É yôç. To make it to= Ñ expression î «ƒüµ - Ω-ù- a) He made it to the IAS= IAS apple îë Ω-í -L-í úø / îë úø. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 179

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1 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -Ç-C Ωç 2 --V- j 2006 Sharath: Hi Vasanth, I look forward to the study tour we are going on, this weekend. (Ñ Ωç * Ω ç Á x- apple-ûª o study tour á æ p-úá- æ pú ÅE áü - Ω -îª -Ææ hø o.) Vasanth: So do I, but am a bit worried about mother. She has taken ill suddenly. Dad is away on camp and will be back only this weekend. (Ø èπÿ Ææ Ω-ü -í ØË ÖçC. é E Å tèπ Ö o-ô dçúõ ï s îëæœçc. Ø o camp ç* ç-ûª Ë AJ-íÌ- ƒh Ω ) Sharath: So you are worried who will look after her if we start before your father comes, aren't you? ( ç O father -ú -EéÀ çüë ߪ - -üë-jûë O Å t îª Ææ -èπ -ØËçü èπ á Ω Öçúø- ΩE éπü F «üµ?) Vasanth: Exactly. But I've called my elder sister and told her of the situation. I told her to come here two days before our departure. (Å. Åéπ\èπ Phone îëæœ îá ƒp. ç ߪ - -üë- Ω-ö«-EéÀ È çúø ÓV çü - Ω- te.) Sharath: That's a good idea. ( «í ØË ÖçC) Vasanth: I called dad and he came up with the idea. ( Ø oèπ ØË phone îëêæh Çߪ - -éì- *açd idea) Sharath: I am happy you are making it, after all. I was afraid you might not come. ( ÚF, àüë- Á iø Ìy-Ææ h-ø o ÆæçûÓ æç. y Ë- Á - E «üµ - æú f) Vasanth: I am coming, of course. But the trouble is my sister's son. He goes to school. He can be a handful. (ØË Ææ h-ø oøëx. Å ûë Åéπ\ éìúø Íé Ææ Ææu. úø îªü - -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø. éìçîáç Å x-è -èπ \.) Sharath: I've seen him. He takes after your sister, doesn't he? (ØË úõo øëx. Åîªaç O Åéπ\ ÚLÍé éπü?) Vasanth: Only in features. In traits he takes after his dad. Quite mischievous. (Çé Ωç, Ω æ Í ê- applexøë. éπ~-ù«- Fo x Ø o Ë. Å x-è -èπ \.) features = ê éπ -R-éπ, Ω æ Í ê. traits = éπ~-ù«, í ù«sharath: By the way, you know, Vinod showed up suddenly yesterday. He is preparing for the civils exam this year. He has been in Hyderabad for six months now. (Å oô x E o Ö o-ô xçúõ Vinod éπe- œçî úø. úø civils èπ prepare Å -ûª - Ø oúø. Ç Ω -ØÁ- - í Hyderabad appleøë ÖØ oúø ) Vasanth: Yea. I know. I met him when I went to Hyderabad. He put up at his uncle's for a few days. He said he would be taking rooms, and moving into them.) (Å. Ø èπ ûá Ææ. ØË Â j«ü - - «ü èπ ÁRx- - æ púø éπ -Ææ -èπ -Ø o. Åûª- - æ púø éìeo- Ó-V x ߪ u Éçöapplex ÖØ oúø. ûªy Ω apple rooms îª Ææ -èπ E Ω-û - -Ø oúø ) Sharath: So he did. My cousin and he are room mates. (Å cousin, Åûª room mates.) In this lesson too, we continue our study of phrasal verbs. We have in the last two lessons seen some of them commonly used in conversation. Let us now look at some more of them. Now look at the following expressions at the beginning of the lesson between Sharath and Vasanth. 1) I look forward to the study tour. 2) She has taken ill suddenly. 3)... who will look after her if we... 4) I called dad and he came up with the idea. 5) I am happy you are making it after all. 6) He can be a handful. 7 a) He takes after your sister, doesn't he? b) In traits he takes after his dad. 8) Vinod showed up suddenly yesterday. 9) He put up at his uncle's place. 1) I look forward to the study tour. Look forward to= ÆæçûÓ- æçûó/ Çûª%-ûªûÓ áü - Ω -îª -úøôç. Look forward to ûª yûª noun é F,...ing form é F Ææ hçc. a) He is looking forward to the match= Åûª match á æ p-úá- æ pú ÅE áü - Ω - îª -Ææ h-ø oúø. Match - noun. b) He is looking forward to participating in the match. Match apple á æ p-úá- æ púø ƒ Ô_ç-ü ÅE áü - Ω -îª -Ææ h-ø oúø. Participating- 'ing' form. (Look forward to ûª yûª 1st RDW ü. He is looking forward to meet you ûª æ p) 2) She has taken ill suddenly. To take ill= to fall ill= ï s- æ-úøôç (Ç Á Å -éó-èπ çú ï s æúõçc) a) He took ill after eating the food on the train= È j applex Ç æ Ωç A oç-ü - x Åûª-EéÀ ï s îëæœçc. b) If you go out in the cold you may take ill= îªl apple AJ-TûË ï s îëߪ - îª a. 3) Who will look after her...? -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 179 To look after= to take care of= to care for= ( Óí - èπ, œ x- èπ, ÅA-ü - èπ etc) Ææ æ- Ωu îëߪ ôç/ îª Ææ -éó- ôç a) When I fell ill, my sister looked after me= Ø èπ Ææ Æ hí Ö o- æ púø sister îª Ææ -èπ çc. (Ææ æ Ωu îëæœçc) b) There is none to look after the child= Gúøf îª Ææ -éó- -ö«-eéà á - Ω - Ω. c) He is an important guest. Look after him well= Åûªúø î «êu- Á i ÅAC, ñ«ví -ûªhí îª Ææ éó. 4) I called dad and he came up with the idea. To come up with= á -È jø àüájø Ç apple-îª É yôç. He came up with the idea that we could get the accommodation by bribing the TC= TC îëa apple àüájø  úõûë seats üì Ω-éπ- -îª a- ØË Ç apple-îª Åûª-E-î aúø. Accommodation= 1) Train/ bus apple seats, berths; 2) ÆæA. 5) I am happy you are making it after all. ( y í - -í -ûª - oç-ü èπ ÆæçûÓ æç) To make it to= Ñ expression î «ƒüµ - Ω-ù- Á i- C. Å Ωnç à æøájø îëߪ -í - -í ôç. a) He made it to the IAS= IAS apple îë Ω-í -L-í úø / îë úø. b) The team made it to the finals, after all= àüáj-ûëøëç, team finals èπ îë Ω -éó-í -L-TçC/ îë Ω -èπ çc. c) I doubt if he can make it to the place on time= úø time èπ Åéπ\úø îë Ω -éó-í - -í úøç Ø éπ- - - Ë. d) Election apple Èí - -í -L-í úø = He made it to the seat. 6) He can be a handful = Åûª Ææ Ææu é í - úø. To be a handful= á -È jø, êuçí œ x ûªlxü ç-vúø - èπ Ææ Ææu Å ûë, he/ she is a handful Åçö«ç. Handful í Ö o œ x- ûªlx-ü ç-vúø Åü ƒ-ïc applex Öçîªôç éπ æ dç. a) Purnima: Can't your sister lend a hand with the cooking? O sister Fèπ çô apple ƒßª ç îëߪ - ü? (lend a hand = ƒßª ç îëߪ ôç. He lent me a hand with tidying up the home= É x ÆæJl Å - Ωa-ôç apple Åûªúø Ø èπ ƒßª ç îë»úø.) Chitra: She can't. Her two children are a handful for her. îëߪ - ü. Ç Á Éü l Ω œ x- ûó Ëí - -éπ- Ú-ûÓçC b) The boy is a handful for the teacher = Ç teacher èπ Ç œ «xúø  ü l Ææ Ææu. ÇN-úøèπ úõûó Ëí ôç éπ æ dç. [Handful = 1) éìeo vûª Ë / éìcl- çc vûª Ë. 2) îëa-eçú Ñ È çúø Å n Ø o. a) Only a handful of students were present = éìcl- çc students vûª Ë î a Ω. b) He has a handful of grapes = úõ îëa-eçú vü éπ~ æçúø x-ø o.] 7 a) He takes after your sister, doesn't he? O Åéπ\ߪ u ÚLéπ éπü, x- «s? b) In traits he takes after his dad éπ~-ù«applex x Ø o ÚLéπ. To take after = to resemble = ÚL Öçúøôç a) Children usually take after their parents = œ x - í ûªlx-ü ç-vúø - ÚL Öçö«Ω. b) In features she takes after her mother, but in traits she takes after her father. = Ç Å t Ω æç apple ûªlxe, í ù«applex ûªçvúõe ÚL ÖçC. c) In being tall, he takes after his grand father Òúø -í apple, x û ûª ÚL ÖØ oúø / Òúø -í apple x û ûë Åûªúø. 8) Vinod showed up suddenly yesterday. NØÓü Ö o-ô xçúõ E o v æûªu-éπ~- -ߪ uúø / éπe- œç-î úø. a) After weeks of absence, she showed up yesterday= ûª yûª, E o éπe- œç-*ç-ü Á. He can be a handful b) Kumar shows up at the least expected moment = èπ éπ - æ-úø-û -úøe Å -éóe Ææ -ߪ ç apple èπ v æûªu-éπ~- - -û úø. c) Sekhar promised to be here last sunday, but he hasn't showed up so far = éàçü öà ÇC- Ωç Ééπ\úø Öçö«- o Sekhar, É æp-öà- - Ωèπ Sx éπe- œç-îª- ü / Åçûª - úø. d) He hasn't showed up for the class. Åûª class èπ ü. 9) He put up at his uncle's place (for a few days). x uncle Éçöapplex û û \-L-éπçí ÖØ oúø. To put up = (à éìcl ÓV- éó) Ææ îëߪ ôç, Hotel, lodge «çöà öà applex. a) They put up at the nearest lodge, after getting off the train = Train Cí -í ØË, station èπ ÅA ü í _- Ωí Ö o lodge apple Ææ-îË-» Ω / Cí Ω. b) As she had nobody known to her in the city, she put up at a hotel. í - Ωç apple ûál-æœ- - - Îx- Ω éπ- Ú- -ôçûó Ç Á hotel apple CTçC. í -Eç-îªçúÕ: äéπ-jéà ÆæA îª œç-îªôç = put some one up: a) I put my friend up in our spare bed room = friend èπ Éçöapplex ë«sí Ö o bedroom apple ÆæA Éî a. b) He put me up in his uncle's place = Ø èπ x uncle Éçöapplex ÆæA éπlpç-î úø. ÉN î «common phrasal verbs conversation apple. «í practice îëߪ çúõ. t tt

2 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - çí - Ωç 4 --V- j 2006 Bhagat: Hi Jagat, why are you putting on a new shirt and a new pair of trousers? (àçöà ïí û, éìûªh shirt, éìûªh pants ËÆæ -èπ ç-ô -Ø o. àçöà N Ï æç?) Jagat: Today is my birthday. (É Ø æ öàd- - ÓV). Bhagat: Many happy returns of the day. But why not a word of it to me earlier? I'd have had the pleasure of presenting you something. ( Oy æ öàd- - ÓV î «- ƒ Ω x ï Ω æ éó- - E Ø éójéπ. é F Oy N æߪ ç Ø ûó äéπ\- ô èπÿú Å - ü. FÍé-üÁjØ é -éà*a ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ-úë- úõo éπü?) Jagat: That's precisely why I've put off telling you of it until now. I am against receiving birth day gifts. First of all, I am not for celebrating my birthday. (éπ*a-ûªçí Åçü - x Fèπ Éçûª- - Ωèπ îá æpôç ü Ë». æ öàd- - ÓV é -éπ Æ yéπ-jç-îªôç Ø éπçûª É æ dç ü. ÅÆæ æ öàd - Ó-V- æç-úøí í ï Ω - æ -éó- ôç É æ dç- ü Ø èπ.) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 180 Bhagat: That's rather odd. I've come across very few that don't celebrate their birthdays. (ÉC é Ææh NçûË. æ öàd- - ÓV ï Ω - æ -éó-e- - x éìcl çcøë .) Jagat: Well, I don't mind your taking me as one of those few. ( ÚF. Å «çöà éìcl- ç-c apple ØËØÌ-éπ-úøoE y- -èπ çõ Ø Íéç Å µºuç-ûª- Ωç- ü.) Bhagat: I don't see eye to eye with you on this. What's wrong in enjoying yourself on the day you entered the world? (Ñ N æ-ߪ ç apple ØËFoûÓ àéã- µº-nç-îª-ôç- ü. ç v æ æç-îªç- appleéà Åúø í  öàd ÓV ÆæçûÓ- æçí í úø - æ -éó- -úøç apple ûªê pçöà?) Jagat: Is it any achievement of yours if a year rolls on? Time passes and it can't be credited to anyone. I am all for a person celebrating an achievement, but not for the passage of time. (ã Ææç -ûªq Ωç í úø- ôç ÅØËC ç ƒcµçîë-üëç-é -ü -éπü. é ç í úõ-*- Ú-ûª çc. ÅC á J íì æp-ûª- é ü. apple äéπ Ææç -ûªq Ωç Ø íì æp Å -éó- ÅØË µ«ç.) àüájø ç ƒcµç-*çc Öçõ ü Eo ÆæçûÓ- æçí í úø- æôç Ø èπ æ Jhí É æ d Ë, é E é ç í úõ-*ç-ü -EéÀ æ ûª àç ü.) Bhagat: Then why did you put on the new clothes? (Å ûë éìûªh ôd- ç-ü èπ ËÆæ -èπ -Ø o?) Jagat: Mom was particular and sent me them. So I put them on- just to please her. (Å t æô d- -öàdçc. Ç ôd æç œçc. Å t ÆæçûÓ- æ-â -ôd-ú -EéÀ ËÆæ -èπ Ø o.) Bhagat: OK. OK. At least are you going to give us a treat? (éπfææç Nçü Ø o É ƒh?) Jagat: We'll have it, don't worry. (Å «Íí). Bhagat: What about a movie after that? (Ç ûª yûª ÆœE?) Jagat: Not certainly. I can't sit through the two and half hours of loud songs, dance, sex and violence that an Indian movie is. (ÅC vûªç ü. µ«ω-bߪ ÆœE ÅØË È çúø - o Ω í çô íìúø ƒô, Ø ö«u, %çí Ωç, œ«çææ îª Ææ h èπÿîó- ôç Ø x é ü.) Bhagat: But so many watch them. (é F î «- çc öàe îª ƒh Ω.) Jagat: Sorry. Anything but that. I can't put up with the boredom. (ÅC-ûª æp ÉçÍé-ü Ø o æ Ω- - ü. Ç NÆæ -í ØË µºjç-îª-.) Bhagat: OK. Thanks for the treat at least. (éπfææç dinner Å Ø ÉÆæ h-ø o. Thanks) Let's continue our study of phrasal verbs. Look at the following expressions from the conversation above: 1)... Why are you putting on a new shirt and a new pair of trousers? 2)... Why I have put off telling you of it. 3)... I am against; I am for/ I am not for/ I am all for. 4) I've come across very few that don't celebrate their birthdays. 5) I don't see eye to eye with. 6)... and it can't be credited to anyone. 7) Are you going to give us a treat? 8) I can't sit through the loud songs, dances, sex and violence. 9) I can't put up with the boredom. Ñ expressions meanings, use ûá -Ææ -èπ -ØË- çü ç -ÉçéÌ-Eo æü Å n èπÿú ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç. 1) Precisely = éπ*a-ûªçí ( çí Ωç «çöàn ûª îëô- æ púø, íì æp íì æp (Olympic véãúø- «xçöà) æ Ω -í - æç-ü applex time î «éπ*a-ûªçí, ÂÆéπ x ûëú èπÿú èπ çú Öçúø-ôç- «çöàc precise.) 2) Odd = NçûÁj. éπçõ Gµ oçí Ö o. He doesn't like curd. That's odd. (î «- ç-céà É æ d- Á i Â Ω í Åûª-EéÀ É æ dç- ü. ÅC Nçûª.) 3) Mind: Å Ωnç ûá Ææ éπü ç Ç apple-*çîë, ûál-néà E -ߪ - Á i v Ω. Ééπ\úø Mind Åçõ Å µºuç-ûª Ωç Öçúøôç. Do you mind waiting for a few minutes? = é Ææh wait îëߪ -ö«-eéà O Íé- Ø o Å µºuç-ûª- Ω? I don't mind it at all = Ø Íéç Å µºuç-ûª Ωç ü. Never mind = ü E í Jç* æöàdçîª -éó- ü l. (á -È jø sorry Å «ç-öàn Åçõ ç never mind Åçö«ç.) 4) Achievement = ƒcµçîë N æߪ ç æ ûª. Achieve = ƒcµç-îªôç. a) A score of a century in cricket is an achievement = Century éìôdúøç æ ûª ( ƒcµç-* N æߪ ç). b) Getting a good rank is an achievement = ç* rank ƒcµç-îªôç äéπ æ ûª. 5) Time rolling = é ç üì Ωxôç 6) be particular about = æô d-ü - í Öçúøôç (äéπ N æߪ ç- apple) a) I am particular about vegetarian food = Ø èπ»é - æ - Ω Ë é L ( æô d- -ôdúøç) b) She is particular about this sari = -Ç Á Ñ <Í é - ç-öappleçc/ Ñ < Ω éóææ Ë æô d- -úø - ûóçc. É æ púø phrasal verbs N æ-ߪ -E-éÌü lç: 1) Why are you putting on a new shirt and a new pair of trousers? To put on = ( ôd ) ËÆæ -éó- ôç/ ûìúø -éó\- ôç. üµ Jç-îªôç Åçõ wear. É æp-öà-éà- æ púø ôd ËÆæ -éó- ôç/ ûìúø -éó\- ôç vûª Ë to put on. - í üµ Jç-îªôç = to wear. a) If you are going to the marriage, put on the new clothes =  RxéÀ Á Ÿh- o-ôx- ûë éìûªh ôd ËÆæ éó. b) He is putting on a sweater because he is going out in the cold weather = îªl apple ߪ - öàéà Á Ÿh-Ø oúø é öàd sweater ËÆæ -èπ ç-ô -Ø oúø. Wear = üµ Jç-îªôç. He wears expensive clothes = êk-üáj ôd üµ J- ƒh-úø-ûª. I don't see eye to eye with.. 2) Why I've put off telling you of it. To put off = to postpone ( ü Ëߪ ôç) a) I shall be happy if the exams are put off until the next week = îëa- - Ωçü é æk-éπ~ -ü - æ-úõûë Ø èπ ÆæçûÓ æç. b) Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today = Ñ ÓV îëߪ -í -L-Tç-ü Eo Í æöà Ωèπ ü ËßÁ ü l. Put off ûª yûª till é F, until é F úøû ç. 3) I am for/ I am all for/ I am against. To be for/ to be all for = äéπ N æ-ߪ ç- æôx Ææ -êçí / æ Jhí Ææ -êçí Öçúøôç/ äéπ N æߪ ç Ææ -Jnç-îªôç. a) I am for/ I am all for starting early = ûªy Ωí ߪ - l- Ω-ö«-EÍé ØË Ææ -êçí ÖØ o. ÅüË Ø éà æ dç. b) She is for attending the function = Ç Á function èπ Á x-ú -EÍé Ææ -êçí ÖçC. c) He was not for his son joining politics = Çߪ éìúø èπ ï-éã-ߪ applex îë Ωúøç Çߪ - -éà æ dç ü. Against = ua-í éπç. 4) I've come across very few that don't celebrate their birthdays. To come across = îª úøôç, Å - µº-nç-îªôç, û Ω-Ææ- æ-úøôç. a) We come across camels only in deserts = äçõ - áú - Ω - applexøë îª ƒhç áú - Ω - applexøë ÅN èπ éπe- œ- ƒh. b) The doctor says he hasn't come across such a case so far in his practice = ûª practice apple Éçûª- - Ωèπ É «çöà case îª úø- -ü ç-ô -Ø oúø doctor. c) You come across the likes of Gandhi rarely í çdµ- «ç-öà- Ÿx èπ Å Ω -ü í éπe- œ- ƒh Ω. 5) I don't see eye to eye with you. to see eye to eye with = àéã- µº-nç-îªôç. êuçí Ñ expression àéã- µº-nç-îª-éπ- Ú- -ö«- EÍé úø-û Ω not see eye to eye with ÅE. (äéπ Ω îá œpçc ÉçéÌ-éπ Ω ä æ p-éó-éπ- Ú- -ö«-eíé áèπ \ úø-û Ω.) a) The father and the son don't see eye to eye with each other on the matter of the son's marriage = éìúø èπ  Rx N æ-ߪ ç apple ûªçvúõ éìúø -èπ - èπ µ ü -Gµ-v ƒ-ߪ - -Ø o. b) He doesn't see eye to eye with his wife on many matters = î «N æ-ߪ applex µ«u- µº- Ωh- èπ ÅçU-é Ωç ü. 6)... and it can't be credited to anyone = ü E-Èé- Ω æ ûª œ«ç-îª- Ω (Ç íì æp-ûª ç á -J-D-é ü ) a) Indian independence is credited to Mahatma Gandhi = µ«ωûª ƒyûªçvûªuç ûá*a æ ûª/ íì æp-ûª ç í çdµc. b) The profits of the company are credited to the General Manager = Ç company «µ«- èπ General Manager üë æ ûª. 7)... are you going to give us a treat? treat = ÆæçûÓ- æ-éπ- Ω- Á i / Ç æ x-ü -éπ- Ω- Á i N æߪ ç àüájø treat. a) The movie is a real treat after a long period of bad movies = î «æe-éà- E *vû ûª yûª *a Ñ ÆœE Eïçí î ««í çc. Ç æ x-ü -éπ- Ωçí ÖçC. b) To give a treat = Nçü É yôç. He gave us a treat on his birthday = æ öàd- - ÓV Ææçü - Ωs çí Åûª NçC-î aúø. c) The treat he gave us on his wedding anniversary was grand =  Rx J{-éÓ-ûªq ç Ææçü - Ωs çí Åûª-E-*a Nçü íì æpí ÖçC. 8) I can't sit through the loud songs, dances,.. To sit through = (ã œí _) * -J-ü é èπÿ Óa- ôç. a) He can't teach well. I can't sit through his class = Çߪ ÆæJí _ applecµç-îª- úø. Çߪ class * -J-ü é ØË èπÿ Óa. b) (Do) you want to sit through the discussion? I don't have the patience. (Ç îª Ωa * -J-ü é o èπÿ Óa- ç-ö«? Ø é ã œéπ ü.) Sit through, ƒ - uçí not ûóøë úø-û Ω. (èπÿ Óa- ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ). 9) I can't put up with the boredom = Ç NÆæ í µºjç-îª-. To put up with = Ææ œ«ç-îªôç/ µºjç-îªôç a) Sita was a great woman. She put up with a lot of hardship = Æ ûª íì æp Æ Y. î «éπ ƒd- µºjç*çc. b) I cannot put up with the noise = Ç íìúø µºjç-îª-. c) She has put up with all the trouble her husband gave her = µº Ωh- -öàd «üµ - -Eo-öÀF Ç Á µºjç-*çc.

3 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü í Ω Ωç 6 --V- j 2006 Badari: Shall we go for lunch? Don't you think it is time? (Lunch éà Á «l? Time Å çc éπü?) Kedar: It is only I feel its too early. (-É æ p-úø vûª- Ë -Å ç-c. î - «- ûªy Ωí - Á-R}- -ôx- -ûª ç-c.) Badari: Hei, Both of us have forgotten. Hasn't Amareswar asked us to lunch today at his home? (àß, ç Éü l Ωç Ω-*- Úߪ ç. É Å -Í - y Lo µappleï-ø -EéÀ œ - - ü?) Kedar: That's right. So he has. This is the third or fourth sunday this year he has asked us to eat at his place. He seems to keep open house on Sundays. (Å Eï Ë. Åûª œl-î úø. Ñ Ææç -ûªq- Ωç apple ÉC úó ÇC- - Ω Á, Ø íó ÇC - Ω Á Åûª Lo µappleï-ø -EéÀ œ - úøç. Åûª-ØÁ- æ púø ÇC- - á Ó äéπ-je œlîë «ÖçC) Badari: That's correct. You remember what happened last time. He kept us too long after dinner. There was no bus at that hour. No auto was in sight. So we had to foot our way back. (Å. Fèπ Ú - ƒí - çüó í Ω hçc éπü? µappleï ç Å ûª yûª î «-ÊÆ æ èπÿ Óa- -ö«dúø. Ç time èπ bus O -. áéπ\ú auto éπe- œç-îª- ü. ç Á èπ \ úõ* - Æœ *açc) Kedar: Of course I remember. But that was a good dinner that he gave us that day. What if we had to walk back? That dinner was worth the walk. (Ø èπ í Ω hç-úøíéç? é E Ç ÓV Åéπ\úÕ µappleï ç î ««í çc. úõêæh à - ç- C? Ç µappleï- çûó îª Ææ -èπ çõ úøíéç  ü l v -é ü.) (worth èπ Å Ωnç, use Éçûª-èπ - çü ç.) Badari: The wonder is his wife is as hospitable as he. (Ç a Ωuç àn -ôçõ ÅûªE µ«ωu ÇAü uç É y-ôç apple Åûª-EûÓ ÆæJ-Ææ- ç.) Kedar: In that respect they are cut out for each other. (Ç N æ-ߪ ç apple Ÿx äéπ-j-éì-éπ Ω ÆæJí _ ÆæJ- Ú-û Ω ) Badari: So they are. The way they serve us makes us feel at home. Kedar: I think I hear him calling. Shall I tell him we are starting? (ÅûªØË phone îëææ h-ø o-úø- -èπ çö«/ ÅûªE phone Å -èπ çö«ne- œ- ÚhçC. ߪ - - üë- Ω -ûª -Ø o- E îá æpø?) Badari: Do. (îá æ p) Here are some more phrasal verbs we hear frequently in daily conversation. Like the phrasal verbs we have seen in the earlier lessons, they can make your conversation very effective. Now let's study them. Look at the following sentences from the conversation between Badari and Kedar. 1) He seems to keep open house on Sundays 2) We had to foot our way back home 3) In that respect they are cut out for each other 4)... They make us feel at home 5) That dinner was worth it OöÀE í Jç* îªjaç-îë- çü, ç J-éÌEo ô Å Ωnç, use ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç. He asked us to lunch today: Åûªúø É Lo lunchèπ œl-î úø / Ç æ y-eç-î úø. - í Ç æ y-eç-îªôç Åçõ invite ÅE èπ ûá Ææ. Conversational í Å ûë Éçé simple í invite ü ask úøôç î «ƒüµ - Ωùç. He has invited me to dinner = He has asked me to dinner = o µappleï-ø -EéÀ œl-î úø / Ç æ y-eç-î úø (ûá -í apple èπÿú u - æ -J-éπçí Ç æ y-eç-î úø Å úøç éπçõ œl-î úø Å úøç áèπ \ éπü?) No auto was in sight áéπ\ú Auto éπe- œç-îª- ü. (in sight = ü % œd apple/ éπe- œææ h) áèπ \- í not ûó éπ - æ-úø- ü ÅØËç-ü Íé úøû ç. Not a policeman was in sight. äéπ\ police man èπÿú éπe- œç-îª- ü. É «ç-öà Fo «í practice îëߪ çúõ. Now let's look at the following. 1) He seems to keep open house = Åûª á æ púø ÅA-ü - œlîëô xø oúø. (ÇAü uç É y-ö«-eéà Åûª-ØÁ- æ púø Æœü l çí éπ - æ-úø-û úø ). -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 181 Ééπ\úÕ phrasal verb: to keep open house = ÅA-ü - -Èé- æ púø É x ûájîë Öçúøôç/ ÇAü uç É y-ö«- EéÀ á æ púø Æœü l Ë. a) Come Sunday, they keep open house = ÇC- Ωç ÊÆh-ÆæJ, Rxçöapplex ÅA-ü - ç-ú -LqçüË. b) We keep open house. You can drop in at any time ÅA-ü - -Èé- æ púø É x ûájîë Öçô çc. Áy- æ p-úø- -èπ çõ Å æ púø îª a. They keep open house on sundays. You are always sure to see there some guest or the other ÇC- - Rxçöapplex ÇAü uç á æ púø Öçô çc. á Ó äéπ ÅAC Åéπ\úø èπ éπ - æ-úøôç ûªü uç. 2) We had to foot our way back home = ç ÉçöÀéÀ úõ* Lq *açc. foot one's way = úø- ôç/ walk. a) As his vehicle broke down, he left it there and footed his way to office = æ«ç îáúõ- Ú- -ôçûó, Åûª ü o-éπ\úø CL, office èπ úõ* Á «xúø. b) Foot your way as much as possible and you will be healthy = O - - ç-ûª- - Ωèπ úõêæh Ç Óí uç «í ç-ô çc. (you Åçõ y, O Ω, Fèπ, O èπ ÅØË Å n vûª Ë é èπ çú, general í á -È jø, á -J-ÈéjØ ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úø-û Ω.) Foot your way as much as possible ÅØË sentence apple ' y/ O Ω áçûª-ü Ωç úõêæh ÅØË é èπ çú, á -È jø / ç, áçûªü Ωç úõêæh Åçûª Ç Óí uç «í ç-ô çc ÅE Å Ωnç. Éçé îª úøçúõ: You cannot extract oil from sand = ÉÆæ-éπ- appleç* ØÁ Bߪ ç. Ééπ\úø you Åçõ y/ O Ω ÅØË Å n-eéà æj-n ûªç é ü. c) I can't foot my walk for such a long distance = Åçûª ü Ωç ØË úø- -. 3) In that respect they are cut out for each other. Ç N æ-ߪ ç apple äéπ-j-éì-éπ Ω ÆæJ- Ú-û Ω. be cut out for (something)/ be cut out to be (something) - Ééπ\úø be Åçõ à 'be' form (am, is, are, was, were etc) úø- îª a. ÉC î «ç* expression. Å Ωnç äéπ Ω äéπ æe îëߪ -ö«-eéà ûªt ƒ Ωnuç, í ù-í -ù«éπlt Öçúøôç. a) Are you sure you are cut out for the army? ÂÆj uç apple îë Ω-ú -EéÀ ûªt ƒ Ωnuç Fèπ ç-ü E t-ûª -Ø o? b) He is cut out to be a teacher = His teaching is excellent = teacher èπ ûªt ƒ Ωnuç Åûª-E apple ÖçC. ÅûªE appleüµ î ««í ç-ô çc. c) She is cut out to be a doctor. No doubt about it = Ç Á Doctor Å -ö«eíé æ öàd- -ô dçü ÅE- œ-ææ hçc. Doctor Å -ö«-eéà ÆæJí _ ÆæJ- Ú-ûª çc. EÆæqç-üË æ«ç. 4) They make us feel at home = ÉçöapplexØË ÖØ o ØË µ«éπl-t- ƒh Ω Ÿx. (Åçõ ÅA-ü Lo Åçûª «í îª Ææ -èπ ç-ö«- Ω- o- ô) To make your guest feel at home= ÅA-C E à Nüµ ç-í Á æ«- -ô- æ-úø-èπ çú îª úøôç a) He treats his guests well. He makes them feel absolutely at home = ÅA-ü - Çߪ «í îª ƒhúø. x apple Òçûª ÉçöapplexØË Ö o µ«éπl-t- ƒhúø b) Don't be hesitant. Feel at home. Ask for whatever you want= Á æ«- -ô- æ-úìü l. O É x Å -éóçúõ. àç é apple ÅúÕT BÆæ éóçúõ. (ÅA-C ûó É «Åçô çö«ç) 5) That dinner was worth it = Ç dinner ûó ÚLÊÆh ç úø- Lq ôç  ü l «üµë-o -é ü. They are cut out for each other EXERCISE 1 Syamala: àçöà < Ω éπô d-èπ -Ø o? Nirmala: classmate birthday Ææçü - Ωs çí Nçü É ÚhçC. Syamala: Åçûª-ÊÆ æ < ΩûÓ Öçúøôç éπ æ dç é ü? Nirmala: Ø èπ Å çõ É æ dç. < ΩûÓ áçûª-êæ- æ- Ø Öçúø-í -. Syamala: Åéπ\úË E-ü l-jéã ûëú. Ø èπ < Ωçõ ÅçA- æ dç- ü. Nirmala: à ÁjØ v æûëuéπ Ææçü s çõ ØË Ø èπ < Ω É æ dç. Syamala: Å, æ öàd- ÓV E o-ø o? Nirmala: E oøë, é E dinner vûªç É -RdéÀ -ü - Ë-ÆœçC. Syamala: Wish you a good time. EXERCISE 2 Ganesh: Hi Karthik, àçöà Åçûª F Ω-Ææçí Å -Æœ - Ú- - ô x éπe- œ-ææ h-ø o? Karthik: Ø bike üµ u apple îáúõ- Ú- çc. ü Eo úõ- œç-îª -èπ çô *a mechanic èπ É*a, Åéπ\-úÕ- ç* È çúø éà apple-o -ô Ωx ü Ωç úõ* î a. Ganesh: Ø èπ phone îëææ çõ ØË *a lift ÉîËa- -úõe éπü? Karthik: y Ææ æ ߪ ç îëêæ- -úõ- Ë- E Ø èπ ûá Ææ. Åçü x Ø rooms èπ Á xèπ çú F rooms èπ î a. Ñ vaéà ØËE-éπ\--úø -Öç-úÌî a? Ganesh: Åçûª-éπ-Ø oø? ÉC F É x Å éó. Karthik: Thank you. àçöã maths îëææ h-ø o? Å oô d, O éìûªh maths lecturer á «ÖØ oúø? Ganesh: î «íì æp lecturer. Åçü -éó-ææ Ë æ ö«dú Å oô x maths lecturer í ÆæJí _ ÆæJ- Ú-û úø. Karthik: Å ûë ÆæçûÓ æç. ANSWER Syamala: Why have you put on a sari? Nirmala: Our classmate is giving us a treat on the occasion of her birthday. Syamala: Can you be in the sari all the time? Nirmala: I like saris. So I can put with it for any time. Syamala: That's where we don't see eye to eye with each other. I don't like saris much. Nirmala: I am for saris only for special occasions. Syamala: But didn't you say the birthday was yesterday? Nirmala: Yes, it was, but she put off the dinner till today. Syamala: Wish you a good time. ANSWER Ganesh: Hi Karthik, you look so tired and weak, why? Karthik: My bike broke down on the way. I walked it up to my mechanic, gave it to him for repair and footed my way for 2 kms here. Ganesh: If you had phone me, I would have given you a lift. Karthik: I know you are the helping type. That's why I came straight to your rooms without going to my place. can I stay here for the night? Ganesh: By all means/ you are welcome. Feel absolutely at home. Karthik: Thank you. You seem to be doing maths. By the way how is your new maths lecturer? Ganesh: Excellent. He is cut out for the job. Karthik: Happy to hear it.

4 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü -- -E Ωç 8 --V- j 2006 Akhila: How is your mother? Is she improving? (O Å Á t «ÖçC? éó -èπ ç-öappleçü?) Nikhila: She is, but she is too weak to move about. (éó -èπ ç-öappleçc é E éπü - x- çûª F Ω-Ææçí / - «- çí ÖçC) Akhila: She is taking too many drugs perhaps. May be that's why she is so weak. ( çü K áèπ \ BÆæ -èπ ç-öappleç-üë Á. Åçü - x Åçûª F Ω-Ææçí ÖçúÌîª a) Nikhila: On the contrary she avoids even the medicines she has to take. She hates them too much to take them regularly. Hence her slow recovery. (ÅüËç ü. Åçü -é Á ua-í éπç. BÆæ -éó- - Lq çü ÆæJí BÆæ -éóü. çü véπ - -ü l çí BÆæ -éó- - çõ áçûó üëy æç) Akhila: Who is treating her? (á Ω / à doctor îª Ææ h-ø o Ω?) Nikhila: We put her in Readycure Hospital. (Readycure Hospital apple îë aç) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 182 Akhila: But isn't it too expensive and too far off a place? (é E, ÅC K êkü, ü Ωç é ü?) Nikhila: It is. But mom's cousin is a doctor there. So we admitted her there. (Eï Ë. é E Å t cousin Åéπ\úø doctor. Åçü -éπ- -éπ\úø îë aç) Akhila: You must be spending a lot on transport to and fro. You must have spent quite a lot already. (A Ω-í -ö«-eíé î «ê Ω a  ô dç-ú L O Ω. É æp-öàíé î «ê Ωa Öçú L.) Nikhila: You can say that again the tests they have prescribed as alone have cost us a lot. The medicines are expensive too. (Ç ô y Sx Sx ÅØÌîª a. Ÿx îë ç* æk-éπ~ Íé î «-ê Ωa uçc. çü èπÿú î «êküë) Akhila: These days medicare has become too costly. Only the rich can afford it. The Poor have to make do with substandard treatment. (Ñ ÓV applex Ájü uç î «êk-üáj- Ú- çc. Ö o- - xíé ÅC Åçü - «-ô apple ÖçC. E- Ÿx ûªèπ \ Ωéπç Ájü uçûó ÆæJ- -ô d-éó- -LqçüË.) make do = Ææ Ω l-éó- ôç/ ÆæJ- -ô d-éó- ôç Nikhila: Mom is too impatient. She wants to get out as soon as possible. The doctors however insist that she stay there for at Akhila: If only she takes medicines properly... ( çü ÆæJí BÆæ -éó- ôç Åçô Öçõ...) Nikhila: Oh, my! It's already I have stayed here too long. I'm afraid I'll be late for the hospital. I must hurry. Bye. (Å Á t! Å æ púë 7.30 Å - Ú- çc. K áèπ \- -ÊÆ- æ -Ø o-e-éπ\úø. ÇÆæ - æ-vaéà Ç Ææu Á i Ú-ûÓçC. ØË ûªy Ωí Á «xl. Bye.) Too Ö æ-ßá í ç ûá -Ææ -èπ çü ç Ñ ƒj. 1) Too ç ƒ - uçí 'also' (èπÿú ) ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úøû ç éπü? Ramya: Has she come? (Ç Á *açü?) Priya: She has. (Ç. *açc.) Ramya: Has her husband come too? (Ç Á µº Ωh èπÿú î aú?) Priya: Yes. He has come too. (Å. Çߪ èπÿú î aúø ) least four more days. She feels it too long. (Å t K ÅÆæ- æ«- çí ÖçC. O - çûª ûªy Ωí ÇÆæ - æva ç* ߪ -ô- æ-ú èπ ç-öappleçc. é F doctors vûªç éπfææç Éçé Ø í ÓV- ç-ú - ç-ô -Ø o Ω. Ç Á èπ vûªç Å-C K áèπ \- -é ç ÅE- œ- ÚhçC) Spoken English apple 'èπÿú ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ also î «Å Ω -ü í úø-û Ω. áèπ \- í 'too' úøû Ω. 'Too' á æ púø verb ûª yûª úøôç better. She too has come éπø o She has come too, better. Éçûªèπ çü î «- ƒ Ω x ç Not ûó also ÅÆæ- - ü. 2) Too èπ ÉçéÓ Ö æ-ßá í ç îª ü lç Ñ lesson apple úõ Nüµ çí Too Åçõ K/ ÅA ÅE ûá -í apple Å Ωnç îá æ p-éó- îª a. Look at the following. a) He is tall = Åûªúø Òúø í ç*üë. b) He is very tall = Åûªúø î «Òúø í ç*üë. c) He is too tall = Åûªúø K Òúø í Åçõ Ééπ\úø Òúø í x àüó É sçc Öçúø- îª a. ( K Òúø -í - ôç x, Eö«- Ω í E -îó- -éπ- Ú- -ô Á, à í C- apple-èéjø Á Ïx-ô- æ púø ü y Ωç ûªí - -ô Á, K çt v æ Ë-Pç--î -Lq -ô- Á - «çöà É sç-ü ÖçúÌîª a èπ çõ ÅûªúÕ áûª hèπ ûªt µ«ωu üì Ω-éπ\- Ú- îª a!) Too Åçõ ÅA ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ áèπ \- í úøôç x, ü E v æßá -ï-ø ç*-ní Öçúø-éπ- Ú- îª a. a) He drives too fast = Åûªúø K Ëí çí drive îë ƒhúø. Åçü - x v æ ü ç Ææç µº-nç-îª- îª a. b) She talks too much. Å -Ææ- Ω- Á i ü E-éπçõ áèπ \ ö«xúø ûª çc. c) It is too costly = ÅC K êkü. (Åçü - x éì -éπ- Ú- îª a.) DEo éàçc- -öàûó Ú açúõ. i) It is costly = ÅC êkü (éìøìîª a) ii) It is very costly = ÅC «í êkü (Å - - æp-öàéã éìøìîª a.) iii) It is too costly = ÅC ÅA/ K êkü (ØË éì éìøë Å -é ç éπ- Ú- îª a) d) Sarat: You liked the suitcase. Why didn't you buy it? (Ç suitcase Åçõ É æd- æ-ú f. È ç-ü èπ éì - ü?) Bharat: Oh, it's too heavy. ÅC K Ω í ÖçC. (ØË Á ߪ - - çûª Ω. Åçü - x éì - ü.) e) Kiran: How do you find your new home? (O Ω éìûªhí îëj É x «ÖçC?) Varun: It's OK, but it is too big. ( «í ØË ÖçC. é F Åçü apple ÖçúË x Ææçë u Á ûªèπ \ É x Á Éçé áèπ \ çcéà ÆæJ- ÚßË çûª  ü lc Åçü - x éπ Ωuç éπçõ É sçüë áèπ \ ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ.) 3) Too Åçõ - í ƒüµ u- ßË u ü E-éπØ o áèπ \ ÅØË Å Ωnç èπÿú ÖçC. a) He is too clever for a boy his age = ÅûªúÕ ßª Ææ q œ x- -éπçõ Åûªúø î «ûál-n-í - - úø. (Åûª-úÕéÀ ߪ Ææ èπ N ç* ûál-n-ûë-ô- -Ø o.) b) She is too tall for a girl her age = Ç ßª Ææ Å t- éπçõ K Òúø -í ç-ü Å t. c) She is too red for an Asian = - í ÇƜߪ Ææ Öçúø- çûª áv Ωí Öçü Á. 4) Too éìclí Å Ωnç ûëú ûó É «èπÿú úøû ç: a) She is too young for marriage =  Rx ߪ -Ææ èπ Ç Á ߪ Ææ K ûªèπ \.  Sxúø èπ î «ûªèπ \ = She is too young to be married/ to get married. She is too weak to move.. b) He is too fat to walk fast- Éô - çöà sentences apple ua-í -é Ωnç Ææ hçc. -Ñ - é u-eéà -Å Ωnç= Åûª ûªy Ωí úø- - - çûª «. c) She is too young to understand all this = ÉN Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- - çûª * o œ x Ç Å t. d) In the past children were married off when they were too young to understand what marriage was = í ûªç apple  xçõ àn öapple Å Ωnç-é E * o ߪ - Ææ appleøë œ x- èπ  Rx Ÿx îëêæ- Ÿx. 5) äéó\- ƒj too positive meaning ûó éàçc sentences apple «í úøû ç. a) Pavan: Are you ready for this job? Ñ ÖüÓu-í -EéÀ y Æœü l - Ë Ø? Vinod: I shall be only too glad to accept it. ü Eo Æ yéπ-jç-îªôç Ø èπ î «ÆæçûÓ æç/ ÆæçûÓ- æçí b) He will be only too pleased to assist you= Fèπ Ææ æ -ߪ - æ-úøôç Åûª-úÕéÀ î «ÆæçûÓ æç. c) She'll be too ready to leave the place = Ééπ\-úÕ- ç* ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÁRx- Ú-ûª çc/ Á x-ö«-e-éà -á- æ púø Æœü l Ë. 6) Too áèπ \- í éàçc Å ΩnçûÓ úø-û Ω. a) It is too much for him = ÅC Åûªúø îëߪ - - çûª éπ æ dç/ µºjç-îª- - çûª v / «üµ. b) Working for such long hours is too much for the boys = ÅEo í çô æe-îë-ߪ ôç Ÿx îëߪ - E/ µºjç-îª- E v ( œ x é öàd.) c) This question is too much for the little girl. Ç * o œ xèπ ï îá æp- - çûª éπ æ d- Á i v æ- o -É-C. Now look at the following sentences from the conversation between Akhila and Nikhila at the beginning of the lesson: 1) She is too weak to move about. 2) She is taking too many drugs perhaps. 3) She hates them too much to take them regularly. 4) But isn't it too expensive and too far off a place? 5) Mom is too impatient. 6) She feels it too long. 7) I've stayed here too long. 1) She is too weak to move about = Ç Á éπü çûª F Ω-Ææçí ÖçC = She is so weak that she cannot move about. 2) She is taking too many drugs perhaps = æ -» - ç-ü - K áèπ \ (îáúø ïj-ííçûª) BÆæ -èπ ç-öappleç-üë Á Ñ Å ΩnçûÓ É «èπÿú too úøû ç. a) You are a minute too late = y äéπ\ EN æç Ç -Ææu- -ߪ u. (äéπ\ EN æç çü - -îª açõ F æe ÅßË uc) b) This passenger is one too many for the bus. Bus is full. It can't take even one more. (Ñ äéπ\ v æߪ -ùà-èπ úë áèπ \. Ææqçû EçúÕ- Ú- çc. Éçéπ äéπ\-jéà èπÿú îóô - ü ) 3) She hates them too much to take them regularly = Ç Á èπ Ç çü - véπ ç-ûª- æp-èπ çú ËÆæ -éó- -úø- çõ ÅE æ dç./ Ç ÅE- æ dç- x Å -Ææ- Ω- Á iø Ç çü BÆæ -éóü. ÉC sentence no.1 «í ØË ÖçC îª úøçúõ. 4) But isn't it too expensive and too far off a place? = ÅC ç µºjç-îª- - çûª êk-üájçd, Á x- - çûª ü Ω é ü? It's too expensive = K êk-üá-èπ \ (ØË µºjç-îª- ) It's too far off ( K ü Ωç áèπ \, ØË Á x- ) 5) Mom is too impatient = Å t K ÅÆæ- æ«- çí ÖçC. (Åéπ\úø Öçúø- -éπ- Ú-ûÓçC) 6) She feels it too long = K áèπ \ é - E Å -èπ ç-öappleçc. (Öçúø- -éπ- Ú-ßË çûª) 7) I have stayed here too long = Å -ûª æ çúõ èπÿú î «áèπ \- -ÊÆ- æ Ø o Öçúø-èπÿ-úø- çûª ÊÆ æ Ø o. éàçc Ö æ-ßá -í πÿú îª úøçúõ: a) The box is too heavy for me = the box is so heavy that I cannot lift it = ØË áûªh- - çûª Ω í Öçü - õ d. b) The TV is too costly for me = The TV is so costly that I can't buy it. ØË éì - - çûª êk-ü - çü öão.

5 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü - Ú- Ωç 10 --V- j 2006 Swarna: Hi Rajitha, get dressed and get ready to go out. ( ôd Ω aéó, ߪ -öà-èé- x-ö«-eéà -ûª-ߪ Ω y) Kamala: What is Swarna saying, Rajitha? (Ææy Ωg à ç-öappleçd?) Rajitha: She is telling me to get dressed and get ready to go. ( ôd Ω a-èπ E ߪ -ô-èé- x-ö«-eéà ûªßª - Ω- - E Ææy Ωg Ø ûó îá ÚhçC) Swarna: Go to the market and get some vegetables. There aren't any left. (Market èπ - Á---R} èπÿ Ω-í -ߪ BÆæ -èπ. Éçöapplex àç.) Kamala: Don't you hear, Rajitha? Swarna is telling you to go to the market and get vegetables (NE- œç-îª- ü, Ω>û? Market èπ - Á---R} èπÿ Ω ûá te îá ÚhçC éπü?) Rajitha: What do you mean? (àçôç-ô -Ø o?) Kamala: You have heard what Swarna has said. So do what she says. (NØ o éπü Ææy Ωg îá œpçc. ûª îá œp- ô x îá u.) Rajitha: Are you both telling me to go to the market and get vegetables? Kamala, are you telling me to do what she says? (Éü l Ω o market ÈéRx èπÿ Ω ûá tçö«? éπ «, ûªøëç îëߪ - ç-ô çüó ÅC îëߪ - ç-ö«? Swarna: And cook too. ( çô èπÿú îá u) Kamala: Don't stand there. Get going. Swarna has told you to cook too. (Å «E appleaèπ. æe é F. Ææy Ω-g - ç-ô èπÿ-ú -îá-ߪ u- ç--öappleç-c.) Get going= ߪ - l Ω / æe-é F, etc. Swarna: Why are you still here? Kamala is telling you not to stand there but get going. (àçöàçé Ééπ\-úø -Ø o? Kamala îá œpç-céπü, Å «E applea- -ü lf, ߪ - l- Ω- E.) Rajitha: Stop it. Don't think I am your servant. Don't order me about, you stupids. (Ç æçúõ. ØË O servant Å -éó-éπçúõ. Ø èπ Çïc-L- y-éπçúõ, Ω ^- «x?) Swarna: Look, Kamala, she is telling us to stop it and not to think she is our servant. She is telling us further not to order her about. (éπ «îª úø, Éü çû Ç æ- E, ûª servant í Å -éó- -ü lf, Çïc ñ«kîë-ßá -ü lf ÅçöappleçC.) Kamala: Come now, Rajitha. Don't be angry. We have just been joking. Please don't think we are serious. (Rajitha, éó æp-úøèπ. ÜJ-éπØË joke îëææ hø oç. Ë ç serious í ÅØ o- E Å -éóèπ. ÜJÍé EØ o-ô- æ-öàdç-î - çûë) Rajitha: You've carried the joke too far. (O joke ÅAí ÖçC) Swarna: Come, come, don't be angry. Take a joke. Enjoy it, girl. (éó æp-úøèπÿ. Joke í BÆæ éó. y èπÿú ÆæçûÓ- æ- æúø.) Kamala: You still look angry. Swarna has told you to take joke and not to be angry but enjoy it. Come laugh it off. (Éçé éó æçí éπe- œ-ææ h-ø o. Ææy Ωg îá œpçc éπü Åçû joke í BÆæ -éó- F, éó æp-úì-ü lf, y èπÿú enjoy îáߪ u- E. ËyÆœ Ü Ω éó) Rajitha: OK. I excuse you. I will have my turn too. (Å «Íí. N tlo éπ~n -Ææ h-ø o. Ø èπÿ Ææ hçc Å -é ç. Å æ púø îá ƒh.) Compare the following pair of sentences from the conversation above: a) Swarna: Rajitha, get dressed and get ready to start. ( ôd Ω aéó, ߪ -öà-èé- x-ö«-eéà ûªßª - Ω y) b) Rajitha: She (Swarna) is telling me to get dressed and get ready to start. ( ôd Ω a-èπ E ߪ -ô-èé- x-ö«-eéà ûªßª - Ω- - E Ææy Ωg Ø ûó îá ÚhçC) sentence (a) apple ç îª ÊÆC: Ææy Ωg, Ω>-ûª ÖüËl-Pç* ØË Ω (direct) í, êûª Ω>-ûªûÓ îáê p N æߪ ç. sentence (b) apple ç îª ÊÆC: Ω>ûª, Ææy Ωg ûª ûó Å o- -ô-, ûª ô applex éπ - èπ îá æpôç/ report îëߪ ôç. sentence (a) direct í Ææy Ωg Ω>-ûªûÓ Å o - -ô. é öàd ÅC Direct speech. sentence (b) Ω>ûª, ûª ô applex Ææy Ωg- -ô- éπ - èπ report îëߪ ôç é öàd ÅC Reported (Indirect) speech. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 183 Look at the following too: 1 Swarna (to Rajitha): Go to the market and get some vegetables (Market ÈéRx èπÿ Ω ævö«direct speech éπü?) Kamala: Swarna is telling you to go to the market and get some vegetables (Market ÈéRx èπÿ Ω ûá te Ææy Ωg ÅçöappleçC FûÓ) (ÉC Kamala report îë ÚhçC é öàd reported speech) 2. a) Kamala (to Rajitha)... Do what she (Swarna) Says. (Ææy Ωg -îá- œpçc îá u Direct speech éπü?) b) Rajitha (To Swarna and Kamala) Are you both telling me to go to market and get vegetables? Kamala, Are you telling me to do what she says? (Direct speech) ( o Market ÈéRx èπÿ Ω ûá tç-ô -Ø o? éπ «, Ææy Ωg îá œpçc îëߪ - ç-ö«o?) 3 a) Kamala (To Rajitha): Don't stand there. Get going. (Direct speech) Å «E appleaèπ, ߪ - l Ω ) Swarna is telling you to cook too (Reported speech - Ææy Ωg E o çô èπÿú îëߪ - ç-öappleçc) b) Swarna: Kamala is telling you not to stand there but get going. (Å «E applea- -ü lf, ߪ - l- Ω- E éπ îá ÚhçC FûÓ Reported speech) 4 a) Rajitha (to Swarna & Kamala): Stop it. Don't think I am your servant. Don't order me about (Direct speech) (Ç æçúõ, ØË O servant Å -éó-éπçúõ. O É æ dç *a- ô x Çïc É y-éπçúõ Direct speech) b) Swarna: She is telling us to stop it and not to think she is our servant. She is further telling us not to order her about. (Indirect speech) ( -Lo-ü çû Ç æ- F, ûª servant Å - éó- -ü lf, É æ dç *a- ô x Çïc-L- y-ü lf Ω>ûª ÅçöappleçC Indirect speech) 5 a) Swarna to Rajitha: Don't be angry. Take a joke. enjoy it, girl (éó æp-úøèπ. Joke Ç ç-cçîª Direct speech) b) Kamala: Swarna has told you not to be angry, to take a joke and enjoy it (Swarna îá œpçc éπü éó æp-úì-ü lf, joke Ç ç-cç-îª- F Reported speech)  j sentences apple 1 (a) 2 (a), 2 (b), 3 (a) 4 (a), 5 (a) - É Fo direct speech apple ÖØ o. Sentences 1 (b), 3 (b), 4 (b) and 5 (b) - É Fo reported (Indirect) speech apple ÖØ o. 1) Swarna: Hi Rajitha, get dressed and get ready to go out. ÉC Direct speech apple ÖçC éπü. 'Get dressed and get ready to go out - Ñ ô Imperative sentence - Åçõ äéπ-je Çñ«c- œçîë/ Å µºu-jnçîë (request)/ äéπ æe îëߪ - E ÅúÕÍí sentence imperative sentence Åçö«ç. Swarna, Ω>-ûª ôd- - - Ω aéó, ߪ -öà-èé- x-ö«-eéà Æœü l çí Öçúø ÅE Åúø -í -ûóçc/ ü ü æ Çñ«c œ ÚhçC. é öàd 'Get dressed and go out', imperative sentence Å -ûª çc. Imperative sentence direct ç* reported (indirect) èπ a- çõ, Ç imperative çü, to îë Ωa-ô Ë. Åçõ, Swarna: Hi Rajitha, get dressed and get ready to go out - DEéÀ reported speech: Swarna is telling/ asking (tells/ asks) Rajitha to get dressed and get ready to go out. í -Eç-î Ω éπü get dressed and get ready to go out çü, to  ö«dç. ÅçûË-éπü. So, imperative sentence indirect speech éà a- çõ, ü E çü 'to'  õ d ƒhç. Éçûª-èπ - çü ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç say ûª yûª infinitive ( to go, to come, to sing «çöà ô ) ü E. Tell/ ask æéπ\ infinitive Ææ hçc. Åçü -éπe reported speech apple tell (somebody)/ Ask (somebody) + Infinitive Ææ hçc, Imperative Reported speech èπ Ja- - æ úø. Look at the other pairs of sentences from the conversation. 1 a) Swarna (to Rajitha): Go to the market and get some vegetables (market ÈéRx èπÿ Ω BÆæ -èπ ÉC Imperative sentence) DEéÀ Reported speech, DE-éÀç-ü ØË éπ ô applex 1 (b) îª úøçúõ. Swarna is telling you to go to the market and get some vegetables  Ω éπü, Kamala, Swarna ôlo reported speech - apple -îá æpôç Ç ô çü 'to' îëa- ÆœçC She is telling you to go to the market... 3 a) Kamala (to Rajitha): Don't stand there. Get going (Direct speech- E applea-éπ «, ߪ - l Ω ) Çïc «ÖçC é öàd imperative sentence. 3 b) îª úøçúõ ÉC Kamala, Ææy Ωg ôlo reported speech apple îá æpôç: Kamala is telling you not to stand there but get going. Ééπ\úø èπÿú Kamala, Ææy Ωg - -ô çü, to úõçc to stand there... Å ûë Ééπ\úø direct speech apple Don't (do not) ÅE not ÖçC é öàd, reported speech apple, not to ÅE Ææ hçc. a) Suseel: Make good use of your time, Sumant. (Sumant, F Ææ -ߪ Eo ÆæCy-E-ßÁ í ç îëææ éó Direct speech éπü.) Swarna is telling... Indirect, Suseel is telling Sumant to make good use of his time. b) Suseel: Don't waste your time, Sumant (Direct speech - Imperative - Don't = do not ûó ÖçC) Reported speech: Suseel is telling sumant not to waste his time. 4 a) Rajitha (To Swarna and Kamala): Stop it. Don't think I am your servant. Don't order me about. (Direct speech-imperative with don't = do not) b) É Ë ô- Swarna reported speech apple Kamala èπ : She is telling us to stop it, not to think she is our servant and not to order her about. (Reported speech beginning with 'not to', because of don't in Direct speech)  Ω éπü : Orders, requests, asking ûálê imperative sentence, direct speech apple Öçõ, ü Eo report îëêæ-ô- æ púø, to ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç, don't Öçõ not to ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. a) Kamal: Krishna have something to eat. Direct speech - imperative. Kamal is asking Krishna to have something to eat - Reported speech b) Teacher: Don't read such books. (Direct speech- Begins with don't) Teacher is telling (the students) not to read such books. Ñ Â j examples apple -à Ææç µ«- æ-ù á æ púø ï Ω -í -ûª -Ø oßá correct í ûál-ߪ ôç ü é öàd ç Indirect (reported) speech apple à tense Å Ø úø- îª a.  j È çúø examples apple, Reported speech apple, is asking/ is telling ü has asked/ asked/ has told/ told èπÿú úø- îª a. That is how we change imperative into indirect speech.

6 II Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü í Ω - Ωç 13 -V- j 2006 éàçü öà lesson apple ç 1st sample of direct speech and reported speech ç. Direct and reported speech Å -í ØË èπ í Ìh-îËaC, Quotations/ Inverted commas (" "), öà apple æ Ö o sentence µ«í ç, Åçü apple verb/ verbs quotations ߪ ô Ö o verb «çöàn. Å ûë ç Ééπ\úø í Ω hç-îª -éó- -LqçC, Ñ columns apple ç îëææ hçc Spoken English practice. Åçõ English ö«x-úøôç. ö«x-úë--ô æ púø quotations, Åçü apple µ«í ç, ü E - -ߪ öà µ«í ç «çöàn Öçúø éπü. Spoken English apple ç í Ω hç-îª -éó- -Lqçü «x, Á ü öà uéàh È çúó uéàhûó îáê p ô direct speech. Á ü öà uéàh îá œp N æ-ߪ Eo È çúó uéàh ûª ô applex ÉçéÓ uéàhéà îá æpôç/ report îëߪ ôç, reported speech. Conversation/ Spoken English practice îëêæ-ô- æ púø Ñ N æߪ ç í Ω hç-îª -éó- L. Quotations, reported verb «çöà öàéóææç Áûªéπç. Reporting verb Åçõ reported speech v ƒ Ωç- Gµç-îË- çü úë tell, ask, request, order, advise, hope «çöà öàe Ææçü - s Eo öàd Ë áç œéπ îëææ èπ ç-ö«ç. English ö«x-úë-ô- æ púø úëc reported speech é öàd, ç ûá -Ææ -éó- -Lqç-ü - «x äéπ uéàh Å o N æ-ߪ Eo ÉçéÌ-éπ-JéÀ Ææp æ dçí á «NE- œç-î L ÅØËC vûª Ë. ÉüË-éπü, ç éàçü öà lesson apple Swarna, Rajitha and Kamala conversation apple îª ÆœçC. Å «Íí practice îëü lç. Ééπ îªü - çúõ. Rakesh: They were talking. Naveen told Ramani to leave her book with him, and to take his book and return it the next day. ( Ÿx ö«x-úø -èπ ç-ô -Ø o Ω. Ç Á æ Ææh-é Eo ûª -éà*a, ûª æ Ææh-é Eo BÆæ -èπ E, Ω -ÆæöÀ Ó>- y- E OØ Ω -ùàûó ÅØ oúø.) Mahesh: I heard Ramani's words. She requested him to let her have both the books. ( Ω ùà ô ØË NØ o. È çúø æ Ææhé BÆæ -Èé- x-e- y- E Å µºu-jnç-*çc) Rakesh: Naveen then told her to take both of them but to make sure she returned them the day after next. (Å æ púø È çúø æ Ææh-é BÂÆ\- }- F, éπ*a-ûªçí á xçúõ (È çvúó-v ûª yûª) AJ-T- y- F, Naveen Ω -ùàûó ÅØ oúø.) Mahesh: I was sitting next to Ramani. So I heard her. She requested him to allow her to keep them for at least three days. ( Ω ùà æéπ\øë èπÿîª Ø o. Ç Á îá œpçc ØË NØ o, éπfææç úø ÓV- Ø o Öçîª -éó-e-- y- -E Ω ùà ÅúÕ-TçC.) Rakesh: Then the teacher ordered them both to stop talking. (Teacher xe ö«x-úøôç Ç æ- E Çïc- œç-î úø.) Å «é èπ çú éàçü öà lesson apple «í á æ púø ïj-t Ææç µ«- æ-ù Å æ púë report îëêæh tell/ ask/ request/ order/ wish «çöà verbs I Regular doing word/ II Regular doing word/ am+ing, is+ing, are+ing/ have+pp/ has+pp (past participle) form apple begin îë ƒhç.)  j OØ èπÿ Ω ùàéã í ûªç apple ïj-t Ææç µ«- æù Ê «ˇ, Ω Ë ˇ reported speech apple îá æ h-ø o Ω. Direct speech ç* reported èπ Í a-ô- æ púø, Ææçü - s Eo öàd éàçc Ω p èπÿú îë ƒhç. REPORTED SPEECH I, You (-ØË-, y) He, She We, You (- Ë -, - - ç, O Ω ) They Me, You (-Ø èπ, - - o, Fèπ, E o) Him, her Us ( Lo, èπ / - - t-lo, èπ ) Them You (O èπ ) Them My, Your (-Ø, F) His/ Her She requested him to.. -Ñ passage Report îëߪ çúõ (English apple Gí _- Ωí ). Ææçü - Ωs çí îëa- Ωç o ÆœE èπ BÆæ ÈéRx Kowmudi: F birthday dinner É y. Kavitha: y punctual í Éç-öÀéÀ üµ u æ«oç 2:30 èπ. Kowmudi: Ø èπ ÆæJí _ Ç ÓV È çúõç-öàéà í Ω h-îë, ØË èπ çú Öçõ îª úø. Kavitha: îëa--ô æ púø O îá xlo èπÿú BÆæ -èπ! Kowmudi: îá xl N æߪ ç æöàdç-îª -éóèπ. ü çõ Ëy - Ú-Ø îëæœ ü Eo œ. Kavitha: Ç N æߪ ç Ø éì-c- ß. y-jíé ûª ûó îá æ p. Kowmudi: Å «Íí. ANSWER -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 184 I. Naveen: Leave your book with me. You take my book and return it tomorrow. (F æ Ææh-é Eoéπ\úø Öçîª. y Ø æ Ææh-é Eo BÆæ -èπ E Í æ AJ-T y) Ramani: Please let me have both the books. (È çúõç-öàf BÆæ -éó-e y) Naveen: OK. Take both of them but make sure that you return them the day after. (ÆæÍ, È çúø BÆæ éó, Å ûë á xç-úõéà éπ*a-ûªçí AJ-T-îËaß ) Ramani: Please allow me to keep them for at least three days. (éπfææç úø ÓV- Ø o Öçîª -éó-e y) Teacher: Stop talking, both of you. (O J-ü l Ω ö«x-úø-éπçúõ) Naveen and Ramani: Don't be angry, sir. Excuse us this once. (éó æp-úø-èπ çú t-lo Ñ äéπ\- ƒ-jéà éπ~n ç-îªçúõ ƒ ) Teacher: Concentrate on the lesson. Keep your mouths shut or get out of the class. ( ƒ Ωç O ü ü % œd  ôdçúõ. ØÓ Ω - -Ææ - éóçúõ ü ߪ -öà-èé-rx- ÚçúÕ) Naveen: Please, don't be cross, sir. (ü ߪ -îëæœ éó æp-úø-éπçúõ ƒ ) Teacher: Be silent, then (Å ûë E z- lçí ÖçúøçúÕ) Naveen: OK. Sir. (Å «Íí ƒ ) II. Mahesh: Why was the teacher angry with Naveen and Ramani? (Naveen, Ramani O ü teacher áçü èπ éó æç *açc?) èπ Mahesh: Then both of them requested the teacher not to be angry and to excuse them that once. ( x- æ púø éó æp-úø- -ü le, Ñ ƒ-jéà éπ~n ç-îª- E teacher Å µºu-jnç-î Ω ) Rakesh: The teacher was still angry. He ordered them to concentrate on the lesson, to keep their mouths shut or to get out. (Teacher Éçé éó æçí ÖØ oúø, x lesson O ü ü % œd  ôd- F, ØÓ Ω Ææ éó- E ü ߪ -öà-èé- }- F -Å-Ø o-úø.) Naveen then requested/ pleaded with the teacher again not to be cross. Observe: I) The conversation between Naveen and Ramani, and II) Mahesh and Rakesh reporting the conversation between Naveen and Ramani. O Ω í -EçîË Öçö«Ω Part I apple OØ, Ω ùà Ææç µ«- æ-ù, Part II apple Mahesh, Rakesh reported (indirect) speech apple îá æ p-éó- ôç. ÉC èπÿú í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Part II apple, Ê «ˇ Íé- ˇ ÅúÕ-T Á ü öà v æ o: Why was the teacher angry with Naveen and Ramani? Åçõ, Éçü apple was x èπ ûá -Ææ h o N æߪ ç: OØ, Ω -ùà Ææç µ«- æù í ûªç apple ïj-tç-ü E, Ç N æ-ߪ Eo æ púø Mahesh, Rakesh v æ ƒh-n-ææ h-ø o- ΩE. É «í ûªç apple ïj-t Ææç µ«- æ-ù reported speech èπ a- çõ, told, requested, ordered ÅE Past doing word ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. Our, Your (-, - -, O ) Mine, Yours (-Ø -C, FC) Ours, Yours (-- -C, O C) This (-É-C) These (-É-N) Their His/ Her Theirs That Those Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow That day, The day before, The Now next day Ω-Ææí Then Important:  j Ω p- Fo Ææçü - s Eo -öàd îëߪ -Lq Ω p. ÅüË æeí îëߪ -Lq Å -Ææ Ωç ü. êuçí English ö«x-úø -ûª - o- æ púø. É æ púø O JçéÓ N æߪ ç í -Eç-îªçúÕ: OØ, Ω ùà Ææç µ«- æ-ùçû, imperative (Çïc, Å µºu- Ωn-, Åúø-í -ö«ûálê sentences- é öàd reported speech, to + 1st Regular doing word ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç éàçü öà lesson apple îª Æœ- ô x.) O-Ø èπ, Ω -ùàéà ïj-t Ææç µ«- æ-ù, direct speech apple, indirect speech apple éàç-ü æ-öàdéπ- apple îª úøçúõ. 1. Naveen (to Ramani): Leave your books with me. You take the other book and return it tomorrow. 2. Ramani (to Naveen): Please let me have both the books. 3. Naveen (to Ramani): Take both of them and make sure that you return them the day after. 4. Ramani (to Naveen): Please allow me to keep them for at least three days. 5. Teacher (to Ramani & Naveen): Stop talking both of you. 6. Naveen & Ramani (to teacher): Don't be angry, sir. Excuse us this once. 7. Teacher (to Naveen and Ramani): Concentrate on the lesson. Keep your mouths shut or get out of the class 8. Naveen (to Teacher): Please, sir, don't be cross with us. t Kowmudi asks/ asked Kavitha to take her to a movie and give her a dinner on her birthday next week. t Kavitha asks/ asked Kowmudi to go home to Kavitha exactly at 2.30 t Kowmudi then tells/ told Kavitha to remind her at 2 that day and see if she (Kowmudi) doesn't/ wouldn't come. t Kavitha asks/ asked Kowmudi to bring her sister along. t Kowmudi then tells/ told Kavitha to leave her sister alone or call her herself. t Kavitha then tells/ told her to leave the matter to her, and just to tell her sister of it. t Kowmudi said OK. REPORTED SPEECH µ Naveen told Ramani (ÉC í ûªç é öàd) to leave her book with him and take his book and return it the next day. µ She (Ramani) requested him to let her have both the books. µ Naveen then told her to take both of them but to make sure she returned them the day after. µ She (Ramani) requested him to allow her to keep them for at least three days. µ The teacher ordered them both to stop talking. µ Both of them (Naveen and Ramani) requested the teacher not to be angry and excuse them that once. µ He (the teacher) ordered them to concentrate on the lesson, to keep their mouths shut or get out of the class. µ Naveen then requested/ pleaded with the teacher not to be cross with them.

7 - -E Ωç 15 --V- j 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü II Pridhvi: Hi Akash, I am very happy today. Akash: Are you, really? Why so? (Å Ø? áçü éó?) Pridhvi: My exam results are out and I have passed with a very high score. (Ø exam results î a. ØË î «ç* Ω \- ûó pass Åߪ u ) Akash: Congrats. That makes me really happy. You owe me and Varun a treat. (Congrats. ÅC o î «ÆæçûÓ- æ- æ- Ω - ÚhçC. y Ø èπ, Ω ù èπ NçC- yl.) Treat- Nçü ; Owe- «éã Öçúøôç. He owes me Rs.100 = Åûªúø Ø èπ Ω.100 «éã He owes his greatness to his father = (ÅûªúÕ íì æpûªø -EéÀ x Ø ØËo é Ωùç) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 185 Pridhvi: Who is coming here? Oh, it is Varun. (á Ω Ææ h-ø Ω? ã... Ω ù.) Varun: I heard you both talking about results and treat. What is it? (O J-ü l Ω àüó results, treat ö«x-úø -èπ ç-ô -Ø o Ω. àçôc?) í Jç* Akash: Pridhvi has just told me that his exam results are out and that he has passed with a high score (ûª exam results î a-ߪ F, ûª ç* marks ûó pass Åߪ u- F É æ púë Ø ûó Pridhvi îá ƒpúø.) Varun: That's great. Congrats Pridhvi. How about a treat then? (î «íì æp N æߪ ç. Congrats. J treat ( dinner) õ -N öà?) Pridhvi: Akash has said that it really makes him happy and that I owe you and him a treat. I am ready. Just fix the date and time. (ÅC úõe î «ÆæçûÓ- æ-â -úø -ûóçü F, ØË ûª èπÿ, Fèπÿ ã treat (dinner) É y- F Çé ˇ Éçûª-èπ - çüë ÅØ oúø. ØË ready. Date, time O Ω E Ωg- ç-îªçúõ) Akash: Varun, you have heard what Pridhvi has said. He is telling us that he is ready, and to fix the date and time for the dinner. ( Ω ù, NØ o- í. æ%cµy àç îá ƒpúó. úõîëa treat èπ Lo date, time E Ωg- ç-îª- -Ø oúø ) Pridhvi: Mom's calling me. I'll be back in a minute. You decide and let me know where to go and when to go and I will take you there and then. Don't bother about the expenses. ( Å t œ ÚhçC. *öà-èé apple AJ-íÌ ƒh. á æ púø, áéπ\úõéà Á «x apple O Ω E Ωg- ç* Ø èπ îá æpçúõ. Åéπ\-úÕéÀ BÆæ -èπ - Á- û. ê Ω a í Jç* æöàdç-îª -éó-éπçúõ) 1. Akash (To Pridhvi): That makes me really happy. You owe me and Varun a treat 2. Pridhvi (To Varun & Akash): I am ready. Just fix the date and time. - I am ready - ÉC statement. Just fix the date and time - ÉC imperative 3. Pridhvi (To Akash & Varun): You decide and let me to know where to go and when to go and I will take you there and then. ''You decide and let me know...to go..." ÉC imperative. I will take you there- ÉC statement. Varun: Have you heard what he has said? He has told us to decide and let him know where to go and when to go and he will take us there. He has told us too not to bother about expenses. How generous he is! ( úë- -Ø oúó NØ o? á æ p-úø áéπ\úõèé «x apple ç E Ωg ç* úõûó îágûë úø Lo Åéπ\- úõéà BÆæ èπ - Á -û - E ÅØ oúø. ê Ω a N æߪ ç æöàdç-îª -éó- -ü le èπÿú ÅØ oúø. íì æp Öü - Ω úë!) Akash: He is back. Pridhvi it will be tomorrow. We will to go the matinee show of Chilipi and then have a dinner at Shadrasa restaurant. ( æ%cµy îëa-»úø. æ%cµy, Í æ ç *L œ uöão - Ú èπ ÁRx, ævúøææ restaurant apple dinner îëü lç) Pridhvi: That's OK, then. Now look at the part of the conversation between Pridhvi and Akash at the beginning of the lesson. Pridhvi (to Akash): My exam results are out and I have passed with a very high score. æ%cµy Çé ˇûÓ Å o direct speech applee  j sentence, statement form apple ÖçC; statement Åçõ äéπ N æ-ߪ Eo îáê p sentence. ( ç éàçü öà lesson apple report îëߪ ôç ØË Ω aèπ - oc imperative (Çïc, Å µºu- Ωn-, etc. ûálê ) sentence) É æ púø äéπ Ω îá œp statement report îëêæô- æ púø (Reported speech èπ Í a-ô- æ púø ), that ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç.  j æ%dµy Çé ˇûÓ Å o ô-, Çé ˇ, Ω ù ûó report îëߪ ôç îª úøçúõ. (Akash to Varun): Pridhvi has just told me that his exam results are out and that he has passed with a very high score He says that he is.. í -Eç-îªçúÕ: Akash Ω ù ûó îá æpôç ( æ%cµy Å o N æ-ߪ Eo) that ûó begin Å ôç; N í û Ω p- Fo éπü. Look at the following table. éàçc Fo èπÿú statements, imperatives. IN t Pridhvi reporting Akash's words to Varun: Akash has said that it really makes him happy and that I owe you and Akash a treat takash reporting Pridhvi's words to Varun: He is telling us that he is ready, and to fix the date and time. 'he is ready' - statement é öàd that ûó, 'fix the date and time' imperative é öàd, to ûó begin Å -û. t Varun reporting Pridhvi's words to Akash: He has told us to decide and let him know where to go and when to go, and that he will take us there. Ééπ\úø, 'He has told.. to go' Ωèπÿ imperative é öàd to ûó, 'he will take us there' statement é öàd that ûó begin îë ƒhç. Éçûª- - Ωèπÿ ç Imperative sentences -, statements Reported (Indirect) speech appleéà Ωaôç (Report îëߪ ôç) ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. J-éÌEo examples îª ü lç: DIRECT 1. Rama Rao: Wait here till I come back. (ØË AJ-íÌîËa Ωèπ Ééπ\úË Öçúø.) (Imperative) Vinai: Please come back early, dad. I am hungry. (ûªy Ωí -Ø -Ø -o, Ø èπ ÇéπLí ÖçC.) (Imperative + statement) 2. Patient: Doctor, I have a temperature and a severe cold. (ú éπd, ä Ÿx ËúÕí ÖçC. «í ï îëæœçc.) (statement) Doctor: Take these tablets and you will be cured by the evening. (Ñ ö«xö q BÆæ -éóçúõ. ƒßª çvû E-éπ «x O èπ ߪ ûª çc) (Imperative + statement) 3. Doctor (To patient): Take a cold shower before breakfast if you want to keep fit. (Ç Óí uçí Öçú çõ breakfast çü îªfo x ƒo ç îáß ) Imperative 4. Sumathi (To Sumanth): You've wasted your time and money and that's why you are in trouble now. ( y time, úø s, %ü îë». Åçü - - x y éπ ƒd applex ÖØ o ) statement 5. Teacher (To students): Imitate my pronunciation if you want to speak well. (O Ω «í ö«x-ú - çõ Ø Ö-î a Ωù Å -éπ-jç-îªçúõ) Imperative EXERCISE Put the following first in English and then report it (change it into reported speech. Use reporting verbs only in present tense. is telling/ tells/ has told/ is asking/ asks/ has asked etc.) èπ Á Ïx-ôx- ûë Ø éó dozen N -úõ- æçúø x BÆæ -èπ please. Sujani: ΩïF, y market DIRECT Sujani: Rajani, If you are going to the market, get me a dozen mangoes, please. Rajani: I will, but tell me how much you want me to spend. Sujani: Not more than Rs. 100 a dozen. Don't buy if it is more than that. Rajani: Don't expect me back early. Sujani: Doesn't matter when you come back. Take this hundred rupees. Rajani: Give it to me after I return. INDIRECT (REPORTED) t Rama Rao asks his son to wait there till he comes back. Vinai asks/ requests his father to come back early. He says that he is hungry. (ûª AJ-íÌîËa Ωèπ Åéπ\úË Öçúø- E éìúø èπ ûó - Åçô -Ø oúø. N ß x Ø o ûªy Ωí Ω te Åúø -í -ûª -Ø oúø, ûª èπ Çéπ-Lí Öçü E Åçô -Ø oúø.) tthe patient has complained to the doctor that she has a temperature and a severe cold. The doctor advises her to take those tablets and says that she will be cured by the evening. (Patient ûª èπ temperature, ï í Öçü E doctor ûó îá œpçc. Doctor Ç tablets BÆæ -éó- E Ææ æ É*a, ƒßª çvû E-éπ «x ߪ - - -ûª ç-ü E ÅØ oúø ) tthe doctor tells the patient to take a cold shower before breakfast if he/ she wants to be fit. (Ç Óí uçí Öçú - çõ breakfast çü îªfo x ƒo ç îëߪ - E doctor, ÓTûÓ Åçô -Ø oúø ) t Sumathi is telling Sumanth that he has wasted his time and money and that's why he is in trouble now. (Sumanth ûª úø s, time %ü îë»-úøf, Åçü - -- x éπ ƒd applex ÖØ o-úøf Sumathi ÅçöappleçC.) tthe teacher is telling/ is asking the students to imitate her if they want to speak well. ( «í ö«x-ú - çõ ûª Å -éπ-jç-îª- E Nü u- Ω n ûó teacher ÅçöappleçC.) Rajani: ûá ƒh. - -ØÁoçûª  ôd- ç-ö«ó îá æ p Sujani: Dozen çü Ω ƒ-ߪ - -éπçõ ü l. Åçûªéπçõ áèπ \ ÁjûË éìøìü l. Rajani: ØË ûªy Ωí AJ-íÌ- ƒh- E Å -éó- ü l. Sujani: Áy- æ p-úì-*aø æ Ω- - ü. ÉCíÓ Ñ çü BÆæ éó... Rajani: ûá*a ûª yûª É y. REPORTED t Sujani is asking Rajani to get her a dozen mangoes if she is going to the market. t Rajani says she will, but is asking Sujani to tell her how much she wants her to spend. t Sujani tells Rajani not to spend more than Rs.100. t Rajani tells Sujani not to expect her back early t Sujani replies that it doesn't matter when Rajani comes back and asks her to take Rs.100. t Rajani tells Sujani to give to her after she returned.

8 -- çí - Ωç 18 --V- j 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü II Kavitha: Vinitha, don't make a noise. Be quiet. (NFû, íìúø îëߪ èπ, E z- lçí Öçúø.) Vinitha: Give me those sweets then, mom. (Å ûë Ø èπ -Ç Æ y--ô x É y t.) Kavitha: You've already had a quite a lot. Be a good child. (É æp-öàíé î L- çûª AØ o / A- o-c î. ç* -Å- t -N éπü ) Vinitha: Let me have just one more piece of Kalakand. I will not ask for more. (äéπ\ éπ- «-éπçú É y.øë Sx Åúø-í ) Kavitha: That'll be one too many, child. No. Do your home work first. If you eat any more, you will fall ill. (ÉçéÌéπ\öÀ áèπ \ ÁjØ áèπ \- Áj- õ x. ü. çü æ«ù- - \ îá u. Éçé Açõ, äçöàéà -Å-Ø Óí uç -îëææ hç-c.) Vinitha: Then give it after I do my homework. (Å ûë æ«ù- - \ îëæœ ûª yûª É y.) Kavitha: You are not getting any more for today. I'm going to tell dad you are asking for too many sweets. (Ééπ Ñ ÓV-éÀç-ûË / Ééπ Ñ ÓV Æ y-ö q àç - -. y K áèπ \ Æ y-ö q Åúø -í -ûª -Ø o- E Ø oûó îá- -û - çúø.) Vinitha: I will tell dad too that you aren't giving me any sweets. ( y-ææ Æ y-ö q É y-ôç - -ü E Ø oûó ØË îá ƒh) Kavitha: Come on. Get your books and start doing the home work. You are talking too much. ( æ«ù- - \ é F. æ Ææh-é ûáîª a-èπ E Á ü - -  ô d. y K áèπ \ ö«x-úø -ûª - Ø o ) Vinitha: Please... mom. Let me watch the TV for some time. I will do the home work later. (Å t.. Å t... é ÊÆ æ -öã-o îª --úø-e- y? Ç ûª yûª æ«ù- - \ îë ƒh.) Kavitha: OK. Go on then. (ÆæÍ, Å «Íí é E-ß ) -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 186 You must have observed that the conversation between the mother and her daughter has only imperatives (Çïc, Å µºu- Ωn-, Åúø-í -ö«) and statements. (äéπ N æ-ߪ Eo ûálê sentences) Éçûª- - Ωèπ ç Imperative sentences, statements reported speech appleéà Í a-ô- æ púø Reporting Verb, present tense apple É «ú ç. tell/ tells/ is, am, are telling/ have, has told/ ask/ asks/ is, am, are asking/ have, has asked. É æ púø mother and daughter conversation ç past tense reported verb ûó report (Indirect) speech apple îá æp- îª a. (Åçõ told/ asked/ ordered/ said «çöà verbs ûó) Á ØÁo- æ púó ïj-t Ææç µ«- æù Ñ -J- Ú d îë»- - -éóçúõ. Å æ púø á Ó Past apple îá œpçc, É æ púø - -ô applex ç á «v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç... He/ she/ they, told/ asked/ said/ ordered ÅE past tense apple v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç éπü. Å æ púø é Ææh ñ«ví ûªh Å -Ææ Ωç. ç -J- Ú d îëææ h o x ô- applexe Verbs ÅFo Past tense forms appleéà Í a ƒhç. Look at the following Direct Speech 1. Suketh: Come in Subodh. My idea is to take you to a movie this evening ( Ææ appleüµ, -Ñ ƒßª çvûªç -E- o ÆœE- èπ BÆæ - èπ - Á- -ü - E Ø -Ç- apple-îª-.) 2. Subodh: Put it off to tomorrow. I have some important work in the evening. (Í æöàéà ü - Ë- Ú\. ƒßª çvûªç Ø èπ êu- Á i- - æe ÖçC)  Ω éπü. Suketh, Subodh ô- ç report îëêæ- æ púø reporting verb, told, said «çöà past forms ú L. Åçü -éπe Suketh, Subodh ô- applexe Present tense verbs is, have öàe was, had «çöà past forms èπ aç. Å ûë êu- Á i N æߪ ç Direct ç* reported èπ Í a-ô- æ púø, Imperative Sentences applee Verb tenses vûªç Ωaç. a) Teacher: Ram, show me your home work - Direct speech. The teacher asked Ram to show her, his home work. Direct speech applee 'show' ç reported speech apple to show -ÅE infinitive í Ω ƒhç. (Imperative sentence é öàd) b) Ram: Come in Shyam and have a seat. Direct Ram told Shyam to come in and have a seat. (Imperative, direct applee come ç report îëêæ-ô- æ púø to come in ÅE infinitive í Ω ƒhç.- N í û types of sentences report îëêæ--ô æ úø, Reporting verb told/ asked «past tense apple Öçõ, report îëêæ ô- applexe verbs ÅEo Verbs, past tense appleéà al; éàçc Nüµ çí : - am, is, are was, were 1st RDW (come, go etc) 2nd RDW (comes, goes etc) PDW (came, went etc) shall will can may should must have to Reported was, were had been Past Doing Word (came, went etc) had + past participle (had come, had gone etc) should would could might had to has to ö«x-úõ J ô- applexe verb tenses  j Nüµ çí Ω ƒhç. Direct Kavitha: Vinitha, don't make a noise. Be quiet (íìúø îëߪ èπ, E z- lçí Öçúø ) Vinitha: Give me those sweets then, mom (Å ûë Ø èπ -Ç Æ y--ö q É- y) Kavitha: You have already had enough. Be a good child and don't eat any more. (É æp-öàíé î L- çûª AØ o. ç* -Å- t -N éπü. Éçéπ A èπ.) Vinitha: Let me just one more piece of Kalakand. I will not ask for more. (ÉçéÓ éπ\ éπ- «-éπçú É y. ØËEçéπ Sx Åúø-í.) Reported (Indirect) Speech Suketh told Subodh to come in and said that his idea was to take him to a movie that evening (Ææ Íéû Ææ appleüµ apple æ-léà Ω te Åûª-úÕE Ç ƒßª çvûªç ÆœE- èπ BÆæ -Èé Ïx Ç apple-îª Öçü E îá ƒpúø ) Reported Kavitha asked (Past tense) Vinitha not to make a noise and be quiet. (éπ-n-ûª, NF-ûª íìúø îáßá uü le, E z- lçí Öçúø- E îá œpçc) È çúø Imperative é öàd, to make and be quiet Å-ØË-N infinitives. Vinitha asked her mom to give her those sweets (ûª èπ -Ç Æ y--ö q É te NFûª x- t- -úõ-tçc) Imperative- to give - infinitive. Kavitha told Vinitha that she had already had enough. She told Vinitha to be a good child and not to eat any more. 'You have already had...' ÉC statement. é öàd, that you had already had Å -ûª çc. Vinitha asked her mother to let her have one more piece of kalakand and said that she would not ask for more. 'I will not... more'- statement é öàd, ç report îëêæ-ô- æ púø that -ûó begin îë ƒhç. will - would í aç í ü. Let us now try to report the conversation at the begining of the lesson between the mother and her daughter. (See above table ) Exercise: Subodh told Suketh to put it off to the next day and Kavitha, her daughter conversation (at the beginning of the lesson) N í û added/said that he had some important work in the evening (ü Eo Ω -Ææ-öÀ- Ó-Vèπ ü ËÆæ -éó- E, ûª èπ Ç µ«í Eo É «æöàdéπ UÆœ, report îëߪ çúõ. ƒßª çvûªç êu- Á i- - æe Öçü F ÅØ oúø ) Reported/Indirect Speech appleéà Ja, -Gí _ Ωí -v ƒéãdæˇ --îë-ߪ ç-úõ. ç* -Å- t -N éπü! «çöà -v æ-- o: Mean while, However, So that, In order to, By way of æü - èπ Å n, úø éπ ûál-ߪ -îëߪ çúõ. Èé. Áçéπ-õ - y- Ω-, ÒCL. -ï- - : Mean while 1) v æææ h-û -EéÃ, µºn- æuû Ææç æ -ô- èπ üµ u apple (Ñ appleí ) a) The guests will be here in an hour. Meanwhile let us prepare a good meal for them = ÅAü í çô apple îëa- ƒh Ω. Ñ appleí ç ç* µappleï ç ûªßª - Ω -îëü lç. b) I will be leaving in 10 minutes. Meanwhile I want to call my friend = ØË 10 EN - ƒ applex ÁRx- Ú-ûª Ø o. Ñ appleí -vâ ç-ú éà -äéπ ƒ-j - Ú-Ø îëߪ èπ ç-ô Ø o. 2) È çúø í ûª Ææç æ -ô- - π üµ u.. a) We agreed to meet the next week. Meanwhile I had to leave for Mumbai on urgent business = Ë ç ûª yûª Ωç éπ -Ææ -éó èπ Ø oç. Éçûª apple (Ç apple-í )ØË -Å Ωbç-ö æe-o ü ç j Á «x- Ôq-*açC. b) I met him five years later. Meanwhile he had got married = Åûª-úÕE ØË âüë x ûª yûª éπ -Ææ -èπ -Ø o. Ñ -- appleí Åûªúø  Rx îëææ -èπ -Ø oúø.- However However èπ äéπ Å Ωnç but (é F, Å ûë). ƒ - uçí but ûó sentence Ç Ωç-Gµçîªç. Å ûë however ûó sentence Ç Ωç-Gµç-îª- îª a. ( çü îá œp N æ-ߪ -EéÀ -Gµ- oçí, ua-í -éπçí àüájø N æߪ ç îá ƒp- Lq- ÊÆh, Ç N æ-ߪ Eo however ûó îá ƒhç) However sentence üµ u apple èπÿú úø- îª a. a) The book gives very valuable information. However it is very expensive = Ç æ Ææhéπç î «N - Áj Ææ -î Ωç ÉÆæ hçc. é -F/- Å ûë üµ Ω î «áèπ \. b) I lent him my book, which, however, he never returned = úõéà Ø æ Ææhéπç Éî a. é E úø Sx Ø èπ AJ-T- y- ü. So that So that Åçõ Åçü -éóææç ÅE Å Ωnç. a) He worked very hard so that he might get a rank = ç* rank Ææ hç-ü ØË ÖüËl- çûó éπ æ d- æúõ îªc- úø. b) She started early so that she might not miss the train = È j- -ûª œp- Úèπÿ-úø-ü -ØË ÖüËl- çûó -ûªy Ωí ߪ - l-jçc. a) Inorder to: In order to pass you must study well = - ƒæˇ ÅßË uç-ü èπ «í îªü - L. b) In order to qualify for IIT entrance test you should pass Inter in the first attempt IIT entrance exam èπ Å Ω ûª Òçü -ö«-eéà -Éç-ô Á ü öà v æߪ -ûªoç- appleøë - ƒæˇ Å yl. Å ûë, In order to úë -v æ-a -îó-ö«to úìîª a. ÉC simple, In order to éìçîáç ƒçúõûªuç. úø-èπ çú Öçúøôç ç*c. to î. In order to Åéπ\-Í x-ü. By way of (Ç Ω æç apple) He received Rs.10 lac by way of dowry = Åûªúø éπôoç Ω æç apple 10 éπ~ Ω ƒ-ߪ -BÆæ èπ - Ø oúø. b) Drona demanded Ekalavya's thumb by way of 'gurudakshina'. vüóù úø í Ω -ü -éà~-ùí àéπ- - uúõ Ôô- - Ë ÅúÕ-í úø. Spoken English - ƒ-ûª - u ƒ- éóææç -éàxé -îë-ߪ ç-úõ.. URL:

9 - Ÿ-véπ Ωç 21 --V- j 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Manasa: Hi Lalasa, come in. Have a seat. (, èπÿ Óa) Lalasa: Thank you. I am dead tired. (î «Å -Æœ- Úߪ ) Manasa: Have some coffee then. It won't take more than a minute for me to make it. (Å ûë é Ææh coffee B Ú\. éπ~ù«applex îë ƒh) Lalasa: Sure, that'd be most welcome. (ûª æp-èπ çú ) Manasa: It's brewing now. Tell me why you are so tired. (coffee Å -ûóçc. É æ púø îá æ p, - - y áçü -éπ- -Æœ- Ú-ߪ Ó) (brew = coffee «çöàn îëߪ ôç. J-TçîË v ævéà-ߪ brew Åçö«Ω ) Lalasa: My boss is an evening walker. She wanted me to walk with her to her home for company. ( boss evenings úø -Ææ hçc. ûª -ûó- ƒô R}ç-öÀéÀ o úø- - çc) Manasa: So you walked. How far? (Åçü -éπe y úõ-î. áçûª-ü Ωç?) Lalasa: Oh, my! It is nearly four kilometers. (Å apples, Ø í éà apple-o -ô Ω x). On the way back I dropped in here. (AJT îëaô æ púø Ééπ\úø Çí ) 2) Reporting verb past tense Å ûë (Åçõ said/ was, were saying/ told/ was/ were telling/ ordered/ was, were ordered/ etc Å ûë) éàçü öà lesson apple îª œ- -ô xí ç report îëææ h- o- x ô- applexe verbs ÅEoç-öÀE past tense forms èπ Í a ƒhç. 3) Imperative sentences report îëêæô æ púø öà- applee verbs çü 'to'  öàd infinitive îë ƒhç. é öàd OöÀ applex tense Ω p v æææ-éàh- ü. Eg: See the table. DIRECT 1. Kanya: Stop talking, you, Sirisha. (Imperative) 2. Kavya: Sravya, I am going to town with sister. Please come with us. 3. Suman: Hi Kiran, take the book and read the lines underlined on page 23. You will find what you need. REPORTED SPEECH 1. a) Kanya is asking (present tense) Sirisha to stop talking. b) Kanya asked (past tense) Sirisha to stop talking. 2. a) (Present tense reporting verb) Kavya is telling Sravya that she (Kavya) is going to town with sister and requests Sravya to go with them b) (Reporting verb - Past) Kavya told Sravya that she (Kavya) was going to town with sister and requested her to go with them. 3. a) (Reporting verb - present) Suman is asking/ asks Kiran to take the book and read the lines underlined on page 23 and says that he will find what he need. b) (Reporting verb - Past) Suman asked Kiran to take the book and read the lines underlined on page 23 and said that he would find what he needed. É æ púø imperative combination èπ çú Íé ç statements vûªç á «report îëߪ apple îª ü lç. Mallesh: Our friends will be here soon. We are going to have a jolly time with them. ( friends éìcl-êæ- æöapplex Ééπ\-úø ç-ö«ω. ç é ÊÆ æ Ææ Ω-ü í í úø- Òîª a.) jolly= Ææ Ωü. A jolly fellow= Ææ Ω-ü í ÖçúË- úø Kamesh: I hope they will have their dinner with us. We can go to a movie after that. ( Ÿx ûó µappleï ç îë ƒh- ΩE ÇP-Ææ h- Ø o. Ç ûª yûª ç ÆœE- -Èé- Ô}îª a.) Ñ Ææç µ«- æ-ùçû statements (äéπ N æ-ߪ Eo ûálê sentences) éπü. -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 187 That'd be most welcome Manasa: Don't regret. You have had a good exercise (*çaç-îª-èπ, ÅüÓ ç* exercise) Lalasa: Try it yourself now. You will then know what it means to walk four kms. ( y úõ* îª úø. Å æ púø ûá -Ææ hçc Ø í éà apple-o -ô Ω x úø- ôç Åçõ àn öapple?) Manasa: Don't be angry. I said it just for fun. Here's the coffee. Have it and relax. (éó æp-úøèπ, ØËØËüÓ ûª - ƒ-éπ-ø o-. ÉCíÓ é. û T é Ææh Nv»çA BÆæ éó) Lalasa: Thank you. You make very good coffee. (Thank you. y é î ««í îë ƒh ) Manasa: Choose good coffee powder. Have fresh milk about. That's the recipe for good coffee. ( ç* coffee ÒúÕ áç œéπ îëææ éó. û ñ«ƒ ûáîª aéó. ç* coffee éà ÅC Ææ vûªç.) recipe È ÆœÂ = çô-é -EéÀ Ææ vûªç Lalasa: Thanks once again. éàçü öà lesson Ωèπ ç ûá -Ææ -èπ - oc, imperative (Çïc, Å µºu- Ωn-, Åúø-í -ö«ûálê ) sentences, statements (äéπ N æߪ ç ûálê sentences) report îëߪ ôç. ç ûá -Ææ -èπ o ÉçéÌEo êu N æ-ߪ : 1) Report îëææ h- o- æ púø says/ am, is, are saying/ has/ have said, tells/ is telling/ are telling/ have told/ has told/ ask etc «çöà present tense reported verbs úõ æ púø ç report îëææ h- o- x ô applexe verbs tenses a-lq æe- ü. ÚLa îª úøçúõ. Reporting verb present tense apple Ö o- æ púø, reported part apple verb tenses Ωü. ÅüË reporting verb past tense apple Öçõ, reported part verb tenses ÅFo past Å - Ú-û. É æ púø ç îª ÆœçC reported part (äéπ Ω ûª ô applex Éûª- Ω îá œpçc report îëߪ ôç) imperative sentences, and statements. É æ púø at the beginning of the lesson conversation report îëü lç. DIRECT 1. Manasa: Lalasa, come in, have a seat. 2. Lalasa: Thank you. I'm dead tired. 3. Manasa: Take, some coffee. It won't take more than a minute to make it. 4. Lalasa: Sure, that's most welcome. 5. Manasa: It's brewing now. Tell me why you are so tired. 6. Lalasa: My boss is an evening walker. She wanted me to walk with her to her home for company. Reporting verb present tense 1. Manasa asks Lalasa to come in and have a seat 2. Lalasa thanks Manasa and says that she is dead tired 3. Manasa asks (offers) Lalasa some coffee and adds (says) that it won't take more than a minute to make it. 4. Lalasa assures Manasa that it is most welcome 5. Manasa tells Lalasa that it is brewing and asks Lalasa to tell her why she is so tired 6. Lalasa tells Manasa that her boss is an evening walker and that she wanted her to walk with her to her home for company. INDIRECT Reporting verb past tense 1. Manasa asked Lalasa... (No change, because the reported part is imperative) 2. Lalasa thanked Manasa and said that she was dead tired. 3. Manasa asked (offered) Lalasa to take some coffee and added (said) that it wouldn't take more than a minute to make it. 4. Lalasa assured Manasa that it was most welcome (Oh, sure! direct speech apple Öçõ ÅC report îëêæ-ô- æ púø assures/ assured Åçö«ç) 5. Manasa told Lalasa that it was brewing and asked Lalasa to tell her why she was so tired. 6. Lalasa told Manasa that her boss was an evening walker and that she had wanted her to walk with her to home for company.  j table «í study îëæœ practice îëߪ çúõ. ÉçéÓ í -Eéπ: to come, to go, to see- É «çöà öàe infinitives Åçö«ç. Infinitives report îëêæ-ô- æ púø infinitives í ØË Öçîª û ç. öàéà tense Öçúøü. é öàd tense Ωaôç Öçúøü. Éçûª- - Ωèπ ç Imperative sentences, statements report îëߪ ôç (Indirect speech appleéà Ωaôç) ç. a) Imperative sentences report îëߪ -ö«-eéà, öà- applexe verbs çü to  öàd öàe infinitives í report îë ƒhç. Don't ÅE Öçõ, not + infinitive îë ƒhç. b) Statements report îëêæç-ü èπ, report îëêæ part that ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµ ƒhç. OöÀ í Jç* ÉC- - Ω apple ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç. È çúø úø statements éπl œ report îëߪ Lq *a- - æ púø, äéπ statement èπÿ ÉçéÓ statement èπ üµ u and that  úøû ç. Table apple É «Öçúøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. È çúø statements éπçõ áèπ \- - o- æ púø úó statements èπ, he/ she etc, added/ said further Åçö«ç. É æ púø Mallesh, Kamesh conversation report îëü lç. Reported verb, past tense úøü ç. Mallesh told Kamesh that their friends would be there soon and that they were going to have a jolly time with them. Kamesh said that he hoped they would have their dinner with them and that they could all go to a movie after that.  j - Ω -éπü : Mallesh, Kamesh Å o È çúø statements and that ûó éπl ƒç. Another point: Kamesh: I hope they will have their dinner with us - DEE report îëߪ Lq- - æ púø, Kamesh said that he hoped ÅØ oç éπü. -É- «Ææ vûªv æé - Ωçí ÅØË ü, Kamesh hoped that Å- - îª a. ÉC simpler, natural. É æ púø more than two statements á «report îá-ߪ -u- îóa îª ü lç: Suresh: Hi Manish, I am happy that I finally got the book. I searched the whole of the market finally I found it in a small shop. This was the only copy available. Ééπ\úø four statements Öçúøôç í -Eç-îªçúÕ. OöÀE report (Indirect speech) îëü lç. past tense, reported verb Ö æ-ßá -Tü lç. Suresh told Manish that he was happy that he had finally got the book, and that he had searched the whole of the market. He added that finally he had found it in a small shop and that that was the only copy available.

10 -Ç-C Ωç 23 -V- j 2006 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Bhavan: I called your home twice last evening, but there wasn't any response. (ØË E o ƒßª çvûªç O ÉçöÀéÀ È çúø - ƒ Ω x Phone îë», é E á Ω Bߪ - ü ) Mohan: We were all out at the exhibition. ( Ë çû exhibition èπ Á «}ç) Bhavan: I called you to know the details of the match. When is the match? ( uî N - éóææç ÚØ îë». á æ pú uî?) Mohan: There are two matches. What match are you talking of? (È çúø matches ÖØ o. à uî í Jç* ö«x-úø -ûª -Ø o?) Bhavan: Which of the two is this weekend? (Ñ çûªç apple ÖçúËC à uî?) Mohan: It's the match with the team of 'The Nedu' group of publications. (Å ûë ÅC 'ØËúø v æîª - Ω-ù team ûó) Bhavan: Where are we going to play the match? (Ñ match áéπ\úø Çúø- apple-ûª Ø oç?) Mohan: At the stadium grounds. (ÊÆdúÕߪ ç víıçú q apple) Bhavan: Who are our bowlers? ( bowlers á Ω?) Mohan: I don't have the list. (Ç ñ«gû Ø ü í _ Ω ü ) Bhavan: Then who is the list with? (Å ûë Ç list á J ü í _- Ω çc?) Mohan: It is with our captain Arya and the coach Guruprasad. ( captain Arya ü í _ Ω, coach ü í _ Ω ÖØ o ) Bhavan: I want to see it. (ØË îª ú - - -èπ ç-ô Ø o) Mohan: Why do you want to see it? (áçü èπ îª ú - - -èπ ç-ô -Ø o?) Bhavan: I want to be sure that Manoj is on the team. ( ØÓñ ÖØ oú ü ÅE E Ωl -Jç-îª -èπ -ØËç-ü èπ.) Mohan: Don't worry. He is on the team. (ÖØ oúø. «üµ - æ-úøèπ ) Bhavan: OK. ç Éçûª- - Ωèπ, imperative sentences, statements á «report îëߪ apple (indirect speech apple îá ƒp apple) ç éπü. a) Imperative sentences (Çïc, Å µºu- Ωn-, Åúø-í ôç ûálê sentences) eg: i) Get out (order) ii) Please come in (request) iii) Sit down (asking) É «çöà sentences (imperative) report îëêæô- æ púø Ñ verbs çü to  öàd infinitives í Ω ƒhç. b) Statements (äéπ N æ-ߪ Eo -ûá-lê sentences) i) He attends classes regularly ii) They do not come here often iii) I had a tiresome journey Statements report Ææçü - s applex 'that' ûó v ƒ Ωç-Gµç* N í û Ω p îë ƒhç. É Fo -É-C- Ωéπ-öÀ lessons apple ç. Now observe the conversation between Bhavan and Mohan at the beginning of this lesson. You see that there are a number of questions in the conversation. Bhavan puts a number of questions to Mohan. We are now going to see how to report questions. (Questions indirect speech appleéà á «a apple Ñ lesson apple îª ü lç): You know there are two types of questions: 1) 'Wh' questions - questions beginning with 'Wh' words what, when, where, why, who, whom, whose and how. OöÀûÓ begin ÅßË u questions 'Wh' questions Åçö«ç. eg: What is your name? Where is he? 2) Non 'Wh' questions: 'Wh' words ûó v ƒ Ωç- µºç-é E questions. eg: a) Is he your friend? b) Are you happy? etc. Ñ ƒj ç 'Wh' questions á «report îëߪ apple (indirect speech appleéà a apple) îª ü lç: Direct speech apple Ö o question report îëêæô- æ púø ü Eo statement structure (sub + verb) èπ Í a ƒhç. í Ω hçc éπü : Question apple á æ púø verb çü ü E ûª yûª subject -Ççí x- µ«- æ-ù 188 Are you happy? Ææ hç-c-. - -ü helping verb, main verb - üµ u subject Ææ hçc. 1) Where is he? [Where + is (verb) + he (subject)?] 2) What is he doing? [What + is (helping verb) + he (subject) + doing (main verb)] É æ púø É «çöà questions report îëêæ-ô- æ púø 'Wh' word ûª yûª statement word order èπ Í a ƒhç. Åçõ verb + subject/ helping verb + subject + main verb order, sub + verb í Ω ƒhç. Kesav: Where is Shyam? Karuna: I do not know Let us report the conversation above: Reporting verb present tense Kesav asks/ is asking Karuna where Shyam is. í -Eç-îªçúÕ: Direct speech applee Where is Shyam, report îëêæô æ púø, where Shyam is í Ω -ûª ç-c. Karuna replies that she does not know (ÉC statement) Reporting verb past tense Kesav asked Karuna where Shyam was. Ééπ\úø reporting verb past é öàd, where Shyam is ü where Shyam Åçö«ç. was Karuna replied that she did not know. Direct speech apple Ö o questions report îëêæ-ô- æ púø, éìeo Ω p èπÿú îëߪ L (do, does and did N æ-ߪ ç apple). See the table. DIRECT 1. Do + 1st Regular Doing Word: do come, do know, do take etc. 2. Does + 1st Regular Doing Word: does come, does know, does take, etc 3. Did + 1st Regular Doing Word: did come, did know, did take, etc. Reporting verb present tense Come, know, take etc. (I RDW) comes, knows, takes, etc (II Regular Doing Word) came, knew, took, etc. REPORTED SPEECH Ñ Ω p îëߪ ôç î «êuç. É æ púø ç Bhavan, Mohan conversation report îëü l? Åçü apple 'Wh' questions, statements éπlæœ ÖØ o- -éπü? Direct speech applee questions, reported speech apple statements í Ω-û -ߪ E í Ω hç-îª -éóçúõ (Åçõ sub + verb word order Å -ûª çc). 1. Bhavan (to Mohan) I called your home twice last evening, but there wasn't any response. (Statement) 2. Mohan (to Bhavan): We were all out at the exhibition. (Statement) 3. Bhavan (to Mohan): I called you to know the details of the match. When is the Match? (Statement + 'Wh' question) 4. Mohan (to Bhavan): There are two matches. Which match are you talking of? (Statement + 'Wh' question) 5. Bhavan (to Mohan): Which of the two is this weekend? ('Wh' question) 6. Mohan (to Bhavan): It is with the team of 'Nedu' group of publications (Statement) 7. Bhavan (to Mohan): Where are we going to play the match? ('Wh' question) Reporting verb (present) Bhavan tells Mohan that he called his home twice the day before but there wasn't any response. Mohan tells Bhavan that they were all out at the exhibition. Bhavan says he called Mohan to know the details of the match and asks him when the match is. Mohan says to Bhavan that there are two matches and asks him which match he is talking of. Bhavan asks Mohan which of the two is this weekend? Mohan tells Bhavan that it is with the Nedu group of Publications. Bhavan asks Mohan where they are going to play the match. REPORTED  j í -Eç-î Ω éπü Statements, 'Wh' questions éπl œ á «report îëߪ apple, Íé ç 'Wh' questions á «report îëߪ apple. Questions ÅEoç-öÀE reported speech apple statement word order èπ Ωaúøç èπÿú í -Eç-îªçúÕ. Exercise: Conversation at the beginning of this lesson N í û µ«í Eo  j îª œç-*- ô x, reporting verb, present tense, past tense È çúõç-öà apple report îëߪ çúõ.- Reporting verb past tense Came, knew, took etc. (Past Doing Word) came, knew, took, etc. had come, had known, had taken, etc. (had + past participle) Reporting verb (past) Bhavan told Mohan that he had called his home twice the day before but there hadn't been any response. Mohan told Bhavan that they had been all out at the exhibition. Bhavan said he had called Mohan to know the details of the match and asked him when the match was. Mohan told Bhavan that there were two matches and asked him which match he was talking of. Bhavan asked Mohan which of the two was that weekend. Mohan told Bhavan that it was with the Nedu group of publications. Bhavan asked Mohan where they were going to play the match.

11 ªÙÞœüŒî ô Ù 25 --Vöµj 2006 Ðû è[ª šïj ë]ô ò ëâ -2 ú ÙòÅ ù éöëºx ÍFo ªìÙ «æ xè «åö Íô³ ÑÙè Lqì Í ú ô Ù ö ë]ª. Ó ôá àµí pì «ålo ÚÛ«è, î üœ x àµí pìåªxþ «Ja àµð plq ú ªhÙC. Ð ôùè[ª ú Ùë]ô säöëºxì«ôùè[ª í ë]läêÿªlo Ñí óµ«tþ hù. ÖÚÛæ ví êÿu ÛÙÞ àµ ípc, ÏÙÚÁæ í ôá ÛÙö˺ íæ ö û uú h íæ ö û «åõû oè[e ൠípc. ÎÙÞœxòÅ ù éöëº þ»þœú ª Ú î õùç Ð ÍÙø Eo ò Þ û ô ªaÚÁî L. î Ú ueo ÖÚÛ í ë]läa ìªù# ªôÁ í ë]läaöëºú «ô aè EÚ î uúûô éù ú «vê õìª E ôlpù#ùc. ÎóŸªì ÓÙêŸ Bú ªÚÛªÙæ ô ª? Visala: Where are you starting off so early? (ÓÚÛ\è Ú ÍÙêŸ ê Ùë]- ô Þ ñóÿª-õª-ë -ô ª-꟪û o ±?) Vinod: To our maths lecturer's. ( ««uëçâq öµúûa-ô ôâ ÏÙæ Ú.) To our maths lecturer's Ïö lecturer's öëºö Þ 's î è ê 'to' ³Ùë]ô ÑÙ# î RxÙ-æ Ú Íû Íô nù ú ªhÙC. To my friend's = «friend ÏÙæ Ú Visala: What do you want from him? (ÎóŸªì ë]þœ_ô ìªù# ÔÙ Ú î -L?/-ÓÙë]ªÚÛª?) Vinod: I want to have tuition from him. (ÎóŸªì ë]þœ_ô û ìª å«uù ûëâúûª à ô -õ-ìª-úûªùåªû o.) Visala: Which maths lecturer do you want to go to? (Ô «uëçâq öµúûa-ô ôâ ë]þœ_ô ÚÛª îµü xõ-ìª-úûªù-åªû o ±?) Vinod: Mr. Ganak. He is the best in the town. (ÞœéÚ þ ôâ. ÒüÉÁx ÎóŸªû Þ í p-î è[ª.) Visala: Who suggested him to you? (ÎóŸªì ÞœªJÙ# F Ú- ô ª àµð pô ª?) Vinod: Most of my friends go to him, so I am going to him too. 1 Direct Speech 1. Krishna: Where is your father? (Oª û ìo-þ - ô-úû\è[?) Sathya: Why do you want to know? (ÓÙë]ªÚÛª êµõª-ú ª-ÚÁ-î -õ-ìª-úûªù-åª-û o ±?) 2. Madhavi: What are your goals? Prasanth: What do you advise? ví øœo: 1. They have been able to keep their promise Structure: have been above to + P.V. 2. He might have been able to do the job structure: might have been able to + P.V. 3. She must have been able to persuade him to marry her. structure: must have been able to + P.V. šíj î Ú uõ í ²Jh Íô neo, Ñí -óµ«-þ Eo N -JÙ-àŸ-Þœ-õô ª. ÓúÃ. îµ³ï -ìª-dlûëâ, ÚÛô «oõª Which maths lecturer do you want to go to? ( «úoï -êÿªöëºx à ö ªÙC ÎóŸªì ë]þœ_-ô Ú îµüœê ô ª, ÍÙë]ª-ÚÛE û ìª ÚÛ«è ÍÚÛ\è Ú îµüœ - êÿªû o.) Visala: How much does he charge? (ÎóŸªì ÓÙêŸ Bú ª-ÚÛªÙ-æ ô ª?) Vinod: I have to find out. That's what I am going for. (û ìª ÚÛìª-ÚÁ\-î L. ÍÙë]ª-ÚÛû Ïí ±pè[ª îµüœ - êÿªû o.) Visala: When do you think you can come back? (Óí ±pè[ª AJT ô Þœ-õ-ìª-ÚÛªÙ-åª-û o ±?) Vinod: Why do you want to know? (ìªîµyù-ë]ªúûª êµõª-ú ª-ÚÁ-î -õ-ìª-úûªù-åª-û o ±?) Visala: Vikram has invited us to lunch. We have to start here at least by 10. Reporting Verb (Present) Krishna is asking/ asks Sathya where her father is. Sathya asks in reply why he wants to know. Madhavi asks Prasanth what his goals are. Prasanth questions her what she advises. Reporting Speech Reporting Verb (Past) Krishna asked Sathya where her father was. Sathya asked in reply why he wanted to know. Madhavi asked Prasanth what his goals were. Prasanth questioned her what she advised. áî ñª: 1. They have been able to keep their promise = They have kept their promise. (î üœ x êÿ ª «åìª Eõ-òµ-åªd-ÚÁ-Þœ-L-Þ ô ª Eõ-òµ-åªd-ÚÛªû oô ª) 2. He might have been able to do the job = Perhaps (ñï ø )he did the job/ did not do the job. (ÍêŸè[ª Îí E à óÿª-þœlt ÑÙè[ àÿªa, ÞœêŸÙö˺ à ú ÑÙè[ àÿªa ö ë à óÿª-úû-ð¼ô³ ÑÙè[ àÿªa ÚÛ«è.) 3. She must have been able to persuade him to marry her. (êÿììª šírx-à -ú ª-ÚÁ- ªE Î ÍêŸ-è Ú ìàÿa-âµí p ÑÙè L ÍÙë]ª Ú ÍêŸè îµªìª šírx à ú ª-ÚÛª-û oè[ª) Compare: The roads are wet. It must have rained during the night. (NvÚÛîª ªìLo õùàâú í Là è[ª. í CÙæ ÚÛö x ªìÙ ñóÿª-ö l-ô L.) Vinod: OK. I'll be back in time. (ú ôjì ú ª-óŸ«-E Ú AJ-Þ -þ hö.) Study carefully the conversation above. You find a number of 'wh' questions in it. Ú Ùë]æ lesson öëº ªìÙ êµõª-ú ª-ÚÛªÙC: 'wh' questions ìª report à óÿªè[ù, (indirect speech öëºú «ô aè[ù) ªìÙ àÿ«ú ÙC 'wh' questions ìª Jð¼ôÂd à ú-å-í ±pè[ª question ìª statement form öëºú «ôaþ hù. Question: a) Where is he? Ð question öëº word order ( «åõ Í ª-JÚÛ) Where (wh word) + is (verb)+ he (subject) b) Where is he going? Ð question word order: 2 Direct Speech 1. Visala: (to Vinod) Where are you starting off so early? Vinod: To our maths lecturer's ÎÙÞœxòÅ ù é Visala: What do you want from him? Vinod: I want to have tuition from him. 3. Visala: Which maths lecturer do you want to go to. Vinod: Mr. Ganak. He is the best in the town. (ôáè[xfo êÿè Þ Ñû oô³. ô va ô {Ù ÚÛªJú ÑÙè L ÚÛªJ-ú ÙC). ví øœo: 1. Gup Íô nù ÔNªæ˺ N -JÙ#, ë EE Ô NëÅ]ÙÞ Ñí -óµ«-t-þ hôá êµl-óÿª-â -óÿªùè. 2. Past participle (V3) N -JÙ#, Ñë -ï -ô éõª êµlóÿª-â -óÿªùè. þ ï B Në u- ªÙ-CôÂ, íæ ê hí ±ô Ù áî ñª: 1. Gup Íû «å û ÚÛª êµl-ú -ìù-êÿ- -ô ÚÛ«ö ë]ª. Guppy Íû C ÖÚÛ ô ÚÛ-iì à í. 2. Past participle: Object Ñìo Verb Past participle ÚÛª ñè ì ÍE Íô nù ú ªhÙC. a) The man seen here yesterday. (Eìo ÏÚÛ\ àÿ«è[-ñ-è ì uú h ú ôjì êµõª-þœªöëº Eìo ÏÚÛ\è[ Oªô ª/ î ªÙ/ î üœ x àÿ«ú ì uú h.) Spoken English ð êÿ î uþ õ ÚÁú Ù Ú xúâ à óÿªùè... URL: Where (wh word) + is (helping verb) + he (subject) + going (main verb)? Questions (a), (b)õìª report à ú-å-í ±pè[ª NªÞœê «ô ªpõª à ú «h question öëºe wh word ìª Íö ÑÙà ú, NªÞœê question part ìª statement word order (verb + subject) öëºú «ôa-óÿ«l. ÏÚÛ\è[ 'that' ô ë]ª. ç ñªöëà 1 àÿ«è[ùè. Î ôùè[ª ú ÙòÅ -ù -éöëºx ÚÛ«è Question word order ìª report à ú-åí ±pè[ª Wh word šíæ d NªÞœê Part ìª statement word order öëºú «ôa-óÿªè[ù Þœ ª-EÙ-àŸÙè. Let us now try to report the conversation between Visala and Vinod at the beginning of the lesson. Note that we have to report both statements and 'wh' Question (table -2). ç ñªöëà 2ö˺ àÿ«ø ô ª ÚÛë Question structure ìª statement structure Þ «ô aåù Óö ÞÁ. Exercise: Ð Lesson öëºe NªÞœê conversation between Visala and Vinod ìª report à óÿªùè Reporting verb, present tense, past tense öëº ÚÛ«è. Oªô ª practice à óÿªåù ÍÙç ô óÿªåù «vêÿî ª Ú ë]ª. Oªô ª ô ú ÙC, Oª friends Ó -J-êÁ-ûµjû GÞœ_-ô Þ ôùè[ª è[ª þ ô ªx «õªþ «æ x-è[ª-êÿª-ìoåªx practice à óÿªùè. Reporting Verb (Present) Visala asks Vinod where he is starting off so early. Vinod replies that it is to their maths lecturer's. Visala asks Vinod what he wants from him. Vinod tells her he wants to have tuition from him. Visala asks Vinod which maths lecturer he wants to go to. Vinod says/ replies that he wants to go Mr. Ganak (and adds that) he is the best in the town. Reporting Speech Reporting Verb (Past) Visala asked Vinod where he was starting off so early. Vinod replied that it was to their maths lecturer's. Visala asked Vinod what he wanted from him. Vinod told her he wanted to have his tuition from him. Visala asked Vinod which maths lecturer he wanted to go to. Vinod replied that he wanted to go to Mr. Ganak (and added that) he is the best in the town. b) The money stolen from the bank. (ò uùúâ ìªù# ë ÙT-LÙ-àŸñè ì è[ñªs.) Past participle, verb Ú ë]ª. Be form (am, is, are, was, shall be, have been, etc.,) + Past participle Íô³ê verb Í ±-êÿªùc. Íí ±pè[ª verb, passive voice. a) Salaries were paid yesterday. (@ê õª Eìo Ï y-ñ-è fô³/ àµlxù-àÿ-ñ-è fô³.) b) The college will be closed from tomorrow onwards. (Ú ôí æ ìªù# óÿª-ñ-è[ª-êÿªùc.) Past participle ìª adjective Þ î è[ê Ù. ÍÙç ë ûµj oû JgÙ-àŸ-è -EÚ î è[ê Ù. a) The murdered man was related to her. (àÿùí ñè ì uú h ÎÚÛª àÿªådù.) b) The ruined fort = PCÇ-õ-iì ÚÁå

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