superlative) ii) skilful - most skilful (superlative) iii) pitiful - most pitiful ( superlative ) e) éìeo Éûª Ω ô- èπ èπÿú, çü most îë Ωaôç x superlative Ææ hçc.(interested - most interested; jealous - most jealous) COMPARATIVE DEGREE * Ω, -er, -r, -ier í F çü more í F ÊÆh ÅC comparative Å -ûª çc. i) Superlative form îëߪ -ö«-eéà 'est' éπlê ô- - Eoç-öÀéÃ, comparative form îëߪ -ö«-eéà 'er' éπ æ û ç. DIRECT SPEECH Lakshmi: I need not have the facial. I had it done just yesterday. Pramila: We have to go to the bank or the ATM too. we have to draw some money. Lakshmi: We need not. I have enough cash. Pramila: Then we had better hurry up. Lakshmi: Need I get money now or do you have it? Pramila: I think the money I have should be enough. You need not get any. Lakshmi: We must not spend much time there. We have to get back to make other arrangements. Superlative tallest highest Comparative taller higher b) 'st' éπl œ superlative form îëêæ ô- -Eo-çöÀéÃ, '-r ' éπ-l œ comparative form îë ƒhç. Superlative finest simplest nicest Comparative simpler finer nicer c) YûÓ Åçûª- ßË u ô N æ-ߪ ç apple, Y BÊÆÆœ iestûó superlative form îëêæ «í ØË, ier éπl œ comparative form îë ƒhç. Superlative healthiest costliest Comparative healthier costlier d) -fulûó Åçûª- ßË æü - èπÿ, most ç-ü  öàd superlative form îëêæ æü - --Eoç-öÀéÃ, more ç-ü úõûë, comparative form Å -ûª çc. Superlative Comparative most beautiful more beautiful most interested more interested î «êuçí í Ω hç-îª -éó- -Lq N æߪ ç. ç à degree úõ-ø äéπõ Å Ωnç L. Positive Åçõ ÅE, comparative Åçõ é Ææh áèπ \ ÅF, superlative Åçõ ÅEoç-öÀ-éπØ o áèπ \ ÅF Å -éó- ôç î - «Â ü l - Ò- Ω- ƒô. Ñ degrees of comparison úõçöapplex, degree - positive Å Ø, comparative Å Ø, superlative Å Ø Å Ωnç äéπõ. Å «äéπõ Å - - æ púë ç correct í ö«x-úõ- ô d. Å ûë ç positive degree apple îá ƒp apple, comparative apple îá ƒp apple, superlative apple îá ƒp apple áç œ-éπ öàd, Ææçü - s Eo öàd Öçô çc. îª úøçúõ: a) He is the tallest boy in the class (Superlative) = - é xæˇ Åçü -J-- apple Åûª-úø Ò-úø-. b) He is taller than any other boy/ all other boys, in the class (comparative) = é xæˇ apple à Éûª Ω/ Éûª Ω boys Åçü -J éπø o Åûª-úø Ò-úø-. c) No other boy in the class as so as tall as he (positive) = é xæˇ apple ÉçÈé- Ω èπÿú Åûª- çûª Ò-úø- é ü. ÅEo degrees Å Ωnç äéπõ îáê p æ-ü l -A Ë Ω.ÅçûË. Answer to Exercise under lesson No 201 REPORT (Spoken ) Reporting Verb Present tense Reporting Verb Past tense Lakshmi says she need not have the Lakshmi said she need not/ did not facial. She had it done the day before. need to have the facial. She had had it done the day before. Pramila says they have to go to the bank or the ATM too as they have to draw some money. Lakshmi says that they need not, as she has enough cash. Pramila suggests they had better hurry up. Lakshmi wants to know if she has to get the money now or if she has it. Pramila says she thinks the money she has should be enough and that Lakshmi need not get any. Lakshmi says that they must not spend much time there as they have to get back to make other arrangements. Pramila said they had to go to the bank or the ATM as they had to draw some money. Lakshmi said that they need not/ did not need to, as she had enough cash. Pramila suggested they had better hurry up. Lakshmi wanted to know if she had to get the money then or if she had it. Pramila said she thought the money she had should be enough and that Lakshmi need not/ did not need to get any money. Lakshmi said that they must not spend much time there as they had to get back to make other arrangements.

115 ÎCî ô Ù 27 ÎÞœú ªd 2006 Ðû è[ª šïj ë]ô ò ëâ -2 Sundar: I feel that the food here is better than that in any other restaurant in this area. What do you think? (Ð vð ÙêŸÙö˺ Ñìo ÏêŸô ôþ d- ôùåx ÚÛÙç ÏÚÛ\è[ íæ õï ô Ù ò ÞœªÙ-åªÙ-ë]-ìª-ÚÛªÙ-åªû o. ìªî y ªìª-ÚÛªÙ-åªû oîëâ?) Madan: You're right. This is the best eatery around here. (ìª ±y àµí pùc Eáî ª! Ð àÿªåªd-í -ÚÛ\õ Ïë ªÙ#C.) Sundar: The worst of all is the eatery next to the post office. You get sick once you eat any thing there. (Î ð¼þ d-íæˆú ª í ÚÛ\ì ÑìoC ÍEoÙæ ÚÛÙç ÍëÅ]- ª-iÙC. ÖÚÛ-þ J ÍÚÛ\è[ Ôëµjû AÙç î Ù꟪ö!) sick = áñªsþ ÑÙè[è[Ù ÓÚÛª\ Þ Ð Íô nùêá î è[ê Ù. Íô³ê sick = î ÙA Íó ªuåªxÞ ÑÙè[è[Ù ÍE ÚÛ«è Íô nù ÑÙC. I am sick of these movies. (Ð ú E- «-õù-ç û û ÚÛª î ÙêŸ-ó ªuåªx ÑÙC.) Once you eat there you get sick. (ÍÚÛ\è[ AÙç î ÙêŸ-ó ªu-åªxÙ-åªÙC.) Madan: No, I don't agree there. There are other restaurants which are worse than that one. (Î Nù -óÿªùöëº û ìª Öí ±p-úáìª. ÍÚÛ\è[ Ñìo ÏÙÚ Eo íæ õï -ô -ø -õõª ë E-ÚÛû o ÍëÅ y-ìùþ Ñû oô³.) Sundar: But I can tell you this. As no other place are idlis so (as) bad as at that place. (Ú F ÖÚÛæ «vêÿù àµí p-þœ-õìª. ÏÚÛ\-è[ªìoÙêŸ àµêÿhþ Ïè xõª ÏÙ Ú-ÚÛ\è ÑÙè[ ±.) Madan: That is true, perhaps. OK. How good is the novel which you finished yesterday? (ÍC Eáî ª! ú ô! Eìo ìª ±y í ²Jh à ú ì ì õ ò ÞœªÙë?) Sundar: It's easily the best I have read in years. (Ú Eo ú Ù -êÿq-ô õªþ û ìª àÿc-nì ì õöëºx Ïë Þ í pc.) Madan: Is it better than the one I gave you last week? (û ìª FÚÛª ÞœêŸ-î ô Ù Ï#aì ì õ ÚÛû o ÚÛ«è ò ÞœªÙë?) Sundar: I told you, no other novel I have read in years is so good as this one. (àµð pìªþ! Ú Eo ú Ù -êÿq-ô -õªþ û ìª àÿc- Nì Ô ì õ ÚÛ«è ÏÙêŸ Þ í pþ ö ë]e.) ví øœo: 1. An unused old temple was given to Mother Theresa ÍE IX Class English text book (page no. 45) öëº àÿc-î ìª. ÏÚÛ\è[ unused ÚÛª ñë]ªõª disused ÍE ÑÙè L ÚÛë N -JÙ-àŸÙè. 2. Idioms with backgrounds book Ôëµjû ÑÙç ú «#ÙàŸÙè. ªëÅ]ª-ÚÛôÂ, êµû L áî ñª: 1. à ö ªÙ# ví øœo. Íô³ê disused Íû ë ÏÚÛ\è[ correct. Unused ÍÙç ví ú ªhêŸÙ/ Ïí pæ ô ÚÛª/ Íú õª î è[e ÍE Íô nù. An unused old temple ÍÙç Ïí pæ ô ÚÛª/ Ïí ±pè[«î è[e í ±ô -êÿì ë î -õóÿªù ÍE Íô nù. Íö Ùæ Þœªè ÍÙå«ÑÙè[ë]ª ÚÛë. Íö Ú ÚÛªÙè Ú ÙêŸ-Ú õù î è[-úûùöëº ÑÙè, Î êÿô yêÿ Ô Ú ô éùêá Íô³û ð è[ªñè[f Þœªè ÍE Oªô ª ô ú ì sentence öëº òå Ù. Íö Ùæ òå Ù Ïà ac disused. Ú ñæ d unused Íû C ÏÚÛ\è[ ú J-Ú ë]ª. Disused ÍÙç Ïí ±pè[ª î è[ª-úû-öëº-ö E, ÖÚÛ-í ±pè[ª (ÞœêŸÙö˺) Ñìo ÍE. Íö Ùæ Þœªè û Mother Theresa Ú à aô ª ÍE Íô nù. 2. Idioms with background book - 1) Oxford Madan: My grand father reads these novels, a lot of them. ( «ê êÿþ ô ª Ð ì õõª à ö àÿë]ª- ±ê ô ª.) Sundar: I remember your telling me that he was ill. How is he? Any improvement? (ÎóŸª-ìÚÛª áñªsþ ÑÙë]E ìª ±y àµí pìåªx Þœªô ªh. Ïí ±p-èµö Ñû oô ª? Ôiû ô ª ÞjÙë?) Madan: No, unfortunately. He is worse than before. (ö ë]ª, ë]ªô -ë]'-ù d- -ø êÿªh ÏÙêŸ-ÚÛª- ³Ùë]ª SUPERLATIVE: -ier ÚÛû o ÍëÅ y-ìùþ ÑÙC.) à Ja comparative form à ú «å-õúûª iest, er à Ja comparative form Sundar: I'm sorry to hear that. Hope he will à ú «å-õúûª est, r à Ja comparative form recover soon. (Nì-æ -EÚ ò ëå]þ ÑÙC. êÿyô öëº à ú «å-õúûª -st, more ³Ùë]ª à Ja comparative form ÚÁõªÚÛªÙæ ô E ÎPþ h!) à ú «å-õúûª most à Ja ÍEoÙæ ÚÛû o superlative Íë ÍëÅ yìù! Madan: So do we. (î ª Íö Þ ÎP-ú ªhû où.) Sundar: OK. See you. Time that I were at home. (ÚÛõªë lù! Ïí p-æ Ú ÏÙæ˺x ÑÙè -Lqì î è E.)(Îõ-ú u-iùc) OK. See you = ÚÛõªë lù. Madan: Bye ÎÙÞœxòÅ ù é 204 ÏÙêŸ- -ô ÚÛª ªìÙ adjectives ÚÛª, adverbs comparative, ÚÛª superlative Óö form à þ hàÿ«ø Ù ÚÛë. ÏÙêŸ- -ô ÚÛª êµõª-ú ª-ÚÛª-ìoC COMPARATIVE: Ú Eo í ë õ # ô ier à Ja, ªJ-Ú -Eo-æ Ú er à Ja, y êá ÍÙêŸ- ªó ªu «å-õúûª, y ñë]ªõª ier à Ja, ÏÙÚ Eo «åõ ³Ùë]ª more à Ja comparative degree form à þ hù. Etymological Dictionary 2) Cambridge Publications öëºì«ë ô ª-ÚÛª-꟪ÙC. ví øœo: Ð è[ª î Ú u-õúûª êµõªþœª Íô nù àµí pùè. 1. For that to happen. 2. Planning Commission deputy chairman Monteksingh Ahluwalia on saturday regretted that poverty reduction was not achieved to the desired extent during the years of planned development. 3. Pointing out that the growth process should have been more inclusive. ÖÚÛ ð ôè -ÚÛªè[ª, Nø -Ü-í åoù áî ñª: 1. for that to happen = ÍC áô -Þ -õùç. e.g. I want to buy a car. For that to happen I need money. (û ÚÛª Ú ô ª Ú û õe ÑÙC. ÍC áô -Þ -õùç è[ñªs-ú -î L.) 2....that poverty reduction was not achieved to the desired extent during the years planned development. (ví é RÚ ñë]lä ÍÙç ªì í ÙàŸ- ô { ví é -RÚÛ ví Ú ô Ù ÍGÅ- 'ClÄ ú Ù -êÿqô öëºx íë]júûù êÿþœª_-ë]õ ªìÙ ÎPÙ- #-ìùêÿ áô -Þœ-ö ë]ª.) 3. Pointing out that the growth rate should have been more inclusive. (ÍGÅ- 'ClÄ ví vú óÿª ÏÙÚ ú h Nú h'-êÿùþ ÑÙè -LqÙC.) degree form à þ h- ªF êµõª-ú ª-ÚÛªû où ÚÛë. Íô³ê Ð êµþœ-õúûª àµùë]e adjectives ªJ-Ú Eo Ñû oô³. î æ Ú comparatives, superlatives form à óÿª-è -EÚ Ô EñÙëÅ]ìõ«í E-Ú -ô ±. î æ comparatives, superlatives irregular Þ form Í ±-ê ô³. ÍN The worst of all is the eatery next to the post office. Positive Comparative Superlative Good, Well better best Bad, ill worse worst evil worse worst much, many more most You can see these irregular comparatives and superlatives in the conversation at the beginning of this lesson: Oå-Eoæ Ñë -ï -ô -éõª Ð lesson vð ô Ù-òÅ Ùö˺ àÿ«è[- àÿªa. 1) I feel that the food here is better that in any other restaurant (better - comparative of good) 2) This is the best eatery around here. (best - superlative of good). 3) The worst of all is the eaterie next to the post office. (worst - superlative of bad). 4) There are other restaurants which are worse than that one. (worse - comparative of bad). 5) Is it better than the one I gave you last week? (better - comparative of good). 6) Unfortunately he is worse than before. (worse - comparative of ill). ill = áñªsþ Ñìo. worse - áñªs/ î ucå ÓÚÛª\îµjì, ³C-Jì) 7) His condition was the worst the day before yesterday. (ÎóŸªì í J-ú na îµ³ìo ò Þ é Ù-#ÙC.) worst - superlative of ill. Ïí ±pè[ª Ð Ú ÙC sentences àÿ«è[ùè. a) India is the largest democracy in the world. Ð î ÚÛuÙö˺ largest - superlative degree Íô nù: ví í ÙàŸÙ îµ³êÿhùöëº òå ô êâ ÍA-šíë]l ví â -þ y ªuÙ. Ïë òå Ù ÏÙÚÁ NëÅ]ÙÞ : a) India is the largest of all democracies in the world/ India is the largest democracy of all in the world ÍE ÚÛ«è Íì- àÿªa. Íô³ê ÍEoæ ÚÛû o simplest form, India is the largest democracy in the world Íû C. Superlative degree öëº Ñìo-í ±pè[ª sentence structure. India is the largest democracy in the world. a) India (subject) + is (verb) + the + largest (superlative) + democracy. b) The Elephant is the strongest animal in the world. (subject + is (verb) + the + strongest (superlative) + animal). Superlative öëº sentence structure à ö simple. Þœªô ªhÙ-àŸªÚÁî LqÙ-ë]ö x superlative ³Ùë]ª the ô î õe.. Comparative degree öëº Íë meaning êá a) India is larger than any other democracy in the world. comparative öëº structure a) India (subject) + is (verb) + larger (comparative) + than any other + democracy in the world. b) The Elephant is stronger than any other animal in the world. ÏC ÚÛ«è šíj structure öëºû ÑÙè L. Positive: No other animal in the world is so (as) strong as the Elephant. Structure - ÏÚÛ\è[ No other êá begin Í è[ù Þœ ª- EÙ-àŸÙè No other (sub) + verb + so + (positive degree) + as the Elephant. b) No other democracy in the world is as (so) large as India. No other + subject + is (verb) + as (so) + (positive degree) + as India. Spoken English ð êÿ î uþ õ ÚÁú Ù Ú xúâ à óÿªùè... URL:

116 ÎCî ô Ù 27 ÎÞœú ªd 2006 Ðû è[ª šïj ë]ô ò ëâ 1 1) Eá- ÚÙ-vë]ÚÛ ÚÛé öëºxe Ô ÚÛé ÙÞ öëºx 70S ôjòëº-âéº- ³õª ÑÙæ ô³? Ó) iæëº-ú Ù-vè óÿ«, Þ Mb ú ÙÚ xù dù G) ï J-êŸ- ô-éª- ±õª, ÍÙêŸ-Kb vë] u-â -õúûù ú ) iæëº-ú Ù-vè óÿ«, ï J-êŸ- ô-éª- ±õª è ) Þ Mb ú ÙÚ xù dù, ÍÙêŸ-Kb vë] uâ õúûù 2) ò uú d-j-óÿ«-öëºe ÚÛé-ÚÛ- àÿù Ô ô þ -óÿªì í ë -ô nùêá Ôô p-è[ª-êÿªùc? Ó) šúõªu-öëºâéà G) šíí d-èá- Þkx-Ú ûëâ ú ) ÞkxÚÁ-vð»-æ ìª è ) Újæ ûëâ 3) iæëº-ú Ù-vè óÿ«íû í ë Eo ví A-ð -CÙ-#ì ø ú Y-î êÿh Ó ô ª? Ó) ÎöËÀd- «uûëâ G) ð¼ô dôâ ú ) Þ Jo-óŸªô è ) òµùè 4) ÖÚÛ ð M-ší-šíkdè øœ'ùü-ö -EÚ ú «-à ô Ù Ñìo è Ó-ûËÂÓ òå Þ Eo Ô ªÙ-æ ô ª? Ó) ôú ûëâ G) ³uæ ûëâ ú ) ú þ ZûË è ) Öší-ô ûëâ 5) NªóŸ«-ú úã I ( ÛóŸª-ÚÛ-ô é I) NòÅ -á-ìöëº ví ëç] ª ë]øœöëºe Ô Ñí -ë]-øœöëº ú ª-â -BóŸª vúá-âéº- ³õ ªëÅ]u NE- ªóŸªÙ áô ª-Þœª-꟪ÙC? Ó) Lð¼d-æ ûëâ G) âµjþá-æ ûëâ ú ) ð "æ ûëâ è ) è ð¼x-æ ûëâ 6) Eá- ÚÙ-vë]ÚÛ ÚÛé- ÚÙ-vë]Ùö˺ ÑÙè vú «-æ ûëâ Eô t-éùöëºe ví «-é Eo Ô ªÙ-æ ô ª? Ó) ì«uú x-óµ«-þ¼î⪠G) ì«uú x-óµ«-çµjèâ ú ) ì«uú x-óµ«-šújèâ è ) ì«uú x-óµ«-õúã 7) ÚÛé-àŸ-vÚÛÙ-ö˺E Ô ë]øœöëº è Ó-ûËÂÓ ví A-ÚÛ'A áô ª-ÞœªêŸªÙC? Ó) S G) G 1 ú ) G 2 è ) M 8) ÑòÅ -óÿªàÿô õª, à í õª, ú K-ú 'ð õ Ùæ ú ÚÛ-ø -ô ª-Ú õ úˆyh-á-úûé «êÿ'úûöëºx ÚÛE-í Ùà ví ê u-úû-iì vúá-âéº- ³õª ÔN? Ó) ð L-æ ûëâ vúá-âéº- ³õª G) ÚÛªÙൠvúá-âéº- ³õª ú ) Íìª-ñÙëÅ] vúá-âéº- ³õª è ) šíj Fo 9) è Ó-ûËÂ-Óšíj îµ³åd-îµ³-ë]æ ÓÚÂq ô vú ú d-öëº-vþœíæˆ í J-øÉÁ-ëÅ]- ììª Eô y-ï Ù-#ì ø ú Y-î -êÿhõª Ó) î åqûëâ, vú Ú G) ô â -LÙè vðæ ÙÚ xûëâ, NL\ûËÂq ú ) ÏJyûË à ô _íæã è ) všíæè[-júâ Oªù ôâ 10) ÍêŸu-CÅ-ÚÛÙÞ ÚÛªÙè[-M-ÚÛ-ô é àµùcì vúá-âéº- ³õª ÚÛé-N-òÅ -á-ì-öëºe Ô ë]øœöëº ÚÛEí -þ hô³? Ó) ví ëç] ª ë]øœ G) ªëÅ]uú n ë]øœ ú ) àÿõì ë]øœ è ) ÍÙêŸu -ë]øœ 11) èµjåô vúû «-EÚ àµùcì vèáþ¼-íæ ö ö Ùæ Ú å-ú õ ö ö -áõvþœùëç]ªõª, «MpÄ->-óŸªûË û RÚÛ ÚÛé öëºx ÑÙè ví ê u-úû-iì ð L-æ ûëâ vúáâéº ³õìª îµ³ådîµ³-ë]å ÞœªJhÙ-#ì ø ú Y-î êÿh Ó ô ª? Ó) ô «Ú ôâd G) ò LsóŸ«F ú ) šíæxnªùþâ è ) ³õxô 12) è Ó-ûËÂÓ î uú Ù ÓÙêŸ? Ó) 2 nm G) 20nm ú ) 200nm è ) 200A o 13) ÖÚÛ í ô -Nª-è -ûëâúûª ñë]ªõª ªôÁ í ô -Nª-è -ûëâìª ö ë ÖÚÛ í ²u ôj-ûëâúûª ñë]ªõª ÏÙÚÁ í ²u ôjûëâ à ô a-þœ-l Þ ÑêŸp-J- -ô h-û Eo Ô ªÙ-æ ô ª? Ó) væ ûëâq-îµ-ô {ûëâ G) væ Eq-ù ûëâ ú ) væ ûëâq-è[-úû{ûëâ è ) í J-ê uáuù 14) ò uú d-jóÿ«úûé-vë]- uùöëº ÑÙè vúá-âéº-î ª-êŸô è Ó-ûËÂÓ ³ÚÛ\-õìª Ô ªÙ-æ ô ª? Ó) ð þ tûëâ G) ì«uú x-óÿ«-ô³èâ ú ) ð xú tèâõª è ) ÔD-Ú ë]ª. 15) ÚÛéÙ-ö˺E Ô òå ÞœÙö˺ ôjòëº-âéº- ªöËÀ ÎôÂ-Ó-ûËÂÓ (rrna) ú Ùø x-ù é, ôjòëº-âéº ³ Ñí -ví - «-é õ Eô téù áô ª-Þœª-꟪ÙC? Ó) Þ Mb ú ÙÚ xù dù G) ÚÛé-vë] uù ú ) iæëº-ú Ù-vè óÿ«è ) ÚÙvë]-Ú ÙøŒÙ 16) è Ó-ûËÂ-Óö˺ Íè -ûµjûëâ, ëçµjnªûëâ ì«uú x-óµ«-çµjè[x ªëÅ]u Ôô pè šïj vèá-áûëâ ñùëå õ ú ÙÜu ÓÙêŸ? Ó) 1 G) 2 ú ) 3 è ) 4 17) øœ vúû-úû-é õ ÍvÞœ-òÅ -ÞœÙö˺ ÑÙè ÎvÚÁ-âɺ- ³ìª Ôô pjà ÚÛé-òŠޜ٠Ó) šíô -Ú q-âéº ³ G) ôjòëº-âéº ³ ú ) šúùvæëº-âéº ³ è ) Þ Mb ú ÙÚ xù dù 18) ÚÙvë]Ú «xöëºx ì«uú x-óµ«-çµjè[x ªëÅ]u Ôô pè ñùëå õìª Ô ªÙæ ô ª? Ó) šíšíkdèâ ñùëå õª G) ÞkxÚÁ-ú -è Ú ñùëå õª ú ) ðæ þ¼p-èµj-ó-ú dôâ ñùëå õª è ) Óú dôâ ñùëå õª 19) úˆdô -ô³èâ ú Ùø x-ù é, Nù -E-ô «t-õ-ìöëº ð öë¹_û ÚÛéòŠޜ٠Ó) ìªìªí ± ÍÙêŸ-Kb vë] uâ õúûù G) Þœô ªÚÛª ÍÙêŸ-Kb vë] uâ õúûù ú ) ÚÙvë]-Ú ÙøŒÙ è ) ÔD-Ú ë]ª 20) ø jl-úûõª, ÚÛø òå öëºx ú «Ût-û -R-ÚÛõ Í ª-JÚÛ 9+2 ö Þ ÑÙç šúùvæ -óµ«öëà (ê ô - êâ ÚÙvë -õª)öëº Óö ÑÙåªÙC? Ó) 9+2 G) 9+0 ú ) 9+3 è ) ) è Ó-ûËÂÓ ì«uú x-óµ«-çµj-è[xöëº ÑÙè àÿ Ú\ô Ô ô Ú -EÚ àµùc-ìc? Ó) Þœ«xÚÁâÉÀ G) ôjòëºâéà ú ) è Î-Ú q- ôj-òëºâéà è ) víæ ÚÁdâÉÀ 22) šúùvåöëà ÏûËÂú d-å«uæëà ÎíÆà všíæùã î åôâ ÎÚ y-úû-õaôâ Ô ìþœ-ô Ùö˺ ÑÙC? Ó) ÚÁöËÀÚÛê G) ³Ùò ô³ ú ) ÚÁ# è ) òå ª -û -øœyôâ 23) û ù -ìöëà ñ«uôá ÎíÆà ÔE ªöËÀ âµeæ Ú Jþ¼- ôqúã Ô ìþœ-ô Ùö˺ ÑÙC? Ó) ÚÛô oöëà G) í ±é ú ) ì«uèå Mx è ) Aô ª- -ìù-êÿ-í ±ô Ù 24) ÏÙè -óÿªûëâ ö uúâ JšúôÂa ÏûËÂú d-å«uæëà ÓÚÛ\è[ ÑÙC? Ó) òåëºð öëà G) èµvï -è[«ûëâ ú ) àµûµjo è ) ô Ù< 25) ÏÙå- ôo-ù -ìöëà šúùåôâ íæ ôâ âµe-æ ÙÞ ÏÙ>-F-JÙÞ ÍÙè ñóµ«-çµ-ú o-õ@ (ICGEB) ÓÚÛ\è[ ÑÙC? Ó) ì«uèå Mx G) ì«uóÿ«ôâ\ ú ) òµùþœª-üœšô ª è ) àµûµjo 26) í Ùè -GÅ- '-ClÄö˺ ú ÙòÅ -NÙà îµjí -K-ê uõ ÍëÅ]u-óŸªû Eo Ô ªÙ-æ ô ª? Ó) ôjû -õ@ G) çµô -æ -õ@ ú ) væ ª-æ -õ@ è ) æ Jp-è -õ@ 27) ªÙ#-Fæ Î -ô é u -ú nõª, î æ öëº E -ú ±õ ÍëÅ]u-óŸª-û Eo Ô ªÙ-æ ô ª? Ó) ÓÚ -õ@ G) Îçµ-Ú -õ@ ú ) ú ûµ-ú -õ@ è ) L «o-õ@ 28) æ ÚÂõ, iæëàõ ÍëÅ]u-óŸª-û Eo Ô ªÙ-æ ô ª? Ó) ÓÙå- «-õ@ G) ÔJ-û -õ@ ú ) ÍÚÛ-ô -õ@ è ) «õ-ú -õ@ 29) ANªÙ-Þœ-ö õ ÍëÅ]u-óŸªìÙ Ó) šúæ -õ@ G) ÚjôÁ-çµ-ô -õ@ ú ) šï ô p-æ -õ@ è ) ÏÚ h-óÿ«-õ@ 30) ñï -ô «-í ÚÛêŸ (polymorphism)ìª ví ë]-jzùà ÚÛé Ù-Þ õª ÔN? Ó) ôjòëº-âéº- ³õª G) šúùvæëº-âéº- ³õª ú ) öµjþ¼-âéº- ³õª è ) è Ú d-óµ«-âéº- ³õª 31) Ð Ú ÙC î æ öëº CyBóŸª öµjþ¼-âéº- ³-õªÞ î æ E í J-Þœé þ hô ª? Ó) ø ù -í -ë ô n Eô t-é õª G) ú yóÿªù òå ÛÚÛ ðæ ÞÁ-þ¼-îªõª ú g-j-ú h-úûõª è ) šíj Fo 32) šíô -Ú q-âéº- ³õª ÓÚÛ\è[ ÚÛEí -þ hô³? Ó) ò uú d-jóÿ«úûé öëºx «vêÿî ª G) îµ³úû\ ÚÛé öëºx «vêÿî ª ú ) áùêÿª ÚÛé öëºx «vêÿî ª è ) îµ³úû\, áùêÿª ÚÛé öëºx «vêÿî ª 33) ø yú -vú -óÿªöëº ð öë¹_û ÚÛé-òŠޜ٠Ó) ï J-êŸ- ô-éª- ±õª G) iæëºú Ù-vè óÿ«ú ) Þ Mb ú ÙÚ xù dù è ) ÍÙêŸ-Kb vë] u-â -õúûù 34) ò uú d-j-óÿ«ìª îµ³åd-îµ³-ë]å ÞœªJhÙ-#ì ø ú Y-î êÿh Ó) ô ñ-ôâd-ï Ú G) â ûëâ ô ú ) ùˆx\è ûëâ, ÿ \yûëâ è ) M -ûëâ-ï Ú 35) ôùè[ª ûµõõ óÿª-ú ª-öËºí ± PøŒ - ±õ ÍëÅ]u-óŸª-û Eo Ô ªÙ-æ ô ª? G) Eóµ«-û -æ -õ@ ú ) Ïæ -óÿ«-õ@ è ) šíè -óÿ«-væ ÚÂq Vî õ@ ú. ï JÚÛ'ù g 36) í ô u- -ô é ú na-þœ-êÿª-õìª ÍGÅ- '-ClÄ-à ú «ì- -â A ªìª-Þœ-è[ìª îµªô ª-Þœª-í -Jà ø ú YÙ Ó) óÿ âµ-eúâq G) óÿ ëçµ-eúâq ú ) óÿ šíæ-eúâq è ) ÔD-Ú ë]ª 37) í Ûªõ, à í õ õú ö ±õ àÿô u-õšíj î ê - -ô é ô ªêŸªvÚÛ- «õ ví òå -î Eo ÍëÅ]u-óŸªìÙ à ú ø ú YÙ Ó) všíæû -õ@ G) ÓëÇ -õ@ ú ) íæ û -õ@ è ) Îçµ-Ú -õ@ 38) ôùè[ª ö ë ÍÙêŸ-ÚÛÙç ÓÚÛª\ ð M-ší-šíkd-èÂõª ú ÙMìÙ àµùc Ôô pè ú ÙÚ xù g Eô t-é Eo Ô ªÙæ ô ª? Ó) vð ëç]nªúû Eô téù G) CyBóŸª Eô téù ú ) êÿ'bóÿª Eô téù è ) Ú yå-ô ok Eô téù 39) ÍiûËÁ Î «xöëºx ÏNªûËÁ Î «xõª ÔN? Ó) NªCÇ-óµ«-EûËÂ, ú ôjûëâ G) õ«uú ûëâ, Þkxú ûëâ ú ) vð»öµjûëâ, šïj vè -Ú q-vð»-öµjûëâ è ) Íõ-EûËÂ, íæ ûµjöëà Íõ-EûË 40) ÚÙvë]-ÚÛ-í ²ô y ÚÛé öëºxe ví ëå ì áìªu-í -ë ô neo Ô ªÙ-æ ô ª? G) ì«uú x-óÿ«-ô³èâ ú ) ò uú d-j-óÿªöëà vúá-âéºî⪠è ) šíj Fo 41) õeûëâ ô gúûù, ëçµjô -Ú qûëâ ï ôátûëâ Ô ÍiûËÁ Î ªxÙ ìªù# Ôô p-è[-ê ô³? Ó) çµjôá-ú ûëâ G) ï ú d-è ûëâ ú ) ÎJb-EûË è ) vaóµ«-ûµjûëâ 42) Ð Ú ÙC è Ó-ûËÂÓ ô «ð öëºx Óè[ ª îµjí ± lúû AJT ÑÙè C ÔC? Ó) B-è ÓûËÂÓ G) Z-è Ó-ûËÂÓ ú ) A-è Ó-ûËÂÓ è ) ÔD Ú ë]ª 43) ò uú d-jóÿ«úûø -òå õª Ô vð»æ -ûëâêá Ôô p-è[-ê ô³? Ó) í LûË G) íæ ÙvGûË ú ) ÎÚ dûëâ è ) šíæxá-lxûëâ 44) ÑêŸp-J- -ô hìù àµùë]-þœõ ÍA-#ìo è Ó-ûËÂÓ òå Þ Eo Ô ªÙ-æ ô ª? Ó) ôú ûëâ G) ú þ ZûË ú ) ³uæ ûëâ è ) Öší-ô ûëâ 45) vð»æ -ûëâ «vêÿî ª ÑÙè «uèâú½, v ú\íˆ ö Ùæ î uëå]ª-õìª ÚÛL-TÙà 'Protein Infectious Particles' ìª Ô ªÙ-æ ô ª? Ó) NJ-óŸªìªx G) NJ-óŸ«è[ªx ú ) Óí -âéº-îâªõª è ) ví óÿ«ìªx 46) ñóµ«-çµ-ú o-õ@ ÎNô säî -EÚ õ-ú -ô -é-iì Jú Z- ÚÛ{ûË ÓÙèÁ ì«uú x-ó ªâÉÀ ÓÙâµj- ³-õìª ÚÛìª-Þ -ìo-ëµ- ô ª? Ó) û ëç]ûëâq G) Îô sôâ ú ) ú têâ è ) ÍÙë]ô «47) Eá- ÚÙ-vë]ÚÛ ÚÛé áìªu ±öëºx vð»æ -ûëâúûª ú «-à ô Ù ö E û ûëâ-úá-è ÙÞ è Ó-ûËÂÓ òå Þ -õìª Ô ªÙæ ô ª? Ó) ÓÞ bìªx G) ÏÙvæ ìªx ú ) væ ûëâq-ð¼-â ìªx è ) ÔD-Ú ë]ª 48) vþ î⪠šúdô³-eùþâ ví óµ«-þœùöëº ò uú d-j-óÿ«šíj Ñí óµ«-tùà ô ÙÞœª (Dye) ÔC? Ó) Íú -æëº-ú -ô -iûëâ G) â ì-úã-vu-ûëâg ú ) vú ú döëà îµjõæëà Íóµ«è ûëâ è ) öµjúá-í ûëâ 49) ªEù öëºe ÖÚÛ Íô³ëÁ vúá-âéº ³ #ìo-ò ï ±öëºe Ú Cl òå ޜ٠í J-ê uáuù (Deletion) àµùë]è[ù ë yô à a î ucå Ó) åô oôâq ú ÙvèÁîª G) Óè[yôÂfq ú ÙvèÁîª ú ) è½ûëâq ú ÙvèÁîª è ) vú è[«-à æëà ö ë Ú uæëà w Új ú ÙvèÁîª 50) í ±ô ªù ªö˺x à a ÚkxûË šíæõdôâ ú ÙvèÁîª Íû vúá- âéº ³ îµjí -K-ê u-eú Ú ô éù Ó) 23 áêÿöëº vêÿóÿª-ú n-aúûù G) 21 áêÿöëº vêÿóÿª-ú n-aúûù ú ) 18 áêÿöëº vêÿóÿª-ú n-aúûù è ) 23 áêÿöëº ÔÚÛ-ú n-aúûù 51) vþ î⪠ûµt-æ îëâ ò uú d-jóÿ«úûé õ îµõª-í õ Î -JÙ# ÑÙè ò ï u-ð»ô (outer membrane) ë ÙêÁ êÿóÿ«ôj ÑÙåªÙC? Ó) Lð¼ vð»æ ìªx G) šíí dèá ÞkxÚ ûëâ ú ) Lð¼-ð -M-ø -Ü- ôjèâ è ) šúõªu-öëºâéà 52) øœk-ô Ù-ö˺E ÖÚÛ òå ޜ٠ìªù# ô ÚÛhÙ, øéáù -ô ú Ù ë yô Ú uìqôâ ÚÛé õª ÏêŸô òå Þ -õúûª î uí h àµùë NëÅ -û Eo Ô ªÙ-æ ô ª? Ó) væ ûëâq-íæ - ôt-ù ûëâ G) æ -þ d-ú úã ú ) æ - «-ôápä-ú úã è ) væ ûëâq-è[úû{ûëâ 53) ô vð»æ ìªx Íô³ì ï þ¼d-ûëâ-õöëº ÍCÅ-ÚÛÙÞ ÑÙè ô ÍiûËÁ Î «xõª ÔN? 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117 d d -- çí - Ωç 29 -Çí Ææ d 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Nagesh: Hi Mangesh, what are you doing in this Travel kit shop? (Are you) buying a bag? (Ñ -vö«- Á- éà-ö - ƒ ˇ apple àç îëææ h-ø o? «uí à Ø o éìçô -Ø o?) Mangesh: That's right (Å ) Nagesh: You've bags and suitcases of all sizes, shapes and colours here. (Is) none to your liking? (Ééπ\úø ÅEo ÂÆj-V, Çé -, Ωçí Ö o - «uí -, Ææ -ö ÍéÆæ - ÖØ o éπ ü. FÍéO îªa- ü?) (To your liking = Fèπ *açc) Look at this one = ÉC îª úø Mangesh: This is bigger than the one I want. I want a smaller bag than this. (Ø é \- -Lq - «uí éπø o ÉC  ü lc. Ø èπ Éçûªéπçõ * oc é L ) Nagesh: That One may be the size you want. (ÅC Fé \- -Lq -ÂÆj-ñ Å- Ìy-îª a) Mangesh: No that's smaller than the one I want. ( ü. ÅC Ø é \- -Lq ü E-éπçõ * oc) Nagesh: See if this suits you? ( -ÉC Ææ-J- Ú-ûª ç-üë- Á -îª -úø ) Mangesh: Yes. That's exactly what I want. (Å. Ø èπ éπ*a-ûªçí é -Lqç-ü üë.) Nagesh: This looks fine, but look at the price tag here. It says it is Rs. 500/- (î «í ç-cc é -F üµ Ω îª -úø 500 Ω ƒßª ) Mangesh: Oh, my! that's more than its worth. (Å apples! -Éü çûª îëߪ ü.) (More than its worth = ü E N Åçûª îëߪ ü.) Nagesh: Let's look for something less expensive. (Åçûª-éπçõ ûªèπ \ üµ Ω oüë Ø o ÖçüË Á îª ü lç.) Mangesh: This is the least expensive of all the bags this size here. Let's bargain. See if we can get it for Rs 400. It is not worth more than that. (Ééπ\-úø o Ç ÂÆj-ñ - «uí -- applex ÉüË Åûªuçûª ûªèπ \. 400 Ω ƒ-ߪ - èπ - Ææ hç-üë- Á - îª -ü lç. Åçûª-éπçõ -áèπ \- îëߪ --ü ) Nagesh: You are right. Let's ask if for Rs 400. ( - y- o-c - «í ç-c. 400 Ω ƒßª - -éà ƒhúë Á Åúø -í ü ç) Mangesh: Let's try (-v æ-ߪ -ûªoç -îë-ü lç.) -í -ûª lesson apple adjectives of comparison í -J-ç-* éìeo N æ-ߪ ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü? Ææ h- -, uèπ h- ÚLa Á Ω í ûª Ω -í E Ωg- ç-îªôç ü ü æ v apple îëææ høë Öçö«ç. -ü -EéÀ conversation (Spoken English) apple v ƒüµ uç î «áèπ \. Åçü -éπe ç îá ƒp- - -èπ o µ«eo correct í îá æp-ö«-eéà, 3 degrees of comparison apple éπue tùç á «Öçô çüó í -ûª lesson apple ç. ü Eo Ó ƒj èπ x æhçí îª ü lç: a) Superlative: The Elephant is the largest land animal. µº îª- Ω ïçûª - applex à í ÅA- -ü lc. ÉC superlative. Éçü apple word order ( ô Å - Jéπ) î - «simple. The elephant (sub)+is(verb)+the+superlative adjective+... b) The elephant is larger than any other land animal / all other land animals. ( µº îª Ω ïçûª - applex à í N í û à ïçûª - éπç-õ /- ÅEo Éûª Ω ïçûª - éπç-õ  ü lc). The elephant (sub)+is(verb)+comparative adjective (larger)+than any other (singular) / than all other (plural)+... c) Positive: No other land animal is so (as) large as the elephant (à Éûª Ω µº îª Ω ïçûª à -í çûª  ü lc é ü ) Word order: No other+subject (animal) +verb +so/as + positive adjective+as+the (subject) ÉO ç ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc. Å ûë ç îëêæ ÚLéπ - -á æ p-úø èπÿú Éçûª simple (Ææ Ω- ç)í, direct í Öçúø-éπ- Ú- îª a. Éçé ÆæçéÀx- æ d (complex ) - Á i- Ú-Léπ èπÿú îëææ hçö«ç. Öü - æ«- Ω-ùèπ Ñ lesson Á ü öapplex Nagesh, Mangesh conversation îª ü lç. a) Mangesh: This is bigger than the one I want. (ÉC- Ø -é \- -Lq ü E-éπçõ  ü lc) Åçõ O Ω í -EçîË Öçö«Ω. Ééπ\úø Mangesh Ú Ææ h oc È çúø Ææ h vûª Ë -Å-N ûª -é \- - -Æœ bag, ûª îª Ææ h o bag. b) Mangesh: That's smaller than the one I want. (Ø é \- -Lq ü E-éπç-õ ÅC * oc) Ééπ\úø èπÿú ÅçûË éπü? È çöà üµ u vûª Ë ÚLéπ. ûª -é \- -LqçC. ûª èπ -Å-éπ\úø üì Ω -èπ -ûª - oc. c) Mangesh: Oh, my! That's more than its worth. Ééπ\úø èπÿú bag üµ Ωèπ, ü E N - èπ Åçõ È çöà üµëu ÚLéπ. d) Mangesh: It is not worth more than that. ÉC èπÿú üµ Ωèπÿ, bag N - èπ üµ u Ö o ÚLéπ - ûá-lê éπuç. e) Nagesh: Let's look for something less expensive. Ééπ\-úø èπÿ-ú Ñ bag èπÿ Åçûª-éπçõ ûªèπ \ üµ Ωèπÿ ÚLéπ. É «ç È çúø Ææ h- -, Éü l Ω uèπ h- Ú- Ææ hçö«ç. Åô - ç-ô- æ púø degree of comparison öàd word order ( ô Å -Jéπ) èπÿú Ω ûª çô çc. ÅçûË é èπ çú, È çöà éπø o áèπ \ ÚLa- - æ púø ÖçúË sentence word order èπÿ, È çöàe vûª Ë compare îëæœ- - æ púø Öç-úË sentence word order èπÿ î - «ûëú Öçô çc. 1) È çöàéπø o áèπ \ öàe ÚLa- - æ púø superlative degree applee adjective çü the éπ*a-ûªçí L. eg: a) The elephant is the biggest of all land animals / the biggest land animal. b) Hyderabad is the largest city in A.P. (A.P. apple  j«ü - - «ü ÅA- ü l í Ωç) C) He is the most popular actor on the Telugu screen. (ûá í ûá Ω O ü Åûª-úø Åûªuçûª v æñ«-gµ- ç - Ö- o ô úø ) é öàd superlative adjective çü á æ púø the ûª æp-e-ææj. 2) Å «Íí È çöà-éπø o áèπ \ öàe ÚLa- - æ úø comparative adjective -ûª Ω- ûª than any other / than all other ûª æpèπ ç-ú - L. than any other Å ûë Ç ûª Ω- -ûª subject, singular number; Than all other Å ûë -Ç -ûª Ω- -ûª subject, plural number Å -û. a) The Prime Minister is more powerful than any other minister / all other ministers. (-É-ûª Ω çvûª -- ç-ü -J éπç-õ èπÿú -v æ-üµ - - ç-vaéà ÇCµ-é Ωç -áèπ \- ) b) The Pacific is deeper than any other ocean / all other oceans in the world. (Éûª Ω æ Ææ -vü éπç-õ Pacific apple-ûáj- C) c) He is older than any other members / all other members of the family. (èπ ô ç- - Ææ- µº u- ç-ü -J- apple- -Å-ûª--úø - -ߪ Ææ - apple -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù  -ü l) Positive: Positive degree apple -ö«xúë-ô æ púø No other ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. Ç ûª Ω- ûª Positive adjective çü so/as é F, positive adjective ûª Ω- ûª as ƒh. a) No other tree here is so (as) tall as the coconut tree there. (Ééπ\-úø o à îáô d èπÿú Ç éì s-j-îáôdç-ûª Òúø -í - é ü ) b) No other metal is so (as) bright as gold. (à Éûª Ω apple æ«çí - Ω- çûª v æé - - çûªç é ü ) c) No other student in the class is as (so) good at the subject as Janaki (class apple Éûª Ω Nü u- Ω n- - Ω Ç subject apple ñ«- éπçûª «í ûál-æœ- - Ÿx é -ü.) Ñ patterns ( é u -Ø ) Ñ úø degrees apple  j îª œ õ x Öçú L. É «È çúõ-öà-éπçõ áèπ \ Ææ h- - ÚLa- - æ púø O Ω í -Eç-î - Lq ÉçéÓ N æߪ ç superlative, comparative. Ñ È çúø degrees apple sentences apple not ü. positive degree apple sentence no other ûó v ƒ Ωç- µº- - -ûª çc. (Å ûë, ÅEo-öÀ-éπØ o... é ü, ÅØË superlative Öçô çc. ü E Ææçí A ûªy Ω- appleøë îª ƒhç.) É æ púø in the conversation at the beginning of the lesson - «È çöà-f Ú «aç Å -éóçúõ. Å æ púø î êu- Á i Åç ç. È çöà-øë/-é-ü l Ω uèπ h- ØË ÚLa- - æ úø superlative degree Öçúøü. Positive, Comparative vûª Ë Öçö«. 1) This is bigger than the one I want. (Ø é \- -Lq- -ü -E-éπçõ ÉC  ü lc) Comparative (bigger) DEéÀ positive degree: The one I want is not as (so) big as this. DEéÀ superlative Öçúøü. -Ñ N æߪ ç îëa lesson apple îª ü lç. Exercise: Practise the following aloud. Make sentences using the following words, using the degree given in brackets. eg: Mt Everest - high peak in the world. (comparative) (Mt-Mount- æ Ωy-û Ê Ωx- çü úøû ç) (Peak- Pê Ωç) Ans: Mt Everest is higher than any other peak in the world. 1) This diamond necklace - costly jewel in the shop - (superlative) 2) Kashmir - cold - state in India (Positive) 3) This - good song - the movie (superlative) 4) Rentachintala - hot place- A.P. (comparative) 5) December - cold month. (Positive) 6) Andhra Pradesh- big state South India (comparative) Answers: 1) This diamond necklace is the costliest jewel in the shop. (Ñ ƒ ˇ apple Ñ vñ«necklace Åûªuçûª êk-üáj- C) (Superlative degree) 2) No other state in India is as (so) cold as Kashmir. ( µ«ω-û apple à Éûª Ω æzç- é Qt Åçûª îªl--í Öç-úøü ) (positive degree) that's more than its worth 205 3) This is the best song in the movie. (Ç *vûªç apple ÉC Åûªuçûª íì æp ƒô superlative degree.) 4) Rentachintala is hotter than any other place / all other places in A.P. (Ççvüµ -v æ-üë- apple È çô-*ç-ûª Éûª Ω à v æüë-»-e-éπç-õ / Éûª Ω v æüë-»- -éπø o ËúÕ v æüë ç) 5) No other month is so (as) cold as December. (à (Éûª Ω) ØÁ «December Åçûª îªl-é ü ) 6) Andhra Pradesh is bigger than any other state/ all other states in South India. (ü éà~ù µ«ω-ûªç apple Éûª Ω à æzç/éûª Ω ƒz- -éπç-õ -Çç-vüµ -v æ-üë--  ü lc) 1. How to pronounce the words? Is there any rule please. b) Occasion, situation - what is the difference between these words? ( give some examples). öà. Áçéπ-õ - y- Ω-, Í æ x i) Any good English - English dictionary will give you the symbols of pronunciation - refer to it. ii) Situation = æj-æœna. äéπ v æüë- ç apple äéπ Ææ - ߪ ç apple Ö- o /-ï- Ω -í -ûª - o Ææç æ -ô- éπ - éπ. A difficult situation = éàx- æ æj-æœna; financial situation = ÇJnéπ æj-æœna political situation = ï-éãߪ æj-æœna. Occasion = Ææçü Ωs ç Ééπ\úø Ææç æ -ô- -, æj-æœn-ûª éπç-õ Ææ -ߪ -EéÀ v ƒ êuç áèπ \.  j situation úõ îóô «x occasion úøôç èπ ü - Ωü éπü. I have met him on two or three occasions = ÅûªEo ØË È çúø úø Ææçü - s applex éπ -Ææ -èπ -Ø o. a) On the last occasion that I met him, he was in a difficult situation = ÅûªEo ØË -Éçûªèπ - ç-ü éπ -Ææ -èπ - o- æ púø Åûª î - «éàx- æ æj-æœn-a apple ÖØ o-úø. b) She was able to manage the situation = Ç æj-æœn-ae Ç Á «í -îªéπ\-c-ü lí -- í -ûª ç-c.

118 í Ω Ωç 31 -Çí Ææ d 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Laxman: Hi Suman, do you know Bhavan is in town? ( µº Ø Ü- applex-éì-î aúø (ÖØ oúø ) ûá ƒ?) Suman: Oh, is he? when did he come? (Å Ø? á æ p-úì-î aúø?) Laxman: Yesterday. He won the first round of the badminton match. (E o - «u-úõtç-ô-ø - u-î apple Á ü öà - ıç-ú ÈíL-î úø.) Suman: That's no surprise to me. I knew he would win. He is certainly a better player than his rival in this round. (ÅüËç Ø èπ  ü l Ç a Ωuç é ü. úø Èí - ƒh-úøe Ø èπ ûá Ææ. Ñ ıç-ú apple -ûª- v æûªu- Jn-éπç-õ Åûª-úø éπ*a-ûªçí Á Ω -Èíj Çô-í úø ) (rival=è j = v æûªujn, ÚöÃ-ü - Ω ) Laxman: I was sure of that too. Mind you, Bhavan is taller than Sravan, that rival of his. That certainly is an advantage in badminton (ØË Å «ØË -Å- èπ -Ø o. ÉçéÓöÀ í Ω hçîª éó. µº- -Ø, ûª - v æûªujn -v ù éπç-õ Ò-úø-. - «u-úõtç-ô-ø apple ÅC ( Ò-úø- ) Ö æ-ßá -í - æúë N æߪ ç.) Advantage = Åú y-ed-ñ 'ú y ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç= Ææ æ - ߪ -é J. èπ Ë éπ-l-tç-îëc. Mind you = í Ω h ûáîª aéó/ ûá -Ææ éó, (ñ«ví ûªh ÅE èπÿú ) Suman: Moreover, Bhavan's movements are quicker than Sravan's. (ÅçûË é èπ çú, Sravan éπü -L-éπ- -éπç-õ Bhavan éπü -L-éπ î «Ëí çí Öçö«.) Laxman: Let's see how he is going to fare in the next match. (ûª y--ûª -- u-î apple á «îë ƒhúó îª ü lç.) fare = îëߪ -ôç/-ç-úøôç «çöàn. How did you fare in the exam yesterday? (E o y exam á?) How did he fare in the debate contest last week? (Åûª debate ( éπh %ûªy) Úöà apple á «îë»úø?) Suman: He has good chances of winning that too. (ÅC èπÿú ÈíLîË Å -é -» «í ØË ÖØ o.) Laxman: OK. When are you taking your mom to Delhi? (O Å t -úµõ-mx á æ púø BÆæ -Èé- Ÿh-Ø o?) Suman: This Wednesday. (Ñ üµ - Ωç) Laxman: Have you booked the tickets? (-öàèé-ô x - é îëææ -èπ -Ø o?) Suman: Yes, by the AP Express. (Å. à -áé q-vâ Æˇ apple) Laxman: That's good. That's faster than the special train you thought of going by. ( ç* æeîë». y Á «x- - -èπ o ÂÆp- æ- -võ -Ø éπç-õ ÉC Ëí -çí - Á- Ÿ--ûª ç-c.) Suman: It is. This is more comfortable than that too. (ÉC ü E éπçõ áèπ \ Ææ êçí Öçô çc) Laxman:This is certainly better than that in every respect. When are you returning? (à Nüµ çí îª ÆœØ, Ç ÂÆp- æ- -võ -Ø éπçõ - à -áé q-vâ Æˇ ç*c. á æ púø AJíÌ-Ææ h-ø o?) Suman: I will return in a week. My mother's stay there will be longer. (ØË -E-éπ- «x AJ-íÌ- ƒh. Å t Åéπ\úø áèπ \ ÓV çô çc.) Laxman: OK. A happy time in Delhi to you and your mom. ( y, O Å t Åéπ\úø Ææ Ωü í í úø- ƒ- E Ø éó Ω èπ ç-ô -Ø o.) Suman: Thank you. éàç-ü -öà Lesson apple ç. È ç-úõçöà-éπç-õ áèπ \ Ææ h- -, uèπ h- ÚLa- - æ púø úø degrees (positive, comparative and superlative) Öçö«. Ç degrees applee sentences apple, Word order á «Öçô çüó ç éπü? ÅçûË é èπ çú, È ç-úõçöàe vûª Ë ÚLa æ púø superlative Öçúøü ÅE èπÿú ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation between Laxman and Suman at the beginning of the lesson: 1) He is certainly a better player than his rival. (Åûª-úÕ v æûªujn éπç-õ Åûª-úø Á Ω í ) (better- comparative degree of good- Ééπ\úø ÚLéπ Éü lj üµ u vûª Ë Bhavan, Sravan üµ u) (Better- comparative degree) 2) Bhavan is taller than Sravan = v ù éπç-õ µº Ø Ò-úø-. (comparison only between two) (taller- comparative degree) 3) Bhavan's movements are quicker than Sravan's. (v ù éπü -L-éπ- éπç-õ µº Ø éπü -L-éπ Ëí çí Öçö«) (quicker - comparative) 4) That (AP Express) is faster than the special train. (special train éπç-õ AP Express Ëí - ç-ûª- Á içc comparison only between two) (fastercomparative) 5) This is certainly better than that = ÉC ü Eéπçõ Á Ω í (comparison only between two) 6) Mother's stay will be longer than mine. (-Ø éπç-õ, Å t áèπ \ ÓV- ç-ô çc comparison only between two. Longer - comparative) È ç-úõçöà éπç-õ áèπ \ N æ-ߪ - ÚLa- - æ púø, superlative, comparative, positive apple word order ( ô Å -Jéπ) á «Öçô çüó ç ûá Ææ -èπ Ø oç. Å «é èπ çú  j sentences ÅEoç-öÀ apple ÚLéπ È ç--úõç-öà üµ uøë. 1) ÚLéπ È çúø N æ-ߪ üµ uøë Å - - æ púø, superlative degree Öçúøü. 2) È çúø N æ-ߪ - ØË ÚLa- - æ púø comparative degree, positive degree word order èπÿ È çúõçöà-éπç-õ áèπ \ N æ-ߪ - ÚLa- - æ púø comparative, superlative word order èπÿ î «ûëú -Öçô çc. Ç çü, Å ÅØË Éü l-je Ú «a- - -éóçúõ. 1) Å æ púø superlative Öçúøü. 2) Comparative apple sentence èπ ç-ü Ç çü, sentence èπ * Ω Å ÊÆh, positive degree apple Ñ ΩÆæ J Å sentenceèπ ç-ü, Ç çü sentence èπ * - Ω- - ƒh. 3) Comparative apple not éπ- ÚûË, positive apple not Ææ hçc. comparative apple not Öçõ positive apple not ü. Comparative: Anand is shorter than Amar. (Å- éπç-õ -Ç- ç-ü ÒöÀd) Positive: Amar is not so (as) short as Anand. (Å-, -Ç- ç-ü Åçûª ÒöÀdé ü.) comparative apple, positive apple Amar, Anand position Ωôç, comparative apple E not positive apple ôç  Ω éπü. positive apple - í -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù çü so (as), ûª yûª as ƒh. í -Eç-îªçúÕ Éçé : Hema is taller than Kshema. (Íé~ - éπç-õ Ê «Ò-úø- ) (Taller - comparative degree) - Ééπ\úø ÚLéπ Éü lj üµ uøë, É «çöà Ææçü - Ωs ç apple superlative Öçúøü. DEéÀ positive degree: Kshema is not so (as) tall as Hema. (Kshema, Ê «- -Åç-ûª Ò-úø- é ü ) comparison only between two (È çúø N æ-ߪ üµ u vûª Ë ÚLéπ): Comparative: Sunder is cleverer than Sukumar (Ææ èπ - éπç-õ Ææ çü ûál- Áj úø ) Positive: Sukumar is not so (as) clever as Sundar (Ææ èπ -, Ææ çü - Ωçûª ûál- Áj úø é úø.) Ééπ\úø È çúø êu -N- æ-ߪ í -Eç-îªçúÕ: 1) Comparative apple, Sundar çü, Sukumar * ÖØ o. ÅüË positive apple, öà ƒnø û Ω - -È j, Sukumar çü, Sundar * - Ω - -Ææ h-ø o éπü. 2) Comparative apple not ü, positive apple not ÖçC éπü. ÉçéÓ example îª ü lç: Comparative: Vijayawada is hotter than Hyderabad. ( j«ü - - «-ü -éπç-õ, Nï-ߪ - úø ËúÁ-èπ \ ) (Nï-ߪ - úø çü,  j«ü - - «ü * Ω. Not ü ) Positive: Hyderabad is not so (as) hot as Vijayawada. ( j«ü - - «ü Nï-ߪ - -úøçûª ËúÕ-é ü ) ( j«ü - - «ü ç-ü, Nï-ߪ - úø * Ω; Not ÖçC) Let's now try to change the comparative degree statements in the conversion between Laxman and Suman, at the beginning of this lesson into positive degree statements: Exercise: Practise the following aloud in English: Sankar: question papers ÅEoöapplex ÉC - Å-A éπ- æ dçí ÖçC éπü? (éπ æ dç = tough) - superlative úøçúõ) Omkar: é ü ÉC Ú - - ƒj paper Åçûª éπ æ dç é ü. ( Ú - - ƒj paper=the paper last time/ the last exam paper.) Sankar: Å Ø éàç-ü -öà ƒ-j Ø marks éπç-õ F marks- áèπ \-. (éàç-ü -öà ƒ-j last time )  j«ü - - «ü Nï-ߪ - -úøçûª ËúÕ-é ü COMPARATIVE 206 1) He is certainly a better player than his rival. 2) Bhavan is taller than Sravan. 3) Bhavan's movements are quicker than Sravan's. 4) AP Express is faster than the special train. 5) This certainly is better than that. 6) Mother's stay will be longer than mine. ª Omkar: Å Ø, -Ñ ƒj Ø marks, í -ûª ƒ-j -Åç-ûª «í Öç-ö«-ߪ - o téπç Ø èπ ü. ( téπç Ø èπ ü =I am not sure). Sankar: -Ñ college Á ûªhç éπa Ω q- apple -O éπa Ω - íì æp.- Omkar:- O éπa Ω èπÿú íìê p, é F y- oô d éπa Ω Åçûª íì æp-é úø. Sankar: ØË Tuition -BÆæ éó- - - èπ ç-ô -Ø o-. á J ü í _- Ω-Èé- x- ç-ö«? Omkar: O lecturer ü í _ ΩÍé Á Ÿx. Answer: Sankar: Isn't this the toughest of all our question papers? Omkar: No. This is not as (so) tough as the paper last time. Sankar: But your marks were higher than mine last time. Omkar: But I am not sure that my marks this time will be as good as my marks last time. Sankar: Your lecturer is the best/greatest (of all) in the college. Omkar: Your lecturer is good too, but not so (as) good as our lecturer. Sankar: I want to take tution. who do you want me/to go to/suggest that I go to? Omkar: Go to your lecturer. POSITIVE His rival is not so (as) good a player as he (is) Sravan is not so (as) tall as Bhavan Sravan's movements are not so (as) quick as Bhavan's The special train is not so (as) fast as the AP Express. That certainly is not so (as) good as this. Mine (Ø C) will not be so (as) long as mother's stay.

119 -- -E Ωç 2 -ÂÆ dç- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Vasanth: Hi Hemanth, how was the match yesterday? (E oöà u-î à- Á iç-c?)- Hemanth: We did play well. We did win too, but our game was not better than last sunday's game. ( Ë ç «í ØË Çú ç, ÈíLî ç èπÿú. Å ûë E o Çô Ú ÇC- Ωç Çô-éπç-õ Á Ω í _ ü.) Éçûªèπ çü äéπ- ƒj îá ƒpç. Sx îá æ hø oç. í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Not - æ púø, question é - æ púø èπÿú, did úøû ç,  j -é u- applex- «. Å «úõûë N æߪ Eo é Ææh í öàdí îá œp-- ôx- -ûª çc. I did meet him yesterday = -ØË- -E- o -Å--ûª-úÕ-E éπ -Ææ -èπ Ø o. (É «çöà expressions O conversation apple practice îëߪ çúõ.) Vasanth: Why do you say so? (áçü -éπ «Åçô -Ø o?) Hemanth: Our score this time were not more than that last time. Moreover the wickets we took are not more than those we took last time. (éàç-ü -öà ƒ-j - Ú\ éπçõ Ñ ƒj - Ú\ áèπ \ é ü.-ñ ƒj Ë ç -BÆæ èπ - o N-Èé-ô x éàç-ü -öà ƒ-j N-Èé--ôx éπç-õ áèπ \ é ü ) Vasanth: Why so? (áçü - x Å «?) Hemanth: We made a few changes in the team. We had Kiran and Charan in place of Mahesh and Satish, but they were no greater than Mahesh and Satish. ( Ë ç öãç apple éìeo Ω p - îë»ç. - Ê «- ˇ, Ææ-B- ˇ ü, - éà Ω-ù, -îª Ω-ù - - BÆæ èπ -Ø oç. x-éπçõ O Ÿx íì æpí Ω ) Vasanth: What about the pitch? ( œ-î á «ÖçC?) (Pitch= È çúø - Áj æ - «NÈé-ôx üµ u - æ*aéπ Åçûªí E µ«í ç) Hemanth: The pitch this time was not faster than the pitch last time. That's why we took a spinner in place of a pace bowler. ( œ-î Ñ ƒj fast bowling èπ Åçûª Å - í ùçí - -ü. Åçü Íé Ë ç, ã fast bowler ü. ã spin bowler BÆæ èπ -Ø oç) (pace bowler = fast bowler. In place of = ü - í / ƒn ç apple. In place of Suresh we have Harish = Ææ Í - ˇ ƒn ç apple æ«k ˇ ÖØ oúø ) Vasanth: What about the next match? (ûª y-ûª -Ç-ô Ææçí -ûëçöà?-) Hemanth: We may play the team from Warangal, but we take it easy. The Warangal team is no more a problem for us than yesterday's team. ( îëa- ƒj Ë ç- Ωç-í öãç ûó ÇúÌîª a. Å ûë Ë ç ü Eo ûël-í _ØË BÆæ èπ ç-ô - Ø oç. E oöà öãç éπç-õ Ωç-í öãç  ü l Ææ ÊÆuç é ü.) Vasanth: I appreciate your confidence. (F N»y- ƒeo -Å-Gµ- ç-cææ h-ø o.) Hemanth: Our Captain is more confident than I (am)= (Ø éπçõ captain Éçé N»y-ÆæçûÓ ÖØ oúø.) Vasanth: Best of luck then. Bye. éàç-ü -öà- ƒj ç È çúø N æ-ߪ - ØË ( úø N æߪ é èπ çú ) Ú aôç á «íó ç éπü. È çúø N æ-ߪ - ØË ÚLa- - æ púø 1) Superlative Öçúøü. 2) Comparative apple not èπ çõ positive apple not Ææ hçc. 3) compare îëææ h o Ææ h- positions çü èπÿ Á éπèπÿ û Ω - - Ω- -û. Ñ N æ-ߪ last lesson apple ç éπü! É æ púø îª úøçúõ: a) Ooty is not cooler than Kodaikanal. (-Ü-öÃ, éì-úájèé-ø - éπçõ îª xe v æüë ç é ü ) Ééπ\úø 1) adjective cooler - degree - comparative. 2) comparison ( ÚLéπ) È ç-úõçöàéà vûª Ë. é öàd superlative Öçúøü. Å ûë í -ûª lessons apple-e examples «é èπ çú,  j sentences apple comparative çü not ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Åçõ, Ñ µ«eo, positive apple îáê p-ô- æ púø not ü éπü. positive îª ü lç. Kodaikanal is at least as cool as Ooty = éìúáj-èé-ø éπfææç (at least) Ü-öà Åçûª- îª xí Öçô çc. Study this: Comparative Ü-öÃ, éìúáj-èé-ø éπç-õ îª x-ec é ü. Positive éìúáj-èé-ø (éπfææç) Ü--öà Åçûª îª x-í Öçô çc. A, B éπç-õ áèπ \ é ü, Åçõ B (éπfææç) A ûó Ææ - - E éπü? É «comparative ç* positive éà Ω -ûª çc. Ééπ\úø comparative apple not Öç-C, é öàd positive apple not ü. b) Comparative: Chandra is not taller than Tara = û Ω éπçõ îªçvü Ò-úø- -é ü. Positive: Tara is (at least) as tall as Chandra. At least î - «ƒ Ω x C- -Ææ hçö«ç ûª æ p-é ü. êu- Á i N æߪ ç: Positive degree adjective çü so/as, positive degree ûª yûª as ôç ûá -Ææ -í ü? Å ûë, positive degree apple not Ö o- æ púë, ü -E çü so é E,/as é E- úøû ç. positive degree apple not éπ- ÚûË ü -E çü, as vûª Ë úøû ç. So úøç. a) He is not so/as tall as his brother- ÉC positive degree. Éçü apple not ÖçC. é öàd tall çü, so é F as é F úøû ç. b) He is as clever as his brother- ÉD positive degree. Å ûë Éçü apple not é F, no é F ü. Åçü - x clever çü as vûª Ë úø -ûª Ø oç, so úø-ôç- ü. ÉC î - «êu- Á i N æߪ ç. Now let us study the following sentences from the conversation between Vasanth and Hemanth at the beginning of this lesson. 1) Hemanth: Our game yesterday was no better than last sunday's (éàç-ü -öà ÇC- Ωç Çô éπçõ E o Çõ ç Á Ω -í _- ü.) (no better - no + comparative) Positive: Last Sunday's game was (at least) as good as our game yesterday = éàç-ü -öà ÇC- Ωç Çô èπÿú E o Çôçûª «í ÖçC (éπfææç) 2) Our score this time was not higher than that last time. (not + comparative - Ñ ƒj - Ú\ éàç-ü -öà - Ú\ éπçõ áèπ \ Ëç é ü ) Positive: Our score last time was (at least) as high as our score this time. (éàç-ü -öà ƒj - Ú\, Ñ ƒj - Ú\ ÅçûË.) 3) The wickets we took this time were not more than the wickets we took last time. (not more - not + more (comparative)) Ñ ƒj Ë ç-- BÆæ èπ - o NÈé-ô x éàç-ü -öà ƒj NÈé-ôx éπçõ áèπ \ Ëç é. Many (positive) - more (comparative) - most (superlative) Positive: The wickets we took last time were (at least) as many as we took this time. ( Ë ç éàç-ü -öà ƒj BÆæ -èπ - o NÈé-ô x, éàç-ü --öà ƒ-j BÆæ -èπ - o-øëo áèπ \- Ëç-é ü.) 4) They were no greater than Kiran and Charan. ( Ÿx Ë ç éìûªhí BÆæ èπ - o Ÿx, éà Ω-ù, --îª Ω-ù éπç-õ íì æp Çô-í Ïxç é Ω ). Ééπ\úø äéπ ÆæçüË æ«ç îª a - Ê «- ˇ, Ææ-B- ˇ, -éà Ωù, --îª Ω-ù Éçûª çce îáê p-ô- æ púø, ÉC È çúø N æ-ߪ üµ u ÚLéπ á «Å -ûª -çü -E. Å ûë ç Å Ωnç îëææ éó- -LqçC Ééπ\úø à äéπ\- JØÓ, N í û xç-ü -JûÓ Ú aôç ü. Ê «- ˇ, Ææ-B- ˇ ORx-ü l Ω 1st set. -éà Ω-ù, --îª Ω-ù ORx-ü l Ω 2nd set. Ééπ\úø comparison Ñ È çúø sets of players èπ. é öàd, DEo È çúø N æ-ߪ üµ u ÚL-éπ-í ØË BÆæ éó L. Positive: Kiran and Charan were (atleast) as great as they. (éà Ω-ù, -îª Ω-ù - éπ-fææç - - xç-ûª íì æp- - Ïx) 5) The pitch this time was not faster than the pitch last time (not faster - not + comparative) Positive: The pitch last time was (at least) as fast as the pitch this time (éàç-ü -öà ƒ-j œ-î èπÿú Ñ ƒj œ-î Åçûª Ëí -- Á içüë) 6) The Warangal team is no more a problem for us than yesterday's team. (no more a problem - no + comparative) Much (positive) - more (comparative) - most (superlative) ( èπ Ωçí - -öãç E oöà -öãç éπçõ áèπ \ Ææ Ææu- é ü ) Positive: Yesterday's team was (at least) as much a problem for us as the warangal team (E oöà -öãç, Ωçí - -öãç Åçûª Ææ ÊÆu èπ = ûªèπ \ Ëç é ü ) Åçõ Ωç-í áèπ \ Ëç é ü ÅE. 7) Our captain is more confident than I (am) - Ø éπçõ captain áèπ \ N»y-ÆæçûÓ -ÖØ oúø comparative, not èπ çú, é öàd Positive apple not Ææ hçc. Positive: I am not so (as) confident as our captain. (ØË captain Åçûª N»y-Ææç-í -.) Exercise: Practise the following aloud in English Pramada: F --vúáæˇ áçûª «ç-üó! Vasudha: F --vúáæˇ éπçõ  ü l -àç «í - -ü. Pramada: éπ*a-ûªçí Ø --vúáæˇ F --vúáæˇ Åçûª Çéπ- Ω{-ùÃߪ çí ü. Ø ÂÆ- éπ{-ø F ÂÆ- éπ{-ø -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù I appreciate your confidence 207 Åçûª-Ææ-Jí _ (proper) ü. é E Ø -- vúáæˇ F ü -E éπçõ êk-üá-èπ \-. Åçü Íé «üµ - æ-úø -ûª Ø o. Vasudha: Å «çöàn ï Ω -í -û -. «üµ - æ-úøèπ. Å ûë, Ééπ\-úø o xç-ü J -vúáææ - applex FüË î - «- Åç-ü çí Öç-ü -E ØËE- æp-öàéã Å - èπ ç-ô Ø o. Pramada: N -ö«-eéà ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçC. é E ÅC Eïç é ü. Vasudha: Éçûª- E-ñ«- --Bí ØËØÁ- æ púø. Answer: Pramada: How beautiful your dress is! Vasudha: (It is) not more beautiful than yours. Pramada: Certainly my dress is not as/so attractive as yours. My selection is not so as proper as yours, but my dress is more expensive than yours. That makes me sad. Vasudha: Such things happen. Don't worry. But I still feel that yours is the best of the dresses of all those/ the people here. Pramada: Good to hear that, but it is not true. Vasudha: I have never been so (as) truthful / honest as I am now. v æ o. 'Æœçõ é q Åçõ ûá -í apple Å ç-é - - Ø? öà í Jç* ûál-ߪ --ñ -ߪ ç-úõ. à Á iø v æûëuéπ æ Ææh-é - -Ø oߪ? èπ~ ùoçí, Ææ - - µºçí ÖçúË æ Ææh-é ûál-ߪ -ñ -ߪ çúõ. áæˇ. ñ - π -,  j«ü - - «ü. Syntax Åçõ Å ç-é - é ü. Syntax Åçõ English applee é u- applexe ô Å -Jéπ (order of words - à ô çü, à ô ûª yûª L) í -Jç-*- E ç-üµ -. É æpöà Ωèπÿ ÉEo lessons apple -ûá-l- œç-c ÉüËéπü? OöÀE í Jç-* English story books, Magazines ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµç*, Newspapers (English),  ü l - «çöàn îªü - ôç x English «í Ææ hçc.

120 x - Ú- Ωç 4 -ÂÆ dç- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Dhananjai: So, which school did you put your son in, finally? (* - Ωèπ O -úõ-e -à school apple - îë-jpç-î -?) Lokeswar: In the Ambit Public School. Dhananjai: Congrats. How could you ever get him admission in that school? It is one of the best schools in the state. (Ç Ææ \-- applex -Å-úÕt- æ-ø á «Ææç ƒ-cç--î -? æzç- apple -Ö- o -Ö-ûªh- - ƒ Ω-»- - applex - Å-üÌéπ-öÀ.) Lokeswar: And one of the most expensive too. My son has been selected in the selection test. Very few admission tests he has taken are as tough as this. (Å. Åûªuçûª êk--üáj ƒ Ω-»- - applex èπÿú -Å-üÌéπöÀ. úø v æ Ë- - æ-k-éπ~ apple áç œ-éπ-ߪ uúø. - úø Æœ æk-éπ~ applex éìeo vûª Ë Éçûª éπ- æ d- Á i- N.) Dhananjai: (Do) you mean he has taken as number of admission tests? (Åçõ -O -Å- «s î - «v æ Ë- - æ-k-éπ~»-úøø -F -Ö-üËl- uç?) Lokeswar: What do you think? I have had five transfers in the past nine years. With every transfer he had to be put in a new school, and that meant an admission test. (à- - èπ ç-ô --Ø o-? Ñ -ûì-n t-üë x- apple Ø èπ -Å -ü ƒ Ω x CM Å çc. v æa ƒ-k éìûªh - ƒ Ω-»- - apple îë alq îëac. Åçõ v æa- ƒk ã v æ Ë- - æ-kéπ~ ÊÆ- -úø ) Dhananjai: How good is he at studies? (O úø á-- «îªü - -û úø?) Lokeswar: Quite bright, I must say. Certainly brighter than most other students his age or class. He has had no difficulty getting admission in the best schools. (ûál-n-í - - -úøøë ÅØ L. úõ- ûª Ωí -A, -úõ ߪ -Ææ q- - x apple î - «- çcéπçõ ûál-- Áj - úë. -Ñ é Ω-ùçí Åûª u-ûªh ƒ Ω-»- - applex Ææ - - í v æ Ë ç Òçü -í - Lí úø ) Dhananjai: I see that. That he got a seat in Ambit school shows that. Wish him all the best. (Å Ωnç Å -ûª ØË ÖçC. Ç ƒ Ω-»- apple Æ -ô -ô Ë -Å-ûª-ØËç-öapple ûá- - Úhç-C). Lokeswar: Tomorrow is his birthday. How about attending it? ( Í æ úõ æ -öàd- Ó-V - ƒh éπü.) Table- 1 -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù I Type Superlative: Kolkata is the largest city in India. Comparative: Kolkata is larger than any other city / all other cities in India. Positive: No other city in India is so (as) large as Kolkata. 208 Superlative: éó éπû ÅEo í - applex  ü lc Comparative: N í û í éπçõ éó éπû  ü lc (- u- æ -Jéπ ûá -í - apple) Positive: à Éûª Ω í Ωç èπÿú éó éπû Åçûª  ü lc é -ü. Dhananjai: Tomorrow? I should very much like to, but tomorrow is a friday. On fridays, I am busier than most other days. I'll try to come, but don't look for me. Anyway, many happy returns of the day. (Ø èπ - ØË ÖçC, é F Í æ Ÿvéπ- Ωç. -N -T-L- Ó-V-- -ûó - Ú-LÊÆ-h ØË Ÿvéπ- - î «- G-@. Å - Ø -ö«-eéà v æߪ -Ao- ƒh. - é -F -Ø éóææç áü - Ω - îª -úìü l. É «çöà æ -öàd- Ó-V- î - «-ï Ω æ éó- E éó Ω -èπ ç-ô -Ø o ) Lokeswar: Thank you. Compare sentences (a) and (b) below: a) Kolkata is the largest city in India ( µ«ω-û apple Åûªuçûª  ü l- -í Ωç éó -éπû ) - superlative degree. b) Bangalore is one of the largest cities in India. ( µ«ω-û apple Åûªuçûª  ü l í - applex- çí - Ω äéπöà) superlative. a), b) È çúø èπÿú superlative apple ÖØ o. Å ûë (a) apple the largest Åçô Ø oç Åçõ éó -éπû ÅEo í - applex  ü lc -Å-E -Å Ωnç. (b) apple Bangalore is one of the largest Åçô Ø oç Åçõ µ«ω-û applee (Åûªuçûª)  ü l- -í - applex - çí - Ω äéπöà Åçô Ø oç. The best, the largest, the tallest, etc. É «çöà öàéà comparatives, positive á «ƒhßá èπ ûá Ææ. One of the best (Åûªuçûª Ë - j- - -öà- apple äéπöà), One of the largest (Åûªuçûª  ü l- -öà apple äéπöà), Å o- æ púø öàéà Positive, Comparative á «Öçö«ßÁ É æ púø ç îª ü lç. é F äéπ êu N æߪ ç ÚL-éπ æj-q-lç-îªôç, îá æpôç ( Ææ h-, uèπ h ûª Ω-ûª µ ü )- Éç-Tx - æfl apple ÆæçéÀ - æ dç (Complex)í - Öç-ô ç-c. ûá -í apple -Å- «Öçúøü. ç í ö«xúë, ÊÆ ûá í apple Superlative, Comparatives èπ ËÍ y Ω æü éπü. Öü : Ççvüµ -v æ-üë apple -Ö- o í - applex  j«ü - - «ü  ü lc (Superlative), N í û í - éπçõ  j«ü - - «ü  ü lc (Comparative), à í Ωç èπÿú  j«ü - - «ü Åçûª  ü lc é ü. ÅE ûá -í apple -Åç-ö«ç.  Ω éπü. Three degrees apple èπÿú ç ' ü lc -Å-ØË - -ô-øë Åçô Ø oç. -Éç-Tx- æfl apple «, big, bigger, biggest ÅE äíé ôèπ degree E öàd úø Ω ƒ ûá -í apple -Öç-úø- éπü. Åûªuçûª  ü lc, ÅA  ü l ÅØË ô úø éπ ûá -í apple Åçûª ƒüµ - Ωùç é ü. ÅD é èπ çú ûá -í apple -áeo Ωé ÚL-éπ- Ø o, Ææçü - s Eo öàd àüó ô éπ-*a-ûªçí - úø û ç. é F éπuç É «Öçú L ÅØË E ç-üµ - II Type Bangalore is one of the largest cities in India. Bangalore is larger than most other cities in India. Very few cities in India are as large as Bangalore. --Å-ûªuç-ûª  ü l í - applex çí - Ω äéπöà î «í éπç-õ çí - Ω Â ü lc à éìcl í - - apple çí Ωçûª  ü ln (- u- æ -Jéπ ûá -í - apple) What do you think? ûá -í apple - -. Ñ N æ-ߪ ç apple -Ççí x µ«- æ- apple î «-E- ç-üµ - - -Ö-Ø o. Åçü - éπe à Ωéπç ÚL-éπ à degree apple á «îá ƒp- ØË N æ-ߪ ç apple ñ«ví ûªh Å - Ææ Ωç. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson 1) It is one of the best schools in the state. ( æzç applee Öûªh - ƒ Ω-»- - applex ÉC äéπöà) superlative 2) And one of the most expensive too. (Åûªuçûª êk--üáj - ƒ Ω-»- - applex èπÿú äéπöà) 3) Very few admission tests... are as tough as this (positive) 4) He is certainly brighter than most other students of his class or age (comparative) 5)... I am busier tomorrow than on most other days. (comparative). É æ púø È çúø Ωé ÚLéπ - -üµ u ûëú æj-q-lü lç: (-õ îª -úøç-úõ) É æ púø Ææ-ç- µ«- æ-ù applee degrees transformation to other degrees îª ü lç. Positive 1) Very few schools in the state are as good as this. É æ púø ç ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc... Comparative 2) Very few schools are as... and more expensive than expensive as this. most other schools. I am busier tomorrow than on most other days. (lesson applee sentence) a) The + superlative ÅE ÊÆh ü EéÀ comparative apple than any other / all other Ææ hçc. Positive apple No other ûó -v ƒ Ωç- µº- -ûª çc.- b) One of the + superlative ÊÆh ü EéÀ comparative apple than most other Ææ hçc. Very few ûó Positive v ƒ Ωç µº- -ûª çc. very few ûó v ƒ Ωç- µº- ßË u positive- apple as + positive + as vûª- Ë Ææ hçc. so + positive + as ü. Carefully observe the following conversation between Satish and Naresh Satish: This is one of the greatest movies I've seen recently. Naresh: I agree. Very few recent movies are as great as this. Satish: The photography in the movie is better than that in most other recent movies. Naresh: But the songs in the movie are not sweeter than the songs in 'Kalalu'. Satish: (Do) you mean that songs in 'Kalalu' are sweeter than the songs in the movie. Naresh: I Don't mean that. The songs in 'Kalalu' are as sweet as the songs in this. Satish: You are one of the best singers in our College. I do not have the knowledge of music you have / my knowledge of music is not so (as) good as yours. Naresh: Very few songs are as good as 'Vasantaragam' in 'Kalalu' It is a moving song. Satish: True. I like it too. Superlative It is better than most other It is one of the best schools in the schools in the state. state. (lesson apple É*a sentence)... and one of the most expensive too. (lesson apple É*a sentence) 3) Very few admission tests This is tougher than most other This is one of the toughest tests. are as tough as this. (lesson applee tests. sentence) 4) Very few students are as He is certainly brighter than most He is certainly one of the brightest bright as he (is). other students. (lesson applee sentence) students. 5) On very few days am I as busy as I am tomorrow. Tomorrow is one of the days I am the busiest on. -v æ- o-: This diversity is seen not only among the plants belonging to different groups but also those belonging to the same group.  j éπuç apple is ûª yûª seen Ö æ-ßá - Tç-î Ω. present continuous apple verb úó- Ω - ƒeo Ö æ-ßá -Tç-îª- î a?-ûá- æí -- Ω? áç. ü L-Ø -ߪ úø, Xé - π ç ï- - : Ééπ\úø seen ÅØËC present continuous tense é ü. present simple / present indefinite. present continuous tense apple verb formam seeing / is seeing / are seeing. is seen-éc present simple, passive voiceîª úø- -úø -ûóçc ÅØË Å Ωnç apple. This diversity is seen = Ñ ÁjNüµ uç îª úø úø ûª çc (Åçõ ç îª ƒhç ÅE) is seen- is (be form) + seen ( verb úó- Ω æç Åçõ past participle) - voice, passive.

121 - -üµ - Ωç 6 ÂÆ dç- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Tarun: Hi Saran, you are not the earliest to class, are you? (Åçü -J-éπçõ class èπ çü *açc y é ü -í ü?) Saran: Sarika and some others were earlier than me. I was not later than they (were)/them by more than ten minutes. ( ƒjéπ, ÉçéÌç-ü Ω Ø éπçõ çü î a Ω. x-éπçõ ØË æc EN - ƒ éπø o áèπ \ Ç Ææuç é ü.) Tarun: Sarika isn't always the earliest to come? (á æ púø çü Ω îëa x apple ƒjéπ Öçô ç-c-éπü?) Saran: No, she isn't. In fact, she is not among those who are the earliest. (é ü. ûªy Ωí îëa- - x applex ÅÆæ- «Á Öçúøü.) Tarun: You were thinking of buying a bike. You had better buy now. It is on sale at a discount and is cheaper than before. ( ËyüÓ bike éìø - - -èπ ç-ô - Ø o éπü. É æ púë éì ôç ç*c. Discount apple Å tûª -Ø o Ω. Éçûª-èπ - ç-ü -éπçõ É æ púø îª éπ.) Saran: It is not the cheapest now. It is going to be cheaper still. I'll wait for another month. (É æ púø Åçûª ûªèπ \- Ëç-é ü. Éçé îª -éπ- - apple-ûóçc. ÉçéÓ ØÁ «-í û.) Tarun: Yes. Some other brands will then be as cheap as this or even cheaper. (Å ØËx. J-éÌEo company bikes Éçûª îª -í _ Öçö«, Éçé îª -í _ Öçö«.) Saran: Moreover some other matters are more important for me than the bike now. (ÅçûË-é -èπ çú bike éπçõ êu- Á i N æ-ߪ J-éÌEo ÖØ o Ø èπ.) Tarun: (So) you mean a bike has the least priority now. (Åçõ F v ƒ -ë«uç» applex bike * -Jü ç-ö«?) Saran: There are other more important matters. (ÅE é ü. é E Åçûª-éπçõ êu- Á i- N J-éÌEo ÖØ o.) Tarun: When you decide to buy just let me know. I know the dealer. We can get some concession. ( y éìø - E E Ωg- ç-îª -èπ - o- æ púø Ø èπ ûál-ߪ -ñ. Ø éó dealer ûá Ææ. èπ é Ææh ûªt_ç æ üµ Ω-éÌ-Ææ hçc.) Saran: Thank you. You observe that the conversation above has mostly negative sentences. There are, among them, superlatives, comparatives and positives too. Now before we study them look at the following sentences. a) Madanapalle is not the coolest place in A.P = Adjective - the coolest - degree superlative - Å ûë Ñ sentence apple superlative çü not í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Ñ sentence Å Ωnç: Ççvüµ -v æ-üë- apple ü - - æ x Åûªuçûª îª xe v æüë ç é ü ÅE éπü. Åçõ, ü - - æ x éìeo Éûª Ω v æüë-»- -éπø o îª x-e-cé ü ÅE ÉC comparative. Madanapalle is not cooler than some other places in A.P. DEéÀ positive: Some other places in A.P. are as cool as Madanpalle = -á. œ. apple éìeoîóô x ü - - æ x Åçûª îª x-en. b) That is not the tallest tree in the garden. (Ç ûóô apple-e ÅEo îáôx apple ÅC áèπ \ Òúø- ÁjçC é ü ) not the tallest (not + superlative) The tree is not taller than some other trees in the garden. (Ç ûóô apple N í û éìeo îáôx-éπø o ÉC Òúø- ÁjçC é ü ) not taller than some other - comparative. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 209 Some other trees in the garden are as tall as the tree. (ûóô- applee éìeo îáô x, Ç îáôdçûª Òúø Ø o.) c) Some other novels are as good as 'You only live Twice' (éìeo Éûª Ω novels, 'you only live Twice' Åçûª «í ç-ö«) As good as - degree - positive It is cheaper than before DEéÀ comparative "you only live Twice" is not better than some other novels ('You only live Twice' éìeo Éûª Ω novels éπçõ Åçûª «Ííç Öçúøü ). superlative 'You only live Twice' is not the best novels. (You only live Twice' ÅEo-öÀ apple Öûªh- - Á i novel é ü ) Now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. 1) You are not the earliest to the class. 2) Sarika and some others were earlier than me. 3) It is cheaper than before. 4) Sarika is not always the earliest to come. 5) It is not the cheapest now. 6) Some other brands are going to be as cheap as this or even cheaper. 7) Moreover some other matters are more important for me than the bike now. 8)... the bike has the least priority now? 9) there are other more important matters. All the sentences above are more or less the same pattern. Åçõ Éçûª-èπ - çü ç îª Æœ not the best/ greatest, etc èπ Ææç ç- Cµç-*- N. OöÀéÀ other degrees îª ü lç. positive 1. Some others are as early to class as you. 2. I was not early as Sarika and some others. 3. It was not as cheap before as it is now. 4. Some others are always as early as Sarika. 5. It is not as cheap as it was earlier. 6. Some other brands are going to be as cheap as this. (É*a sentence) 7. The bike is not as important for me as some other matters. 8. No other matter has as little priority as the bike. 9. Some other matters are as important as this. äéπ êu-n- æߪ ç í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ: É «äéπ degree ç* ÉçéÓ degree éà Ωaôç ã exercise í practice îëߪ ôç x confusion ûª æp Spoken English improve é ü. O Ω regular í Å -é ç üìj-éà- - æ p-úø «x English ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø o- Ω- -éóçúõ, Å æ púø O Ω îá ƒp- - - èπ o µ«eo, Ææçü - s -Eo- öãd, à degree apple á «îá ƒp apple O èπ ûá -Ææ hçc. English Å é ç *a- - æ púø «x ö«x-úøôç êuç. É Fo ôçûªô Å Ë ûál-æœ- Ú-û. îªü - ôç x èπÿú ÉçTx ˇ Ææ hçc. Now study the following conversation: Sindhu: Congrats Rahul, your team won the match yesterday. You played the best of all. You scored more runs than any other member of your team. (-E- o O team ÈíL-*çC. Åçü -J apple y «í Çú. N í -û - - x-éπø o Áy-èπ \ æ Ω -í B».) Rahul: Unfortunately, I could not bowl as well as Ganesh. He took more wickets than I did. (ü Ω-ü %- æ d- -»ûª h Ganesh Åçûª «í bowl îëߪ - -éπ- Ú-ߪ. Ø éπçõ Åûª-ØÁèπ \ wickets BÆæ -èπ -Ø oúø ) Sindhu: Your captain played the worst of all. His single digit score shows that. (Åçü Óx Åüµ y- çí ÇúÕçC O Èé døë. ÅûªE äéπ ÅçÈé score ü EéÀ û \ùç) Rahul: He hasn't been in form of late. Otherwise he plays better than most of us. (Åûª-F- üµ u Åçûª form apple úø. èπ çõ apple î «- çc éπçõ Åûª «í Çúøû úø.) Sindhu: But he didn't play so well in the earlier match either. (é F Åûª Åçûª-èπ - çü match apple Åçûª «í Çúø- ü éπü ) comparative You are not earlier than some others to class. Sarika and some others were earlier than me. (É*a sentence) It is cheaper than before (É*a sentence) Sarika is not always earlier than some others. It is not cheaper now than before. This is not going to be cheaper than some other brands. Some other matters are more important for me than the bike now. (É*a sentence) The bike has less priority than any other matter There are other more important matters than this. (É*a sentence) superlative You are not the earliest to class. (É*a sentence) I was not the earliest. No superlative. [little (positive) - less (comparative) - least (superlative)] Sarika is not always the earliest. (É*a sentence) It is not the cheapest now. (É*a sentence) This is not going to be the cheapest of brands. The bike is not among/ not one of the most important matters for me. The bike has the least priority now. (É*a sentence) This is not the most important matter. Rahul: That's true. But once he regains form, very few of us can play as well as he. (Eï Ë. é E Sx form apple éìî a-úøçõ vûªç apple à éìcl- çüó Åûª- çûª «í Çúø-í ç) Sindhu: Wish him the best. Look at the following sentences from the conversation above: 1) You played the best of all. 2) You scored more runs than any other member of your team. 3)... I could not bowl as well as Ganesh. 4) He took more wickets than I did. 5) Your captain played the worst of all. 6)... he plays better than most of us. 7) But he didn't play so well in the earlier match either. 8)... very few of us can play as well as he.  j sentences ÅEoç-öÀ apple èπÿú ÚL-éπ- -Ø o éπü ÅFo ûª Ω-ûª µ ü í JçîË. Å ûë Ñ sentences apple Ææ h- / uèπ h í ù-í -ù«-, ƒ - nu- é éπ uèπ h æeb Ω Ú -Ææ h-ø o- E í -EçîË Öçö«Ω. äíé æee Éü l Ω, Åçûªéπçõ áèπ \ uèπ h, äéπ-j-éπçõ ÉçéÌ-éπ Ω «í îë», ûªèπ \ îë» ÅØËC Ú -Ææ hø oç. Åçõ ÉC comparison of adverbs, comparison of adjectives é ü. Åçõ degrees of comparison, adjectives Íé é èπ çú, adverbs èπ èπÿú Öçô ç-ü - o- ô. É æp-öà- - Ωèπÿ ç study îëæœçc comparison of adjectives.ééπ çü ç æj-q-lç-îëc, degrees of comparison of adverbs. (adverb Åçõ, verb ûálê æe á «ïj-tçc ÅE ûálê æü ç) You played the best of all - Ééπ\úø verb, played = Çú. Ç Çúøôç á «ïj-tçc? Answer: the best. é öàd best ÅØËC Ééπ\úø adverb.

122 - Ÿ-véπ- Ωç 8 ÂÆ dç- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Komal: Visal, doesn't Ramana speak English the best of all of us in the class? (Class apple ç-ü -J apple English «í ö«x-úëc Ramana éπü ) Vishal: Yes; he does. (Å ) Komal: Why so? (áçü -éπe?) Why so = áçü -éπ «?; Why not? = áçü èπ é ü? Ñ expressions conversation apple î «common. O Ω ûª Ω-îª í úøçúõ. Vishal: From the beginning he has studied in English medium, that too, in very good schools. Moreover, he reads more than any one of us. ( Á ü -öà ç* Åûªúø îªc-nçc English medium apple, ÅD ç* English medium schools apple, ÅçûË-é -èπ çú -éπçõ Åûªúø áèπ \- í îªü - -û úø.) That too = ÅC èπÿú. Komal: What does he read? How much does he read? îªü - - áçûª (àç û úø? îªü - -û -úøçö«?) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 210 Vishal: For one thing, he reads the English news paper daily. He reads too, a lot of fiction in English. He reads quite often English news magazines too. (äéπ-õ -N -ôçõ ÓW English newspaper îªü - -û úø. Éçé English -, éπü -Eéπ îªü - -û úø. ûª Ωîª English news magazines èπÿú îªü - -û úø.) fiction = œéπ{ø ' œ ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç. Å Ωnç éπ p éπlpç-* éπü novels ( - ), short stories (éπü -E-éπ ) «çöàn. Komal: (Do) you mean he speaks English so well because of his reading? (Åçõ y-øëc Å «îªü - ôç xøë English Å «ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø o-úøç-ö«?) Vishal: Exactly. Reading English helps you more than a thorough study of grammar. (éπ*a-ûªçí. ÉçTx ˇ ö«x-úëç-ü èπ ví èπ~ ùoçí Å µºu-æœç-îªôç éπçõ, îªü - ôç áèπ \ í Ææ æ -ߪ - æ-úø -ûª çc.) thorough = ü Ó = èπ~ ùo- Á i Komal: The language of the English newspapers is difficult to understand, isn't it? How then does it help? (English newspapers English Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- -ö«-eéà éπ æ dçí Öçô çc. Å «ç-ô- æ púø ÅüÁ «Ö æ-ßá -í - æ-úø -ûª çc?) Vishal: Ramana says he began with short news items, and then went on to news stories. ( Á ôd- Á -ü ô * o hç-»- ûó v ƒ Ωç- Gµç*, Ç ûª yûª  ü l  ü l Ωh reports îªc- - E Ω ù ÅØ oúø ) Komal: He certainly works harder than any of us. At the same time he plays games better than us too. Remember he scored higher than any other member of our team in the last match. (éπ*a-ûªçí Åûªúø -éπçõ áèπ \ v - æ-úø-û úø. Å «Íí games apple èπÿú - éπçõ Åûªúø Á Ω Íí. éàç-ü -öà match apple team apple Éûª Ω players éπçõ «í score îë»úø ). Vishal: Here he is. Let's spend some time with him. (ÉCíÓ Ææ h-ø oúø. é ÊÆ æ Åûª-úÕûÓ í úø - æ ü ç) í -ûª lesson apple ç ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc, degrees of comparison äéπ\ adjectives Íé é ü, adverbs èπ èπÿú Öçü E. Adverbs Åçõ èπÿú ûá -Ææ - èπ Ø oç. verb, subject îëêæ æee ûá - æ -ûª çc. Ç verb îëêæ æe á «ïj-tçc «çöà N - - ûálê - ô adverb. He plays well. Ééπ\úø verb - plays. á «Çúø-û úø? ÅØË verb (ûálê æe)éà v æ o ËÊÆh, Ææ -üµ ç well éπü? Åçü -éπe well, adverb Å -ûª çc. äéπ sentence apple äéπ ô îëêæ æee öàd, ÅC noun/ adjective/ adverb etc., OöÀ applex àc ÅE E Ωg- ç-î Lq Öçô çc. This is a fast train. Ééπ\úø á «çöà train? ÅØË v æ oèπ, fast train ÅØËC ï. é öàd fast, adjective. Why so? A Cheetah runs fast. (* Ω -ûª- æ L Ëí çí æ Ω -Èí-ûª h-ûª çc. Ééπ\úø runs, verb. How does it run? ÅØË question èπ fast, answer é öàd fast ÅØËC adverb. Åçõ 1) á «çöà, á «ç-öàc (äéπ Ææ h / E œ) ÅØË v æ oèπ Ææ -üµ - çí îëa- ô Adjective. 2) æe á «ïj-tçc ÅØË v æ oèπ answer í îëa ô Adverb. Ñ È çúø N æ-ߪ ñ«ví -ûªhí í Ω hç-îª -èπ çõ degrees of comparison á æ púø Adjectives èπÿ, á æ púø adverbs èπÿ ÅØËC Ææ - µºçí ûá -Ææ hçc. a) Australia plays best of all teams in the world. (v æ æç-îªç- applee ÅEo ïôx apple ÇÊÆZ-Lߪ ïô d Åûªuçûª «í Çúø -ûª çc.) í -Eç-îªçúÕ Ééπ\úø 'best'- adverb, áçü -éπçõ, plays ÅØË verb æee á «íó N -J- ÚhçC é öàd. (Note: Superlative degree of the adjective çü the éπ*a-ûªçí Öçú - E ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. Å ûë superlative degree of the adverb çü the Åçûª æöàdç- æ - ü. úõûë ç*üë, úø-éπ- Ú- Ø æ y- ü.)  j sentence apple adverb, superlative degree apple ÖçC éπü? ÉC superlative of 'well'. É æ úø ÉC îª úøçúõ. b) Tendulkar plays better than any other/ all other players = õ çúø - \ à Éûª Ω player/ N í û players éπçõ Á Ω í _ Çúø-û úø. Ééπ\úø better, comparative degree of well c) No other player hits the ball so/ as well as Dhoni= ÉçÍé Éûª Ω player èπÿú üµóe Åçûª «í ball éìôdúø. Ééπ\úø adverb, wellpositive. good= ç* (adjective) better (comparative) well= «í (adverb) best (superlative) Adjective Å Ø, adverb Å Ø, äéπ degree ç* ÉçéÓ degree éà Í a æü l A äéπõ. positive 1. Adjective No other team in the world is so/ as good as Australia. Adverb No other team in the world plays so/ as well as Australia. 2. Adjective Very few teams in the world are as good as Australia. Adverb Very few teams in the world play as well as Australia.  Ω éπü Í a æü l A Adjective Å Ø äéπõ, adverb Å Ø äéπõ. 1) Tendulkar bats better than Sehwag. (ÉC Éü lj üµ uøë ÚLéπ Ééπ\úø not ü ÉC comparative degree) DEéÀ superlative Öçúø-ü -éπü. Positive appleéà Í a-ô- æ púø, Tendulkar, Sehwag Ê Ω x û Ω - - Ω- -û ; not Ææ hçc. Sehwag does not bat (bats + not = does not bat) so (as) well as Tendulkar 2) Bret Lee does not bowl faster than Shoaib Akthar- comparative degree. (Bret Lee, Shoaib Akthar Åçûª Ëí çí bowl îëߪ úø ) ÚLéπ Éü lj üµëu, not ÖçC. DEéÀ superlative ü éπü. Positive apple not ü, subjects Lee, Akthar positions û Ω - - Ω- -û. Positive: Shoaib Akthar bowls (at least) as fast as Bret Lee. (Shoaib Akthar éπfææç Bret Lee Åçûª Ëí çí bowl îë ƒhúø ) Adverb degree îëa-ô- æ púø, do, does, did Ö æ-ßá í ç í Ω h-â -ô d-éó- L. Eg: 1) Steve played more matches than Mark. (Mark éπçõ Steve áèπ \ matches Çú úø ) ÉC comparative. verb - played. DEo positive apple îá ƒp- çõ, played + not = did not play Å -ûª çc. Å æ púø positive. Mark did not play as/ so many games as Steve. (Steve ÇúÕ- Eo games Mark Çúø- ü ) 2) Krishna reads faster than Ravi ( Ω-N éπçõ éπ% æg Ëí çí îªü - -û úø ) superlative 1. Doesn't Ramana speak English the best of all of us? (É*a sentence) 2. Of all of us he reads the most. 3. No superlative. 4. He certainly works hardest of all of us. 5. Of all of us, he plays games best. 6. He scored highest of all of us. comparative Australia is better than any (all) other team (teams) in the world. Australia plays better than any other team/ all other teams in the world. Australia is better than most other teams in the world. Australia plays better than most other teams in the world. ÉC Comparative. verb - reads. DEo positive èπ JÊÆh, not L. Å æ púø í Ω hç-îª - éó- -Lq N æߪ ç reads + not = does not read. Positive degree: Ravi does not read so/ as fast as Krishna. (Krishna Åçûª Ëí çí ΩN îªü - úø ) 3) Kites fly faster than crows. (é èπ éπçõ í ü l Ëí çí áí - Ω -û ) Comparative. verb - fly. Comparative apple not ü. Positive apple Ææ hçc. verb - fly. fly + not = do not fly. Positive: Crows do not fly so/ as fast as kites. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. 1) Doesn't Ramana speak English the best of all of us in the class? (superlative degree of the adverb) 2) He reads more than any of us. (comparative degree) 3) Reading English helps you more than a study of grammar (comparative) 4) He certainly works harder than any of us. (comparative) 5) At the same time, he plays games better than us too. (comparative) 6) He scored higher than any other member of our team. (comparative) Exercise: OöÀéÀ Éûª Ω degrees practise îëߪ çúõ. Answer: comparative Doesn't Ramana speak English better than any of us? He reads more than any of us. (É*a sentence) Reading helps us more than a study of grammar. (É*a sentence) He certainly works harder than any of us. (É*a sentence) He plays games better than us too. (É*a sentence) He scored higher than any other member of our team. superlative Australia is the best team in the world. Australia plays best of all teams in the world. Australia is one of the best teams in the world. No proper superlative. positive Does any of us speak English so well as Ramana? None of us reads as much as he (reads/ does) Astudy of grammar doesn't help us so much as/ as much as reading. None of us work as/ so hard as he, certainly. We don't play games so well as/ as well as he. No other member of our team scored so/ as high as he.

123 -Ç-C Ωç 10 ÂÆ dç- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Chandan: Of the two who do you find the better- Sekhar or Srikar? (Ç Éü l-j apple, Åçõ Ïê, Xéπ- apple á Ω Á Ω -í ç-ö«?/ á Ω Á Ω -í -E- œ-ææ h-ø o Ω?) Santhan: Difficult to say. Each has his virtues and defects. Srikar is the more intelligent but Sekhar is the more industrious. (îá æpôç éπ æ dç. Éü l-j apple éìeo ç* í ù«öø o, éìeo üó ƒ ÖØ o.) Virtue = îª u ' bird apple ' «ØÌéÀ\- æ- -èπ û ç Å Ωnç Ææ í ùç. Gandhi was a man of virtue = í çdµ Ææ í -ù«éπl-t uéàh. Chandan: And who is the more suitable for this job then? (Å ûë É æ púø èπ é -Lq æeéà á Ω ûªt- - Ω?) Santhan: Certainly Sekhar. He doesn't complain about the work. ( ÏêÍ. æe N æߪ ç apple complain îëߪ úø.) Chandan: Has he to be trained? (ÅûªEÍé Ø o Péπ~ù É y «?) Santhan: I don't think so. He has two years' experience in the field. (Å -Ææ Ωç Å -éó. Ñ Ωçí ç apple Åûª-EéÀ È çúë x Å - µº ç ÖçC.) Chandan: How good is he at the job? (Ñ ÖüÓuí ç áçûª «í îëߪ -í - úø?) Santhan: He is as good as or even better than any employee we have. (É æ púø ü í _- Ω o ÖüÓu-í - ç-ûª-é F, Åçûª-éπçõ áèπ \- -é F ƒ Ωnuç Ö o- úø.) Good = ç* Éü -Ææ Å Ωnç. é F ûá -í apple ' ç* - «-í ØË, 'good' èπÿú î «Ææçü - s applex àü - Ø ã N æ-ߪ ç apple íì æp/ Ææ - Ω n- j / ƒ Ωnu- - o ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úøû ç. good actor = ç* ô úø DE Å Ωnç íì æp ô -úøe. ÅçûË-í F ç* í ùçí ô úø ÅE é ü éπü. good at something = àüájø «í îëߪ -í / «í ûál-æœ. He is good at maths = Åûª-EéÀ maths «í îª a. Chandan: Then let's appoint him. The sooner, the better. We've a lot of pending work. (Å ûë ÅûªúËo Eߪ -N ü lç. áçûª ûªy Ωí Å ûë, Åçûª ç*c. æe «í Ê Ω -èπ - Ú- çc.) pending = æ Jh-é E/ æ Jh-îË-ߪ -Lq Santhan: What about the pay? ( Ææçí A?) Chandan: Let's pay him more than what he gets now in his present job? (É æ púø ÅûªE job ü E-éπçõ áèπ \-Nü lç). Santhan: How much more? (áçûá-èπ \?) Chandan: Say Rs. 200/- (È çúø çü -Lü lç.) Say = îá æpôç Å Ωnç. Ééπ\úø Say Åçõ Å -èπ çü ç. apple Òçü -ûª o Santhan: We're going to appoint him. Better sooner than later. I'll send the appointment order today itself. (ÅûªEo appoint îëææ hø oç. Ç îëêæ-üëüó ûªy Ωí îëêæh ߪ ç. Ñ Óñ appointment order æç æ û ) Chandan: O.K. Go ahead. (ÆæÍ, é F.) Go ahead = é F/ é E y/ Ææ t-aç-îªôç. Ram: I want to tell you something. (Fèπ ØËØÓ-N- æߪ ç îá ƒp- - -èπ ç-ô Ø o) Sam: Go ahead. (é F/ îá æp- ûë). ÉC English apple common. O Ω practice îëߪ çúõ. Comparative degree (adjective/ adverb) Ææçü - s -EéÀ ûªt- ô x ñ«ví -ûªhí úõûë conversation î «Åçü çí, effective (v æ µ«ç éπ -í -ñ -ÊÆ-C)í Öçô çc. é öàd Comparative degree úø-ôç apple Á -èπ - ûá -Ææ -éìe Spoken English apple úøü ç: a) The Giraffe is taller than any other land animal. Éûª Ω µº îª Ω ïçûª - éπç-õ Giraffe Òúø í. Giraffe = 'ï ˇ 'ï ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç. Ééπ\úø ÚLéπ È çúõç-öà-éπø o áèπ \ öà üµ u. taller - comparative. taller ûª yûª than any other (singular)/ than all other (plural) é E Ææ hçc éπü. b) The Giraffe is taller than the Elephant = à í éπç-õ Giraffe Òúø í. Ééπ\úø èπÿú taller (comparative) ûª yûª than Ææ hçc. ÉC èπÿú comparative. Å ûë ÚLéπ È çúõçöà üµëu.  j sentences (a), (b) apple i) comparative ûª yûª than ÚhçC. ii) comparative çü the ü. Now compare sentences (A) and (B) below: Sentence A -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 211 Comparative sentence B apple «í conversation apple î «úø -ûª çö«ç. Practice îëߪ çúõ. J-éÌEo examples îª úøçúõ: 1) Of the two girls, the one in the red dress is the more beautiful = Ç Éü l- Ω- t- applex, red dress apple Ö o Å t áèπ \ Åçü çí ÖçC. (Comparative ûª yûª than ü. é öàd comparative çü, the.) 2) Between Bangalore and Hyderabad, Bangalore is the cooler = Bangalore is cooler than Hyderabad. 3) Of (between) his two sons, the elder is the stronger = ÅûªE éìúø èπ Lü l Óx  ü l- úø - ç-ûª úø. (The elder is the stronger of his two sons ÅE èπÿú ÅØÌîª a). 4) Pranav: How does he compare with his father? ÅûªE ûªçvúõûó Åûª-ØÁoç-ûª- Ωèπÿ Ú a- îª a? (Åçõ Åûª ûª ûªçvúøçûª íì æp- ú? ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ.) Sourav: The father is certainly the better. (éπ*a-ûªçí, ûªçvúõ éìúø -éπ\çõ Á Ω í. (Ééπ\úø - better - comparative. Better ûª yûª than ç-ü better çü the.) Ééπ\úø compare úõ B Ω í -Eç-îªçúÕ. How does this car compare with imported cars? = NüËQ cars ûó DØÁoç-ûª- - Ωèπ Ú a- îª a? Åçûª íì æpü? ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ. Compare É «úøôç practice îëߪ çúõ. How does this CM compare with his predecessor? = Ñ êu- ç-vae ûª èπ çü o êu- ç-vaûó áçûª- - Ωèπ Ú a- îª a? predecessor (v úø-âæææ/ vâ úõ-âæææ. 'v E/ 'vâ E ØÌéÀ\- æ- -èπ û ç) = äéπ æü N/ ƒn ç apple äéπ-jéà çü o x predecessor Åçö«ç. eg: Chandrababu Naidu was the predecessor of Rajasekhara Reddy = ï- Ï-ê- -È úõf çü J êu- çva îªçvü - «- -Ø -ߪ úø. Predecessor X Successor (ûª yûª *a Ÿx æü -N apple/ ƒn ç apple) eg: YSR is the successor of Chandrababu Naidu 5) Janaki: Is Rekha as good at dancing as Suma? (Rekha, Suma Åçûª «í dance îëææ hçü?) Devaki: No, Suma certainly dances the better. (é ü, Ææ Ë, Í ê éπçõ «í îëææ hçc) Ééπ\úø èπÿú better (comparative) çü, the Ææ hçc. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson: 1) Of the two, who do you find the better, Sekhar or Srikar? (Whom do you find the better? ÅØ - E éìçü - Ωç-ö«Ω. é F whom É «çöàîóôx old fashioned - É æ púø úø-õ xü ) better - comparative ûª yûª than ü é öàd, better çü the. Å «Íí conversation applee éàçc sentences apple comparative çü the îª úøçúõ comparative ûª yûª than ç-ü - x. 2) Who is the more suitable for this job? 3) The sooner, the better = áçûª ûªy Ωí Å ûë Åçûª ç*c. É æ púø sentence 3) «çöà comparative sentences îª ü lç: Ééπ\úø, È çúø comparatives æéπ\øë úø -ûª Ø oç éπü. È çúõçöà çü the ôç îª úøçúõ. a) The taller a player is, the better can he play = véãú -é - Ω úø áçûª Òúø -ÈíjûË Åçûª «í Çúøí - úø. É «çöà sentences, conversation apple practice îëߪ çúõ. He is as good as.. Sentence B The Giraffe is taller Of (between) the Giraffe than the Elephant = and the Elephant, the à í éπø o Giraffe Giraffe is the taller = Òúø í. Giraffe, à í, Ñ È çúõçöà apple Giraffe Òúø í. i) È çúø sentences apple, degree, comparative ii) È çúø sentences µ«ç äéπõ, îáê p Nüµ ç ûëú, ÅçûË. iii) Sentence A apple Sentence B apple comparative ûª yûª than comparative ûª yûª than ÖçC. ü. iv) Comparative Comparative çü çü the ü. 'the' ÖçC. v) Sentence subject, Sentence, Of Giraffe ûó begin (between) ûó begin Å çc. Å çc. b) Prasad: How did our team play yesterday? (E o team á «ÇúÕçC?) Pramod: The less we talk about it, the better. (ü E í Jç* áçûª ûªèπ \- í ö«x-úõûë Åçûª- ç-*c less - comparative of little) c) The higher a place, the colder it is = äéπ v æüë ç áçûª á-ûájh- -üájûë (Ææ -vü - ôdç ç*) Åçûª îª xí Öçô çc. d) The longer you walk, the healthier you become = y áçûª áèπ \- í úõêæh, Åçûª Ç Ó-í u- ç-ûª -úõ- - -û. = úõ-*- -éìdl Ç Óí uç áèπ \. Ñ English proverbs ( ƒ Á -ûª ) îª úøçúõ: a) The nearer the temple, the farther from god. í úõéà ü í _- Ω- éìdl, üë -úõéà ü Ωç. Åçõ í úõéà ü í _- Ωí ÖçúË- Ÿx, á æ p-úájø Á Ôx-îª a ÅE ÅÆæ Á x-éπ- Ú- îª a, Åçûª µºéàh éπ- Ú- îª a ÅE. farther - comparative of far. far = ü Ω- Á i b) The more you eat, the less you wish to eat; the more you earn, the more you wish to earn = áèπ \ A o-éìdl ûªèπ \ AØ - -E- œ-ææ hçc, áèπ \ Ææç ƒ-cç-*- -éìdl, Éçé áèπ \ Ææç ƒ-cç-î - -E- œ-ææ hçc. (ÅçûË éπü! éπúø æ EçúÕ ûª yûª A ç. ÅüË úø s Ææ h Öçü -éóçúõ, Ç, î x Å -èπ çö«? Éçé é - - -èπ çö«ç) c) The more, the merrier = áçûª çü - ûë, Åçûª Ææ Ωü. ( j úø English proverbs; O conversation apple úøçúõ.) ÉO comparative uses.

124 - çí - Ωç 12 ÂÆ dç- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Prakash: What's wrong with you, Chum? You Prakash: We start at my place at 5. We can appear run down nowadays. see him at 6. (àçöà N æߪ ç? Ñ üµ u y ( ÉçöÀ ç* Å ü í çô- èπ F Ω-Ææçí éπ -ûª œp éπe- œ-ææ h-ø o.) Á ü ç. Ç Ω í çô- èπ Çߪ - Chum= ØËÆæhç. èπ î «ÆæEo- œ«-ûª -úáj éπ ü lç.) Prasad: That's OK. Then I will be here at 5. ÊÆo œ«-ûª úø. They are chums= Ÿx î «v œßª -N -vûª. (ÆæÍ. Å ûë ØË âcç-öàéà Ééπ\úø çö«) Chummy= î «ÊÆo æ«çí. Degrees of comparison, äéπ grammar exercise í é èπ çú, Åçõ äíé sentence úø He is chummy with the CM= Çߪ - èπ êu- ç-vaûó î «ƒeo- œ«ûªuç/ degrees apple practice îëߪ ôç é èπ çú Ææçü - s Eo ÊÆo æ«ç ÖçC. öàd à degree, N í û È çúø degrees ûó b) He is among the more popular actors on be run down= F Ω-Æœç-îªôç. Ææç çüµ ç èπ çú á «ú apple,  j conversation the Telugu screen - He is run down= Åûªúø F Ω-Ææçí, EÊÆh-ïçí apple study îëߪ çúõ. Lesson No. 210 apple èπÿú ÉüË ûá í ûá Ω-O ü áèπ \ v æñ«-gµ- - - o ÖØ oúø. practice îë»ç éπü. ç express îëߪ ô úø = æ y- ü, ç* ô úë ÅE. É Fo conversation apple ûª Ωîª îëa ô. èπ o idea èπ Ææp æ dçí Öçõ à Ææçü - Ωs ç apple à 3) He has more practice than any MS or MD = degree «í áèπ \- í O Spoken English apple ú L ÅØËC Íé ûªúø -ûª çc. Åçü -éπe úøçúõ. µ«ç Ææp æ dçí Öçõ ç îáê p Nüµ ç èπÿú à MS/ MD éπø o Åûª-E-Èé-èπ \ practice ÖçC. Ææp æ dçí Öçô çc. Å «Ö o- æ púø à degree ú - More practice - ÉC comparative degree. Prasad: Certainly I am not in the best of -ØËC, Ç apple-*ç-îª-èπ ç-ú ØË èπ ûªúø -ûª çc. Ñ lesson apple úõ comparisons îª úøçúõ. other é F than all other é F L, È çúõç-öà- ƒ uçí comparative ûª yûª than any health. I wish to see a doctor. Who do you suggest? Is Dr Kushalam éπø o áèπ \ öàe ÚLa- - æ púø. é F Ñ Â j OK? sentence (Eï Ë. ØË çûª Ç Ó-í uçí. apple than any MS or MD Åçô Ø oç Doctor éπ -èπ ç-ô -Ø o. à any ûª yûª other ü. ÉC èπÿú îª úøçúõ: Doctor éπ - çö«? Dr èπ ç Though, he is in the 7th class, he can speak ç* Ájü u-úëø?) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 212 English better than any 10th class student = à Ææçü - Ωs ç apple à -úõ-vu? Prakash: He is certainly OK. He is among the better doctors in the town. I know him well. Shall I take you to him? (Ç -ú éπd ç*- úë. Ü applex Á Ω -Èíj -ú éπd Ωx- apple Åûª-ØÌ-éπ\úø. Åûªúø Ø èπ «í ûá Ææ. ØË E o BÆæ -èπ - Á-- }Ø?) Prasad: When shall we see him then? This evening? (Å ûë á æ púø éπ ü lç Çߪ -?Ñ ƒßª çvûªç éπ -ü l?) Prakash: Why not? This evening is as good as any other time. (áçü èπ é ü? á æ p-úájø æ Ω- - ü.) í -Eç-îªçúÕ. This evening is as good as any other time= Ñ ƒßª çvûªç, Éûª Ω Ææ --ߪ - «xíí ç*üë. Åçõ Ñ ƒßª ç-vûª- Á iø ç*üë/ Ñ ƒßª çvûªç Á «lç/ Ñ ƒßª ç-vûª Ë Á «lç ÉC O conversation apple practice îëߪ çúõ. üëfo -ü - Ë-ßÁ ü l Å -ö«-e-éà «Å çúõ= Now is as good as any other time= á æ púó ü, É æ púë îëêæ-ßá -îª aí! ÅE Prasad: He appears to have good practice. (Çߪ - èπ î «ç* practice Ö o-ô dçc) Prakash: What do you think? He has more practice than any M.S. or M.D. He is better at diagnosist than many MDs. (M.S, M.D. Ö o doctors éπçõ Çߪ - èπ áèπ \ practice ÖçC. î «- çc MDs éπø o Çߪ Óí -E l Ω-ù- apple î «Á Ω í ) M.S. M.D. Åçõ ûá Ææ éπü? MBBS ûª yûª Surgery/ Medicine Degrees. Diagnosis= Óí -E l Ω-ù- Diagnosists - Óí -E l Ω-ù- îëêæ- Ÿx Prasad: Then let's see him this evening. When is the best time? Å ûë Ñ ƒßª çvûªç Çߪ - éπ ü lç. á æ úø ÆæÈ j Ææ ߪ ç? best time= ÆæÈ j Ææ ߪ ç= right time. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. 1) I am not in the best of health, certainly. (English apple É «çöà expressions î «ûª ƒ Å n-eo- ƒh. öàe N -í ØË èπ Ææ p JçîË Å Ωnç äéπöà, usage apple öà-èπ çúë Å Ωnç Ë Ω.) Ñ sentence ØË BÆæ -éóçúõ. ÉC N -í ØË èπ Ææ p JçîË Å Ωnç: Ø Ç Óí uç Åûª u-ûªh- çí ü é F, æ Ω- - ü ÅE. Å ûë DE ÅÆæ Å Ωnç, usage apple 'Ø Ç Óí uç àç «í - ü ÅE. ã N æߪ ç æôx -èπ o ua-í -éπûª É «ûál-ߪ - ñ ƒhç. ÅçûË-é èπ çú É «çöà sentences apple é Ææh uçí uç èπÿú Ææ p J-Ææ hçc. J-éÌEo sentences É «ç-öà Ë îª ü lç. a) Suraj: What do you think of our hockey team? ( æ éã öãç í Jç* F ÅGµ-v ƒßª ç àn öà?) Neeraj: Well, it is not the greatest team in the world. (Ñ sentence N o- æ púø èπ Ææ p JçîË Å Ωnç Åûª u-ûªh ïôx apple äéπöà é éπ- Ú- Ø, æ Ω- - ü, ÅE. ÅÆæ--- -Å Ωnç: ç* ïõ dç é ü E, ü ü æ æeéà E-ü E.) b) She is not the most beautiful girl here, is she? Ç Á  ü l Åçü -í ûëhç é ü éπü? ÉD ÅÆæ- Ωnç. é F èπ Ææ p JçîË Å Ωnç Åçü Óx Åçü -í ûáh é ü, é F Åçü -í ûëh, ÅE ÉC ÆæJ-é ü. 2) He is among the better doctors in the town. Ñ æôd-ùç- applee Á Ω -Èíj doctors apple Åûª-ØÌéπ\úø. Åçõ Éûªúø best doctor é éπ- Ú- îª a. é E Åçûª BÆœ- ƒ-è ߪ uü í _- úëç é ü (Åçõ Ñ æôd-ùç- applee doctors, ç*, æe-éà- E ÅE È çúø ûáí - í N µº->êæh, Éûªúø ç* ûáí - appleíé îë Ω-û úø ÅE) a) AP is among the bigger states in the country. üë ç apple  ü ln Å -ü í _ ƒz applex -á. œ.äéπ-ôe. Åûªúø 7th class Å Ø, 10th class xéπç-õ English «í ö«x-úø-û úø. Dçöapplex èπÿú other ü. Any other/ all other, äíé ûáí èπ îáçc N æ-ߪ - Ú a-ô- æ púë úøû ç.  j sentence apple 7th class student, 10th class student ûó= Åçõ ËÍ y Ω Ωé N æ-ߪ - Ú -Ææ hø oç. Åçü -éπe other ü. Å «Íí, He has more practice than any MS/ MD Åçõ, Åûªúø MS/ MD é ü ÅE, Öûªh MBBS ÅE Å Ωnç. a) Dr. Kushalam has more practice than any MS/ MD = MS, MD o doctors éπçõ Dr. Kushalam èπ áèπ \ practice ÖçC. (Åçõ Dr. Kushalam MS/ MD é úø ÅE.) b) Dr. Kushalam has more practice than any other MS/ MD = Éûª Ω MS/ MD éπçõ ÅûªúÕ practice áèπ \. (Åçõ Dr. Kushalam èπÿú MS/ MD ÅE Å Ωnç.) Practise the following aloud in English. Pratiksha: E o match apple -v æ-ûª u- æ î ««í ÇúÕçC éπü? Niriksha: ûª regular player é éπ- Ú- Ø, regular players éπçõ î ««í ÇúÕçC. Pratiksha: Å -ûªl team captain í Jç* F ÅGµ-v ƒßª ç àn öà? Niriksha: ûª ç* player ÅE ØËØÁ- æ púø Å -éó- ü. (not/ neverûó superlative úøçúõ) Pratiksha: -Ç- Á - K ûªèπ \- -îëæœ ö«x-úø-èπ. Á Ω -Èíj players apple -Ç- Á -äéπ Ω. Niriksha: àüë- Á iø ûª çûª íì æp captain àç é ü éπü? Pratiksha: Å «Å èπ. Ç Á captaincy apple Ÿx ÈíL-* games ûªèπ \ Ëç é ü. Niriksha: OK. äéπ- ƒj ç Ç Á éπ -Ææ -èπ ç-ü? Pratiksha: É æ púë éπü Ç Á ç* player é ü E ÅØ o. Niriksha: àüó ûª - ƒ-éπ-ø o-. Ç Á Åçõ Ø éà æ d Ë. Pratiksha: á æ púó áçü èπ, É æ púë Á «lç. c) A Chief Minister is more influential than any Union Minister - à Íéçvü - ç-va-éπçõ èπÿú Chief Minister áèπ \ æ -èπ - úõ Ö o- úø. (Chief Minister, Union Minister äíé ûáí é ü. Åçü -éπe any ûª yûª, other ü.) d) The Home Minister is more powerful than any other minister = Éûª Ω çvûª - éπçõ Home Minister éàh- ç-ûª úø. Home Minister, Éûª Ω çvûª äíé ûáí Åçü -éπe any other. e) Shoiab Akthar is faster than any Australian bowler. any other ü é öàd, Shoiab Akthar Australian é úø. f) Bret Lee is faster than any other Australian bowler= Éûª Ω Australians éπçõ Bret Lee, Fast. Any other ÅØ oç é öàd, Bret Lee èπÿú Australian. g) No Australian plays like Laxman. h) No other Australian plays like Ponting. í -Eç-îªçúÕ: Laxman, Australian é úø, é öàd no other Å ç, no ÅE Åçö«ç. Ponting (sentence h) Australian. Åçü -éπe, no other Åçö«ç. i) Åûªúø %Ah- æ- Ω- Á i- ô éπçõ «í öàç-îª -í - úø (Åçõ %Ah- æ- Ωçí Åûª ô úø é úø )= He acts better than any professional actor. (Any other é ü, áçü -éπçõ Åûª %Ah- æ- Ω- Á i ô úø é ü ). ÉD Any/ no ûª yûª other úø-éπ- ÚûË îëa Å Ωnç. O Ω ö«x-úë-ô- æ púø á æ úø äíé ûáí x / öàe Ú a Ω éπü? Å «ç-ô- æ púø any/ no ûª yûª other, úø-éπçúõ. 4) Now is as good as any other time= á æ púó îëêæ ü É æ púë îëßá îª a éπü ÅE. (N í û Ææ -ߪ áçûª ç* Ó, É æ púø èπÿú Åçûª ç*üë ÅE.) ÉüË µ«eo éàçc-n-üµ çí îá Òpîª a. Now is the best time/ Now is better than any other time/ no other time is so (as) good as now. Ñ lesson apple ç úõ expressions ÅFo daily conversation apple úø-ü -T- Ë. Practice îëߪ çúõ. Answer Pratiksha: Pratyusha played very well in the match yesterday. Didn't she? Niriksha: She is not a regular player, but she played better than any regular player. Pratiksha: What's your opinion of the captain of the opposite team? Niriksha: I never thought her the best of players. Pratiksha: Don't undermine her so much. She is certainly among the better players. Niriksha: Whatever it is, she is certainly not the greatest of captains, is she? Pratiksha: Don't say that. The games the team has won under her captaincy are not a few. Niriksha: OK. Shall we meet her once? Pratiksha: You've just said she isn't a great player. Niriksha: I was just joking. I do like her. Pratiksha: Why any other time? Let's meet her now. Now is as good as any other time.

125 í Ω Ωç 14 ÂÆ dç- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Bharat: Sarat, Vasanth has yet to come. He is late most of the days. ( Ωû, Ææçû Éçé ü. úø áèπ \ ÓV Ç -Ææuç-í ØË Ææ h-ø oúø ) Sarat: Yesterday he was even later than the day before. ( Á oöà éπçõ èπÿú E o Éçé Ç -Ææu- - çc) Bharat: Isn't he the last to come to class most of the days? (áèπ \ ÓV Åçü -J apple Ç -Ææuçí (* Ωí ) îëaü ûª-øë-éπü?) Sarat: That he is. I don't know what his problem is. (Åûª- çûë. ÅûªE Ææ -ÊÆuçöapple ûál-ߪ úøç ü ) (That he is = Å, Åûª- çûë. That he is - ÅØËC èπÿú conversational) Bharat: I think his mother is ill most of the time and delays packing his lunch. ( x- tèπ äçöapplex «í ç-úø-ü - -èπ çö«. Åûª-úÕéÀ carrier ûªßª - Ω -îë-ߪ ôç Ç -Ææu- - -ûª ç-ü - -èπ çö«) Sarat: Hasn't he a sister? She can help his mother. (Åûª-úÕéÀ sister ÖçC éπü? Ç Á x- tèπ Ææ æ -ߪ - æ-úø- îª a.) Bharat: Is she his elder or younger? I think she is younger than he and she goes to school too. (Ç Á ÅûªúÕ Åé \, îá x «? îá x- - -èπ çö«, ûª èπÿú Ææ \ èπ Á Ÿ-ûÓçC) Sarat: That's a pity. Bharat: To add to all this, his dad is most of the time on camp. His poor mom has to take care of everything. (Oô-Eo-öÀéÀ ûóúø, x Ø o áèπ \ Ææ ߪ ç camps apple Öçö«úø. x Ë t ÅEo N æ-ߪ îª Ææ -éó- Lq Ææ hçc.) To add to all this = OöÀéÀ ûóúø / OôEo-öÀéÀ ûóúø Sarat: What's her present condition? (Ç Á v æææ hûª æj-æœn-ûëçöà?) Bharat: He told me yesterday she was much better than before. ( çü -éπçõ Á Ω -í E E oøë Ø ûó ÅØ oúø ) Sarat: That's something. (ÅC-éÌçûª ߪ Ë ) Bharat: She is under the treatment of the foremost doctor of the town Dr.Vaidyanath. Still she isn't all right. ( í - Ωç apple ÅA íì æp doctor Ájü u-ø ü Ç Á èπ Ájü uç îëææ h-ø oúø. Å ûë Ç Á èπ «í - ôç ü ) Sarat: Yea, I have heard about him. Is he expensive? (Å. Çߪ í Jç* NØ o. î «êk-üáj ú éπd?) Bharat: No, not at all. He doesn't charge more than the lesser doctors in the city. (àç é ü. Åçûª íì æp-é E ( ) doctors éπçõ Çߪ fees áèπ \ Ëç é ü.) Sarat: Let's hope she will recover completely soon. (ûªy Ω- appleøë Ç Á æ Jhí éó -èπ ç-ô ç-ü E ÇPü lç.) ç comparatives, superlatives í Jç* í ûª lesson apple ûá -Ææ -èπ o points èπ x æhçí. 1) Among + comparative degree - é Ææh Á Ω -Èíj é Ææh áèπ \- Áj, etc N æߪ ç ÅØË Å Ωnç. eg: She is among the clever students of the class = class apple Á Ω -Èíj students apple Ç Å t ÖçC ÅE Å Ωnç. 2) not the + superlative = Åçûª íìê pç-é ü. a) Hari is not the best in our team, is he? team apple æ«j Åçûª íì æp player é ü. b) certainly Sudhakar is not the worst of our friends. ÊÆo œ«-ûª applex Ææ üµ -éπ î «ç*- úø ÅØË Å Ωnç. 3) Comparative + than + any éã, comparative + than + any other éã ûëú : ç Ú -Ææ h o N æ-ߪ äíé ûáí èπ îáçc ÁjûË than any other, ËÍ y Ω ûáí - èπ îáçcûë than any Åçö«ç ÅE ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. 1) Sunayana is cleverer than any other girl in her class. (Ææ -ߪ ûª class apple N í û Å t- éπçõ ûáln í C) (Ææ -ߪ, Éûª Ω Å t- äíé class Ÿx) 2) A Cheetah is faster than any tiger. (à  ü l- æ L éπçõ èπÿú * Ω -ûª- æ L Ëí ç éπ C Ééπ\úø Cheetah, tiger ËÍ y Ω ûáí - N Åçü -éπe than any Åçö«ç) ÉD ç spoken English èπ Ö æßá í æúë Nüµ çí degrees of comparison í Jç* ûá -Ææ - èπ çc. Now look at the following sentences. a) The train arrived late this morning = Ñ ÓV Öü ߪ ç wõ jø Ç -Ææuçí *açc. b) The match began later than the time fixed = uî EKgûª Ææ ߪ ç éπçõ Ç -Ææuçí v ƒ Ωç- µº- Á içc. c) He was the last to come to class yesterday= Åûªúø E o é xæˇ èπ Åçü -J apple Ç Ææuç (* - Ω)í î aúø Late (positive), later (comparative) Ñ È çúø èπÿú ç Å -èπ o time/ ã EKgûª Ææ ߪ ç ü öà ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ Ç -Ææu- Á i N æ-ߪ í Jç* îá -û éπü. (late = Ç -Ææu- Á i / Ç -Ææuçí = Å -èπ o Ææ ߪ ç ü öà ; later = ( ÚL-éπ apple) ü öà Ææ -ߪ E éπçõ áèπ \ Ç -Ææu- Á i / Ç -Ææuçí ) É æ púõc ñ«ví -ûªhí îª úøçúõ. í ûªç apple àüájø Ç Ææuç Å úøç Åçõ, ÅC v æææ h-û -EéÀ ü í _- Ω- - õ x éπü? Á o ï Ω-í -LqçC E o ïj-tç-ü çõ, ÅC Ñ ÓVèπ (Åçõ v æææ h-û -EéÀ) ü í _ Ωí ïj-t- õ x éπü. I got the news late = Ç Ωh Ø èπ Ç -Ææuçí ûál-æœçc. (Åçü - x æ dç, Å -éπ Ωuç éπlt ÖçúÌîª a) The news came late = -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 213 Ωh Ç -Ææuçí *açc. ælûªç, æ dç, Å -éπ Ωuç é Ìîª a. Å ûë ÉC îª úøçúõ. a) Late news = Ç -Ææuçí ÅçC Ωh ÅE. Åçõ û ñ«ωh. Å «Íí, b) My information is later than his = ÅûªúÕ ü l Ö o Ææ -î Ωç éπçõ Ø ü l Ö oc Ç -Ææu- Á içc Åçõ v æææ h-û -EéÀ éìçîáç çüë ïj-t- ô x Åçõ û ñ«ææ -î Ωç. ç à news paper áèπ \ É æ d- æ-úøû ç?late news ÉîËa newspaper éπü Åçõ û ñ«ææ -î Ωç ÉîËa news paper. ûëú í -Eç-îªçúÕ a) old news ( ƒûªc, Åçü -Jéà ûál-æœ Ωh) b) late news (û ñ«ωh Åçõ éìûªhí ûál-æœ Ωh) c) later reports contradict the earlier reports of the incident = Ç æ ô í Jç* *a É æpöà Ωh, Åçü -èπ - çü *a Ωh- èπ ua-í -éπçí (N Ω -ü l çí ) ÖØ o. contradict (é çvô-úõé d. 'é ç ûªèπ \- í 'úõ E áèπ \- í ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç) = ua-í -éàç-îªôç. incident = æ ô d) later, comparative éπü É æ púø îª úøçúõ. My shirt is of later cut than yours = F shirt éπçõ Ø shirt fashion ûª y-ûªc. (Åçõ Ø shirt fashion éìûªhc, F shirt éπçõ. cut = fashion) latest - ÉC late èπ superlative. Åçõ, É æp-öà- - Ωèπ (Till now) *a öà apple * -JC Åçõ Åûªuçûª û ñ«, Åüµ -Ø -ûª ÅE. ç í úë õ éπü. latest fashion - Ñ üµëu *a fashion DE ûª yûª Éçé àd ü. latest news éπúø- æöà Ωh ( Ωh ûá -í apple) latest score (cricket) apple éπúø- æöà score - Åçõ É æp-öà- - Ωèπ äéπ ïô d îëæœ æ Ω -í, éó applep- wickets. latest developments É æp-öà- - Ωèπ ïjt æj - ù«- applex éπúø- æöàc Åçõ éìûªh æj-ù«ç. latest techniques = (É æp-öà- - Ωèπ éπúø- æöà) éìûªh æü l A É æ púø last N æߪ ç îª ü lç. latest, É æp-öà- - Ωèπ ïj-t time apple * J Å ûë, last, äéπ Ææ h- véπ ç apple/ - æfl véπ ç apple * -JC/ * -J- Ω a) Kumar is the last to come = Åçü -J apple * Ω *a- - úø èπ. í -Eç-îªçúÕ Ééπ\úø time èπ é ü v ƒüµ uç, *a x Ω-Ææèπ v ƒüµ uç. b) This is the last book written by the author= Ç Ωîª- ûª * J æ Ææhéπç ÉC. æ-öàdéπ -îª -úøç-úõ. Older, elder - ÉN È çúø, old èπ comparatives. OöÀ N æ-ߪ ç apple ñ«ví ûªh Å -Ææ Ωç. Old - ÆæL, ƒûª- -úõ. ÆæL ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ - æfl- èπ, ïçûª - èπÿ, îáôxèπÿ; ƒûª ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ Ææ h- èπÿ úøû ç. Older - ÉC èπÿú, ÚLéπ N æ-ߪ ç apple ÆæL ÅØË/ áèπ \ ߪ Ææ o ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ - æfl- èπÿ, ïçûª - - èπÿ, îáôxèπÿ; ƒûª ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ Ææ h- - èπ úøû ç. Elder - áèπ \ í - æfl- Íé úøû ç, Å æ p-úø- æ púø ïçûª - - èπÿ úøû ç. 1) Older - äíé èπ ô ç- «-EéÀ îáçü E J ߪ -Ææ q Ú a-ú -EéÀ úøû ç. a) Mahatma Gandhi was older than Nehru ( æ -û t-í çdµ, ØÁv æfi éπçõ  ü l äíé èπ ô ç ç é ü ) Bhima was Arjuna's elder b) He is older than any other person in the village = Ç ví ç- applee N í -û - x éπçõ Åûª  ü l. (äíé èπ ô ç ç é ü ) 2) elder - ÉC äíé èπ ô ç- «-EéÀ îáçc- - J ߪ -Ææ q Ú a-ö«-eéà úøû ç. a) Sri Rama was Laxmana's elder. ( úø, éπ~ t-ù úõ éπçõ  ü l äíé èπ ô ç ç) Å ûë elder úë B Ω êuç. elder than é F, elder to é F Å ç b) Bhima was Arjuna's elder - É «ú L elder. c) My uncle is my mother's elder - Å t-éπø o - ü l. (My uncle is elder than my mother. My uncle is elder to my mother - Ñ È çúø ÆæJ-é ü ) Å ûë American English apple He is my older brother, She is my older sister Å ôç Ææ Ωy- ƒ-üµ - Ωùç. ûª æ p-é ü. Last 1) This is the last book of the author (Ç Ωîª- ûª* J æ Ææhéπç ÉC DE ûª yûª Çߪ æ Ææh-é ߪ - ü ) 2) This is the last of the series (Ç ΩÆæ véπ ç apple ÉC * -JC DE ûª yûª ÉçÍéD ü ) 3) The last wicket fall at 313. (* J Çô-í úø 313 æ Ω -í ü í _ Ω Å -ô-ߪ uúø Innings T-ÆœçC) (Å ûë, last Åçõ Ú ÅØË Å Ωnç èπÿ-ú ÖçC éπü last week/ last year apple «. í Ω hç-îª -éó- L) Latest This is the latest book of the author. (Ç Ωîª- ûª É æp-öà- - Ωèπ Æœ öà apple * -J-CC/ DE ûª yûª Éçé ߪ - îª a) This is the latest in the series (Ç Ω-Ææ-véπ- ç apple ÉC éìûªhc) The latest wicket to fall is that of Sehwag. (É æp-öà- - Ωèπ ïj-t Çô apple éìûªhí out Å çc Sehwag (Éçé Çú Lq ŸxØ o Ω )

126 - -E Ωç 16 ÂÆ dç- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Sampath: Why are people so crazy about imported stuff? They are proud of possessing them. (Imported Ææ h- - çõ Åçûª Á ñ çöà - ï-ø -EéÀ ÅN Ö o Ÿx î «í Ωyçí Öçö«Ω.) imported Éç Ú-öÀú Cí - -ûáj, Åçõ NüËQ (foreign). crazy vèé-ß > œ*a- Á V. Sanath: (Do) you mean imported TVs, imported cars, imported watches etc. ( y-øëc NüËQé Ω x, öão, î Èíj í Jçî?) Sampath: Yea. I am sure our country goods are as good as the so called imported ones. Moreover, I think, the so called imported goods are not suitable for Indian conditions. ( ÆæyüËP Ææ Ωèπ, NüËQ Ææ Ω-éπçûª ç*üë ÅE Ø téπç. ÅçûËé èπ çú, Ñ NüËQ Ææ Ωèπ -üë æj-æœn-ûª èπ Å -í -ùçí Öçúø.) So called = ÅØË (Å - úë) The so called honest man = Eñ«--ߪ Béπ - -úõí Å - -úë- úø Åçõ ÅûªE Eñ«--ߪ B ç túøç ü. Sanath: No, no. They are definitely superior to Indian goods. Our technology is inferior to theirs, and naturally the quality is inferior too. (ÅüËçé ü. NüËQ Ææ h- Ææ h- éπçõ éπ*a-ûªçí Á Ω -Èíj- Ë. ƒçíé-aéπ ØÁj æ ùuç, x ü E-éπçõ ûªèπ \ Ωéπç, Åçü -éπe Ææ æ«-ïç-í ØË Ææ h Ø ùuûª NüËQ Ææ h- Ø ùuûª éπçõ èπÿú ûªèπ \ Ë) Sampath: Whether a thing is inferior or superior depends on its adaptability to the situation of its use, doesn't it? If that's the case, Indians goods are as good as, even better than foreign ones. (äéπ Ææ h íì æpü, --ûªèπ \- -ü ÅØËC ü Eo - - ç -- -úë æ-jæœn-ûª - èπ -Å- í -ù- Á iç-ü é -ü -Å-ØË-ü -Eo öàd éπü Öçô çc? Å «BÆæ -èπ çõ µ«ω-û apple ûªßª ΩßË u Ææ h-, NüËQ Ææ h- Íéç BÆœ- Ú, Éçé Ë j N èπÿú.) adaptibility æj-æœn-ûª èπ Å í -ùçí ÖçúË Ææy µ«ç. Sanath: Look here. I have been a dealer in electronic goods and appliances for far longer than you. I am senior to you in the field. Our goods are not half as durable as imported ones. (îª úø Ñ electronic Ææ h-, æj-éπ- NvÍé-ûªí ØË Féπçõ î «áèπ \ é çí ÖØ o. ØË Féπçõ Ñ Ωçí ç apple áèπ \ Å - µº ç Ö o- -úõe. NüËQ Ææ h- Eo-éπ apple Ææ h- Eoéπ Ææí ç èπÿú Öçúøü.) Appliances = Å æx-ߪ -Eq-ñ ' æ ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç = æj-éπ- ( ƒ - uçí ) í % æ«ù- æßá í Ææ h-. Durability = Eoéπ Sampath: I do admit I am your junior, but I still feel that the prices of imported goods are unreasonable. (Féπçõ Ñ Ωçí ç apple ûªèπ \ Å - µº ç Ö o úõ- E -Åç-Uéπ-J ƒh. é F NüËQ Ææ h- üµ Ω K áèπ \.) unreasonable = Ææ - -é - çûª áèπ \ Sanath: You pay for quality; that's all. But I think wrist watches are among the lesser imported items. (Ø ùu-ûªèπ ê Ω a  úø-û. ÅçûË éπü. Å ûë ØË - -éó- ôç, ûªèπ \- èπ Cí - - ûªßë u Ææ h- applex wrist watches äéπôe) Our study of comparative in spoken English continues. éìeo éìeo comparatives usage éπçõ Gµ oçí Öçö«. Å «çöà öà applex äéπöà elder, older - OöÀ N æߪ ç ç éàçü öà lesson apple ç éπü. É æ púø Å «ç-öàn J-éÌEo comparatives ÖØ o. ÅN superior inferior, senior and junior. Oô- n çü Ωèπÿ ûál-æœ- Ë éπü ; Å ûë ÉN comparatives Å - - æp-öàéã OöÀ ûª yûª than ü. To vûª Ë Ææ hçc. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 214 Superior: Ø ùu-ûª apple, Ææy µ«- ç apple ÉçÍé-üÁjØ ç* í ùç apple N í -û - öàéπçõ /- N -í û xéπçõ íì æp-c/- íì æp ÅE. a) This camera is superior to that because of its extra features = Ñ camera èπ o Åü - æ éπ- u x, Ç camera éπçõ ÉC íì æpc. b) The camera work in Hollywood movies is superior to that in Indian movies = æ L- ú *vû applex îµ ßª -ví - æ«ùç µ«ω-bߪ *vû applex éπçõ Ë í Öçô çc. Inferior = ûªèπ \ Ωéπç a) Indian bowling strength is inferior to Australian bowling strength = Australian bowling æöà- -éπçõ µ«ωûª bowling æöà ûªèπ \. b) In speed and mileage Indian cars are inferior to japanese cars = Ëí ç, mileage N æ-ߪ applex Japanese cars éπçõ µ«ωû cars BÆœ-éπõ d. senior = ߪ -Ææ apple, Å - µº- ç apple (à Ωçí ç- apple-øáj )  ü l/ áèπ \. a) He was senior to me/ my senior at school by a year = school apple Åûªúø Ø éπçõ  j class apple ÖçúË- úø. b) She is senior to me in age by a year = Ç Á Ø éπçõ äéπ Ææç -ûªq Ωç  ü l ( ߪ -Ææ apple) c) NT Rama Rao was senior to Jaggaiah as a movie actor = ô -úõí NTR èπ ïí _ߪ u éπçõ áèπ \ Å - µº ç. Junior. Senior èπ ua-í éπç ߪ -Ææ apple * o, Å - µº ç ûªèπ \. a) Sehwag is junior to Kumble = èπ ç x éπçõ Sehwag cricket Å - µº ç ûªèπ \ b) Though we are classmates, he is junior to me in age. ( Ë ç äíé class Å - - æp-öàéã, ߪ -Ææ apple Åûª *- o.) Now look at the following sentences from the conversation: 1) They are definitely superior to Indian goods. 2) Our technology is inferior to theirs and naturally the quality is inferior too. 3) I am senior to you in the field. 4) I do admit I am junior to you.  j sentences ÅEoçöapplex, superior, inferior, senior, junior - Ñ comparatives ûª yûª than é èπ çú to ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Éçûªèπ çü Ñ columns apple èπÿú little, few í Jç* îªjaçî ç éπü. öà comparatives Åçûª-èπ - çü îªjaçî ç, äéπ\- ƒj í Ω hèπ ûáîª aèπ çü ç. Little, uncountables ûóøë úøû ç é öàd, ü EéÀ comparative Å less, superlative Å least èπÿú uncountables ûóøë ú L. a) The milk in this glass is less than the milk in that glass = Ç glass apple ƒ Ñ glass apple ƒ éπçõ ûªèπ \. I have few friends here LITTLE á æ púø uncountables ( éπ\-â --ôde öà)ûó úøû ç. (little rice/ sugar/ milk, etc) Little = ü ü æ ü There is little milk in the glass = glass apple ƒ - (ü ü æ ) A little = àüó éìçûª/ Ææy pç The Patient had a little milk in the morning = ÓT-- Ò-ü l- éì-eo - ƒ- -û í -úø Very little = î - «- éìcl. The patient had very little food yesterday = ÓT E o î «ûªèπ \ Ç æ Ωç BÆæ èπ Ø o Ω. The little = Ö o Ç éìcl = The patient threw up the little food she had taken = ÓT BÆæ èπ o Ç éìcl Ç æ - Eo ça îëææ - èπ çc. FEW á æ púø countables ( éπ\â õ d- öà)ûó úøû ç. (few books/ friends/ boys) Few = ü ü æ / Ω I have few friends here = Ééπ\úø Ø èπ ÊÆo œ«-ûª Ω (ü ü æ ) A few = à Ó éìeo/ éìçûª çc A few friends of mine are coming today = Ø friends apple É-ü l Ω í _- Ì-Ææ h- Ø o-k- Ó-V. Very few = î - «- éì-eo/ éì-cl- ç-c Very few know this secret = î - «-éìcl çcíé Ñ Ω æ«ææuç ûá Ææ. The few = Ö o Ç éì-eo / éìcl çd. The few that passed got very low marks = pass Å Ç éìcl çd ûªèπ \ Ω \ ûáîª a-èπ - Ø o Ω. positive comparative superlative little less least few fewer fewest b) Of the three glasses, this glass has the least milk = Ç úø glasses apple, Ñ glass apple ÅEo-öÀ-éπçõ ûªèπ \ ƒ -Ø o. Less, countables ûó èπÿú, êuçí 'no' ûó, ûªèπ \ é èπ çú / ûªèπ \ é E ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úø -ûª çö«ω. a) The book has been translated into no less than twenty languages = -Ç æ Ææhéπç 20 éπçõ ûªèπ \- -é E µ«æ- applexéà Å - -ü - Á içc. (-ü --ü æ 20 - µ«- æ- applexéà) b) The movie has been released in no less than thirty theatres = Ç *vûªç 30éÀ ûªèπ \- -é E ÆœE- - æ - x apple Núø -ü - jçc. (-ü -ü - æ 30 Æœ-E- æ - x- apple) Little èπ comparative, less. Little uncountables ûóøë úøû ç é öàd less countables ûó úø-èπÿ-úøü, fewer vûª Ë ú - E éìçü - Ωç-ö«Ω. eg: I tried to contact him no fewer than ten times (à æc- ƒ Óx/ æc- ƒ- Ωxèπ ûªèπ \ é èπ çú Åûª-EûÓ ö«x-ú - E v æߪ -Aoç-î.) Å ûë spoken English apple countables èπ èπÿú less, fewer  ü l ûëú èπ çú úë-ææ h-ø o Ω. I gave him no less than a hundred books/ no fewer than a hundred books. Åûª-úÕéÀ ØË à çü æ Ææh-é apple/ çü èπ ûªèπ \ é èπ çú æ Ææh-é Éî a ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ less, fewer éà ûëú èπ çú úøôç - jçc. less úøôç  ü l ûª æ p-é ü. (Å ûë fewer vûªç uncountables èπ úøç).

127 - Ú- Ωç 18 ÂÆ dç- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Jayanth: Hi Anant, good to see you though after such a long time. How goes life? ( æ ß Å çû, î «-é ç ûª y-ûª- Ø E o îª úøôç ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçC. àçöà N Ï- ƒ? á «ÖØ o?) Ananth: Getting on. How is it with you? (àüó Å «ïj-t- Ú-ûÓçC. F Ææçí -ûëçöà?) Jayanth: As usual. ( ) Ananth: How is Vasanth? Long since I met him. ( Ææçû á «ÖØ oúø? îª Æœ î «-é - - Á içc.) Jayanth: Not in the best of circumstances, I must say. (ÅûªúÕ æj-æœna ÅçûËç «í ü ØË îá ƒpl ) Ananth: Why? what is wrong? (àçöà N æߪ ç) Jayanth: He has had losses in business. His partners have cheated him. But he is facing all this very bravely. A lesser man than he would have gone mad. ( u ƒ- Ωç apple ƒd î a. ÅûªúÕ µ«í - ƒy- - -ûª-úõe çî Ω. é E Éçûª ïj-tø üµáj Ωuçí ØË ÖØ oúø. Åûª-úÕéπçõ ûªèπ \ ÂÆkn Ωuç Ö o- - x- ûë, Ñ ƒöàéà œ*a- - x- - Ú-ßË - Ω.) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 215 Ananth: Sorry to hear that. But one thing. He is too trusting and too risking. That sometimes lands him in trouble. (N -ö«-eéà «üµ í ÖçC. Å ûë äéπöà. Åûªúø Éûª- Ω - ÅAí t-û úø ; ÅAí ûát- ƒhúø. Åü -ûªeo *èπ \ applex æúë-ææ hçc.) Trusting= Ë t Ææy µ«- ç-éπ ; risking= ûátç-îªôç, -JÆˇ\ BÆæ -éó- ôç. Land somebody in trouble= *èπ \ applex æúë-ߪ ôç Jayanth: I agree with you there. (Ç N æߪ ç ØË ç-u-éπ-j ƒh.) Ananth: I wish to see him. ( úõe îª ú - - -èπ ç-ô Ø o) Jayanth: It is too early. You wait for an hour. He will then have returned from his morning walk. (É æ púø K  çü - «úë Å -ûª çc. ã í çô Çí. Å æp-öàéà Joçí é ç* AJ-íÌ- ƒhúø.) Ananth: Does he still continue his morning walk? (Éçé Joçí é èπ Á Ÿ-ûª ØË ÖØ oú?) Jayanth: He does. That keeps him healthy. (Å. ÅC úõe Ç Ó-í uçí Öçîª -ûóçc.) Ananth: (Do) you suggest that I wait for another hour to see him. I'm afraid that's too long. I have work at I think I'll see him tomorrow. ( úõe îª ÊÆç-ü èπ o Ó í çô Ë*-îª -úø- ç-ö«? ÅC K áèπ \ Ææ -ߪ - - -ûª ç-üë Á ÅE- œ- ÚhçC. Ø èπ ûìn t-c- o- Ωèπ æ çc. Í æ îª ú èπ ç-ô Ø o.) Jayanth: I leave it to you, but I'm not sure of his programme tomorrow. He may be out of town, and return only on friday. (F É æ dç J. é E Í æûªe v Úví àn öapple Ø èπ ûá-mü. Í æ Ü applex Öçúø-éπ- Ú- îª a. äéπ- Ë Ü applex éπ- ÚûË Ÿvéπ- Ωç Ωèπÿ éπ- Ú- îª a) Ananth: That'll be too late for me to see him. I think I'll wait and see him today. Won't you come with me? (Å æp-öàéà K Ç Ææu Á i- Ú-ûª çc. Ñ ÓV ÇT, úõe îª ü l- - -èπ ç-ô Ø o. y- Ø ûó ) Jayanth: I will, of course. (ûª æp-èπ çú ƒh) Ananth: OK. Let's in the meantime watch the TV. (-ÆæÍ. Ñ üµ u é ÊÆ æ öà.n. îª ü lç.) ç éàçü öà ƒj îª ÆœçC - little èπ Éûª Ω degrees - little (positive), less (comparative), least (superlative). Å ûë little èπ È çúó, (ÉçéÓ) comparative èπÿú ÖçC. ÅC lesser. Less, lesser - Ñ È çúø little èπ comparatives Å Ø, öà Å Ωnç, use apple î «ûëú ÖçC. Less Åçõ Éçûª-èπ - çü ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. ÉçéÓ ü EûÓ ÚLÊÆh ûªèπ \- Áj ÅØË Å Ωnç apple less úøû ç. a) She has less jewellery than her sister (has) = Ç Á -èπ o í, Ç Á Úü J í éπçõ ûªèπ \. b) He gets less income from his job than from his rents= Åûª-úÕéÀ ÅüÁl x îëa Çü -ߪ -E-éπçõ, ÖüÓuí ç x îëa Çü ߪ ç ûªèπ \. Lesser Å Ωnç, ÉçéÓ-ü -Eéπçõ ûªèπ \ ÅE Å - - æp-öàéã less úë îóô «x lesser úøç. ƒ - uçí ÉçéÌ-éπ-J-éπçõ ûªèπ \ ç/v æa µº/ éàh, - Á - ü - j- ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úøû ç. Look at the following. a) The pen can't be Rs 15/- It'd be much less= Ç pen 15 Ω ƒ-ߪ - ç-úøü. «í ûªèπ \ Ë Öçô çc. ÉçéÓ-ü -E-éπçõ ûªèπ \ ÅØË Å Ωnç less, lesser È çúõç-öàéã Ö o æpöàéã less úõ- çûª ûª Ωîª í lesser úøç. b) They originally demanded Rs. 50,000/- but finally settled for a lesser sum= Ÿx Á ü ô 50,000 Ω ƒßª úõ-tø, * - Ωèπ ûªèπ \ Á û h- EéÀ ÅçU-éπ-Jç-î Ω. ÉüË µ«ç, less úõûë É «îá û ç. c) They originally..., accepted a sum less than that. (b) apple a lesser sum = (c) apple a sum less than... ûëú í -EçîË Öçö«Ω, lesser ûª yûª sum ÅØË noun ôç É «lesser ûª yûª áèπ \- í noun Ææ hçc. Eg: A lesser player, A lesser degree (ÉçéÓ-ü -E-éπçõ é Ææh ûªèπ \ Ë Ωèπ ), A lesser offense (Åçûª-éπçõ ûªèπ \ ØË Ωç), etc. A lesser player than Tendulkar could not have scored so many centuries= Tendulkar éπçõ ûªèπ \ v æa µº éπl-t cricketer, ÅEo centuries îëߪ -í -L-Íí- úø é úø. Åçõ lesser - í äéπ noun (Ê Ω x ûálê æü ç) çü ÉçéÓ-ü -E-éπçõ ûªèπ \ Á ûªhç (amount), v ƒ êuç (importance), æj- ùç (size) Ö o ÅØË Å Ωnç ûá - æ -ûª çc. a) The growing pollution, and, to a lesser degree, the scarcity of drinking water, are the cause of the trouble= Â Ω -í -ûª o é æuç, ü Eéπçõ é Ææh ûªèπ \ Ë Ωèπ, ç*-föà éì Ωûª, «üµ - èπ é Ω-ù«. b) Though a city of lesser size and population than Kolkata, Mumbai has greater prominence= éó -éπû éπçõ ûªèπ \ ïø µ«, æj- ùç-éπ í - Ω- Á i- - æp-öàéã, ç j v ƒ êuç áèπ \. c) A lesser leader than Gandhi would have yielded to the British= í çdµéπçõ ûªèπ \ íì æp Ø ßª -èπ úø British xèπ ÔçÍí- úø. d) He is involved in the crime to a lesser or greater extent= Ç ØË Ωç apple éìüól, íì Úp OúÕ ƒvûª èπÿú ÖçC. extent= Ωèπ / Ë Ωèπ = degree. e) This is the lesser of the two evils = È çúø îáúë, Å ûë ÉC È çúõç-öà apple ûªèπ \ îáúø. f) He is among the lesser known actors of Bollywood= Åçûªí Ê Ω - Òç-ü E «M- ú ô applex Åûª-ØÌ-éπúø. g) A lesser man than he would have gone mad = Åûª-úÕéπçõ ûªèπ \ (ÂÆkn Ωuç, etc) x- ûë, œ*a x- - Ú-ßË - Ïx. ÉD lesser Ö æ-ßá í ç. O conversation apple practice îëߪ çúõ. Look at the following sentence from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. 1) He is too trusting and too risking That'll be too late 2) It is too early 3) I'm afraid that's too long 4) That'll be too late Look at the use of too in the sentences above. too Åçõ Å Ωnç, ÅA/ ÅAí ÅE. ÅAí Åçõ Å - Ææ- Ω- Á i ü E-éπçõ áèπ \- í, Á û ü èπ N ç* ÅE éπü. Åçü - x îáúø æl-û éπ -í - -îªae. 1) He is too trusting and risking = Åûªúø (Éûª- Ω - ) ÅAí t-û úø. ü E- x ü æp -Lûªç ÅûªE partners ÅûªEo çîë-ߪ ôç. ÅçûË-é èπ çú too risking = K áèπ \ ûátç æ v æ ü çûó èπÿúø -èπ o N æ-ߪ Eo (risk ) èπÿú ûátç* îëߪ ôç. Éûª ÉC K îë ƒhúø ælûªç, æ dç 2) It is too early = K  çü - «úá Åçü - x æe ï Ω-í ü. EXERCISE Sumithra: Ñ < Ω á «ÖçC? E oøë éìø o. Suchithra: Ñ < Ω æô d (silk) y Åçûª-èπ - çü éì o < Ω æô d-éπçõ áèπ \ Ø ùu- Á içc. Å ûë ü E ï-kéà D çûª Ø ùu-ûª- ü. (ïk = brocade - v ÔÈé-ß ú 'Èéß ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç) Sumithra: Å ûë ÉC ü E-éπçõ êk-üájçc. Suchithra: Ñ È çúø Ææç -ûªq- applex y -á-e-n -C æô d < Ω- -éπçõ ûªèπ \ éì ç-úø- -éπü? Sumithra: Å -èπ çö«. Suchithra: áç œéπ FüËØ,- - ËÍ - -J Ææ æ -ߪ - Á iø BÆæ -èπ ç-ö«? Sumithra: C BÆæ -èπ - Á- û. Ç Á èπ Ñ N æ-ߪ ç apple Ø éπçõ áèπ \ Å - µº- - çc. Suchithra: Selection î ««í ç-ô çc.- Sumithra: üµ - u- -ü -. Prem: I want to go to bank urgently. I am starting. (Bank èπ Á «xl. ߪ - l- Ω - ûª Ø o) Syam: It is too early - ( K ûªy Ωí Á Ÿh-Ø o Bank ûáj* Öçúøü / y áèπ \- - ÊÆ æ Ë* Öçú Lq Ææ hçc.) a) Reaching the station at 3.30 for a train that arrives at 5.00 is too early = 5 í çô- èπ îëa train éóææç, 3.30Íé station èπ îë Ω - éó- ôç K çü Í Á xôç Å -ûª çc. b) If 3.30 is too early, 5.30 is too late éà K ûªy Ωí Á }ôç Å ûë, 5.30 éà îëa çúõ-éóææç 5.30 èπ Á }ôç Åû u- Ææuç ( çúõ ûª œp- Ú-ûª çc v æߪ ùç îëߪ ç.) 3) I'm afraid that it is too long = ÅC K áèπ \- -ÊÆ-Ê Á ÅE- œ- Úhç-C-Ø èπ. ( æj-æœn-ûª N æ-n çîëçûªêæ æ ) a) He stayed here too long = Åûª-E-éπ\úø K áèπ \- -ÊÆ- æ -Ø oúø. (Åçûª-ÊÆ æ çúøôç x æl-û îáúø. ÅûªE ÖüËl- îáúø é - îª a/ Åûª-EéÀ, Éûª- Ω - èπ àüájø îáúø éπl-tçc) Very, too- Ñ È çúø äéπöàé Å Ωnç apple é F, use apple é F. Very Åçõ î «/ áèπ \ ÅE ç-ü -Jéà ûá Ææ. Åçü - x Åçûª îáúø / æ dç ü. Too Åçõ K/ ÅA ÅE. a) The train is very late = Train î «Eü - çí / ØÁ t-cí ÚûÓçC. ç í uç îë Ωôç (î «) Ç Ææuç é îª a, ælûªç ü éπ\- îª a. b) Train is too slow = Train K/ ÅA Eü - çí Á applehçc. ç îëí -ô- æp-öàéà, v æߪ ù ælûªç ü éπ\ü. c) The doctor was called in very late = Doctor î «Ç -Ææuçí œl-î Ω. (N ç* Ú ü. é Ææh- Ø v æßá -ï ç Gµç*çC) d) The doctor was called in too late = Doctor K Ç -Ææuçí œl-î Ω. (Å æp-öàíé N ç*- Ú- çc. v æßá -ï ç éπ- Ú- çc. Doctor îëûª èπÿú ü öà- Ú- çc.) ANSWER Sumithra: How is this sari? I bought it yesterday. Suchithra: The silk/ texture (ØËûª) of this sari is superior to that of the sari you bought earlier, but its brocade is inferior to that of the earlier sari. Sumithra: But this is costlier than that. Suchithra: You must have bought not less than/ no fewer than eight saris in the last two years. Isn't that so? Sumithra: I think so. Suchithra: Is the selection yours, or do you take any one's help? Sumithra: I take my sister-in-law's help. She is senior to me in these matters. Suchithra: The selection is really good. Sumithra: Thank you.

128 - -üµ Ωç 20 ÂÆ dç- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Govind: Aravind, where did you get the information from? (Å Ω-Nçü, Fèπ Ææ -î Ωç áéπ\-úõ- ç* *açc?) Aravind: Which information (do) you mean? (à Ææ -î Ωç í Jç* Åçô -Ø o?) Govind: That there will be a hike in the allowances to employees. (ÖüÓu-í µºû u applex  ç æ -ü Öçô çü E) Aravind: I had it from Gopal. You know he is in a key position in the finance ministry (íó ƒ îá ƒpúø Ø èπ. Fèπ ûá -Ææ í, Åûª finance ministry apple éã éπ æü - N apple ÖØ o-úøe.) Key = éã -éπ- Á i ; position = Å Ωnç îóô. Ééπ\úø Å Ωnç æü N. Govind: Yea, I know. He is really in a good position in the IAS. I think of all of us he enjoys the highest official status. (Å, ûá Ææ. IAS apple Åûª ç* æü -N apple ÖØ oúø. ç-ü -J apple Åûª u- oûª ÅCµ-é -Jéπ ÆœnA apple ÖØ o-úø-ûª.) Aravind: He hasn't earned much, though. He is too honest for that. Others in similar or even in lower positions are much richer than he. (Å Ø ÅûªØËç Ææç ƒ-cç-îª -éó- ü, J. Åûª-E- «çöà æü - applex, Åûª-E-éπØ o ûªèπ \ æü - applex Ö o- Ÿx Åûª-E-éπçõ üµ E-èπ - í ÖØ o Ω.) He hasn't earned much, though - Ñ v æßá í ç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Though he is in a good position, he hasn't earned much = He is in a good position, he hasn't earned much, though. Though, Ééπ\úø * Ω ôç îª úøçúõ. ç* position apple ÖØ oúø, Å Ø àç Ææç ƒ-cç-îª- ü, ÅE. ÉC ç* conversational expression. O conversation apple practice îëߪ çúõ. Govind: He has more power than money. (Åûª-EéÀ úø s-éπç-õ, ÅCµ-é Ωç, æ -èπ - úõ áèπ \.) Aravind: That way Mukund is the best of the lot. He is very wealthy but has little else. Unfortunately he is more wealthy than healthy. (Ç Nüµ çí îª ÊÆh èπ çüë Åçü -J apple ç* ÆœnA apple ÖØ oúø. Åûª Ææç æ- oúë é E úø s ûª æp Åûª-E-éÀç-Íéç- ü. ü Ω-ü %- æd- -»ûª h Åûª-EéÀ Ç Óí uçéπç-õ úø s-èπ \.) Govind: Life's like that. It isn't an unmixed blessing for any. Look at koteswar. He has more fame than happiness or money. (@Nûªç ÅçûË. Åçü -JéÀ ÅFo Öçúø. éóõ - y N æߪ ç îª úø. úõéà ÆæçûÓ æç, -úø- s éπç-õ ë«ua -á-èπ \.) Life's like that ÅçûË. ç Å -èπ - oô d ï Ω-í ü.) unmixed blessing - Eo í Jç* îáê p N æߪ apple æ Jhí èπ ÆæçûÓ- ƒeoîëa N æߪ ç Öçúøü. ç Å - èπ - oô d àd æ Jhí Å - Ωü. Aravind: You and I just get on. We are not starving. That's enough for us, isn't it? Sekhar is all the time busy making money. God knows when he finds the time to enjoy what he gets. I'd rather do with less money than put myself to such trouble. ( y ØË Å «ØÁô d-éì-ææ hø oç. Ê ü - xç é. ÅC î éπü? Sekhar á æ púø úø s Ææç ƒ-ü - apple í úø - æ -ûª ç-ö«úø. Ææç ƒ-cç-* úø s Å - µº- Nç-îª-ö«-EÍé BJ-éπ- -ü -ûª-eéà. Åçûª trouble æ-úø-ôç éπç-õ ûªèπ \ úø sûó Öçúø-ö«-EÍé É æ d- æ-úø-û ØË ) get on = Å «í úõ-ê ƒhç. we are not starving = ç æææ h- ç-úøôç ü Åçõ Ê ü ç é - ÅE. üµ E-èπ -úõe é éπ- Ú- Ø ØËØËç Hü - -úõ-e-é, ÅE í öàdí Å -ö«-eéà, English apple I am not starving Åçö«ç. ÉC O conversation apple practice îëߪ çúõ. starve = æææ hç-úøôç; fast = äéπ- Òü l/ Ö æ- Ææç Öçúøôç. I'd do = I would be satisfied Govind: Yes, That's true. Look at the following sentences: a) Gopal is richer than Gokul (Gokul éπçõ Gopal üµ - ç-ûª úø ) b) Gopal is more rich than handsome - (Gopal üµ E-èπ -úáj- çûª, Åçü -í úø é úø = íó ƒ- èπ Åçü çéπç-õ úø s-èπ \ ) (a) apple rich éà comparative í richer ú ç. (b) apple more rich ÅØ oç. (a) apple Éü l-j-èπ o äíé í ù«eo (rich) Ú «aç. Åéπ\úø richer -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 216 ÅE regular comparative ú ç. (b) apple äéπ-jíé Ö o È çúø í ù«ú «aç éπü. (b) apple «äéπ-jíé Ö o È çúø úø í ù«- ÚLa- - æ púø, áèπ \- í Ö o í ùç- çü more úøû ç Åéπ\úø regular comparative ü. i) She is more clever than beautiful = Ç Á èπ Åçü ç-éπç-õ ûál- Á-èπ \. (äéπ-jíé Ö o È çúø í ù«- Ú -Ææ hø oç. Åçü -éπe more clever Åçö«ç, cleverer ÅE Å ç.) ii) Kumar is more good than intelligent = Kumar èπ ûál-n-éπçõ ç*ûª ç áèπ \. (äéπ-jíé Ö o È çúø í ù«- Ú -Ææ hø oç Åçü -éπe better úøç; more good Åçö«ç.) Now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. 1) He has more power than money = Åûª-EéÀ úø s-éπç-õ æ«ùü - x ÅCµ-é Ωç áèπ \ 2) He (Mukund) is more wealthy than healthy = èπ ç-ü èπ Ç Óí uç éπç-õ Ææç æü áèπ \. (í -Eç-îªçúÕ: wealthier úøôç ü. more wealthy Åçô Ø oç. áçü -éπe? äíé uéàhèπ o È çúø éπ~-ù«ú -Ææ hø oç Åçü -éπe wealthy, healthy èπ o regular comparatives - wealthier, healthier.) 3) He has more fame than happiness or money. Åûª-EéÀ ÆæçûÓ æç, úø séπç-õ ë«ua áèπ \. äéπ-jíé Ö o äéπ í ùç N í û í ù«- éπçõ áèπ \ ÅE îá æpôç é öàd more fame than Åçö«ç É æ púø ç ûá -Ææ -èπ o N æߪ ç. 1) î «- ç-c-èπ o äíé í ù«eo ÚLÊÆh regular comparative form úøû ç. eg: The elephant is stronger than any other land animal. Éûª Ω µº îª Ω ïçûª - éπç-õ à í - Á içc. Ééπ\úø î «ïçûª - èπ o äíé í ù«eo strong - Ú -Ææ hø oç é öàd stronger. 2) äíé uéàhéà/ äéπ-ü -EÍé Ö o È çúø í ù«úlêæh, Å æ púø more úøû ç, regular comparative forms Ö o öàéà èπÿú. eg: The elephant is more strong than fast. à -í èπ (äíé ïçûª - èπ ) Ö o È çúø éπ~-ù«- Ú -Ææ hø oç é öàd, more strong Åçô Ø oç. So that is the difference between the regular comparative form, and more + adjective form. Some more examples. a) This building is more strong than beautiful = Ñ Ë úø Åçü çí éπçõ çí ÖçC. (stronger é ü ) b) He is more smart than good = ÅûªEéÀ ç*ûª ç éπçõ ûáln áèπ \. (smarter é ü.) Now study this sentence from the conversation: I'd (I would) rather do with less money than put myself to such a trouble = Åçûª v æúëéπçõ ûªèπ \ úø sûó í úø - æ -û ØË. Ñ sentence apple rather... than èπÿú äéπ Ωéπçí ÚL-éπ ûá - æ -ûóçc éπü. Ééπ\úø rather... than áç œéπ (choice) ûá - æ-ú -EéÀ úøû ç. a) I'd rather die than tell a lie (Å ü l ç îá æpúøç-éπçõ î -ô Ë Ø éà æ dç) b) Our Indian movie heroes rather dance in the movies than act = ÆœE- applex «Ó öàç-îªôç éπçõ dance áèπ \ îë ƒh Ω. c) It is better to call them dancers rather than actors = x actors Å -ôç-éπçõ dancers Å ôç ߪ ç. (É «çöàîóôx than ü rather than áèπ \ úøû ç.) He is more smart than good EXERCISE Practise the following aloud in English: Gandharv: Éçûª-ÊÆ æ Ë Ô\-Ø o- ËçöÀ? va 12 í çô- - çc. Kinnera: Ø èπ Í æ Exam ÖçC. Gandharv: É «Evü - Ú-íÌ-ô d-èπ E vûªçû Ë Ô\ØË ü æí time waste îëߪ -èπ çú îªü - Ì-îª a-éπü? Kinnera: ÅC Eï Ë. é F àç îëߪ? ØË Å æq- Ω- «í é. ûª v - æ-úø-éπ- Ú- Ø æ Ω- - ü. ûª Ææy µ«ç, (by nature) éπ æ d- æúõ æe-îë-êæ-éπçõ clever í Öçúøôç. Gandharv: ØË -ØË-üËç-ôçõ, y va ü æí îªü - Ì-îª a-éπü ÅE. Kinnera: Ø èπ æí - -éπçõ va îªü - -ô Ë É æ dç. Gandharv: Ø éó friend ÖØ oúø. úø clever student. Å ûë ƒ æç Ö o- -úëçé ü. Kinnera: Åçõ Åûª-EéÀ ûál- - oçûª úø s- ü. Gandharv: Å. Å «ØË Öçô çc. d) Rather than get into a crowded bus, why not walk?/ why don't you walk? = Åçûª ï ç Ö o bus áéπ\úøç éπçõ úø- ôç Ë éπü? e) I decided to be jobless rather than do such a job = Å «çöà ÖüÓuí ç îëߪ -úøç-éπçõ ÖüÓuí ç èπ çú Öçúø-ö«-EÍé E Ωg- ç-îª -èπ Ø o. (E Ω -üóu-tí Öçú - E E Ωg- ç-îª -èπ Ø o.) É «rather than ç äéπ Ωéπ- Á i comparative í úø- îª a. êuçí à Ææç çüµ ç E È çúø N æ-ߪ - Ú a-ô- æ púø rather than úøû ç. f) Rather than talk all the time, why don't you do some work? = Åçûª-ÊÆ æ ö«x-úëéπç-õ àüájø îëߪ -èπÿ-úøü? ( ô- «œ æeîá u ÅE). ANSWER Gandharv: Why are you awake so late at night? It is 12 midnight. Kinnera: I have an exam tomorrow. Gandharv: Rather than lose sleep by keeping awake late at night, you can study during the day without wasting time. Kinnera: That's true. But what can I do? I am not like Apsara. It doesn't matter even if she doesn't work. By nature she is more clever than hard working. Gandharv: What I mean is rather than study at night, you can study during the day. Kinnera: I'd rather study at night than during the day. Gandharv: I have a friend. He is clever too. But he is not rich. Kinnera: That means he is more clever than rich. Gandharv: Yea. Kinnera: Life's like that.

129 -- Ÿ-véπ Ωç 22 ÂÆ dç- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Pramod: Vinod, this book doesn't give all the information about the tourist spots in A.P. (Ñ æ Ææhéπç Ççvüµ -v æ-üë- applee æ Ωu-ôéπ Ææn «æ Jh Ææ -î Ωç É yôç ü.) (Tourist = æ Ωu-ô-èπ. Spot= îó-ô ) Vinod: This booklet appears to better. In fewer pages, it gives complete information about the matter. (Ñ * o æ Ææhéπç ü E-éπçõ Á Ω í _ éπe œ- ÚhçC. ûªèπ \ Ê -@- applex æ Jh Ææ -î Ωç É ÚhçC) (Booklet= * o æ Ææhéπç) Pramod: Let me have a look at it. My sister is returning from the states. She wants full details of all the tourist spots in the state. She wants to make full use of this trip to see all the spots. ( ØÓo- ƒj îª úøf. -ÆœÆæ d ÊÆdö q ç* AJ-íÌ- ÚhçC. Ñ æ Ωu-ôéπ Ææn «N - Á ûªhç ûª èπ é - ç-öappleçc. Ñ ƒj *a- - 2) She wants full details of all the tourist spots in the state. 3) She wants to make full use of this trip to see all the places. 4) They can help your sister plan a perfect holiday. 5) She said I was free to plan it any way I liked. 6) The road from here to it is straight. 7) I will go direct from here. Éç-Tx- ˇ apple- éìeo adjectives èπ degrees of comparison Öç-úø.  j Åç-úø - j-ø îëæœ - ô- -Fo Å «ç-öà Ë. öàéà comparative, superlatives Öçúø. Åçõ öàe comparative, superlative apple úøç. é Ω-ù«îª ü lç. 1) It gives complete information: -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 217 woman = æj- æ - Ωg- Á i ( à Nüµ - Á i üó æç E) Æ Y. (Ééπ\úø she was more perfect than other women Å ç. she was perfect; some other women were perfect too, others were not perfect.) 5) She said I was free to plan it anyway I liked: Free = Ææyûªçvûªç/ ÊÆyîªa- Ö- o  j îá œp N í û ô-- «x free èπ, freer, freest ÅE degrees of comparison úøç. á -J-ÈéjØ ÊÆyîªa Öçõ Ÿx free. - èπ ç-õ - - Ÿx free é Ω. Åçõ xèπ ÊÆyîªa ü. Åçõ ÊÆyîªa èπ éìeo ÅçûË. Åçõ Circle ( %ûªhç), Square (îªûª - ΩvÆæç), Rectangle (D Ω` îªûª - ΩvÆæç), Triangle (va µº ïç), etc. í çvúøç (circular/round) í ÖçúËüË circle. í çvúøçí EC circle é ü. é öàd This Circle is more round than that Circle = Ñ %ûªhç, Ç %ûªhç éπçõ í çvúøçí ÖçC. Circle í çvúøçí Öçúø-éπ- ÚûË ÉçÈé «Öçô çc? Å «Íí N í û geometric figures N æ-ߪ ç apple èπÿú. OöÀ- apple ËöÀéà degrees of comparison Öçúø. It gives complete information æ púø, öà- -Eo-öÀE îª úø-ö«-eéà ûª v æߪ ù«-eo æ Jhí -Ö æ-ßá -Tç-îª éó éìçöappleçc.) Vinod: Why don't you consult a travel agency? They can help your sister plan a perfect holiday. ( Óy -vö«- Á- -à--ñ -FqE Ææçv æ-cç-îª-èπÿ-úøü? x- ûë O ÆœÆæ d ÂÆ- - æj- æ - Ωgçí - ƒx-ø îëߪ -ôç apple ûóúøp-úø-í - Ω.) Holiday- Å Ωnç ÂÆ-. É «çöà Ææçü - s applex Å Ωnç ÂÆ - applex N æ -, Ææ Ω-ü. Pramod: That's a good idea. She said I was free to plan it any way I liked. I will approach the Vihar Travel Agency. They are known to give correct information. (ÅC ç* Ç apple-îªøë, Ø É æ dç *a- ô x ƒx-ø îëߪ -ö«-eéà Ø èπ ÊÆyîªa Öçü E îá œpçc. ØË -N- æ -vö«- Á- -à--ñ -Fq x ü í _- Ω-Èé- «h. ÆæÈ j Ææ -î Ωç É ƒh- ΩØË Ê Ω xèπ çc.) approach (Å v Úî v Ò ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç) = ü í _- Ω-Èé- xôç/ææo - œç-îªôç/ææ æ ߪ ç éó Ωôç. Vinod: Where is this Vihar Travel Agency? (áéπ\úø çd -vö«- Á- -à-ï-fq?) Pramod: It is in the round building next to Chitramahal (*vûª æ«æéπ\ í çvúøöà Ë úø apple ÖçC) Vinod: Are you going now? (É æ p--úø - Á- Ÿ-ûª -Ø o?) Pramod: Yea, I am. Vinod: The road from here to it is straight. (Ééπ\-úÕ - ç-* -Å-éπ\-úøéÀ Ó-ú A oí ÖçC) Pramod: I Will go direct from here. (Ééπ\-úÕ- ç* A oí Åéπ\-úÕéÀ Á ŸhØ o) í ûª éìeo lessons - ç-* degrees of comparison îª Ææ hø oç í ü? É æ púø J-éÌEo ÇÆæ-éÀh-éπ Ω N æ-ߪ - îª ü lç: Look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson: 1) It gives Complete information. Ééπ\úø complete Åçõ æ Jh. àüájø äéπ N æߪ ç æ Jhí Öçô çc. èπ çõ Öçúøü. ÅçûË-é F äéπ N æߪ ç, ÉçéÓ N æߪ ç éπçõ æ Jhí Öçúøôç ÅØË æj-æœna Öçúøü. This glass is more complete than that glass- ÉC Å Ωnç E N æߪ ç éπü. Öçõ a) È çúø æ Jhí EçúÕ Öçö«. ( èπ çõ ) b) äéπöà EçúÕ Öçúøôç, ÉçéÓöÀ Eçúø-éπ- Ú- ôç Å- Ìîª a. ÅçûË-é E äéπ glass ÉçéÓ glass éπçõ æ Jhí Öçúøôç Å Ωn- Ω- œ«ûªç. a) é - -öàd Both the glasses are complete Åçö«ç. b) Å ûë This glass is complete but that glass isn't Åçö«ç. so, complete has no degrees of comparison. 2) she wants full details of...: Complete «Íí full èπ èπÿú degrees of comparison Öçúø éπü. full Åçõ EçúÕ- Ú-, ÅE éπü. Öçõ, EçúÕ -Öçô çc, èπ çõ EçúÕ- ô x é ü ÅçûË. (fuller, fullest, «çöà ô úøç) Å æ p-úø- æ púø Åéπ\-úø-éπ\úø îªü - -ûª çö«ç, Nçô çö«ç; I promise you my fullest cooperation/ You shall have my fullest cooperation= O èπ Ø æ Jh Ææ æ«- é Ωç Öçô çc. Ééπ\úø fullest ÆæJ-é ü. full Åçõ î éπü. æ Jhí Öçô çc. èπ çõ æ Jhé ü. ÅçûËé E áèπ \ æ Jhí ÖçC/-ûª-èπ \ æ Jhí ÖçC Å ç. 4) They can help you plan a perfect holiday: ÅEoNüµ «í o/ à üó æ E N æ - ƒx-ø -îëææ éó- -ôç- apple ûóúøp-úø-í - Ω.- Perfect= æj- æ - Ωg- Á i ; à üó æ E (fault-less, good in every way) Perfect èπ èπÿú more perfect, most perfect «çöà degrees Öçúø- E O Ω -Ü- œ«ç-îª -éó-í - Ω. àüájø Ææ h / á -È jø Öçõ perfect í Öçö«Ω, à üó ƒ èπ çú, æj- æ - Ωg-ûªûÓ. üó æç Åçô Öçõ Ÿx/ ÅO imperfect (üó æ- - o) Åç-ûË é F äéπ Ω ÉçéÌ-éπJ éπç-õ áèπ \ Ó, ûªèπ \ Ó Öç-úø- Ω éπü. Sita, Lord Sri Rama's wife, was a perfect æj-n -ûª - ç-úìîª a. Åçü -éπe éàçc Nüµ çí îá æp- îª a. Kumar is free to a greater degree than Kesav. Íé- - éπç-õ èπ - èπ áèπ \ Ë Ωèπ ÊÆyîªa ÖçC. (Å æ púø æ púø Kumar has more freedom in these matter than Kesav- É «îá æpôç -úø éπ apple ÖçC. é öàd Åü çûª ûª æ p-é ü. é E freer, freest vûªç - í spoken English apple N-E œç-îª--. 6) Straight: ÉC èπÿú  j -ô-- «xí ØË. Åçõ DEéÀ èπÿú degrees Öçúø. straight= A o-í /--ØË- Ω í. Öçõ straight (A o)í Öçô çc, éπ- ÚûË -Öç-úø-ü. ÅçûË-é F, äéπ--ü E-éπçõ ÉçéÓöÀ A oí, ØË Ω í ÖçúË Å -é ç ü éπü. é öàd straighter/ more straight, straightest/ most straight «çöà expressions Öçúø. 7) Direct: ÉC èπÿú ÅçûË. Give me a direct answer= A oe/ Ö oc Ö oô d (úìçéπ A Ω -í úø E) Ææ -üµ ç É y. Öçõ direct, èπ çõ indirect ÅçûË. More direct, most direct Öçúø. 8) Correct (ÆæÈ j ): A thing is correct or incorrect. äéπ\öà Ææ--J -Å -ûª çc, èπ çõ ûª æp- -ûª çc ÅçûË. More correct, most correct Öçúø éπü. His answer is more correct than yours... Åûª-úÕ - -ï- - F Ç- q éπçõ éπè é d. É «îá æpôç áçûª- - Ωèπ Ææ? Åûª-úÕ -ï- - correct Å ûë, F -Ç- q ÅüË é - æ púø, ÅC ûª æ p (Wrong/incorrect) Å -ûª çc, é F F -Ç- q ûªèπ \ correct, Åûª-úÕ -ï- - áèπ \ correct Å ü.  j îá œp- - Fo èπÿú degrees of comparison E ô. áçü -éπçõ Ç í ù«, Öçúøôç Åçô ïj- TûË Öçö«, èπ ç--õ -Öç-úø Åç-ûË. öà apple áèπ \, ûªèπ \- - ç-úø. Geometrical figures N æ-ߪ ç apple Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. URL: -v æ- o: I Éç-Tx- ˇ --ØË Ω aéó- -ú -EéÀ -Ö æ-ßá í æ-úë æ Ææhé - - -ûá- æí - Ω. II éàç-c- -öàéà -ûá- í - apple -Å Ωnç -N- -Jç-îªç-úÕ? 1. I'm enjoying my new job. 2. Diana said that she was enjoying her new job. 3. My father isn't very well. 4. She said that her father wasn't very well. 5. I have to go early. 6. Peter said that he had to go early. -N. X - -îªç-vü - Jh, ûª Ωxç- æ -úõ (-ûª.-íó.-> «x.) -ï- - : i) -Éç-Tx- ˇ -ö«-e-éà -Ö- æ-ßá -í - æúë æ Ææh-é : a) Living English structure: By stannard Allen b) NCERT v æîª -Jç-* Let's Learn English, series apple series No.5 11 ii) 1) I'm (= I am) enjoying my new job= Ø éìûªh ÖüÓuí ç Ø èπ ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçC (ØË îªéπ\í Å - µº-n-ææ h-ø o ) 2) ûª ÖüÓuí ç ûª îªéπ\í Å - µº-n-ææ h-ø o- E (ûª èπ éìûªh ÖüÓuí ç ÆæçûÓ- æçí Öçü E) úøߪ Ø îá œpçc. 3) Ø o Åçûª èπ «- ƒí Ω. 4) x Ø o Åçûª èπ «- ƒí ΩE Ç Á îá œpçc. 5) ØË ûªy Ωí Á «xl 6) ûª ûªy Ωí Á «xl ÅE -ô îá ƒpúø. --v æ- o: 1. vis - a - vis - Å Ωnç N -Jç-îªçúÕ. 2. Éçûªèπ çü æeîëæœ ÅCµ-é J îëæœ ûª œpü ç. 3. Ééπ j Å «çöà Ò Ω- ƒô -Sx îë-ߪ. 2, 3 -v æ- o- - --Éç-Tx- ˇ - apple -à-n--üµ çí -îá- -û Ω? Èé. Ç ç-ü - π -, í ü - úø (ûª.íó.-> «x) -ï- - : 1) vis - a - vis (Oñ«O/ Nï-N ï, size apple z «í ) = ü EûÓ ÚLÊÆh, ü E Ææç ç-üµ çí. a) What are your job opportunities vis-a-vis the reservation policy- Ñ reservation Ææçü - Ωs ç/- ØË- æ-ü uç apple, F ÖüÓu-í - -é -»- «ÖØ o? b) India is not vis - a - vis the US= Å- Á -Jé ûó ÚLÊÆh µ«ωû Ææç æ- o-üë ç é ü. - ii) This the mistake made by/ the lapse of the previous official/ incumbent. (Incumbent = æü -N apple Ö o- Ω ) Incumbent: Pronunciation- ÉØ -éπç- çö iii) I will not repeat this mistake.

130 --Ç-C Ωç 24 ÂÆ dç- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Kavitha: You've been out too long. Where have you been? (F î «-ÊÆ æ ߪ -ô -Ø o. áéπ\-úø -Ø o- Nç-ûª-ÊÆ æ?) Sabitha: I am returning from the Cinema. I have been there to book tickets for us. (ÆœE- - æ - -Èé- «x. öàèé\ô x é îëߪ - ú -EéÀ) Kavitha: Have you got them? For what show on what day? (üìj-é ߪ / ûáî a? à show à ÓV?) Sabitha: Of course I have. With great difficulty I was able to get two seats for the matinee the day after tomorrow. The queue was too long. (ûëéπ- Ú- -ô Ë çöà? ÅA éπ æ dç-o ü á xçúõ matinee éà È çúø tickets üìj-é. Queue K Òúø í _ ÖçC) Kavitha: For the matinee? In these dog days? I think it'll be too hot for us to go out. The sun could scorch us. (matinee é? Ñ çúø ËÆæ-N- appleø? Åçûª áçúø apple ç Á x ç Å -èπ ç-ô - Ø oøë. áçúø -Lo úëa-ßá îª a) Scorch ( ƒ\î ) = úëa-ߪ úøç. In the scorching sun = úëa áçúø apple Sabitha: I thought so too, but... (ØË Å «ØË Å -èπ Ø o, é F...) Kavitha: Why didn't you think of the first show? We shall have had a pleasant time. ( y first show í Jç* áçü -é - apple-*çîª- ü? î «æ í ÖçúËC éπü? Pleasant = Ç æ x-ü -éπ- Ω- Á i Sabitha: It's such a lengthy movie, you know. If it is the first show, it will be too late in the night for us to return home safely. (ÅC î «Â ü l ÆœE. First show Å ûë ÉçöÀéÀ AJ-T- - úøç Ç -Ææu- - ûª çc. ÅC èπ ç*c (Íé~ -éπ Ωç) é ü ) Kavitha: We can't bear the heat. How about giving away the tickets to others? (Ç áçúø µºjç-îª ç. Ç tickets ÉçÈé- -JéπØ o ÉîËaÊÆh?) Sabitha: That'd be foolish. I've taken a lot of trouble to get the tickets. Don't worry. It's an AC hall. (ÅC œ*a- æe. Ç tickets ûë -ú -EéÀ î «v æ-ú f. àç æ Ω- - -ü. Ç hall, AC hall) Kavitha: OK. It's too good a movie to miss. (Å «Íí. ç ü - -éó- çûª ç* ÆœE ÅC) Very, too èπ Ö o ûëú Éçûª-èπ - çü ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπü. very Åçõ áèπ \, î «Åçü - x îáúø éπ -í -éπ- Ú- îª a. Too Åçõ ÅA, Åçü - x îáúë ï Ω -í -ûª çc. a) Ramana is too good - Ω ù ÅA ç*. (Åçü - x Åûª-EéÀ éπl-ííc éãúë) b) Aruna: Son, how about the girl you saw the other day? Is she to your liking? ç Á o îª Æœ Å t N æߪ ç àçöà? Fèπ *açü? Pranav: Mom, don't you think she is too tall for me? K Òúø -í -E- œç-îª- ü Fèπ? (Åçõ Ø áûª hèπ ûªt- çûª/ Ø ÅçûªØ o/ Ø éπçõ áûªhø o é îª a) c) The car is very expensive - «í êk-üájçc. (Å Ø ç éì - îª a) d) The car is too expensive - car K êk-üájçc. (Åçü - x éì ç/ éì - çûª üµ Ω) ÉC too èπ Ö o Å n applex, úø -éπ applex äéπöà. Look at the following sentences. a) The patient is too weak to walk - ÓT úø- - çûª - «çí ÖçC. b) The amount with him is too little to buy a car - ÅûªE ü í _- Ω o úø s é Ω éì - - çûª ûªèπ \. c) He is walking too slow to catch the train - Train Åçü -éó- çûª Eü çí úø -Ææ h-ø oúø. d) He is driving too carelessly to be safe. Íé~ ç-é çûª E Ωxéπ~uçí úõ- œææ hø oúø. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 218  j sentences apple too úøéπç í -Eç-îªçúÕ.... too + adjective (sentences a & b) + infinitive adverb (sentences c & d) [a) Adjective Åçõ í Ω hçc éπü. í ù«lo ûálê ô. b) Adverbs Åçõ adjectives ûálê í ù«à Ë Ωèπ á «ÖØ o ÅE; verb ûálê æ á «, á æ púø ïj-í ÅE ûálê ô. c) Infinitive Åçõ to & 1st regular doing word. eg: to go, to see, to sit, etc - Åçõ Á Ïxç-ü èπ / Á x-ö«-eéà/ Á xôç; îª ÊÆç-ü èπ / îª úø-ö«-eéà/ îª úøôç; èπÿ Ω a-øëç-ü èπ / èπÿ Óa- -ú -EéÀ/ èπÿ Óa- úøç, etc.]  j É*a v æa sentence apple v æa-ü -EéÃ, ûá -í apple çûª, é çûª ÅE negative Úhç-C-éπü. ÅC too v æûëu-éπûª. too + adjective/ adverb + infinitive= Ç adjective/ adverb x é Lq æe ï Ω-í -ü ØÓ, æ dç Öçô ç-ü ØÓ Å Ωnç. i) He is too poor to continue studies. úø îªü éì - ƒ-tç-îª- - çûª Ê ü úø. ii) She is too proud to listen to advice. Ç Á Éûª- Ω Ææ - æ N - çûª í Jy. iii) She cooks too badly to eat. A - - çûª ü Ω -ùçí çúø -ûª ç-ü Á. iv) She knows too little to teach others. Éûª- Ω - èπ applecµç-îª- - çûª ûªèπ \ ûá - ƒ- Á èπ. Now study the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. 1) The Queue was too long. èπÿu K Òúø í _ ÖçC. (ØË ûªy Ωí - çûª) 2) I think it will be too hot (for us) to go out. 3) It will be too late in the night (for us) to return home safely. 4) It is too good a movie to miss. Sentence No (2):... it will be too hot for us to go out. ç ߪ öàéà Á x- - çûª áçúøí Öçô çc. Sentence No (3): It will be too late in the night for us to return home safely. ç Íé~ çí ÉçöÀéÀ AJT - çûª Ç Ææuç é îª a va- æ ô. Éçûª-èπ - çü ç îª Æœ sentences èπÿ, sentences (2) and (3) éà ûëú : - for us ÅØËC extra. i) He is too foolish to understand this. ÉC Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- - çûª ÅN- ËéÀ úø. ii) He is too clever for us to cheat. ç Á Ææç îëߪ - - çûª ûál-n-í - - -úø-ûªúø. Sentence (i) apple infinitive çü for... éπ- Ú- ôç îª úøçúõ. Sentence (ii) apple infinitive çü for us ÖçC. iii) Hari is too fat to walk fast. Ëí çí úø- - - çûª «. (Infinitive çü for... ü ) iv) Hari is too fat for us to carry. ç Á ߪ - - çûª «-ûª. (Infinitive çü for... ÖçC) v) ç B Ωa- - çûª Ææ Ææu ÅC It is too difficult a problem for us to solve/ The problem is too difficult for us to solve. vi) ç îª úø- - çûª <éπ-öàí ÖçC It is too dark for us to see. vii) ØË éì - - çûª üµ Ω. The car is too expensive for me to buy. viii) Ç Á éπç Ωç N - - çûª ûªèπ \ ƒn apple ÖçC Her voice is too low for him to hear. ix) œ x Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- - çûª éπ æ d- Á i N æߪ ç This is too difficult for children to understand. x) Ñ dress Ç Á ËÆæ -éó- - çûª ƒûªc This dress is too old for her to wear. xi) ÉC Ç %ü l úø Á ߪ - çûª Ω This is too heavy for the old man to carry. Ñ N æߪ ç ÉçéÓ Ωéπçí Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- îª a. ûá -í apple ÉC ØË Á ߪ - - çûª Ω Åçõ = ÉC î «Ω, ØË Á ߪ - ÅE éπü. English apple èπÿú ÅçûË. a) It is very heavy; I cannot carry it. It is too heavy for me to carry. b) The movie is very good; We cannot miss it. The movie is good for us to miss. c) The chapter is very important; Nobody can ignore it. Ñ chapter î «êuç. á Ω èπÿú ü Eo ÖÊ -éà~ç-îª- Ω. The chapter is too important for anybody to ignore it. d) The problem is very serious; We cannot neglect it. Ææ Ææu î «Bv çí ÖçC; ç æöàdç-îª - éó-èπ çú Öçúø ç. The problem is too serious for us to neglect. e) The room is very big; The table is very small. í üë Á î «Â ü lc, table vûªç î «* oc. (Åçûª  ü l í CéÀ ûªí - çûª * oc) The table is too small for the big room/ The room is too big for the small table. f) Prakash: Are you attending the party tomorrow? y Í æ party éà Á Ÿûª -Ø o? Subhash: I am too busy. ØË î «BJ-éπ- -èπ çú ÖØ o ƒkdéà Á x- - çûª Ééπ\úø Subhash's reply í -Eç-îªçúÕ. I am too busy ÅE vûª Ë Åçô -Ø oúø Åçõ, I am too busy to attend ÅE. Ñ too  j dialogue apple «úøû ç. ÉC èπÿú îª úøçúõ. The car is too expensive g) Sankar: I'll carry this box and you carry that. ØËF- õ d BÆæ -èπ ç-ö«. yc BÆæ éó. Vishnu: Oh, that's too heavy. ÅC K Ω Åçõ ØË Á ߪ - çûª ÅE. Vishnu's response èπ Å Ωnç That's too heavy for me to carry ÅE. h) Prabhakar: Why don't you send Ganesh for talks? îª Ωa- èπ í ù - ˇ-ØÁç-ü èπ æç æ-èπÿ-úøü? Sudhakar: He is too innocent. Åûªúø K Å -ߪ -èπ úø îª Ωa éì - ƒ-tç-îª- - çûª. Éçé Núø- - Ω* îá ƒp- çõ, He is too innocent to participate in talks/ to handle talks Åûªúø ûál-ní ö«x-úø- - çûª/ Ææ -Rç-îª -éó- - çûª Å -ߪ -èπ úø. i) Gowtham: How do I look in this shirt? ØËF shirt apple á «éπe- œ-ææ h-ø o?/ Ñ shirt á «ÖçC?) Viswam: Isn't that too big for you? ÅC Fèπ K  ü l-cí / ü - í ü? É «'too' - question form apple èπÿú úøû ç. j) Bhaskar: Is the curry too hot? Ñ èπÿ Ω K é Ωçí Öçü? hot - Å Ωnç, ËúÕ. Ééπ\úø Å Ωnç, ÉçéÓöÀ é Ωç A ç. Bhavan: So it is, and the sambar is too salty. Å ƒç «Óx Ö æ p K áèπ \ A ç ÉO too Ö æßá -í. É «'too' úø-éπçûó ç îá ƒp èπ o N æ-ߪ î «short sentences apple simple í îá æp- îª a. conversation Åçü çí Öçô çc.

131 d - çí - Ωç 26 ÂÆ dç- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Praful: Are you telling me that you are doing all this just for me? (Éü çû Ø éóææç îëææ h-ø o- ç-ö«?) Mohan: What then? Why should I go about places to get your papers moved? ( Jç-ÍéçöÀ? F é T-û éπü - æ-ö«-eéà ÅEo-îÓô x áçü èπ A Ω-í L ØË-?) Praful: Come now, Mohan. You are too clever not to have any self interest. ( Á æ«ø îª úø. àüó ƒy Ωnç Öçõ ØË îëêæ ûál-n-í - - -úõn y) Mohan: You are right. Let me be frank. I do take this opportunity to meet officers and get their acquaintance. ( yøëc Eï Ë. Ö o--ü - oô d îá æpf. Officers éπ -Ææ -éó-ö«-eéã, xûó æj-îª-ߪ - Eéà DEE ØËØÓ Å -é çí BÆæ -èπ ç-ô -Ø o ) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 219 frank = -Ææ apple Ö oc ߪ -ô-â õ d/ -Ææ apple àd ü îª -éó-èπ çú Ö oc Ö oô x îáê pߪ ôç. To tell you frankly/ To be frank I don't like you Ø -Ææ apple Ö oc îá ƒp- çõ / Ö oc ü îª - éó-èπ çú îá -ûª Ø o yçõ Ø éà æ dç ü. Acquaintance (ÅÈéjy- -Ø -ôø q. 'éπy ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç)= æj-îªßª ç vûª Ë / ê æj-îªßª ç (ÊÆo æ«ç é èπ çú )/ æj-îª-ߪ -Ææ húø I have acquaintance with him = ÅûªúÕûÓ Ø èπ æj-îªßª ç ÖçC. He is an acquaintance of mine = Åûªúø Ø èπ æj-îª-ߪ -Ææ húø Praful: I appreciate your frankness. (F -Ææ q- appleøë  ô d-éó-èπ çú ߪ -öàéà îá œp- ç-ü èπ Á îª a-èπ ç-ô Ø o.) appreciate Åv - œ-ß ö 'v ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç = ç*-ûª ç/ Ö æ-ßá í ç «çöàn Å Ωnç îëææ - éó-ææ -éó-í - -í ôç/ Á îª a-éó- ôç. äéπ Ææ -Ææu Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- ôç. He doesn't appreciate the seriousness of the situation = æj-æœna Bv ûª Åûªúø Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- -õ xü Mohan: You are too smart not to miss the point either. You know I alone can get things done for you. (Ç Åç ç Å Ωnç îëææ -èπ -ØËçûª ûáln F-C. Fèπ ûá Ææ æe Ø x Å -ûª ç-ü E) Praful: The dependence is mutual (Ñ Çüµ - Ω- æ-úøôç ÅØËC æ Ω-Ææp Ωç.) Mutual ( uîª -Å ) u ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç = æ Ω-Ææp Ωç äéπ-j-éì-éπ Ω. The husband and wife have mutual understand = Ç µ«u- µº- Ωh applex æ Ω-Ææp Ω Å -í - æ«öçc Mohan: So what now? (Å ûë É æ p-úëç-öàçé?) Praful: The officer is too efficient not to speed up matters. (N æ-ߪ - ûªyj-ûªçí é EîËa ƒ Ωnuç Ö o Ç -Ææ -Ç-ߪ -, Åçõ N æ-ߪ ûªy Ωí Å -û -ߪ E) Mohan: We aren't too unlucky there. (Ç N æ-ߪ ç apple ç K ü Ω-ü %- æ - ç-ûª ç é -ü ) éàçü öà lesson apple we discussed the meaning and use of 'too'. Let's know something more about 'too'. Look at the following sentences: He is too strong not to beat his opponent ÅûªúÕ v æûªu-jne ãúõç-îª-í -L-Ííçûª - ç-ûª -úø-ûª ç éàçü öà lesson apple îª ÆœçC: too + adjective/ adverb + infinitive Ö o sentences apple Å Ωnç, infinitive èπ ua-í -éπçí Ææ hçc éπü. a) He is too weak to walk - Ééπ\úø Å Ωnç, Ñ sentence apple Ö o infinitive 'to walk' èπ ua-í -éπçí É «Ææ hçc úø- - - çûª - «- çí ÖØ o-úøe. b) She is too slow to understand things. Ééπ\úø èπÿú Å Ωnç infinitive, to understand èπ ua-í -éπçí, Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- - çûª (Eü ç Ç Á ) ÅE ÚhçC éπü. ÉC ç last lesson apple ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. É æ púø Ñ sentence îª úøçúõ. c) He is too clever not to understand this. Ñ sentence apple infinitive çü not Öçúøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. É «infinitive çü not úõûë, sentence èπ Å Ωnç, not infinitive èπ ua-í éπçí Öçô çc. Åçõ infinitive îáê pc ï Ω - í -ûª çc ÅE. É æ púø sentence (c) éà Å Ωnç É «Ææ hçc éπü. Åûªúø ÉC Å Ωnç îëææ éóí ûáln Ö o úë. Åçõ not to understand (Å Ωnç îëææ -éóe/ îëææ -éó- E) èπ ua-í éπç Å Ωnç îëææ -èπ ØË/ Å Ωnç îëææ -éó-í ÅE Ææ hçc. He is too clever not to understand the point Ñ N æߪ ç Å Ωnç îëææ -éó-í (not to understand èπ ua-í -é Ωnç) ûál-n-í - - úø. (Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- - çûª ûál-n- -E- úëç é ü ) a) She has had too much of practice not to play well = «í Çúø-í -L-Ííçûª practice Ö o-ü - Á èπ. (not to play well èπ ua-í éπç «í Çúøí -L-Ííçûª) Compare the following. i) He is too lazy to pass = ƒæˇ Å - - çûª (to pass èπ ua-í éπç) ü l -éπ-ææ h-úø - úø. ii) He is too hard working not to pass. pass ÅßË uçûª (not to pass èπ ua-í éπç) í v - æ-úë- -úø-ûª. ÉN πÿú ÚLa îª úøçúõ. i) She is too careless to observe this = ÉC í -Eç-îª- - çûª (to observe èπ ua- Í éπç) Åñ«-ví ûªh E œ Ç Á. ii) She is too keen not to observe this = ÉC í -Eç-îËçûª (not to observe èπ ua-í éπç) îª Ω -ÈéjçC Ç Á. Now, take the sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the Lesson: 1) You are too clever not to have any self interest 2) You are too smart not to miss the point either 3) The officer is too efficient not to speed up matters 4) We aren't too unlucky there Sentence No.1: Not to have any self-interest èπ ua-í -éπçí, ƒy Ωnç Fèπ ç-úëçûª ÅE Ææ hçc. ƒy ΩnçûÓ îëêæçûª ûál-n-í - - úõ Ë y. É «èπÿú Å Ωnç Ææ hçc. ƒy Ωnç àç èπ çú îëêæçûª ûál-n- -E- úõn é ü y. No. 2: You are too smart not to miss the point either = not to miss the point èπ ua-í éπç Åç ç í -Eç-îËçûª ûáln ÖçC Fèπ / Åç ç í -Eç-îª-éπ- Ú-ßË çûª ûál-n- -E- -úõ-né. We aren't too unlucky No. 3: Not to speed up things èπ ua-í -éπçí ûªyj-ûªçí îëêæçûª ÅE Å Ωnç Ææ hçc. Ç officer æ ûªyj-ûªçí îëߪ -í ƒ Ωnuç Ö o- úø. (ûªyj-ûªçí îëߪ - - çûª ÅÆæ- - Ω núø é úø ) No.4: We aren't too unlucky there = ç K Åçûª ü Ω-ü %- æ dçí ( æe-é - çûª) ç 'Too' áeo Nüµ - í úìîóa  Ω éπü! É æ p-úõc îª úøçúõ. a) The Australian team was too strong for India = The Australian bowling was too much for India = µ«ωû ûªô d-éó- - çûª - Á i öãç ÇÊÆZ-Lߪ. ÇÊÆZ-Lߪ Lçí µ«ωû ûªô d-éó- - ç-ûªc. b) The boy is too clever for a boy his age = Ç èπ v úø ÅûªE ߪ -Ææ èπ N ç* ûál-n-í - - úø. c) The old man is too strong for his age = Ç Ææ- «-ߪ - èπ Çߪ ߪ -Ææ èπ N ç* ç ÖçC. É Ë é èπ çú, Ñ columns appleøë also (èπÿú ) ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ too úøéπç îªjaçî ç. ÅC-èπÿú ã ƒj í Ω h-îë-ææ -èπ çü ç. EXERCISE Mohan: Áyç-ü èπ ߪ -öàéà -ö«-eéà É æ d æ-úø-ôç- ü? Madan: K îªlí ü? Mohan: Eï Ë. y sweater ËÆæ -èπ -Ø o- -éπü? Madan: Å Ø èπÿú ûªô d-éó- - çûª îªl ÅE- œ- ÚhçC Ø èπ. Mohan: Fèπ ûªô d-èπ ØË éàh (resistance) K ûªèπ \- í Ö o-ô dçc. Madan: Å. Ø èπ typhoid *a- - æp-ô oç< resistance ûªèπ \- í ÖçC. Mohan: Doctor éπ -Ææ -éó- S} Madan: É æp-öàíé -î - «áèπ \- - ƒ Ω x éπl-». î «fees Éîª a-èπ -Ø o. Ájü u ê Ω a K áèπ \- -ߪ u Ø èπ. Mohan: ØË C Å Ωnç îëææ -éó-í -. Å Ø y doctor îª úøôç ç*c. É æp-öàíé «í Ç -Ææu- Á içc. Madan: y- oc correct. Ñ ƒßª çvûªç îª ƒh. Spoken English (British or American) apple also éπçõ ÅüË Å Ωnç (èπÿú )ûó, too áèπ \ NE- œ-ææ hçc. Also úøéπç éìçîáç formal. Åçõ serious speech/ book language apple áèπ \. - í ö«x-úë-ô- æ púø too, é èπ çõ, as well, úø-û Ω. É Á- æ púø sentence * Ω ƒh. 1) ØË úõe éπ -Ææ -èπ -Ø o. úõ ûª t-úõf éπ - Ææ -èπ -Ø o = I met him, and his brother too/ I met him and his brother as well. (I met his brother also - ÉC äéπ Nüµ çí ûªê p also, sentence * Ω úøôç.) 2) y Ç èπ Ka é - çõ BÆæ éó, ü çûó ƒô õ èπÿú é - çõ èπ ü - Ωü = You take the chair, but you can't take the table too./ You can't have the table as well Also úõûë, ü Eo verb çü -í F, 'be' form çü -í F îëaô x úøû ç. I went to Delhi last month; I also stayed there for a week. (ØË Ú ØÁ Delhi ÁR} Åéπ\úø ã Ωç èπÿú ÖØ o ) also, verb- stayed çü ôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. 3) The British ruled us for centuries and robbed us too/ robbed us as well = vgöà ˇ Ÿx Lo ƒlç*, üóîª -èπ -Ø o Ω èπÿú. ÉD spoken English apple too (as well) èπ Ö o v ƒ êuç. Not ûó Å ûë ÅÆæ also ØË- ü. ÅC ûªê p (äéπ\ not only... but also sentences apple ûª æp). Å «ç-ô- æ púø either úøû ç. 1) Åûªúø ü, ÅûªúÕ ûª túø ü. He hasn't come, his brother hasn't either. (his brother hasn't come too- ÅE sentence * Ω îª a/ as well èπÿú úø- îª a) 2) Ç Á ü, -õ x-ü E ÚØ èπÿú îëߪ - ü = She hasn't come; She hasn't phoned either she won't come. ANSWER Mohan: Why are you unwilling to go out? Madan: Isn't it too cold? Mohan: That's true. But you are wearing a sweater. Madan: Still I feel it is too cold for me to bear. Mohan: You seen to have too little resistance. Madan: Yes, since I had the typhoid my resistance has been too low. Mohan: See your doctor again. Madan: I have seen him too often already. I have spent too much on medicine, already. Mohan: I can understand all that. Still you had better see the doctor. You have delayed too much already. Madan: What you say is correct. I'll see him this evening.

132 - Ÿ-véπ- Ωç 29 ÂÆ dç- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Prabha: Hi Subha, how goes the world with you? (á «ÖØ o?) Subha: Well, I can't complain. How is it with you? ( «üµ ç. - - Áy «ÖØ o?) (Ñ response English apple úø -ûª ç-ö«ω. O Ω practice îëߪ çúõ) Prabha: How did you spend the week in your Subha: cousin's place in Hyderabad? ( j«ü - - «ü apple O éπ->-ø Éçöapplex á «í úõ- ƒ?) Happily enough to remember the days there for a long time. (áçûó-é ç í Ω hç-úëçûª ÆæçûÓ æçí ) Prabha: What was so enjoyable about it? (àn -ôçûª Ææ Ωü éπ-l-tç-îë N æߪ ç Åéπ\úø?) Subha: My cousin. Namrata is jovial enough to make your time pass very quickly. (-õ i- î «ûªy Ωí í úõ-*- Ú-ßË ç-ü èπ î L- çûª/ ûªt çûª æ Ææuç éπ C éπ->-ø v ûª) Prabha: Yea. She was here last summer, wasn't she? I remember her jokes well enough to make me laugh whenever I remember them. (éàç-ü -öà ËÆæ-N apple Ééπ\-úø çc éπü. á æ púø í Ìh-*aØ - - Áy-ô d -îë-ߪ í - Ç Á -ñappleé q Ø èπ í - Ω h-ø o ) Subha: I asked her over here for the Dasara holidays, but she has enough assignments to keep her home. (ü Ææ ÂÆ èπ Ééπ\-úÕéÀ Ω tø o. é F É x éπü - -F-ߪ çûª -ÅÂÆj-Ø - Á ç-ö q ÖØ o ûª èπ ) Prabha: We shall be missing here a lot. ( ç ûª î «N Æˇ Å -û ç- ) Subha: She is a good laugh. She is entertaining enough to make us like her company. Prabha: Well, by the way, I have a bad cold. I don't know how to get rid of it. (ÅC ÆæÍ -é F, Ø èπ «í ï îëæœçc. ÅC á «ü - a-éó- apple ûál-ߪ - ôç- ü ) get rid of = üë o- Ø (îáúø ) ü - a-éó- ôç Subha: A cold is not serious enough to cause worry in hot countries, but it is nuisance enough to make us feel out of sorts with yourself. (-Ö- ægüë» applex ï -ÅØËC  ü l Çü l éπ -í -ñ -ÊÆçûª ï sé ü. é E *é èπ éπl- TçîËçûª Ææ - ƒu-ûªtéπç) (Feel out of sorts = *é èπ Òçü ôç) Prabha: Why didn't you take some medicine? ( ç-ü - -áç-ü èπ - ËÆæ éó- -ü?) Subha: I did, of course, but the relief has been temporary. (BÆæ -èπ -Ø o é F û û \-Léπ Ö æ- - - Ë ) Prabha: Doctors say you are cured of cold in seven days if you take medicines, and in one week if you don't take medicines. ( çü ûó 7 ÓV applex, çü - x-èπ çú -Eéà ï ߪ - - -ûª ç-ü ç-ö«ω - ú éπd Ω x) 'Enough' Åçõ ûá Ææ éπü. î / î L- çûª ÅE. 1) I have enough money to buy a car = Ø -ü í _ Ω é Ω éìøëç-ü èπ î L çûª úø sçc. 2) She hasn't (doesn't have) enough money to buy a house = É x éìøëç-ü èπ î L çûª úø s Ç Á ü í _ Ω ü. 3) Preethi: How about some more biriyani? (Éçé Ææh G u-f ËÆæ -èπ ç-ö«?) Pratima: Enough. No more, please. (î. x-ñ Éçéπ ü l. ) Preethi: Is so little enough for you? (Éçûª ûªèπ \ î «Fèπ?) Pratima: That's more than enough. (ÅC î L çûª éπçõ áèπ \ ) 4) Surendra: When shall we go to the next movie? (ûªü - æj ÆœE á æ púø îª ü lç) Narendra: Enough is enough. No more of -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 220 these movies. (ÉçéÌü l «. Ñ ÆœE- Ééπ ü l) 5) He has enough and to spare Åûª--úÕéÀ î L çûë é èπ çú, Éûª- Ω éà y-í -L-T çûª -Öç-C.  Ω éπü. enough Å Ωnç, Ö æ-ßá -í -ç. Look at the following too: 1) You are clever enough to understand easily = ( y Ææ - - í Å Ωnç îëææ -éì-øëç--ûª ûál- Áj- - úõn.) = You are clever; you understand easily. = y ûál- Áj- - -úõn. y Ææ µºçí Å Ωnç îëææ -èπ ç-ö«. ( y Ææ µºçí Å Ωnç îëææ -éì-øëçûª ûál- Áj- - -úõn.) 2) He is tall enough to touch the ceiling fan= Æ -Lçí - ƒu-ø - û éπ-í --L-T- ç-ûª Òúø- -ûª-úø = He is tall. He can touch the ceiling fan. --Å--ûª-úø - Ò-úø-. -Å-ûª-úø Æ -Lçí - ƒu-ø - -Åç-ü éóí - -úø. 3) The class room is large enough to seat 45 students ç-c -N-ü u Ω n- èπÿ Óa-í ÆæA Ö oçûª  ü l é xæˇ Ω ç ÅC. 4) He is ill enough to need a doctor = -ú éπd Ææ æ ߪ ç é -Lq çûª ï sí ÖØ o-úøûª. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. 1) (I spent) happily enough to remember the days for a long time - î «-é ç í Ω hçúëçûª ÆæçûÓ æçí í úõ- ƒ- -éπ\úø. 2) Namrata is jovial enough to make your time pass quickly - -õ i- -î - «ûªy Ωí í úõ-*- Ú-ßË -ôô x îëߪ -í çûª îª -û \J v ûª. Namrata is quite/ very jovial; she can make your time pass quickly. 3) I remember her jokes well enough to make me laugh whenever I remember them = á æ púø í Ìh-*aØ Ëyçûª «í Ç Á -ñappleé q Ø èπ í Ω h/ ØË í Ω hç-îª -èπ ç-ö«. I remember her jokes very well; they make me laugh whenever I remembered them. 4) She has enough assignments/ assignments enough to keep her home - ûª áéπ\-úõéã éπü - -èπ çú (ÉçöapplexØË ÖçúË-ô xí ) îëêæç-ü èπ î L çûª -ÅÂÆj-Ø - Á ç-ö q ÖØ o. She has a good number of assignments. They keep her home. 5) A cold is not serious enough to cause worry in hot countries - Ö ægüë» applex ï Çü l éπl-tçîëçûª Bv -- Á içc é ü. A cold is not very serious in hot Countries; it does not cause worry. 6) It is nuisance enough to make us feel out of sorts = *é èπ éπl-tçîëçûª Ææ - ƒu-ûªtéπç. = It is a big nuisance; it makes us feel out of sorts. ÉN enough Å Ωnç, Ö æ-ßá í ç. éàçü öà lessons apple too Ö æ-ßá í ç ç. too + adjective/ adverb + infinitive ÊÆh ( K, ÅA ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ) ua-í -é - n-eo-ææ hçc. Enough + infinitive ÊÆh positive Å Ωnç Ææ hçc (Å ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ) Compare: a) He is too weak to walk - He is very weak, so he cannot walk = EXERCISE Preetham: F ü í _-È çûª úø sçc? Priya: àç? áçü èπ? Preetham: Ø éó È çúìç-ü -L-îËaçûª Öçü? Priya: Åçûª- ü. Ø é \- Lq È çúø æ Ææhé éìøëçûª úø sçc. Preetham: Ø èπÿ æ Ææh-é éìøëç-ü èπ Ω.200 ûªèπ \- ÁjçC. Ø o æç œçîë Ωèπ Ë* ÖçúË -õ i- ü. Priya: ƒ-k. Answer Preetham: How much money have you?/ «í - «çí ÖØ oúø, úø- - úø. b) He is strong enough to walk fast = ûªy Ωí úõ-îëç-ü èπ î L- çûª çí - úø. 2) a) She is too ill to need a doctor = Ç Á î «Bv çí ï sûó ÖçC. -ú éπd Å - Ææ Ωç ü. -(ú éπd *aø v æßá -ï ç ü ) b) She is ill enough to need a doctor - ï s «í Bv çí ÖçC. -ú éπd ÁçôØË œ - L. (v æßá -ï ç Öçô çc) ÅD too èπÿ, enough èπÿ ûëú, È çúõçöà ûª yû infinitive *a- - æ púø. Å ûë ô èπÿ Ω p îª úøçúõ enough úõ- - æ púø. a) He is wise enough to understand such things = Enough is enough Å «çöà N æ-ߪ Å Ωnç îëææ -éó-í -L-T çûª ûál-ní úø-ûª. ô èπÿ Ω p (Word Order) îª ü lç Wise (Adj) + enough + infinitive (ÅüË too úõ- - æ púø too + adjective/ adverb + infinitive Ææ hçc éπü?) ÉD í -Eç-î -Lq N æߪ ç. ÅüË adjective ü noun Å ûë, enough + noun + infinitive Ææ hçc. a) There is enough water in the tank to last for the whole day = (Ñ ÓVèπ ÆæJ- æúë F Ÿx-Ø o -ö«uçé apple.) b) I have enough friends to help me = (Ø èπ ƒßª ç îëߪ -ö«-eéà î L- ç-ûª- ç-c ÊÆo œ«-ûª - -Ø o Ω.) do you have? Priya: Why? What do you want? Preetham: Have you enough money to give/ spare/ lend me Rs.200? Priya: Not so much. I have enough money to buy the two books I need. Preetham: I am short of Rs.200/- to buy the books I need. I don't have the time enough to wait till my dad sends me money. Priya: I'm sorry.

133 -Ç-C- Ωç 1 -ÅéÓd- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Prem: Hi Syam, you are so late that all the people have left. (»uç, Áyçûª Ç Ææu- çõ FéÓÆæç Ö o - xçû ÁRx- Ú-ߪ Ω ) Syam: I was held up on my way by a terrible traffic jam. The traffic was so heavy that I took an hour to travel one kilometer by car. (ü J apple ΩDl o ÇÊ -ÆœçC. é Ω apple äéπ éà apple-o -ô -ö«-eéà í çô æöàdçc Åçûª ΩDlí ÖçC) Prem: Didn't you hear us on your mobile? (F ÂÆ - ÚØ apple ô NE- œç-îª ü Fèπ?) Syam: I knew you were calling, but I couldn't make out anything. The whole road was so noisy. (O Ω ÚØ îëææ h- oc Ø èπ ûá Ææ, é F O Í ç ö«x-úø -ûª od ØË Ωnç îëææ -éó- -éπ- Ú-ߪ. Ó-úøfçû -Åç-ûª íìúø- í ÖçC.) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 221 Prem: Our friends had waited and waited. They had to wait for so long that I served them coffee twice. That was how long it was. ( vâ çú q F éóææç áçûó-êæ æ Ë*- îª -» Ω. áçûª-êæ- æçõ ØË xèπ È çúø - ƒ Ω x é É y-lq- -*açc. Åçûª-ÊÆ- æ -Ø o- Ω- o- ô Ÿx) Syam: I'm really sorry but I couldn't help it. When I took out my car to make it here I didn't expect it to happen this way. (Eïçí «üµ - æ-úø -ûª -Ø o, é E àç îëߪ? ØËE-éπ\-úÕéÀ -ö«-eéà Ø é Ω ßª -ôèπ BÆœ- - æ púø Ñ Nüµ çí ï Ω -í -ûª çü - -éó- ü ) (... I couldn't help it = ØËØËç îëߪ - E æj-æœna/ Ø èπ ûª œpç-c-é ü.) eg: I have to go now. I can't help it = ØËE- æ púø Á «x-lqçüë. Ø éπ-c-ûª- æpü. He has to pay the fine. He can't help it = Åûªúø fine éπö«d-lqçüë. ÅûªúÕéπC ûª æpü. To make it here = to reach here = Ééπ\-úÕéÀ îë Ω-ö«-EéÀ. Prem: Why was the traffic so heavy? (áçü -éπçûª ΩDlí ÖçC vö«œé É y?) Syam: For onething, it is a peak traffic hour. Secondly some procession was in the way. At one point it was so long that it took nearly 20 minutes to clear the road. (äéπ N æߪ ç àn -ôçõ ÅC - í vö«œé ΩDl «í áèπ \- í ÖçúË Ææ ߪ ç. È çúóüëçôçõ àüó ÜÍ -Tç æ Åúøfç *açc. äéπ ü apple Ç ÜÍ -Tç æ áçûó Òúø- çc. áçûªçõ, ÅC Óúø f ü ô-ö«-eéà ü í _ Ω ü í _ Ω Å Ω-í çô æöàdçc) peak traffic = Åûªuçûª ΩDl Prem: Why didn't you tell us of it over the cell? (cell apple îá æp- üëç Ñ N æߪ ç?) Syam: It was so noisy that you could hear nothing. (àd N-E œç-îª- ç-ûª íìúø ) Prem: Anyway, it's all over. Our friends have gone away. Let's plan a meeting this weekend. (à Á i-ûëøëç Å - Ú- çc. vâ çú q Åçü Ω ÁRx- Ú-ߪ Ω. Ñ ç-û -EéÀ éπ -Ææ -èπ ØË à pô îëææ -èπ çü ç) Syam: OK. ç-ü -Jéà ûá Ææ : So èπ Ö o Å n : So = 1) Åçü - x/ é öàd 2) Åçûª (American usage) É æ púø ç, so = Åçûª ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ Ö o Ö æßá í ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç. (Ñ Å ΩnçûÓ, so, such (Å «çöà) ÅØË ôèπ ü í _- Ωí äéó\- ƒj úø -ûª çö«ç) a) I can't go out now, It is so hot = ØËE- æ púø ߪ -öà-èé- x-, Åçûª áçúøí ÖçC = ØËE- æ púø ߪ -öà-èé- x- - çûª áçúøí ÖçC. It is so hot now that I can't go out. b) Ç é Ω ƒ - u éì - Ω. Åçûª êk-üájçü C = Ordinary people can't buy the car; It's so expensive = ƒ - u éì - - çûª êk-üáj é ΩC = The car is so expensive that ordinary people can't buy it. c) It is a long way off; the girl can't walk the distance = ÅC î «ü Ωç. Ç Å t Ç ü Ωç úø- - ü. Ç Å t úø- - ü ; Åçûª-ü Ωç ÅC. = The girl can't walk the distance; it's such a long way off/ so distant. = It is such a long way off that the girl cannot walk.  Ω éπü. so Ñ Nüµ çí úø- îª a. Å ûë 'so' É «úë-ô- æ púø, sentence applee ô- èπÿ Ω p í -Eç-îªçúÕ. 1) The box is so heavy that I cannot carry it. (Ç Â õ d ØË Á ߪ - - çûª Ω ) 2) He is walking so slowly that he cannot catch the train. (wõ jø Åçü -éó- - çûª Eü - çí úø -Ææ h-ø o-úø-ûª ) ô èπÿ Ω p îª úøçúõ:... so + adjective (heavy - 1) + that +... (not) etc. adverb (slowly - 2) Éçé -îª -úøçúõ. 3) He is so lazy that he cannot finish the work on time. (Ææ -ߪ -EéÀ æe- æ -Jh-îË-ߪ - çûª Ú J Åûª ) 4) He talks so fast that I can't understand him ØË Ωnç îëææ -éó- - çûª Ëí çí ö«x-úø-û -úø-ûª. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. 1) The traffic was so heavy that I took an hour to travel one kilometer. vö«œé áçûª ΩDlí Öçü çõ, äéπ éà apple-o -ô v æߪ ùç îëߪ -ö«-eéà äéπ í çô æöàdçc. - í ö«xúë ûá -í apple äéπ éà apple-o -ô v æߪ -ù«-eéà äéπ í çô æöàdçc; vö«œé Åçûª ΩDlí ÖçC. 2) You are so late that all the people have left= Éûª- Ω - çû ÁRx- Ú-ßË çûªí Ç Ææu- -ߪ u- y. 3) I couldn't make out any thing. The whole road was so noisy= Ø Íéç Å Ωnç é ü (NE- œç-îª- ü ).Road Åçû - Åç-ûª íìúø- í ÖçC. It is too difficult.. to understand 4) They had to wait so long that I served them coffee twice= È çúø - ƒ Ω x coffee ÉîËaç-ûª-ÊÆ æ Ÿx áü - Ω - îª -» Ω. (F éπ Åçûª Ç -Ææu- - ç-ü E µ«ç) 5) Why was the traffic so heavy?= Traffic Åçûª ΩDlí áçü -èπ çc? 6)... it was so long that it took nearly 20 minutes to clear the road. Ç ÜÍ -Tç æ áçûª Òúø- çõ, ÅC Óú ü ô--ú -EéÀ 20 EN - ƒ æöàdçc. (Ç ÜÍ -Tç æ Óú ü ô-ú - EéÀ 20 EN - ƒ æöàdçc. Åçûª Òúø- C.) 7) It was so noisy that you couldn't hear anything èπ (Ééπ\úø, you Åçõ F / O Ω ÅE vûª Ë é ü ; you Åçõ 'á -È jø ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úø-û - ΩØË N æߪ ç Éçûª-èπ - çü ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç.) EXERCISE (Practise the following aloud in English; use only so... that structure.) Ramana: ç É y ߪ öàèé x ç. Åçûª í ÖçC. Sumana: J shopping îëߪ L éπü? Ramana: Í æ îëü lç. Sumana: Ñ ÓV éìø -Lq N î «ÖØ o. ÅN Åçûª êu- Á i- N. Ramana: Å í Ìh-*açC. Í æ-öà-ü é Ç æ- - çûª Å -Ææ- Ω- Á i- N éπü? Sumana: Å ûë ç æ Jhí ûªúõ-æœ- Ú-ßË çûª í ÖçC. Í ç îëü lç? Ramana: ã í çö«t ߪ - -üë- Ωü ç. Sumana: Å æp-öàéà shops ÅFo ÊÆ- ƒh Ω. Ramana: Auto apple Á ü ç. ÉD so... that Ö æ-ßá í ç. Ééπ\úø ç í -Eç-î - Lq N æߪ ç: so ûª yûª adjective/ adverb, ü E ûª yûª that ôç. a) She hates him so much that (so + much (adverb) + that) she doesn't want to talk to him Åûª-úÕûÓ ö«x-úøôç É æ dç- -ü - Á èπ. Åçûªí ÅûªúÕE üëy œ- ÚhçC. b) He is so tall that he can touch the ceiling fan = ceiling fan û éπ-í - çûª Òúø Åûªúø. (so + tall (adj) + that) é öàd 'so' É «úõ- - æ púø ü E ûª yûª adjective/ adverb, Ç ûª yûª that ûª æpéπ L. (Å ûë present day (É æpöà) American usage apple, so ûª yûª that C- -Ææ h-ø o Ω. He is so tall he can touch the fan. É «Å ôç American usage apple ûª Ω îª NE œææ hçô çc.) O éà- æp-öàéà Å Ωn- ßË u Öçô çc- so... that éà, ç éàçü öà lessons apple ûá -Ææ -èπ o too... infinitive éà î «ü í _ Ω Ææç çüµ ç Öçü E. The car is so expensive that ordinary people can't buy it = The car is too expensive for ordinary people to buy it. = È çúõçöà Å Ωnç äéπõ éπü. Å ûë too... + infinitive Å ûë, sentence simple í ÖçúÕ conversation effective í Öçô çc. Too... infinitive úø-í -L-TûË, ÅüË so that... éπçõ Á Ω -í E ûá - ÚhçC éπü. Compare: a) It's too heavy for me to carry. b) It is so heavy that I cannot carry it. îª úøçúõ: so... that Ö o sentence (b) «í Òúø í _ ÖçC. éìçûª ÆæçéÀx- æ dçí èπÿú ÖçC éπü. c) It is too difficult for me to understand d) It is so difficult that I can't understand it. c) éπçõ (d) complicated í ÖçC éπü? so... that practice îëߪ çúõ, é F too... infinitive áèπ \ úøçúõ. ANSWER Ramana: The rain is so heavy/ It's raining so heavily that we can't go out. Sumana: But we've to do shopping. Ramana: Let's do it tomorrow. Sumana: Some of the things are so important that we have to buy them today. Ramana: Yes, I remember. Some of the things are so important that they have to be bought/ we have buy them today. Sumana: The rain is so heavy that we will be drenched. What shall we do? Ramana: Let's start after an hour. Sumana: By then the shops will all have closed. Ramana: We'll take an auto.

134 - -üµ - Ωç 4 -ÅéÓd- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Sankar: Hi Vishnu, you've been away for such a long time that I felt lonely here. (ØË äçô-j-ûª- çûó «üµ - æ-úëç-ûª-é ç y ߪ -ô -Ø o ) Vishnu: I felt the same too, without your company. (F ƒ æ«-îª Ωuç éπ ØË Å «ØË «üµ - æú f) Sankar: Why did it take so long for you? (Åçûª-é ç áçü èπ æöàdçc?) Vishnu: I had been away on a company assignment. I returned this morning. (éπçâ F æe-o ü Á «x. Ñ Òü løëo î a ) Assignment = Å æp-tç-* æe. ÅÂÆj- tçö 'ÂÆj ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç. Sankar: What kind of assignment? (á «çöà æe?) Vishnu: Such a tough assignment that I had to visit a number of places. I had to see a number of dealers, watch the movement of our products, and see that the sales increased. (Å Á t î «éπ æ d- Á i æe. î «îóôxèπ (Ü xèπ ) A Ω-í -Lq- -*açc. î «- çc dealers îª Æœ, company ûªßª - K Å t-é á «ÖØ oßá í -Eç*, Å t-é  çî -Lq «üµ uûª ÅC.) dealers = äéπ éπçâ F ûªßª -K (Ææ Ω-èπ ) Å Ë t Ÿ}/ shops. Movement = Å Ωnç = éπü -L-éπ( ). Ééπ\úø Å Ωnç ã company ûªßª -K Å t-éπ æ üµó ΩùÀ. (Öü u ç ÅØË Å Ωnç èπÿú ÖçC. Telangana Movement = ûá ç-í ù Öü u ç) Products= ûªßª K ã éπçâ F ûªßª Ω îëæœ Å Ë t Ææ h. v ƒúøé d q 'v ƒ ØÌéÀ\ æ -èπ û ç. Sankar: What a time you had! I really pity you, old boy! You do get a fat salary, but you can't have a minutes leisure. (áçûª éπ æ dçí í úõ- ƒ! E o îª ÊÆh ñ«- Ææ hçc, N vûª! Fèπ Ë Ææ hçc é F éπ~ùç Nv»ç-A- -ü -éπü!) Vishnu: It isn't the salary that matters. I like the challenging nature of the job. It is such a challenge that you have the satisfaction of having done something. You feel happy that you've achieved something. (@ûªç é ü êuç, Åéπ\úø Ø ÖüÓu-í ç apple Ö o Ææ Ø éà æ dç. Ç Ææ áçûªü çõ, àüó éìçûª ƒcµç-î ç-éπü ÅØË ûª% œh N í - -ûª çc (éπ -í -ûª çc). ØË àüó ƒcµç-î./ ÉC ØË ƒcµç-î ÅØË ûª% œh Öçô çc.) that matters = êuç. achieving = ƒcµçîªôç; Achievement = ƒcµç-* N æߪ ç Sankar: Corporate culture has taken hold of you. ( ü l u ƒ Ω Ææç ƒn ÆæçÆæ\%A ÅDµ- ç apple ÖØ o y). Corporate = ü l  ü l u ƒ Ω ÆæçÆæn- èπ Ææç ç-cµç-*. Corporate - pronunciation é ÒJ/ È ö. Vishnu: And I am proud of it too. (Å «Ö oç-ü èπ í Jy-Ææ hø o.) Sankar: Did you see any movies while you were away? ( ߪ -ô - o- æ púø ÆœE- - - Ø o ?) Vishnu: I saw two but they were such lousy movies that I wished I hadn't seen them. (È çúø . Å Áçûª îáûªhçõ îª úø-èπ çú Öçú -LqçC Å -èπ Ø o.) Lousy = îáûªh. Louse - Æˇ Ê ÅÆæ Ωnç Lousy - ÅÆæ- æ«uçí / îáûªhí ÖçC ÅE Aôd-ú -EéÀ èπÿú úø-û Ω. Lousy fellow - Áüµ Å oô x. Sankar: Thank God. I wasn't with you. ( A-éÀ- Úߪ. FûÓ ØË ç-ü èπ. ( èπ çõ ØË îª ú Lq îëac) Vishnu: What next now? Shall we have coffee? (ûª y-ûëçöà? coffee BÆæ -èπ ç-ü?) Sankar: OK. éàçü öà lesson apple ç so úøéπç ç éπü. 'so' Åçõ 1) Åçûª a) He isn't so tall. (Åûª- çûª Òúø -Ííç-é ü ) b) The place is so distant. (Ç îóô Åçûª ü Ωç) êuçí so + adjective/ adverb + that (so tall that/ so large that/ so nice that, etc.) Åçõ adjective/ adverb ûálê à Ë Ωèπ ÅE ûál-ê ç-ü èπ úøû ç. 2) American usage apple î «ÅE Å Ωnç. a) Thank you so much. (British: Thank you very much.) b) You are so nice. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 222 (British: You are very nice) É æ púø ü í _ Ω ü í _ Ω Å «çöà Å Ωnç, úø éπ Ö o 'such' N æߪ ç îª ü lç. Such Åçõ Å «çöà. a) I don't like such things = Å «çöà N æ-ߪ Ø éà- æ dç- ü. b) He never smiles. Such men are very dangerous = Åûª-ØÁ- æ púø yúø. Å «ç-öà- Ÿ} î «v æ ü ç. c) She works very hard. Such people prosper = Ç Á î «éπ æ d- æ-úø -ûª çc. Å «ç-öà- Ÿ}  jéì- ƒh Ω. Such E É «èπÿú -úø-û ç. (Such... as èπÿ Ω pûó) a) Such people as Gandhi are always respected = í çdµ- «çöà uèπ h á æ púø íı Ω ç Òçü -û Ω. ( ûá í = í çdµ- «çöà uèπ h- á æ p-úø íı Ω-N- ƒh Ω ) b) Such trees as the coconut grow very tall (éì s-j-îáôx «çöà îáô x à æ í Â Ω -í -û ) Ééπ\úø such úë B Ω, Å «çöà ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ: such + noun + as + noun (à Ê Ω -ØÁjØ noun Åçö«ç) c) Such movies as Titanic are rare. (Titanic «çöà ÆœE- Å Ω ü ) Ééπ\úø ô èπÿ Ω p: Such + movies (noun) + as + Titanic (noun) Å ûë äéπ êu í -Eéπ: æ «Ø uèπ h, N æ-ߪ «çöà ÅØËç-ü èπ éπü Ééπ\úø ç such... as úø -ûª Ø oç. É «such... as úøôç ÆæÈ j- - æp-öàéã, ÉC é Ææh ví ç-c éπç, ƒçúõûªuç. Éçûª-éπç-õ like úøôç î «simple, better éπü! ( «çöà ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ) 1) Such men as Gandhi are always respected = Men like Gandhi are always respected. 2) Such trees as the coconut = Trees like the coconut. such... as ü like úøôç Ææ Óy-ûªh ç éπü. É æ púø ÉC îª úøçúõ: a) I bought a variety of fruits such as the mango, the apple, etc. ( N úõ, apple «çöà Ωéπ- Ω-é æçúø x éìø o). É «ç-öà-îóôx èπÿú such as ü like úøôç µ«æ Ææ Ω- çí, Ææ æ«-ïçí NE- œç-îëô x îëææ hçc. b) There were a number of things such as pen, paper, etc., = There were a number of things like... 3) Now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson. a) You have been away for such a long time that I felt lonely. b) such a tough assignment that I had to visit a number of places. c)... they were such lousy movies that I wished that I hadn't gone to them. so + adjective/ adverb + that- Ö æ-ßá -í ç- «ç-öàüë  j sentences apple such... that Ö æ-ßá í ç èπÿú. a) He is so good that all like him= Åûª Åçü Ω É æd- æ-úëçûª ç*- úø. b) He is such a good man that all like him. Åçü Ω Åûª- çõ É æ d- æ-úø-û Ω. Åçûª ç*- -úøûª. = Åûª- ç-ü Ω É æ d- æ-úëç-ûª- ç-*- úø. í -Eç-î Ω éπü. Ééπ\úø a) Å Ωnç, b) Å Ωnç äéπõ. c) The day was so hot that we couldn't go out = Ë ç ߪ -öàéà Á x- - çûª áçúøí ÖçC Ç ÓV. [so + adjective (hot) + that] d) It was such a hot day that we couldn't go out. D Ωnç, sentence (c) Å Ωnç äéπõ. í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Å ûë Ééπ\úø word order ( ô èπÿ Ω p) ûëú. such + adjective (hot) + day (noun) + that é öàd È çúõçöà Å Ωnç äéπõ. Å ûë, so ûª yûª adjective/ adverb Ææ hçc. such ûª yûª, adjective *a, ü E ûª yûª noun èπÿú L. äéó\- ƒj, noun vûª Ë Ææ hçc. He is such a man that all like him = Åçü Ω É æ d- æúë uéàh Åûª. ÉD so... that èπÿ, such... that èπÿ Ö o Ææç çüµ ç, ûëú. ÉçéÓ N æߪ ç èπÿú îª ü lç. a) He is such a good man that we all like him = Åûª Ë ç-ü Ωç É æ d- æ-úëçûª ç*- úø. b) He is so good a man that we all like him. (a) apple such a good man = (b) apple so good a man c) She is so clever a woman that she can solve any problem easily = She is such a clever woman that she can... (à Ææ -Ææu-ØÁjØ æj- æ\-jç-îª-í -L-T- çûª ûál-n -í - «Á ) so clever a woman = such a clever woman Thank you so much EXERCISE Pratap: E o meeting èπ î «- çc î a? Manish: áçûª Ææçêu apple î a- Ωçõ Åçûª  ü l Hall èπÿú ÆæJ- Ú- ü. Pratap: éπh «í ö«x-ú ú? Manish: Åçü Ω E z- lçí èπÿ Ω ae v ü l ûó N oçûª íì æp éπh Çߪ. Pratap: àçö«-ߪ v æææç-í ç apple N Ï- ƒ? Manish: Çߪ îá œp Åç» áçûª êu- Á i- - çõ, ç Ææ µºçí Å -Ææ-Jç--îªí -LÍíç-ûªN. Pratap: Åçûª ç* v æææç-í? apple Sx N - - çûª ç* v æææçí ç. Pratap: ü Ω-ü % æ dç, -éπ- Ú-ߪ. d) India is such a large country/ so large a country that progress cannot be quick (ÅGµ- %Cl Åçûª ûªyjûªç é çûª  ü l üë ç µ«ωû ) Ææçü - s Eo öàd, so í F such í F úø- îª a. Sentences from the conversation: 1) You have been away for such a long time that I felt lonely. Ééπ\úø èπÿú so úø- îª a. Å ûë  j îª œ- - ô xí such a long time, so long a time Å ûª çc. You have been away for so long a time that... 2)... such a tough assignment that I had to visit many places = so tough an assignment that I had to visit many places... 3)... they were such lousy movies that... = the movies were so lousy that... ÉO so... that, such... that Ö æ-ßá -í. ANSWER Pratap: Did a large number attend the meeting yesterday? / Was it a largely attended meeting yesterday? Manish: It was such a large number/ so large a number that the hall wasn't enough. Pratap: Did he speak well? Manish: He was such a great speaker/ so great a speaker that all heard him with all attention. Pratap: What were the special points/ highlights of his speech? Manish: He made such good points/ the points he made were so good that we can easily practise them. Pratap: Was it such a good speech/ so good a speech? Manish: So good a speech/ such a good speech that we can't hear it again. Pratap: Unfortunately, I couldn't attend it.

135 - Ÿ-vèπ- Ωç 6 -ÅéÓd- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Sourabha: Hi Susmitha, we'd better start early so that we don't miss Aruna. (Ææ Æœtû, ç ûìçü - Ωí ߪ - -üë- Ωü ç, Å Ω -ù miss é èπ çú ÖçúËç-ü èπ.) We'd better = We had better = ç*c. You'd better see a doctor = you had better... = y doctor îª úøôç ç*c. Susmitha: I am almost ready. I got up quite early so that I might not be late. (ØË ü ü æ Æœü l ç. ûªy Ωí î Ç Ææuç é èπ çú ÖçúËç-ü èπ.) Sourabha: That's good. I told the taxi man to be here at 7 so that we need not waste time looking for a taxi. ( ç*c. Taxi «àúõç-öàíé Ω te îá ƒp, Sx Taxi éóææç time waste é èπ çú.) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 223 Susmitha: When exactly is the arrival of the plane? (Plane correct í á æ p-úì-ææ hçc?) Sourabha: At It'll be another hour after the touch down for Aruna to come out of the check in area and join us. The collection of the baggage after the baggage check these days take a lot of time because of security reasons. (8.30éÀ. Check in area ç* ߪ - öàéà -ö«-eéà ÉçéÓ í çô æúø -ûª çc Å Ω -ùèπ. ûªe& --ûª y-ûª Baggage BÆæ -éó- úøç µºvü û é Ω-ù«- - x Ñ Ó-V applex î «Ç -Ææu- - -ûóçc.) touch down = N ç µº O t-ü èπ Cí ôç. Check in = ƒ x N -Ø -v ߪ ÅCµ-é Ω ûªe& îëߪ ôç. Check in Åçõ ÉçéÓ Å Ωnç = Hotel apple Ææèπ í C BÆæ -éó- úøç. baggage - «Tñ ( «bank apple b «) = ƒ x. baggage (American) = luggage (British) Susmitha: Then why are we going so early? (Å ûë áçü -éàçûª çüë Á Ÿ-ûª Ø oç?) Sourabha: The airport is so long way off. There are likely to be traffic jams. We are starting so early so that nothing may delay us. Better half an hour early than a minute late. (N -Ø -v ߪ ç î «ü Ωç. Traffic ΩDl «í Öçúø- îª a. É Ëç èπ Ç Ææuç éπl-tç-îª-èπ çú ÖçúËç-ü èπ ûªy Ωí ߪ - -üë- Ω -ûª Ø oç. äéπ EN æç Ç Ææuç éπçõ äéπ Å Ω-í çô çü ç-úøôç ߪ ç éπü.) Susmitha: The first thing Aruna wants to do after landing here is to go to Tirupathi. Let's fix another taxi ready so that she may not lose time. (Ééπ\úø Cí -í ØË çü A Ω - æ-a-èé- «x- E Å Ω ù éójéπ. ÉçéÓ taxi E èπÿú ö«x-úø ü ç, time éπl- Ò-Ææ hçc.) Sourabha: That I've already done. The taxi will be here the day after tomorrow. She has to rest today and tomorrow to get over the jet lag. (ÅD îëêæ-». á xçúõ Òü l taxi ready. Ñ ÓW, Í æ ûª rest BÆæ -èπ ç-ô çc jet lag ç* ߪ -ô - æ-úø-ö«-eéà.) jet lag = N -Ø applex Ææ ü Ω v æߪ -ù«îëߪ -ôç apple va- æ-í x üµ u üë -üë-»- èπ ÖçúË ûëú x éπlíí úø-léπ. Susmitha: Let's accompany her to Tirupathi so that we too can have Lord Venkateswara's darsanam. ( ç èπÿú Å Ω -ùûó Á ü ç. ç èπÿú A Ω ŸE ü Jzç-îª -éó- îª a.) Sourabha: OK. éàçü öà lessons apple so + adjective/ adverb + that, such + (adj) + noun + that îëa sentences ç éπü. a) He is so good that every one likes him = Åûªúø Åçü Ω É æ d- æ-úëçûª ç*- úø = He is such a good man that everyone likes him. b) She drives so slow that even a bullock cart can over take her = áúøx- çúõ èπÿú Ç Á ü öà- Ú-ßË çûª ØÁ t- Cí é Ω úø - æ -ûª ç-ü Á. Hers is such slow driving that even a bullock cart over takes her. (overtake = çü o æ«-ø Eo ü öà- Á- xôç) ÉD ç, so... that/ such... that í Jç* Éçûª- - Ωèπ ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc. É æ púø éàçc sentences ûëú í -Eç-îªçúÕ: a) He studies so hard that he always scores high = --áèπ \- marks îëaçûª «í îªü - -û -úø-ûª. b) He is studying very hard so that he may score high = -áèπ \- marks ûáîª a-èπ -ØËç-ü èπ, Åûª î «éπ æ d- æúõ îªü - -ûª -Ø oúø. a)... so hard that. [so èπ that èπ üµ u hard (adv)] b) so that - Ééπ\úø so èπ that èπ üµ u ÉçÍéç ô -úøç- ü. ÅN È çúø æéπ\- æ-éπ\øë Ææ h-ø o- -éπü. (a) éà, (b) éà Å Ωnç apple èπÿú ûëú í -Eç-î Ω éπü. Sentence (a) He is studying so hard that... ÅØËC, Åûª áçûª/ à Ë Ωèπ éπ æ d- æúõ îªü - -ûª -Ø oúó ûá - æ -ûª çc. Sentence (b) He is studying very hard so that he may score high... ÅØËC Åûª à ÖüËl- çûó îªü - -ûª - od ûá - æ -ûª çc. í Ω hç-îª - π çü ç: So that á æ púø ç äéπ æee áçü π îë ƒhç/ ÖüËl-»Eo (purpose) ûá - æ -ûª çc. a) Susila started at 7 itself so that she may not be late for class = Class èπ Ç Ææuç é èπ çú ÖçúËç-ü èπ Ææ Q àúõç-öàíé ߪ - -üë-jçc. b) Harsha goes to bed early so that he can get up early = ûªy Ωí Evü îëç-ü èπ æ«ω{ ûªy Ωí æúø -èπ ç-ö«úø. c) I am noting down the phone numbers so that I can call you when necessary = Å -Ææ- Ω- Á i- - æ púø œl-îëç-ü èπ ÅEo phone numbers Ææ -èπ ç-ô -Ø o. É «Â j sentences apple «, so that ÅØË expression ÖüËl-»Eo ûá - æ -ûª çc. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson:.. so that we don't miss.. 1) We'd better start early so that we don't miss Aruna = Å Ω -ù miss é èπ çú ÖçúËç-ü èπ ûªy Ωí ߪ - -üë- Ωôç ç*c. 2) I got up quite early so that I might not be late = Ç Ææuç é èπ çú ÖçúËç-ü èπ ûªy Ωí Evü - -î. 3) I told the taximan to be here at 7, so that we need not waste time looking for a taxi = Taxi «àúõç-öàíé Ω te îá ƒp, Sx taxi éóææç time waste îëߪ -èπ çú / é èπ çú ÖçúËç-ü èπ. 4) We are starting so early so that nothing may delay us = üëe- «x Ç Ææuç é èπ çú ÖçúËç-ü -èπ í, ç çüë ߪ - -üë- Ω -ûª Ø oç. 5) Let's accompany her to Tirupathi so that we too can have darsanam = ç èπÿú ûª ûó éπlæœ Á ü ç, ü Ωz ç îëææ -éó- îª a. EXERCISE Practise the following aloud in English. Sulochana: -î - «-Ç- apple-*ç-* -E Ωg-ߪ ç -BÆæ éó, -ûª y-ûª -*ç--aç-îªèπ ç-ú -Öç--úËçü èπ. (-*ç-aç-îª-ôç= regret/ repent) Sunayana: -Åç-ü Íé È ç-vúó-v- -Å-úÕí - «í -Ç- apple-*ç-îª- -îªa-e. Sulochana:  -ü l- - x- èπÿ-ú -Å-úø í -ü ç, - - x -Å-Gµ-v ƒ--ߪ - -ûá- Ææ èπ -ØËç-ü èπ. Sunayana: Åçü -éπøë -ߪ u-- -É-éπ\-úÕéÀ Ω tø o. Sulochana: ÅEo N æ-ߪ Çߪ - ûó îá ƒpl ç, Çߪ - èπ ÆæÈ j Å -í - æ«îëaç-ü èπ. Sunayana: Ç-ߪ - o -ã È çvúó-v- -Ééπ\-úø Öç-úø- -Ø L, ûìçü - Ω- ƒô E Ωg-- ߪ -EéÀ èπ çú (conclusion= E Ωl Ωù) Sulochana: OK. so that É «úøû ç. Å ûë éìeo Ææçü - s applex so that ü to úë-ߪ - îª a, simple í. He came here so that he could meet the minister. çvae éπ -Ææ -èπ -ØËç-ü èπ ÅûªE Ééπ\-úÕéÀ î aúø He came here to meet the minister (Åçõ so that ÖüËl ç ûálê Å ΩnçûÓ, to + 1st Regular Doing Word = infinitive úø- îª a.) He bought the bike so that he can move about quickly = ûªy Ωí AJ-Ííç-ü -èπ -í Åûª bike éì -èπ \-Ø oúø = He bought the bike to (be able to) move about quickly. Å ûë so that ü infinitive úøôç ÅEo-îÓö«x ƒüµ uç é éπ- Ú- îª a. Ééπ\úø îª úøçúõ. Let's accompany her so that we too can have darsanam. ç èπÿú ü Ωz ç ÒçüËç-ü èπ, ç ûª ûó éπl-æœ - Á- ü ç. Ñ sentence apple so that we too can have darsanam ü, to have darsanam ÅE infinitive (to have) úõûë ÅüË Å Ωnç ü. Let's accompany her to have darsanam Åçõ îëa Å Ωnç, ü Ωz-Ø -EéÀ Ç Á ûó éπl-æœ- Á- -ü - ØË Ææ hçc. ÅçûË-é E so that Ö o sentence apple «í Ç Á ûó ÁRûË èπÿ ü Ωz ç Å -ûª ç-ü E ü. Ó- ƒj îª úøçúõ: Let's accompany her so that we can have darsanam too = ûª -ûó- ƒô ÁRûË ü Ωz ç îëææ éó îª a. Let's accompany her to have darsanam. ü Ωz-Ø -EéÀ ûª -ûó- ƒô ç Á ü ç. ç µ«æ practice îëææ h- o-éìdl, èπ -ûá-l-ߪ èπ ç-ú -ØË, so that áéπ\-úø- -ú apple, to áéπ\-úø - -ú apple úë-ææ hçö«ç. Practice alone helps us. ANSWER Sulochana: Take a decision, only after a lot of thinking so that you don't regret later (to avoid regretting later) Sunayana: That's exactly why I've asked for two days time... so that I can think well about it. Sulochana: Let's consult our elders too, so that we can have their opinion. (to have their opinion) Sunayana: That's why I've asked my uncle to come here. (... I've asked my uncle over here) Sulochana: We should tell him all about it, so that he can have a correct understanding of it. Sunayana: We should ask him to be here for two days to avoid coming to a conclusion in a hurry. (So that we may not come to a conclusion in a hurry) Sulochana: OK.

136 -Ç-C- Ωç 8 -ÅéÓd- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Ramesh: Hi Nikhila, What brings you here? (àçöà «î a?) (Ñ Å ΩnçûÓ What brings you here? ÅØËC Å - uü éπ Ωç ÅØË Å Ú æ«öçc. é E ÉC u-ü -éπ- Ω- Á i æ -éπ-jçê. O conversation apple ûª Ωîª úøçúõ.) Nikhila: Just to see you. Long since we met, you know. (E o îª -úø-ö«-eíé. ç éπ -Ææ -èπ E î - «ÓV- - çc éπü ) Ramesh: Thank you. Any news of Krishna? ( ç*üë. éπ% æg í -Jç-* à Á iø ûá ƒ?) Nikhila: I'm afraid I haven't any. (àç ûá-l-ߪ ü. Sorry) Ramesh: I was hopeful you'd have some information about him. ( ËyüÓ ÅûªE í -Jç-* îá ƒh- ØË Ç -ûó- ÖØ o.) Nikhila: Let's call Alamelu. She might have some news. (Å- - Ë - èπ phone îëü lç. Ç Á èπ éìçûª ûál-ßá îª a.) Ramesh: As a jockey he keeps moving about. Let's call the Race course. They can give us definite information about him. Åûª jockey éπü. Åçü -éπe í - - Fo A Ω -í -ûª ç-ö«úø. Race course xèπ phone îëêæh x ü í _- Ω éπ*a-ûª- - Ææ -î Ωç Öçô çc) (Jockey= ñ«éã í v Ω- æpç-ü -- applex í v - úõ-ê - Ÿx. Race course = í v Ω- æpç--ü ïjíí Á iü ç) Nikhila: But there aren't any races now in Hyderabad. Not the season here. It's the Bangalore racing season. He might be in Bangalore. ( j«ü - - «ü apple í v Ω- æpç-ü ç É æ púø. æçü Ææ -ߪ ç- é -C-éπ\úø. É æ púø çí í v Ω- æpç-ü Time. Åûª- -éπ\-úø ç-úìîª a.) Ramesh: Do you have any friends there? (Åéπ\úø FÈé- - ΩØ o ÊÆo œ«-ûª Ø o?) Nikhila: I haven't any friends there. (Åéπ\úø Ø Èé- Ω ÊÆo œ«-ûª Ω ) Ramesh: Neither have I. How about having coffee? I haven't had any since morning. (Ø èπÿ Ω. é Ææh coffee û í -ü? Òü l-- oç* coffee BÆæ éó ü ØË ) Nikhila: Coffee is certainly welcome. I've come to you for some CDs on spoken English. Can you lend me them? (Coffee Ø éà- æ d Ë. ØËØÌ-*açC éìeo spoken English CD éóææç. -Å-N Ø éà- ƒh?) Ramesh: List the CDs you want. (Fé \- -- Æœ CD list ) Nikhila: I want some paper and pen. (Ø é \Ææh paper, pen é L) Ramesh: Here you are. Have this coffee too. (ÉNíÓ. Ñ coffee èπÿú BÆæ éó) Nikhila: Thank you. But I need some more sugar. (Ø éì\çîáç æçîª-ü Ω é L.) Ramesh: There isn't any in this bowl. I will get some. Wait. (Ñ * o ƒvûª apple ü. ØË- BÆæ éì ƒh. Öçúø ) Spoken English apple some èπ, any éà î - «-v ƒ- -êu-- ç-c. -ç-ü -Jéà ûá Ææ, some Åçõ éìçûª, éìeo ÅF, any Åçõ àüájø, à ÁjØ, á -È jø ÅE. Some = éìçûª, éìeo. a) There is some milk in the glass = í xææ apple éìçîáç- ƒ- -Ø o. b) Have some coffee = é Ææh coffee BÆæ éó. c) She cooked some of the rice = Ç Gߪ uç apple -Ç- Á éìçûª çúõçc. d) I gave him some books yesterday = E o -Å-ûªúÕéÀ ØË éìeo æ Ææh-é -L-î a. e) Some men were sitting; others were standing = éìçûª- çc èπÿ Ω ae ÖØ o Ω, Éûª- Ω E -îª E ÖØ o Ω. f) Only some students were present = éìçü Ω students vûª Ë class éìî a Ω. Any = àüájø, á -È jø a) Any book/ Any of the books here is very expensive = Ééπ\úÕ à æ Ææh-éπ- Á i-ø /- É-éπ\úÕ æ Ææh-é - apple àüájø êk--ü ç-üë. b) Any of them will help you = x applex á -È jø Fèπ Ææ æ ߪ ç îë ƒh Ω. - í affirmative sentences (no, not E sentences) apple, some, not Ö o sentences -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 224 appleí F/ questions appleí F any -úø-û ç. 1) They have some books ( x ü í _ Ω éìeo æ Ææh-é - -Ø o ) X They do not (don't) have any books (They haven't (have not) any books) = x ü í _Í ç æ Ææh-é. Question: Do they have any books?/ Have they any books? ( x ü í _ Ω æ Ææh-é - - -Ø o/- æ Ææhé - ÁjØ ÖØ oߪ?) 2) He wants some more milk. (Åûª-EéÀ ÉçéÌç-îÁç ƒ é L) X He doesn't want any more milk. (Åûª-EéÀçéπ ƒ -éπ\- Ω- ü ) Question: Does he want any more milk? (Éçé ƒ é «?) Å ûë éì-eo Ææç-ü s - applex some, question apple πÿú -úø-û ç. a) will you have some more Upma? = ÉçéÌçîÁç Ö ƒt BÆæ èπ ç-ö«? DEéÀ answer a) not ûó: No. Thank you. I don't want any more. b) not èπ çú : Thank you. A little more would do. (Éçé Ææh é L) êuçí í Ω hç-îª -éó- -Lq N æߪ ç: No = not any eg: Waste no more time = Éçéπ time %-ü îëßá ü l = Do not (Don't) waste any more time. ûá - ÚhçC éπü no more = not any more. 1) Waste no more time 2) Don't waste any more time. Ñ È çúø èπÿú grammatical í correct. Å ûë no more éπçõ èπÿú not any more ÅØËC spoken English apple áèπ \ -úø-û Ω. Å «úõ-ûëøë English, Ææ æ«-ïçí Öçô çc. J-éÌEo examples îª úøçúõ. a) There is no sugar in the bowl. (ÉC spoken English - apple -Åç-ûª -áèπ \- í -N-E œç-îª-ü.) = There isn't any sugar in the bowl. (ÉC spoken English -î - «natural (Ææ æ«-ïç)í üµ yeç-îëô d îëææ hçc.) b) I have no money (not natural) - I haven't (have not) any money/ I don't 2) Come no more to me for help (Ø ü í _-JéÀ Ææ æ ߪ EéÀ ü l) Éü ç-ûª natural é ü. Spoken English apple ƒ - uçí ÉC úø Ω. ÉüË Å ΩnçûÓ áèπ \- í úë sentence Don't come to me any more for help. 3) I don't have any money Å ôç, I have no money éπø o better, natural. 4) She doesn't have any property Å ôç, She has no property éπø o better, natural. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson: 1) I'm afraid I haven't any. (I haven't any news = I have no news. I have no news Åçûª Ææ æ«-ï- Á i úø éπ é ü ) 2)... You'd have some newsnot ü é öàd some news. (F ü í _-Í üó Ωh- ç-ö«-ߪ E ÇPçî ) (Not / Question ûó any) 3)... she might have some news. not ü é öàd some. (Ç Á ü í _ Ω éìçûª Ææ -î Ωç ÖçúÌîª a) 4) But there aren't any races now. (É «Å ôç, There are no races Å ôç éπø o ƒüµ - Ωùç, Ææ æ«ïç) 5) Do you have any friends there? (Question é öàd any) Have some coffee EXERCISE Practise the following aloud in English. Vinod: F ü í _ Ω computer books à- Ó Ö o-ô x- Ø o. Ø éì\-eo- ƒh? Vikram: á - Ω-Ø o Ω? Ø ü í _Í ç computer books. Vinod: y - í éìçô ç-ö«éπü? Vikram: É æ púø úø s. éì- -úøç ü. Vinod: Ç library apple Ø éàçé æ Ææh-é -L- y-ôç- ü. Vikram: áçü -éπe? Vinod: Ø «çöà outsiders éà Ÿx æ Ææh-é - L- y- Ωô. Vikram: I am sorry. éì -éó\- îª a éπü? Vinod: Ø ü í _ Ω úø s- ü. -v æ- o: 1. say ûª yûª to Öçô çc. tell ûª yûª Öçúøü. éìeo verbs usage apple confuse Å -ûª Ø oç. DEéÀ æj- ƒ\- Ω- Ë -N öà? 2. exams ÊÆ-ô- æ púø time Å - Ú-ûª - oc -Å-E ÉçTx- ˇ apple á «îá ƒpl? 3. He is in college now, He is at college now. ûëú àn öà? Èé.Ç. v œßª -ü -JzE, é éà-ø úø -ï- - : 1. Say ûª yûª to úøôç, tell ûª yûª to éπ- Ú- ôç ÅØËC English usage apple µ«í ç. Åçõ úø éπ v æé Ωç Ææ hçc. ç ûá -í apple äéπj O ü éó æçí ÖçC, Åçö«ç. Ééπ\úø 'O ü ÅE áçü -éπ-ø L Åçõ àç îá- æp ç éπü? Å «Íí English apple à ô çü /- ûª- yû à preposition Ææ hç-ü -ØËC îªc- Ë-- 6) I haven't any= I don't have any. (É «Å ôç, I have no friends éπø o ƒüµ - Ωùç, Ææ æ«ïç) 7) I haven't had any coffee since morning. (Better than saying, I have had no coffee since morning) N í û Ææç µ«- æ-ù apple some úøéπç éìçûª ÅF, éìfo ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ ú ç îª úøçúõ. ANSWER Vinod: You seem to have some computer books. Can you lend me some? Vikram: Who said so? I don't have any (books on computers). Vinod: You usually buy, don't you? Vikram: I don't have any money. I don't buy (them) any more. Vinod: They aren't giving me books any more in the library. Vikram: Why? Vinod: They aren't giving books to outsiders like me any more. Vikram: I'm sorry. Why don't you buy? Vinod: I haven't the money/ I don't have the money. ô æ púø, NØË-ô- æ púø Å - ô æúõ í Ω hç-îª -éó- -Lq N æ-ߪ Ë. 2. Time is up (Time Å - Ú- Half an hour is up çc). (Å Ω-í ç-ô- çc). Time is over ÅØËC ÆæJ-é ü. 3. He is in college now = Åûª college apple ÖØ oúø = He is at college now. É «çöàîóôx, in, at ûëú èπ çú úø ûª çö«ω. àüájø correct. éìeoîóôx, in èπ - çü, 'the' ú -Lq- - îª a.

137 - çí - Ωç 10 -ÅéÓd- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Govardhan: Where are you going? (áéπ\-úõ-èé- Ÿh-Ø o?) Sudarsan: No where in particular (áéπ\-úõéã ü / æ «- -îó-öà-éπøëç ü, àüó Å «Á ŸhØ o) Govardhan: (Are you) meeting any friends today? (Ñ ÓV vâ çú qøá -J-ØÁjØ éπ -Ææ -èπ ç-ô - Ø o?) Sudarsan: None (á -JF éπ -Ææ -éó- ôç ü ) Govardhan: Have you any programme today? (Ñ ÓV àüájø é Ωu-véπ ç Öçü?) Sudarsan: None at all (ÅÆæ ç ü ) Govardhan: You were asking me for Sekhar's address. What do you want from him? ( y Ïê ÅvúøÆˇ ÅúÕ-í. úõ ç* à Ø o é «?) Sudarsan: Nothing. I just wanted to see him. (àç Åéπ\Í xü. úõe îª ú - - -èπ - Ø o ) Govardhan: Here you are. This slip has his address. Why are you going to see him? (ÉCíÓ Ñ Æœx ˇ apple úõ ÅvúøÆˇ ÖçC. úõe áçü èπ éπ -Ææ -èπ ç-ô -Ø o?) Sudarsan: I wonder if he can help me get a gas cylinder. (í uæˇ ÆœLç-úø à Ø o É œpç-îª-í - -úë- Á - E) Govardhan: How much gas have you at home now? (Éçöapplex í uæˇ áçûª çc?) Sudarsan: Nil. (ÅÆæ- ç- ü ) Govardhan: I am sure he can help you. (- -úø Fèπ Ææ æ ߪ ç îëߪ -í - -úøøë téπç Ø èπ çc.) Sudarsan: But today is Sunday. Is there anything he can do? (é F É y ÇC- Ωç. - -úø îëߪ í -L-Íí-üË- Ø o Öçü?) Govardhan: Nothing, I'm afraid. (àç ü ) I'm afraid Å «îá æp-ö«-eéà «üµ - æ--úø -ûª Ø o. Sudarsan: So I've to wait till tomorrow. We have to make do with the Kerosene stove at home. (Åçõ Í æöà Ωèπ áü Ω îª ú - LqçüË. Åçûª Ωèπ éà ÓÆœØ Ææ d ûó Ææ Ω léó- -LqçüË.) [ [ [ éàçü öà Ææ-Ø apple ç ç. No = not any ÅE. Spoken English apple ûª Ωîª, no ü not any úøôç Ææ Ωy- ƒ-üµ - Ω-ù Ë é èπ çú, Ææ æ«ïç (natural) ÅE èπÿú. There is no sugar in the bowl «çöà sentences conversational English apple î «- ÅÆæ æ«-ïçí NE œ-ææ hçc.there is no sugar in the bowl ü, There isn't (is not) any sugar in the bowl ÅØËC spoken English apple áèπ \ NE œææ hç-ô çc, Ææ æ«-ïçí üµ ye-ææ hçc èπÿú. ( êu N- æߪ ç: No any áéπ\-ú - úøç. There is no any sugar in the bowl. ÉC English é ü. Not... any î «ûª Ωîª í Ææ hçc; no any á æ púø ü ) a) Subodh: How many boys are there in the room? (Ç í C apple áçûª- çc Å «s- - -Ø o Ω?) Prasanth: There aren't any = á Ω Ω There are not any - ÉC î «Ææ æ«-ïçí, Ææ Ωy- ƒ-üµ - Ω-ùçí NE- œçîë response. (There are no students at all ÉC correct Å - - æpéã spoken English apple Åçûªí úøç) b) Kamala: Have you any story books? Vimala: I'm sorry I haven't any/ I don't have any. (I haven't any ÅØËC áèπ \ úø-û Ω ) some, any, not any (n't any Ω æç apple) spoken English apple î «v ƒüµ uç Ö-Ø o. conversation Ææ Ω- çí, Ææ æ«-ïçí üµ yeç-î - çõ OöÀE «í Åüµ u-ߪ ç îëæœ úø-í - -í L. Look at the following sentences: a) Ram: I want some paper. Have you any? (Ø èπ é ÆæhÊ æ é L. Fü -í _-Í - Ø o Öçü?) Laxman: I have some/ I do have some, but I can't lend you any. I need all of it now. (Ø ü í _ Ω ÖçC/ Öçúø-ö«-E-ÈéjûË ÖçC, é F -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 225 FÍéç É y-. Å Fo/ Åü çû Ø èπ é L. í Ω hçc éπü : Paper, uncountable Åçõ papers ÅE plural úøç; paper çü a/ an, 1, 2, 3 «çöà Ææçêu- - úøç. ÉC ç ߪ -ö«-eéà, printing èπ úë paper N æ-ߪ ç apple) é öàd conversation apple êuçí í Ω hç-îª - éó- -Lq N æߪ ç. Ææçü - s Eo öàd no ü, not any (n't any) úøôç conversation Ææ æ«- ïçí ÖçúËô x îëææ hçc. Éçé îª úøçúõ: b) There are no good watches in the shop = There aren't any good watches in the shop. Ééπ\úø There aren't any good watches Å ôç, There are no good watches... éπø o Ææ Ω ç, Ææ æ«ïç. c) His watch is no better than mine = Ø ---î éπçõ - Åûª-úÕ ---î  ü l- Á - Ω ÈíjçüËO é ü DEo É «Å ôç better. His watch isn't any better than mine (spoken form) Å ûë 'no' form ÅÆæ úø- ΩE é ü. 'No' form èπÿú î «ûª Ω-îª í úøû ç, êuçí ü, é ü, ÅE éπh-ææ-jí Ææ -üµ -Ø (short negative responses) ÉîËaô- æ púø, Look at the following sentences: a) Balu: How many students have come? (áçûª- çc Nü u- Ω n- Ô-î a Ω?) Sekhar: None/ No one (á Ω ü ) b) Balu: What did you say? (à -Ø o?) Subha: Nothing = (I said nothing) (ØËØËç Å - ü ) c) Sankar: who told you to do that? (EØÁo- Ω îëߪ - -Ø o- ΩC?) Brahmam: Nobody. (á Ω îá æp- ü ) É «é ü, ü ÅE éπh-ææ-jí responses ÉîËaô æ púø vûª Ë, no, no combinations úøû ç. d) Sudhakar: How many books will you give me? (áeo æ Ææh-é -L- ƒh Ø èπ?) Prabhakar: None. (None - ào É y ) É æ p-úõc îª úøçúõ. e) Suman: How many has he given you? (Åûªúø FÈéEoî aúø?) Sunil: None/ He hasn't given me any. îª úøçúõ. short response Å ûë None ÅØËÆœ ÇÊ ƒhç. ÅüË sentence Å ûë, He has'nt, given me any, ÅE not... any Åçô Ø oç. ÉD, no, no combinations èπÿ, not... any éã Ö o ûëú. f) Prem: Who did you consult about this? (Ñ N æߪ ç apple á JE Ææçv æ-cç-î?) Syam: a) None (short negative response) b) I didn't consult anyone (sentence) (I consulted no one Å -ç) g) Sri Ram: Where did you go last night? (E o va áéπ\-úõ-èé- «x?) Srihari: a) No where (short response- nagative) b) I didn't go anywhere (sentence) (I went no where Å ç) É «no, no combination (none, never, no where, nil «çöàn) short nagative responses èπ êuçí úøû ç. sentence Å ûë not... any Åçö«ç. short negative response - apple á æ púø äéπ- õ Öçô çc. h) Ramesh: Have you ever been to the US? (Å Á -Jé á æ p-úájø Á «x?) Suresh: a) Never. (short response - one word) b) I haven't been there at any time / so far. (I have never been there - spoken form apple ÉC Å Ω ü ) Let's study the following exchanges from the conversation at the beginning of this lesson: É Fo èπÿú short negative responses: 1) Govardhan: Where are you going? Sudarsan: No where (in particular) (áéπ\-úõéã ü ) 2) Govardhan: (Are you) meeting any friends? Sudarsan: None. ( ü ) 3) Govardhan: Have you any programme HAVE YOU ANY PROGRAMME TODAY? Exercise: Practise the following aloud in English. (use short negative responses) Gopal: á -JE éπ -Ææ -èπ -Ø o E o? Govind: á JF éπ -Ææ -éó- ü. Gopal: È -éπ\-úõ-èé- «x E o va? Govind: áéπ\-úõéã Á x- ü. Gopal: Å ûë Éçöapplex èπÿ ÌaE àçîë-»? Govind: ào îáߪ u- ü. öà.n. . Gopal: áeo áéπq ÂÆj--V- îë»?- Govind: äéπ\öã îëߪ - ü. Gopal: -öã-o- apple áeo Æ -J-ߪ - q ? Govind: àd îª úø- ü. -véàèé-ö . today? Sudarsan: None (at all) = ÅÆæ ü. 4) Govardhan: What do you want from him? Sudarsan: Nothing. (àç Åéπ\- Ω- ü ) 5) Govardhan: How much gas have you...? Sudarsan: Nil. (ÅÆæ ç ü ) 6) Sudarsan: Is there anything he can do? Govardhan: Nothing. (àç ü ) Å ûë Ñ Short nagative responses ÉîËa-- ô æ púø, I'm sorry, I'm afraid, I wonder «çöàn úø- îª a. a) Prakash: Can you lend me some money? Prabhat: I'm afraid, no / No, I'm afraid / I'm sorry, no / No, I'm sorry. b) Sumanth: Is your dad coming? Srikanth: I wonder. (=No) ANSWER Gopal: Who did you meet yesterday? Govind: None / Nobody Gopal: Then where did you go last night? Govind: No where Gopal: What did you do sitting at home then? Govind: Nothing. I just watched the TV Gopal: How many exercises did you do? Govind: None. Gopal: How many serials did you watch? Govind: None. I watched cricket. Ñ short negative responses èπ ü, not... any ûó ÖçúË sentences practice îëߪ çúõ.

138 í Ω - Ωç 12 -ÅéÓd- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Madhavi: Your place looks beautiful what with the white wash and paints. ( Á x Ëߪ ôç, Ωçí Ëߪ -ôç- x O É x Åçü çí éπe- œ- ÚhçC.) Sridevi: I told you, my sister is getting married in a month, so we had the whole building done up. Dad got it white washed and painted. (îá ƒp í ü, ã ØÁ - appleí Åéπ\ߪ u  Rx. Åçü -éπe É xçû Æœü l ç îë»ç. Ø o ÉçöÀéÀ Á x, Ωçí Ë ç-î Ω.) Do up = Æœü l ç îëߪ ôç Madhavi: Who were the workers? I must say they did a good job of it. I will suggest dad that he hire them too for our home. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 226 ( æe- - Îx- Ω? æ çû «í ØË îë»- ΩE îá ƒpl. Ø oèπ îá ƒh, ÉçöÀ æeéà èπÿú xøë  ô d-éó- E.) Do a good job of something = äéπ æee ÆæJí / ûª% œh-éπ- Ωçí îëߪ ôç. Hire = ( æ«ßª ) Å Ωnç ÅüÁlèπ BÆæ -éó- ôç. Ééπ\-úø Ωnç ã æe-èé- -J-ØÁjØ èπ ü - Ω a-éó- ôç. Sridevi: We had it done on contract. Dad's friend is a small time civil contractor. He got everything done for us. (Åçû contract æe- xûó îë çî ç. Ø o vâ çú äéπ * o ÆœN é çvö«-éπd. Çߪ éπfo îë ç-î úø.) Madhavi: How are the other preparations going on? (Éûª Ω -à p-ôx-fo á «ƒí -ûª -Ø o?) Sridevi: Briskly, of course. You know, all that matters is money. Once you have enough of it you can have anything readied in no time. (îª Ω í _ ï Ω -í -ûª -Ø o. äéπ N æߪ ç ûá -Ææ éó. ÅEo-öÀéà êuç úø s. ÅC-í - éπ î L- çûª Öçõ üëøáj oø éπ~ùç apple Æœü l ç îëßá îª a.) All that matters = ÅÆæ N æߪ ç/ êu- Á içc ÅEoçö«. In no time = éπ~ùç apple briskly = îª Ω í _/ îªéπ-îªé Madhavi: That's true. What about wedding shopping? ( RxéÀ éìø -Lq Ææ h- N æߪ ç?) Sridevi: Most of it, over. Sister is getting all her dresses stitched, and some blouses too. She has fall sewn up for her saris. (áèπ \- - µ«í ç Å - Ú- çc. ûª dresses ÅFo èπ öàdç-îë-ææ -èπ çc. éìeo blouses èπÿú Å - Ú-ߪ. < Ω- èπ falls èπÿú èπ öàdç-îë-ææ -èπ ç-öappleçc. Sewn ( ÚØ ) - past participle of sew. sew - pronunciation - Ú (no «í ) = èπ ôdúøç. Madhavi: So things are going on well. (ÅFo Æævéπ- çí ïj-t- Ú-ûª -Ø o-ߪ - ûë) Sridevi: We have to get the invitation cards printed. We have the list of invitees ready. We expect the cards to be ready by tomorrow, but we will start posting them a little later. Inviting now will be too early. People may forget. ( Ÿ µº- -ê vûªç Åîª a-é - L. Ç æ y- E-ûª ñ«gû Æœü l çí ÖçC. Í æ-öàéà cards îª a. é E æç æôç vûªç éìeo ÓV ûª yûª îë ƒhç. É æ púë œlêæh K çü - Ω- -ûª çc. Ÿx Ω-*- Ú- îª a) Madhavi: OK. Then. I must be going. I have to get my clothes washed and ironed. (ØË Á- «xl J. Ø ôd ÖA-éÀç* ÉÆ Y îë ç-îª -éó- L.) Sridevi: Bye then. æ ç îë ƒhç. Éûª- Ω ûó îë ƒhç. ç îëߪ ôç Å ûë, We do something. Éûª- Ω ûó îë ç-îªôç Å - ö«-eéà, we make others do it, Åçö«ç. a) The teacher made him study = Teacher ÅûªúÕ îëûª îªc-nç-î úø. b) Hari made the little boy walk the whole distance = æ«j Ç œ «xúõûó Åçûª ü Ωç úõ- œç-î úø / úõ-îëô x îë»úø. c) In government offices the staff make people wait = (v æ µº ûªy é u- -ߪ - applexe Æœ sçc v æï- é îª -èπ ØËô x îë ƒh Ω.) Åçõ îë ç-îªôç ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ... make (someone) do (something) Åçö«ç. Å ûë ÉC àüó - ç-ûªç-í -í F, ã Péπ~- «-í F ÅØË Å Ωnç Ææ hçc. È çúó N æߪ ç. É «çöà Ææçü - s applex make (îë çîªôç) ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úõûë, make ûª yûª to ü. He made me do the work = Ø îë æe îë ç-î úø. (He made me to do the work é ü ) Å ûë make... do ÅEoîÓö«x èπ ü - Ωü. éìeo éìeo æ ç îëߪ ç. öàe úøgs*aí F, Á æ«- -ô-â öàdí F îë ç-îª -éìçö«ç. êuçí ç ÒçüË ÊÆ. Å «ç-ô- æ púø make (someone) do (something) ü. Åçü èπ ü a)... have something done by someone OR b)... get something done by someone, Åçö«ç. 1) Hari has his house white washed regularlyonce in two years. ( æ«j ûª ÉçöÀéÀ véπ ç ûª æp-èπ çú Á x- Ë- - ƒhúø È çúë- x-éó- ƒj) í -Eç-îªçúÕ: Hari has... whitewashed. whitewashed Ééπ\úø past participle. 2) Tarun: How about lending me your bike for a day? (F bike Ø éã- Ó-V-éÀ- ƒh?) Varun: Take it, but have it filled. (BÆæ éó, é F petrol Ú çîª.) have + it + filled (past participle) 3) Åûª Éçöapplex fans ÅFo ûª úõ- œç-î úø = He had all the fans at home cleaned (had... cleaned (past participle)) 4) The TV isn't all right. I'll have to get it repaired. (TV ÆæJí ü. ü Eo repair îë ç-î L.) have to get it repaired (past participle) Ééπ\úø ç í -Eç-î -LqçC:  j ûál- œ æ - Fo ç-ûªô ç îëߪ ç. öàe îëêæ- x îëûª îë ƒhç. Åô - ç-ô- æ púø have/ get + something + done (past participle) by someone Åçö«ç. We had it done on contract 1) The doctor had the patient's ECG taken. Doctor ÓT ECG B ç-î úø. (had ü got úø- îª a.) structure: had/ got + the patient's ECG + taken (past participle) 2) She had/ got her daughter's birth chart prepared = Ç Á ûª èπÿûª J ñ«ûªéπ îªvéπç Ë ç-*çc. Birth chart = ñ«ûªéπ îªvéπç æ ô déπ Ææ -ߪ ç apple ví æ«ç, éπ~-vû ƒnø - ûálê í x æöàdéπ. 3) The minister used his influence and got the prime price of land sold to his son-in-law. ûª æ -èπ - -úõûó çva î «N - o µº N E ûª Å x-úõéà ÅN tç-î úø. ÉD have/ got + something + past participle úøéπç. Éçé îª úøçúõ. a) ÆæÈ j manager Ææé - «-EéÀ æe æ Jh îë - ƒhúø A good/ an efficient manager gets the work done on time. Ééπ\úø gets ü has èπÿú úøû ç. PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING ALOUD IN ENGLISH Vennela: Fridge àüó îáúõ- Ú- ç-ü -Ø o. repair îë ç-î? Purnima: Ç îë ç-î. Ú E- Ωç. Sx É æ púø ÆæJí æe-îë-ߪ -ôç- ü. Vennela: Ø èπ ûál-æœ mechanic ÖØ oúø. Åûª-úÕûÓ îë ü lç Ñ ƒj. Purnima: Çߪ ÅØ o Ω, exchange offer àüó Öçü E. éìûªh fridge ûó Jpç-îª -èπ ç-ü - - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o Ω. Vennela: Å ûë, é F. Purnima: Sx ÅüË brand fridge Ææ hçc éπü. ÅC Ø éà- æ dç- ü. Vennela: Å ûë àç îëߪ - apple-ûª -Ø o? Purnima: ÉC mechanic ûó ÅN tç* éìûªhc ËÍ éìçü - - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o. Vennela: ÅüË Á Ω í. b) He some how got/ had the meeting postponed = Á û h-eéà, Åûª meeting ü Ë ç-î úø. ÉO have/ got + something + past participle Ö æ-ßá -í : Now let's look at the following sentences from the conversation at the beginning of the lesson: 1) We had the whole building done up = (had + the whole building + done (past participle) = Ë ç building Á ûªhç Æœü l ç îë çî ç 2) We had it done on contract = Åçû contract ûó îë çî ç Ë ç. had it done - had + it + done (past participle) 3) You can have anything readied in no time = éπ~ùç apple àüájø Æœü l ç îë ç-îª- îª a. have + anything + readied (past participle) 4) Sister is getting all her dresses stitched = Åéπ\ߪ u ûª dresses ÅEoöÀF èπ öàdç-îª -èπ ç-öappleçc. (getting + dresses + stitched - past participle) 5) She has falls sewn up for her saris = < Ω- èπ falls èπ öàdç-îª -èπ ç-öappleçc. has + falls + sewn (past participle) 6) We have to get invitation cards printed = Ÿ µº- -ê ÅîËa- ç-î L. get (have) + invitation cards + printed (past participle) 7) I have to get my clothes washed and ironed ôd ÖA-éÀç* ÉÆ Y îë ç-îª -éó- L. get (have) + my clothes + washed and ironed (past participle). ANSWER Vennela: You were saying your fridge was out of order. Did you get/ have it repaired? Purnima: I had it repaired last saturday but it has gone out of order again. Vennela: I know a good mechanic. This time you get/ have it repaired by him. Purnima: My husband has told me of an exchange offer. I want to have this one exchanged for a new one. Vennela: Go ahead then. Purnima: But we get the same brand again. I don't like it. Vennela: So what are you going to do? Purnima: I want to have/ get it sold by our mechanic and buy a new one. Vennela: That's better.

139 Y - -E- Ωç 14 -ÅéÓd- Ω 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Bhaskar: Why are you smiling? (áçü èπ y-ûª -Ø o?) Himakar: We had our uncle here yesterday. All the time he was here he had us in stitches of laughter. He has many jokes. (E o ߪ u î aúø. Ö oçûªêæ æ éπúø - æ s NyÆæ høë ÖØ oúø. Çߪ î «ñappleé q Ë ƒhúø ) stitches of laughter = Ç æ -éó- E y. Bhaskar: But why are you laughing now? (Å ûë É æ p-úáç-ü èπ y-ûª -Ø o?) Himakar: I remembered one of his jokes and that forced me to laugh. (Çߪ ñappleé q apple äéπöà í Ω h-éì-*açc. ÅC Ø èπ y ûá œpç-*çc) Bhaskar: We wish to have around people making enjoy fun, don't we? (Ææ Ωü éπl-tçîë - æfl æéπ\- -Öç--ú - -E éó Ω -èπ çö«ç éπü?) Himakar: We do, certainly. (Å, éπ*a-ûªçí ) Bhaskar: He was here yesterday, wasn't he? (E o éπü Çߪ -E-éπ\-úø çc?) Himakar: He was on his way to Ooty. He would have me accompany him, but dad didn't like to have me wasting my time when the exams are so close. (Çߪ Üöà Á Ÿ-ûª -Ø oúø. ØË ûª ûó Á «x- E Çߪ éójéπ. é F Ø o Ø æk-éπ~ ü í _ Ω æúø -ûª ç-úøôçûó, ØË time waste îëߪ -ú -EéÀ Çߪ ä æ p-éó- ü ) Bhaskar: My dad's the opposite. He would have me going around places, exams or no exams. Not that he would have me neglecting my studies, but he leaves it to me. ( Ø o DEéÀ ua-í éπç. ØË Ÿx A Ω-í úøç Çߪ - -éà- æd Ë, æk-éπ~- Ø o, èπ Ø o. Å ûë ØË îªü ÖÊ -éà~êæh Çߪ Ü Ω -èπ ç-ö«-úøe é ü, é F Ø Íé C- - ƒh Ω ) Himakar: You're lucky there. My mom doesn't have me leave my books either. (Ç N æ-ߪ ç apple y-ü %- æ d- ç-ûª -úõn. Å t -èπÿú o æ Ææh-é - Ô-ü - -E- yü.) Bhaskar: But my trouble is of a different kind. My dad has me doing all kinds of jobs at home. That's the only problem. (Å ûë Ø «üµ ËÍ - Ωéπç. Ø o Ø -ûó ÅEo Ωé æ îë - ƒhúø. ÅüÌ-éπ\õ Ææ Ææu.) Himakar: Even there my dad's different. He will not have me doing any job. He does all jobs by himself. OK. I must be going. Bye. (Åéπ\úø èπÿú Ø o ûëú ØË. Å-Eo æ Çߪ ØË îëææ -èπ ç-ö«úø. ÆæÍ. ØË Á «xl. Bye)  j conversation apple have Ö æ-ßá í ç îª úøçúõ. Have èπ -Ö o î «Ö æ-ßá -í applex ÉüÌ-éπöÀ. ÉC Spoken English apple Ææ Ωy- ƒ-üµ - Ωùç. Ñ Ωéπ- Á i Ö æ-ßá -í -EéÀ î - «v ƒ êu- çc. O conversation apple practice îëߪ çúõ. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 227 Have/ has (someone) do (ing) something - ÉD ç ûá -Ææ -éó- apple-ûª -- o have Ö æ-ßá í ç. É «úõ- - æ púø have Å Ωnç äéπ-j-îë äéπ - æe îë ç-îª - éó- ôç îªa-ñ Úp, Çïc-í ØÓ. a) Hari's wife has him do/ doing all the work at home = æ«j µ«ωu Åûª-úÕ-ûÓ -ÅEo æ îë ç-îª -èπ ç-ô çc. b) The teacher had the boys decorate the school for the school anniversary = Ææ \ J{-éÓ-ûªq- -EéÀ œ x îë Ææ \ Å ç-éπ- Jç-îËô x îë»úø. c) The husband had the wife wash / washing and iron / ironing all his clothes = Ç µº Ωh µ«ωuîë ÅûªúÕ ôd ÖA-éÀç* ÉÆ îë ç-îª -èπ -Ø oúø.  j sentences ÅEoç-öÀ- apple have someone do / doing something Åçõ Å Ωnç äéπj îëûª äéπ æe îë ç-îª -éó- ôç A- apple, C-JçîÓ, Çñ«c- œçîó. ÉC èπÿú îª úøçúõ. d) She had me doing all kinds of jobs for her = Ø îëûª Ç Á ÅEo æ îë ç-îª -èπ çc. DEéÀ ua-í -éπçí ç á ΩoØ o -àüájø îëߪ -E- y-éπ- ÚûË Å æ púø don't / doesn't / can't / won't have someone doing something = á -È j oø àü - Ø æe îëߪ -E- y-éπ- Ú- úøç. a) She doesn't have her husband talking badly about her parents = -Ç- Á ûª ûªlx-ü ç-vúø - í Jç* ûª µº Ωh îáúø í ö«x-úø-e- y-ü -Ææ. b) Sita: Dad, I want to do combined study with savithri at her home. (ØË ƒn-vaûó éπlæœ îªü - -éó-- ö«-eéà, ûª ÉçöÀéÀ Á «x- - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o.) Rao: At this hour of the night? No. I can't have you going out alone. Éçûª- -vûª- æ pú? -ØË- -E- o Ñ Ææ -ߪ ç apple äçô- Jí Á x-e- y. c) Parents can't have their children wasting time = ûªlx-ü ç-vúø ûª œ xlo Ææ ߪ ç %ü îëߪ - E- y Ω. d) Kumar: Mom, can I have one more cup of coffee? (ØËEçéÓ éπ æ p é û í Ø?) Kusuma: Not any more, son. I won't have you spoiling your health. (ÉçÍéç ü. E o Ç Óí uç ƒúø îëææ -éó-e- y.) e) The teacher won't have her pupils playing in the rain = öãîª Nü u- Ω n- Ω{ç apple Çúø -éó-e- yü. É «a) have someone do something (äéπ-j-îëûª ã æe-îë- ç-îªôç); b) don't / doesn't / can't / won't / couldn't / wouldn't have someone do something (äéπ-je äéπ æe-îë-ߪ -E- y-éπ- Ú- ôç). Conversation apple î «ûª Ω-îª í NE- œ-ææ hçc. é öàd O Ω èπÿú practice îëߪ çúõ. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation above: 1)... he had us laughing with his jokes = tlo Çߪ jokes ûó Nyç-îË-»úø. 2) We wish to have around people making us enjoy fun = He will not have me doing any job Ææ Ωü éπl-tç* Nyç-îË- Ÿx æéπ\- Öçú - E éó Ω -èπ çö«ç. 3) He would have me accompany him to Ooty = Çߪ - ûó o ÜöÃéÀ BÆæ -Èé- «x- E Çߪ éójéπ. 4)... dad didn't like to have me wasting my time = Ø oèπ Ø îëûª time waste îë ç-îª-ôç É æ dç ü. 5)... He would have me going around place o Ü Ÿx A ƒp- çõ Çߪ - èπ É æ dç. 6) Not that he would have me neglecting my studies = o îªü ÖÊ -éà~ç-îë «îëߪ - E é ü. 7) My mom doesn't have me leave my books Å t o æ Ææh-é ü - -E- yü. 8) My dad has me doing all work at home = Ø o Ø îëûª ÅEo æ îë - ƒhúø. 9) He will not have me doing any job = Çߪ Ø îëûª à æf îë ç-îª-e- yúø. -v æ- o: i) Sentence apple would have + P.P. úõûë ü E Å Ωnç àn öà? Öü - æ«- Ωù É yçúõ. ii) 'Having rested, we continued our Journey'.  j sentence perfect participle èπ äéπ Öü - æ«- Ωù.  j sentence E' After we had rested we continued our journey' í ßÁ îª a éπü! perfect participle á æ púø Ö æ-ßá -T- ƒh Ω? j Öü - æ«- Ω-ùèπ ûá í Å Ωnç àn öà? iii) éàçc sentences Å-Fo O Ω îá œp 'six forms of verb' v æé Ωç correct í ØË ÖØ o. OöÀ Å n, ÉN à tense apple ÖØ oßá ûá - æçúõ. 1. They could be going there. 2. They would be going there. 3. They should have been going. 4. They would have been going. 5. They can have done it. 6. They may have done it. áæˇ. ñ«ææ-ø, äçíó -ï- - : i) would have + pp Å Ωnç = í ûªç apple äéπ æe ïj-í ç-úëüë é E ï Ω-í - ü ÅE. a) Hari would have attended the meeting = æ«j meeting èπ Á Ÿxç-úË- -úë- é E Á x- ü. b) The police would have caught the thief (if they had seen him)= ÚM-Ææ üìçí æô d-éó- ç-úë- Ÿx. ( }ûªeo îª Ææ çõ ) îª úø- ü, æô d-éó- ü. ii) Having rested, we continued our journey- D Ωnç Nv»çA BÆæ éó- -ôçûó (Åçü - x) Ë ç v æߪ ùç éì - ƒ-tçî ç ÅE. Nv»çA BÆæ èπ o ûª yûª v æߪ ùç éì - ƒ-tç-î ç Å -ö«-eéà, After having rested, we... journey Åçõ ØË After we had rested, we continued our journey ÅØË Å Ωnç Ææ hçc. Having + pp éà, Åçü -îëûª, Åçü - x ÅØË Å Ωnç Ææ hçc. a) Having seen it I believe it = ÅC ØË îª Æœ- ç-ü - x (îª -úø-ôçûó) t-ûª -Ø o. b) Having started it, he didn't like to stop it = v ƒ Ωç-Gµç-*ç-ûª- yûª (Åçü - x), Åûª-- C Ç æ-ö«-e-éà- æ d- æ-úø- ü. iii) 1) They could be going there = x-éπ\-úõéà -É æ púø Á hç-úø- îª a. v æææ hûªç ƒüµ u- ßË u N æߪ ç (possibility in the present) ûá æ -ûª çc. Present tense. Even as we are planning to do it, they could be doing it = ç ÅC- æ púø îëü lç ÅE Å -èπ ç-ô - o- æ púë xc îëêæ-ææ hç-úø- îª a. 2) They would be going there = x-éπ\-úõéà Á «x- - -èπ ç-ô - Ø o Ω (would be going = wish to be going) - Present tense - é E ÉC ÅEo Ææçü - s applex ÆæJ-é -éπ- Ú- îª a. 3) They should have been going = Ÿx Á hç--ú Lqç-C- æ púø, é E Á x-èπ çú ÖØ o Ω. Ææçü - s -Eo- öàd tense. 4) They would have been going = í ûªç apple Á hç-úë- - Ïx- é E Á x- ü Past tense. 5) They can have done it - Ÿx îëߪ -í -L-T- - Ïx îëææ ç-úì-îª a/- ü DE use é Ææh ÅÆæp æ dç. Tense - Present tense. 6) They may have done it - îëææ ç-úìîª a. îëߪ -éπ- Ú-ߪ ç-úìîª a èπÿú ÆæçüË æ«ç. Tense - Present tense.

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