Do you have to go to abroad...

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1 --Ç-C- Ωç 3 - -Ja 2013 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Sneha Chowpathi, Eluru Q: Are the speech books available at book stalls? Or They are to be written on our own - let's know if the first letter of the word 'or' written capital as it is written after question mark. As well as let's know if the first letter of the word 'they' capital. A: Are speech books available or are they to be written on our own? - This is correct. 'O' in or or 't' in 'they' should not be capitals. Q: Sensitive -Sensational - Clarify. A: Sensitive: Ææ Eo-ûª- Á i / Ææ Eoûª - Ææhûªyç í (unwilling to cause pain to others/ easily feeling hurt) Sensational: Ææçîª- -Ø -ûªt-éπ- Á i / Éûª Ω applex éπ - Ωç éπl-tçîë. TV channels telecast sensational news. (Ææçîª- -Ø -ûªtéπ Ωh v æ ƒ Ωç îë ƒh ). Q: ü Ææ h Ç Ω -ûª -Ø o say in A: The clothes are drying. Q: I studied with his father - I have seen this sentence in 8th class English Text Books (EM) - say the meaning in Telugu. A: The sentence means, his father and I were classmates. Q: áçûª ûªy Ωí school Å - ÚûË Åçûª ûªy Ωí ØË ÜJéÀ ÁRx- Ú-û Translate into A: As soon as the school closes I will leave for home. (Home Åçõ Òçûª Ü Ω ÅE èπÿú Å Ωnç). Q: i) He was here two hours ago/ before two days. ii) "Who do I report to" He said (DS) He said who he did report to (IDS) - Say the above are right or not. A: i) He was here two hours ago/ two days ago. ('Before' here is wrong). ii) He asked ('said' here is wrong) who he should report to. The verb in DS is 'do report', the same as 'report'. This passage is a question. So 'report' in DS becomes 'should'. Do you have to go to abroad... Brajeswar Tagore, Balharsha Q: He has been writing the novel in the past seven hours - say the meaning of the above underlined, as for the past should have been there instead of the underlined - Clarify. A: He has been writing the novel for ('in' is wrong) the past seven hours. Q: Do you have to go to abroad after one month?- the above underlined words/ part be used to say the future activity? A: Yes. We can use 'have to/ has to' even for future actions. Q: Does the book have to be taken? - is the above interrogative sentence correct? As I have written the passive form of the sentence 'Do you have to take the book?' - explain. A: Yes. Correct. It is the passive form of 'Do you have to take the book?' Q: Though I have searched the earlier lessons of Eenadu Pratibha, I couldn't get the meaning of 'Link Verbs' - Please Explain in Telugu. A: You search once again. Very recently, I explained it once again very detailedly. Sheetal Agarwal, Jeedimetla Q: 'In terms of' - say the meaning with examples in Telugu. A: In terms of = Ç æ Ωçí / Ç Nüμ çí / Ç éóùç apple In terms of salary, the job may not be good, but in terms of work, it is a leisurely job æ Ωçí éóùç apple îª ÊÆh, ûªèπ \ Ë é F, æe- æ Ωçí î «Nv»çAéπ Ω Á i ÖüÓuí ç. Q: The elephant is a huge/ big/ large animal - say the suitable one and also say why the other ones are not correct. A: The elephant is a big/huge animal- correct. 'Huge' means very big = much 'bigger' than 'big'. In standard English, 'large' is mostly used in written, formal (as when we make speeches, etc) language. In zoology, for example, we say, 'a large - bodied animal'. Q: Time and tide waits for none - here wait should have been there as once you said that if the two nouns or pronouns joined with the conjunction 'and' the verb should be plural. A: This is a proverb in use for a long time, and it is a part of usage - úø -éπ apple Å «îëa-æœçc grammar rules éπçõ úø -éπíé v ƒüμδ uç. Åçü - x, Time and Tide waits...' is correct. Here 'Time and Tide' = Passage of time - So this way also it is correct, as in, 'Age and experience (= an old person with experience) is respected. Q: Out of which - say the meaning in Telugu with an example. A: Out of which = Åçûªèπ çü îá œp- - -öà applex Q: He is vegetarian - is this right? A: Right Q: Logical - say the meaning in easy Telugu language. A: û û \-Léπ Á i / Éçü - x ÉC ælûªç, ÅE îá æpí / Ê «ûª - -ü l - Á i Example of something logical: All objects fall to the earth. So earth must have gravitational force. Sana & Azeem, Hyderabad Q: Which place computers are available in? Is this correct? A: Where are computers available - correct, and best OR At which place are computers available? Q: How many days has he been working here for? Is this correct? A: Correct Q: Did you write that answer in the exam? - Is this question correct? Praveen: You didn't attend the meeting yesterday, why? (E o y meeting èπ üëç?) Ravi: I had to attend to some important work at home (Éçöapplex àüó êu- Á i æe îëߪ Lq ÖçúÕçC). Praveen: These meetings are important you see. You ought not to miss them (Ñ Ææ - Ë» î «êuç. OöÀE y ü - -éóèπÿúøü ). Ravi: I know. I had to take mom to hospital. That was more important for me than this meeting, Wasn't it? (Å t ØË ÇÆæpvAéÀ BÆæ -Èé- «xlq *açc. ÅC DE-éπçõ êuç éπüδ?) Praveen: You are right, of course. Such things ought to be given priority, no doubt. Any way, how is mother? (ÅüË ÆæÈ j æe. Å «çöà öàéà ç v ƒüμδ uç É yl. ÆæÍ, O Å t á «ÖçC?) Ravi: Much better today. The whole of last week she had neither rest nor good sleep. That was the reason I think. (Ñ ÓV î «Á Ω í. éàçü öà Ωç Åçû Ç Á èπ Nv»çA ü, ÆæÈ j EvüΔ ü. ÅüË é Ωùç Å -èπ çö«). Praveen: You ought not to allow her to do any work at her age (Ç ßª -Ææ apple Ç Á à æ-f îëߪ -E- y-èπÿ-úøü ). Ravi: You are right. But it couldn't be avoided. I had to go out of town for a few days to attend to our property matters. My wife had to be out on office work. So mom was alone and had to take care of the children too. (Eï Ë. é F ûª æp- ü. ØËØË Á ÇÆœh N æ-ߪ x ߪ -öàèé «xlq *açc. Ø μ«ωu Ç Æˇ æe O ü 724 A: Correct Q: Convent School/ Elementary School - say the difference. A: Elementary school - a school with classes from 1 to 5. Convent school - WRONGLY used for English medium You ought to respect elders schools teaching nursery to any high school class. (Convent = a place where Christian nuns (Catholic sisters) M. SURESAN live: The first English medium schools in India were run by the sisters. So English medium schools came to be called convent schools WRONGLY). ߪ -öà-èé- «xlq *açc. Åçü - x, Å t œ x èπÿú îª Ææ -éó- Lq *açc). Praveen: I'm happy she is better now. (àüájûëøëç, Ç Á Á Ω í _ ÖçC. ÆæçûÓ æç). Look at the following expressions from the dialogue above. 1) I had to attend to some important work. 2) You ought not to miss them. 3) I had to take mom to hospital. 4) Such things ought to be given priority. 5) You ought not allow her to do any work at home. éàçü öà Ωç Ωèπÿ ç should/ have to/ has to/ must úøéπç ûá -Ææ -èπ Ø oç éπüδ? We use these helping verbs to convey, in the present/ future: 1) Obligations (NCμí îëߪ -Lq æ ) 2) Commands (Orders - Çïc ) 3) Necessity (Å -Ææ Ωç)  j Fo èπÿú v æææ hûªç (present) / μºn- æu-ûª h apple future) é F ç NCμí / Å Ææ Ωç éìdl îëߪ - Lq æ èπ úøû ç éπüδ. ÅüË í ûªç apple ç àüájø NCμí (Obligations)/ éπ Ωh uç (Duties)/ Orders (Çïc ) ûá - ƒlq ÊÆh,"had" úøû ç. Åçõ, should/ have to/ has to/ must, Oô-EoçöÀéà äíé past form - had to. a) Raghu: You were not seen at the party yesterday (E o ƒkd apple y éπe- œç-îª- ü ). Naveen: I had to stay at office till seven. (E o Office apple 7 Ωèπ Öçú Lq *açc Duty in the past) b) Gopal: You were in a great hurry yesterday (EØËoçöÃ î «ûìçü - Ω æúø ûª Ø o?) Harsha: I had to draw money from the bank before 4 = Bank apple úø s BÆæ éó Lq *açc, 4 í çô- - apple æ Necessity in the past (í ûªç apple Å - Ææ- Ωç-éÌDl îëߪ -Lq æe). c) The officer passed orders that Chandu had to make files ready in an hour (îªçü files í çô apple Æœü l ç îëߪ - E Officer Çñ«c- œç-î úø. Duty in the past. í Ω hç-îª -éó Lq N æߪ ç: should/ must/ have to/ has to- Oô-Eoç-öÀéà past form had to. É æ púø 'ought to' Ö æ -ßÁ í ç îª üδlç. Ought to èπÿú ç éπ*aûªçí îëߪ -Lq æ - Íé úøû ç. Å ûë ought to á æ púø ØÁ jaéπçí ç îëߪ -Lq æ (Moral obligations) ûá - æ -ûª çc. a) You ought to respect elders ( ü l- íı Ω-Nçî L). ÉC Order/ duty/ necessity é ü í üδ? ØÁjAéπ «üμ uûª. b) Suman: Though I did not have to spend that money, I did (Ø é úø s ê Ω a-â õ d Å - Ææ Ωç - æp-öàéã, ê Ω a  ö«d ). Janaki: You ought to be careful about money (úø s N æߪ ç ñ«ví ûªhí Öçú L Moral obligation). b) Prabodh: I think I hurt Suseela (Ææ Q «Cμç-î - - -èπ çö«). Subodh: You did, of course. You ought not have talked to her so. (Eï Ë. Ç Á ûó Å «ö«x-úø ç-úø-èπÿ-úøü ). You ought to respect elders ( ü l- íı Ω-Nçî L. (íı Ω-Nç-îª-éπ- ÚûË, Íéç Péπ~ æúøü. é F ÅC FA) É «ØÁjA-éπ- Á i îª Ωu- ûál-ê ç-ü èπ 'ought to' úøû ç. -v æ-a- μº Ê -@-  j -O -Å-Gμ-v ƒ-ߪ --, Ææ -îª- - - æç- ƒ-lq- -Ñ - Á - -â-úœ D.Krishnachari, Kukatpalli Q: ÅGμ-Ê éπç, ûª æææ q, Å %ûªç ÅØË ô- éà ÆæÈ j Éç-Tx- ˇ æ-üδ- àçöà? A: 1. No exact word in English for ÅGμ-Ê éπç We can translate it as 'Holy bathing of the idol' 2. ûª æææ q = Penance 3. Å %ûªç = Ambrosia (Å ant apple 'Å «(Åçv ->-ߪ ).

2 ø ø --Ç-C- Ωç Ja 2013 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Vishal Singam, Warangal. Q: He was watching the T.V. during five/ for five hours -Ñ È çúø sentences Å n îá æpçúõ. A: He was watching TV during five hours - WRONG - No meaning. He was watching TV for five hours = Åûªúø 5 í çô- - ƒô TV îª Ææ h ÖØ oúø. Q: He watching the T.V. during the interval DEo ûá í apple à -Ø L? A: Interval time apple Åûªúø TV îª Ææ h-ø oúø Ç N (Interval) Ææ -ߪ ç apple Åûªúø TV îª Ææ h-ø oúø. Q: He was having biscuits during watching the movie - Explain in Telugu. A: This sentence is wrong. The correct sentence is: He was having (eating) biscuits while (during - wrong) watching the movie. Q: ÇNúø anklets ûìúõt ÖçC (É æ púø ) DEo English apple á «îá ƒpl? A: She had her anklets on Q: Class start Å u Å ü EN - ƒ èπÿú é ü. - Say in A: It is hardly five minutes/ not even five minutes since the class began. Q: She is gone/ she has gone - say the difference. A: She is gone = She has gone Q: develop/ di'velop/ ÉC rising öappleø? éπ ûªh-éπ~- Ω? Åçõ 'úõf Á- ˇ - Explain. A: di'velop - Dçöapplex ' í Ω h v O ü ÖçC é öàd, v ØÌéÀ\ æ -é L. úõ Á- ˇ ' Á ØÌéÀ\ æ -é L. ( ûªh-éπ~ Ωç é ü ). Q: as per / according to - Explain. A: As per = According to = Ç v æé Ωç As per the orders of the Govt. = v æ μº ûªy Öûªh- Ω y v æé Ωç Q: She was super when I was having problems -I saw this example in Oxford Dictionary. A: You can use, 'have' in the continuous tense with 'problem'. Tulasi: Do you need any money? If you do, please let me know. (FÍé- Ø o úø s Å -Ææ- Ω? Å ûë Ø èπ ûálߪ æ Ω a.) Sanjana: I don't need any, right now. What I need most now is a steady job. (v æææ hûªç úø sç Å -Ææ- Ωç- ü. Ø éà- æ púø Å -Ææ- Ω- Á iç-ü «x E -éπ-úøí ÖçúË ÖüÓuí ç.) Tulasi: Is there anything I can do? (ØË Fèπ îëߪ -í -L-TçüË- Ø oöçüδ?) All that you need to do is... Sanjana: Yea. All that you need to do is just introduce me to your cousin in Softech Company. Don't worry. You need not recommend me. (ÖçC. y îëߪ -LqçC Softech company apple Ö o O cousin èπ æj-îªßª ç îá u. μºßª - æ -úøèπ. y ØËoO Æœ ƒ- ΩÆæ îëߪ - -éπ\- Ω- ü.) Tulasi: What need I to recommend you? I know you deserve any job they can offer. Veera Pratap Chaturvedi, Vijayawada. Q: A car had hit him and knocked him into his friend - Translate into Telugu. A: A car hit him. He fell on his friend (But the sentence is not correct. The correct sentence is the one above) Q: Çߪ î «æô d-ü í E œ - Say in A: He is a man of determination. Q: éìçûª- çc Çéπ-LE ûªô d-éó- éπ àúø Ææ h Öçö«Ω - Say in A: Some cry unable to bear hunger. Q: Unlikely - means what? A: Unlikely = may not happen/ ïjíí Å é ç ü. Q: :, :- For example conjunction: / con- junction:- Explain when the above underlined are used. A: :, :, àüájø úø- îª a. Å ûë Ñ ÓV applex Sana, Saleem Khureshi, Kazipet. Q: Ñ æ Ææhéπç úø Ææç -ûªq- véàûªçc. Translate into A: This book is three years old. Q: White coloured clothes/ white colour clothes- which one correct? A: White coloured clothes. Q: He is understood/ I am understood/ Are you understood? OöÀéÀ Åûªúø Å Ωnç îëææ -éìe ÖØ oúø / îëææ -éì-ø oúø, Ø èπ Å Ωnç Å uçc. Fèπ Å Ωnç Å uçüδ? ÅE îá Òpî a? áçü -éπçõ... O Ω Previous lessons apple He is determined - Åûªúø E Ωg- ç-îª -éìe ÖØ oúø ÅE îá ƒp Ω. N Jç-îªçúÕ. A: He is understood = Somebody/ he/ she understands/ I/ you/ we/ they understand him. is understood = passive voice - Åûªúø / ØË Å Ωnç îëææ éó úøû. } am are (E o Æœ ƒ- ΩÆæ îëߪ -Lq Å -Ææ Ωç à çc? Rx- y-í -L-T à ÖüÓu-í -E-ÈéjØ y Å Ω - -L Ë.) Sanjana: Thank you for the high opinion of me. Do that and I don't ask for anything more. (Fèπ Ø O -ü o ÅGμ-v ƒ-ߪ -EéÀ thanks. ÅC îá u. Åçûª-éπçõ ØËØËO Åúø-í.) É æ púø ç 'need' Ö æ-ßá í ç îª üδlç. Look at the following sentences from the conversation above: 1) Do you need any money? 2) I don't need any, right now. 3) All that you need to do is, just introduce me to your cousin. We study here the uses of need as a verb ('need'èπ verb í ÖçúË Ö æ-ßá -í ûá -Ææ - èπ çüδç). Need = îëߪ -Lq Å -Ææ Ωç Ö o. (Need È çúø NüμΔ- í úøû ç äéπöà, main verb í, ÉçéÓöÀ, helping verb í ) Now look at the following: áèπ \- í ': úø -ûª -Ø o Ω. Q: Neither he has come to see nor has he made a call to me - Can't we say/ write nor he has made a call to me? A: The correct sentences are: Neither has he come to see me nor has called me. OR He has neither come to see me nor has called me. (The sentence you've written is wrong) Q: Çߪ é NJ-TçC His leg broke/ His leg was broken - Say the correct one. A: Both are OK. You can also say, He broke his leg. Does this bus go to market? M. SURESAN 725 y Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- -úø-- û? ûá í Åçõ Éûª- Ω Åûª-úÕE/ o Å Ωnç îëææ -èπ ç-ö«ω / E o Éûª- Ω Å Ωnç îëææ -èπ çö«? He is determined - E Ωg-ߪ çûó ÖØ oúø ÅØË Å Ωnç Ææ hçc. Determined Ééπ\úø verb é ü, Adjective; Å Ωnç í öàd E Ωg-ߪ çûó Öçúøôç. Åçü -éπe He is determined - Éçü apple determined, verb apple μ«í ç é ü. Ééπ\úø verb, 'is'. He is determined = í öàd E Ωgߪ çûó ÖØ oúø (He is tall apple tall «tall Adjective éπüδ. Å «Íí determined, adjective) Determine, verb í èπÿú úø- îª a. Q: He is better than any other/ any student in the class- translate above in Telugu. A: He is better than any other student = Åûªúø à Éûª Ω NüΔuJnéπ-Ø o Á Ω í. (Ñ sentence apple 'Åûªúø student Éûª- Ω students. He is better than any student = à NüΔuJnéπØ o èπÿú Åûªúø Á Ω í. (Åûªúø student é ü ) a) Lalith: Why do you need anybody's help? You can do it yourself. (Éûª- Ω ƒ-ߪ ç FÍé- - -Ææ Ωç? Ëy îëææ -éó-í - éπüδ?) Lakshman: If I can do it on my own, why do I need others' help? Only because I need it, I am looking for it. (ØË îëææ -éó-í -L-TûË Éûª- Ω Ææ æ ߪ ç Å -Ææ Ωç àç ÖçC? ÅC Å -Ææ- Ω- æ-úõçc é õ d ØË üδeéà îª Ææ h-ø o.) 'Need' Ñ ÖüΔ- æ«- Ω-ù apple Å -Ææ Ωç éπlt Öçúøôç ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ ú ç. b) Mahitha: We should not have allowed him to go. We can't find him again. ( ç Åûª-úÕE Á x-e- y-lqçc é ü. Sx ÅûªúÕE éπ -éó\- úøç éπ æ dç.) Snehitha: Regretting the past is not what is needed now. What is needed now is a clear idea of what we should do. (í ûªç í Jç* *çaç-îªúøç é ü É æ púø Å -Ææ Ωç. É æ púø Å -Ææ- Ω- Á içc, Ë ç îëߪ - ØË N æ-ߪ ç apple Ææp æ dûª.) í -Eéπ: Example (b) apple need passive form apple Åçõ 'be' form + past participle form apple ú ç. 'Need' v æûëu-éπûª, ç need main verb í úøû ç, Helping verb (Auxiliary verb/ modal) í Ö æ-ßá -T ƒhç. Modal verb í need úøéπç Ææç μ«- æ-ùèπ ç* éàh-e-ææ hçc. îëa- ƒj ÅC îª üδlç. Y. Gayatri, Asifabad. Q: éàçc- öà Å n N -Jç-îªçúÕ. Triathlons, Outlive, Profound crisis, Predatory career, Wind surfing, A: Triathlon = úø véãúø applex, êuçí Ñûª, ÂÆjéÀxçí, æ Ω í Ñ úø æçüë applex éπl œ, äéì\éπ\ ïô d ç* äéπí Úöà îëߪ úøç. Outlive = äéπj Ωùç ûª yûª JéÀ Ææç ç-cμç-* Ÿx AéÀ Öçúøôç (survive). He outlived his wife by two years = Çߪ μ«ωu Ωùç ûª yûª Çߪ È çúë Ÿx A-é úø. Profound crisis = æ apple Ω N æûª h (Profound - ÅÆæ Å Ωnç, í úμ - Á i / v æí -úμ - Á i ). Predatory career = EÆæq- æ -ߪ - üμ Ø - Ωb- èπÿ, jçtéπ Å -Ææ- - èπ úø -éó- úøç æeí  ô d-éó- úøç. (Predatory - ÉçéÓ Å Ωnç Éûª Ω ïçûª AØË ïçûª - Æœç æ«ç, æ L, ûóúë «çöàn). Wind surfing = Ææ vü æ Å O ü ƒüδ- èπ îáéπ\ æ -éπ éπô d-èπ E ûëlߪ úë véãúø. Q: éàçc Ççí x Å - -üδ éπ Ω-ÍédØ? 1. μappleï ç Ééπ\úË üì Ω -èπ -ûª çüδ? How about Meals. 2. Åûªúø Ø ûó -ú -EéÀ E -éπ-jç-î úø. He refused to come with me. 3. Ω üδeo BÆæ -éó- -ú -EéÀ E -éπ-jç-î Ω. They refused to take it back. 4. Ç Á Ø ôu- úø E -éπ-jç-*çc. She refused to dance. 5. Åûªúø apple æ-léà -ú -EéÀ E -éπ-jç-î úø. He refused to come inside. 6. ØË ÇÊÆZ-Lߪ ç* Ææ hø o. I am from Australia. 7. ØË Í æ ÊÆo œ«-ûª -úõe BÆæ èπ - -ú -EéÀ È j y- ÊÆd- æø Á x- - Æœ Ææ hçc. Tomorrow I will have to go to Rly. station to receive our friend. 8. ü ߪ -îëæœ Ø èπ Ç Öûªh Ωç îªcn NE- œç-îªçúõ. Please read out this letter to me. 9. Öûªh- -ô ü l, îëûª applex îª œçîª. Don't say but act. 10. Åûªúø ØÓ Ω Ææ -éìe E - -ú fúø. He stood speechless. 11. N tlo éπ - úøç Ø èπ î «ÆæçûÓ- æçí ÖçC. I am very glad to meet you. 12. Ç Ææ q È \-ö èπ Á Ÿ-ûª çüδ? Is this bus goes to market? A: 1. Do we get meals there?/ How about meals there? 2 to 5: correct. 6. ØË ÇÊÆZ-Lߪ ç* Ææ h-ø o = I am coming from Australia. I am from Australia = C ÇÊÆZ-Lߪ. 7 & 8: correct. 9. Don't talk, but do 10. He stood silently. (Speechless - used only when some one is unable to speak because of shock/surprise). 11. correct 12. Does this bus go to market?

3 --Ç-C- Ωç Ja 2013 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 M.K.Rao, Visakhapatnam. Q: éàçc é u- ÉçTx- ˇ- appleéà Å - -Cç-îª-í - Ω. 1. Fèπ ç* áéπ-úø-n é áéπq- Ø q Öçõ, Fèπ ÖüÓuí ç îëa-æœ- õ x! 2. ØË Fèπ phone îëêæh, ØË FûÓ ÊÆo æ«ç éì - ƒ-t-ææ h- oô x, phone îëߪ -éπ- ÚûË üμ u ÊÆo æ«ç ô x/ õ x! 3. Fèπ ç* í vûªç í E Öçõ í éπ, Fèπ... J... ç* Ê Ω v æë«u-ûª îëa- ƒh-ߪ - éó. 4. Ç Á î «Åçü çí ÖçC Åçü ç Åçõ Åçü ç é ü - éó. 5. Åçü ç Åçõ Åçü ç é ü. 6. v æù- - -êkb áøóo æz- æa? 7. Å Á Jé Á x-ú -EéÀ çü ÓV Ø èπ Ééπ\úø ç* ÖüÓu-í - -é ç *açc Åçõ... Í æ Å Á -Jé Á -û - - í Ñ Jaideep: (Would you) mind joining us for breakfast? ( ûó break fast èπ -ú -E-Íé- Ø o Å μºuç-ûª- Ω?) Pramod: Where are you going? (áéπ\-úõ-èé- Ÿh- Ø o Ω?) Jaideep: A place where you get the best of breakfasts. Every thing to your choice and taste I know him fairly well... ( ç* æ æ - applex Öûªh- - Á içc üìj-íéîóôc. y áçîª -èπ - od, F Ω *éà ûªtçc). Pramod: I'd certainly go with you. Where is it? (ØË O ûó ƒh. áéπ\-úø ç-ü C?) Jaideep: Fairly near, just a kilometre off. Walking that distance will do us good, especially in the morning. (é Ææh ü í _Í, äéπ éà apple-o -ô vûª Ë.) Pramod: I'd (I would) rather not then. I am in no position to walk any more. I've (I have) walked enough for the day this morning on my morning walk. (Å ûë ØË. ØËEçéπ úõîë ÆœnA apple. Ñ ÓVèπ î L- çûª úõî, ÓV Ø èπ ÖüÓuí ç *açc. 8. ÉçöÀ çü äéπ éìçúø ÖçC éìçúø Åçõ éìçúø é ü í E... * o í ôd Å o- ô. 9. Çߪ Á ûªhç éπü Åçû îá æ p-éì-î aúø. 10. Ê ü - -JéÀ îëûª-øájûë Ë îë ÅçûË-í F JE Á Ææç îëߪ èπ. A: 1. If you have an excellent academic sense, you've got the job. 2. If I call you again, we are still friends and if I don't, we are no longer friends/ you can assume we aren't friends any more. 3. If you have a good Òü l úø-éπ apple) Jaideep: Yea. You do look rather tired but fairly hungry too. But join us for breakfast you must. Go to the place on bike and wait for us there. (Å. y é Ææh Å -Æœ- -ô dí, Å ûë éìçîáç Çéπ-Lí éπe œ-ææ h-ø o. é F ûó breakfast BÆæ -éó- -LqçüË. F bike O ü Åéπ\-úÕéÀ ÁRx, éóææç Öçúø ). Pramod: How long might you take? (áçûª-êæ æ æöôdîª a O èπ?) Jaideep: Pretty soon. We are quite fast walkers you know. (ûªy Ω- appleøë. Ë ç ç* Ëí çí úõ-îë- - x Ë éπüδ?) Notes: 1) to somebody's choice and taste = äéπj áç œ-éπèπ ûªt- -ô dí, ÅGμ- Ω */ Ω *-éπ- -í -ùçí. e.g.: You didn't like that movie, I know. But this is to your taste = Ç ÆœE Fèπ îªa- ü. Ø èπ ûá Ææ, é F ÉC Fèπ îëaüë/ F ÅGμ- Ω -*éà ûªtçüë. 2) Place = Å Ωnç îóô. Éûª Ω Å n : äéπj É x/ E Ææç (One's place), Hotel/ restaurant «çöàn. 3) How long = áçûª-êæ æ? 4) How far = áçûª ü Ωç? 5) How good? = áçûª ç*?/-áçûª Ö æ-ßá í ç? (useful) voice, you can take it for granted you are going to get name and fame. 4. She is really beautiful - not just beautiful, even more than that not just beauty. 6. Ñ question í ûªç apple î «- çc ÅúÕí Ω. DEéÀ English ü. A rough translation: Where does Pranab came in the line of Presidents? 7. A day before - just the day before I was to leave for America, I had got a job here. 8. Our place faces a hill, not exactly hill, you can call it a hillock. 9. He took me through the whole course of the story/ He set about narrating the whole story. 10. Help the poor if you can, but don't cheat them. The school day is coming up A Reader, Vijayawada. Q: éàçc expressions ûá -í apple äéπ ÖüΔ- æ«- Ω-ùûÓ N -Jç-îªçúÕ. 1. Last straw 2. Hits nail on the head 3. Vice like grip of 4. On the wane 5. Dichotomy 6. Cast in stone A: 1. Last straw = * J é Ωùç a) The last thing that causes something: a) The company had already been making losses, and the fire accident was the last straw = Ç éπçâ F Åçûªèπ çüë ƒd applex ÖçC, Ç ÅTo-v æ- -ü çûó üδe æûª ç æ Ωh- uçc. b) I lost my books, and now I've lost my hall ticket. This is the last straw. (ÅÆæ Ø æ Ææh-é Úߪ. É æ p-úë Á Ø æ -öà-èéö Ú çc. DçûÓ Ø éπ ƒd æ Jh - Last straw). 2. Hits nail on the head = Do/ say the right thing. You hit the nail on the head when you say that most Indians are corrupt. 3. Vice-like grip = Hold something strongly = Öúø ç- æô d /í öàdí æô d-éó- úøç He held her neck in a vice-like grip = Ç Á Á úø Åûªúø í öàdí æô d-èπ - Ø oúø. 4. On the wane = decreasing. His influence is on the wane = Çߪ æ -èπ - úõ éã~ùà- ÚhçC. 5. The separation/ The diffence between two opposite things = Áj Ω üμ uç The dichotomy between what our ministers say and what they do, is really shocking = çvûª ô- èπÿ îëûª- èπÿ ÖçúË Áj Ω üμ uç èπ Cví s ça éπl-t-ææ hçc. 6. Cast in stone = carved in stone = 726 figure out in stone = (P «p- M. SURESAN «xç-öàn) AûÓ îáéà\. Å ûë Cast ÅÆæ Å Ωnç, Úûª- Ú-ߪ úøç, Nví - æ - «xç-öàn. AûÓ L-îËüÁjûË, Carved in stone Åçö«ç. P. Srinivas, Karimnagar. Q: SET -Å-ØË æüδ-e-èπ o Å n- Çߪ Ææçü - s applex ÖüΔ- æ«- Ω-ù- ûó N -Jç-îªçúÕ. A: Refer to a good dictionary. Q: 'Beat the heat with prolyte' DE Å Ωnç àn öà? A: Use 'Prolyte' and feel cool v Ò jö úõ ËúÕE ï ç-îªçúõ. Q: What is the difference among - Talent school, Corporate school, Grammar school, Heritage school, Public school, Digital school? A: Talent school, corporate school, Grammar school, Heritage school, Public school - all private management schools run for profit - «μ«- Ωb éóææç úõê wâ j Ëö ƒ Ω-»- v æ μº ûªy/ > «x æj- æû / æçî -ߪ B ƒ Ω-»- é EN. Digital schools - System of teaching, in which electronic devices like TV, computer, etc are used. (á -é Z-Eé æjéπ- ƒßª çûó appleüμ Ø æü l A digital school). Q: What is the difference among - Beautiful, cute, pretty, nice, handsome? A: Beautiful = Pretty (Small things that are beautiful) = Cute = Very attractively beautiful, specially girls and children ( üìlîëa) but used for anything that is attractive; = Nice (beautiful in appearance and good at behaviour). Handsome - Good looking Now look at the following sentences from the conversation above: 1) Fairly near 2) I'd (I would) rather not then 3) You do look rather tired but fairly hungry too 4) We are quite fast walkers 5) Pretty soon conversation (Ææç μ«- æ-ù) apple î «ûª Ωîª fairly, quite and rather úø -ûª çö«ç. öà Ö æ-ßá í ç ûá -Ææ -èπ çüδç. êuçí ûá -Ææ -éó- -LqçC: fairly and rather. Ñ È çöàéã Å Ωnç î «- - Ωèπ, ÅE. Å ûë î «êu- Á i ûëú, 'fairly' ç* N æ-ߪ - èπÿ, 'rather' μ«uç-é E öàéà úøû ç. e.g.: He is fairly tall X He is rather short (Åûªúø Òúø Íí, æ y- ü ) $ (Åûªúø Òõ d) a) Prajval: How did he do in the exam yesterday? (E o Åûªúø ækéπ~ á úø?) Udai: Fairly well. ( «í ØË»úø. æ y- ü ). b) Ahmed: You know him, don't you? (Féπ-ûªúø ûá Ææ éπüδ?) Devanand: I know him fairly well but I can't say we are close. ( æ Ω- - ü. Åûªúø «í ØË ûá Ææ Ø èπ, é F Ë ç ÆæEo- œ«-ûª - - E Å - ). àüájø ç* N æߪ ç é Ææh «í ØË ÖçC ÅØËç-ü èπ fairly úøû ç. His chances of winning are fairly good = (Åçü çí Ö o) êuçí æ Ω - æfl N æ-ߪ ç apple úøû ç ÉC. Beautiful for women, and 'handsome' for men. We sometimes use 'handsome' for women too, meaning a woman who is beautiful but looks strong and large rather than small and attractive. Q: What is the difference between M.S. and M.D. in doctor's qualification? A: M.S. = Master of surgery - a doctor specially trained in doing operations. M.D. = Doctor of Medicine - One who usually does not do operations. Q: Up, Out, Off, On, Over æüδ- èπ Å n ûá - æçúõ. éàçc Phrasal verbs ûá -í apple N -Jç-îª-í - Ω. Coming up, Play on, Dress up, Dress on, A: Refer to the dictionary for the meaning and use of these words. I am explaining only the phrases here: 1) Coming up = (Of an event, êu- Á i Ææçü - s - «xç-öàn School day, College day, Inauguration, Going to happen «çöàn) = soon. e.g.: The school day is coming up = Ææ \ J{-éÓ-ûªq ç ûªy Ω- appleøë ï Ω-í - apple-ûóçc. 2) Play on - continue to play 3) Dress on - Ñ ô ü 4) Dress up = to wear clothes v æûëuéπ Ææçü - s - èπ v æûëu-éπ- Á i ü Ææ h- ûó ƒh- - úøç Åûªúø ÈíLîË Å -é -» é Ææh «í ØË ÖØ o. fairly - some èπ áèπ \, very éà ûªèπ \. Rather - é Ææh fairly E ç*- -öàéà úõ- ô d, rather -éà- æ dç- E N æ-ߪ - èπ, é Ææh áèπ \ Ë ÅØË Å ΩnçûÓ úøû ç. 'fairly' refers to a positive or pleasant idea; 'rather' for a negative or unpleasant idea. a) Peter: I hope the exam will be fairly easy ( ækéπ~ é Ææh Ææ - μºç-í ØË Öçô ç-ü E ÇP-Ææ hø o). Bhaskar: No, I am sure it's going to be rather tough (àç ü. ÅC é Ææh éπ æ dç-í -ØË Öçô ç-ü E Ø téπç). b) Vinod: How is your father now? (O Ø oí -È «ÖØ o Ω?) Rafi: Still rather ill. (Éçé é Ææh ï s-í ØË ÖØ oúø ). c) Irfan: What are you complaining about? (üëe í Jç* Ææ -í -ûª -Ø o?) Zaheer: The food in the restaurant you took me to was rather badly cooked. My stomach is upset. ( y o BÆæ Èé-Rx æ«ùô- apple μappleï ç Åçûª «í çúø- ü. Ø éπúø æ A æ pûóçc.) conversation apple fairly, rather ÆæJí úøüδç.

4 --Ç-C- Ωç Ja 2013 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Chandana Malhothra, Srikakualm. Q: All the students are fortunates for having a teacher like you - Say whether the above sentence is correct or not. A: All the students are fortunate to have a... Q: Ç Stapler Ç Á C é ü Åçü Íé Ç Á üδeo ƒúø - îë- ÚhçC = It is not her stapler thats why she is spoiling it- Say whether above correct or not. A: It... her stapler. That's why... it. Q: Ç çúõ apple (bike) petrol Ú çîª - How to say this in English? A: Fill the vehicle. Q: Did you see them/ Had you seen them when/ at the time of your closing your shop/ when you were closing your shop - Say the correct one. A: Did you see them when you were closing your shop?/ at the time of your closing your shop? Q: He is going on/ He goes on smoking/ He will be going on smoking - Explain. A: Both are correct. He goes on smoking - Regular/ now. He will be going on smoking - some time in future. What are French Windows? Mayuri Natarajan, Rajahmundry. Q: Are you understood/ Do you understand? - Please explain. A: Are you understood = O Ω / y Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- -ú f? (ÉC Passive. ûá í E o/ N tlo Å Ωnç îëææ -èπ -Ø o Ÿx). Q: In a programme the announcer announces: This programme (of 10th class) is followed by the programme of 9th class - Åçõ 10th class programme Å - Ú- ûª yûª 9th class programme Öçô çc. - Is the announcer right? A: Right Q: Subject - Please explain the uses of the underlined word with examples in Telugu. A: Subject: 1) The subject of a sentence - éπuç üëeo í Jç* îá -ûª çüó ÅC Ç éπuç subject. 2) The person/ a thing being discussed ç îªjaçîë N æߪ ç and 3) The subject of studies in school/ college - e.g.: Maths, Physics, Social Studies, etc., Q: We will be having exams - can this be used? A: Correct. Sreeja Goyal, Hyderabad. Q: Ashok went from Lucknow to Chennai - Is this correct? If it is not, please say the correct one. Can we write the above sentence like Ashok went to Chennai from Lucknow? A: Both are correct Q: Ç Ê æ- apple exam ߪ çúõ How to say in English? A: Write your answer on that paper/ on that sheet of paper/ on those sheets of paper. Q: First of all you decide your place/ room where to be seated/ to be sitting - Say the correct one. A:What you want to say is not clear from your sentence. The correct form of your sentence is: First of all decide where/ in which room to sit/ to be seated. Gadepalli Subrahmanyam, Vizianagaram. Q: What exactly are French Windows? Are there English windows too? A: A french window, is NOT exactly a window. It is a doorway leading into a garden around a house or a yard. 2) There is no 'English window'. Brajeshwar Lal Bhatia, Hyderabad Q: You have to go to market to bring some vegetables after completion of your exam tomorrow - can this be said? A: You have to go to market after your exam/ after your exam is over. Q: Come fast - Say the question tag. A: Won't you? Q: Having their/ they gone, I feel relief - Is this correct? A: They have gone and I feel relieved/ I feel relieved they have gone. Q: Ç class éà English á Ω applecμ ƒh Ω? - Say in A: Who teaches that class English? Q: Çߪ *a áçûª-êæ- æ- uçc? - Say in A: How long is it since he came? Q: I won't stop you from entering the class - Is this correct? A: Correct. 727 P. Srinivas, Ammakkapet, Karimnagar. M. SURESAN Q: éàçc Phrasal verbs ûá -í apple N -Jç-îª-í - Ω. Take off, Send off, Close up, Brings up, Hurry up, Set up, Carry on, Carry out, Cut off, Lock out, Get out, Put up, Open up, Sum up, Thumbs up, Wake up, Bind over, Over come. A: Refer to the dictionary for the meaning and use of these words. I am explaining only the phrases here: 1) Take off = BÊÆߪ úøç, êuçí ü Ææ h. Éçé î «Å n- -Ø o, NNüμ Ææçü - s applex úën. ÅN Ééπ\úø N -Jç-îªúøç O -é ü. 2) Send off = OúÓ\ æ -éπúøç 3) Close up = ÆæO - œç-îªúøç 4) Bring up =  çîªúøç ( œ xlo) 5) Hurry up = ûªy Ωí 6) Set up = arrange = Éçé Éûª Ω Å n î «ÖØ o 7) Carry on = continue 8) Carry out = E Ωy-Jhç-îªúøç (Carry out orders) 9) Put up = to lodge/ Ææ îëߪ úøç/to stay 10) Sum up = ƒ ç ç îá æpúøç 11) Thumbs up = OK Åçû ÆæJí / Æœü l çí ÖçC. 12) Bind over = «üμ u- í îëߪ úøç 13) Overcome = éπ ƒd- «xçöàn ÅCμ-í -N ç-îªúøç Ééπ\úø É ye ô, î «Ææ - μº- Á i- N, Dictionary îª Æœ ûá -Ææ -éóçúõ, ü ߪ -îëæœ. Rajeshwar Ithihas, Adilabad. Q: By and large - Explain A: By and large = Mostly/ generally By and large the food in the restaurant is good (Ç æ«ùô Á ûªhç O ü «í ØË Öçô çc). Q: Ø çúõ apple petrol Ú çîª - You get my bike petrol poured - Is this translation correct? A: Have my bike filled/ fill the bike. Q: I insisted that he come/ comes/ came out with truth- Say the correct one. A: I insist that he come out with the truth. Q: I have to have my son an injection given - Can't this be said instead of A Reader, Vijayawada. Q: éàçc expressions ûá -í apple äéπ ÖüΔ- æ«- Ω-ùûÓ N -Jç-îªçúÕ. 1. Coaxes 2. Distort 3. Hit the deck tracks 4. Stormy weather 5. Put the pieces together 6. Taboo 7. Parochial mindset 8. Sacred cow 9. Half baked 10. Tread the trodden path 11. Called stumps on (in cricket) 12. Push the envelope (in cricket) 13. On song (in cricket) 14. Paradigm shift 15. Back to back runs 16. Laughs off 17. Take on 18. London dream 19. Rubkin's cube 20. Mere 21. Attributed 22. Cribbed barred and moored 23. Play one's cards well 24. Big clout 25. Settle one's score 26. Patronage 27. Scoffing at 28. French Kiss. A: 1. Coaxes = Persuade = ïb-tçîªúøç. He coaxed me into going to a movie with him = o ïb-tç* ÆœE éà BÆæ - Èé «xúø. The mother coaxes the child into eating. 2. Distort = Spoil out of shape = Ω æ - -Í ç-ûªí ƒúø îëߪ úøç (ûá í slang apple Ê æ Í a-ߪ úøç Åçö«Ω ). The media often distorts truth = O úõ-ߪ - Ÿx Eñ«Eo véã-éπ-j- ƒh Ω. 3. No such expression 4. Stormy weather = Cyclonic weather saying - I have to have my son given an injection? A: I have to have my son given an injection. Q: In a lesson you wrote ''Before Baird made it there was no T.V.'' Here "had been" - should have been there instead of the above underlined - Clarify. A: When you use 'before' and the earlier verb is a 'be' form, 'was' is OK. John Philips, Kakinada Q: The rooms were dirty and had practically no light except the light of the candle - Say the meaning of the above 5. No such expression as a phrase/ phrasal verb (Put something together = collect all parts of a thing and join them) 6. See the dictionary 7. Parochial mindset = Interested in only in your area, giving importance only to it. (eg: People of a state in India showing interest only in their state). 8. Sacred cow = Innocent person 9. Half baked = Not properly thought of = ÆæÈ j Ç apple-îª- - E. 10. Tread the trodden path = Following old methods/ thinking like all others/ No new ideas 11. Called stumps on (in cricket) = Call stumps on = retire from cricket 12. Push the envelope (in cricket) = Try to do more than what people think can be done. (Å ƒüμ u- - -èπ - on îëêæç-ü èπ v æߪ -Aoçîªúøç) 13. On song (in cricket) = Making good progress (Not only in cricket but in any other activity) 14. Paradigm shift = Change of model 15. Back to back runs = singles 16. Laughs off = Not take seriously ( æöàdç-îª -éó-éπ- Ú- úøç/ ûëlí _ BÆæ - éó- úøç) 17. Take on = See dictionary 18. No such expression 19. Rubkin's cube = Ωçí Ωçí îªü - - ûó áô é - çõ Åô A æpú -EéÀ O çúë * o * o æ Ø (Cubes) ûó èπÿúõ ÖçúË Çô. O Ω îª ÊÆ Öçö«Ω. 20 and 21: See the dictionary 22. Cribbed barred and moored = Not given freedom 23. Play one's cards well = Make good use of what a person has 24. Big clout = A lot of influence 25. Settle one's score = Take revenge 26, 27. See dictionary 28. French Kiss. = Lips open and only tongues kiss underlined. A: Practically = almost (üδüδ æ ) Q: Our certificates show what we have studied but they don't show what our knowledge is - Can it be said? If it is wrong please correct it. A: ''... how much knowledge we have'' is better than, 'what our knowledge is'. Q: Say the difference between 'Knowledge' and 'Wisdom' in Telugu. A: Knowledge = Nñ«c ç. v æ æç-îªç apple îªü úøç x, Éûª Ω ƒüμ -Ø x ç ûá -Ææ -èπ ØË N æ-ߪ. Wisdom = -èπ o Nñ«c- çûó, Å - μº- çûó ûál- Áj E Ωg-ߪ BÆæ èπ ØË éàh.

5 --Ç-C- Ωç Ja 2013 Ñ-Ø -úø  j«-ü - «-ü 2 Surya, Amalapuram Q: Link verb - Å Ωnç àn öà? ÖüΔ- æ«- Ω-ù- ûó N -Jç-îª-í - Ω. A: Refer to previous lessons. Q: O Ω Ñ é Ω apple ΩçúÕ. ØË Ç é Ω apple ƒh - Say in A: You come by this car, and I'll come by that/ the other car. Q: Australia plays the best/ Australia plays the best of all other teams. Australia plays the best of all teams/ Australia plays the best than any other team - Say the difference among the all above sentences. A: Australia plays the best of all (teams) - correct. The other sentences are all wrong. Q: A.P. is the bigger than any state/ than any other state - Please say the difference. A: AP is bigger than any other state in India - correct - 'bigger than any state' is wrong. Q: Cricket is a/ the costlier game/ play/ sport than any other game/ games / play / plays/ sport/ sports - please clarify the difference. A: Game - a sport in which two teams contest - cricket/ football/ tennis, etc. Sport - an event in which any number can participate - running race, high jump, long jump etc. Play - the act of playing eg: Play some game. Cricket is costlier than any other game. Fateh Khan, Kazipet Q: I refuse to accept the cynical notion that nation after must spiral down a militaristic stairway into the hall of thermonuclear destruction - Say in Telugu. A: v æ æçîª ñ«ûª - Fo äéπ-üδe ûª yûª äéπöà Åù Öû p- Cûª Ö ægç x éπlíí NØ --- -Ø EéÀ Á ô d Á ô dí Cí ØË üδeo ØË ÅçU-éπ-Jç-îª. Q: Whose struggles with and for his people, are still met with the most brutal expression of man's in humanity to man - Translate into Telugu. A: ûª JûÓ ûª J-éÓÆæç ûª îëæœ Ú -ö«- æôx - - -èπ o Å - æçûó áü - Ì\ç-ô -Ø o Ó... (O C æ Jh éπuç é ü ). Q: So many hotels resemble each other/ one another which is the right one? A: One another - correct, because 'so many' means more than two. Q: Cynical - say the meaning. A: Cynical means not hoping for any good happening. Q: I am seeing a doctor. The words like see, look, understand, etc are not used in present progressive tense then how is the above sentence correct? A: Here 'see' means 'meet', and not something appearing to us, so it is correct. I am seeing a doctor Sunaina, Pooja, Rajahmundry. Q: They mounted/ rode/ climbed the horse - Say the correct one. A: 1) They mounted the horse = They climbed the horse. They rode on the horse = They went riding. Q: They rode almost neck to neck - Say in Telugu. A: They rode nearly at the same speed. (üδüδ æ ÆæJ-Ææ- - - Á i Ëí çûó í v - üˆúø B çî Ω ). Q: Çߪ îë / é NJ-TçC. A: He broke his hand/ leg Q: Çߪ Shirt éà ü s ÅçöÀçC/ Åçô -èπ ç-ô çc/ Åçô -èπ ç-ôc. A: His shirt has/ will have dirt marks on it. Q: Ø îë / é AN tj æöàdçc/ æúø -ûª - oc/ æúø -ûªc Translate Need I do it now itself? Uma: Nagaraj needed some money and I gave it to him (Ø í - -ñ èπ úø s Å -Ææ- Ω- Á içc, ØËE-î a ÅC Åûª-úÕéÀ). Jagadish: Why did he need the money? Just the other day he drew some money from the bank. (ÅûªúÕéÀ úø sçü èπ Å Ææ- Ω- Á içc? Ç Óñ - æ púó bank ç* úø s BÆæ -èπ -Ø oúø éπüδ?) Uma: You need not worry. He will repay it promptly. ( y ÇçüÓ- æúø- -éπ\- Ω- ü. Å o Ææ -ߪ -EÍé/ Ææé - «EÍé AJ-T-îËa- ƒhúø ). Jagadish: I am not worried. My point is, need he borrow at all? His dad sends him plenty of money. (Ø Íéç «üμ ü. ÅÆæ Å æ p îëߪ - Lq Å -Ææ Ωç ü éπüδ, ÅE Ø v æ o. x Ø o «í ØË úø s æç œ- ƒhúø éπüδ?) Uma: He is prompt, I told you. You don't need to remind him at all (Åûªúø Ææé - «-EéÀ îálx- ƒhúø. yûª-úõéà í Ω h-îë-ߪ -Lq Å -Ææ Ωç èπÿú ü ). Jagadish: Uma, you need to understand the point that the more the money he has, the more will he waste it. You need not have lent him the money if only into English A: My hand/ leg is benumbed/ it getting benumbed/ will be benumbed. Q: Father reads news paper - can the above underlined word be used without an article before it? A: When the speaker refers to their own father, they can say, 'father' Q: Has a ghost entered his body - Çߪ èπ ü ߪ uç æöàdçüδ? is this right? A: Is he possessed? Q: His friend tried to reason with him - Say in Telugu. A: His friend tried to make him understand what was wrong/ right by talking to him logically. not to let him waste it (áçûª áèπ \ úø sçõ Åçûª %ü Δ îë ƒh-úøøë N æߪ ç Å Ωnç îëææ -éó- -Lq Å -Ææ Ωç ÖçC. Åûªúø úø s %ü Δ îëߪ -èπ çú ÖçúËü ÈéjØ y úø s É y-lq Å -Ææ Ωç ü ). Uma: OK. I will make a note of it (ÆæÍ. ÅC í Ω hç-îª -èπ ç-ö«). 'Need' has two uses- 1) as a main verb, and 2) as a helping verb. We have seen the uses of need as a main verb in one of our last lessons. Some examples are: a) I need your help (F Ææ æ ߪ ç Ø éπ- -Ææ Ωç) b) He needed some books, and I told him where he could get them (Åûª-úÕéÀ éìeo æ Ææhé Å -Ææ- Ω- -ߪ u. ØË îá ƒp ÅN áéπ\úø üì Ω -èπ û ßÁ ) Why did he need your help? (ÅûªúÕéÀ F Ææ æ ߪ ç áçü èπ Å -Ææ- Ω- Á içc?) In all the sentences above, need is a 'main verb'. Look at the following sentences from the conversation above: 1) You need not worry. 728 R. Pitchaiah Sastry, Khammam. Q: He must have M. SURESAN known I have got my cell repaired/ I did know the answer - Say if the above can be/ are used in Spoken A: They can be/ are used in Spoken Q: Say the Indirect speech of the following sentence "I am to go", He said A: He said he was to go. Q: You can have it said by him - Çߪ ü í _ Ω O Ω îá œpç-îª -éó- îª a Åçõ O èπ ØË îá œp Grammar Å Ωnç é éπ- ÚûË O Ω Çߪ ü í _ Ω îá œpç-îª -éó- îª a. Say whether the above one is correct? A: You can have it taught by him (not said by him). Raahela Parveen, Narkatpally. Q: Please say the difference between Adjectives of Quantity/ Adverbs of Quantity. A: Adjective of quantity - Words of number or quantity before / after a noun, are adjectives of quantity. eg: Some students, many books, etc. Adverbs of quantity - Words of quantity before /after a verb / adjective. He played a lot better today. Q: Is the word backward(s) adverb or adjective? - Clarify. A: It can be both: Backward movement - Backward - Adj. He moved backward - backward- Adv. Q: Explain about "Link Verbs". A: Refer to previous lessons. 2) Need he borrow at all? 3) You don't need to remind him 4) You need to understand the point... 5) You need not have lent him the money Now study the difference between the following sentences. a) I need your help (Ø èπ F ƒßª ç Å -Ææ Ωç) b) I need not take any body's help (ØË á J ƒßª BÆæ -éó- - -Ææ- Ωç- ü ) In sentence (a), the verb is need. Ééπ\úø 'need' main verb. In (b), the verb is, 'need take' and 'need' here is a helping verb/ Auxiliary verb / modal verb. It is important for us to know the uses of 'need' as a main verb, and also as a helping verb. We have already seen the uses of 'need' as a main verb. Let's now know the uses of 'need' as a helping/ auxiliary verb/ modal. a) Sankar: Please stay for some more time here. We need your help (Éçé ÊÆ æ ÖçúøçúÕ O Ω. O Ææ æ ߪ ç éπ- Ææ Ωç). Sekhar: I need to go home immediately. People are waiting for me. (ØËEç-öÀéÀ Á «x-lq Å -Ææ Ωç ÖçC. éìçûª- çc Ø éóææç îª Ææ h-ø o Ω ). We need your help - Ééπ\úø 'need' äéπ\õ verb. ÉCéπ\úø finite verb. Q: Hardly she studies/ She studies hardly - say the difference. A: Hardly she studies - wrong. Hardly does she study = She studies hardly Q: He is very well - is the underlined word adverb? A: Yes. Q: He therefore left school - Say in Telugu. A: Åçü - x school ØË-»úø. Q: Explain Be-forms and please let me know all the 'Be-forms'. A: Refer to the earliest lessons on spoken Lesson No. 1 to 20, available on the web. Q: He is not the greatest of all musicians - please write other degrees and their use. A: Many other/ most other musicians are as great as he - comparative. Some other musicians are as great as he. (Positive) I need to go home- Ééπ\úø 'need' vûª Ë verb é ü. need to go éπl œ Á ûªhç verb - need, have to/ has to/ had to/ ought to «verb apple äéπ μ«í ç vûª Ë. é öàd Ééπ\úø need to, helping verb vûª Ë. É «çöà Ææçü s applex need to üδüδ æ 'must' Å n-eo -ÉÆæ hçc. a) Sagar: You must do it. ( yc îëߪ L) Krishna: Need I do it now itself? (É æ púë îëߪ - Lq Å -Ææ Ωç ÖçüΔ?/ É æ púë îëߪ «?) É «need helping verb í úõûë must Å Ωnç Ææ hçc. b) Prakash: Need I (= must I) do it now itself? (É æ púë îëߪ -Lq Å -Ææ Ωç ÖçüΔ?/ îëߪ «?) Ganesh: You need not, now itself. (É æ púë îëߪ -Lq Å -Ææ Ωç ü ). O Ω í -EçîË Öçö«Ω. Must X need not. I must go (ØË Á «xl) DEéÀ opposite ( ua- Í éπç) X I need not/ do not need to go (ØË Á x- - -Æœ Å Ææ Ωç ü ) DEí Jç* J-éÌçûª Ææ -î Ωç îëa lesson apple.

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