中西文化交流学报 第六卷 第 1 期 2014 年 7 月 JOURNAL OF SINO-WESTERN COMMUNICATIONS. Volume VI, Issue 1 July, Editors-in-Chief Yiyi Chen, Lü Hao

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1 中西文化交流学报 第六卷 第 1 期 2014 年 7 月 JOURNAL OF SINO-WESTERN COMMUNICATIONS Volume VI, Issue 1 July, 2014 Editors-in-Chief Yiyi Chen, Lü Hao Executive Editor John Tang Institute of Sino-Western Communications California, USA Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

2 ISSN for Printed Version: ISSN for Online Version: PURL: Copyright 2014 by Institute of Sino-Western Communications & Shanghai Jiao Tong University. All rights reserved. No part of this journal may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Institute of Sino-Western Communications. Institute of Sino-Western Communications Sofia Court Fremont, CA U. S. A.

3 Editorial Board( 编委会 ) ADVISORY BOARD( 顾问委员会, 以姓氏拼音为序 ): George van Driem ( 无我 ), Bern University, Switzerland Irene Eber ( 爱碑儿 ), Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel Jean-Jacques Glassner, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France Christopher Harbsmeier ( 何莫邪 ), Oslo University, Norway Baosheng Huang ( 黄宝生 ), Institute of Foreign Literature, China Academy of Social Sciences Juha Janhunen ( 杨虎嫩 ), University of Helsinki, Finland Daniel Kane ( 康丹 ), Macquarie University, Australia Archie Lee ( 李炽昌 ), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Kang Liu ( 刘康 ), Duke University, USA Victor H. Mair ( 梅维恒 ), University of Pennsylvania, USA David Mungello, Baylor University, USA Takamitsu Muraoka ( 村冈崇光 ), Leiden University, Holland Guanglu Peng ( 彭广陆 ), Peking University, China Alexander Vovin, University of Hawaii, USA Bangwei Wang ( 王邦维 ), Peking University, China Jie Wang ( 王杰 ), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Xiangyuan Wang ( 王向远 ), Beijing Normal University, China Jianping Xu ( 许建平 ), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Wenkan Xu ( 徐文堪 ), Shanghai Chinese Dictionary Publishing House, China Xiaoping Yao ( 姚小平 ), Beijing University of Foreign Studies, China Shuxian Ye ( 叶舒宪 ), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Xiping Zhang ( 张西平 ), Beijing University of Foreign Studies, China Zhenjiang Zhao ( 赵振江 ), Peking University, China Weilie Zhu ( 朱威烈 ), Shanghai University of Foreign Studies, China EDITOR-IN-CHIEF( 主编 ): Yiyi Chen ( 陈贻绎 ), Institute of Sino-Western Communications, USA Hao Lü ( 吕浩 ), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China EXECUTIVE EDITORS OF THIS ISSUE( 本期执行主编 ): John Tang ( 唐均 ), Southwest Jiaotong university, China

4 BOOK REVIEW EDITOR( 书评编辑 ): Lihong Song ( 宋立宏 ), Nanjing University, China EDITORS( 编辑委员会, 以姓氏拼音为序 ): Heng Chen ( 陈恒 ), Shanghai Normal University, China Kairui Fang ( 方开瑞 ), Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China Zongqiang Jiang ( 姜宗强 ), Northwest Normal University, China Changran Li ( 李畅然 ), Peking University, China Mingyang Liu ( 刘名扬 ), Southwest Jiaotong University, China Zhenhua Meng ( 孟振华 ), Nanjing University, China Xiankai Ren ( 任显楷 ), Southwest Jiaotong University, China Haihua Tian ( 田海华 ), Sichuan University, China Xiang Wan ( 万翔 ), Ph. D. Candidate at University of Pennsylvania, USA Chao-hsian Wang ( 王超贤 ), Peking University, China Liwei Wu ( 吴莉苇 ), Renmin University, China Yongli Wu ( 吴勇立 ), Fudan University, China Luofu Ye ( 叶洛夫 ), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Xushan Zhang ( 张绪山 ), Tsinghua University, China Ying Zhang ( 张缨 ), East China Normal University, China Zhan Zhang ( 张湛 ), Ph. D. Candidate at Harvard University, USA Qiong Zeng ( 曾琼 ), Tianjin Foreign Studies University, China EDITING ASSISTANTS FOR VOLUME VI( 第六卷编务 ): Hanyu Wang ( 王汉玉 ), Southwest Jiaotong University, China

5 CONTENTS (ALPHABETIC ORDER) John TANG: From the Editors: On the Depth of Sino-Western Communications (1) Marina ČARNOGURSK Á : Xunzi, an ingeniously critical synthesist of Chinese philosophy of the pre- Qin period (3) FANG Kairui: OUYANG Yuqian s Hei Nu Hen adapted from Uncle Tom s Cabin and the Chinese version by LIN Shu and WEI Yi (44) GAO Shanshan: Tangut fragments of a commentary on Chengguan s Subcommentary on the Great Commentary on the Avatamsaka-Sūtra (131) GUO Hongyi: MAO Yuanming: Han Wei Liuchao beike yitizi yanjiu (Research on the Chinese allographs in t he Stele Inscriptions of Han, Wei and Six Dynasties) (208) HE Jun: On the source language of Goethe s two poems translated by MA Junwu (161) JIN Yang: David N. Keightley, the pioneer of oracle-bone inscription studies in North America (190) LI Xiaoliang: A study on HE Hong and his Dto-mba manuscripts (117) LEI Qiang: The intercourses between Henri Vetch (French Bookstore) and scholars (140) LIU Ling: Spring Miscellany in China (171) LU Wei: Chinese thoughts vs. Western notion on translation related copyright: A view from power relations (152) MA Lirong: The policy dilemma for the Palestinian-Israeli reconciliation and the proposals offered by China (26) Gangzheng SHE: Beyond commercial interests: Kosher certification as a possible solution to China s food safety crisis (88) TAO Jin: Remarks on three Khitan words recorded in large script (199) YANG Furui: Oyonchi & John TANG (eds.): Acta Linguistica et Litteraturaria Sinica Occidentalia: Vol. VIII Monograph for Khitan Studies (208) YE Jun: Coming into or going out: A case study of FENG Zhi in the Chinese literary field

6 of the 1920s (61) Daniela ZHANG-CZIR Á KOV Á : Writing without words: An influence of the Chinese calligraphy on the contemporary ink painting in the Mainland China (102) ZHOU Bingxin: Between history, literature and war: Russo-Japanese War and general arguments in the literary world of Sino-Japonico-Russia (181)

7 作者姓名音序目录 唐均 : 编者前言 : 中西文化交流广度的初步展现 (2) 方开瑞 : 欧阳予倩根据 汤姆叔叔的小屋 及林译本改编的剧本 黑奴恨 ( 44) 何俊 : 马君武两首歌德译诗的原语探究 (161) 高山杉 : 西夏文 华严大疏演义钞 注释书残片 (131) 郭洪义 : 毛远明 汉魏六朝碑刻异体字研究 书评 (209) [ 斯洛伐克 ] 黑山 : 荀子 先秦中国哲学诡辩之集大成者 (3) 金洋 : 北美甲骨学研究先驱 吉德炜 (190) 雷强 : 亨利 魏智与中外学人关系考略 (140) 李晓亮 : 和鸿及其东巴经抄本研究 (117) 刘凌 : 永日小品 在中国 (171) 鲁伟 : 权力关系视域下的中西翻译版权思想交锋 (152) 马丽蓉 : 巴以冲突的政策困境以及中国的应对 (26) 佘纲正 : 超越经济利益 : 犹太洁食认证与中国食品安全危机的出路 (88) [ 斯洛伐克 ] 唐艺梦 : 不用文字而写 中国书法对当代大陆水墨画的影响 (102) 陶金 : 契丹大字考证三则 ( 199) 杨福瑞 : 吴英喆 唐均 [ 执行主编 ] 华西语文学刊 ( 第八辑 契丹学专辑 ) 书评 (215) 叶隽 : 冯至在 1920 年代中国现代文学场域的状况 ( 61) 周冰心 : 在历史 文学与战争之间 日俄战争与中日俄三国文学概说 (181)

8 FROM THE EDITORS On the Depth of Sino-Western Communications This issue includes the following fields: 1) The Sino-Slovak probing especially into Sinology made by two Slovak Sinologists; 2) The Sino-(Judaic-)Israeli connections in contemporary society made by two Chinese scholars; 3) The modern Sino-American literary and cultural communications made by three Chinese scholars; 4) The influences of German literature upon modern Chinese literature made by two Chinese scholars; 5) The bibliographical deals among Sino-French communications made by one Chinese scholar; 6) The Sino-Japanese literary communications, composed of the linear transmission of Natsume Sōseki and the interwoven display of the Russo-Japanese War literature, made by two Chinese scholars; 7) The studies of Chinese minority scripts Khitan macroscript, Tangut characters, and Nakhi Dto-mba hieroglyphs made by three Chinese scholars, tending to interest the Westerners with their intrinsic characteristics of some aboriginals ideology. Journal of Sino-Western Communications is grateful for the support by this issue's generous authors. John TANG The Executive Editor 1

9 编者前言 中西文化交流广度的初步展现 本刊以中学和西学的交融互通为号召, 所谓 西学 既不限于欧美发达国家, 也不厚今薄古 ; 既尊重异邦人士对中国传统学术的探究, 也看重中外学者对 以族名学 ( 仿陈寅恪先生 以地名学 之谓敦煌学等而杜撰 ) 的探索, 更推重中国学人以外语撰述申发学术成就的努力 本刊这一期所收的文章, 在这方面体现得尤为突出 : 两位斯洛伐克汉学家对中国古文献和书法分别进行了不同视角的探究 两位华人学者, 一在国内一居国外, 却在不同层面给读者展示了犹太以色列同中国之间的某种现实联系 而近代中美文学文化的交流, 则以黑奴吁天 甲骨学和中西翻译版权的异向迁移为表征而由三位中国学者分别梳理出来的 德国文学之于中国的影响, 在两位中国学人笔下作出了不同深度的发掘 中法文化交流的一个侧面, 体现在书籍事业的某个近代人物身上 中日文学的交流, 既有夏目漱石这样的日本作家传播于中国这样的单线运动, 更有日俄战争背景下三国文学的复线交织 另有三篇文章涉及中国境内三种古意盎然的民族文字 契丹大字 西夏文和纳西东巴文, 集中体现不同文字研治者的考证功力 治学追求学问的精研和深邃 ; 同样, 治学也离不开宏大的视野和渊博的胸怀 如果说本刊以往的多期刊物已在不同领域充分展示了学问的深度, 那么, 本期刊物向各位读者展示的特色, 就是本刊一以贯之提倡的广度了 各位作者在多个学科领域深浅不同的探索, 仍是本刊得以继续前进的最大支持 本期执行主编唐均 2

10 荀子 先秦中国哲学诡辩之集大成者 Xunzi, an ingeniously critical synthesist of Chinese philosophy of the pre-qin period 黑山 Marina ČARNOGURSKÁ, Ph.D. 斯洛伐克科学院东方研究所 Institute of Oriental and African Studies, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia 3

11 摘要 : 亘古以来 ( 有据可考者至少始自公元前六至五世纪老子和孔子的哲思 ), 中国的精神文化和哲学思考的发展和分化在公元前三世纪末期, 因为原本半游牧的西来秦人军事进贡而戛然打断, 一直到公元前 221 年占据整个古代中国的版图并建立新型的庞大帝国 秦朝为止 是时, 杰出的儒家思想者荀况 ( 荀子 ) 已经撰成一部独立的哲学论著, 其中反映并深刻理解了前代多种思想的所有主要流脉, 并批评性地对此加以总结, 从而丰富了荀子本人的哲学见解, 使在危机深重的社会中搏击的一切都得以应用起来 在笔者看来, 荀子 这部著作并不因时而废, 千载以下仍然颇具现实性和典型性, 甚至到了今天, 其中的观点不仅针对中国, 而且也切中我们西方的多种社会 人文 政治和形而上等诸多问题 基于此, 从当前的观点出发, 采用新的哲学考察手段, 应当对荀子的著作再度进行富于哲学意味的分析, 使之能为我们西方读者所用 关键词 : 远东亚里斯多德 古代儒家哲学高峰 道 虚无 阴阳辩证之生涯 ABSTRACT: The development and embranchment of the spiritual culture and philosophical thinking of the ancient China since its earliest times (proved at least since the 6-5th century BC by the philosophical thoughts of Laozi and Confucius) was suddenly halted in the last quarter of the 3rd century BC by the military aggression of its originally most western state, once semi-nomad tribe of Qin, which till 221 BC abased and occupied all the ancient Chinese states and afterwards declared the formation of the new giant Chinese empire of the Qin dynasty. Just in that time a significant ancient Confucian thinker, Master Xun Kuang (Xunzi) has written an unique philosophical work, reflecting in it all the leading streams of thoughts of the previous eras, understood them perfectly, summarized them in his work critically and enriched himself philosophically, utilizing everything that could be useful for the society then struggling in a grave social crisis. In my opinion this work becomes timeless and it is actual and topical even after the millennia, as it speaks right to the point even today to many, not only Chinese but also of our Western social, human, political and metaphysical problems. For that reason it is timely to have, from current point of view and with a new philosophical approach, Xunzi s writings once again competently philosophically analyzed and made accessible also to the Western readers. KEYWORDS: an Aristotle of the Far East; the climax of ancient Confucian philosophy; the Way Dao; a Nothingness full of creative energy; life as dialectic changes of Yin-Yang 4

12 巴以冲突的政策困境以及中国的应对 The policy dilemma for the Palestinian-Israeli reconciliation and the proposals offered by China 1 马丽蓉 MA Lirong 上海外国语大学中东研究所 The Middle East Studies Institute, Shanghai Foreign Studies University, Shanghai, China 1 This article is part of the research achievement for a project financed by the National Social Sciences Fund (11BGJ033), a specific project of social science researches entrusted by the China s Education Ministry (12JF010), a major project for the key research base for humanity and social sciences of China s Education Ministry (08JZD0039), and a major project for breakthrough researches supported by the Education Ministry, and is also part of research accomplishment for a key academic discipline of Shanghai (B702), a special project for the 211 Project of the Shanghai International Studies University, and officially recognized first-class discipline of political science of Shanghai. 26

13 摘要 : 造成巴以和解政策困境的原因极为复杂, 在耶路撒冷被国际与地区势力政治化的博弈中, 耶路撒冷问题衍化为巴以和解政策困境的关键 : 两个耶路撒冷话语体系的冲突 两个耶路撒冷圣城之子的身份冲突 从 异教徒 到 敌人 意象的相互构建及美欧耶路撒冷政策的博弈等 因此, 进一步加强 耶路撒冷共识 的话语建设 在中东 四方机制 基础上加强巴以和解机制建设, 以及在 劝和促谈 基础上构建中国式治理模式等均成为破解巴以和解政策困境的应因举措 关键词 : 中东和平 耶路撒冷 巴勒斯坦 以色列 外交政策 全球治理 ABSTRACT: During the games of politicizing the city of Jerusalem that are played by various international and regional powers, the Jerusalem issue becomes the most crucial one of all the causes that lead to the policy dilemma for the Palestine-Israel reconciliation. As a matter of fact, this issue contains a series of conflicts and confrontations, such as: 1) the conflict between the two exclusive discourse systems for explaining the meanings of Jerusalem; 2) the confrontation between the two different identities of Jerusalem for the Arabs and Israeli, both of whom regard themselves as the descendents of this holy city of Jerusalem; 3) the efforts of both Palestinians and Israelis to frame the other side into the hostile image systems that evolve from infidel to enemy ; 4) the game played by U.S. and EU over the policies related to the Jerusalem issue. In order to deal with the complexity of this issue and to resolve the policy dilemma of the Palestine-Israel reconciliation, a series of responsive measures and policies shall be formulated and adopted, such as a further effort to construct the discourses for the Jerusalem Consensus, a strengthening of the Palestine-Israel reconciliation mechanism based on the four-party mechanism of the Middle East, and an endeavor to come up with a China Style governance model founded on the principle of mediating peace and encouraging negotiations. KEYWORDS: Middle East peace; Jerusalem; Palestine; Israel; foreign policy; global governance 27

14 欧阳予倩根据 汤姆叔叔的小屋 及林译本改编的剧本 黑奴恨 OUYANG Yuqian s Hei Nu Hen adapted from Uncle Tom s Cabin and the Chinese version by LIN Shu and WEI Yi 1 方开瑞 FANG Kairui 广东外语外贸大学英文学院 Faculty of English Language and Culture, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, Guangdong Prov., China 1 Supported by the Guangdong Province Project of Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities Center for Translation studies of GDUFS. Fang Kairui is research fellow (part time) at the Center for Translation Studies and the Center for Foreign Literature and Culture, GDUFS. 44

15 摘要 : 由美苏为首的两大阵营相互对垒而发生的冷战, 在政治 经济 外交 军事 宣传等战线, 以各自不同的方式展开, 期间文学作品的翻译或改编, 自然被用作宣传的工具 本文在简述美国小说 汤姆叔叔的小屋 从中译到改编的相关历程后, 考察欧阳予倩先后于 1959 和 1962 年据此小说及中译本等改编的剧本 黑奴恨, 如何在情节和人物塑造等方面进行重构 重写与修改, 发现在 1959 年剧本基础上修订而成的 1962 年剧本, 在满足宣传之需的同时, 也以一种理想化的方式, 再现了原作的故事与艺术形式特征 因由这种宣传渠道和传递方式, 文学得以在严峻时期继续跨越国界旅行 关键词 : 汤姆叔叔的小屋 黑奴恨 冷战 宣传 ABSTRACT: The Cold War, which was waged in varying ways on the political, economic, diplomatic, military, and propaganda fronts between the two hostile camps led respectively by the U.S. and the Soviet Union, involved literary works translation or adaptation to be used as a propaganda tool. This paper studies, after briefly reviewing the relevant translations and adaptations of the American novel Uncle Tom s Cabin in China, the ways plot and character are restructured, rewritten, and revised on the basis of the above sources, its Chinese version and so on in Ouyang Yuqian s 1959 and 1962 dramas entitled Hei Nu Hen, and finds that the 1962 drama, a revised version of the 1959 one, succeeds in representing, in an idealized way, the story and forms of the original novel while serving the purpose of propaganda. Thanks to the availability of this channel of propaganda and mode of representation, literature continued to travel across national boundaries during the Cold War. KEYWORDS: Uncle Tom s Cabin; Hei Nu Hen; the Cold War; propaganda 45

16 冯至在 1920 年代中国现代文学场域的状况 Coming into or going out: A case study of FENG Zhi in the Chinese literary field of the 1920s 叶隽 YE Jun 中国社会科学院外国文学研究所 Institute of Foreign Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China 61

17 摘要 : 本文以布迪厄的文学社会学和贺麦晓 (Michel Hockx) 对中国文学场域的研究为基础, 对中国 1920 年代文学场域中的冯至进行了研究 贺麦晓在布迪厄的理论基础上, 以诗人汪静之为例举证了结社 (collectivity) 现象和师生传承在中国文学发展中的重要功用 本文则从对布迪厄理论的另一个理解角度, 着眼于文学场域和场域角力 ( 文化场 政治场 经济场 ), 以冯至为案例, 进一步厘清中国文学场域细节 由于政治场域对社会的影响力不断削弱,1920 年代中国的文学场同政治场的联系丝缕不绝, 难以澄清 而此时文学场与教育场之间的互动却加强了, 作为其中典型代表, 本文对冯至在 1920 年代的文学事业和他与文学场域中其他因素的联系尤其是师生传承因素做了重点描述, 同时对结社 报刊 出版商等资本因素加以阐述 最后从生性角度比较徐志摩和冯至在文化领域的表现, 强调 生性 作为特殊因素对文学场域 诗人自身产生的影响 本文以冯至为案例试图勾勒并证实贺麦晓在 二十世纪二十年代中国文学生态面面观 中得出的大致结论 : 现代中国文学在 1920 年代的特征是被结社 (collectivity) 作家 编辑和出版商的行为以及部分地由这些人集合成的主体和口号所刻画 定义的 关键词 : 文学社会学 中国文学场域 教育场域 生性 ABSTRACT: This article is based on Bourdieu s theory of Literary Sociology, created by Pierre Bourdieu, that had contributed much to analyzing the Chinese Literary Life in 1920s, and Hockx s Importing and Development in the research of Chinese Literary Field, with the example of the new poet Wang Jingzhi 汪靜之 ( ). Hockx successfully proved his point, the phenomenon of collectivity and the relationship between teacher and students that were neglected by Bourdieu, but played a very important role in the Chinese Literary Life. This essay considers in particular Bourdieu s theory on the literary field and the Field of Power {cultural (field), the political (field) and the economic (field)}. The following discussion uses the individual development of Feng Zhi as a case study in the Chinese literary field of the 1920s, so that we could understand the situation of Chinese literary field in details. It is difficult to define the inter-dependent relationship of Chinese literary affairs of the 1920s because of the decentralization and weak political control on the Chinese society at that time. This essay attaches importance to the connection between the literary and educational field, which has its special meaning for the development of the literary field, especially for Feng Zhi, whose career in the 62

18 literary field as a young student and later teacher in the social context. Feng could not be separated from the educational field in the 1920s. Feng Zhi s literary career in the 1920s was connected with different Elements of Literary Field, such as teacher-student relationship, collectivity, journal and publisher. In comparison with Xu Zhimo, there is also another element: habitus, which as a special factor and a indirect capital, has its unique power over the Literary Field and those poets themselves. This researcher tries to provide a more essential picture and come to the general conclusion that Hockx drew in his Playing the field, that modern Chinese literary practice in the 1920s is characterized by collectivity, the behavior of writers, editors and publisher, is partly conditioned by the body of which they are members, and the names given to those bodies. KEYWORDS: Literary Sociology; Chinese Literary Field; educational field; habitus 63

19 超越经济利益 : 犹太洁食认证与中国食品安全危机的出路 Beyond commercial interests: Kosher certification as a possible solution to China s food safety crisis 佘纲正 Gangzheng SHE 布兰代斯大学近东与犹太研究系 The Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies, Brandeis University, Walthan/Boston, MA, USA 88

20 摘要 : 在过去的十年中, 犹太洁食的生产与加工出人意料地在中国得到了极大的发展 得益于持续的国际贸易增长, 中国境内与犹太洁食相关的认证行业也有望在未来进一步地扩大 与此同时, 作为第三方认证模式的样板, 犹太洁食的认证程序可能有助于重塑消费者对中国食品产业的信心 关键词 : 犹太洁食认证 ; 中国食品产业 ; 食品安全危机 ABSTRACT: In the last decade, the kosher food, which used to be exclusively relevant to the Jews who observe religious dietary laws, has experienced tremendous growth in China. With the expansion of the international trade, it could also be expected that kosher certification will experience a high-speed development in China in the future. At the same time, kosher Certification might possibly become the leading third-party certification system in China to restore the consumers trust on China s food industry, whose reputation had been heavily damaged by the food safety crises in recent years. KEY WORDS: Kosher certification; China s food industry; food safety crisis 89

21 不用文字而写 中国书法对当代大陆水墨画的影响 Writing without words: influence of the Chinese calligraphy on the contemporary ink painting in the Mainland China 1 唐艺梦 Daniela ZHANG-CZIRÁKOVÁ 斯洛伐克科学院东方研究所 Institute of Oriental and African Studies, Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava, Slovakia 1 There are used both traditional and simplified forms of Chinese characters in the article. The traditional Chinese characters in the article are used in mentioning ancient calligraphers or traditional kinds of calligraphy. The simplified characters are used in writing on contemporary Chinese books or artists. 102

22 摘要 : 中国书法作为线条艺术, 它注意到的不是事物的外形而是记载, 自然的和抽象绘画有很多共同点 本文关注的是在中国传统书法里存在一些抽象或半抽象因素 在第二部分介绍一些当代收到书法影响的抽象水墨画家 关键词 : 抽象 书法 抽象水墨 中国 ABSTRACT: Chinese calligraphy as an art of lines that pay attention not to the outside shapes of subjects but to recording subjects, has itself a lot in common with abstract painting. This study focuses on some semi-abstract features in Chinese calligraphy from Chinese traditional point of view. The second part presents some of contemporary Chinese abstract ink painters, whose works have been influenced by calligraphy. KEYWORDS: abstraction; calligraphy; abstract ink painting; China 103

23 和鸿及其东巴经抄本研究 A study on HE Hong and his Dto-mba manuscripts 李晓亮 Li Xiaoliang 西南大学汉语言文献研究所西南大学历史文化学院历史学博士后流动站 The Institute of Chinese Language and Documents, The Postdoctoral Research Station of School of History and Culture, Southwest University, Chongqing, China 117

24 摘要 : 和鸿是清末丽江白沙著名大东巴, 但民间鲜有其抄本传世 美国哈佛大学燕京图书馆将其所藏的东巴经公布在其官方网站上 这批东巴经大部分版本较老 品相较好 书写流畅, 插图栩栩如生, 是不可多得的精品 其中有一部分是和鸿抄写的 本文对和鸿抄本的封面 书写风格 书末跋语等方面进行研究, 期望了解清末白沙东巴经的概况 关键词 : 哈佛燕京图书馆 ; 东巴经 ; 洛克 ABSTRACT: He Hong was one of late Qing Dynasty well-known Dto-mba, native Naxi priests, in Baisha 白沙, Lijiang 丽江, but none of Dto-mba manuscripts written by He Hong spread among the people. American Harvard-Yenching Library has uploaded its Dto-mba manuscripts of Naxi on its official website. Most of the Dto-mba manuscripts collection are characterised by the following features: relatively older version, good appearance, fluent and elegant writing, and the portraits are true to life. Therefore, Harvard Dto-mba manuscripts collections are definitely rare collections. Some of these manuscripts were written by He Hong. This paper focuses on several aspects of the title pages, writing style, postscripts of He Hong s manuscripts in order to better understand the characteristic of the Dto-mba manuscripts of Baisha. KEYWORDS: Harvard-Yenching Library; He Hong; Dto-mba manuscripts 118

25 亨利 魏智与中外学人关系考略 The intercourses between Henri Vetch (French Bookstore) and scholars 雷强 LEI Qiang 中国国家图书馆 National Library of China, Beijing, China 140

26 摘要 : 亨利 魏智理应为二十世纪中国出版史所铭记, 甚至在东西方文化交流中占有一席之地 其接手后的北京法文图书馆兼有书店 出版社 私人图书馆 学术俱乐部等角色 本文通过日记 回忆录 新闻报纸 通信集 已公开档案 书刊实体等史料, 尝试探究其与中外学人 机构的交往, 并通过这些点滴记录揭示出其在中西现代交流史中发挥的作用 关键词 : 亨利 魏智 法文图书馆 交往 ABSTRACT: Based on enormous amount of firsthand materials including journals, memoirs, newspapers, correspondences, archives, bibliographies and books etc., this article tries to explore the social intercourses between Henri Vetch (through his French Bookstore) and some Chinese and western scholars, and to show his contribution to the cultural exchange and communication between China and the West. KEYWORDS: Henri Vetch; The French Bookstore; intercourses 141

27 权力关系视域下的中西翻译版权思想交锋 Chinese thoughts vs. Western notion on translation related copyright: A view from power relations 1 鲁伟 LU Wei 江西师范大学国际教育学院 School of Intercultural Studies, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, Jiangxi Prov., China 1 本文是江西师范大学青年成长基金项目 翻译生态系统中的权力运作研究 的阶段性成果 152

28 摘要 : 近现代中西方在翻译版权问题上的交锋, 绝对不是一个简单的法律问题, 而在更深的层面体现了中西跨文化交流过程中展示的文化间权力差异, 同时也从一个侧面表现了翻译在文化权力关系中的谈判作用 正是通过这种权力关系的谈判, 中国才最终走向了世界 关键词 : 权力差异 翻译版权 跨文化交流 ABSTRACT: In modern history, China and the West have clashed on the question of translation-related copyright. Such a clash, so to speak, is by no means a superficial legal problem. Rather, lying behind it are power differentials between China and the West in the process of intercultural communication, and at the same time it shows from an aspect that translation negotiates power relations between cultures. It is just through this negotiation of power relations that China eventually enters the world. KEYWORDS: power differentials; translation-related copyright; intercultural communication 153

29 马君武两首歌德译诗的原语探究 On the source language of Goethe s two poems translated by MA Junwu 何俊 HE Jun 西南交通大学外国语学院 School of Foreign Languages, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan Prov., China 161

30 摘要 : 作为民国时期德语文学尤其是歌德作品译介的先行者, 马君武译有歌德小说 威廉 迈斯特的学习时代 中的一首诗歌 米丽容歌, 并将书信体小说 少年维特的烦恼 中的一个片段以诗体译出 有关这两首译诗依据的原语问题, 学界迄今尚无定论 经过探究, 基本可以确定这两首译诗分别从德语和英语译出, 也就是说跟该译诗发表时随附的外语语言一致 关键词 : 马君武 歌德 米丽容歌 少年维特的烦恼 翻译原语 ABSTRACT: As a pioneer in the German-language literature translation during the time of Republic China, Ma Junwu translated the poem named Mignon excerpted from Goethe s novel Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and a fragment of Goethe s epistolary novel The Sorrows of Werter into the verse form as well. After in-depth research one can conclude that the source languages of the two poems are German and English respectively, corresponding with the original foreign languages in parallel with the Chinese translation in the publication. KEYWORDS: Ma Junwu; Goethe; Mignon; The Sorrows of Werter; source language 162

31 永日小品 在中国 Spring Miscellany in China 刘凌 LIU Ling 天津外国语大学比较文学与世界文学研究所 Comparative Literature and World Literature Institute, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Tianjin, China 171

32 摘要 : 对于日本作家夏目漱石, 中国读者大多数熟悉他的成名作 我是猫 梦十夜 等作品, 我是猫 等作品在中国的翻译众多, 研究论文也可谓是卷帙浩繁, 而 永日小品 作为夏目漱石的为数不多的小品集, 其翻译出版的研究却寥寥无几 本文介绍 永日小品 在中国的翻译出版情况, 并将周作人先生 永日集 与 永日小品 做比较, 通过比较能发现这两部作品在文学观等方面有着极大的相似处 同样, 比较的最终目的是让读者对夏目漱石有更深刻的理解 关键字 : 夏目漱石 永日小品 永日集 ABSTRACT: Most Chinese readers are familiar with Natsume Sōseki's famous works such as I Am a Cat and Ten Nights of Dreams. I Am a Cat has many introductions and translations in China, many have published research papers on them. On the contrary, introductions and translations of his work Spring Miscellany are rare in China. This paper mainly introduces different translation versions of Spring Miscellany and compares the similarities between Spring Miscellany with ZHOU Zuoren's Collections of Long Day. The comparison helps readers to better understand Natsume Sōseki and his works. KEYWORDS: Natsume Sōseki; Spring Miscellany; Collections of Long Day 172

33 在历史 文学与战争之间 日俄战争与中日俄三国文学概说 Between history, literature and war: Russo-Japanese War and general arguments in the literary world of Sino-Japonico-Russia 1 周冰心 ZHOU Bingxin 北京师范大学历史学院 School of History Studies, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China 1 本文为中国博士后科研基金第 52 批面上资助项目 在历史 战争与文学之间 中日俄三国文学与日俄战争 阶段性成果之一, 项目编号 2012M

34 摘要 :20 世纪初期的日俄战争在历史学 军事学 政治学等相关研究领域均有一定的成果, 但有关 日俄战争文学 的研究还比较薄弱 本文以 日俄战争文学 概念为中心, 回顾了日俄战争文学的研究现状, 并对中日俄三国的日俄战争文学的总体风貌做了概要的评述 关键词 : 日俄战争 日本文学 俄国文学 中国文学 日俄战争文学 ABSTRACT: In early 20th Century, the Russo-Japanese War generated much research findings in the field of history, military science and politics studies. The study on literature of Russo-Japanese War is still relatively weak.this paper reviews the research status quo of this field of study, gives brief comments on the general information of Literature of Russo-Japanese War in the literary worlds of three countries, China, Japan and Russia. KEYWORDS: Russo-Japanese War; Japanese literature; Russian literature; Chinese literature; literature of Russo-Japanese War 182

35 北美甲骨学研究先驱 吉德炜 David N. Keightley, the pioneer of oracle-bone inscription studies in North America 金洋 JIN Yang 西南大学汉语言文献研究所 Research Institution of Chinese Language Documents, Southwest University, Chongqing, China 190

36 摘要 : 美国著名甲骨学家吉德炜 (David N. Keightley) 是北美地区甲骨学和早期中国研究的先驱及权威 他以甲骨卜辞为主要研究对象, 一生致力于晚商时期的国家 政治 宗教等方面的研究 迄今为止共出版相关甲骨学专著三本, 包括西方第一本用英文撰写的甲骨学通论性著作, 甲骨书评十余篇, 甲骨学论文百余篇, 创办 早期中国 (Early China) 期刊, 推动了 早期中国 成为独立的研究领域, 开创了以甲骨卜辞为研究对象的北美早期中国的研究, 对北美地区甲骨学和早期中国研究的形成和发展有着非常深远的影响 关键词 : 吉德炜 北美 甲骨学 先驱 ABSTRACT: David N. Keightley, a famous American oracle-bone scholar, is the pioneer and authority of oracle-bone inscriptions and Early China study in North America. Using oracle-bone inscriptions as the main object, he devotes all his life to the research of the country, politics, religion and other aspects in late Shang China. So far, he has published three monographs on oracle-bone inscriptions study, including the first general theoretical oracle-bone inscriptions book that written in English in western counties; published over ten book reviews and hundreds of articles on oracle-bone inscriptions. Moreover, he is the founder of Early China and promotes the "Early China" to be an independent field of study and initiated the oracle-bone inscriptions-orientated study of Early China in North America. Therefore, he has a profound impact on the formation and development of oracle-bone inscription and Early China study in North America. KEYWORDS: David N. Keightley; North America; oracle-bone inscription studies; pioneer 191

37 契丹大字考证三则 Remarks on three Khitan words recorded in large script 陶金 TAO Jin 苏州中智谷软件科技有限公司 China and Chile Valley Software Technology Co., Ltd., Suzhou, Jiangsu Prov., China 199

38 摘要 : 契丹人在辽代创制了两种文字 : 契丹大字和契丹小字 当今对契丹小字的研究走在契丹大字的前面, 在契丹小字中已经辨识出许多契丹语固有词汇 本文试图通过对比契丹大字和契丹小字, 解读出契丹大字中包括 南部 汉人 林牙 在内的三个词汇 关键词 : 契丹大字 南部 汉人 林牙 ABSTRACT: The Khitan people in Liao Dynasty created two kinds of scripts: the large and the small. Today, the study of the small script is more advanced than the study of the large. More inherent words of Khitan have been found in the small script. This paper is trying to identify three words in the large script, south, the Han-Chinese and limya, by comparing the large script and the small script. KEYWORDS: Khitan large script (macroscript); south; the Han-Chinese; limya 200

39 BOOK REVIEWS MAO Yuanming: Han Wei Liuchao beike yitizi yanjiu (Research on the Chinese allographs in the Stele Inscriptions of Han, Wei and Six Dynasties) (GUO Hongyi) KEYWORDS: Chinese allographs; stele inscriptions of Han, Wei and Six Dynasties; material; theory; methods Oyonchi & John TANG (eds.): Acta Linguistica et Litteraturaria Sinica Occidentalia: Vol. VIII Monograph for Khitan Studies (YANG Furui) KEYWORDS: Khitan groups; Khitan-Liao history & culture; Khitan studies 208

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