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1 The copyright of this thesis vests in the uthor. No quottion from it or informtion derived from it is be published without full cknowledgement of the source. The thesis is be used for privte study or noncommercil reserch purposes only. Published by the (UCT) in terms of the non-exclusive license grnted UCT by the uthor.

2 I~ A on A in,.,,,,,.n,.,,,, in This work submitted in or in for wrd IUs the or been nd referenced. G: \ghu\formslm-title-pge (

3 An Assessment: Assessment: Sellegl t're'venltlon nd cses in Mesures J-\U10pu:u

4 Reserch on on the I'rP'llPn1t"," 4.3 the on Terror

5 ttlemljtf.~d ",-te.",,'n counter-terror comlnzl'mj~ni's in in on countries. countries s not commitment review it review counter-terrorism mesures. It seems,",vii.. "" nt~~rr.!tlm1l mesures,",v,,.u.,,,. fl'...',.....,"'''''' s ~'l,.1j'ip review nu'1fl.r>nl'(' r'~lfl,rpfl terrorism. structures in s s Px,np;rlPnr.p terror were ofl,uir.nofl re were terrorism counter counter'l)q'rts in terror,,""nvrv.71 structure

6 nrru,rrlno t continent, It mp'mllpr rr,,",n ssistnce sttes s on be eff/li4tut is crete r>n,nr.r1.".nt,orl flpmflry'nru on v


8 s.

9 Sttes on '''''~T'''m 11,2001, nd terror TP,-rr,,"_1"1If1f1lpn res in terror free seen. eger bec:oitte wr on not on,",v,.!!",,,,,, 77 HUI.HlI'''' my even more I;)ULULI'ViI<l1 "'1jJ<l'''UY or simply unijere'{ehjprneru. vst mount US on nd res. on sttes ''''J''""""U'J'''' comes not I Goredem C & Both A "Africn Commitments Comb:tlflg (i'r(j"n;~i>ti Crime nd Terrorism: A Review NEPAD Countries" "-"-'-''-'=~=='-'"'''=-,"",--''='","","''-'-'''

10 " 3 Awreness events 1. is one terror is not.oa<'-'ui'u.o re in re OOlmeStll;:, or mt,errltllon,l t is ssess the 1"'.f\lmnnitlm re~~lonl or The ntp',-,./l,pu", were 2 United Ntions Generl "'~"""'IJ'Y 3 Cilliers J & Sturmn K "Afric No. 74, 2004 item 55, 2 December N59/565 Globl in ~cmlidqwj.lm 2

11 In 1 stte two yers us s well s the AU sometimes even cme by tf'rr'('jn~:m,,5 or it on mong sttes 4 ibid 5 Africn Union, 2000 "Constitutive Act" Article 4 (0) 6 Ibid pp. 2 3

12 terror is not Q()Ou: cts my seem in ensure It seems s if ny n-n'''... 'Mn'''t'.t no mtter continent. In hd set up Generl 1 Both 2005, "An Assessment of Terrorism Countermesures r\.ull1duwu the Mricn Union" Afric for Studies, Both A " Terrorism in Afric" 1iq1!1!.!...A!i:.i!!!!LY.!<J@Qill;.Q.jJn:~!JillQlli!U y'!] South Africn Institute of Interntionl Affirs, 9 Snkore R "Anti-terror '''15'3'''''''vu 4

13 ''''./..,,,. It is int"'... di note not one new new 10 pro- very wr on terror Delcolme,.",,,... fl''''''''' uv''',"",,,v is no In terms not be exbmunmtg extent on s II s on or UN one III is is n It on s 10 Ibid pp Centre for Conflict Resolution 2005 "A More Secure Continent" Seminr report Town. 5

14 re <V,"'''''''_'' on <>n'''_.'''... n.. it wr on terror. by or t terror s Cn!iptl~r is terror is review in order is s terrorist it is very one. terror cross 12 Mlok E 2005 "Afric nd the Wr on Terror" in ~-'-'-'~"-"'J'-"-"~"-'-"'~..!...!::.\t.!..!."-'-""'-'-':<J.' Winter Vol. 19 Issue

15 hve groups, such s Dr()-OlemOCI terror re not severe n n ssessment ",.,",Ull 1", on where she "...,~",.t"n,ihj mke 7

16 two s It is ones. Terror is my n use or one mn's or or on Genev Conventions nd other in"tnlm...-.t" in the nrp "mhl.. tht Stte use of force civilins is if of sufficient scle, constitutes wr crime persons concerned or crime b) Resttement tht cts under the 12 P"'''''-''UHlI;o; nti-terrorism conventions re tf>.rrori~n' nd declrti on tht re crime under interntionl nd resttement tht terrorism in time of rmed conflict is nrr,hil,ite,r! the Genev Convention nd Pf()cols; 15 Cilliers J & Sturmn K "Afric nd Terrorism: No. 74, 2004 United Ntions Generl session, item 55, 2 December A/59/565 the the 8

17 c) Reference the definitions contined in the 1999 Interntionl Convention for the mr""'~~:10n of the of Terrorism nd Council Resolution 1566 d) of terrorism s ction, in ddition ctions conventions on spects of terrorism, the Genev Conventions nd ~n,.,r,t"er1 by the Council resolution 1566 tht is intended cuse deth or serious hrm civilins or nol~-c'omoln1:s, when the purpose of such n ct, by its nture or context, is intimidte UUlJU"'LlUI1. or Government or n interntionl orl!~niztion do or bstin from ny ct." Not out unomous non- s stte re the US' wr on terror is is on in most s York unomous non-stte such s r<l'-lf':""u'''' cells u,r.r.rnlljl not be ccurte Cilliers J & Sturmn K "Afric nd Terrorism: the Globl ClTIpliigIl" in ~!.JY!.QlliUWmn No. 74, 2004 pp. 5 pp.5 19 LJ, Mrtin, "The Medi's Role in Interntionl Terrorism" 9

18 sy n:snllw)n!ll t...,.... rlc... is out non-stte crs. s I not "'"",,1-1"'1,... net..."ulil..'""11 s Df(HX)Se:Q In some wys, ""'""'''''''6 t... "'rict"n U'''... ",." n s t... nlrict"n cn no reson some up prolsec:ute It is terror ".I';."... vu governnce. own seen most Not re sme most ny issues re 21 Goredem, C "Inititives Terrorism in Southern Afric: ImlJIICUCm for Humn in Africn Review Vol. 12 No.1 10

19 in s it more terror np, more spleclm: nrrow mny yers s vu'hl';'u. some unvplmnnprlt or '-'VU",''', nme terror s terror,",v'""""',,,,,,, non-stte s terror in non-stte crs. ct nture. terror s ct stjl0piolrtt' 23 vermonlones in power np.r'n,..,p COlmnlOflpUice in stte were, on in terror person or or ny ct or or seems very in 22 Mills. G "Mric's New in l..!1!!l'!l~tl!!!.g!q!l.!.!.lli!!rwn::27: J Both 2005, "An Assessment of Terrorism Countermesures the Africn Union" Afric Centre for Studies. II

20 terror. In t tenns not n ccurte nd sttes must serve wy cts. is such s even ct re 24 Mlok E 2005 "Afric nd the Wr on Terror" in!,:!,!<,!.!...!,~~:!..l!,l!,!!.!!!y"'!ol.l!~~~w.. Winter Vol. 19 Issue Ibid 12

21 IS wy wy terror re cnnot re mens n " is not on in In n now n is n'ilpi'til:'1npl~t '"''''''IJU',''U''' tpr'l"n'm",m re power comes not serves 26 Cilliers J & Sturmn K "Afric nd Terrorism: the Globl No, 74, 2004 pp. 28 ibid 13

22 For on re tp'''''''ri",t" cross nltlonl h".,ri"""" terror. s is cuses re COllIlIle cr. It my cse it is s stte own rit'7"n,;, 30 rnrn.,nitrn" nt,, s / mmtlonl terror is not new In cent internltion:l cts,,31 It is 28 Goredem C & Both A 2004, "Africn Commitments Terrorism: A Review NEPAD Countries" Africn Humn :-;p,,,,r.ltv 29 Ibid 30 ibid 31 ibid 14

23 not only t",...,,,,.. ; on> s n on re SOlmennles terror. 32 is It is 1JV,,.wv,,, venue scope wr on terror my C1,UIIWll'UU'U In - or "v-",...",u o,m:eo will no <4...,''''..'''' t<l...,,.,...;"',l'n even tn""",n governnce. is own n re in is es!!enltll. next in 32 ibid 33 Snkore R "Anti-terror nd n","... ' r'u'v 15

24 ,-,unu.!,... it seen two 34 terror terror re vry n s it no 37 re s 34 Goredem C & Both A 2004, "Africn Commitments Combtil1lg ".,s...",... u Terrorism: A Review NEP AD Countries" Africn Humn ".. r'..."'" 35 Crson J. U.S on Afric: Pillrs of New "trot"",,"" in.::i!r~g,!.j:::qmr!l, Ntionl Studies, Ntionl Defense 2004 No. 210 pp Goredem C & Both A 2004, "Africn Commitments Crime nd Terrorism: A Review NEP AD Countries" Africn Humn Inititive pp ibid 16

25 nuj10reos more. In s UJolnt,>,., resons in were in... ~'u.'i-',..,.. In uo... uvu. terror groups over Ibid pp Hills A. Horses? counter-terrorism nd Afric's in l!1m!.j'lm:!j\!"'!';~~!1y, Vol. 27, No.4, pp ibid 4\ ibid 42 ibid 43 Goredem C & Both A 2004, "Africn Commitments Combtinlg Terrorism: A Review NEPAD Countries" Africn Humn 44 T "Afric nd the Wr on Terrorism", ~,,;u~!!ill.-!!!.!~ll!.!.!l;!.9~. reserch Service, The pp. 2 17

26 were us us in n nture. cuses or resources,",vi.iu"u,", 46 not hve 1.2 terror mny 11, with pressure the In concern, In 45 Mills G "Afric's New in Th~~hlngtQnJ:!YArkl:!Y 46 Goredem C & Both A 2004, Commitments Terrorism: A Review NEPAD Countries" Africn Humn Inititive pp Afric Reserch Bulletin; Socil nd Culturl Series, Volume 43 Number 2, Feb. 1' l:!!tt1'l.!.:i!.'l'n'i~~~M.!!:!2Yl!..!.!:<1!!1.QQ!n (.cce:sseo 18

27 not ny terror so In West it eye on West For re. There re groups re One t Ghn in s will ws terror. not terror. ccess gjreeme:nts s s one most, Afric Centre for Glbof(lne. Botswn 19 June I "'Ll<"JI'''~'''" ]9

28 on terror. '-VIlIlIlU,'''''''' wr A ws on in ws ws once Pece ws nture terror res. one s s terror processes rlit'tpr",nt outcomes. For... A';U11;I-'''_ s not in 52 Afric Reserch Bulletin: Politicl, Socil nd Culturl Series, Volume 43 Number 2, Feb. 1 st /20106).

29 terror will re ''''''''''1'''5 use 1373 in wr on terror. terror some sort ""'",..,,'u e;l{rnules two (I) "Tlrni,fOlmiJ~g Globlistion nd Afric nd Americ Post-9/11" in Afric's Predicment: Acdeme needs Vol. 49 Issue 26, 21

30 the nnexure."s6 (1) the OAU Q) sttes' some sttes. ws one Terrorism: A Review 57 ibid S8 Ibid pp. 73 "Africn Commitments COlmbitmtg NEP AD Countries" Africn Humn 22

31 9111, on (1) ~E>''''"'''V'' or use (3) in terror cses Iffilole.mente:d n ws '''~'"..,~ on 7 June wr on terror. 59 Ibid pp Ibid pp ibid 23

32 very ny did not OJlle~mc terror s OPPQ:5eu li.'''v'..l terror. concern is Act if it in ny cts it cn seen western on resources seen. 64 A my ttck rebels in DRC jftlks fil", t ~ n~~i~ nd Culturl Series, Volume 43 Number 2, Feb. lsi!.llli.!:j. Y{~.!!lli!<l!::!.!~!: tl::.q!illru!1 QID (cct:ssed I 24

33 Al ws "<>'~I'... -t<>,., tu"lll LJt" by crs. 66 stted tht the Al1ltl-'tenron Act reduce the were s In cts ws Oel[lm~S "terror s ws in in,... ~;v"... J::;.".. cuse.,,71 As 65 Gunrtn R. 66 Ibid 67 ibid 68 Snkore R "Anti-terror 'C~J"'''''.IUIi!.!..!.i~~~"""''''''-'~~-.u><ll!.~'-''''.-''-'''''-''-'''''' Hurst nd Co]mo!my, London Ibid "Mricn Commitments \..-UIIlU<1U1lg (llro"ni«>,.j NEP AD Countries" Africn Humn 72 Goredem C "Inititives Terrorism in Sub-Shrn Afric; "l-'ii"<1l1ui.i~ for Humn """."~.,,, review Vol. 12 No l. 25

34 terror. it ws it ws not it ws is in most reson ese...,""""... on In n it ws it ws concerns nd s...,'...,,,,,,,,.. crs. 73 Goredem C & Both A 2004, "Africn Commitments Crime nd Terrorism: A Review NEPAD Countries" Africn Humn Inititive pp. 77 Socil nd Culture "Bd News for pp , Dec. Senior Leder Seminr, 2005 pp. 12. vv.m""",,);terrorism in Afric", Botswn, Commissioned

35 is very COlt1tenUIDl It is TP.",,-Tp/'1 mesures. In response,,,,..,,"',,..., more 79 is it mtters 78 nr(hn,~1"v ntn,vlf... countertwo sttements were mny crime no concrete Even is 77 Hills A "Trojn Horses? counter-terrorism nd Afric's ~",-",:u.z., Vol. 27, No.4, pp 637 ibid 79 Rosenu W r"-v"'~u,, Recruitment Trends in nd Tnzni" in =="'-""-"""""'''-'''''-=''''' lm:~!l}, 28 pp. \

36 with one cn own de1lentloo."sl is pressure s ws crr"jp1"1nrnpnt contrct. Mr. cse,,... l";.",:<".. VU rnge nme n ttck in we re - we re It ws it is my coiltelltlc)fl very not not. it Counter-terrorism nd Afric's W.Bush, Interview with Africn Print 3, 2003 pp. 870.

37 Ghn no cses in terror stnce in cuse US even Goredem C & Both A 2004, "Mricn Commitments Crime nd Terrorism: A Review NEPAD Countries" Africn Humn Inititive pp Knsteiner W. & Morrison J U.S. Stkes in Afric: Seven..."'".. 1';",,... U.S.-Afric, 10. ss Afric Reserch Bulletin: Politicl, Volume 43 Number 2, Feb. 1 st 2006.l:!ll,t:~!.Y!)'!:JY!:~~~1::.!:'!!l~l!'.l.&.lmll.cce:sse

38 my ;onne~;tlc terror terror- me, IrllCOpn()ne terms in "","'TlI"l"T,,.,. ws crete 88 on 86 Goredem C & Both A 2004, "Africn Commitments,",uu,um'/:5 Terrorism: A Review NEP AD Countries" Africn Humn 87 ibid 88 ibid

39 ,,89 on 4 ;:)t:ljlt:iilm:r 90 A precursor in terror wr on terror. 92 wr on terror. terror. It is my counter-terror go'iit:f1uiilt:ill s In nyone s no collntler-l[en"on it comes 28, 2006 t httl;!i!:i.~~rums:m~if.!:;r!@~~!!!nhlcce:sse 91 ibid 92 ibid 93 Residents Flee Gunfire in Csmnce, 18, 2006 t!!lli1~'}yy!.j!lli!!illej!&!m! ccessleo 2 IU"".,"/UU 94 ibid 31

40 s wr on terror vp""""nt in is "'''''Ii",.,.","!>"t re not._...'._j terror emerge s it seems stte..,,,,:u,,, seen; t is more wr on, Afric Centre for :strtegic (YlIinnrnn.. Botswn 19 June 1 of nti-terrorism refers the US pressure on Africn sttes commit itself terrorism both s well s In cse the commitment seems lie with interntionl greements so s be in with 32

41 very wr on terror the It is,",v,i1.","'., s terror not VV."""'''''J terror rp<1.:nnr,rl ::>eplterrloei 11. t won't stte.,,99 wr on terror. 98 Mlok E. 2005, "Afric nd the Wr on Terror" in "-'-"''!!'''!~''''''''''-''.","",,-'''O!'-'''''''''''''''"''''''-'-''''-''':.z.' Winter Vol. 19 Issue 2 pp T "Afric nd the Wr on Terrorism", ""-''''-'''''''''-''.!..!~,"--",,~~~. C'(ln':rr"',~i(Ifl,,1 Reserch Service, The pp. 2

42 bove corlte>!:t. s t s t l"n,., ",,,,,"C on counter terror West were 1. ws structures. In ",..,,,,,,,(1,,, n counter~ it is member sttes "'''"'''-''''''''"'''' t stnlte,nes pre-,,101 At member sttes be one n(nm~r once more. At this ws on 100 AHGlRes Both "An Assessment of Terrorism Countermesures """",u",,, the Africn Union" Afric Centre for Studies AHGIDecl.2

43 UN 103 ws one 104 ws n nnex H... """"... were 7 r>. u",,,...,. US "'"ILl),""".-" in In sttes not Under the on the,,107 re sttes on ws s 109 In on terror on sttes in ll its mmtestti(ms, is inimicl ;>L.ILJIIIlV In the Pln of ment trnslte in concrete ctions the the CSSDCA process, the Member Sttes on the need TnTl~deml'L C "Inititives Terrorism in Southern Afric:!lUI"'''''''''''' for Humn Review Vol 12 No.1 ibid 105 Princen L & Morrison J, "The Terrorist Thret in Afric" in """'="-'-'-""""""'"" Jn/Feb Vol Both "An Assessment of Terrorism Countermesures.n.U'ljUU'U the Africn Union" Afric for Str!ltel!ic Studies. 2 ibid 108 ibid 109 Ibid 35

44 informtion nd ",V"..",.".. t the on mtters, "'''I''",,,.ru on issues terrorism. JUU".. "y in ;OnveIltIC)fl on It seems s if terror terror..,",~,,, 1, even.. u...,... "'". In met governnce etc. me'etirlg in "J.u... ~. '" At on Of()tOICOIS. 11l the next "",,,,uv'u review """"<lr('h on n ssessment III ibid 36

45 In ws not '",.",,-,'"'''.''''' InT.m,oont in the ws d(mtf~d 13 UI~;I.;U:s:st:U resources th.',,,,,nh rnge mesures s ws concrete Mf~mlJer sttes is "ensure,,115 ws 112 "O;;:t""t,... ;" Pln of the commission of the Africn Union, Pln lnt(:grtlon on the Continent", Vol. 3, t Pr"."ro,,.,,~ 37

46 ,mnr,nl" sttes it cme m~~ml)er sttes own counter-terror s mesures s membl;:r sttes elnnmlte me:ttec:t1 on ws in in ",,,,,,u,,,nt terror <UI.<<>.",1','" re on "''''onl.hui the Africn Union" Afric 38

47 Inn'''''''''''nt" in res concern, s new sttes n.. """r... mens were O...,ULo...'V..,..." ,. sttes cnnot re not cn Senior pper, ibid L"'-'--"""'''--''':.!.!-'-'',,-!' Procol the OAU Convention on the Prevention nd COlmbltm:g of Terrorism, ,pp.3.

48 AU "''''.:>JUJU,",,", exi)ljn next ""''''.~".."... terror, Imple:mc!Ot n PTT,p"'Tn,,",..n'I1mrpr TP'M",.,.n sttes on mong ""hivv.,,",u terror re more f'"'rn,,,pt,o.nt n<>'rt,.,.'n<>1 crs. Ipll!m~mUltlOn, counter~terrorism s economic structures. mesures, 11Tf14',.,.'.nl on sttes zltlolns. 123 Horn Force - Horn encompsses sttes " 2005 Meet the Threts from Terrorism", Afric Centre for ""n""",,,, Studies, Senior Leder Seminr, Commissioned Series, 15, ibid 40

49 in s re such s not mong sttes on seen. crete more.. H.. "t"",. As "''''''U''''' when nef:ell. 127 In common counter- how.. TT... Tn'.. in these The the - the ws it is 124 Ibid pp Ibid 126 ibid 127 ibid 128 ibid 41

50 remote TSCTI is on s is up terror It is It is is "'"..."... Sttes It wr on terror re sttes. wr on terror next IV,-u;:,I;;Uon wr on terror. wr on terror. terror "'''''''1-''.''''' terror. wr on terror. Sttes re on 1373 For 129 ibid 130 Zrtmn W. Senior Leder :lenrunlf. uu""v",,,, 42

51 once two yers so t most most "'''IJ''''''1I or movement in estern on regionll UU'''''LlIU1I is one I, in southern resd01nde:d very t res1dorid cts terror nl~."",~nt,."'r UV'3',.,Ul<C UIlIIJCUUIICIIL::i is if is not A~'~''''j,., ~.,~''',''~...,.,.,,,...,...,,f"" on n in counter terror. 131 Both 2005, "An Assessment of Terrorism Countermesures,""U'IJIJ"OU by the Africn Union" Afric Centre for Studies, pp Ibid pp, 7 43

52 crs. """,vuu'.j' counter it. As wy it is "u"v... j:." ll re'!1o:nl mesures counter terror. sttes re not ensure true. As cnnot luq","w'1"i n VU,,"v,:ul'; Imlpecle sttes t UU.,,,,,,,,,,,""""'1"1'1lm,>nt ssets it s n excuse crete more is if counter-terror ImlPleme:nUltlOn re sttes not ;)U\.\,,~;~u re coit1.tillerlt.,,134 sttes s s counter- 133 Snkore R "Anti-terror '"!;;''''''''''''' 44

53 mesures in resource l'n'nd.. <>int" or re counter is more in AU's 135 Goredem C & Both A 2004, "Africn Commitments r'_,_1.",.;_,~ Terrorism: A Review NEPAD Countries" Africn Humn 45

54 In hs terror. ct s n cses PV1np,",p",..,, t1 terror set up in two A centre ws Ujl".. '... /ll on tp... rnri",", mounts on... "'.. "', Ibid pp ibid 46

55 139 s In n ws Centre ws,,140 two not encl[eo... l',.,... v. DnJSe:I,;Ult: ~n"pc:lrpl1 seven terror C:1I'~nf'iI'tc: on not orclsec:ute were no As were In 1 Force ws in _".,_" ' counterpnp... tlvp counter-terror

56 All in some wr on terror on mesures counter not see, in 48

57 sttes n UUJ"I'.<un.J'u ws COlnrrlen.IJle, own...,......"u.,'u"u counter-terror '"'V'lUU."".U"'lH" nd no s review mesures. In most l'i<:11ino"tr,n enct "" it ws not cc:eot.ed. pp(melnts. In nti-terror domestic terror 49

58 terror. s.. "~;n"',nrl s it not cse, ::sene:gl uses in f"... nt'_.." cses """lacu'"'' s it cnnot bec;oitle in enctment 'V'<"'l'VU,~. In crs. s ws UUI,JV~,lL As ws were terror 144 Ibid 50

59 not ws, sttes. As re consequences collm1:er teitolrlsi1l mesures, - mong on dernoc:rc:y Int,;>rr'l'I1'1t<: crete terror. in It melrnoler sttes once 145 Snkore R "Anti-terror ".l:s'i~"lo'luu nd Prctice: A review of!:lilll:j.fyf.~.!!!i!!;;jidi~~rg (cce:,sed 14/07/2006). 51

60 were it. s centers were power on n """,.. olhrln or own is crete rn,nrrlln!'otpri terror elmgicflicv on ""... "...,,'" true go 52

61 w. "An Assessment omrent:ion on 4 I" in "--""'=~=.u

62 J. on New "'tr,,,tp'nt" in 'tr<ltp,rn 210. Defense 24 "A More 23- K. t Wr on De A. Let t 12 No 1. COInmjitm ~nts COlmbltmlg 54

63 R. A LOlmrrlltnlents No.4. in Botswn "The upu.,..., 2006 t 19 Issue 2, 55

64 2004. New -.:t..,.t""",,, Vol. 27 No.4, "AU in In Rosenu W. on o. nd in In n 2001 t t l ccessed Mrch W. -' 19 1 p


66 "'''''''''..,'''' over 1.1 n 1. Economist 2003: Ghn


68 *... "'.U1J''''.~,... no. t"","""'" rte: 1 1 ws ws stte.

69 ws successor, contest LV>... ""'" new O'n'\I""'" n"u,... s n"~><;!lll"'n.l Economist ""~i1u!:;"'''''' 2003: 61

70 no. 'T"""'''''' rte: is now ws

71 nrrower......"... vote 1 most vote. J.. 1 Economist 2003: '''om,onnl

72 * no..l..j1l'wl'''y rte: ws 51 $1 SOlllthern ws n..",,trll.. nt

73 ws.. n''''.,..... ws.l go'vernrrlen,{. ws,ll'''''''' 1. Economist ""~""E,"'''''''' 2003:

Answers to Exercise 3.3 (p. 76)

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