Sherlock Holmes Short Stories

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1 level 5 Teaher s notes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle How ould a respetable businessman be seen at the window of an opium den and his lothes found there with no trae of the man himself? Surely the tramp with the twisted lip in the room must have murdered him. Or why should a millionaire in Ameria have left a fortune to three people with the unusual surname of Garrideb? Or will Holmes and Watson be in time to disover the whereabouts of the beautiful Lady Franes Carfax before she is murdered by riminals? The Man with the Twisted Lip About the author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ( ) was born in Edinburgh and qualified as a dotor after studying mediine at Edinburgh University. He went into medial pratie at Southsea on the south oast but began writing stories to supplement his inome. In 1887, he published the first long Sherlok Holmes story, A Study in Sarlet. Four years later, when his short stories about the detetive began to appear regularly in Strand magazine, he gave up his areer as a dotor, though he later reeived a knighthood for organising medial servies during the Boer War in Afria ( ). Conan Doyle looked like a stronger, taller version of the narrator of the Holmes stories, Dr Watson, and his values were similar too those of publi shoolboys in the Vitorian era ( ). He was brave, good at sport and hivalrous towards women. Doyle was fasinated by brave people in history and he preferred his historial novels to Sherlok Holmes. Consequently, he announed Holmes s death in a story in 1893 and did not write about him again for several years. But in 1901, he had the idea for his most famous Holmes story, The Hound of the Baskervilles, and Holmes s popularity with the publi aused Doyle to bring him bak to life for a further series of adventures. Summary The six Sherlok Holmes stories in this volume ontain examples of the ontrasting kinds of stories that made the detetive famous: those where pure logi solves an apparently insoluble problem, and those of ation, where Holmes and his friend, Dr Watson, arrive just in time to save innoent vitims from villains. Mrs Saint Clair sees her husband (Neville) at the window of a plae that attrats opium addits. Neville seems to wave at her nervously and then disappears from view. Mrs Saint Clair gets the polie to searh the building for her husband. In the room where she saw him, they only find his lothes. A rippled beggar who is in the room is arrested. Holmes tries to find the missing man. Conlusion: Holmes disovers that the beggar is atually the missing husband in disguise. He has made his money by begging but doesn t want his family to know that. He hanged in and out of his disguise eah day at that room in the opium den. The Engineer s Thumb Vitor Hatherley, an engineer in need of money, is hired by a strange looking man (Captain Lysander Stark) who needs to fix a mahine. Hatherley is offered a large sum of money to help him. However, Hatherley must not tell anyone about the job and he must travel by train at night to a loation outside London. After Hatherley meets Stark at the train station, they take an hour-long journey together. (Hatherley is not able to see where they are going beause the arriage windows are oloured glass.) When they finally arrive at their destination, a woman warns Hatherley to leave immediately. Hatherley ignores the warning beause he wants to get paid for his work. Stark and another man (Mr Ferguson) take Hatherley to a room to look at the mahine. When Stark believes Hatherley is heking out what the mahine is used for (probably something illegal), he tries to kill him. The woman helps Hatherley esape but he loses his thumb when Stark strikes him with an axe. After waking from his unonsious state, Hatherley find himself bak near the train station. - Teaher s notes 1 of 5

2 Teaher s notes Conlusion: Holmes deides that the mahine is used to press money and that an unonsious Hatherley was probably arried away from danger by the woman and Ferguson. The train station was near the house but Hatherley had been triked into thinking it was far away. The house burned down in a fire that night, probably beause of a lamp that Hatherley left by the mahine. The three from the house get away with boxes of forged oins. The Patient Dr Trevelyan set up a private medial pratie in his home, with the help of a stranger, Mr Blessington. In exhange, Blessington stayed at the house and reeived a perentage of the dotor s earnings. Trevelyan ame to Holmes when Blessington beame razy with fear. His anxiety started when he heard about a reent robbery. (Blessington kept all his money in a metal box in his room beause he didn t trust banks.) Trevelyan started treating a patient who introdued himself as a Russian lord. He ame with his son. Blessington was out for a walk when the man was being examined. When Blessington returned, he saw footprints in his room. Someone had been in there but nothing had been taken. Holmes asked Blessington who the men were and why they were his enemies. When Blessington said he didn t know them, Holmes told him he needed to tell the truth and left. The next day, Trevelyan told Holmes that Blessington had hung himself. Conlusion: Holmes figured out that 15 years before, the two men and Blessington had been part of a group of four robbers. Blessington had helped the polie and was set free, while one of the men was hanged. The other two (who had disguised themselves as the patient and son) had gone to prison. One free, they ame to punish Blessington. It seemed that they put Blessington on trial, found him guilty, and hanged him. The Disappearane of Lady Franes Carfax Watson is sent to Switzerland to look for Lady Franes Carfax, an unmarried woman travelling alone but who has not been heard from for weeks. While she is not rih, she always travels with her unique (and valuable) jewellery. She had been seen talking with a wild-looking Englishman in Lausanne, Switzerland. Then in Baden-Baden, Germany, she had met a man (Dr Shlessinger) and his wife. The dotor, a religious man, had beome ill and Lady Franes had helped the dotor s wife take are of him. She had left with both of them for England. The hotel manager told Watson that a strange Englishman (likely the one she had seen in Lausanne) had asked about her. Watson talks with Lady Franes s maid (Marie Devine) in Montpellier. Devine had always been loyal to Lady Franes. However, she had left Lady Franes in Baden-Baden when Lady Franes aused her of stealing from her. Devine told Watson that she thought Lady Franes was trying to esape from the strange Englishman. Just then, she sees him walking past them. Watson tries to talk to the Englishman but when Watson mentions Lady Franes s name, the man gets in a fight with him. Watson is saved by Holmes (who is there in disguise) and explains to him that the Englishman is atually an old friend of Lady Franes s (Philip Green) who had been in South Afria earning enough money so he ould marry her. They disover that the dotor who Lady Franes is travelling with is atually Peters the Priest, a man known for robbing lonely women with the help of a woman who pretends to be his wife. Holmes, Watson and Green find the loation of the evil ouple in London by traking the sale of some old jewellery through a pawn shop. Conlusion: They find that the evil man and woman have arranged for Lady Franes to be buried in an extra deep offin along with an elderly woman who has died. They break open the offin and find Lady Franes who is still alive. The Three Garridebs An old man (Nathan Garrideb), who spends most of his days at home with his olletion of things, ontats Holmes. Nathan has heard from an Amerian lawyer (John Garrideb) that he ould beome rih. That lawyer meets with Holmes and explains that a rih Amerian man named Alexander Hamilton Garrideb had died and left a strange ondition in his will. Alexander said that if three adult males ould be found with the unusual name of Garrideb, then these three men would then reeive his property (worth five million dollars eah). The lawyer says he has found a third Garrideb (Howard) in England and asks Nathan to travel by train to meet this man and explain the situation. While Nathan does not want to leave home, Holmes persuades him to go. - Teaher s notes 2 of 5

3 Teaher s notes Conlusion: Holmes and Watson wait in the old man s house, and after some time the lawyer breaks in. He pushes away a table, lifts up the floor overing, and limbs into a hole underneath. They are able to stop the lawyer but not before he shoots Watson in the leg. Holmes disovers a press for printing money in the hole. The lawyer was atually Killer Evans. Years before, he had shot the man who owned the printing press in the house now oupied by Nathan. Evans served time in prison and had waited for his hane to aess the house to obtain the printing press. But first, he had to get Nathan out of the house. Wisteria House Sott Eles omes to Holmes to relate the previous night s strange events at the house of a new friend named Garia. Eles then finds out that the polie want to question him about the death of Garia. Eles desribes how he had been invited to spend a few days at Garia s house with Garia and his two servants. At dinner, he saw how Garia was distrated, espeially after reeiving a note. Eles went to bed but woke up to hear Garia at his door. Garia noted the time (one o lok) and said that he thought Eles had rung a bell asking for assistane. The next morning, Eles disovered there was no one in the house. Meanwhile, the polie find Garia s body in a nearby field and determine he was killed before a heavy rainfall at one o lok. The polie arrest Garia s ook in onnetion with the rime. Holmes believes that Garia invited Eles to his house as a witness who ould swear Garia was home at one o lok. In trying to deipher the note Garia read, Holmes believes that a large house nearby was involved in the murder. He fouses his attention on High Gable, a house oupied by foreigners, inluding an evil man named Mr Henderson. Meanwhile, Miss Burnet, an Englishwoman who taught the hildren in High Gable and lived there, has not been seen sine Garia s murder. While Holmes and Watson plan to limb into Burnet s room at the house, they hear that she has run away from Henderson and the others, who were esaping on a train. Conlusion: Holmes disovers that the polie arrested the ook to make Henderson feel safe and give the polie a hane to save Miss Burnet. The polie say that Henderson was an evil Central Amerian ruler named Juan Murillo who had esaped from his ountry after an uprising. His enemies, inluding Garia, were seeking revenge for his rimes. Miss Burnet s husband had been the London representative of the San Pedro government and Murillo had ordered his death. Miss Burnet had gone into the house as a teaher and had sent Garia the note that let him know where Murillo would be that night. However, the plot was disovered. Garia was killed and Miss Burnet was kept prisoner until her esape at the train station. Bakground and themes Sherlok Holmes is by far the most famous fitional detetive. His name has beome part of the English language, and the stories still appeal to readers today even though the soial bakground of London has hanged ompletely. Conan Doyle based Holmes on one of his teahers at Edinburgh University, a man alled Bell, who had the ability to guess his patients bakground from observing their every minute detail. This kind of analysis and explanation ontinually astonishes Watson and delights readers. In ontrast to Watson, who is a onventional ex-publi shoolboy, Conan Doyle also gave Holmes harateristis that would have appeared rather exoti. He is a onfirmed bahelor, he plays the violin, he takes drugs and he despises authority. Part of his attration is that he is a rebel, but a rebel on the side of justie, and onsequently he has a freedom of thought and ation whih the average polieman doesn t have. But he is also able to defend himself physially and is a master of disguise so that even Watson fails to reognise him. The ontrast between Holmes and Watson is vital to the suess of the stories. Watson asks all the questions the reader wants to ask, and when Holmes impatiently explains what to him is obvious, Watson is ating on our behalf. Apart from that, if Holmes told the stories he would sound arrogant, but instead of that we are full of admiration for him beause we see him through Watson s eyes. Though there are two kinds of Sherlok Holmes stories represented in this seletion, the themes are similar in both ases. The villains are usually professional riminals, often hiding behind false names, who aim to make money by robbery, fraud, or by forgery. The puzzling plots depend on the idea that there is always a logial explanation - Teaher s notes 3 of 5

4 Teaher s notes for what seems strange. The other stories are more onventional tales of ation. The soial bakground aurately reflets London a hundred years ago. This was a soiety where forty per ent of the population were servants. People respeted gentlemen like Holmes and Watson, and hurried to obey their orders. The polie belonged to a lower soial lass and were poorly thought of beause of ineffiieny and orruption. This is why almost all fitional detetives until the 1920s were amateurs. Another feature, in ontrast to today, is that trains always seem to run on time, arriages were always on hand when needed, and Holmes and Watson never seemed delayed by traffi. The villains in the stories of ation tend to ome from abroad. The German villain in The Engineer s Thumb reflets the emergene of Germany as the main threat to the British Empire. When good and bad haraters both have a olonial bakground (Green and Peters in The Disappearane of Lady Franes Carfax), we are reminded that young men at that time often went to the olonies to make their fortune. The enduring appeal of the Sherlok Holmes stories is partly due to television. They are ideally suited to short episodes where the haraters are already known and the bakground an easily be rereated on the sreen. The stories also depend on dialogue and adaptation to dramati form. But above all, there is the fat that internationally Holmes has beome the perfet example of the private detetive. Disussion ativities 1 Disuss: Have the students seen films or videos about Sherlok Holmes? What do they know about him? Have them look at the over of the book. What do they think is happening? How does it make them feel? 2 Group work: These stories take plae about a hundred years ago in London, England. In groups, have students disuss what might be different about life then and now. For example, the different types of transportation and the ways the polie might take are of investigations. Introdution 3 Read arefully: Have the students read about Conan Doyle in the Introdution (pages viii to ix). Have students work in pairs and fill out a hart about the author. Author s name: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Date and plae of birth: Family: Eduation: Medial work: First printed stories: Introdution of Sherlok Holmes: First marriage: Seond marriage: Children: Full-time writing: Other writing: Politial life: Spiritual interests: Death: The Man with the Twisted Lip 4 Disuss: This story involves a person who begs for money on the street. Have students disuss how it would feel to beg for money. What ould be the reasons that ause people to beg? 5 Pair work: Have students hoose five words that they feel best desribe Neville Saint Clair. Have them disuss their hoies with the lass. 6 Group work: In small groups, have students list the reasons why Holmes initially believes Neville Saint Clair has been murdered. Then list how he reahes the orret solution to the story. 7 Role play: Have students imagine the onversation Neville would have with his wife after his release from jail. Student A is Neville. What would you say to your wife about your situation? Student B is Isa, the wife. What would you ask your husband about his disappearane? How would you respond to his story? The Engineer s Thumb 8 Guess: The piture on the over of the book is from this story. Have students look at the name of this story (The Engineer s Thumb) and try to imagine what the story might be about. 9 Disuss: Have students think about Mr Hatherley s situation. If they were him, would they have aepted the job, even though they had to meet the employer late at night at a faraway plae and keep everything seret? Why or why not? What ould they have done to keep safe? 10 Write: Have students imagine that they are Elise and they are riding away in the art with Stark and Ferguson at the end of the story. How do you feel? What will you do? Will you stay with the men? Why or why not? Write your thoughts as a journal entry. - Teaher s notes 4 of 5

5 Teaher s notes 11 Art work: In pairs, ask students to design a Wanted poster that the polie ould use to try to find and arrest Captain Stark. Have them draw a piture of Stark and write a brief desription. State his rime and other important information, inluding a brief desription of his travelling ompanions. The Patient 12 Disuss: In The Patient, a dotor has his private medial pratie in his home. Have students disuss the possible benefits and problems involved with having patients visit one s home. 13 Pair work: In pairs, have students list what Holmes disovers in the room that helps him explain how Blessington died. 14 Write: Have students read what happened to the Worthingdon Bank robbers on page 52. Then have them imagine that they are newspaper reporters. Write a story for their newspaper about the death of these four men. What an the readers learn from the story of these robbers? 15 Disuss: Have students disuss what they would have done with the money if they were Blessington. How ould they keep safe from the other bank robbers and still enjoy their life? 16 Role play: In groups of three, have students role play Blessington and the two men who pretend to be a patient and his son. Students A and B are the two men who pretended to be father and son. Tell Blessington how you found him, why you wanted to find him and what you intend to do. Student C is Blessington. Try to explain your situation and get the men to forgive you. The Disappearane of Lady Franes Carfax 17 Guess: Have students look at the title of this story. What will it be about? Who might be the main haraters? 18 Role play: Have students imagine the onversation Mr Green and Lady Franes might have at the end of the story. Student A is Philip Green. Tell Lady Franes where you have been, what you have done, and your plans for the future. Student B is Lady Franes. Talk about what you have done in the last few years. What are your plans? 19 Disuss: On page 55, Holmes tells Watson that the London polie would feel lonely if I went abroad. In the stories, the polie are always polite to Holmes and depend on him to solve their ases. Have students disuss how they think the polie in their ountry today would reat if a private detetive behaved like Holmes. The Three Garridebs 20 Guess: Have students look at the title of this story. What ould it be about? Have them share their ideas in lass. 21 Group work: Have students make a list of the steps Holmes took to solve this ase. 22 Write: Have students imagine how Holmes would feel if Watson were seriously injured in the shooting. Have them pretend they are Holmes. Write a letter to Watson in the hospital, thanking him for his help and friendship. 23 Role play: Have students imagine the first onversation Nathan Garrideb would have with a friend after hearing the news about the will from the Amerian lawyer. Student A is Nathan Garrideb. What would you tell your friend about this news? How would you feel? Student B is Nathan s friend. How would you respond to the news? What advie would you give Nathan? 24 Disuss: Have students imagine that they suddenly have five million dollars. What would they do with the money? Wisteria House 25 Guess: Have students look at the title of this story. Where might this house be loated? What type of people might live here? What might happen? Share ideas as a lass. 26 Role play: In pairs, have students at out the onversations between Baynes and Sherlok Holmes on pages and Enourage them to take on the roles of the haraters and use expressive voies. Cirulate around the room and find two students to perform the dialogues for the lass. 27 Write: Have students imagine how Eles might feel to be involved in this ase. What might Eles write in a letter to a friend about his role in this adventure? Have students write the letter. 28 Role play: In pairs, have students imagine how Henderson (Murillo) and Luas (Lopez) might feel after they find Miss Burnet writing a note to Garia. (See page 108.) Have them at out the onversation between Henderson and Luas. What should they do about Miss Burnet? 29 Write: Have students imagine how Mrs Durando (Miss Burnet) might feel after the death of Murillo and Lopez in Madrid. Have students write a Letter to the Editor from Mrs Durando that expresses her feelings about their death. - Teaher s notes 5 of 5

6 Ativity worksheets While reading The Man with the Twisted Lip 1 Who is talking, who are they talking to, and who or what are they talking about? a Your wife has been waiting two days for you. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. b I was surprised to find you in that plae. He used to leave home every morning and then ath the 5.14 train bak from Cannon Street station. d She heard a ry, and saw her husband looking down at her. e His upper lip is twisted as the result of an old aident. f This is written in penil on a page torn from some book. g It is lear that you are breaking the law by keeping me here. h My ugly fae made everybody pity me, and my pokets quikly filled with money. Only one man knew my seret. 2 Math the letters with the numbers below to make omplete sentenes. a Sherlok Holmes is in the opium den beause.. b Mrs Saint Clair feels something is wrong beause.. The polie believe Mrs Saint Clair s story when.. d Mrs Saint Clair feels hopeful that her husband is alive when.. e Holmes brings a wet loth with him beause.. f Neville doesn t tell the polie who he is beause.. g Neville says he returned to the street as a beggar beause.. 1) she sees her husband waving at her from the window of a building in a bad neighbourhood. 2) he wants to wash the prisoner s fae. 3) he lost money to a friend. 4) he believes that men have been murdered there. 5) he does not want his hildren to find out. 6) she reeives a letter from him with his ring. Photoopiable 7) they find her husband s lothes in the room. The Engineer s Thumb 3 Math the desription or ation with the name (1 7). a.. is a short, fat man with a beard. b.. takes his visitor to see Sherlok Holmes... tries to save the engineer s life. d.. has read about a missing engineer. e.. is a Sotland Yard detetive. f.. is a very thin German. g.. went into business on his own. 1) Vitor Hatherley 2) Dr Watson 3) Captain Stark 4) Mr Ferguson 5) Elise 6) Sherlok Holmes 7) Bradstreet 4 Answer the following questions. a What has happened to the engineer s thumb? b Why does Dr Watson take him to see Sherlok Holmes? Why was the engineer eager to aept Captain Stark s offer of a job? d What did he not like about it? e What did Stark say the mahine was used for? The Patient 5 Are these sentenes true (T) or false (F)? Corret the wrong sentenes. a Dr Trevelyan ould not start his medial pratie at first beause he was poor. b Blessington helped the dotor in return for half of the money he earned. The patient who says he is a Russian lord omes to see the dotor alone. d Blessington says he keeps all his money in a blak box in his room. 6 Math the haraters with their ations (1 7). a Dr Trevelyan.. b Mr Blessington.. The Russian lord.. d The young man.. e Sherlok Holmes.. f A servant.. g A polie offier.. 1) refuses to help Blessington. 2) athes the servant who may have been involved with the rime. - Ativity worksheets 1 of 2

7 Ativity worksheets 3) goes to Holmes s house to ask for help. 4) says he suffers from atalepsy. 5) finds Blessington s body in the room. 6) brings his father to the dotor. 7) is very nervous after hearing about a robbery. The Disappearane of Lady Franes Carfax 7 Put the events in order (1 7). a Lady Franes meets Dr and Mrs Shlessinger. b The maid sees Lady Franes talking to a man with a beard. Holmes and Watson find Lady Franes alive in the offin. d A telegram proves that Dr Shlessinger is Peters the Priest. e Green sees the assistant of Peters go into an undertaker s. f Holmes introdues Philip Green to Watson. g Holmes and Watson see an old woman s body in a offin. 8 Where did eah ativity happen? Write the plae (1 6). a Lady Franes leaves there soon after meeting a tall man with a beard... b Lady Franes meets a sik man and his wife... Dr Watson gets in a fight with a tall Englishman... d Mr Green worked there for many years... e Peters the Priest, who robbed lonely ladies, got his ear torn in a fight... f Lady Franes s jewellery is taken to a pawnbroker... 1) Montpellier, Frane 2) Lausanne, Switzerland 3) South Afria 4) Baden-Baden, Germany 5) London, England 6) Adelaide, Australia The Three Garridebs 9 Answer these questions. a Why does Holmes think that the Amerian lawyer has lived in England for a long time? b Why is it important to the lawyer that Nathan never takes any exerise? Photoopiable What is unusual about Howard Garrideb s advertisement? d Why does Holmes ask to look at Nathan s olletion in his absene? 10 Math the letters with the numbers below to make omplete sentenes. a Holmes knows that the lawyer is lying beause.. b Nathan rarely leaves his home beause.. The lawyer says he found the third Garrideb when.. d The lawyer says he wants Nathan to talk to Howard Garrideb beause.. e Holmes tells Watson this ase might be dangerous beause.. f Killer Evans didn t kill Nathan beause.. 1) he saw an advertisement in the newspaper. 2) he does not like to shoot unless the other person has a gun. 3) he says he knows Dr Starr. 4) he will believe what Nathan says. 5) they are dealing with a man who usually arries a gun. 6) he is busy with his studies. Wisteria House 11 Answer these questions. a Why does Mr Eles go to see Sherlok Holmes and not the polie? b Why does Gregson of Sotland Yard follow Eles to Holmes s house? How was Garia s behaviour at dinner strange? d Why was Eles surprised and angry when he woke up the next morning? e Why did Garia invite Eles to stay at his house? 12 Chek ( ) whih lues are important in solving the mystery of Garia s murder. a Eles went to bed at eleven o lok. b Garia wakes Eles up and tells him it is one o lok. Baynes finds the note that arrived during the meal. d Baynes says that Garia was killed before it started to rain at one o lok. e A bird is torn to piees in Garia s kithen. f A former gardener tells Holmes about the strange people at High Gable. - Ativity worksheets 2 of 2

8 Progress test The Man with the Twisted Lip 1 Complete the sentenes with these words. prison opium letter ring blood alive oat beggar poliemen Mrs Saint Clair is worried beause she sees her husband in the window of a building where (a) addits go. She returns to the building with several (b). They find drops of () on the window and floor of that room. They also find his lothes, but his (d) is missing. The man in the room is a well-known (e) named Hugh Boone. Boone was taken to (f ). Meanwhile, Mrs Saint Clair reeives a (g) in the mail from her husband. His (h) is inside the envelope. Perhaps her husband is (i), but where is he? The Engineer s Thumb 2 Are these sentenes true (T) or false (F)? Corret the wrong sentenes. a Captain Stark likes working with Mr Hatherley beause he omes from a good family. b Hatherley would rather not meet Captain Stark late at night but he wants the job. Stark tells Hatherley that there is gold on his neighbours land. d Hatherley wathes arefully where Stark takes him in the arriage. e Stark gets angry beause Hatherley wants to know the truth about the mahine. f Stark probably killed an engineer earlier. g The woman likely set the house on fire. The Patient 3 Put the events in order (1 7). a Dr Trevelyan asks Holmes to talk with Blessington. b Holmes tells the others about the Worthingdon Bank robbers. Holmes finds out Blessington is dead. d Dr Trevelyan examines the older man. e Blessington does not tell Holmes who the two men might be. f Two men visit the dotor. g Blessington is upset beause he believes someone was in his room. Photoopiable The Disappearane of Lady Franes Carfax 4 Choose the orret word in italis. a Lady Franes always travels the world with her money / jewellery. b Lady Franes gave a heque / piee of jewellery to her maid, Miss Marie Devine. The bearded man fights with Watson beause he ares about / is angry with Lady Franes. d The man from Australia talks about romane / religion to get the trust of lonely women. e Polie learn that Peters the Priest is in London by wathing a pawnbroker s shop / bank. f The evil man and woman hide Lady Franes in a hole in the garden / large offin. g The first time Holmes looks in the offin, he sees a woman who is old / middle-aged. The Three Garridebs 5 Underline YES or NO. a Is John Garrideb happy to be working with Holmes on this ase? b Does Holmes really know Dr Lysander Starr? Does Nathan Garrideb think his olletion is valuable? d Does Holmes say Nathan should go to Birmingham to visit the man? e Did the man who says he is John Garrideb used to live in Nathan s room? f Did Nathan feel upset about not getting the money from the will? Wisteria House 6 Write the orret names (1 7). a.. is surprised to find himself alone in Garia s house. b.. ats strangely after reeiving a note at dinner... gets the names of all the large homes in the area. d.. is harged with the murder of Garia five days after the rime. e.. writes a note to Garia. f.. is an evil man who ruled a South Amerian ountry. g.. goes everywhere with Henderson. 1) Miss Burnet 2) Sherlok Holmes 3) Garia 4) Sott Eles 5) Luas 6) Mr Henderson 7) Garia s ook - Progress test 1 of 1

9 Answer keys Book key 1 Open answers 2 a addit, lient, ripple, maid, pawnbroker, undertaker b Possible answers are: axe, atalepsy, hloroform, opium lay, plough, soil, straw (and possibly axe and art) 3 a a patient b the Bar of Gold a popular man d on business e believe f dead g beggar h wash i needed to earn more money j find another job 4 a Saint Clair beomes a beggar beause he an earn more money than as a newspaper reporter, and he needs the money. b Blood is found on the window and bedroom floor of the upstairs room at the Bar of Gold. This makes everyone believe that Saint Clair has been injured or murdered. In fat, he aidentally ut himself in his bathroom that morning. Holmes pretends to be an old man at the Bar of Gold. Saint Clair was an ator before he was a reporter. He uses his ating skills to pretend to be a beggar. d Mrs Saint Clair finds a box of toys in the upstairs room at the Bar of Gold, whih proves that her husband has been there. e Mrs Saint Clair reeives her husband s ring through the post with a letter in her husband s handwriting. This suggests to her that her husband must still be alive (although Holmes is not so sure). f Holmes uses a wet loth to wash away the false skin and twisted lip from Saint Clair s fae. 5 6 Open answers 7 a 8 b 1 3 d 6 e 2 f 7 g 4 h 9 i 10 j 5 8 a Dr Watson to Hatherley, about his wounded hand. b Hatherley to Stark, when Stark shows that he knows personal details about Hatherley s private life. Stark to Hatherley, about his seret plans to dig Fuller s earth from his land. d Stark to Hatherley, about their arrangement for that night. e Holmes to Hatherley, about the ondition of the house at Eyford Station. f Elise to Hatherley, warning him to leave. g Hatherley to Holmes and Watson, desribing his suspiions about the mahine that he had been asked to examine. h Hatherley to Holmes and Watson, desribing what he did after he had lost his thumb. i Holmes to Bradstreet, Hatherley, Watson and another polieman, about where the house might be. j The stationmaster to Hatherley, about Dr Beher (Mr Ferguson) Open answers 12 a b d e f g h i j 13 a In a blak box at the end of his bed. b From the Worthingdon bank robbery. He is hanged by Biddle and Hayward. d He knows, from the different igar ends on the floor, that there were other men in the room with him. e He has written a book on atalepsy. f He needs the money for a private pratie. g Beause he gave the polie information about the other three robbers. h Biddle and Hayward ated as judges in a trial. i One of Dr Trevelyan s servants. j Blessington Open answers 16 a jewels/diamonds b Marie Devine Dr Shlessinger d Holmes s telegram/joke e the wild man/philip Green f Henry Peters (Shlessinger) g a offin h a funeral i Peters j the offin 17 a Holmes sends Watson there beause Lady Franes disappeared from a hotel reently. b Lady Franes stayed there for two weeks. She met Shlessinger there. - Answer keys 1 of 3

10 Answer keys Dr Watson visits Marie Devine there. He has a fight with Philip Green and meets Holmes, who is dressed as a Frenh workman. d Peters had his ear torn in a fight there. e Philip Green follows Annie Fraser to this address in London. Peters and Fraser are keeping Lady Franes a prisoner there. f Peters and Fraser take a dying old lady from there, pretending that she is an old servant. 18 a She is Lady Franes s old nurse. She asks Holmes to help find Lady Franes. b She is Lady Franes s maid. She leaves Lady Franes in Baden-Baden and returns to Montpellier, where Dr Watson visits her. Lady Franes meets him in Baden-Baden. He takes her to London, where he keeps her prisoner. d Holmes dresses as one in Montpellier. e He loves Lady Franes and wants to marry her. Holmes and Watson at first think that he is involved in her disappearane, but he helps them by finding Peters in London. f It is Shlessinger s real name. He has a history of robbing old ladies by pretending to be a religious man. g He reeives Spanish jewels from a man who mathed Peters desription. Philip Green hides in the shop and follows the woman home. h He is the undertaker who makes a speial offin. i She is the old lady from the Brixton hospital Open answers 21 a Nathan b rih strange d angry e Birmingham f murderer g forger h printing press (and bank notes) i mad 22 a Dr Lysander Starr does not exist but John Garrideb says that he knows him. b The Amerian spelling of plough in the advertisement shows that the advertisement was written by an Amerian. From Holloway and Steele, Holmes learns that the rooms were rented, before Nathan Garrideb moved in, by a man alled Waldron, who was really Presott, a famous forger. He was murdered by the man who alls himself John Garrideb. d In the polie reords, Holmes finds a photograph of John Garrideb under different names, inluding Killer Evans. 23 a He wants to get Nathan Garrideb out of his flat so that he an find the hidden printing press and forged bank notes. b He is very disappointed beause the story about the Garridebs is not true. Open answers 24 Open answers 25 a men > women b Kensington > Esher talkative > quiet/serious/impatient d a Spanish > an English e in a dream > at a window f animal > bird g gardener > ook h kill > help i businessman > ruler j rob > kill 26 a He tells Holmes about his night at Garia s house. b He used to be Henderson s gardener. He gives Holmes information about Henderson s house. He resues Miss Burnet from Henderson s arriage. It is Henderson s real name. He was a hated ruler in a South Amerian ountry. He esaped with valuables. d He was Miss Burnet s husband and was killed by Murillo. Beause of this, his wife wanted revenge, and was helping Garia to kill Henderson. e It is Luas s real name. He is Murillo s seretary. He disovered Miss Burnet s note to Garia, and addressed the envelope to Garia. f It is the name used by Murillo in Madrid, where he is finally killed. 27 a He needed someone at the house as a witness. If he had killed Henderson, Eles would have told the polie that Garia was in the house at the time of the murder. b To make Henderson feel onfident that he was not suspeted. It was part of a voodoo eremony Open answers - Answer keys 2 of 3

11 Answer keys Disussion ativities key 1 29 Open answers Ativity worksheets key 1 a Dr Watson to Mr Whitney when he finds him at the Bar of Gold. b Dr Watson to Holmes when he finds him in the Bar of Gold. Holmes explaining to Watson what Mr Saint Clair did every day. d Holmes explaining what Mrs Saint Clair saw when she was passing the Bar of Gold. e Holmes desribing Hugh Boone to Watson. f Holmes talking to Mrs Saint Clair about the letter she has reeived. g Mr Saint Clair talking to Bradstreet in prison when Holmes has proved who he is. h Mr Saint Clair explaining how he beame a beggar. The man who knew his seret was the man who ran the Bar of Gold. 2 a 4 b 1 7 d 6 e 2 f 5 g 3 3 a 4 b 2 5 d 6 e 7 f 3 g 1 4 a It was ut off with an axe by Captain Stark. b Beause someone has tried to murder him. Beause he had little money and Stark s job offered good pay. d Stark made him promise to keep a seret and said the work had to be done at night. e He said it was used for making briks of Fuller s earth. 5 a T b F half > three-quarters F alone > with his son d T 6 a 3 b 7 4 d 6 e 1 f 5 g 2 7 a 2 b 1 7 d 4 e 5 f 3 g 6 8 a 2 b 4 1 d 3 e 6 f 5 9 a Beause he no longer has a strong Amerian aent and has been wearing English lothes for at least a year. b Beause he never leaves the plae and the Amerian lawyer wants to get into it in his absene. The word plow is spelt in the Amerian way. d Beause he thinks that Evans will try to get in. 10 a 3 b 6 1 d 4 e 5 f 2 11 a Beause no rime has been ommitted. b Beause Garia has been killed and Gregson found the address of Eles on the body. He was nervous. He bit his nails and drummed on the table. d The host and the servants were not there. e He wanted an honest man to be a witness to say he was there at the time when he intended to kill Henderson (Murillo). 12 : b,, d, f Progress test key 1 a opium b poliemen blood d oat e beggar f prison g letter h ring i alive 2 a F omes from a good family > has no family in London b T F gold > Fuller s earth d F wathes arefully > annot see where e T f T g F woman > Hatherley s lamp 3 a 4 b 7 6 d 2 e 5 f 1 g 3 4 a jewellery b heque ares about d religion e pawnbroker s shop f large offin g old 5 a NO b NO NO d YES e NO f YES 6 a 4 b 3 2 d 7 e 1 f 5 g 6 - Answer keys 3 of 3

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